BIBLIOGRAPHY (PRELIMINARY) OF ■ THE LITERATURE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLIC DRINKS. EDITED FOR “ THE COMMITTEE OF FIFTY FQR JTJ£ HCIN OF THE LIQUOR PROBLEM' BY JOHN S. BILLINGS, M. D. WASHINGTON, D. C. : JUDD & detweiler, PRINTERS. 1894. This Bibliography has been compiled for the use of “ The Committee of Fifty for the Investigation of the Liquor Problem,” from notes fur- nished by Drs. J. S. Billings, H. P. Bowditch, R. H. Chittenden, and W. H. Welch. For the most part it includes only books and papers which contain original experiments or observations on the physiological or pathological effects of alcohols and alcoholic drinks. It does not in- clud e papers treating on the political, social, or ethical relations of alcohol, or treatises on the evils of intemperance, and it is not complete even in its own field, being merely a preliminary working list for the use of scientific investigators. ALCOHOL (Physiological Effects of). Chiefly Experimental Data. Albertoni tP.) & Lussana (E.) Sull’al cool, sull’aldeide e sugli eteri vinici. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1874, 4. s., xxiv, 468; 563; 722. (Experiments on animals.)—Albertoni (P.) Sulla formazione e sul contegno dell’alcool e dell’aldeide nell’organismo. Ann. di chim. e di farm., Milano, 1887, vi, 4. s., 250. Also, transl.: J. de med., chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1887, lxxxiv, 715-721. (Summary of experiments on dogs and rabbits. No details given.) —Andreesen (A.) * Ueber die Ursachen der Schwan- kungen im Verhaltniss der rotlien Blut- korperchen zum Plasma. 8°, Dorpat, 1883, 54 pp. (Strong alcohol increases the number of red corpuscles, and this is followed by a decrease. With dilute alcohol the number decreases at once.)— Anstie (F. E.) The alcohol question. Bond. M. Rev., 1861-2, ii, 414; 459. (General summary.) See also: On the theory of alcoholic stimulation in pyrexial diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1868,' i, 120-122. Stimulants and narcotics, their mutual relations [etc.]. 8°, London, 1864. The same. 8°, Philadelphia, 1865, xxiv, 414 pp. On the use of wines in health and disease. Practitioner, Lond., 1870, iv, 219, 286, 349; v, 89, 160, 122. Also, reprint. (Favors the use of wine, espe- cially of light wines, as an article of diet, and advises as to their use in disease.) Remarks on certain recent papers on the action of alcohol. Practitioner, Lond., 1873, xi, 361; 422. (General re- view—interesting but no original mat- ter. ) Final experiments on the elimination of alcohol from the body. Ibid., 1874, xiii, 15-28. (Original ex- periments. Valuable.)—Baer(A.) Der Alcoholismus, seine Verbreitung, und seine Wirkung auf den individuellen und socialen Organismus sowie die Mittel ihn zu bekampfen. 8°, Berlin, 1878, 621 pp. (Useful statistical data.)— Baudot (E.) De l’alcool; de sa destruc- tion dans l’organisme. Union Med., Par., 1863, 2. s., xx, 273; 357 ; 374 ; 390; 1864, 2. s., xxi, 40. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1864, cxxi, 277. (Alcohol ingested in moderate quantities in form of wine, etc., is not eliminated by the urine. In exceptional cases small amounts can be recovered in the urine. Alcohol is destroyed in the organism and is a respiratory food in Liebig’s sense. See, infra, Perrin (M.) for a reply.)— Bechamp (A.) Sur la fermentation alcoolique et acetique spontanee du foie, et sur l’alcool physiologique de l’urine humaine. Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., Par., 1872, lxxv, 1830. (Author finds alcohol in fresh urine of persons abstain- ing entirely from alcoholic liquors). See also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., Par., 1878, lxxxvi, 886.—Bochamp (J.) Sur la presence de l’alcool dans les tissus animaux pendant la vie et apres la mort, dans les cas de putrefaction, an point de vue physiologique et toxi- cologique. Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., Par., 1879, lxxxix, 573. Also: J. d. pharm. et chim., Par., 1879, xxx, 504.— Berg (E.) Ueber den Einfluss der Zahl und Tiefe der Athembewegungen auf die Ausscheidung der Kohlensaure durch dieLungen. IV. Versuche, angestellt nach Genuss von Alkohol. Arch. f. Klin. Med., Leipz., 1869, vi, 373.—Bernard (C.) Influence de l’alcool et de 1’ether sur les secretions du tube digestif, du pancreas et du foie. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., 1856, Par., 1857, 2. s., iii, 30-32. Also, Gaz. med. de Par., 1856, 3. S., xi, 295.—Bikfalvi (Karl.) Orvos-Termis- settudomanij’s ertesito. Kolossvar, 1885, 131. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Ueber die Einwirkung von Alcohol, Bier, Wein, etc., auf die Verdauung. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Thierchem., Wiesbad., 1885, xv, 273. (Alcohol, even in small quan- tities, retards gastric digestion ; to a less degree it retards conversion of starch into sugar. Beer, even in small quanti- ties, has an unfavorable action on diges- tion. Wines, in small quantities, either show no action on digestion or a favor- able one. Large quantities retard diges- tion.)—Binz (C.) Ueber die antipyre- tische Wirkung vonChinin und Alkohol. II. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berk, 1870, li, 153. (In healthy animals and 4 in man, when sufficiently large doses of alcohol are taken to affect the tempera- ture at all, the latter is lowered, though the fall may be slight and temporary. The antipyretic action of alcohol is in- dependent of the regulation of the heat center. Only traces of alcohol were found in the urine.) Die Wir- kung des Alkohol auf die Temperatur des gesunden Mensehen. Ibid., 1871, liii, 529. (Doses of 15 to 80 cc. 80 per cent, alcohol lower the temperature somewhat in man, and less in those accustomed to alcoholic liquors than in others. ) On some effects of alco- hol on warm-blooded animals. J. Anat. & Physiol., Loud., 1863-4, viii, 233. (Moderate doses of alcohol lower temper- ature in man and in warm-blooded ani- mals. This effect is specially marked in fevers, but is not very lasting. Alcohol may act as a food.) Die Aus- scheidungdes Weingeistes durch Nieren und Lungen. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1876-7, vi, Hft5-6. Also [Abstr.] : Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Thierchem., Wiesbad., 1877 (1878), vii, 327. (The urine, after introduction of alcohol into the body, contained only traces of alcohol. The expired air con- tained no alcohol.) “Alkohol, Alkoholismus; ” Real-Encycl. d. ges. Heilk., Wien, 1880, i, 180-194. — Ueber Alkoholgenuss. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1882, i, 131-145. (A valuable summary paper, without details of data.) Der Weingeist als Heilmittel. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb., 1888, vii, 71-85. Der Weingeist als Arzneimittel. Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1891, xii, 1-9. (In experiments on rabbits, injec- tion of 0.2 to 0.25 grms. alcohol diluted with 2 vols. water into the veins always produced a marked increase in volume of air expired. This increase was main- tained for one hour after injection. Sub- cutaneous injection gave less marked results.)—Blutnenau (E. B.) # Iv vo- prosu o deijstvii alkoholy a na otravlye- nia jeludka u zaorovvch. (Effect of alco- hol upon functions of healthy stomach.) 8°, St. Petersburg, 1890, 59 pp., 1 1. Also, traml.: The rap. Monatsh., Berl., 1890, v, 504. (25 to 50 per cent, alcohol introduced into the empty stomach leads to increased secretory activity. In the course of two or three hours digestion is retarded. The acidity and volume of acid (HC1) is decreased. In following two to three hours there is increased secretion, and acidity and volume of HCl increases to nearly double the pre- vious amount.)—Bod'.aender (G.) Die Ausscheidung aufgenommenen Wein- geistes aus dem Korper. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883, xxxii, 398. (In man excreti n of alcohol by the kidneys occurs chiefly during first hour after its ingestion, with slight excretion in sec- ond hour and only traces in the third. No large amounts of alcohol leave the system unoxidized. At least 95 per cent, of the quantity introduced is oxidized to II20 and C02. Concludes: That alco- hol is valuable as a therapeutic agent rather than as a food-stuff.) Ueber den Einfluss des Weingeistes auf den Gaswechsel. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1886, xi, 548-563. (A Bonn re- search. Review of literature, and ex- periments on dogs with dilute alcohol.) Die Wasserausscheidung durcli die menschliche Haut nach Aufnahme von Weingeist. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1887-8, xiii, 401-415. (Alcohol usually decreases somewhat the elimina- tion of water by the skin and the giving off of heat. Constant results not ob- tained.)—von Boeck (H.) u. Bauer (J). Einfluss des Alkohols auf den Gaswech- sel. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1874, x, 361. (Experiments on dogs. Small quantities of alcohol produce a decrease in the excretion of C02 and absorption of oxygen. Larger quanti- ties bring about an increase. The after effects resemble those produced by small doses.)—Bonnafous (M.-J.) * De l’al- cool au point de vue toxicologique. 4°, Montpellier, 1884, 46 pp. (Summary review. No original experiments.)— Bouchardat et Sandras. De la diges- tion des boissons alcooliques, et de leur role dans la nutrition. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par., 1847, 3. s., xxi, 448. (Ex- periments on animals. Alcoholic fluids undergo no changes in the digestive tract; their absorption takes place espe- cially in the stomach. Alcohol intro- duced into the circulation is not elimi- nated in the secretions; a small part is removed by the lungs. Introduced in large quantities, it may give rise to asphyxia. It can be directly converted into H20 and C02, but acetic acid was frequently obtained as an intermediate product. Alcohol is changed in the economy more rapidly than dextrose.)— Bouvier (C.) Untersuchungen ueber die Wirkung des Alcohol auf die Korper- temperatur. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1869, ii, 370. Also [with addi- tions] : 8°, Bonn, 1869, 28 pp. (Experi- ments on animals in laboratory of Prof. Binz. Small doses of alcohol lower body temperature, and the pulse rate is in- creased ; this effect is not lasting. Larger doses lower the temperature several de- grees ; the pulse becomes fuller and the rate increases. Alcohol can lower the temperature in fevers, but it must be 5 used continually and in not too small doses.) Pharmakologische Stu- dien ueber den Alkohol. 8°, Berl., 1872, 64 pp. (Gives results of experiments on dogs and rabbits, showing the effects of temperature, etc.)—Bowditch (H. P.) Alcohol as a nutritive agent. Boston M. & S. J., 1872, lxxxvi, 413. (Mainly a translation of Yoits’ views on the sub- ject.)—Brandi (J.) Ueber Resorption und Secretion im Magen und deren Be- einflussung durch Arzneimittel. Ztschr. f. Biol., Miinchen u. Leipz., 1893, xxix, 277. (In experiments on dogs alcohol greatly increased the absorption of dex- trose and of peptone, and is completely and rapidly absorbed from the stom- ach without undergoing any changes whatsoever.)— Brown-Sequard. Re- cherches sur une cause de mort qui ex- iste dans un grand nombre d’empoison- nements. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1849, i, 102-104. Also: J. de la physiol de l’homme, Par., 1859, ii, 457.— Brunton (T. L.) The physiological action of alcohol. Proc. M. Soc. Lond., 1875-7, iii, 36-43. (General statements —no details of research.) Also: Practi- tioner, Lond., 1876, xci, 57; 118.—Brun- ton (T. L.) & Martin (S.) The action of alcohol and aldehydes on proteid sub- stances. J. Physiol., Lond., 1891, xii, 1. (The higher alcohols in the series have a less powerful action in precipitating and coagulating proteids than the lower ones. Allyl alcohol is an exception, and is the only alcohol which coagulates albuminoses.)—Buchner (W.) Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Einwirkung des Alkohols auf die Magenverdauung. Deutsches Arch. f. Klin. Med., Leipz., 1881, xxix, 537. (Experiments in arti- ficial gastric digestion showed that until the digestion mixture contained 10 per cent, of alcohol the latter had no influ- ence upon the peptic action ; from 10 to 20 per cent, alcohol retarded digestion. When alcohol was present in quantities over 20 per cent, digestion was inhibited entirely. Diluted beer retarded diges- tion, while undiluted beer completely stopped it. Various wines retarded di- gestion. In the human stomach alco- hol, wine, and beer all retarded diges- tion, though not so markedly as in arti- ficial digestion. We must consider the absorption processes in this latter case.) —Cadtiac (C.) & Meunier (A.) Re- cherches experimentales sur les essences. Contribution a Fetude de l’alcoolisme; etude physiologique de l’eau d’arque- buse ou vulneraire. 8°. Paris, 1892. 514 pp.—Caillol de Poncy (O.) Action du rouge de Bordeaux sur la digestion. Marseille med., 188(5, xxiii, 194-198. (Study of effects of a substance used to color wines artificially. It contained no arsenic. Experiments on cats and guinea-pigs and on artificial digestion. Diminishes urea and retards digestion of albuminoids.)—Cameron (C. A.) On the toxic principles present in cer- tain kinds of whisky. Dublin J. M. Sc., 18S0, 3. s., lxix, 414-422, (Aldeliyd and amyl alcohol in new whisky. General statements. No experiments.)—Cas- tillo (J. D.) The physiological action of alcohol on the circulation. Phila. M. Times, 1880-1, xi, 44-46. (Summary of papers of Parkes, Wallowicz, and of Dogiel. No original data.)—Chitten- den (R. H.) The influence of alcohol on proteid metabolism. J. Physiol., Lond., 1891, xii, 220. (Experiments on dogs. Conclusions: Alcohol has no striking specific action on proteid me- tabolism. It acts, in the main, simply as a non-nitrogenous food, having the power to diminish somewhat the gen- eral metabolism of proteid matter, thus conserving the tissues. Alcohol mani- fests a tendency to increase the excre- tion of uric acid.) — Cloquet (Jules). Heureux effets de Faction des alcool- iques portee jusqu’a l’ivresse dans le cas de morsure par eertaines serpents ; ob- servation de M. de la Gironniere. Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., Par., 1861, lii, 740. (Therapeutic ; brief note.) — Combe- male. See infra, Mairet et Combemale. — Congres international pour Fetude des questions relativ a l’alcoolisme, tenu a Paris du 13 an 16 aout 1878. 8°, Paris, 1879, 302 pp., 4 maps.—Cosgrave (E. MacD.) Report on experiments on the exact action of alcohol. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1891, xcii, 185-193. (Review of literature. Nothing original.)—Couty. De Faction des alcools sur l’excitabilite ducerveau. Compt. rend. biol., Par., 1883, 7. s., v, 65. (Brief sum- mary of experiments on dogs. No de- tails given.)—Crampton (C. A.) Fer- mented alcoholic beverages, malt li- quors, wine, and cider. United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry, Bull. No. 13, 1887, pt. 3, pp. 259-399. (Gives methods and results of examinations of beers and wines' with reference to adulterations. Little or no adulteration was found in the beers. Of 70 samples of wine examined, one was artificially colored, eighteen had re- ceived an addition of salicylic acid, and thirteen had been preserved by sulphur- ous acid. The cider was not Adulter- ated.)—Cros (A.-F. A.) * Action de l’alcool amylique sur Forganisme. 4°, Strasbourg, 1863, 1 pi., 38 pp. (Could find but three notes on the subject, viz.: Pelletan (J. de Chem. Med., etc., Par., 1. s., 1825, i, 81), Furst (J. de Cliem. Med., etc., Par., 3. s., 1845, i, 485), Schlossberger (Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., Leipz., 1850, lxxiii, 212). Gives results of experiments on animals and human beings. Valuable for reference.)—Da- nillo (S.) Influence del’alcool ethylique et de 1’essence d’absinthe sur les fonc- tions motrices du cerveau et sur celles de muscles de la vie de relation. Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., Par., 1882, xciv, 1435. (Experiments on dogs: The influence of alcohol in large doses on the motor func- tions of the brain is like that of other anaesthetics. Alcohol completely stops epileptic attacks, after injection of at least 1 gr. per kilo, of body weight. The arrest of the attack occurs in 15 to 20 seconds. Alcohol is not a true antidote for essence d’absinthe, any more than it is for strychnine.)—Daub (P.) Neue Versuche fiber Alkohol und Korper- warme. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1873, xi, 466-469. (Bonn research ; repeated Rabow’s experiments and made others. A criticism of Rabow.)— Daub (C.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Weingeistes auf die Korpertemperatur. 8°, Bonn, 1874, 1 pi., 28 pp.,.2 l.,_ 1 ch. (Experiments under the direction of Binz. Observations made on rectal tem- peratures in comparatively healthy per- sons.) Also, in : Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1875, iii, 260-273. (Brief preliminary note to take date.)— Dean (A.) Ueber die Ausscheidung der Kalisalze. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1876, xiii, 356. (Samples of beer contained 0.472 and 0.402 gram. KC1 per litre. Hence beer must be an important source of the K-salts in the urine in many cases.) — Deitl (M. J.) u. v. Vintschgau (M.) Das Verhalten der physiologischen Reactionszeit unter dem Einfluss von. Morphium, Caffee, und Wein. (Aus dem physiol. Institut zu Innsbruck.) Ibid., 1878, xvi, 369. (Small quantities of wine, slowly taken, usu- ally shorten the reaction time. Very large quantities lengthen the reaction time. The results were not constant.)— Demme (R.) Besprechung mehrerer (lurch Einwirkung des Alkohols, bezw. alkoholischer Getranke, auf das Nerven- system des Kindes hervorgerufener Er- krankungen. Med. Ber. fi. d. Thiitigk. d. Jenner’schen Kindersp. in Bern (1889), 1890, 18-44. (Summed up in his book published at Stuttgard, 1891.) Ueber die Einwirkung des Al- kohols auf den kindlichen Organismus. Wien med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 34; 52; 67. Also, transl., in: Wood’sM. &S. Monog., 8°, N. Y., 1891, xii, 209-233. (Summed up in the following.) Ueber den Einfluss des Alkohols auf den Organ- ismus des Kindes. 8°, Stuttgart, 1891, 88 pp.—Desplatz (M. V.) Nouvelle methode direct pour l’etude de la chaleur animale. J. de l'anat., et physiol., etc., Par., 1886, xxii, 213-223. Also: Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc., Par., 1886, cii, 321- 323. (Experiments with rats receiv- ing subcutaneous injections of alcohol, intoxicating doses, showed a marked diminution of metabolic changes and lessened production of heat.) — Dia- konoff (D. I.) *K voprosu o vlianii alkoholya na ausvoyenie i obmieu azota u goryachechnikh. [Influence of alco- hol upon assimilation and exchange of nitrogen in fever.] 8°, St. Petersburg, 1890, 67 pp., 2 1.—Dogiel (J.) VIII. Ueber einige einatomige geslttigte Alko- hole in pharmakologischer Beziebung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1874, viii, 604. (Ethyl alcohol is taken up from stomach by lymphatics as well as veins. It acts as such, and not through its oxidation products. The blood of an animal under its influence coagulates more slowly and yields less fibrin than normal blood. It quickly stops amoe- boid movements of colorless corpus- cles, checks the purification of arterial blood, causes an acceleration, followed by slowing of heart beat, first raises, then lowers the arterial tension, in- creases, then decreases the rapidity of the circulation in the carotid artery. Respiration is accelerated with small quantities and decreased with larger ones. Body temperature is lowered. Irritability of motor and sensory nerves is increased, then lowered. Action of alcohol on the nervous system is a direct one. Methyl, propyl, butyl and amyl alcohol act similarly to ethyl, the intensity of the action increas- ing with the complexity of the mole- cule. Many other important results.) Zur Kenntniss der Eiweissre- actionen und von dem Verhalten des Albumins der lichtbrechenden Me- dien des Auges. Ibid, 1879, xix, 340. (Strong increase of blood pressure by injection of ethyl alcohol into the carotid artery.) See, also: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1874, viii, 604.— Druitt (R.) Report on the cheap wines from France, Germany, Italy, etc.. 8°, London, xii, 180 pp., 1865. The same. 2. ed., 1873. (Reprint of a se- ries of articles in the Medical Times and Gazette, 1863-1864. Good popular trea- tise on the use of various wines from the point of view of one who considers them an useful article of diet.)—Duchek (A.) Ueber das Verhalten des Alkohols im thierischen Organismus. Vrtljschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Prag, 1853, xxxix, 104- 133. (Experiments with aldehyd, fusel oil, and absolute alcohol on dogs. De- 7 tails given. 20 experiments. 1. Alco- hol undergoes a continual oxidation in the system, and the intermediate re- sulting products can be found in the blood. 2. The intoxication is connected with the aldeliyd found in the blood. 3. The aldehyd acts by withdrawing oxygen from the blood. 4. In this way the combustion of other substances, and metabolism itself, is hindered.)— Duggan (J. R.) On the influence of alcohols on the conversion of starch by diastase. Stud. Biol, lab., Johns Hop- kins Univ., Balt., 1884-87, iii, 483-490. (Experiments with ethyl, methyl, and propyl alcohol, etc., in artificial diges- tion. Conclusions: Their activity in- creases on addition of each CH group, as is shown by the first five members of the primary series. Their activity de- creases on addition of each OH group, e. g., glycol and glycerol have but little action, especially the latter, while maunitol has none at all.)—Dujardin- Beaumetz. Communication sur l’ac- tion toxique des divers alcools. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compt.- rend., 1884, Copenh., 1886, iv, Sect, de m6d. pub. et d’hyg., 114-121. (Sum- mary of results; details not given. Re- fers to previous work with Audige.) (The toxicity of monatomic alco- hols appears to depend upon their origin, their solubility, and their changes in the body. Ethyl alcohol lowers tem- perature. Brandies increase in toxicity with their content of products with high boiling points.)—Dujardin-Beaumetz et Audige. Sur les propriety toxiques des alcools par fermentation. Compt.- rend., Acad. d. sc., Par., 1875, lxxxi, 192-194. (A study of the relative toxic action of ethyl, propyl, butyl, and amyl alcohol on dogs. Results: 1. The toxic action increases in intensity as the alco- hols ascend in the series. 2. For the same alcohol a more intense action is obtained when it is introduced into the stomach than by way of the skin. 3. The toxic phenomena are in general alike for all the alcohols.) De Taction toxique des alcools methylique, caprylique, senanthylique et cetylique. Ibid., 1876, lxxxiii, 80. (The law of the quantitative relationship between the size of the molecule and physiological activity (which holds for the alcohols of fermentation) ceases to apply to the higher monatomic alcohols, probably due in part to their lesser solubility. When mixed with another alcoholic fluid they show considerable toxic ac- tion.)—Dumouly (M.) *Recherclies cliniques et experimentales sur Taction hypothermique de l’alcool. 4°, Paris, 1880, 110 pp. (Mainly a compilation, but gives some experiments on dogs.) — Dupre (A.) On the elimination of alco- hol. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1871-2, xx, 107; 268. Also [Abstr.]: Practitioner, Lond., 1872, viii, 148; 224. (Alcohol is destroyed by the system. The elimina- tion of alcohol following ingestion of a dose of alcohol ceases in 9 to 24 hours. The amount of alcohol eliminated in both breath and urine is a minute frac- tion only of the amount taken.) The physiological action of alcohol: An answer to Dr. Subbotin. Practitioner, Lond., 1872, ix, 28-34. (Critical review. No original matter.)—Eagleton (S. P.) The action of alcohol upon the cir- culation when continuously injected. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1889-90, ii, 638- 648. (Experiments on dogs, showing action of pure alcohol on the heart.)— Ebstein (W.) Ueber die Veranderun- gen welche die Magenschleimhaut durch die Einverleibung von Alkohol und Phosphor in den Magen erleidet. Arch, f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1872, lv, 469- 480. (Histological study of the gastric mucous membrane after introduction of varying amounts of corn brandy into stomachs of starving dogs.)—Emerson (E.W.) Stimulants and narcotics. Notes for the use of teachers in the public schools. 8°, [1887], 12 pp. Privately printed. (Intended to counteract the dogmatic temperance instruction com- monly given in schools of Massachusetts. Clear and sensible advice.)—Engesser (H.) Das Pankreas. Seine Bedeutung also Verdauungsorgan u. seine Verwer- thung als diiitetisches Heilmittel. 8°, Stuttgart, 1877, 53 pp. Also [Abstr.] : Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1878, clxxix, 139. (Author finds that 10 per cent, alcohol retards artificial pancreatic diges- tion ; 20 per cent, alcohol stops digestion entirely.)—Esler (W.) On whiskey: what is it and what it does. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1882, 3. s., lxiii, 257-264. (That Irish whiskey is one of the best forms of alcoholic stimulant for therapeutical purposes.)—Exner (S.) Experimentelle Untersuchung der einfachsten psy- chischen Processe. Arch. f. d. ges. Phy- siol., Bonn, 1873, vii, 628. (Reaction time increased from 0.1904 sec. to 0.2969 sec. after drinking two bottles of Rhein- wein.)—Felton (A. D.) Thermometric observations pertaining to the effect of alcohol on animal temperature. Med. Rec., N.Y., 1876, xi, 584-586. (General statements; no details.)—Fick (A.) Die Alkoholfrage. 8°, Wurzburg, 1892, 16 pp. (General discourse; interesting, but no scientific data.)—Fiedler (A.) Ueber Morphiumsucht. Jaliresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat. u. Heilk. in Dresd., 1875-1876, 173-191. Also [Abstr.]: 8 Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1872, clxxii, 237. (Resemblance between symptoms of alcohol habit and those of morphine habit.)—Fokker (A. P.) Over den invloed van alcohol op de temperatuur en de Ureumuitscheiding. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1871, 2. s., vii, 125-136. (Original experiments.)— Fourrier. De l’emploi de Palcool dans la fievre typhoide et dans le cholera in- fantile. Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1873, lxxxv, 241; 292. (Clinical.)— Foville (A., fils). De Pinfluence de l’alcoolisme chronique sur la responsi- bility criminelle. Ann. d’hyg., Par., 1875, 2. s., xliii, 379. Also, transl. [Ab- str.] : Alkoholismus. Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1876, clxix, 63. (Medico-legal.) —Frick (A.) Der Einfluss der geistigen Getranke auf die Kinder. 12*, Bremer- liafen u. Leipzig, 1892, 24 pp. (Popular treatise; nothing new.) — Filth (J.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Weingeistes auf Sauerstoff Aufnahme und Kohlensiiure- ausscheidung. 8°, Bonn, 1885, 47 pp. (Experiments on the dog and on rabbits. Concludes that pure alcohol checks the exchange of oxygen and carbonic acid.) —Gange (C.) Beitriige zur chemischen und spectroskopischen Priifung von Rothweinen. Arch. d. Pharm., Halle, 1880, 3. R. xvii, 161-173. (Methods of testing for added coloring matters.)— Gaubert. Essai d’une classification des differentes especes de vins an point de vue de la sante et de P hygiene. Monit. Scient., Par., 1857, i, pt. ,1, 233-248. (Extract from his book, ‘ ‘ Etude sur les vins et les conserves alimentaires,” Par., 1857, 8°. General remarks of an expe- rienced wine-drinker. Not specially scientific.)—von Geppert (J.) DieEin- wirkung des Alkohols auf den Gaswech- sel des Menschen. Arch. f. exper. Path, u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1887, xxii, 367- 384. (Experiments on four men. Al- cohol produces no striking action on the consumption of oxygen or the secretion of C02. The readily oxidizable alcohol is oxidized in the body by the available oxygen, and thus saves other substances.) —Gibbs (W.) u. Reichert (E. T.) Sys- tematische Untersuchungen der Wir- kung constitutionell verwandter chem- ischer Yerbindungen auf den thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1893 (Suppl.-Bd.), 201. (Experi- ments made after injecting various alco- hols into the veins of animals. The various alcohols—propyl, butyl, heptyl, octyl, allyl, benzyl, cumin—all resemble ethyl alcohol in their action. Their toxicity increases as they ascend in the series.) Also, transl.: Am. Chem. J., Balt., 1891, xiii, No. 6.—Glaser (K.) Ueber den Einfluss alkoholischer Getranke auf das Harnsediment des normalen Menschen. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 1193-1198. (Observations on sed- iments of urine collected by means of centrifugal machine made on patients in the clinic of Professor v. Jaksch; in all on a series of 106 persons who used beer in greater or less quanti- ties. Of little practical interest.)—Glu- zinski (U. A.) D zi alanie wvskoku nu cynnosc zotadku ludzkiego tak w stanie fizyolog. jak i patolog. (Effect of alcohol on functions of human stom- ach, from a physiological and patholog- ical point of view.) Medycyna, Wars- zawa, 1885, xiii, 349; 365; 386; 402. Also, transl. : Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1886, xxxix, 405-430. (Review of literature, and experiments on human beings with brandy and with dilute alcohol. Alcohol quickly dis- appears from the stomach; no alde- hyd can be detected in the stomach. Two periods occur during stomach di- gestion in presence of alcohol: 1. Re- tardation of proteid digestion ; 2. Secre- tion very active, strongly acid gastric juice. With use of alcohol, the secre- tion of gastric juice after completion digestion is somewhat prolonged. The influence of alcohol in patho- logical conditions is considered.)—God- frin (A.) *De Palcool, son action physiologique, ses applications tbera- peutiques. 4°, Paris, 1869 , 92 pp.— Grebe (L.) Experimentelle Beitriige zur Wirkung des Weingeistes. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1879, xvi, 666 671. (Experiments on horses with rum, brandy, whiskey, and absolute alcohol with regard to the effects on tempera- ture.) Experimentelle Beitriige zur Wirkung des Weingeistes. Arch. f. Wissensch. u. prakt. Thierli., Berl., 1882, viii, 71-90. (Experiments on dogs, showing the effects of alcohol on tem- perature.)—Grehant. Mesure de la quantity d’alcool contenue dans le sang arteriel pendant l’ivresse alcoolique. Gaz. med. de Par., 1881, 6. s., iii, 693. (After one hour the blood in the fem- oral artery of an intoxicated animal contained 0.51 vol. per cent, alcohol.) A quelle dose l’alcool doit-il se trouver dans le sang pour produire la mort? Ibid., 1882, 6. s., iv, 95.—Gros (A. F. A.) * IT action de Palcool amy- lique sur Porganisme. 4°, Strasbourg, 1863, 37 pp. —Guilebeau (A.) u. Luch- singer (B.) Fortgesetzte Studien zu einer allgemeinen Physiologie der irri- tabeln Substanzen. (Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Centralmarkes der An- nulata Ouvieri.) Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1882, xxviii, 15. (Action of alco- hol on annelid worms.)—Gutnikow (Z. V.) 0 vlijanfi alkoholja C2H6o na Kroveobratschenie. [Action of alcohol on the circulation.] Arch, psichiat., etc., Charkov., 1891, xviii, No. 1, 1-33. Also, transl.: Klin. u. exper. Stud. . . . Lab. v. Basch., Berl., 1892, ii, 108 125. (Experiments on curarized dogs; good work.) — Hammond (W. A.) The physiological effects of alcohol and to- bacco upon the human system. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1856, n. s., xxxii, 305- 320. (Details of personal experiments. Alcohol increases body weight by re- tarding katabolism of tissues and accel- arating the building up of fresh tissues. It restricts breaking down of fat tissue. Alcohol decreases elimination of C02 and H20 by the lungs; it also diminishes the amount of faeces and urine; elimina- tion of chlorine, phosphoric acid, and sulphuric acid is decreased.) —•— Physiological Memoirs. (The physio- logical effects of alcohol upon the human system.) 8°, Phila., 1863, 348 pp.— Hare (II. A.) The influence of beer on salivary and gastric digestion. Med. News, Phila., 1887, 1, 649. (About 15 kinds treated. Some accelerate the pro- cess, few retard it.) Harley (G.) On the influence of physical and chemical agents upon the blood. Alcohol. Phil. Tr. Lond., 1865, v, 155, 717. (Theaction of alcohol is to restrain the transforma- tions occurring in the blood, upon which the exhalation of C02 depends, and to diminish the consumption of oxygen. It is impossible to arterialize properly blood mixed with alcohol. Such blood will yield no crystals. Alcohol does not destroy the corpuscles nor set the hsematin free.)—Hasse (O.) Vortrag fiber die Heilung von Lipomen durch Alkoholinjectionen. Tagebl. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz., 1872, xlv, 170.—Hemmeter (John C.) On the comparative physiological effects of certain members of the etliylic alcohol series (CH40 to 05H120) on the isolated mammalian heart. Stud. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Balt., 1887-1890, iv, 225. (The physiological activity of the alcohols increases with the com- plexity of the molecule, with the ex- ception of the second member (ethyl alcohol), which is weaker than methyl alcohol. The physiological activity in- creases as the temperature increases.)— Henrijean (F.) Sur le role de l’alcool dans la nutrition. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux., 1883, 3. s., v, 113. (Preliminary communication; experi- ments; increased absorption of oxygen after the ingestion of alcohol. Alcohol is a food.)—Hermann (L.) Lehrbucli der experimentellen Toxicologie. 8°, Berlin, 1874, 396 pp. Notizen ueber einige Gifte der Curaregruppe. (Ueber eine curareartig wirkende Sub- stanz in Bieren.) (Aus deni physiol. Lab. in Zurich). Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1878, xviii, 458. (Extracts of cer- tain kinds of beer, shown chemically to be free from curare, produced curare-like action in frogs when the dose was suffi- ciently large.) Ueber die Wir- kungsweise einer Gruppe von Giften. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz., 1866, 27. (Describes the effects of alcohol vapor on blood.) — Heubach (H.) * Ueber die Ausscheidung des Wein- geistes durch den Harn Fiebernder. 8°, Bonn, 1875, 22 pp. (Alcohol appears, after its ingestion by fever patients, in the urine in traces or not at all.) Quantitative Bestimmung des Alkohols im Harn. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol.,Leipz., 1877-8, viii, 446-448. (Gives the methods of investigation.)— Hillyer (E.) Physiological and patho- logical observations connected with the effects of alcoholic drinks upon the liver. Atlanta M. & S. J., 1855-6, i, 133.— Hoppe-Seyler. In his: Physiologische Chemie. 8°, Berl., 1881, Theil iv, 957. (A brief review of literature referring to the action of alcohol on metabolism.— Hugounenq (L. J.) *Recherches nou- velles sur les vins. [Paris] 4°, Lyon, 1891, 32 pp. Also: Lyon med., 1891, lxvi, 289-303. Also: Ann. d’hyg., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 5-21. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Bonn, 1891, xii, 698. (Effects of different constituents of wines on artificial diges- tion ; twelve series of experiments. Ar- tificial digestion experiments indicate that wine has a deleterious action on digestion.)—Jacobi (W.) * Die Wir- kungen des Alkohols, mit besonderer Rficksicht auf die verschiedenen Grade der Verdiinnung mit Wasser. 8°, Mar- burg, 1857, 48 pp., 1 1. (Experiments on pigeons, rabbits, and cats.)—Jaillet. Transformation de l’alcool dans l’orga- nisme. Bull. gen. de the rap., etc., Par., 1881, ci, 121-125. *L’Alcool, sa combustion, son action physiologique, son antidote. 8°, Paris, 1884, 178 pp. (Original experiments and observations.) —von Jaksch (R.) Der Weingeist als Heilmittel. Yerbandl. des VII. Con- greses f. innere Medicin. 8°, Wiesbaden, 1888, 86-133. —von Kahlden (C.) Ex- perimentelle Untersuchungen fiber die Wirkung des Alkohols auf Leber und Nieren. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., Jena, 1890, ix, 349-379. (A sum- mary paper with experiments on dogs, rabbits, and fowls.)—Keller (H.) Ueber den Einfluss des iEthylalcohols auf den Stoffwechsel des Menschen. Ztschr. f. Physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1889, xiii, 128. 10 (Experiments on the writer in the lab- oratory of Prof. Bunge show: 1. Notice- able diuretic action; 2. Slight decrease in N-excretion, followed by slight in- crease; 3. No increased excretion of PO; 4. Increased secretion of Cl. Used pure diluted alcohol.)—Klemperer (G.) Alcohol und Kreosot als Stomachica. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1890, xvii (Suppl. Bd.), 324. (Alcohol and creosote have little or no influence to increase the gastric secretion; both, however, increase the motor functions of the stom- ach markedly, as measured by the oil method.)—Klencke (P. F. H.) Unter- suchungen fiber die Wirkung des Brannt- wein-Genusses auf den lebenden Or- ganismus. Eine wissenschaftliche Ant- wort auf die Enthaltsamkeitsfrage und das Nationalgutachten deutscher Aerzte. 8°, Braunschweig, 1848,132pp. (General discourse. No experiments.) — Klet- zinsky (V.) Note sur la question des alcools du commerce. Cong, internat. p.l’etude d. questions rel. a l’alcoolisme, 1878, Par., 1879, 249-251. (Character- istics of various alcohols; effects of char- coal filtration. General statements only.) —Klikowicz (S.) Ueber den Einfluss einiger Arzneimittel auf die kiinstliche Magen verdauung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etq., Berl., 1885, cli, 376. (Artificial gas- tric digestion experiments made in Prof. Salkowski’s laboratory. 5 per cent, alco- hol caused slightly increased digestive action; 10 per cent, alcohol retarded digestive action. 15 to 30 per cent, com- pletely checked the digestive action.)— Klingemann (F.) Der Uebergang des Alkohols in die Milch. Ibid., 1891, cxxvi, 72-80. (A Bonn research. A few good experiments in the human subject. With considerable quantities of alcohol (46-57 cc. per dose) no alcohol could be found in the milk. With larger doses slight, yet harmless, quantities may be found in the milk.)—Kowalewsky (N.) u. Arnstein (C.) See Dogiel (J.) Ueber einige einatomige gesiittigte Alkohole in pharmakologischer Beziehung. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1874, viii, 604.— Kraepeliii (E.) Ueber die Einwirkung einiger medicamentoser Stoffe auf die Dauer einfacher psychischer Vorgiinge. II. Abth. Ueber die Einwirkung von bEthylalkohol. Wundt’s Pliilosophische Studien. 8°, Leipz., 1883, i, 573. — Kretschy (F.) Beobachtungen und Yersuche an einer Magenfistelkranken. Deutschest Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1876, xviii, 527. (Alcohol retarded diges- tion in experiments with a woman hav- ing a gastric fistula.)—Kulz (E.) Uber Wirkung und Schicksal des Trichlor- fethyl- und Trichlorbutyl-alcohols im Thierorganismus. Ztschr.f. Biol.,Munch. u. Leipz., 1884, xx, 157. (Chloral hy- drate and butylchloral hydrate act as hypnotics in virtue of the trichlorethyl- and trichlorbutyl-alcohol respectively, which they give rise to by reduction in the body. They reappear in the urine as trichlorethyl- and trichlorbutyl-glycu- ronicacid.)—Laborde (J.-V.) L’alcool et sa toxicite ; les alcools dits superieurs et d’industrie, et les bouquets artificiels. Bull. Acad, de Med., Par., 1888, 2. s., xx, 470 ; 527. (Interesting experiments on convulsant substances in alcoholic drinks).—Lallemand (L.), Perrin (M.), et Duroy (J.-L.-P.) Du role de Falcool et des anesthetiques dans l’organisme. Recherches experimentales. 8°, Paris, 1860, xii, 432 pp. (General conclusions are that alcohol is not changed in the system; that it is not a food, and that it is concentrated in the liver and brain. Work often quoted, but the conclusions have been invalidated by subsequent ex- perimenters and it now has little value.) De Faction comparee de Falcool, des anesthetiques et des gaz carbones sur le systeme nerveux cerebro-spinale. Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., Par., 1860, li, 400. (Experiments on dogs: “ Ainsi Faction de Falcool suspend complete- ment la sensibilite et la motrice de la moelleepiniere et des cordons nerveux.”) —Latham (P. W.) Further observations on the transformation of alcohol and on the formation of alcohol and urea in the animal body. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., iv, 1, 198. (Theoretical exposition.)— Legras (A.-B.) Contribution a l’emploi therapeutique de Falcool, 4°, Par.,. 1866, 140 pp., 4 pi., No. 317. (Review of lit- erature. Cases and sphygmograms. Fa- vors use of alcohol as a remedy.)—Leh- mann (K. B.) Ueber die diuretische Wirkung des Bieres. Munchen med. Wchnschr., 1886, xxxiii, 942-944. (Gives results of experiments by Dr. Mori on himself.) — Lewald. Untersuchungen ueber den Uebergang von Arzneimitteln in die Milch. Habillitationsschrift, 8°, Breslau, 1857, p. 30. (In one experi- ment on a goat alcohol did not pass into the milk.) — Lewin (L.) Ueber die Yerwerthung des Alkohols in fieberhaf- ten Krankheiten. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 564-574. (Experiments which show that alcohol lowers temperature in normal condi- tions, and also in fevers.) See also: Cen- tralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1874, xii, p. 593.—Lewis (W. B.) The physio- logical action of alcohol in its relation- ship to animal heat, and its influence upon the vaso-motor nervous system. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1880-81, xxvi, 20- 31. (Ten experiments on rabbits with pure alcohol.) — Lichtenfels (R.) u. 11 Frohlich (R.) Beobachtungen iiber d. Gesetze d. Ganges d. Pulsfrequenze u. Korperwarme. II. Ueber den Einfluss der gebrauchlichsten Getriinke, etc. Denkschr. d. Kaiserl. Akad. Wien. (Math.-Naturwis. Kl.), 1852, iii, Abth. 2, 133. (After the ingestion of beer the pulse foils at first; the temperature is markedly lowered. After ingestion of wine the pulse falls in the first 10 to 20 minutes, then rises considerably. Tem- perature falls. After ingestion of alco- hol the primary rise and secondary fall of pulse is observed, but no fall in tem- perature. ) —Lieben (A.) Alkoholgeht in den Harn fiber. Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharm., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1870, vii (Suppl.-Bd.), 236. — Macfadyen (A.) The behavior of bacteria in the small in- testine of man. Tr. Internat. Cong. Hvg. &Demog., Loud., 1892, xi, 60. ((Study on a patient with fistulous opening into the ileum near the caecum. The bacteria in the normal small intestine were iso- lated and their action on the'contents of the intestine studied while the diet was varied. There were no putrefactive bacteria found; great variety of yeast fungi and other forms, and there was always a certain amount of ethyl alcohol, showing that it is being constantly pro- duced by the bacteria in the digestive tract. See also: Untersuchungen fiber die chemischen Vorgange im men- schlichen Dfinndarn. Arch. f. exper. Path., Leipz., 1890-91, xxviii, 311.) — Magnus-Levy (A.) Beitriige zurKermt- niss der Verdaulichkeit der Milch und des Brodes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1893, liii, 544-560. (In mod- erate doses alcohol does not interfere with the utilization of food.) — Main- zer (M.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Al- kohols auf die Temperatur des gesun- den Menschen. 8°, Bonn [1870], 30 pp., 11. (A summary of literature, with observations made on himself.)— Mairet (A.) et Combemale. Re- cherches experimentales sur 1’intoxica- tion chronique par l’alcool. Compt.- rend. Acad. d. 8c., Par., 1888, cvi, 757; 871. (Experiments on dogs. Changes produced in nervous and muscular sys- tems by long-continued use of alcohol, with results of autopsies.) — Maki. Ueber den Einfluss des Campliers, Cof- feins und Alkohols auf das Herz. 8°, Strassburg, 1884, 59 pp. (Fourteen ex- periments on frogs, cats, and rabbits.) —Manassein (W.) Zur Lehre von den temperaturherabsetzenden Mitteln. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1871, iv, 283-301. (Experiments on rabbits with morphine, alcohol, etc.) Ueber die Dimensionen der rothen Blntkor- perchen unter verschiedenen Einfltissen (Kalte, Chinin, Alkoliol, etc.). 8°, Ber- lin, 1872, lxvi, 64 pp.—Marcet (W.) An experimental inquiry into the action of alcohol on the nervous system. Med. Times & Gaz., Bond., 1860, i, 214; 264. Also, Reprint. (Experiments on frogs and dogs. Insensibility from immersion in alcohol. Acute poisoning.)—Martin (H. Newell) & Stevens (L. T.) The action of ethyl alcohol on the dog’s heart. Stud. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Balt., 1883, ii, No. 4,477. (Experi- ments on the isolated heart. When de- fibrinated blood containing one-half to one-fourth per cent, alcohol is supplied there is a rapid and marked diminution of the work done by the heart in a given time. Blood containing smaller percent, of alcohol exerts no influence. After action of alcohol is manifested the heart can often be restored to its original work- ing state by supplying fresh blood.)— Marvaud (A.) Effets pliysiologiques et therapeutiques des aliments d’epargne ou antideperditeurs. 8°, Paris, 1871, 228 pp. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : J. Anat. & Physiol., Bond., 1871-2, vi, 500. (Al- cohol exerts a general stimulant action on the cerebro-spinal nervous system ; a retarding influence on the processes of disintegration; it lowers temperature; alcohol acts directly on the sensory ap- paratus of the cord, and indirectly on the motor.) L’alcool, son action physiologique. Son utilite, et ses appli- cations en hygiene et en therapeutique. 8°, Paris, 1872, 160 pp. (Some original experiments; a good summary for Its date.)—Masing (R.) *De mutation- ibus spiritus vini in corpus ingesti. 8°, Dorpat, 1854, 34 pp. (Gives a few ex- periments on dogs and a summary of the views of Duchec.) Also, [Abstr.] in: Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1855, lxxxvii, 22. (Alcohol enters the blood and organs as such. The transforma- tion of even a small part of it into aldehyde or acetic acids cannot be demonstrated. The greater part of the alcohol ingested is eliminated un- changed by the lungs and kidneys.)— Matkiewicz (F.) Ueber die Wirkung des Alkohols, Stryehnins und Opiums auf die reflexhemmenden Mechanismen des Frosches. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Leipz. u. Heidelb., 1864, 3. R., xxi, 230-268. (17 experiments on frogs.)—Mays (T. J.) Is alcohol a food? Med. Rec., N. Y., 1876, xi, 661 ; 786.—Meihuizen (S.) Ueber den Einfluss einiger Substanzen auf die Refiexerregbarkeit des Riicken- marks. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1873, vii, 217. (1 cc. alcohol (10 per cent.) greatly depresses the reflex ex- citability in frogs for some time; after recovery there is increased excitability.) —v. Mering. Zur Glycogenbildung in der Leber. Ibid., 1876-7, xiv, 277. (Ac- tion of higher alcohols in the rabbit: Erythrit (C4ll10O6) and quercit (C6H].205) have no influence on the formation of glycogen.)—Mitscherlich (C.G.) Ueber die Einwirkung des Alkohols und Aeth- ers auf den thierischen Organismus. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1843, xii, 87-91. Lehrbuch der Arzneimittellehre. 2. ed., Berl., 1849, 8°, ii, 329. (Experiment of injection of one ounce of absolute alco- hol into the stomach of a rabbit.)— Miura (K.) Ueber die Bedeutung des Alcohols als Eiweisssparer in der Erniih- rung des gesunden Menschen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1892, xx, 137. (Ex- periments ; alcohol in considerable quan- tity cannot replace the proteid sparing effect of carbohydrate diet. Alcohol appears rather to be a protoplasmic poi- son.)—Mogilganski (A. M.) * Mate- rialy deja dietetiki alkoholja. Vlijanie alkoholoja na usvoenie i obmien azota i vsvoenie jirov. (Contribution to dietet- ics of alcohol. Influence of alcohol upon assimilation and metamorphosis of nitro- gen.) 8°, St. Petersb., 1889, 57 pp.— Mommsen (J.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss von Erregbarkeits-veranderungen der Nerven durch verschiedene Einflfisse, insbesondere durch “ Gifted’ II. Alco- hol. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1881, lxxxiii, 273. (Alcohol produces complete disappearance of the excita- bility of the motor nerves, preceded by increased excitability; after removal of the cause the irritability returns more or less quickly and completely. There is a temporary decrease in the intensity of the nerve currents.)—Mulvany (J.) Alcohol as a generant of thermo-electric currents in the system: one of its modes of action. Lancet, Lond., 1875, ii, 164- 167. (A curious report of observations showing deviation in a definite direction of a galvanometer by the use of brandy ; also details of experiments in Ontario. Statements extremely improbable.)— Munk (I.) Ueber die Frage ob Glycerin ein Nahrungsstoff ist. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1878, 565. (Glycerine used in adulteration of beer and wine. Experi- ments on a dog in Salkowski’s labora- tory showed that glycerine did not change the output of N. Glycerine has no value as a food-stuff 1 Ueber den Einfluss des Alkohols und des Eisens auf den Eiweisszerfall. Ibid., 1879, 163. (Experiments on dogs in Salkowski’s laboratory. Small doses of alcohol de- crease the output of N; large doses in- crease it.) Also [Abstr.] : Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Thierchem., Wiesbad., 1878, viii, 310.—Nelke (J.) * Untersuchun- gen fiber parenchymatose und subcutane Alkohol-Injectionen. 8°, Greifswald, 1880, 24 pp., 1 1. (No special informa- tion.)—Nencki (M.) Die Alcoholfrage. Cor.-Blatt f. schweiz. Aerzte, Basel, 1884, xiv, 105-116. (An excellent summary by a skilled physiological chemist.)— von Noorden (0.) Alkohol als Spar- mittel ffir Eiweiss unter verschiedonen Ernahrungsverhaltnissen. Berl. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xxviii, 554-558. (Re- searches made on healthy men.)—Ober- nier (F.) Zur Kenntniss der Wirkun- gen des Weingeistes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1869, ii, 494-510. (A Bonn research. Detailed experiments: wine, alcohol. Criticism of Cuny Bou- vier. Ordinary doses of alcohol do not lower body temperature. Administra- tion of alcohol in man gave the follow- ing changes from normal in the urine : 1. Large increase in volume (1,900 cc.); 2. Decreased specific gravity (1010-1012); 3. Increased acidity; 4. Increase in urea (22.8-24.8g); 5. Alcoholic odor.) — Ogata (M.) Ueber den Einfluss der Genussmittel auf die Magenverdauung. Arch. f. Hyg., Miinchen ii. Leipz., 1885, iii, 204-214.—Ollive. Action resolutive de l’alcool employe comme topique dans les inflammations. Bull. Soe. din. de Par. (1882), 1883, vi, 35-38.—Ollivier (Paul). Union med., Par., 1877, 3. s., xxiii, 356; 375; 397. (Clinical. Alco- hol in lymphatic leukaemia.)—Otto (J. G.) Fysiologiske Undersogelser over Alcohol, Fuseloje og Brandevin. Chris- tiania, 1886. (Fusel oil does not exist in sufficient quantities in brandy to be a cause in itself for the phenomena of acute alcoholic intoxication.) — Pages (C. F ) *Recherches sur les phenomenes produits par F introduction des liqueurs alcoolisees dans les voies digestives. 4°, Par., 1815, 24 pp. (Nothing of impor- tance.)—Panum (P. L.) Untersucnun- gen iiberdie physiologischen Wirkungen der comprimirten Luft. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1868, i, 125. (Important for its methods of measuring expired air, but has no direct relation to alcohol. (— Parkes (E. A.) & Wollowicz (C.) Experiments on the effect of alcohol (ethyl alcohol) on the human body. Proc. Rov. Soc., Loud., 1870, xviii, 362. (Valuable paper. The heart-beats in- crease in number. Alcohol did not ap- parently impede digestion or lessen temperature. An effect on the nervous system was not proved.) Ex- periments on the action of red Bordeaux wine (claret) on the human body. Ibid., xi x, 73. (Experiments on man. Marked effect on the heart; no unequivocal al- teration of temperature; no alteration in elimination of nitrogen or phosphoric acid of wine; some augmentation of free 13 acidity of urine.) Further ex- periments on the effect of alcohol and exercise on the elimination of nitrogen and on the pulse and temperature. 1 bid., 1872, xx, 402. (Experiments on man, with brandy. Elimination of nitro- gen during exercise was unaffected by brandy. The heat of the body was un- affected by the amount given. Pulse was increased in frequency by 4 oz. brandy. No effect on phosphoric acid excretion during exercise.) — Pasch- kouski (I. T.) *K vosprosu o vlijanii ostrago umerennaga otravlenija alkohol- em na usvoenie jirov. (Influence of mod- erate alcoholic intoxication on assimi- lation of fats.) 8°, St. Petersb.. 1892, 32 pp., 11.—Peeters (J.-A.) L’alcool; physiologie, pathologie, medecine legale. 8°, Brux. & Par., 1885, 415 pp. (Gen- eral review. No original experiments.)— Pereles (H.) u. Sachs (M.) Uher die Wirkung von TEtlier, Chloroform und Alkohol auf das Leitungsvermogen mo- torischer und sensibler Nervenfasern des Frosches. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1892, lii, 526. (After producing local anaesthesia of frog’s ischiadicus with al- cohol the conductivity disappears, first in the sensory, and then in the motor nerve fibers. On recovery the motor nerve fibers regain their conductivity before the sensory fibers.)—Perrin (M.) De 1’alcool; de sa destruction dans l’or- ganisme. Union med., Par., 1863, 2. s., xx, 582-587. Also: J. de pharm. et de chim., Par., 1864, 3. s , 173. (Criticism of Bandot; Author,maintains that alco- hol is not a food, because, 1, it exists in the blood unchanged; 2, no trace of its transformation or destruction can be found; 3, it is eliminated through all excretory channels; 4, its toxic action.) De l’influence des boissons al- cooliques prises a doses moderees, sur la nutrition. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1864, 2. s., i, 565; 598; 627. Also, Re- print. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1864, xxxviii, 370. (Experiments on, man. Wine and beer.)—Petit (M. A.) Etudes sur les ferments digestifs. J. de therap., Par., 1880, vii, 493. (Action of alcohol on solutions of pepsin. Ordinary wine does not interfere with peptic digestion.) —Pick (A.) Ueber die Einwirkung von Wein und Bier, sowie von einigen organischen Sauren auf die Cholera- und Typhus-Bacterien. Arch. f. Hyg., Munch, u. Leipz., 1893, xix, 51. (Gives results of investigations on the effects of wine and beer on cholera and typhus bacteria. Wines sterilized and mixed with sterilized water—one part to three. This mixture killed cholera vibrios in from five to ten minutes. The action did not depend on the alcohol, but on their organic acids. German corn whisky undiluted killed cholera vibrios in five minutes; diluted one-half, in ten min- utes ; diluted with three parts water, did not kill them in five hours. Vienna and Munich beer undiluted killed them in about five minutes. The effects of the wines and beers on the typhoid bacteria were much less.)—Presniakoff (I. T.) * K voprosu o vlijanu ostrago umeren- nago otravlenija alkoholem na usvoenie i obmien azota i kolicliestvo srednei (nedokislennoi) siery v moche u zdoro- vych londei. [Influence of moderate use of alcohol on nitrogenous metabolism and on the quantity of sulphur dioxide in the urine in healthy people.] 8°, St. Petersb., 3892, 60 pp. — Preyer (W.) Ueber die Eigenschaften des Haemoglo- bins und des Methaemoglobins. (Ueber das Verhalten des Sauerstoffhaemoglo- bins zu einigen Alkoholen, etc.) Arch, f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1868, 1, 443. (Action of aethyl alcohol, anyl al- cohol, and glycerine on haemoglobin. Chemical rather than physiological.)— Rabow (S.) Beobaclitungen fiber die Wirkung des Alkohol auf die Korper- temperatur. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1871, iii, 257-260. Also: Reprint, 8°, Strass- burg, 1872, 30 pp. Also: With additions (Inaug. Diss.). (Researches on man with schnapps and wine.) See also supra: Daub. (A criticism of Rabow).—Rabu- teau. De quelques proprietes nouvelles ou peu connues de l’alcool du vin ou alcool ethylique; deductions therapeu- tiques de ces proprietes; des effets toxiques des alcools butyrique et amy- lique; application A, l’alcoolisation du vin improprement appelee vinage. Union med., Par., 1870, 3. s., x, 154; 165. (Ex- periments.) Des alcools et de l’alcoolisme. Cong, internat. p. l’etude d. questions rel. a ralcoolisme, 1878, Par., 1879, 225-248. (Effects of butylic and other alcohols; experiments on frogs and guinea-pigs. Valuable for reference.) De la presence des alcools iso- propylique, butylique normale et amy- lique secondaire dans les huiles et les alcools de pomme de terre; comparaison des effets physiologiques et toxiques de ces divers alcools. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1878, Par., 1880, 6. s.,v, 357-361.— Rajewsky (A.) Ueber das Vorkommen von Alkohol im Organismus. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1875, xi, 122-127. (Experiments on rabbits. Work done under Prof. Hoppe-Seyler, in Strassburg, to detect alcohol in the brain. The iodoform reaction cannot be used to de- termine the quantity of alcohol in the body after its introduction, as these ex- periments show that there are always constituents present in the body which 14 yield alcohol by distillation, or else the organs of animals always contain a very small amount of preformed alcohol.)— Reichert (E. T.) The action of alcohol on animal heat functions. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1890,3. s., vi, 73-86. Also : Re- print, (Experiments with H. C. Wood on dogs; pure alcohol. Agrees with Riegel.)— Reincke (J. J ) Beobacli- tungen fiber die Korpertemperatur Be- trunkener. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1875, xvi, 12-18. (Clinical observations. Good data.)—Reveil (O.), Perrin, & Behier. Alcbol. Diet, encycl. d. Sc. med., Par., 1859, ii, 572-611.— Richardson (B. W.) On alcohol. 8°, London, 1875, 2 pi., 122 pp. Also, in: Med. Press & Circ., Lond.,1875, i, 199; 224; 265. Also: Lond. M. Rec., 1875, •iii, 62; 77: 93. (Cantor lectures. No experiments.) See also: Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1872, i, 219.—Riegel (F.) Ueber den Einfluss des Alkohols auf die Kor- perwarme. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1874, xii, 79-111,1 pi. (86 experiments on man. Careful and valu- able.)—Riess (L.) Einfluss des Alkohols auf den Stoffwechsel des Menschen. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1880, ii, hft. 1. (Experimenting with men and giving 3 to 5 grams of absolute alcohol per kilo, of body weight, the writer found both the urea and uric acid of the urine diminished 15 to 16 per cent, during an alcohol period of 13 days.) Also, [Abstr.]: Jahresb. fi. d. Fortschr. d. Thierchem., Wiesbad., 1880, x, 414.—Ringer (S.) & Rickards (W.) The influence of alco- hol on the temperature of non-febrile and febrile persons. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond., 1864-7, v, 209-211. Also: Brit. M. J., Lond., 1866, ii, 289. (A brief abstract only.)—Ringer (S.) & Sainbury (H.) Observations on the relative effects of certain members of the ethylic alcohol series on the ventricle of the frog’s heart. Practitioner, Lond., 1883, xxx, 339.—Robertson (A.) On the differentiating action of alcohol in the nervous system ; with observations on its toxic symptoms. Am. J. M. Sc., Pliila., 1892. n. s., civ, 643-654. (Clini- cal observations on effects of whiskey; impure.)—Rochard (J.) L’alcool; son role dans les societes modernes. In his: Quest, d’liyg. sociale, 12°, Par., 1891, 1-55.—von Rokitanski. Zur Lehre von der Einwirkung des Alkohols auf die Verdauung. Deutsche Rev., Berk, 1882, vii, 123-125.—Romeyn (D.) * On- derzoekingen over den invloed van alko- hol op den mensch. Amsterdam, 1887. Also, in: Mfinchen. med. Wchnschr., 1887, xxxiv, No. 33, von J. Forster mitgetheilt. (Experiments on starving men regarding the influence of alcohol on N and P2Of) excretion in the urine. The ingestion of alcohol was followed by a diuretic action. No decrease in N elimination was observed, but occasional increase with large doses. There is an increase in P205 excretion relative to N excretion. Concludes that alcohol is undesirable as a food.) Ronchi (I.) & Salvioli (G.) Studio critico-sperimen- tale intorno ad alcune particolarita dell’azione fisiologica dell’alcool. 8°, Modena, 1875, 96 pp. (Experimental work. To be consulted.)—Rooker (J. J.) Case of poisoning hv strychnine whiskey. Cincin. Lancet &Obs., 1859, n. s., ii, 277-280. (Tetanic symptoms after drinking a large quantity of poor whiskey ; no evidence of strychnine.)— Ruge (P.) Wirkung des Alkohols auf den thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, xlix, 252-266. Also: Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl., 1870, viii, 204. (Ex- periments on animals to investigate the effect of chronic alcoholism on vari- ous organs.)—Sanders-Ezn (H.) Der respiratorische Gasaustausch bei grossen Temperaturanderungen. Arb. a. d. Physiol. Anstalt zu Leipz., 1867, ii, 58. (Important for its experimental meth- ods. No experiments with alcohol.)— Sandmann (P.) *Eine Experimental- studie iiber die Wirkung des Alkohol und TEther auf die Circulation. 8°, Greifswald, 1874, 32 pp. (Researches made under Prof. Hueter on frogs; of little value.)—Schellhaas (H.) Beitriige zur Pathologie des Magens. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1884-5, xxxvi, 427. (Experiments on artificial gastric digestion show that the presence of over 10 per cent, alcohol retards diges- tion ; 20 per cent, alcohol almost com- pletely stops it. Experiments with gas- tric juice obtained by washing out the stomach of a patient with gastrextasia showed similar results; but larger quan- tities of alcohol were needed to produce complete inhibition. In experiments in the living stomach alcohol did not re- tard digestion so long as there was free HC1 present. A patient with Carcinoma ventr. formed the only exception.)— Scheremetjewski (Dr.) Leber die Aenderung des respiratorischen Gasaus- tausches durch die Zufugfing verbrenn- licher Molecule zum kreisenden Blute. Arb. a. d. Physiol. Anstalt zu Leipz., 1868, iii, 114. (Important for its meth- ods of collecting and examining the ex- pired air, giving experiments with lactic acid, grape sugar, and other substances. Has no experiments with alcohol.)— Schlossberger (J.) Ueber die physio- logischen Wirkungen analog constituir- ter organischer Materien. Ann. d. Chem. 15 ti. Pliarm., Ileidelb., 1850, lxxiii, 212- 215. (Relative effects of methyl and amyl alcohol. Summary of results of experiments on dogs, cats, and rabbits. No details; of small value.)—Schmid (H.) *Die Wasserverdunstung der mensehlichen Haut unter dem Einfluss des Weingeistes. 8°, Bonn, 1886.30 pp., 11. Also in: Centralbl. f. klin. Med., Bonn, 1887, viii, 345.—Schmidt (A.) Die Ausscheidung des Weingeistes durcli die Respiration. Centralbl. f. d. Med., AVissensch., Berl., 1875, xiii, 371. (Ex- periments performed under the direc- tion of Prof. Binz. Little or no alcohol found in expired air.)—Schmidt-Rim- pler (H.) Hornhautimpfungen, vor- zugsweise mit Thriinensackeiter ange- stellt, und Benutzung derselben zur ex- perimentellen Prfifung der Wirkung desinficirender Mittel. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1870, lxx, 213; 226. (Single experiment on a rabbit to show the disinfectant action of alcohol.)— Schmiedeberg. Ueber die AYirkung des Alcohols und Chloroforms auf den Stoffwechsel. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr., 1868, xiv, 93-97. (General statements of results without details.) — Schu- linus (II.) * Untersuchungen fiber die Yertheilung des AVeingeistes im thie- rischen Organismus. 8°, Dorpat, 1865, 57 pp., 1 1. (Used horses and dogs. Concludes that the greater part of the absorbed alcohol in the body is oxidized and that only a small part escapes unal- tered through the lungs, skin and kid- neys. ) Also in: Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz., 1866, vii, 97-128. (Contains substance of his inaug. diss. Dorpat, 1863. AVith new experiments. Valuable.)—Schutz (E.) Einfluss des Alcohols und der Salicyl saure auf die Magenverdauung. Prag. med. Wchnschr., 1885, x, No. 20. (Alcohol present to the extent of 2 per cent, caused a retardation of forma- tion of peptone; 10 per cent, caused a marked retardation; with 15 per cent, only traces of peptone were found.)— Schwalbe (C.) Die Radicalheilung der Hernien. Deutsche med. AVchnschr., Berl., 1876, ii, 453; 1876, 1877, iii, 541. See also: Cor.-Bl. d. Allg. arztl. Ver. von Thfiringen, Leipz., 1879, viii, 220-228. (Local effects of Alcohol in producing sclerosis.)—Senator (H.) Untersuchungen ueber den fieberhaften Process. 8°, Berl., 1873, p. 208. (Little effect from alcohol given in relapsing fever.) Untersuchungen fiber AVarmebildung und Stoffwechsel. Arch, f. Anat. Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Berl., 1874, 1, 18. Also [Abstr.]: Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1874, clxiii, 62. (Alcohol lowers temperature very slightly, as a rule.)—Simanowski(N.) u. Schoumoff (C.) Ueber den Einfluss des Alkohols und des Morphiums auf die physiolo- gische Oxydation. (From Lab. of Prof. Nencki.) Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1884, xxxiii, 251. (Ingestion of alcohol is followed by decrease of temperature. Use of alcohol can decrease the oxida- tion of tissue substance 50 to 75 per cent. Fats and carbohydrates are probably spared. Large doses of alcohol increase the excretion of N not because of in- creased oxidation, but probably in con- sequence of the resulting breaking down of protoplasm.)—Spaink (P. F.) Ueber die Einwirkung reinen Alkohols auf den Organismus und insbesondere auf das peripherische Nervensystein. Unter- such. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1801, xiv, 449-514, 1 pi.— Stammreich (M.) * Ueber den Ein- fluss des Alkohols auf den Stoffwechsel des Mensehen. 8°, Berl., 1891, 47 pp. (Review of literature. Experiments on man, beer, and wine.)—Stenberg (S.) Nagra experimentella bidrag till bes- varandet af fragan on det inflytande, som branvinets fororeningar hafva pa dess fysiologiska verkningar. [Experi- ments on the physiological effect of alcohol.] Nord. med. Ark., Stock- holm, 1878, x, 1-22. Also, reprint. (Research with Prof. Elias Heyman. Observations on rabbits.) Methode pour deceder les impurites des eaux-de-vie du commerce. Cong, internat. p. l’etude d. questions rel. a l’alcoolisme, 1878, Par., 1879, 252-256. (Gives figure of apparatus and detail of method.)—Strassburg (G.) Experi- menteller Beitrag zur Wirkung des Al- kohols im Fieber. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1874, lx, 471. Ibid., 1875, lxii, 437. (Explanatory note regarding the preceding article. Clinical. Alco- hol was found to lower the tempera- ture in most cases.)—Strassmann (F.) Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Lehre vom chronischen Alkoholismus. Yrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1888, n. F., xlix, 232-251. AVeitere Mittheilungen fiber die Bedeutung der Yerunreinigungen des Trinkbrannt- weins. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Brnschwg., 1890, xxii, 418-419. (Experiments on dogs.) Unter- suchungen ueber den Nahrwerth und die Ausscheidung des Alkohols. Arch, f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1891, xlix, 315. (Dogs receiving alcohol for considerable periods gain in weight (fat) over those without alcohol. Liver, pancreas, kid- neys, but not brain, increase in weight. Alcohol ingested diluted, as in wine or beer, was excreted in considerably greater quantities as such (in virtue of increased diuretic action) than after in- gestion of small amounts of stronger alcohol. Increased respiration, as is caused by great; muscular exertion, in- creases amount of alcohol expired as such. Concludes: Alcohol acts like foods, in smaller doses, but is not to be recommended in health.) — Striibing (P.) Ueber die Phosphorsiiure imUrin unter dem Einflusse excitirender und deprimirender Mittel. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., Leipz., 1876, vi, 266. Also: Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz., 187(5, iii, 391; 399. (Excitants (alcohol, e. g.) cause decrease in P;205 ex- cretion. In the depressed condition fol- lowing large doses of alcohol there is an increase in P205.)—Stumpf (M.) Ueber die Veranderungen der Milchsecretion unter dem Einflusse einiger Medica- mente. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1881-2, xxx, 201. (Experiments on goats given 6-100 alcohol daily showed no noticeable change in vi ume of milk secreted; the total solids in- creased, Avhile the specific gravity de- creased. The gain in solids is almost entirely composed of fats. Albumen and lactose are scarcely changed. Beer gave similar results, but the content of lactose in the milk was increased. No traces of alcohol, aldehyde, or acetic acid could be detected in the milk.)— Subbotin (V.) LTeber die pliysiolo- gische Bedeutung des Alkohol fur den thierischer Organ isinus. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen, 1871, vii, 361. (Experiments on rabbits show that in the first five hours after ingestion of alcohol consid- erable quantities of it are excreted by the skin and lungs and also by the kid- neys. The skin and lungs excrete at least twice as much as the kidneys. Part of the alcohol is oxidized in the organ- ism. Conclusion: Alcohol is not a food- stuff proper, yet valuable as a stimulant.) —Sulzynski (M.) * Ueber die Wirkung des Alcohols, Chloroforms und auf den thierischen Organismus. 8°, Dorpat, 18(55, 33 pp. (Experimental work. To be consulted.)—Thierfelder (FI.) u. v. Mehring (J.) Das Verhal- ten tertiarer Alkoliole im Organismus. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb., 1885, ix, 511. (Experiments on animals. Ter- tiary alcohols combine with glycuronic acid in the organism. This is not true of various primary and secondary alco- hols. Neither tertiary butyl- nor amyl- alcohol caused an increase of the com- bined sulphuric acid in the urine).— Thompson (T. W.) Is alcohol a food? Lancet, Lond., 1885, i, 743; 828.— Thudichum. On alcohol, in relation to the chemistry of the human body. Med. Offices Privy Council. 8°, London, 1868, X Rep., 288.—(Experiment on 33 men drinking 44 bottles of wine. Only 0.25 per cent, of the alcohol taken was found in the urine.) -Todd (R. B.) On the therapeutical action of alcohol. In his : Clinical lectures on certain acute dis- eases. 8°, London, I860, 438-487.— Tscheschichin (J.) Zur Lehre von der thierischen Warme. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. Wissensch. Med., Leipz., 18(56,151-179. (On the influence of alco- holic poisoning on the general heat of the animal body, page 161; Experiments on rabbits. Considerable doses of alco- hol caused a fall of temperature (from 39.2° C. to 37.2°) and abnormally high pulse and rapid breathing during the first stage of its action.)—Uffelmann (J.) Studien • ueber die Verdaulichkeit der Kubmilch und ueber die Mittel, ihre Verdaulichkeit zu erhohen. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1882, xxix, 384. (Dilute alcohol— e. g., cognac—mixed with milk increases the digestibility of the latter.) — Virchow (R.) Ueber Nahrungsu.Genussmittel. In: Virchow u. Holtzendorff, Samml. gemein. wis- sensch. Vortr., roy. 8°, Berl., 1868, lift. 48.—Vogelius (L. S.) * Ueber den Alko- hol, speciell sein Einfluss auf die Respira- tion, den Harn und die Korpertempera- tur. 8°, Kiel, 1885,112 pp. (Experiments on rabbits; pure diluted alcohol used; also on dogs. Good collection of refer- ences to literature; plate of apparatus.)— Voit (C.) Physiologie des allgemeinen Stoffwechsels und der Ernahrung. In: Hermann (L.): Handbuch der Physi- ologie, Leipz., 1881, vi, 1 Theil, 6, 415. (References to earlier literature.) — War- ren (J. W. I The effect of pure alcohol on the reaction time, with a description of a new chronoscope. J. Physiol., Cam- bridge, 1887, viii, 311-348. (Experi- ments made under the direction of Prof. II. P. Bowditcli. Details and diagrams given. The experiments are not very conclusive. The changes in reaction time, after varying amounts of pure al- cohol are taken, are, on the whole, more considerable than those occurring in equally long experiments without alco- hol. There is no positive relation be- tween the amount of alcohol taken and the effect. Alcohol may improve the quality of the reaction time.) Alcohol again: A consideration of recent misstatements of its physiological action. Boston M. & S. J., 1887, cxvii, 1-25. (A good summary of the results of physio- logical research up to the time of its pub- lication.)—Watson (W. H.) Notes on the effect of alcohol on saliva and on the chemistry of digestion. J. Cliem. Soc., Lond., 1879, xxxv, 539. (Experi- ments to show that alcohol retards the digestion of starch by saliva; author 17 thinks this due to some of the ptyalin being thrown out of solution and thus rendered inactive by alcohol.)—Weiche (H.) u. Flechsig (E.) Versuche fiber die Wirkung von Alcohol-Aufnahme bei I lerbivoren. Journ. f. Landwirthschaft, 1886, Gottingen, 153. (In experiments on a sheep, 1 cc. alcohol per kilo, of body weight per day produced no diu- retic action, nor any marked changes in the nitrogenous metabolism of the ani- mal.) Versuche fiber die Wir- kung des Alcohols bei Herbivoren. Ibid., xxxvii, 328. (Continuation of experi- ments recorded (Journ. f. Landw. 1886.) With a diet richer in nitrogenous foods, the introduction of alcohol brought about an increase, rather than any de- crease in proteid katabolism.)—Wein- behandlung (Die) in hygienischer Be- ziehung. Deutsclier Ver. f. off. Gsndhts- pflg. Ber. Brnschwg., 1879, vi, 7. (Dis- cussion by Neubauer, Roth, and others on effects of coloration or salycilating wines.) — Wershoven (Ch.) *Ueber den Einfluss des Weingeistes auf die menschliche Haut, hinsichtlich der Was- serverdunstu ng und Warmeabgabe. See also: Centralbl. f. Klin. Med., Bonn, 1887, viii, 345.—Wilks (S.) Introduc- tion to a discussion on the effects of alcohol. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1891, ii, 459-466. (Rather favorable to use of alcohol, especially in light wines. No original observations.) — Wolff berg. Ueber den Naehrwerth des Alkohols. Centralbl. f. allg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn, 1883, ii, 179-189.—Wolfers (J.) Unter- suchungen fiber den Einfluss einiger Stickstolf-freier Substanzen, speciell des Alkohols, aufdenthierischen Stoffwech- sel. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1883, xxxii, 222. (Alcohol introduced directly or through the stomach into the blood is partly oxidized in the body and thus produces changes in the respi- ratory quotient. Use of alcohol increases the consumption of oxygen and usually the production of C02. Accordingly alcohol does not decrease the oxidation processes. The fall of temperature reg- ularly observed is therefore due to in- creased loss of heat relative to produc- tion of heat.)—Wolff , Lud.) Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Einwirkung verschie- dener Genuss und Arzneimittel auf den menschlichen Magensaft. Ztschr. f. Klin. Med., Berl., 1889, xvi, 222. (Ex- periments on a man. Alcohol (cognac) in small doses increased the secre- tion of HC1; larger doses decreased the activity and formation of peptone. After frequent use of alcohol the stom- ach does not respond to the stimula- tion of the usual diet with its for- mer energy; the demand for stimu- lants is increased. The functional ac- tivity of the stomach glands decreases.)— Woiffhardt (R.) * Ueber den Einfluss des Alkohols auf die Magenverdauung. [Erlangen.] 8°, Miinchen, 1890, 12 pp. Also in: Miinchen med. Wclinschr., 1890, xxxvii, 608-611. (Experiments with absolute alcohol, brandy, and wine on a healthy man. Absolute alcohol delays digestion of starches and of meats when given in quantities of from 15 to 30 grammes. The delay caused is from 30 to 40 minutes. Red and white wine promote digestion when taken during meals, as well as before the same. Ex- periments on a man: Absolute alcohol (15 to 30 grammes) interferes with amyla- ceous and proteid digestion. Cognac in- terferes with amylaceous digestion; taken during meals, it increases diges- tion of meat diet, but retards it when taken in small doses during digestion.) — Wollenweber (E.) *Recherches ex- p6ri men tales sur les modifications im- primees a la temperature physiologique par l’alcool. 4°, Nancy, 1873, 28 pp. (Experiments on rabbits, dogs, and cats. Limited in number, but a comparatively good work.) —Wood (H. 0.) & Reichert (E. T.) A contribution to our knowl- edge of the action of certain drugs upon bodily temperature. J. Physiol., Lond., 1880-2, iii, 321-326. (In a series of ex- periments with alcohol there was in each of five cases an increase in heat production after introduction of alcohol. In three experiments this increase was greater than that of heat dissipation ; in two it was less. The average was the same in the two functions.)—Zimmer- berg (H.) * Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss des Alkohols auf die Thatigkeit des Herzens. 8°, Dorpat, 1869, 41 pp. (Experiments on frogs and rabbits under direction of Schmiedeberg. Worth con- sulting. )—Zuntz (N.) IJeber die Ein- wirkung des Alkohols auf den StofF- wechsel des Menschen. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., 1887,178. (In a man 20 to 30 cc. alcohol produced an increase in the vol- ume of air respired of 9 per cent., and an increased consumption of oxygen and excretion of C02 of 3.5 per cent.) Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Einwirkung des Weingeistes auf den Respirationsprocess des Menschen, nach Versuchen mit Dr. Berdez aus Lausanne referirt. Fortschr. d. Med., Berl., 1887, v, 1-9. (Experiments on man; pure dilute alcohol.) See also: Biol. Centralbl., Erlang., 1887, vi, 704. ALCOHOL (Pathological Effects of). See also in Index Catalogue, Library Surgeon General’s Office, U. S. A., under the headings: Albuminuria and Alcoholism, Alcohol {Toxicology, etc., of), Alcoholism, Amaurosis from Alcohol, Combustion {Spontaneous), Crime and Alcoholism, Delirium Tremens, Dipsomania, Epilepsy {Causation of), Jaundice {Causes, etc., of), Liver {Cirrhosis of), and, below,11 Alcoholic Neuritis and Paralysis.” Anstie (F. E.) Alcoholism. Syst. Med. (Reynolds’), Lond., 1868, ii, 63.— A udhoui (V.) * Pathologie generate de 1’ empoisonnernent par l’alcool. 4°, Paris, 1868,132 pp. —Bentham (R.) The com- parative death-rate of total abstainers and moderate drinkers. Lancet, Lond., 1890, ii, 997.—Black (V.) Dissections of two habitual drunkards. Tr. Ass. King’s & Queen’s Coll. Phys. Ireland, Dublin, 1817, i, 56-62.—Boffrich. Ein Fab von acuter Alcoholvergiftung mit todtiichem Ausgang. Therap. Monatsh. Berl., 1891, v, 164.—Borchard (M.) De l’empoisonnement par l’alcool et les bois- sons spiritueuses. J. d. med. de Bor- deaux, 1860, 2. s., v, 264-276.—Bou- chard et Proust. Anatomie patho- logique de l’alcoolisme. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1867, 4. s., iv, 180.— Bourdon (H.) Alcoolisme; hyperesthe- sie et convulsions, puis delire ; autopsie. Bull, et mem. Soc. m6d. hop. de Par., 1868, iv, 173-177.—Brigidi (V.) Ri- cerche di anatomia patologica intorno ai centri nervosi nei casi di delirium tremens. Imparziale, Firenze, 1875, xv, 546-578.—Bunge (G.) Die Alcoholfrage. Ein Yortrag. 8°, Leipzig, 1887, 24 pp. (General statements.) — Caral (A. C.) * Contribution a 1’etude de la cirrliose alcoolique, sa marche, sa duree. 4°, Lyon, 1885, 62 pp. — Champouillon. Resum4 des etudes les plus recentes sur 1’alcoolisme et specialement sur le pro- nostic des lesions traumatiques ainsi que des operations chirurgicales, chez les alcoolises. Rec. de m6m. de m6d. . . . mil.. Par., 1871, 3. s., xxvii, 337-367.— Christison (R.) A treatise on poisons. 4. ed., Edinburgh, 1845, 8°, 951-963. (Cases of acute poisoning by alcohol.)— Clouston (T. S.) Diseased cravings and paralysed control: dipsomania; morphinomania; chloralism; cocainism. Edinb. M. J., 1888-90, xxxv, 508; 689; 793; 985—Coe (A. S.) The effects of alcohol poisoning on the heart. N. York M. J., 1884, xl, 491. — Combemale. Rapports de la paralysie generate pre- coce avec l’alcoolisme ancestral. Cong, ann. de med. ment. C. r. 1891, Lyon, 1892, ii, 374-378. — Congres interna- tional pour 1’etude des questions rela- tives a 1’alcoolisme, tenu a Paris du 13 au 16 aout 1878. 8°, Paris, 1879, 302 pp., 4maps.—Coutenot. Alcoolisme; diag- nostic differentiel d’une forme de cette affection et de la fievre typhoide. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1865, xxxviii, 362.—Crisp (E.) Diseased livers and kidneys from the inordinate use of alcohol. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1873, xxiv, 265.—Cullerre. Alcoolisme et delire des persecutions. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1875, 5. s.,xiii, 398-410. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1876,clxxi, 290. (Clini- cal.)—Curnow (J.) On the diagnosis and treatment of acute diseases induced by alcohol. Lancet, Lond., 1877, ii, 915 ; 953.—Dagonet (H.) De l’alcoolisme au point de vue de l’alienation mentale. 8°, Paris, 1873, 111 pp. (Clinical observa- tions.)— Daish (IV. C.) Case of acute alcoholic poisoning. Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, 1886, n. s., viii, 561.—Danillo (S.) Contribution i\ la physiologie patho- logique de la region corticate du cerveau et de la moelle, dans Fempoisonnernent par l’alcool ethvlique et l’essence d’ab- sinthe. Arch, de physiol, norm, etpath., Par., 1882,2. s., x, 388; 559. (Good experi- mental work.)—Decaisne (E.) Etude medicate sur les buveurs d’absinthe, pre- cedee de quelques considerations sur l’abus des alcooliques. Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., Par., 1864, lix, 229. (Abrief statement of results.)— De Marmon (P.) 19 Report of three cases of poisoning by whiskey in children, with remarks on alcoholism. N. York M. J., 1870, xii, 521-541. Also: Leavenworth M. Herald, 1870-71, iv, 337-359. Also: Reprint.— Dickinson (II.) On the morbid effects of alcohol as shown in persons who trade in liquor. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond., 1873, lvi, 27-60. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1874, clxi, 261. (Pathological.)—Down (L.) Case of ar- rested development. Tr. Path. Soc., Lond., 1869, xx, 419.—Drouet (J.) Re- cherches surl’epilepsie alcoolique. Ann. med.-psych. Par., 1875, 5. s., xiii, 193- 219. Also, transl. [Abstr.] : Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1876, elxix,57. (Clinical.) —Dujardin-Beaumetz & Audige. Re- cherches experimentales sur le puissance toxique des alcools. 8°, Par., 1879, 306 pp. (Valuable work of reference, giving numerous experiments on the effects of different alcohols and upon certain com- mercial alcohols.) — Dumenii (L.) et Pouchet (G.) Habitudes d’ivrognerie. Affection generale aigue a marche rapide. Diminution considerable de la masse du sang avec deformation des globules et presence d’ une grande quantite de gran- ulations moleculaires dans ce liquide. Alteration graisseuse du fois et du coeur. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1862, ix, 23- 26. — Duparcque. Empoisonnement par l’eau devie. Gaz. hebd. demed. et de chir., Par., 1858, v., 371.— Eich- horst (II.) Beobachtungen tiber apo- plektische Alkoliollahmung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1892, cxxix, 140- 162, 1 pi.—Eichmann. Ein Fall von chronischer Alkoholvergiftung nebst Sectionsbericht. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1853, v, 355-357.—Finck. Tod durch akute Alkoholvergiftung. iErztl. Mitth. a. Baden, Karlsruhe, 1871, xxv, 165; 184.—Finnell. Sudden death the re- sult of drinking a large quantity of whis- key. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1872, vii, 451. —Fischer (G.) Ueber eine eigenthiim- liche Spinalerkrankung bei Trinkern. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1882, xiii, 1.— Fournier (A.) Alcoolisme. N. diet, de med. et de chir. prat., Par., 1864, i, 617-688. — Fourrier. De l’emploi de l’alcool dans la fievre typhoi'de et dans le cholera infantile. Bull, gen de therap., etc., Par., 1873, lxxxv, 241 ; 292. (Clin- ical. )—Foville fils. Des termes delirium tremens, dipsomanie, et alcoolisme (no- tice historique et bibliographique). J. de med. ment., Par., 1868, viii, 7-13.— von Franque (A.) Beitrage zur patho- logischen Anatomie des Delirium tre- mens. Memorabilien Heilbr., 1863, viii, 6-12.—Fiirstner (C.) Ueber Albumi- nuriebei Alkoholisten. Arch. f. psychiat., Berl., 1876, vi, 755-764. (Clinical. In many cases albumen appears in the urine in delirium tremens, and disappears gradually with the subsidence of the de- lirium.) — Gallard. Troubles digestifs due a l’alcoolisme. Union med., Par., 1869, viii, 886-890; 1870, ix, 15-20.— Gambus (L.) *De l’alcoolisme chron- ique termine par paralysie generale. 4°, Par., 1873, 72 pp., 3 1. — Gandil (F.) *De la cirrhose alcoolique. 4°, Par., 1867, 48 pp.—Garaudeaux (E.) *De la tuberculose chez les buveurs et de ses rapports avec la cirrhose. 4°, Par., 1878, 84 pp., 1 1. — Gaupp. Acute Aleohol- vergiftung. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. Wiirttemb. arztl. Ver., Stuttg., 1866, xxxvi, 231. —Gilson (H. C.) *De la cirrhose alcoolique graisseuse. 4°, Par., 1884, 1 p. 1., 89 pp., 2 1. —Glaister, jr. The diagnostic signs of alcoholism. Lan- cet, Lond., 1878, ii, 831. — de Grand- maison (F.) Du role de la cellule he- patique dans la production des scleroses du foie. 8°, Par., 1892, 102 pp. (In- cludes experimental work with alcohol.) —Gravite (De la) des lesions trauma- tiques et des operations chirurgicales chez les alcooliques. Communications a 1’Academie de medecine par MM. Ver- neuil, Hardy, Gubler [etal.]. 8°, Par., 1871, 159 pp.—Giehant. A quelle dose l’alcool doit il se trouver dans le sang pour produire la mort. Compt. rend. Soc. debiol., 1881, Par., 1882, 7. s., iii, 403.— Grimaldi (A.) Follia paralitiforme al- coolica (pseudo-paralisi generale alcool- ica). N. riv. di psichiat., etc., Napoli, 1892-3, i, 65-69.-Grodvolle (P.) Con- tribution a l’etude des alterations du foie dans l’alcoolisme. 4°, Par., 1875, 36 pp. —Haddon (J.) On intemperance in women, with special reference to its effects on the reproductive system. Brit. M. J., Bond., 1878, i, 748-750.—Hall. Chronic alcoholism. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila., 1860, ii, 76.—Hammond (W. A.) The effects of alcohol upon the nervous system. Neurol. Contrib., N. Y., 1880, i, No. 2, 29-60.—Hankel (E.) Vergif- tung durch einmaligen Genuss von Al- kohol. Yrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl., 1883, n. F., xxxviii, 15-21.—Har- ley (G.) The effects of moderate drink- ing on the human constitution; its influ- ence on liver, kidney, heart, and brain diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 361; 409; 461; 560; 614. (Clinical and sta- tistical data. No experimental work, but an interesting summary from the point of view of the practising physi- cian.)—Hart (B. F.) Alcohol: its rela- tions to crime and insanity. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1885, xiii, 106-123. (Quo- tations and appeals. No original mat- ter.)—Hawkes (J.) Report of a case of alcoholic poisoning. Lancet, Lond., 20 1855, i, 89.—Heinrich. Seltener Leich- enbefund nach Alkoholvergiftung. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl., 1868, ix, 359-366.—Influencia del alco- holismo en el pronostico de los trauma- tismos. Bol. de med. y drug, de Jaen, 1879, i, 1-3.—Jaladon (G. A.) *Aleool- isme et cirrhose. 4°, Par., 1884, 76 pp. (No original observations.)—Johnson (Z.) A case of poisoning [by alcohol]. Dublin M. Press, 1853, xxix, 65.—Keat- ing (J. M.) On sudden death from alco- holism. St. Louis Clin. Rec., 1875. ii, 200-209.—Knecht. Tod durch acute 'Al- koholvergiftung. Arch. d. Heilk.,Leipz., 1874, xv, 32.—Koller (B.) *Ueber die Einwirkung von Geburt an gereichter, steigender Alkoholgaben auf den Organ- ismus junger Hunde. [Bern.] 8°, Basel, 1891, 26 pp. (Effects of pure alcohol on growth and development of dogs. Chronic poisoning of young dogs, with reports of pathological observations.)— Kremiansky (J.) Ueber die Pachy- meningitis interna hsemorrhagica bei Menschen und Hunden. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1868, xlii, 129-161. (Relation of alcohol habit to this patho- genical condition, etc.)—Laborde & Magnan. De la toxicite des alcools dits superieurs et des bouquets artificiels. Rev. d. hyg., Par., 1887, ix, 625-654. (Experiments on dogs, with pulse trac- ings. Important.)—Lancereaux (E.) Etudes sur les alterations produites par l’abus des boissons alcooliques. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1865, 2. s., ii, 435- 439. Alcoolisme. Diet, encvcl. d. sc. med., Par., 1869, ii, 615-704. Etude compare des effets pro- duits par les differentes boissons spiritu- euses; consequences a tirer de eette etude au point de vue de la prophylaxie de l’alcoolisme. Bull. Acad, de med., Par., 1885, 2. s., xiv, 1524-1534. Also: Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1885, Ivin, 1066; 1075. (Statistical and clinical data relating to diseases produced by wine, cider, beer, etc.) Intoxication chronique par les boissons contenant des essences. Bull, med., Par., 1891, v, 363.—Landouzy. Gastrique alcoolique. (Stomach of hab- itual spirit-drinker.) Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1870, xlv, 258.—La Segue (C.) De l’alcoolisme subaigue. Arch. gen. de. med., Par., 1869, i, 513; ii, 145-163. Les troubles visuels de Falcool- isme. Ibid., 1879, ii, 342-357.—Las- saigne (P.) * Quelques considerations sur Falcoolisme dans ses rapports avec la pneumonie, la variole et l’erysipele. 4°, Paris, 1870, 70 pp.—Laval (V.) Essai critique sur le delirium tremens. 8°, Par., 1872, 86 pp. (Clinical and statistical.) — Lawson (R.) On the symptomatology of alcoholic brain dis- orders. Brain, Bond., 1878, i, 183- 194. Also: Pop. Sc. Month. (Suppl.), N. Y., 1878, iii, 426-432. — Leblond. Empoisonnement aigu par l’alcool. Soc. denied, leg. deFrance, Bull, Par., 1881- 82, vi, 294-97.—Leclere (E.) * Etude sur quelques accidents nerveux aigues de l’alcoolisme chronique. 4°, Paris, 1868, 58 pp.—Letulle (M.) Alcoolisme chronique; gastrite sclereuse; peritonite chronique (cirrhose gastrique et peri- toneale); temperatures locales elevees et revelatoires d’un etat phlegmasique. France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 313.— Leudet (E.) De l’etat mental des al- coolises. Cong, period internat. d. sc. med. Conrpt. rend. (1875), Brux. etPar., 1876, 150-159. —Lewis (S.) A case in which alcohol was detected in the brain. Med. Exam., Phila., 1842, i, 289-293.— Lewis (W. B.) The origins of crime. Fortnightly Rev., N. Y., 1893, n. s., liv, 329. (Alcohol is less important as a cause of insanity than as a factor in the evolu- tion of a criminal tvpe of degenerates, especially of an epileptoid type. Sta- tistics.)—Liddell (J. A.) Acute poison- ing by alcohol; death in twelve hours. N. York M. J., 1867-8, vi, 402-405.— Locatelli (E.) Ricerche chimico-legali intorno all’avvelenamento acuto per alcool. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1885, iii, 347-367. (Case of person found dead from unknown cause; to determine whether his death was due to alcohol; experiments.) — Lunier (L.) Du role que jouent les boissons alcooliques dans l’augmentation du nombre des cas de folie et de suicide. Ann. med. psych., Par., 1873, 5. s., vii, 321-358.—Lykke. Om nogle former af sindssygdom, som skyldes kronisk alkoholisme. (On some forms of insanity produced by alcohol). Hosp. Tid., Kjbenh., 1878, 2. r., v, 369- 378. — McClintock (A. H.) Remarks on the semeiology of chronic alcoholism. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1873, lv, 339-353.— Magnan. Sur l’alcoolisme, avecexperi- ences comparatives sur Faction de l’alcool et de l’absinthe. Bull, et mem. soc. de therap.,, 1868-9, Par., 1871, ii, 69-74. Etude experimental et clinique sur l’alcoolisme ; alcool et absinthe; epilepsie absinthique. 12°, Paris, 1871, 46 pp. Repr. from: Rec. de med. vet., Par., 1871. Action prolongee de l’alcool chez les chiens. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1871, 5. s., iii, pt. 2, 41-47. (Chronic alcoholism in a dog. Pathological anatomy.) Alcool- isme chronique; impulsion suicide, he- redite morbide; pleuro-pneumonie de cause traumatique (etc.) Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1877, 6. s., iii, 348-350. Also: Gaz. med. de Par., 1877, 4. s., vi, 28. Influence de 1’alcoolisme 21 sur les maladies mentales. Cong, period, internat. d. Sc. med. Compt. rend. Geneve, 1878, 560-570.—Marandon de Montyel (E.) Contribution it l’etude medico-legale de l’epilepsie alcoolique. Ann. d’hyg., Par., 1891, 3. s., xxvi, 25- 39. — Marce. Delire ambitieux sans paralysie generale chez des sujets adonnes aux boissons alcooliques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1863, xxxvi, 145.—Marcet (AY.) On chronic alcoholic intoxication; with an inquiry into the influence of the abuse of alcohol as a predisposing cause of disease. 1. Am., from 2. Eng., ed. 8°, New York.—Maschka. Vergiftung zweier Kinder mit Alcohol. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien, 1860, vi, 130; 147. — Mengin. Note relative itun cas d’intoxication par l’alcool methylique ayant amene en 24 heuros une cecite com- plete. Rec. d’ophth., Par., 1879, 3. s., i, 663-667.—Mitscherlich (A.) Todesfall durch Alkoholvergiftung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1867, xxxviii, 319-323.— Moeli (C.) ' Alcoholismus, psychische Storung; atrophische Liihmung der Ex- tensoren am Oberschenkel. Charite- Ann., 1881, Berl., 1883, viii, 552, 556. Statistisches und klinisches fiber Alcoholismus. Ibid., ix. 541.— Mon- talti (A.) Riserche cliimico-legali in- torno all avvelenamento acutoper alcool. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1883, lii, 604-617. — Morgan (E. C.) Aphonia due to chronic alcoholism; paralysis of the lat- eral crico-arytenoids. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1884, iii, 622.—Morton (J.) A case of alcoholic poisoning with peculiar fatal consequences. Indian M. Rec., Calcutta, 1891, ii, 76. — Mfiller (H.)3 *Symptome des Alkoholismus, nebst Mittheilung einiger Falle von chro- nischerAlkohol-Vergiftung. 8°,Wfirzb., 1868, 20 pp. — Nasse (AY.) Ueber den Yerfolgungswahnsinn der geistesgestor- ten Trinker. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1877, xxxiv, 167-183.—Neu- mann (E. A. O.) * Ueber die Pachy- meningitis bei der chronischen Alkohol- vergiftung. 8°, Konigsb. [1869], 36 pp. (Experiments on dogs.)—Nicol (J. I.) Case of death following the excessive use of ardent spirits. Month. J. M. Sc., Edinb., 1844, iv, 449-453.—Oberstadt. Tod nach dem Genuss von Branntwein. Gen.-Ber. d. k. rhein. Med.-Coll. (1838), Koblenz, 1840, 105.—O’Connor (D. C.) Observations of some of the effects of chronic alcoholism on the nervous sys- tem. Dublin J. M. Sc., 1876, lxii, 79-81. —Ogston (F.) Pathological observa- tions on the bodies of known drunkards. Brit. & For. M. Chir. Rev., Lond., 1854, xiii, 502-507; 1855, xvi, 187-195.— Oppolzer. Ueber Alkobol-Vergiftung. Spitals-Ztg., Wien, 1864,281; 289; 297. —Optiz (J. S. K.) u. Beyer. Leichen- offnung einer plotzlich verstorbenen starken Brandweinsauferin. Aufsiitze. u. Beob. a. d. gerfchtl. Arzeney w., Berl., 1887, 98-104.—Orfila. Traits de toxi- cologie, 4. ed., Par., 1845. 8°, vol. ii, 526. (On acute poisoning by alcohol.) — —Ott (L.) Fifteen years observation among beer-drinkers. Med. News, Phila., 1894, Ixiv, 4-6.—Otto. Alkoholvergif- tung. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1868, xiii, 164. Tod eines 41 jiihrigen Kindes durch angebliche Alkoholver- giftung. Ibid., 1872, xvii, 14; 57.— Parker. (Cure of child poisoned by three ounces of rum.) Lancet, Bond., 1860, ii, 238.— Pascal (C.) *De l’al- coolisme et de son influence sur le de- veloppement et la marche des maladies. [Montpellier.] 4°, Nimes, 1868, 83 pp., 21.—Paton (R.) Report of two instances of poisoning by alcohol; in one case death and post-mortem examination. Lancet, Lond., 1848, ii, 148. — Payne. On the morbid anatomy and pathology of chronic alcoholism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 329. — Palletan (G.) De l’huile separee par la rectification de 1’alcohol de pomme-de-terre. J. de chim. med., Par., 1825, i, 76-84. (Poi- sonous effects of methyl alcohol on dogs. Fusel oil.) — Pennetier (G.) *De la gastrite dans l’alcoolisme. 4°, Par., 1865, 27 pp.—Pepper (W.) The effects of the prolonged use of alcohol in the viscera, nervous system and organs of special sense. Phila. M. Times, 1880-1, xi, 686. (Clinical observations. No details.)— Percy (J.) An experimental inquiry concerning the presence of alcohol in the ventricles of the brain, after poisoning by that liquid; together with experi- ments illustrative of the physiological action of alcohol. 8°, Lond., 1839, 1 pi. 112 pp., 1 pi. (Acute toxicology of al- cohol. Experiments on dogs. Observa- tions on man.) — Peronne (C.) * De Talcoolisme dans ses rapports avec le traumatisme. 4°, Par., 1870,160 pp.— Peters (J. C.) On the pathological re- sults of alcohol. N. York J. M., 1844, iii, 335. Also: Tr. N. York Path. Soc., 1876, i, 211. (General statements of results observed in 70 autopsies. No details; no histology.) — Peyraud. Empoisonnement aigu par l’alcool; au- topsie. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux, 1883-4,323.—Potain Des formes attenuees ou latentes de l’al- coolisme chronique. Union aied., Par., 1879, 3. s., xxvii, 1033-1040.—Pupier (Z.) Demonstration experimentale de l’action des boissons dites spiritueuses sur le foie. Cong. med. chir. de France, 1872,Par., 1873,621-627. Action des boissons dites spiritueuses sur le foie. 22 Arch, de physiol, ndvm. et path., Par., 1888, 4. s., i, 417-444, 2 ph (Experi- ments on fowls and rabbits with ab- sinthe, wine, and absolute alcohol. De- tails given, with plates of pathological anatomy.)—Quarterly (The) Journal of Inebriety. Published under the aus- pices of the American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. T. D. Crothers, secretary of publication committee, v. 1-15 & No. 1, v. 16 (Dec., 1876, to Jan., 1891).—Rabuteau (A.) Des alcools et de l’alcoolisme. Etude de diverses sub- stances contenues dans les alcools. L’al- coolisme chronique n’est produit. que par les alcools contenant des substances toxiques, notamment l’alcool amylique et par les boissons vinees avec ces alcools. Union med., Par., 1878, 3. s., xxvi, 274; 286; 318.—Radcliffe (S. J.) Child fatally poisoned by alcohol. Phila. M. Times, 1876, vi, 463.—Ravaglia (G.) Dell av- velenamento per alcool sotto il rispetto medico-legale. Bulk de sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1887, 6. s., xx, 29-36.—Regis. Existence de tous les symptomes phy- siques et intellectuels de la paralyse generale, chez un alcoolique chronique, sans aucune lesion de paralysie generale a l’autopsie. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1881, 6. s., vi, 236-241.—Rendu (H.) Note sur deux cas d’alcoolisme subai- gu ayant donne lieu a des accidents com- parables a ceux de l’ictere grave. France med., Par., 1879, xxvi, 593; 602.—Revil- lout (Y.) Etude nouvelle sur les symp- tomes de l’alcoolisme chronique. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1877, i, 617; 611.—Richet (C.) Les poisons de 1’intelligence. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par., 1877, xix, 816; 840. — Rosch. Ueber die Vergiftung durch Weingeist und die Veranderung, welche dieselbe in der Leiche hinter- lasst. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Erlang., 1850, lx, 241-279.—Rooker (J. I.) Pneu- monic diseases of drunkards. Cincin. Lancet & Obs., 1862, n. s., v, 82-85.— Roques (G.) *De l’alcoolisme et de la paralysie generale dans leurs rapports reciproques. 4°, Par., 1891, 85 pp.— Rose (H. C.) Case of poisoning by al- cohol in a child three years of age. Med. Times & Gaz., Lond., 1860, ii, 236.— Ruge (P.) Wirkung des Alkohols auf den thierischen Organismus. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berk, 1870, xlix, 252- 2(56. (Experiments on dogs and rabbits. Yalliable.)—Russel (J.) Remarks on alcoholism from a clinical point of view. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1874, ii, 607-610.— Salvan (C.) *Aleoolisme et trauma- tisme. Considerations sur le traitement des plaies chez les alcooliques. 4°, Par., 1879, 38 pp. — Salvatori (O. M. A.) Pathological description of continued remittent and intermittent drunken- ness. Med. Critic & Psych. J., Lond., 18(52, ii, 483-507. — Saiitlus. Akuter Alkoholismus lethalis; Section und Gutachten. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Ge- sellsch. f. Psychiat., etc., Neuwied, 185(5, iii, 169-172.—Scaverns (J.) Fatal effects of New England rum in an infant. Boston M. & S. J., 1857, lvi, 99.— Schauenburg (C. H.) Acute Alkohol- intoxication mit todtlichem Ausgange. Yrtljschr. f. Psychiat., Neuwied u. Leipz., 1867-8, 217-226. — Scliultze. Ueber einen Fall von Kleinhirnschwund mit Degenerationen im verlangerten Marke und im Rixckenmarke (walirscheinlich in Folge von Alkoholismus). Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1887, cviii, 331. (Clinical and pathological.) — Schup- mann (A.) Eigenthiimliche Entartung der Unterleibsorgane und Miirbheit der Knochen dei einem Branntwein- trinker. J. d. pract. Heilk., Berl., 1840, xei, 48-71— Schwalbe (C.) Ueber die parenchymatose und subcutane In- jection des Alkohols und ahnlich wir- kender Stoffe. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berk, 1872, lvi, 360. Die sub- cutanen Injectionen des Alkohols und ahnlich wirkender Stoffe bei Erkankun- gen der Blutgefasse. Ibid., lxxvi, 1879, 511. Ueber die narbenbildende Cirrhose, Sclerose erzeugende Eigen- schaft des Alkohols. (Hierzu Taf. vi, fig. 1—3.) Ibid., 1881, lxxxv, 172. (Brief note; clinical observations.)— Schwartz. Tod in Folge zu star- ken Brandweingenusses. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berk, 1859, viii, 94.— Scott (J.) Case of death after the pumping of rum. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1809, xxii, 31-33.—Sentex (L.) Observation d’alcoolisme chronique. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1862, vii, 2. s., 289-293.— Sharkey (S. J.) Alcoholic paralysis of the phrenic, pneumogastric, and other nerves. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1887-8, xxxix, 27-33, 2 ph—Spaink (P. F.) * Ueber die Einwirkung reinen Alkohols auf den Organismus und insbesondere das peripherische Nervensystem [Jena]. 8°, Amsterdam, 185)0, 112 pp., 1 k, 1 pi. Also, in: Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Giessen, 1891, xiv, 449-514, 1 pi. (Experiments made on rabbits with pure alcohol given by the mouth. Concludes that the continued adminis- tration of pure alcohol to rabbits pro- duces tremor in the tongue and cheek, even also in the extremities and the whole body; that by long-continued administration delirium tremens may be produced in rabbits; that pure alcohol causes in rabbits certain nerve degenera- tions, as shown by histological investiga- tions of the nerve fibres. Affected es- pecially the axis cylinder; gives a plate 23 showing such effect.)—Stadler. Seltne Wirkung des Kartoffelbranntweins auf einen kindlichen Korper, Mit einer Nachschrift von Heusinger. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl., 1842, 449-456.— Stevenson (T.) Acute alcoholic poison- ing. Guy’s Hosp. Rep., Bond., 1869, 3,. s., xiv, 268.—Straus (I.) et Blocq (P.) Etude experimentale sur la cirrhose al- coolique du foie. Arch, de physiol, norm, et path., Par., 1887, xix, 409. (Experi- ments made on rabbits. Careful patho- logical observations, with figures.)— Strauss (E.) Zahlreiche Erkrankungen durch giihrendes Bier. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1864, xxx, 601. (70 persons become violently ill after drink- ing freshly brewed beer. Brief note.) — Surmay. De quelques formes peu com- munes de la cachexie alcoolique et par- ticulierement de sa terminaison par in- toxication uremique sans albumine. Union med., Par., 1868, 3. s., v, 242-266. —Tagert. Stomach of a man whose death was caused by drinking a large quantity of ardent spirits. Dublin M. Press, 1839, i, 293-295.—Taylor (A. S.) Poisoning by alcohol. Fatal effects of brandy on a child. Guy’s Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1864, 3. s., x, 191.—Thomeuf (L.) Essai clinique sur 1’alcoolisme. 4°, Paris, 1859, 51 pp.—Thomsen (R.) Zur Pa- thologie und Anatomie der ‘ ‘ acuten ’ ’ al- koholischen Augenmuskellahmungen. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1886, xix, 185. —Thomson (W. LI.) Nervous and muscular disorders in chronic alco- holism. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1878, xiv, 181-183.—Trotzscher (J.) Akute Alko- holvergiftung; pldtzlicher Tod; Sek- tions-Befund. Allg. mil-arztl. Ztg.,Wien, 1864, 60-62. Uhde (C. W. F.) Acute Vergiftung eines kindes durch Korn- branntwein. Deutsche Klinik, Berl., 1854, vi, 424. — Untersuchung einer Vergiftung mit Branntwein. Bl. f. gerichtl. Anthrop., Ansbach, 1854, 2 hft., 70-75. — Vallon (C.) Pseudo-paralysies generales saturnine et alcoolique. 4°, Par., 1894,104 pp. (Civrieuxprize essay for 1892.)—Van Bibber (W.C.) A case of fatal poisoning by alcohol. Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond, 1856, vii, 101-103.— Vas (F.) Zur Kentniss der chronischen Nikotin und Alkoholvergiftung. Arch, f. exper. Pathol, u. Pharmakol, Leipz., 1894, xxxiii, 141-153.—Vedel (L.) De la valeur diagnostique du reve dans 1’al- coolisme chronique. 4°, Paris, 1878,54 pp. —Vergiftung zweier Kinder mit Al- kohol. Samml. gerichtsarztl. Gutacht. d. Prag. med. Fak., Leipz., 1874, 4. F., 239^245.—Vernay. Convulsions par al- coolisme chez un nouveau nee. Lyon med., 1872, xi, 440-460.—Verneuil. “Du pronostic des lesions traumatiques et des operations chirurgicales chez les al- cooliques. Bull. Acad, de med. Par., 1870. xxxv, 90-986. A/so: Bull. gen. de therap., etc., Par., 1871, lxxx, 15-34. Also: Union mod., Par., 1871, 3. s., xi, 3; 17; 26.— Voisin(A.) Alcoolisme chronique. De- gonerescence graisseuse du ventricule droit du coeur du foie, des reins. Etat pigmente du foie et d’un rein. Fermete remarquable du cerveau. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1863, xxxviii, 423-427. Ibid., 427-430. 1 bid., 563-567. Ibid., 577-582. De l’etat mental dans l’alcool- isme aigue et chronique. Ann. med. psych., Par., 1864, 4. s., iii, 1-32; iv, 1-66.—Voltolini. Ueber Alkohol-Ver- giftung und eine eigenthumliche Far- bung der Herz-klappen bei derselben. Med. Ztg., Berl., 1857, xxvi, 51. Sectionsbericht liber einen an Brannt- wein-Yergiftung gestorbenen 18 jahrigen Burschen. Arch. d. Yer. gemeinsch, Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk., Got- ting., 1861, v, 289. — Vulpian (A.) Al- coolisme chronique. Six cases. In his: Clin. med. de l’hop. de la Charite. 8°, Par., 1879, 505-529. —Wadham. Case of acute alcoholic poisoning. Lancet, Bond., 1875, i, 13.—Ward (S. H.) On some effects of acute alcoholism. Ibid., 1866, i, 4; 90.—Ward (T. O.) Convul- sions in a child from an overdose of brandy. Assoc. M. J., Bond., 1856, i, 269. — Weckerling (H.) Ueber die temperaturerniedrigende Wirkung des Alcohol. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1877, xix, 317. (Case of acute poisoning of a child with alcohol. Clin- ical.)—Weiss (A.) Tod durch Alcohol- vergiftung. Friedrich’s Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Nurnb., 1880, xxxi, 436 440.— Wernicke (C.) Lehrbuch der Gehirn- krankheiten. 8°, Kassel, 1881. Bd. 2. 235, 236. (Notes of autopsies of brains. Two cases of clironicalcoholism.)—Wes- tergaard (H.) Om de stserke Drikkes Indflydelse paa Dodelegheden. (Influ- ence of alcoholic drinks on mortality.) Ugesk. f. Linger. Vijbenh, 1889, xix, 549-554.—Westphal. Ueber eine bei clironischen Alcoholisten beobachtete Form von Gehtorung. (2 Falle.) Charite Ann., Berl., 1879, iv, 395-404.— Williamson (W.) On poisoning with alcohol. Med. Times, Lond., 1849, xix, 395. — Willshire. Two cases of acute alcoholic poisoning in a high degree; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1862, i. 325.— Woodman (W. B.) Notes of a case of alcoholic coma in which the urine contained a large amount of alcohol. Med. Mirror, Bond., 1865, ii, 387-392.— Wright (T. L.) Some prominent fea- tures common to drunkenness and gen- eral paralysis of the insane. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago, 1890, xiv, 884-887. 24 ALCOHOLIC NEURITIS AND PARALYSIS. Achard (C.) & Soupault (M.) Deux cas de paralysie alcoolique ii forme aigue et generalisee. Arch, de med. exper. et d’anat. path., Par., 1893, v, 359-375.— Arnaud (J.) Pronostie des paralysies alcooliques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1893, lxvi, 241-244. (Forms of alcoholic pa- ralysis.)—Arnaud (J.) et Lop (P. A.) Alcoolisme subaigu; delirium tremens avec albuminurie; paralysie alcoolique tres etendue. Rev. de med., Par., 1891, xi, 955-960.—Barker (C. F.) Alcoholic hypereesthesia and parcesthesia of the feet. Med. Rec., N.Y., 1885, xxvii, 402. —Behague (A. V.) * Etude sur les pa- ralysies alcooliques. 4°, Par., 1889, 92 pp., No. 195.—Berbez (H.) *De la paralysie generale due aux exces alcool- iques. 4°, Par., 1892, 87 pp.—Bern- hardt (M.) Ueber multiple Neuritis der Alkoholisten, etc. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1886, xi, 362.—Biedekarken ;C.) *Ueber multiple, insbesondere Alkohol Neuritis mit Beschreibung eines Falles von solcher. 8°, Freiburg i. B., 1892, 79 pp.—Bieganski (W.) Prsyadek vozzi- anego zapalenia nerwon noskutek zatru- cia nyskokiem. (Case of multiple neu- ritis produced by alcohol.) Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1890, 2. s., x, 747; 774.— Biggs (H. M.) Alcoholic paralysis due to multiple neuritis. Med. Rec., N. Y., 1887, xxxi, 503.—Boisvert (F.) * Etude clinique des formes attenuees de la para- lysie alcoolique. 4°, Par., 1888. 127 pp. —Bonnet (II.) Paralysie generale; al- coolisme chronique; troubles tabetiques ; paralysie generale confirmee; lesions de denutrition. Rev. med. de l’est, Nancy, 1887, xix,403.—Bradshaw (T. R.) Toxic neuritis simulating locomotor ataxy (al- coholic pseudo-tabes). Liverpool M.- Chir. J., 1893, xiii, 443.—Bramwell (B ) A case of alcoholic paralysis, in which myalgic pains and tenderness were ab- sent, and in which there was very little disturbance of the cutaneous (tactile) sensibility; with a report of the micro- scopical appearances of the nerves in a case of peripheral neuritis and perforat- ing ulcer of the foot, associated with diabetes mellitus. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1888, n. s., xcv, 575-588. — Broadbent (W. H.) On a form of alcoholic spinal paralysis. Med. Chir. Tr., Lond., 1884, lxvii, 133.—Buzzard (T.) A case of double wrist drop apparently due to multiple neuritis of alcoholic origin, the lower extremities having perfectly re- covered. Brain, Lond., 1888-9, xi, 90- 93. Illustrations of some less- known forms of peripheral neuritis, especially alcoholic monoplegia, and diabetic neuritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1890, i, 1419-1422. Also, transl.: Mer- credi med., Par., 1890, i, 322.—Camp- bell (A. W.) Ein Beitrag zur patholo- gischen A natomie der sogenannten Poly- neuritis alcoholica. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Berk, 1893, xiv. 11-40.—Carpentier (F.) Contribution a V etude des paralysies alcooliques. 8°, Par., 1891, 78 pp.— Charcot. Les paralysies alcooliques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1884, lvii, 785-787. Paralysie alcoolique chez un homme de 29 ans; hysterie. Gaz. med. de Montreal, 1889, iii, 145-148.—Cole- Baker (L.) A case of multiple alcoholic neuritis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 405. —Cross (J.) Romarkable case of palsy. Med. & Phys. J., Lond., 1816, xxxvi, 194. —Crothers (T. D.) Alcoholic paralysis. Tr. N. York M. Ass., 1889, Concord, 1890, vi, 64-74.—Dejerine (J.) Etude sur le nervo-tabes peripherique. Arch, de physiol, norm, et path., Par., 1884, ii, 231-261, 3 pi. Contribution a l’etude de la nevrite alcoolique (forme parlytique, forme ataxique, tachycardie par nevrite du pneumogastrique). Ibid., 1887, xix, 248. (Interesting clinical ob- servations.) See also: Sur l’existence d’une nevrite du pneumogastrique au cours de la paralysie alcoolique. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1887, 8. s., iv, 470-473.—De Renzi (E.) Sulle nevrite alcoolica ed arsenicale. Rifomia med., Napoli, 1891,vii, pt. ii, 121-125.— Dresch- feld (J.) On alcoholic paralysis. Brain, Lond., 1884-5, vii, 200-211. Fur- ther observations on alcoholic paralysis. J bid., 1885-6, viii, 433.—Dry sdale (C. R.) A case of alcoholic paralysis. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1888, ii, 937.—Dubrisay (J.) Paralysie alcoolique chez une jeune fem- me dispsomane; nevrites multiples; guerison. Union med , Par., 1891, 3. s., Iii, 758-761. — Duckworth (Sir D.) Three cases of multiple peripheral (alco- holic) neuritis in women. St. Barth. Uosp. Rep., Lond., 1886, xxii, 253-260. —Dutil (A.) Un cas de paralysie al- 25 coolique a marclie rapide ; mort par par- alysie du (liaphragme ; tachycardie; ne- vrites peripheriques multiples; nevrite des deux nerfs phreniques ; integrity de la moelle des racines anterieures rachidi- ennes et des ganglions. Bull. Soc. anat. de Par., 1887, lxii, 540.—Eichhorst (II.) Beobachtungen ii. apoplektische Alkohollahmung. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1892, cxxix, 140. Neuritis fascians. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Alkoholneuritis. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Berl., 1888, cxii, 227-259, 2 pi.—Erlinski (A.) O alkogol paraliche. Yestnik klin. i sudebnoi psichiat. i nev- ropatol., St. Petersb., 1889, vi, No. 2,175- 191.—Eskridge (J. T.) Clinical mem- oranda on chronic alcoholic neuritis. Univ. M. Mag., Phila., 1891-2, iv, 420. — Ettinger (W. O. ) O paralichach alko- gol proischojdenija. Perev. s. Frantz. L. Finkelsteina. Mejduanar. klin., St. Petersb., 1887, vi, 1-05.—Ferrier (D.) Alcoholic paralysis. Internat. Clin., Phila., 1891, i, 265-276.—Finlay (D.W.) Three cases of alcoholic paralysis (mul- tiple neuritis). Med. Cliir. Tr., Lond., 1887, lxx, 371-395, 2 pi.—Francotte (II.) Un cas de paralysie alcoolique, nevrite degenerative multiple d’origine alcoolique. Ann. Soc. med. cliir. de Liege, 1885, xxiv, 76-84.—Fry (F. R.) A clinical study of alcoholic neuritis. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1888, xx, 397 ; 400. —Functional paralysis and contracture in an alcoholic subject, presenting sev- eral points of resemblance with alcoholic neuritis. Middlesex Hosp. Rep., 1888, Lond., 1889, 26-28.—Gammarelli (A.) Alcoolisma paralitiforme. Bull. d. r. Accad. med. di Roma, 1892-3, xix, 26- 29. — Gilles de la Tourette. James Jackson et les paralysies alcooliques. Arch, deneurol., Par., 1887, xiii,381- 380. —Godet (R.) De la pseudo-paralysie alcoolique dans ses rapports avec la par- alysie generale. Rev. med. de la Suisse Ro., Geneve, 1889, ix, 201; 249.—God- frey. Notes on a case of peripheral neu- ritis due to alcohol monoplegia. Brit. Guiana M. Ann., Demerara, 1891,181-183. —Glynn (T. Ii.) Cases of alcoholic para- plegia. Liverpool M.-Chir. J., 1883, iii, 374-382. —Hadden (W. B.) Fatal cases of alcoholic paralysis. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond., 1886-7, xxxviii, 57-01, 1 pi.— Henneberg (Ii., M. TJ.) * Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Polyneuritis alcoholica. 8°, Berlin, 1893, 30 pp. — Hervouet. Le<;on sur deux cas de polynevrite pe- ripherique; paralysie consecutive a la fievre typhoide et paralysie alcoolique. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1890-1, ix, 105-108. —Hun (H.) Alcoholic paralysis. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1885, n. s., lxxxix, 372-388.—Jakob (C.) Acute alkoholische Neuritis bei einem fiinfjahrigen Kinde. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz.. 1893, xxxvi, 210-214.—Jones (C. H.) Notes on epi- leptic attacks and paralysis as results of alcoholic excess. Practitioner, Lond., 1871, vii, 331-344.—Knapp (II.) Orbital optic neuritis, including alcohol and tobacco amaurosis. Tr. N. York Acad. M., N. Y., 1890-1891,2. s., vii, 439 ; 446.— Kiriltzeff (S. I.) Such, alkogol. para- licha sochen bystrym techemiem. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1889. xxxi, 27-35. — Korsakoff (S.) Ob alkogolnom para- liche. (Paralysis alcoholica, paraplegia alcoholica.) 8°, Moskva, 1887, 402 pp., 0 pi. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Arch, di psichiat., etc., Torino, 1890, xi, 279-285. Razstroistvo psichich dejatel pri alkohol paraliche. Vestnik klin. i. sudebnoi psichiat. i nevropatol., St. Pet., 1887, iv, pt. ii, 1-102.—Laberge (J.) Paralysie alcoolique chez un homme de 29 ans; hysterie. Gaz. med. de Mon- treal, 1889, iii, 49-52.—LafBtte (A.) Les paralysies alcooliques. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1892, lxv, 1081-1088.—Lambert (L.) I)e l’hemiplegie et de l’hemianesthesie chez les alcooliques (hystero-alcoolisme). 8°, Par., 1889, 74 pp. — Lancereaux (E.) Da la paralysie alcoolique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par., 1881, 2. s., xviii, 119; 105 ; 195.—Le Diderder. Paralysie des mem - bres superieurs et inferieurs guerie par des frictions d’huile phosphoree chez une alcoolique. Ibid., 1891, 2. s., xxviii, 7. — Leroux (C.) Des paralysies al- cooliques, d’apres le docteur Brissaud. Medecin clin., Par., 1880, ii, 217-220.— Leudel (E.) Etude clinique de la forme hyperesthesique de l’alcoolisme chronique, et de sa relation avec les maladies de la moelle. Arch. gen. de med., Par., 1807, i, 5-39.—Lewis (B.) Alcoholic paralysis of the extremities; recovery. St. Louis M. & S. J., 1888, liv, 100.—Lloyd (J.) Specimens from a case of probable alcoholic multiple neuritis, with brain envolvement. J. Nerv. & Ment. Pis., N. Y., 1888, xv, 255-257.— Lowenfeld (L.) Ueber Spinallahmun- gen mit Atoxie. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1884, xv, 438.—Luntz (M. A.) it Mamurovski (A. G.) Slucli ostrazo voschod. alkohol paralicha. (Case of acute ascendiary alcohol paralysis.) Shorn, statei po nevropat. i psichiat., Mosk., 1890,451; 405.—McDowall (T. W.) Case of peripheral (alcoholic) neuritis. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1890, xxxvi, 228-231, 1 pi.—M’Phedrau (A.) Alcoholic peripheral neuritis. Canad. Pract., Toronto. 1890, xv, 395; 397.— Marlier (A.) Paraplegie alcoolique; troubles trophiques de la peau ; debut de paralysie generate progressive. J. de med. et cliir. prat., Par., 1888, lix, 493- 26 497.—Massy (A.) Casdeguerisond’une paraplegie alcoolique par 1’Electricity. J. de med. de Bordeaux, 1893, xxiii, 194. — Maude (A.) Alcoholic peripheral neuritis; cramps; exaggerated knee jerks. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1893, i, 349. —Mueller (F. C.) Ein Fall von mul- tipier Neuritis. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1883, xiii, 669. (Pathological changes produced by alcohol.)—Myrtle. On a case of acute ascending paralysis, chronic alcoholism. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1882, ii, 312. CEttinger (W.) * Etude sur les paralysies alcooliques (nevrites mul- tiples chez les alcooliques). [Paris.] 4°, Le Mans., 1885, 112 pp., 1 pi.—Op- penheim (II.) Beitriige zur Pathologie der multiplen Neuritis und Alkohol-Lah- mung. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl., 1886, xi, 232, 262,1 pi. Weitere Mit- theilungen zur Pathologie der multiplen Neuritis. Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1890, xxvii, 545/—Ord. A case of alcoholic paralysis with contracture of the flexor muscles of the legs; recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1888, i, 273. — Paris (A.) Al- coolisme et saturnisme paralytiques. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy, 1893, xxv, 353; 385; 417; 449.—Pearce (W.) Case of alcoholic paralysis. Tr. Clin. Soc., Lond., 1890, xxiii, 267-270.—Pershing (Ii. T.) Alcoholic multiple neuritis, with characteristic mental derangement. In- ternat. M. Mag., Phila, 1892, i, 803-809. —Pitres (A.) & Villard (L.) Des nE- vrites provoquees par le contact de Pal- cool pur ou diluE avec nerfs vivants. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par., 1888, 8. s., v, 550-553.—Plauth (A.) Ein Fall von Neuritis multiplex aleoholica. Ann. d. stiidt. allg. Krankenh. zu Munchen (1890-2), 1894, 186-188.—Power (D. A.) Cast of the right leg from a case of alco- holic neuritis. Eepr. from: Tr. Path. Soc., Lond., 1889. Also in his: (Patho- logical cases.) 8°, Lond., 1889, 13.— Rachmaninoff (I. M.) Kuchen o de- generat atrophii peripheriehesk nerv. ; slucli simmetrichesk gangveny i dva slucli alkohol paralicha. Med. Obozr. Mosk., 1891, xxxv, 917-947, 1 pi.—Reu- nert (O.) Beitrag zur Kenntriss der multiplen Alkoholneuritis. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz., 1892, 1, 213- 231. —Rey (P.) ParaplEgie d’origine alcoolique, suivie de guerison. Ann. mEd. psych., Par., 1885, 7. s., i, 68-72.— Ross (J.) The premonitory symptoms of alcoholic paralysis. Lancet, Lond., 1889, i, 1125-1128.—Rousseau. Un cas grave de pseudo paralysie gEnErale al- coolique. Bull. Soc. mEd. de l’Yonne, 1888, Auxerre, 1889, xxix, 67-72.— Rummo (G.) Contributo alio studio anatomico e clinico della nevrite al- coolica, considerazioni sulla patologia delle nevrite tossiclie. Arch. d. Riforma ined. Napoli, 1890, ii, 118-147, 2 pi. Pathologische Veranderungen des Nervensystems bei den Alkoholparaly- sen. Wien. med. Wchnschr., 1891, xli, 1084-1087.—Saundby (R.) Clinical lec- ture on a case of alcoholic paraplegia. Lancet, Loud., 1880, ii, 241-243. The ataxic form of alcoholic peripheral neuritis. Birmingh. M. Rev., 1891, xxx, 25.—Saunders (G. R.) Multiple pe- ripheral (alcoholic) neuritis. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin, 1890-1, i, 98-103.— Schaffer (K.) Lin Fall von Alkohol- paralyse mit centralem Befunde. Neu- rol. Centralbl., Leipz., 1889, viii, 156- 159.—Schulz (R.) Beitrag zur Lelire der multiplen Neuritis bei Potatoren. Ibid., 1885, iv, 482-488. — Siemerling. Ein Fall von Alkoholneuritis mit her- vorragender Betheiligung des Muskel- apparates nebst Bemerkungen fiber das Vorkommen neuromuscularer Stamm- chen in den Muskulatur. Charite Ann., Berl., 1889, xiv, 443-453.—Smart (A.) A case of multiple neuritis in a wo- man of combined syphilitic and alco- holic origin ; treatment by electro-mas- sage ; complete recovery. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 125-127.— Stahn (P.) *Ueber alcoholische neu- ritis. 8°, Berl., 1893, 40 pp.—Standish (M.) A case of alcoholic paralysis pre- ceded and accompanied by amblyopia ex abusu, with remarks thereon. Bost. M. &S. J., 1886, cxiv, 361-364.—Starkel (0. H.) A case of alcoholic neuritis; pseudo-tabetic variety. St. Louis Cour. Med., 1887, xviii, 125-128.—Stewart (N.) A case of alcoholic hemiphlegia. Nashville M. News, 1887, i, 8.—Stod- dard (E. V.) Alcoholic paralyses. Med. Press West. N. York, Buffalo, 1885-6, i, 347-354.—Struempell (A.) Zur Kennt- niss der multiplen degenerative!! Neu- ritis. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1883, xiv, 339.—Suckling (C. W.) Alcoholic paralysis. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila., 1888, n. s., xcv, 567-575. —Thomsen (R.) Zur Klinik mid pathologischen Anatomie der multiplen Alkohol-Neuritis. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl., 1889-90, xxi, 806-835, 1 pk—Tiling (T.) Ueber die bei der alkoholischen Neuritis multiple beo- bachtete Geistesstorung. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl., 1889, xlvi, 233- 257.—Turner k. C.) A case of alco- holic (?) paralysis. Med. Exam., Lond. 1878, iii, 201. — Tusnoff (V. N.) Ob alkoliol paralitchach. Arch, psichiat., etc., Charkov, 1893, xxii, No. 1, 73-88. —Tuttle. Multiple peripheral neuritis of alcoholic origin. N. York INI. J., 1887, xlvi, 633.—TJspenski (S. N.) Slucli progress paraliclia na alkoliol pochve. (Case of progressive paralysis from alco- 27 hoi.) Shorn, statie po nevropat i psi- chiat., Mosk., 1890, 673-684.—Vassal (P.) Contribution a 1’etude de la pa- ralysie alcoolique et en particulier des formes generalisees. 8°, Par., 1891, 104 pp.—Vaughan (J. C.) Alcoholic pa- ralysis. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1888, n. s., xlvi, 130-132.—Vigouroux (A.) Paralvsie alcoolique chez les alienes. Gaz. d. hop., Par., 1891, lxiv, 1047-1049. —Villard. Pseudo-paralysie generale d’orgine alcoolique. Marseille med., 1892, xxix, 117-133.—Viti (A.) Osser- vazioni istologiche sulle paralisi alcool- iche; nota postuma. Atti. d. R. Accad. d. fisciocrit. in Siena, 1891, 4. s., iii, 123- 141. — Vojevnikoff (A.) Ob alkohol paralichie. (Paralysis alcoholica.) Vest- nik klin. i sudebnoi psichiat. i nevro- patol., St. Petersb., 1891, viii, No. 2, 180-209.—Walsh (J. H. T.) Four cases of alcoholic neuritis. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta, 1892, xxvii, 103. ALCOHOL IN ITS RELATIONS TO GENERATION AND HEREDITY. Allen (N.) Effects of alcohol on the offspring. J. Psych. M., Lond., n. s., 1877, iii, 209-214.—Clarke (H.) Hered- ity and crime in epileptic criminals. Brain, Lond., 1880, ii, 491. (Statistics indicating that there are more drunkards among epileptics than among non-epi- leptics. and that epilepsy in males is associated especially with alcoholism in the parents.) Grenier (L.) * Contribu- tions a F etude de la descendance des al- cooliques. 4°, Paris, 1887, 96 pp. (Gives 188 cases observed in man; valuable.)— Guipon. Sur les effets de la consan- guinity, de la syphilis et de l’alcoolisme combines et observes dans une meme famille. Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., Par., 1863, lvii, 512. (Anthropological. Brief note.)—Lardier. L’intoxication alcool- iques, maladie endemique. Sa prophv- laxie. Bull. med. d. Vosges, 1893, vii, 24-43. (Alcohol and heredity ; from ob- servations.)— Legrain (M.) Heredite et alcoolisme; etude psychologique et clinique sur les degeneres buveurs et les families d’ivrognes. Avec une preface de Magnan. 8°, Paris, 1889, 424 pp. (An important work.)—Mairet (A.) & Com- bemale. Influence degenerative de l’al- cool sur la descendance ; recherches ex- p6ritnentales. Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., Par., 1888, cvi, 667-670. (Brief but interesting report of influence of chronic absinthe poisoning upon a male dog and upon his offspring, the effects upon the latter being well marked; also effects of absinthe in acute poisoning of dogs of the first and second generations.) — Tagnet (H.) Ue 1’heredite dans l’al- coolisme. Ann. med.-psych., Par., 1877, xviii, 5. s., 5-17. Also, transl. [Abstr.]: Lond. M. Record, 1878, vi, p. 8. (Gives examples in three families.) 28 ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLIC DRINKS. Chemical and Miscellaneous. Bannister (R.) Colonial wines. J. Soc. Arts, Lond., 1886-7, xxxv, 537-552. (Good account of Australian wines.)— Beckwith (E. L.) Practical notes on wine; being a reprint of the report on wines and other fermented liquors pre- pared by command of Her Majesty’s commissioners for the Paris exposition universelle by . . . 8°, Lond., 1868, viii, 106 pp. (Good general description of characteristics of various wines, etc.) — Berthelot. Recherches sur le bou- quet des vins. Gaz. med. de Par., 1863, xxxiv, 3. s., 833; 858. (Chemical re- searches on the ethers found in wines.) Also: Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1863, Par., 1864, 3. s., v, pt. 2, 71-94.—Corn- wall (H. B.) Adulteration of beer. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., 1884, Con- cord, N. II., 1885, x, 106-115.—Gaubert Essai d’une classification des differentes especes de vins au point de vue de la sante et de 1’hygiene. Monit. sclent., Par., 1857, i, pt. 1, 233-248. Extract from his book: ‘ ‘ Etude sur les vins et les conserves alimentaires,” 8°, Par., 1857. (General remarks of an experienced wine-drinker. Not specially scientific.) —Griffin (J. J.) The chemical testing of wines and spirits. 8°, Lond., 1866, 141 pp.—Knauthe. Die Bestandtheile des Whines, nacli Zusammenstellungen und Originalarbeiten in den Annalen der CEnologie. Heidelb., 1870, 1872, 1873. Also [Abstr.] : Schmidt’s Jahrb., Leipz., 1875, clxvi, 113. (Contains ac- count of alcohol contents of wines by Blankenhorn u. Rossler, i, 4.)— Larbaletiier (A.) L’alcool au point de vue chimique, agricole, industriel, hy- gienique et fiscal. 12°, Par., 1888, 309 pp. (A popular summary.) — Lunier. Matieres employees pour la fabrication des alcools. Cong, internat. p. 1’etude d. questions rel. a l’alcoolisme, 1878, Par., 1879, 257-267. (General descrip- tion, with statistical table for France.)— Marcano (V.) Sur la formation de quantites notables d’alcool dans la fer- mentation panaire. Compt. rend., Acad, d. Sc., Par., 1883, xcvii, 1070.—Mer- rick (J. M.) Analysis of California wines. Am. Chemist, N. Y., 1875, vi, 85-87.—Mulder (G. J.) The chemistry of wine. Edited by H. Bence Jones. 12°, Lond., 1857, xii, 390 pp. (Good authority.)—Nessler (J.) u. Barth (M.) Beitriige zur Weinanalyse. Ztschr. f. anal. Cliem., Wiesb., 1882, xxi, 43-63. (Useful hints as to,methods of analysis.) —Pasteur (L.) Etudes sur levin, ses maladies [etc.]. 8°. Par., 1866, 264 pp. —von Striimpell (A.) Ueber die Al- koholfrage vom arztlichen Standpunkt aus. 8°, Leipzig, 1893, 22 pp. Repr. from: Amtl. Ber. d. Yersamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Nurnb., 1893, lxv.— Thudichum (J. L. W.) & Dupre (A.) A treatise on the origin, nature, and varieties of wine. 8°, Lond., 1872, 760 pp. (Good authority on the chemistry of wine. 1—Venable (F. P.) & Phillips (W. B.) Analyses of North Carolina wines. North Car. M. J., Wilmington, 1887, xx, 268. (Nineteen samples analyzed.)— Weinstatistik fur Deutschland. Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb., 1888, xxvii, 729- 808; 1889, xxviii, 525-580; 1890, xxix, 509-550; 1891, xxx, 533-578 ; 1892, xxxi, 607-662; 1893, xxxii, 647-753.— Win- disch (K.) Die untersuchungen von Tralles fiber die spezifischen Gewichte der Alkohol-Wassermischungen; nach dem im Besitze der Konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin befind- lichen,bisher noch nicht veroffentlichten Tralles’schen Handschriften Naehlasse bearbeitet. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl., 1893, ix, 1-75.