ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY AS A REMEDY. A PAPER READ BEFORE THE SUFFOLK DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY, OCTOBER 28, 1882. BY ALFRED C. GARRATT, M. D., MEMBER OE THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY, ETC. [Reprinted from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal of February 8, 1888. J CAMBRIDGE: JJrinteb at the flUuersiiie Jjkees. 1883. ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY AS A REMEDY. A PA PER HEA D BEFORE THE SUFFOLK DISTRICT MEDICAL SOCIETY, OCTOBER 28, 1882. BY ALFRED C. GARRATT, M. D., MEMBER OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SOCIETY, ETC. [Reprinted from the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal of February 8, 1883.] CAMBRIDGE: fkinteb at tljc Uiuersibe press 1883. FRANKLINISM; OR, ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY AS A REMEDY BY A. C. GARRATT, M. D. The old-fashioned friction electrical machine, con- sisting of a glass globe or cylinder, or later of a single glass plate, has recently been so wonderfully improved and enlarged as to be in practice a comparatively new apparatus; more powerful and efficient, more certain and uniform in action at all times, and affording a wider use of static electricity in medicine. The fric- tion machine, as is well known, would not work in stormy we ither, nor when the atmosphere was damp, humid, or nil, unless the room and machine were kept warm and dry by fire, and sometimes not then. When it did work it gave sparks of only one or two inches in length, at best. To make up for this it was for- merly the practice to accumulate the electricity in Leyden jars, and then apply it by shocks. But all this is in the past. The new large sized sfatffc-induction machine — I refer to the improved Holtz, or Toepler-Holtz — is found to work at all times, in any weather, and with or without fire in the room. We can now at any mo- ment get either a stream of fine little sparks that are numerous, rapid, and mild, or graduated stronger and longer sparks, from one to seven or even ten inches in length, repeated every few seconds or more often, for any length of time. Or they can be increased so as to resemble flashes of lightning attended with reports like those of a pistol. Yet this surprising power, made so manifest in this form from the machine, can be com- 4 Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. pletely controlled and so as to be to the patient a com- fortable, general electrization, formerly called the elec- tric air-bath. Thus we can now apply long and heavy sparks, as in cramps, palsy, or aniesthesia; or sustain the patient enveloped from head to feet in an electri- cal potential, more or less high, for a longer or shorter time, as a general nerve tonic, and all the while as exhilarating and refreshing to the person as sunshine in winter, or a cool breeze in the heat of summer ; and what is more important, the good effect of this is last- ing. To imagine that this new machine, of seven glass plates twenty-five to thirty inches in diameter, is like the old friction machine, would be like comparing a powerful and beautiful steam engine to a tea-kettle. With this immense advantage the medical use of at- mospheric electricity is already revived with great suc- cess, in Germany, by Professor Clemens, and others ; in Austria, by Professor Scwanda ; and in France, by Professor Charcot, especially at his clinic in Paris, where he is aided by Dr. Vigouroux. This static- induction apparatus of many plates and large size must hereafter hold a prominent place for providing this most natural form of electricity in all more complete and thoroughly efficient electro-therapeutics. Not by any means supplanting the invaluable primary or sec- ondary apparatus, but supplementing them at office or in hospital, with a greater efficiency of medical electrici- ty when thus in ample quantity, and possessed of the peculiar statical quality, such as those cannot provide. But I insist, it is only the large-sized machines that are uniformly able to fulfill satisfactory results, and these are expensive. A machine of this kind having only two plates, if of large diameter, will produce quite long but thin sparks of relatively high tension, while the addition to the machine of several more plates, of like diameter, will increase its ability to produce greater quantity of electricity, hence thicker sparks when re- quired, and ability to charge and sustain the insulating chairs and table with a high potential in all kinds of weather, which is a point of first importance. Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. 5 This “ improved ” Iloltz machine is now not only being used in Paris and Berlin, in Vienna and Lon- don, but is already in use here in Boston, by myself; in New York, by W. J. Morton, Professor Hammond, and others ; in Philadelphia, by Professors Blackwood and Bartholow, and is destined to be found hereafter, at least, in all large cities, medical centres, and in hos- pitals, in this country. The ordinary medium or smaller sizes and few plates of the Holtz, or Toepler-IIoltz machines, have for some time been placed among the philosophical apparatus in many of our colleges. But are medical teachers and practitioners generally aware of the positively nerve correcting power of “ static electricity,” when provided, as now, in ample quantity, at all times, and yet under delicate and complete con- trol for efficiency and absolute safety ? The name electricity, as it relates to therapeutics, has now become merely a generic or general term. We cannot but see the increasing necessity of more defi- nitely designating its particular form or classification, and the precise mode of application in every case, whenever it is referred to in regard to treatment, as in reporting cases. It is not enough to state simply that electricity was applied. But who applied it, from what instrument or source, and how. These must appear, or the report is of no value. However, this paper is writ- ten not with the intention of covering this field, nor even any division of it, but to recall attention to its methodic use, and as an example of what has been and can be effected, often most promptly in some difficult cases, by means of this improved franklinism. Although perfectly well known to many, we need to restate and familiarize the fact, that more than here- tofore we are to recognize three distinct kinds of electricity for remedial uses, provided from three prin- cipal sources, by three distinct classes of apparatus, each producing electricity with very different and im- portant characteristics peculiar to itself, which can be again modified so as to produce certain effects that can- 6 Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. not be replaced by any other. For it is fundamental that though in its nature electricity is always the same, yet its effects and ultimate results are decidedly varied, according to its source, form, and method of applica- tion. Hereafter it may be convenient for us to recog- nize the following classes : — First Class: “ Static Electricity,” the oldest form known, is derived from the atmosphere only, and when employed as a remedy is termed franklinism. Second Class: “ Galvanic Electricity,” and the vol- taic (for these two may here be reckoned together as the same, each being produced by chemical action, as from moist metal plates in the voltaic pile, or wet metal plates in the cell of the galvanic battery, it be- ing of the same nature and producing the same effects under like conditions) is known as the “ primary ” current, whether it is employed as a constant, or con- tinuous, or interrupted current, and as a remedy it is or should be invariably termed galvanism. Third Class: “Induced Electricity,” which em- braces all those phases of the familiar “ secondary,” interrupted, and usually to and fro currents ; induced and greatly increased in certain physiological effects by means of a helix or coils of wire, either from the primary current alone, or from the primary with mag- netism, or from magnetism alone, and of late from the static, each of which should be exactly and invariably expressed, as either the static-induced, or as electro- magnetism, or as magneto-electricity, when produced by a revolving armature in the presence of a magnet; all or either of these as the induced or “ secondary,” and when employed as a remedy the general term is faradism. It is in regard to the greatly improved apparatus of the first class oidy, and the excellent effects of the elec- tricity it provides, that our particular attention is at- tracted at this time. Having had considerable and di- versified experience of late with static electricity from the improved Holtz machine, the writer is impressed Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. 7 more than ever with the great (and in many cases of a certain class of diseases the superior) merits of the static quality and quantity of electricity, because of the decidedly good andiquick work it can do in many diffi- cult cases; so that he wishes all physicians to realize its availability, efficiency, and usefulness. Considering the present almost general indifference of the profession as a whole to the remedial value of the old form of “ static electricity,” it recalls the quite general apathy and actual disbelief in some quarters in regard to the safety and power of the primary cur- rent or galvanism as a remedy, at the time when the writer first called the attention of this Society to it in 1857, now some twenty-five years ago. We can here appreciate the feelings of my friend Dr. W. J. Morton, when he, fresh from Europe and clinical experience with the static form, first presented this subject before the Academy of Medicine in New York some time ago, and showing the greater facilities of the Holtz ma- chine for providing medical electricity said, “ It may at first sight appear an act of temerity to ask attention to a method of treatment now so antiquated. But if, from this point of view, any apology is needed, it is simply that the writer, after careful trials in his own practice, of the medical merits of static electricity, feels a natural desire to have others realize its value. Be- lieving, as I do, that in again giving it a trial we shall take a real advanced step in the cure of diseases, I have ventured to bring this subject before you at this time. The invention of Holtz began in 1865, and marked out for modern statical electricity in medicine the possibilities of a new career. In the Holtz ma- chine we have the means capable of furnishing elec- tricity of high tension and in great quantity. By means of the two condensers and the ability of increas- ing the number of glass wheels, both the tension and the quantity are within the control of the operator. It gives with ease an eight-inch spark and a great quan- tity. Its constructor is Andeiveau, of Baris, while to 8 Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. Dr. Vigouroux, of Professor Charcot’s clinic, is due its present adaptation to medical use.” The first medical use of atmospheric electricity, after a time termed “ static,” dates back one hundred and fifty years. For a long time thereafter the term elec- tricity o> electrization covered the whole subject, for that in fact was the whofe of it. During a whole gen- eration men obtained electricity from one source only, by one kind of apparatus, and only employed it for remedial purposes, and that by one principal method of application, namely, the shock; sometimes, however, by sparks. The limited power of the friction appara- tus no doubt led to that mode of use. For seventy years or more static electricity as a remedy flourished and grew into much favor and use, notwithstanding its capricious action in variable weather, and the crude and cruel method by shocks, as was then generally practiced in England, here, and throughout Europe, even from 1730 to 1800, when the galvanic current was discovered, and die voltaic pile was constructed. Within that first epoch, from 1742 to 1760, Dr. Ben- jamin Franklin not only experimented successfully to learn something of the nature of this newly developed force, but he also devoted much time to the treatment of many cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, cramps, pains, and palsy, at Philadelphia, and some of them with marked success, using, of course, static electricity, the only form then known. No doubt Dr. Franklin was the first medical electrician in America. Early in this century, however, the frictional electric machine became gradually neglected or supplanted, for it certainly was much less in use by medical men, pos- sibly from its inconvenience, and partly from the pecul- iar effects, physiological and remedial, of the galvanic current, obtained from the voltaic pile, or from the new compound battery cells. To my mind it was still more from the disgust physicians must have had for the increasing fashion of hawking about small electrical machines with ample chains and battery of Leyden Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. 9 jars to exhibit at public fairs, shows, or museums, and “ shocking ” men and women there in platoons and by wholesale to prevent or cure them of consumption, decrepitude, palsy, or rheumatism. Some years after, in 1832, Faraday appeared with his new-found induced, interrupted current, obtained from the galvanic or primary current by induction. Then, soon after, came Dr. Charles Page, of this Com- monwealth, with his very ingenious and portable ar- rangement of helix and cell and automatic vibrator, for providing physicians with this new form of elec- tricity so admirably adapted to certain medical uses. Faraday at once named this the “secondary” current, in contra-distinction to the galvanic or “ primary,” which was its source. Still, in many countries the old static form continued somewhat in professional use even up to twenty-five years ago, if not later. While abroad in 1857 the writer found frictional electricity now and then resorted to in some certain cases by very eminent men in Edinburgh, Paris, and Berlin, in Marseilles and London, but nowhere in this country at that time could wre learn that it was employed by any in the regular profession. Todd and Bowman were using it fi’om a large machine in some cases at King’s College Hospital, while Golding Bird, Sir Wil- liam Gull, and Wilks quite frequently referred cer- tain nervous cases to “ the electrical room ” of Guy’s Hospital (which room was kept by a fire constantly warm and dry) for sparks to be given or drawn, or for general insulation and electrifying. At the same time Duchenne, of Boulogne, was demonstrating the superior usefulness of electro-magnetism, while Prof. Robert Remak was advocating at Berlin the surprising and superior remedial power of the primary current by direct applications, and by central galvanization, es- pecially for profound nervous diseases of the head, or central ganglia. Suffice it to say 1 was strongly impressed with the peculiar utility of all the three forms, especially the 10 Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. primary current from a compound battery, and the static from a friction machine; they as remedies were then to me new and unique. From what I there saw in the few selected cases of the marked good effects by the static form, I provided myself also with a first- class static machine, which has been more or less in use in my electrical rooms in this city almost to the present time, it being, no doubt, the most worked, ex- clusively for remedial uses, by a regular physician, of any apparatus of that sort in this country. After all, the friction machine, working only at times, was found to be quite limited in its range of usefulness, because it produced too little for the electric air bath, and we could not increase or accumulate it by Leyden jars for any practical purposes, as I had determined never to use it as a shock. For these and other reasons its occasional good effects could not be reported, nor could the method be recommended to the medical profession. Notwithstanding, in my own experience during the many years, when other treatments were baffled, and only slight applications were required, positive sparks, an inch or two long, could be elicited from the prime conductor, or negative sparks from the rubber end, so making very efficient localized effects. The former suc- ceeded admirably sometimes in cervical, occipital, and facial neuralgias, also for recurring pains along the back or about the thorax and heart. Recent experi- ence with the Holtz machine while the patient is well insulated on the platform chair, and fully charged gen- erally with positive electricity, the negative sparks be- ing thoroughly drawn, proved it a rapid remedy often for chronic muscular, periosteal, or arthritic rheuma- tism, for cramps in the muscles of the limbs, or of the diaphragm or stomach, or cramps anywhere, especially if it is also directed to the cervical and dorsal spine, also for some of those obstinate “shoulder cases,” lum- bago, and sciatica, for soreness and stiffness in over- worked or strained muscles. Fine positive sparks or electric spray can be directed to the closed eyelids in Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. 11 cases of pains in the eyeballs occurring in delicate per- sons when caused by fatigue of the ciliary muscles. Longer and stronger sparks are required in local palsy, writer’s palsy or cramp, lead palsy, etc. Does this appear difficult or unsafe? From much experience I am sure it is neither. For example, with the new apparatus and appliances we can give the spray or positive sparks to the temples or about the head for neuralgic headaches. As aid in the treatment of some cases of dim sight and partial amaurosis, as from chronic alcoholism or use of tobacco, or from over-use, the application needs to be reversed and in- creased, so as to draw less frequent and larger sparks from the closed eyes and about them, endeavoring all the while to hold or maintain the eyes, one at a time, in a high positive electrical saturation. This is impor- tant. It is accomplished by first placing the patient on the chair, and, while fully charged positively, bring- ing the gold-pointed electrode connected with the neg- ative main conductor or grounding approximately near the eye, say within three or four inches at first, then as the patient gets used to it bring it nearer. Then replace it, if well borne, by a large ball electrode, with slower turning of the glass wheels, so near only as to allow few sparks, within the bounds of pain and flashes of light, at first, always beginning gently, never work- ing here very painfully nor long, while carefully watch- ing the effects. Repeat these sittings daily or once or twice a week, according to the after-effects brought about. Bearing in mind that though the whole per- son is enveloped in electricity, yet while the electrode, pointed or ball-shaped, is held near the eye, ear, throat, or any other point of the body, there is accumulated at that point a still higher potential of electricity in the tissues beneath the skin, but of the opposite qual- ity; also that at each disruptive discharge, if of con- siderable strength, as for palsy of the limbs, the long sparks are believed to either penetrate to the perios- teum of the bones, or by induction to disturb the elec- 12 12 Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. tricity of the tissues to that depth, so producing a rad ical nutritive change. But to clearly understand this versatile power we are working with, and which is to be so important to physicians, we must further analyze and understand this wonderful apparatus known as the Holtz machine. A DESCRIPTION OF THE IIOLTZ ELECTRICAL MACHINE. This beautiful apparatus, which produces static elec- tricity, by induction, in great quantities, is far supe- rior to the old-fashioned friction machine, especially for remedial purposes. More than heretofore we shall recognize three principal classes of electrical appara- tus: the first for franklinism, the second for galvanism, the third for faradism. The Iloltz or the Toepler- Holtz, if of large size, is the best of the first class. The i m p r o v ed large - sized Holtz electrical machine the writer is using of late, and would recom- mend in “medical electricity,” for treat- ing certain classes of cases, consists of sev- en circular glass plates, all adjusted parallel across the main shaft, and near to each other, so as to leave only thin spaces between them. Four of these glass plates are covered with shellac, and are fastened to the shaft, being twenty-five inches in diameter, and can be revolved slowly or more rap- idly by hand or motor power, and by aid of the mul- Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. 13 tiplying wheel. The other three glass wheels are twenty-eight inches each in diameter, fixed alternately between their revolving fellows, and are continually stationary, being held by insulating bearings and screw clamps at their outer edges. Each of these latter wheels have three large holes cut in them, one circu- lar and large enough at the centre to allow the axis of the revolving plates to pass through without touching them, while the other two oval openings, called windows or cells, are at opposite sides of the horizontal diame- ter. Fixed on these glass wheels at opposite sides near the edges of the windows are pieces of stiff paper, covered with gold foil, notched on their edges where they appear just within the side of the windows, so as to lean a little over towards the nearest revolving plate, as accumulators. Near the outer or other sides of each of the re- volving plates, in rather wider spaces, and opposite the gold points in the edge of the windows in the alternate stationary plates, are horizontal brass arms with metallic combs and gold fringes, reaching in be- tween the glass plates, for taking up the electricity and leading it on to the two main conductors. The other brass arms with gold fringes, that brush the glass wheels, and are seen to be fixed at an angle of forty- five degrees, are for maintaining the reliable position of the positive and the negative pole; at the same time, together with the small piece of cat skin next the rear glass wheel, they also act to insure the “ initial charge” in starting the machine; all of which is inclosed in a large plate-glass case, with a strong mahogany frame and doors, made as nearly air-tight as possible. The two main conductors, P. and N., project out forward by piercing the front glass plate of the case, some two feet apart. The positive pole is on the right hand, and the negative is on the left, as we face the front of the machine. To these are attached two small glass con- densers, with a connecting rod between them. Outside the glass case, and near the outer ends of 14 Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. the two poles, or main conductors, are two brass slid- ing rods, one of which passes through each pole or arm, and at right angles to it, while in line with each other, so as to graduate any degree of distance between these main poles of the apparatus. These sliding rods can he drawn back entirely out of the way, or approx- imated more or less, or even made to touch each other, as in preparing to make some kinds of applications, in regulating the length and strength of spray, sparks, and electric currents. Within the glass case a dish of some kind of dryers, as quicklime or chloride of calcium, may be placed to insure a dry air within and certain action in all kinds of weather. The versatility of use and surprising efficiency will appear on further exami- nation of this wonderful electric ; but its cost and size may for a time limit its use to hospitals, dispensaries, and office use, for it is not portable. To work this machine it must be put in motion by hand or motor power, always in such direction that the plates revol\e towards the gold-paper points, which are in the cells of the stationary plates. The first revolutions self-charge this machine, because a small piece of cat skin thus becomes slightly rubbed between the two rear dialectric plates, one of which receives on one of its sides the very minute quantity of the negative, and the other plate, in like manner, an equal amount of positive electricity, which serves only as an initial inducing charge, for by the law of electro-static induction, long known, namely, that when one kind of electricity is found on one side of a glass plane or jar, its opposite kind will appear on the other side. Its presence here and in the cell quickly starts a general reaction that passes from plate to plate until all are generating the electric force in very great quantity and tension, which at once accumulates in all the cells of the stationary plates. From thence, as fast as made, the metal combs and brass transfer arms lead it on to the main conductors, the positive from the top of the glass wheels to the right hand, the negative from the Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. 15 lower part of the wheels to the left conductor in pre- cisely equal quantities, so that in practice we always find the right-hand pole yielding positive or -}- elec- tricity, and the other negative or — electricity. This is, then, in no proper sense a friction machine, nor is it depending on grounding, but works by a process of induction and transfer peculiar to itself.1 A very significant fact here is that we have in this Holtz machine two main conductors (instead of one prime conductor, as in the friction machine) and two small condensers, O and Q, each about the size of a six or ten-ounce vial. Larger ones come with the apparatus, to be used when we want very large accu- mulation, or very large and long sparks. One con- denser can be attached to each of the main conductors. They always fill or charge inside with the same kind of electricity as the conductor, but outside they are charged the reverse of their inside and the conductor to which they are attached, but most likely yield a current by a double induction, so that this secondary positive pole is still on the right hand. From this description it may be seen that we can get from this apparatus two different electric circuits. The first, of course, is direct from the main poles. This is the source for charging the insulated chair and patient in most of the various methods of electrizing; as for giving or drawing sparks, or spray, or both, or for using it as a primary interrupted current by means of the spring and sponge electrode. A long and large brass tube can connect to either pole, or to grounding. Flexible insulated chain or wire conductors can con- nect the electrodes to either pole, or both, or to ground- ing. This machine works best for some applications with grounding ; in other applications, as when using the secondary current, without grounding. The second source or route of an electric circuit, and that of a different quality, is from the lower outside of 1 These machines and appliances can be had of J. & H. Berge, New York. 16 Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. the two glass condensers that are attached respectively to the two main poles. This is a truly induced sec- ondary current of very great remedial use and value. It is peculiar for retaining the static characteristic, and the writer believes it to be in effect a one-way flowing interrupted current. This description of this current is believed to be new, as it has never been mentioned be- fore, to our knowledge, in any medical or other scien- tific work. Holtz, the inventor of the apparatus, must have been aware of this secondary current, from the differently charged condensers, because he provided a small rod to connect them, and so close or complete this circuit when required. My friend, Dr. J. W. Morton, of New York, who first made use of this current as a remedy, we see accepts it as an induced to-and-fro cur- rent, like the electro-magnetic. Indeed, he so defines it. The presence of an induced electricity about the outside of Leyden jars was known long ago, but not as a current. The fact of this static induction led Fara- day to persevere for years to find the induced or sec- ondary from the galvanic. Ilis first discover}' of it was not an accident, but the result of experiments based on philosophy. But no form of the old friction machine could produce and maintain such a current as this. It was impossible. This static secondary current was not in existence until the Holtz machine appeared. Dr. Morton was the first to arrange and use it for medical purposes, and called attention to it, for which the med- ical profession are under very great obligations to him. To clearly differentiate this from the proper induced static electricity of the Holtz, or Toepler-IIoltz ma- chine, this lower current, taken from the outside of the two condensers, may be designated as the static second- ary current. From its action and effects I believe it to resemble that scarce and choice interrupted one-way current, called by Faraday “ the extra current,” be- cause it is re-induced in the coarse inner wire coil Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. 17 within a large helix, when it is worked by several gal- vanic cells. The extra current was the one so much employed by Dr. Duchenne in accomplishing his won- derful works in Boulogne and Paris. Now this static secondary current is even more desirable than the ex- tra, because it consists of great quantity with far less intensity ; hence less painful and more efficient. In using this static secondary current in practice, we must employ two moist, sponge-faced insulated elec- trodes. Remove the connecting rod from the con- densers, also the others from chair or grounding, and bring the sliding rods above close together. Start the revolving plates quite gradually at first, until fine sparks appear above between the ball ends of the two sliding rods, which now must be very slightly separated to a quarter inch more or less, when will be realized the most decided and delicate electro-muscular action. This can be modified so as to meet a wide field of need, because efficient with so little that is disagreeable. In the young, and for the more delicate of any age, it is practical, as for local palsy, or cold rheumatism, and many cases of neuralgia. This in fact is localized static electricity. It is then very important to know and realize the peculiar character of this new electric current in therapeutics. As already stated it retains the static characteristic of quantity, with small intensity, which is significant. It is not made up of to-and-fro or alternate waves of a current, like the galvano-magneto- electric current. This is open to proof or disproof, but, believing it can be demonstrated and established, the following is offered from among other tests as evi- dence: — First, arrange the machine, by removing the ground- ing conductor, also the small rod from between the condensers, and see that the ends of the sliding rods are brought close together, within a quarter inch or less before beginning. Then take the two sponge- faced electrodes, moisten them, and hold them face to face while their flexible conductors connect them 18 Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. to the two condensers near their base. When all is ready start the machine and speed up; then begin slowly to separate the electrodes and watch the ef- fect. There will appear a multitude of fine sparks or streams of electricity mingled in a glow of purplish light between the sponges. If the speed is good and one of the sliding rods is gradually drawn outward, these streams become less in number but longer, while emit- ting very strong fumes of ozone, that presently fills the room. Even when the sponges are applied to the arm or hand, with the sliding rods close together, there will appear the streams of electric fire on the skin. Evi- dently here is the static quality made manifest in this very peculiar secondary current. Again, if we take the same electrodes and apply them separately, one on the inside and the other on the back of the hand, while the sliding rods are an inch or more apart, and then start the wheels, at first mod- erately, until a spark appears between the sliding rods, there will be felt a distinct single sensation of electrici- ty in the hand; and as these succeed each other we are enabled to count and compare them. They are found to synchronize precisely with each disruptive spark. Now, as the sliding rods are brought gradually closer together, and the sparks are shorter and more frequent, we still are able to count them and realize that they are simultaneous with the sparks of the same number, and no more, until they are too frequent to be counted, but right for treatment. Is not this satisfac- tory evidence of a simple interruption of an induced one-way current? This is capable of demonstration by any one familiar with electrical apparatus. There is one more method of application of electrici- ty from a Holtz machine that ought to be described in this connection. Though placed last on purpose, yet it is one of the very first in importance, because of so frequent and wide range of use. I refer now to the current proper, the static •primary interrupted current, if it may be so called, that can be taken from the two Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. 19 main conductors in this wise : First, arrange the ma- chine for it by drawing the sliding rods close back, and see that the large-sized condensers and their connecting rod are all in place. Seat the person on the insulating chair and connect them by the long brass tube with the negative pole, and remove all grounding. Select now the spring and sponge electrode,x only one, and con- nect it by a flexible conductor to the positive pole, start the machine, and speed up. Then place the moist sponge face of the electrode on the skin, for instance, in the palm of the hand of the person over the palmar arch, and pull the spring very little and gently until sparks appear between the brass balls on the back of the electrode. As the sparks then can be graduated to need, most lively responsive nerve and muscle ac- tion is made visible, and are mildly felt. By turning the sponge of the electrode on its edge the interosseii and lumbricales can be reached from the back of the hand, and seen to exercise, with only moderate sensa- tion. All or any of the muscles of the leg or arm or fore-arm, flexors, or extensors can be made to exercise freely without pain. The effect of this method is not only local but also general. The loose hairs of the head are seen to float in waves, synchronizing with the interruptions marked off by the visible sparks. Pa- tients take it well. It is adapted to a large class of delicate ladies, children, and men who are very sensi- tive, timid, or unable or unwilling to bear much sensa- tion, yet who are neuralgic, rheumatic, weak, or para- lyzed, and need effectual applications. The strength of any electric application can always be regulated by the revolutions of the wheels. Though static electricity is the principal theme of this paper, it is not to be supposed that the writer advocates its use in every case, nor necessarily in every kind of affection, nor in all stages of any affec- tion to the exclusion of one or both of the other forms 1 This electrode was first made by Mr. Berge, of New York, for Dr. Morton, by whom it was designed. 20 Atmospheric Electricity as a Remedy. where electricity is indicated. Skill is required in se- lecting the cases for electrical treatments, as well as >in choosing the class of instrument, the electrodes, and the method of application, and, perhaps, alter- nation. It is not electricity alone, but its wise and ■correct application, that cures. For instance, the static is the most apt and speedy remedy for painful cramps and contractions in any part of the body or limbs; In facial palsy, if cold and stiff; in dropsical joints, and the subacute or chronic white synovitis ; for lum- bago, neuralgic sciatica, the painful and stiff shoulder ■cases, writers’ cramp and palsy; in diminished power of muscles in hemiplegia, and diminished electro-mus- cular response in paraplegia, and in hysterical and hypochondriacal affections in very delicate persons, for weakness or neuralgia of the back or irritable spine. (Galvanism is generally better adapted to neuralgia and affections of the skin or muscles where there is desired improved nutrition, as in most affections of the vaso-motor system and the trophic nerves, applied for central galvanization, as first pointed out by Ile- mak, of Berlin, and for differential diagnosis. AVhile faradism, — not given by tin handles, nor exclusively through the hands and feet,— if correctly applied lo- cally, or generally, or both, or alternated with the gal- vanic, is very versatile and efficient in a great variety of nerve and muscle troubles — as for some kinds of neu- ralgia and rheumatism ; for strains, sprains, sore mus- cles, and weak back ; for diphtheritic palsy, some fa- cial palsy, writers’ palsy, local, posture, rheumatic, lead, and other palsy or weaknesses. As a specialist in treating nervous affections I could not do without any one of them, while physicians in general practice will surely secure the aid of the latter, and of the others as far as they can. No. 9 Tremont Place, Boston, Mass.