Reprint from the Stoneham Independent Dec. 29, 1894. The Situation of the Tem- perance Problem. one power plan implies that medicine is passive, that it has no active principle, that it does not act, and that it is im- possible to supply a supplementary active principle, and only possible to guide the involuntary active vital principle. Consequently, medicine is useful not from a fact of existing active principle, but useful as a means for the presenting of a contact cause, a material presence, that will be a cause for the involuntary active vital principle to act differently. Thus medicine becomes useful as a means for the guiding of the involuntary active vital principle, rather than a supplied agency of active medical principle. Notwithstanding that the alleged active medical principle is wholly an imaginary agency, tons of literature have been created to explain the function of the active medical principle, while with the agency of active vital principle, medical literature fails to define even the differ ence between the several ultimate active vital properties, fails to explain even what constitutes an ultimate active vital proper- ty, confessing that “It is easy to per- ceive how impossible it is in the present state ot science to come to any positive conclusion in regard to the nature of the vital force.” It is not recognized in the science of biology, that the active vital principle is the only active principle that acts to produce all the varied phenomena of human life. But how does this apply to the temper- ance problem? Viz:—the belief in the doctrine as taught in the schools, that' a supplementary active principle, existing in abundance in alcoholic spirit, may act to help nature to do something the vital force cannot do under the circumstances, constitutes the great educational influ- ence that persuades to the drinking of alcoholic spirit. Thus the three power plan of alleged biological science teaches the require- ment of the active medical principle of alcoholic spirit, to supplement and aid the function of the vital energies. And the belief in such a medical agency has made alcoholic spirit a household remedy fur debility in a large majority of the homes of our cultured people. The belief in such an agency as the al- leged active medical principle is apparent- ly accepted with as much assurance as a belief in the force of gravitation. It is presumed to be an established fundament- al principle of nature, while it is only to be tolerated for a period,and like the ideal revolution of the sun around the earth, will become banished from the mind when the function of vital force is under- stood. It should be remembered, however, that the three power plan of biological science, is not an outgrowth of modern science, but an ideal creation of nearly two thousand years ago, and so compli- cated with appearances not understood and confessed inability to comprehend the nature and functions of the vital forces, that it has been perpetuated to our day, and ever remained as an im- movable opaqueness of the ideal function, obscuring the mental vision. Not only is the three power plan detri- mental to the temperance cause, but it necessitates the department of medical practice to be predicated on historical ex- periment, in place of a comprehension of the fundamental principles of the opera- tive forces of nature. It is a doctrinal plan that precludes a comprehension of the nature, method and laws of that agency, which acts to produce disease, and also the correct in- terpretation of the utility of medicinal appliance. It is a department of alleged nature that the cultured mind cannot afford to ignore, existing like the accepted ancient plan of astronomy, as an abnormality of thought detrimental to a comprehension of the most beneficial department of science, created in the interests of an en- lightened people Thus it becomes unmistakably evident that our temperance workers are strug- gling in various ways to overcome the in- fluences of this erroneous education, with- out denying the correctness of the doc- trine, that an effort is made to establish a public sentiment that will sup- port legislative enactments ; while this er- roneous plan of human life science, is continually creating a detrimental public sentiment, from an accepted authority that remains unquestioned. In fact the unprofitable drama is being daily enacted of trying to suppress the consequences of an erroneous education by legislative coercion. It required more than one hundred years to eliminate the erroneous ideal plan of astronomical science, but that plan finally passed into history as an ideal delusion, And the three power plan, for the pro- duction of human life phenomena, as the basis of alleged biological science, will also pass into history as a far more serious intellectual delusion, when the one power plan is considered from the basis of the functions of the active vital principle, when nature’s evidence is weighed and sought to be verified. There are a thousand problems in medical science not possible to explain from the basis of the three power plan, while the one power plan of thought may explain them all, and elevate the science of biology to a level with other depart- ments of established natural science. BY W. K. DUNHAM, M. D. The present custom of drinking alco- holic spirit and consequent infliction of intemperance which has been thrust upon all civilized nations, is the legitimate re- sult of false doctrines, taught and accept- ed of biological science. In illustration, like the ancient Ptole- maic system of astronomy; the science of human life affairs is taught from the basis of a wrong ideal plan of operative principles. Life phenomena as presented in the conditions ot health, disease and from medicinal relations; is alleged to be produced by the operation of three dis- tinct kinds of invisible active principles. It is taught that there exists in associa- tion with the cause of disease, some kind of active principle that acts to produce disease; and that in association with ma- terial medicine, there exists an active principle, called the “active medical principal,” that acts to produce medicinal effects. Thus our schools teach a three power plan, for the operative science of biology, viz: the active vital principle, the active principle associated with the cause of dis- ease, and - the alleged active medical principle. This plan, thus outlined, is apparently as acceptable today, as was the ancient Ptolemaic plan of astronomy, in its best days of satisfactory intellectual pride. At the same time as an intellectual problem, it is equally as great a delusion, while practically applied it has been the slayer of millions of human lives. As a matter of fact however, nature’s plan of the operative science of biology is a one power plan A one kind of invisi- ble active principle, the active vital princi- ple alone, that acts to produce the con- ditions of health, disease and medicinal results. Thus it is implied in the science of the one power plan, that the cause of disease is passive; that the cause is obnoxious material in the wrong place, and like a bowlder on a railroad track as the cause of an accident, the cause is passive yet in the pathway as a disturber of the normal functions of the active vital principle. Thus we may say that abnormal, or pathological vital action, constitutes and is, active disease. The doctrine of the three power plan implies that an active medical principle may be supplied the human organism, that can act as an agency to help the ac- tive vital principle in life affairs ; while the Stoneham, Mass. The foregoing article presents the temperance problem in an entire new light, and it becomes evident that the human mind is approaching the dawn of new discoveries in the department of organic nature. And it also appears that the intellect of this generation is struggling with problems in medical science under similar disadvantages that attended the development of astronomical science by the ancient mind. That is, the true plan of biologi- cal science has not been discovered, and the operative agency called vital force constituting the most important department ot nature, remains an acknowledged unsolved problem. The writer of the above article has prepared a volume entitled, “The Science of Vital Force,” in which is presented a revolutionary plan of biological science, as much unlike the doctrines now taught in the schools, as the modern differs from the ancient plan of astronomical science. And what is far more important, the author seems to have presented sufficient testimony of nature for its support. The book is published by Damrell & Upham, Old Corner Book Store, Boston, Mass. Price $1.00; by mail $1.10.