COLE CAT. QUARANTINE REGULATION. Board of Health, 32 Pemberton Square, Boston, June 1, 1885. In view of the unreliable character of the evidence as to the origin, history and treatment of rags brought to this Port from foreign ports, and in view also of the misleading character of the health certificates brought by masters of vessels from ports from which rags are shipped, and on account of the danger from cholera and other contagia likely to be carried by these importa- tions, it is hereby ORDERED, That on and after this date, all rags arriving at this Port from any foreign port shall, before being discharged, be disinfected under the supervision of an officer of this Board, and in a manner satisfactory to this Board. Whenever any vessel arriving at this Port from a foreign port is found to have rags on board, the Port Physician shall, before passing the vessel, ascertain, so far as is possible, the history of the rags and the circumstances of their shipment, and, if satisfactory evidence is obtained that the port or place from which the rags were gathered or shipped was not infected with Cholera or other dangerous disease liable to be carried by them, at the time of the gathering or shipment of the rags, or within the twelve months immediately preceding that time, then the Port Physician shall, after all other quarantine regula- tions have been fully complied with, issue the usual certificate, with the proviso that the rags on board the vessel are to be held for subsequent disinfection, and, immediately on the arrival of the vessel at her dock, the rags shall forthwith be disinfected within the bale in a manner satis- factory to the Board of Health, before being discharged. If, however, the Port Physician has reason to believe that the rags on board any vessel have been shipped from or gathered at any port or place which was, at the time of such gathering or shipment, infected with Cholera or other dangerous disease liable to be carried by rags, or has been so infected within the previous twelve months, then the exterior of the bales and all the other cargo of the vessel shall be satisfactorily disinfected at quarantine before proceeding further, after which the vessel may proceed with her cargo to her dock, if in the opinion of the Port Physician, this may be done with safety to the public health, and the rags shall be forthwith removed for disinfection within the bale before being discharged. By Order of the Board of Health, C. E. DAVIS, Jr., Clerk. Note. — In the above order disinfection before being discharged is not intended to mean before being discharged from the vessel, but is intended to mean before being discharged by the Board of Health and allowed to be delivered to consignees.