THE POISONOUS EFFECTS OF CIGARETTE-SMOKING. I!Y Is.'"' WILLIAM L. DUDLEY, M.D., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, NASHVILLE, TENN. FROM THE MEDICAL NEWS, September 15, 1888. [Reprinted from The Medical News, September 15, 1888.] THE POISONOUS EFFECTS OF CIGARETTE- SMOKING. By WILLIAM L. DUDLEY, M.D., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, NASHVILLE, TENN. The fact that cigarette-smoking produces physio- logical effects differing to some extent from those of the cigar has led me to make the experiments which I record here, tending toward an explanation of it. The frequently ascribed cause of the difference: that of the adulteration of cigarrette tobacco with opium and other drugs and also the presence of arsenic in the paper are for many reasons unsatis- factory and insufficient. It is true, no doubt, that the tobacco in many of the less expensive brands is adulterated with cheap drugs and artificial flavors and that in the more expensive grades opium may be used; but I believe it to be equally true that many cigarettes are made of tobacco which is free from sophistication. The presence of arsenic in the paper is entirely out of the question. Before describing the experiments in detail, I shall discuss “smoking” in general. In “smoking” it is, of course, necessary that the tobacco should undergo combustion to a greater or less degree. 2 DUDLEY, The principal elements found in tobacco are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen, and, of these, the carbon and hydrogen are combustible, while the nitrogen and oxygen are non-combustible. Besides combustion, destructive distillation takes place in the pipe, cigar or cigarette, as the result of the heat and the exclusion of the oxygen of the air which has been completely used up in passing through the red-hot burning tobacco, in front of that which the fire has not yet reached. The pro- ducts of this destructive distillation are ammonia, a yellow and very poisonous substance of disagreeable odor, called nicotianine, some nicotine (but most of the latter has been destroyed by the heat) and many other products of minor importance. The result of the combustion of the hydrogen re- ferred to previously is water; and the products of the combustion of the carbon are carbonic acid gas, or carbon dioxide, and carbonic oxide, or carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide is the result of the com- plete combustion of carbon, and carbon monoxide is the result of the semi-combustion of carbon. What is known, then, as tobacco smoke is a mix- ture of the products of combustion and of destructive distillation of the tobacco with the nitrogen of the air. The products of the combustion of the carbon predominate, if measured by volume, and of these carbon monoxide is in excess of carbon dioxide for the following reason: When carbon is burned in an excess of oxygen the result is carbon dioxide, and when this carbon dioxide comes in contact with red- hot carbon it is deoxidized and carbon monoxide is EFFECTS OF CIGARETTE-SMOKING. 3 formed. This is seen in the combustion of char- coal, coke or anthracite in a grate or stove; the air passes through the grate bars and comes in contact with the red-hot carbon and carbon dioxide is formed; this gas is impelled by the draught to pass through the bed of glowing coals, and, in so doing, it is reduced to carbon monoxide, which, when it reaches the top, encounters a draught of air and burns with a pale blue, lambent flame, becoming oxidized to carbon dioxide again. This is similar to what takes place at the end of a cigar or ciga- rette or in a pipe, where there is a layer of fire from to -jig- of an inch in thickness, and as the air is drawn through it, carbon dioxide is first formed ; on passing through the hot carbon this is reduced to carbon monoxide, and, as such, it is drawn into the mouth, for when it passes beyond the fire there is no air or oxygen to convert it back to carbon dioxide. Now let us consider the properties of these pro- ducts of the combustion of carbon : carbon dioxide will neither burn nor support combustion. It fails to support life, but is not poisonous; it simply pro- duces death by suffocation. On the other hand, carbon monoxide does not support combustion,.but burns with a pale blue flame. It fails to support life because it is extremely poisonous, and this is due to the affinity which it has for the hemoglobin of the blood. It has the power to expel all of the dissolved and loosely combined oxygen from the blood, and it converts the oxyhemoglobin into car- bonic-oxide-hemoglobin, which, of course, results 4 DUDLEY, in death. The blood thus affected acquires a florid arterial hue, which differs from the normal color of the blood by its persistence. An animal plunged into an atmosphere of carbonic oxide, dies instantly, and, when small quantities mixed with air are breathed, headache, giddiness and insensibility readily occur. Death from carbonic oxide is easily proved by a spectroscopic examination of the blood of the victim. There is a difference in the methods of smoking a cigarette and a cigar or pipe. In the two last-men- tioned, the smoke is simply drawn into the mouth and expelled directly therefrom or through the nose, while the experienced cigarette-smoker will inhale the smoke—that is, draw it to a greater or less extent into the air-passages and in some cases to the greatest depth of the lungs, and thus the absorption of the carbonic oxide and other gases will take place very rapidly, causing more or less deoxidation of the blood and thereby impairing its power to build up the wasting tissues of the body. Acting upon this theory I proceeded to experi- ment on animals and obtained for the purpose some mice. The animal to be experimented with was placed in a glass bell-jar, into which the smoke of a cigarette mixed with air could be drawn as rapidly as desired by means of a laboratory aspirator. In the first experiment the smoke was purified as much as possible, and the atmosphere breathed by the animal was practically oxygen, nitrogen and car- bonic oxide. The apparatus employed is shown in the accompanying figure. EFFECTS OF CIGARETTE-SMOKING. 5 The cigarette F was loosely inserted in the end of the tube E having two bulbs. D and C are bulbs containing a solution of potassium hydrate to absorb the carbon dioxide and any acids or condensable bodies not deposited in E. B is a tube containing solid potassium hydrate broken into small lumps, which retained any carbon dioxide that may have escaped the bulbs C and D. The animal was placed in the bell-jar and the apparatus connected together as shown in the figure. The aspirator, which was connected with the rubber tube leading from A, was turned on so as to draw a slow current of air through the apparatus in the direction indicated by the arrow. The cigarette was then lighted and in twenty-two minutes the animal was dead. On examination of the blood of the animal by the spectroscope it was found that all of the oxyhemo- globin had been converted into carbonic-oxide- hemoglobin, which showed that carbonic oxide was the cause of the death. This experiment was re- peated and the result was the same; the animal died in twenty-five minutes, and the spectroscope revealed the same condition of the blood. A third experiment was made without the bulbs C and D and the tube B. The tube E, carrying the 6 EFFECTS OF CIGARETTE-SMOKING. cigarette F, was connected directly to A, and thus the smoke was drawn into the bell-jar without the removal of any of its original constituents. In this case the animal died in six minutes, and the exami- nation again showed that the carbonic oxide was the immediate cause of death, proving that it was the most noxious constituent of the tobacco smoke. The time required to produce death in the last ex- periment was about one-fourth that required in the first and second. This was probably due to the fact that in the latter the smoking was done more rapidly than in the preceding, owing to the lessened resist- ance in the apparatus and the difficulty encountered in reducing the force of the aspirator. In each case, however, the amount smoked up to the time of death was about the same, one and one-fourth cigarettes. From these experiments I feel justified in drawing the following conclusions: 1. That carbonic oxide is the most poisonous con- stituent of tobacco smoke. 2. That more injury results from cigarette than cigar- or pipe-smoking, because, as a rule, the smoke of the former is inhaled. 3. That cigarette smoking without inhaling is no more injurious than pipe- or cigar-smoking. 4. That the smoke of a cigar or pipe, if inhaled, is as injurious as cigarette smoke inhaled. 5. That the smoke from a Turkish pipe, if in- haled, is as injurious as that of a cigarette inhaled. In these experiments I was ably assisted by Mr. W. J. Pulley, who was at the time doing special work in physiological chemistry under my direction. THE MEDICAL NEWS. A N ational WeeklyMedical Periodical, containing 28-32 Double- Columed Quarto Pages of Reading Matter in Each Issue. $5 QO per annum, post-paid Uniting in itself the best characteristics of the magazine and the news- paper, The Medical News renders a service of exceptional value to the profession. It presents original articles, hospital notesand clinical lectures by the ablest writers and teachers of the day, discusses living topics editor- ially in a clear and scholarly manner, and employs all the recent and approved methods of medical journalism -the telegraph, reporters and a corps of special correspondents covering all the medical centres of the globe It thus imparts, without loss of time, all advances of knowledge attained in the medical sciences. In short, it is the effort of all concerned in the publication of The News that it shall be indispensable to every physician in active practice. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. Edited by I Minis Hays, A M , M.D Published monthly, beginning with 1888. Each number contains 112 octavo pages, amply illustrated. Price reduced to $4.00 per annum, post-paid. In his contribution to A Century of American Medicine, published in 1876, Dr. John S. Billings, U. S. A , Librarian of the National Medical Library, Washington, thus graphically outlines the character and services of The American Journal “ The ninety-seven volumes of this Journal need no eulogy. 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