Cerebral Localization—What Is Known, What Surmised, and What Is Its Surgical Value? Read in the Section on Practice of Medicine, at the Forty-fifth Annual Meet- ing of the American Medical Association, held in San Francisco, June 5-8, 1894. BY JOHN W. ROBERTSON. M. D. PROFESSOR NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, , SAN FRANCISCO. REPRINTED FROM THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, ■ AUGUST 4, 1894. CHICAGO: PRINTER AT THE OFFICE OF THE JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION, 1894. CEREBRAL LOCALIZATION—WHAT IS KNOWN, WHAT SURMISED, AND WHAT IS ITS SURGICAL VALUE? The physiology of the nervous system and the functional differentiation of its component parts has been but recently investigated, and is now in many particulars so well established that it seems proper before entering the domain of neurologic pathology to briefly recapitulate, not only that which has been scientifically proven, but the many speculations of eminent investigators that are as yet mere hypotheses. Without going into a detailed history of the evolution of cerebral physiology, I will refer to the great advance made by the anatomists of the seventeenth century. Before that time anatomy and physiology were neces- sarily theoretical, for as a basis they rested on specu- lation and tradition, not on the dissection of the human body. But the opinions held regarding the nervous system were even more crude than those that prevailed regarding other portions of the body, for the philosophers, led by Aristotle and Herophilus, had outlined a physiology based on their psychologic theories, and twenty centuries had served but to con- found the already existing confusion. Willis accomplished for the nervous what his con- temporary, Harvey, did for the circulatory system. He not only delineated and named the cranial and spinal nerves, but recognized the important fact that the brain is not only divided into gray and white matter, and correctly explained the functions of each, but also showed that the gray matter was convoluted simply as a wise provision for inclosing the greatest surface in the smallest space, realizing that there was a direct ratio between intelligence and the volume of gray matter, and further suggesting the possibility of its function being still more differentiatgd- 2 The next great advance in the differentiation of the nervous system was Sir Charles Bell’s discovery that the spinal nerves subserved the twofold purpose of sensation and motion, the one entering through the posterior root bearing sensation from the periphery, the other solely motor, making its exit by the anterior root. This he proved by experiments on living animals; and his results, published in 1811, were elaborated with so much detail that our own text-books do not contain any amplification of the theory there pro- pounded. When, in 1870, Fritsch and Hitzig an- nounced the result of their experiments on dogs and monkeys, they were but confirmatory of views already advanced by Hughlings Jackson, whose investigations, both clinical and post-mortem, had suggested the ex- istence on either side the fissure of Rolando, of special centers which presided over the movements of the leg and arm. But even earlier than this, Dax had pointed out the close relationship existing between aphasia, right-sided hemiplegia and injury of the frontal convolutions; though it was Broca who defi- nitely located the speech center at the base of the third frontal convolution of the left hemisphere. The original experiments performed by Fritsch and Hitzig consisted in the removal of a portion of the skull of dogs and monkeys, exposing the brain and irritating the cortex. Before this it had been believed that irritation of the cortex resulted only in convul- sions, but when electricity was selected as a stimulus and very weak currents used, it was found that irri- tation of certain convolutions produced definite mo- tions, and so localized were these areas that it was possible for the experimenters to foretell the motion that would follow the application of the electrodes to a given area. This conclusively proved that there was some definite relation existing between these localities and movements of various members of the body. Ferrier and Horsley in England and Munk in Germany, modifying the methods of Fritsch and Hitzig, have so extended and varied these experi- 3 meats as to eliminate all possible errors; the areas have been so incised as to separate them from other cells of the cortex, and portions of the cortex con- taining these areas have been removed and the re- sulting paralyses noted. Thus have the old theories been revolutionized and most plausible arguments advanced to support the assertion that not only the special senses but that motion and sensation are located in well-defined and accurately differentiated regions of the cerebral cortex. So brilliant and so essentially scientific were these experiments that the deductions made from them as to cerebral localization have been accepted not only by the majority of physicians, whose judgment can not be based on personal investigation, but especially by many leading neurologists. But this acceptance is not universal, and it may be said that neurologists are ranged into three schools. The very weighty names of Brown-Sequard and Goltz appear among those who altogether repudiate localization in the sense that one portion of the cor- tex intrinsically so differs from another as to possess a different function. They believe that each half of the cerebrum acts as a whole, but that certain portions may be educated and probably do preside over the special senses, motion and sensation. The second school, represented by Exner, Ober- steiner, and other conservative neurologists, teach “that certain regions of the cortex are to a greater extent than the rest associated with certain functions." Obersteiner defines his position as follows: “Individ- ual centers and cortex fields are not to be considered as sharply outlined and definitely marked off from neighboring regions; the so-called centers are rather the spots of maximal relation to functions which fade away into neighboring areas. Hence it follows that the cortex fields to a certain extent overlap one another. We shall speak of the centers in this sense as comprehending the spots of maximal physiologic relation." The third, known as the English school of local- 4 izers, is led by Ferrier, Horsley, and Beevor. These teach the absolute segregation of centers in the cor- tex; that they intrinsically differ the one from the other, and that consequently their functions differ, and that there are not only regions presiding over the special senses, sensation and motion, but divide the last into finger, hand, arm, mouth, etc., centers; and further contend that these areas are sharply defined, are easily located, and, when exsected, produce a per- manent paralysis in that member of the body over which they preside. It is this last which has brought this subject into such prominence. Granting that either the first or the second school be right, it is only a step forward in the study of cerebral physiology; but if the teach- ings of the abrupt localizers be correct, a vast field of practical importance has been opened and cerebral surgery will at least receive a scientific recognition, rather than occupy the invidious position it even yet holds among conservative surgeons. For this reason it seems well to review the work of these investiga- 5 tors and to point out what they have demonstrated, as well as the many questions that are still under investigation, and to show that some, at least, are unsolvable. It has been proved: That when certain regions of the cortex of the brain of monkeys, dogs, and other animals are irritated by mild currents of elec- tricity, motion is produced in corresponding parts of the body. That portion of the cortex which has been shown to be closely associated with motion is known as the Rolandic region, from the fact that it is com- posed principally of the two convolutions which are separated by the fissure of Rolando, as well as the parietal lobule. This region is subdivided into special centers. Irritation of the parietal lobule and upper junction of ascending frontal and parietal convolutions pro- duces advance of the opposite hind limb, flexion of thighs and toes as in walking. .When the middle portion of the ascending convolution is irritated, movements of the hand and arm follow. The lower portions of the convolutions are in like manner shown to preside over, or at least to be closely associated with, movements of the mouth, tongue and nose. Posteriorly, near the angular gyrus, irritation results in movement of the eyes and eyelids, and still farther downward on the superior temporo-sphenoidal con- volution there is pricking of the opposite ear, head and eyes turn to the opposite side, and the pupils widely dilate. Other regions, though irritable, are not connected with coordinated movements, while much of the cortex is insensitive. Thus is it shown that motor activity, though present to the greatest extent in the so-called motor area, is not confined to it. These experiments have also demonstrated the fact that while each hemisphere is closely associated with the opposite half of the body, to a subordinate degree it also presides over the same side. It is surmised: that the brain of the monkey and other animals resembles the brain of man to such a degree that what is true of the one holds equally true 6 of the other; that both in man and animals the brain is so differentiated that certain areas preside over allotted functions, and that they are capable of being subdivided. Especially is this true of motion. To a lesser extent it is true of the special senses, and the brain has been mapped out into centers of sensation, hearing, sight, smell, taste, and speech, and these have been located as follows:— Motion.—The ascending frontal and parietal con- volutions, their superior junction and the paracentral lobule, known as the Rolandic or motor region, have been subdivided into finger, hand, arm, mouth, etc., centers, every muscle or group of muscles being represented by a definite area in the brain cortex, and any given action or series of coordinated movements can be obtained by irritating the proper area of the denuded cortex. These conclusions are the result partly of comparison with animals and partly of path- ologic research, and may be thus summarized:— 7 Superior parietal lobule (i), advance of hind limb. Upper portion ascending- parietal (2, 3, 4-), complex movements of leg, arm, and trunk as in swimming. Ascending parietal (5, 6, 7, 8), individual and com- bined movements of fingers and wrist of hand; pre- hensile movements. Posterior extremity of superior frontal convolution (9), extension forward of hand and arm. Ascending frontal (10), supination and flexion of forearm. Lower third of ascending frontal and junction of ascending frontal and ascending parietal (11, 12, 13, 14), movements of mouth and nose. Superior and middle frontal ([5) and supra marginal lobule and angular gyrus (16). Movements of mouth, eye deviates, pupils change and head turns (sight). First temporal (17), pricking ear (in animals), head turns and pupil dilates (as in hearing). Visual Center.—In Ferrier’s original experiments this center was located in the angular gyrus (16), as blindness resulted when this was destroyed. But other operators claim that sight is centered in the occipital lobe (16), and showed that when the gyrus only was destroyed and the life of the animal was prolonged beyond a few days, sight returned. On destroying the occipital lobe with the angular gyrus the resulting blindness was more prolonged. Ferrier says: “After extensive destruction of the occipito- angular region in one hemisphere, the temporary amblyopia of the opposite eye leaves a more endur- ing homonymous lateral hemiopia to the opposite side, yet unless the destruction of the cortex is abso- lutely complete (and in none of the recorded experi- ments was this the case), restoration occurs, to such an extent, at least, that the defect ceases to be percep- tible by any tests applicable to the lower animals.” In other words, provided this be the center, some other portion of the brain assumes the function and is able to successfully receive and transmit visual impressions. It is further claimed that the simulta- neous destruction of occipital regions in both hemi- spheres may produce permanent blindness, and Fer- rier even goes the length of claiming that these 8 regions are the central expansions of the optic tracts and consequently structurally differ from other cen- ters, and that in his experiments atrophy of the nerves and tracts has followed destruction of these zones. But localizers are by no means agreed among themselves as to many of the minor facts, though the occipital lobe is the accepted center. Auditory Center.—Experiments made on the lower animals as to the center of hearing are, from the very nature of the facts to be elicited, extremely unsatis- factory. It has been found impossible to eliminate the complications incident to the difficulty of intelli- gently interpreting the phenomena following the various lesions. Experiments seem to point to the superior temporal convolutions, and it is claimed that post-mortem researches bear out this location. Olfactory Center.—This has been selected from purely anatomical considerations. The roots of the olfactory nerve h