Salt Lake City, August 19, 1911. SCHOOL INSPECTION Health officers are reminded of the importance of a careful sanitary inspection of school premises within their jurisdiction before the opening of schools and the correction of any existing conditions dangerous to the health of pupils. Where the source of water is a surface well, it should be examined and if found in unsanitary condition, thoroughly cleaned. All outhouses within 200 feet of a well should be removed. The law requiring the use of dry earth closets on school should be enforced. TYPHOID PEVEH The very large reduction (75$) in the typhoid rate during July compared with .hat- of the corresponding month of last year is gratifying and should encourage "Health officers to persist in a determined effort to eradicate this unnecessary and dangerous disease from the Sta,te. There can he no reasonable doubt that much of its diminished prevalence is to be attributed to the increased activity of the health forces of the state in the enforcement of preventive measures. Every case of typhoid fever should be kept under strict observation and the regulations set forth in the typhoid circular, a supply of which will be furnished upon application to the State Board of Health, should be rigidly carried out. A copy of the circular should be sent to every family in which a case of the disease occurs. It is particularly important at this season to exclude flies, and to boil water which is at all suspicious of contamination. In the event of an unusual prevalence of the disease in any locality, the health officer is requested to at once report the fact to the State Board of Health. Upon the request of the local health officer or other authorities, the Sanitary Inspector of the State Board of Health will visit any town in the State for the purpose of rendering assistance. UTAH STATE BOAED OF HEALTH.