December 4, 1975 Dear Stan: By separate mail I have returned the manuscript with the missing data and the Table with a new complete Table inserted. I missed that deficiency when we first sent it to you. It seems like it has been a long time since we have been in any communication, and I would be interested in discussing with you your program on the scrapie project. It is definite that I shall be going to the meeting of the ASN in Vancouver in March. Betty will probably accompany me, and it is our tentative plan to return to Washington via the San Francisco area. One obligation that we have is to visit some old friends from Paris who are now residing in Berkeley. Of course, I shall leave time to visit you at the laboratory in San Francisco. I would like to take you up some time on your offer to come out as a visiting professor for a week or two, but this time does not seem to be convenient. I am up to my ears in obligations, e.g., book chapters, reviews, etc. Furthermore, our development of the [14C]deoxyglucose method is complete, and I feel under great pressure to get that written up and out. The burden of the damn Journal is continuous and prevent me from developing any momentum in the preparation of my own manuscripts. I can't wait until I complete my term! It would be very helpful if I had an assistant editor here on the premises who could take over some of the burden from me at crucial times when I am pressed by other responsibilities, but that does not seem to be possible. In any case, it is almost certain that I shall visit you for a couple of days anyway in March. Yours sincerely, Louis Sokoloff, M.D.