, «a«* 0F IIOt’se .. OF Be 11 evue Hosf till, FROM 1850 to 1878. Department of Public Charities and Correction. BELLEVUE PRESS. 1873. OF HO^, c>v OF l§ll©vne Hospital, FROM 1850 to 1873. Department of Public Charities and Correction. BELLEVUE PRESS. 1873. Ill Commissioners of Public Charities and Correc- tion, 1873. HON. WILLIAM LAIMBEER, “ JAMES BOWEN, “ MYER STERN. Warden. THOMAS S. BRENNAN. Medical Board of Bellevue Hospital. JOHN T. METCALF, Consulting Physician, WILLIAM H. VAN BUREN, Consulting Surgeon. Visiting Physicians. Isaac E. Taylor, Alonzo Clark, Fordyce Barker. Austin Flint. Sr., Benjamin A. McCready, A. L. Loomis, Austin Flint, Jr., W. T. Lusk, Edward G. Janeway. Visiting Surgeons. James R. Wood, John J. Crane. Stephen Smith, Frank H. Hamilton, J. W. S. Gouley, Thomas M. Markoe, Louis A. Sayre, H. B. Sands, Alexander B. Mott. IV INTRODUCTION. The members of the House Staff of Bellevue Hospital have long felt the desirability of possessing some accurate record of those who have served as Resident Physicians and Surgeons in that In- stitution. It is in accordance with their wishes that this Cata- logue has been prepared. It is to be regretted that more definite information in regard to the period of service could not be furnished. It would have been desirable to state the date of each appoint- ment, and the expiration of service, or resignation of each mem- ber, the Division of the Hospital on which he served, and his residence after leaving the Hospital. In but a small proportion of cases, however, has the information accessible to those who have undertaken this task allowed this, and a desire for uni- formity has prompted the plan of statement that has here been adopted. It is the purpose of the Staff of the Hospital to continue the publication of this Catalogue at regular intervals, and it is hoped that members will furnish information in regard to themselves and others, that will make future publications more satisfactory. Any communication may be addressed to “Publication Com- mittee, House Staff. Bellevue Hospital. ” The present Staff desire te express to the Commissioners of Public Charities and Correction, and to Warden Brennan, their appreciation and thanks for the cordial manner in which the proposition of publishing this catalogne was received nd their generous publication of the same. MOULTON H. FORREST, L. BOLTON BANGS, JAMES L. PERRY, WILLIAM T. BULL, T. HERRING BURCHARD, JEFFERSON DAVIS GRIFFITH. Bellevue Hospital, Sept. 30. 1873. V Bellevue Hospital. The first stone was laid August 1, 1811. The building was not completed until 1816, when it was opened as a Hospital, Alms- house and Penitentiary, under the direction of the Common Council. The Medical Staff consisted of one Visiting and two young Resident Physicians. In 1826 the Hospital and Almshouse were separated. In 1848 the Bellevue grounds were cut up and the convicts sent to Blackwell’s Island. In 1849 the Common Council were superseded by Ten Governors. The system of competitive examinations for positions on the Hospital Staff began in 1849, so that on Jan. 1st, 1850, the Staff consisted of House Physicians. Senior Ass’t House Physicians. Isaac J. Senior Arthur H. Jackson, Horatio W. Gridley, Charles Page, John Moore. E. Lee Jones, Stephen Smith, Lefroy Ravenhill, R. H. Alexander, Frederick Nash. Adams, Junior Assistant. Ezra B. Fountain, Junior Ass'i, The Junior, Senior and House services were each of 6 months duration. The service was divided into 4 medical and 2 surgical divisions. The 1st and 2d medical divisions consisted of male and the 3d and 4th of female wards, and the physicians rotated, serving 3 months on the male and 3 months on the female side. In 1855 the size of the Hospital was increased by the erection of the present spacious N. E. wing. In 1860 the Ten Governors were superseded by four Commis- sioners of Public Charities and Correction. Hon. Simeon Draper, “ James B. Nicholson. Hon. Moses H. Grinnell. “ Isaac Bell, Jr. In 1866 the Hospital service was re-divided into 3 medical and 3 surgical divisions, each division having male and female wards, and the physicians no longer rotated except on the Obstetrical and Uterine services. The same system is still continued. CATALOGUE. Adams, , A. M. Buffalo Medical College, -Junior Assistant, 1850. Died of Yellow Fever, 1853. Aiken, Lemuel H. University College. N. Y., 1853. House Surgeon, 1854. Alexander, Welcome Taylor. Bellevue Medical College, 1870. House Surgeon, 1871. Alexander, E. H. House Physician, 1850. Amabile, Sebastian. Bellevue Medical College, 1866. House Physician, 1866 Died 1869. Amerman, George K. University College, N. Y., 1854. House Physician, 1855. Died 1867. Andrews, Henry F. University College, N. Y., 1857. House Surgeon, 1858. Arnold, Glover Crane. Bellevue Medical College, 1873. Junior Assistant, 1873. 39 West 3‘2d Street, N. Y. Babb, Timothy University College, N. Y., 1858. House Surgeon, 1859. Died in Illinois. 7 Badeau, Charles W. University College, N. Y., 1869. House Surgeon, 1870. 177 Forsyth Street, N. Y. Baldwin, Henry Rutgers, a. b. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1853. House Physician. 1854. New Brunswick, N. J. Bangs, Lemuel Bolton. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1872. House Physician, 1873. New York. Barker, Phanett Coe. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1860. House Physician, 1861. Morristown, N. J. Barrett, Edward B., a. b. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1859. House Physician, 1860. liied of Phthisis. Barrows, Nathan, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1857. House Surgeon, 1858. Bedford, Frederick. University College, N. Y., 1859. House Surgeon, 1860. Bird, James R., a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1858. House Surgeon, 1859. 181 Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn. Bird, John Sterling. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1863. House Physician, 1865. Hyde Park, N. Y. Birkhead, William Hunter, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1864. House Surgeon and Physician, 1866. 8 Bluxome, Joseph. University College, N. Y., 1857. House Physician, 1857. Bogert, Edward S. University College, N. Y., 1860. House Surgeon, 1861. Bosworth, Frank H., a. m. Bellevue Medical College, 1868. House Surgeon. 1869. 114 West 48th Street, N. Y. Bradford, Theodore Dwight, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1865. House Physician, 1867. 45th Street and 7th Avenue, N. Y. Brockway, Asahel Norton, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1861. House Physician. 1862. 150 East 27th Street, N. Y, Brodie, Robert L. House Physician, 1852. Mobile, Alabama. Bronson, Edward B., a. b. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1869. House Surgeon, 1869. Brooks, Leroy Justus. Bellevue Medical College, 1872. Senior Assistant, 1873. Brownell, Russ B. Bellevue Medical College, 1864. House Surgeon, 1865. Died in Egypt, 1865. Bryan, Joseph. Bellevue Medical College, 1873. Provisional Junior, 1873. Bryan, Robert T. University College, N. Y., 1848. House Physician, 1853. Louisville, Kentucky. Bryant, Joseph D. Bellevue Medical College, 1868. House Surgeon, 1871. 221 East 31st Street, N. Y. Buist, J. Robinson. University College, N. Y., 1857. House Physician, 1858. Nashville, Tenn. Bull, Charles Stedman, a. m. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1868. House Physician, 1868. 5 West 46tli Street, N. Y. Bull, William Tillinghast, a. m. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1872. House Surgeon, 1873. New York. Bukchard, Thomas Herring, a. m. Bellevue Medical College, 1872. House Surgeon, 1873. 51 Seventh Avenue, N. Y. Burford, J. H. House Physician, 1853. Died of Dysentery. Burgess, Daniel M. House Physician, 1853. Havanna, Cuba. Burnett, Edward Worthington. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1869. House Physician. 1872. New York City. Burnet, James Brown, a. b.' University College, N. Y., 1866. House Physician, 1868. Newark, N. J. Burrall, Fredrick Agustus, a. b. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1857. House Surgeon. 1858. 28 West 11th Street, N. Y. 9 10 Campbell, John James. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1856. House Surgeon, 1858. Died of Phthisis. Carlton, George William, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1861. House Surgeon, 1862. Lowell, Mass. Cartwright, Silas Smith. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1853. House Physician, 1854. Roxbury, N. Y. Chamberlain, George W. University College, New York, 1873. Junior Assistant, 1873. New York. Chandler, Thomas Knowlton. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1862. House Physician, 1863. Died at Key West. Chandler, William Joseph, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1868. House Physician, 1869. Orange, New Jersey. Chapin, Fudine Wilcox, a. b. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1873. Prov. Junior Ass’t, 1873. New York. Chunn, James T. House Physician, 1853, Died, Typhus Fever. Cleveland, William K. University College, New York, 1860. House Physician, 1862, Cleveland, Ohio. Coan, F. Munson. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1862. House Surgeon, 1863. 325 WT, 274h Street, New York. 11 Cobb, Beuben. University College, New York, 1857. House Physician, 1857. North Carolina. Coles, Walter S. University College, N. Y., 1860. House Surgeon, 1861. Wheeling, Virgina. Cook, Henry White. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1862. Assistant Physi- cian, 1863. Died of Typhus Fever. Corrigan, Joseph Felix, a. m. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1871. House Physician, 1873. Newark, N. J. Cortelyou, Peter Bouse, a. b. Bellevue Medical College, 1867. House Surgeon, 1868. Green Avenue, Brooklyn. Coyell, Charles Henry. College Physicians & Surgeons, I860. House Physician, 1861. Died of Dysentery. Cory, Bichard McGee. House Surgeon, 1867. Oyster Bay, Long Island. Craig, Thompson Francis. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1851. House Physician, 1854. Kentucky. Cross, Thadeus M. B., a. m. Bellevue Medical College, 1868. House Surgeon, 1869. 283 4th Avenue, N. Y. Cruse, Thomas K., a. m. Bellevue Medical College, 1870. House Surgeon, 1871. New York. 12 Cushing, Ernest Watson, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1871. Senior Assistant, 1871. Boston, Massachusetts. Curtis, John Green, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1870. House Surgeon, 1870. 35 West 33d Street, New York. J)alton, Edward Barrey, a. b. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1858. House Physician, 1859. Died of Phthisis. Dalrymple, Aaron Pitney, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1851. House Surgeon, 1852. 337 West 35th Street, New York. Day, Walter DEForrest, a. m. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1863. House Physician, 1865. 56 East 34th Street, New York. Delafield, Francis, a. m. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1863. House Physician, 1864. 12 West 32d Street, New York. Devlin, Henry J. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1864. House Physician, 1864. Died of Typhus Fever. Dewey, George Clinton. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1863. Assistant Physician. 1863. Died of Typhus Fever. Dodge, Joseph Smith, a. b. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1856. House Physician, 1857. New York. Donaghee, William Rice, a. m. University College, N. Y., 1852. House Surgeon, 1853. Died of Softening of Brain. 13 Done, J. Bayly, a. b. Bellevue Medical College, 1864. House Surgeon, 1865. Draper, Henry. University College, N. Y., 1858. House Physician, 1860. New York. Draper, John Christopher, a. m., l. l. d. University College, N. Y., 1857. House Physician, 1857. 429 Lexington Avenue, New York. Draper, William Henry, a. b. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1855. House Physician, 1856. 4 East 37th Street, New York. Dunning, William Burr, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1871. House Surgeon, 1873. Peekskill, New York. Early, Maurice B. University College, N. Y’., 1869. House Physician, 1873. New York. Edgerton, Francis D., a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons. 1864. House Physician, 1866. Middletown, Connecticut. Elliot, Frederick. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1851. House Physician, 1852. 164 West 34th Street, New York. Eliot, Elsworth, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1852. House Surgeon, 1853. 48 West 36th Street, New York. Elliot, William Henry. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1859. House Physician. 1860. Savannah, Georgia. 14 Engs, George M., a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1863. House Physician. 1865. Newport, Rhode Island. Eno, Henry Clay, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1864. House Physician, 1865. 58 West 25th Street, New York. Everitt, D. Darwin. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1864. House Physician, 1865, Middletown, New York. Everts, Franklin. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1853. House Surgeon. 1854. Died of Phthisis. Farrall, Edward. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1864. House Surgeon, 1865. Halifax, N. S. Farrington, J. M. House Surgeon, 1858. Farrington, William H. Bellevue Medical College, 1873. Senior Assistant, 187:5. Brooklyn, New York. Ferguson, James F. University College, N. Y., 1861. House Physician, 1861. 283 4th Avenue, New York. Fernandez, Louis, a. b. University College, N. Y., 1859. House Physician, 1861. Santiago de Cuba. Figueira, Mathias, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1872. Senior Assistant, 1873. Brooklyn, Long Island. 15 Fisher, Lewis. University College, N. Y., 1861. House Physician, 1861. 231 West 38th Street, New York. Fisher, William Redwood, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1865. House Physician, 1866. 100 West 53d Street, New York. Fleming, Martin J., a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1872. Senior Assistant, 1873. Rochester, New York. Flores, Juan de J. University College, N. Y., 1867. House Physician, 1869. Fluhrer, William F. Bellevue Medical College, 1870. House Surgeon, 1872. New York. Forman, D. McLean. College Physicians & Surgeons. House Surgeon, 1867. New Jersey. Forman, Samuel R., a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1857. House Physician. 1858. Bergen, New Jersey. Forrest, Moulton H., a. m. Bellevue Medical College, 1872. House Physician, 1873. Fountain, Ezra B., a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1851. Junior Assistant, 1850. Died March, 1861. Frothingham, William. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1854. House Physician. 1854. St. Michael’s Avenue, comer 157th Street, N. Y. 16 Galt, James D. House Physician, 1855. Virginia. Gamble, George. Bellevue Medical College, 181.4. House Physician, 1866. Died of Phthisis. Garret, Francis Marion. University College, N. Y., 1852. Senior Assistant, 1852. Gave up Practice. Gentry, William R. University College, N. Y., 1852. House Surgeon, 1855. Tennessee. Gibson, Charles Dana Thompson, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1868. House Surgeon, 1858. Gillette, Walter R., a..m. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1863. House Physician, 1853. 149 West 23d Street, New York. Goddard, Charles E. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1859. House Surgeon, 18(H). Gouley, John William Severin. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1853. House Physician, 1854. 56 West 38th Street, New York. Graham, Alexander Campbell. Bellevue Medical College, 1869. House Surgeon, 1870 Graham, John A. University College, N. Y., 1859. House Surgeon, 1860. Gridley, Horatio W., a. b. House Surgeon, 1850. Died of Typhus Fever. 17 Griffith, Jefferson Davis. University College, N. Y., 1872. House Surgeon, 1873. -Jackson, Mississippi. Grimke, Thomas Smith. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1859. House Physician, I860. Haase, Charles F. W. University College, N. Y., 1857. House Physician, 1858. 14 3d Street, New York. Haddon, Alexander, a. b. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1859. House Physician, 1860. 155 East 51st Street, New York. Hardaway, George S. University College, N. Y., 1857. House Physician, 1858. Died of Phthisis, 18G9. Harlan, Benjamin J., a. b. Bellevue Medical College, 1874. Provisional Junior, 1873. Harrison, William G., Jr. Bellevue Medical College, 1864. House Physician, 186(5. Baltimore, Maryland. Hawthorne, Frank. University College, N. Y., 1859. House Surgeon, 18(50. New Orleans, Louisana. Hicks, Joseph Lawrence. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1860. House Physician, 1861. Corner Washington & Franklin Streets, New York. Himes, Isaac Newton. College Physicians & Surgeons, 185(5. House Surgeon, 1857. San Francisco, California. 18 Hitchcock, Homer Owen, a. m. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1855. House Physician. 1856. Kalamazoo, Michigan. Howe, John Jr., a. m. University College, N. A’., 1859. House Physician. 1860. 311 West 17th Street, New York. Howe, Joseph William. University College, N. Y., 1866. House Physician and Surgeon. 1867. 36 West 24th Street, New York. Hudson, Edward Darwin Jr., a. m. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1867. House Surgeon, 1868. 227 East 27th Street. New York. Hunt, James Halsey. Bellevue M edical College, 1872. Junior Assistant, 1873. Hunt, John W. University College, N. Y., 1859. House Surgeon. 1860. Jersey City. IsHAM, KALPH N. University College, N. Y'., 1854. House Physician, 1855. I yes, Charles Linnaeus. House Physician, 1856. Jackson, Arthur H., a. m. College Physicians and Surgeons, 1850. House Physician. Died in Mercantile life. Janeway, Edward G., a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1864. House Physician, 1865. 125 East 25th Street, New York. James, William Malcolm. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1862. House Physician, 1863. 19 Janes, Henry. College Physicians «V Surgeons, 1855. House Physician. 1856. Johnson, John George, a. b. College Physicians anti Surgeons, 1857. House Surgeon, 1857. 81 Henry Street, Brooklyn. Johnston, William H. University College, New York. House Physician, 1868. 159 East 46th Street, New York. Johnston, W. W. House Surgeon. 1866. Jones, E. Lee. Senior Assistant, 1850. 19 East 46th Street. New York. Jones, M. J. House Physician, 1859. North Carolina. Judson, Walter, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1870. House Physician, 1871. New Haven, Connecticut. Katzenbach, William Henry, a. m. Bellevue Medical College, 1871. House Physician, 1872. S3 West 45th Street, New York. King, William H. Bellevue Medical College, 1862. , House Physician, 1863. Died, March 1863. Kinney, E. C. House Physician, 1859. Norwich, Connecticut. Kinnicutt, Frank Parker, a. m. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1871. Senior Assistant, 1872 Lambert, Edward Wilberforce, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1857. House Physician, 1858. 2 East 37th Street, New York. Lauderdale, John V. University College, New York, 1852. House Physician, 1884. Lawson, Archibald. House Physician, 1868. Lee, Benjamin. House Physician, 1857. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Lee, Duncan Campbell. University College, N. Y., 1869. House Surgeon, 1872. 221 East 30th Street, New York. Lee, William. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1863. House Physician, 1864. Lewis, E. A., a. m. Bellevue Medical College, 1873. Provisional Junior, 1873. Lindkley, James C., a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1869. Senior Assistant, 1872. Newark, New Jersey. Little, David, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1858. House Physician, 1860. Rochester, New York. Lockwood, Charles Edward, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1868. House Surgeon, 1868. 261 West 27th Street, New York. Lockwood, William A. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1864. House Surgeon, 1865. Norwalk, Connecticut. 20 21 Lowell, Abraham L University College, N. Y.. 1861. House Surgeon, 1862. Loomis, Alfred Lebbens. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1852. Senior Assistant, 1852. 42 West 25th Street, New York. Luaces, Antonio L. Bellevue Medical College, 1865. House Surgeon, 1866. Luce, Jacob B. Bellevue Medical College, 1862. House Physician, 1864. Died at Riverhead, Long Island. Ludlum, Charles H. University College, N. Y., 1865. House Physician, 1866. 159 East 36th Street, New York. Lyman, Francis B. University College, N. Y., 1861. House Physician, 1862. Died of Typhus Fever, 1862. Lyman, Henry Munson, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1861. House Surgeon, 1862. Lyon, Irving Whitehall. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1863. House Surgeon, 1864. McBride, Thomas Alexander, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1871. House Physician and Surgeon, 1872. 47 West 27th Street, New York. McBurney, Charles, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1870. House Surgeon, 1870. 38 West 32d Street, New York. McCord, Bussell. House Physician, 1854, Brazil. 22 McCreary, John Alexander, a. m. Bellevue Medical College, 1871. House Physician, 1872. McEwen, Robert Charles, a. b. College Physicians & Surgeons, 185(5. House Physician, 1858. Saratoga, New York. McLean, Malcolm. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1869. House Surgeon, 1870. 118th Street, Avenue A. McMasters, David M. Bellevue Medical College, 1871. Senior Assistant, 1878. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. McMasters, Nathan Graham, a. b. Bellevue Medical College, 18(58. House Surgeon, 1870. 140 East 49th Street, New York. Mackenzie, Colin. Cleveland Medical College, I860. House Surgeon, 1862. 42 West 35th Street, New York. Maddux, Thomas H. University College, N. Y., 1854. House Surgeon, 1855. St. Joseph, La. Mandeville, Dorance K. College Physicians A Surgeons. 1853. House Surgeon, 1854. Marshall, Guy Carlton. House Surgeon, 1852. Martin, William Hammet, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1861. House Physician. 1862. Mason, Erskine, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1860. House Surgeon. 1861. 113 West 44tli Street, New York. 23 Matthews, Edwin Frost. College Physicians A’ Surgeons, 1854. House Physician, 1855. Maury, Richard B. University College, N. Y., 1858. House Physician, 185!*. Memphis, Tennessee. Mead, J. Calvin. House Surgeon. 18(57. Died of Typhus Fever. Metcalf, Frank Johnston. ('ollege Physicians A Surgeons, 1871. House Physician, 1871. Milliken, Murray Gaylord, a. e. Bellevue Medical College, 1870. House Physician, 1871. 118 West 28(1 Street New York. Mitchell, John Wait. Bellevue Medical College. 1871. House Surgeon, 1872. Providence, B. 1. Mola, Emelio L. Bellevue Medical College. 1862. House Surgeon, 1868, Cuba. Moneypenny, John, Jr., a. b. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1850. House Surgeon, 1851. N. White Creek, New York. Moore, John. House Surgeon, 1850. Indiana. Moore, Thomas J. University College, N. Y., 1869. House Physician, 1870. Charlotte, N. C. Murdock, James Bisset. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1854. House Surgeon, 1855. Oswego, New York. 24 Murray, Robert A., b. s. University College, N. Y., 1873. Provisional Junior, 1873. Nash, Frederick, a. b. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1850. House Physician, 1851. Died of Phthisis. 1861. Nealis, William Thomas, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1862. House Physician, 1863. 411 West 38tli Street, New York. NlCOLL, A. D. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1866. House Physician, 1867. Norcom Frederick B. University College, N. Y., 1854. House Physician, 1855. O’Byrne, William Joseph, a. m. Bellevue Medical College, 1870. House Surgeon, 1871. Olmsted, George Herschel. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1862. House Physician. 1863. Died of Typhus Fever, 1863. Olmsted, Henry King, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1851. House Physician. 1851. Hartford, Conn. Owen, Henry, E., a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1867. House Surgeon. I860. 38 West 56tli Street. New York. Page Charles. House Surgeon, 1850. Governor's Island, N. Y. Page, J. R. House Surgeon, 1860. 25 Page, Richard Channing Moore. University, Virginia, 1867. House Physician, 1861). Virginia. Paine, Henry E. Bellevue Medical College, 1863. House Surgeon, 1863. Illinois. Parish, James. University College, N. Y., 1861. House Surgeon, 1860. Pratt, William, a. b., a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1867. House Physician, 1869. Pray, Orestes M. Bellevue Medical College, 1863. House Surgeon, 1865. Killed in 1869. Peck, Washington F. Bellevue Medical College, 1863. House Surgeon, 1863. Iowa. Pell, Richard V. Bellevue Medical College, 1865. Senior Assistant. I860. Died of Cholera. Peugnet, Eugene. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1858. House Surgeon, 1860. 65 West 35tli Street, New York. Perry, James Leonard, a.b., b. s. Bellevue Medical College, 1872. House Physician, 1873. Phelps, Charles, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1858. House Surgeon, 1859. 100 East 19th Street, New York. 26 Pierson, Stephen. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1860. House Physician, 1870. Boonton, New Jersey. Piffard, Henry G., a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1864. House Surgeon, 1865. 1_3 East 25th Street, New York. Pinckney, Howard, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1860. House Surgeon, 1801. 24 East 41st Street, New York. Pin jay, James Oakley, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1858. House Surgeon, 1870. Mobbottsville, New York. Pointer, Henry C. House Physician, 1856. Polk, William Mecklenberg, a. b. College Physicians A Surgeons, I860. House Physician, 1870. 24 West 20th Street, New YTork. Pope, Bowling A. University College, N. Y. 1856. House Surgeon, 1857. New Orleans, Louisiana. Porter, George. H. House Physician, 1865. Detroit, Michigan. Powell, Seneca D. University, Virginia, 1860. House Physician, 1871. 75 West 55th Street, New Y’ork. Plympton, Henry 8., a. m. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1861. House Physician, 1862. Died in 1863. 27 Pryor, William Chardavoyne. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1802. House Surgeon, 1863. New Rochelle, New York. Ranney, Ambrose Loomis, a. m. University College, N. Y., 1871. House Surgeon, 187 (i9 Madison Avenue, New \Tork. Raphael, Henry, Bellevue Medical College, 18(52. House Surgeon, 1863. 13(5 East Broadway, New Y'ork. Ravenhill, Lefroy, A. B. College Physicians A Surgeons, 1849. House Physician, 1850. Died, 1851. Rawson, Charles Hamilton. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1851. House Physician. Desmoines, Iowa. Reid, John Joseph. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1869. House Physician, 1870. 148 East 28th Street, New York. Reynolds, James B. College Physicians & Surgeons, 185(5. House Physician, 1857. 29 West 14th Street, New York. Richards, Joseph, B. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1859. Senior Assistant, 18(50. Died of Peritonitis. 18(50. Richardson, George N. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1852. House Surgeon, 1853. Stapleton. Staten Island. Riggs, Benjamin Clapp, a. m. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1868. House Physician, 1869. Baltimore, Maryland. 28 Rivers, Alexander. University College, N. Y., 1861. Junior Assistant, 1861. Roe, Eugene O. Bellevue Medical College, 1864. Senior Assistant, 1864. Died. 1864. Rossett, M. John de. University College, New York, 1860. House Physician, 1861. Russell, Charles Porter. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1858. House Surgeon, 1850. 116 East 78th Street, New York. Sands, Henry Berton. College Physicians & Surgeons, 1854. House Physician, 1855. 35 West 33d Street, New YTork. Sanders, D. D. House Physician, 1857. Memphis, Tennessee. Sawyer, Sylvester J. College Physicians