Intravenous Transfusion of Saline Solution with a New Apparatus. BY ELY VAN DE WARKER, M. D., SYRACUSE, N. Y. REPRINTED FROM THE Neb) STotfc HJeUfcal journal for December 12, 1S96. Reprinted from the New YorTc Medical Journal for December 12, 1896. INTRAVENOUS TRANSFUSION OF SALINE SOLUTION WITH A NEW APPARATUS. By ELY YAK DE WARKER, M. D., SYRACUSE, N. Y. The intravenous transfusion of saline solutions is such a simple operation that ordinarily no special ap- paratus is necessary. Every surgeon knows, however, that it is sometimes these very simple procedures that are difficult. In a case of extreme collapse, when the veins have no existence, physiologically speaking, and exist only anatomically as collapsed tubes, without radial pulse—when no amount of cording will cause the empty vein to fill, and when a lost minute may be meas- ured by a lost life—it is very convenient to have a simple apparatus at hand that will expedite even so simple an operation. In these extreme cases I believe it is necessary to transfuse into the veins; subcutaneous transfusion is too slow with the vital forces so nearly suspended. Saline rectal enemata, a method of great value, for the same reason is too slow to furnish the necessary stimulus to a heart nearly inert for the need Copyright, 1896, by D. Appleton and Co^anY. 2 INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION. of a fluid to act upon. The apparatus here figured is a composite affair that was gradually put together from time to time as the need of transfusion occurred, until it reached its present perfected form. While nearly every surgeon has had occasion to test the merits of saline transfusion, I doubt if any one has had the satisfaction of demonstrating its value as a lifesaver more thoroughly than I have had. With the object of inducing some one who has never tried it to be prepared to use it with a strong reliance upon its certainty of action, I will narrate briefly the following cases: Case I.—Miss M., of Irish nativity, aged forty-three years, large ovarian cyst of several years’ duration, had suffered no unpleasant symptoms other than those due to abdominal distention. While nursing a sick relative, which caused very unusual exertion, she was suddenly attacked with severe abdominal pain and tenderness, with chills and subsequent fever. I saw her at the home of her relative about one week after the outbreak. The abdomen was of a dimension equal to a pregnancy at term, very tender on palpation, with frequent attacks of pain. Temperature, 103°; pulse, 110. I advised immediate operation, but it was nearly a month after my visit that she was admitted to the Central New York Hospital for Women for operation. During that in- terval the symptoms had gradually augmented, and at the time of her admission she was in a deplorable con- dition. She was greatly emaciated and too weak to walk. Section showed a monocyst almost universally adherent. The contents of the cyst were about twenty pounds of extremely foetid pus. The adhesions were easily broken down, and the operation in particular difficult, lasting about forty minutes to the completion of the toilet. She was taken off the table in fair condition. It was soon noticed by the nurse that she was growing cold and INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION. 3 the pulse racing, and in a few minutes she appeared to he in a dying condition—pulseless, gasping respira- tion of the dying, with complete surface anaesthesia. Intravenous transfusion of a one-per-cent, salt solution at 105° was at once made, using about twenty ounces of fluid. In this case it was very difficult to find and enter a vein, so complete was the collapse of the vessel. My trocar and cannula greatly expedited the operation. The result of transfusion was prompt and lasting and the patient’s life was saved. The operation was very nearly bloodless, the adhesions showing no disposition to bleed as they were broken up. The conditions lead- ing to collapse in this case were interesting, as demon- strating that it is not blood loss previous to, during, or subsequent to operation, hut that any condition equiva- lent to blood loss will precipitate the moment of col- lapse. Here high temperature, arrested nutrition, and blood poisoning were those equivalent conditions. Case II.—A woman, aged thirty years, married, demiblonde. number of children unknown. In the serv- ice of one of the staff of the Woman’s and Children’s Hos- pital of Syracuse. Abdominal section reached a right pel- vic haematoma due to what was supposed to he an extra- uterine pregnancy. An old clot was turned out of the pelvis equivalent to about a pound in weight. It was dense and tarlike in color, and at the time the lesion oc- curred, must have represented a quart, or possibly more, of blood. The phlegmon developed about six weeks previ- ous to the operation, but its history was obscure. The loss of blood due to the operation was small. The pa- tient was upon the table about forty minutes. After being put to bed in a fair condition of pulse, she sur- prised us by passing quickly into extreme collapse. She was algid, with complete surface anaesthesia, eye and other reflexes abolished, pulseless, and the veins completely collapsed. The respiration was gasping and shallow. At the request of the operator I performed transfusion. I was about to abandon the operation on account of the impending death, hut as she was yet gasping and the 4 INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION. trocar nearly in the vein, I persevered, and in less than a minute the solution was being transfused. The effect was rapid, and the patient passed from a condition of inevitable death to one of comparative safety in about three hours. She made an uneventful recovery. Case III.—As amemic shock is not the only form with which the surgeon has to contend, it is well to refer briefly to the following case with a view to con- trast: Miss , aged twenty-one years, single, had always been a delicate girl. At seventeen years she had not yet menstruated. Her physician detected a pelvic mass extending like a ridge from side to side. As she was bedfast and rapidly failing, laparotomy was advised and consented to. She was admitted into the Woman’s and Children’s Hospital of Syracuse. The mass was made up of the lower border of the omentum fusing into the right tube and ovary, all of which were re- moved. She made a prompt recovery, and improved very considerably in general health. The pelvic con- dition was regarded as tubercular, although I am not sure that it was verified by the microscope. Four years after she was readmitted with symptoms of intestinal obstruction. At the request of her physician, a col- league on the staff, I did the operation. The intestines, large and small, were greatly distended. At first it was supposed that the obstruction was at the sigmoid, but in the Trendelenburg position it was seen that what appeared to be a constricted part of the colon was a cyst of tubal origin which was tied off. At this point a serious accident occurred. The intestines, which had been retained in the abdominal cavity only by great care and watchfulness, through the momentary inad- vertence of the assistant were allowed to escape. As usual in such a case, the intestines were reduced with extreme difficulty and loss of time. They were at last returned and the search for the obstruction resumed. It was found not far from the ileo-csecal region, and consisted of a globular mass surrounding and obliterat- INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION. 5 ing the intestine. It was found necessary to resect the intestine at a healthy portion and insert a Murphy but- ton. The operation lasted about an hour. She was put to bed in fair condition; pulse about 120; respiration, 18; temperature, 99.5°. This was at 3 p. m. While at dinner in the evening I was called to the hospital by my colleague in consultation in the case. I saw her at 7 p. m. Temperature, 104°; respiration, 30; pulse racing. At 8.30 p. m., pulseless at the wrist; tempera- ture, 104.6°; respiration, Cheyne-Stokes. At the re- quest of my colleague I made transfusion in the hope that an increased volume of fluid would stimulate the fast failing heart. Owing to the carelessness of a nurse the amount transfused is not known. It had no effect upon the circulation. She died at 10 p. m. with a tem- perature of 106°. The case is given somewhat in detail as it demon- strates in a striking manner the limits of saline-solution transfusion. The three cases serve to define three forms of shock. First, we find shock due to inanition, fever, and chronic sepsis, precipitated by operation. Second, shock due to blood loss prior to operation, and both forms to amend to transfusion. In the third, the fatal condition, or shock, comes from suspension of inhibitory nerve centres that functionally control the heart and heat centres. The train of conditions that led up to this is clear when we recall the eventration, and all that it implied to the nervous system. The entire nervous congregation of organic life was roused into fatal over- stimulation through the irritation of the greater and lesser splanchnic nerves, and the brain and spinal cen- tres implicated through the great sympathetic, quickly resulting in suspension of inhibitory centres. Thus, while saline transfusion was able to supply the defi- 6 INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION. ciency in loss of circulating fluid, it was unable to sup- ply what was necessary in the other. Clinically the two types stand in marked contrast: In the first, advancing algidity; in the second, augmenting pyrexia. In the first, surface anaesthesia increases as surface heat is lost; in the second, only as the brain ceases to func- tionate. In the first, consciousness is lost in the same ratio as the pulse is lost and the heart’s action fails; in the second, rather with the increasing pyrexia. In the first, torpor from the beginning, intensifying cold, death. In the second, restlessness, intensifying heat, death. One is as much deserving the name of shock as the other, and we have no other name for either. As intravenous transfusion has now a status as a life-saving operation beyond all controversy, it is well to be able to define just in which type of shock we may expect the&e results, and as a contribution to this knowledge I have ventured to overstep the limits of the paper and introduce the third case. In several instances in which the apparatus has been exhibited before societies, several gentlemen suggested that just as prompt results could be gained from rectal or subcutaneous injection. I have no doubt that is so in cases in which function is not too seriously de- pressed. But in cases in which death is near and time a serious matter, I would not advise any to trust to it. I have had some experience that has practically taught me this lesson. I have found rectal hot saline injections of great value in supplementing intravenous transfusion when the radial pulse is re-established and the reaction ap- pears to drag; then the injection appears to augment the effect of the transfusion. When reaction is estab- lished to this degree, the rectum in my experience offers INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION. 7 as favorable a channel as the subcutaneous route, and leaves no painful sequelae The physiological study of intravenous injections has begun to awaken keen interest. MM. Bose and Vedel, in the Journal des praticiens, July, 1896, have reached the following conclusions from their study of the subject: Large intravenous transfusions are not toxic even when transfused as rapidly as forty to eighty cubic centimetres a minute. These injections produce an abundant diuresis in half an hour after the trans- fusion. While this is, no doubt, true in physiological experiments, I have not observed it in cases of extreme collapse in the human subject. There is no elevation of blood pressure and no albuminuria, but there is in- creased heart action and an elevation of the central and peripheral temperature—febrile reaction. They quote Mayet that in the compound saline solution—chlo- ride and sulphate of sodium—the sulphate is of no value and should be avoided, as it affects the blood globules, although the authors say there is no difference between the effects of the two solutions. Fasting ani- mals appear to be more susceptible to large injections, but even when apparent death results the animals quick- ly recover. In these experiments it was shown that the physiological effects were not in proportion to the temperature of the solution and the rapidity with which the injection was made. The authors recommend a simple saline solution, one hundred and five grains of sodium chloride to thirty ounces of water to be the pref- erable proportion. In the hasty approximation of the operating room, a teaspoonful to a quart of water is a good working formula. In the employment of the intravenous injections 8 INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION after the haemorrhage of typhoid fever—and it ought always to be used when collapse threatens—it has re- cently been shown that the beneficial effect is not con- fined to merely increasing the volume of the circulat- ing blood. There is a far-reaching and profound effect that can not he measured in this mechanical way. M. Claisse, in the Comptes rendus de la Societe de biologie, 1896, has made his study upon the blood from the fact that in many infectious diseases increased leucocytosis is a constant attendant. “ In a case generalized puru- lent streptococcus infection an intravenous injection of fifteen hundred grammes of saline solution was followed in an hour and a half by a rise of temperature from 102.9° to 105.8°, while the number of red blood-globules to the cubic millimetre was reduced from 3,968,000 to 3,596,000, and the number of white blood-corpuscles from 13,547 to 7,804. In the course of three hours the temperature had declined to 98.6°. In the case of an old man of sixty-four years with a diffuse phlegmon of the arm, a subcutaneous injection of a litre of saline solution was followed by a diminution in the number of red blood-corpuscles from 3,565,000 to 3,255,000, and of the colorless corpuscles from 26,660 to 11,346. In a case of profound puerperal infection an intravenous injection was immediately followed by an alteration in the relation between the red and colorless blood-cor- puscles—1 to 228 to 1 to 344.” In the comment of the Medical Record, from which this extract is taken, it is pointed out that the depression of temperature, diminished leucocytes, and amendment of the symp- toms of infection with a status of reaction are similar to those following the injection of antitoxine in diph- theria. “ A splendid field for research is thus opened INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION. 9 up, and one that possibly will render the animal serums useless in the treatment of specific infections.” I am strongly of the opinion that in view of the enormous renal stimulation following intravenous injections of saline solutions, and the marked kidney implication in diphtheria, together with the profound effect of the injection upon the corpuscular elements of the blood, this will prove an accepted treatment of diphtheria in the near future. In typhoid fever, in view of this report by Claisse, the saline transfusion has a double indication in hsemorrhagic cases. In puerperal infec- tion I shall certainly try it. In cases of the nearly functionless kidneys of eclampsia and with the poison- laden blood it is positively indicated, and, I believe, has already been tried, hut I have lost the reference. From this brief abstract of what has already been ac- complished in the therapeutics of saline solutions trans- fused directly or indirectly into the blood, it is evident that its usefulness in the future may he broadened far beyond the expectations of those who have heretofore limited its use to the treatment of shock or haemorrhage. In fact, to the physician, rather than to the surgeon, will we look for this more important demonstration of its utility. Simple as the operation of intravenous transfusion may he, yet an apparatus that renders it easy to perform,aseptic and accurate in operation, will contrib- ute an important element to this more extended employ- ment of the method. To the physician who is hut sel- dom called upon to make any surgical operation, the little apparatus here figured will prove of great usefulness. The apparatus consists, first, of a glass container large enough to hold from three pints to two quarts of solution (Fig. 1), fitted with a sufficient length of pure INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION. 10 gum tuhing given off from the bottom of the con- tainer. In the figure the tuhing is represented as con- nected with the stopcock C, Fig. 2, with the cannula D, Fig. 2 attached, and in the condition in which it is when in use, the cannula inserted in the vein and the J. REYNDERS & CO. Fig. 1. stopcock open. The glass has a scale of ounces etched into its side, so that the quantity of fluid transfused at any stage of the operation may he readily ascertained. The second part of the apparatus (Fig. 2) consists of a cannula D, the trocar B, and the stopcock C. One end of the cock is corrugated so as to he firmly held hy the distal end of the tuhing. The other end of the cock, as seen in the figure, is slightly tapered so as to slip into the head of the cannula, which is beveled to correspond, so that when connected with the can- INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION. 11 nula an airtight taper joint is formed. The trocar B has a head sufficiently large to be easily grasped by the Fig. 2. fingers and withdrawn when the cannula is inserted into the vein. The operation is done by the use of this apparatus as follows: After the vein is exposed, the only instru- ment not here figured is a small mouse-tooth forceps to pick up the vessel, which is quite necessary; hut any small forceps will serve the purpose. The container has been filled and the stopcock connected with the tub- ing is held by an assistant. The cannula and trocar together are inserted into the vein, which is held up by the forceps, so as to offer a slight shoulder to the sharp point of the trocar which is thrust into the lumen of the vein, being careful not to transfix. The stopcock is now opened, and the solution allowed to escape until the tubing is thoroughly warmed and the solution dis- charges at a proper temperature. You are now ready to withdraw the trocar and thus open the cannula, through which the blood flows more or less freely. The stopcock, still open and the solution discharging, is at once connected with the cannula by the taper joint—- simply thrusting the two together. It is thus seen that the two currents, one of blood from the cannula and the other of saline solution through the cock, are joined 12 INTRAVENOUS SALINE TRANSFUSION. without the possibility of the entrance of air. The flow of solution is regulated by the cock as well as by the height at which the container is held above the point of delivery. In the case of collapsed veins after a very exhausting haemorrhage or extreme shock, no blood will escape from the cannula after the trocar is withdrawn. Fig. 2 represents that part of the instrument somewhat shorter than the actual length and about half the diameter. The New York Medical Journal. A WEEKLY REVIEW OF MEDICINE EDITED BY FRANK P. FOSTER, M.D. npHE PHYSICIAN who would keep abreast with the advances in 1 medical science must read a live weekly medical journal, in which scientific facts are presented in a clear manner; one for which the articles are written by men of learning, and by those who are good and accurate observers ; a journal that is stripped of every feature irrelevant to medical science, and gives evidence of being carefully and conscien- tiously edited ; one that bears upon every page the stamp of desire to elevate the standard of the profession of medicine. Such a journal fulfills its mission—that of educator—to the highest degree, for not only does it inform its readers of all that is new in theory and practice, but, by means of its correct editing, instructs them in the very important yet much-neglected art of expressing their thoughts and ideas in a clear and correct manner. Too much stress can not be laid upon this feature, so utterly ignored by the “ average ” medical periodical. Without making invidious comparisons, it can be truthfully stated that no medical journal in this country occupies the place, in these par- ticulars, that is held by The New York Medical Journal. No other journal is edited with the care that is bestowed on this; none contains articles of such high scientific value, coming as they do from the pens of the brightest and most learned medical men of America. A glance at the list of contributors to any volume, or an examination of any issue of the Journal, v/ill attest the truth of these statements. It is a journal for the masses of the profession, for the country as well as for the city practitioner; it covers the entire range of medicine and surgery. A very important feature of the Journal is the number and character of its illustrations, which are unequaled by those of any other journal in the world. They appear in frequent issues, whenever called for by the article which they accompany, and no expense is spared to make them of superior excellence. Subscription price, $5.00 per annum. Volumes begin in January and July. D. APPLETON & CO., 72 Fifth Avenue, New York. PUBLISHED BY