REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. Ox Oall. Oztena. tion in the depths of the nostrils causing a discharge and a bad odor.” Both Pliny (first century) and ZEtius (fifth century) speak of the therapeutic management of ozaena, the lat- ter recommending for its cure insufflations of various medicaments, and also the introduction of medicated pledgets within the nostrils. The treatment instituted by Rufus (second century), Rhazes(ninth century), Avicenna (tenth century), Forestus (sixteenth century), and others, was, primarily, detergent, and, secondarily, directed to drying up the ulcers. Actuarius (fourteenth century) seems not to have re- garded ulceration as a constant accompaniment of ozaena, but calls especial attention to the odor emitted from de- composed nasal secretions. Alexander Trallianus (sixth century) and Pare (six- teenth century) entertained essentially the opinions pro- mulgated by Galen at an eai’lier period, while Fabricius ab Acquapendente (sixteenth century) and Thomas Mayern (seventeenth century) thought syphilis the leading causa morbi. Reininger (1722) and Giinz attributed ozaena to the pu- trefaction of secretions retained in the frontal, ethmoidal, sphenoidal, and maxillary sinuses, a theory which has been urged more recently by Michel and Rouge. Sauvages (1771) was, 1 find, the first to insist upon the distinction of ozaena without lesion of the nares (simple, true, or idiopathic ozaena) from that attributable to lesions of the nasal mucosa, the nasal bones, and cartilages. Yalleix (1866) did not attribute ozaena to an ulceration of the Schneiderian membrane. Cloquet (1830), Trousseau (1835), Cazenave (1835), and other older writers, have described the leading clinical features of ozsena with a clearness and scientific accuracy worthy of admiration. Trousseau (1835), Max-Simon (1850), and Cousin (1868) divided the disease into symptomatic and constitutional ozsena. In 1866 Otto Weber maintained that ozsena was simply a symptom and not a distinct disease, as many had hitherto claimed. Niemeyer (1874) thinks there is an ulcerative and a non- ulcerative ozsena. A very remarkable monograph has recently been pub- lished (1886) by W. Moldenhauer, in which the opinions and teachings of Gottstein, B. Frankel, Bresgen, and others, are warmly assailed. Moldenhauer himself, however, makes no attempt to explain the pathology of true ozsena, or to add another to the many theories already existing relative to this af- fection. During the past six years interesting articles upon this disease have been written by Schrotter, Zaufal, Tillot, Zuckerkandl, Michel, B. Frankel, Gottstein, Schaffer, Rouge, Cozzoline, Stoerk, Beverley Robinson, Martin, Boswortli, Franks, Krause, Massie, Calmettes, Moure, Ziem, Clinton Wagner, Woakes, Thornton, Morell Mac- kenzie, and others, reference to which is made in my bibliography of this subject at the end of the article. Etiology.—True ozsena is usually associated with an atrophic rhinitis, and occurs most frequently prior to the age of thirty, and oftener in the female. The disease is common in children, and sometimes ex- ists in two or more members of the same family, but proof of its contagiousness is wanting. Atrophic rhinitis with ozsena is, according to most authorities, generally due to the mapifestations of the scrofulous or syphilitic diathesis upon the Schneiderian mucous membrane. The nasal fossse are richly supplied with glands and lined with tissues of a highly vascular and cavernous structure, thus offering the conditions necessary for the localization of either scrofula or syphilis therein. The ozaenic subject is one who usually suffers from a constitutional weakness, at times ill-defined, which may be occasioned by heredity (Frankel, Zaufal, and Bres- gen), by hereditary syphilis, by scrofula, or occur as a sequel of the eruptive fevers, particularly of scarlatina, measles, and small-pox. OZ/ENA, from o C,eiv, to stink, or a fish possess- ing”afetid odor. Synonyms : Fetid Catarrh, Scrofulous Ozama, Fetid Coryza, Strumous Catarrh, Stinknase (Ger.), Punaisie (Fr.), Foetor Narium, and Dysodia Narium (Lat.). Definition.—By true or simple ozaena (rhinitis chron- ica atrophicans foetid a), names preferred by the writer, is meant an affection limited to the nares, in which there is no ulceration or diseased bone, the fetid odor depend- ing on changes in the retained secretions! The disease, of course, may be modified by diathesis, but is not dependent thereon. Preliminary Remarks.—The above names are ap- plied to a condition of the nares in which a stinking, and, to some extent, characteristic odor is exhaled. This odor is sui generis, but has been improperly likened to the peculiar smell of a mashed bedbug or chintz. There exists considerable ambiguity concerning the application and exact significance of ozsena, and although originating in the earliest period of medicine the word has acquired a large and rather indefinite use, even in modern times. Brochin prefers to describe the condition as an in- firmity, not esteeming it a disease proper. The term, when unqualified, is quite as indefinite and vague to a scientific mind as the generic expressions pain, fever, inflammation, or dropsy; all of which phe- nomena may owe their existence to diverse causes. A mere stench exhaled from the nares may originate from disease of the accessory sinuses, from rhinolitlis, from the presence of some external foreign body, from disease of the osseous or cartilaginous framework, from cancer, from lupus, from syphilis, and other causes, but the ozsena (stench) is symptomatic only of these disorders. Until very recently any affection of the nasal passages in which the expired air was fetid was called ozsena ; hence, diseases differing widely as to symptoms, course, and treatment were included under this rather broad category. The writer fails to appreciate in what manner limit- ing the word ozsena to those fetid diseases of the acces- sory sinuses whose prominent symptoms are manifested in the nares, can lead to a simplification of the question. The retention, then, of this word in medical nomenclat- ure is unfortunate, and its use, except as hereafter to be indicated, calculated to promote confusion. Ozsena is by no means to be classed as a separate and distinct disease, but rather as an attendant of several nasal affections, particularly atrophic rhinitis. The writer further believes that ulceration of the nasal mucous membrane rarely, if ever, occurs in true ozsena, and he considers the retention and decomposition of nasal secretions an essential factor in the production of the stench accompanying the affection. Clinically, lie is satisfied that the fetidness of the odor is proportionate to the length of time the incrustations remain in the nasal cavities. In the present contribution he will, so far as is consist- ent with fact, have respect for the above indicated prop- ositions, which are briefly the expression of his indi- vidual views concerning this unsettled question. Historical.—Well-nigh all ancient writers considered ozaena as associated with, and dependent upon, the pres- ence of ulcers within the nares. Celsus (40 b.c. to 20 a.d.) says, “ The Greeks gave the name ozaena to nasal ulcers covered with crusts of a stinking odor.” Galen (second century) defines ozaena as “an ulcera- 445 Ozsena. Ozsena. REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. We are struck with the similarity, as to age and gen- eral surroundings, of patients suffering with this disease ; they are about the age of puberty, the youngest may be nine, the oldest is generally not over twenty years of age. Adults will invariably trace their disease back to early life. The contour of the nose in children suffering with ozsena is frequently identical with that of their parents (father or mother) who have the same affection. M. Mackenzie does not regard the disease as constitu- tional in the true sense of the word. He further says “ that though scrofula probably produces a certain dis- position to catarrh, and renders the affection more in- tractable when it does occur, it cannot, in my opinion, be said to cause ozsena.” Ziem and Schaffer claim that true ozsena may occur independently of atrophic rhinitis, and we all well know, on the other hand, that atrophic rhinitis is not invariably accompanied by ozsena. Among Schaffer’s 123 cases of ozsena, 99 were due to struma and 20 to syphilis. Stoerk maintains that syphilis is the sole cause of ozsena. Gottstein says that only two of his twelve cases of ozsena appeared to result from scrofula, and none was traceable to syphilis. The existence of what may be denominated true ozsena, as distinguished from the symptomatic variety (depend- ent upon caries, necrosis, polypi, deformities, abscess of the accessory sinuses, etc.), appears to be established not only clinically, but anatomically and etiologically. The rhinoscopic and post-mortem examinations made by Zaufal, Michel, Hartmann, Gottstein, and other Ger- man investigators, have rendered it quite evident that the peculiar fetid odor of true ozsena has no dependence upon the presence of ulceration in the nares ; that when the adherent crusts are removed the pituitary membrane is seen to be less vascular than normal, smoother, slightly atrophied and inflamed, but above all intact. The turbinated bodies do not present the characteristic erectile prominence ; the inferior one is of diminutive size and is sometimes absent, giving to the nasal cavity enormous dimensions. Chronic rhinitis, especially of the hypertrophic variety, predisposes to the development of atrophic rhinitis, and perhaps of a subsequent true ozsena. The inhalation of dust and irritating gases, deviations of the vomer, and other conditions causing a chronic rhinitis, may result in ozsena. The exceedingly disagreeable odor of ozsena is thought by a few authors to arise from individual idiosyncrasy, just as foul perspiration of the axillae, groins, and feet is common to some individuals. The penetrating perfume emitted from the body of the average negro is a striking instance of race idiosyncrasy, and exceeds in rare cases the nauseating exhalations of ozsena. That the nasal mucous membrane in ozsenic patients is endowed with the special function of exhaling or secret- ing foul odors, the writer does not believe. Bosworth very aptly remarks in this connection that there is no analogy in the above comparisons, as the nasal mucous membrane is not an excretory organ. It is the writer’s opinion that the foul odor in true ozsena is dependent solely upon the presence of retained and decomposing secretions within the nares ; and that if these secretions be removed and their further formation checked, all fetor disappears. To the assertions that ozsenic secretions contain a special ferment, and that ozsena is attributable to fatty metamorphosis, he attaches slight importance clinically. Recently Loewenberg has added an interesting mono- graph to the already voluminous literature of this affec- tion, and claims to have discovered a special microbe (always found as a diplococcus) for ozsena. Around this microbe clusters much that is ingenious, theoretically, but the practical results of the alleged dis- covery as regards the cure of ozsena are as yet nil. It has been stated that ozsenic patients never suffer from hay fever ; but the writer happens to know of one at least who does. Anosmia, however, appears to afford complete im- munity from hay fever, so far as is now known.* Pathology.—The disease, as stated, commences gen- erally in early life, and according to Bosworth “ in an inflammation which is characterized by a desquamation of the epithelium lining of the acinous glands, which re- sults in their destruction.” In some of Bosworth’s specimens the glands had dis- appeared absolutely. The result of this is necessarily that the membrane is deprived of its normal supply of mucus. That which is secreted being scanty, very soon dries upon the surface of the membrane. There is thus formed a dry pellicle, which adheres closely, and is re- moved with difficulty. Remaining, it soon undergoes decomposition, and gives rise to fetor. The pellicle of inspissated muco-pus which dries upon and adheres to the membrane-, clinging about the con- vexity of the turbinated bones, and contracting and dry- ing, necessarily exercises pressure and obstructs the cir- culation. As a result of this, the atrophy of the membrane is still more encouraged. As we know, the deep layer of the mucous membrane in this region blends with, and really forms, the periosteum of the turbinated bones. We can easily see, therefore, how, as the result of the process continuing through years, there may occur the atrophy of the turbinated bone which characterizes the late stages of the disease, and which results from impaired nutri- tion. Zuckerkandl, as quoted by M. Mackenzie, proves that not only the soft tissues, but also the bony structure of the turbinated bodies become thinner, more elastic, flatter, and smaller. “ The mucous membrane shrinks and becomes wrinkled, the erectile tissue disappears, and the thin, pale, shining mucosa looks more like serous than mucous membrane. “ When the morbid process is far advanced nothing is left but thin bands of mucous membrane, occasionally perhaps containing some small osseous fragments, the re- mains of the spongy bones.” Gottstein, as quoted by the same author “finds no de- fect other than a certain thinness of the mucous mem- brane in cases of ozsena. On microscopic investigation the epithelium was found to be normal; beneath this was a layer of small round cells mixed with a few spindle- shaped cells, and beneath this stratum again was another of fibrillar areolar tissue generally lying parallel to the surface, the fibrillse being here and there collected into bundles in different stages of development. The vessels were richly developed and the elastic tunic of the arteries thickened. The glandulae were numerous, the gland-cells not being recognizable in some places, and the appear- ances were those of chronic rhinitis with more or less ad- vanced cirrhosis of the mucous membrane and a partly infiltrated and atrophied condition of the glandulse.” Zaufal thinks the small size of the turbinated bones is not due to atrophy, but to arrested development. Zuckerkandl, by an examination of two hundred and fifty-two skulls, has apparently disapproved Zaufal’s views. The discharges and crusts of ozsena consist of pus-cor- puscles, granular debris, and some epithelium, and are usually of an alkaline reaction. Krause contends that the mucous cells undergo fatty degeneration, and says he has found in the secretion of ozsena fatty corpuscles and pigmentary molecules, which form a part of the tenacious crusts. Quite recently Habermann, of Prague, finds that true ozsena consists in an affection of all the glands; first there is an accumulation of drops of fat in the glandular epithelium, and later a complete degeneration of the epi- thelium takes place. At a later stage there is inflammatory infiltration of the mucous membrane with granular degeneration of the infiltrated cells, while at certain points the drops of fat already described by Krause are observed. * See writer's remarks, Trans. Am. Laryngological Association, 1886. 446 REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. Ozaena. Ozaena. The osseous structures and venous sinuses alike suffer atrophy. Moure, of Bordeaux, inclines to the opinion that the atrophied turbinated bodies in true ozrena are regenerated as the patient advances in age or as the disease diminishes in severity under treatment. Symptoms.—To the intelligent and frequent perform- ance of anterior and posterior rhinoscopy much that is accepted at the present day concerning the diagnosis, symptomatology, and proper treatment of rhinitis chron- ica atrophicans fcetida (true ozsena) is directly attribut- . able. With the aid of the rliinoscope we are enabled to note every change in objective symptoms resulting from treat- ment or otherwise, and can readily assure ourselves of the special points at which mucous collections are wont do lodge, and thus are able to effectually remove the same. Rhinoscopy generally demonstrates the presence of dried mucus, fetid crusts, and capacious nasal chambers dependent upon the smallness or entire absence (1) of the inferior turbinated bodies, all of which are briefly the salient featui’es of true ozaena. The crusts are often found distributed over the entire surface of the nares, more commonly, however, moulded over the middle turbinated bones, post-nasal orifices, and pharyngeal vault. The morbid changes giving rise to fetor in true ozaena appear to be confined to the narrower portions of the nares, the pharyngeal vault habitually es- caping. The constitutional symptoms of ozaena, when present, are those pertaining to the particular diathesis with which ozaena is associat- ed, namely, scrof- ula, syphilis, or tu- berculosis. Dyscrasia and general systemic disturbance, per- haps illy defined, are nearly constant accompaniments of ozaena, and if not present from the incipiency of the disease, appear at a later stage. We have all en- countered atrophic rhinitis with ozae- na in apparently healthy children and adults, but such a state of health is exception- al and not destined to be of long dura- tion, for the mere inspiration of taint- ed air by such a patient will finally result in impairment of his general health. The facial expression and shape of the nose is quite characteristic in many ozsenic patients ; wre have the strumous facies, thick lips, prominent cheeks, sub- maxillary glandular enlargement, the bridge of the nose is depressed near the frontal bone, the anterior nasal ori- fices, instead of opening downward, often look outward anteriorly. The saddle nose is Zaufal’s name for the above state of affairs. Fig. 2731 represents the profile of one of my ozaenic patients. The shape of the nose appears to have had great influ- ence with the Emperor Nicholas, of Russia, in selecting his famous regiment, “ the Imperial Nosegay.” Before the Crimean war he discovered by some means that the best fighting and most ferocious men possessed a nose which stood straight out from the base of the fore- head in the form of a triangle, presenting in front the appearance of a double-barrelled pistol. This crack regiment of a thousand men was ultimately routed by the French, and the defeat was attributed to a peculiar sensibility of the nose regiment for garlic, of which the Frenchmen are so fond and had eaten, and •with the odor of which the atmosphere of the battle-field was loaded. When charged with cowardice, “ the Imperial Nose- gay ” said they could and would face any foe ; but the odor of the garlic-eating Frenchmen was too much for them. Antecedent histoiy frequently affords no clue to the existence of diathesis in these patients, and they are often entirely ignorant of their nasal affection until those asso- ciated with them perceive the stench. It is proper to state again at this point that several authorities consider ozsena a local disease, entirely independent of diathesis. The foul-smelling exhalation occasioned by ozaena is the most prominent symptom, and frequently renders the patient a burden to himself and an object of avoidance by those brought in contact with him. Patients are occa- sionally totally unconscious of these foul emanations, for the reason that olfactory sensibility is blunted by either atrophic changes or the ever-present odor. When the discharges are copious and there is the char- acteristic incrustation and tenacious adhesion of scabs to the nasal membrane and turbinated bodies, the breath be- comes particularly offensive, even saturating the air of an ordinary room with the foul odor. The writer on several occasions has been forced to exclude ozsenic patients from Fig. 2732.—Sites generally occupied by the Crusts of True Ozaena, as re- vealed by Anterior and Posterior Rhinoscopy. (Writer’s case.) his reception-room and treat them at special hours, so ob- jectionable was their presence to other patients. The crusts are of a greenish or grayish-brown colbr, often streaked with blood ; they accumulate in both the anterior and posterior nares and the naso-pharynx, causing great embarrassment to nasal respiration, and frequently occasion nausea and vomiting when the patient makes an effort to dislodge them. Frontal and supraorbital pains, anorexia, depression of spirits, perverted taste, loss of smell, and dulness of the mental faculties are common symptoms. The olfactory sense may be partially or entirely lost, and the disorders of taste resulting therefrom may seri- ously interfere with nutrition, by rendering certain foods (meats) distasteful. M. Martin recognizes, in common with Zaufal, that slight functional disorder of the ear, and perhaps otitis, may occur as a complication of ozsena, as of other nasal affections. According to Loewenberg, the immunity of the middle ear in this affection is wellnigh universal. Catarrh of the lachrymal canal, epiphora, catarrhal con- junctivitis, and weakness of the, eyes are among the com- plications of the disease under discussion. There is usually considerable irritation and dryness of the pharynx, and its membrane is generally either cov- ered by a thin pellicle of dessicated secretion, or is of a dry, glistening appearance if the crusts have been pre- viously detached. Fig. 2731.—Profile of a Child of Twelve Years, suffering from True Ozsena. (Writer’s case.) 447 Ozsena. Ozsena. REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. The number and size of the crusts discharged vary greatly ; they are not usually larger than an almond- shell, and one is usually discharged every few days from either nostril. I have known, however, two crusts of large size to escape daily from each nostril. The velum pendulum palati is almost universally de- prived of its normal sensibility, and a posterior rliino- scopic exploration can be readily accomplished. Such an examination, as before indicated, shows that the mucous membranes are everywhere pale, covered here and there by inspissated tenacious mucus, and that the soft tissues adhere closely to the underlying osseous structures, thus giving to the posterior nares an abnor- mally large appearance. Figs. 2732 and 2733 are drawings made from one of my patients suffering with true ozaena, and show the points at which crusts are usually found, as revealed by anterior and posterior rhinoscopy. The atrophied condition of the nasal mucosa and thinness of the turbinated bones is also well marked in this typical case. Diagnosis.—The diagnosis of "true ozaena,” i.e., atrophic rhini- tis with fetid secretions, is both important and devoid of serious difficulty, if the modern methods at our disposal for exploring the nares be utilized. After thoroughly cleansing the nostrils of all crusts and mucosities by means of a de- tergent spray or douche, containing, preferably, Dobell’s solution,* a careful anterior and posterior rhinoscopic ex- amination is to be made, when, if ulceration, necrosis, polypi, foreign bodies, etc., are present, they can hardly be overlooked. The general history of our patient, and the persistence of fetor in symptomatic ozaena, after free- ing the nares of accumulated secretion, must be kept in mind. Several cases of symptomatic or simulated ozaena, due to the presence of plum-stones, cherry-stones, buttons, pebbles, etc., have been reported by Holmes, Coote, Til- laux, and others. The extraction of the foreign body in these cases was followed by cessation of the symptomatic ozaena. Prognosis.—Cases of true ozaena do not apply for treatment until the disease has existed quite a length of time, and is well established. Hence a cure is wrought with many difficulties, and can only be attained, if at all, by a persistent and long-continued therapeutic, hygienic, and dietetic regime. The writer firmly believes in the occasional curability of true ozaena. The prognosis depends greatly upon the state of the patient’s general health, his age, occupation, etc. If there is a marked scrofulous diathesis, we can materially mitigate the severity of the nasal symptoms, as well as contribute much toward rendering the ozaenic manifesta- tions comparatively endurable, but this is the extent of our present ability. The disease is obstinate in the extreme, but grows less and less apparent as the patient advances in age ; and the writer has seen it practically disappear at the age of forty. While we are unable to achieve brilliant results in al- ways curing ozaena, our numerous and efficient palliative methods may practically reduce the inconvenience of our patient to a' minimum and result in great improvement of his general health. Systematic cleansing and disin- fection of the nares deprives the inspired air, which is otherwise tainted and laden with decomposed effluvia, of its toxic influences, thus improving the general health. During the writer’s professional experience he has been called upon to treat several obstinate and aggravated cases of ozaena occurring in young ladies, circulating constantly during the season in the captivating social festivities of the capital of the nation. The daily dissi- pations of these belles were never interrupted, and their infirmities, thanks to science, have never been the subjects of suspicion. This favorable state of affairs, it is but fair to state, was only secured by the most assiduous use of detergent and antiseptic medicaments—such assiduity as highly sensitive persons would gladly avail themselves of to cover their repulsive infirmity. Treatment.—The treatment of true ozsena is both systemic and local. Systemic treatment should consist of tonics and alter- atives administered in such manner and at such times as to improve the tone of the system and of the assimilative functions. For the anaemia attending ozsena, the prepa- rations of arsenic, quinine, iodine, or iron, such as the tincture of the chloride, the syrup of the phosphates of iron, quinine, and strychnine, or bismuth, the mistura ferri composita (Griffith's myrrh mixture), or the syrup of the iodide, should be employed. Donovan’s, Pearson’s, or Fowler’s arsenical solutions, as well as Lugol’s iodine solution, are at times required by the exigencies of the case. The writer has obtained excellent results from gold chloride, or gold and sodium chloride, to -j? gr. three times daily. Where there is debility, loss of appetite, and emaciation, the syrup of the hypophosphites or lac- topliosphates of lime, sodium, potassium, or iron, either singly or combined, will be of service. Cod-liver oil, malt extracts, liydroleine, oleo-chyle, or, above all, a palatable preparation containing cod-liver oil, long used in the District of Columbia, the formula for which is herewith given, may render valuable service. Mistura Phosphatica (D. C. P.). R. Dilute phosphoric acid f \ jss. Yolk of eggs 3 iij. Cod-liver oil f 1 viij. Glycerine f ? ijss. Oil of bitter almond iUxx. New England rum f % viij. Orange-flower water q. s. Reduce the yolk to a smooth paste ; add gradually the oils with constant trituration, then add eight fluidounces of orange-flower water during brisk agitation. Lastly, add the glycerine, rum, phosphoric acid, and enough orange-flower water to make the finished emulsion meas- ure thirty-two fluidounces. Where, in addition to the above symptoms, there is a well-defined strumous diathesis and special impiarment of the digestive functions, the writer has obtained excel- lent results from the following formula, which he de- vised some years since, and which is now in general use in treating tuberculosis and other wasting diseases : Pulvis hypophosphilum cum Pepsino (Morgan). R. Calcium hypopliosphite 5 parts. Sodium hypopliosphite 5 “ Iron hypopliosphite 2 “ Manganese hypopliosphite 1 part. Pepsin (Boudault’s neutral) 8 parts. Milk sugar 4 “ M. This powder should be finely ground and kept, as well as dispensed, in glass. It can be prescribed in bulk, one- half teaspoonful (15 grs.) three times daily, stirred in cold milk, wine, water, brandy, etc. Lactopeptine, in- gluvin, scale pepsin, or Scheffer’s pepsin may be substi- tuted in the formula for Boudault’s pepsin. The prep- arations of mercury and potassium iodide are indicated when this disease is complicated with a syphilitic dia- thesis. Climate appears to exert little influence on this disease. Abundant exercise, proper ventilation, avoidance of ex- posure, and perhaps sea-bathing, assist in bringing about a favorable termination of the affection. Mineral icaters, especially the sulphuretted, according to some writers, are beneficial when used either internally or locally. Fig. 2733.—Posterior Rhi- noscopio Image in a Case of True Ozsena. (Writer’s case.) * See correct formula, under Treatment, in this article. 448 REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. Ozsena. Ozsena. There is urgent need of further investigations upon this point. Clothing, etc.—The body should be warmly and com- fortably clad, and every attention paid to the mainten- ance of cleanliness and of perfect action of the cutane- ous and renal secretory functions. Diet.—A well-regulated and sustaining system of diet, having due regard to proper action of the intestinal tract and the maintenance of bodily strength, is of first im- portance in managing the disease. Local Treatment may be carried out by means of sprays, vapors, solutions, powders, ointments, medicated bougies, or cotton-wool tampons, medicated cotton, galvano-cautery, etc., and the objects sought to be obtained are : 1, the detachment of crusts ; 2, their re- moval from the nares ; 3, the correction of the fetid exhalations ; 4, the prevention of crust formation, w li i c h latter amounts to curing the disease. Topical applica- tions to the nasal passages and naso- pha r y n x should cause no unneces- sary irritation of the mucous membrane, which is, as a rule, more sensitive than that of either the pharynx or the larynx. They are to be persistently and regularly resorted to by the patient, who should be early impressed with their necessity and value. Most of the instruments devised for applying medicines to the nasal passages can be used by the patient on himself, but should not be entrusted to him exclusively. Sprays may be both of a detergent and remedial nat- ure, and afford a safe, complete, and easily applied method for the management of true ozsena. They may be administered from the hand-ball spray apparatus, from the steam atomizer, from the more convenient compressed air-sprav machines, or from a Lefferts’ spray producer (Fig. 2784). Detergent sprays should be of a rather mildly alkaline and antiseptic character, and should always be employed chlorate, or Condy’s fluid may be used in the place of the borax. Dobell’s Solution* 1$. Sodii boratis 3 j. Glycerini acidi carbolici (Br. Ph. or U. S. Ph., 1870) f 3 ij- Sodii bicarbonatis 3 j. Aquae tepidae (90° F.) Oss. M. There are several questionable modifications of the above formula, all incorrectly passing under the name of Dobell’s solution, and care should be exercised in ob- taining a well-made solution. Another detergent and antiseptic spray is : B. Sodii boratis, Sodii carbonatis aa 3 j. Liq. sodae chloratae f 3 ss.-f 3 iij. Glycerini f 3 vj. Aquam ad f § iv. M. Sig.—To be used as a spray. Collunarium Zinci Boratis Co. (Morgan). B. Zinc chloride gr. xx. Boric acid gr. xv. After dissolving in twelve fluidounces of distilled water the solution is to be neutralized with water of ammonia. Lastly, add two fluidounces of glycerine, and filter. It can be used as a wash or spray, pure or diluted with water. Fig. 2734.—Lefferts’ Spray Producer. Fig. 2736.—Method of Using the Nasal Douche. (Bosworth.) The writer makes daily use of the following formulae as cleansing agents in the form of spray or solution : I}. Listerine, Glycerini boracis aa f 3 ij. M. Sig.—To be used in the spray in the proportion of one part to seven of water. I). Ominico f 3 jss. Glycerini boi’acis f f ijss. M. Sig.—To be used in the spray in the proportion of one part to seven of water. 5. Thymol gr. j. Alcoliolis f 3 j. Glycerini f 3 ij. Aquam ad f § j. M. Sig.—Use as a spray. * See Dobell on Winter Cough, etc., 8vo, third edition, 211. London, 1875. Fig. 2735.—a, Siphon nasal douche ; 6, Weber’s nasal douche ; c, barrel nasal syringe. in the anterior and posterior nares before applications of medicine are made to the diseased parts. The alkalinity of a spray facilitates the dissolving of crusts, and its antiseptic ingredients correct the toxic ef- fects of decomposing secretions upon the nares and gen- eral health. Among the most useful of this class is Dobell’s solution, of which the original formula is herewith given, with Dobell’s statement that ammonium chloride, potassium VOL. v.— 29 449 Ozrena. Oziena. REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. The infusum picis liquid* (U. S. Ph.) constitutes a soothing and highly disinfectant preparation, used either as a spray or wash. Acidum carbolicum qxx., or creaso- tum ntxx., to aq. calcis Oj., will be found an efficient spray or wash. Sprays of the following medicaments, in the strength indicated to the ounce of water, are recommended either as antiseptics, detergents, astringents, or resolvents : Am- monium chloride, gr. v.-xxx.; potassium permanganate, gr. ij.-v.; potassium chlorate, gr. v.-x.; zinc sulphate, gr. j.-x.; zinc sulpho-carbolate, gr. j.-x.; zinc chloride, gr. j.-x.; sol. chlorinated soda, Hxx.-f 3 j.; chlorine wa- ter, ttlxx. ; creasote, TT[ij.-v.; carbolic acid, TTfij.-v.; bo- ric acid, gr. j.-x.; sodium benzoate, gr. iij.-x.; gold chloride, gr. j.-v.; gold and sodium chloride, gr. ij.-v.; glycerite of borax, f 3 j.-f 3 iij. Where a mildly astringent, alkaline, and antiseptic spray is indicated the following may be used : . Acidi carbolici cryst gr. x. Pini canadensis ext. fid f 1 j- Glycerini boracis f § iij. M. Sig.—One part to seven of water in spray. Vapors are occasionally beneficial and must be inhaled at a temperature of from 140°-150° F. from a cup Martin- dale or Bullock inhaler, or other apparatus, furnished with a suitable nasal fitting, into which water and the de- sired medicament have been placed. Among the most useful of the moist or steam inhalations are: If. Creasote lUv.-x. to water Oss. Tr. benzoin comp, f 3 ij.-f 3 iij. to water Oss. To the above may be appropriately added the vapor acidi benzoici; the vapor acidi carbolici; the vapor ammonii benzoati; the vapor ammonise ; the vapor cubeba?; thewapor iodi; the vapor pini sylvestris ; the vapor tereben*, and the vapor tliymolis, all of the London Throat Hospital Pharmaco- poeia. • The patient should remain in-doors for some time after using these vapors. The fumes of nascent ammonium chlo- ride may be inspired through the nasal passages by the patient from a Kirkwood or other inhaler, or forced into the ante- rior nares from a Cohen-Lewin inhaler, and are beneficial in promoting secretion. An excellent method for the administra- tion of nascent fumes of ammonium chlo- ride is to place the patient in a closed room and generate the fumes from sodium chloride and sulphuric acid mixed in one saucer, and water of ammonia in another by its side. In this manner a prolonged inhalation can be taken with little effort to the pa- tient. This particular process is, so far as I am aware, due to Dr. William M. Mew, U. S. Army Chemist, Washington, D. C., and has been long and successfully used by the writer. A simple, inexpensive inhaler may be contrived by placing a small piece of sponge in a glass tube of one-fourth inch bore, and moistening it with a mixture composed as follows : ff. Creasoti f 3 j. Tinct. iodi f 3 vj. Chloroformi f 3 j. M. Sig.—Ten or more drops on sponge inhaler. The above mixture may be inhaled through the nares from a sponge attached to an ordinary respirator, which may be worn for fifteen minutes morning and evening. Solutions are best employed by means of the anterior (Fig. 2735) or posterior (Fig. 2737) nasal syringe, the si- phon (Fig. 2735), or Weber bottle douche (Fig. 2735), or they may he snuffed from the palm of the hand or squeezed into the anterior nares from a sponge previously charged with the remedy. Some precautions are to be observed in the use of these cleansing solutions by means of the douche, as they may in rare instances cause ear trouble by passing into the Eustachian tube, and even into the cavity of the middle ear. The principal cause of such an-accident is traceable to involuntary swallowing during the use of the douche, or to douching with cold water. In employing a Weber nasal douche the bottle is ele- vated (see Fig. 2736), the nozzle is inserted into the nar- Fig. 3738.—Warner’s Catarrhal Douche. rowest nostril and pressed firmly, the mouth is held open, and the head is bent’forward, when the stream will flow out of the opposite nostril if there is no obstruction. About twelve ounces of liquid at 90° F. are to be used in each nostril, when all crusts and scabs will usually be detached and washed out. If any crusts remain after this irrigation, they may be removed by mopping the nostrils with cotton, and, in- deed, by using the forceps for their extraction. The barrel syringe (Fig. 2735) can be used for cleans- ing the nares from the front, being introduced first into one and then into the other nostril, part of the liquid escaping by the mouth and part by the nostril it origin- ally entered. If, however, the nostril is tightly com- pressed around the nozzle of the syringe, the mouth held open, and the head bent forward, the liquid may be made to escape through the opposite nasal passage. The post-nasal catarrh syringe (Fig. 2737), and Warner’s catarrhal douche (Fig. 2738), are both almost indispen- sable for cleansing the parts by way of the pharynx and posterior nares, and in using them the nozzle is inserted behind the palate, the head thrown forward, and the in- Fig. 3739.—Post-nasal Tube attached to a Bulb-syringe. strument discharged through the nasal passages, the fluid flowing into a bowl in front of the patient. Warner’s douche (Fig. 2738) can be more readily ma- nipulated by the patient himself than can the post-nasal syringe. Systematic applications of solutions to the nasal pas- sages in true ozsena, by means of the appliances described, will enable us to do much toward improving the general health of the patient and curing his local disease. The solutions employed in the nasal douche, catarrhal douche, post-nasal or barrel syringe, etc., should have a temperature of about 90° F., and appended is a list of serviceable formulae for such purposes, in the strength indicated to one pint of water : Carbolic acid, gr. v.-x.; sodium chloride, 3 ss.- 3 j.; sodium carbonate, 3 j.- 3 iij.; sodium borate, 3 j.-3 iij.; creasote, utv.-x.; potassium permanganate, gr. ij.-x.; calx clilorata, 3 ss. ; liq. sodse cliloratae, f 3 ij.-f 3 vj.; zinc sulphate, gr. v.-x.; zinc sul- pho-carbolate, gr. v.-xv. Fig. 3737.—Post- nasal Syringe. 450 REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. Ozsena. Ozae na. The addition of from one-half to one ounce of glycer- ine to the pint in any of the above is to be advised. Powders.—Much has been written against the use of insufflations into the nares in treating nasal affections, but the writer is personally very partial to the employ- ment of these preparations in suitable cases. Powders should be used only after the diseased parts have been thoroughly cleansed and disinfected by the physician or patient, and must be evenly applied aud not allowed to cake in the sinuosities of the nostrils. Some of the powders commonly resorted to are : I). Iodoformi 1 part. Acidi tannici li part. Lycopodii 2 parts. M. Sig.—For use in the anterior or posterior (Figs. 2740 and 2741) nasal powder-blower. II. Acidi boracici 1 part. Resorcine 1 part. Lycopodii 2 parts. M. R. Iodol 1 part. Lycopodii 3 parts. M. R. Hydrarg. cliloridi mitis 1 part. Amyli 2 parts. M. I). Hydrarg. oxidi rubri 1 part. Saccliari albi 30 parts. M. R. Hydrarg. ammoniati 1 part. Sacchari albi 30 parts. M. R. Acidi salicylici 1 to 3 parts. Lycopodii 10 parts. M. I). Pulvis sanguinarise 1 to 2 parts. Lycopodii 2 parts. M. IJ. Pulvis galangse 1 to 2 parts. Lycopodii.... 2 parts. M. II. Iodoformi 1 to 2 parts. Lycopodii 2 parts. M. These poAvders should be finely ground and kept dry ; they are to be applied evenly from an anterior (Fig. 2740). tors, the drawing up of mucus and tlie caking of powder in the tube w’hen the bulb expands, cannot take place in this instrument. Again, the instrument is charged with a known quan- tity of powder, which is discharged into the nares, and not an indefinite amount from a powder bottle, as is generally the case. This powder-blower is furnished with a scoop, and the exact amount of powder desired can readily be placed in the instrument. A trigger con- trols the air-blast, and the at- tachments for the anterior and posterior nares, ear, larynx, etc., are made to screw on, thus insuring safety. Ointments are frequently of great value in treating this dis- ease, and are by no means re- sorted to as often as they should be. These preparations can be applied by means of a camel’s- hair pencil or cotton carrier to the nasal passages, and exert a soothing disinfectant and cura- tive influence. Among the ointments worthy of mention are: Unguentum cadmii iodidi, unguentum liy- drargyri ammoniati, unguen- tum hydrargyri iodidi rubri, unguentum hydrargyri nitratis, unguentum iodi, unguentum iodoformi, unguentum picis liquidse, and unguentum sul- phuris, all diluted with cosmo- line, vaseline, or simple oint- ment to suit the particular case. 5. AtropiaB gr. ss. Iodi gr. iij. Acidi carbolici.. gr. iij. Petrolati . | j. M. Sig.—Apply to nares with a brush. 5. Iodol gr. xv.-xxv. Ungt. aq.rosael j. M. 1J. Iodoformi gr. xij. Acidi carbolici cryst gr. v. Iodi gr. iij. Petrolati | j. M. Medicated bougies are occasionally of service in treating ozeena, the most useful being buginarium acidi carbolici, Fig. 2741.—Posterior Nasal Powder-blower. (From Robinson.) Fra. 2740.—Anterior Nasal Powder-blower. (Smith.) or a posterior nasal insufflator (Fig. 2741), and preferably by the physician, although patients in time become quite expert in using these instruments. The powder-blower preferred and used exclusively by the writer is one of his own design (Fig. 2742), and has the advantage of being universal and of being suitable for office work or outside practice. In the first instance this insufflator can be worked by the office compressed- air apparatus, in the latter by the hand bulbs, which run an ordinary spray. It will be noticed that the frequent and annoying accident which occurs with most insuffla- Fig. 2742. — Morgan’s Com- pressed Air - scoop Powder- blower, showing detachable anterior and posterior nasal, ear, and laryngeal attach- ments. Adapted for use with rubber bulbs or with the of- fice air-receiver. 451 Ozacna. Pagosa Springs. REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. buginarium iodoformi, buginarium thymol, etc., of the London Throat Hospital Pharmacopoeia. When these bougies, which have as their basis gelato-glycerine, are introduced into the nostril they gradually dissolve, thus bringing the medicament into intimate and prolonged contact with the affected mucous membranes. Medicated cotton-wools were introduced by Woakes, and medicines can by their use in the nares be brought into direct and constant contact with the diseased surfaces. The gossypium acidi boracici, gossypium iodi, gossy- pium iodoformi, etc., are valuable formulae. The writer, in using these wools, generally plugs only one nostril or a portion of both nostrils at a time. Cotton-wool tampons are recommended by Gottstein to promote a moderate but constant flow of mucus, thus preventing the drying of the mucus, which is the cause of the fetid odor. A tampon of cotton-wool is introduced into the nasal passages by means of a screw (Fig. 2743), and permitted to remain therein a few hours every day. This treatment is said to be very beneficial in special cases, but must be persevered in for several years. The galvano-cautery is recommend- ed by a few writers (B. Frankel) as exerting a decidedly curative influ- ence upon ozama when used cautious- ly and over limited areas of the dis- eased Schneiderian mucousmembrane and submucous tissues. The entire nasal membrane should be cauterized during this treatment, which may consume a month or more for its completion. The middle and inferior turbinated bodies, the roof of the nose, and, lastly, the septum should under- go cauterization. No complications worthy of mention result from such applications, and no extensive slough- ing need be anticipated. These cauterizations certainly tend to materially reduce the viscid secre- tion and the subsequent formation of crusts, by a reparation of the mucous membrane. ’ Harrison Allen appears to rely on the galvano-cautery also as a cleans- ing agent, and states that if a spiral- looped electrode be introduced cold into the nares and pressed against the crusts, and the electrode is heated, so firm an adhesion takes place between the heated electrode and the incrusta- tions as to permit of their speedy and complete removal. He states that when, after the removal of all visible crusts, the fetor persists, it is reasonable to infer that the palatal depression of the floor of the nose is filled with decomposed mucus. The electrode, properly curved and introduced, will bring away quantities of discharge, which cannot be re- moved in any other way, not even by douches, etc. Chemical caustics are, in the writer’s opinion, seldom in- dicated in the treatment of true ozsena, although silver nitrate, chromic, acetic, and nitric acids have been recom- mended by a few authors. Animal grafting by means of frog’s skin and galvanism have recently been used in the treatment of ozsena. Bibliography. N.B.—To the references bearing an asterisk in the following list the writer is especially indebted. Actuarius: Do methodo medendi, lib. ii., c. viii. iEtius: Tetrabibios, ii., sermoii., cap. 90. Audouard : Ozene symptomat. d’une necrose partielle du maxill. super. gauche. In Bull, de la Soc. Anat., novembre 1876. Avicenna : De ulceribus in naso. lib. ii:., cap. iii. et iv., tract. 2, edit, de 1595. Azambuja (D’) : De Pozeue et de son traitcment, 1874. These. Baginsky, B. : Ozone laryngo-tracheal. In Deutsche med. Wochenschr., 11., 25; Societfe medic, de Berlin, 17 Mai 1876; Berlin, klin. Wochen- schr., 1876, No. 37, p. 537. Berger, J. G.: Dissertatio de coryza, polypo, ozaenii, in-4°. Witem- bergse, 1691. Bod6e, de Liege: Traitement de l’ozdne par la teinture d’iode et le ni- trate d’argent. In Presse medic, beige, mai 1860. Bonetus, Th.: Thesaur. med. pract. ; Ulcera narium. GenSve, 1691, t. 1., p. 104. *Bosworth, Francke H. : Diseases of the Throat and Nose. 8vo. New York, 1881. *Bosworth, F. H. : Ozsena, Archiv. Laryngol., vol. iii., No. 3, pp. 232 to 239. Bottcher: Abhandlung von den Krankheit, der Knochen, Knorpel und Sehnen. Konigsb., 1787, 3 Th. Boudant: Du traitement aux eaux du Mont Dore du coryza chronique et de l'ozene, Lyon med., 1870, v., 166 to 171. Boyer: Traite des maladies chirurgicales, t. vi. Bremond: D’une conformation particuliere du nez produisant l’ozene vrai et la surdite. Bee. d. actes du Comito med. d. Bouches-du-Bhone, Marseille, 1S81-82, xx., 226 to 235. *Bresgen, M. : Der chronischer Nasen- und Bachen-Katarrh. Wien, 1881. Britton, J. B.: A Case of Ozaena of Long Standing; Destruction of Tis- sue ; Deposition of Larvae or Ova of the Screw-worm ; Three Hundred Discharged from the Nasal and Buccal Cavities; Death, Kansas and Missouri Valley M. Index, Fort Scott, 1883, iv„ 68 to 74. Browne, L.: Thymol and other Antiseptics in Ozaena, etc., Brit. Med. Jour., London, 1879, ii., 691. Busch : Behandlung der Sogenanten Ozaena Litzungst, d. nied. rhein. Calmettes, B. : De l’ozene vrai. In Ann6e medicale du Dr. Bourneville pour 1S79, et Bevue des sciences m6dicales du Prof. G. Hayem, 15 avril 1880. Ibid., Progres medical, 8 octobre 1881. Camerarius, E. B.: Dissertat. de ozaena, in-4°. Tubing®, 1692. Cazenave, J.: De l’Oz6ne non venerien. Paris, 1881. Cazenave, J. J.: Coryza chronique, punaisie, choix d’observat., etc. 8°. Paris, 1848. Cazenave, J. J. : Du coryza chronique et de l’ozene non venerien. 8°. Paris, 1835. Celsus: De re medic., lib. v., cap. v., sect, i., Traduct. des Etangs., Paris, 1859. Casabianca: Des affections de la cloison des fosses nasales. These, 1876. Cloquet, J.: Memoires sur quelques points de la physiologie et de la pathol. de la membr. pituitaire. In Jour, hebdom. do medecine, 1830. Cloquet, J. : Osphresiologie. Paris, 1831. *Cohen, J. Solis-: Diseases of the Throat. 8vo. New York, 1879. ♦Cohen, J. Solis-: Fetid Coryza, Phila. M. Times, 1873-74, iv., 417-433; also Beprint. Cooper, Samuel: Surgical Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1861. ♦Cousin : Ftudes sur l’ozene. In Bull. gen. de therap., No. 15, 1868. ♦Cozzolino, Vincenzo: Ozene. In Bev. intern, del sc. med., Naples, 1879. Cozzolino, Vincenzo: Ozena o Binite ulcerosa fetida e Pseudo-ozena, Studii Pathologici, Clinici e Terapeutici. Napoli, 1879-80. Cozzolino : Ozena et sue forme cliniche. Napoli, 1881. Crato, Johannes : Epist. Philos. Med., Hanoviaa, 1610, epist. cvi., p. 188. Crequy: Traitement de l’ozer.e par des injections de chloral, Compt. rend, de la Soc. therap., in Bull. gen. de therap., 14 juillet 1874. Dawosky: Die Stainknasel (La Punaise) Memorabilien. Heilbr., 1878, xxii., 558. Desaivre : Observat. sur les ulceres simples de la membrane de Schneider. These, 1865. ♦De Campos Solles, A.: De l’ozene et des rhinites fetides. Par., 1886, 53 p., 1 pi., 4to, No. 267. Deschamps: Traito des maladies des fosses nasales et de leur sinus, 1 vol. in-8vo. Paris, 1804. Desnos : Art. Coryza, in Nouveau Diet, de mod. et de chir. pratiq., t. ix., 1S69. Dobell, Horace : Winter Cough. London, 211, 3d ed., 1875. Duplay: Coryza caseeux. Ibid., p. 806. Eyselein : Ozaena und Kali chloricum, Deutsche Zeitschr. f. prakt. med- icin, 1874, No. 41, 353. Fabricius ab Aquapendente: Cap. xvi., De ozaena narium ulcere. Lugd., 1628. Fernel: Pathologia, lib. v., cap. vii., de morb. narium, edit. 1679. Ferries, A. : Considerations sur le coryza chronique et l’ozene. 4to. Paris, 1860. Follin et Duplay : Traite de pathologie externe, t. iii., p. 791, in-8vo, 1874. Forestus: De nasi affectibus, lib. xiii. Both., 1653. ♦Frankel, E.: Kritische Bemerkungen zu der Brochure du Docteur en Medecine de la Faculte de Paris. Alfred Martin, De l’ozene vrai. Breslau, aerzte. Ztschr., 1881, iii., 123-127. ♦Frankel, E.: Pathologisch. anatomisch. Untersnchungen liber Ozrena. Arch. Path. Anat. etc., Berl., 1879; T. F. V., 45-70. ♦Frankel, E.: Weitere Untersuchungen uber die “ Bhinitis chronica atrophica feetida ” (ozaena simplex). Archiv f. path. Anat., etc. Berl., 1882, xc„ 499-520. ♦Frankel, B.: Ziemssen’s Cyclopaedia, vol. iv., p. 136. Franks, Kendal: Dublin J. M. Sc., June, 1881, 511. Frank, Joseph: Pathologie interne, Traduct. de l’Encyclop. des sciences medic., iv., p. 37, 1840. Gailleton : Du traitement de l’ozene et des ulc6rations de la muqueuse du nez par les douches nasales. In Mem. et Compt. rend, de la Soc. des sciences medic, de Lyon, t. v., 1865-1866. Galen : De compos, pharmacorum sec. locos., lib. iii., c. iii. Galen : Ed. Kuhn, t. xix., p. 440. Gallizioli: Traite curatif de l’ozene par l’emploi d’une pommade au ni- trate d’argent. In Gaz. m6d. ital., toscane, et Union medic, de la Gi- ronde, septembre 1856. Goodwill®, D. H.: Extirpation of the Bones of the Nose and Mouth by the Use of the Surgical Engine. 1879. ♦Gottstein, J.: Ueber Ozaena imd eine einfache Behandlungsmethode der- selben, Berlin, klin. Wochenschr., 1878, No. 37, p. 554. Fig. 2743.— Gottstein’s Cotton-wool Tampon. A, screw armed with wadding-tampon ; B, the unarmed screw. (Mackenzie.) 452 Owena. Pagosa Springs. REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. ♦Gottstein, J.: Zur Pathologie und Therapie der Ozaena, Breslau Aerztl. Ztschr., 1879, i., 169-177. ♦Gottstein, J. : Ueber die Verschiedenen Pormen der Rhinitis und deren Behandlung vermittelst der Tamponade, Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1881, xvii., 49-52. ♦Hartmann : Beitrag zur Lehre von der Ozaena, Deutsche med. Wochen- schr., No. 13, 1878 (Autopsie). Haward, Warrington : Sur l’ozene in Saint George’s Hosp. Rep., t. viii., 1874-1876, pp. 123-133. Quatre Obs. d’oper. de Rouge, dont trois ozenes. Hedenus : Die Stinknase, Ozaena. In Deutsche Klinik, 1861, No. 28. Henry: Ozene traite avec succes par des injections d’une solution de chlorate de potasse. In Bull. gen. de therap., 15 mai 1857. ♦Herzog, J. : Der fotide chronischer Nasencatarrh (Oztena), Wien. med. Presse, xxii., 911, 946, 975, 999, 1071. 1881. Hundertmarck, O. F.: De ozaena venerea. 4°. Lipsiae, 1758. ♦Krause, H.: Zwei Sectionen befunden von einer Oztena, Arch. f. Path. Anat., etc., lxxxv., 325-343. Berlin, 1881. Krebel, R.: Ueber Coryza scrophulosa fotida, Med. Ztg. Russland’s, xiv., 106. St. Petersburg, 1857. ♦Kurz: Memorabilien. Ileilb., xxv.. 337-346, 1880. Lagneau : Art. Oz&ne in Diet, de med. en 30 vol., t. xxii., 1840. ♦La Notte, G. : Su di un caso di ozena nasale e laringo-tracheale, Archiv. ital. di laryngol., iv., 167-170. Napoli, 1884-85. Letzel, G. : Ozaena, geheilt durch Iodoform, Allg. Med. Centralztg., xliv., 549. Berlin, 1880. Loewenberg: De la nature et du traitement de l’ozene. in-8°. Paris, 1884. Reprint from Union m6d. Paris, 1884, 3 s., xxxviii., 842, 881, 913. Loewenberg: The Nature and Treatment of Ozaena. Trans, from Union med. by H. McS. Gamble, Gaillard’s M. J. N. Y., 1885, xxxix., 387-401 (May number). Loewenberg : De la nature et du traitement de l’ozene. Cong, internat. d’otol., c. r. et mem., 1884. Bale, 1885, iii., 119-124. Lucas, R. C. : On a Case of Syphilitic Ozaena for which Rouge’s Opera- tion was Twice Performed, etc., Lancet, i., 93, London, 1873. ♦Mackenzie, Morell: Diseases of the Pharynx, Larynx, and Trachea, 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1880. Maisonneuve: Note sur une nouvelle methode d’irrigations nasales et sur son application au traitement de l’ozene. In Bull. gen. de therap., 15 janvier 1854. ♦Martin, Alfred : De l’ozene vrai. These de Paris, 1881. Kritische Be- merkungen zu der Brochure by E. Franltel, Breslau Aerztl. Zeitsclir., ii., 1881, 123. ♦Martin, A.: De l’ozene vrai, 80. Paris, 1881. Massie: Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., anno iv. Napoli, 1882. Mayern, Thomas: Praxeos Mayernianae Syntagma, vol. i., cap. xvi., p. 89; also vol. ii., p. 261 et seq., Londini, 1690. Meyer, F. A.: Commentatio de ozaena. Hambourg, 1785. ♦Michel: ICrankheiten der Nasenhiihle. Berlin, 1876. Michel : Maladies du nez et du pharynx nasal. Berlin, 1876. Traduction franpaise de Cappart. Bruxelles, 1879. Moldenhauer, W. : Die Krankheiten der Nasenhohlen, ihrer Neben- hiihlen und des Nasenrachenraums, etc. Leipzig, 1886. Morgan, E. Carroll: The Administration of the Hypophosphites in Pow- der, Med. 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