Boston, April 3, 1877. The first meeting of the persons named in the act of incor- poration of the Adams Nerving Asylum will be held at the Union Club House, 8 Park Street, Boston, on Thursday after- noon, April 19, 1877, at three o’clock, for the purpose of organizing the said' corporation, and — 1 To choose a chairman and clerk for said meeting. 2. To accept the said act of incorporation. 3. To adopt by-laws for the government of the said corpora- tion 4. To elect the officers of the said corporation, and act upon all matters which may be necessary for the complete organization of the corporation. Rufus Ellis, Charles H. Dalton, William Claflin, A. L. Hollingsworth, Robert Willard, S. B. Stebbins, C. W. Loring, John N. Barbour, James C. Davis, Charles F. Choate, James Long ley, John E. Tyler, James B. Thayer, Samuel A. Green, A majority of the persons named in the act of incorporation.