PROJECT REPORT COMMITTEE ON FOOD RESEARCH QUARTERMASTER FOOD AND CONTAINER INSTITUTE FOR THE ARMED FORCES CHICAGO ILLINOIS IISKARCI AND BRANCH HILITAXT PLANNING DIVISION OPPICK OP TM QOAKTBIMA8TBK GKMXKAL TOm^S!UJ?FMWrvity LOCAL ft©st 168th St., New York, 3£,N.Y onn si otecnooi or PuciifTE&hlTh OEF-WnAGlt1'1-1 njgisnc OFFICIAL I NJIESJI SAJ0R4 ,, T. L. J. Golclwater, M.C. C0lLA.WT0fS E. Shils REPORT NO. ST FILE ~fbR.Jp e&ii&q: mis'w l""NEyvtJintrBT' "TW? g INITIATION DATE Tl TL **£ J FR0§RE$S REFONT [ jPHASE NEFONT [ J ANNUAL REFORT [ ]TERMI NATION REPORT Physiology of Appetite SUMM ARY 1. Most of the rats were able to maintain their weight or gain sligntly in a self-selection maintenance situation. 2. The selections of most nutrients varied greatly from day to day and week to week within the same cage and also between the two groups of litter-mate-rats. Of special interest is the fact that in one cage average casein intake remained quite constant; in the other cage it fell off gradually but persistently. 3. Bee.use of the marked variations it is concluded that self-selection maintenance is not a technique that lends itself to discerning small but significant changes in intakes unless very large numbers of rats are used. This would vary, however, depending on the nutrient, for the intakes of some substances were much more stable tnan others. 4. "Positional eating” may occur with group feeding, contrary to the observation of Young (J. Comp. Psych. 5Y 371, 1944). while it is not a constant finding its occurrence makes random changes in the positions of tne solid foods necessary. 5. The amount of intake of nutrients is apparently regulated largely by the volume of tne solution that the rat chooses to take end not by the concentration. Changes in concentration do not reflect themselves in similar changes in volume. With the possible exception of riboflavin the vitamin intake was far above physiological requirements. . P-1011 #2 (Continued) 1 COMO FORM S April 46 12-121 (Kwiamd) SDLF-SEL. CTIdN EXPWRII HIT I* Description of Cages. The most serious problem in cage design for self-selection experi- ments is that of providing for accurate measurement of solid food intake. Rats have a habit of carrying food in their paws and in their mouths from the food cup to some part of the cage tdiere it drops through the fldor screening into the shavings, making accurate measurement of food intake impossible, A modification of an idea suggested to us by Dr, 2, C, Albritton of the Department of Physiology ©f George 'Washington University, Washington, D. C,, was tried and proved satisfactory. In his self-selection cages Dr. Albritton employs truncated, cone-shaped, inclined runways which are loca- ted inside the cage and at the bottom of which are food cups. This device forces the rat to back up when leaving the cup, and in so doing its front paws must be used for balance and motion, depriving the animal of the opportunity of carrying food. In our cages (Figure l), the runway is placed outside the cage for two reasons: (l) to reduce the food loss to a still greater extent, and (2) to eliminate the necessity of opening the cage whenever food cups have to be replaced. The runway was built of wire mesh in the shape of a truncated cone. The measurements, 2 3/V' at the top, 2" at the bottom over a length of 7% were chosen so as to allow young adult animals to crawl through the runway and yet to prevent then from turning around once there. Continued F-1011 #2 FIGURE 1: Representative Portion of Self-Selection Unit Showing Essential Elements.• Food Runway Flanged Collar Drinking Tubes Screw-cap Food Cup Removable Pan P-1011 Continued On our cages the runways are placed in a vertical position rith the wider diameter at the top, forcing the rats to use their front legs for balance and notion and so preventing then from carrying food back into the cage. Food scattered or dropped is collected in a container sur- rounding the food runway to half its length, h'ith this device an accurate record of food intake can be kept. The runway is attached to the cage by means of a flanged collar and the food cup is secured to the runway by means of a screw-cap which is permanently fixed in its position by soldering it to the end of the runway. A rectangular cage, 25" x 15g" x 10 >n serves as the basis of the self-selection unit, the Mrat cafeteria”. The sides and top of the cage are of 18 gauge, l/V mesh sustained by an alum, nun alloy or sheet iron frame. The floor of the cage is two inches from the bottom of the frame and consists of a removable wire screen of IS gauge g" wire mesh. Beneath the floor, yet within the cage frame, is a galvanized metal pan, removable to facilitate waste disposal. The entire front of the ca e is hinged and serves as a door. Experi- ence with this type of door, however, indicates that its purpose would be better served by a smaller opening about 7" wide located in the center of the front side of the cage. This change in design was ordered for addi- tional cages now under construction. A metal strip 1" wide, attached to the rear of the. cage, serves as an anchorage for drinking tubes used in the self-selection. The calibra- ted drinking tubes used were of the conventional design. P-1011 #2 Continued II* Height maintenance. The ability of the rats to maintain their health and weight in the "rat cafeteria" was investigated first. Twelve 120 day old female rats of the Sherman strain were used. These were distributed between two cages, three each of two litters in each cage. The purified nutrients offered were as follows: CaClo - 2/ solution Thiamine - (1) 200 mcg/nl (2) O0 ncg/ml KC1 - 1/ solution Riboflavin - (1) 25 ncg/ml HgSO - 0.5/ solution (2) 5>0 mcg/ml Tap Water Niacin - (1) 1000 ncg/ml (2) 100 ncg/ml Na HP0, - (1) ko (2) 6/ Pyridoxine - (l) 200 meg/ri (2) 100 mcg/ml NaCl — 3/° Ca Pantothenate - (l) 100 mcg/nl Biotin - (l) 5 mcg/ml (2) 0,1 mcg/ml Choline chloride - 3000 meg fa1 Vitamin A (in corn oil) 100 I.U./ml Corn oil Casein, vitamin free - as a solid Cerelose - as a solid The nutrients in liquid form were offered in calibrated tubes of capa- cities best suited to the individual concentrations used. Because of the limited capacity of the food cups, two food runways were set up for each solid nutrient. ’.'eights have been recorded at weelzly intervals for a five week period and are tabulated in Table I. Only eight of the twelve rats gained weight in this period, two main- tained their weight and two lost weight. The rats are being continued on self-selection. Continued P-1011 #2 J.ABLE 1: heights of Rats Before and During the Five Week Self-Selection Period. Cagd I 'Rat ! * Before Self- |Selection 1st Leek! 2nd Leek! 3rd Week Uth Week 5th Week ; ! Gins. Gms. Gms. Gms. ' Gms. Gms. Litter 1 l 197 205 211 206 205 197 it 2 189 198 207 210 204 207 ii 3 200 *.09 219 , / /4 221 2.15 Litter 2 4 193 204 214 216 213 213 ti 5 177 187 188 183 176 170 ii 6 155 165 176 ? 177 176 183 Cagell Litter 2 7 182 178 19C 182 181 179 h 8 202 212 2*.0 *24 <.29 223 ii 9 171 174 185 182 185 179 Litter I 10 207 217 ✓ci9 210 198 t! 11 211 230 240 237 240 243 it 12 195 *:03 208 200 202 216 III -stake Variationi In the initial five week period during v.hicn tho rats were on self- selection main ten; nee, tne daily intakes of each of tne 17 nutrients \ offered (listed on page 4) were recordec. for eecn of the two groups. The extent of tne variations of each of tne nutr;.ents within each cage and between cages is presented in three different ways: (1) Expressing the range of intake of eacn nutrie. ft in each cage in terms of percentage variation from the minimum intake (Table 2). P-1011 -l2 Continued (2) Charting the average d- ily intaxes of the nutrients on a weekly basis (Fig. 2). (3) Calculation of the standard deviations for each nutrient for each week (Table 3). Examination of these data shows marked variation of intake for most of the nutrients. Thus in terms of average percentage variation from tne minimum intake (Table 2) only NagHPO/., NaCr and cerelose nave a range below 100%, while KC1, vitamin A in corn oil, riboflavin, pyridoxine, corn oil and casein have ranges between 100% and ,.00%. The ranges of the remaining nutrients varied up to 61o% of the minimum intake,as in the case of biotin. TABLE 2; Range of Weekly Mean Intaxes of Nutrients; expressed as percentage variation from tne minimum intake. Nutrient Group I Group II Averagej Nutrient Group I Group II Average % Q % % % CaClp 600 ' 40 3^0 Riboflc vin** 160 110 135 KC1 110 445 16& Niacin'0' 475 50 460 MgSC>4 180 6^0 400 pyridoxine'0" *-50 85 165 H^O 310 400 455 | J3a Pan 350 345 335 N&2HPO4* 60 90 75 Choline 00Q 500 390 NaCI 90 80 85 Corn Oil 80 0 0 CM 140 Biotin** 1500 14.0 310 Cerelose 14 pc 19.5 Vit. A (in 85 145 105 Casein 0 0 i-V 45 110 corn oilj m, • • "X— Tina mine 770 300 535 A * Over a 4 week period at one concentration ** Over a 3 week period at one concentration P-1011 $ 2 Continued C_ I’O..]. Biotin A Niacin Ca P:int othenete- Pyridoxins B Tap Watop Casein CaCl;, WttK L"/ V' F. h O S FlorliNl; 2: i-.vcrage Daily Intake rer 6 Hats for Bach of 5 Weekly Periods: - subscripts following each nutrient refer to cage number. Arrows refe'r to- time oil,changes in text) as follows: Pibof.l&vin - from c,b mcg/'m.l to 50 mcg/ml. Thiamine - 200 " " " 50 " " ' Niacin - " 1000 ” M M 100 " " Pyridoxine - 200 " " ” 100 " " Biotin - " 5 ” ” " 0.1 ” " NavfiP04 - " 4% to 6% Continued P-1011 #2 D L F Corn oil R'” Oerelose Choline chloride i%so4 Vit. A (in corn oil) Riboflavin thiamine W J\ L '/ 04 I . ! 60.b;23.6 58.4 0 7 * 28.0 8.7 40.3 21.5 32.1 7.3 24.9 7.1 30.3 3.6 20.9 5.9 44.4 10.9 26.2 9.2 1 riaCl 14.5 'X 'X . 11.8 12.4 5.3 23.5 8.1 6.2 1.7 18.2 4.7 15.8 s.o 32.6 9.8 11.0 5.4 23.9 6.6 i i5iotin .2 .1 5.7 4.3 3.8 3.8 81.1 8.8 .97 .95 13.0 7.7 * .98 1.0 1.5 2.9 5.9 5.0 9. C 4.3 i 1 Vit a(in 5.9 U . 1 rj rj 1 . / 1.4 2.9 .18 7.6 . 28 3.6 .53 7.8 2.7 3. 2 .6 4.0 2.9 5.9 1.3 . n *± . ( .65 , corn oil) 1 jt, . ; in 1 am me 3.9 8.9 •X rz • KJ 2.3 4.4 4.9 2.6 14.3 * .99 .62 2.8 2.1 .36 .25 2.5 5.3 3.2 2.5 10.: 3.6 I i Riboflavin 71 . 1 J. . 5 . 46 .46 .41 . 38 .44 .37 * .34 . 43 .43 .14 .9 .37 .89 .53 .43 .2 .9 .45 1 ; iMiacin 1.3 1.1 .9 .51 1.5 1.8 2.1 1.5 * 1.4 1.3 b.5 4. 6 1.1 2.3 10.8 3.6 6.4 7.0 8.4 6.5 i 1 Pyridoxine 7.2 4.5 9.5 4.1 12.0 6.5 9.9 2.5 * h.i 3.3 8.6 13.2 .93 .8 12.7 4.6 3.1 2.8 6.9 6.1 | Ca Pan 7.8 2.9 12.5 2.8 5.4 1.9 8.7 6.3 2.7 2.8 8.5 c. • Ci> 1.7 1.4 6.0 7.0 2.5 1.4 2.6 2. 2 ; Choline 5.7 8.0 5. 6 2.4 <"< rX 8.9 . 66 1.2 4.9 2.3 3.0 3.1 5.1 5.1 .8 2.8 1.5 1.1 3.4 2.0 i ! Corn oil I d.3 8.1 7.8 2.9 3.5 .85 4.9 1.7 3.7 1.2 4.3 .71 4.0 1.2 2.4 1.5 3.8 1.5 • 1.7 Cerelose v ! 28.6 2.8 85.1 r> rr • O 31.9 7.8 22.9 6.0 31.3 4.5 22.6 3.3 30.1 ■8.9' ch r\ 60 • \J 1.2 32.7 .0 26 = 5.4 \ ’ Casein 17.5 4.9 15.8 4.0 15.8 1.8 14.9 4.2 11.0 .6 12.6 2.0 8.1 J..5 13. : 8 5.7 .8 12. 8.7 TABLE 3: Deviations Prom Mean Daily Intakes Per Cage For Each of 5 Weekly •. -j.’.ods. * Changes made in concentration from that of preceding weeks (see Pig. &). P-1011 Continued me?, n in group I. Stc ndard deviations for KC1, vitamin A in corn oil, casein and corn oil ? re generally 50% of their respective means or less (Table 3). Those for CaClp, water, riboflavin, niacin, calcium pantothenate, choline chloride and pyridoxine vary from approximately 50% of their respective means to values equal to or slightly greater than the means. IV Positional Eating: A study was made of the problem of "positional eating". The four food runways were numbered according to their position around tne cage as follows; Position 7fl - left front of cage Position ij3 - left rear " " Position #4 - right rear " " Position ,v 6 - right front " " The solid foods, c. sein end cerelose, were moved as indicated bexow and the intake and positions were recorded daily. In cage I tne positions of these foods were cnnnged daily in a random manner for a three wTeek period and then were kept constant for two weeks; in cage II the positions were changed daily for the entire five week period. Table 4A shows the percentage of total weekly intake of each of these t o foods at each position in cage II for tne five wreexly periods. It is apparent tnat the animals ate more of tne solid foods from position l. than from any of tne otners. Out of 19 possible choices, eating position 1 ranked first in intake if times and ranged second 6 times. This left only the one remaining choice to fit tne two remaining ranks, a condition whicn is well above the probability due to chance sampling. P-1OIL H2 Continued . TaBLE 4A: Pe rcentage of Total Intake from Each Food Cup at Each Position. CAGE II Cup I-Cerelose Cuj- IV-Cere.lose week 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4 th 5th i Positions % % °/o % % % % % % fe ! 1 i 4 2. 2 nr. 24.3 26.0 37.0 36.8 23.5 37.4 53.4 r i 1 00 1 <.>* i 3 IS. 9 21.5 47.2 20.9 26.0 21.2 22.7 29.0 19.0 23. 2 4 27.3 co • 5 28.5 29.0 24.0 25.0 20.0 — 26.0 30.2 6 10.6 21.5 — 24.1 13.0 17.0 33.8 33.7 21.6 18.1 Cup XI- Casein Cup Ill-Casein Position % °/o 7* % > ye > /e ye ye 1 24.8 32.6 — 24.7 23.4 43.5 45.8 19.0 34.6 31.0 3 34.1 29.0 25.7 22.5 17.4 82.2 11.4 37.5 28.6 27.1 4 23.3 28.8 52.0 30.7 30.8 15.8 26.2 21.4 23.1 23.2 6 17.8 9.6 22.3 22.1 28.4 18.5 lo. C 28.1 14.7 13.7 TABLE 4B: Percentage of Total Intake from Each Food Cup at Each Position Cage i Cup I-Cert slose Cup IV_Cerelose Cup II-Caseir Cup Ill-Casein Week 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Positions * a/o % % % > % % % (ii /O % 1 £2.0 30.6 16.8 21.0 22.2 21.1 25.4 14.4 20.7 25.5 17.9 2 2.0 rz 26.9 27.0 52.8 25 • 3 20.3 «, n t? • ». ' 19.9 31.0 17.9 33.9 36.1 27.5 4 28.5 23.6 21.1 24. 6 15.1 26.1 23.9 25.8 11.5 -- 23.5 18.3 6 22.6 13.6 19.4 27.7 32.4 29.5 30.3 28.9 39.9 30.4 22.4 o r i <0*8.1 P-1011 Continued Tabme 4B presents a similar breakdown of the tnree weex period in which the positions were changed in cage I. In this case tne dis-. tribution of tne amount of food intake is much more in accordance with random choice. Thus, in tne behaviour of the rats in one cage, there appears to be a clear-cut example of "positional eating", while in the other cage this was not so apparent. V Changes in Concentration: The effect of changes in concentration on intake, both liquid and solid equivalent, was next investigated. Fith slight variations, concentrations of the liquid nutrients first employed were those used by Richter and Hawkes ( am. J. Physiol. 13i 639, 1943) ana are given on page 4 under weight maintenance. Sodium phospnate (dibasic), thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and biotin were selected for change in concentration. The results of the changes are tabulated in Table 5* a. Effect on volume. Chen tne concentration of sodium phosphate was increased from 4% to 6% there was l decrease in liquid intake of 55% in cage I and a decrease in liquid intake in cage II of 4S%>. The concentration of thiamine was decreased to one-quarter of the original value (i.e. from 200mcg/ml to 50 mcg/ml). Following this the licuia intake decreased to nne- seventn of its previous value in cage I while in cage II it decreased to one-half of its previous value . Doubling the concentration of riboflavin from 45 mcg/ml to 50 mcg/ml was followed by a slight in- crease in intake in cage I and a tnree-fola increase in cage II. P-1011 -■?, Continued Tuble C; Influence 01 in Concentre. t.i on on *re . il-.1- Intake per ;,n:i;ul i f' 11 i Inti ke In ta ke I'"it-:’ '-nU Cone. s Voluu “ Vclur 3 Sol c '4 . i j 10.1 „ls 40 j in | i O i»l i Id - ' r n # « O / c 63**-** 5.6 '• 4? li ..£3. thiamine <.00 m eg s/ml----* .69 " ■ •°i 1—1 • . 5 ; j 100 50 11 .41 " <.0.5 : •|C£3 . ,6b li 43.0 " Riboflavin <5 *' *"* .09 " *••3 ti .07 11 1.9 " 50 11 •v'-x-x- .06 3.1 ii .12 n 6.0 Niacin 1000 " ** .14 " :-37 I. • 1! 45i " 100 11 *** .174 " 17.*- 11 1.4 II 14.0 " Pyri cioxine too " *-* 1.6 » 313 it 1.7 li 330 11 100 !i ----- •> J u 34.0 1 1.6 II 160 » Biotin 5 •* ,Hi* .44 " l... 1. *4 » 4: 1! 7.6 " 0.1 !1 ** .57 .057 1! .87 II .067 11 ...v rogo over u 4 •:rAoc oi one -.eexc •;h(- Averag- or or a per.; oc oi ti o v n:xs x.vji vjV;1. ii ioi.. oi titi ;o j •"'Ki' average ovrr a perioc oi ion ’ eoks P-1011 #2 Continued then the concentration of niacin was reduced to one-tenth of its original value from 1000 mcg/ml to 100 mcg/ml the intake in cage I decreased 30%; in cage II, however, the reduction in concentration was followed by an increase in intake of 500%. When the concentration of pyridoxine was halved, from 100 mcg/ml to 100 mcg/ml, the intake of this vitamin was decreased by a proportionate amount in cage II while in cage I a reduction to one-tenth the original intake occurred. Reducing the concentration of biotin from 5 mcg/ml to 0.1 .mcg/ml followed by an increase in intake of 100% in cage I and a decrease in intake of 150% in cage II. b. Effect on intake of nutrient. As the concentrations of thiamine, niacin, pyridoxine and biotin were decreased, the intakes of the nutrients decreased in all instances, but the percentage of decrease varied greatly and the pattern of intake in the two cages was entirely different. As the concentration of riboflavin was increased the nutrient intake increased slightly in one cage ana markedly in the other. However, as the concentration of was increased, nutrient intaxe decreased in both cages. VI Conclusions: 1. Most of the rats were able to maintain their weight or gain slightly in a self-selection maintenance situation. 1. The selections of most nutrients varied greatly from day to day and week to eek within the same cage and also between the two groups of litter-mate rats. Of special interest is trie fact that in one cage average casein intake, remained quite constant; in the other cage it fell off gradually but persistently. •. . ... ,.ro P-1011 42 16 Continued 3. Because of the marked variations it is concluded that self- selection maintenance is not a technic ue that lends itself to discern- ing small but significant changes in intaxes unless very large numbers of rats are used. This would vary, however, depending on the nutrient, for the intakes of some substances \.ere much more stable than others. 4. "Positional eating" may occur with group feeding, contrary to the observetion of Young, * . While it is not a constant finding its occurrence makes random changes in the positions of the solid foods necessary. 5. The amount of intake of nutrients is apparently regulated largely by the volume of the solution that the rat chooses to take and not by the concentration. Changes in concentration do not reflect themselves in similar changes in volume. Pith the possible exception of riboflavin the vitamin intake was far above physiological requirements. Young,P.T. - J. Comp. Psych. 37 371, 1944 P-1011 #2 Continued TASTE THREbnOLB LAPiA-ilMEHl Richter (Harvey Lectures 38 63,194k-3) studied the intake by rats of solutions of various toxic substances offered in gradually increas- ing concentrations in a simple choice situation with water as tne alter-,, native. It was thought worthwhile to repeat and extend some of his experiments. Mercuric chloride was the first substance studied. Tnree male rats approximately llo days old, of the Sherman strain, were used, each in a separate cage. Before offering the mercuric chloride an a ttempt was made to eaualize the vater intake from eacn of tne t* o tubes in order to rule out the effects of "positional " selection or other idiosyncracies. Tube positions were changed in a random manner. At the end of eight days total intakes were as follows: Tube jfl Tube ftU Rat #1 204 nils. 216 mis Ro t #2 238 " 177 " Rat #3 332 " 220 " Except in the case of Ret #1, equalization did not taxe place. Mercuric chloride was therefore introduced into that tube showing tne greatest intake so that any decrease would be more readily detected. In the next 10 days each of tne tnree rats were given mercuric chloride solutions of regularly increasing concentrations. Each concentration of mercuric chloride was offered for' a two-day period followed by water as a check after every two succeeding concentretion revels. Tubes were changed in a random manner. P-1011 Continued FIG-UitL 3: Affect of Increasing Concentration of HgClc on Intake Dash. Line Water Solid Line _HgCl<. Y LO \ O I N T A \\ C. In S nv> t 1IV Qp'i'o Ptf '.Cot H o C U The concentration of tne solution was increased from 0.0001% to 0.004% when intake of mercuric chloride stopped. At this point water was substituted for the mercuric chloride. Figure 3 sho> s the intakes of mercuric chloride solutions and of water as tne eoncentm tion of the former was increased. It can be seen that the intake of mercuric chloride decreased sh roly as the concentrations increased beyond 0.001%. At tnis point there is an immediate increase in water intake showing the response to a substitution of water for mercuric chloride. These results closely follow those reported by hienter. In a similar manner the taste threshold for sodium arsenite was investigated(Figure 4)• As tne concentration of sodium arsenite was increased from 0.0001% to 0.01l%, intake decreased from 30 mis. P-1011 jL2 Continued FIGURE 4: Effect of Increasing Concentration of sodium Arsenite on Intake Dash Line Later Solid Line Sodium Arsenite (“LuiO ImT im Tih e Ptr Ctnt Csim. cF Sdi um G.'’ Se'rn t e. to about zero. Later intake over trie same period increased from DO mis. to 60 mis. then water was substituted for the sodium arsenite, on the Lind day, intake from this tube increased to i5 mis. The intake from the original . water tube decreased proportionately at tne same time. In general tne pattern for sodium arsenite follows that of mercuric chloride quite closely. P-1011 #2 20