EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT THE PRESIDENT’S COMMISSION ON THE HEALTH NEEDS OF THE NATION WASHINGTON 25, D. C. August 22. Executive Secretary, Loyalty Board Fourth U.S. Civil Service Region Washington 25, D.C. Dear Sir, I enclose my replies to your interrogatories of August 15the I am attaching to these replies four exhibits which I respectfully request, the Loyalty Board to consider in determining my loyalty. Since several of these are my only copies, I should like them returned to me when a determination ia completed, If these replies to the Loyalty Board's interrogatories are not deemed adequate to establish my loyalty to my government, I should like to have a hearing before the Board. Respectfully, Thomas F,Gorman. Encls: Exhibit A «- THE READER'S DIGEST »September,1948 issue Exhibit B ~ Citation as one of Nation's Ten Outstanding Younc Men. Exhibit Ce Pamphlet ~ "Oklahoma's Problem Children", Exhibit D ~Pamphlet - "If We Can Love". Allegation (1) - took an active part in Anti-war rallies sponsored by the undergraduate Commupist clique at New York University: I agree that I took part in anti-War rallies at New York University in the 1930's, but these rallies were not sponsored by the Communist clique. The Communists tried to get control of the whole undergraduate atudent movement, but they never succeeded. Along with many other thinking students in the 30's, I was heartily opposed to the solution of man's conflicts by brutal, killing war. As a liberal Roman Catholic, I joined with my fellow students from other religious denominations in the idealistic fight to end war. The leadership of our segnent of the student anti-war movement was provided by the church and YMCA and YWCA groups. We held our rallies in the Judson Memorial Church. We followed in the great and noble tradition of the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1923 and the fundamental idealian of Woodrow Wilson. Surely, Woodrow Wilson and Kellogg were not Communists. It 4s true that the Young Communist League tried, time and time again, to take over our movement and capitalize on our unsophisticated idealism. Along with my fellow liberals, I fought them and we kept them fram taking over. I am very proud of my record in College. In my Senior year, I was one of six students out of a class of nearly one thousand elected to Sigma, the Senior Honorary Society of Washington Square College. It chooses its members, not on the basis of scholarship, but on the basis of character, integrity and service to the entire student body. I also won several scholarships and fellowships, and was also elected to Phi Beta Kappa in my Senior year. What was college idealiam in the early 30's became a different thing when our country was threatened. I knew all of us must fight the vicious wave of totalitarianism - Allegation (1)