ITEM No. 28 FILE No. XVII ■ 8 COPY No 109 REICHFORSCHUNGSRAT Combined intelligence objectives SUBCOMMITTEE EEICHPORSCHUNGSRAT German Research Organisation Report By Dr, W. T. ColBy, Expert Consultant Dr. S. A. Ooudsmlt, Scientific Chief CIOS BLACK LIST ITEM- 28 H.Q. Documents and Personnel COMBINED INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUB-COMMITTEE 0-2 DIVISION. SHAEF (Hear) APO Ul3 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE NO Report 3 Personnel of Inspection Team Dr, W. IT. Colby, Expert Consultant Dr. S, A. Goudsmit, Scientific Chief European treater of operations UNITED STATES ARMY A1303 MISSION 12 March 1945 SUBJECT: German Research Organization - Reichsforschungsrat. In January 1943 the Reichsforschungarat, RFR, National Research Council was formed. According to a circular letter dated about a year later, this RFR is directly under the Reichsmarshall, coring. It acts as a central agency for the research work of i.ailitary importance at the various universities and other research institutions. It assigns re- search projects to universities and individuals, allocates funas, es- tablishes priorities, handles personnel and deferments. Up to January 1943 an RFR had existed under the Minister of Education, Rust, but it had little power. By order of the FOarer the new RFR was created in which the old one was to be incorporated or practically abolished. The new RFR has as its task to coordinate all research pro- jects which previously had been assigned to the universities by the Ceriaan Air Force, Army, Navy, Postal Department, or other agencies. It is not known as to how far the other agencies were able to adhere to their independent administration of research problems. A circular letter from the Director of Research of the Air-minister and Chief of the Air Force of March 1S43 states that the roster cards for the RFR have to be filled out in a special way when referring to Air Force projects "for security reasons." It may be significant that a section of the Kdiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry was evacuated to southern Germany in the sum- mer of 1944 and, according to its letterhead, is now direcsly under the RFR. Also, a research group working at the sorbonne in was designated as an "Arbeitsgruppe" under the RFR. 3 Ths number of members of the HER is not known to the authors of this report. Their title is "Bevollmachtigter des Representative with power of the Rcichsmarshal. Representatives1 names encountered so far are: for Organic Chemistry - R. Kuhn, SWI, Heidelberg. n Nuclear physics - W. Gerlach, university, Munich. « Medicine - F* Sauerbruch, University, Gr w Military Medicine - W. Richter, University, Greifswald until summer 1944* Within.the HER is the Kriegswirtschaftsstelle, Berlin/steg- litz, Grunewald Str. 35, to which explications are made for mat rials and to which apparatus is reported for repair. A communication from here is signed "Becker" in 1943, or later. Menzel was then President - he is key man in the Ministry of Education. The "Planungsaiiit" is a special office under the HER dealing with assignment and deferment of personnel. Its director is prof. W* Osonberg, of the Technische Hochschule in Hannover; mail address* P* 0* Box 148, Northelm, near Hannover, which also seems to be the latest address of the planungsarat in August 1944. The Berlin address is the same as that of the given above. In August 1943, this same address was also used by Dr. Brener as head of the Medical section of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, of which Men- zel is also president (1942). A communication to the Planungsamt was addressed to the attention cf a Dr. Baer, Berlin/Dahlem, Gazy(?) str. 9 (January 1944). In May 1942, Osanberg headed a committee to review the avail- ability of research personnel at German universitiesK engineering schools and other research institutes for work on pressing problems of the German Navy. W.F. COLBY Expert Consultant, S*A. GOUDSMIT, Scientific Chief. 4