Nineteenth National Conference of Charities. MR. ALEXANDER JOHNSON, Secretary of the Executive Committee, 211 South Clark Street, Chicago. Dear Sir : I hereby acknowledge the receipt of a circular sent me by you, dated Chicago, May 5, in which you ask for a written answer to the following questions : 1. Will you attend the Conference of Charities, to be held at Denver, Colo., June 23—July 3, 1892?. 2. Will you accompany the party from Chicago for which a special train has been engaged, as explained in the circular referred to? 3. Please give the names and addresses of any other persons who will probably go with you to Denver. 4. How many berths will you desire to have reserved for yourself and friends in the sleeping-car?. 5. If you wish to attend the Conference, but to go at some other time, or by some other route, can I be of service to you in any way in perfecting your arrangements for the journey? 6. If you think of going, but have not yet decided the question in your own mind, will you be good enough to say so, in order that I may correspond with you further on the subject?. 7. Do you know of any person or persons who might like to go, if I should mail them a copy of the circular sent you ? Please give their names and addresses below. (Signed.) Name, Street and Number,_ P. O. Address,