Incorporated under the Laws 0f ||ie State of Massachusetts l£i)t IJoGtott f^osjutal BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS No. Shares Name Address Date No, §burrs utljtfi Qfcrttfira that—__ having paid $ is entitled to shares in the New Boston Floating Hospital. But this certificate of stock gives the owner thereof no legal claim upon any of the property of the Boston Floating Hosphal% It is given by the Hospital managers and accepted by the owner of the stock with tiie distinSl understanding that the sum paid therefor is only a practical expression of the Owners interest in the work. For the Managers, Chairman. Treasurer. NOMINAL VALUE, ONE HUIDRED DOLLARS PER SHARE The managers of the Boston Floating Hospital are promoters, in a good sense. They have a plan for securing the bulk of the money for the new boat which it is believed will make a powerful appeal. This stock certificate, while it does not express the fullest extent of ony one’s interest in the work, registers the amount that individuals and organizations invest in the new hospital. a These investors never expect a return of the principal, but are satisfied with the ample interest shown in the good results of the work. The nominal value of each share is $ioo. No limit is set to the number ol share's 'one may purchase. And it individuals and orgamzaTioii^cfesfr^ess-m than a share, one-half, one-fourth, or even one-tenth, a certificate will be issued to such. The managers respectfully ask one favor; please do not divert money which it was planned to send for current expenses for the season of 1902 to the purchase of stock. 1 he paynount need is for contributions for this season’s work. But if possible, in addition, kindly invest in some of the stock. If sufficient money is in sight September 1st, we can lay the keel of the new boat at that time