THE Germantown Dispensary and Hospital. % Charter and Amendments, WITH BY-LAWS AND * ORGANIZATION AND RULES. Adopted by the Board June ist, 1891. To take Effect July ist, 1891. PHILADELPHIA : Allen, Lane & Scott’s Printing House, Nos. 229-31-33 South Fifth Street. 1891. THE Germantown Dispensary and Hospital Charter and Amendments, with BY-LAWS AND ORGANIZATION AND RULES. Adopted by the Board June 1st, 1891. To take Effect July 1st, 1891. PHILADELPHIA : Allen, Lane & Scott's Printing House, Nos. 229-31-33 South Fifth Street. 1891. The Germantown Dispensary and Hospital. CHARTER AND AMENDMENTS. Whereas, a Dispensary was established in Germantown, in the city and county of Philadelphia, on the first day of Jan- uary, 1864, for the purpose of affording gratuitous medical advice, surgical aid, medicines and such other means as may tend to the prevention of disease and restoration of health to the poor of Germantown and its vicinity: And Whereas, by the generous offer from Mrs. Pauline E. Henry, of a lot of ground and a building adapted for a hospital to be erected thereon, at her own expense; it has become necessary to ob- tain a charter, and for this purpose :— Article First.—The present Managers of the said Institu- tion, viz.: James E. Rhoads, M. D., James M. Aertsen, Elliston P. Morris, J. L. Erringer, Norton Johnson, John S. Haines, Charles J. Wister, Jr., Owen J. Wister, M. D., W. M. Ellicott, Jr., Anthony Miskey, F. Mortimer Lewis, Redwood F. Warner, and their successors, members and contributors to the said dispensary and hospital, be and they are hereby created into a body politic and corporate in law, by the said name, style or title of “ The Germantown Dispensary and Hospital,” and by the same name shall have perpetual suc- cession, and be able to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in any court of law or elsewhere, and may pur- chase, take, and hold by gift, grant, demise, bargain and sale, devise, bequest, or by any other lawful mode of conveyance, any lands, tenements, goods or chattels, real, personal, or mixed estate, from any body corporate, or person or persons 3 4 whatsoever, and the same or any part thereof from time to time, to alien or dispose of at pleasure: Provided always, nevertheless, That the clear yearly value or income of the messuages, houses, lands, tenements, rents, annuities, or other hereditaments, and real estate of the said corporation, and the interest of money by them lent, shall not exceed the sum of $5000, and shall and may have a common seal, and the same to alter and renew at their pleasure. And shall also have power from time to time to make such by-laws, rules and regulations, for the management of the said institution, and for conducting and regulating the business thereof, as to them shall appear expedient: Provided, That the said by-laws, rules and regulations be not repugnant to this charter, or to the Constitution and laws of the United States or this Com- monwealth. Article Second.—The objects of said corporation shall be the maintenance of a dispensary and hospital in Germantown, in the said city and county of Philadelphia, for the purpose of affording gratuitous medical advice, medicines, and to pro- vide medical and surgical aid for the sick and disabled, either in the wards of the hospital or at their homes, and such other means as may tend to the prevention of disease and restora- tion of health to the poor of Germantown and its vicinity. Article Third.—The said corporation shall have its place of business in the city of Philadelphia, in the State of Penn- sylvania. Article Fourth.—Any person disposed to become a con- tributor to the dispensary and hospital shall have his or her name submitted to the Board of Managers, and on a majority of those present agreeing thereto, and on payment of the sum of five dollars per annum, shall be a member and entitled to all the privileges of the institution. Article Fifth.—Any person contributing the sum of THIRTY DOLLARS or upwards, and being approved by the Board of 5 Managers, as in Article Fourth, shall be a life member and entitled to all the privileges of the institution. Article Sixth.—The affairs of the institution shall be con- ducted by thirteen Managers, who shall be elected by the contributors from among their own number, at their annual meeting, to be held on the second Tuesday in January of each year, between the hours of three and five o’clock P. M., at the office of the dispensary and hospital, by a ballot of a majority who may attend in person, which Managers so elected shall serve for one year and until their successors shall be elected. Five Managers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and until the next election the above- named corporators shall be the Managers. The said Managers shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in their body. Notices of the said annual meeting and election shall be given by the Secretary, by publication at least one week previous thereto in at least two daily newspapers published in the city of Philadelphia, and previous to such annual election the Managers shall prepare a detailed report of the affairs of the institution, to be read before the members at such annual meeting. Article Seventh.—The Managers elect shall meet at the dispensary and hospital within ten days after the election, and they shall then organize and proceed to the election by ballot from among their own number for one year, for one person as President, one person as Secretary, and one person as Treasurer, and the said Managers shall from time to time, or at such times as they may prescribe by the by-laws, elect as many physicians and surgeons, and such other officers, visitors and agents as the good of the institution may require. We whose names are hereunto subscribed, and our asso- ciates, citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in- tending and meaning to form an association in accordance with the foregoing Constitution, do desire to acquire and en- joy, under and agreeably to the name, style, and title, objects, 6 articles, and conditions specified in said Constitution, the powers and immunities of a corporation or body politic in law, in conformity with the acts of Assembly in such case made and provided :— James M. Aertsen, Elliston P. Morris, J. L. Erringer, Norton Johnson, John S. Haines, Owen J. Wister, W. M. Ellicott, Jr., Anthony Miskey, F. Mortimer Lewis, Redwood F. Warner, Charles J. Wister, Jr. I, F. Carroll Brewster, Attorney-General of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that I have perused and examined the within instrument and am of the opinion that the objects, articles, and conditions therein set forth and contained are lawful. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, at Harrisburg, the fourth day of March, A. D. 1870. F. CARROLL BREWSTER, A ttorney-Gcneral. VVe the subscribers, judges of the Supreme Court of Penn- sylvania, do hereby certify that we have perused and exam- ined the within instrument, and we concur with the Attorney- General in the opinion that the objects, articles, and condi- tions therein set forth and contained are lawful. Witness our hands at Philadelphia, the sixteenth day of March, A. D. 1870. JAMES THOMPSON, JOHN M. READ, DANIEL AGNEW, GEO. SHARSWOOD. 7 I, James Ross Snowden, Prothonotary of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, for the Eastern District, do hereby certify that the Honorables James Thompson, John M. Read, Daniel Agnew, and George Sharswood, by whom the within certificate was signed, were at the time the same was given, and now are, justices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and that their signatures thereto subscribed are genuine. In Witness Whereof‘ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Supreme Court, at Philadelphia, this sixteenth day of March, A. D. 1870. JAMES ROSS SNOWDEN, Prothonotary. Seal \ of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. / Executive Chamber, Harrisburg, March 21st, 1870. To the Secretary of the Commonwealth: Let the foregoing and annexed instrument of writing be enrolled according to law. JOHN W. GEARY, Governor. / Seal of \ Secretary’s Office, I \ Penna. j 8 Secretary’s Office, Harrisburg. Enrolled in Charter-book, volume 8, page 369, &c. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Secretary’s office to be affixed at Har- risburg, this twenty-third day of March, A. D. 1870. F. JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. j Seal of ' Secretary’s Office, Penna. AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER. At a Court of Common Pleas, No. 4, for the county of Philadelphia, held June 12th, 1880, by decree filed, the fol- lowing amendments to the charter were allowed, as prayed for in the petition filed, as of March Term, 1880, No. 672 :— Article I. of the charter of incorporation limiting the income of real estate and moneys at interest to $5000 was amended, increasing the same to $20,000. Article VI. of the charter relative to the election of a board of managers was amended to read thereafter as follows, viz.: “ That the affairs of the institution shall be conducted by fifteen managers, who shall be elected by the contributors at their annual meeting, to be held the second Tuesday in Jan- uary, A. D. 1881, between the hours of three and five o’clock P. M., at the dispensary and hospital, by ballot of a majority who may attend in person, at which election the managers shall be chosen in three different classes of five members each to continue in office for one, two, and three years respect- ively, and at each subsequent annual meeting, to be held on the second Tuesday in January of each year, between the hours of three and five o’clock P. M., at the dispensary and hospital, five managers shall be chosen to serve for three years. Five managers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and until the next annual election the above cor- porators shall be the managers. The said managers shall have power to fill all vacancies occurring in their body. Notices of said annual meeting and election shall be given by the Secre- tary by publication at least one week previous thereto in at least two daily newspapers published in the city of Philadelphia, and previous to said annual election the managers shall pre- pare a detailed report of the affairs of the institution, to be read before the members at such annual meeting.” That the said amendments of Articles I. and VI. to remain firm and stable forever, and to have the same force and effect as though originally incorporated and made part of the charter of the dispensary and hospital. Recorded in the office for the Recording of Deeds, &c., for the county of Philadelphia, in Charter-book No. 5, page 216, &c. 9 CORRESPONDENCE. To James E. Rhoads, M. D., Owen J. Wister, M. D., Elliston P. Morris, Redwood F. Warner, F. Mortimer Lewis, and others, Directors of the “ Germatitozvn Dispensary and Hospital.” Gentlemen :—I have the gratification of sending you, with other papers, the “ Deed of Gift,” for lot on S. E. side of Shoemaker’s Lane, Germantown, 646 feet S. W. of Chew Street, containing 140 feet front, by 225 feet deep. The lot with all the buildings and appurtenances which 1 shall erect thereon, I give as a free gift forever to be used as an Hospital, and for no other purpose whatever for ever. If in the course of time and events the Directors of said “Ger- mantown Dispensary and Hospital,” shall in their wisdom and discretion, deem it best and fitting for the highest interests of the Hospital, to sell and remove the building to some more eligible place, they shall be at liberty to do so, but 1 direct that the money obtained by any such sale of said lot and buildings, shall be used only for similar Hospital purposes, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever. I wish these twelve beds to be free forever, they are for the sick poor, or for those poor who have met with accidents or casualities. Two out of the twelve beds shall be for the use of “ Incurable Patients,” forever. All patients to be admitted irrespective of country, creed, or color. Each patient to have the services of such Minister of the Gospel as he or she may require : such services to be under regulation as to time and hours, of the Medical Board of the Hospital or attending Physicians. The Directors of the Hos- pital shall upon their part use their endeavors to obtain suita- ble support for said Free Beds, either by annual subscription, gifts, endowment of Beds or other means. With the hearty prayer that through God’s blessing upon our efforts, the Hospital may grow to be a comfort and a 10 11 benefit to the sick and suffering poor whom we have always with us, I remain gentlemen with much respect, Yours very truly, PAULINE E. HENRY, Wayne Street and Walnut Lane, Germantown. April nth, 1870. Fifth Month 6th, 1870. On motion of Jas. M. Aertsen, the following resolution was unanimously adopted :— “Resolved, That Mr. F. Mortimer Lewis be appointed a committee to convey to Mrs. Pauline E. Henry the thanks of this Association for her munificent gift, with the succession tax paid, of the Hospital lot and property, received this even- ing. And that he be requested to convey to her the assurance that for themselves, and so far as they can influence their suc- cessors in office, the managers will strictly adhere to her in- structions and conform to her wishes, in regard to the manage- ment and future of the Hospital.” Germantown, October 7th, 1870. To the Board of Managers of the “Germantown Dispensary and Hospital.” GENTLEMEN:—Mr. Mortimer Lewis, having informed me that there was some discussion upon the subject of receiving some weekly payment from patients who were anxious to contribute, and that it might be thought to interfere with my wish of making all the beds free : I beg to state, that I do not consider that such weekly contributions given by such pa- tients according to their ability, will in anyway interfere with the charity intended by the Hospital. I am gentlemen, with much respect, Yours truly, PAULINE E. HENRY. 12 Wayne Street, Germantown, November 14th, 1870. To the President and Directors of “ Germantown Dispensary and Hospital Gentlemen :—As I had wished and intended the Hospital to be given you in complete condition and entirely furnished, no limit having been made by me to the architect, and under- standing from F. Mortimer Lewis, that certain necessary things have been omitted in the building, and also that some articles of furniture were needed, I herein enclose my check for one thousand dollars, ($1,000) the same to be applied to payment of expenses incurred, such as gutters, pipes, enclosing cellar way from kitchen, &c., &c., extra mattresses, &c., &c. Mr. Lewis assuring me that in his opinion, $1,000 will cover all these expenses. I remain gentlemen, very truly yours, PAULINE E. HENRY. BY-LAWS. Adopted by the Board June 1st, 1891. To take Effect July 1st, 1891. ARTICLE I. ELECTION OF MANAGERS. The affairs of the Institution shall be conducted by a Board of fifteen Managers, one-third of whom shall be elected each year by the contributors from among their own number at their annual meeting, which shall be held on the second Tuesday in January of each year, between the hours of 3 and 5 P. M., at the Hospital, by a ballot of a majority who may attend in person. The Managers shall be elected to serve for three years. Notices of the annual meeting and election shall be given by the Secretary by publication, at least one week previous thereto, in at least two daily newspapers published in the city of Philadelphia. ARTICLE II. MEETING FOR ORGANIZATION. The Board shall meet at the Hospital within ten days after the election, and shall then organize and proceed to elect, by ballot, from among its number, one person as President, one as Secretary, and one as Treasurer, each to serve for the current year; it shall also elect a Board of fifteen Lady Visi- tors; a Solicitor, and as many Attending Physicians and Consulting Surgeons and Physicians as the good of the Insti- tution may require. 13 14 ARTICLE III. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year shall end on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber. The Board shall cause to be prepared, and shall adopt at its first meeting after the close of the fiscal year, a detailed report of the affairs of the Institution for that year, to be read before the members at the annual meeting. ARTICLE IV. VACANCIES IN THE BOARD. The Board shall have power to fill vacancies occurring in its body. ARTICLE V. STATED MEETINGS. The stated meetings of the Board shall be held at the Hos- pital on the first Monday in each month at 4.30 P. M. Five Managers shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The order of business shall be :— I. Names of members present noted. II. Minutes of preceding stated and special meetings read. III. Report of Resident Physician. IV. Report of Treasurer. V. Reports of committees in the following order:— 1. Finance Committee. 2. House Committee. 3. Medical Committee. 4. Committee for the month. , 5. Special Committees. VI. Other business. ARTICLE VI. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the Board shall be called by the Secretary on request of the President or of any three Man- agers ; notice stating the object of the meeting being mailed 15 to each member at least twenty-four hours before time of such meeting. No business shall be transacted at any special meeting except that for which the meeting was convened, unless a majority of the whole Board be present and unanimously consent. ARTICLE VII. THE PRESIDENT. The President shall preside and maintain order at all meet- ings of the Board ; he shall, at the meeting of the Board for organization, appoint the following standing committees, to serve for one year, to wit :— Finance Committee, House Committee. Medical Committee. When requested by the chairman of any committee the President shall appoint substitutes to take the places of any members who are unable because of absence or otherwise to attend to their duties. ARTICLE VIII. THE SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep full minutes of the proceedings of the Board; issue timely notices of meetings, and fur- nish the chairmen and members of all committees, and all physicians, officers, and agents with prompt notice of their ap- pointment. When special committees are appointed he shall give prompt written notice to the chairmen of the names of the members of the committees and the subjects referred to them. He shall give due notice when names are added to the list of Honorary Members and shall notify Life Mem- bers of their election. He shall have charge of the seal of the Corporation and of all papers and documents, except the charter and evidences of investment ; and, with the President, shall sign all orders on the Treasurer drawn by direction of the Board. 16 He shall keep a record of all bequests by will or otherwise, and shall report to the Board at the time they become due, so that the Board may direct their collection. ARTICLE IX. THE TREASURER. The Treasurer shall be ex officio a member of the Finance Committee ; shall receive and have the custody of all moneys and evidences of investment belonging to the corporation, and also of its charter. He shall keep correct accounts, and make a report at each stated meeting of the Board, of the actual financial condition on the first day of the current month. He shall appropriately acknowledge all money re- ceived. He shall deposit all receipts with a depository approved by the Board,, in an account to be kept in the name of “ The Germantown Dispensary and Hospital, by , Treasurer.” He shall pay no moneys for expenses except on orders signed by the Presiding Officer and Secretary of the meeting at which the orders are directed to be drawn. ARTICLE X. FINANCE COMMITTEE. The Finance Committee shall consist of three members of the Board, to be appointed by the President, and the Treas- urer ex officio. It shall have general supervision of the financial affairs of the Corporation, including the devising and carrying out of plans for raising the funds necessary to conduct the current work of the Institution. It shall make investments of the moneys belonging to the Corporation, subject to the approval of the Board. All investments shall be made in the name of “ The Ger- mantown Dispensary and Hospital.” 17 ARTICLE XI. HOUSE COMMITTEE. The House Committee shall consist of three members of the Board, to be appointed by the President. It shall make frequent visits to the Hospital; shall control the house- hold affairs, the appointment and discharge of all employes, and have general oversight of the Dispensary and Hospital. It shall meet the Monthly Committee at 4.30 P. M. on the Saturday before the first Monday in each month. It shall examine the accounts of the Matron, control all purchases, examine and approve all bills, and shall make a detailed report to the Board at each stated meeting of all expenses incurred and bills paid in the previous month. The Chairman shall deposit the funds he receives from the Treas- urer with a depository to be designated by the Board in the name of “ The Germantown Dispensary and Hospital, by , Chairman House Committee,” and shall keep clear and correct records of all the receipts and expen- ditures of the committee. He shall furnish the Matron with funds to pay wages and for necessary small cash purchases. He shall pay by check all bills approved by the House Committee. ARTICLE XII. MEDICAL COMMITTEE. The Medical Committee shall consist of three members of the Board, to be appointed by the President, and the Chief of the Staff of Attending Physicians ex officio. It shall make frequent visits to the Hospital and shall have general super- vision of the medical and sanitary affairs of the Institution. In case of a vacancy occurring in the list of Consulting Sur- geons or Physicians or of Attending or Resident Physicians, or in case the Medical Committee authorizes a temporary leave of absence, it shall appoint substitutes, subject to the approval of the Board. Attending or Resident Physicians desiring leave of absence must apply to the Chairman of 18 the Medical Committee or to the Chief of the Staff, and be governed by the decision of the committee as communi- cated by him. It shall receive applications for the post of Resident Physi- cian, and shall submit the same to the Board with its recom- mendation. All questions as to the duties and responsibilities of any of the medical organizations shall be decided by the Medical Committee, subject to the approval of the Board. The Medical Committee shall prescribe the form of records and reports to be made by the Attending Resident Physicians and shall know that its instructions with reference thereto are strictly complied with. ARTICLE XIII. MONTHLY COMMITTEES. The Board, excepting members of the House Committee, shall be divided into committees of two members each, whose duty it shall be to pay visits of inspection not less than twice in each month. They shall meet the House Committee at 4.30 P. M. on the Saturday before the first Monday in each month to report the result of their observations, and shall report to the Board at each stated meeting. These committees shall alternate every two months, provision being made that one member shall go out every month. ARTICLE XIV. LADY VISITORS. It shall be the duty of the Lady Visitors to visit the Hos- pital and advise with the Matron and Physicians on its domestic affairs, and extend to the patients such kind notice and attention as may be deemed proper. They shall appoint a committee of two of their number, who shall take such supervision of household affairs as shall be requested by the House Committee, to whom its reports shall be made. 19 ARTICLE XV. SOLICITOR. The Solicitor shall have charge, under direction of the Board, of all legal questions in which the Institution may be interested. He shall be available for counsel respecting the investment of the funds of the corporation in real estate or other securities; the collection of bequests by will, and in all other matters where his counsel is desired by the Board, its committees, or officers. ARTICLE XVI. MATRON AND RESIDENT PHYSICIANS. The Board shall elect a Matron whenever a vacancy occurs in that office. Applications for the office of Matron shall be made through the House Committee. At its stated meeting in May of each year it shall elect two Resident Physicians, one to take office on June ist and one on December ist then next ensuing, and each to serve for one year. The Board may postpone the election of either or both Residents until a subsequent meeting if it deems such action desirable for any cause. Applications for the office of Resident Physician shall be made through the Medical Committee. ARTICLE XVII. AMENDING BY-LAWS. Any proposition to alter, amend, or add to the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations must be submitted in writing at a stated meeting, and lie over until the next stated meeting of the Board. It shall then require two-thirds of those present, for adoption : Provided, That by the unanimous consent of all present, any By-Law, Rule, or Regulation may, in case of emergency, be suspended for one month. ORGANIZATION AND RULES. Adopted by the Board June 1st, 1891. To take Effect July 1st, 1891. OBJECTS OF THE INSTITUTION. As stated in its charter, “ The objects of said Corporation shall be the maintenance of a Dispensary and Hospital in Germantown in the said city of Philadelphia for the pur- pose of affording gratuitous medical advice and medicines, and to provide medical and surgical aid for the sick and dis- abled, either in the wards of the Hospital or at their homes, and such other means as ma3' tend to the prevention of dis- ease and restoration of health to the poor of Germantown and its vicinity.” DEPARTMENTS. There are two departments:— * 1. The Dispensary. 2. The Hospital. The work of the Dispensary is subdivided into— 1. Eye Department. 2. Throat, Nose, and Ear Department. 3. All other Dispensary cases. The Hospital consists of two separate and distinct wards : — 1. The Male Ward. 2. The Female Ward. Patients are admitted without restriction as to color or religion. MEDICAL COMMITTEE. The Medical Committee has general supervision and con- trol of the medical and sanitary affairs of the Dispensary and Hospital. 21 22 Resignations of members of the medical organization and applications for leave of absence must be addressed to the chairman of the Medical Committee. All absences must be with the permission of the Medical Committee, and subject* to such conditions as may be prescribed in each case. Want of attention or lack of efficiency in any of the med- ical or surgical departments must be reported to the Medical Committee. The Medical Committee will prescribe the rules to govern the purchase and care of surgical instruments, and the pur- chase and sale or donation of drugs, and the class of cases that will be treated in the Dispensary and Hospital. No contagious nor infectious cases shall be received, nor any obstetrical case. No charge shall be made for the treatment of any Dispen- sary or Hospital case; but voluntary contributions to the In- stitution may be accepted from any patient, and must be promptly turned over to the Matron or Treasurer. No patient shall be received or treated in any other part of the building than the rooms or wards set apart for Dispensary or Hospital work. ATTENDING PHYSICIANS. 1. There shall be four Attending Physicians chosen by the Board annually, one of whom shall be designated the Chief of the Staff, and shall be ex officio a member of the Medical Committee. The Attending Physicians shall allot to each of their num- ber three months in each year, during which the physician so chosen shall be on duty. 2. The Attending Physician on duty shall visit the wards daily during his period of service between the hours of 9 A. M. and i P. M., and at any other hour when, in his discretion, it is necessary. He shall record each visit in a book provided for the purpose. 3. He shall examine every applicant for admission, and furnish certificates to such patients as are deserving of treat- ment in accordance with the rules adopted by the Board and 23 the Medical Committee : Provided, That in the intervals between his daily visits patients whose cases are urgent may be temporarily admitted by the Senior Resident Physician subject to said rules. 4. The Attending Physician may summon the Consulting Physician or Surgeon for consultation in any case in which he may deem it expedient to do so. 5. Except in cases not admitting delay, no important surgi- cal operation shall be performed without a previous consulta- tion, of which all the Attending and Resident Physicians shall have due notice, and one of the Consulting Surgeons when possible. 6. In case of inability of the Attending Physician on duty to serve during any part of his allotted term a substitute shall be procured acceptable to the Medical Committee; if possi- ble, one of his colleagues. 7. Each Attending Physician shall request the attendance of his successor when he is to make the last official visit of his term. He shall then transfer all cases under his care, communicating the nature and history of each case, and the treatment of it. 8. The Attending Physician shall report, through the Senior Resident Physician, to the Medical Committee, monthly, the name and condition of each occupant of a bed who shall have been more than three months in the Hospital, together with his opinion of the benefit likely to accrue from longer con- tinuance. He shall also discharge patients when sufficiently recovered to make it proper. 9. Each physician or surgeon accepting an appointment from the Board thereby agrees to furnish his services gratui- tously as a charity to the sick and disabled patients who may be under his care. The Surgeon of the Eye Department, chosen by the Board, shall have charge of all cases properly belonging to this de- partment. He shall be assisted by the Junior Resident Phy- sician. He shall be present at the Hospital in charge of his SURGEON EYE DEPARTMENT. 24 department between the hours of 10 A. M. and 12 noon on Tuesday and Saturday in each week, and on such other days and between such hours as may be prescribed by the Medical Committee; and he shall report to that committee monthly, either directly or through the Resident Physician, as the com- mittee may require. The Surgeon of the Throat, Nose, and Ear Department, chosen by the Board, shall have charge of all cases properly belonging in this department. He shall be assisted by the Junior Resident Physician. He shall be present at the Hos- pital in charge of his department at 3.30 P. M. on Tuesday and Saturday in each week, and on such other days and be- tween such hours as may be prescribed by the Medical Com- mittee, and he shall report to that committee monthly, either directly or through the Resident Physician, as the committee may require. SURGEON THROAT, NOSE, AND EAR DEPARTMENT. GENERAL DISPENSARY. The General Dispensary shall be in charge of the Junior Resident Physician, acting under the advice and direction of the Attending and" Senior Resident Physicians. The Dispensary shall be open between the hours of io A. M. and 12 noon on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in each week, and on such other days and between such hours, and such reports shall be made of its operations, as the Med- ical Committee may prescribe. CONSULTING SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS. The two Consulting Surgeons and the two Consulting Phy- sicians chosen by the Board shall be called upon at any time that the Attending Physician may deem it important to have the benefit of their advice. Each such call shall be reported to the chairman of the Medical Committee. RESIDENT PHYSICIANS. The Resident Physicians shall be graduates of medicine in good standing, and shall be elected as provided for in Article 25 III. of the By-Laws, upon the recommendation of the Med- ical Committee, and, unless excused by the Board of Mana- gers, shall continue in the service of the Institution for the full term for which they are elected. They shall accept no other appointment or service, but shall devote their whole time to the duties of their post. They shall be provided with rooms, board, washing, fuel, and lights in the Institution, under the direction of the House Committee, free of expense. They shall not publish or furnish for publication any infor- mation respecting any of the cases treated in the Dispensary or Hospital, unless directed to do so by the Board or the Medical Committee. THE SENIOR RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. 1. The Senior Resident Physician shall regularly visit each patient in the wards under his care, at least every morning and evening, and more frequently if necessary; shall see that the nurses are faithful in attendance to their duties, reporting any neglect on their part to the Matron and Attending Phy- sician. 2. He shall accompany the Attending Physician in his daily visit to the wards, render him any service required, and carry into effect his directions. He shall register in his own handwriting, on the prescription sheet, the number of the bed, all medicines, remedies, and diet that may be ordered for each patient, and shall in no case give verbal orders. In all urgent cases requiring the presence of the Attending Physi- cian, he shall notify him without delay. 3. He shall, as soon after admission as possible, write legibly on a card, to be placed at the head of the bed of the patient, the name, age, and date of admission. He shall also keep a careful record, in a book provided for the purpose, of the name, age, date, and authority of admission and discharge, disease, treatment, and result of all cases under his care, and shall make out a monthly statement of all cases, Hospital and Dispensary, in detail, also an annual report of the same to be furnished to the Board. 4. It shall be the duty of the Senior Resident Physician 26 to make post mortem examinations of such cases as shall be deemed by the Attending Physician of a character to justify such autopsy, first ascertaining that the relatives, if there be any, do not object, and he shall record the results in all cases. 5. Surgical instruments and apparatus shall be purchased only on the written authority of the Medical Committee, and all such belonging to the Hospital shall be in the custody of the Senior Resident. It shall be his duty to see that they are kept in perfect order and ready for use when needed. He shall also keep an inventory of all such instruments belonging to the Institution, accessible for inspection by the Medical or Visiting Committee. No instrument shall be loaned. 6. He shall purchase all drugs that the Attending Physi- cian may deem it necessary to have. The Medical Com- mittee shall prescribe rules to govern the purchase, care, sale, or donation of drugs and medicines, and shall approve bills for all such purchases before payment by the House Committee. 7. The Senior Resident Physician shall direct the atten- tion of the Matron to anything that may be necessary to insure an efficient ambulance service. He shall arrange that either the Senior or Junior Resident Physician shall accom- pany the ambulance each time it is called to go out for a patient. THE JUNIOR RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. 1. The Junior Resident Physician shall be subordinate in all his work to the Senior Resident, and shali assist the Attending and the Senior Resident Physicians and the Sur- geons of the Eye and of the Ear, Nose, and Throat Depart- ments, as they may respectively require. 2. It shall be the duty of the Junior Resident to take charge of the medical stores and all articles appertaining to the apothecary’s shop and laboratory ; to see that the same are kept in proper order and repair, keep an inventory thereof, and report promptly when any supplies are needed to the Senior Resident, who will make purchases under rules pre- scribed by the Medical Committee. 3. Me shall attend to putting up all prescriptions that may be required for either the Dispensary or Hospital 27 patients, and see that all preparations needed are carefully and correctly compounded. All prescriptions must be in writing, consecutively numbered as is customary with drug- gists, and retained permanently on file. 4. He shall have charge of the General Dispensary, pre- scribe all medicines, and keep a full and detailed record (in a book provided for the purpose) of all cases coming under his care, including nationality, age, sex, color, &c., and shall make a monthly statement of the same to the Medical Committee. He shall assist in the special dispensaries, keeping full notes and record of all cases. 5. He shall accompany the Senior Resident at least once daily through the wards, and in all cases, when they may be required, he shall administer anaesthetics. 6. In the temporary absence of the Senior Resident he shall assume his duties, have charge of the wards, and attend to- ambulance calls. He shall also relieve the Senior Resident in cases where he may be required so to do. HOUSE COMMITTEE. The House Committee has general oversight of the Dis- pensary and Hospital, and controls its household affairs, in- cluding the appointment and discharge of all employes. No expense of any description (except such as may be in- curred in the purchase of drugs and surgical instruments) shall be incurred on account of the Dispensary and Hospital without the authority of the House Committee. The House Committee shall prescribe the rules to govern the purchase and care of all materials required in conducting the Dispensary and Hospital, except drugs and surgical in- struments ; also to govern all employes. It shall pay either direct or through the Matron all bills for expenditures it authorizes. Want of attention or lack of efficiency on the part of any employe (except in the Medical or Surgical Departments) must be reported to the House Committee. Nurses and all other employes, when sick, must be treated and cared for in the regular Hospital wards. 28 MATRON. 1. The Matron shall (under direction of the House Com- mittee) be the executive head of the Dispensary and Hospital, and shall perform the following and such other duties as the said committee shall from time to time assign to her. 2. She shall employ, discipline, and discharge the ward nurses. The number of nurses to be employed and the sal- aries to be paid shall be determined by the House Commit- tee. The Resident Physicians shall give the Matron such assistance in procuring nurses as she may desire and they be able to render without seriously interfering with their other duties. Nurses shall be discharged by the Matron on written request of the Senior Resident Physician if the reasons given for the request are satisfactory to the Matron. If there should be any important difference of opinion as to the propriety of discharging any nurse the Matron shall report the facts to the House Committee and the Senior Resident Physician to the Medical Committee. The question at issue shall be decided by these committees in conference. 3. She shall employ, discipline, and discharge all other employes. Their number and wages shall be determined by the House Committee. 4. She shall purchase all provisions, linen, furniture, and supplies of every description (except drugs and surgical in- struments) that may be required in conducting the work of the Dispensary and Hospital. 5. She shall be provided with the necessary funds by the chairman of the House Committee for the payment of all wages and of any necessary small cash purchases. She shall keep a proper book record of all receipts and payments, and shall submit the same, with vouchers, to the inspection of the House Committee when required. 6. She shall pay over to the Treasurer all sums of money received by her as donations to the Dispensary or Hospital, with dates of receipt and names of donors, and shall dis- burse no money except that received from the chairman of the House Committee. 29 7. She shall see that all linen purchased for the Hospital or donated to it is properly marked and stored in the general linen-room, and that a book record is kept of its receipt and distribution under a suitable system. She shall keep a book record of all donations of every sort received for the Dis- pensary or Hospital. 8. She shall be responsible for the general cleanliness and good order of all of the Hospital buildings and grounds, and shall report promptly to the House Committee any repairs or alterations she may think necessary or desirable. 9. She shall take charge of all money or other valuables brought to the Hospital by patients, keeping them in num- bered envelopes in the locked box provided for the purpose, and shall make a proper book record thereof, to be submitted monthly to the House Committee. She shall return all such property to the patients when they leave the Hospital, taking proper receipts therefor, or, in event of their death, to the Treasurer for delivery to their legal heirs. 10. She may be absent from the Hospital for rest and rec- reation one day in every two weeks and every other Sunday, and at such other times only as may be absolutely necessary in connection with her duties to the Hospital, or as may be specially authorized by the House Committee. 11. She shall report fully to the House Committee re- specting all matters of interest in connection with the current operations of the Dispensary and Hospital, and shall make such recommendations to that committee, from time to time, as may, in her judgment, be in the interest and efficiency of the Dispensary and Hospital. 12. She shall afford the Lady Visitors and their com- mittees every facility for investigating any part of the do- mestic work of the Dispensary and Hospital. The House Committee shall prescribe the number of nurses to be employed, and the rates of pay they are each to receive. The nurses shall be employed, disciplined, and discharged by the Matron, and must conform to the rules she may prescribe. NURSES. 30 They shall be neatly uniformed, and shall see that the direc- tions of the Attending or Resident Physicians, as to all medical and sanitary matters, are given to them in writing, and are promptly carried out. They must obtain permission from the Matron for any desired absence from duty. ENGINEER AND OTHER HELP. The engineer and all other male and female help that may be required shall be employed, disciplined, and discharged by the Matron, under the general direction and subject to the approval of the House Committee. VISITORS. Visitors to patients will be admitted on Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday, between the hours of 4 and 5 F. M., and at other times on a special order of a member of the Board, or of the Senior Resident Physician. No visitor under the influence of liquor shall be admitted into the wards. No liquor, tobacco, provisions, or medicines of any kind shall be furnished by visitors to the patients. No general religious services shall be held by any denomi- nation, but any patient may be visited by any religious ad- viser he may wish to see. There is no objection to reading in a low tone of voice to any individual patients who may, in the judgment of the Resident Physician, be entertained and not harmed thereby. Loud reading and singing cannot be permitted in the wards, as patients under treatment require absolute rest and quiet. Smoking will not be permitted in the Hospital or Dispensary wards, waiting-room, or halls.