Annual Congress m *\ ON Medical Education AND Li censure The Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association. The Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States. The Association of American Medical Colleges February 4 adT5, fSQA CONGRESS Michigan Avenue and Congress Street CHICAGO OFFICERS Council on Medical Education Horace D. Arnold, Chairman Boston Robert C. Coffey Portland William D. Haggard Nashville Harry Gideon Wells Chicago William Pepper Philadelphia N. P. Colwell, Secretary Chicago Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States David A. Strickler, President Denver, Colo. William W. Golden, Vice-President Elkins, W. Va. Walter L. Bierring. Secretary-Treasurer Des Moines. Ia. The Association of American Medical Colleges William S. Carter, President . Galveston Edward H. Bradford, Vice-President Boston Fred. C. Zapffe, Secretary-Treasurer . Chicago FIRST DAY PROGRAM Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Council on Medical Education Monday, February 4, 1918 Morning Session, 9:30 A. M. Opening of the Conference, Dr. Horace D. Arnold, Chairman, Council on Medical Education, Boston. “Recent Progress in Medical Education,” Dr. N. P. Colwell, Secretary, Council on Medical Education, Chicago. “Problems of Administering Entrance Requirements,” Prof. George Gailey Chambers, Director of Admissions, University of Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia. Discussion opened by Dr. John M. Dodson, Dean of Rush Medical . College, Chicago. “The Student’s Clinical Course in Medicine,” Dr. George Dock, Professor of Medicine, Washington University Medical School, St. Louis. “Some Problems in Medical Education Resulting from the War,” Major Horace D. Arnold, M. R. C., U. S. Army, Boston. Joint Session with the Federation of State Medical Boards Afternoon Session, 2 P. M. “A Central Cooperative Bureau of Information,” Dr. David A. Strickler, President, Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Denver. “The Civil Administrative Code of Illinois and Medical Licensure,” Francis W. Shepardson, Director, Illinois Department of Registra- tion and Education, Springfield. “The General Problem of the Minor Forms of Healing,” Hon. Howell Wright, State Senator of Ohio, Cleveland. “The National Service Medical School,” Dr. Isadore Dyer, Dean of the Tulane University College of Medicine, New Orleans. SECOND DAY PROGRAM Tuesday, February 5, 1918 Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States Session Beginning 9:30 A. M. President’s Address, Dr. David A. Strickler, Denver. Report of Secretary, Dr. Walter L. Bierring, Des Moines. “State Board Problems,” Dr. C. B. Pinkham, Secretary, California Board of Medical Examiners, San Francisco. “Responsibilities of State Boards in the Present War Emergency,” Dr. C. E. Sawyer, Marion, Ohio. “Uniformity of Reciprocity Applications,” Mr. F. C. Dodds, Superinten- dent of Registration, Department of Registration and Education, Springfield, 111. “Sectarianism in the Science of Healing, as Treated in Legislative Acts and Judicial Decisions,” Mr. Harry Eugene Kelly, Chicago. Report of Committee on Standardization of Medical Colleges. Report of Executive Committee. New Business. Association of American Medical Colleges Florentine Room, Congress Hotel, 9: 30 A. M. Call to Order. Roll call of members. Report of the Secretary-Treasurer. Report of the Executive Council. Reports of Committees— 1. Education and Pedagogics. 2. Special Committee (Dr. Phillips). 3. Equipment. 4. Revision of Constitution and By-Laws. “Courses for Military Training for Medical Officers,” Dr. Edward H. Bradford, Dean, Harvard Medical School, Boston. “Arrangement of Work in Internal Medicine.” Dr. Charles P. Emerson, Dean, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis. “The Teaching of Medicine: A Retrospect and a Forecast,” Dr. J. Van de Erve, Associate Dean, Marquette University School of Medicine, Milwaukee. “The Entrance Conditions After Jan. 1, 1918,” Dr. Harley E. French, Dean, University of North Dakota, School of Medicine. “Administration of the Two Years Requirement,” Dr. W. H. MacCraken, Secretary, Detroit College of Medicine and Surgery, Detroit. Unfinished Business. New Business (including election of officers). Adjournment.