ITEM No. 8 FILE No. IX-4, XV-7 COPY No. INTERVIEWS ON CHEMICAL WARFARE COMBINED INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT 01? INTERVIEWS WITH Prof. Bacq Dr. Moritz Ney Ing.chemiker Robert Thill Dr. Keller Dr. D’Huart Reports by Lt.Col. H.Gullumbine, R.A.M.C. Gapt. Paul V. Seydel, C.W.S. Capt. James P. Munn, C.W.S. CIOS Black List Item 8-CHEMICAL WARFARE COMBINED INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUB-COMMITTEE 6-2 Division, 3HAEP (Rear) APO 413 TABLE OP CONTENTS Subject Page Ho* REPORT I 1* Reason for Visit..... 3 2. Movements 3 3* Prof .Bacq*s Story •••• k U. Comments •••• 6 REPORT II \ Introduction 7 1. Personnel Interviewed 8 2. Description of Robert Thill. 8 3* Interview and Description of Dr. Keller.... 8 U* Interview with Dr. D*Huart 9 3* Description of Dr. Key 9 6. Information from Dr. Ney 10 7. Information obtained from Thill. 8. Information received from Dr. Keller about Stell Shall Casing Ik 9. Recommendation. 13 PERSONNEL OP INSPECTION TEAMS Lt.Col. H.Cullumbine, R.A.M.C. Capt. Paul V. Seydel, C.W.S. Capt. James P* Munn, C.W.S. 2 REPORT I Subject: Visit to Prof. Bacq at Liege University. 1. Reason for visit. Information received from Cmdr. Eley U.3.N., M.C., and Mr. Sherwood N.D.R.C., that Prof. Bacq had prepared a BAL-like structure effective against arsenical vesicants. 2. Movements 3 November Left London by air at 11.00 hours for Brussels. Arrived Brussels 13*00 hours. After 2 hours wait "begged** a "lift" from airfield to Brussles. Reported to D.(C.W. and T.), 21 A.G. This proved to be the correct procedure for Lt.Col. Cave who "fathers** all C.I.O.S's investigators in 21 A.G. area, had booked me accommodation. He arranged transport to take me to Liege on k November 1944* Inquired whether Prof. Bacq or his colleagues or their work were known to D. C.W. Assured that M.I.10 list of Belgian C.W. personalities was complete and did not contain Bacq* s name. Nor was anything known of Bacq or his work. k. November 19U4* Brussels to Liege by road. Did not take an organic chemist with me as only T.O. with such qualifications was at Eindhoven and in any case Liege was in the American area. Called on M. Lereux and Dr. Duchamps of the Soci£t6 Beige de 1*Azote, 16 Quai de la Grande Britagnie through whom, Mr. Sherwood said. Prof. Bacq would be the most readily contacted. They said that Prof. Bacq was ill in hospital. They themselves could give no details of Prof. Bacq*s researches. Called on Prof. Bacq at the University Hospital. He had a carbuncle of the cheek and could not open his mouth to talk. Arranged to visit him again in 2 days time. Returned to Brussels. 5* November 19UU. As Col. Chittick U.3. Army and Mr. Sher- wood had interviewed Prof. Bacq, M. Leroux and Dr. Duchamps some weeks previously, I asked D. C.W. if they would check on the reliability of these people and find out what posit- ions in the Belgian C.W. organisation they held. Heard that No*3 Anti-Gas Laboratory had contacted certain personalities of Brussels University so decided to visit the Laboratory and enquire whether they could tell me more about Prof* Bacq* Major Gear, 0.0* of the Laboratory, was most helpful* He introduced me to Prof* Jean Brachet of Brussels University. Prof. Brachet said that Prof* Bacq was a Physiologist (now Professor of General Pathology, formerly Professor of Animal Physiology) and had been in charge of Belgian medical C.W. research before the German occupation. Professor Bacq had continued to work on C.W. throughout the German occupation and had published many papers on the subject. 6 November 19U4* Brussels to Liege again. Saw Prof. Bacq at hospital and also some of his collaborators at Li&ge University. Returned to Brussels. 7 November 19U4* Reported to D.(C.W. and T.) and arranged for a T.O. to visit Dr. Desreux at Liege University in two weeks time to collect further information. Received request from ETOUSA to visit Dr. Dessaine, Brussels, who had worked with Prof. Bacq. Called on Dr. Dessaine but he was not at home. Arranged for him to be interviewed later in the day by D.(C.W. and T.)*s staff. 15-00 hours. Returned by air to London. 19*30 hours. London to Porton by train. 3* Prof* story: Prof* Baeq was appointed head of the Department of Phy- siology of the S.P.G. in Oct. 1939. He then commenced his researches on H, PS, ON and similar agents. On 11 Nov. 1939 he noticed that dilute H on a frog1 a nerve-muscle preparation behaved like monoiodoacetic acid in preventing relaxation of the muscle after contraction. Therefore assumed that H acted like monoiodoacetic acid and "■block- aded" the -SH groups of proteins. PS and ON behaved similarly as did all the lachryraators and vesicants tested. (Lewisite, DC and other arsenicals were not tried because of "their instability in aqueous solution"). They all inhibited lactic acid formation by muscle Juice from protein. Therefore the action of these agents on various enzyme systems studied, using yeast cells or yeast cell Juice. In addition a histochemical method of detecting this "block- ading" of -SH groups in tissues was devised. This was the extent of the progress made by May 19k0 when Belgium was invaded* After the occupation Prof* Bacq continued his studies on the mode of action of C*W* agents as part of his routine research at Liege University* The action on crystalline ovalbumin, denatured ovalbumin, globulin (from the lens of the eye), urea, urease, pepsin, etc. was Investigated and he concluded that H, PS, ON had a marked and indeed select- ive action on -SH groups unless high concentrations were used* With PS and CN, R-S-S-R* compounds are formed by the oxidative removal of 2-H atoms by 2-01 atoms from PS etc. With H, or R-S-CH2.CH2.S- CH2 *CH2.C1 compounds are formed. The proteins so formed behave like "foreign** proteins i.e. have antigenic prop- erties and so produce systemic effects, hypersensitivity and local tissue necrosis. The decontaminating properties of solution of cysteine and reduced glutathione have also been assessed. They were effective in preventing the effects of PS on the human skin and also mitigated the burn produced by liquid H - if they were used almost immediately after contamination. Dr. Desreux, lecturer in Physical Chemistry at Lifcge University, has been in charge of the chemical side of this investigation. He suggests that they have a very sensitive method of estimating quantitatively the amount of H, PS, or CN present by means of this reaction with -3H groups. For example, for H vapour the latter is ab- sorbed in chloroform or carbon tetrachloride, to the solution is added a dilute cysteine solution and then one of three things can be estimated viz.: (a) chloride content (b) change in pH (c) change in cysteine content. The latter is the more sensitive and full details of the method will be available in 2 week's time. I arranged for D.(C.W. and T.) to collect these details and to forward them to us here. Prof. Bacq provided me with several score of his pub- lished papers on this research. These will be forwarded as soon as possible, when a more detailed survey of their work will then be possible® U. Comment: There is nothing really new in this work and the deductions drawn would not he accepted here. However, detailed criticism can wait until the papers have heen fully studied. It is interesting to note that the Germans allowed this research to continue; they never once, apparently, questioned Prof. Bacq and his colleagues as to the aim of their research* It is strange that the Chief of the medical research section of the Belgian C.W. organisation should have heen unknown to our own Intelligence or C.W. organisation, especially as he and his colleagues at Liege had continued to work and publish their findings throughout the German occupation. It is suggested that a perusal of the scien- tific literature of the liberated countries might he of value. Definitely new discoveries may not have heen made hut, from the physiological, medical and biochemical points of view especially, any fresh ideas on the mode of action or the therapy of the common C.W. agents would he most useful at this present juncture. It is further suggested that the team of workers at Lifcge should he encouraged to continue their researches into the mode of action of H, PS and CN - subject to a confirmation of their political reliability. It would facilitate fulrure investigators of similar reports if they could he provided with a brief account of their quarry’s political, C.W. and scientific back- ground. /V H. CULLUMBINB Lt.Col. £•A.M.C. HEADQUARTERS EUROPEAN THEATER OF OPERATIONS UNITED STATES ARMY CHEMICAL WARPARE SERVICE APO 88? REPORT II SUBJECT: Interviews with Dr. Ney, M, Thill, Dr. Keller and Dr. D*Huart. INTRODUCTION The interviews described in this report were made outside of the sphere of CIOS. After the interviews were obtained, it was discovered that Robert Thill was on the CIOS Target List. Since M. Thill was not originally the primary target, during the interview with him it was only attempted to find out if what he said checked with Dr. Ney*s statements, and if he knew anything that Dr. Ney had not mentioned. As far as could be determined. Thill held his position in German gas defense thru the recommendation of Dr. Ney, As a result of this, detailed notes were not taken after the interview with Thill, since with the exception of the inform- ation noted in paragraph 7* no new information was obtained. However, since the information obtained from Dr. Ney was essentially that desired from Thill, it was decided to present the report in its original form to CIOS. 7 1, Personnel Interviewed 11 V Based on a recommendation in Report No. 31> CWS-EEIST No.l (2l/l/i4.5) signed, Capt. James F. Munn, a further interview with Dr. Moritz Ney, chemist, of 6 Rue de la Garde, Metz, was arranged with Cml 0, 12 Army Group and Cml 0, 3rd Array. Information obtained from this interview led to interviews with the following chemists: a. Ing. chemiker Robert Thill, Rue d'Orange It, Luxembourg. b. Dr. Keller, Rue George V, 5» Hayingen (Chief chemist of "Les Petits Fils de Wendell and Cie.".•.steel mill. This mill is located west of the center of Hayingen, on the road to Longwy). c* Dr. D'Huart, Floratstrasse 8, Hagendingen (Chief chemist of the steel mill "Usines Hagendingen’, formerly part of the Herrman Goering Werke). 2. Description of Robert Thill. M. Thill was visited 31 January by the undersigned, in company with Capt. Munn and Dr. Ney. Thill and Ney are very close friends, and say they intend to open an analytical laboratory in Bordeaux or Marseille after the war for import and export service. Thill is blond, about 5 ft. 8, about 150 lb., long face, wears very heavy dark horn-rimmed spectacles. His wife is Belgian, bom in England. They have a three-year-old daughter. Thill speaks French, German, Luxembourgoise, and a little English. His laboratory and equipment for gas analysis is at present in the Luxembourg government laboratory, where analytical work on foods, water, fertilisers, wine, etc. is carried on. Thill is said to have been outspokenly anti-Nazi, and to have been saved from getting into serious trouble only by previous connections with diplomatic corps work. He was very cooperative and friendly, but did not seem to know a great deal about German CW beyond what was necessary to run gas anal- yses and do decontamination work. 3* Interview and Description of Dr, Keller. Dr. Keller was visited by the undersigned, Capt. Munn and Dr. Ney on 1 Feb. 1j5« At the time of the visit he was at home recovering from extremely bad sore throat, and could hardly talk. Subject is about 55 or &0 years old, partly bald, medium height, weighs about 150 - 160 pounds, did not wear glasses, roundish face. He had spent three weeks in Huremburg, Germany to learn the process for making steel casings. Dr. Keller evidently was the only one at the mill who had complete knowledge of the subject, and access to all the papers# He had one of his assistants give us a few test diagrams, and samples of a finished shell and one in an intermediate stage, and said that if we would return next week when his throat was better, he would give us copies of any papers we wanted, and complete information on the methods of testing and manufacture. This information was given to Col. Toftoy, Ordnance, Hq, ETOUSA, who will follow it up. it* Interview with Dr. DfHuart. Dr. D'Huart was visited by the undersigned, Capt. Munn, and Dr. Ney on 1 Feb. U5» at the Usines Hagendingen, and later at his home for tea. Subject was of slight build, short, brown hair, round face, pleasant expression. He is married, and has two girls about six and ten years old. Dr. D'Huart had no information of value to the CWS, but had formulas for making HE and armor-piercing shell which they had made for the Germans. These were chrome-vanadium Thomas steels. He showed us the formulae, and offered to give any information we desired. If this information is of value to the ordnance, it may be obtained when Dr. Keller is visited. (Dr. D'Huart described how he and his family and several others hidi in the woods west of the town when the Germans retreated, as the Germans took most of the populace with them. One of the directors of the steel mill, a M. Claus, was strongly pro-Nazi, during the occupation, and returned with the Germans to Germany). 5* Description of Dr* Ney, With regard to Dr. Ney personally, much time was spent with him during the three days from 30 Jon. to 1 Feb., 19h5* He proved to be a very valuable contact for us in that region, since he knew well practically all the important chemists, and is on very friendly terms with them. During the three days, on bringing Dr. Ney without warning into contact with the people we visited, there was nowhere any evidence of a desire to withhold infor- mation, nor during all the conversation was there any contra- diction of what he had said previously, or of any knowledge in our hands. Ney had gone on two occasions to Berlin, and once to Frankfort oM. to take part in courses in instruction on detection, analysis and decontamination of gases. During this time he had spoken to German chemists, but had not obtained much information beyond that which was necessary for his purposes* Most of the newer ideas and trends are given in a report on a conference of a number of chemists interested in this field, which Dr. Ney attended. This report will be forwarded with the report on this interview to be written by Capt. Munn. Dr. Ney's wife and two children are in Paris, where they were sent when the German breakthrough began in December. Dr. Ney is greatly interested in photography, and is president of the camera club in Metz. Dr. Neyfs laboratory is one of the best-equipped private labor- atories the undersigned has seen (some of the equipment and materials may have been "inherited" from people who have left). He has an exceptionally large selection of both organic and inorganic reagents of all types. Probably fear of losing this life’s collection had a great deal to do with his working with the Nazis. Nay has had the lab dismantled many months due to bombardments - it has only recently been set up again. It is strongly to b© recommended that future contacts in this region be mad© with the assistance of Dr. Ney, who has proven highly cooperative. Practically all of Dr. Ney’s papers were returned to him (having nothing new or of special interest to CWS). It is to be noted that this pleased him very much, and was used as a talking point by Ney himself to help obtain papers from Dr. Keller on steel casings. It is believed that if Keller’s papers are brought back to the next interview with him, he will be even more cooperative. 6. Information from Dr* Ney, In addition to the information given to Capt. Munn’s report, the following was given by Dr. Neyt a. Analysis of H, and detection: The only research problem except for general development of gas detection methods given to Dr. Ney by the Germans was to determine the composition of the compound formed in the reaction of H with Chloramine T and gold chloride. Dr. Ney worked on this difficult problem for some time without ever coming to a definite conclusion. (This sensitive detector reaction is carried out by adsorption of H on silica gel, addition of gold chloride and then addition of chloramine T. It is already known by US CWS). Another method of analysis of H is precipitation from a solution with sodiumdi- ©thyldithiocarbamate, which will precipitate H but not dithian (this second compound could be used to simulate H, and is comparatively harmless.) b. Detection of CN and BBC: To a solution of either of these agents in carbon tetrachloride is added a few drops of 1% 1,1|. dichloro-5»3"dinitrobenzol, then a few drops of alcoholic KOH. BBC gives a violet color and CN a red color. This reagent, de- veloped by Dr. Ney, has the advantage over m-dinitrobenzol of differentiating between these two gases. The reaction is quite sensitive. o. Schwarts reagent for N-mustards: This reagent is specific for N-mustards, and does not react with the ethanolamines. To carry out the reaction, spot a piece of filter paper with the unknown solution, allow it to dry for a minute or two, then add next to this spot a drop of dichlorobenzoquinone in acetone. A blue color will develop in the presence of N-mustards. The test solution is not stable for more than a week and should be prepared fresh. (Schwarz is located at Kiel University). d. French field analysis kit: Dr. Ney gave Capt. Munn a small steel kit containing equipment and reagents for conducting field analysis of materials suspected of being contaminated. This kit was designed by Perronet, of l