May 18, 1977 Dear Stan: Please excuse my tardiness in replying to your letter of April 20, but I have been spending a good part of my time in the air travelling to seminars on the deoxyglucose method at various places in the country. When I am not somewhat else, I am usually on the phone answering questions about it or dictating letters, usually to applicants for appointment as guest workers or fellows in the laboratory. Your plans for my visit to San Francisco are agreeable to me. It would be better, however, if it were possible for me to come for the period October 31 - November 4, one week later than your dates because that would be immediately before the Society for Neuroscience meetings in Anaheim and would save me the trouble of two trips to the West Coast within 2-3 weeks. If you can arrange that, then I would prefer it. Otherwise, I shall be happy to come at the dates specified by you. Your plans for my activities are also satisfactory. I shall be glad to give 2-3 lectures on several of the research activities in which I have been involved. With best regards to Sandy and Toot, Yours sincerely, Louis Sokoloff, M.D.