PROJECT REPORT COMMITTEE 0M FOOO ftF,SEARCH QUARTERMASTER FOOD AMD COKTAIHER INSTITUTE 1 FOR THE ARMED FORCES CHICAGO ILLINOIS ssiSABCi aw© ©STssarawT nsjpca MILITARY P1.AIWIWO 9IVXEX0* OFFICE OF TEE SJ8A8YEEMARTM 08NEEAI. mrmrnre- mti turn* he University of Chicago LOCALITY Chicago 37, Illinois 1 biological Sciences OEP ARTNCNT Food Research Institute jw:cbfei"seTte*cic" COLLABORATORS Morris D. Selm eider REPORT RO.T COfa\-(Jo%0-qm-70305 61947 •l'Vffll«y*I647 TITl£: [*] PROGRESS REPORT [ j PH ASE REPORT [ J ANNUAL REPORT l JTERNJNAT I ON REPORT Significance of Salmonella Types SUMHAtY Food of animal origin has occupied an important place in balancing rations supplied our armed forces. Obviously, it was of prime importance to protect the health of troops by such rigid inspection service as it was practicable to conduct. Food poisoning outbreaks, while kept at a significantly low level, were not entirely eliminated. One aspect of this work in relation to the public health concerned vigorous investigations of Salmonellosis outbreaks in man. Painstaking efforts v;ere directed toward elucidation of these out- breaks. It cannot be denied, however, if one carefully examines many of the published reports, that the evidence is sometimes questionable in implicating one or another food as the source of the infection. Food and food products, particularly meats, eggs and egg products have been found to harbor many Salmonella types, implying their possible role in Salmonella outbreaks in man. Nov/ that so many types have been identified from various foods it be- comes exceedingly important to investigate the alleged pathogenicity of these particular strains for man. Two approaches toward solution of the problem Pare apparent. One is to test directly the affect of the alleged pathogens 'on human volunteers; the other is quite basic in nature, requiring more knowledge of the organisms through a close inspection and study of their [organic constituents which might shed some light as to the pathogenic sig- nificance of these organisms in comparison to well established human path- ogens. Toward the latter, we have directed our attention. 1 CQMD FORM 5 Apr51 ‘♦o 12-121 WO Improved methods of isolation and accurate technics , for antigenic analysis of Salmonella organisms have led to the clas- sification of a single genus of microorganisms which is distinct- ive for no other genus of bacteria. So unique is this classifi- cation that currently more than 180 Salmonella types have been characterized. Judging by the rapidity with which new Salmonella types are being reported, one is tempted to look upon the exist- ence of multiplicity of species with some suspicion. This fact alone suggests that basic organic chemical changes re being ex- perienced by these Salmonella organisms, implying instability of antigenic elements. Particularly docs it appear to be true for the flagellar antigenic components. Evidence has been accumulat- ing, chiefly as a result of the work of Edwards and his associates, which points rather emphatically to the unstable nature of flag- ellar antigens. Natural or induced transformations have never been reported for the Salmonella group, iliile modifications have been described for this genus in certain isolated instances, they are not equiv- alent to the transformations of pneumococcal types or that of the '‘Berry” phenomenon for certain viruses, The changes which have been observed are for the most part so-called "loss variations". Thus, for example, it is possible through artificially exhausting the d antigen of 5. salinatis IV, XII; d,e,h - d,e,n,zjg to trans- form the latter to a species indistinguishable from that of S. gan- ciego IV, (V), III, e,h - Similar reports of "loss variants" may also be found. Perhaps the nearest approach to transmutation may be found in the recent report of Bruner and (1), in which are described a number of antigenic changes produced in vitro, involving the growth of Salmonella types in the presence af homolo- gous agglutinating antiserums. One change concerns S* thompson VI, VII; k - 1,5 which v/as transformed into a culture serologically identical with S. Cardiff VI, VIIi k - 1,10 by growth in serums for phase 1 (k) and single factor 5. Thus are the unstable properties of flagellar constituents strongly confirmed. The latter fact strengthened by known duplications of somatic antigens among many Salmonella types has justified the proposal of a plan for testing the possibility of artificially inducing predictable, type-specific modifications. in order to test the probability of inducing changes among Salmonella species, two cultures were specifically selected. The cultures included B. ouliorum IX, XII) and S. Montevideo VI, VII, g,ra,s, - It was reasoned that if through some method or methods the living organisms of tho non-mo tile b, pullo rum could be induced to acquire the flagellar constituents of £. montevideo the resulting bacilli might podtibly resemble e_. entexitidle I, IX, XII) g,m - _ in many of its antigenic constituents. Therefore, serial cultures were made of S. pullorua in a broth medium containing im ct- iv ted homologous antiserum. A suspension of B. Montevideo cells was BA-903 $1 2 heated at 63°C for seven minutes. The two cultures, with appropriate controls, were inoculated into a series of mice. S. enteritidis was isolated from 64.5 per cent of the experimented animals. However, the results strongly favored the possibility of the mice harboring this species of Salmonella prior to the inoculations. It was advisable to repeat this experiment. The work to date indicates that, under the conditions attempted, it has not boon possible to induce cultures of £>. pullorum to acquire antigenic elements from other Salmonella types, namely, S. montevideo or E. typhosa. S. pullorum was isolated from seven of thirty-four mice inoculated with living colls of this species, a recovery of 20.6 per cent. Efforts are being continued toward altering the antigens of S. pullorum into such competent organism which might undergo a modi- fication in body character. In view of the evidence presented it is entirely reasonable to suppose that interconvertibility of Salmonella types is possible, even though the present attempt has failed. Reference (l) Bruner, D. W., and Edwards, P. fU ; Changes induced in non- specific antigens of Salmonella. J. Bact. 5j5: 559 (1947) M-903 #1 3