THE CHARTER AND BY-LAWS OP THE NEW-YORK DISPENSARY. INSTITUTED 1790. ’I WAS SICK, AND YE VISITED ME.*' THE CHARTER AND BY-LAWS OF THE NEW-YORK DISPENSARY. INSTITUTED 1790. “i WAS SICK, AND YE VISITED MB.” PRESS or MAHLON DAY & CO., 374 PEARL-STREET. NEW-JORK: James Egbert, Printer. 1842. A N A C T CONTRIBUTORS TO THE NEW-YORK DISPENSARY. TO INCORPORATE THE Passed the Eighth of April, 1795. Whereas it is represented to the Legislature, that John Rodgers, John Henry Livingston, Abraham Beach, John Watts, Matthew Clarkson, Jacob Morton, Moses Rogers, John Charleton, Samuel Osgood, Lawrence Embree, John Cozine, John Broome, and James Watson and their associates, inhabitants of the city of New-York, have become contributors to a Dispensary, for the pur- pose of relieving such sick, poor, and indigent persons, as are unable to produre medical aid: And whereas it is further represented, that the said contributors will, by being incorporated, be enabled to carry their benevolent intentions into more extensive effect: Therefore, Be it enacted by the People of the State of New- York represented in Senate and Assembly, That the said John Rodgers, John Henry Livingston, Abraham Beach, John Watts, Matthew Clarkson, Jacob Morton, Moses Rogers, John Charleton, Samuel Osgood, Law- rence Embree, John Cozine, John Broome, and James Watson, together with their associates, being contribu- tors to the said Dispensary, and such other persons as shall hereafter become members of the corporation there- by erected, shall be, and are hereby ordained, constituted and declared to be one body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, by the name of “ The Trustees of the 4 New-York Dispensary;” and that by that name, they and their successors, for ever hereafter, shall and may have succession, and may by the said name be per- sons capable in the law to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in all courts and places whatsoever; and that they and their successors may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at their pleasure ; and that they and their successors, by their said name, shall for ever hereafter be persons capable in the law, to pur- chase, take, hold, receive and enjoy, to them and their successors, any real estate whatsoever, and other here- ditaments, of whatsoever nature, kind, or quality they be, in fee simple, for term of life or lives; or in any other manner howsoever; and also any goods, chatties and per- sonal estate whatsoever; Provided always, the yearly in- come of the said real and personal estate and heredita- ments doth not at any time exceed the sum of twelve hundred pounds current money of New-York. And that they and their successors, by the same name, shall have full power and authority to lease the said real estate and hereditaments, on such terms as they shall judge most beneficial; and also to dispose of all such personal estate at their will and pleasure, as they shall judge most beneficial and advantageous to promote the humane pur- poses of the said corporation. And be it further enacted, That there shall be forev- er hereafter thirteen trustees of the said corporation, who shall conduct and manage the affairs of the said corpora- tion. that the said trustees shall be contributors to the said Dispensary, actually resident in the said city of New- York ; and the first trustees of the said corporation, shall 5 be, John Rodgers, John Henry Livingston, Abraham Beach, John Watts, Matthew Clarkson, Jacob Morton, Moses Rogers, John Cliarleton, Samuel Osgood, Law- rence Embree, John Cozine, John Broome, and James Watson, who shall hold their said offices until the second Monday in January next ensuing : and for keeping up the succession in the said offices, Beit further enacted, That on the said second Mon- day in January next ensuing, and yearly and every year for ever thereafter, on the second Monday in January in every year, the members of the said corporation shall meet at some convenient place in the city of New-York, to be fixed by the by-laws of the said corporation, and thereby the majority of such of them as shall so meet, shall by ballot elect thirteen of their members to be trus- tees of the said corporation for the year ensuing, who shall immediately enter upon the said offices, and hold the same from the time of such election, for and during the space of one year, and until others shall be elected in their stead ; and in case any of the said persons elec- ted to be trustees of the said corporation, or who shall thereafter be elected thereto, shall die, or remove out of the city of New-York, before the time of their appointed service shall expire, or shall refuse or neglect to act in, and execute the said office ; then and in every such case, the remaining trustees of the said corporation shall, with- in thirty days thereafter, by ballot, elect another or oth- ers of the members of the said corporation in the stead of him or them so dying or removing, refusing or neglect- ing to act; and that such person or persons as shall have the greatest number of votes at every such election, shall hold their said offices from the time of such election, 6 until the second Monday in January then next ensuing, and until other or others shall be chosen in his or their stead. And be it further enacted) That the trustees of the 3aid corporation shall regularly meet on the third Mon- day in every month, and at such other times as they may judge expedient; and that any seven or more of the said trustees, being so convened together, shall forever hereafter be a legal meeting of the said corporation ; and that at any and every such legal meeting of any seven or more of the trustees of the said corporation, it shall be law- ful for them, or a majority of them, to make such by-laws, rules, and regulations, for the management and disposal of the property and estate of the said corporation, and the government of the said Dispensary, and the same or any part of them to alter, amend, or repeal from time to time, as they, or a major part of them so met, shall think proper ; Provided, such by-laws, rules, and regulations, be not repugnant to the constitution and laws of the Uni- ted States, or of this State ; and that at any such legal meeting of any seven or more of the said trustees of the said corporation, it shall and may be lawful for them, or the majority of them, so met as aforesaid, to nominate and appoint one of the said trustees of the said corporation to be their president, and one other to be treasurer, and any other competant person to be secretary of the said corpo- ration, and also to appoint so many physicians, surgeons, apothecaries, ofiicers and servants, and with such com- pensations as to them shall seem meet; and, whenever they shall think proper, to discharge them or any of them, and to appoint other or others in their stead. And be it further enacted, That any male adult per- son who shall contribute for the benefit of this corpora- 7 tion the sum of five dollars, shall, by virtue of such con- tribution, become a member thereof, and continue so to be for the space of one year, from and after the time of his making such contribution ; and any like person who shall contribute ten dollars for the like purpose, shall be a member thereof two years ; and any like person who shall contribute any greater number of sums of five dol- lars each, not exceeding nine, as shall be equal to the number of sums of five dollars each, so by him contribu- ted ; and any like person, who shall contribute fifty dol- lars for the like purpose, shall be a member of said cor- poration for life; and every contributor of the value of five dollars or upward, shall be entitled to have such number of patients (being proper objects of this institu- tion) on the Dispensary list, and for such term of time as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of the corporation. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the trustees of the corporation hereby created, to ex- hibit anually between the first and last days of May in each year, to the Chancellor of this State, a full and par- ticular account of all the estate, both real and personal, then vested in the said corporation, and of the rent or income thereof, attested by the oath of the treasurer thereof that the same is a true and perfect account, to- gether with a particular and detailed account of all the moneys expended by the said corporation in the prece- ding year, specifying the several purposes to which it has been applied; and if it shall appear to the said Chancellor, that the amount of the said property, or the disposal of the same, is not agreeable to the true intent and meaning of this act, he shall report the same to the legislature at their next ensuing session. 8 And be it further enacted, That this act shall be, and is hereby declared to be a public act, and shall be con- strued benignly and favorably, for every beneficial pur- pose herein intended. BY-LAWS. CHAPTER I. OF THE ANNUAL ELECTION. The annual election of the Trustees shall be held on the second Monday in January in every year, at the session room of the Trustees, and shall begin at four and close at five o’clock, p. m. The Secretary shall give public notice of every such election, in two of the public newspapers, designating the time and place. ii. The election shall be by ballot, and under the inspec- tion of three of the Trustees, to be appointed by the Board for that purpose, and who, or a majority of them, shall preside at and conduct the election. The Secretary shall also attend and keep a poll-list, in which he shall enter the names of the voters. hi. As soon as the poll is closed, the Inspectors shall ex- amine the ballots and execute a certificate under their hands and seals, declaring who are the thirteen persons having a majority of the whole number of votes; and they shall report the same at the next stated meeting of the Board, to be entered on the records of the Society. The Secretary immediately after the election, shall give notice to the persons so elected. i. 10 CHAPTER II. DUTIES OFTHE TRUSTEES. The stated meetings of the Board of Trustees shall o be held in their room in the Dispensary, corner of Centre and White-streets, on the third Monday of every month, at half past four o’clock, p. m. Special meetings may be held at any time on the re- quisition of the President, or of any two Trustees. ii. At the first meeting of the Trustees after every annual election, they shall by ballot elect one of their number as President, one as Treasurer, and one other as Secre- tary. A majority of the votes shall be necessary to a choice. in. The President, or in his absence one of the Trustees to be chosen Chairman, shall preside at the meetings of the Board, and regulate the proceedings and preserve order and decorum. In case of an equal division of the Trustees on any question, he shall have an additional and casting vote. He shall appoint all Committees, un- less otherwise directed by the Board. iv. The Secretary shall give special notice to each Trustee of all meetings of the Board, and shall attend the same, and keep accurate minutes of all the proceedings. I. 11 V. The Treasurer shall have authority to let such part of the building as the Trustees may direct to be hired out, and to collect and receive all moneys, which may be due to the Institution, and may employ a collector to receive in his name the sums due from annual subscribers, and may allow a commission not exceeding five per cent, to such collector. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all moneys received and paid by him, and once a year, in the month of January, or oftener if required by the Board, he shall render a statement of the same to the Trustees, who shall appoint two of their number to audit his accounts. VI. At the first meeting of the Trustees, after the annual election, there shall be appointed A Committee of Supplies, consisting of two Trustees, whose duty shall be to purchase, on the most advantage- ous terms, all articles wanted for the use of the Institu- tion. They shall also have a general care of the house and premises, and keep them in repair. VII. There shall be a Visiting Committee, consisting of two Trustees, appointed at each stated meeting of the Board, and whose term of service shall be one month. It shall be the duty of this Committee to visit the Dispensary at 9 o’clock on every Tuesday morning; and each member of the Committee once at least during the same week, at such time as he may choose, to ex- amine into all the detail of the operations, and to see 12 that the duties of the Physicians, Apothecary, &c. are faithfully performed. If complaints be made of neglect or misconduct on the part of any Physician or of the Apothecary, it shall be the duty of the Committee to investigate the same, and if necessary, report the facts to the Board. VIII. The Visiting Committee shall keep a minute book, in which they shall enter the time of each visit at the office, and any transactions or remaks they may think proper ; and which book shall be produced and read at every stated meeting of the Board. IX. It shall be the duty of each of the Trustees to visit the Dispensary at least once in every month, and whenever so inclined they may visit the in-door patients, either in company with the Physician or not. x. Annually, three Committees of two Trustees each, shall be appointed to visit all the district patients ; one district being assigned to each Committee. XI. Annually in the month of May, the Trustees shall appoint three District and ten Attending Physicians, and not exceeding five Assistant Physicians, six Consulting Physicians and Surgeons, one Resident Physician, an Apothecary, an Assistant Apothecary, and a Druggist, from whom the supplies of medicine shall be obtained. These officers shall be removable at any time by the Trustees, for sufficient cause. 13 The Physicians must be nominated at a meeting previous to their election. In case of vacancy in the office of Attending Physician, such vacancy shall be supplied by the election of one of the Assistant Physi- cians, unless reasonable objection be made to such selec- tion. XII. Immediately after the annual appointment of Physici- ans, the names of those elected shall be published by the Secretary, in two or more newspapers, together with the classification of diseases, and order of attendance. XIII. A Report on the state of the Institution shall be pre- pared and published annually in the month of January, a copy of which shall be presented to the Common Council. XIV. The President and Secretary shall constitute a Stand- ing Committee, with power to publish such portions of the Monthly reports of the Physicians as they may judge expedient. xv. Unless by unanimous consent, no alteration shall be made in these By-Laws, until reduced to writing and notice given at a previous meeting of the Board. 14 CHAPTER III. GENERAL REGULATIONS. I. The portion of the city pertaining to the New-York Dispensary, shall be divided into three Districts, as fol- lows, viz:— First District—From the Hudson River, up Spring- street to Broadway, and down the latter to Murray-street, not including either side of said streets; thence across Broadway and the Park to Frankfort-street, through which, Pearl and Dover streets, both sides included, to the East River, and thence along the margin of each river to the place of beginning. Second north-west and south-west by the First District; south by the East River ; north and east by a line from Broadway through White, Orange, Bayard, Division, and Pike streets to the East River, but not including either side of these streets, except Broad- way from White to Murray-street. Third District—South by the Second District; up Broadway to Fourteenth-street, through the latter, the First Avenue and Alien-street to Division, including both sides of the boundary streets. n. The office of the Dispensary shall be kept open daily? except on Sunday, from eight o’clock in the morning until sunset; and on Sunday the office hours shall be from nine to ten, A. M., and from half-past one to half- past two o’clock, P. M. 15 III. The two sexes shall be received and attended to in separate reception rooms. IV. No persons shall be deemed objects of this charity, but such as are unable to pay for the attendance of a Phy- sician, and those who are so, shall be considered suitable subjects, whatever may be their disease. Lying-in wo- men not being proper objects of this charity, if such apply, they should be recommended to the Lying-in Asylum. v. Persons applying at the office to be vaccinated who are able and willing to pay, the Resident Physician or the Apothecary may perform the operation, and receive in behalf of the Dispensary such compensation or fee as the patient may incline to give. VI. The Resident Physician shall account to the Trea- surer, quarterly, for all sums received by him or the Apo- thecary according to the fifth section. VII. The Attending Physicians shall, in November of each year, select one of their number, who, in connection with one of the District Physicians appointed in like manner by the latter, shall form a Committee whose duty it shall be to prepare and present to the Board in January, a medical report, embracing the whole number of district •patients under treatment during the year—the number 16 affected by each disease—the results, especially the num- ber of deaths, with the diseases so resulting—the num- ber cured, relieved, &c.—and the number remaining under treatment: the whole number of out-door patients —the number affected by each disease treated—and the results so far as ascertained. The Committee will also state any facts of general interest connected with the practice of the Dispensary, such as the prevalence at any part of the year, of peculiar diseases, the state of the weather at such time, or any other cause which may have given rise to such diseases, &c. All or any of the Physicians shall render the Committee any assistance they may call for. VIII. No smoking of tobacco shall be allowed in any of the rooms occupied by the Dispensary. IX. No alterations shall be made in any of these regula- tions, or those prescribing the duties of the Physicians and Apothecary, without the sanction of the Board of Trustees. CHAPTER IV. DUTIES OF THE PHYSICIANS. I. The Consulting Physicians and Surgeons, as well as the Trustees, shall have the privilege of nominating candidates for the station of Physicians : the nominations 17 to be made in writing to a meeting of the Board, previous to that at which the appointment is to be made. No candidate shall be considered eligible unless he present to the Trustees a certificate signed by at least three of the Consulting Physicians or Surgeons, stating that they consider him qualified for the office of a Physician of the Dispensary. ii. It shall be the duty of each of the Consulting Phy- sicians and Surgeons to visit the Dispensary occasionally to confer with the Physicians on the state of the Institu- tion, and of their patients; to make any suggestion to the Visiting Committee which they may think will ad- vance the interest of the Dispensary, and at all times to attend in consultation, when requested so to do by one of the Physicians. ATTENDING PHYSICIANS. III. The Physicians shall attend at the Dispensary daily, except on Sundays, to prescribe for those patients whose disorders do not confine them to their houses. For these, called out-door patients, the following clas- sification of diseases and order of attendance shall be observed, viz.— From 9 to 10 o’clock two Physicians shall attend, one in each reception room, and the hour shall be appropri- ated to patients with Cutaneous and Venereal diseases. Diseases of the Eye and Ear. 10 to 11.—Surgical Diseases not included in first class. 11 to 12.—Rheumatism, Nervous Diseases, Intermit- tents, and diseases peculiar to females. 18 12 to 1.—Abdominal diseases not included in the third class. 1 to 2.—Fevers, not included in class third. Diseases of the throat and chest. During the months of May, June, July, and August, the Physicians shall attend from 8 to 1 o’clock, making thereby their attendance on the above classes one hour earlier than there specified, viz. on the cutaneous and venereal patients from 8 to 9 o’clock, instead of from 9 to 10, and so on with the other classes. iv. The Physicians, immediately after their appointment in May, shall classify themselves in divisions of two each, for attendance at the office, as specified in the last sec- tion, and shall report the same to the Board. v. Out-door patients applying at the Dispensary shall be prescribed for by the Physicians in attendance, although their diseases may not be of the class to which the hour is appropriated, and the Physician shall inform them at what hour to call thereafter. vi: Patients, whether in or out-door, on application at the office, should be attended to as soon as possible ; and the Physicians in their intercourse with them, are expected to exercise that forbearance and patience which their condition renders so peculiarly necessary. VII. Should indisposition, or any other reasonable cause, prevent a Physician from attending to the duties of the 19 Dispensary, he shall immediately engage the attendance of either of the Assistant Physicians of the Institution, and report the same to the Visiting Committee. The substitution must be for a short time, unless continued with the assent of the same Committee. VIII. In cases of emergency, where the Physician cannot be found in whose district such case may occur, it shall be the duty of any Physician of this Institution, who may be first met with, to visit such sick person. IX. It shall be the duty of the Physicians to leave with the patients, particularly plain directions for taking such me- dicines as they may prescribe. x. The Physicians shall hold a consultation on every case that may require it, and may call upon the Consult- ing Physicians for their additional advice whenever they think proper. XI. Their pupils shall have the privilege of attending the patients with them, but are in no case whatever permitted to prescribe. No student of medicine shall be allowed to visit the Dispensary, unless introduced by one of the Phy- sicians, who shall be responsible for his conduct; but in no case shall such student be allowed to prescribe for, or operate on any patient. 20 XII. When any important operation is to be performed upon a patient of the Dispensary, one or more of the Consult- ing Surgeons shall be called in consultation, and no ope- ration shall be performed upon any such patient, except by the Attending, District, or Consulting Physicians or Surgeons of this Institution. XIII. A general Register shall be kept in each reception room, in which it shall be the duty of the Physicians to enter in separate columns, ruled for the purpose, the Date, Name, Age, Residence, Nativity, Condition, Dis- ease, Result, Remarks, and Attending Physician of each patient. The Physicians are required to be particular to enter all patients in the Registers, to keep them neat and clean, and to fill all the columns, including the result when this can be ascertained. XIV. Each Physician shall report in writing monthly to the Trustees, the number of patients attended by him during the month, designating separately the number of old and new cases, with any remarks he may deem appropriate. xv. Any person accepting the office of Physician will be expected to perform the duties of his appointment until the ensuing regular election, unless prevented by reasons of an urgent and extraordinary nature, satisfactory to the Board. 21 DISTRICT PHYSICIANS. XVI. Each of the three Districts shall be placed under the charge of one of these Physicians ; and patients whose cases render them unable to attend at the Dispensary, shall be regularly visited at their respective places of abode as often as their cases require, by the Physician in whose District they reside. XVII. A separate Register for district patients, similar to those for class patients, shall be kept in the office, in which the Resident Physician shall enter the names, re- sidence, &c., of all applicants. XVIII. The Physicians shall call daily at the office, once be- fore. 12, and once after 3 o’clock, to take from the regis- ter the names, &c., of new applicants in their several districts, and on whom they shall forthwith call. They shall complete the entries in the Register commenced by the Resident Physician as soon as possible, and be careful in stating the result of each case. XIX. If district patients apply at the Dispensary after the Physician in whose district they reside has visited the office for the day, the Resident Physician or the Apothe- cary, if the case appears to require immediate attention, shall give the applicant a written direction to the resi- dence of the Physician, and it shall be the duty of said Physician to visit the patient forthwith. 22 XX. They shall keep in small minute books, records of all cases attended by them, noting any circumstances worthy of peculiar observation. They shall each present to the Trustees a monthly report, stating the number of patients under their care during the month, designating separate- ly the number of new ones, the number vaccinated, &c., with remarks on any circumstances deserving of special notice. Their minute books shall be subject to the in- spection of the Trustees. XXI. It shall be the duty of the Physicians to make diligent inquiry, from time to time, in their respective districts, for subjects for vaccination, and to perform the operation in all cases where permitted so to do; and to report the name and particulars of each case, including the result, to the Resident Physician, who shall enter the same in the Vaccine Register. They shall also procure and fur- nish the Resident Physician with pure virus, as far as circumstances may enable them. XXII. Such regulations under other heads of the By-Laws as are applicable to the District Physicians, shall be ob- served by them. XXIII. To each of the District Physicians, with whose care of. and attention to the patients, the Trustees shall be satis- fied, and who shall diligently perform all the duties of his office, named or not named in the By-Laws, such salary as the Trustees may have designated shall be paid quar- terly. 23 CHAPTER V. DUTIES OP The RESIDENT PHYSICIAN; I. The Resident Physician shall attend at the office dur- ing the hours designated in Chapter III, Section 2, except one hour after 2 o’clock for dinner. ii. He shall vaccinate all persons applying; and also, on prescription of the Physicians, bleed, cup, leach, and draw the teeth, of all patients requiring those operations. iii. It shall be his special duty to obtain and always keep on hand at the office, a full supply of Vaccine Matter, for the use of the Dispensary, for subscribing Physicians, and for sale, accounting for the latter to the Treasurer, as required by Section 6, Chapter III. IV. In all cases of vaccination at the Dispensary, he shall endeavor to ascertain whether the disease has properly taken. v. A Vaccine Register shall be kept in the office, in which it shall be his duty to enter in separate columns, ruled for the purpose, the name and particulars of each case, whether in or out-door, and by whom vaccinated. 24 VI. He shall also keep a Vaccine Account Book, in which it shall be his duty to enter in separate columns, ruled for the purpose, the quantity of Vaccine Matter sold and given away, and the names of the persons to whom it is so delivered, and whether they be subscribers or not. VII. He shall report in writing, monthly, to the Trustees, the number vaccinated by him and the Physicians ; spe- cifying the number at the office and at their houses. He shall report annually, in January, a summary of his monthly reports, the quantity of Virus sold, or given away, and any observations he may deem appropriate. vm: If an Attending Physician be absent and no assistant acting for him, the Resident Physician shall prescribe for his patients; and in all cases he shall endeavor to pre- vent unnecessary delay or suffering on the part of any patients. IX. The Resident Physician shall insert daily in a book to be kept for that purpose, the fact of the presence of each Attending Physician during the hour required, or the substitution of an Assistant or himself, noting in each case the time of arrival and departure. This book shall be laid before the Trustees at their monthly meetings. x. He shall receive for his services such compensation, payable quarterly,as the Trustees shall agree to allow him. 25 CHAPTER VI DUTIES OF THE APOTHECARY, ETC. I. The Apothecary and his Assistant shall attend in the office during the hours specified for its being kept open in Chapter III, except one hour to each, separately, for dinner. n. The Apothecary shall have a general care of the Dis- pensary, and premises appertaining thereto. He shall keep the office, rooms, and all things connected there- with, clean and in good order. He shall carefully ob- serve economy in all things pertaining to his department; be particularly careful and accurate in the delivery of medicines, and permit no persons to enter or remain in the office, unnecessarily. m. He shdll prepare and compound the medicines pre- scribed by the Physicians; but no medicines shall be dispensed to patients without written directions from the Physicians. IV. He shall keep an inventory of all the utensils, cliirur- gical instruments, and other property belonging to the Dispensary, and shall be accountable for the same. v. He shall not be allowed to pursue any private medical practice. 26 VI. All medicines shall, so far as may be practicable, be pur- chased in their simple state, and be compounded by him. VII. He shall cause all articles purchased on credit for his department, to be immediately entered, by the person of whom they are bought, in a pass-book, designating the date, quantity, kind, and price of the articles. VIII. He shall keep a book, in which the Committee of Sup- plies shall enter their directions for the purchase of medi. cines, or other articles necessary in his department, and which they may wish him to procure ; with the date and quantity to be purchased, and signed with the initials of his or their name. IX. In the absence of the Resident Physician it shall be his duty to vaccinate all persons who may apply at the of- fice ; and to report the name and particulars of each case to the Resident Physician, who shall enter the same in the Yaccine Register. x. He shall receive for his services such compensation, payable quarterly,as the Trustees shall agree to allow him. xi. The Assistant Apothecary shall perform all services connected with the operations of the Dispensary, which may be required of him by the Trustees or Apothecary, and he shall receive such compensation therefor as the Trustees may from time to time direct or agree. 27 CHAPTER VII ATTENDANCE AND DUTIES OF PATIENTS. I. Any person applying for the benefit of the Dispensary, shall be attended to, unless in the opinion of the Phy- sician he or she is an improper object; in which case reference must be made to the Visiting Committee, who shall decide thereon. ii. All and every of the patients shall conform to the di- rections and prescriptions of the Physicians of the Dis- pensary, in regard to medicine, diet, and other matters necessary to their recovery; and shall take care of, cleanse and return to the Dispensary, all phials, gallipots and utensils delivered to them, as soon as they have done with the same ; and in case of neglect or disobedience, shall no longer be entitled to the benefits of the Dispen- sary, unless a satisfactory excuse be made to the Com- mittee of Visitation for such delinquency. hi. If any of the out-patients shall continue absent from the Dispensary for the space of two weeks, he or she being so absent, shall be considered as discharged, unless a reason shall be given by such absent patient, as in the judgment of the Committee, for the time being, shall be deemed satisfactory. 28 It shall be the duty of all persons vaccinated at the Dispensary, to return to the office at such time as the Resident Physician or the Apothecary shall direct, in order that he may ascertain if the disease has properly taken. v. No male patient shall enter the female department, and no female that of the men. No smoking shall be allowed in the reception rooms. VI. As soon as the patients have been prescribed for and furnished with medicines, they shall immediately retire. IV.