INSCRIPTIONS ON THE BRONZE TABLETS P RECENTLY PLACED ON THE GATES OF THE OLDER BURIAL GROUNDS IN BOSTON\ MASSACHUSETTS. PREPARED BY SAMUEL A. GREEN. INSCRIPTIONS ON THE BRONZE TABLETS RECENTLY PLACED ON THE GATES OF THE OLDER BURIAL GROUNDS IN BOSTON; MASSACHUSETTS. PREPARED BY SAMUEL A. GREEN. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. (Mmijcrsttg IPrcss. 1883. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, May, 1S83. INSCRIPTIONS. I)r. Green, who was Mayor of Boston last year, presented copies of the inscriptions on the bronze tablets recently placed on the gates of the older burial-grounds in the city. He said that the first public suggestion of such memorials came from Alderman Stebbins, who introduced the order passed at a meeting of the Board of Aldermen, on Nov. 3, 1879; but it appears from the Proceedings (xvii. 132) that at least two months before this, Mr. Winthrop had suggested placing an inscribed tablet on the King’s Chapel burial-ground. This order authorized the Mayor to place suitable tablets at the entrance of certain burial-grounds, giving the names of said grounds, the dates of their establishment as well as the names of some of the most prominent persons buried therein; but for some reason it was never carried out. Last year, on January 23, Alderman Stebbins introduced a similar order, and in com- pliance with it Dr. Green prepared the following inscriptions for the tablets, which have now been set up: — KING’S CHAPEL BURIAL GROUND 1630 Here were buried John Winthrop 1649, GOVERNORS OF MASSACHUSETTS John Endecott 1665, John Leverett 1679, William Shirley 1771 ; William Phillips 1827, LIEUT. GOVERNORS OF MASSACHUSETTS Thomas Lindall Winthrop 1841 ; GOVERNORS OF CONNECTICUT John Winthrop 1676, Fitz-John Winthrop 1707 ; JUDGES OF MASSACHUSETTS Wait Still Winthrop 1717, Oliver Wendell 1818, Adam Winthrop 1743, Thomas Dawes 1825; MINISTERS OF BOSTON John Cotton 1652, John Oxenbridge 1674, John Davenport 1670, Thomas Bridge 1715. KING’S CHAPEL BURIAL GROUND 1630 Here were buried Jacob Sheafe 1658, John Winslow 1674, Mary Chilton 1679, a passenger in the Mayflower and wife of John Winslow, Major Thomas Savage 1682, Lady Andros 1688, Captain Roger Clap 1690, Thomas Brattle 1713, Professor John Winthrop 1776, James Lloyd 1831, Charles Bulfinch 1844. 6 COPP'S HILL BURIAL GROUND 1659 Here were buried MINISTERS Increase Mather 1723, Samuel Mather 1785, Cotton Mather 1728, Andrew Eliot 1778 5 and Thomas Lake, John Phillips, David Copp, Anthony Haywood, Nicholas Upshall, John Clarke, and others of the early inhabitants of Boston. On this ground were planted the British Batteries which destroyed the Village of Charlestown during the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775. GRANARY BURIAL GROUND 1660 John Hancock, Within this ground are buried Samuel Adams, and Robert Treat Paine, Signers of the Declaration of Independence ; Richard Bellingham, James Bowdoin, James Sullivan GOVERNORS William Dummer, Increase Sumner, Christopher Gore ; Lieut. Governor Thomas Cushing ; and Chief Justice Samuel Sewall ; Ministers John Baily, Jeremy Belknap Samuel Willard, John Lathrop. and 7 GRANARY BURIAL GROUND 1660 Within this ground are buried The victims of the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770. Josiah Franklin and wife, (Parents of Benjamin Franklin) Peter Faneuil, Paul Revere; and John Phillips, First Mayor of Boston. ROXBURY BURIAL GROUND Here were buried Thomas Dudley 1653, GOVERNORS Joseph Dudley 1720; Chief Justice Paul Dudley 1752 ; Col. William Dudley 1743 ; John Eliot, the Apostle to the Indians, 1GOO, MINISTERS Thomas Walter 1725, Oliver Peabody 1752, Nehemiah Walter 1750, Amos Adams 1775, Eliphalet Porter 1838, Benjamin Tompson, Schoolmaster and Physician, 1714. and 8 DORCHESTER BURIAL GROUND Here were buried GOVERNORS William Stoughton 1701, William Tailer 1732, MINISTERS Richard Mather 1669, John Danforth 1730, Moses Everett 1813, Josiah Flint 1680, Jonathan Bowman 1775, Thaddeus Mason Harris 1842, Major Gen. Humphrey Atherton 1661, William Pole, Schoolmaster, 1674, John Foster, First Printer of Boston, 1681, Isaac Royal 1739, James Blake, Annalist, 1750 and Ebenezer Clapp 1881.