1886.] Zoology. 901 {American Naturalist Extra, October, 1886.) Human Cerebral Fissures, their Relations and Names and the methods of studying them.1—In 1873 Professor Wilder read before the Amer. Association for the Adv. of Science a paper on the fissures of the Carnivora. Since that time he has prepared for the museum of Cornell University many human brains, foetal as well as adult, and of several races ; has examined nearly all the literature of the subject and published several papers on special points, the latest being “ On the paroccipital, a newly recognized fissural integer” (Jour, of Nerv. and Mental Disease, June, 1886), and communications before the recent meet- ing of the Am. Neurol. Assoc. While far from satisfied on cer- tain matters, since each fissure should be monographed, the con- clusions now presented are, he believes, worthy of consideration. The study of the human fissures should be preceded by the study of the general characteristics of fissures upon some animal easily obtained at all stages of growth, and in which their arrangement is more simple. At present no help is gained from the attempt to refer the human fissures to a series of regular arches. The memorizing of their positions and names may be facilitated by regarding the cerebral surfaces simply as unexplored regions, and by learning certain fissures before others. The “ landmarks ” are the mesal margin of the hemicerebrum, the callosum and the Syl- vian fissure. Accepting the usual division of each hemicerebrum into lobes, occipital, temporal, parietal and frontal, the last may be advantageously subdivided into prefrontal and postfrontal by a line continued from the presylvian fissure. The first fissures to be studied are the ten interlobar : Sylvian, presylvian, central, cir- cuminsular, callosal, occipital, hippocampal, ixoccipital, preoccipital and preoccipital fovea, the last three perhaps inconstant. Next the seven constant, intergyral fissures with structural correlatives : basisylvian, olfactory, amygdaline, calcarine, collateral, postoccipital fovea, and lambdoidal (not Owen’s but one lately shown by Profes- sor Wilder to be collocated in the foetus with the lambdoidal suture). Third, the fifteen constant, intergyral fissures, without struc- Abstract of paper read before the A. A. A. S. at Buffalo, Aug., 1886, by Burt G\ Wilder, M.D. * 902 General Notes. [October, tiiral correlatives: Paracentral, par occipital, supertemporal, meditem- poral, subtemporal, subfrontal, superfrontal, insular, supercallosal, or- bital, precentral, supercentral (dorsal part of precentral), postcentral, parietal and precuneal. Lastly the thirteen intragyral, inconstant fissures : Adoccipital, inflected, fronto-marginal, postcalcarine, sub- occipital, prepar occipital, postparoccipital, intraparacentral, medi- frontal, intermedia, subsylvian, episylvian and hyposylvian. Total, including the sagittal (interhemicerebral) forty-six, a larger number than before enumerated. The names are mononyms, selected or formed from names in common use or already pro- posed by some original investigator. Most of them imply either the relation of fissures to structural correlatives or their position relative to some main fissure. The same is the case with most of the gyral names, but a few have been correlated with the border- ing fissures; lingual and fusiform, for example, are replaced by subcalcarine and subcollateral. The paper was illustrated by dia- grams of the mesal and lateral aspects of the hemicerebrum, and by lists of the fissures grouped as above. Some of the fissures were discussed in detail, and the paper concluded with an expres- sion of the belief that the common idea of the usefulness of the brains of monkeys as foundations for the study of human brain is erroneous, and that, contrary to the view and practice of Mey- nert, it is much better to examine foetal brains at various stages of growth. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXIX. The figures are diagrammatic, but based upon a very simple, adult, mulatto brain, No. 322 in the museum of Cornell University, and they probably represent an ex- treme degree of fissural independence. The gyral names are in capitals. The fissural names are in italics and commonly placed just below the fissure lines. All the names on the figures are Latin, but the English paronyms are used in the text. The abbreviations F. prs., F. sbs. and F. 6s. stand respectively for the presylvian, subsylvian and basisylvian fissures. The ex oc- cipital is Wernicke’s fissure, or the occipitalis anterior of Schwalbe. PLATE XXIX. Human cerebral fissures.