Reprinted from ScrENcE, February 27, 1959, Vol. 129, No. 3348, pages 569-570. Effects of Thyroxin on Amino Acid Incorporation into Protein Abstract. The effect of thyroxin on the in vitro incorporation of pL-leucine-1-C™ into the protein of rat liver homogenates has been investigated. Both thyroxin pre- treatment in vivo and thyroxin in vitro at a concentration of 1 x 10°°M were found to increase the rate of amino acid incor- poration. The increased activity following the thyroxin pretreatment in vivo was found to be localized in the mitochondrial fraction. It is suggested that the accelera- tion of metabolic rate characteristic of thyroxin action may be secondary to the stimulation of energy-requiring reactions such as protein synthesis. Recent concepts of the mechanism of action of thyroxin have emphasized its uncoupling effect on oxidative phospho- rylation (1, 2). This effect, however, is observed only with relatively high con- centrations of thyroxin, occurs equally well with both the p- and L- forms (/), and, except for changes in oxidative metabolism, explains few of the physio- logical effects of the thyroid hormone. Many clinical features of thyroid disease suggest a major, if not primary, role of the thyroid hormone in protein metabo- lism. In immature animals it is involved in growth; in adults it causes pronounced changes in nitrogen metabolism. Fur- thermore, in the adult brain and testis— organs in which the quantities of protein and lipid turned over per unit time are apparently negligible compared with turnover of carbohydrate, as evidenced by a respiratory quotient of approxi- mately 1 (3)—the characteristic accel- eration of metabolic rate that is observed in almost all other tissues is absent in hyperthyroidism (4). Previous observations (5) have indi- cated that thyroxin pretreatment in vivo stimulates amino acid uptake into the protein of rat liver slices. To investigate further the apparent relationship between thyroid function and protein synthesis, studies were undertaken to determine the effects of in vivo and in vitro thyroxin administration on the in vitro incorpora- tion of pt-leucine-1-C#* into the proteins of rat liver homogenates, Livers from 90- to 150-g fasting, male Sprague- Dawley rats were homogenized by means of glass homogenizers in 5 ml of 0.25M sucrose solution per gram of tissue. Homogenization was performed at 0° to 2°C, and tissue fractions were main- tained at that temperature through all subsequent operations until final incuba- tion. Intact cells, nuclei, and cell debris were removed by centrifugation at 700g for 10 minutes. The supernatant fluid was spun at 54,000g for 60 minutes in a cpm per mg protein per hour a Mitochondria N H N H N H H N Supernatant N H N H H N N H Microsomes N H 85 N NH NH Uniform Microsomes Supernatant Mitochondria reversed reversed reversed -- Normal (at least 2 components normal) a Hyperthyroid (at least 2 components hyperthyroid) Fig. 1. Localization of increased amino acid incorporating activity in fractions of liver homogenates from rats pretreated with thyroxin. Results are representative of seven such experiments. Spinco model L ultracentrifuge. The sediment, containing both mitochondrial and microsomal fractions, was suspended in appropriate amounts of 0.25M sucrose and supernatant fluid to yield a suspen- sion containing particulate fractions and supernatant fluid equivalent to approxi- mately 200 mg and 30 mg of liver, re- spectively, per 0.45 ml, the quantity of homogenate added to each of the experi- mental flasks. In eight experiments rats were paired for age and weight; one received almost daily intraperitoneal injections of 100 ug of sodium thyroxin in 1 ml of 0.01N NaOH; the other received equivalent amounts of the NaOH solution alone. After at least six doses in 7 days, homog- enates were prepared simultaneously from both animals as described above, and pt-leucine-1-C** incorporation activ- ity in both was measured in parallel flasks in a single combined experiment. Flask contents and incubation procedure are described in the title of Table 1. The reaction was terminated with 12-percent trichloroacetic acid, and the precipitated protein was purified and plated on filter paper by a modification of the method of Siekevitz (6). Sample weights were determined from difference in planchet weights before and after plating. Radio- activity was measured with a thin-win- dow Geiger-Mueller counter; total counts collected were sufficient to yield a 3-percent coefficient of variation. Counting rates were corrected for back- ground, self-absorption, and zero time controls. The results are summarized in Table 1. Although protein nitrogen con- centrations, as determined by the micro- Kjeldahl technique, were identical in Table i. Effects of thyroxin on pi-leucine- 1-C™ incorporation into protein of rat- liver homogenates. To each flask (25-ml Erlenmeyer) were added 5 pmole of ade- nosine-5’-monophosphate, 20 ywmole of potassium phosphate (pH 7.4), 5 pmole of MgCls, 50 umole of potassium a-keto- glutarate, 0.8 ywmole of pi-leucine-1-C* (specific activity, 5.33 pc/uwmole), and 0.45 ml of the appropriate homogenate prepared in 0.25M sucrose, as described in the text. In in vitro studies, 0.022 ymole of sodium thyroxin contained in 0.1 ml of 0.01N NaOH was added to the experi- mental flasks; all other flasks received equivalent amounts of the NaOH solution alone. The reaction mixture was brought to a final volume of 1.7 ml with 0.25M sucrose. Incubation in air was carried out with shaking in a water bath at 37°C for 1 hour. Zero time controls were included in all experiments. Activity (count/min mg of protein Item per hr) Standard M se error Thyroxin pretreatment in vivo (8 rat pairs) Normal rat 29.0 +19 Hyperthyroid rat 42.3 +3.0 Difference 13.8* £3.2 Effect (%) +46 Treatment with 1.3 x 10°'M thyroxin in vitro (7 experiments) Control 26.9 +18 Thyroxin-treated 31.9 $2.3 Difference 50° t14 Effect (%) +19 * Denotes statistical significance; p <.02 (de- termined by method of paired comparison). Reprinted with permission by the U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service both groups (2.17 mg per flask), leucine incorporation was substantially greater in the homogenates from thyroxin- treated rats, In order to localize the source of the increased activity, mitochondria and mi- crosomes were prepared separately from livers of both types of animals by cen- trifugation at 15,000g for 15 to 20 minutes and 105,000g for 60 minutes, respectively. All possible combinations of mitochondria, microsomes, and super- natant derived from both homogenates were incubated as described above. Rep- resentative results of an experiment of this type are illustrated graphically in Fig. 1. It is clear that most, if not all, of the increased activity is localized in the mitochondrial (15,000g) fraction. In Table 1 are also summarized the results of seven experiments in which the effects of 1.3 x 10°5M thyroxin added in vitro to normal rat liver homogenates were studied under the conditions speci- fied. Although less pronounced, the ef- fects were just as consistent as those ob- served with thyroxin administration in vivo, a stimulation occurring in every one of the experiments. Similar effects 2 have been observed in several experi- ments with slightly altered conditions. The effect is erratic with more highly concentrated homogenates and is com- pletely climinated by doubling the Mg** concentration. Preliminary observations indicate that increasing graded effects occur with thyroxin concentrations be- tween 1x10 and 1x10*M. At 1x 10-3M, the effects of the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation supersede, and a marked inhibition of amino acid incor- poration occurs, indicating a qualita- tively different phenomenon. To test the possibility that the thy- roxin effects may be preservative rather than stimulatory, a few short-term incu- bations have been performed. The effects of thyroxin pretreatment in vivo are clearly not preservative; they are as great during the linear period of amino acid incorporation as at 60 minutes. The ef- fects of thyroxin in vitro are less clear; they are distinctly present during the linear period but become more pro- nounced with longer incubation. The results of these studies (7) sug- gest that uncoupling of oxidative phos- phorylation is not a physiological action of thyroxin. They support, rather, the hypothesis that thyroxin stimulates en- ergy-requiring processes, such as protein synthesis, and that its characteristic ac- celeration of oxygen consumption is sec- ondary to the increased demand. Louis SoxoLorr Seymour KaurMAN Laboratory of Clinical Science, Laboratory of Cellular Pharmacology, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland References and Notes 1. G. F. Maley and H. A. Lardy, J. Biol. Chem. 204, 435 (1953). 2. F. L. Hoch and F, Lipmann, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 40, 909 (1954). 3. S. §. Kety and C. F. Schmidt, J. Clin: Invest. 27, 476 (1948); H. E. Himwich and L, H. Na- hum, Am. J. Physiol. 88, 680 (1929). 4. L. Sokoloff, R. L. Wechsler, R. Mangold, K. Balls, S. S. Kety, J. Clin. Invest. 32, 202 (1953); E. S. Gordon and A. E. Heming, Endocrinology 34, 353 (1944). 5. C. H. DuToit. in A Symposium on Phosphorus Metabolism, W. D. McElroy and B. Glass, Eds. (Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md., 1952), vol. 2, p. 597. 6. P. Siekevitz, J. Biol. Chem. 195, 549 (1952). . We wish to express our appreciation to Mrs. G. B. Deibler and Miss P. Campbell for their outstanding technical assistance. 21 August 1958 ST