A BIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS —OF THE— \ MONTREAL WATER SUPPLY DURING THE PERIOD PROM NOVEMBER, 1890, TO NOVEMBER, 1891. BY WYATT JOHNSTON, M.D., Lecturer in Bacteriology, McGill University ; Bacteriologist to the Quebec Provincial Board of Health. {Reprinted from the Montreal Medical Journal, August, 1894.) A BIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE MONTREAL WATER SUPPLY DURING THE PERIOD FROM NOVEMBER, 1890, TO NOVEMBER, 1891 * By Wyatt Johnston, M.D. Lecturer in Bacteriology McGill University ; Bacteriologist to the Quebec Provincial Board of Health. The following account of a biological analysis, made three years ago, has been abridged from my report addressed at the time to Mr. B. D. McConnell, then Superintendent of the Montreal Water Works, who took a deep interest in the inves- tigation. Chemical analyses were made at the same time by Prof. R. F. Ruttan and Prof. Phister. PLAN OF INVESTIGATION. I. Regular monthy examinations of samples of water from the following four localities : 1. The lower reservoir. 2. The settling basin. 3* A point near the intake of the St. Cunegonde Water Supply. 4. A point in the middle of the River St. Lawrence south of Nun’s Island. These examinations were made at the express order of the Water Committee with a view of determining whether the water * Published by permission of the Water Committee of the Montreal City Council. 4 obtained from localities 3 and 4 would be preferable to that furnished by the present intake on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, just above the Lachine Rapids. In addition, I found it necessary to make : II. Examination of tap water obtained from various points within the city, from the upper reservior, and from the aqueduct, Fig. l. to see whether evidences of local contamination existed and to trace the effect of temperature, rainfall and water level. III. Examination of the water of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa rivers at points above Montreal, to see whether the. influence of the sewage from the towns along their banks was perceptible. IV. Examination of surface waters from other parts of Canada, and especially from uninhabited districts. 5 METHODS. A large proportion of the work consisted in the estimation of the number of bacteria present. (Quantative bacterial analysis.) The nature of the bacteria was also studied, as far as the time limits of the analysis permitted. Cultures, for quantitative work, were for the most part made in slightly alkaline, 10 p.c. beef peptone gelatine, made after Loeffler’s formula, and grown at 20°C. The samples were taken 10 to 20 feet below the surface, by means of an apparatus shown in figure 1, and were plated in flat glass vials. The cultures were, as a rule, made within a few minutes of the time of taking the samples, and in a few instances, when about an hour or two intervened, the samples were kept in an ice box. The sediments were all examined microscopically, and during four months the microscopical organisms present were estimated quantitatively by the Sedgwick-Rafter method. Before giving the details of the analysis, it might be well, in order to make the report intelligible to those who are not familiar with the local conditions of the Montreal water supply, to briefly mention the character of the water, and the topography of the district from whence it is obtained. Although taken from the north shore of the St. Lawrence river, the Montreal water supply is derived, during the greater part of the year, from the Ottawa, which enters the St. Law- rence from the north at a point about 20 miles above the intake, and forms a belt of dark water close to the shore, the border between this water and the clear green of the St. Lawrence proper being very distinct, though varying in position with changes in the direction and force of the wind and the rela- tive level of the water in the two rivers. During the winter owing apparently to an ice-jam, the Ottawa passes to the north of the island of Montreal, so that the Montreal supply during the months of January, February and March consists of nearly pure St. Lawrence water. SOURCE OF SUPPLY. Ottawa River. The Ottawa river drains an area of over 60,000 square miles 6 (rather less than the Danube), most of which is entirely unin- habited. Its discharge has been estimated at 60,000 cubic feet per second. Its average width for the 100 miles above Mont- real is somewhat over half a mile. At 25 miles above the city it expands into the lake of Two Mountains, varying from 2 to 4 miles in width, and 4 miles above the intake, into Lake St. Louis, 4 to 7 miles wide. There are rapids and falls 60 and 30 miles above Montreal. At many points between Ottawa and Montreal navigation is impeded by enormous sawdust beds from the Ottawa saw mills. The population along its course, according to the census of 1891, is about 300,000, or 6 per square mile, of which about 100,000 is comprised in cities or towns of over 1,000 inhabi- tants, the remainder being rural. The chief centres of popula- tion and their distances above the Montreal intake are as follows : Pembroke 4,401 220 Miles. Renfrew 2,611 190 Perth 3,136 180 Smith’s Falls 3,864 175 Aylmer 1,945 140 Ottawa (and Hull) 55,429 125 Buckingham 2,239 100 Hawkesbury 2,042 60 Lachute 1,751 50 St. Anne 1,500 20 Lachine 3,167 4 The Ottawa water is dark, and contains a large amount of peaty pigment, giving the water, when in a deep column, a tint suggesting that of porter. Apart from this it is stated by Prof. Ruttan to contain almost no organic matter. It is much softer than the St. Lawrence water. St. Lawrence River.—The St. Lawrence drains an area of 510,000 square miles (half as much as the Mssissippi). Its discharge, before receiving the Ottawa, has been estimated at 500,000 cubic feet per second. Apart from the cities and towns, situated upon the Great Lakes or on streams draining into them, the total population of the towns and villages of over 1,000, situated upon the river proper, amounts to about 55,000, of which Kingston (20,000) is really in Lake Ontario. The 7 populations and distances above the intake at Montreal are as follows : Kingston 20,000 185 Miles. Gananoque 3,669 150 ‘Clayton 4,400 430 ‘Prescott 2,920 120 ‘Ogdensburg 11,662 120 Cornwall 6,085 70 ‘Valleyfield 3,315 35 ‘Beauharnois.. 1,590 20 Towns marked * are on the south side of the river. The river averages fully one to two miles in breadth during the whole of its course, and expands into Lake St. Louis, 4 to 7 miles wide, just above the intake, and into Lake St. Francis, 8 miles wide, 35 miles above. There are rapids at points 20, 25, 30, 35, and 80 miles above the intake. The St. Lawrence water is clear and light green in colour, and is fairly hard.* In both these rivers the temperature falls to the freezing point in winter, even at points near the bed of the stream. I. Monthly Examination of Water Supply. Microscopical Analysis.—The method employed was, at first, that of simply allowing the sediment to settle in a conical glass, and by means of a pipette placing a little of it under a microscope. This gives a general idea of the con- stituents of the sediment, but affords no information as to the quantity in which the different organisms are present. In the Sedgwick-Rafter method (which unfortunately only became known to me after the analysis was completed) a given * The following table compiled from Dr. Kuttan’s analyses shows the average chemical composition of Ottawa and St. Lawrence water (quantities in part per million) : Ottawa. St. Lawrence. ' O H-» Red. Color. Lovibond scale. h-» cn o **■ Yellow. 0 04 0.47 Blue. 52 142 Total. Solids. 24 09 Loss on ignition. 28 74 Ash. o © o b w- to Free Ammonia. Nitrogenous Matter. 0.12 0.09 Albumenoid Ammonia. 0.03 0.09 Nitnates. 3.7 0 5 O 15 nun. 3 | OOr o © * 3 CH § t—* O'. i ©1 to | 4 hr?. i 55 102 Hardness (as Cal- cium Carbonate ) GO H-* Cn Cn Chloride (as Chlorine.) 8 quantity of the water, usually 500 cc., is filtered through sand and the sand with the organisms retained in it shaken up with a definite quantity of distilled water, 1 cc. of this is then placed in a glass cell, leaving a superficial area of 1,000 square milli- metres and a depth of 1 millimetre. By examining under a microscope, into the eye piece of which a diaphragm has been fitted covering exactly 1 square mm. with the objective employed, each microscopic field represents a fixed unit of measurement with reference to the original water, and the number of each different organism per cc. can be calculated from the average number present in each field. As a rule the genera only are determined. This method is not applicable for determining the number or character of the bacteria. During the period from March to November, 1891, the presence of the following organisms was noted. The numbers represent the number of different genera found in one sample and not of individual organisms per c.c. : Month 1891. Mar. Aprl. May. J une. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Sample from : Reservoir * (5 12 ltt * 8 8 5 9 Settling Basin. 5 3 15 9 * 10 5 * 8 St. Cunegonde. 4 4 31 18 13 11 5 5 12 St. Lawrence.. * 3 3 12 18 14 5 5 9 * Not estimated. Of these, the following genera were the most frequent : Diatom ace.®. — Acnanthes, Amphora, Asterionella, Cyclotella, Diatoma, Encyonema, Epithemia, Fragilaria, Gomphonema, M- losira, Navicula, Nilzsehia, Pleurosigma, Stauroneis, Surirella, Stephan*'discus, Synedra, Tabellaria. Cyanophyce.*.—Anabcena, Oscillaria. Other Ai.g.e.—Chara, Cladophora, Ccelosphcerium, Conferva, Cos- marium, Palmella, Pleurococeus, Pediastrum, Vaucheria, Volvox, Penium, Protococcus, Scenedesmus, Tetraspora, Zygogonium. Fungi.—Creno th rix. Rhizopoda.—Actinocyclus, Actinophrys, Amitba, Gromia, Infusoria.—Bursaria, Can hesium, Dinobryon, Epistylis, Euglena, Heteronema, Monas, Paramcecium, Trachelocerca, Trachelomonas. Vorticella. Spongiaria—Sponge spicules. Vermes. Anguileula, Monostylus, Rotifer, Stylonychia. Stentor. Crustacea.—Alona, Cyclops, Daphnia. 9 As I had not been able to employ the quantitative method during the year of analysis, I give the results obtained, per c.c., from tap water during the period from April 10th to June 4th, 1892, in the following table : Date of examination Number of sample April 30. 62 May 6. 63 May 15. 64 May 28. 65 June 4. 66 Diatomace^e. 64 H4 56 42 Acnanthes 2 0 0 0 0 Amphora 3 pr 36 0 0 0 Asterionella 21 18 12 20 Cocconeis 0 0 0 1 0 Cyclotella pr pr. 2 0 1 Cymbella 1 pr. 0 0 0 Diatoma 2 0 pr. 0 0 Encyonema 0 0 2 0 0 Fragilaria pr 6 pr. 2 0 Gomphonema 1 pr. pr. 0 0 Grammatophora 0 0 0 pr. 0 Melosira 23 24 21 2 5 Navicula 9 9 pr. 1 300 Nitzschia 0 4 11 2 0 Surirella 0 0 1 0 0 Synedra 2 4 0 22 1 Tabellaria 0 3 9 0 0 Algae. Chlorococcus 0 32 0 0 0 Protococcus 0 2 1 0 0 Zoospores pr pr. pr. pr. 10 Infusoria. Monas 0 2 pr. 0 0 Miscellaneous. Starch grains 3 2.5 2 2 4.5 I have omitted from the table the following genera which, though occasionally seen, were never present in an amount equal to 0.5 per c.c. : —Coscinodiscus, Pleurosigma, Stanroneis, Stephanodiscus, Oscil- laria, Arthrodesmus, Cladophora, Ccelosphcerium, Conferva, Pedias- trurn, Pleurococcus, Beggiota, Amoeba, Cercomonas, Trachelomonas, Spongilla and Cyclops. The organisms were more numerous in the warm than in the colder months. The higher animal forms being only met with during the summer. Pollen grains (most commonly from the pine) and vegetable 10 fibres were usually present in traces, and were most constant in the samples from the reservoir. From the above results it will be seen that while the waters contain small amounts of the non-bacterial organisms common to all surface water, these were never found in sufficient quantity to affect the odor, taste, or hygienic quality of the water. Of the organisms, the diatoms Melosira and Asterionella were the only ones occurring constantly in any appreciable quantity. The green organism (Anaboena) which abounds in the water of Lake Ontario and the Bay of Quinte during the summer, was scarcely detected at Montreal, though owing to the infrequency of the periods of collecting samples it may have been missed. Though present in the reservoir during August and September very little appeared to enter the sup- ply pipes. The results of examination of sediments, on the whole, were decidedly satisfactory from a hygienic point of view. Starch Grains.—The only anomalous features presented by the sediments was the constant occurrence of starch grains in the sediment of most of the samples. These I first noticed in the May samples, they being present in the water from the reservoir, settling basin and St. Cunegonde, but not in that from the St. Lawrence. These grains were usually round or slightly oval, or in some cases presented blunted angles. They measured 12 to 30 microns in diameter, stained blue with iodine solution and polarized with a central cross. Some showed a central fissure in the form of a slit or cross, and often lamination could be distinctly made out. I was at first disposed to regard them as an accidental con- tamination, due to the entrance of dust into the samples, but this was shown not to be case by the fact that upon filtering water directly from the tap through glass wool, compressed into a small strainer, the starch was invariably detected, while the materials employed as well as the glass-ware used, showed no signs of it. 11 Upon consulting the standard works on water analysis, I was unable to find any reference to the presence of starch in water otherwise than as a consequence of contamination by sewage proper, kitchen refuse, or the waste of industrial establishments. On the other hand, all the other results of my analysis were strongly opposed to the theory of contamination of the water. Being myself unable to identify the grains satisfactorily with any of the known starches, I consulted Prof. D. P. Penhallow, of McGill University, who examined them carefully and called my attention to the fact that they corresponded in size and shape and structure to corn starch grains, and were much larger than any of the starch grains found in aquatic plants. He stated that, in his opinion, the only starch bearing aquatic plants at all likely to lead to dissemination of starch grains in the water were the yellow and white water lillies (Nymphcea and Nuphar) the starch grains of which, however, never ex- ceeded 13 microns in diameter, and were readily distinguished, by their form and arrangement, from the granules under con- sideration. If the grains were corn starch then they must have come from some starch factory or grist mill. There were, however, no starch factories or large milling industries along the banks of the Ottawa, and though some starch factories are situated upon the St. Lawrence, none of the grains had been found by me in that water. Upon estimating the number of starch grains per cc., I obtained the following results, for different seasons of the year, from samples of the water which happened to have been preserved : Month. Mar. Aprl. (May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Sample. Reservoir * pr. * 2 * * * 3 2 Settling Basin. 0 * * pr. * 1 * * 2 St. Cunegonde. 0 * 0.8 4 4 * * 5 2 St. Lawrence .. * * * 0 0 * * 0 0 * Not examined. 12 The largest amount of starch ever found in any sample was 7 granules per c.c., in a stagnant rusty sample, obtained from a street hydrant. The presence of the starch in the Ottawa water and its absence from the St. Lawrence, was a matter which completely puzzled me. Examination of the starch granules of the sweet Fig, 2—Starch grains from water. Fig. 3—Starch from white pine bark. Fig. 4—Starch from white pine bark after soaking in water. Fig. 5—Corn starch. flag root and wild rice, showed that these grains were altogether too small to be thought of as a possible source. At this point, Prof. G. P. Girdwood, of McGill University, suggested to me the possibility that as starch is present in the 13 bark of some of the coniferous trees, it might be derived from the white pine lumber which, as already stated, is sawn in such large quantities as to block the Ottawa river in places with vast beds of sawdust. Upon my examining white pine bark, I was delighted to find not only that it contained large quantities of starch, but that these, though somewhat more angular, closely corresponded in size, shape and structure with the grains found in the water (and closely resembled corn starch). Upon soaking pine bark for two months in water, many of the starch grains in it assumed the rounded outline typical of the starch of the water sediments, whereas corn starch grains, after the same period of maceration, became fissured and tended readily to disintegrate upon slight pressure. The appearance of the various grains may be better under- stood from the accompanying illustrations, figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5. Starch grains similar to those of the pine were found, though less plentifully in the bark of the cedar, hemlock and spruce. • The following table gives the diameter in micro-millimeters of the various starches examined : Diameter in microns. Water Sediments 11.4 to 28.0 8 to 28.0 5.8 to 27.0 6.0 to 13.0 5.7 to 13.0 1.9 to 7.6 3.8 to 13.3 White Pine Bark Corn Sweet Flag Wild Rice White Water Lily Yellow Water Lily There is nothing to show that the starch forms a dangerous ingredient of the water. I have also found somewhat similar grains under circumstances which did not show any possibility of sawdust pollution, and unless great care is exercised one is liable to meet with them as a result of contamination of the glass-ware, etc., by dust. My excuse for giving the above results at such length, is that it does not seem to have been recognized as yet that starch 14 grains may be observed in water independently of sewage or industrial pollution on the one hand, and of errors in manipulation on the other. Bacterial Analysis.—The opinion entertained by chemists of the Montreal water supply, at the time when this examination was undertaken, is fairly well expressed in Bulletin No. 15 of the Inland Revenue Department at Ottawa, which in referring to the relatively high proportion of organic matter, speaks of it as “ capable of sustaining and nourishing, to a much greater degree than in most water supplies, those minute organisms which, while in most cases harmless, are closely related to others known as disease germs. A water so largely impregnated with organic matter, as that of the Ottawa, would become a very efficient nidus for the propagation of morbific bacteria were such organism to find an entrance to it.”* It may be stated in a general way that a pure water should not habitually contain large numbers of bacteria. Although no hard and fast rule can be set, Miquel’s scale fairly expresses our present ideas upon the relation of the number of bacteria to the purity of water ; Exceptionally pure water contains 0 to 10 per c.c. Very pure “ “ 10 to 100 Pure “ “ 100 to 1,000 Mediocre “ “ 1,000 to 10,000 Impure “ “ 10,000 to 100,000 Very impure “ “ 100,000 and over. The number of bacteria in filtered water should not, accord- ing to Koch, habitually exceed 100 per c.c. I was agreeably surprised to find that the Montreal water, instead of teeming with bacteria, was conspicuously free from them, as compared with other bodies of running water, so that whatever might be the nature of the organic matter present it did not appear to be specially favourable to bacterial growth. The following table shows the average number of bacteria found in some well known surface waters, most of which are * McGill, Bulletin No. 15, Department of Inland Revenue, Ottawa, 15 used as sources of drinking water. These marked * are filtered before being distributed : Locality. Authority. Ottawa ... St. Lawrence 220 ! Montreal .»U ) 800 St. Louis *Danube • 2,000 Vienna Kowalsky. 33,(too!Above Paris ‘Thames Croton Aqueduct 19,750 Above London 4,280 New York P. Frankland. Health Report. Hudson 3,0061Albany Potomac Neva Rhone 3,774 Washington 5,772|St. Petersburg 75Geneva Thos. Smith. Poehl. Fol. Rhine 20,300[Mulheim ‘Main 2,050|Frankfort Rosenberg. Frank. ‘Spree Number of Bacteria found each month.—The following table shows the average number of bacteria per c.c. found each month in the reservoir, settling basin, St. Cunegonde and St. Law- rence samples : Date. Tempera- ture of water °C. Level of water at Lachinein feet. Reservoir. Bacl 6C . .2 c co 4J JO eria p i . S3