ADDRESS: IN YOUR REPLY REFER TO THE DIRECTO woe ia oF ov semvice eer UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FILE RIB ° TBN trrs oo . AND DATE OF THIS LETTER FOURTH UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE REGION Washington 25 ; De Cc e COMPRISING MARYLAND, VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, WEST VIRGINIA, AND DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA August 15, 1952 Office of the Director, Washington 25, De Ce ~ 7 REGISTERED MATL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Thomas Francis Gorman 2501 Calvert Street, N. W. Washington, D. C, CONFIDENTIAL Dear Mr. Gorman: Reference ig made to your epplication for the position of Writer Consultant. During the course of an investigation of your suitability for appointment, information — was recoived which the Commisston believes you stould te given an opportunity to clasify, Consequently, there ore enclosed tw interrogatories to be answered by you under offirmation or oath, One pertains to your suitability f1@ the starmdtpoint of loyalty only and the other to general euitability for Federal employwert, In this oonnection, you are advised of the provisions of Section 5,3 of Civil S.rvice Rule Vp, concerning the furnishing of information by all officers and employees, and all applicants and eligibles for positions in the exeoutive branoh of the Federal sertiee, If you do mot reply to such interrogetory, or 1f you fail to request a hearing with your reply to the interrogstory, the Regional Loyalty Foard my decide your case on the basis of the record at hand, or may effect the aancellation of your applications or eligibilities for Federal servios, Tn order to expedite the handling of your case, 1¢ would be appreciated if you wuld anawer tke questions at the earliest possible date and return the originals to the Commission within the ten days allotted you, The copies are for your use, Your soperation in this eatter will be appreciated, Very truly yours, J Cobh CC Mira Chairman, loyalty Board Fourth U. S. Civil Service Region Enclosures Forms 413.33 April 1952 FOURTH UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE REGIONAL OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. INT BRROGATORY Hearings are held by the Regional Loyalty Board in Washington, De Ce where the regional office of the U. S. Civil Service Commission is located. Exception may be made where it is requested that the h:aring be held elsewhere and good and sufficient reasons supporting such réquest are set forth, Any travel expense connected with an appearance before the Regional Loyalty Board cannot be borne by the Government. Unless a request for a hearing is made at the time you return the interrogatory, it will be assumed by the Board that you intend your answer to the interrogatory to be your full explanation of an answer to such question. REGIONAL LOYALTY BOARD Fourth U. S. Civil Service Region Washington, D. C. BOLO 2/1 EXECUTIVE ORDER AMENDING EXECUTIVES ORDER NO. 9835 ENTITLED NPRESCRIPING PROCEDURES FOR CE ADMINISTRA- TION OF AN EMPLOYEES LOYALTY PROGRAM IN THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF THE GOVERNMENT" By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the United States, including the Civil Service Act of 1883 (22 Stat. O03) as amended, and section SA of the act approved August 2, 1939 (5 U.S.¢c. 1183), and as President of the United Stetes, it is ordered that paragraph 1 of Part V of Exccutive Order Noe 9835 of March 21, 197, entitled "Preseribine Procedures for the Administration of an Emoloyees Loyalty Prozram in the Executive Branch of the Covernment," be, and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: "Le The standard for the refusal of employment or the removal from employment in an executive department or agency on grounds releting to loyalty shall be that, on «11 the evidence, there is a reasonable doubt as to the Loyalty of the person involved to the Government of tne United States." HARRY S. TRUMAN THE WHITE HOUSE, April 28, 1951. I What is your full name and present address? IT Where and when were you born? Tit Have you ever been known or used any name other than the one that appears on the front of this interrogatory? If you answer is in the affirmative, please list such name or names and explain fully. IV State the name of your employer, the title and grade of your present position and your salary. Thomas Francis Gorman v The Commission haa received information to the effect that at various times from the early 1930's to the early 1910's you (1) took an active part in Anti-war rallics nsored by the undergraduete Communist clique at New York University; (2) stated in substance “We now have in our worality a new freme of reference - that which advances the Commmnist causes is true and that which impeaches is fke"s (3) forbade your mother to read the New York Journal-i.merican because it opposed Communism and (4) expounded ideas that closely followed the Commmist Party line and had all the earmarks of having been thoroughly indoctrinated with Communi an. wz the above, you are requested to furnish an answer to each of the allegations. Your angwer to cach allegation should be full and complete and contain sufficient detall te explain, clarify, or refute the information. If you have ever maintained a sympathetic essociation with the Communist Party; engaged in any activities in behalf of the Commmnist Party or the Commmnist cause; or associated with Commmnist Party members, Communists, or Communist sympathizers, please furnish an explanstion regarding such sentiments, activities, and asscclation. Thomas Francis Gorman VWI Attached hereto is the list of organizations which have been ‘designated to date by the Attorney Gerieral of the United States as "totalitarian, fascist, communist, or subversive, or as having adopt- ed a policy of advocating or approving the commission of acts of force or violence to deny others their rights wmder the Constitution of the United States, or as seeking to alter the form of government of the United States by uncostitutional means." Are you now or have you ever been a member of, or in any manner affiliated with the Communist Party, Ue Se Ae? ( YES OR NO Are you now or have you ever been a member of or in any manner affiliated with any of the other organizations on the attached list? ) "YES OR NO If either answer is "YES", give complete details of your member= ship in or affiliation with each organization including (1) the name and location of each such organization, (2) the nature and extent of your activities therein, (%, the approximate dates of your membership or affiliation, (4) the titles of any positions or offices held by you in each such organization and (5) such other information as you may consider necessary. THOMAS FRANCIS GORMAN Please note hereon any comments you desire to make regarding your loyalty to the United States which you believe should be onsidered in determining your suitability for Federal employment, THOMAS FRANCIS GORMAN NOTEs THIS INSTRUMENT MUST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 195 fotary Public My Commission expires: FOURTH UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE REGIONAL OFFICE WASHINGTON, De Ceo (surat ITY) NTERROGA TORY MR. THOMAS FRAICIS GORMAN What is your full name and present address? It When and where were you born? Thomas Prancis Gorman IY On your undated Porm 60 executed in ap lying for a position as Writer Consultant with the National Eecurity Resources Soard you denice! arrest subzequent to your sixteenth birthday. Investigetion has revealed that you were arrested on November 27, 1940, and charged with drunke ness, You are requested te explain your reasons for feil'’ng to admit thie arrest when ex- eouting your apolication, Thomas Francia Gorman Iv During the investigation conducted by the Commisrion to determine your euitabilit for Federal employment information wae reveale; which indlestes your use of intoxicating bewerages habitually to excees. You are being given this opportunity to refute this charce. THOMAS FRANCIS GORMAN NOTEs THIS INSTRUMENT MUST BE NOTARIZED Subsoribed and sworn to before me this day of 195 ffotary Public My Commission expiress