(A K I'M ’LK 10- EXTRACT KI) FROM I'll F W'M.KTIN OF THE U. S FISH COMMISSION FOR lhUl. Page* 407 to 4.M.] ox THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE MYXOSPORIDIA, A GROUP OF PROTOZOAN PARASITES INFESTING FISHES. HY R. R. (UIHLKV, M. IX, AH!SI!ST.ANT, l trsT--1 Ii-iI I COMMISSION. [Date of publication, July 15, 1893.] WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1 89 3. (ARTICLE 10 —EXTRACTED FROM THE RFLI-ETIN OF THE U. S. FISH COMMISSION FOR 1891. Page* 407 to 420.J ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE MYXOSPORIDIA, A GROUP OF PROTOZOAN PARASITES INFESTING FISHES. LY R. R. GURLEY, \I. D., ASSISTANT, U. ST KIHH COMMISSION. [Date of publication, July 15, 1803.] WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1893. 10.—ON run CLASSIFICATION OF THIS MYXOSFORIDIA, A GROUP OF PROTOZOAN PARASITES INFESTING FISHES. BY R. R. GURLEY, M. I)., Assistant, U. S. Fish Commission. ITp to the present time very little attention lias been given to the diseases of fishes and to their parasites from the standpoint of the effect produced upon the host; yet there can be no doubt that a knowledge of such diseases would be of great prac- tical value. Anyone who considers the proportions that tisli epidemics sometimes attain will hardly be inclined to question the utility of searching investigation in this direction. Thus, to take a single instance, Prof. Forbes states* that in the epidemic of 18H4 in Lake Mendota it was estimated that fully 300 tons had died. On August 7 the Madison Transcript reported that 200 tons of fish had been hauled away by the city authorities during the four weeks preceding and that the fishes were still dying. Epi- demicsof similar extent have been reported in Europe, for several of which (that of the barbel certainly, and that of the crayfish probably) tin* Mi/xoxporidia are responsible. The important results in the way of prevention of epidemics among domesticated animals and cultivated plants, obtained as the result of scientific investigation, afford ground for the hope that similar results may he obtained here. . Tludohan, 1892, Bull. Soc. philom.it. Paris, IV, p 174. Definition: Glugeida' jmssessinga myxosporidium, and in which the pansporoblast produces an inconstant but large number (always more than 8) of spores; pansporo blast membrane not subpersistent; type, G.miorospora Thel. (synonym for O.anomttUi Moniez). Glugea anomala Monies, 1887. Nonema anomala, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, civ, p. 1212; Glugea mitroupora, Tlndohan, 1891, Compt. Rniul. hebdom. Soc. Biol. Paris, ill, p. 29. Glugea destruens Thfdolnm, 1892. Bull. Sol', philomat. Paris, iv, pp. 16fi, 174 (footnote). * Three asserted in one species (Loydig, Midler’s Archiv., 1851, p. 229). t Except (at most) two Myxoboliis species (one of them perhaps inconstantly), which have suffered reduction to one. tThclohan rroogni7.es only 2 genera, the distinctions between which are mainly based upon tin* three characters noted. If (as both he and I he.lieve) these characters are sufficient to determine genera at all, a third genus must be recognized, as Pleixtophora typint lit sp. nov. could not (as the above table shows) well be forced into either of the existing ones. 410 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. PLEISTOPHORA * gen. nov. Definition (provisional as regards negative characters): Glugeidae destitute of a myxosporidium and in which the pansporoblast produces an inconstant but large number (always more than 8) of spores; pansporoblast membrane.subpersistent (as a polysporophorous vesicle); type (and only) species, P. typicalis sp. nov. Pleistophora typicalis sp. nov. (Corpuscles of Cottus Scorpio Thdlohan, 1890, Annal. de Microgr. Paris, ii, pp. 203, 212; ib. Thtflo- han, 1891, Compt. Rend, hebdom. Soc. Biol. Paris, in, pp. 27-8; ib. Henneguy and TluUohan, 1892, Annal. de Microgr., iv, pp. 618-619, 622, 631, 636.) Pansporoblast: Spherical, diameter 15 to 18 p. Spore: Ovoid; length 3/*; breadth 1.5 to 2.0 p; chromatophile granules adplur. 4. Habitat: Interior of fibrilla* of muscles of Cottus scorpio; diseased mass forming white streaks 5 to (» by 3 mm.; not leading to muscle degeneration. THELOHANIA Henneguy, 1892. In Thdlohan, Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, p. 174 (footnote); ib. Henneguy and Thdohan, 1892, Annal. de Miorogr., iv, p. 639. Definition (provisional as regards negative characters): Clugeidae destitute of a myxosporidium and in which the pansporoblast produces constantly 8 spores; pan- sporoblast membrane subpersistent (as an octosporopliorous vesicle); type, T. giardi Henneguy.t Thelohania contejeani Henneguy, 1892 In Thdlohan, Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, p. 174 (footnote). Thelohania octospora Henneguy, 1892. In Tlidlolian, Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, p. 174 (footnote). Thelohania giardi Henneguy, 1892. In Thdohan, Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, p. 174 (footnote). Thelohania macrocystis sp. nov. (Sarcosporidiau of Paler,monetes variam Garbini, 1891, Atti Beale Accad. Lined Roma, vii, Sem. 1, pp. 151-152, with figs.; myxosporidian of ibid. Thdlolian and Henneguy, 1892, Compt. Rond, hebdom. Soc. Biol. Paris, iv, p. 586). Sporophorous vesicle (subpersistent pansporoblast) elongate-fusiform. Habitat: Muscles of PaUcmonetcs variam from the Mincio, near Verona. II. PHiENOCYSTES ord. nov. It is in the classification of this order that the criteria furnished by Thdlohan most need to be supplemented by considerations drawn from the symmetry of the spore. Considering the taxonomic importance of symmetry throughout the animal kingdom, it is strange that no attention has yet been paid to it in the Myxosporidia. But a little study of it shows that, whereas in all fusiform spores the pointed extremities have heretofore been loosely lumped together as “ends,” those of Myxidium lieber k'uhnii Biitschli are not ends (sens 8trict.m, = anterior and posterior), but sides; for the * Etymology: nXelnroq, very many; iptpeiv, to carry, tl propose T. giardi Henneguy as the type of the genus. ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE MVXOSl'OUIOIA. 411 sport* is symmetrical on cither (right or left) side of the vertical plane,* but it is asym metric oil cither (anterior ami posterior) side of the transverse plane. On the other hand, if, as set*ms probable, the generic reference of C.! diploxyx sp. nov. be correct, then “ends” in Oystodiseus are ends, properly speaking. It. is needless to emphasize the taxonomic import of these results, for we are thus enabled to orient the spore and the results of such orientation may be summed up as follows: 1. Within this order the most important characters are the position anti grouping of theca psules. Compared to this the mere number of these bodies is a character of minor importance; for not only lias Mgxobolnx 1 or 2 and Gyxtodixcntt 1! or 4, but the number even varies in the same species, Myxidium lieberkiihnii BUtschli having 2 or d.t But whether 1 to 2 or 1i to 4, the topographic relations are never varied. Thus in Myxobolus they are always in one group at the anterior end; in Cyxtodixcus in two groups, anterior and posterior; and in Myxidium in 2 groups, right and left. Similar results are obtained with relation to the position of the valves, or, mother words, to the orientation of their plane of junction. The following table shows the relations of these points to generic lines: Comparison of generic characters in the Vhanocystes. [ X =: present; 0 absent; ( ) :lesa usual; not known.] Symmetry. Capsules. Shell. Vac- uole. Tail. Antero- poste- rior. Bilat- eral ; perfect. Number. In one group (at the anterior eml.) In two groups. Bi- valve. Inclination of plane of junc- tion of valves to longitudinal plane. At the (antcrior aml pos- terior) ends. In tlie (right and left) wings. 0°. 90°. X x X X x o u x 2 (or 1) X X x o u X 2 X X x u 4 X x (?) o o 0 x 2 X o o Sjihirruxiiora Tlieloliuu 0 X 2 X X — _ 0 0 0 (') ') X x o o 0 x 2 (or 4) x 0 o 0 'Imperfect. Shetland capsules symmetrical: sporoplasm unilateral. 1 From analogy and general similarity of appearance, this genus can hardly be other than bivalve. *Thethree pianos to which symmetry may ho referred may be thus defined: Vertical plane: Median, longitudinal and intereapsular in position. Transverse plane: Vertical, transverse and (in Mytolt tins) postcapsular in position. Lo.igitudinal plane: Horizontal, longitudinal and per capsular in position. * Dalbiaui, 1HH3, Journ. do Microgr. l'aris, vu, p. -74, tig. 64 g. 412 HULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. From this table we may conclude that— 1. Gystodiscus Lutz is certainly entitled to separate family rank. 2. Henneguya Thelohau agrees with Myxobolus in every respect but one, the pres- ence of a tail. 3. Thelohan’s groups, “ Myxidiees” and “ Ghloromyxeesv must undergo rearrange ment (see table below); for clearly Ghloromyxuin Miugaz, Mixosomn Thel., and Sph(cro8j)ora Thel. form a compact group, with which Myxidium, has no character of consequence in common except the absence of a vacuole. 4. Sphcerospora and Mixosomn do not differ at all in the characters given (the distinction between these uuispecific genera resting solely upon the shape of the spore), and the two taken together present only a single character in contrast to Ghloro myxum, viz, the number of the capsules. 5. Ceratomyxa agrees sufficiently closely with Ghloromyxum to permit its reference to the Ghloromyxidce. (5. Myxidium must form the type of a separate family. The following table shows the relations of Thelohan’s classification to the one now proposed: Th61ohan’s classification. Proposed classification. Group. Genus. Family. Characters. No vacuole, 2 2 capsules. "Fusiform,! capsule .1/yxidi u m I »ii tsclil i. Myxidiidie Bilateral but not antero- or 4 c a p- (11. Myxidians.) ateacli extremity. posterior s v m m etrv; sules. Maxi ilium Hut- sciili. capsules in 2 groups right and left; no bi- valve shell; no vacuole. Elongated; shell, Ceratomyxa Thel .. Spores. ■ formed of 2 hollow- cone valves sol- dered along their bases. Geratu- myxa Tliel. Flattened-o void, • more or less cion- gate. Myxogoma • ('hloromyxidce. Bilateral but not antero- Thel. Chloromyxum Min- posterior symmetry; Spherical. Sph.ce- gaz, et sub-gen. capsules in 1 group (at ronpora Thel. Sphieronpora. the anterior end); a bi- valve shell, w i t h the 4 capsules. Oh lor o my xum valve-junction plane per- pendicular (1) to the Ion- (111. Chloro- Mingaz. liiyxaiiH.) gitudinal plane; no vac- uole. One iodino- IV. Myxobolans. f Destitute of a tail; pliile vac- capsules 1 or 2. f uole; 1 or 2 Myxoboluk B ii t- capsules. tS pore-shell. sclili. ,Myxobolun Biitschli. Myxobolidce Bilateral but not antero- With a tail; cap- posterior symmetry; sules 2. llenne- capsules in 1 group (at ( guya Tliel. the anterior end); a bi- valve shell with the valve-junction p lane parallel to the longitu- dinal plane, an iodino- Gyntoilincun Lutz. Gyntodiscidae .. phile vacuole. Bilateral and antero-pos- terior symmetry; cap- sules in 2 groups, ante- rior and posterior; a bi- valve shell with the valve- ’ junction plane perpen- dicular to the longitudi- nal plane; condition of sporoplasm unknown. »»N THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE MYXOSPOB1D1A. 413 As a result of this analysis, the order I’luvnocyntcn may be divided into tin: follow- ing families: CYSTODISCID.® fam. nov. Definition: Pfucnocynten whose spores )H>ssess antero jMjsterior and bilateral sym- metry; capsules in 12 groups, situated at the (anterior and posterior) ends; a bivalve shell, the plane of junction of whose valves is perpendicular to the longitudinal plane: condition of sporoplasm* unknown; type (and only) genus Cystodiscw+hutz. CYSTODISCUS Lutz, 1889. Centralhl. f. Makt. u. Parasitenkde., v, p. 88. Definition: Characters those of the family; type, C. inline mux But/. Cystodiscus iinmersus Lutz, 1889. Coutralbl. f. Makt. u. Parasitenkde., v, pp. 81-88; tigs, separately and subsequently. Cystodiscus ? diploxys sp. nov. (Psornspcrms of 1’yralix oiridana Malbiaui 1867, Journ. Anat. et Physiol. Paris, p. 335 (foot- note), t. 12, f. 10-12.) Spore: Parallel sided fusiform; ends symmetrically double convex-curved pointed; plane of junction of valves coincident with the vertical plane; capsules - at each end, of equal size. Habitat: Tortrix viridana. M YXOHOLID2E fain. nov. (Myxotpuridieai Perugia, 1891, Moll. Scientif. Pavia, xm, p. 23; “ Myxobnlrios”Th61ohaii, 1892, Hull. Hoc. philomat. Paris, iv, pp. 173, 176.) Definition: riuvnocj/xtcx whoso spores are destitute of antero posterior, but pos sews bilateral, symmetry;J capsules in 1 group at the anterior end; a bivalve shell, the plane of junction of whose valve is parallel to the longitudinal plane; an iodiuophile vacuole; type (and only) genus, Myxobolux Biitscldi. MYXOBOLUS Biitschli, 1882. Hronn’s Thicr-ltoich, I, t. 38, f. *►—10; Myxoxporidium $ Perugia, 185)1, Doll. Scioutif. l'avia, xm, p. li.'l; Myxobol ax ot .\fycoaporidium Weltner, 1892, Sitzgsber. d. (Josollsch. Natnrf. Freuudc Merlin, pp. 31-35; Myxobolim tit Thclohan, 1892, Hull. Hoc. pliilouint. Paris, iv, pp. 176, 177. Definition: Characters those of the family; type M.mullcri Biitschli. • Sporoplanm. Protoplasm of the spore. ♦ 1 propose Mifxooporidiuin Perugia (synonym for Afyxoholux Hiitsclili) as the type genus of the Fam. Myxoxporidieat Perugia. (Except species which have snllored reduction of characters (Myxobolux nnicapxulalnx sp. nov., .)/. pirijormix 1 liel.). t I propose M. merlucii Per. as the type species of this genus. || I propose //. pxoruM per mica Th61. as tin* generic type. No valid generic distinction seems possi- ble between the untailed and the tailed forms, for which latter Thclohan proposed Ucnneynya. Apart from the absence or presence of a tail (both of which conditions may, according to good observers, occur in the same species; cf. Woltuer, Sit/.gsbcr. ties. Natnrf. Freuude Berlin, 1892, pp. 28-38) the only character relied upon for their separation is the constancy of 2 capsules in the tailed forms, but this is also the typical number for Myxobolux and the presence of two exceptional species docs not militate against the rule. 414 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. Myxobolus unicapsulatus sp. uov. (Psorosporm of Labeo nilotiom Miiller, Miiller’s Arcliiv., 1841, p. 487, t. 16, f. 5 a-d.) iSpore: Of the form and size of Ghloromyxum dujardini Thel.; eapsule only 1, obliquely directed. Habitat: Labeo nilotiom, from the Nile. Myxobolus piriformis Thclolian, 1892. Bull. Soc. pliilomat. Ihiris, iv, p. 177. Myxobolus inequalis sp. nov. (Psorosperms of Pimelodm blochii (Valenc.) Miiller, Miiller\s Archiv., 1841, p.487, t. 16, f. 6 lur. 4, 2 of which are the pericornual; f vacuole present. * The condition of the material being such as not to exclude the possibility of sporoplasuiic degeneration, these results arc not entirely decisive. t Capsular index. The ratio of the length of the capsule to the antero-posterior diameter of the shell cavity. i Pericornual nuclei. The 2 nuclei ( “ granules ’’ “globules” ) situated at the autero-lateral angles sCornua) of the sporopla.s u or ou the posterior extremities of the capsules. ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE MVXU8POK1DIA. 415 Habitat: Subcutaneous, on Cyprinodon varicyatut, from the Atlantic at Woods I loll, Mass., August 20, 1889. MyxoboluH obesus, up. nov. (Psorospenii of tlio “ Ablett®,” Halbiani, 1NK3, Journ de Microgr., vii, p. 203, tin- 43.) •Spore: Very broadly ovate. Habitat: On Alburnus alburhuh L. Myxobolus cycloides, sp. nor. (PsorosperuiH of Cyprinntr rutiluh (pure) Muller, Midler’s Arehiv., 1S41, pp. 4K1, 4S0, t. 16, f. I . d-y.) Spore: Subcircular-ovate to broadly rounded elliptic. Habitat: Opercle and pscudobranchiu* of Ixudecun rntilun L., fromGerman livers, May and June. Myxobolus splieralis up. nov. (Psorosperins of Coretjonut fera (’laparede, 1S74,in Limel's Hint. Nat.d. Poissons tin luissin du Ionian, (iencvu, pp. 113-4.) Spore: Uutailed; perfectly spherical; diameter,!)//; containing a single spherical very strongly refringent “nucleus” [1 vacuole]. Habitat: Cysts imbedded by thousands in the branchial mucosa of ('oregonun fern Jur. Myxobolus globosuB, ep. now Cyst: Elongate-elliptic or rod-shaped; length nil max., 0.50 mm. Spore: Globose; length, 7 or 8 //; breadth, (J //; thickness, 5 //; ridge very wide one-third of thickness; capsular index somewhat more than 0.50. Habitat: liranchial lamelhe of Erimyzon sucetta Lac. (= Catontomm tuberculatux Le Sueur), from Kinston, N. C., Columbia, S. C., and from the tributaries of the Fox River, Miss, (collections U. S. National Museum). Myxobolus traiiBOvalis, sp. now Spore: Transversely elliptic; length, usually 0, occasionally 7 //; breadth, 8/i; valves separating in sulphuric acid; ridge narrow; capsules 2, equal; capsular index, 0.50; tilaments extruded under the influence of glycerine and of sulphuric acid; nuclei, 2, rarely only 1, pericornual nuclei apparently absent; vacuole probably present. Habitat: In hollow of under surface of scales of Phoxinu* fund ulo idee from Four mile Run (tributary of Potomac River), Carlins, Va., June 29, 1892. Myxobolus merlucii l’erugia, 1891. Myxoxporidium merlucii, Boll. Solentif. Pavia, xm, pp. 22, 24. f. 9-14. Myxobolus perlatus, sp. nov. (Psorosperins of Acer inn ctrnua Halbiuni, 1SS3, Journ. de Microgr. Paris, vii, pp. 201, 204, tig. 44.) Spore: Wider than long. Habitat: On (lymnocephaluft cornua L. 416 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. Myxobolus?? zscliokkei, sp. nov.* (Psorosperins of Coregonus fera Zschokke, 1884, Archiv. de Biol, v, pp. 234-5, t. 10, f. 16.) Cyst: Oval, pea to nut size; multiple (up to 30). Spore: Body lenticular or oval, a little wider in front than behind; often bearing in front a blunt prolongation; posteriorly one distinguishes two “toils” (queues) 0 to 8 times longer than the body, attenuating posteriorly, curved and undulating; the num- ber of two “tails” is constant; at the pole opposite to the “ tails ” are 2 oval, trans- parent anteriorly converging vesicles; one sometimes sees, however, an extremely tine canal extending from the posterior end of each vesicle to the base of the corresponding “ tail”; the vesicles then probably play here also the role of receptacles for the “ tails”; round retractile globules are also seen at the bases of the vesieles; the remainder of the body is tilled by a homogeneous plasinic mass which frequently contracts to the center of the body cavity, forming a clearly distinct round or oval mass. I Labitat: Subcutaneous and superficial intermuscular tissue of Coregonus fera 3 ur.; April and May. Myxobolus brevis Thtfiohan, 1892. Uenneguya brevis, Bull. Soc. philoruat. Paris, iv, p. 177. Myxobolus medius Th61ohan, 1892. Uenneguya media Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, p. 176. Myxobolus monurus, sp. nov. (Psorosperms of Aphredoderus sayanus Ryder, 1880, Amer. Nat,, xiv, pp. 211—21*2, tigs. 1, 2.) Cyst: Lenticular, large, about 20 in number. Spore: Tailed; body lenticular or slightly obovate; tail undivided, thick at origin, gradually attenuating, more or less curved, 2 to 3 times as long as body; capsules 2, equal, subparallel. Habitat: Subcutaneous intermuscular tissue of A. sayanus from near Woodbury, N. J. Myxobolus macrurus, sp. nov. Cyst: 15 to 20 or more, the size of a pinhead. Spore: Plainly dorso-ventrally asymmetric; tailed; body round-elliptic; 10 or 11 /u long; 0 to 8 yu broad; 1 yu thick. Shell insoluble in sulphuric acid (cold, concen- trated); superior valve more convex than inferior; tail somewhat less transparent than shell, completely dissolved by cold concentrated sulphuric acid; almost or entirely in- visible in balsam; length 30 to 40 /v, usually much less, the attenuate posterior portion being easily, and consequently frequently, broken otf; tail separated entirely from shell by iodine water. Capsules 2, equal; nuclei ad pi ur. 4, 2 of them being the peri- cornual ; vacuole present. Habitat: Cysts invariablyt embedded in the subcutaneous tissue of some part of the head (especially the under surface of the lower jaw) of Jlybognathus nuchalis Ag., from the Neelies liiver, 14 miles east of Palestine, Texas, November 24, 1801. * Dedicated to Dr. F. Zscliokke, of Basel. t Amoug several hundred cysts, one was seen at the base of the pectoral lin, say 3 nun. behind the head. ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE MYXOSl’OUIDIA. 417 MyxoboluB strongyluruB, Bp. iiov. (pHoroHp'-riiiH of SfjiKxlontiM mcIhiJ, Mii 1 lor, Miillcr’H Archiv., 1811, pp. 480-481, t. 16, f. 2.) Spore: Body anteriorly blunter than in M. sckizurus; length of body 0 ft; breadtli 5.4 ft; tail single, undivided, very ]>eculiar in being constantly oblique in the longi tudinal plane. Habitat: Encysted in skin of head of H.schal from the Nile. MyxoboluB kolesnikovi, “ Hp. nov. (I’HoronpcrniH of Cvregonus /era Kolomiikoff, 1886, Veter. Vcntnik Kli:irkolf.,v, pp. 242-248, f. 1-3.; Cysts: Numerous (up to HO), spherical or oval, 10 to HO mm. long by 7 to -0 mm. broad. Spore: Round or oval with a sharp anterior end; tail single or double, thick at its origin, attenuating gradually. Habitat: Interstitial connective tissue of the thoracic muscles of (Jorcyonu* /era •fur. KolesnikotF’s tigures show the “double” tail to be merely the separated (lat erally shifted) halves of the really single tail. To this species should probably be approximated one of Claparede’s 3 forms, t viz, the tailed form habitant in the muscles of C. /era. Myxobolus linearis, np. nov. (PuorosperuiB of Pimelodut tebce and of Platgxtoma fanoint um MUllor, Miiller’H Archiv., 1841, p. 489, t. 16, f. 10). Spore: Body lanceolate-linear; length 3 to 4 times breadth; capsules 2, equal, entirely parallel-appressed; tail single, occasionally double. Habitat: Cysts in membrane lining branchial cavity of Rkamdia sabic Cuv. & Val., and in branchial lamellm of I’aeudoplatyHtoma fan datum L., both from South American rivers. In cysts at the base of the dorsal tin of Ameturux mclas Kaf., from Storm Lake, Iowa, a spore occurs which I strongly suspect to be identical with this species, as it answers in every respect to the above (rather meager) diagnosis. It is peculiarly interesting, as the tail is composed of a dorsal and a ventral half, and is insoluble in sulphuric acid (cf. M. macrurus). MyxoboluB schizuruB. Bp. nov. (Psoro«iK3rm8 of Ehox lucin* Miiller, Miiller’H Archiv., 1811, pp. 477-478, t. ll», f. 1.) Cyst: 0.44 to 1.00 min. in diameter. Spore: Body oval, length 12 pi; breadth 0 pi; thickness one-half the breadth; tail stout at origin, 3 to 4 times length of body, very frequently (probably as a rule) more or less bifurcate; capsules 2, equal, diverging posteriorly. Habitat: In cellular tissue of the eye muscles, in that of the sclerotic, and in that between the sclerotic and choroid of Esox Indus in May and June. Miiller failed to find it in North American pikes. * Dedicated to N. F. KoloHiiikoft', who first figured this form. tClaparode in LuiioI’h Hist. Nat. d. l’oisaooa ilu bass in du Leman, pp. 113. 418 BULLETIN OF TIIE UNITED STATES FISH COMMISSION. Myxobolus crepliui, * sp. nov. (Psoroaperms of Acerina vulgaris Creplin., 1842, Wiegm. Archiv. f. Naturgeseh, i, pp. 61-63, t. 1, f. 1 a-e; cf. Weltner, 1892, Sitzungs.-Ber. Ues. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, pp. 29-31, 34). Spore: Body elongate ventricose-elliptic; length 17.3 /<; breadth 5.8 /i; tail simple, as long as or a little longer than the body; capsules 2, equal. Habitat: On Gymnocephalus cernua L., collected March 14,1837. Weltner believes the form observed by him in the ovary of Esox luciutt to be iden- tical with this form. Weltner’s species was sometimes tailed and sometimes untailed. Myxobolus psorospermica Thdlohan, 1892. Henneguya psorospermica, Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, pp. 167, 176. Myxobolus diplurus, sp. nov. (Psoroaperms of kidney of Lota vulgaris Biitsclili, 1882, Bronu’s Thier-Reieh, i, t. 38, f. 21.) Description (from figure). Spore: Capsules 2, equal, posteriorly situated; tail double from base, the 2 halves adnate. Habitat: Kidney of Lota lota L. CHLOROMYXIDiE fain. nov. (“ Chloromyxdes ” et “Myxidides” (pars) Thdlohau, 1892, Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, pp. 173, 176.) Definition: Pluvnocystes destitute of antero posterior, but possessing bilateral, symmetry;t capsules in 1 group at the anterior end; a bivalve shell, the plane of junction of whose valves is perpendicular (?) to the longitudinal; no vacuole; type genus Chloromyxum Ming. CHLOROMYXUM Mingazzini, 1890. Bull. Soc. Nat. Napoli, IV, p. 160; ib.t Spharospora, Myxosoma et Mixosoma f Thdlohan, 1892, Bull. Soc. philoinat. Paris, iv, pp. 173, 175-6. Definition: Ghloromyxidcc with subspherical or ovate spores, whose breadth does not exceed their length; valves hemispherical; sporoplasm bilaterally and symmet- rically situated; type G. leydigii. Chloromyxum sens, strict. Definition: Quadricapsulate Chloromyxa; type G. leydigii. Chloromyxum fluviatile Thdlohan, 1892. Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, pp. 173, 176, fig. 2. * Dedicated to the discoverer, J. C. L. Crepliu. t Imperfect from unilateral position of sporoplasm in Ceratomyxa. (See subgenus Spharospora, p. 419. The table on p. 411 shows that Spharospora and Mixosoma differ from Chloromyxum by only a single character, viz: the number of the capsules. As shown on p. 411, this character is a subordinate one compared to the grouping and position of the capsules, in which latter all the three genera agree. They may, therefore, all be grouped under one genus. The two unispecific genera Spharospora and Mixosoma have (at least as far as the record now shows) absolutely no distinctive character but the shape ofthespore. They arc therefore fused. Provi- sionally (but with some hesitation) I have recognized Spharospora (including Mixosoma) as a sub- genus. Its sole claim to such distinction rests on 2 capsules as against 4 in Chloromyxum proper. It is also worthy of note that the possibility of transitions are by this definition arbitrarily excluded, inasmuch as all our experience shows that increase of capsule number is by duplication and not by addition. So that the possibility of its ultimate entire fusion with Chloromyxum seems by uo means remote. ON THE PI ASSIFIPATION OF THE MVX08PORIDIA. 419 Chloromyxum mucronatum sp. nov. (Psorosperms of (iadue tola Licberkiihn, Muller’s Archiv., 1851, pp. 352-3, 368, t. 14, f. 5,6.) Myxosjxtridium: Measuring 75 // or less; spherical or ellipsoidal, rarely irregular. Spore: Broadly rounded-oval; concave pointed anteriorly; length ad max., 8 i. Habitat: Free in urinary bladder of Lota lota L. Chloromyxum leydigii Mingaz., 1890. Holl. Soc. Nat. Napoli., iv, jq>. 160—1 (see also the next species). Chloromyxum incisum sp. nov. (Psorosperms of Raja hatia Ley dig, MUller’s Archiv., 1851, pp. 225-226, 234. t.8, f. In-/.) Myxosporidium: Biliary yellow, roundish or somewhat elongate, 29 to 88 in diameter, without or with 1 to 1 pansporoblasts. Sport*: Sharply euneate-oval,posterior bonier radiate-indued, resembling a radiate- ribbed Lamellibranch shell. Habitat: Free in gall-bladder of Raja batix L. In face of the striking difference between this spore form and G. leydigii, the present evidence (which consists of Mingazzini’s opinion* without any detailed evi deuce, Perugia’s opinion,t too little explicit, and the probably not independent opinion of Thelohan $) is insufficient to warrant the fusion of the two forms, especially as it does not appear that either Mingazzini or Perugia examined the gall-bladder of Raja hatix. Chloromyxum ? ? congri Perugia, 1891. Afyxoaporidium congri. Holl. Hcientif. Pavia, xm, pp. 24-5, f. 15-20. Habitat: Gall-bladder of Leptocephalux conger collected in August, 1890. Subgenus 8imi.*:rosi>ora Thfdohan, 1892. Hull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, p. 175; el Myxoaoma ibid., p. 175. Definition: Bicapsulate Chloromyxa; type Ch loromy.ru >n (*V.) elegans Tied. Chloromyxum elegans 1892. Upkerroapora elegant, Hull. Sue. philomat. Paris, iv, pp. 167, 175. Chloromyxum dujardini TlnHohnn, 1892. (Psurosperms of Cyprinna nttilux (part) Muller, Muller's Archiv., 1811, pp. 481, 486,1.16, f. 4 b, c; psorosperm of Cyprinua tryihrophtUatmua Dnjnrdin, 1845, llist. Nat. des Heliuiuthes, p. 644, t. 12, f. 12 N„ 12 N,.) \fixoaoma dujardini, Hull. Soc. philoniat. Paris, iv, p. 175. Myxosporitlium : 1.36 to 1.50 mm. loop. Spore: Ovate, pointed anteriorly, broadly rounded posteriorly; length 10 to 12 /r; eapsules 2, of equal size. Habitat: Branchial lamella4 of Leueixeux (Ncardiuiux) erythrophthalmux from the Vilaino, at Kcnnes, France; pseudobranehia* of Leueixeux rut Huh, from German rivers. Concerning tlie form observed by him, Muller says: Once there was found on the pseudnbrnnohi.e (Xehenkicmen) a mass of small yellow cysts. The size of this mass was I lines. This time all the cysts contained elongate capsules with pointed ante- rior and bluntly rounded posterior ends (f. 4 /*). On the Hat border the convex surfaces were exactly equal and the two diverging vesicles were attached interiorly at their points. * Boll. Hoc. Nat, Napoli, 1890, iv, pp. 160-161. t Boll. Bcientif. I “avia, 1890, xii, p. 138. { Bull. Sue. philomut. Paris, 1892, iv, p. 176. $ Type Chloromyxum (Mixoaoma) dujardini. 420 BULLETIN OP THE UNITED STATES PISH COMMISSION. Thus this form was never found coexisting in the same cyst with Myxobolus cycloides sp. nov. Considering the great frequency of occurrence of the latter species such coexistence would be expected if they were merely different forms of one species. Their persistent non-association thus strongly reenforces the argument in favor of their specific distinctness, drawn from their different characters. The synonymy is on the authority of Thelohan (letter to the author, 1893). He has found Mixosoma dujardini upon both of the fishes named above and believes that Mfiller’s and Dujardin’s figures represent the same species. CERATOMYXA Tlidlohan, 1892. Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, pp. 169, 175. Definition (provisional): Chloromyxidm with bilaterally symmetrical, transversely extended, sub-isosceles-triangular spores, whose breadth greatly exceeds the length; valves hollow-conical with solid tips; sporoplasm unilaterally and asymmetrically situated; type G. sphccntlosa Tliel. Ceratomyxa sphaerulosa Thtflohan, 1892. Bull. Soc. philomat.- Paris, iv, pp. 171-3, 175, fig. 1. MYXIDIID-ffi fain. nov. (“ ” (pars) Tlufiohan, 1892, Bull. Soc. philomat. Paris, iv, pp. 173, 175.) Definition (provisional, as regards negative characters): Phcenocystes destitute of an tero-posterior, but possessing bilateral symmetry; capsules in 2 groups in the (right and left) wings; no bivalve shell; no vacuole; type (andonly) genus Myxidium Biitschli. MYXIDIUM Biitschli, 1882. Bronn’s Thier-Reich, I, t. 38. Definition: Characters those of the family; type M. lieberkiihnii Biitschli. Myxidium lieberkiihnii Biitschli, 1882. Bronn’s Thier-Reicli, i, t. 38, f. 12-15. Probably a second species is Leydig’s “ psorosperm ” of the bile-ducts of Raja batis, Muller’s Archiv, 1851, pp. 220, 234, t. 8, f. Ay.