<»«Hi AN ACCOUNT OF THE PROGRESS IN ASTRONOMY IN THE Y E A. R 18 8 G. HY WILLIAM C. WINLOCK. FROM THE SMITHSONIAN REPORT FOR 188G-’87. WASHINGTON: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 1889. RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. ASTRONOMY, FOR. 1880. By William C. Winlock, Assistant Astronomer, United States Naval Observatory. In preparing the review of Astronomy for 1886, the method and ar- rangement adopted by Professor Holden from 1879 to 1884 have been adhered to without essential modification. The record is intended pri- marily to serve as a series of notes for those who have not access to a large astronomical library, but it is hoped that the bibliography will be found useful to the professional astronomer as a reference list of tech- nical papers. Much assistance has been derived from the reviews and abstracts in the Bulletin Astronomique, the Observatory, Nature, the Athenmum, and other periodicals, and the writer is indebted to the directors of many observatories for the communication of information not otherwise available. A subject-index to the review has been effected by inserting the nec- essary page-references in the bibliography. DISTRIBUTION OF STARS. Distribution of the stars in SchonfeUTs Durchmusterung.—The comple- tion of the Durchmusterung to — 23° of declination by Argelander’s successor, Dr. Schonfeld, has given Professor Seeliger the opportunity of extending his counts of stars to a considerable portion of the south- ern hemisphere. Professor Seeliger’s paper “ Uber die Vertheilung der Sterne auf der sudlichen Halbkugel nach Schonfeld’s 4 Durchmus- terung,has been published in the Proceedings of the Bavarian Acad- emy of Sciences, and resumes may be found in the Bulletin astrono- mique (3:593-6), the Observatory (9 : 399), and Nature (34: 627*). An abstract of Professor Seeliger’s previous work was given in the “Ac- count of the Progress in Astronomy” for 1884, and his present discus- sion has been carried out on a plan similar to that there described. 99 100 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. The stars are divided into eight classes, one more than previously used, as Schonfeld has included stars of the tenth magnitude, whereas Argelander stopped at 9.5. Schonfeld’s zones begin at - 2°, but the “ counts ” may be carried up to the equator by utilizing Argelander’s work ; the slight difference in limiting magnitude will not affect materially the result. The stars embraced in each degree of declination have been divided into groups of twenty minutes in right ascension, though only the sums for each forty minutes’liave been published. The number of stars in each of the eight classes is as follows: Classes. Magnitudes. A. Number of stars -2° to -23°. 13. Number of stars 0° to - 23°. I 1 - 6. 5 1,265 1,369 11 * 6. G- 7. 0 1,276 1,347 Ill - 7.1- 7.5 1,828 1,952 IV 7. 6- 8. 0 3,51G 3, 800 V 8.1- 8.5 7,601 8,313 VI 8. G- y. 0 18,633 20,509 VII 9. l- 9. 5 65,505 61,540 Vill 9.6-10. 0 43,89G 43,896 Total 133, 580 142,726 The numbers in column A comprise Schonfeld’s stars only ; column B includes Argelander’s stars, from 0° to —2°, for the first seven classes: to complete Class VIII about 3,600 should be added. The number of stars thus counted in the “Southern Durchmusterung” proper is, therefore, 133,580, and adding to thi&79 objects which are classed as nebulae or variables, tlmre results the grand total, 133,659. In order to investigate the influence of the Milky Way on the distri- bution of these stars, Professor Seeliger proceeds, as in his former paper, to form the “ gradient,” which expresses for each class the rapidity of increase in the number of stars as we approach the Milky Way. Comparing the values of the gradient with these found for Argelander’s Durchmusterung, it is seen that, as far as Schonfeld’s work can be considered typical of the southern hemisphere as a whole (it must be remembered, however, that it only embraces one-third thereof) the influence of the Milky Way on stellar distribution, at least lor stars down to the eighth magnitude, appears to be less marked for the southern than for the northern hemisphere. But it may well be that, especially in the higher classes of stars, local and accidental irreg- ularities are the cause of this apparent difference. With regard to the question as to which hemisphere is the richer in stars, it appears that there is no decided difference shown by the two surveys under consider- ation. When Argelander’s numbers are corrected so as to be compara- ble with SLioufeld’s, taking stars down to the ninth magnitude, inclq- 101 ASTRONOMY. sive, the totals are, for the former, 34,324, and for the latter, 34,119, a difference which may reasonably be attributed to accidental circum- stances. The whole discussion of the distribution of the stars will no doubt be much facilitated by the application of photography. A writer in L’Astronomie has concluded that the total number of stars in u our nebula”—on the assumption that the combined light of the stars is equal to one-tenth that of the full moon—must be sixty-six thousand million. NEBULAE AND STAR CLUSTERS. New nebulae.—Two lists, embracing 470 new nebulae discovered with the 20-inch equatorial of the Leander McCormick Observatory, have been published in the Astronomical Journal (7: 9, 57) by Professor Stone. The observers were Professor Stone himself, Mr. Leavenworth, and Mr. Muller. In the earlier observations Hersehel’s abbreviations were used to designate brightness and size. Afterwards numerical magnitudes were employed to indicate brightness, assuming that the faintest nebula visible in the 20-inch refractor with power 107, is 10.3, that being the theoretical limit for stars. The magnitudes given refer to the nucleus, or, in case there is no nucleus, to the brightest part. Still later the custom was instituted of estimating the diameters of the liebulm in fractions of the diameter of the field, and from these deducing their dimensions in minutes of arc. Dr. Swift has published (Astrou. Haclir., 115: 153, 257 ; 110 : 33) cata- logues 3, 4, and 5 of nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory. lie states in the report of the observatory that 540 nebulae have been dis- covered up to January 1, 1887. Mr. Muller has found that fifteen of “ Catalogue No. 5 ” have already been announced by other observers. (Sid. Mess., 0 : 83.) The Pleiades.—M. Iiayet, in order to test the penetrating power of the 14-inch Bordeaux equatorial, has made a revision of Wolf’s chart of the Pleiades, and has determined accurately the positions of 143 stars, most of them of the fourteenth or fifteenth magnitude, not given by Wolf. The Henry brothers have also compared their photographs of the Pleiades with Wolf’s chart, and have been able to detect 1,421 stars where Wolf shows but 625, the telescopes used being of nearly the same aperture. In order to avoid errors which might arise from impurities in the photographic plate, three exposures, of an hour each, were made, and the plate was shifted between exposures, so that three images of each star are obtained, forming an equilateral triangle. Stars as faint as the sixteenth magnitude are depicted. All the stars of Wolf’s chart are found upon the photograph except ten, and these the Messrs. Henry have been unable to find in the sky. A number of faint companions have been detected close to several of the brightest stars of the group, 102 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. and in several cases where M. Wolf has observed a faint companion to a bright star, the photograph has shown that the magnitude of the former was underestimated. One of the advantages of photography seems to be that it brings out faint objects which are lost to the eye, on account of their proximity to bright stars. Besides the nebula discov- ered about Mala, a nebulous streak has been seen near Electra, and details of the Merope nebula have been made out, which had not been recognized before, except by Common. Dr. W eiss has expressed a strong suspicion that all of the region to the north and west of Alcyone is a vast nebula, only the brightest portions of which are shown by our best telescopes. He recalls a statement by Schmidt in 18G3, that a small planet seemed to lose a part of its light in traversing the region between Alcyone and Electra. Dr. Kammermann has been able to see the new Ma'ia nebula with the 10 inch refractor of the Geneva Observatory by masking the bright star, and by using a special eye-piece provided with diaphragms, and a plate of uranium glass, to increase the intensity of the chemical rays. A paper by Dr. Elkin upon “A comparison of the places of the Pleiades as determined by the Konigsbergand Yale College heliometers ” was read at the Buffalo meetiugof the American Association. Provisional results show unquestioned change of position with reference to rj Tauri since 1840. Most of the brighter stars of the group, as shown by Newcomb in his “ Standard Stars,” go with rj Tauri, but among the smaller stars there are departures from this community of proper motion. Professor Pick- ering has pointed out that the agreement of the spectra of certain of these stars strongly confirms the probability of their physical connec- tion. ASTRONOMICAL CONSTANTS. Leewy's method of determining the elements of refraction.—M. Lcewy has elaborated his method of determining the elements of refraction by means of a reflecting prism placed in front of the object-glass of an equatorial, and has submitted the problem to a careful mathematical analysis in several papers communicated to the French Academy. The full titles of these important papers are given in our “biobligraphy.” Dr. Gill speaks very highly of the plan, and has suggested some modifica- tions of the details which he thinks would increase the ease and accu- racy of observations. Opjjolzer’s astronomical refraction.—The late Dr. von Oppolzer pub- lished iu the Transactions of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, of Vienna, a paper containing a theoretical discussion of the problem of astronomical refraction followed by numerical tables intended to facil- itate the practical application of the results at which he arrived. When the approximations are carried far enough, the method seems capable of giving results of great accuracy, even for large zenith distances. A correction for gravity in the use of refraction tables.—Prof. Cleve- ASTRONOMY. 103 land Abbe has directed attention to a neglected correction in the use of refraction tables, which appears as a function of the latitude. Thirty inches of mercury in the barometer at the equator indicate a less density of the atmosphere than 30 inches at the poles, consequently the barometer readings should be corrected for differences of lati- tude. This is accomplished by simply adding to the formula one more factor for gravity. Professor Abbe shows that the difference of latitude between Pulkowa and Washington makes a difference of 0". 1 in the refraction at 45° zenith distance, and increases with the zenith distance. We have here a partial explanation, at least, of systematic differences in declination shown by different catalogue*. Correction for differential refraction in declination.—Professor McNeill, of Princeton, has devised (Astron. Nadir., 114:385) a method of correct- ing micrometer observations for refraction, applicable to the diagonal- square micrometer, the ring micrometer, and others of the same class. The correction to the observed difference of declination is not deter- mined by a special separate computation, but the true difference is directly determined, the corrections being applied to the logarithms in the course of the computation. Tables are given which will be found very useful to observers. In a “Zusatz” to this communication, Dr. Krueger gives a resume of differential refraction formula} for ring and filar micrometers. M. Pad an suggests (Bull, astron., 3:373) that Professor McNeill’s prin- cipal table may be replaced by a simple graphical table which will give at a glance the correction sought. The diurnal nutation of the earth’s axis.—M. Folie, about three years ago, submitted to the Paris Academy a theory of the diurnal nutation of the earth’s axis, based upon the assumption that the earth has a fluid nucleus; and he has recently given (Compt. Rend., Dec. 13, 18SG) some practical of his formulae. These formulae contain two constants to be determined by observation: the constant of diurnal nutation itself, and the longitude, referred to an initial meridian. Very accordant results are obtained from the rather meager observational material available, the value of the diurnal constant being about 0".2. The new correction applied to a series of observations of Polaris made at Pulkowa, smooths out the discordant observations in a most surpris- ing manner. Further investigation of this subject seems highly desir- able. An abstract of the paper read by Prof'. J. C. Adams at the Phila- delphia meeting of the American Association, September 11, 1884, “ On the general values of the obliquity of the ecliptic, and of the precession and inclination of the equator to the invariable plane, taking into ac- count terms of the second order,” has appeared in the Observatory for April, 188G, vol. 9, p. 150-154. 104 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 188(5. STAR CATALOGUES, ETC. SchonfelcPs Southern Durchmusterung (1855.0).—This catalogue con- tains the approximate positions of 133,659 stars between 2° and 23° of south declination—that is, all stars between those limits down to the tenth magnitude. It carries Argelander’s “ sweeps ” as far south as the latitude of Bonn will permit, and is on essentially the same plan as the Northern Durchmusterung. In the details of the work, however, several improvements have been made: Instead of Argelander’s little 3-inch glass, magnifying nine times, Dr. Schonfeld used a telescope by Schroder of inches aperture with a magnifying power of twenty-six, and with the field slightly illuminated. The width of the zones wms H°, instead of 2°, the width of the older zones. This involved more hours of obser- vation, but the accuracy of the work and the certainty of catching faint stars were increased, since the observer was not obliged to take in every- thing up to the limit of visibility. A further advantage which the Southern Durchmusterung possesses is that Dr. Schonfeld lias himself made all of the observations and revisions, so that the work is more homogeneous than the Northern Durchmusterung. The observations were begun, after some preliminary experiments, on the 6th of June, 1876; by the 28th of March, 1881, the zones had all been observed for the second time. There are, including sixteen zones subsequently re- observed, 363,922 observation s, all reduced to 1855.0. The revision, also by Dr. Schonfeld and with the same instrument, embraced 5,700 positions, and was finished between April, 1881, and March, 1884. From the summary of the stars in each square degree it appears that the Southern Durchmusterung is richer in stars than the Northern, in the ratio of 1.21 to 1. The fainter stars (under the ninth magnitude) are much more thoroughly observed than before, the limit being the tenth magnitude instead of 9.5, that adopted by Argelander. The prob- able error of a single estimation of magnitude for stars of the 9.5 mag- nitude is only 0.11 magnitude, and for the seventh magnitude, 0.26 magnitude. The charts accompanying the catalogue contain an hour each in right ascension. The Argentine General Catalogue.—The observations from which this catalogue was formed were made with the meridian circle of the Cor- doba Observatory during the years 1872-’80. During these years the zone observations were the chief object of attention, and the catalogue contains the places of 32,448 stars whose positions were more elabo- rately determined during the progress of that great work, and consti- tutes an addition to our knowledge of southern stellar positions of per- haps not less importance than the Cordoba Zone Catalogue. The Gen- eral Catalogue gives the positions for the epoch 1875.0 ot most of the southern stars brighter than magnitude 8£, the deficiencies in this re- spect being chiefly found north of the parallel of 23°, at which the zone begins. These omissions will be of comparatively small importance, ASTRONOMY. 105 inasmuch as the Durchmusterung of Professor Scbonfield comprises all the southern stars within this region, while accurate determinations of the brighter ones will have been made in the re-observation of Lalande’s stars now nearly completed at the Paris Observatory. Pulkowa ca talogue of 3,542 stars for 1855.0.—Volume vm of the Pul- kowa Observations is to contain two catalogues of stars deduced from observations made with the meridian circle from 1840 to 1809. The first of these—the one that has just been published—contains, with the ex- ception of the Pulkowa fundamental stars (observed with the transit instrument and vertical circal), all Bradley’s stars between the north pole and 15° south declination, and also a comparatively small number of other stars down to the sixth magnitude, inclusive, given in the Uranometria Nora of Argelander, in the same part of the sky. A few fainter stars have also been taken into the catalogue. The whole work has been in the hands of Dr. Backlund. (Bull, astron., November, 1886.) Kam's catalogue of u Nachriehten ” stars for 1855.0.—“ Dr. N. M. Kam of Schiedam has published in Verhandelingen derKoninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Deel. 24 (Amsterdam), a star catalogue compiled from the places of stars determined by meridian observations, which have been extracted from volumes 1 to 00 of the Astronomische Nach- richten, and reduced to the epoch 1855.0. The positions of the stars contained in this catalogue were determined in connection with obser- vations of planets and comets, and it was in compliance with Arge- lander’s express desire that the work of collecting them and reducing the positions to a common epoch was commenced by Iloek, then di- rector of the Utrecht Observatory. Dr. Kam, who was Hoek’s assist- ant, continued the work after the death of the latter, and has at length been able to publish his results. The principal catalogue contains the completely determined places of 4,350 stars, and is followed by two subsidiary catalogues, the first giving the places of 236 stars, and the second those of 335 stars; all of the latter, however, are incomplete, i. e., the place is given in one element only. The catalogues are followed by a comparison of the places of the stars contained in them with their places as given in the Bonn Durchmusterung, or, for stars south of — 2° declination, with other authorities. Notes on proper motions, corrigenda, etc., are appended, which are of considerable interest and value.” (Nature, June 3, 1886.) Romberg's catalogue of u Nachriehten” stars (1855.0).—Herr Romberg, of the Pulkowa Observatory, has compiled a catalogue of about 8,000 stars extracted from the Astronomische Nachriehten, volumes 67 to 112, and his work now appears as Publication xvm of the Astronomische Gesellsckaft. This is a continuation of a similar compilation (Pub. vitt, Astron. Gesellsch.), by Schjellerup, from the first sixty-six volumes of the Nachriehten, and is prepared on much the same plan. The stars have appeared in the Nachriehten as comparison stars for planets, com- ets, etc., and have been collected by Romberg and reduced to 1855.0. 106 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 188G. Eight ascensions are given to seconds of time, declinations to the nearest tenth of a minute of arc. The catalogue proper is followed by several useful pages of notes. Edinburgh catalogue.—Prof. Piazzi Smyth has given in volume XV of the Edinburgh Astronomical Observations the results of observations made from 1833 to 3872 upon some 3,890 B. A. 0. stars, reduced to the epochs 1830, 1870, 1880, and 1890. The catalogue begins with 4h 0m of right ascension, the first four hours having appeared nine years ago as volume xiv. The notes contain information in regard to the proper motion, color, or duplicity of the stars. Second Armagh catalogue o/3,300 stars for 1875.0.—After the comple- tion of the observations of Bradley’s stars, the results of which were em- bodied in the catalogue commonly known as the “ Armagh Catalogue,” Dr. Kobiusou formed the plan of re-observing a number of stars from Lalande’s “ Ilistoire celeste,” occurring in Baily’s catalogue. Observa- tions were commenced in 1859 with the mural circle and transit, but were stopped after 18G0 in order to change the mural iuto a 7-inch transit circle. Work was resumed in 18G3, and continued with more or less regularity till 1883. The right ascensions of this catalogue depend on the standard stars of the “Nautical Almanac;” the north polar dis- tances upon observations of the nadir. Dr. Dreyer, who succeeded Dr. Eobinson in 1882, found from 400 observations of 80 stars between 30° and 100° N. P. D,, that the probable error of a single observation in right ascension was ±0S.081, (the single errors having been multiplied by cos tf); and in north polar distance Eor systematic errors Armagh has been compared with Glasgow, and, indirectly through the latter, a comparison is obtained with Auwers’ fundamental system. From this comparison it appears that the north polar distances are in fair agreement with Auwers’ catalogue, while the right ascensions show considerable discordances. Reliability of the star places of Auxcers1 Fundamental Catalogue.—Mr. Chandler, having pointed out the possibility of error in the places of certain stars (Observatory 8: 387), as given in the Berlin “ Jahrbuch,” Herr Auwers has been induced to publish (Astron. Nachr., 114:1-20) some valuable and interesting remarks on the reliability of the places of his Fundamental Catalogue (Pub. d. astron. Gesellsch., 14), from which those given in the Berlin “Jahrbuch” are derived. Herr Auwers ex- plains the provisional character of the data on which some of his star- places depend, and repeats in a more definite manner what he has already said on the subject in Publication xiv. In fact the proper motions adopted for some of the stars are merely provisional, as has been pointed out in the introduction to the catalogue. The proper motions employed have been, as a rule, obtained from a comparison of Bradley’s places with those of Greenwich, 1861, aud in those cases in which Bradley has only one observation, or observed the star in one element only, the proper motion is given to one decimal place less than usual. The reader ASTRONOMY. 107 is thus put on his guard, and knows that he should use the places of certain stars with circumspection. Herr Auwers thinks that it would be premature to attempt any correction of the catalogue-places before the completion of the general revision, which has been undertaken by the observers of the zones and by the Pulkowa astronomers. lie, how- ever, takes this opportunity of publishing the results of investigations he has made as to the mean errors of the different catalogues employed m the formation of the Fundamental Catalogue, viz, Pulkowa, 1845 and J8G5; Greenwich, 1861 and 1872; Cambridge (U. S.), 1872; Leipzig, 18G8; and Leiden, 18G8, for the principal stars ; and in addition to these, Pulkowa, 1871, for the supplementary stars. The following are, in the mean (for declination — i0° to -j- 90°), the mean errors, referred to the unit of weight, for the principal stars : P. 1845. P. 1805. G.1801. G.1872. C.1872. Lp. 1868. L. 1868. R. A. (e cos 5). . Decl. (e) 09.040 0".51 0s.033 0/7.61 09.038 0".55 08.032 0".52 0s.031 0".86 0".46 077.58 And for the supplementary stars : P.1845. P. 1871. G.1861. G.1872. C. 1872. Lp. 1868. L. 1868. R. A. (e cos S) . Decl. (e) 0s.043 0s. 057 0".72 0«.053 0/7.04 0s. 034 O'7.52 0s. 035 0'7.89 ’" 677!72* "b’77".52’ We have then, finally, for mean error of the right ascensions 08.033 (for supplementary stars 0S.042), and for the declinations 0".59 (for sup- plementary stars 0".G7). The somewhat considerable difference in the results for principal and for supplementary stars arises from the cir- cumstance that Herr Auwers gave relatively too much weight to Pul- kowa 1871, at least for the right ascensions. For the catalogue-places, the mean errors are 03.009 and 0".14 in E. A. and Deck, respectively, for the principal stars, and 03.020 and 0".19 for the supplementary stars; where the mean error in E. A. refers to the total number of stars be- tween — 10° and + 50°. At the present time, in Herr Auwers’ opinion, the probable error of the star-places is not greater than 03.02 in E. A. (for moderate declinations), and 0".15 in Decl. (Observatory, 9 : 202, May, 188G.) In response to a suggestion by Dr. Gill, a number of astronomers have expressed their willingness to co-operate in the systematic observa- tion of stars which have been used in comet comparisons, faint stars whose occupations have been observed, zones of stars used for scale or screw values, or stars that have been used for geodetic purposes. Among the observatories ready for this work are, the Cape of Good Hope, Neucliatel, Bruxelles, Cointe, Taschkent, and Cordoba. 108 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Professor Holden, while at the Washburn Observatory, compiled a list of all published corrections to his star catalogues, inserting the errata in the bodies of the books themselves. The original sources from which the errata were copied are given in the fourth volume of the Publications of the observatory. The value of this list will be appre- ciated by all astronomers who have occasion to make use of star cata- logues. The catalogue of stars of the British Association has been advertised recently at 170 mark, or about $43. STELLAR PARALLAX. Prof. A. Hall has given in Appendix n to the Washington Observa- tions for 1883 the results of recent observations made with the 26 inch equatorial to determine the parallaxes of a Lyrm, 61 Cygni, 40 (o2) Eridani, and 6 /3 Cygni. The results are as follows: Date. Star. Parallax. No. of observa- tions. February 23,1883,to March 4,1884.. 40 (o2) Eridani. a n + 0.223 ± 0.0202 30 July 31,1883, to April 15,188(5 6 B Cvgui — 0. 021 -±- 0 0077 54 May 24,1880, to July 2,1881 a Lyra? + 0. 134 0.0055 128 October 24,1880, to January 26,1886- 61 Cygni -t- 0. 270 ± 0.0101 101 Dr. W. Schur has published in the Astronomische Nachrichten (vol. 114, p. 161), a discussion of the parallax of the double star tp5 Aurigm from measures of position, angle, and distance made with 6-inch Strass- burg refractor, in 1883-’85. The final value for the parallax of the fainter (ninth magnitude) star is -f O'Mll ± 0" 034. “ Herr Schur thinks that he is justified in asserting that the parallax of this star is at least 0".l—a remarkable result, considering the fixity of the object.” 40 (o2) Uridani.—Mr. J. E. Gore, using Professor Hall’s parallax, 0//.223, has obtained by means of elements which he has computed, the following figures: Distance of 40 Eridani from the earth 924,955 Mean distance between the components, B C 20. 8(5 Sam of masses BC ) Sun’s mass = 1 5 The unit of distance is the mean distance of the earth from the sun. DOUBLE STARS. Two recent papers on personal equation in double-star observations will be found of especial interest to those engaged in this class of work. The first paper forms the subject of a thesis by M. Bigourdan, of the Paris Observatory, submitted for the degree of doctor of physical ASTRONOMY. 109 science. M. Bigourdan reviews the work of others in this field, gives a description of apparatus which he has devised for investigating the problem by means ot artificial stars, and deduces his own personal equation from a large number of measures made with this apparatus, lie finds that his personal equation is not affected by the position of the eyes with respect to the line joining the stars nor by the altitude; the brightness of the stars, on the other hand, does affect his measures. The second paper referred to is by Mr. II. 0. Wilson, formerly of the Cincinnati Observatory, and is published in the Sidereal Messenger (vol. 5, pp. 174, 211). Mr. Wilson gives an interesting sketch of the history ot the subject, together with an investigation of his personal errors, obtained from observations made between 1882 and 1880, with the equatorial of the Cincinnati Observatory. He finds that his meas- ures, both of position angle and of distance, are slightly intlueuced by the inclination of the head. Spectroscopic method of determining the distance of a double star.—Mr. A. A. Pambaut, ot the Dublin Observatory, in a paper communicated to the Koyal Irish Academy on May 24, 1880, discusses at some length the possibility of determining the distance of a double star by measures of the relative velocities of the components in the line of sight. Dr. Huggins having demonstrated that it was practicable to measure the rate of approach or recession of a star, it was seen that it would be at least theoretically possible to determine the distance of a star by this method. Mr. Pambaut’s critical examination of the conditions of the problem shows however that the method can have but little prac- tical application. Orbits of double stars.—The following table gives the “ period of revo- lution” in years, and “semi-axis major,” in seconds of arc, obtained for a number of binary stars in recent determinations of elements : Star. Period. Semi-axis major. Computer. Published in— Tears. // 02 234 G3 45 0 330 Coro C Sagittarii 18. 69 o'. 53 .. .do IA • Zl ckiVvllJL.y 1 ill • TT1 • Month. Not., 4ti: 444. r Cygni 53. 87 1.19 ...do Astron. Nachr., 115:215. 40 (o'*) Eridam 139.0 5. 99 ...do Month. Not., 40 :291. [1 Delphini 30.91 0.517 .. .do Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 2 s., v. 4, No. 5. y Coronai Australis 81.78 1.885 .. .do Month. Not., 4G: 103. y Corona} Australis 78. 80 1.85 Wilson... Sid. Mess., 5:251. a Centauri 87.44 18. 89 Powell... Month. Not., 40:289, 33G. VARIABLE, NEW, OR TEMPORARY STARS—COLORED STARS. Observations of variable stars in 1885.—Professor Pickering prints in the twenty-first volume of the Proceedings of the American Academy his third annual report upon observations of variables, giving particij- 110 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 188t>. lara of nearly two hundred stars for 1885. The work has been done by co-operation. All who are willing’ to assist (a lield-glass is sufficient instrumental equipment), are requested to send accounts of their work to the Harvard Observatory as soon as possible after the close of each year. Professor Pickering undertakes to make photometric observa- tions of all comparison stars needed. Mr. Espin, the special observer of the Liverpool Astronomical Society, has commenced the issue of a circular calling attention to various vari- able stars or stars suspected of variability. Several interesting cases of variability have been discovered by Messrs. Chandler and Sawyer, of Cambridge. The most interesting case is a new variable of the Algol type discovered by Mr. Chandler in the constellation Cygnus (E. A.201' 48mj Deck + 81° 11'). The range is from 7.1 magnitude to 7.8 magnitude, the whole variation taking place in about six hours. The only doubt is in regard to the interval during which the star remains at its normal magnitude. Mr. Chandler sus- pects that the whole duration between two successive periods of change will be found to be about one day, twelve hours. Gore's new variable near x] Orionis (Nova Orionis).—A mass of obser- vations by skillful observers has accumulated, and will repay a thor- ough study. It seems to be clearly established that this interesting star is a sim- ple variable, and not one of the class to which the title “temporary” can properly be applied. M. Duner, who observed the star at inter- vals from December, 1885, to April, 1886,'found (Astron. Nachr., No. 2755), on renewing his observations at the end of October and the beginning of November, 1886, that it had unmistakably increased in brightness in the interval, and was continuing, to do so. Herr Er. Schwab and Mr. Espin confirm this conclusion, the.former having observed the star early in last July, and having found it then fainter than the twelfth magnitude. Its period would appear to be not far from one year; Herr Schwab gives it as one or two weeks longer than one year, and as ranging in brightness from the sixth magnitude to 12£, whilst M. Dun6r assigns a period of 350.5 days. (Nature.) According to Dr. Vogel and others who have examined its spectrum, it belongs to Type III a, resembling the spectrum of a Orionis. The new star in the (jreat nebula of Andromeda.—Professor Seeliger has published (Astron. Nachr., No. 2710) an interesting paper contain- ing an attempt to represent the observed variations of the light of the Nova in Andromeda by a formula expressing the rate of cooling of a hot sphere. Supposing that such a body has its temperature suddenly increased to an enormous extent by some shock, its brightness will of course be increased also. And assuming that the latter is proportional to the «th power of the temperature, and using Pogson’s scale for trans- forming brightness into stellar magnitude, Professor Seeliger (making 111 ASTRONOMY. some furt her more or less probable assumptions) deduces ail ex pres sion for the magnitude of the cooling star at any time. In order to compare this formula with Herr Muller’s photometric measures of the Nova, extending from 1885, September 2, to October 13, Professor Seel- iger assumes that w=l, and that the epoch for which the time t=0, is 1885, August 27, 8U Berlin mean time. Using quite approximate values of the constants involved in his formula, it appears that there is a good general agreement (the mean discordance being 0.11 of a stellar magnitude) between the computed and observed values. The computed magnitude corresponding to the epoch for which t=0, is 7.73. The fair agreement shown by this comparison induces Professor Seeliger to think that the form of the expression which he has deduced is such as would accurately represent the observations, provided that it were pos- sible to determine the necessary constants with sufficient precision. And as there is evidence to show that the nebula in Andromeda is, partly at least, composed of a vast number of faint stars, it appears, in Professor Seeliger’s opinion, not unreasonable to suppose that a collis- ion was the cause of the sudden development of heat and light which revealed itself to us as the appearance of a “ new ” star. With reference to the point thus raised by Professor Seeliger, Herr Auwers points out (Astron. Nachr., No. 2715) that the great similarity of the outburst in Andromeda in 1885 to the phenomenon observed by him in I860 in the cluster 80 Messier in Scorpio is a strong confirmation of Professor Seeliger’s views. The probability that two variable stars of such exceptional character should be projected, in one case on a close star-cluster, in the other case on an object which appears to be, in part at least, a close star-cluster, is so small that it is almost necessary to refer these outbursts to physical changes in the nebulae in which they respectively appeared. (Observatory, April, 1880.) Hr. Mills (Nature 33 : 440) in criticising Professor Seeliger’s collision hypothesis suggests that the blazing out of the Nova may be merely a physico-chemical consequence of cooling; and it has been pointed out by Mr. Castell-Evans (Nature, 33 : 486) that practically the same expla- nation was suggested in 1878 by Prof. R. Meldola in a paper published in the Philosophical Magazine for July of that year. Professor Mel- dola says: “ It is conceivable that in certain cases the composition of a star’s atmosphere maybe such as to permit a considerable amount of cooling before any combination takes place among its constituents; un- der such circumstances a sudden catastrophe might mark the period of combination, and a star of feeble light would blaze forth suddenly, as occurred in 186G to r Corome Borealis. In other cases, again, it is possible that the composition of a star’s atmosphere may be of such a nature as to lead to a state of periodically unstable chemical equilib- rium ; that is to say, during a certain period combination may be going on with the accompanying evolution of heat, till at length dissociation 112 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. again begins to take place. In this manner the phenomena of many variable stars may perhaps be accounted for.” J)r. von Kovesligethy observing with a 7-inch Merz equatorial at the observatory of Ilaron Podmaniezky at Kis Kartal, in Hungary, an nounced the re appearance of the Nova on September20, 1880. From this date lie found that it became more star-like, and up to the evening of October 2 both nucelus and new star were visible. From October 2 to October 17 the old nucleus was invisible. By October 23 the nu- cleus had assumed its normal state, but the new star was not seen. A number of telescopes were immediately turned upon the nebula, but in the main failed to detect the changes suspected. (See Astron. Nadir., 2750-2752.) It is probable that the object seen was one of the very faint points of light known to exist near the nucleus of the nebula. A very complete series of observations of Nova Andromedre is given by Dr. Copeland, of the Dun Edit Observatory, in the Monthly No- tices for December, 188(5. Catalogue of colored stars.—Mr. W. S. Franks has presented to the Koval Astronomical Society a catalogue (not printed,apparently) of 1,730 colored stars situated between the pole and —20° of declination, and including all stars down to the (5.-5 magnitude. The introduction to this catalogue, giving a tabular analysis of the colors recorded, is published in the Monthly Notices for April, 1886. We should mention also a list of thirty-one prominent colored stars of the southern hemisphere published by Mr. A. S. Williams in the Astro- nomical Register for October. Mr. Chambers stated at the meeting of the Royal Astronomical Bo- ciety on March 12,1886, that he was preparing a catalogue of red stars. Photometric observations at Harvard College Observatory.—Professor Pickering, in liis annual report, states that 59,800 separate photometric comparisons were made with the meridian photometer in 1880. The in- strument has been found to give entire satisfaction both in the accuracy and the rapidity of its work. Various tests have been applied to de- tect the presence of systematic errors, but so far with negative results. “A comparison of the seven hundred stars common to the observations of Wolff, Pritchard, and the Harvard Photometry, showed that our re- sults differed on the average from Wolff, after allowance for systematic differences, by 0.140 of a magnitude; from Pritchard by 0.145; while Wolff and Pritchard differed from each other by 0.192. A comparison of the fifty five stars proposed by Professor Pritchard as standards, and measured by him on several nights, showed that the average deviation from the Harvard Photometry was only 0.104. - - - A comparison between the results obtained at Pulkowaand Cambridge shows that the average deviation of a measurement of the difference in brightness be- STELLAR PHOTOMETRY. ASTRONOMY. 113 tween two stars observed at both places does not exceed one terth of a magnitude.” • The principal work of the meridian photometer, the revision of the Durchmusterung magnitudes, is now approaching completion, nine- tenths of the observations having already been made. During 1887 the observing list will be extended to include stars in the first 20° of south declination. Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites, comparison stars for variables, etc., are made with the photometer attached to the 15- inch equatorial. A comparison of photometric methods.—Mr. S. C. Chandler, jr., pre- sented at the Buffalo meeting of the American Association an important paper on “ A comparative estimate of methods and results in stellar photometry,” in which he reaches the conclusion (also reached by Dr. G. Muller, of Potsdam,—Vrtljschr. d. astron. Gesellsch., 20: 2G1-267), that the photometers now in use give no advantage, in point of accu- racy, over direct eye estimates of differences in magnitude made accord- ing to Argelander’s well known method. With regard to accidental errors, Mr. Chandler concludes that “eye-estimates” are nearly three times as accurate as photometric measures, and he also points out that several variables have been detected and their periods and light-curves well determined by careful eye-estimates, whose whole range of bright- ness is no greater than the range of error in photometric observations. Reference should be made to Mr. Chandler’s paper in the Astronomische Nachrichten, vol. 115, p. 145, merely an abstract of his communication having been published in the Proceedings of the American Associa- tion. A proposed new catalogue of magnitudes of southern stars.—Mr. E. F. Sawyer, of Cambridge, has been at work since 1882 upon a determina- tion of the relative magnitude of the stars included between the* equa- tor and 30° of south declination, and not fainter than the seventh mag- nitude. The observations are made with an opera glass (magnifying two and a half times) put slightly out of focus. The number of stars comprised will approximate 3,500, and the average number of observa- tions for each star will be about three and one-half. Mr. Sawyer finds from 593 stars,each observed twice, that the average difference between two independent determinations of a magnitude of a star is 0.112 of a magnitude, which corresponds to a probable error of a single observa- tion of ±0.0G5. It is expected that the work will be completed and ready for publication within a year. STELLAR SPECTRA. Photographic study of stellar spectra at Harvard College Observatory.— Professor Pickering has announced in his annual report an extensive investigation in stellar spectra, by means of photography, undertaken H. Mis. GOO 8 114 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. at the Harvard Observatory. Provision has been made by Mrs. Dra- per for meeting the expenses of this work, a* a memorial to her hus- band, the late Dr. Henry Draper. Three researches are now in progress. The first includes a general survey of stellar spectra. Bach spectrum is photographed with an exposure of not less than five minutes, and these photographs generally exhibit the spectra of all stars brighter than the sixth magnitude with sufficient distinctness for measurement. The greater portion of the sky north of —30° has been surveyed in this work, which will be repeated during the coming year. One hundred and fifty-one plates have been measured and 5,431 spectra examined and classified. Of these 4,148 have been identified and the name and position of the corresponding star entered opposite each. The com- pleted work will form a catalogue probably containing three or four thousand stars, each photographed on several plates. The second research relates to a determination of the spectra of the fainter stars. Each photograph taken in the course of this research receives an exposure of one hour, so that the spectra of all the stars not fainter than the eighth or ninth magnitude, and included in a region ten degrees square, are represented upon the plate. On fifty-eight plates 2,41(1 spectra have been measured, and of these 2,359 have been identified. In both of these investigations the 8-inch Bache telescope has been employed. The third research relates to a more careful study of the spectra of the brightest stars. For this work Mrs. Draper has lent the 11-inch photographic lens employed by her husband. She has also furnished an admirable mounting for the instrument and a small observatory to contain it. Two prisms have been constructed to place in front of the object-glass, the large one having a clear aperture of 11 inches square and an angle of nearly 15°, the other being somewhat smaller. The preliminary results attained with this apparatus are highly promising. A recent photograph of the region in Cygnus where four stars were known, exhibiting the interesting peculiarity of bright-line spectra, brought out four more spectra of the same kind. One of these is the comparatively bright star P Cygni, in which bright lines, apparently due to hydrogen, are distinctly visible. This phenomenon recalls the circumstances of the outburst of light in the star T Coro me, especially when the former history of P Cygni is considered. According to Scliou- feld, it first attracted attention as an apparently new star in 1G00, and fluctuated greatly during the seventeenth century, finally becoming a star of the fifth magnitude, and so continuing to the present time. Another of the stars shown by the photograph to have bright lines is DM. + 37°, 3821, where the lines are unmistakably evident. ASTRONOMY. 115 ASTRONOMICAL PHOTOGRAPHY. The improvements in astronomical photography during the past two years, following the introduction of the modern dry plates, have at- tracted wide-spread attention, and the great merits of the new method scarcely call for any exaggeration in order to establish photography permanently as a means for astronomical research. We find Greenwich, Harvard, Paris, Cape of Good Hope, and Lick taking steps to make stellar photography a part of their routine work, and arrangements have been made by Admiral Mouchez for holding an international conference at Paris in April, 1887, for the purpose of elaborating a plan of co-op- eration in photographing the whole sky. It is hoped that ten or twelve observatories will be ready to co-operate and that all will be supplied with instruments of the same power, so that the work will form a homo- geneous whole. It will require 11,000 plates of 4° each to cover the sky, and ten years will probably be necessary for the completion of the un- dertaking. Stellar photography at the Paris Observatory.—An article in Nature (May 13, 1886), which gives a wood-cut of the apparatus used by the Messrs. Henry, gives also the following table of the time of exposure re- quired (with the Monckhoven gelatino-bromide plates) to obtain stars of different degrees of brightness: Magnitude. Time of exposure. 1 0s. 005 2 0.013 3 0.03 4 0.08 5 0.2 6 7 The limit of magnitude visible to naked eye 0.5 1.3 8 3’ 9 8 10 1 > ( 20 11 >Mean magnitude of the asteroids < 50 12 1 ► ( 2m 0 13 5 0 14 13 0 15 i 16 < > The smallest stars visible in large telescopes lh 23 0 These figures represent a minimum. To secure good reproductions on paper the time of exposure would have to be increased threefold. A two hours’ exposure gives stars much fainter than Herseliel’s debilissima. The Henrys have successfully photographed the clusters in Hercules, Sobieski, Ophiuchus, and Perseus, and the major planets. They have obtained the trail of an eleventh-magnitude asteroid—a fine line among the stellar points. The new method seems well adapted, also, to the search for a trans-Neptunian planet. The observatories at Algiers and Rio Janeiro are to be supplied with instruments similar to those at Paris, and an equatorial coude of 0.6 meter (24 inches) apertue provided with a photographic objective is to be constructed for the Paris Observatory, to test the adaptability of this form of instrument for photographic work. 116 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Stellar photography at Harvard College Observatory.—Professor Pick- ering’s investigations, which were briefly referred to in last year’s re- port, have been published in full in the Memoirs of the American Academy (vol. 11, pp. 179-22G). His paper contains a sketch of tbe history of the subject, description of the apparatus, discussion of theoretical considerations, and some results obtained in the three depart- ments of “ star-charting, photographing star trails, rmd spectrum pho- tography.” His work on the photography of stellar spectra we have already alluded to in the present review. In the report of the Harvard Observatory for 1886 it is stated that the investigation in stellar photography undertaken with the aid of the Bache fund is now nearly completed. The principal results ob- tained include photographs of the entire sky north of — 30°, on which all stars bright enough to leave trails without the aid of clock-work are depicted. One series of plates exhibits the effect of atmospheric ab- sorption on nearly every night of observation for a year \ and among the miscellaneous observations may be mentioned some experiments in the application of photography to transit instruments, which showed that the accidental errors did not reach one-half of those affecting eye- observations. Various photographs were taken of the nebula of Oriou to show the relative brightness of different portions of this object. The nebulae in Andromeda, in Lyra, and in the Pleiades were also photographed. An attempt was made to photograph a satellite of Jupiter while undergoing eclipse, and thus to determine the time of this phenomenon. Astronomical photography at the Licit Observatory.—In a very interest- ing article upon astronomical photography, published in the Overland Monthly for November, 1886, Professor Holden thus summarizes the facilities of the California observatory for investigations in this field: u We expect to have a photographic objective as large as 36 inches in aperture, if the glass for this can be obtained. This will be mounted in the most perfect manner, and we shall employ the 12-iuch Clark telescope, now at the observatory, as a pointing telescope for the large objective. The 12-inch telescope will be mounted alongside the other. An electrically-controlled driving clock will keep the two telescopes accurately directed during the exposure. Our objective will collect nine times the light of any other photographic telescope now made. - - - The focal length of the combination will be about 580 inches, and 1" on the plate will therefore be 0.002 inch. This is a quantity whose part can easily be measured. A single exposure will give us a map of the sky comprising four square degrees on a plate 24 by 24 inches. ■ The sun’s image unmagnified will be 6 inches in diameter; a large sun- spot will be the size of one’s finger-nail. - - - The photographs of the moon in the focus of the Lick equatorial will be 6 inches in diam- eter, and will probably stand an enlargement of twelve times, so as to be 6 feet finally.” ASTRONOMY. 117 Stellar photography at Cordoba.—Dr. Gould, iD a paper read at the Buffalo meeting of the American Association, has described the photo- graphs taken at Cordoba from 1872 to 1882. About seventy southern clusters and more than a hundred double stars were repeatedly photo- graphed. Some sixteen plates of the Pleiades and five of Proesepe were obtained; the total number of photographs being somewhat less than thirteen hundred. Dr. Gould lays great stress on the necessity of promptly converting the photographs into a permanent numerical record: and considerable uneasiness is aroused by the discovery that the collodion or gelatine films are readily detached from the plates. Some progress has already been made in the reductions, under Dr. Gould’s immediate supervision at Cambridge. Pritchard's “ Researches in stellar photography—In a paper with the foregoing title, read at the meeting of the Royal Society, May 27,1880, Professor Pritchard gives an account of a number of photographs of the Pleiades which he has submitted to a critical examination, with the following objects in view : (1) To ascertain, by means of definite and accurate measurement, the relation between the diameter of a star-disk impressed on a photo- graphic plate with a given exposure, and its photometric magnitude; a simple formula seems to connect the two. (2) To ascertain whether the photographic plate remains an absolutely accurate picture of the actual relative positions of the stars in the sky itself, and, moreover, whether these are measurable with that extreme degree of precision which is attainable with the best instrumental means. The satisfactory accordances of measures of different plates have afforded a sufficient answer to this inquiry. (3) The third subject of investigation was the relation between the areas of the impressed star-disks and the time of exposure of the plates. As far as at present appears, these areas vary as the square root of the time, though the investigation is not to be regarded as complete. Bond, in 1858, considered that the areas varied directly as the time. In the course of his work Professor Pritchard noticed what appeared to bo a distortion of the photographic film on a small portion of the plate, and he detected a somewhat similar distortion upon one of eight plates of 01 Cygni aud neighboring stars. He has hopes that in the course of a year the parallax of certain stars will be re-determined by photography, even to a greater degree of accuracy than has hitherto been achieved by direct instrumental application. Professor Harkness has suggested that great increase in the accuracy of transit observations of the sun would be gained by inserting a sensi- tive photographic plate just behindthe wire system of the instrument, and making an instantaneous exposure at the time of the sun’s transit. This would avoid the disturbance of adjustments of the instrument arising from the exposure to the sun for several minutes, which is nec- essary in the present mode of observing. Stars would be observed and 118 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. the instrumental constants determined by using the eye-piece in the usual way. COMETS. Professor Bredicliin in continuing liis researches upon the mathe- matical theory of comets has re-determined the repulsive forces which produce the tails of different types. Making use of some forty comets in his discussion, he has found for tails of type i, a mean value, 1 — pi = 14; but the comet of 1811, by far the most favorable for the determination of the repulsive force of this type, gave 17.5, and this represents quite well the tails of other comets. In this type the initial velocity g varies from 0.1 to 0.34, the mean being 0.23 (0.1=1.9 miles per second, about). In type n the forces vary from 0.5 to 2.2, and the initial velocities from 0.03 to 0.07, mean 0.05. For the axis of the tail 1 — ju=1.1. In type hi the repulsive forces lie between 0.1 and 0.3, and the velocities be- tween 0.01 and 0.02. Dr. Holetschek’s investigation upon the conditions of visibility of a comet have been followed up by Dr. W. Meyer, who finds that if the great comets of 1843, 1880, and 1882 had reached perihelion in May they would have escaped unobserved. The orbit of the comet seen during the total eclipse of May 10, 1882, must have been very much like that of the comet which appeared four months later (1882 II); it seems, indeed, that the observed position can be represented to half a degree by the elements of the September comet, merely changing the time of perihelion of the latter and fixing it for the 17th of May. The ephemeris computed by Dr. Meyer with these elements shows very plainly why the Sohag comet could not be found after the eclipse, or had not been detected before; it was too faint when in a position favor- able for observation. The comet is probably one of a regular stream of comets with small perihelion distance, such as 1843 I, 1880 I, 1882 II. If the orbits of the cornets of 1843 and 1880 were sufficiently alike in other respects, the failure in repeated returns would be no objection to their identity, for if the returns have taken place in the month of May, the comet must have been invisible. A revolution in thirty-seven years is hardly to be reconciled, however, with the observations of 1843, and for the great comet of 1882 Frisby has found a period of seven hundred and ninety-four years. Mr. Monck, in the Observatory for August and September, brings out some interesting statistics in support of his view that there exists a sort of u companionship ” among comets—that is, cases in which the elements show a striking similarity-; but it is improbable that the bodies are identical. Several of the comets of short period exhibit a family likeness which can hardly be attributed to their capture by Jupiter unless they previously formed members of a system. The ques- tion derives further iuterest from its bearing upon meteoric showers, for, if a family of comets can be supposed to be accompanied by a ASTRONOMY. 119 family of meteors, a shower from nearly the same point might continue for a considerable time, giving rise to stationary radiants to which Mr. Denning has called attention. It may not be out of place here to point out the value of physical observations of cometary phenomena—accurate observations of jets, tails, brightness, etc.—which may furnish data for testing any theories of their origin and constitution that may be put forward. Encke’s comet.—The progress of investigations upon Encke’s comet may be briefly stated thus : The comet which has now been observed at twenty-four apparitions since its first discovery in 1786 “ was shown by Encke to be subject to a remarkable decrease in the length of its period, a decrease which could not be accounted for by the attract- ive force of the sun and planets. Encke surmised that this was pro- duced by the effects of a resisting medium. His calculations, which extended up to 1848, were continued by von Asten, who in a great measure confirmed Encke’s conclusions, but found the curious anomaly that between the apparitions of 1865 and 1871, the acceleration of the mean motion which had been exhibited until the former of these years ceased to appear. Since the death of von Asten the work has been con- tinued by Dr. Backlund, who has succeeded in showing that the appar- ent anomaly in question was due to an error in the formulae of pertur- bations employed, and vanished when this was corrected. He was led however to the remarkable and interesting result that the acceleration of the mean motion of the comet is subject to a progressive diminution, and amounted between 1871 and 1885 to scarcely one-half of what it was between 1819 and 1865.” It was reduced from O'MOd to 0//.062. It seems very probable that about the year 1868 the acceleration under- went a change, duo no doubt to some unknown modification in the physical condition of the comet. Dr. Backlund has recently resumed his labors, which were inter- rupted by illness, and the first memoir, relating to the return in 1885, has just been printed; the second, treating of the comet’s motion since 1865, will soon be presented to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences; while the third, which is in preparation, will comprise the period 1819- 1868. For these researches the author has been awarded the Lalande prize of the Paris Academy. Comet Tempel-Swift.—Bossert has given in the Bulletin astronomique an elaborate discussion of the orbit of the comet discovered by Tempel in 1869, but not recognized as periodic till its rediscovery by Swift in 1880. The period is about five and one-half years, but the comet es- caped notice in 1875 and again in 1886. Comet 1873 VII.—M. Schulhof has published (Bull, astron., 3 :125 et seq.) a discussion of the orbit of this comet, and has gone into the ques- tion of its possible identity with 1818 I and 1457 I (the observations of which byToscanelli have recently been discussed by Professor Oeloria). 120 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. His conclusion, expressed with some reserve, is that 1873 YII and 1818 I are distinct bodies, with a short period of revolution but having a com- mon origin. Comet 1457 I is probably identical with 1873 YII, but it is also possible that the two comets 1873 YII and 1818 I are fragments of 1457 I. Comet 1877 YI.—Dr. Larssen, of Upsala, has completed the definitive determination of parabolic elements of the comet discovered by Coggia at Marseilles on September 14, 1877, and observed to December 10 of that year. The observations have been newly reduced aud combined in five normal places, with a very satisfactory result. (Astron. Nadir. 116: 23-26.) Comet 1881 Y.—The close agreement of the elements with those of the orbit of a comet discovered by Blanpain on the 28th of November, 1819, has led to a conjecture that the two comets are identical, although Blan- pain’s was computed to have a period of less than five years aud Den- ning’s of nearly nine, it being supposed that planetary perturbation had lengthened the period between the appearance of 1819 and that of 1881. It has been noticed both by Mr. Plummer and by Mr. Denning that the longitude of the ascending node of the 1881 comet corresponds almost exactly with that of the descending node of Biela’s comet, which has not been seen as a comet (or rather double comet) since 1852, though it has been supposed to be connected with a very brilliant meteoric dis- play seen on the 27th of November, 1872. The other elements of Den- ning’s comet exhibit a remarkable agreement with those of Biela’s comet; and the suggestion in question is that these comets are identi- cal, or rather that Denning’s is identical with the principal remaining portion of Biela’s, which underwent violent perturbation through near approach to the earth in 1872, sufficient to lengthen its period and reverse the nodes (a necessary consequence of altering the inclina- tion through zero). Colonel Tupman, whose calculations well confirm this theory, remarks “that on the 27th of November, 1872, it is prob- able that the comet was very near the earth and mixed up w ith the meteoric shower.” The comet passed its perihelion on the 13th of Sep- tember, 1881; the computed length of its period was 8.83 years, or about 3,225 days; and this was almost exactly the interval which had elapsed since the meteoric display of the 27th of November, 1872. If this theory be true, we can not expect another similarly brilliant display on that day until the year 1916, five periods of the comet’s revolution in its or- bit being very nearly equal to forty-four of the earth’s. (Athenaeum.) Comet 1881 YIII.—Olsson finds a period of 612 years; that found by Oppenheim was 2,740 years, though Oppenheim remarks that 900 years would satisfy the observations almost as well. Comet 1882 II.—The valuable series of observations of this comet made at the Cape of Good Hope, including the remarkable observation of the disappearance of the comet at the limb of the sun, has been pub- lished as vol. ii, part 1, of the Annals of the Cape Observatory. Inter- ASTRONOMY. 121 esting observations of the tail, accompanied by numerous sketches, are found in vol. i of the Publications of the McCormick Observatory, the observers being Messrs. Leavenworth and Jones. Comets of 1880.—Nine comets passed perihelion in 188G; three of them visible to the naked eye. One was a well-known periodic comet return- ing at the appointed time, and two of the new-comers appear to be periodic, one of them identical possibly with De Vico’s lost comet of 1844. Olbers’s comet of 1815 was not detected, but as an uncertainty of some three years exists in the period of revolution, it may be picked up during the coming year. The Tempel-Swift comet due at perihelion on May 9 seems to have escaped notice on account of its excessive faint- ness. Of these nine comets, three belong to Barnard, three to Brooks, two were found by Finlay, and one by Fabry; two were discovered in 1885, one in 1887 ; leaving six discovered in 1886. Comet 188G IX was picked up by three observers independently, on three successive morn- ings in October, showing what a careful watch is kept by comet-hunt- ers. Warner prizes to the amount of $800 were paid for the captures. Comet 188G I: I This comet, as noted in last year’s report, was dis- covered on December 1, 1885, at Paris. From a faint little patch of nebulosity it grew steadily in size and brightness, and on March 29,188G, Fabry described it as hav- ing a diffused nucleus about 15" in diameter, comparable with a star of the seventh magnitude; a tail about 20' long and 4' broad, was thrust out in a position angle of 325°, while the nebulosity extended about V. 5 beyond the head. It became rapidly more prominent, and on April 3 was visible without difficulty to the naked eye. On April 23 the head was as bright as a third-magnitude star, and the tail 4° long. The greatest length of the tail was probably about 9°, but the comet was not a very conspicuous object on account of its slight elevation above the horizon before sunrise, and also on account of the moon light. It is said to have remained visible to the naked eye from the early part of April to beyond the middle of May. Observations were continued in the southern hemisphere until about the end of July. The determination of the orbit presented some difficulties, and the elements from early observations were not entirely accordant. Dr. S. Oppenheim’s elements (Astron. Nachr., 2722), derived from observa- tions extending to March 28, placed perihelion passage on April 5,1880; the nearest point to the earth and greatest brilliancy (about four hun- dred and seventy-five times as bright as when discovered) were reached about May 1. The spectrum was studied by Trepied, Perrotin, Kayet, Vogel, and others. The three bauds common to comets and hydrocarbons were found—the central baud, perhaps, somewhat intensified; and besides these bands there was also a continuous spectrum. Dr. Muller, of Potsdam, has published in the Nachrichten (No. 2733) =Comet d 1885. =Fabry’s comet. 122 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. a very interesting series of photometric observations of this comet and of the comet discovered by Barnard on December 3,1885. The observa- tions extended over the months of March and April, 1886; and both comets were increasing in brightness. Reducing the measures to a dis- tance unity, the intrinsic brilliancy seems to have been tolerably con- stant; from which it may be concluded that the comets shone almost en- tirely with borrowed light. This conclusion is confirmed by Dr. Muller’s spectroscopic observations, according to which the continuous spectrum predominates. Trepied, on the other hand, found that in Fabry’s comet the proportion of reflected sunlight was small, gaseous elements pre- dominating and the bands being much brighter than the continuous spectrum. Dr. Miiller remarks that his observations show no effect of phase, and he suggests that this may be due to a variation in the in- herent light of the comet as it approaches the sun and earth, or we may assume that the nucleus is made up of discrete particles by which the phase phenomena must to a great extent be modified. Comet 1886 IT : | A brief account of this comet was given last year, as it was discovered by Barnard on December 3, 1885, with a 6-inch Cooke equatorial. A small tail about 15' long was detected by Tempel as early as December 31. In April and May the comet developed into quite a fine object with stellar nucleus and fan-shaped tail, 2° or 3° in length. It was seen with the naked eye on May 7 and 12 by Mr. Barnard, at Nashville, and on May 31 and June 3 by Mr. Tebbutt, at Windsor, New South Wales. The last observation published was made on July 19, at Cordoba. A care, ful series of “ extinction observations ” is given by Dr. Holetschek in the Nachrichten, No. 2739. The spectroscope showed the three ordi- nary cometary bands, with faint, continuous spectrum of the nucleus. The latest elements computed by Thraen from observations between December 5, 1885, and May 10, 1886, place perihelion passage on May 3, and give a slightly hypeibolic orbit (eccentricity=1.0004). Whether the curve really differs from a parabola can not be decide 1 until all the observations, including those from southern observatories, can be taken into account. Morrison has obtained hyperbolic elements agreeing tolerably well with those of Thraen. Earlier elements showed a slight resemblance to comet 1785 n, but it is not probable that the comets are identical. Comet 1886 III: This was discovered by Mr. W. R. Brooks, at Phelps, New York, on April 30, 1886, or j in civil reckoning on the morning of May 1; his second comet within four days. Mr. Brooks described it as hav- ing a small but bright and star-like head, and a conspicuous tail. On May 4 there was a tail 10' or 12' long; very bright near the origin. Engelhardt, on May 6, found the tail 10' long and nearly straight, while 8' from the nucleus there was a faint secondary tail bending towards the south. Pechiile, observing from May 3 to May 12, detected two =Comet e 1885. =Barnard’s cornel. I =Comet b 1886. =Comet 1886 (Brooks 2). 123 ASTRONOMY. nuclei or condensations in tlie head. Barnard says it was a most sin- gular looking telescopic comet—“a perfect miniature of the naked-eye appearance of a great comet.” It does not seem to have been observed beyond the last week of May, when its theoretical brightness was about half that at the time of discovery. According to Wendell’s elements the comet passed perihelion on May 5. Dr. Weiss called attention to the fact that at the ascending node the orbit approached quite near the orbit of the earth, so that when the earth passed the line of nodes, July 9, a meteoric shower visible in the southern hemisphere might result from particles following in the wake of the comet. We believe, however, that no unusual display was re- ported. Comet 1886 IY: Discovered on the evening of May 22, 1886, by W. R. Brooks, in the constellation Virgo, a large, nearly round, and feebly luminous spot with a slight condensation occasionally visible. It was decreasing in brightness when detected, and passed out of sight early in July. Mr. Sherman, of the Yale Observatory, found the three cometary bands in its spectrum. Dr. S. Oppenheim has calculated an elliptic orbit with a period of about nine years. Dr. Hind makes the period very much shorter, not much more, in fact, than six and a quarter years, according to which the comet would return in the autumn of 1892. The perihelion passage took place on June 6 or 7. A new discussion of the orbit has been undertaken by Drs. Oppenheim and Bidschof, of Vienna. Comet 1886 V: Discovered by Brooks on the evening of April 27, the first comet found in 1886. Until May 3 or 4 it was a round nebulous object V or 2' in diameter. An uncertain nucleus could occasionally be made out. On May 5 and 9 several bright points were seen in the nucleus, giving it a “granular” appearance. On May 18 the nucleus was of the eighth magnitude, and May 21 and 25, sixth to seventh mag- nitude with nearly circular coma 2' 20" in diameter. Dr. Krueger’s ele- ments show that the comet’s nearest approach to the sun, 0.27 (the radius of the earth’s orbit being unity), occurred on June 7. Comet 1886 VI: J Winnecke’s periodic comet (five and two- thirds years) for which an ephemeris had been j prepared by Dr. Lamp, was detected by Mr. Finlay, of the Cape of Good Hope Observatory, on August 19. During its two or three weeks of visibility it was a faint, misty object, V or 2' in diameter, without tail, but with some central condensation. Perihel- ion was passed on August 19,-about twelve days earlier than predicted by Dr. A. Palisa. An attempt was made at Paris to photograph the comet, but without success. Comet 1886 VII: Discovered by Mr. W. H. Finlay, of the Cape of Good Hope Observatory, on September 26, 1886, and reported as “ faint, Circular, about P = Comet c 1886. = Comet 1886.. ..(Brooks 3). = Comet a 1886. = Comet 1886 (Brooks 1). = Comet d 1886. = Winnecke’s comet. = Comet e 1886. = Finlay’s comet. 124 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. in diameter, with some central condensation, and no tail.” The pos- sible identity with “De Vico’s lost comet,” 1844 I, (for which Briiu- now found a period of 5.5 years), immediately attracted attention, and elliptic elements have been calculated by Boss, Krueger, Oppenheim, and Holetschek. The computation of the orbit presents some difficul- ties, and it is impossible to settle the question of identity until all ob- servations at this return have received a thorough discussion—if it can be settled then. The last set of elements obtained by Professor Boss (Astron. Journ., v. 3, p. 43) place perihelion passage on November 22, 1885, and give an approximate period of G.675 years. With this period the comet, if undisturbed, should return to the sun in July, 1893, under conditions quite favorable for observation. It is still visible, nearly live months after discovery. Comet 1880 VIII: A faint, telescopic comet was found by Barnard at Nashville on January 23, 1887 (the morning of i January 24 in civil reckoning), which proved to have passed perihelion on November 25, 1886, and it therefore takes a place preceding the comet discovered by Barnard on October 4. As it was receding from the earth and the sun, it rapidly grew fainter. Perihelion distance obtained by Weiss was 1.4 times the mean distance of the earth from the sun. Comet 1886 IX: This comet was discovered by E. E. Barnard, at Nashville, Tenn., on October 4, 1886 (or morning of Oc- tober 5). It was also discovered in- dependently by Dr. E. Hartwig at the Bamberg Observatory on Octo- ber 5, and by Dr. C. F. Pecliiile, at Copenhagen, on October 6. It was an easy object in the telescope, and developed a tail early in October. By October 29 the nucleus was as bright as a star of the eighth magnitude, and the comet was visible to the naked eye as an ill- defined spot. Two distinct tails were detected about this time, and Barnard found a third on November 23. The comet was now easily seen with the naked eye, as conspicuous as a star of the fourth magni- tude, with a slender train traceable for 7° or 8°. The tail seems to have reached a maximum length of about 10° during the first week of December, the theoretical brightness of the comet being then about twenty-five times that at discovery. Bicco, of Palermo, found the spectrum composed of the three hydro- carbon bauds, of which the middle one (green) was longest and bright- est. The spectrum of the nucleus was continuous, but re-euforced at the bright bands. Elements computed by Lieutenant Allen from observations reaching to December 10 show that perihelion was passed on December 16,1886. No deviation from a parabola is indicated. = Comet c 1887- = Barnard’s comet. = Comet / 1886. = Comet 1886/(Barnard, October 4). = Comet 1886.. ..(Barnard-Hartwig). ASTRONOMY. 125 METEORS AND THE ZODIACAL LIGHT. The Biela meteors of November 27, 1885.—Professor Newton has col- lected all the published data in regard to this great shower, and has submitted it to a thorough discussion in an article of nearly twenty pages of the American Journal of Science for June, 1886. We quote merely his summary statement of conclusions : “ 1. The maximum of the shower was near 6h 15m Greenwich mean time. “ 2. Three hours after the maximum the number of meteors had dimin- ished to one-tenth the maximum number, and it is not unreasonable to assume six hours as containing the principal part of the shower. “ 3. The total hourly number of meteors visible at one place in a very clear sky to some one or other of a very large group of observers may at maximum be regarded as 75,000. “4. In the densest part of the meteor stream, where and when the earth encountered it, the space that corresponded to each meteoroid was equal to a cube whose edge was about 20 English miles. “ 5. The dense part of the stream was not over 100,000 miles in thick- ness. “ 6. The zenithal attraction of the Biela meteors was about one-tenth of the observed zenith distance of the radiant. • “ 7. The radiant was an area several degrees across. u 8. It is reasonable to suppose that the meteoroids, while in the upper part of the atmosphere, before the paths become luminous, change di- rection by a glancing due to irregularity of form. After the resistance has developed heat enough to melt or burn off projecting angles of the stones, and the tracks become luminous, the forms of the bodies become rounded in front and the paths described are straight lines. “9. The meteoroids encountered by the earth on the 27th of Novem- ber, in 1872 and in 1885, did not leave the immediate neighborhood of the Biela comet earlier than 1841-’45, and may be treated as having at that time orbits osculating that of the comet. The determination of the paths of these meteoroids through their five and seven last revolutions about the sun seems to be a problem capable of complete solution.” Professor Newton’s presidential address at the Buffalo meeting of the American Association, on “ Meteorites, meteors, and shooting stars,” has been published in Science (8 : 169-76), and in Nature (34 : 532-36). M. P. F. Denza reports that a careful watch maintained on the night of November 27, 1886, at seven observatories on the Italian peninsula, showed no repetition of the great shower of 1885. This would indicate that the stream is of small extent but very dense, and would tend to strengthen the hypothesis that it originated in the recent disintegra- tion of Biela’s comet. Herr Forster finds for the radiant points of the great meteor showers of 1872 and 18S5: 1872 R. A. 230.3 Deck + 43°.3. 1885 230.5. + 43°.3. 126 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. A recent bulletin of the New England Meteorological Society gives a discussion, by Professor Newton, of a meteor seen on September 6, 1886, height, time and place of appearance and disappearance, etc. It is desired that observers should report the position of bright meteors, noting their paths among the stars, and trails, if any, with as much accuracy and detail as possible. Mr. Henning publishes in the Monthly Notices for November some interesting results he has obtained from the study of a catalogue of more than 82,000 meteors from 3,035 radiants. Mr. Denning himself contributes to his catalogue no less than 7,000 meteors. He also, in another place, calls attention to the marked agreement between the orbit of Halley’s comet and a pronounced meteor shower with radiant close to rj Aquarii. The maximum shower occurs about May 6. This radiant needs further observation. Relation of the zodiacal light to Jupiter.—Dr. Geelmuyden, speaking of Professor Searle’s researches upon the zodiacal light, says : “ If the zodiacal matter has the same position among meteoric matter in general as comets of short period among comets, it is to be expected that the fundamental plane of the zodiacal light will have some relation to Jupi- ter as the principal motor in deflecting the orbits, and therefore in col- lecting the matter. Now it is worth remarking that the most north- erly point of Jupiter’s orbit has the heliocentric longitude 188°, or with 60° east elongation 178° geocentric longitude; and for matter in the same plane, but nearer the sun, the approximation to coincidence with 160° is still greater.” THE SUN. Motion of the solar system in space.—Several attempts have lately been made to obtain the direction and rate of motion of the solar system in space. These results are discordant among themselves, and, as the in- vestigators have remarked, are not entitled to very great weight, on account of the meagerness of the data available, but it may not be with- out interest to give the values obtained. Herr Homann, from a discussion of the spectroscopic observations made at Greenwich, and from the observations of Huggin and Sea- broke, finds: ' Velocity of translation, in miles per second. Apex of solar motion. K. A. Decl. * 24. 4 + 2.7 30.1 + 14. 3 15. 2 + 9.8 320°.1 + 410.2 309 .5 +69 .7 278 .8 +13 .6 ASTRONOMY. 127 There is only a rough sort of agreement, but all three unite in placing the apex considerably in advance, in right ascension, of the apex as found from the proper motions of stars by Struve, Airy, Dun- kin, and others (the mean position generally assigned is, R. A. 260° 5 Decl. +35°), while Struve found a velocity of translation of only about 4£ miles per second. Herr Homann is inclined to think that the velocity of translation of the sun does not differ very much from the velocity of the earth in its orbit, that is, 18£ miles per second. Dr. von Kovesligethy in 1883 found from spectroscopic observations that the rate of motion of the solar system was 8.C geographical miles per second. The spectroscopic ob- servations were insufficient to determine the direction, and he assumed the apex in R. A. 216°.0, Decl. +35°.l. Dr. Ubaghs, of Liege, in making a preliminary examination of the aberration due to the motion of the solar system, pointed out by M. Folie, has obstained a result which would give a velocity of only about 180 feet per second. The velocity of light and the solar parallax.—Professor Newcomb has published in vol. 2 of the “ Astronomical papers prepared for the use of the American Ephemeris” the details of his researches on the velocity of light, made during the summer months of 1880,1881, and 1882. The apparatus used, to which the name “ photo-tachometer” has been given, is a modified form of Foucault’s revolving mirror. The result obtained for the velocity of light in vacuo is 299,8G0 kilometers, or 186,327 miles per second, with a probable error of 30 kilometers. Michelson found in 1879 a velocity of 299,910 kilometers, and repeating his work at Cleve- land in 1882, he obtained 299,853. Accepting the value 299,860 as the true one, it becomes of interest to consider the value thereby deducible for the parallax and distance of the sun. The latest and probably the most accurate determination of the constant of aberration is that of Dr. Nyrdu, 20".492. Combining this with the above velocity of light and Clarke’s value of the earth’s equatorial radius (6,378.2 kilometers), we obtain 8//.794 for the value of the solar parallax, almost exactly the same as that obtained from heliometer observations of Mars in 1877. The cor- responding distance of the sun is 92,960,000 miles. With regard to a possible difference between the velocities of rays of different colors, it is pointed out that the phenomena of variable stars seem to be conclusive against the hypothesis of any such difference. Were there a difference of one hour in the times of the blue and the red rays reaching us from Algol, this star would show a well-marked color- ation in its phases of increase and decrease. No such effect, however, has been noticed. Recent researches by Professors Michelson and Mor- ley have led to a similar result. Transits of Venus 1874 and 1882.—The work of the United States Transit of Venus Commission is being rapidly carried to completion 128 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. under the immediate supervision of Prof. William Harkness. The re- ductions of observations made at the various stations for time, latitude and longitude are finished, the determination of longitudes having re- quired a thorough examination of all the great chains of telegraphic longitude. A volume containing all of the observations for 1874—all of the 1874 work except the discussion of the photographs—is now in press. Dr. Auwers reports, under date of January 11, 1886, that the reduc- tions of the German heliometer measures are well advanced and that the printing has been begun; and M. Bouquet de la Grye announces for the French commission that the photographic plates, 1,019 in num- ber, have bfen measured, and that the reductions are now half done, and will be finished about the end of 1887. Theory of sun-spots.—Professor Young, in an article on “Recent ad- vances in solar astronomy,” makes the following comments upon an important paper by M. Belopolsky, of the Moscow Observatory, pub- lished in the Astrouomische Nachrichten, No. 2722: “Some recent investigations upon the rotation of fluid masses, by Jukowsky, of Moscow, as applied to solar by his colleague Bel- opolsky, seem to warrant a hope that the phenomena of surface-drift in longitude, and even the periodicity of the spots, may soon find a ra- tional explanation as necessary results of the slow contraction of a non- homogeneous and mainly gaseous globe. The subject is difficult and obscure; but if it can be proved, as seems likely, that on mechanical principles, the time of rotation of the central portions of such a whirl- ing mass must be shorter than that of the exterior, then there will be of necessity an interchange of matter between the inside and outside of the sphere, a slow surface-drift from equator toward the poles, a more rapid internal current along and near the axis from the poles toward the equator, a continual 1 boiling up ’ of internal matter on each side of the equator, and, finally, just such an eastward drift near the equator as is actually observed. Moreover, the form of the mass, and the intensity of the drift and consequent ‘boiliug-up’ from underneath might and probably would be subject to great periodic variations. “ This theory falls in well with the facts established by Spoerer respecting the motion of the sun-spot zones, and the general though slow poleward movement of sun-spots.” Sun-spot observations at Kalocsa.—A summary (Astron. Nachr., 116: 31) of suu-spot observations at Kalocsa, 1880-1885, shows the predom- inance of spots in the southern hemisphere of the sun over those in the northern hemisphere, particularly well marked, since the beginning of 1883. A similar result is shown in the Greenwich observations, and has also been pointed out by Dr. Spoerer; on the other hand, from 1880 to 1883 the northern hemisphere had the greater number of spots. It has been noticed, furthermore, that since 1880 the spots show a tendency towards the equatorial zones. ASTRONOMY. 129 Observation of sun-spot spectra.—Professor Young mentions a some- what curious observation of sun-spot spectra, which he has recently made. He finds that under high dispersion the spectrum of the darkest part of the spot is not continuous, but is made up of countless fine, dark lines, for the most part touching or slightly overlapping, but leav- ing here and there unoccupied intervals which look like (and may be) bright lines. “ It seems to indicate that the principal absorption w hich darkens the center of the sun spot is not such as would be caused by minute solid or liquid particles—by smoke or cloud, which would give a continuous spectrum ; but it is a true gaseous absorption, producing a veritable dark-line spectrum, in which the lines are countless and con- tiguous.” Solar activity in 1886.—According to Professor Tacchini’s observa- tions (Comptes Rendus, 103:120 ; 104: 216), it appears that there was a decided falling off in the number and size of sun-spots during the year 1886. In March, however, there was a considerable temporary increase; and on the 8th of May a magnificent group of spots was visible in the sun’s northern latitude. A well-marked minimum occurred in November, and rather peculiar “secondary minima” seem to have fallen in the months of February, May, and August. Prominences also showed a diminution in number and size compared with those seen in 1885, but the fluctuations were much fewer than in the case of the spots. A par- ticularly remarkable eruption was observed on March 9 and 10. Professor Tacchini places the last great minimum of spots in March, 1879, and the last maximum in February, 1884; if then the decrease in the number of spots during the latter part of 1886 corresponds to a new minimum, we shall have an interval from the last maximum of only 2.8 years, whereas the mean interval is seven years. So short an interval between maximum and minimum is very exceptional, for the shortest known since 1750 is 4.3 years; the longest is ten years. Total eclipse of the sun, August 28-29, 1886.—A party consisting of Lockyer, Tacchini, Schuster, Maunder, Perry, and others, was sent out by the British Government to the island of Grenada, in the West Indies, to observe the total eclipse of August 28-29, 1886. A full review of the results of the expedition can not be given until the detailed report is ready. Preliminary accounts show that only one division of the party, that with Mr. Lockyer at Green Island, failed entirely on ac- count of clouds, though the observations at some of the other stations were more or less interfered with. Photometric observations and pho- tographs of the corona and of its spectrum were obtained, and also good spectra of the prominences, showing the bright lines of highly incandescent vapors. In this respect the result resembles that obtained in the two previous eclipses, though it was thought possible that this year, being one when sun-spots were tending to a minimum, would be marked by the more continuous spectrum that bespeaks lower tempera- ture. H. Mis. 600 9 130 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Prof. W. H. Pickering, of Boston, observing from Fort Green, ob- tained a number of photographs and some interesting photometric observations. He also organized a series of observations of .the shadow bands. Observations of the partial phase were made at the Azores, Mar- tinique, Port au Prince, and at several points along the eastern coast of the United States. No parties were sent out by the United States Government. Photography of the solar corona.—Dr. Huggins’s method of photograph- ing the corona in full sunshine seems to have failed when submitted to a crucial test in the eclipse of last August. In a letter to Science, dated September 11, 1886, Dr. Huggins says: “The partial ph ases of this eclipse furnished conditions which would put the success of the method beyond doubt if the plates showed the corona cut off partially by the moon during its approach to and passage over the sun. As the telegrams received from Grenada, and a telegram I have received this day from Dr. Gill, at the Gape of Good Hope, state this partial cutting off of the corona by the moon is not shown upon the plates, I wish to be the first to make known this untoward result. I regret greatly that a method which seemed to promise so much new knowledge of the corona, which, under ordinary circumstances of observation, shows it- self only during total eclipses, would seem to have failed. At the same time I am not able to offer any sufficient explanation of the early favor- able results.” Mr. Common thinks it probable that this failure to get a picture of the moon projected on the corona was due entirely to the state of the sky ; and Professor Langley, in a recent letter to Nature (35 : 53), adds his testimony as to the great effect of atmospheric diffusion upon the visibility of the corona. Moreover, Dr. Huggins says that he has not himself been able to obtain any satisfactory results since 1883, and that the plates taken by Mr. Ray Woods in 1884, in Switzerland, are inconclusive. The failure may be due to the abnormally large amount of air-glare from finely divided matter of some sort which has been present in the higher regions of the atmosphere since the autumn of 1883. It is interesting to note that Professor Wright, of New Haven, in ex- perimenting upon the visibility of the corona, succeeded in obtaining what he believed to be a coronal image upon a screen, when he, too, was brought to a standstill by these same “white skies” and “ red sunsets.” Professor Wright’s method was to admit the sun’s rays re- flected from a heliostat, into a darkened room, and to cut out all but the blue and violet rays by a suitable absorbing cell, and then to form an image of the sun and its surroundings upon a sensitive fluorescent screen, stopping out the sun’s disk itself. Professor Young seems to have some slight hope of ultimate success of these efforts to reach the corona without au eclipse. 131 ASTRONOMY. Langley's observations of hitherto unrecognized wave-lengths.—Profes- sor Langley having traced the solar spectrum in the infra-red as far as wave-length =0.0027 of a millimeter, where it suddenly ceased, has since, with more delicate instruments, examined the emission spectra of various terrestrial substances at temperatures from that of fusing platinum to that of melting ice, and more particularly of temperatures corresponding to the ordinary conditions of the soil. The result has been to show that the maximum of heat from cold and black bodies has in every case a wave-length greater than 0.0027—greater, that is to say, than that of the lowest solar heat which reaches us. Professor Lang- ley thus sums up (Am. J. Sc., 132 : 84-106) his investigation : “ Broadly speaking, we have learned through the present measures with certainty of wave-lengths greater than 0.005 millimeter, and have grounds fores-, timating that we have recognized radiations whose wave-length ex- ceeds 0.03 millimeter, so that while we have directly measured to nearly eight times the wave-length known to Newton, we have probable indica- tion of wave-lengths far greater, and the gulf between the shortest vi- bration of sound and the longest known vibration of the aether is now in some measure bridged over.” The visual solar spectrum in 1884.—Professor Piazzi Smyth made a careful map of the solar spectrum in 1884 in order to determine whether any perceptible effect had been produced by the “ white skies” so prev- alent in that year. His observations have lately been published in a series of sixty plates, in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh, vol. 32. He finds that the red and violet ends of the spectrum show a marked general dulling, such as should arise from the upper air being laden with minute opaque particles—whether from the Kra- katoa explosion or any other source. Tholloris map of the solar spectrum.—M. Thollon, in the Bulletin as- tronomique for July, gives some interesting details in regard to the great map of the spectrum for which the Lalande prize of the Paris Academy was awarded him about a year ago. An earlier map from A to 11 was finished by Thollon in 1879, but he determined to go over the work again with improved instruments, and to make a chart representing, with all the accuracy attainable, the positions, breadths, and relative intensities of the lines, a chart which will enable us to determine in the future whether any changes have taken place. For even now, from the comparison of M. Thollon’s chart with that of Augs- trom, there is a strong suspicion that some change has occurred in the intensity of several lines between B and O. M. Thollon has carried the map from A to 6, and it is to be continued to the violet by M. It is now more than 33 feet long (though it covers little more than one-third of the spectrum), and contains about 3,200 lines, nearly 900 of which are distinguished as of telluric origin. The instrument employed was a large spectroscope with bi- 132 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. sulphide of carbon prism, kept at an even temperature by running water. The measures were made with a fine glass pointer. Cornu's device for distinguishing the telluric lines in the solar spec- trum.—At the meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, on June 11, 1886, M. Cornu gave a description of an ingenious method he has de- vised for distinguishing between those lines of the solar spectrum which are atmospheric and those which are due to solar absorption. The east and west equatorial limbs of the sun are alternately thrown on the slit of the spectroscope by means of an oscillating mirror. As one limb of the sun is approaching us and the other receding, there is a real'diff'er- ence of wave-length in the same radiation as obtained from the two limbs, and consequently the solar lines appear to oscillate while the atmospheric lines remain perfectly stationary. “It is as if you shook the spectrum; and if a line were a solar one it moved, if a terrestrial one it remained steady.” The absorption spectrum of oxygen.—About three years ago M. Egoroff was able to show that the great groups A and B in the solar spectrum were due to the absorption of oxygen. More recently the a band was also found to be due to the same gas. M. Janssen, studying the ab- sorption of oxygen, has now discovered that, under certain conditions, the gas yields another spectrum, composed no longer of lines easily separated, but of shaded bands, which can only be resolved with great difficulty. This system of bands appears for moderate pressures much later than the spectrum of lines, but it shows itself very quickly with in- crease of the density; the two systems are so different that it is possible to obtain either the first without the second, or vice versa. M. Janssen was at first unable to explain how it was that these bauds were not visible in the solar spectrum when they were easily obtained by passing light through thicknesses of oxygen far less than the sun’s light has to traverse before reaching us. But further experiments showed that these bands did not develop in proportion to the thickness of the stratum of oxygen producing them, multiplied by its density, but in proportion to the thickness multiplied by the square of the density. The density of our atmosphere being small as compared with some of the pressures at which M. Janssen worked, the non-appearance of these bands amongst the telluric lines of the solar spectrum is readily explained. M. Janssen is continuing his experiments at Meudou, and is building tubes which can be loaded with 1,000 atmospheres of hydrogen, oxy- gen, or carbonic acid. In this last case the real density of the gas will be superior to the density of water. (Nature.) For a thorough and authoritative review of recent advances in our knowledge of the sun the reader should consult Professor Young’s ar- ticle which appeared in the Popular Science Monthly for November, 1886 (30:24-33), and also his “Ten Years’ Progress in Astronomy,” in vol. 5 of the Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. ASTRONOMY. 133 THE PLANETS. Mercury : The 7nass of Mercury.—Dr. Backlund has published in the Bulletin astronomique for October a new mass of Mercury, obtained in- cidentally in his discussion of the motion of Encke’s comet. The new result in question is 2 6 6"8 7o~o, the sun’s mass being unity, and this is the largest value of the mass of the planet yet obtaiued. Dr. Backlund states that, even supposing the acceleration of the comet’s mean motion to have been constant during the entire period, 1871-’85, it is not pos- sible to represent satisfactorily the five apparitions of the comet during that period on the assumption of a mass of Mercury less than Vooo¥oo. Venus: Semi-diameter of Venus.—Mr. Thackeray, discussing the ob- servations of Venus made at Greenwich from I860 to 1884, finds that the amount of personality in the measures is much greater than the cor- rection due to the instrument, and that, though a greater number of observers by compensating one another might give increased accu- racy to the value of the semi-diameter, it is just as likely that they should not. The Earth: Geodetic Congress.—We learn from Nature that the In- ternational Geodetic Conference met at Berlin in October, 188G, to settle the organization of the central geodetic bureau (which is to have its per- manent seat at Berlin), and to determine upon the best method of exe- cuting the resolutions passed at Eome and Washington in 1883 and 1884, respecting the actual measurement of a degree on the earth’s sur- face. The adoption of Greenwich as a first meridian is to be strictly en- forced, but the introduction of international normal time is postponed on account of insuperable practical difficulties. The proposed change in the beginning of the astronomical day.—It is to be regretted that no agreement has yet been reached by astronomers upon the proposition to change the beginning of the astronomical day from noon to midnight. The general sentiment is opposed to making any change until it is clear that it will be adopted by a majority of astronomers, and until the proper modifications have been introduced into our principal ephemeri- des. The new day has been provisionally adopted by Mr. Christie, at Greenwich, and the board of visitors have recommended that it be in- troduced into the Nautical Almanac for 1891. On the other hand, the superintendents of the German and American ephemerides oppose any change; and there seems to be great danger that the agitation of the question by the Washington Meridian Conference in 1884 may introduce new confusion rather than remove the old. At present there is little prospect of the plan meeting with anything like a general acceptance before the beginning of the next century. Theory of the moon’s motion.—Several valuable papers upon the lunar theory have been published by Hill and others. Reference should be made to the papers themselves, cited in our Bibliography. 134 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Mr. Hill has received the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society for his laborious and masterly researches upon this difficult subject. An interesting historical note on the inequalities of the motion of the moon which depends on the figure of the earth, is given by Professor Hall in the Annals of Mathematics, vol. 2, No. 5. Mars: The “canals” of Mars.—M. Perrotin and his colleagues at Nice succeeded in recovering many of Schiaparelli’s enigmatical “ canals ” at the last opposition of Mars, although the planet was seen under very unfavorable conditions. Its apparent diameter at this opposition was only 14", against 25" at the opposition of 1877, when the canals were discovered. The canals were made out by several observers at Nice, and were recognized as having the same general outline and position attributed to them by Schiaparelli in 1882. They seem, therefore, to be essentially permanent, forming a sort of network of grayish lines pro- jected against the brighter equatorial regions of the planet. Compared with the thickness of the spider lines of the micrometer, the finest of these lines appear to have a width which corresponds to an arc of 2° or 3° on the surface of Mars. Some of them measure from 50° to 00° in length, and several are double, composed of lines strictly parallel, separated, according to Schiaparelli’s estimate, by intervals of from C° to 12°. All of this speaks well for the purity of the atmosphere at Nice, the excellence of the 15-inch Henry refractor, and the keenness of the observers. During the study of the planet (from the end of March to the middle of June) some change seemed to be taking place near Kaiser Sea. On May 21 this region, from 10° to 55° north latitude, was hidden by a luminous veil somewhat softer in color than the continents, very much as if clouds in regular parallel bands were stretched across the planet from northeast to southwest. At moments these clouds became trans- parent, exposing the outline of the prolongation of Kaiser Sea. Other similar cloud phenomena were observed on subsequent days. M. Per- rotin suggests that these phenomena were really produced by clouds or mists circulating in the atmosphere of Mars, and concludes that they are, in such case, the act of an element belonging to the atmosphere, or to the surface of the planet, susceptible of motion and modification in a comparatively short time. Mr. Denning, who has been an attentive observer of Mars, has not been able to make out the canals in the detail assigned to them by Schiaparelli, although he has distinguished a large number of appear- ances highly suggestive of these configurations. Mr. Denning con- cludes a review of his recent observations of the planet (Nature, 34: 105) as follows : “Many of our leading treatises on astronomy attribute a dense atmos- phere to Mars, but nothing has been observed during my recent obser- vations to corroborate this theory. It seems to me far more plausible ASTRONOMY. 135 to assume that the atmosphere of this planet is extremely attenuated. The chief spots are invariably visible, and the phenomena occasionally observed are rather to be imputed to the vagaries of our own atmos- phere than to that of Mars. “ Jupiter and Saturn are doubtless enveloped in dense vapors shroud- ing their real surfaces from terrestrial eyes. Their markings are atmos- pheric, though in some cases very durable, and constantly undergoing changes of aspect and displacements of position by longitudinal cur- rents. On Mars a totally different nature of things prevails. Here the appearances described are absolute surface markings displaying none of the variations which are so conspicuously displayed on Jupiter. It seems to me that the very pronounced character of the markings and their great permanency are quite opposed to the idea that the planet is surrounded by a dense cloud-laden atmosphere.” Dr. Lohse has used, in observing Mars, a double-refracting prism, achromatized for the extraordinary ray; this prism, placed before the ocular of the telescope, brings out more sharply the details of the planet’s surface by reducing the polarized light reflected from its at- mosphere. Satellites of Mars.—Professor Hall was able to observe the outer satellite, Deimos, on four evenings in March, 1880, but the inner satel- lite was seen only once, and was then so faint that no measurements could be made. Both little bodies were near their predicted places. The minor planets.—Eleven minor planets were added to the list in 1886, the last one bearing the number 204; the brightest was of the eleventh magnitude. Seven of the new-comers belong to Dr. Palisa, making the total number discovered by him fifty-seven. Dr. Peters has now discovered forty-six and Dr. Luther twenty-three. The dates of discovery and the names, as far as assigned, are given in the following table: Minor planets discovered in 1886. No. Names. Date of discovery. Magui- tude at dis- covery. Discoverer. Observatory. 254 Augusta March 31,1886 13.5 J. Palisa 255 Oppavia do 13.5 do Do. 256 Walpurga 12.5 do Do. 257 Silesia April 5 13 do Do. 258 Tyche M ay 4 11.3 R, Luther Dusseldorf. 259 Aletheia 12 C. H. F. Peters Clintou. 260 Huberta 13.5 J. Palisa Vienna. 261 Prymno October 31 11.2 C. H. F. Peters Clinton. 262 Valda 12 J. Palisa Vienna. 265 Dresda 12 ... do Do. 264 Libussa December 22 .. 11.5 C. H. F. Peters Clinton. 136 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Number 253, discovered by Dr. Palisa on November 15,1885, has been named Mathilde. The influence of phase on the brightness of the minor planets.—Dr. G. Muller, of the Potsdam Observatory, is led to believe from observations of seven asteroids with a Zollner photometer, that there is a real con- nection between the phase of these bodies and their apparent bright- ness, and that Lambert’s law of phase brightness does not apply to them. The planets are separated into two classes. In the first class, class, which embraces Vesta, Iris, Massilia, and Amphitrite, the changes in brightness are only perceptible as the planet approaches opposition, thus resembling Mars in their behavior ; in the second, which contains Ceres, Pallas, and Irene, the changes in brightness seem to be coexten- sive with the changes of phase, giving a light curve, like that of the the moon or Mercury. The asteroid ring—M. A. Svedstrup gives in the Nachrichten, Nos. 2740-41, an interesting abstract of a recent investigation, for which he received the gold medal of the Royal Danish Academy—a statistical examination of the orbits of 198 of the small planets, considered as part of a cosmical ring around the sun. The orbit obtained for the “ mean planet” shows an inclination of about 6° and a mean distance of 2.64. The mass of this fictitious planet corresponds to an apparent magnitude, at opposition, of 6.7.* Relation of the asteroid orbits to that of Jupiter.—Professor Newton points out the interesting fact that the plane of Jupiter’s orbit coincides almost exactly with the mean plane of the orbits found for the first 251 asteroids, understanding by the mean plane, the plane whose pole is the center of gravity of the poles of the asteroid planes$ the difference be- tween the poles is, indeed, only 30'. Jupiter : The “ red spot.”—The “ great red spot,” some 30,000 miles in length by 8,300 in width, has now been the principal object of inter- est on the planet for eight years. It was faint during the last season, but far more conspicuous than in 1885. Professor Young obtained, from eight observations made between March 17 and June 29, 1886, a rotation-time of the spot of 9h 55m 40B.7 ± 0B.2, showing that the remarkable retardation of the period still persists. This is brought out by the following figures: . In 1879 Mr. Pratt made the period 9h 55m 34*. 9 1880-81 Mr. Hough made the period... 37 .2 1882- Mr. Hough made the period... 38.4 1883- Mr. Hough made the period... 38.5 1884- Mr. Hough made the period... 40.1 1886 Mr. Youug made the period... 40.7 Professor Youug, on re-reducing Mr. Pratt’s observations of 1879, ob- tains 9h 55m 348.05, and he finds from a series of observations made by Prof. C. W. Pritchett, in 1882, 9h 55m 388.15. A small round white spot *In tho Bull, astron., 3: 415, this is corrected to 6.0 magnitude. ASTRONOMY. 137 observed at Princeton in March and April, 1885, gave a period of 9 551U 118.14. “It is noteworthy that although this spot was in a higher latitude (about 50° south) than the red spot, it yet rotates more rapidly.” Professor Young remarked the apparent overlapping of the southern belt and the red spot which took place towards the end of March and the beginning of April, and which was seen by many English observers (Observatory, May, 188G, vol. 9: p. 188); but whilst admitting that it was impossible to say which was uppermost, he was inclined, in oppo- sition to Mr. Denning’s viewr, to believe the red spot to be the lower. Mr. Denning has pointed out that the apparent partial coalescence of the two markings was simply due to an arm of the southern belt over- taking the red spot, the former having a rotation period shorter by about 19® than the latter. Mr. Denning finds evidence of regular recurrence in many of the prominent markings on this planet. Saturn : The satellites of Saturn.—Professor Hall has finished a very important discussion of the six inner satellites of Saturn, and his work has been published as Appendix i to the Washington Observations for 1883. The observations of Professor Newcomb in 1874, and Professor Hall’s own observations from 1875 to 1884, are given in detail; these are followed by the formation of equations of condition and their solution, and the work concludes with useful tables of the satellites’ motions. A remarkable result of the discussion is that the Washington obser- vations of the five inner satellites can be satisfied within the limits of their probable errors by circular orbits. It was hoped that the observa- tions would determine the positions of the lines of apsides with such accuracy that the motions of these lines would be known, and that thus we might obtain data for a new determination of the mass of the ring and of the figure of the plant. But the resulting circular orbits for the inner satellites make the position of a line of apsides indeterminate, and for the present the mass of the ring remains unknown. The mass of Saturn has been computed from the elements found for Titan, Bliea, Dione, and Tethys with the separate results for the re- ciprocal of the mass, — From Titan 3480. 07 ± 1.138 Rhea 3450. 43 ± G. 202 Dione. * 3463. 68 ± 8.379 Tethys 3463. 41 ±10. G29 or, the mean result from the four satellites, is Mass of Saturn = 34.73 1 iq the mass of the sun being unity. In a paper in the Astronomische Nachrichten (No. 2743) entitled “ Comparison of the five inner satellites of Saturn made at Toulouse in 138 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. 1876 and 1877,” Professor Hall discusses the old method of observing these difficult objects by noting their conjunctions with the ends of the ring, or with some other marked feature of the Saturnian system, but concludes that the filar micrometer measures are at present among the best we have. He is inclined to think that the heliometer, if it can be made large enough, must be one of the best instruments for dealing with measurements of such objects as Saturn and Jupiter. This sug- gestion is being carried out by Mr. Asaph Hall, jr., in a series of obser- vations of Titan with the 6-inch heliometer of the Yale College Obser- vatory. The following table represents the results of Professor Hall’s inves- tigations upon these satellites. The elements of Titan, however, and the values of the node and inclination of the ring aie adopted from Bessel. Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Bhea are assumed to move in the plane of the ring, and Hyperion in the plane of Titan. Elements of the satellites of Saturn, 1880. Mean distance from Satellite. Mean daily motion. tion. Saturn. 0 d „ 381.99078572 0. 9424311 20. 80 Enceladus 202.7317727 0 1 37021875 34.40 Tethya 190. 09838434 1.88779785 42. 734 131.53500029 2. 7309140 54.734 ± 0.0442 Shea 79. 09010973 4. 5174991 70.537 ±0.0459 Titan 22.57700000 15.9454245 170.915 ±0.0193 10. 919883 21. 270742 213. 98 Iapetus 4.53794773 79 .3310152 515. 5195 ±0.02045 Longitude of Eccentric- Inclination to Longitude of Satellite. Peri-Saturnium. ity. ecliptic. node. o / // o / // Zero 28 10 10.7 107 55 5.9 do 28 1C 10.7 107 55 5.9 ..do 28 10 10.7 107 55 5.9 28 10 10.7 107 55 5. 9 do 28 10 10.7 107 55 5.9 0 / '/ 2G8 37 56. 0 0. 02841830 27 33 50.7 108 10 34.8 83 37 55. 2 0. 1 27 3: 50.7 108 10 34.8 Iapetua 353 14 50.5 0. 027795 18 33 39.5 142 20 41. 4 The motion of Hyperion.—Tisserand in investigating tlie case of two satellites moving around tlieir primary in orbits but little inclined to each other has shown that if the mean motions are very nearly com- mensurable, and if the motion of one was originally circular and uni- form, the perturbations caused by the other would have for their princi- pal effect to transform this motion into motion in a Kepleriau ellipse with a uniform rotation of the major axis. Applying this to the case of Hyperion perturbed by Titan, which has been investigated by Hall and !Newcomb, and in which there is one of the nearest approaches to com- mensurability of mean motions to be found in the solar system, M. ASTRONOMY. 139 Tisseraud finds that his results agree closely with the facts of observa- tion, the computed rate of retrograde motion of the perisaturnium of Hyperion being 18°.8 per annum, whilst the observed quantity is 20°, and he also finds that his value of the mass of Titan differs little from that obtained by Newcomb. (Observatory, November, 1886, 9:360.) Uranus.—Observations of the planet made by Dr. H. C. Wilson at the Cincinnati Observatory in 1883 (recently published in Astron. Nadir., 2730), seem to confirm Professor Young’s observations (As- tron. Nachr., 2545), that the equator of the planet does not coincide with the plane of the satellites’ orbits. Neptune: Satellite of Neptune. — Marth calls attention (Month. Not., 46: 507) to what appears to bo a remarkable change in the position of the plane of the orbit of Neptune’s satellite. He noticed that the orbit from the Malta observations of 1863-’64 did not agree with that from the observations of 1852. The node and inclination obtained by New- comb in 1874 showed a movement in the same direction, and the motion of these elements is still further confirmed by the orbit recently pub- lished by Professor Hall from his own observations at Washington. The probable errors are so small that it seems hardly plausible or pos- sible to attribute the change to systematic errors of observations. Mr. Marth calls for careful observations to strengthen the evidence. REPORTS OF OBSERVATORIES. The following account of the recent activity of astronomical observa- tories is compiled from all available sources, the “ Vierteljahrsschrift” furnishing, as usual, the data for most of the observatories, although the latest reports there published are for the year 1885. I am indebted to the directors of many observatories for the direct communication of information in regard to the institutions under their control. An alphabetical list of astronomical observatories, compiled by Mr. Boehmer, will be found in the Smithsonian Report for 1885. M. Lancaster, of the Bruxelles Observatory, has published a useful directory of observatories and astronomers. Algiers Observatory {1886).—The French Government has granted the fuuds necessary for the completion of the observatory, and two assist- ants have been sent to join M. Tr6pied. A time service has been organ- ized for the cities of Algiers and Tunis, and the observatory will co- operate in geodetic work with field parties. Stellar photography will receive special attention. The observatory possesses a spectroscope by Thollon giving a spectrum 10 meters in length. Allegheny Observatory (1886).—The work during 1886 has consisted of an extension of former researches on invisible radiations, and on the absorption and radiation of heat by the earth’s atmosphere, and also of researches upon the absolute temperature of the lunar surface. In con- 140 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR L886. nection with this latter investigation a new field of exploration has been opened in spectral regions, where the planet’s own radiations to- wards space, of very great wave-lengths—exceeding one one hundredth of a millimeter—are now for the first time found. Professor Langley, in giving a portion of his time to the Smithsouian Institution, has not resigned the active directorship of the observatory, and all communications relative to the scienti fic or business affairs of that institution should be addressed to him at Allegheny as usual. Mr. F. W. Very continues at the observatory as senior assistant. Mr. Keeler is now at the Lick Observatory, and has been succeeded at Allegheny by Mr. James Page, jr. Amherst (1885).—This observatory, named in honor of the Hon. Abbot Lawrence, was built in 1847, and has been employed chiefly for purposes of instruction. Professor Todd was appointed director in July, 1881, and his report covers the years 1881-1885, inclusive. The instruments of the observatory are: A inch Clark equatorial, a 3-inch Gambey transit circle, and a Gf-inch Pistor & Martins transit instrument, with mean time and sidereal clocks, chronograph, and subsidiary apparatus. The equatorial is provided with two small cameras for celestial photog- raphy. Observations at e made of sun-spots, of the phenomena of Jupi- ter’s satellites, occultations of stars by the moon, etc. The provision- ally adopted position of the observatory is: Latitude, +42° 22' 17".l; longitude, 4h 50m 48.67 west of Greenwich. Ann Arbor (1886).—The observatory is known as the Detroit Observa- tory, having been founded through the liberality of citizens of Detroit. Valuable additions and improvements have been made by means of further contributions from the same source and from the city of Ann Arbor, and also by appropriations made by the board of regents of the University of Michigan, to which the observatory is attached. The building consists of a main part, with a movable dome, and two wings. The east wing contains the large meridian circle by Pistor & Martins and a sidereal clock by Tiede, of Berlin. The west wiug contains the library of the observatory, a chronograph with Bond’s new isodynamic escapement, and the smaller instruments. This wing connects with the residence of the director. In the dome is mounted a large refracting telescope, with an object-glass 13 inches in diameter, constructed by the late Henry Fitz, of New York. Much attention is given to instruction in astronomy, and through the liberality of the legislature a small observatory for the purpose of in- struction has been erected on the observatory grounds near the main building. It contains an equatorial telescope of 6 inches aperture and a transit instrument of 3 inches aperture, with zenith telescope attach- ment. A building near by contains computing rooms and rooms for observers, and a workshop where necessary repairs and attachments for the instruments can be made. A set of self-registering meteorologi- ASTRONOMY. 141 cal instruments has recently been added. It consists of Hough’s baro- graph and thermograph and an anemograph. The observatory is under the direction of Prof. M. W. Harrington, who is assisted by Mr. J. M. Schaeberle and a meteorological observer. Professor Harrington has devoted considerable time during the past few years to photometric observations, especially of the asteroids. Mr. Schaeberle has made observations with the meridian circle. The observatory plant is valued at about $40,000, and the annual ex- penditures amount to about $3,000. It should be mentioned that the American Meteorological Journal is edited here by Professor Harring- ton. Armagh (1886) Under the direction of Hr. Dreyer the Armagh cat- alogue of 3,300 stars has been published. Bamberg (1886).—This observatory, founded by the will of the late Dr. Bemeis, of Bamberg, who died in 1882, will be provided with a 7- inch heliometer, the largest instrument of its kind made. Dr. Hartwig proposes to take up the systematic investigation of stellar parallax, and the investigation of the physical libration of the moon. Berlin (1885).—With the meridian circle, Dr. Kiistner has observed a series of comparison stars for planets and comets, stars which have been occulted by the moon, stars for heliometer investigations, etc. There have been made in all 2,096 observations of right ascension and 1,936 of declination; the reductions are up to date. A new observing list, con- taining the Pulkowa “ Zusatzsterne” and Argelander’s proper motion stars—about 1,000 objects in all—was started in 1886. The transit has been used for observations of circumpolars, and also for continuing the observations upon seven selected pairs of stars, which are to furnish data for determining the constant of aberration. With the 9-inch re- fractor Dr. Knorre has observed a large number of comets and planets, and with the aid of his 11 declinograph ” he has determined the positions of about a thousand stars, some as faint as the thirteenth magnitude. Dr. Battermann observed occultations with the 4.6-inch refractor. The investigations upon the movements of piers have given interesting re- sults, and the clock which has been for four years in a hermetically sealed case, continues to perform most satisfactorily. Bonn (1885).—The meridian circle was devoted, mainly, to continu- ing the Gesellschaft zone observations. Volume viii, the Southern Durchmusteruug, was published during 1886, and the printing of the twenty-four charts which are to accompany this work has been begun. The reduction of the zone work is not quite finished. The director, Dr. Schonfeld, has been assisted in observing by Drs. Scheiuer, Deich- iniiller, and W. Luther. Dr. Scheiner was absent a considerable por- tion of the year, serving a term of military duty. Breslau (1885).—The observatory, under the charge of the veteran Dr. Galle, is engaged in meteorological aud magnetic work. Assistant, Dr. Lachmann. 142 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Buchtel College Observatory (1886).—Professor Howe has devoted his time to instruction in practical astronomy. The cost of the observa- tory was about $5,000. Bucknell University Observatory.—Mr. William Bucknell has given the sum of $10,000 for an observatory at Lewisburgh, Pa. A 10-iuch equatorial has been ordered from Clark and a 3-iuch transit from Ertel. The building is of brick, 25 feet by 150 feet, a dome 16i feet jn diameter surmounting the central tower. The observatory, under the direction of Prof. W. C. Bartol, is to be used for instruction in practical astronomy, and will be ready in June, 1887. Chabot Observatory (1886).—This new observatory, the gift of An- thony Chabot, esq., to the city of Oakland, Cal., is under the direction of Mr. F. M. Campbell. The instruments are, an 8-inch equatorial, with micrometer and spectroscope, a 4£inch transit, chronograph, clocks, etc. The geographical position given (Sid. Mess., 5:286) is: Latitude, +37° 48' o" ; longitude, 3h 0m 548.3 west of Washington. Cincinnati (1886).—The Cincinnati Observatory was founded in 1842 by an astronomical society, and was afterward transferred to the Uni- versity of Cincinnati, of which it now forms one of the departments. A new building was erected in 1870 upon Mount Lookout, about 4 miles east and 2 miles north of the central portion of the city. The observa- tory grounds comprise 4 acres on the summit of the hill. The building is of brick; it consists of a central portion supporting the dome, and two wings, the western being furnished with meridian shutters, and the east- ern containing the library. The observatory possesses the Mitchel refractor of 11 inches aper- ture, made by Merz & Mahler, and supplied with a filar micrometer and a double-ring micrometer. The magnifying powers range from 90 to 1,500. There is also a portable equatorial of 4 inches aperture by Clark, with magnifying powers ranging from 15 to 250. The transit instru- ment, by Buff & Berger, has an aperture of 3 inches and is furnished with a latitude level and an eye-piece micrometer for measuring differ- ences of declination. The total value of the instruments is estimated to be about $12,000. The library contains over fifteen hundred bound vol- umes besides a large number of pamphlets. ' The financial support is derived from a city tax, the yearly income from which is about $5,000. This provides for the salary of the direc- tor, one assistant, and a janitor, the payment of the ordinary expenses, and the publication of results. The purpose of the observatory is both educational and scientific. Instruction in astronomy is given in con- nection with the university, and the observatory is also open to the public for the first hour of each evening. The principal work of the past year (1886) has been the prosecution of the zone observations with the 3 inch transit instrument. In these zones about 4,000 stars between the declinations —19° and —22° have ASTRONOMY. 143 been observed, most of them three times or more. The work of pre- paring this catalogue for publication is already commenced, and in the progress of the work Professor Porter has detected a number of inter- esting cases of proper motion. The catalogue will probably be issued during the coming year. A few observations of nebulae, double stars, and comets were also made during the early part of the year, but were suspended owing to the resignation of Mr. H. C. Wilson, assistant astronomer. The work proposed for 1887 is the completion of the observations required for the zone catalogue, and after that the continuation of a series of charts of southern nebulae. Cointe (1886).—The new observatory attached to the University of Li&ge, Belgium, is under the direction of M. Folie, the director of the Brussels Observatory. The instruments are a 10-inch equatorial and 6- incli meridian circle (diameter of circle about 31.5 inches), both by Cooke, with numerous smaller astronomical and geodetic instruments, and a set of magnetical and meteorological instruments. M. Folie is assisted by Dr. L. de Ball and M. P. Ubaghs. Columbia College Observatory (1886).—The observatory is upon the top of the college library building, 100 feet above the level of Forty- ninth street, New York City. The 13 inch Rutherford equatorial, 3-inch transit, and zenith telescope are mounted in a room about 24 by 30 feet. The instruments rest upon solid piers of masonry, which are supported by heavy iron girders, the floors and ceilings nowhere touching the girders. The instrumental equipment embraces also a 5 inch equatorial (not mounted at present), a Troughton & Simms transit, spectroscope and subsidiary apparatus, clock, chronometers, portable transit, per- sonal-equation machine, etc. The dome is by Waters & Son, of Troy, New York, and consists of a paper covering with wooden ribs. The shutters of the transit slits are also paper, and open by the action of springs. Some trouble is caused by vibrations from the railroad trains (over one hundred a day) constantly passing within 100 feet of the building, but at times the instruments are very steady. A careful redetermination of the geographical position of the observ- atory will be made, as the old longitude seems to be somewhat in error. It is also hoped to devote the Rutherford equatorial, which is supplied with a photographic corrector, to astronomical photography. Professor Rees, the director, has but one assistant, and the greater part of his time is required to carry on a very complete course of in- struction in practical astronomy, designed especially for training engi- neering students. Dearborn Observatory (1886).—The Dearborn Observatory is the prop- erty of the Chicago Astronomical Society, but is upon ground leased to it by the now extinct University of Chicago, and may at any time be required to vacate. A new site has not yet been selected. Observa- 144 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. tions of Jupiter and of double stars have been made with the equato- rial during 1886, and the necessary observations for furnishing time to the city of Chicago have been made with the meridian circle. A cata- logue of two hundred and nine new double stars has been sent to the Nachrichten. It is expected that observations of double stars, Jupiter, and the satellites of Uranus will be kept up during the coming year. The instruments of the observatory are valued at $30,000. There is no permanent endowment, and Professor Hough carries on his work without assistants. Deutz (1885).—Herr Emil Mengering established in 1884. a private observatory, the principal instrument being a 5-iuch refractor by Reiu- felder & Hertel. Physical observations of the moon and Jupiter have been made, and attention is being directed to astronomical photography and spectroscopy. Approximate geographical position: Latitude, +50° 56' 33"; longitude, +0h 25m 45M) west of Berlin. Dresden (1885).—At Baron von Engelhard t’s observatory observa- tions were made of comets, nebulae, double stars, the phenomena of Ju- piter’s satellites, occultations by the moon, etc. Dresden (1885)—Dr. Drechsler, of the 11 Mathematischer Salon,” con- tinues a series of meteorological observations begun in 1828. Ditsseldorf (1885).—Since 1847, 1,271 observations of 157 asteroids have been made. Frankfort-on-the-Main (1885).—Herr Epstein continues his star-gauges and his observations of sun-spots. Geneva (1885).—Four hundred and ninety eight chronometers were tested during 1885, some of them showing an uncommon degree of ex- cellence. Forty-two chronometers were entered on December 1, 1885, for a twelve-weeks’ special trial of temperature compensation. M. Kam- mermann has employed the 10-inch equatorial in observations of com- ets, nebulae, and satellites. Meteorological observations are continued as in former years. Gotha (1885).—Dr. Becker has given up the greater part of his time to the reduction of his zone observations. The equatorial which has received anew objective by Reinfelder & Hertel, and has been thoroughly repaired, was remounted in October. A series of observa- tions was made with the meridian instrument. Greenicich (1886).—The annual report of the astronomer royal, Mr. Christie, was submitted to the board of visitors of the Greenwich Ob- servatory on June 5, and gives an account of the progress and activ- ity of the observatory for the year ending May 20, 1886. The regular work of the transit circle and the altazimuth has been continued, and very satisfactory results have been obtained with the apparatus for de- termining absolute personal equations brought into use with the former instrument some months ago. Spectroscopic observations include a considerable number made of the new star which burst out in the great nebula of Andromeda. The spectroscopic observations of Sirius indi- ASTRONOMY. 145 cate, as in the last three years, a displacement of the F line towards the blue; this displacement would correspond to a motion of the earth towards Sirius at a rate of something more than 20 miles per second, though, from the nature of the observations, the amount of such a mo- tion can not be considered as very accurately determined. For the year 1885 a photographic record of the sun’s surface can be made out for three hundred and sixty days by filling up the gaps in the series of Greenwich photographs from photographs obtained in India and the Mauritius. Observations of comets and of casual phenomena have been made with the equatorials; and the magnetic and meteorological ob- servations, the time service, etc., have been kept up as in previous years. The full import of the statement that the reductions of the observations are keeping pace with their registration will be appreciated by all who are engaged in routine astronomical work. In regard to the new equatorial Mr. Christie sa}rs: “The construc- tion of an object-glass of 28 inches aperture and 28 feet focal length, with suitable tube, to be mounted on the southeast equatorial, has been authorized by the Government, and the necessary funds have been pro- vided in the estimates. The work has been intrusted to Mr. Grubb, with whom I have arranged the details of the tube, which is to be of special construction, adapted to the conditions of the mounting, and available for spectroscopy and photography as well as for eye observa- tions. Mr. Grubb proposes to provide means for readily separating the lenses of the object glass to such a distance as will give the proper cor- rection for photographic rays.” It is proposed to refit the 12f-incli refractor for astronomical pho- tography by placing a combination of a convex flint and a concave crown lens about 2 feet within the focus, in order to correct the chro- matic aberration of the objective for the photographic rays without alteration of the focal length. Grignon (1885).—Observations of sun-spots and of the physical ap- pearance of planets, etc. Hamburg (1885).—Only one hundred and nineteen nights in the year were favorable for observing. Besides the meridian observations and the observations of planets and comets, a large number of chronom- eters have been tested. Dr. Schrader has left the observatory to take part in a scientific exploring expedition, and his place is filled tempo- rarily by Dr. Wilhelm Luther. The time-balls at Ouxhaven and Breiner- haven have worked satisfactorily, the former having failed only four times and the latter five. The Hamburg ball has given more trouble, having failed, from various causes, twenty-one times during the year. Harvard College Observatory (1886).—The forty-first annual report of the director covers the year ending November 1,1886. About half the Paine bequest, or $161,198, has become available for the support of the observatory; and the funds, which in 1875 amounted to $161,067 and in 1885 to $226,988, have now risen to $398,016. This increase must for H. Mis. COO 10 146 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1880. the present be devoted to the publication of observations already made, and to effecting repairs in the buildings and instruments. A new mounting for the 15-inch equatorial is required, and Professor Pickering expresses the hope that at no distant day means may be found for re- placing the present building by one better adapted to the requirements of modern astronomy. The most important extension of the work of the observatory which has recently been made is in the field of stellar photography. With the aid from the Bache fund almost the entire visible sky has been photo- graphed, and a large number of photographs of stellar spectra have been obtained. For continuing the researches upon a stellar spectra Mrs. Draper has lent the 11-inch photographic lens employed by her husband, the late Dr. Henry Draper, and has provided means for a new mounting at Cambridge, and for the proper reduction and publication of the results. This investigation has been referred to uuder “Astro- nomical photography.’’ The 15-inch equatorial has been used for photometric observations, observations of new comets, and of the new stars in Andromeda and Orion, and for experiments in photography. The work projected for the meridian circle is now completed, and the reductions are being pushed as rapidly as possible. Volume xv, part i, containing the annual results for the fundamental stars, 1870-'79, and the individual results, 188.‘3-’8G, has been published; it includes also the results from the separate observations of stars belong- ing to various special classes, and the catalogue of 1,213 stars, sepa- rately issued in 1885. The second part of this volume will contain the catalogue of zone stars. Volume xvi (published) contains a tabular statement of the instrumental constants and a journal of the observa- tions. A volume corresponding to volume xvi, but relating to the zone stars instead of the fundamental stars, and another, containing the obser- vations for absolute right ascension and declination made from 1879 to 1883, will complete the work of the meridian circle still requiring publi- cation. The resignation of Prof. William A. Rogers, who has had charge of this instrument since it was mounted in 1870, is greatly to be re- gretted. Professor Rogers has accepted the position of professor of astronomy at Colby University, Waterville, Maine, but will, however, superintend the reduction of his meridian observations and their publi- cation. The meridian photometer, Professor Pickering states, has given en- tire satisfaction, both in accuracy and in rapidity of work. (See Pho- tometry.) A time-ball is dropped at the Boston post office, and the telegraphic announcement of important discoveries has been continued under the management of Mr. Ritchie. The report concludes with a list, embracing twenty two titles, of contributions to astronomical litera- ture made by officers of the institution during the year. ASTRONOMY. 147 The following financial statistics, sonic of which may be found in further detail in the report of the treasurer of the university, will be of interest: Value of grounds, Harvard Observatory $80,000 Value of buildings 25,000 Value of iustrumeuts — - 40,000 Endowment 398,000 Total 543,000 The available annual income, including gifts for immediate use, is $152,000. The salary of the director is $3,400, the use of the house being estimated at $000 more. The sale of time signals brought in nearly $3,000 during the year. The principal items of expenditure are— Total expenditure for salaries, including that of director $12,000 Total expenditure for iustrumeuts 800 Total expenditure for publications 3,500 Repairs and improvements on buildings and grounds 940 The personnel includes Professor Pickering, the director; assistant, Prof. W. A. Rogers (resigned September 1, 1886); assistant, Prof. A. Searle; and Messrs. Wendell, Edmands, Ritchie, Gerrish, Gifford, and Metcalf; with six computers, ladies. The Boyden fund, which was left for the purpose of astronomical research “ at such an elevation as to be free, so far as practicable, from the impediments to accurate observations which occur in the observa- tories now existing, owing to atmospheric influences,” has been trans- ferred to Harvard College and will be administered at the observatory. The fund at present exceeds $230,000. Professor Pickering proposes to establish an experimental observing station in Colorado, but desires to occupy ultimately some high mountain peak in the southern hemisphere where observations—largely photographic, probably—can be carried on in co-operation with Cambridge. Information in regard to eligible sites south of the equator is much desired. Heidelberg (1886).—Private observatory of Dr. AVolf. The principal instrument is a 6-inch equatorial; objective by Reiufelder & ilertel, mounting by Sendtner, of Munich. A photograph of the observatory is given in Sirius, vol. 19, Heft 12. Helsingfors (1885).—Dr. Donner has continued to observe the moon, moon culminating stars, and planets, with the large transit instrument. This instrument is to be remodeled by Repsold into a meridian circle. A portable transit of 6.9cm (2.7 inches) aperture by Repsold has been mounted in the prime vertical. The equatorial has been used for ob- serving comets. Hereny (1885).—The mirror of the 10|-iuch reflector having been re- silvered by Professor Safarik, the instrument has been arranged for experiments in celestial photography. Herr von Gothard has succeeded in photographing several constellations, star-clusters, nebuhe, and stel- lar spectra, but the work is still regarded as experimental, Spectro- 148 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. scopic observations and drawings of the planets have been continued as heretofore. Hillsborough, Ohio.—Private observatory of Henry A. Pavey. Ap- proximate position: Latitude, +39° 12'; longitude, 5h 34m west of Greenwich. The instruments are a 4-inch equatorial by Benjamin Pike’s Sons, with mean-time clock and chronometer, and other accesso- ries. Physical observations of the sun and Jupiter have been made, and observations of the zodiacal light. Variable stars have been ob- served in accordance with the plan proposed by Professor Pickering. Kalocsa Observatory (188G).—Dr. C. Braun has published a report of the observatory founded by Cardiual Haynald, archbishop of Kalocsa. The instruments are a refractor, by Merz, of 7 inches; another of 4 inches; a transit, by Cooke, of 2.3 inches; altazimuth, clocks, spectro- scopes, photometers, etc. The latitude from geodetic observations is +4G° 31' 41/,.92; astronomical methods give it O'7.07 greater. The lon- gitude is lh 15m 54s.343 east of Greenwich. A valuable series of sun- spot observations has been made and discussed. Karlsruhe (188G).—The observatory at Karlsruhe (Baden) is still iu a small, temporary, wooden building, the instruments having been re- moved in 1881 from Mannheim to the present quarters in Karlsruhe, where the observatory forms a part of the u Techniche Ilochschule.” Unfortunately the financial condition of the Grand Duchy of Baden has thus far precluded the establishment of a thoroughly equipped observa- tory, which has been in contemplation. The temporary building has twro small meridian rooms, and a dome. The instruments are: (1) a G inch refractor by Steinlieil, lately remounted by Pecker & Co., of Wetzlar; (2) an old repeating circle by Reichenbach some years ago changed into a meridian circle by Hildebrandt & Schramm, of Freiberg; the telescope has an aperture of 84 millimeters (3.3 inches); the divided circle is 3 feet in diameter; (3) a large portable transit instrument by Bamberg, of Berlin ; (4) two fine clocks by Hohwti, of Amsterdam— one with break-circuit attachment; (5) chronographs, chronometers, etc. The personnel consists, at present, of the director, one regular assist- ant, and a temporary assistant. The director, Dr. W. Valentiner, has begun with the meridian circle a series of observation of all stars down to the eighth magnitude between 0° and 20° of south declination, each star will be observed six times. So far about nine thousand observa- tions have been made, and most of these have been reduced and pub- lished in parts 1 and 2 of the “ Veroffentlichungen ” of the observatory. The assistant, Dr. von Rebeur-Paschwitz, uses the refractor for observa- tions of comets, occultations, etc.; his principal work is the micromet- rical measurement of star-clusters; two groups will soon be finished. The filar micrometer has been carefully investigated. Herr von Rebeur has also completed an exhaustive discussion of comet 1882 I (Wells). The second assistant, Herr L. Stutz, makes regular observations with ASTRONOMY. 149 the transit instrument for the time-service of the observatory, and also observes moon-culminations and right ascensions of the fundamen- tal stars for the southern zones of the “ Astronoinisclic Gesellschaft.” Kew (188G).—The magnetical and meteorological observations and observations for time are kept up. Sketches of sun-spots projected on the photo-heliograph screen are made in order to continue Schwabe’s enumeration. Kiel (1885).—Observations with the meridian circle and equatorial are continued, the equatorial having been provided with a new regis- tering apparatus. The catalogue founded on the Helsingfors Gotha zones is still unfinished. Lawrence Observatory.—(See Amherst.) Kis-Kartel (1886).—Private observatory of Baron Podmaniczky, near Budapest, Hungary. The principal instrument is a 7-inch refractor by Merz, with a mounting by Cooke. The work commences next year with double-star measures and physical observations of the sun, moon, and planets. La Plata Observatory (1886).—The Government of the province of Buenos Aires is fitting up in La Plata an observatory which is to have a 31.5 inch reflector, an equatorial coude of 17 inches, an 8-inch transit, a large Thollon spectroscope with objective of 9.8 inches, apparatus for celestial photography, and numerous smaller instruments. A time- service will be instituted, and a large amount of geodetic work will be done, including the measurement of an arc of a meridian. The ob- servatory is to be under the direction of M. Beuf, late an officer in the French navy. Leipzig (1885).—Dr. narzer has gone to Pulkowa, and has been suc- ceeded at Leipzig, by Herr Schnauder. The zone observations and necessary reductions are being advanced as rapidly as possible. The equatorial has been used on comets and star clusters. Ijeydcn Observatory (1885).—Prof. H. G. van de Sande Bakhuyzen’s report is for the year ending September 15, 1835. The new equatorial, with objective by Clark, and mounting by Repsold, is ready for use. The 7-inch refractor was used for observations of comets. A series of measurements of artificial disks was made with Airy’s double- image micrometer for the purpose of determining the systematic errors of the measures of the.diameters of Mars and Uranus obtained in for- mer years. The meridian circle was devoted to observations of fairly bright circumpolar stars. Some progress has been made with the re- ductions of the zone observations, 1871-76. Lick Observatory (1886).—The Lick Observatory will soon be counted as one of the active observatories of America. The formal opening and transfer to the University of California can not take place until the great telescope is mounted (probably in the summer of 1887), but Pro- fessor Holden already has one assistant at work—Mr. Keeler, who has been Professor Langley’s assistant at Allegheny for a number of years. 150 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. The crown and flint lenses for the 36-inch objective arrived safely at Mount Hamilton on December 27, 1886, and have been packed away in a fire-proof vault in readiness for the mounting. It is the intention to provide three lenses, the third a “ photographic corrector’7 which can be slipped on in front of the other two. The Clarks found that the first piece of glass sent them for this lens showed signs of internal strain due to insufficient annealing, and the work of figuring was only undertaken at the risk of the makers, Fed & Co. The suspicion of strain proved well founded, for the disk burst into three-pieces while upon the grinding tool. Another disk will be pro- cured and should be ready by June 1, 1887. The cost of the objective was $52,000. The photographic lens will add several thousand dollars to this. The recent death of Feil pere may cause serious delay in ob- taining the glass for the third lens. The mounting is under way in the workshops of Messrs. Warner & Swasey, of Cleveland, Ohio, and will be delivered at Mount Hamilton in June, 1887, for $42,000. It will contain many novel devices, among them an application of a modified form of the bicycle ball-bearings to the right ascension and declination axes, which will insure great ease of movement. The driving clock will have an electrical control. The hemispherical dome of 70 feet interior diameter has been built by the Union Iron Works, of San Francisco, for $56,800. The question of an observing chair has been met by adopting Grubb’s plan of mov- ing the floor vertically 16 feet. Some such arrangement becomes ab- solutely necessary when we consider that the “spectroscopic length” of the telescope is some 5 feet more than the visual length, and the photographic length some 8 feet less; the eye-piece may be 7 feet from the base of the dome when the telescope is pointed to the zenith, or it may be 35 feet in the horizontal position. The floor will be raised in four minutes with a perfectly parallel motion, by hydraulic rams. The cost of the floor will be $14,500. A star spectroscope is to be made by Brashear, of Pittsburgh, for $1,000, and the micrometer by Fauth, of Washington, for $750. The total cost of the observatory will be a little over $500,000, leav- ing nearly $200,000 available as a permanent endowment. The annual income of the observatory from all sources will be about $20,000. In the summer of 1886 Prof. G. O. Comstock made an investigation of the Repsold meridian circle and a preliminary determination of the latitude. The resulting latitude of the north dome is + 37° 20' 25//.2 ; the longitude given by the U. S. Coast Survey is 8h 6"* 34s.35 west of Greenwich. A time service is in operation over the whole Pacific sys- tem of railways from Ogden to El Paso. Volume 1 of the observatory publications is in press, and will be distributed in the early summer. Professor Holden’s plan for utilizing to the utmost the magnificent equipment under his charge must commend itself to every one. The plan is to relinquish the use of the 36-inch equatorial for certain hours ASTRONOMY. 151 of each day to distinguished astronomers, specialists, who may wish to turn its enormous power upon some one of the many unsolved prob- lems of astronomy. Such astronomers may be invited to visit the observatory for periods of several months, and will be given every possible facility. The legislature of California has provided money for a permanent support of the observatory. Lund (1885).—Dr. Dun6r is principally occupied with stellar spectra and variable stars. Ilerr Laurin has observed with the meridian in- strument a number of stars with large proper motion. McCormick Observatory.—Professor Stone’s report for the year end- ing June 1,1880, states that the 26 inch equatorial has been employed chiefly in examining and sketching southern nebula?. The nebula in Orion and the Trifid and Omega nebula? have received special attention; many others have been studied, and two hundred and thirty-three new nebulae have been discovered. “The features seen indicate that the performance of the instrument employed surpasses that of any of the great reflectors which have been used in the examination of nebula?.” Double stars, comets, and occupations by the moon have also been ob- served. Observations with the small equatorial for the revision of the 23° zone are now practically completed. Electric lamps are used for illuminating the circles and field of the great equatorial, and have proved most useful. The 45-foot dome revolves as easily as when first erected. The cost of the observatory building and instruments was about $70,000, of which $64,000 was the gift of Leander J. McCormick. A working fund of $25,000 was given by William H. Vanderbilt, and an endowment of the directorship of $50,000 was subscribed by the alumni of the University of Virginia. Professor Stone is assisted by Mr. F. P. Leavenworth and Mr. F. Mul- ler. Part 2 of volume i, on the great comet of 1882, and part 3, on the nebula of Orion, have been issued during the year. McGill College Observatory (1886).—A most thorough discussion of a series of longitude observations by Professor McLeod, at McGill Col- lege, and Professor Rogers, at Harvard College Observatory, has been published: the resulting longitude of the pier of the transit instrument at McGill Observatory being 4h 54m 1S8.543 L 08.043 west of Greenwich. The center of the dome of the Harvard Observatory is assumed to be in longitude 4h 44m 308.993 L 08.011 west of Greenwich. Melbourne (1886).—Mr. Ellery has published the first installment of observations of southern nebula? made with the great Melbourne re- flector from 1869 to 1885. A description of the great 4-f'oot Cassegrain- ian reflector is given ; and there are several lithographs of small nebulae. Some fine results have been obtained in photography both of the moon and of stars and nebulae. Mexico. See Tacubaya. Milan.—The 18 inch Merz-Repsold refractor was mounted and ready 152 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. for work in May, 1886. The 8-inch glass has been used for double stars, comets, etc. Messrs. Rajna, Porro, and Abetti have been engaged in geodetic work. Morrison Observatory (1886).—The work of the equatorial for 1886 has consisted of a series of observations on comets Fabry, Barnard, and Finlay (reduced and published or ready for publication); physical observations of Jupiter and phenomena of Jupiter’s satellites, with a few observations of oceultations by the moon. The meridian circle can be used, at present, only for time observations and for the determina- tion of such star-places as are needed in equatorial work. A daily and efficient time-service is maintained on railroads extending to St. Louis, Chicago, and Kansas City, and thence south and southwest. Meteor- ological observations are kept up with regularity. Professor Pritchett has prepared a small volume of the unpublished observations of former years. This is now passing through the press, and will be distributed as soon as practicable. The expense of publi- cation is borne by Mrs. Berenice Morrison-Fuller, the founder of the ob- servatory. The annual income of the observatory is $2,160. This covers all ex- penses, including salaries. The director has no assistance, except that rendered by his daughters, and such as is afforded by a boy in handling the instruments and caring for the rooms. Munich (1885).—The revision of Lamont’s catalogue is progressing favorably. A number of stars from the southern Durchmusterung have been added to the observing list, to fill up gaps. Dr. Seeliger has fin- ished a count of the stars in this southern extension of the Durchmus- terung similar to the one already published for stars of the northern hemisphere. Dr. Bauschinger was obliged to devote two months of the year to “ Militarische Yerpflichtuugen.” Nice (1886).—The refractor of 30 inches was provisionally mounted in August, and it is stated that the trials with it have given most excel- lent results, COyalla (1885).—The main work of the observatory has been the ex- perimental determination of the mechanical energy of the radiations of thirty-four stars of the first and second magnitude. The spectro- scopic “ Durchmusterung ” of a zone 0° to 15° is nearly completed. Sun-spots are observed regularly. Oxford University Observatory (1886).—Professor Pritchard’s report was read to the board of visitors on June 16. The photometrie ineas- uremeu't of the magnitudes of an equatorial zone of stars has been un- dertaken. Attention will be given to astronomical photography—a department of work for which the observatory is well equipped—di- recting investigations to, first, the relation which exists between the photometric and the photographic magnitude of stars; second, the re- liable uniformity of the photographic film; third, the amount of astro- nomical accuracy attainable on the same. ASTRONOMY. 153 Palermo (1885).—New comets, shooting stars, solar spots, and pro- tuberances have been observed; drawings have been made of the planets, and atmospheric phenomena have been studied. Paris (1885).—The report of Admiral Mouehez, presented to the council on the 22d of January, 188G, gives especial prominence to the work in astronomical photography. A reproduction is given of a pho- tograph of the Pleiades taken by the Henry Brothers, and also an il- lustration of the instrument employed. We have already referred to many of the interesting results obtained. Three instruments have been used for photography; the first (aperture C.3 inches), the exper- imental instrument used in 1884, has been employed in photometric researches. The second is a smaller instrument, aperture 4.3 inches, for photographing large comets and extended groups of stars. The third is the equatorial of 13 inches aperture, with which the more im- portant work has been done. The routine work has not, however, suffered; in the meridian service over sixteen thousand observations have been made by sixteen differ- ent observers; the instrument devised by M. Lcewy, the equatorial coude, has been used for the observation of comets and minor planets, and the time-service, meteorological department, etc., are all in a most satisfactory condition. The reductions for the great catalogue were completed up to 8h right ascension. The catalogue has been printed up to number 3,800. Plonslc (1885).—Comets, double stars, etc., have been observed, and an interesting study of the atmospheric lines of the spectrum has been undertaken. Dr. Jedrzejewicz, the director, has made a new deter- mination of the geographical co-ordinates of the observatory with the following result: Latitude, +52° 37' 40"; longitude, 27m 578.07 east of Berlin. Potsdam (1885).—Dr. VogeTs most interesting report occupies more than ten pages of the Vierteljahrsschrift (vol. 21, pp. 132-142). The instruments have been improved in many minor details, and several pieces of subsidiary apparatus have been added. Drs. Miiller and Kempf have devoted considerable time to finishing the new determina- tion of wave-lengths of the Fraunhofer lines. Drs. Yogel and Wilsing have been at work upon the spectra of new stars, spectra of comets, and spectra of solar spots and protuberances. Dr. Miiller has made a num- ber of photometric observations of the major and minor planets, while Dr. Wilsing has observed variable stars. Dr. Lohse has made a series of drawings of Jupiter, and has obtained one hundred and forty-six photographs of the sun; these latter, taken in connection with Dr. Spoerer’s telescopic observations, will furnish ample material for the history of tlie spots. Dr. Lohse has also continued his series of photo- graphs of star-clusters with gratifying success. Dr. Wilsing has carried on a very interesting series of experiments to determine the density of the earth. The third part of volume four and the fifth volume of the 154 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Annals have been published. The library has increased to about thirty- seven hundred volumes. Prague (1885).—Professor Safarik has devoted his attention to varia- ble stars. Princeton (1880).—The 23-incli equatorial has been used by Professor Young in micrometrical work upon close double stars, the satellites of Uranus and Neptune, the surface markings of Jupiter, and the details of Saturn. Comets are observed when they have become difficult ob- jects for smaller instruments. Occasional spectroscopic observations are made of sun-spots, prominences, and comets. The institution has no endowment which would make it possible to undertake any extensive or continuous programme of work. The small observatory is used almost entirely for instruction in practical astronomy, this part of the work being under the immediate supervision of Professor McNeill. PuUcowa (1886).—The annual report of Dr. Struve is for the year ending May 25, 188G. The great routine work, the determination of star-positions, has been continued as in former years. The 30-inch re- fractor, in the hands of Dr. Hermann Struve, has been employed in observing the faint double stars of Burnham’s catalogue, the satellites of Mars, Saturn, and Neptune, the Maia nebula and Nova Andromeda;, which was easily visible on January 27. Dr. Hermann Struve speaks in the highest terms of the instrument, both as regards its optical power and its mounting, the movement of the dome, etc. Backlund has meas- ured with the 4-incli heliometer the positions of Jupiter’s satellites, for a determination of the mass of the planet and the orbits of the satellites. Hasselberg has been experimenting upon photography of the solar spec- trum. The observatory has met with a severe loss in the recent death of nerr Wagner. Radcliffe Observatory (1886).—Observations have been made of the sun, the moon throughout the lunation, occultations by the mobn, and the phenomena of Jupiter’s satellites. Volume 41, containing results for 1883, has been published. Rio Janeiro (1886).—M. Cruls announces that the observatory is to be transferred to a new site, nearly on the same parallel as the present observatory, but two minutes of time farther west. M. Cruls has been commissioned by the Emperor of Brazil to have a photographic appa- ratus constructed similar to that at Paris, in order to co-operate in the proposed photographic survey of the heavens. Rousdon (1886).—A private observatory erected in 1884 and 1885 by Mr. Cuthbert E. Peek at Bousdon, near Lyme Eegis, Devon, England. The principal instruments are, a 6.4-inch equatorial objective by Merz, mouutiug by Cooke, a 2 inch Troughton & Simms transit, chronometers, etc. Beneath the equatorial room is a laboratory which is also fitted for photography. In 1886 the comets of the year and a list of long- period variables were observed, and transit observations were made for rating the chronometers. A volume containing observations of comets, ASTRONOMY. 155 Nova Andromeda?, etc., and meteorological observations from 1882 to 1885 has been published. Smith College Observatory.—Professor Todd includes in liis report of the Amherst Observatory a brief account of an observatory, the con- struction of which he has supervised for the trustees of Smith College (for young women), at Northampton, Massachusetts. A one-story brick building is divided into an equatorial room, photographic dark-room, library, clock-room, and transit-room. The equatorial is of 11 inches aperture, the objective by the Clarks, and mounting by Warner & Swasey. Incandescent lamps are provided for the illumination of the circles and micrometers. The transit-room will contain a 4-inch merid- ian circle. The approximate position of the new observatory is: Lati- tude, -f 42° 19' 7"; longitude, 4h50m 328.9 west of Greenwich. South Evanston (188G).—Dr. Marshall D. Ewell has erected a small private observatory at South Evanston, Cook County, Illinois, 10.8 miles north of Chicago. The equatorial is a 6£-incli Clark refractor mounted on a pier made of Portland cement and fine gravel so as to form practically a single piece of rock from top to bottom. The dome is 12 feet in diameter, built with ash ribs covered with tin, and turns on six iron wheels. The observatory is also provided with a inch Troughton & Simms transit, sidereal and mean-time chronometers, and minor apparatus. Stockholm (1885).—Investigations upon the motions of the different members of the solar system have absorbed the attention of the director and his assistants. The mean motions of the apsides of the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus are found to differ sensibly from the values assigned by Leverrier. Herr Slulanow has continued GykhSn’s researches upon the lunar theory, and Dr. Ilarzer has contributed a valuable memoir upon the motion of Hecuba. Strassburg.—Dr. Schur, previous to his departure for Gottingen, where he takes Klin kerf lies’ place, published a report, dated May G, 18SG, sup- plementary to his annual report of July, 1885. The principal meridian work was upon southern stars in the extension of the Durchmusterung, and Auwers’ eighty-three southern fundamental stars and refraction stars. The moon was observed with the altazimuth; comets with the refractor. Dr. Kobold succeeds Herr Schur. Dr. Winneeke has been retired, at his own request, on account of ill health. Tacubaya (1885).—The Observatorio Nacional, formerly at Chapulte- pec, is now at Tacubaya, about G miles from the city of Mexico. The final value of the longitude of the large meridian circle, from exchanges in 1885 with St, Louis, is Ch 3Gm 4G8.54 ± 08.02 west of Greenwich. (Astron. .Tour., 7 : G2.) Taschhent (1885).—The refractor was employed principally in observ- ing sunspots; comets and occultations were also observed. The merid- ian circle furnished the places of a number of comparison stars for 156 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 188G. comets and planets. Geographical positions were determined for six towns in central Asia. Temple Observatory (1886).—Observations of double stars have been continued, and spectroscopic observations to determine the motion of stars in the line of sight. • United States Naval Observatory (1886).—No material change has been made in the character of the work. Professor Hall has used the 26 inch refractor in observations of Saturn, of double stars, and of satellites; and also for determinations of stellar parallax. No deteriora- tion of the objective has been noticed since it was repolished ten years ago. The transit circle has been employed in observations of the sun, moon, planets, and such stars as are necessary to complete the data for a transit-circle catalogue, which will contain all of the miscellaneous stars observed since the instrument was mounted, twenty years ago. The reductions are somewhat behindhand on account or the inade- quate computing force. The 9.6 inch equatorial has been used in the observation of. comets, asteroids, and the occupation of stars by the moon; and the Repsold meridian circle at Annapolis temporarily, under the direction of the Superintendent of the Washington Observatory, in the observation of a list of southern stars. The revision of Yarnall’s catalogue and the reduction of recent observations with the prime vertical instrument are progressing favorably. Photographs of the sun have been taken with the plioto-heliograph used during the transit of Venus. Ninety-eight negatives showing spots were secured between January 11 and September 30, 1886. The extensive time-service of the observatory is in an efficient state, and the chronometer tests inaugurated a few years ago have proved of great benefit naval service. Considerable attention has also been given to the examination of nautical instruments, thermometers, etc., for the Navy. The volume for 1882, and Appendices i, ii, and hi to the volume for 1883 have been distributed. Commodore Belknap was relieved from duty as Superintendent on June 7, 1886, by Commander A. D. Brown, and Commander Brown on November 15 by Capt. Robert L. Phythian. The expenses of the observatory are met by annual appropriations from Congress, the naval officers (including professors) receiving the pay of their respective ranks. The pay of fourteen officers attached to the observatory December 1, 1886, aggregated $31,400. The specific appropriation for the observatory for the year ending June 30, 1886, contains the following items: For pay of three assistant astronomers, $5",600; one clerk, $1,800; instrument maker, $1,500; four watchmen, $4,880; assistant for the 26-inch equatorial, $720; gardener, $1,000 ; seven laborers, $4,620; for miscellaneous computations, $ 1,200; purchase of apparatus and material for repairs of instruments, $2,500; ASTRONOMY. 157 library, $1,000 ; repairs to buildings, fuel, gas, furniture, stationery, and contingent expenses, $3,900; freight on observatory publications sent to foreign countries, $3G6. The entire annual cost of the maintenance of the observatory may, therefore, be put at about $58,500;—$50,700 being for salaries and wages, and nearly $7,800 for other expenses. The item of salaries will vary considerably, of course, with the number and rank of line officers on duty, and it should be borne in mind that sev- eral of the officers are engaged upon work carried on at the observatory as a naval institution. The sum oi $100,000 is now available for the erection of a new obser- vatory, and the plans prepared six or eight years ago are being revised, with a prospect of beginning work upon the new buildings in the course of a few months. The total cost of the buildings is limited to $400,000. Warner Observatory.—Dr. Swift has confined himself to the discovery ot new nebulae and the search for comets. The instruments are: A 10-inch (/lark equatorial, provided with a filar micrometer and many convenient accessories ; a cornet-seeker, and a sidereal clock by Howard. A spectroscope, to cost $1,000, has been ordered from Alvan Clark & Sons. A description of the observatory, with its instruments and work from 1883 to 1880, has been published as volume I of the ob- servatory publications. This volume contains a list of four hundred and nine nebulae discovered since July 9,1883 (it is stated that five hundred • and forty have been discovered in all), a list of the Warner astronom ical prizes, and the full text of the Warner prize essays on comets and on the red “ sky-glows.” Vanderbilt University Observatory, Nashville, Tenn.—This observa- tory is supplied with the following instruments: Six-inch equatorial refractor, by T. Cooke & Sons, 8-foot focus, with hour circle divided to single minutes, and subdivided to 29 by opposite verniers ; and declination circle divided to 10/ and read by two verniers to 10". There is also a third vernier reading to 15", used for setting in declination, and read by the observer at the eye-piece with a small telescope. The instrument is supplied with eight eye-pieces, ranging from 00 to 000, and filar micrometer (bright field, dark wires only). A revolving disk with colored glasses gives a change of color of field,—a red one being found most useful, as it seems to permit observations of fainter objects with sufficient distinctness of the wires. A ring microm- eter (not belonging to the observatory) is also used with the equatorial. A good driving clock gives a steady motion to the telescope. Two spectroscopes belong to this instrument—one, a direct-vision spectro- scope by Merz & Mahler, the other by Grubb. The equatorial room is surmounted by a hemispherical dome, revolv- ing readily by hand on twelve pairs of wheels. The shutter is of light corrugated iron, in two sections; the upper section, two-thirds of the entire length, passes through the zenith to the back of the dome ; the other part is drawn to one side, running on two light wheels, upon 158 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. a projecting platform. This instrument lias been used during the past year in the observation of comets, nebuhe, and the planets, and other miscellaneous work. Positions of all the comets have been obtained with either the ring or filar micrometer. Some experiments in celestial photography have been carried on, and good views of the moon obtained. The instrument cost about $1,900. A 4-inch meridian circle, by Ertel, with circles 26 inches in diameter, divided to 3'. On the east pier is mounted a frame carrying four micro- scopes which read the circle to 0".5. The reticule consists of thirteen vertical and two horizontal wires. The field or threads are illuminated at will. This instrument is reversible, and cost about $1,400. The chronograph is one of Warner & Swazey’s latest designs, and is used with either the equatorial or meridian circle. Cost, $375. The sidereal clock, by Dent, cost $500. The mean time clock, by Howard, cost $400. There is also a 3-inch altazimuth, by Cooke; and a 5-inch portable refractor, by Byrne. This latter instrument is not the property of the observatory. With it Professor Barnard has discovered a large num- ber of comets. The observatory building consists of a transit room, an equatorial room, and two computing rooms. The equatorial room is on the second floor, and is reached by a spiral staircase. Washburn Observatory (1886).—This fine observatory possesses a 15£- incli Clark equatorial, with filar micrometer, a ltepsold meridian circle, one sidereal and two mean-time clocks, a chronograph, chronometers, etc., besides the excellent 6-inch equatorial which formerly belonged to Mr. S. W. Burnham, and with which his first observations and measurements of double stars were made. This latter equatorial, together with a Fauth 3-inch transit, is mounted in a separate build- ing of wood, called the students’ observatory. The main building has, besides the rooms for the meridian circle and the large dome for the equatorial, a separate clock and computing room, a room for the electrical switch-board, time relays, etc., and a well furnished room for a library and director’s study. There are also sleeping rooms for two assistants, one of whom is the meteorological observer whose records are printed in the annual volumes of the observatory. The officers of the observatory are a director, two assistant astromoners (one of whom is a lady), the meteorological observer, and a janitor. The library of the observatory is maintained by the geuerosity of the Hon. Cyrus Woodman, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, who has given, for this purpose, the sum of $5,000. One half the yearly interest from this sum is available for the purchase of new books, the other half going to increase the principal until it reaches a specified sum. The “ publications” are printed at the expense of the State, and are issued when circumstances warrant. Four volumes have already been issued, aud a fifth is nearly ready for publication, ASTRONOMY. 159 The entire outfit of the observatory, in instruments and buildings, is due to the munificence of the late Governor Cadwallader C. Washburn, and cost not far from $50,000. A detailed list of the cost of some of the instruments is given in the volumes'of publications of the observa- tory. All salaries and running expenses are paid by the regents of the university from the general fund. These have heretofore amounted to about $5,0. 8vo. Mainz, 1886. .(M. 1.75) Lockyer (J. N.): The sun and stars, il. Nature, 33: 399, 426, 469,499, 540; Nature, 34 : 205, 227, 280. Neison (E.): Astronomy; a simple introduction to a noble science. London, 1886. Noble (W.): Hours with a three-inch telescope. 6-j-122p. 1 map. 12mo. Lon- don, 1886 (M. 4.70) Proctor (R. A.) : Expanse (The) of heaven : a series of essays on the wonders of the firmament. New ed. 308 p. 8vo. London, 1886 (M. 5.30) : Orbs (The) around us. New ed. 8vo. London, 1886 (M. 5.30) : Others worlds than ours. New ed. 8vo. London, 1886 (M. 5.30) : Our place among infinities. New ed. 320 p. 8vo. London, 1886. (M. 5.30) : Star primer. 8vo. London, 1886 (M. 2.70) Tuxen (J. C.): Stjmrneverdenen. 4. udgave ved C. F. PechUle. Levering 5. 64 p. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1886 (M. 1.10) Astronomy (History of). Favaro (A.): Carteggio inedito di Ticone Braho, Giovanni Keplero, e di altri celebri astronomi e matematici dei secoli xvi o xvii, con Giovanni Antonio Magini . . . [etc.]. 16-f-522 p. 8vo. Bologne, 1886. Rev. 6t/ Giintlior (S.): Vrtljsclir. d. astron. Gesellscb., 22: CO-72. 1887. Lange (L.) : Der Beweguugsbegriff wiihrend der Reformation der Himmelskunde yon Copernicus bis zu Newton. (1543-1687.) 69 p. 8vo. Leipzig, 1886. ASTRONOMY. 165 Astronomy (Progress of). Klein (II. J.): Dio Fortscliritte der Astronomie, 1886. 112 p. 12mo. Leipzig, 1887. [Swift (L.)]: Astronomical phenomena and progress [in 1885]. Appleton’s Ann. Cyc., n. s., 10: 47-56. Winlock (W. C.): An account of the progress in astronomy in the year 1885. 114 p. 8vo. Washington, 1886 (M. 3) Repr.from: Smithsonian Report for 1885. Young (C. A.) : Ten years’progress in astronomy. 1876-1886. 32 p. 12mo. New York, 1886. Repr.from: Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sc., 5. Astronomy (Spherical and Practical). Brinkley (B.): Astronomy: . . . additional chapters by J. W. Stnbbs and F. Briinuovv. 3. ed. eul. 350 p. 8vo. London, 1886 (M. 6.30) Israel-IIoltzwart (K.): Elemeuto der theoretischen Astronomie. il. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1886 (M. 25) Merrifield (J.): A treatise on nautical astronomy for the use of students, 364 p. 8vo. London, 1886 (M. 7.80) Bonn Observatory. Astronomisciie Boobachtungen auf der Sternwarto . . . zn Bonn. Ilrsg. von E. Schoufeld. 8. Bd. Bonner Stornverzeichniss. 4. Section. 56 +459 p. 4to. Bonn, 1886 (M. 20) Bonner Sternkarten. 2. Serie. Atlas der Himmelszone zwischen 1° und 23° siidlicher Declination fiir den Anfang des Jalires 1855 . . . bcarbeitet von E. Schonfeld. I. und II. Lieferungen. 4 p. 12 maps. fol. Bonn, 1886. Vollstandig in 4 Lieferungen, 24 Sternkarten. Jede Lieferung, M. 12. Bordeaux Observatory. Annales do l’ohservatoiro de Bordeaux, publides par G. Rayot. Tome 1. 119 + 218 p. 4to. Paris and Bordeaux, 1885 (M. 25.50) Calendar. Forster (W. J.) and Leiimann (P.): Dio veriinderlichen Tafeln des astronorai- sehenund chrouologischcnTheilesdesk. prenssisclien Norrualkaleudors fiir 1887, 119 p. 8vo. Berlin, 1S86 (M. Fritche (IL): Chronology and the construction of the calendar. Chinese com- putation of time. 92 p. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1886. Cape of Good Hope Observatory. Annals of the Royal Observatory . . . Vol. 2, pt. 1. Observations of the great comet, 1882, II, 25 p.,4 pi., 6 phot. 4to. n. p. [1886.] Chronograph. ITougii (G. W.): Description of a printing chronograph, il. Sid. Mess., 5: 161— 167. Chronometers. [U. S. Naval] Observatory temperature room, and competitive trials of chro- nometers in 1884 and 1886. 35 p, 9 pi. 4to. Washington, 1836. Ciicle-divisions. See, also, Meridian circle ; Pulkowa. Schreiber (O.) : Untersuchung von Kreistheilungen mit zwei und vier Mikro- skopen. Ztschr. f. Instrmknd., 6 : 1,47. Clocks. Buckney (T.): Superiority of zinc and steel pendulums. Month. Not., 46: 462- 469. Hilfiker (J.) Ueber den Gang dor Winuerl’scheu Pendeluhr der Storuwarte zu Neuchdtel. Astron. Nadir., 114 : 391. : Sur la marche de la pendule astronomique Winnerl de l’observatoire de Neuchatel. 14 p. 12mo. NeucMtel, 1886. Repr. from Bull, soc, d. sc.uat d. Neuchatel 15: 21-32. 166 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Clocks—Continued. KOstner (F.): Ueber don Gang der auf der Berliner Stornwarte in lnftdichteui Verscliluss aufgestellten Pondelulir. [Tiede, Nr. 400.] Astrou. Nachr., 114: 391. Comet Biela. p* 125. See, also, Meteors. Newton (H. A.): Tho story of Biela’s comet. Am. J. Sc., 3. s., 31=131: 81-94. Also Nature, 33: 393, 418. Zenker (W.): Ueber den Biela’scben Cometen. Astron. Nachr., 114 : 75. Comet Brorsen. Monk (W. H. S.) : [Possible identity with comets of 1661, 1092, and 574.] Obsry., 9 : 229, 259. Comet Encke. p* 119. Backlund (O.): Comet Encke. 1865-1885. 41 p. 4to. St:-Pdtersbonrg, 1886. M6m. Acad. imp. do Sc. do St. P6torsb., 7. a., vol. 38, no. 8. : [Note on his recent researches on Eucko’s comet.] Astrou. Nachr., 114: 225-230. : Comet Encke. I. Bearbeitung der Erscheinung 1885 und die Verbinduug desselben mit don vier Yorhcrgchenden Erscheinnngen. Mbl. math, et natron* tirbs du Bull. Acad. imp. d. Sc. de St. Pdtersb. 6: 463-492. Comet Faye. Siidanow (A.): Recherches snr l’orbito intermddiaire do la comdte de Faye dans la proximitd do Jupiter en 1841. 24 p. 4to. St.-Pbtersbourg, 1886... (M. 0.89) M6m. Acad. imp. do Sc. do St.-P6tcrsb., 7. a., vol. 33, no. 3. Comet Halley. Celoria (G.): Snll’ apparizione della cometadi Halley avveuuta nell’auno 1456. 8vo. Milano, 1885. Comet Pons-Brooks. Kirkwood (D.): Comets 1812 I and 1846 IY. Sid. Mess., 5 : 13. Sciiuluof (L.) and Bossert (J.-F.): La comete Pons-Brooks dans Papparition de l883-’84. Bull, astron., 3: 387-393. Comet Tempel-Swift. p* 119. Bossert (J.): Orbite de la combtoTeinpol-Swift. [1869 III and 1880 IV.] Bull, astron., 2: 550; 3: 23, 65. Comet 1366. Lynn (W. T.): [Orbit of] the comer o- 1366. Obsry., 9 : 282-284. Comet 1873 VII. ScilULHOE (L.): Recherches snr l’orbito do la conidto 1873 VII. [Coggia-Win- necko.] Bull, astron., 3: 125, 173, 265. Comet 1877 III. Ponisch (R.): Definitive Bahnbestimmung des Cometen 1877 III. Astron. Nachr., 115: 161-190. Comet 1877 VI. LARSsfiN (R.): Definitive Bahnbestimmung . . . [etc.]. Astron. Nachr., 116 : 23-26. Comet 1881 VIII. Olsson (K. G.): Bestimnmng der Balm . . . [etc.]. Astron. Nachr., 114: 201- 206. Comet 1882 II. [Jones (J.) and Leavenworth (F. P.)]: [Observations of tho] tail of comet 1882 II. 17 p., 6 pi. 4to. Univ. of Va., 1886. Pub. McCormick Obsry., vol. 1, pt. 2. 167 ASTRONOMY. Oomet 1882 It—Continued. Kreutz (II.): Ueber das System der Cometen 1843 I, 1880 I mid 1882 II. Astrou. Nachr., 114: 73. Observations at the Capo of Good Hope. 25 p., 4 pi. G phot. 4to. n. p. [1886.] Ann. Roy. Obsry., C. of G. Hope, vol. 2, pt. 1. Comet 1883 II. Tennant (J. F.): Orbit of Comet II, 1883, discovered by Mr. Ross. Month. Not., 47 : 24-26. Comets, p* 118. Fievez (C.): Recherclies sur le spectre dn carbone dans Fare dlectrique en rap- port avec Io spectre des cometes et le spectre solaire. 4 p., 4to; 3 pi., fol. Bru- xelles, 1885 (M. 6.) Galle’s catalogue of comets from 1860 to 1884. Trans, from Astrou. Naclir., 2665-2666 by W. C. Winlock. 23 p. 8vo. [Nortktield 1886] .. ($0.50) Repr. from Sid. Mess., Nov., 1885; Jan. and Fob., 1880. Kleiber (J.): Vertheiluug der Knoten der Planeten- uud Cometen Bahnen. As- trou. Naclir., 115: 135-140. Meyer (M. W.): Ueber die Bahn ernes uusichtbaren Cometen. Astrou. Nachr., 114 : 70. Monck (W. H. S.): Companion comets. Obsry., 9: 279, 309. Proctor (R. A.): Whence came the comets? 19tli Cent., 19: 689-696. Stone (O.): Computation of the position in orbit of a particle in the tail of a comet. Annals of Math., 2: 60-63. Wilson (H. C.): Our knowledge of comets. Sid. Mess., 5: 257-262. Comets and Meteors. Corrigan (S. J.): The principal comet-meteor streams. Sid. Mess., 5: 145-148. Denning (W. F.): Cometary meteor showers. Sid. Mess., 5: 106-111. : Meteor shower of Halley’s comet. Month. Not., 46 : 396-398, Monck (W. H. S.): Comets and meteors. Obsry., 9 : 331. Proctor (R. A.): Origin of comets and meteors. Knowl., 9: 123-125, Weiss (E.): Notiz iiber den Radiationspunkt von Meteoren ans der Bahn des Cometen [1886 III]. Astrou. Nachi\, 114 : 399. Constellations Lynn (W. T.): Nomenclature of the constellations near the south pole. Obsry., 9: 255-257. Cordoba Observatory. Resultados del Observatorio Nacional Argentino en Cordoba. Vol. 14. Catdlogo general. 15 + 650 p. 4to. Cdrdoba, 1886. Corona (Solar), p* 130. Huggins (W.): [Photography of corona without an eclipse not confirmed by ob- servations on August 29, 1886.] Science, 8i 303. Also Nature, 34: 469. Also Astrou. Naclir., 115 : 191. Lynn (W. T.): Probable ancient view of the solar corona without an eclipse. Obsry., 9: 128. Cosmogony. Meyer (M.W.): Kosmische Weltausichten; astronomische Beobachtungen und Idcen aus neuester Zeit. 8vo. Berlin, 1886 (M. 5) Wolf (C.): Les hyphotbbses cosmogoniques. Examen des theories scientifiques modernes sur l’origine des mondes, suivi de la traduction de la Th6orie du ciel de Kant. 8vo. Paris, 1886 (M. 6) Day (Astronomical), p* 133. See, also, Time (Universal), d’Abbadie (A.): The proposed change in the astronomical day. [Favors it.] Obsry., 9: 227-229. 168 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Day—Continued. Backhouse (T. W.): Universal time. Obsry., 9: 288, 335. Ball (R. S.): [Opinion against the proposed change.] Obsry., 9 : 100. Christie (W. H. M.): Remarks on the proposed change of the astronomical day. 3 p. 4°. [Greenwich, 1885.] Dreyer (J. L. E.) : Proposed change [etc.].* Obsry., 9: 130. Hall (A.): [Opinion of astronomers at the U. S. Naval Observatory against the proposed change.] Obsry., 9 : 161. Noble (W.) : [Opinion in favor of proposed change.] Obsry., 9 : 258. Weiss (E.): Zur Frage der Weltzeit. 37 p. 8vo. Wien, 1886 (M.0.80) Opposed to change in astronomical day. Day (Mean solar). Gaillot (A.): Sur la mesure du temps. Bull, astron., 3 : 221-232. Day (Sidereal). RAriN (H.) : Le jour et la rotation de la terro. VAstron., 5: 416-420. Declinograph. Knorre (V.): Genauigkeit der Zonen-Beobachtungen, welche mit Anwemlnng des sogen. Declinographen am Berliner Aequatoreal ausgcfiibrt werden. Astron. Nackr., 114: 307-312. Double stars, p* 108. Birkenmajer (L.) : Ueber die durch die Fortpilanznng des Lichtes liervorgern- fenen Ungleichheiten in der Bewegung der physischen Doppelsterne. Analyse der Bahn g Ursse Majoris. 76 p. 8vo. Wien, 1886 (M. 1.20) Repr.from: Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch., Matli-naturw. Cl., Wien, Bd. 93. Gori;(J. E.): Orbit of the binary star /3 Delpbini. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 2s., 4:538-543. : Orbit of the binary starO-21, 234. Ibid., 586. Hoff (E.) : Trennbarkeit dor Doppelsterne in Fcrnrohren von verschiedener Grosse. Sirius, 19 : 252-256. Mac he (I.): Auflosbarkeit der Doppelsterne in Fernroliren von verschiedener Grosse. Sirius, 19 : 178-183. Sciiur (W.) : ‘Bahnbewegung des Doppelsterns 70 Ophiucki. Astron. Nadir., 114 : 105. Double stars (Measures of). DeBall (L.) : Doppelsternbeobachtungen. Astron. Nachr., 115 : 273-282. Engklmann (R.): Doppelsternmessungen. Astron. Nachr., 115: 81-96. Perrotin (J.): Mesures micromdtriques d’6toiles doubles faites it l’Observatoire de Nice. 5. series. Astron. Nachr., 115:193-215. Young (C. A.) and McNeill (M.): Observations of the companion of Sirius. [ 1883-1886. ] Sid. Mess., 5:182. Double stars. (Measures of, Personal equation iu). Bigourdan (G.): Sur liquation persounello dans les mesures d’dtoiles doubles. 74 p. 4to. Paris, 1886. Wilson (H. C.): Personal errors in doublo-star observations. Sid. Mess., 5 :174- 179. Also [Abstr.] : Obsry., 9 : 297-301. Dresden. Observations astronomiques faites par B. d’Engelliardt dans sou observatoiro A Dresde., 1 partie., 220 p. 4 pi. 4to. Dresde., 1886 (M. 20) Earth, p* 133. Ball (R. S.): Note on the astronomical theory of the great ice ago. Nature, 34 : 607 ; 35 : 53. Faye(H.): Sur la constitution de la crofite terrestre. Compt. Rend., 102:651, 786. ASTRONOMY. 169 Earth -Continued. Lorentz (H. A.): Influence du movement de la terre sur les phdnom&ues lnrai- ncaux, Arch. nderl. d. sc. exactes, etc. Harlem, 21:1011-176. Zanotti-Bianco (0.): II problema meccanico della figura della terra exposto secondo i migliori an tori. 2 v. 8to. Roma, 1880-’85. llev.: Bull, astron., 3 : 397-399. Eclipse of the Sun, 1887, Aug. 19. Franz (J.): Anleitung zur Beohachtung der totalen Sonnentinsterniss in Ost- nnd Westpreussen am Freitag den 19. August, 1887. 8 p. 4to. Konigsberg, 1886. (M.0.30) Eclipses. Mahler (E.): Astrouomische Untersucliungen iiber in hebraischen Scbriften erwiihnte Fiusternisse. Tbeil II. Die propbetiseben Finsternisse. 20 p. 8vo. Wien, 1886. (M. 0.40) Eclipses of the Sun. p* 129. Proctor (R. A.): Total solar eclipses. Fortnight. Rev., n. s., 40: 407-422. Schram (R.): Beitrag zur Hausen’schen Tbeorie der Sonnenflnsternisse. 16 p. 8vo. Wien, 1886. (M. 0.40) Edinburgh Observatory. Astronomical observations made at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh ; being vol. xv, for 1878 to 1886, containing only the remainder of the star catalogue, discussion and epbemeris for 1830 to 1890, of which the first four hours appeared in vol. XIV. By C. Piazzi-Smytli. 6-j- 1034 p. 4to. Edinburgh, 1886. Ephemerides. American epbemeris and nautical almanac for the year 1889. 1. ed. 6 -{- 517 -f- 8 p. 4to. Washington, 1886 ($1) Annuaire do l’Observatoiro do Bruxelles. Anndo 53,1886. 314 p. 16mo. Bru- xelles, 1886 (M. 150) Annuaire pour Fan 1887, public par le Bureau des longitudes. 891 p. 16mo. Paris, [ 1886.?] Anuario del Observatorio astrondmico nacionalde Tacnbaya para el ano de 1887. 325 p. 16mo. Mdxico, 1886. Astronomischer Kalender fiir 1887. Ilrsg. von der k. k. Sternwarto in Wien. 159 p. 8vo. Wien, 1886 (M. 1.60) Berliner astronomisebes Jalirbucli fiir 1888. 542 p. 8vo. Berlin, 1886. • Charrier (A.): Eifemeridi del solo, della luna o dei principali pianetini . . . per F anno 1887. 29 p. 8vo. Torino, 1886. Clark (L.) and Sadler (II.): Tho star-guide: a list of the most remarkable celestial objects visible with small telescopes . . . [etc.]. 16-(-48p. 8vo. London, 1886 (M. 5.30) Companion (Annual) to the Observatory. Obsry., 10: 1-48. 1887. Also, Reprint. Connaissance des temps . . . pour Fan 1888. 968 p. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Flammarion (C.): Annuaire astronomique pour 1887. L’Astron., 6: 1-21. 1887. Loewy (M.): Epbdmdrides des dtoiles do culmination lunaire et de longitude pour 1886. 38 p. 4to. Paris, 1886 (M. 3) Nautical. (The) almanac and astronomical epbemeris for the year 1890. 8vo. London, 1886. Equatorials. See, also, Telescopes. IIilger (A.): New form of governor for the driving-clocks of equatorials. il. Month. Not., 46: 155. Flexure. IIarkness (W.): On tho flexure of meridian instruments and tho means avail- able for eliminating its effects from star places 28 p. 4to. Washington, 1886 : (M. 3) Wash Obsns., 1882, App. m. 170 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Galileo. Murphy (Rev. J.): The case of Galileo. 19th Cent., 19: 722-739. Glass (Optical). Czapski(S.): Mittbeilungen iiber das glastechnische Laboratorium in Jenaund die von ihm hergesteilteu neuen optischtyi Glaser. Ztsclir. f. Instrniknd., 6: 293, 335. New (The) optical glass [of Abbe], Nature, 34: 022. Schjerning (W.): Absorption der nltravioletten Lichtstralilen durch verschie- deue optisclie Glaser. 38 p. 8vo. Berlin, 1886 (M. 1.50) Globes (Astronomical). Heklk (H.): Apparat znr Orientirnng an dcr Tlimmelskngel. Ztschr. f. In- strmknd.,6: 19-22. Greenwich Observatory. Astronomical and magnetical and meteorological observations . . . 1884. 924 p. pi. 4to. London, 1886. Report of the astronomer royal. [1886, May 20.] 19 p. 4to. n.p. [1886.] Harvard College Observatory. Annals of the astronomical observatory of Harvard College. Vol. 15, pt. 1. Cata- logue of 1,213 stars observed with the meridian circle . . . 1870 to 1879 ... by W. A. Rogers. 7 + 145p. 4to. Cambridge, 1886. : The same. Vol. 16. Observations of fundamental stars, made with the meridian circle . . . 1870 to 1886 . . . by W. A Rogers. 141 -j- 337 p. 4°. Cam- bridge, 1886. Report (41st annual) of the director . . . E. C. IMckeriug. December 7,1886. 12 p. 8vo. Cambridge, 1886. Herschel. Story (The) of the Hcrscliels, a family of astronomers. New ed. 128 p. 12mo. London, 1886 (M. 1.20) Holden (Edward Singleton) [1846- ]. Winlock (W. C.): Sketch of Prof. Edward S. Holden. Pop. Sc. Month., 30: 114-120. Portrait and bibliography. Hong-Kong Observatory. Report of the astronomical instruments at the observatory and on the time serv- ice at Hong-Kong in 1885. 8 p. fol. Hong-Kong, 1886 (M. 1.20) Huygens (Christian). Liste alphabdtiquo de la corrcspoudanco de Christian Huygens qui sera publide pa” la Socidtd hollandaise des sciences it Harlem. 15 p. 4to. Haag, 1886. (M. 1.80) Journals (Astronomical). Astronomical (The) Journal. Edited by B. A. Gould. [Semi-monthly.] Vol. 7. Nov., 1886, to Mar., 1888. 6+198 p. 4to. Boston ($5) Vol. 6 was completed with No. 144, on Feb. 9, 18G1. Vol. 7 begins with No. 145, Nov. 2, 1886. Each volume consists of twenty-four numbers. Astronomical (The) Register. [Monthly.] Vol. 24. 8+320 p. 8vo. London, 1886 (M. 12.50.) Discontinued with this volume. L’Astronomie. Revue d’astronomio populaire . . . publi6c par C. Flammarion. [Monthly.] 5e aun<5e, 1886. 492 p. 4to. Paris, 1886 (14 fr.) Astronomisciie Nachricliten begriindet von H. C. Schumacher. Ilrsg. von A. Kruger. Bd. 114 [Nr. 2713-2736]. 7+435. 4to. Kiel, 1886 (M. 15) : Tho same. Bd. 115 [Nr. 2737-2760]. 7+414 p. 4to. Kiel, 1886.. .(M. 15) ASTRONOMY. 171 Journals—Continued. Bulletin astronomique. Publid sous les auspices de l’Observatoire de Paris, par F. Tisserand [and others']. [Monthly.] Tome 3, 188G. 632 p. 8vo. Paris, 1886 (M. 16) Bulletin des sciences mathdmatiques et astronomiques, rddigd par Darbonx, Houel et Tannery. Amide fS8G. Sdrie 2. Tome 10. 8°. Paris, 188(5.. (M. 18) Ciel et terre. Revue populaire d’astronomie, do mdtdorologie et de physique du globe. [Semi-montlily.] ‘2° sdrie, 1° amide. (6e amide de la collection.) 592 p. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1886. Memoire della Society degli spetroscopisti italiani raccolte e publicate per cura del P, Tacchini. [Monthly.] Yol. 15, anno 1886. 6+208 p. 4to. Roma. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society . . . Nov., 1885, to Nov., 1886. Yol. 46. 516 p. 8vo. London, 1886. Observatory (The); a monthly review of astronomy. Edited by E. \V. Maun- der, A. M. W. Downing, and T. Lewis. Vol. 9. 8+404 p. 8vo. London, 1886. (14 sh.) Revista do Observatorio. Publicagao mensal do Imperial Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro. Red: L. Cruls [and others]. Anno 1, 1886. 8+192 p. 4to. Rio de Janeiro, 1886. Sidereal (The) Messenger; a monthly review of astronomy. Conducted by W. W. Payne. Vol. 5. 320 p. 8vo. Northlield, 1886 ($2) Sirius. Zeitschrift fiir populiire Astronomic. Hrsg. von H. J. Klein. [Monthly.] 19. Bd. oder N. F. 14. Bd. 4+288 p. 8vo. Leipzig, 1886 (M. 10) Vierteljahrssciirift der astronomischeu Gesellschaft. Hrsg. von . . . E. Schonfeld und H. Seeliger. 21. Jahrgang. 5+302 p. 8vo. Leipzig, 1886.(M. 8) Wochensciirift fur Astronomie, Meteorologie und Geograpliie. Hrsg. von H. J. Klein. Jahrgang 29. 8vo. Hallo, 1886 (M. 10) Jupiter, p* 136. de Bai.l(L.): Observations des surfaces de Jupiter et de Vdnus faites en 1884 et en 1885 ... a Liege. Bruxelles, 1886. Denning (W. F.): Changes in the red spot on Jupiter. Month. Not., 46: 115— 118, : Jupiter’s red spot, and the region near. il. Obsry., 9 :188. Hill (G. W.): Elements and perturbations of Jupiter and Saturn. Astron. Nachr., 113:273-302. Martii (A.) Ephemeris for physical observations of Jupiter, 1887. Month. Not., 47:40-48. : Note on the transit of the planet Mars and its satellites across the sun’s disc, which will occur for the planet Jupiter and its satellites on April 13, 1886. Month. Not., 46 :161-164. Williams (A. S.): Nature of the red spot on Jupiter and the relative heights of Jovian markings. Obsry., 9 : 231. Young (C. A.) Jupiter and his “red spot.” Eng. Meehan., 14 : 339. : Rotation time of the red spot on Jupiter, il. Sid Mess., 5:289-293. Jupiter (Satellites of). Cornu (A.): Sur les indthodes photomdtriques d’observation des satellites de Jupiter. Astron. Nachr., 114:239. dom Lamey (F. M.)-: Dimensions comparatives des satellites de Jupiter, d<5- duites d’observations faites en 1885. Compt. Rend., 102:1365. Peters (C. H. F.) : Zur Geschichte photometrischer Beobachtungen der Jupi- terstrabanten-Verfinsterungen. Astron. Nachr., 114:141. Kalocsa Observatory. Berichte von dem Erzbischoflich Haynald’schen Observatorhwn zn Kalocsa in Ungarn . . . von C. Braun. 8+178 p. 4to. Munster, 1886. Rev. by Peter (B.): Vrtljschr. d. astron G-esollsch., 22: 34-45, 1887. See, also, Ibid., 22:200. 172 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Kann Observatory. Maurer (J.): Der achtzollige Refraktor der Kann’sclien Privatsternwarte zu Zurich. Sirius, 19 : 40-44. Karlsruhe Observatory. Veroffentliciiungen der grossherzoglichen Sternwarte zu Karlsruhe. Hrsg. vou W. Valentiner. 2. Heft. Beobachtungeu am Meridiaukreis. 12+213 p. 4to. Karlsruhe, 1886 (M. 16) Kepler. See, also, Astronomy (History of). Anschutz (C.): Uugedruckte wisseuschaftliche Correspoudenz zwischen Johann Kepler uud H. vou Hohenburg, 1599. 118 p. 8vo. Prag, 1886 (M. 2.70) Rev. Nature, 34: ] 89. Kepler’s Laws. See Mechanics (Celestial); Orrits. Konigsberg Observatory. Astronomische Beobachtungen . . . von E. Luther. 37. Abth. 2. Thiel. 152 p. 4to. Konigsberg, 1886 . (M. 10.70) La Plata Observatory. Mouchez (E.): Le nouvel observa,toire astronomique de La Plata. Bull, astron., 3:417-42L Latitude. Doolittle (C. L.): [Change in the] latitude of the Sayre Observatory. Astron. Jour., 7:14. Nyren (M.) : Polhohenbestiminungen mit dem ErteLRepsold’schen Yerticalkreis. 14p. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1886 (M. 0.50) Least squares. Gauss (_C. F.): Abhandlungen znr Methode der kloinsten Quadrate. 8vo. Berlin, 1886 (M. 4) Lick Observatory. Comstock (G. C.): The meridian circle of the Lick Observatory. Sid. Mess., 5: 225-230. : Provisional value of the latitude of the Lick Observatory, Sid. Mess., 5: 302-304. Latitude = + 37° 20' 24".9. Evans (T.): A Californian’s gift to science, il. Century, 32: 62-73. Light (Velocity of), p* 127. Miciielson (A. A.) and Morlf.y (E. VV.): Influence of motion of the medium on the velocity of light. Am. J. Sc., 3. s., 31 = 131 : 377-386. Rev. by Coknu (A.): Conipt. Rend., 102: 1207-1209. Schuster (A.). Velocity of light determined by Foucault’s revolving mirror. Nature, 33: 439. Louvain Observatory Pauwels (C.): Privatobservatorium des Ilerrn Terby in Louvain. Sirius, 19: 267, Lunar theory, p* 133. Adams (J. C.): Hill, on the lunar inequalities due to tho ellipticity of the earth. Obsry., 9: 118-120. Franz (J.): Neue Bereclinung von Hartwig’s Beobachtungen der physisclien Libration des Mondes. Astron. Nadir., 116: 1-12. Hall (A.): [Historical note on] the figure of tho earth and the motion of the moon. Annals of Math., 2 : 111. Hill (G. W.): Reply to Mr. Neison’s strictures on Delaunay’s method of deter- mining the planetary perturbations of the moon. Mouth. Not., 47 : 1-8. Also, Reprint. ASTRONOMY. 173 Lunar theory—Continued. Neison (E.): Delaunay’s method for calculating terms of long period in the motion of the moon. Mouth. Not., 4(3: 403-439. Shdanow (A.): Recherches sur le mouvement de la lune autour de la terro d’aprbs la thdorie de M. Gylddu. 39 p. 4to. Stockholm, 1885. Stockweli, (J. N.): Inequalities in the moon’s motion produced by the oblate- ne88 of the earth. Astrou. Jour., 7 : 4, 17, 25. vox Oppolzer (T.): Eutwurf eiuer Mondtheorie. 37 p. 4to. Wien, 1886..(M.2) Jlepr. from: Deuksclir. d. raath.-uatui'widsensch. Kl. d. k. Akad. d. Wissenscli. zu Wien, 51. Ilev. by Bauuxs (II.): Vrtljscbr. d. astron. Gesollsoh., 22: 45-50. 1887. McCormick Observatory. Publications of the Leander McCormick Observatory of the University of Vir- ginia. Vol. 1, pt. 2. Tail of comet 1882II. 17p.,6pl. 4to. Uuiv. of Va., 1886. : The same. Vol. 1, pt. 3. Nebula of Orion, 1885. 43, p.6pl. 4to. Univ. of Va., 1886. Repout of the director . . . June 1, 1886. 3 p. 4to. n. p. [1886.] McGill College Observatory. Rogehs (W. A.) and McLeod (C. H.) : Longitude of the McGill College Observa- tory. 67 p. 4to. Montreal, 1886. 0 liepr. from: Trans, ltoy. Soc. Canada, 1885. McKim Observatory. Appel (D.): Der Refractor des McKim Observatory, il. Ztsclir. f. Iustrmknd., 6: 15-19. Mars, p." 134. Denning (W. F.) : Physical appearance of Mais in 1886. Nature, 31: 104. Flammarion (C.): La plandte Mars. il. L’Astron., 5 : 201-206. Green (N. E.): Northern hemisphere of Mars. Month. Not., 46 : 445-447. Loiise (O.): Ueber die Vortheilo der Anweudung eines Kalkspatliprismas zur Reobachtung des Mars. Astron. Nachr., 114 : 121. Peurotin (J.): Observations des canaux de Mars. il. Bull, astron., 3: 324- 329. Schiaparelli (A. V.): Osservazioni astronomiche e fisiche sull’ asse di rotazione e sulla topografia del pianeta Marte. Meinoria hi. Opposizione, 1881-82. 95 p. 4to. Roma, 1886 (M.8) Terry (F.) : La gdographio de la plant:te Mars. L’Agtron., 5: 206. Wislicenus (W.): Beitrag zur Bestimmnng der Rotationszeit des Planeten Mars. 71 p. 4to. Leipzig, 1886 (M. 4) : Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Ausdehnung des Schnecflecks am Siidpole des Planeten Mars. Astron. Nachr., 114 : 57. Mars (Satellites of). Hall (A.): [Observations of Deimos, 1886.] Month.Not., 46: 454. Mechanics (Celestial). See, also, Perturbations; Satellites; Series; Three BODIES, (Problem of.) Brinckmann (O.): Bewegung eines materiellen Punctes auf eiuem Rotations- Paraboloid. 54 p. 8to. Jena, 1886. Melbourne Observatory. Observations of the southern nebulae made with the great Melbourne telescope, from 1869 to 1885. 25 p., 3 pi. 4to. Melbourne, 1885. Mercury. Backlund (O.): Sur la masse de la planfete Mercnre. Bull, astron., 3: 473. Meridian circle. Leitzmann (II.): Eiufliis8e der Warmeverthcilung auf die Theilung des Meri- diankreises, 4to. Magdebourg, 1885. 174 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Meridian circle—Continued. Louwy (M.): Etudes diverges sur les m6thodes d’observation et de reduction. 4to. [Paris, 1886? ] Meteor showers. Denning (W. F.): [Radiants of] recent showers. Sid. Mess., 5: 309. : Radiant point of the Andromedes of Nov. 27, 1885. Audromedes and Leonids in 1965-’66. Astron. Reg., 24 : 95-98. : The stationary meteor showers. Sid. Mess., 5: 167-173. Denza(F.): Lo stelle cadenti del periodo di Agosto 1885, osservato in Italia. 45 p. 16mo. Torino, 1886. Forster (W.): Sternschnuppenphiinomene vom 27. Nov. 1872 uiul vom*27. Nov. 1885. Astron. Nachr., 114 : 113-119. Newton (H. A.): The Biela meteors of Nov. 27, 1885. Am. J. Sc., 3. s., 31 =131: 409-426, 1886. Schiaparelli (G. V.): Lo stelle cadenti: con appendice sulla grande pioggia di stelle cadenti del 27 Nov. 1885. New ed. 8 +134 p. 16mo. Milano, 1886.. (M. 1) Meteors, p* 125. See, also, Comets and Meteors. Ball (R. S.): L’origiue des dtoiles filantes. L’Astron., 5: 331-337. Newton (H. A.) Meteorites, meteors, and shooting stars. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc., 25: 1-18. Also, Reprint. Also: Science, 8: 169-176. Also: Nature, 34: 532- 536. Address as retiring president of the American Association, Buffalo, August 18, 188C. Zenger (C.-Y.): Les essaims pdriodiques d’dtoiles filantes et les niouvements seismiques des anudes 1883, 1884 et 1885. Compt. Rend., 103: 1287-1289. : Les principaux essaims d filantes et les aurores bordales. Compt. Rend., 103: 738-741. Meteors (Orbits of, etc.). Backhouse (T. W.): Proposed maps for tracing meteor paths. Astron. Nachr., 114: 19. Buszczynski (B.): Ueber die Batmen dcr am 11. Dezember 1852 uml am 3. Dezember 1861 in Deutschland beobachteten hellen Meteoro. 32 p. 8vo. Halle, 1886. Corrigan (S. J.): Relation between meteoric orbits and radiants. Sid. Mess., 5: 100-105. Denning (W. F.): Distribution of meieor streams. Month. Not., 47: 35-39. Jesse (O.): Bestimmung dcr IIolio der Steruschnuppen in bekaunten Bahneii durch Beobachtungen von eiuem Orte aus. Astron. Nachr., 114: 145. Moncic (VV. H. S.): Trained meteors. Obsry., 9: 131. Wendell (O. C.): Orbits of meteors. Astron. Nachr., 114 : .285. Weyer (G. D. E.): Elementare Berechnung der Sternschnuppenbahnen um die Sonne. Astron. Nachr., 115: 113-132. Moon, p* 133. See, also, Lunar theory. Abetti (A.): Tavole per vidurre il nascere ed il tramontare della luna dalle effemeridi di Berlino agli orizzonti di latitudini fra 36 e 48 gr. 12 p. [ Venezia J. 1886 (M. 1) Ericsson (J.): The lunar surface and its temperature, il. Nature, 34 : 248. DE Fonvielle (W.): Histoire de la lime. il. 8°. Paris, 1886 (M. 2) Harley (T.): Lunar science, ancient and mod rn. 8vo. London, 1886.. (M. 3.70) Mellor (T. K.): Handy map of the moon, 13 by 15 inches. London, 1886. (3 sh. 6d.) Proctor (R. A.): The moon: her motions, aspect, scenery, and physical con- ditions, 3. ed. 314 p. il, 8vo. London, 1886 (M.6. 50) ASTRONOMY, 175 Moon—Continued. Sapokktti (A.): Metodo universale per iscoprire spediainente gl’istanti de na- scere e del tramoutaro deila luna in qualsiasi luogo d’Italia. 13 p. 4to. Bo- logna, 1886. Weinek (L.): Zeiclinungeu von Mondkratern und Mondlandsckaften. Astron. Beob. zu Prag. App. zum 45. Jahrg., p. 59-69. Moscow Observatory. Annai.es de l’Observatoire do Moscou. Publides par T. Bredichin. Sdric 2, v. 1, livraison 1. 118 p., 2 pi. 4to. Moscou, 1886 (M. 6) Natal Observatory. Report of the superintendent . . . 1885. 30 p. 4to. n. p. [1886.] Nebulae, p* 101. See, also, Pleiades. von Gotiiard (E.): [Photographing a faint star in the Ring nebula in Lyra.] Astron. Nachr., 115: 221, 303. Stone (O.): List of nebulas observed at the Leander McCormick Observatory and supposed to he new. Astron. Jour., 7 : 9-14. : The same. Second list. Astron. Jour., 7: 57-61. Stone (0.) and Leavenworth (F. P.): [Observations of the] Nebula of Orion, 1885. 43 p., 3 pi. 4to. Univ. of Ya., 1886. Pub. McCormick Obsry., v. 1, pt. 3. Swift (.L.): Catalogue No. 3 of nebulae discovered at the Warner Observatory. Astron. Nachr., 115 : 153-158. : The same. No. 4. Astron. Nachr., 115 : 257-262. : The same. No. 5. Astron. Nachr., 116 : 33-38. Tempel (W.) Ueber Nebelflecken . . . 1876-79 . . . zuArcetri. 28 p. 4to. Prag, 1886 (M. 3) Neptune (Satellite of), p* 139. Martii (A.): Ephemeris of the satellite of Neptune. Month. Not., 46 : 504-507. Neucliatel Observatory. Rapport du directeur . . . 1885. 32 + 27 p. 12mo. Locle, 1886. Nutation, p* 103. Iolie (h.): Demonstration pratique de l’existence de la nutation diurne. Cornpt Rend., 103 : 1171-1173. Objectives. Sec, also, Spiierometer. Berger (C. L.): Apparat zur genauen Bestiunnung der Brenuweite von Objecti v- gliisern. il. Ztsclir. f, Instrmknd., 6 : 272-276. Harzer (I*.): Leber ein dreillachiges uach Herrn Scheibner’s Principien berech- netes Objectiv. Astron. Nachr., 115: 241-252. Laurent (L.): Sur l’ex6cution des objectifs pour instruments de precision. Cornpt. Rend., 102:545-548. Schroder (H.) : Ueber die den bekanuten Doppelobjectiven anhaftenden Uebel- staiule und eiue ueue davon frcie Linsencombination fur grosse Refractoren. Ztsclir. f. Instrmknd., 6:41-46. Observations (Combination of). See, also, Least squares. Newcomb (S.): A generalized theory of the combination of observations, so as to obtain the best result. Am. J. Math., 8: 343-366. Rev. by LOroth (J.) : Vrtljscbr. <1. astron. Gesellsch., 21: 272-276. Rev. Obsry., 9: 370. Observatories, p* 139. Jaiiresberichte der Sternwarte fiir 1885. Yrtljschr. d. astron. Gesellsch., 21:69-150. Lancaster (A.): Liste generate des observatoires ct des astronomes, des societes et des revues astronomiques. 114 p. 12mo, Bruxelles, 1886 (M. 1.50) 176 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Occupations. Woodside (C. L.): Short method for computing occultations. il. Sid. Mess.,. 5: $203-210. Orbits. See, also, Three bodies (Problem of). Andoyer (H.): Contribution h, la theorie des orbites intermddiaires. 72 p. 4to. Paris, 1886 (3 fr. 00c.) Bryant (R.): Kepler’s problem. Month. Not., 47 : 8-14. GyldIsn (H.): Intermediiira banor, som vid en gifven tidpuukt ausluta sig till de verkliga med en kontakt of tredja ordningen. 20 p. 8vo. Stockholm, 1686. Israel-Holtz wart (K.): Elemente der theoretischen Astronomic, il. 8vo. Wiesbaden, 1886 (M. 25) Neumann (C.): Ausdehnung der Ivepler’schen Gesetzc auf den Fall, dass die Bewegnng auf einer Kugelfliiche stattfindet. Ber. ii. d. Verliandl. d. k. sacks. Gesellsch. d. Wissenscli. Leipz. Math.-pliys. Cl., 1886. von Oppolzer (T.) Traite do la determination des orbites des comctes et des planhtes . . . Edition pnblide d’apres la deuxibme edition allemande par Ernest Pasquier. Premier volume. 26 -f 491 -f- 209 p. 4to, Paris, 1886. (30 fr.) Thurein (H.): Elementare Darstellung der Planetcnbahnen durcb Konstruk- tion und Recknung. 34 p. 8vo. Berlin, 1886 (M. 1) Padua Observatory. Abetti (A.): Esperimento per le determinazioni di latitudino . . . all’Osserva- torio di Padova nell’ottobre 1885. 6 p. 8vo. Roma, 1886 (M. 1) : Osservazioni astronomiche fatte all’ Ossorvatorio di Padova coll’ equatoriale Dembowski nel 1886. 11 p. 8vo. Venezia, 1886 (M. 0.60) Parallax (Stellar), p* 108. Hall (A.): Observations for stellar parallax [of a Lyra;, 61 Cygni, 40 (o2) Eri- dani, and 6 B Cygni], 67 p. 4to. Washington, 1886. Wash. Obsn’s., 1883, App. n. Sciiur (W.): Bestimmuug der Parallaxe des Uoppelsterns $5 Auriga;. Astron. Nachr., 114:161. Paris Observatory. Perigaud (E.-L.-A.): Errcnrs de division du cercle de Gambey. Compt. Rend., 103:591-594. Rapport annuel sur l’etat do l’Observatoiro do Paris pour l’annee 1885, presente au conseil . . . 22 jauvier 1886. 28 p., 1 pi. 4to. Paris, 1886. Pendulum. Lorentzen (G.): Theorie des Gaussischen Pendels. Astron. Nachr., 114:241- 284. Personal* equation. Seeliger (H.): Eiufluss dioptrisclier Fehler des Auges auf das Resultat astro- nomischer Messun gen. Abbandl. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. bayer. Ak. d.,Wis- sensch., 15: 665-704. Perturbations. Callandreau (O.) : Simplifications qui se prdsentent dans le calcul numerique des perturbations pour certaines valeurs de l’argument. Compt. Rend., 102: 598-601. Radau (R.) : Sur quelques formulcs de la theorie des perturbations. Bull, astron., 3: 433, 475. Tisserand (F.): Sur un cas remarquable du problemo des perturbations, Bull, astron., 3: 425-433. Also; Compt. Rend., 103: 446-451, ASTRONOMY. 177 Photography (Astronomical). p*115. See, also, Nebula;; Photography (Solar), Pleiades; etc.; Spectra (Stellar). Eder (J. M.): Die Moment-Photographie in ihrer Anwenilung auf Kunst and Wissenschaft. 8+196 p. II. 8vo. Halle, 1886 (M.‘24) von Gothard (E.): Apparate fiir Aufnahmo liiminlischer Objecte. Ztsclir. f. Instrmknd, 6 : 5-14. Also, Reprint. Holden (E. S.): Photography, the servant of astronomy. Overland Month., 2. s., 8:459-470. Stein (S. T.): Die Photographic im Dienste der Astronomie, Meteorologie nnd Physik. il. 8vo. Halle, 1886 (M. 5) Stone (O.): Photographers versus old-fashioned astronomers. Sid. Mess., 6: 1-4. Struve (O.): Die Photographic im Dienste der Astronomie. 20 p. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1886 (M. 1) Repr. from: M61. math, et astron. tir6s du Bull, do l’Acad. d. sc. St. P6tersb. 6: 493-517. Tramblay (G.): Photographic lunaire dans les instruments de moyenne puis- sance. L’Astron., 5 : 382-384, 425. Photography (Solar). Huggins (W.): Photography of thesolar corona. Science, 8 : 303. Also: Nature, 34 : 469. Also: Astrou. Nachr., 115 :191. Photography (Stellar). Common (A. A.): Photography as an aid to astronomy. Eng. Meehan., 43:453- 455. Flammarion (C.): La photographic celeste & l’Observatoire de Paris, il. L’As- tron., 5:42-57. : Comparaison des rdsultats de l’observation astronomique avec ceux de la photographic. L’Astron., 5 :188 Gill (D.) : Photographic astronomique. Bull, astron., 3 : 161-164. VON Gothard (E.) : Anwendung der Photographic zu Moridian-Beobachtungen. Astron. Nachr., 115 : 315. : Photographische Aufnahmen. Astron. Nachr., 115:221. Gould (B. A.): Pholographic determinations of stellar positions. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc., 35 : 74-79. Also: Am. J. Sc., 3. s., 32= 132 : 369-375. Henry (Paul) and Henry (Prosper): Astronomical photography, il. Nature, 34: 35-37. : Ftoiles doubles et amas d’6toiles mesurtis par la photographie. il. L’Astron., 5 : 281-286. Janssen (J.) Note sur la constitution des taches solaires et sur la photographie envisagde commo instrument de d6couvertes en astronomie. Compt Rend., 102 : 80-82. Louse (O.): Ueber Stellar-Pliotographie. Astron. Nachr., 115: 1-14. Mouciiez(E.): Photographies astronomiques do MM. Paul Henry et Prosper Henry. Compt. Rend., 102 : 148, 289. Pickering (E. C.): Draper memorial photographs . . . [etc.]. Nature, 34 : 439. : Investigation (An) in stellar photography, conducted at the Harvard Col- , lege observatory. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts, etc., 11 : 179-226, 1886. Also: Reprint, with appendix. Pritchard (C.): Remarkable instance of the detection of distortion in a pho- tographic film measured for the purpose of stellar parallax. Month. Not., 46: 442-444. : Researches in stellar photography. Proc. Roy. Soc., Loud., 41: 195-212. Also [Abstr. | : Nature, 34 : 305. Ranyard (A. C.) : Connection between photographic action, the brightness of the luminous object, and the time of exposure as applied to celestial photog- raphy. Month. Not., 46: 305-309, Mis. GOO—42 178 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Photography (Stellar)—Continued. Roberts (I.): Note on photographs of stars in Cygnus, taken in August, 1886. Mouth. Not., 47: 22. : Photographic maps of the stars. Month. Not., 46 : 99-103. Wolf (C.): Comparaison des rdsultats de Pobservation astronomique directa avec ceux de Pinscription photographique. Compt. Rend., 102 : 476. Zenger (C. Y.): Etudes phosphorographiques pour la reproduction photograph- ique du ciel. Compt. Rend., 102 : 408-410. Photometry. p.*112. Chandler (S. C. ), jr. Comparative (A) estimate of methods and results in stel- lar photometry. [A&str.] Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc., 35: 81. : Light-ratio unit of stellar magnitudes. Astrou. Nachr., 115 : 145-154. Pritchard (C.) : Supplementary measures of the magnitudes of a zone of stars near the equator for reference as standards of magnitude in lieu of Polaris. Month. Not., 46 : 439-442. Sawyer (E. F.): Some account of a new catalogue of the magnitudes of south- ern stars. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc., 35: 80. Also: Sid. Mess., 5: 299-302. Seei.iger (H.): Bemerkuugen zu Zolluer’s “ Photometrischen Unterauchnngen.” Vrtljschr. d. astron. Gesellsch., 21: 216-229. Planets. p*133. Christiansen (C.): Bemerkungen liber die Temperatur der Planeten. Sirius, 19: 256-258. Planets (Minor). See Asteroids. Pleiades. p*101. Clerke (A. M.): [History of] the Pleiades. Nature, 33 : 561-564. Common (A. A.) : Nebulie in the Pleiades. Month. Not., 46: 341. Flammarion (C.): Comparaison des rdsultats de Pobservation astronomique avec ceux de photographic. Compt. Rend., 102: 911-914. Henry (P.) : The photographic nebulie in the Pleiades. Month. Not., 46 : 281. Henry (Paul) and Henry (Prosper): Snr uno carte photographique du groupe des Pldiades. Compt. Rend., 102 : 848-851. Kammermann (A.): Ueber den Majanebel. Astron. Nachr., 114: 313. Perrotin (J.): Observation de la ndbuleuse de Ma'ia. Compt. Rend., 102:544. Roberts (I.): Note on two photographs of the nebulie in the Pleiades, taken in October, 1886. Month. Not., 47 : 24. Struve (O.): Ueber den Majanebel. il. Astron. Nachr., 114: 97. Weiss (E.) : Ueber die Nebel in denPlejaden. il. Astron. Nachr., 114 : 209. Wolf (C.): Comparaison des rdsultats de Pobservation astronomique directe aveo ceux de l’inscription photographique. Compt. Reud., 102: 476. Potsdam Observatory. Publicationen des astrophysikalischen Observatoriums zu Potsdam. Hrsg. von H. C. Vogel. 5. Bd., 7 + 281 p. 4to. Leipzig, 1886. Prague Observatory. Astronomische Beobachtungen an der k. k. Sternwarte zu Prag im Jahre 1884, von L. Weinek. App. zum 45. Jahrgang. 74 p., 4 pi. 4to. Prag, 1886. Rev. by Sch[oxfeld] : Vrtljschr. d. astron. Gesellsch., 21:46-50. Precession. Flammarion (C.): Le mouvement sdculairo du pole et la transmission du sys- tisme solaire. il. L’Astron., 5, 401-406. Rogers (W. A.) and Winlock (A.): Reduction of the positions of close circum- polar stars from one epoch to another. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sc., 11:227- 299, 1886. Also Reprint, ASTRONOMY. 179 Precession—Continued. Weiss (E.): Ueber die Berechnung der Priicession mit besouderer Riicksicht auf die Reduction eiues Sterncataloges auf cine audere Epoche. 28 p. 4to. Wion, 188G (M. 1.50) Kepr. from: Deiikaclir. d. k. Akad. d. Wissonacli. Math-naturwis, Cl. Wien, 53: 53-80. Prominences (Solar). See, also, Sun; Sun-spots. Tacchini (P.): R6sultats fouruis par l’observation des protuberances solaires pendant i’amnSe 1885. Compt. Rend., 102: 457. Trouvelot (E. L.): Cliangeinents teuiporaires de r6frangibilifc<5 des raies du spectre de la chromosphere et des protuberances solaires. Bull, astron., 3 :9-22. : Protuberances visible on the spectrum with a narrow slit. Month. Not., 4(5:331-333. Rev. by Maundeu (E. W.): Month. Not., 46:334. Wild (H.): Relations entre les variations du magndtisme terrcstre et les phd- nombnes observes sur le soleil. Compt. Rend., 102:508. Pulkowa Observatory. Jahresbericht am 25 Mai, 1886 . . . [etc.] 52 p. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1886. Untersuchung der Repsokl’sclien Theilung des Pulkowaer Yerticalkreises. 37 p. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1886 (M. 1) M6m. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St.-P6tersb., 7. s6r., vol. 34, No. 2. Radcliffe Observatory. Results of astronomical and meteorological observations made in the year 1883. Vol.41. 8vo. Oxford, 1886. Reflectors. See, also, Telescopes. Spitta (E. J.): Method of collimating Newtonian reflectors. Obsry., 9:349-351. Refraction. Abbe (C.): A correction for gravity in the use of refraction tables. Astron. Nachr., 116 : 15. Gaillot (A.): Determination de l’errenr de la constante de la refraction astro- nomique par les observations meridienues. Compt. Rend., 102: 200,247. Gill (D.): Some suggested improvements in the practical working of M. Loewy’s new method of astronomical refraction. Month. Not., 46:326-328. Also, traits.: Compt. Rond., 102 : 732-735. Loewy (M.): Nouvelle in6tliode pour la determination des elements de la re- fraction. Compt. Rend., 102: 74-80. : Determination des elements do la refraction. Compt. Rend., 102:290-297. : Determination des elements de la refraction. Examen des conditions gen- erales a reuiplir dans la solution pratique du probleme. Compt. Rend., 102 : 380-385. : Determination des elements de la refraction. Solution pratique la plus favorable. Compt. Rend., 102: 533-539. , Nouvelles methodes pour la determination directe do la valeur absolue do la refraction divers degres de hauteur. Compt. Rend., 102: 887-894. : Nouvelle methode generate pour la determination directe de la valeur abso- lue de la refraction & tousles degres de hauteur. Compt. Rend., 102: 1196— 1202. ; Nouvelle methode pour determiner les refractions a toutes les hautonrs a l’aido de la valeur conune d’une seule. Compt. Rend., 102 : 1273-1279. McNeill (M.) : Logarithmic method of correcting for differential refraction in declination. Astron. Nachr., 114: 385-390. VON Oppolzer (T.): Ueber die astrouomische Refraction. 52 p. tab. 4to. Wien, 1886 - (M. 2.60) Pickering (E. C.): Atmospheric refractioq, Proo. Am. Acad. Arts aud Sc., 21; 268-302, 1886. 180 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Rio Janeiro Observatory. Cruls (L.): Sar le transfert de l’Observatoire imperial de Iiio de Janeiro. Compt. Rend., 103: 548. Rome Observatory. Millosevich (E.) : Determinazione della latitiulino del R. Osservatorio del Col- legio Romano. 68 p. 4to. Roma, 1886. In: Ann. de Meteor. Ital., pt. 3, 1885. Satellites. Darwin (G. H.): Tidal friction and the evolution of a satellite. Nature, 33: 367. Nolan (J.): Tidal frictiou and the evolution of a satellite. Nature, 34: 286; 35: 75. Saturn, p* 137. Battkrmann (H.) : Heliometrischer Anschluss des Saturn au n und tj Germino- rum [Jan. and Mar., 1886]. Astrou. Nachr., 115: 225-230. Hill (G. W.): Elements and perturbations of Jupiter and Saturn. Astron. Nachr., 113: 273-302. Saturn (Satellites of). Hall (A.): Comparison of the observations of the five inner satellites of Saturn, made at Toulouse in 1876 and 1877. Astron. Nachr., 115: 07-104. : [Orbits of J the six inner satellites of Saturn. 74 p. 4to. Washington, 1886. Wash. Obsns., 1883, App. I. Marth (A.): Ephemerides of the satellites of Saturn [ 1886-’87]. Month. Not. 46: 469-486. Tisserand (F.): Surun cas remarquabledu problfeine des perturbations. Compt. Rend., 103: 446-451. Also: Bull, astron., 3: 425-433.. Sayre Observatory. Doolittle (C. L.): [Change in the] latitude of the Sayre Observatory. Astron. Jour., 7: 14. Seasons. Proctor (R. A.): The seasons pictured in 48 sun-views of the earth, and 24 zodi- acal maps, and other drawings. 4to. Loudon, 1885. (M. 5.30) Series. See, also, Mechanics (Celestial); Perturbations. Callandreau (O.): Ddveloppement descoordoundes elliptiques. Bull, astron., 3: 528-532. Charlier (C.-V.-L.): Mdtliode permettant d’augmenter la convergence des sdries trigonomdtriques. Bull, astron., 3: 378-385. Poincare (II.) : Moyen d’augmeuter la convergence des sdries trigonomdtriques. Bull, astron., 3: 521-528. Sextant. Dreyer (J. L. E.): On the invention of the sextant. Astron. Nachr., 115 : 33. Gruey (L.-J.): Sur les constantes du grand miroir du sextant. Bull, astron. 3: 5-9. Sky-glows. Bishop (S.): Origin of the red glows. Sid. Mess., 5 : 129-142. Maine (H. C.) : The “ red light.” il. Sid. Mess., 5: 237-251. Newcomb (S.): Red sunsets and volcanic eruptions. Nature, 34: 340. Ricc6 (A.): L’ile Ferdinamlea, lo soleil bleu et les crdpuscules rouges do 1831, Compt. Rend., 102: 1060-1063. : Red sunsets and volcanic eruptions. Nature, 34 : 386. Solar system. Forster (A.): Eino durch eigentbiimlicho Beziehungeu zwisclieu Planetenent* fernungen und Planeteumasson voranlasste neue Ilypothese der Eutwicklung ae? Sounensystems, 2-f 16 p. @vq, gtqttgart, 1886 ,.T7 ,?,.(M, 0,50) 181 ASTRONOMY. Solar system—Continued. Kerr (F.): Eutstehung der Kdrper, welche sich utn die Sonne bewegon. 79 p. 8vo. Leipzig, 188(5 (M.1.80) Turner (H. H.): Note on Mr. Marth’s “intersects.” il. Month. Not., 46: 157. Vail (J. N.): The earth’s annular system. 400 p. 12mo. Cleveland, 1886. (M. 10) Solar system (Motion of). p# 126. See, also, Stars (Motion of). Flammarion (C.): Le point fixe dans l’univers. L’Astron., 5 : 241-251. Folie (F.): Note sur le mouvement du systbme solaire. Astron. Nachr., 114: 555. Homann(H.): Bestimmung der Beweguug des Sonuensystems durch Spectral- Messungen. Astron. Naclir., 114: 25. von Kovesligethy (R.): Bestimmung der Bewegung des Sonnensystems durch Spectral-Messungen. Astron. Nachr., 114 : 327. Spectra (Stellar), p* 113. Pickering (E. C.): Draper memorial photographs of stellar spectra, exhibiting bright lines. Nature, 34 : 439, 570. Siierman (0. T.): Reply to certain questions raised before the Royal Astronom- ical Society . . . [etc.]. Month. Not., 47: 14-18. Spectroscope. Hasselberg (B.): Anwendung von Schwefelkohlenstoff-Prismen zu spectro- scopischen Beobachtungen von hoher Precision. 8vo. Leipzig, 1886. Zenger (K. W.): Neues geradsichtiges Spectroscop ohne Spait und ohne Colli- matorlinse. Ztschr. f. Instrmknd., 6: 59. Spectrum analysis. Janssen (J.): Spectres d’absorption de l’oxygfene. Compt. Rend., 102: 1352. Langley (S. P.) : Experimental determination of wave-lengths in the invisible prismatic spectrum. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sc., 2: 149-162,1885. 4 pi. : Observations on invisible heat spectra and the recognition of unmeasured wave-lengths, made at the Allegheny Observatory. Phil. Mag., 5. s., 21: 394-409. : On hitherto unrecognized wave-lengths. Am. J. Sc., 3. s., 32 = 132: 83-106. 4 pi. : Sur des longueurs d’onde jusqu’ici non reconnues. Compt. Rend., 102: 162-164. Smyth (C. Piazzi): Micrometrical measures of gaseous spectra under high dis- persion. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 32: 415-480. 30 pi. 1886. Also, Reprint. Spectrum (Solar). pv 126. Cornu (A.): fitude des bandes telluriques a, B, et A du spectre solaire. 105 p. 8vo. Paris, 1886 (M. 2.50) Hasselberg (B.): Mdthode propre & determiner avec grande pr6cision les lon- gueurs d’onde des raies ultra-violettes dn spectre solaire. Mem. Soc. spettrosc. ital., 15: 127-133. Muller (G.) and Kempf (P.): Bestimmung der Wellenliingen von 300 Linien im Sonnenspectrum. 4to. Leipzig, 1886 (M. 12) In. Pub. astrophys. Obs. zu Potsdam, Bd. 5. : Neuberechnung der 2,614 in Publication Nr. 3 des astrophysicali- schen Observatoriums zu Potsdam bestimmten Wellenliingen. 4to. Leipzig, 1886 (M. 1) Pickering (E. C.): Comparison of maps of the ultra-violet spectrum. Am. J. Sc., 132: 223-226. Spherometer. Mayer (A. M.): On the well-spherometer, an instrument that measures the radius of curvature of a lens of any linear aperture, il. Am. J. Sc., 3. s., 32 = 132 : 61-69. 182 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Star-catalogues, p* 104. Armagh (2d) catalogue of 3,1100 stars for the epoch 1875, from observations . . . 1859 to 1883, under the direction of . . . T. R. Robinson, . . . prepared for pub- lication by J. L. E. Drever. 15+159 p. 8vo. Dublin, 1886. Auwers(A.): Bemerkuug fiber die gegenwiirtige Yerliisslichkeit des Funda- mental-Catalogs fiir die Zonen-Beobachtungeu der astrouomisclien Gesellscliaft und die Geuauigkeit seiner Grundlageu. Astron. Nachr., 114 : 1-20. Downing (A. M. W.) Comparison of certain southern star-catalogues. Month. Not., 46: 365-379. Farquhar (H.): Comparison of the Boss and Auwers declination-standards. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc., 35 : 82. Gould (B. A.): The Argentine general catalogue. Mean positions of [32,448] southern stars [for 1875.0] determined at the National Observatory. 15+650 p. 4to. Cdrdoba, 1886. Eeaultados <1. Obs. nac. Argentino, vol. 14. Holden (E. S.): Corrections to the star-catalogues in the library of the Washburn Observatory. Pub. Washb. Obsry., 4: 69-76. Kam (N. M.): Catalog von Sternen dereu Orter durch selbststiindige Meridian- Beobachtungen bestimmt worden sind, aus Bd. 1 bis 66 der Astron. Nachr., reducirt auf 1855.0. 22+ 384 p. 4to. Amsterdam, 1886 (M. 16) Yerliandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wetenacb., dcel 24. Pulkowa. Positions moyennes de 3,542 6toiles d6termin<5es a l’aide du cercle m6ridien . . . 1840-1869, et rdduites it l’dpoque 1855.0. Repr. from Obsns. d. Poulkova, tome 8. Romberg (H.) : Geniiherte Orter der Fixsterne von welchen in den Astronomi- schen Nachrichten Bd. 67 bis 112 selbststiindige Beobachtungen angeliihrt sind fiir die Epoche 1855. 52 p. 4to. Leipzig, 1886 (M. 4) Pub. d. astron. Gesollacb., 18. Safford (T. H.): Comparison of Groombridge’s and Struve’s right ascensions of close circumpolar stars. Month. Not., 46: 37. Schonfeld (E.): Bonner Steruverzeichuiss. Vierte section, enthalteud die genii- herten mittleren Orter fiir den Anfaug des Jahres 1855 von 133,659 Sternen zwischen 2 und 23 Grad siidlicher Declination und 1,173 diesen Grenzen benach- barten . . . beobachtet und berechnet von Eduard Schonfeld. 56 + 459 p. 4to. Bonn, 1886 (M. 20) Aatron. Beob. zu Bonn., Bd. 8. Weiss (E.): Berichtigungen zu Oltzen’s Catalog der Argelander’schen siidlichcn Zouen, nebst Mittheilung vou eiuigen siidlichcn Sternen mit ziemlich starker Eigenbewegung. Astron. Nachr., 115 : 313. Star-charts. Colbert (E.): The fixed stars; maps for out-door study. Chicago, 1886. Klein (II. J.): Stern-Atlas enthalteud siimmtliche Sterne 1-6.5 Grosse zwischen dem Nordpol und 34 Grad siidlicher Declination. 40 p.,18 maps. fol. Leipzig, 1886. 10 Lfgn. Jede Lfg. M. 1.20. Peck (W.) : The southern hemisphere constellations, and how to find them. 13 maps. 4to. Loudon, 1885 (M. 3.80) Schonfeld (E.): Bonner Sternkarten. 2. Serio. Atlas der Himmelszoue zwis- chen 1° und 23° siidlicher Declination fiir den Aufang des Jahres 1885. i und ii Lfgn. 4 p.,12 maps. fol. Bonn, [1886]. Vollstiindig in 4 Lfgn. 24 Sternkarten. Jede Lfgn. M 12. Proctor (R.-A.): Nouvel atlas cdleste . . . [etc.]. Trad, sur la 6. <5d. anglaiso par P. Gerigny. 13 + 98p. 8vo. Paris, 1886 (M. 5.20) Schurig (R.): Tabula? cailestes continentes omnes stellas cteli borealis nec non australis nudis oculis conspicuas. 2 p., 8 maps. fol. Leipzig, 1886 (M. 3) 183 ASTRONOMY. Star-clusters. Sciiui/rz (H.): Mikroraetrische Best!miming einiger toleskopischon Sternhaufen. 43 p., 3 pi. 8vo. Stockholm, 1886. Bilrang till k. Svenska Vet. Akad. Daiullingar, Bd. 12, Afd. 1, No. 2. Stars (Circumpolar, Reduction of). Gruey (L.-J.): Sur les formules de M. Loewy pour la r&luction des circompo- laireH. Compt. Rend, 102 : 966-969. Rogers (W. A.) and Winlock (A.): [Reduction of the positions of close polar stars from one epoch to another.] Mom. Am. Acad. Arts and Sc., vol. 11, pt. 4, no. 5, p. 227-299. 1886. Also, Reprint. Stars (Distribution of). p*99. Seicliger (H.): Die Vertheiluug der Sterne auf der siidlichen Halbkugel nach Schonfeld’a Durchmusterung. 24 p. 8vo. Miinchen, 1886 (M. 1.20) in: Sitzuugab. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensck., Math.-pbys. Cl., Miinchen, 1886, Heft 2. Stars (Motion of) in line of sight. See, also, Solar system (Motion of). Christie (W. H.): Spectroscopic results for the motions of stars in the lino of sight, obtained at . . . Greenwich, in 1885. Month. Not., 46: 126-135. Homann (H.): Beitriige zur Untersuchung der Sternbewegung uud der Licht- bewegung durch Spectralmessungen. 28 p. 8vo. Berlin, 1885. Stars (Number of) Hermite (G.): Determination du nombre des etoiles de notre uni vers. L’Astron., 5: 406. Stockholm Observatory. Astronomiska Jakttagelser och Undersokningar anstalda pa Stockholms Obser- vatorium. Bd. Ill, No. 4. 4to. Stockholm, 1886. Strasburg Observatory. Schur (W.) Fernerer Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit der Strassburger Sternwarte. Astron. Nadir., 114 : 401-404. Sun. p#126. Nee, also, Corona; Prominences; Spectrum. AngstrOm (K.): Nouvelle methode de faire des mesures absolues de la chaleur rayonnante ainsi qu’un instrument pour enregistrer la radiation solaire. 17 p., 1 pi. 4to. Upsala, 1886. Belopolsky (A.): Einige Gedauken liber die Bewegungen auf der Sonnenober- lliiche. Astron. Nachr., 114 : 153, 383. Exner (F.): Zur Photometric der Sonne. 12. p. 8vo. Wien, 1886 (M. 0.30) Repr. from: Sitzungab. d. Math-naturwissen. Cl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiaaenacli. Wien. 94 (2 Abth.) 346-56. Kedzie (J. H.): Speculations: Solar heat, gravitation, and sun-spots. 12-}-304 p. 12mo. Chicago, 1886. Lockyer (J. N.): The data now requisite in solar inquiries. Science, 7 : 386. Maurer (J.): Langley’s Bestimmungen iiber das Maass der Sounenstrahlnng mit Violle’s Aktinometer. Ztsclir. f. Instrmknd., 6: 237-243. Young (C. A.): Recent advances in solar astrouomy. Pop. Sc. Mouth., 30: 24-33. Zenger (K. W.): Die Meteorologie der Sonne und ihres Systemes. 22-[-231 p. il. 8vo. Wien, 1886 (M. 5) Sun (Diameter of). Auwers (A.): Neue Untersucliungen iiber den Durchmesser der Sonne, I. Sitz- ungsb. d. k-preuss. Akad. d Wissensch. Berlin, 1886: 1055-1126. Also, Reprint. Sun-spots. Belopolsky (A.): Hsnia na co.mn6 n iixl jBinKeiiie. Mockba, 1886. [Les taches soiaires et leur mouvement. 184 p., 7 pi. 8vo. Moscow, 1886.] Chambers (F.): Sun-spots and prices of Indian food grains. Nature, 34: 100- 104. 184 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Sun-spots—Continued. Cortie (A.): Bands observed in the spectra of sun-spots at Stonyhurst Observa tory. Mouth. Not.., 47 : 19-22. Delauney (J.): Explication des taches du soleil. 13 p. 8vo. Paris, 1886. Also [Abstr.J: Compt. Rend., 103, 506-609. Dreger (II.): Darstellung der verschiedenen Theorien derSonnenflecken. 26 p. 8vo. Berlin, 1886 (M. 0.60) Flammarion (C.) : Les taches solaires, la tempdrature et le prix du bid. L’Astrou., 5: 454-461. Gerigny (P.): Les taches solaires en 1885. L’Astron., 5: 208-215. Howlett(F.): Asserted foreshortening of the inner side of the penumbra of spots when near the sun’s limb. Month. Not., 46 : 447-451. Janssen (J.): Constitution des taches solaires . . . [etc.]. Compt. Kend., 102: 80-82. Sparer (A.): Ueber die jetzige Sonnenflecken-Periode. Astron. Nachr., 114: 21. Tacchini (P.): Distribution en latitude des phdnomfenes solaires pendant l’annde 1885. Compt. Rend., 102 : 601. Wesen der Sonnenflecken. Sirius, 19 : 150-154. Wolf (R.): Vorliiufige Sonnenttecken-Statistik fiir 1885. Astron. Nachr., 114 :21. : Beohachtungen der Sonnenflecken im Jahre 1884 . . . [etc.]. Vrtljschr. d. naturforsch. Gesellsch. in Zurich, 30 : 1-54. 1885. Astron. Mittheil., 64. : Studie iiber die . . . Erfahrungsfactoren . . . [etc.]. Vrtljschr. d. natur- forsch. Gesellsch. in Zurich, 30 : 230-256. 1885. Astron. Mittheil., 65. : Mittheilung eines Ergebnisses meiner einheitlichen Variationsreihe . . . [etc.]. Vrtljschr. d. naturforsch. Gesellsch. in Zurich, 30 : 321-326. 1885. Astron. Mittheil., 66. : Beohachtungen der Sonnenflecken im Jahre 1885 . . . [etc.]. Vrtljschr. d. naturforsch. Gesellsch. in Zurich, 31: 113-160. Astron. Mittheil., 67. Wolfer (A.) : Heliographische Orter von Sonnenflecken im Jahre 1884. Astron. Nachr., 115: 17-32. Tables (Logarithmic). Gauss (F. G.): Fiinfstellige vollstiindige logarithmische und trigonometrische Tafeln. 25. ed. 162+34 p. 8vo. Halle, 1886 (M.2) Gravelius (G.): Logarithmisch-trigonometrische Tafel fiir die Hunderttheilung der Quadranten . . .[etc.]. 8vo. Berlin, 1886 (M. 6) Houel(J.): Tables de logarithmes A 5 ddcimales . . .[etc.]. New ed. enl. 48+ 119 p. 8vo. Paris, 1886 (M.2) Prytz (H.): Tables d’antilogarithmes. 27 p. 8vo. Copenhague, 1886 ..(M. 2) Schron (L.): Siebenstellige geineine Logarithmen der Zahleu von 1 his 108000. 20. ed. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1886 (M.2.40) Vega: Logarithmisch-trigonometriches Handhuch. 69. ed. F. Tietjen. 28+575 p. 8vo. Berlin, 1886 - (M. 4. 20) Tacubaya Observatory. Anguiano (A.): Longitud del Observatorio astrondmico nacional mexicano por senales telegrdficas . . . entre St. Louis, Missouri, y Tacubaya ... 88 p. 8vo. Mdxico, 1886. Taschkent Observatory. [Memoirs . . . ] 97 p., 14 pi. 4to. Moscow, 1885. Printed in Russian. Rev. hy Linoemann (E.) Vrtljschr. d. astron. Gesellsch.: 21: 260-266. Telescopes. See, also, Equatorials; Objectives; Reflectors. Denning (W. F.): Large vs. small telescopes. Obsry., 9: 274-277. Grubb (H.): Telescopic objectives aud mirrors: their preparation and testing Nature, 34 : 85-92. ASTRONOMY. 185 Telescopes—Continued. Hall (A.): The images of the stars. Sid. Mess., 5 : 97-100. Ranyard (A. C.): Note with respect to the invention of the achromatic tele- scope. Month. Not., 46: 460. Servus (H.): Die Geschichte des Fernrohrs bis auf die neueste Zeit. 135 p. 8vo. Berlin, 1886 (M. 2.60) Struve (IT.): Allgemeine Beuguugs-figur in Fernroliren. 15 p. 4to. St. Peters- burg, 1886 (M. 0.70) Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St. Pdtersb. 7s. v. 34, No. 5. Young (C. A.) : Large telescopes vs. small. Obsry., 9 : 328. : Small telescopes vs. large. Sid. Mess., 5: 1-5. Temple Observatory. Report . . . 1886. 2 p. 8vo. [n.p.,n. d.] Three bodies (Problem of). See, also, Mechanics (Celestial); Orbits. Backlund (O.): Dr. Harzer’s Untersuchungen iiber eiuen speciellen Fall des Problems der drei Korper. 20 p. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1886 (M. 0.80) Iiepr.from: Bull. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St. Pdtersb. 31: 125-138. Harzer (P.) : Untersuchungen iiber einen speciellen Fall des Problems der drei Korper. 156 p., 1 pi. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1886. M6m. Acad. imp. d. sc. do St.-P6tersb., 7. s., vol. 34, No. 12. Lindstedt (A.): Sur les sdries trigonomdtriques dans le problhme des trois corps. Bull, astron., 3 : 217-221. Radau (R.): Quelques remarques sur I’dlimination des neeuds dans le problhme des trois corps. Bull, astron., 3 : 113-125. Seydler (A.): Ausdehnung der Lagrangeschen Beliandlung des Dreikorper- Problems auf das Vierkorper-Problem. 20 p. 4to. Prag, lr86 (M. 0.60) Tides. Darwin (G. H.): Dynamical theory of the tides of long period. Proc. Roy. Soc., 41: 337-342. Time. Bilfinger (G.) : Die Zeitmesser der antiken Volker. 78 p. 4to. Stuttgart, 1886. Time (Determination of). Dollex (W.) : Ephemeriden auf das Jahr 1887 zur Bestimmung von Zeit uud Azimut mittelst des tragbaren Durchgangsinstruinents im Verticale des Polar- sterns. 24 -f- 27 p. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1886. Time (Universal). See, also, Day (Astronomical). Christie (W.H.M.): Universal, or world, time. Nature, 33:521-523. Also: Pop. Sc. Month., 29:795-802. Lecture at the Royal Institution, March 19,188C. [Fleming (S.)1? Prime meridian time. Nature, 33: 259-262. Toulouse Observatory. Annales de l’Observatoire de Toulouse. Tome ii, reufermant uuo partie des travaux exdcutds de 1879 a 1884, sous la direction de B. Baillaud. 45 + 120 + 7 + 214 p. 4to. Paris, 1886. Turin Observatory. Dorna (A.): Nozioni iutorno all’equatoriale. Nota terza. 23 p. 8vo. Torino, 1886. : The same. Nota quarta. 21 p. 8vo. Torino, 1886. : Ricercho per ricouoscere se la deviazione della mira meridiana dell’ Osser- vatorio di Torino a cavoretto dal piano del meridiano e sensibilimente nulla •come nel 1828. Nota seconda. 12 p. 8vo. Torino, 1886. 186 RECORD OF SCIENCE FOR 1886. Tycho Brahe. See, also, Astronomy (History of). Triangulorum planorum et sphamcorum praxis aritlimetica, qua maximus eorum, praesertim in astronomico usus compendiose explicatur. Nunc primum edidit F. J. Studnicka. 40 p. 4to. Pragai (1591), 1886 (M. 21) United States Naval Observatory. Astronomical observations . . . 1883. App. I. The six inner satellites of Saturn, by A. Hall. 74 p. 4to. Washington, 1886. : The same. App. ii. Observations for stellar parallax, by A. Hall. 67 p. 4to. Washington, 1886. : The same. App. ill. The observatory temperature room and competitive trials of chronometers in 1884 and 1886. 35 p., 9 pi. 4to. Washington, 1886. Report of the superintendent . . . [October 20, 1886]. 20 p. 8ve. Washing- ton, 1886. Uranus, p* 139. Wilson (H. C.): [Observations June 18 to July 5, 1883.] Astron., Nachr., 114: 313. Uranus (Satellites of). Martii (A.', Ephemeris of the satellites of Uranus. Month. Not., 47: 75-78. Variable Stars, p* 109. Hall (M.): Density of the sun compared with that of Algol. Obsry., 9 : 224. Pickering (E. C.): Observations of variable stars in 1885. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sc., 21 (n. s., 13): 319-335, 1886. Also, Reprint. Venus, p* 133. Thackeray (W. G.): Semidiameter of Venus. Month. Not., 46 : 335-336. Warner Observatory. History and work of the Warner Observatory, 1883-1886. Vol. 1. 70 p. il. 8vo. Rochester, 1887. Washburn Observatory. Publications of the Washburn Observatory of the University of Wisconsin. Vol. 4. 4 -f-221 -f- 25 p. 8vo. Madison, 1886 (M.7.50) Washington University Observatory. Pritchett (H. S.) : The Washington University equatorial after the “Lick pat- tern.” Sid. Mess., 5: 65-67. Yale College Observatory. Report for the year [ending June 1, 1886]. 15 p. 8vo. [New Haven, 1886.] Zodiacal light, p* 126. NECROLOGY OF ASTRONOMERS: 1886. Auerbach (Carl Heinrich, August); b. February24,1813, at Berlin; d. at Gohlis, October 22, 1886, ait 73. Bassnett (Thomas) ; d. February 26, 1887, *t. 79. Boileau (Gen. J. T.); b. May 26, 1805, at Calcutta; d. November 9, 1886, set. 81. Dorna (Alessandro), director of the Turin Observatory; b. February 13, 1825, at Asti; d. at Borgo San Pietro, near Turin, August 19, 1886, set. 61. Feldkirchner (Christoph), first assistant at the Munich Observatory ; b. Feb- ruary 26, 1823; d. March 1, 1886, set. 63. Houel (Jules), professor of mathematics at Bordeaux ; b. , 1823, at Thaon ; d. June 14, 1886, at P6ricrs, ait. 63. Krapotkin (Alexander); b. ; d. at Tomsk, August 6, 1886, :et. 45. Mavwald (Gustav Adolph Richard), computer on tlie Berliner Jahrbuch ; b. February 13, 1817, at Leutheu ; d. July 19, 1886, ait. 69. ASTRONOMY. 187 von Oppolzer (Theodor); b. October 20, 1841, at Prague; d. December 26, 1886, at Vienna, set. 45. Pearson (Her. James); b. 1826, at Preston, England; d. April 8, 1886, at Fleetwood, ast. 60. Saxby (Rev. Stephen Henry); b. , 1831; d. August 5, 1886, set. 55. Talmage (Charles George), director Leyton Observatory, b. November 12, 1840, at Greenwich; d. March 20, 1886, at Knots Green, Leyton, set. 45. Wagner (August), vice-director Pulkowa Observatory, b. September 10, 1828, at Nurft; d. at Pulkowa, November 14, 1886, mt. 58.