ITEM No. 24 FILE No. XXIX-2 Copy No. 38 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF LEIPZIG COMBINED INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUB-COMMITTEE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF LEIPZIG Reported by: Comdr. CHARLES A.W. UHLS. (MC), US1® CIOS Target No. 24/141 Medical COMBINED INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUB-COMMITTEE G-2 Division, SHAEF (Rear) APO 413 p. 1485 TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION II INSTITUE OF ROENTGENOLOGY III DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY IV DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE V DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY VI DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY VII DEPARTMENT OF BIO-CHEMISTRY VIII INSTITUTE OF PATHOLOGY DC INSTITUTE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 2 SUMMARY OF DATA OF POSSIBLE IMPORTANCE University of Leipzig VI Department of Physiology. The Reichswehr (technical division for tanks, tank destroyers and artillery) was interested in Gerstner's work on the effect of loud tones and overtones in the ear and the application of the result of this work to modifications in equipment, VII Institute of Physiological Chemistry. Professor Karl Thomas lias concluded that synthetic fat has biologic value. 2a I Introduction The group of buildings comprising the Medical department of the University of Leipzig is situated on Ledbigstrasse and is known as St. Jacob*s City Hospital. In December 19l;3> following the bombing,. qSj, an accessory hospital -was opened in Hochweits'cnen aBou!!B™ MTeSoutside of Leipzig* This was staffed by the assistants primarily with the professors acting in the capacity of visiting consultants. The equipment was obtained from the various Medical departments of the University and most of the professors moved their personal libraries including reprints and research data to this area. It has not been bombed and at the time of this report is within Russian controlled territory, St. Jacobs City Hospital is approximately 50$ destroyed. There is no teaching at present but the various main clinics for hospital and dispensary patients are functioning, (Medicine, Surgery, Dermatalogy, Roentgenology, Radiology). The departments of ophthalmology and Dentistry are critically wrecked and not functioning at present. The main library of the University of Leipzig is completely bombed out. My investigation was conducted between May 25th and June 1st, 19U5* II Institute of Roentgenology and Radiology. Interview with Professor Willie Baensch. (a) The X-Ray building is approximately 30$ destroyed. (b) Equipment. Four diagnostic and four therapy machines are in use* There were four diagnostic machines and 2 therapy machines burned out by bombing. Radium available 150 mgm. (c) Patients examined and treated in 19UU numbered about 55,000. In 19khy about 10,000 cancer patients were seen. Sunce April 19U5j daily census of patients seen per day averages 350, prior to April the average was 150. This increase is the result of air raids according to Baensch. (d) He has not conducted any special research recently. He is particularly interested in the study of Gastric tonus and the filming of Gastric mucosa. (e) He estimates that lU$ of civilians working in factories and 8 to 10$ of Army personnel had gastric or duodenal ulcers. (f) Documents were removed from the premises: (1) Radiological studies on the function of the stomach. (Unpublished). (2) Abnome endokranielle Verkalkung. (Nadelformige Schatten im Gehirnmantel). Sonderdruck aus f,Rontgenpraxistr, Georg Thiem, Leipzig, 191U;. 3 Department of Surgery. Interview with Professor William Hieder. (a) Building about 35$ destroyed. (b) Researches limited to clinical work. I4 (1) He has used the technique of Gerhard Kuntscher in which a long pin is driven into the medullary cavity of the fractured bone. He feels that this new method of internal fixation of fractures is especially well suited to fractures involving the femur and tibia. However more conservative measures should be tried first. He has limited experience with external fixation of fractures using the technique called "OSSIDUKT", which was introduced by Dr. Raoul Hoffmann of Geneva. Hoffmann!s apparatus is similar to the Stader and Roger-Anderson apparatus and is manufactured by Heinr C. Ulrich Ulm-Donau. The technique is described in Der Chirurg, Volume IV and IX, 19iP-. (2) He has no innovations in the treatment of shock, burns, infections, intestinal obstruction. (3) In operations of short duration (i.e. Appendectony) he frequently uses the 1st stage of ether anaesthesia. He stated that analgesia just prior to the 2nd stage can be maintained and adequate relaxation obtained. (c) Professor Erwin Payr is 7U years old, has retired and does not live in Leipzig. (d) Documents were removed from the premises. (1) The original reprint of ’’Technik der Marknagelung" Gerhard Kuntscher and Richard Maatz, 19U5 Georg Thiem, Leipzig. (2) Deutsche Ztschr F. Chirurgie; Unsere Indikation Zur .Marknagelung der langen Rohrknocken, Prof., Dr. W._Rieder, 2$1 Bd., 7 and 8 Heft 19U3, SUl5-1M. (3) fur Chirurgie; Rontgenologische Beobachtungen uber die Verweildauer verschiedener. Ti. Kontrastspeisen un reszierten ulcusmagen. Prof (il) Die Medizinische We It 5 Neuere Anschaungen uber die Endangitis Obliterans und ihre Behandlung Prof., William Reider, Jahrg XIII, Nr. ll; S. U79 1939. (£) Catalogue reprints of Heinr C. Ulrich, Ulm-Donau (a) Oasidukt (external fixation apparatus for fractures). . (b) Magen und Darranah apparat (Metal clip technique for closure of intestines and stomach). IV Department of Internal Medicine. Interview with Professor M. Burger. (a) Buildings about $0% destroyed. (b) His research work has been primarily clinical in type. His chief interest is metabolism as it relates to the aging process from birth to death. (c) There have been about 35 cases of Typhoid fever in his clinic recently, and an occasional case of typhus. He sees an occasional case of primary atypical pneumonia and treats about 500 cases of pneumonococcus pneumonia per year. Sulfathiazole used, with low mortality rate. He has never heard of Badional (sulfathiourea) in the treatment of pulmonary Tbc. A few cases of malaria have been treated with Atabrine. Santochin is little known in Germany. He was enthusiastic about Marfanil in the treatment of early gas gangrene in which it is used topically and parenterally. He stated that Military surgeons were using it with increasingly better results and combining it with gas bacillus serum. Amputations in many cases were averted. Marfanil (Bayer, I.G. Farbenindustry A.G.) is chemically: s-CD- cVt./va'j, //e-e. The German authority on gas bacillus infections is Professor Zeissler, Stadt, Krankenhaus, Altona, near Hamburg. (d) The authority in Germany on Malarial drug treatment id Professor Schuleman (erroneously spelled Schumann in my target data). He is a pharmacologist and is under arrest at present for being an SS member. (e) He has had much experience with infectious hepatitis but has developed no new treatment. In diagnosis he prefers the Gros reaction because it can be fractionated. He has been able to infect the canary bird with the virus obtained from the urine of the patients. (f) Since 19U2, there have been more gastric ulcers than duodenal. Prior to 19U2, the reverse was true. No explanation available. He treats ulcers by high caloric multiple feedings. (g) Documents were removed from the premises: (1) Klim Wochenschrift, lfEine net/e, einfache Flockungsreaktion mit HayeMscher Losung, Dozent Walther Gros, Jahrg 18, N122 S?8l, June 3 1939* (2) Klin Wochenschrift, "Zur Atiologie der Hepatitis Epidemica" Werner Siede and Karl Luz, Jahrg 22, Nv4, S70, January 23, 1943* (3) Ztschr, F0 Altersforschung, Band V, Heft 1 Sep- tember 1944* Dr, E. Abderhalden and Dr. M, Burger. (4) Handbuch der Inneren Medizin, Ernahrungs stbrungen. Dr, M, Burger, Berlin 1944* (5) Ztschr fur Altersforschung, ,rUber die Okonomie korperlicker Arbeit in den Verschiedenen, Alters- stufeny Dr, M, Burger Band IV Heft 3, 1943* (6) Ztschr F, Klinische Medizin, Uber die Anpassung des Menschen an chronischen Sauerstoffmangee, Karl Matthes, 143 Band, 2 Heft, 1943o (7) Deutscheztschr* F, Verdauurigs und Stoffwechsee Krankheiten, Dr, M, Burger Band 6 Heft 4, und 5, 1942. (B) Chemotherapie bakterieller Infektionen, Dr, Gerhard Domagk 1944, Photostatic copy, V Department of Ophthalmology. Interview with Professon Adolph Jess, (a) The building is 40$ bombed out with loss of much equipment and valuable optical instruments. Library intact. All reprints were burned, (b) Professor Jess1 specialty has been the operation of corneal transplant with which he has about a 40$ take. He preserves the cornea (not longer than 24 hours) prior to transplantation in 2$ formalin and N, sodium chloride solution. (c) No special research during the war, (d) No documents removed, VI Department of Physiology, Interview with Dozent Dr, H, Gerstner, (a) Professor M, Gildemeister died in 1943* Gerstner is carrying on with Gildemeister1s research work, (b) Dr, Ph,, H. Koch not at this institute, (c) The professor of Physiology, Kurt Krammner, is a war prisoner, (d) The building is 60$ destroyed with loss of much equipment. There are no research animals available. The laboratory has not been functioning since February, 1945# 6 (e) Two research problems have been conducted; further work is necessary in both. (1) Resistance of the human skin to the alternating current. Many original observations have been burned with the bombing. Resistance is measured in tone and also on a kymograph. Reprint available. He has found a difference in reaction between the skin of old people and the young, between the healthy and the sick. Cancer patients fehow changes in skin resistance but too few cases have been studied. Patients with psoriasis have high skin resistance whereas with eczema there is little resistance, (2) Gildemeister started experiments on the effect of loud tones and overtones in the ear, Geratner has continued this work measuring the intensity of tone and overtone in their relationship to deafness. Reprint available. Gerstner’s results were given to the technical division of the Reichwehr (Artillery, tanks, tank destroyers), but he states that he was not told nor permitted to know what modifications for the prevention of overtones were made in equipment, (f) No work conducted on air or sea sickness, night blindness, fatigue. No supersonic studies, et cetera, (g) Gerstner stated that the physiology of the eye and ear has been poorly developed in Germany, (h) Documents were removed, (1) Pflugers arch,, Das elektrische Leitvermogen der Haut als Grenzflachenproblem H,, Gerstner., Bd 248, S120, 1-3 Heft, 1944.. (2) Pflugers arch,, untersuchungen uber Permeabilital und Wechselstroraraebgrossen H,, Gerstner, Bd 246, 1 Heft, November 1941. (3) Pflugers arch,. Die Schallstarkesehwelle des Preyerschen Ohmuschelreflexes. H. Gerstner, Band 246, 2 Heft June 1942. (4) Ztschrft F, Hals, Nasen und Ohrenheilkunde Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen uber die Innenohrschadigung durch Schall £8 Band, 5 Heft, 1942, VII Institute of Physiological Chemistry, Interview with Professor Karl Thomas, (a) Building 60$ damaged by bombs. No research donducted since February, 1945• (b) Research data, equipment, library and reprints partially destroyed, (c) Since 1939, he has been permitted to publish about 5 articles (no reprints available). His department was under the direct supervision of a central Nazi office in Berlin which permitted him to follow only certain forms of chemical analysis in reference to the Metabolism of synthetic fat, (d) He obtained his fats from a soap factory in Witten on the Ruhr, (Markische Seifenfabrik), He studied the biological absorption and metabolism of fat. He found that the fatty acids are oxidized when taken by mouth and are excreted in different forms in the urine and feces, Thomas himself ingested 300 Grams of pure synthetic fat per day over a four day period with no untoward effects. In experiments with pure straight chain odd numbered carbon acids, 100$ utilization was noted. Therefore the incomplete utilization in the synthetic fat is not due to the presence of the odd numbered fatty acids. It was later found that branch chain fatty acids were present in the synthetic fat and that the poor utilization was related to this fact. The normal level in the urine of succinic acid was raised from 2 mgm, to 20-40 mgm, /irtre when synthetic fat was ingested. Synthetic fat has biologic Value but further research is necessary. No documents removed, VIII Institute of Pathology. Interview with Professor Werner Hueck. (a) Professor Hueck is a prisoner of war but permitted to work in St, George1s and St. Jacob*s Hospital, These are the only pathologic laboratories functioning in the Leipzig area, (b) No research during the war. The institute is fairly well preserved. The foof was badly burned and 10,000 specimens on the top floor were destroyed. The library is preserved in Steinbach, (c) Dr, Schurman is not in this institute, (d) Hueck*s primary interest has been devoted to the histologic structures of benign and malignant tumors and to the gross and microscopic investigation of rheumatism. 8 (e) Documents were removed, (1) Ztschrf fur Rheumaforschung. MZur Begriffsbes- timmung rheumatischer Erkrankungen", Hochrein and W, Hueck 7 Jahrg, Heft 10, 1944* (2) Book - Rheumatic Diseases by composite group of Authors edited by M, Hochrein. Published 1942, IX Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Interview with the Director, Professor Eberhard Ackerknecht, (a) No new research. The institute has been destroyed very little, (b) During the war, Ackerknecht finished a large book on "Anatomy of the Horse", (c) No documents removed.