April 20, 1977 Dear Louis: I enjoyed seeing you very much at the Neurochemistry meeting in Denver. The American Society of Neurochemistry meeting is about the right size and I hope the Society does not grow too much, for it will probably begin to ruin the meeting. I am dictating this letter on my way home from the Federation meeting in Chicago where there were 18,000 people. Ugh! I am mainly writing to set a firm date with you of October 24-28, 1977, for you to be a visiting professor at the University of California, San Francisco. I anticipate that funds for your support will come from both Neurology and Biochemistry and thus I would hope that you would speak on two or three topics during that week. The bulk of the time during that week would be free and you should plan with Betty to tour the wine country so that your knowledge of California wines increases exponentially. Of course, a lecture on the 2-D-oxyglucose would be appropriate and perhaps something on the thyroid, and maybe even a discussion of [beta]-hydroxybutarate would be in order. You even might consider giving your aging talk. Sandy sends her regards and so does Toot. With best wishes, Stanley Prusiner