(Circular No. 1.) WAR DEPARTMENT, JhttfMii Senetxrf Washington, D. C., January 1, 1869. The following memorandum of changes which have been made in Cir- cular No. 6, dated Surgeon General's Office, May 9, 18G7 (the Standard Supply Table) since its publication, is furnished for the information of Medical Officers: Allowance of "Olei Theobromae" lias been reduced to one-fourth (J) the quantity specified therein. For " Saponis, ounces"-read "pounds." ■'One Sound, small, straight," in the Minor Operating Case (Personal Set) has been changed to "One Sound, medium, curved." For "Milk Cans, 22 gallons, graduated,"-read "Milk Cans, 12 gallons, graduated." Allowance of "Alcoholic Extract of Calabar Bean" in the Eye and Ear Case has been altered from two (2) scruples to ten (10) grains. ARTICLES DROPPED FROM THE SUPPLY TABLE. Fowne's Chemistry, Lawrence and Moon's Ophthalmic Curtain Fixtures, Surgery. ARTICLES ADDED TO THE SUPPLY TABLE. Medicines. jkcidi Carbolici. Books. Bedford's Midwifery, Loomis' Treatise on Meteorology, Brande and Taylor's Chemistry, Stellwag on the Eye, Ganot's Physics, 3d Edition, Wales' Mechanical Therapeutics. Instruments. One Scissors, curved, in Minor Operating Case, Personal Set, One (Esophageal Probang, ditto One Tonsillotome, ditto One Trousseau's Tracheotomy Forceps, ditto One Sheet Calabarized Gelatine, in Eye and Ear Case, One Dissection Forceps, in Pocket Case. The following named supplies "On Hand" in the various Purveying Depots, but not on the Standard Supply Table, will be issued on requisi- tions in such quantities as approved by Medical Directors, until such supplies shall be exhausted. Medicines. Arnicas, Pilulee Colocynthidis et Ipecacuanh®, Bismuthi Subcarbonatis, " Ferri et Quinise Citratis, Cerati Zinci Carbonatis, " Hydrargyri, Calcis Chlorinat®, " Ipecacuanh® et Opii, Galiaaya Baric. " Quini® Sulphatis, Extract! Colocynthidis, Potass® Liquoris, " Sarsaparillae Fluidi, " Permanganatis, sol., " Senn® Fluidi. Instruments. Catheters, silver, • Speculum for the Ear, " elastic, Splints, felt, Colpeurynters, " assorted, Dissecting Cases, Syringes, H. R., 4 oz., Forceps, assorted, " " universal, Stomach Tubes, " metal. Dressings. Napkins for Ophthalmia. Books and Stationery. Case Books, Pharmacy, Parish's, Formulary, Griffith's, Surgery Minor, Packard's, Goldsmith on Bromine, Furniture and Appliances. Bed Tickets, Plates, tin, Cups, tin, Quills, Mills, coffee, Tin Warmers, for feet, Mortars and Pestles, " stomach. J. K. BARNES, Surgeon General, U. S. Army.