DEPARTMENT OF TIIK INTERIOR UNITED STATES (JEOLOUIOAL SURVEY .r. \V. I'OWKIJ,, DIKKCTOU MINERAL WATERS IN 1892 BY A. (\ PKALI^. ABSTRACT FROM “MINERAL RESOURCES OF TIIE UNITED STATES CALENDAR YEAR 1892”—DAVID T. DAY, CHIEF OF THE DIVISION OF MINING STATISTICS AND TECHNOLOGY WASH ING-TOK GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE , 18 93 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ,T. W. POWELL, DIRECTOR MINERAL WATERS IN 1892 * BY r A.. Cl PEALE ABSTRACT FROM "MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE UNITED STATES CALENDAR YEAR 1892”—DAVID T. DAY, CHIEF OF THE DIVISION OF MINING STATISTICS AND TECHNOLOGY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1893 MINERAL WATERS. A. C. Pf.ale. Although the list of commercial mineral springs for the year 1892 shows a slight reduction in the number of springs as compared with 1891, a much larger proportion than usual report. The reduction amounts to 5 springs; 283 springs make up the list; of these 242 report, leaving only 41 delinquent. This has been exceeded ouly by the report for 1889, when 258 springs reported. The production, however, has greatly increased. The total product for 1892, including the estimate for the delinquent springs,which is taken at one-half the figures last reported, is 21,876,604 gallons at a valuation of $4,905,970. This is 3,483,872 gallons and $1,909,711 more than the figures given for 1891. If we compare only the figures actually reported the increase was 5,153,702 gallons and $1,917,287. The North Atlantic States lose four springs from the list of 1891, but gain one, Vishnu Spring of Massachusetts, which is new to the list, leaving 71 springs instead of 74 as in 1891; of these, 65 report instead of 62, as in the previous year. There is also a gain of 1,128,970 gallons and the increased value of the product is $341,670. In the South Atlantic States three springs have been taken from the list and four new ones added, leaving the total of 57, which is one less than in 1891. The new springs are the Carroll Springs of Maryland and the Steep Hill Springs, the Harris Anti-dyspeptic and Tonic Spring, and the Virginia Waukesha Litliia Springs of Virginia. Forty-seven springs report, and the delinquent list for the section is 10 instead of 15, as in 1891. The increase in the production is 266,508 gallons, with a total increase in the value of the production of $39,750. Four springs are taken from the list for the North Central States, leaving the list at 83 instead of 87 as in 1891. However, a larger pro- protion of those on the list report for 1892, and there is an increase in production of 3,555,884 gallons, with an increased value of $1,352,650. While one spring is taken from the list for the South Central States, Louisiana appears in the list for the first time, adding one spring, the Abita Spring; and one spring, Stafford Mineral Spring, is added to the list for Mississippi, which leaves the list 38 instead of 37 as in 1891. The increase in production for 1892 is 64,529 gallons and $3,312. 823 824 MINERAL RESOURCES. Tlie list of springs for the Western States and Territories remains at 34, as in 1891. There is, however, an increased production of 137,813 gallons and of $179,905 in the value of the product. Production of mineral waters for 1892, by States and Territories. States and Territories. Springs report- ing. Product. Value. Alabama 4 Gallons. 22, 085 I $17, 517 Arkansas 4 36, 885 9, 907 California 11 336, 875 162,019 Colorado 6 553, 968 200,904 Connecticut 5 28, 0U0 16, 326 Georgia 3 114, 000 30, 450 Illinois 8 173, 360 24.917 Indiana 7 115, 500 7, 400 4 101,000 2,135, 448 11,140 204,448 Kansas 8 Kentucky 3 37, 000 3, 700 !) 645,172 106, 524 15, 890 Maryland 5 84. 300 Massachusetts 10 962,882 119. 486 Michigan 8 1, 996, 900 300, 267 Mississippi 4 06, 800 30, 780 Missouri 8 430, 000 44, 675 New Hampshire 2 1. 060, 000 503. 000 Hew Mexico 3 40. 800 7, 360 Hew York 22 2. 528, 868 828, 516 Horth Carolina 7 183, 683 46, 296 Ohio 8 1. 101.400 267, 100 Pennsylvania 10 1. 324,100 323,164 Rhode Island 2 195, 000 8, 000 Tennessee 4 121,374 20. 895 Texas 12 405. 400 24,535 Vermont 4 102, 500 26, 600 Virginia 25 605,532 246, 029 Washington 2 140. 000 134, 000 West Virginia 6 35. 430 10, 528 Wisconsin 20 4, 858, 232 952. 293 Other States