JULIES REGUliATIONS ot The Out=Patient Department of Bellevue Hospital General Medical Super Bellevue and Allied Hospitals RULES AND REGULATIONS OF The Out-Patient Department OF BELLEVUE HOSPITAL The Out= Patient Department Of Bellevue Hospital. 1. The Out-Patient Department of Bellevue Hospital shall be under the authority, supervision and control of the Executive Committee of the Medical Board of Bellevue Hospital. 2. The Out-Patient Department shall be divided into the same number of divisions as exist in the Hospital, and said divisions shall be known in corresponding numerical order. 3. Upon nomination by the Nominating Committee of each Divisional Visiting Staff of the Hospital, joining with the Com- mittee on Nominations from the Board of Trustees, there shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees and definitely assigned to duty on each division of the Out-Patient Department, Physicians and Surgeons and Assistant Physicians and Assistant Surgeons to Out-Patients. The term of office of all appointees shall be for one year. THE SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE OUT- PATIENT DEPART M E XT. There shall be a Supervisory Committee appointed annually in January from among the Physicians and Surgeons of the Out- Patient Department by the Executive Committee of Bellevue Hospital. It shall have supervisory charge over the Out-Patient Department. By supervision and instructions it shall cause to be executed all the rules and regulations governing the Department. The Supervisory Committee shall take cognizance of and report to the Executive Committee of Bellevue Hospital all infractions of the rules and regulations of the Department on the part of any members of the Medical Staff, nurses or attendants. The Supervisory Committee shall exercise control over the granting of requisitions for medical and surgical supplies to be used in the Out-Patient Department. The Supervisory Committee shall compile each month com- parative tables of the amount of medical and surgical supplies used in each class of the Department, together with a statement of the attendance of the members of the entire medical staff. Copies of said tables shall be sent to the Executive Committee of Bellevue Hospital and shall also be posted upon the bulletin board in the Out-Patient Department. The Supervisory Committee shall carefully inspect the monthly comparative statement of the use of medical and surgical supplies, and shall recommend those measures that shall tend to insure due economy in the administration of the Department. The Supervisory Committee bv its action shall insure the recording and preservation of the medical histories of the patients of the Out-Patient Department to the satisfaction of the Com- mittee on Clinical Records of Bellevue Hospital. A member of the Supervisory Committee may approve the granting of a leave of absence to a member of the subordinate medical staff of the Out-Patient Department. The application for leave shall name a duly qualified substitute accepted by the superior medical officer in charge of the class. No Physician or Surgeon, Assistant Physician or Assistant Surgeon, shall quit his post of duty on leave of absence till he has been notified by the Superintendent of the Hospital that his application for leave has been granted by the Board of Trustees. Leaves of absence granted by the Board of Trustees shall he made a matter of record by the Supervisory Committee.