RULES OF THE rj DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL INSPECTION BOARD OF EDUCATION NEWARK, N. J. RULES of the of Mitral 3ltt0prrtum « Adopted January 26, 1911 BOARD OF EDUCATION NEWARK, N. J. Instructions for Principals and Teachers. Rule i.—Principals and teachers are di- rected to assist the medical inspector in every way possible. Rule 2.—It shall be the duty of all teachers at the opening of school to select from their classes any pupil who appears to be ill or any pupil who, there is reason to believe, has been in contact, in the family or otherwise, with any one ill with a contagious or infectious disease. These pupils shall be sent with a form filled out by the teacher to the inspector’s room to wait for examination. Rule 3.—No pupil shall be sent to the med- ical inspector without a form stating name, address, age and location or nature of ill- ness. This form shall be returned to the teacher stating the disposition of the case made by the inspector. Rule 4.—Teachers, pupils and janitors who have been ill with any of the following con- tagious diseases, or who reside where any of the same exist, to wit, scarlet fever, small- pox, diphtheria, cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, measles, shall not be permitted to re- turn to school until notice has been received from the Board of Health authorizing such admission and they have been examined by the medical inspector. Exception may be made by the Supervisor of Medical Inspection, in such cases and under such conditions as he shall deem justifiable and advisable. Rule 5.—Teachers, pupils and janitors who have been ill with any of the following con- tagious diseases or who reside in the same apartments where any of the same exist, to wit, whooping cough, mumps and chicken-pox, shall not be permitted to return to school un- til notice has been received from the medical inspector that all danger of communicating such disease by such teachers, pupils and janitors has passed. Rule 6.—No pupil returning after exclusion by the physician or nurse or absent without known cause for more than five consecutive days shall be allowed to enter the class room without the knowledge and authority of the medical inspector. Rule 7.—Whenever a teacher shall discover in the absence of the medical inspector sufficient evidence of the existence of any disease neces- sitating immediate exclusion of a pupil, she shall so inform the principal, who shall exclude the pupil and notify the office of the Supervisor of Medical Inspection of his action, with the name, address, age and cause of exclusion. Rule 8.—No principal or teacher shall*assume authority or take action in matters pertaining to the health of the pupils without consulting the medical inspector, except as stated in Rule 7. Rule 9.—Every pupil after enrollment shall submit to a physical examination by the medical inspector. The record of this examination shall be kept in the school. Where defects, such as appear on the physical record card, are found which can be removed, a form filled out 4 by the inspector shall be sent to the parent or guardian requesting the removal of such defects. Rule io.—In all matters of doubt pertaining to quarantine, the opinion of the medical in- pector shall be obtained; when this is not pos- sible, the Supervisor of Medical Inspection shall be consulted. Rule ii.—Whenever a pupil is excluded from school on account of contagious disease the desk and seat shall be washed with an anti- septic solution recommended by the Board of Education, and the books of the pupil de- stroyed. Notice shall be sent at once to the Supervisor of Medical Inspection. Rule 12.—The Board of Health will notify the schools and the Board of Education, each school day, of the cases of contagious dis- eases reported to it during the preceding twenty-four hours. Rule 13.—Whenever it is considered advis- able to disinfect and fumigate any class room or school, the principal shall consult the med- ical inspector who shall notify the Super- visor of Medical Inspection. Rule 14.—No principal, teacher or pupil shall be allowed to attend a school unless they have been successfully vaccinated. In times of epidemics of smallpox, principals, teachers and pupils alike shall submit to re- vaccination whenever the Supervisor of Med- ical Inspection states the need of such vac- cination, unless unfitness as a subject for vac- cination shall be claimed and reasonably demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Com- mittee on Instruction and Educational Sup- plies, or the Supervisor of Medical Inspection. 5 Rules for Medical Inspectors. Rule i.—Inspectors shall devote at least two hours each day to their work and visit all the schools in their respective districts be- tween the hours of 9 and 11:45 A. M., except for the afternoon half-day classes, each school day, and so far as possible at the same hour, or as may be directed from time to time by the Supervisor of Medical Inspection. Rule 2.—Inspectors shall sign the attend- ance book in the principal’s office, stating the time of arrival and departure. Where this is not done in the entire district the inspector will be considered as absent. Rule 3.—They shall carefully examine each pupil isolated by the principal or teacher, and cause to be excluded those showing symptoms of any contagious or infectious disease or diseases; namely, smallpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, mumps, measles, chicken-pox, pulmonary tuberculosis, epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, ringworm, contag- ious impetigo, favus, scabies, pediculosis, typhus, typhoid fever. These pupils are not to return to their classes without being re- examined by the inspector. Rule 4.—Inspectors may exclude from at- tendance any pupil suffering with diseases and conditions other than those named in Rule 3 until well or until positive evidence is furnished that the pupil is being properly attended by a physician. Rule 5.—They shall supply each pupil ex- cluded with a card provided for that purpose 6 filled out as directed thereon in ink. This card is to be taken home by the pupil and given to the parent or guardian. Rule 6.—Pupils excluded for any of the reasons above specified shall be informed by the inspector to return to school when well. They will be re-admitted only after re-inspec- tion and approval by the inspector. Rule 7.—Inspectors shall visit each class room at least once a month and oftener, if necessary, to examine every pupil. Rule 8.—Inspectors shall not under any circumstances prescribe, suggest treatment or in any manner interfere with the attendance of the regular family physician, except in pedi- culosis, scabies, trichophytosis, contagious im- petigo, when considered advisable, using the forms provided by the department. Rule 9.—A physical examination shall be conducted of every new pupil on enrollment, and as soon as possible of every pupil in the school. A record shall be kept of his findings on forms supplied by this office. When de- fects such as appear on the physical record card are found, which can be removed, a form filled out by the inspector, stating conditions and treatment required shall be sent home by the inspector to the parent or guardian. At the end of each school month the inspector shall report on a form supplied by this de- partment the number of physical examina- tions made in each school and percentage of defects found. Rule 10.—Inspectors shall make a daily writ- ten report to the Supervisor of Medical In- 7 spection. This report shall be mailed or de- livered immediately upon finishing inspection. Rule II.—Lectures shall be given by each medical inspector to the teachers and pupils at such times and on such subjects as the Supervisor of Medical Inspection shall specify. Rule 12.—Inspectors shall consider them- selves responsible in all matters pertaining to the health of pupils and the sanitary con- ditions of the schools allotted them, and shall decide all matters of quarantine subject to the rules of the Board of Health, except in cases of doubt, in which case it shall be re- ferred to the Supervisor of Medical Inspec- tion. Rule 13.—All reports and instructions to teachers, parents, or guardians, or this office, shall be written in ink on forms supplied by the department of medical inspection. Rule 14.—If for any reason an inspector shall be unable to visit the schools of his dis- trict, he shall notify the office of the Super- visor of Medical Inspection before nine A. M. the same day. Rule 15.—All necessary supplies will be furnished by the Board of Education to each school upon requisition by the principal. Rule 16.—Inspectors shall be at all times under the immediate control of the Supervisor of Medical Inspection in all matters pertaining to the performance of their duties. Rule 17.—Inspectors shall vaccinate free of charge any pupil producing the regular form or permit duly signed by the parent or guard- ian. He shall use all precautions in order to conduct a successful and aseptic operation. 8 Rule 18.—Inspectors shall meet the Super- visor of Medical Inspection for conference at least once a month and at such other times as he may direct. Rule 19.—In case of the absence of the med- ical inspector from duty, the sum of one and 50/100 dollars ($1.50) per day shall be de- ducted from his salary and paid to the sub- stitute who perfox-ms his work. Rule 20.—Each medical inspector shall, at the request of the Supervisor of Medical In- spection, in special cases of excluson, call at the home of the pupil for the purpose of con- firming the diagnosis of the nurse or principal. Rule 21.—Medical inspectors shall be ap- pointed to serve for a term of one year, ex- tending from February 1st to January 31st. In case a vacancy occurs, same shall be filled for the unexpired term only. Rule 22.—All applicants for the position of medical inspector shall submit to an oral ex- amination before a sub-committee, to consist of a member of the Committee on Instruction and Educational Supplies, the Superintendent of Schools and the Supervisor of Medical Inspection, who shall prepare an eligible list which shall be presented to the Committee on Instruction and Educational Supplies for ap- proval, and from which list all appointments shall be made. 9 Rules for Nurses. Rule i.—Nurses shall at all times be under the direction of the Supervisor of Medical Inspection. Rule 2.—Applicants for the position of school nurse shall submit to an oral and writ- ten examination and also to a physical ex- amination by the Supervisor of Medical In- spection. All applicants must hold a certifi- cate of graduation from an approved training school for nurses, having a course of not less than two years. Rule 3.—The salary of each nurse shall be for the' first year, $720; second year, $780; third year, $840; fourth year, $900, the maxi- mum ; in twelve monthly payments. In addi- tion, each nurse shall be supplied with carfare at the expense of the Board of Education and with an outfit, consisting of a bag and supplies for treating her cases. These supplies shall he obtained on order from the Department of Medical Inspection. Rule 4.—Each nurse shall devote her en- tire time to the school work during the hours of service, which shall be from eight A. M. to twelve noon, and from one P. M. to five P. M. on all week days except Saturday, when the hours of service shall be from eight A. M. to twelve noon, and at other times if required by the Supervisor of Medical Inspection in special cases. Nurses shall report to the office of the Supervisor of Medical Inspection each morning at eight A. M. for instruction, 'and shall attend meetings with the Supervisor of Medical Inspection at his call. A daily 10 report shall be made out by each nurse on forms supplied by the department and filed in the office of the Supervisor of Medical In- spection. Each nurse shall, on visiting a school, register her name, time of arrival and departure, in the attendance book in the prin- cipal’s office. Rule 5.—Nurses shall perform class room inspection once a month', or oftener if directed by the Supervisor of Medical Inspection. Nurses shall refer all cases of suspected dis- ease or defect, except pediculosis, to the med- ical inspector for his opinion as to what shall be done. Where contagious disease is sus- pected, and the doctor is not in the school, the pupil shall be excluded. The name, age, address, and school of pupil shall be reported immediately to the office of the Supervisor of Medical Inspection. All other diseases and defects which are not contagious shall be brought to the notice of the medical inspector as soon as possible. Rule 6.—The nurse shall have entire charge of all cases of pediculosis and uncleanliness. Rule 7.—The diseases to be treated by the nurse are as follows: Ringworm, scabies, favus, impetigo, molluscum contagiosum, con- junctivitis, infected wounds, contusions and uncleanliness. No case of the above diseases shall be'] treated by a nurse without the diag- nosis being confirmed by the medical inspector of the school which the pupil attends, and whenever possible, with the parents’ consent. A record shall be kept of each pupil when placed under treatment by the nurse and the dates of subsequent treatments noted on forms supplied by the Board of Education. Rule 8.—It shall be the duty of the nurse 11 to visit the homes in special cases, for the purpose of interviewing and instructing the parents or guardians. These visits shall be made befbre or after school hours and on Saturdays. Cases to be Visited by the Nurse at Home. ist. Flagrant cases of pediculosis. The nurse shall show the mother how to treat the conditions and encourage persistence. 2nd. Excluded cases that do not return at the appointed time. 3rd. The nurse shall call at the homes of any children whose parents have refused or neglected to comply with the request of the medical inspector or have not given a satis- factory reason for not doing so. At this time the nurse shall urge upon the parent the need for treatment and, if necessary, demonstrate how it shall be done. Rule 9.—Practical talks on personal hygiene and home hygiene shall be given by each nurse to the pupils at such times as the Supervisor of Medical Inspection shall specify, but not to interfere with the ordinary routine of the school. Rule 10.—Each nurse shall receive one month’s vacation during the interval between the closing of the school year in June, and the re-opening of the schools in September, the time of vacation to be designated and assigned by the Supervisor of Medical Inspection. Rule 11.—School nurses shall be appointed to serve for a term of one year, extending from February ist to January 31st. In case a vacancy occurs, same shall be filled for the unexpired term only. 12 (a) Vaccination. Successful vaccination or a former attack of smallpox shall be a condition of admis- sion to any school as pupil, teacher, officer or employee of the Board; but where insuscepti- bility to the vaccine virus, or unfitness as a subject for vaccination shall be claimed and reasonably demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Committee on Instruction and Educa- tion Supplies, or the Supervisor of Medical Inspection, such person may be admitted to school under such provisions and restrictions as the Committee or Supervisor may decide upon in each individual case. Pupils, teachers, officers, and employees of the Board of Education insusceptible to the vaccine virus, shall demonstrate to the satis- faction of a medical inspector or the Super- visor of Medical Inspection that he or she has been vaccinated three (3) consecutive times during that year before being allowed to enter school, and shall submit to revaccina- tion each succeeding year until successful. Principals, teachers, janitors, pupils or em- ployees of the Board residing in a house where an infectious or contagious disease exists, shall be immediately suspended from school, and shall not be re-admitted except as follows: In case of scarlet fever, smallpox, diphtheria, cholera, yellow fever, epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, and tuberculosis; upon notification from the Board of Health that the disease Admission. 13 is at an end and the house fumigated and upon a certificate of a medical inspector. In all other cases of contagious diseases, upon a certificate of the medical inspector that all danger of contagion or infection is past. Principals, teachers, janitors, and pupils hav- ing removed from a house of contagion to some other house for the period during which the house in question is under quarantine, shall apply to the Supervisor of Medical In- soection for a permit to return to school. This permit to be granted by said Supervisor only after satisfactory proof has been pro- duced as to the above requirements and said applicant has been quarantined for a period covering the incubation of said disease. Said permit having been received, he or she shall return to school immediately. (b) Personal. No pupil shall be admitted into any school or received in any class unless personally clean; nor shall any child notoriously vicious, or having such previous record in school as warrants his exclusion, be admitted to any graded school. (c) Revaccination. All pupils before being admitted to the high school shall be examined by a medical in- spector and shall be revaccinated unless it is satisfactorily shown to said medical in- spector that such pupils have been success- fully vaccinated within a period of ten years or are insusceptible to the vaccine virus. 14