ITEM No. 8 FILE No. XXI—4 COPY No.... MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICAL WARFARE INFORMATION. COMBINED INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUB-COMMITTEE MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICAL WARFARE INFORMATION I. G. LEVERKUSEN 27 April 1945 Reported by M. P. POOLER U. S. CIVILIAN CWS HQ. ETOUSA 12 May 1945 CIOS Black List Item - 8 Chemical Wairfare COMBINED INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUB-COMMITTEE G-2 DIVISION, SHAEP (REAR) APO 413 •I TABLE OP CONTENTS Subject Page ITo. il. Introduction. ..••• •••• 3 a. Thionylchloride (SOCI2) 3 b. Protection Against G3MG1 3 c. Tear Gas 3 d. Artificial Fog and Its Production.. 4 e. Colored Smokes •••••••••••• 4 f. Titanium Smokes. ••••••.••••••••••••• 4 PERSONNEL OF INSPECTION TEAM Mr. Francis J, Curbis .....CWS* Hq. ETOUSA Gmdr. Charles L. McCarthy ..USER Dr. Mayor P, Fogler CWS, Hq. ETOUSA Lt, Col. Joseph E. Smadel MC AUS Lt. Col. Hamilton Southworth US PHS Dr. Ernest H. Volwiler. CWS, Hq. ETOUSA MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICAL WARPARE INFORMATION I. G. U3VEEKUSBN 1. INTRODUCTION. The following items were briefly discussed with Dr. Klebert at Leverkusen. a. Thionylchloride (SOCl?). The I. G. at Leverkusen shipped to Aramendorf (be- tween Halle and Merseburg) for manufacture of poison gas. Ammen- dorf was said to have been a station for gas manufacture during war of 1914-16. The capacity of the SOCI2 plant at Leverkusen is 140 tons per month and up to 90 tons per month were shipped to Amrnendorf. Shipments to Ammendorf during war years were as follows; 1938 21 tons 1942 600 tons 1939 170 " 1943 700 " 1940 440 " 1944 220 « 1941 645 ” 1945 b. Protection Against GNC1. Considerable research work was done at Leverkusen in an attempt to find a satisfactory agent for use in gas mask can- isters against CNCl. General method of approach in experiments was to seal CNCl in ampoules with various agents and analyze for CNCl decomposition after a time. The work was said to have pro- duced no worthwhile results, c. Tear Gas. Work was done on process for a tear gas, HG00CC1* by action of phosgene on methyl fonnate. The phosgene presumably acted as a chlorinating agent. H-d-0-CH^ C0Clo p =-> H-CH3-CCI3 It was stated that this lachrimator was well known and that none had 'been produced at Leverkusen during the war. d, Artificial Fog and Its Production. The I.G. at Leverkusen developed an apparatus used exclu- sively for shore installations by the German Navy for producing fogs from mixtures of SO3 and The proportions of the ingredients varied with the seasons and were as follows: Summer Winter so3 5<^j kOfo C1S03H 5Cr/o te/o The apparatus was manufactured by various small firms to drawings and specifications developed at Leverkusen. Prints are available at Leverkusen. Leverkusen produced the SO3-CIHSO2 mixture for the Navy. The capacity was about 750 T per month and production for the Navy during the last several years has been as folio*,vs: Year Tons Year Tons 1939 111 1943 6513 1940 0 1944 5400 19U 0 1945 155 1942 1811 Total (circa) 14,000 e. Colored Smokes. Considerable work was done at Leverkusen under the general direction of Dr, Klebert on inorganic colored smokes. No tan- gible results were obtained and none were manufactured. The pur- pose of the smokes was for use in signal corps of German Amy, f. Titanium Smokes, was a product of Leverkusen and was made up to a number of formulae for smoke screens. This plant was put out of opera- tion by bombing late in October, 1944* M, F. P0GLER , U. S. Civilian CWS, Hq. ET0USA 4-