r£M No. 8 lLE No. XXXI—86 COPY No.... 122- CHEMICAL WARFARE INSTALLATIONS IN THE MUNSTERLAGER AREA ~ f - COMBINED INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUB-COMMITTEE Investlgatlon of Chemical Warfare Installations in the Munsterlager Area, including Raubkammer, Reported by W/C. A. K. MILLS, M.A.P. CIOS Item 8 Chemical Warfare COMBINED INTELLIGENCE OBJECTIVES SUB-COMMITTEE 0-2 Division. SHAEF (Rear) APO Ll3 Investigation of Chemical Warfare Installations in the Munsterlager area, including Saubkammer CONTENTS 1• Introduction. 2. Organization of German Chemical Warfare Development. 3* General description of Baubhammer and neighbouring establishments. 4. History of German Chemical Warfare Development. 5. Summary and Appreciation of German Chemical Warfare Development. (A) Defensive aspects. (b) Offensive aspects. (C) Smoke. (D) Experimental Manufacture. (E) Charging Methods. (?) General. 6. Japanese Chemical Warfare. \ Appendix I, Field Trials Organization. " II. Defensive Aspects, M III. Medical aspects. " IV, Chemical Munitipns. " V# Production development. " VI. Research. " VII. Synonyms of Chemical Warfare Agents. n VITI. Nebeltruppen. M IX* Miscellaneous information. (a) Heeres Munitions Anstalt. Celle, (b) " " Oerrelo (c) 11 " Muna Ost« Appendix X. German Chemical Warfare Tactics, PERSONNEL OF INTERVIEWING TEAM Team Leader - Wing Commander A.K. Mills, Ministry of Aircraft Production. (Br.) Dejarty Leader - Major Loyd B. Harris; C.W.3. - H.Q., Etousa (Rear) Members - Lt.Golonel E.A. Perren, G.D.E.S., Porton. (Br.) Lt.Golonel H.L. Green, C.D.E.S., Porton. (Br.) Lt.Golonel H. Cullumbine, R.A.M.C., C.D.E.S., Porton. (Br.) Lt.Golonel S.H.Fryer, C.D.E.S., Porton. (Br.5 Lt.Golonel S.A, Mumford, C.D.E.S., Porton. (Br.) Lt.Golonel D. Eccleshall, C.D.R.E., Sutton Oak. (Br.) Major Harry S. Johnson, C.W.S., 44th Chemical Laboratory, U.S.Army. Major A.E, Bradshaw, C.D.E.S., Porton. (3r.) Major C.H.G. Hands, C.D.R.E., Sutton Oak. (Br.) Major S.J. Steadman, C.D.E.S,, Porton. (Br.) Major A.H. Armstrong, Medical Officer, Attached No.1 Chemical Warfare Laboratory, (Canada) Captain R.R. Williams, G.D.R.E., Sutton Oak. (Br.) Captain H.L. Snyder, C.W.S., 44th Chemical Laboratory (U.S.Army.) Members (Contd.) - Captain R.E.P, Edelsten, Ministry of Supply. (Br.) Captain J.M« Wright, G.D.E.S., Porton. (Br.) Captain O.R. Hertel, C.W.S., H.Q. Etousa (Rear) Captain A* Bellingham-Smith, C.D.E.S., Porton. (Br.) n t s q The team acknowledge with gratitude the co-operation of the icer Commanding and officers and\).Rs. of the Canadian No.1 Chemical rfare Laboratory, who gave great assistance., especially in the amination of the contents of and in elucidating the markings found various shells and bombs. They v/ish also to acknowledge the R6!^063 Chemical Defence Laboratory, and of Major K.J.B.Earle, Technical Officer, C.J., 2nd British Army. of investigation 23rd April to 3rd June, 1943« 1 • Introduction The Munsterlager target was intended to embrace all chemical warfare installations on the Luneberger Heide, a tract of land situated between Luneberg and Celle and centred roughly about the town of Munster. Or investigation it was found to include the following separate inscallations, 1. Heeresversuchstelle, {Army Experimental Station) RaubkammeJ bsi Munster. 2. Heeres Nebelfullstelle, (Army Charging Station) Munster No? 3* Erprobungstelle der Luftwaffe (Air Force Experimental Station), Munster Nord. 4* Various establishments concerned with Nebeltruppen. Munster Ost. 6, Luftwaffe Munitions Anstalt (Air Force Munitions Establishment), Oerel. 7* Heeres Munitions Anstalt (Array Munitions Establishment), Celle. On reaching the target it was found that during recent months an evacuation of sections of the Army Ordnance Department dealing with chemical warfare development, (Wa Pruf 9) and of Heeres Gasschutzlaboratorien (Array Q-as Defence Laboratory) Berlin-Spandau (Spandau) had been proceeding to Raubkammer. A quantity of equipment much of it as yet unpacked, from Spandau, and a number of documents from Spandau and Berlin were found. A considerable number of important members of Wa pruf 9 and of Spandau were available for interrogation, and it quickly became evident that, especially in view of the situation in Berlin, the Munster Lager target had largely absorbed the Spandau and Berlin targets and had in fact become the key centre for obtaining information on the development of German Chemical Warfare. In addition, it became evident that Berlin, Spandau and Raubkammer were very closely inter-re la ted and consequently in this report, they are treated as one entity. This report is based upon an examination of the range, labor- atories, plant and equipment, upon a preliminary examination of a mass of documents and samples, and upon a thorough questioning of available witnesses. These with scarcely an exception were co- operative. The important witnesses interrogated are marked in Tables I, II and III with an asterisk, but in addition to these, a number of subordinate grades were also questioned. These are referred to where necessary in the body of the report. The report is believed to give a fairly comprehensive picture of German chemical warfare research and development# The details given are, however, not complete, and as further witnesses become available, and when the documents and samples have been exhaustively examined, it should be possible to give supplementary*details# In particular, information is scanty on such subjects as the toxicities of new compounds, research on ointments and impregnites and production figures of C#W# agents and equipment# To fill these gaps requires the questioning of certain key personnel, who up t9 the conclusion of this investigation had not been traced# A list of these people is given in Table VTI* The thorough examination of the documents evacuated is not expected to give a great deal more information as the most important and recent ones had all been destroyed# Those discovered were, with exception of three sets of microfilms which may contain data of value, mainly old or of secondary importance# Organization of German Chemical Warfare Development The organizations of Wa pruf 9, Spandau and Raubkararaer, are given in Tables I, II and III. The following are some brief biographical details of the heads °f V/a Pruf 9 and of Raubkammer Oberst Dr Walter Hirsch. Oberst Hirsch was bom at Leoben in Steuermark on 8#2#97* He became an officer in the Austrian Army and in i 9i6 was a Lieutenant Gas Defence officer. He served first in Russia and then in Italy where he became a prisoner of war# In 1918 he went to the Technical High School, Graz, for three semesters and subsequently was again called to the Army# n Prom 1925 to 1929 he spent 8 semesters at the University of studying Chemistry and*Physics and received the degree of Phil, for work on perylene and indanthrene carried out with I*of. Zincke# 1934. He went to the Kriegstechnisch Amt, Vienna, and was put in charge of a small gas defence technical laboratory with the rank of major# posted to the Waffenamt, Berlin, where he was first - Referant in Group VI and then Head of Group VT, Wa Pruf 9« Dec. 1940. Sent to Russian front in charge of a Decontamination Battery. 6.41 • His battery equipped with 28 and 32 cm. Schwerwurf gerate. 1.42 Recalled to Berlin. 3*42 Appointed Head of Wa pruf 9 in succession to Oberst Schmidt. Major General Richter Born 30.5.85. An artillery officer whose first contact with gas warfare appears to have been when he was posted in 1933 to Waffenamt S. In this year he was sent out to Tomka to disband the experimental station there. In 1934 he returned to G-ermany and was ordered to find and set up a suitable trial ground for gas warfare trials. He chose Raubkanmer and was in command of the Truppenubungs- platz, Munster Lager, whilst all the buildings at Raubkammer were erected. He appears to have had veiy little idea of the actual technical side of the work which was going on and was obviously merely in charge of the administration* He himself described his work as being "to see that every one worked the proper hours and that the necessary gates were closed for trials”. He appeared to be more in touch with the work which was going on at the Nebeltruppenlager and was able to describe some of the training which was carried out there. The head of Wa Pruf 9 occupied a very similar position in German chemical warfare to that of G.C.D.D. in U.K. and to that of the Assistant Chief, C.W.S* Technical Division. He controled and directed all the research, development and test proceeding in all three estab- lishments. To assist him in this, a committee consisting of members of his staff, were constituted as Gruppe I of Wa Pruf 9, but in fact this committee seldom met and control was virtually in the hands of Oberst Hirsch. He compiled a programme of work, but there was no formal machinery for obtaining the views of the user departments on this programme, and as far as can be gathered, these views were conveyed to Wa Pr&f 9 in an ad hoc manner. Wa Pmf 9 were concerned only with the development of the chemical side of monitions. The detailed design of the "ironmongery” of shell was the business of Wa prof 1 and of bombs of the Luftwaffe. The head of Wa Tr\t 9 delegated the direction of various aspects of work to the Groups and subdivisions given in Table I. The heads of these subdivisions known as "Referanten", have the detailed control the work proceeding in the Spandau laboratories and the Raubkammer each one dealing with the laboratory and field section corres- with his own section of Wa Pruf 9* To a considerable extent 146 numbering corresponded, for instance, the referant of Group Vlb Controlled the work of VXbL Spandau and is largely concerned with Baubkammer# The workers at Spandau and Raubkaramer were allowed ® no more chemical warfare than was absolutely necessary to work, although necessarily the referanten in Wa pHif 9 had to a somewhat broader picture. The general C.W. knowledge of all personnel questioned, except the very highest in rank, was found to much less than to be found in corresponding ranks in the American ** British service. _ , The numbers of employees at the three establishments were as Allows Wa pmf 9 143 (peak 200 in 1944)* Spandau 450 (peak 450 in 1944;* Raubkaiaaer 500 (peak 800), , The linkage between the three establishments may be illustrated fj c°naiderincr the method of investigating new compounds of possible Warfare interest New ideas were obtained from five sources - (l) Their own ot?®arch, (2.) scientific literature, (3) Industry, via patents, or 1|a*1*rwiae, (4) University work, (5) Intelligence, The new compound tried against animals in a 2 or 3 chamber at a oonccn- of 500 mg/m5, either at Spandau or the Military Academy, This test was found to eliminate about 99 per cent of com- tried. Successful compounds were then examined at F3 in respect of physical and chemical properties, and again, By TOLL Spandau for toxicological properties in 10, 50 hums chambers. Lachrynators and irritants were tested against and lethal gases against animals, the success C0lt for the latter being a lethal Gt of 1000 mg.min0/m5. The ****** 'was next examined by the Spandau laboratories VIcL — in va8^*11 VTbL - thermal generator, and VlaL for behaviour andV^ri°Ua cnvireraseat8. This last was conducted in an ingenious apparatus in which temperature, humidity and air speed rainfall imitated and into which a large number 0tmr^r°aentative sells could be introduced. By this time all had been eliminated except perhaps two or three per Laboratories TTTi and IJIL then considered the effective- and collective protection towards the new gases, iHbiL studied recognition and analysis and VIcL studied dispersion, using the 250 and 1000 m5 chambers at Spandau. Bursting trials in shell were next conducted by Gruppe VI in the Messhaus at Raubkammer, followed by field trials using the Vauzet tower or the Schienenkreis, (for details of these installa- tions, see Appendix l). These tests usually eliminated all but approximately one compound out of every thousand originally con- sidered© The final stage was the examination of the raw material position, the manufacturing process (VITIL and RVTIl) and storage problems, which again usually eliminated more than half the sur- vivors© It is interesting to note that it was not until this final stage had been reached that the Luftwaffe was informed of the position, so that they could give consideration to the use of the new compound in bombs* Information was obtained on the functions of various other departments of the Army and other services in so far as they related to Chemical Warfare, This information is given in Table IV. In Table V M the chain of responsibility concerning chemical warfare in the Array is shown and Table VI is a diagrammatic representation of the relationships between Wa pruf 9 and branches of other Service Ministries© It will be noted that no mention of the S.S. occurs in any of these tables. Although the S.S, had its own Waffenamt (Ordnance department) with a chemical section, it was believed not to have its own chemical warfare organisation. The head of the S.S© Waffenamt was General Gerloff© This organization worked entirely separately from the Amy Ordnance department, and Pr&f 9 were not allowed to give the S.S© any information, unless special permission had been obtained© The only possible link with the S.S© may have bee*1 through Wa.P. whose head. Prof. Schumann was well established in the Nazi organization© The activities of Wa©P© are referred to more fully in Appendix IK© It was also known that the factory at Palkenhagen for the manufacture of N-Stoff (chlorine trifluoride) was handed over to the direction of Ubergruppenfuhrer Schwab, a well-known S.S. chemist. 3. General Description of Raubkammer and neighbouring establishment The Truppenubuengsplatz (Training Area) is situated just North of Munster and consists of a fenced somewhat rectangular area of forest and heath about 16 km© x 8 km. This area was used as an experimental ground for Heeresversuchstelle Raubkammer and Erprobungstelle Luftwaffe and as a training ground for the 2nd Lehr (Training) Battalion of the Nebeltruppen (smoke troops), stationed at the NebeHager (smoke depot)© Descriptions of the rang? and its equipment and of the various buildings mentioned below* will be found in the Appendices. A sketch map is attached as pig.I. The main administrative and laboratory buildings are situated in the South-west comer of the Truppenubungsplatz about one mile from the town of Munster. This area (Fig.il) lies within an inner enclosure and contains an administrative block, an analytical section (RIl), a section dealing with field trial apparatus and photography (Rl); a decontamination a defensive appliance section (Rill); garages, workshops and gunsheds (RIV); medical section (RV); physio- logical laboratories with animal houses (RVTl); hutted barracks and verious ancillary buildings. Just outside the gates of the main closed area is the Officier Heim, - a kind of officers mess - and the officers fyotel, (used for Accommodating official visitors) as well as the Commandant’s house and a number of well built family quarters® Along the road leading to Wriedel and each within its own enclosure are to be found the following sections (or separate establishments)® First, a section (RVl) dealing with the preparation of experimental army gas munitions, which includes an office block and various weapon filling rooms and storage bunkers® Next is the Nebelf&llstelle, a large establishment for charging shell, nebelwerfe and chemical mines, and adjacent to this the Erprobungstelle der Luftwaffe, an independent Establishment working in co-operation with Raubkammer for the pre- paration of experimental gas air munitions® The next section is RIX, **°r veterinary work, which is still incomplete, and finally R7III which °ontains pilot plants for investigating the manufacture of new chemical agents. In all these sections (except the Erprobungs telle der were found Spandau laboratory equipment in various stages °f unpacking. An account of the Nebeltruppen is given in Appendix VIII. Brief descriptions of the Heeres Munitions Austelle (Army Munitions Establishment) Celle, the shell dump at Munster Ost, and the Luftwaffe Munitions Anstalt (Air Force Munitions establishment) Oerrel, are Siven in Appendix IX. History of German Chemical Warfare Development The following summary of German Chemical Warfare research and development from 1924 onwards was obtained by interrogation. Min. Moyn and two co-workers, working under the Inspectorate fur Waffen und G-er&t started work on the preparation and study of known agents to obtain data on protection. A few extra-mural teams were involved. 1525. Work continued. Staff increased by two. 1^ Work continued. Analytical methods under study. 1927. Transfer of Group, without expansion, to the Waffenamt as Pruf S, 1928, Trials at Tomka, about 20 Km. west of Volsk., in Russia, commenced. Trials personnel approximately 30. 1929-1931® No change. 1932-3® Trials at Tomka ceased. 1934» Pruf S taken over by Major Dr Rudiger, as Wa Pruf 9, and expansion commenced. The emphasis was on gas protection; work commenced on detection and identifi- cation, Search for new agents in hand. 1935* Expansion continued. Field trials with improvised materials began at Munster, Building began at Munster and Spandau. 1936. CN and mustard adopted as the service C,W, agents, and development and testing of munitions for these agents predominated. Planning of factories, storage and filling plants for CN and mustard, Spandau and Munster essentially constructed. Search for new compounds continued; Tabun discovered* 1937. Strength of Pruf 9 now 80, Activities as before, Spandau and Munster working on development of experi- mental technique. 1938* Oberst Lieut, Dip. Eng, Schmidt head of Pruf 9> the strength of which was now 120, with expansion essentially concluded. Great efforts to finalise design of CN and mustard weapons to enable provision to commence. Intensive work on DA, DC; and DM, Trials at Munster to establish tactical principles. Experiments with Tabun at Spandau and Munster. Discovery of Sarin, Ammendorf commences manufacturing mustard and nitrogen mustard. Bitterfeld starts manufacturing phosgene, Seelse starts making CN. 1939* Similar to 1938* Experiments on arsenides,, Investi- gation of material from Czecholsovakia and Poland, Dyhemfurth goes into production. 19¥)„ Similar to 1939® Limitation of farther work to such as might be expected to be concluded in 1941* Investi- gation of French material, Haselhorst goes into pro- duce t ion© 194-1, Intensification of v/ork on viscous mustard. Air Force trials and charging of Air Force weapons received special attention. Excelsior studied at low priority# Gendorf goes into production. 194-2, Oberst Dr. Hirsch head of Pruf 9* Changing over to new raw materials began to take up much effort, as materials became more and more difficult to obtain. The D-niustard process to be closed down. The difficulties of the Russian winter occasioned experiments at low temperatures in Norway, Work was limited, however, to questions of gas protection and smoke. For the require- ments of the African theatre of war, smoke munitions were tested in North Africa. Experiments with substances such as HGN and CNC1 gained importance in view of the poss- ibility of their mass employment from the air. Special experiments at Spandau and Raubkammer as before; filling trials with Tabun and viscous H in the foreground. Trials with close combat munitions at Spandau and Raubkammer. Production stopped except at Gendorf and Dyhemfurth. 1943« An increase of personnel became necessary as the ever- increasing Allied air superiority heightened the probability of gas warfare against Germany, The heavy bombing attacks on Berlin provided the occasion of the removal of a part of Pruf 9 to Raubkammer. In all work the question of pro- tection loomed even larger than before, since previously gas warfare was considered improbable, whereas now the danger that the Allies would start it was considered to be a real one. The provision of close combat weapons began to become more important. Experiments at Raubkammer to study tactics and to examine effects of weather. Series of field trials with Tabun. Specially intensive v/ork on defensive problems. Straggle against raw material difficulties. Intensifying of experimental work on Tabun and the Sarin group. Trials on armoured combat with close range weapons. A small increase of personnel, chiefly on the defensive side. At the beginning of March, removal of Pruf 9 as well as the major part of the Spandau personnel to Raubkammer, Work as in 1944. Sarin scheduled for production at Dyhemfurth at the rate of 100 tons per month commencing midyear. Sarin plant at Palksnhagen with capacity 300 tons/month about 25 per cent complete. 5o Summary and appreciation of German Chemical Warfare Development (A) Defensive aspects The German measures for the defence against gas were highly organized and characterised by the multiplicity and elaborate nature of the devices developed for individual and collective protection, for detection and for decontamination. Much was already known to us from captured material and documents, particu- larly since the D-day landings, but the investigation at Raubkammer served to clear many points that were obscure and a great deal of detailed information was gained on the German methods and the trend of their developments. Details are given in Appendix II; comments of general interest are dealt with below. (i) Respirators. The German design of respirator container was greatly influenced by their fear of the use against them of hydrogen cyanide and cyanogen chloride in high concentrations. To meet the danger from hydrogen cyanide they Introduced the Pe42. container and later they impregnated the charcoal with crude higher horao- logues of pyridine in order to obtain better protection against cyanogen chloride. Some 8 million Pe42 con- tainers were manufactured, but the opinion was expressed that their introduction was a mistake; the facepiece was unbalanced and the protection was unnecessarily high. Adoption by the Germans of multiple layers of charcoal in their container was enforced upon them by supply considerations. The steam activated (Wsa) charcoal which they would have preferred to fill alone into their container was in demand for other purposes and only a third, of the quantity needed for respirator production could be provided. Accordingly, layers of other char- coal of high absorption capacity but relatively low retentivity introduced. Mixing of the various kinds of charcoal was not put into practice ov/ing to packing difficulties due to variation in grain size end shape of' the different kinds of charcoal. Various types of clip on extension containers were tried for improving the protection of existing con- tainers or for prolonging the life of partially exhausted containers. Although some of these made from cardboard were successful they were not accepted as a service store. There had been no recent advances in the design of particulate filters. The ring type paper filter had been found to be very effective and Y/ork was being devoted merely to simplifying details of manufacture. Waterproofing of the filter had been introduced some time ago and this was indicated by the mark on the con- tainer* Recent developments in facepiece design included a new type, the Gm43> with improved speech characteristics and an entirely new model, the GmlOO, which was being tried out owing to the acute shortage of rubber and other essential ntiterials. The Germans were impressed by the excellent speech valves in the British and U.S. respirators, and in the Gm43 they had introduced a form of membrane expiratory valve which, although not as effective as the British and U.S. devices, gave them 5Qfo improvement over the valve in the Gm38. Owing to our bombing, the production of these facepieces was inconside rable « The GmlOO was made from canvas backed with a thin layer of rubber. The head harness was mainly of rubber and valves and eyepieces were of simplified design. This facepiece had not been made in quantity, but an even more simplified version, known as the Vm44* was being produced for the civilian population. Ther Germans were concerned about facepiece leakage. Trials in high concentrations of gas from the burst of bombs disclosed that there was leakage through the expiratory valve. Although this was not physiologically significant, it might be psychologically disturbing to the troops. Various expedients such as attaching a small charcoal container outside the valve proved successful, but the device was not actually manufactured. The fear of hydrogen cyanide led to the development of the mouthpiece and nose-clip device for quickly obtaining protection. About 500,000 were ordered but they were not in general issue. It is evident that the Germans endeavoured to obtain prodection not only against the gas concentrations which they knew could be attained with existing weapons ■but also against much higher concentrations which they believed might be achieved in the future by improvements in weapon design. Iruch of their defensive effort had to be diverted, especially during the last year, to the search for substitute materials for components -°r their respirators. Collective Protection. Installations for the gas protection of civilian and military shelters had been constructed on a scale* Filtration units were niade in standard sizes for dealing with flow rates of 1.2, 2.4 and 10 ra3/min. respectively* Although of conventional design, they embodied many features of interest which will be dealt with in the Appendix and in the report on Draeger-Werk. Testing was very thorough, particularly as regards flow rates, and, as production was restricted to two firms, there was no difficulty in obtaining uniformity in construction and performance. Lately, an attempt had been made to obtain production by improvised means. Sand on a bed of coke was used as the filter medium and was found to be effective against mustard vapour. A sufficiently high ven- tilation rate could be obtained from manually operated bellows made up from scrap wood and a gas plane or similar material. It was considered that the danger from non-persistent gases could be dealt with by closing down ventilation completely over the period of the attack. Gas protection of tanks had received considerable attention. The latest idea was to instal a complete filtration unit, including fan, dust, smoke and gas filters, inside the tank in order to maintain a slight positive pressure thus obviating the need for providing each member of the crew with his individual fresh air supply. Development was in the trial production stage, but the units soon suffered from the serious drawback of being excessively large. (iii) Detection* The Gasanzeiger had reached a high pitch of development and, apart from the possible intro- duction of new testing tubes, no modifications in the general design of the kits as issued to the forces were contemplated. There were indications, however, of a change of view on the whole question of gas detection in the field. Those with experience thought the Gasanzeiger to be too slow and difficult to use. Experiments were being made with silica gel absorbent discs which, after sampling, could be subjected to spot tests. Much attention was also being paid to detector papers. New papers had been developed for detecting hydrogen cyanide (also used for Tabun although non-specific), Tabun, Sarin and Soman (specific for phosphoric esters). Cyanogen chloride, nitrogen mustard, and carbon monoxide. A night detector paper for ground contaminants had also been developed. The Germans were greatly concerned with the detection of carbon monoxide, but apparently nothing fundamentally new in principle had been discovered. A semi-automatic detector for use in tanks and enclosed spaces is, however, one development of interest® The Germans were not satisfied with their detector paint and when the British paint was captured, it was copied and introduced into service® (iv) Protective Clothing.. Although the Germans had done a great deal of work on impregnated clothing, the investigation had never passed beyond the experimental stage and a general issue was not contemplated because of the shortage of raw materials for making the impregnants. They were hoping to introduce a form of battle-dress in 1945 when the question of impregnation was again to be considered. Their interest in the subject was first aroused by the capture of documents after the fall of Prance. British and American type impregnating agents were tried. Jackets, trousers, underclothes and socks were treated, but the impreg- nation of the latter two was not at all successful because of the stiffness and general unwearability of the finished product. A laundry impregnation method from a benzene dispersion and a field method from an aqueous dispersion using commercial emulsifiers were developed. Soldiers were averse to wearing the impreg- nated clothing because of its stiffness and smell, and under certain circumstances it caused dermatitis and cyanosis. In wear, it lasted about four weeks, and in storage, about six to nine months. It would appear that the German impregnated clothing was inferior to the British and American products and, in point of fact, it was not of much value. Many types of impervious clothing, both for men and animals, were found. The Germans were greatly con- cerned with the discomfort and distress due to heat and moisture when the clothing was worn for any length of time and made marry attempts to overcome this difficulty. A number of ingenious methods of ventilating completely enclosed suits were tried but none appear to have been successful. Owing to shortage of apparel and nylon, the original casein-ammonia coated paper had recently come back into production for gas planes. Decontamination. The methods for decontaminating uniforms, gas masks, leather, and rubber protective clothing followed on the usual lines and details are given in the Appendix, On the experimental side, no new or startling developments were apparent. Mechanical methods for ground decontamination were 'well developed* Articular use was made of ploughs in the field. (B) Offensive aspects The general policy of Wa Pruf 9 which guided the development of agents and munitions may be summed up as follows 2- 1« Gas munitions come into three categories - harassing, defensive and offensive. It was considered wasteful to use a munition developed for one purpose for any other. This principle guided all work and its effect can be traced throughout munition design. .2. Harassing weapons were thoare containing ON and DC, or DM or newer arsenicals, 3. Defensive weapons were those which distribute vesicants, usually thickened, on the ground to prevent enemy traversal, or occupation/fear of liquid contamination. for 4. Offence could be achieved by the following means (a) The lavish use of agents of moderate offensive power such as phosgene, and initial-cloud mustard. (b) The use of a gas which is so lethal that it is effective before the respirator can be adjusted. (c) The use of an undetectable gas. The last two principles guided the research which resulted in the discovery of Tabun, Sarin and Soman (see below). The German appreciation of the tactical use of the orthodox gases was not highly developed. Their field trials were designed primarily to aid the development of individual weapons, and not to determine the way in which they should be used, or the quantities required for effective action. Their field trials tended to be stereotyped and unimaginative and consequently the inferences drawn from them were not always of a realistic nature. An account of German gas tactics is given in Appendix X. No real effort had been made to extrapolate the toxicities of the common O.vV. agents from animals to man and their dosage criteria for offensive purposes are lower than accepted in America and United Kingdom. Details of the German munitions are given in Appendix IV, and of the properties and physiological effects of the chargings, in Appendix III. It is proposed in the following paragraphs to summarise this information. Orthodox War Gases Mustard gas (and its admixtures) and phosgene were the two orthodox war gases into which the Germans had put their greatest manufacturing effort, the latter being the principal filling for aircraft bombs. Additional orthodox war gases, which it was pro- posed to use to a smaller extent, were HN-3» CN, DM and AC. (i) Mustard Gas. Two distinct uses for mustard gas were envisaged; first for non-persistent assault effect and secondly for persistent ground contamination effect. To obtain the first of these, shell and bombs with very large bursters had been developed and a great deal of effort had been put into research and experiment in H.E./Chem. shell and bombs. For some time this was the main development effort with mustard but later on attention was turned to obtaining ground contamination by means of thickened mustard from ground burst shell and ground burst and airburst bombs, A good deal of attention was also given to static methods of ground contamination. The use of ground contamination for giving offensive effects by the vapour evolved over a period was not fully appreciated, and ground contamin- ation v/as regarded as mainly effective in a defensive manner by creating a traversal hazard. No real attempt was made to determine the casualty producing dosage for H vapour on human skin. The H.E./Chem. munitions were charged with straight undiluted mustard (Sommerlost) for use in warm weather, and for use in cold weather, with various mixtures of mustard gas with, for example, anthracene oil, arsinol (a mixture of DA, phenyldichlorarsine and triphenyl arsine) and with isomeric dimethyl derivatives of mustard, known as "Winterlost". ffinterlost was used in shell only; pro- duction was insufficient for charging into bombs. The minimum density of mustard gas considered to give a useful ground contamination effect was 100 but the extent of the hazard was never determined by trial. The thickener used for thickened mustard (sfihlost) was chlorinated rubber (tornesit). A search was in progress for an alternative thickener ahd polystyrol had been chosen, polymethylmethacrylate having been rejected on account of non-solubility. .York had started on the use of radio, barometric and other types of fuze calculated to give air-burst, but little progress had been n#de. The use of mustard sprayed from a low level was advocated by Wa Prftf 9 hut not accepted by the Luftwaffe. The weight of spray falling on a man was considered the criterion of offensiveness, and no regard was paid to drop size, although it was known that larger drops were better than small ones. The contamination necessary to cause a clothed man to become a casualty was given as 5 gn/ir£, but this was an inference based on animal trials. No work had been done on high spray, although it was scheduled to commence at a range in Galicia in 1944» Work had commenced on the production of mustard gas vapour from thermal generators, but no success had been achieved. (ii) Phosgene. This gas was used in bombs only, the 250 kilo bomb being the standard one, with a 500 kilo bomb coming into use and the 1000 and 1800 kilo bombs still under development. Phosgene was the principal charging for bombs. The idea of charging shell with phosgene was abandoned in 1934* Phosgene was the only lung irritant in use. Stocks of chloropicrin were held but were for use as a fumigative agent. (iii) Nitrogen mustard. This was charged into both shell and bombs of the high burster type to give initial cloud attack. It was considered to be 20 - 30 per cent superior to mustard for this purpose, but was not available in very large quantities. (iv) Chloroacetophenone. This was used in shell and bombs to give harassing effects,, It was the only lachrymator in general use© (v) E&I. This was used in static generators, shell and bombs as a harassing agent. It was believed that by using static generators which closely resembled the French Engin Z it would be possible to enforce the wearing of the respirator continuously over a wide front to a depth of many kilometres for a period of days. No idea of penetrating the respirator was entertained. In examining the effects of this gas, description of symptoms by observers was relied on, and no performance tests were imposed. Blue ring 1 and Blue ring 2 shell were of the bursting type, but Blue ring 3 shell, a base ejection type, was considered greatly superior in per- formance to the other two, although manufacturing difficulties hindered its adoption© The use of EM and / arsenicals generally was restricted by a shortage of arsenic. (vi) Hydrogen cyanide. Many spraying trials had been carried out with AC charged into Russian VAP.500 spray tanks, and into the S.300, a German copy of this weapon. They came to the conclusion that lethal concentrations of AC could be put up in this way especially in tanks and fortifications© This conclusion was based upon what is considered to be the erroneously low lethal dosage for AC of Gt =* 1000. They would have been unable to use this weapon as insufficient hydrogen cyanide was available. Hand grenades and glass bulbs charged AC had been developed but were not in production© Both were con- sidered to be excellent weapons against tanks and fortifications© The German had had similar experiences to our own on the question of stability and inflammability of HON. (vii) Cyanogen chloride, was not considered to be a good war gas since surprise lethal effect could not be obtainedo A plant for its production was however under construction* They had apparently not considered the possibility of obtaining sufficiently high concentrations to defeat the respirator, except possibly by hand-spraying into fortifications, although they were well aware of the desorption phenomenon* S2»aases (i) Tabun, Sarin and Soman* A new gas, Tabun, (British To2l04) with the formula G2h5° 0 . , XF\ had been developed and was in pro duction at Dyhernfurth at a scheduled rate of 1000 tons/month. This gas, which is a nerve poison causing contraction of the pupils at a very low dosage and reputed to be lethal at a dosage of Ct = 300 - 400 was considered to be exclusively useful as a non-persistent gas, and was intended for use only in shell. Bombs were charged with it, but only for storage purposes (although it seems likely that, in fact, these bombs would have been used had C.W, broken out)® A search for related compounds had been made, and as a result two important substances were revealed, Sarin and Soman® Sarin has the formula (CH3)2 CHO 0 "■ p cH3 p Its lethal dosage was given as Ct = 100-150, and its volatility is higher than that of Tabun* More- over, it was stated to be odourless. Its prepara- tion on a large scale was difficult, but a method for doing this had been evolved and a pilot plant had been in operation at Raubkammer, scheduled for an output of 5 tons/week. So far, only i ton had been made, and clearly all problems in connection with the manufacture had not been overcome* It was intended that Sarin should replace Tabun and plants for its manufacture at the rate of 600 tons/ month were being equipped# Soman, which appears from the information available to be still more toxic than Sarin (lethal dose possibly less than 100), is ( CHt ) -zC CH(GH,) 0 P CH3 0 Its raarrcafacture was still in the laboratory experi- mental stage® The Germans were cautious about claiming too much for Tabun, which they recognised as having only a lung effect (no great stress was laid on the eye effects) against which the respirator was a pro- tection unless surprise is effected® They pointed out that decomposition was extensive on detonation and they also considered that its smell was too pronounced and its volatility too low restricting its use to warm weather conditions® Moreover, manu- facture was difficult and limited by a shortage of phosphoras. They had, however, greater hopes for Sarin on account of its effectiveness in low concen- trations and the greater chance of causing a surprise effect conferred by the absence of smell, but the diffi- culty of manufacture and the shortage of phosphorus still remained as disadvantages* (ii) Aeroformo This is a mixed aluminium and magnesium arsenide (a! 91 per cent. Mg 9 per cent) which was developed as the outcome of experiments to obtain toxic effects from incendiary bombso The first idea was to include arsenious oxide as a constituent of a thermit composition, so that metallic arsenide would be produced on combustion and the residue evolve arsine on contact with water, thus hindering fire fighting0 This developed into the inclusion of a component con- taining a quantity of previously prepared metallic arsenide, and an incendiary bomb on this principle, the Bi rv/99 was manufactured in small quantities. It was never put into service however, as it was realised its use would be considered initiation of gas warfareo Aeroforra was the final metallic arsenide developed; this was made on a small research scale at Bitterfeld. Plans to make on a 300 tons/month scale at Dyhernfurth were considered and building started, but later given up. Aeroform generates arsine extremely quickly in moist air, the gas being practic- ally odourless. After the abandonment of the incen- diary bomb idea, experiments on the use of Aeroform in large bombs showed that in woods what was considered to be a lethal dosage (Gt = 1000-2000) could be obtained from a distribution of 50-100 g/nr. Research on grain size showed that there was no advantage in grading, the product as supplied giving sufficiently good results. Several thousand kilograms of Aeroform were captured and are being returned to U.Ko for distribution. The effectiveness in tropical forest, & subject in which the Germans were not interested, might be well worth while determiningo Phosgene oxime. The Germans had heard that the Russians intended to use phosgene oxime . They put a considerable amount of work into studying this gas and its mixture with mustard, and formed the opinion that it would constitute a potent C.W. material, largely owing *to the intense pain caused by contact with the skin. Technical details of a manufacturing method were being worked out at Haselhorst, Excelsior. This compound, 5*“chloro-5ilO dihydroarsacri dine was considered to be superior to MM as an irritant and had been taken to the stage of pilot plant pro- duction,, It had the disadvantage of being difficult to handle, because of ease of decomposition in the presence of air and moisture, and no decision had been made to adopt it* (c) Smoke The German Array had no very great interest in smoke, although both the Luftwaffe, for anti-aircraft screening, and the Navy used it in large quantities* Latterly, the Army had begun to take more interest, after noting the uses to which smoke was put by the Allied Forces* There were a number of generators of the smoke mixture type available which, although efficient, present no outstanding point of interest* The apparatus for using chlorosulphonic acid mixture was of excellent construction, this material being used almost exclusively for anti-aircraft screening* They were, however, beginning to consider the use of black smoke generators of a conventional type for use at night# They did not use oil smoke and were mystified by the oil smoke generators used by the Allied Armies* Smoke shell, rockets and mortar bombs contained sulphur trioxide, the reason being that this was available whereas phosphorus was not* They were developing base ejection shell which were considered preferable to ground burst sulphur trioxide shell, but had not achieved production on a large scale* (d) Experimental Manufacture Units capable of investigating the manufacture of new war gases up to a capacity of about 10 tons material per week were available at Raubkammer* Hants for Excelsior and for Sarin were in existence* The former had produced about 10 tons of good product, but the latter had so far produced no more than 0*5 ton* The plants embody several novel features, which are described in Appendix V„ Some of the stages necessary for the production of Sarin introduce difficult design problems and it does not appear that these had by any means been fully solved, although a large output of Sarin at Dyhemfurth was scheduled to begin in the summer of 1945» Most of the experimental work on mustard production was carried out at I.G-. factories* Production methods for DA, ArsinSl, lewisite and phosgene oxime appears to have been studied at the Lonal Works, Haselhorst. (e) Charging methods The machines used for charging of weapons were of two types, automatic and semi-automatic* Puller details of these machines which were designed by Hagenuk, than are given in Appendix IV will be obtainable at another target, but the impression formed was that the automatic machines are highly complicated and rt ..re very skilled maintenance, whereas the semi-automatic machines err on the side of clumsiness. The layout of the Nebelfdllstelle which is one of the five charging plants existing in Germany was very well done apart from the charging machines themselves, and the general disposition is considered most convenient and efficient® (f) General The total effort put by the Germans into chemical war- fare research and development was considerable, the scientific staffs employed as far as can be ascertained, being about double the numbers employed in Great Britain, The buildings and equipment provided were on a lavish scale, and it was clear that not only was no expense grudged in providing laboratory space and apparatus ample for the immediate programme, but that reserve stocks and space were available for accommodating a large expansion of research staff. The outstanding achievement of German chemical warfare research has undoubtedly been the discovery of Tabun, Sarin and Soman, Apart from this, however, there was a surprising lack of originality in their work, and important phases of C.W®, such as micrometeorology, the vapour effect from mustard ground contamination and ointments were given small or belated attention. When once the significance of a discovery or development was seen, however, it was usually followed with great thoroughness, particularly was this so when an intelligence report of any new development in an enemy country was obtained, and it is a remarkable fact that a great deal of "the total research effort went into the pursuing of such ideas with the greatest tenacity. Another great part of the German research effort was, in the last two years, put into the discovery of substitutes lor various raw materials and inter- mediates which were, owing to Allied bombing, becoming difficult to obtain. Japanese chemical warfare ic t was Possikie to obtain any information on Japanese chem- be^1 since little exchange of information took place 10 rSen &ermtxn3 the Japanese® The former in 1944 supplied facepieces, 50 Fe41 containers and 10 or 20 carbon monoxide the erS unknown) for examination by the Japanese; in return to have received Japanese facepieces and containers but 36 never materialised® A Japanese naval officer in 1943 visited Spandau to obtain information on caroon monoxide filters, and he may possibly have later visited the firm of Auer. A monthly liaison meeting was held at which Oberst Hirsch and Min. Rat. Dwilling met Col. Otiai, a Japanese Technical attach!*. These meetings were for the purpose of exchanging foreign C.W. intelligence, but in fact the meetings never lasted more than half an hour and consisted of nothing more than a brief general conver- sation. No information of any interest was given. ‘Oberst Hirsch had instructions not to divulge any information concerning G-erman C.W. preparations or development• He could give no information on any aspect of Japanese Chemical Warfare. Table i Wa, Pruf, 9 Head - Oberst Hirsch * Adjutant - Major Heitefuss &**oup I Organisation and Direction Oberst von Dechend Sodemann la Technical matter Min, R, Prof, Marks * lb Ic Chemical matters Service matters ORBR Prof. Wagner * Id Correspondence with In* 9. II Gas Defence Min, Rat Dr, Schmidt * Ha Gas masks etc* Oberstlieut Wobit Hb1 Respirator fillings RBR Dr, Mieller * IIb2 Gas planes etc. RBR DR, Strauss, Ing,Schmid, III. Decontamination and Gas Detection Prof. Fritz Wirth Ilia Collective protection OB Ing Pranke II lb Detection RBR Dr. Guggolz * IIIc Decontamination of ground and foodstuffs ORBR Dr, v, Mullenheim Pranzke aroup IV- Mechanical Min, R, Prof. Marks * IV a Ground Decontamination " ) - Ing XVb Troop Decontamination tt M )Canzler * iVc Filling Plant RBR Dr, Muller V Extra Mural Research ORBR Prof, Wagner * Va General Chemistry Dr, Reimer Vb Card Index etc. Dr, Roch Vc Censorship Dr, Rauchhaupt 31 Vd Literature Dr. Roch 0Up VI Gas and Smoke Weapons Min, Rat, Weinberg * - Adjut Mengele * Via Ground Contamination ORBR Dr, Nobbe * - Obit Dr. Gabel vib VXb(D Smoke and Gas Clouds ( „ ) Dr, Kappes * Dr, Kappes * - Ob, Amt, Vlb(2) 7 Gas clouds \ Gritzka * Vlb(3) vibM Vic Vld Smoke equipment Ob. ing, Thiel Grenades, igniters, etc. Infantry and Small Anns. Artillery Dr, Plugel, Alfred * Dr, Bull * RBR Dr, Schreiner. Dr, Schmeiss Vie VI f Meteorology Air Weapons RBR Dr, Kaiser ORBR Dr. Nobbe x Group VII Vila Vllb Vile Testing of new substances Field Trials hygiene and Bacter- iology Oberstabartz Prof. Or. Wolfgang Wirth Oberstabartz Dr, Kruse * ft sr Oberstabartz Or, Prusener Prof. Kliewe, Oberstabartz, Group VIII VIII(a) VIII(b) VIIl(c) G.W, Manufacture Technology Chemistry of Manufacture Factories if Ministerialrat Or. v. d. Linde Ministerialrat Or, v.d. Linde Reg B. Or, Gebhardt Group DC Finance etc0 Obltn Klingbeil Group X Si Incendiaries Attack of Tanks Min. Rat, Or, Stantien Sdf Or, |fHerold Haupt Bohm Group XI Patents ORBR Dr, Janssen * Dr, Winkler * gone to V. W, I* Group XII Intelligence Min. Rat, Dr, Dwilling M Major Clement GRoup xm Veterinary Oberstabstartz Or.Reinecke Stabsvet Or, Meyer " Dr, ” Dr, Turrel Dr, Niemann 4.B.V. Special duties as occasion arose. Oberst. Von. Sicherer * Interviewed during compilation of this report. TABLE II Heeres Gasschutz Laboratorium Spandau Leiter - Qberst Dielitz + P1 Chemical Synthesis 0,B, Dr, 51 O.Bo Dr. Bottger P2 Analytical Chemical Dr, Kolliker, Rudolf + Dr, Wolf Dr, Schiinker Lab, 1. Polarimetry Dr. Under Dr, Vogt, Heinz Lab, 2. Sarin and Tabun Work Dr, Wolf, Johannes Lab, 3, Booty examination HGN determinations Ampoules for Storage trials. Dr. Schluter, Rudolf Lab, 4. Mustard derivatives Dr, Kobs, Hans * Lab. 5- Chamber trials Dr, Ulm, Rudolf * Lab, 6. Sarin research Dr, Kolliker P3 Microchemical and Physicochemical Phys, Measurements - Smoke Adsorption and Desorption of charcoal. Mol. height Measure- ment s. Prof, Jung B, schweckendick x Dr. Wolf * Dr, Holm Dr, Siemens, Dr, Kasel * Pi, Measurements or Con- centrations on Films etc. O.BR, Dr, Zeumer Dr, Leopold Dr, Sperling P5 Library Dr, Metzener Dr, Crassow * ILL Personal Protection O.B. Dr. Kook Dr« Bottnan Dr. Mai Dr. Sch&ndWD * II XL Collective Protection O.B. Dr. Schultz - 0 verb erg IIIaL Filter units Dr. Abel IIIbL Detection and Recog. Dr. Schaeffler Dr. R, Schonemann, Rudolf * IIIcL Decontamination Dr, Meiner *■ - Gunzel * IVL Mechanical O.B. Dr, Holtzapfel VWL Physiological Chemical Dr. Winkler ■ VlaL Ground contamination O.B. Dr, Stuhldreer, * Dr. Heinz Peigs * Lab. 1. Dust Dr, Peigs * * Bolke Lab. 2, Organic chemicals Dr. Pusting Lab. 3. Organic chemicals N Dr. F us ting Lab. 4* Mustard Dr. Stuhldreer bL Smoke and thermal generators O.B. Dr, Marin, O.B. Dr, Hildebrand 11 Dr. Carls 11 Dr, Mehls, Karl K Dr, Tanne, 11 Dr. Herrmann cL Small scale develop- ment of shells - HE tests for shells. Dr, Strasser, Otmar M Dr. Fensch, Walt her M dL Meteor Dr, Boschmann (?) VlIL Toxicology Oberstartz Dr, Sextel H.A, Dr, Bdttger, Gerhard * VlIIL . Semi-Technical Scale Dr, Dorken Plant, Dr, Niggemeier Dr, Stadler * Dr, Schusteritz M Oherst Dielitz and Dr, Kolliker were during the fighting in Berlin. stated to have been killed Interviewed during the compilation of this report. TABLE III Heeres Versuchstelle Raubkammer Bei Munster Leiter - General - Maj Richter* Hauptburd A1 Administration Major Bauer * Bereich Alb Bereich A2 Finance Oherzahlm Lowenstadt Bereich A3 Q.M. Stores Oberschirrm Ropers Bereich M- . O.R.B.R. Dietz x Bereich B Ordnance Stores Obberinspektor Hahn Bereich RI Field Triads Major Pistor * Ungeft Zachow *(Photography) Bereich RII Chemical Analysis O.R.B.R. Weinzierl * Bereich RIII Decontamination and Detection R, B. Dr. Kuhk * Bereich RIV Vehicles and Work- shops. Modifications and prototype con- struction. O.R.B.R, Dietz * Bereich HV Medical (Field Trials) and Toxicology Stabsartz Dr, Budde Bereich RVI Experimental Filling and Charging Plant Cheraiker Dr, Vogel 11 Admini s tr at i on Insp, Striebel 31 Bereich RVII Medical (Treatment of Casualties) Oberstabsartz Prfiaener * Bereich RVIII G, rt. gas Pilot Plant Supervisor G, I. house on sarin manufacture R.B.R, Dr. Erwin Fahrenheit Dr, Jannsen,Rudolf * Shift foremen (Dr, Schusteritz 51 (Dr, Killinger * (Dr, Richter * G, Houses Ex* Plant Dr, .artelt, Heinz * Ing, Schneidewind Bereich RIX Veterinary Prof, Doctor Borchers * (till Jan, 1945) Stahsvet erinar Meyer Stahsveterinar Knebel Erprobungstelle der Luftwaffe Air Force weapons FL, Stabs, Mg, Dr, Pritzkow. FL. Stabsing, Dr, Multone. Smoke and chemical aspects of G, l0 use, of S. G, I, and i/c Workshops, FL, Stab sing Gruner. PL, Stabsing Duschrott FL, Haupting, Dr, Prank. PL, Haupting. Dr, Mart haler c FL, Ing. Beckert, Heeres Nebelfullstelle. Munster Nord Depot Hpt, Baumann, Karl, Officer Lt, Bauer, ** t» Lt. Ritter, * Foreman Plants, Trautmann, Georg * Interviewed during compilation of this report. Usual name or abbreviation. Full name. Chief personalities. Functions. Generalstabdo Heeres: General der Nebeltruppe Generali eutnant Ochsner, Oberstleutnant Heimann. Oberleutnant Kassebarth, Training and equipment of troops in the field. Liaison between General Staff - AHA - <«aA, General questions of gas defence, at first for Anqy only. Since 1st April, 1945 for OKIST, Publication of Intelligence Summary concerning Gas warfare preparations in foreign lands. Chief advisor in OKW, General der Panzer truppe Inspekteur der Panzer- truppe. General der Panzertruppe Guderian Oberstleutnant Dr. Korbler General gas protection for Panzer motorized units. Defensive and Offensive munitions for A,P,Vfs, Gen, d, Pic u, P, General der Pioniere und Pestungen General der Pioniere Jacob einige Pachbear- beiter. Gas defence for forts, assault equipment against forts. General beim Chef H-Ruest und B, d,M, General der Infanterie Buhle, Adviser to commander of the Drsatzheeres (Re- placement on technical military matters. l tH Si / Usual name 01 a hhrevia ti on. j lionet ions. Alia: In k/Ag Art, r—■ Allgeraeines Heere saint. Inspektion 4 Amtsgrupps Artillerie, 1 ? Firing directives for artillery. Practical questions regarding tactical use of war gas. -do- le Ho No Leitender He ere smet eoro- loge it Prof. Min. Rat. Kolzer Baurat Dr. Lucke, Meteorological Service for Array Examination of Porton Reports. In. 3. Inspektion 3 9 Close-combat material and smoke. In.Pest. Inspektion Pestungen 9 Gas defence of forts. Munitions for attacking forts. In. 60 Inspektion 6 Major Pechner. Gas defence for Panzers, Flares. In. 9« Inspektion 9 Oberst Fngelter. Major Prohaska. Major Dederschek, Atsrat Beck. Inspektor Heise. Min. Rat. Dr. Fischer, Directives and personnel of smoke troops. Replacement and training of smoke troops. Tactics of gas defence and offence. Directives for development, and testing of exper- imental materials by troops. Introduction of stores. Supply questions. Troop exercises. Sin. Sanitaets- inspektion, Militaer- aerztliche. Oberstarzt Prof. Dr* V/olfgang Wirth Prof. Dr. Kliewe, Oberstarzt Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wirth Oberstapotheker Dr. Gemeinhardt, Medical gas defence problems. Training of doctors and sanitary personnel with service groups, armies etc. Troop decontamination formations, and their equipment. Gas Therapeutics, Toxicology and Therapy, Skin decontaminants. Training of military doctors. Truppenent- giftungs- Lehrkompanie, ? Training of troop decontaminating companies and trials with their equipment. Yin. Veterinaer- Gen.Vet. Dr. Schulz. Training of veterinary troops. Inspektion. Obers t-V et. Geweniger, Directives concerning animal gas defence. Special training for Veterinary surgeons. Veterinaer- Gen. Stabs-Vet. Prof. Toxicology and Therapy in relation to veterinary Akademia. Dr. Richters, matters. Fzln, Feldzeug- Inspektion* Oberstleutnant Matt. Supply and storage at charging stations and munition dumps. Filling and transport of gas shell. Storage of captured munitions. Supply via quartermaster general of Horae Forces of chemical munitions. — I Usual name or / abbreviation. Full name, 1 Chief personalities. Functions. 1 WaA. Heereswaffenamt. Gen. d. Art. Leeb. I WaA Chef, Ing, Ghefingenieur, Min. Dir, Dill. Ing. Pollert. Baurat Dr,Siegfried Schmidt. Academic personnel of Waffenamt, (Ordnance Department) I WaA Chef, Ing« I, Min. Rat. Dr, Leinweber Examination of specifications, inventions and patents. HTBo Heerestech- nisches Buero, — Preparation of drawings and assembly specificat- ions. F.U.KdOo I Kommando fuer Fertigungs- undterlagen. ? Supervision and supply of specifications to inspection department and contractors. Wa Chef, Ghefcheraiker Oberst Dipl. Ing. Letis (8) General questions of chemical and raw material Ghemo des Waffen- emteso supply for Ordnance department. Wa 'L if. Zentralab- teilung 4. Oberstleutnant von Harsdorf, Oberstleutnant Goellnei Min. Rat, Dr, Oelshausen (Obelshausen). Equipment directives and nomenclature. Wa/ROo Rohstoffab- tailung. ? General raw material and contingent questions. tia/Am. Abnahmeabt e ilung des Waffenamtes, Oberst Justrow. Abn, 1, Oberstleutnant Dipl, Ing, Nowotny (fi) Acceptance of gas defence and smoke equipment. Abn,2, Abn,3* ? i Acceptance of war gas mnnitions, smoke stores and igniters etc. Wa,F„ Porschung- sabteilung. Min, Dir, Prof, Dr0 Schumann, Oberst Dipl, Ing, Plas, Min, Rat Prof, Dr, Eschenbach, 0ber-Rego Baurat Dr, dupe, Reg, Rat Dr, Schoenwaldt Reg,Rat Dr, Drinks, N-stoff and physical questions, N-stoff and Seewerke. Ultra-violet research. Hollow charge effect. Rocket research. Ray research. Radio-activity research, etc. Wa/Pruf, Amjsgruppe Prufwesen Gen,Leutnant Dipl,Ing, John, Wa/Pruf, 2, Infanterie- abteilung. Oberst Dipl,Ing. Kittel Infantry weapons. Wa/Pruf, 4o itrtillerie- abteilung. Oberst Dipl,Ing, Wohlermaim. Artillery weapons, mortars and rocket projectors Wa/Pruf, 5® Pionier- abteilung. Oberst Dipl,Ing, Stamnbach, Pioneer weapons development. f Usual name or 1 Full name, j abbreviation, I 1 Chief personalities, / ~ Pionier- battaillon z,b,V, ? Experimental and training of troops for "Taifun"® Pruf, Feat, Pestungsab- teilung. Oberst,Dipl,Ing,Teutsch Min, Rat Dipl, Ing, Kussner, Erection of forts and gad defence of fortifications. Pruf, 6. Abt, fuer Mot orisierung und Panzer, Oberst Dipl, Ing. Holzheuer, Oberst Dipl, Ing, Crohn, Dipl, Ing, Schnieto, Oberleutnant Zabel, Gas defence for Panzers® Smoke for Panzers. Flares, Pruf, 80 Ateilung fuer Optik, Gen,Major Dipl, Ing, H os smarm, Oberreg,Baurat Dr, Gaertner, Reg, Baurat Dr.Braeunig Infra-red research® Befogging, tfa, Pruf, (BuM) Amtsgruppe fuer Ballistik und Munition, Oberst Dipl,Ing, Schmidt. Wa, Prufo (BuM) 1 Abteilung fuer Munition Pulver und Sprengstoffe Oberst Dipl,Ing. de Bouche Oberst. Dipl. Ing, Huck Infantry grenades and weapons. Oberleutnant Vogel Dipl. Ing, Rogge. Oberst Dipl.Ing. Lorentz, Oberstleutnant Dipl. Ing. Otto. Min. Rat Dr.tfuelfken, Oberinspektor Gerloff Artillery Shells (ironmongery) Hand grenades. Coloured smokes and signal munitionso Close combat material. Hollow charges. Flame throwers. Wapccuf, (BUM) 3 Ballistische Oberst Dr.Ing. Ballistic work, ani preparation of range .Sbteilung Schubert. Min. Rat Dr. Thielo. Min. Rat Dr. Laugner Baurat Dr. Athen Baurat Dr, Kraus. tables. tfapruf. (BiU)9 Abteilung fuer Gasschutz und Nebel Oberst Dr, Hirsch Wapruf, (BuM) 11 Abteilung fuer Oberstleutnant Dr. Ing. Munitions for projectors. Ballistics and Raketenwaffen Krober. Reg, Baurat Dr.Bitzken Dipl, Ing, Hess, firing tables. H.G.S.L. Heeresgass- f» Spandauo chut z-Labora- torien Spandauo Oberst Dielitz, Gen. Controlled by Pruf. 9» »i H.V.St.Raub- kammer. Heeres-Ver- suchsstelle Raubkammer. Major Richter. Controlled by Pruf. 9 I Usual name or I abbreviation, I Full name. Chief personalities. functions. Wa/Mun. Waffenarat Amts- gruppe Munition Gen*Major Dipl*Ing,Henrici Supply and procurement of war gas storage and charging depots. Liaison with special committees of Speer Ministry, tfa/Mun. Munition- sabteilung. Min. Rat Dr. Shmam Ob, Baurat Dr, Reinknecht Ob. Baurat Dr. Donath. Wa/W, u, G, Amtsgruppe fuer Waffen und Geraet, Wa-WUG,1, Geraet eabt e ilung Oberstleutnant Buchler Procurement of gas defence equipment and 1. Major Lauscher. textiles, and smoke apparatus. Liaison with special committees of the Speer Ministry, OKW/Ro, Rohstoffabtei- lungo ? General raw material and contingent questions for the Services, OlW/Wiss, Wisenschaft- liche Abteilung Min. Dir, Prof, Dr, Schumann Ob, Reg, Baurat Dr, Beyer, Liaison with Reichsforschungsart, (State research advisory council) B,W, and insecticides. Wa. Arbeitsstab fuer Panzerabwehr Vorsitz: OberstKittel (Pruf 2) Vertreter: GencDer Panzer truppe. In 6, H Pruf 1, Pruf 2, Hmf 4, Prpf 5, Pruf 6, Pruf 8, Pruf 9, Pruf 11. Panzertruppenschule, Panzer defence. Arbeitsstab fur N-Stoff-Einsatz Gen.Major von Junck Vertreter: Pruf 5, Pruf Fest,lTuf 9 Wa-Chef Chem, WA-P. Search for new methods of employment of N-Stoff. Arbeit sstab flier Zuenderent- wicklung. Gen. Major Dipl.Ing Zimraermann Gertreter: Pruf 1, Pruf 2, Pruf 4, Pryf 5, Pruf 9, Pruf 10 Pruf 11. New developments in fuzes especially hightly sensitive fuzes and proximity fuzes. n Arbeitsstab fuer Vere inf achimg Vertreten: Wa-Prftf, Wa-Pruf (BuM), tfa-Mun, Wa-WuG, Che f-Ing. Ghef-Ghem, Sparkoixmissaer and Umstellungs-beauftragte Economical substitutes. Simplification of designs and widening of tolerances. Arbeit sgane in- sc haft "Blitz- ableiter", 1 Vorsitz: Gen.d,Artillerie Leeb, mit der Vertretung beauftragt; Oberst Dr. Hirsch Sachbearbeiter: , Min. Rat Dr. Ing Stantien. General questions of bacteriological warfare. Ditto, / Usual name I abbreviation ary Full name, 7 __ “ / r Sektor 1; Prof, Dro Blome, Prof, Dr, Rose (Lin, 14) Prof,Dr, Kliewe Sektor 2; Prof, Dr, rValdmarm ein Veterinaer der Yen, Sektor 3: 0bo Reg, Baurat Dr, Beyer von OKW/v/iss, welter vertreten: Profo Schumann (WaP), Reichs f orschungsrat. Amt fuer Volksgesundheit V olksemaehrungsamt Landwirtschaftliche Organi sat i onen. Section dealing with humans. Veterinary Section, Agricultural Section, SPEER MINISTRY G.B,Ghem, Verb indung zum Wa: Reichstelle Chomie; Oberst, Geist Berst Dipl, Ing, Gaul, Obersteutnant Dr, Ing, Singer, Raw material, general manufacturing questions, ' 1 V v Gebi et sbeauf tragt er und General- beauftragter Ghemie Prof. Dr, Krauch Staatsrat Schieber Dr, Brudy Planting saint; Gen,Major Dipl, Ing, Waeger, Planning and building of new installations. G-oB. -Bau, Generalbevollach- tigter fur das Bauwesen 7 Priorities for material for new installa- tions, Allocation of labour. arbeitsausschuss G« Vorsitz: Dr, iimbros (l0G,) Dr, Ingo Klenk V ert r et emvon; In, 9 Pruf 9, Mun,3, OKtf/Ro, GoB.Ghem, Dienststelle Prof, Brandt, General war gas and intermediates manufacture and installations pertaining thereto. Decontaminants, Arbeitsausschuss Gasschutzgeraete Versitz; Prof, Vertreter von; In, 9, Pruf 9, WuG 1,00/Ro, Lin. 13, und Irof, Brandt, Gas defence equipment, Individual and collective. Activated chareoalc Arbeitsausschuss hebelstoffe Vorsitz: Dr, Wurster (l.G,} Vertretey von; In, 9, Pruf.9, Mun.3, Lin, 13. OKW/Ro, Smokes for the Services and for civilian air raid defence. I k j Usual name oij a Full name. f abbreviation,, / j Chief personalities. j Functions. / Areitsausschuss 1 Nebelgeraet • Direktor Plett (Hagenug, Kiel) Direktor Dr, Ing, Scholler (P.I.W. Barth). Direktor Dr, von Gagem (Minimax) „ Vertreter von; In,9, Eruf 9, Hun, 3, WuG, 1, Lin, 13 OKW/Roo Smoke raateriala - araoke generators and thermal generatora. Smoke equipment. - OTHER ESTABLIS HMENTS Re ichsforschungsrat Voraitz; Prof, Dr. Thieaaen Prof, Dr, Blome Prof. Dr, Planck Staatarat Schieber Prof, Menzel Min, Dir, Irof, Dr, Schumann and many other a. Advisory research council. GoToR. Ghemisch Tech- nische Reicha- anatalt Praeaident; Dr, Reraaraki Dr, Roedig Dr, Hoffmann Reg, Dr, Ing, Dithmar Dr, Pinnow Dr, Luchainger, Stability of powders. Storage, research, corrosion, materials research. Safety directives. Smoke acids. R,W.M. Reichswirtschafts- ministeriura. Min,Rat Dr, Taeglich Factory and transport safety questions. 45 Reichsanstalt fuer Luft- und Wasserguete Prof# Dr# Haase# Researches in decontaminating drinking water. R.P.A. Reichspatentamt — General patent questions. Open and secret patents. Patent indices. Dienstst- elle Prof# Brandt# General bevoll- raachtgter fuer das Gesundheitswesen Prof# Dr. Brandt, Oberstleutnant Bode(Heer) Min#Rat Milenz (Lin# 13) Yertreten: Ministerium Speer Wa., Pruf 9 WuGl,Mun#3, In# 9. General der Nebeltruppe, Lin# 13, Sin#, Lin.14, Dr. Ajibros (IG), Prof# Dr, Co-ordination of military and civil gas defence. Co-ordinates military and civil requirements for manufacture, raw materials and labour. Adviser to the "Fuehrer” in gas defence questions# NAVY. M# G. L, I. Marine Gaschutz and Luftschutz- inspektion* Kapt.z#See Bentlage Preg, Kapt# Dr. Tobias KerVo Kapt# Dr.Kirasch Kerv.Kapt. Grupe# Gas defence on board ship. Gas defence equipment smoke, (Analogous to In# 9 for Army) M.G.S# S. Marine Gasschutz- schule. 4? Analogous to Array Gas defence School in Celle# OKty/Mar, Ruest/ awa/Vi* Oberkomaando der Marine Marine-Ruestung, enamt. Kapt.z.See Dipl.Ing. Meusemann Reg.Baurat Dr, Ide. Artillery munitions (Meppen) war gas questions (Plon) analogous to Pruf. 9. j Usual name orf Full name* j abbreviation*! I Functions* I0KU/Uaro Rvteat/ awa/g* Oberkoomando der Marine-Rues tung. Marine-Waffonamt, Abt, Beschaf fung. ' Analogous to Wa.Mun 3 and Wi£> 1. C.P.V.A. Chemlsoh Physi- kalische Ver- suchsanstalt. Ober Reg.Rat.Dr. Ulrich Mueller. Reg.Bau Rat Dr. Hennings. Dr* Nedopil M Dr. Wiese (Prueher Pruf. Q Chemical and war gas questions. Analogous'partly to laboratories 6 B1 and 6 Cl in Spandau for special navy use. Marine Wetter- dienst Reg. Rat Dr. Moll Reg. Rat Prof, Dr. Krull Reg. Rat Dr. Komemann General Meteorology. Special meteorological questions. _ LUFTWAFFE oki/tlVpie Oberkommando der Luftwaffe/ Tech- nische Luftruea- tung/Fliegerische Entwicklung. Gen. Ing. Marquardt Flieger Stabs Ing. Dipl. Ing. Schiedler Flieger Stabs Ing.Dr. Preiss Flieger Stabs Ing. Dipl. Ing. Gruner Flieger Stabs Ing.Dr.Lowa War gas and smoke. Development of air requirements in co- operation with Pruf. 9. OKL/TLfy'PLB Oberkommando der Luftwaffe/ Tech- nische Luftrues- tung/Plieger- materialbeschaffung Flieger Ob.Ing.Stein. Provision. Analogous Mun 3 and WuG 1. K.d.E, \ \ Koinniandeur der Erprobungsstellen — General trials or air force material. E-Steele O.Lw, Muns ter-N ordj Erprobungsst elle der Luftwaffe Munst er-N ord. Flieger Stabs Ing, Dr, Pritzkow Flieger Stabs Ing.Dr, Muttone Flieger Stabs Ing,Dr, Zuschrott Flieger Stabs Ing,Dr, Frank. Development and trials in co-operation with Pruf, Analogous to Anqy experimental, station at Raubkammer, R.d,L0/Lin. 13o Reichsminister der Luftfahrt/Luft- waffeninspekt ion 13# Min. Dir. Dr, Knipfer Min. Dri. Lindner Min. Rat. Dr, Mielenz Ob, Reg, Chemie Rat Dr. Stobwasser Ob, Reg, Chemie Rat Dr, Ensfeliner „ Reg. Chemie Rat Dr.Tubben Air raid defence for civilians. R,d.L,/Lin, 14. Reichsminister der Luftwaffeninspek- tion 14. Oberstarzt Prof, Dr. Rose Smoke screening of industries, towns, etc. Development of civilian masks - somewhat analogous to In,9. Medical questions for civilian gas defence; analogous to Sin, R, A, L, S, Reichsanstalt der Luftwaffe fuer Luftschutz Gen,Leutnant Stubenrauch Oberst Lukaseder (6) Reg, Chemie Rat Dr, Graf Degenfeld Reg, Chemie Rat Dr, Daehlmann. Experimental and trials of civilian gas defence. 1 r Usual name or abbreviation* Full name* Chief personalities. Functions* « Hoherer Kommandue Gen* Leutnant Laule Directives and tactics of gas defence and fuer Truppengass- Oberst (W) Geissler offence for the Luftwaffe, chut«0 Ob erst leutnant Kirchner Major Scheiner (0) Analogous to general of smoke troops and In*9 of the Army, Gasschutzschule der Luftwaffe — Analogous to Army gas defence School in Celle, Reichsamt fuer Wetterdienst —, Central control of weather bureaus for the whole Reichs, Chef Wetter- dienst. “",-j Central control of weather bureaux for the wehrmacht. Special weather bureau for Luftwaffe. Meteorologische Observatorium des Reichsamtes fuer Wetterdienst* Min* Rat Prof. Dr. Koschmieder* Central meteorological office* Forstschutzstaffel der Luftwaffe. Oberst von Borstell* Post eradiation research and development* table v O.KqHq, (DBERKDMMANDO DES HEERES Gen, d. Inf. BUHLE, Generalstab des Heeres: 4=: Gen, d, Panzertruppe Guderian, ► A.H.A. < Wa.iL [ALLGEMEINES HEERESAM3 Gen, d. Art. KAINER. (heeres waffenamt' Gen, d, Art. LSEB Organi sax ions - ABTLG I I Ausbdildungs - ABTLG, I I etc, 1 GENERAL der NEBELTRUPPE: IN 1, I I I I ! I I 1 IN 9c Wa Abn, "Obst. JUSTROW :amtsgruppe ABNAMME, Wa Prof Gen, Ltn, SCHNEIDER, AMTSGRUEEE PRUFWESEN wugt G.Mjr. STAMKBACH, (AMTSGRUPEE WAFPEN ( UND GERAT 'Wa IRu Mun, G.MJr. HENRId. AMTSGRUPEE INDUSTRIELLE] RUSTUNG - MUNITION. In Wa Pruf 1 I Wa PrRf 9 Wa IRu Mun 1 I 11 ii Wa IRu Mun 3/ * Wa Abn,1o WuG 1. Oberst Engelter. Chef, Min, Rat, Dr, Ghem. - Fischer, -Fragen, Amstrat Beck Ausstattung. Mjr, Oederscher V orsch- r if ten, Amtmann Heise. Gasschutz, Abteilung fur Gas- schutz and Nebel Oberst Dr, Walter HIRSCH. I Heereagasschutz Lab- oratorien Spandau, I Heeresversuchsstelle Raubkamner, Oberst Bieger, Chef, w Obstlt, Buschler,- Gasschutz, MaJ, Lauscher, - Gasschutz, Obstlt. Nowotny. Chef, Generalleutnant Ochsner Chef. Min, Rat, Dr, Shnann, Chef, O.R.B.R, DR, Reinkneoht - Planung u Anlagen, 0,R.B,R. Dr, Donat - Beschaffung, Oberst Scherer Vorschriften Obstlt, Heimaim Ausrustung, Obit, Kassebarth Intelligence, Fz.' IK. General der Pioniere und Festungen, I Genera der Panzertruppe I I Gen, d, Pztp, GUDSRIAN I I etc. PELDZEUG - INSPECTION Wa Mf 12 WuG 6, Abn, 3. MaJ, Matt, - Gesamte Bevorratung Kst.u,Nebel - Fullanlagen Munitions Anst alien. Legend, Channel for direct orders : Correspondence channels Occasional correspondence channels. L. IN 13 CIVIL CAS DEFENCE L.IN 14 HYGIENE REICH8ANSTALT FUR LUFTSCHUTZ. CENERALBEVOLLMACHTICTER FUR PAS CESUN0E1TSWESEN / PROF BRANDT MINISTERIUM SPEER TECH. AMT. LUFTWAFFE " ERPROBUNCSTELLE PER LUFTWAFFE. MARINEWAFFENAMT MILITARARZTL AKAOAMIE PRUF 9 VETERINAR AKAOAMIE W ol A. IN IN FEST S. IN. V. IN IN 6 AHA i CENERALITAT oes heeres CEN. 0. NEBELTRURPE• CEN. D - PIONIERE U FEST GENERAL ARZT CENERALVETERINAR GENERAL FUR MOTOR1S1ERUNC j,. table vii Personalities required for interrogation Name Office Punct ions Fritz Wirth Wa Pruf„ 9* HI Decontamination and Gas Protection. Dr, Schreiner Wa Prufo 9. VId Shell design. Prof. ° Wolfgang Wirth Wa link. 9. VII Toxicology. Prof, Wa Prufo 9. Vile Hygiene and Bacteriology, Dr, Gebhardt. Wa Prufo 9« Chemistry of Manufacture, VIII(b) ftat. Dr* Stantien. Wa Pruf, % X Insecticides, incendiaries etc. I^erntabstartz • Wa Pruf. % XIII. Veterinary, Bottger Spandau, P. 1. Chemical synthesis. Wolf, Spandau. P. 1 • Analytical Chemical, Wolf f j ohannes. Spandau. P„2« Sarin and Tabun work. **°f° J^ng. Spandau. P,3«> Microchemical and Physicochemical. Obor«s-f z von Sicherer. Enif- 9. General G.W, • ft* l>r*Zeumer, Spandau, P.4^, Measurements or concentrat- ions on Films etc. 0-B< *. Koch. Spandau. II.L, Personal Protection. Maio Spandau, II,L, Personal Protection. Dr o . Spandau, II I. L, Collective Protection, Dr c> Ghaeffiero Spandau, III.b.L. Detection and Recognition. 0,B, Dr, Stuhldreer, Spandau, VI, a, L, Dusts, sprays and smokes. Dr, Fusting, Spandau, Lab, 2, Organic chemicals. Oberstartz Dr, Sextel, Dr, Dorken, Spandau, VII,L, Spandau, VIII,L. Toxicology, Semi-Technical Scale Plant Dr, Niggemeier, -do- —do— PL, Stabs, Mg, Dr, Pritzkow, Frprobungstelle der Luftwaffe, Air force weapons. PI, Stabsing, Dr, Muttone. -do- -do- PI, Stabsing G-runer, -do- Smoke and Chemical aspects of S.C.I, use. FI, Stabsing Zuschrott, -do- Maintenance of S,C0I, and i/c Workshops, PI, Haupting Dr, Prank, Srprobungstelle der Luftwaffe, Air Force 'Weapons, Fl0 Haupting Dr, Marthaler, -do— Air Force Weapons, FI. Ing, Beckert. —do— Air Force Weapons. Prof, Wiramer, Strasburg University, Toxicology, Prof, Picker, -do- -do- Prof, Plury, Wurzburg University. -do- Generalleutnant Ochsner General der Nebeltruppe, (General of smoke or gas troops) Gas policy in iinay. Oberstleutnant Heimann, General Staff. -do- Oberleutnant Kassebarth, -do- -do- Oberatleutnant Dr. Korbler Inspekteur der Banzertruppe® Gas protection for tanks and motorised units. Oberst Engelter, Inspektion 9« Tactical questions and approval of weapons for. Prohaska —do- Smoke (gas) troops. Dr. Fischer. —do— -do- Dir. Prof. Dr. Schumann. WaF. Various physical research connected with G.W. May have connections with S.S. ot is for static trials is Wa°Vi^ niinature rail- s'? c^es 011 c±rclaa 15, 25 *hi In diameter along cil sampling apparatus can Others used for shell are provided with large t0 J?OXea of concrete thick enough a direct hit, and cap- vf holding 50 to 100 people, pr °kservati°n rooms are gas I*ot e with water. 50 cc, are pipetted out and extracted with benzene for an hour and a half. The rest of the process is similar to that in (a) above, (c) To estimate HT in the field the following method is used. Absorption Apparatus - 1 or 2 wash bottles containing 10 cc. X/1 KMnO 10 cc. glacial acetic acid and 60 cc. water. Sampling Rate - 40 litre0 per minute. The estimation is similar to that for mustard, except that a Calibration* determination must be carried out to determine how many mg. of the material correspond to 1 cc, of N/10 AgJtfO^. This is dene as follows; - 30-80 mg. mustard are weighed into a weighing bottle and then placed in a erlenneyer flask with about 120 cc. of alcohol and 5 cc. caustic soda (50$ solution). After about one hour 60 cc, of water are added and the solution boiled on the water bath and after cooling acidified with 10 N sulphuric acid and titrated with 1/10 N silver nitrate. Mustard gas by the Total Halogen Method. Absorption Apparatus - 1 or 2 wash bottles. pilling - 80-90 cc, of alcohol and 5 cc. 39$ caustic soda. Sampling Rate - About 40 litres per minute. The liquid in the flask is treated with about 60 cc. of water and heated for one hour on the water bath. It is then acidified with 10 cc. of 10 N sulphuric acid using methyl red as indicator and titrated 4m potenticmetrically with 1/10 N silver nitrate. Tabun bty determination of phosphorus. 1-2 wash bottles, contents - cc. N/l6 KMnOi*. 1 cc, concentrated sulphuric acid 1.84 fillet! with water until the glass packing is just covered. Sampling Hate about 40 litres - min.. After exposure to the gas, each bottle has 5 cc, concentrated nitric acid added and is placed on the boiling *ater-bath for 3 hours, reduced with H2O2 until decolourised, emptied into a beaker and evaporated to dryness on a water-bath or sand-bath. Then 25 cc. water, 5 cc* HNO3 and 15 cc. Ammonium nitrate solution are sdded, the mixture is heated and precipitated with 25 cc. ammonium Molybdate (175 g* in 1 litre of water with 1 litre 50 per cent HNO3 *dded), After 3 hours it is filtered through a filter the precipitate is washed with 5 per cent KNO3 and dissolved in an exactly measured y of N/10 NaCH. The excess of the alkali used for dissolving it is titrated back with N/10 sulphuric acid using S*henolphthalein as indicator. The difference gives the amount of slkali used. 1 cc. alkali m 0.704 mg. Tabun. letnm by GN determination. 2 wash bottles in series. Filling Toluol 80-126 cc. according to time of exposure and rate of flow. After the absorption air is drawn through the bottles by means of the filter pump to remove free HCN, Then an aliquot part (50 cc,) is •haken for 5 minutes with 80 cc, NaDH 1/100 N, and after the two J*yers have settled the aqueous phase is poured through a filter and cc, of it are treated with 5 cc, NaHC03 (2 per cent) and 5 cc, KI ®°lution (10 per cent) and titrated with t/100 normal iodine after Addition of starch. Note. The amount of toluol is determined by weight. This is done ty weighing the dried bottles on a pointer-balance before and after filling. Since there is a loss of toluol during the absorption, it is sufficient if the bottles ere weighed after the absorption. The difference between the empty weight and the weight after absorption gives the weight of the filling. Alternatively the toluol filling after the absorption may be poured into a measuring cylinder, filled up to the mark and aliquot parts taken. The method can be left to the worker. Sarin or Soman by determination of phosphorus. 1-2 wash bottles £n series. Pilling - 86 cc, n/5o NaOH (packing covered). Sampling Rate about 40 1. per minute. After the absolution the liquid is into a beaker and a small excess of dilute sulphuric acid is added (indicator methyl red) and it is evaporated nearly to dryness on the water bath or sand bath. The material is then washed, using a small uantity of water, into a silver crucible containing 5 cc, of 20 per cent sodium carbonate solution, evaporated to dryness and heated in a muffle furnace (700°), Then it is washed into a beaker with water, acidified with 5 cc, HNO3 and the phosphorus precipitation carried out as for Tabun. 1 cc, 1/iO NaOH = 0.609 mg. Sarin, for Soman 1 cc, i/10 NaOH = 0,792 mg. Soman, Sarin by HF Determination. The method is the same as the GN deter- mination for estimating Tabun, with the difference that 30 cc, of the toluol absorbent are shaken for 10 minutes with exactly 80 cc, of 1/100 NaOH, The two phases are separated as in the Tabun estimation and the excessof unused alkali in 50 cc, of the filtrate are titrated back with N/20 HC1. The Taschiro indicator is used. According to the literature this is a mixture of Methyl red and Methylene blue. 12, Interpretation of results of field trials. In the absence of any complete field trial reports (Note - some microfilms which have been sent to U.K. for reading appear to contain a few field trial reports. These will be examined and reported on separately) it is not possible to obtain a clear idea of the method jf interpreting the data obtained during field trials. From questioning however the following facts appear to be established. (a) Animal results were regarded as more reliable than chemical analysis results and were given preference in case of conflict. (b) Meteorological conditions (not including the factor R) were recorded for each trial but were not introduced into the computation although they were made use of in a rough and ready way. Their use was little more than to explain, and provide a reason for rejecting, anomalous results. (c) Dosage expressed in terms of concentration x time, although recognised for expressing physiological effect was not used in the interpretation of field trials. Instead the results were expressed in terms of "lethal areas" and "total effective areas". The former was the area over which the death of all animals was obtained, the latter over which illness or death of animals occurred. (d) There ms little attempt to study methods of interpreting and expressing efficiency of weapons. This was possibly due to the fact that there was no one section whose business it was to.study all aspects of field trials. 13, Results of field trials. As remarked above, no complete field trial report has yet been examined. Tabular summaries of field trials, prepared by the head G-ruppe VII b for the purpose mainly of displaying physiological faults, have however been seen. These, because of their Physiological bias, have been dealt with in detail in Appendix III, hut idle re relevant some of the material has been used in other appendices. Summary and appreciation of Field Trials Organisation The range at Raubkanmer is of ample size with substantial safety around the main clear experimental area. It is, moreover, so that air flow is regular and unimpeded. Consequently trials Cc*ild be done with the wind in any direction and only very bad father caused interruption of programmes. This happy feature of the enabled fixed points to be selected at which the major trials w®t*e carried out and these points were fitted up with permanent lay- of wiring and sampling and control points. By this means were so simplified that in most cases no detailed written 1'°gramme was necessary and for this reason, and because of the ample space and the lavish stock of sampling apparatus a mass of work could be carried out at high speed. Further a number of trials could often be done on the same day under similar meteoro- logical conditions, enabling valid comparisons to be made without the introduction of corrections for atmospheric factors. Several features of the range work at Raubkammer appear, as faf as can be Judged before they have been subjected to test, worthy of commendation. The Vauzet Tuna appears to be a valuable piece of equipment for the study of the ground burst type of shell and the installation of * similar piece of equipment merits serious consideration by Allied chemical warfare research installations. The system of using $ sampling centres provided with rails with which to run trolleys ing sampling apparatus is also commendable, although of course only ranges where ample margins exist in all directions could accommodate them. Another- useful feature is the series of gas-tight concrete observation towers from which shoots can be controlled from close t° the point-of-aim without harm from even direct hits by gas shell. Again only ranges large enough to carry out shoots at a fixed point with any wind direction could economically instal such equipment. On the other hand it is difficult to see that the Messhaus, despite the fact that another and larger one was being prepared, fulfilled a purpose of value commensurate with the expense of and maintaining it. It served a purpose in giving a rough indica" tion of the degree to which a chemical agent was decomposed by bursting, and was, it was ascertained, used as an intermediate stag* between explosion tests in small containers at Spandau, and trials in the field at the Vauzet Turm, This indication could only have been very approximate and in our opinion little would have been 1.o** by going straight from the Spandau bursting trials to the Vauzet Turm trials. Referring back .to the facility with which trials could be formed at Raubkammer, it seems to us that the emphasis on the redn*' tion of field trials to a routine matter, and the failure to appoi** > a section whose sole function was to design field trials (as disti* from the development of field analytical methods) had the effect of eliminating imagination in framing them and so some extent, the introduction of realism into the interpretation 0* results. We think that this had a fundamental effect on the outlook on chemical warfare and, for example, was at least in responsible for their overlooking until recently the study of meteorology, their comparative neglect of vapour effect from contamination, and their belief in the offensive properties of arsenicals. LAYOUT OF BUILDINGS A RANGE RAUBKAMMER. FIG, I. MAIN ENCLOSED AREA nr. it - HEATING PLATE (30° OR SO?) SINTERED CLASS IMPREGNATED WITH SILVER (SILVER NITRATE IMPREGNATED AND REDUCED) CLASS. PUMP - HEATING COIL GRANULES OF I* Os. Fiam. FIG. N. LAY-OUT OF RBL Investigation of Chemical Warfare Installations the Munsterlager Area, including Baubkanmer APIENDIX II - Defensive Aspects 1• Introduction* 2* Respirators. 3* Collective Protection. 4® Protective Clothing. 5* Detection. 6. Decontamination, 7o Description of RIII, Raubkammer. APPENDIX II Defensive Aspects 1• Introduction The defensive aspects of German Chemical Warfare Research and Development came mainly under the control of Groups II, III, IV and XIII of Wa. Pruf 9® Group II was responsible for the individual protection of men and animals by the way of provision of respirators and protective clothing, including gas planes. Group III covered collective protection, detection and decontamination both of personnel and of equipment and materials* Group IV dealt with vehicles and ploughs for decontamination and Group XIII covered the wider aspects of animal defence besides veterinary research. At Spandau, II L carried out the research and development for Group II, III L for Group III, IV L for Group IV and IIcL for Group XIII. There was not quite such an exact correspondence of function at Raubkammer. All the field trials of defensive equipment, and of detection and decontamination methods were carried out by R.III. Decontamination vehicles were maintained by R.IV, the transport section. A new section, R*IX, for veterinary research was being set up and was almost completed. This would have dealt with animal defence. The information contained in this Appendix was gained by interrogation of staff from Wa.Pruf 9* Spandau and Raubkammer and by inspection of buildings and equipment at Raubkammer. Puller technical details will be available when the documents and equipment being sent back to U.K. from Raubkammer have been examined. The following were interrogated s- Oberst Hirsch Chief of Wa.iruf 9® Dr* Schmidt Chief of Group II Dr. Gustav Schohmann II L Herr Erich Bobertag Chemietechnischer, II L Herr Paul Pliescher Laborant, II L Dr. Guggolz III b Herr Albert Dankert Chemietechnischer, III a L Dr.Rudolf Schonemarm III b L Herr Hans Brinkhoff Chemie Inginieur III b L Herr Gunther Rode Laborant III b L Herr Georg Waldner Chemietechnischer III b L Dr.Herbert Meiner III c L Herr Hans Gunzel Chemietechnischer III c L Dr.Hermann Specht III c L Dr. Kuhk Head of R III. 2© Respirators (A) Charcoal Five different types had been used in recent manufacture of containers. These comprise ;- Zsa; Peat charcoal, zinc chloride activated, impreg- nated with copper and silver© Zsap when pyridine impregnated. Wsa; Beech wood charcoal, steam activated, impreg- nated with copper and silver© Wsap when pyridine impregnated. Ska; Peat charcoal, activated with potassium sulphide, impregnated with copper and silver© Skap when pyridine impregnated© Ra; Beech wood charcoal, activated with potassium sulphocyanide, impregnated with copper and silver. Rap when pyridine impregnated© Front layer A low grade wood charcoal, zinc chloride activated charcoal; Not otherwise impregnated© (Vorschicht Kohle) Sources of manufacture of charcoal Zsa: Harz-Weser A.G-©, Langelsheim at Harz, 8 Km© W© of G-oslar© Wsa; Mostly at Deutsche Activ Kohle Ges©, preranitz, Ratherow (in Russian zone)© Smaller production at Kaig, Brelon-Wald (s© of padehorn)© Ska; Premnitz© Ra; Ernst Beudler (Dr.Hans Walter), Lahp-Dilingen, Baden, Nr« Strashurg© Vorschicht Norit, Zaandin, Amsterdam and Deutsche Activ Kohle; Kohle Ges,, Leverkusen (l.G.) Dr.Neimann knows process. Brief description of manufacturing processes Zsa, peat is milled to fonn a flour, mixed with zinc chloride solution in a kneading machine,, The originally brown mixture turns black and forms a crumbly mass, which is then extruded ih the form of strings 2 ram,, diameter* These are cut or, more recently, broken up by folding, put in a furnace and activated at 950°C. During activation the charcoal is passed by a continuous feed through' a rotating cylinder furnace and falls out at the other end into a drum which is kept fairly air-tight to prevent inflammation. After cooling the charcoal is put into acid proof containers and immersed in a water bath. Then it is successively washed in HC1, water, K2CO3 and CUSO4. It is then washed again with water, filtered, treated with steam at 900- 950°C. in a rotating drum furnace. After cooling it is graded and selected sizes are sprayed with silver nitrate. It is then filled into drums or sprayed with 2f0 pyridine before packing. The water content is 8-1Q*; copper 0.8-1°£, silver Oojo. Wsa. Beech wood is ground to a fine powder and mixed with tar from the distillation of the same material, and are added either in solid form or in solution according to the factory. The mixture is extruded and dried at 300°C. in absence of air in order to form a "coke". It is then put in a drum furnace and activated at 900-950°C» with steam. After cooling, the grains are graded and then impregnated directly with silver (and pyridine). Some firms add 2 per cent alkali to increase the speed of activation, but this has to be washed out at the end of the process other- wise the chloropicrin absorption is spoiled. Ska. This is made from peat as for Zsa; it is kneaded with K2S solution, mixed, extruded, and activated at 900- 1000°C. After washing it is impregnated with and K2CO3, then washed again and dried. Grading is then done and the selected size ranges are impregnated with silver (and pyridine). Ra. Made from Beech wood which is pulverized and mixed with Rhodan (potassium sulphocyanide), dried and activated in a drum furnace at 900°C. It is then washed, made alkaline with K2CO3 and impregnated with GUSO40 After washing again and drying, the charcoal is graded and impregnated with silver (and pyridine). Vor- Made from wood by a straight forward zinc chloride schicht activat ion process and not impregnated. It contains Kohle. 20-30 per cent Zn as basic zinc carbonate. Container Fillings In the Pe37 (R) and Pe41, the first layer after the par- ticulate filter was Zsa, followed by Wsa. The Pe42 had an additional front layer of Vorschidht Kohle, Zsa is the best charcoal for speed of absorption at high concentrations. It had a larger pore structure than Wsa as determined by adsorp- tion experiments. Examination by the electron microscope had failed to reveal pore structure, but it was possible to distinguish between various kinds of charcoal* If there were a shortage of Zsa, then Wsa, Ska or Ra might be used in its place. The reason for the two layers in the Pe41 and the three in the Pe42 is an economic one since Wsa was in short supply owing to requirements for the artificial wool industry. G-as Tests on Containers The factories assembling containers made tests only against chloropicrin at a concentration of 40 g/m5 and flow rate of 20 3/min. Minimum service time was 65 min. This was a test merely of correctness of packing. Special tests were made against concentrations of various gases, as under© Plow rate was usually 30 l/mln. but sometimes it was increased to 60 or 100 l/min. CG 3, 11, 100, 250 g/m3 AC 0.5, 5, 10, 20 g/m? CK 1.2, 2,4, 3, 12 and 24 g/m? SA 0.5, 2 g/m3 Hi* 0.5, 2, 10 g/m3 ) ) only occasionally SH2 2 g/m3 ) General remarks on performance of Containers against gases and recent developments The Pe42 Container was introduced to meet a possible Russian attack with high concentrations of HCN. Some 8 millions were made, but the opinion was expressed that it was a mistaken effort, that it was unnecessary and was too heavy for the face- piece. Wa, Pruf, 9 were asked to consider the protection afforded by containers in the event of an allied gas attack from the air. An experiment was staged in which twelve 250 kg, bombs filled phosgene were arranged in two rows of six with 5 metres distance between adjacent bombs and burst simultaneously. At 15 metres the peak concentration was 300 g/m3 in a wind speed 3-4 n/sec. Con- tainers exposed at this distance were unbroken and it was there- fore considered that their performance would be satisfactory against any likely allied effort. The containers tested v/ere ;- Pe41, Pe42, Russian M.T.4 and a newer one (type unknown), British E Mk,VI and light L.2, American M,10 and Moll, Air was drawn through continuously at the rate of 30 l/ndn. The Pe2f2 gave a service time of 80-120 minutes against 1.2 g/io? of HCN, as compared with U.S. assault container, 200-220 minutes, U.S. lightweight container 230-240 minutes and British lightweight, 15-20 minutes. The Germans had tried experimentally a copper chromate impregnated charcoal in their Pe4l and obtained a service time of 160-200 minutes. They believed the U.S, assault container was made up from copper chromate charcoal but were not certain. They considered the U.S, assault container now to be the best in the world. Tyridine" was adopted in default of adequate supplies of urotropine which they considered much better. The bases actually used were the residues obtained in the rectification of pyridine; they did not consist simply of methyl pyridine, (though this term was used for convenience for describing the agent) but must have contained a large number of higher homologues. Although pyridine itself was a better inpregnant, it was required more urgently for pharmaceuticals. Impregnation was carried out by adding the liquid bases to a rotating drum of charcoal, in excess. The increase in weight was noted, and a finished batch made up by adding enough fresh charcoal to bring the total content of bases to about 2 per cent. There was no specification for the quality of the bases used (e,g, boiling range, effective equivalent weight) nor for the amount in the finished charcoal. The service time of the respirator against AC was the only control. No analytical pro- cedure for the evaluation of the bases on charcoal had been devised. The value of urotropine was discovered in 1918 at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, pyridine was merely a logical development. It is possible to pour pyridine into the container after assembly, but neither this method nor vapour treatment had been applied in practice. Other metallic impregnants had been tried, viz., Or (see above), Mn, Vn and Fe to improve HCN absorption. Poor results had been obtained with Mn (cf. work of Bordron at Le Bouohet). The German losses of respirators on the Russian front had been terrific. It was estimated that 6 to 7 million had been lost during the various campaigns against a total production of 15 million. They were also exercised about the turn-over of containers during conditions of actual gas warfare. It was con- sidered that 3 changes of container per month would be required by front line troops, and 1 per month by troops in rear areas. Owing to production difficulties the actual estimate for replace- ments during the last year of the war was million per annum. Supply difficulties forced a reduction of this figure to 3i million and later it was whittled down to \\ million. To meet the difficulty of containers being discarded unnecessarily before reaohihg the exhaustion point, the Gemans tried to develop a device to indicate when exhaustion had been reached and even offered a prise to anyone who could invent such a device, but they had no success. They then turned to methods of extending the life of the container. The following expedients were tried:- (i) Development of method of refilling existing containers in mobile workshops in the field. Pound to be imprac- ticable. (ii) Development of a new container with a clip on particu- late filter and refiliaole charcoal component. Again not practicable. (iii) As for (ii), but chax’coal to be issued in packets for slipping into the container. The device proved to be too heavy for the new facepiece. (iv) Addition of a cardboard extension piece containing charcoal to clip on to the front of the container. This worked well, but the respirator carrier was too small to take the extra component and the idea was dropped. (v) Regeneration of charcoal by steam. This could be done 3 or k times and the protection only fell to 70 per cent after the third or fourth time. The method was to pass steam through the container and then hot air until the correct moisture content was re- attained. A pamphlet on the proce has been obtained. Experiments were done on the desorption of gases from con- tainers. Containers were subjected to FS, OG, AC ard CK against 50 for 1 min. and then left for 3-5 min. before being tested for desorption. No trace of effluent was found. If the concentrations were greater than 100 g/m-** a maximum desorption concentration of 60 mg/m3 was found in the case of PS, AC and CK. With the special front filter, noted above, there was no desorption after subjection to 300 q/w? for 1 min. (b) Particulate Filters The types of German particulate filters are too well known to require description and the history of their development is being covered in the report on The only recent modification to the ring filter was the introduction of water- proofing,, Owing to shortage of supplies experiments were also in hand to replace the asbestos by fine metallic particles such as aluminium, iron, and copper as suggested by Prof. Ebart of Vienna, but no success had been achieved. They had tried incorporating charcoal in the paper both in granules and in fibrous form like artificial silk and the developments appeared promising. Simplification of details of manufacture of ring filters was also being studied, but no development of an entirely new filter was being undertaken. Testing Tests were both subjective and nephelometric. For the subjective test, Clark I was dispersed in a concentration of about 100 mg/m3 in a 20 m3 chamber by means of a miniature thermal generator (Schwelkorper) which gave a cloud of fine liquid particles. Observers, at rest, breathed through con- tainers for 20 mins. If no subjective effects were expei> ienced the containers were considered satisfactory. The high concentration was chosen in order to maintain as high a standard as possible and to enable effects in the case of unsatisfactory containers to be obtained quickly. The nephelometric test was similar to that used at Draeger-werk and a sample of the apparatus is being sent to U.K. from there. This test consists essentially of spraying tri-cresyl phosphate, heated to 100°C. to reduce the viscosity, filtering out the larger particles and then estimating the effluent, after passage through the container, by means of a Bulfrich photometer. A modification of the photoelectric apparatus developed by Draeger was also being tried at Spandau, but owing to lack of skilled personnel little progress had been made. Results of test The U.So filter (shell type) was found to be the best since it had a low resistance combined with a very high filtering efficiency, German and Russian filters were also good. British filters in the E.VI and the Lightweight respirator were variable and a percentage failed on the breathing tests, since effects were obtained in 5“10 minutes. On the other hand, all con- tainers were efficient against Adamsite. Since the Germans did not have sufficient supplies of Clark I aid II for their incorporation in thermal generators and had to rely solely on Adamsite for this purpose, there was no possibility of pene- trating filters. The theory, already well-known, was put ward that liquid particles do not clog respirators but tend to open the pores of the filter and increase penetration. Even with liquid particles, penetration of respirators would be unlikely with practicable field concentrations. Clogging of Filters The clogging of particulate filters received attention both from the defensive and offensive aspects. Following on the French experiments, they tried blocking filters by mixing anthracene oil with EM and DC, but found no effects. Mixtures of dyes with oils produced slight positive effects with French paper filters, but were ineffective against British and Russian filters. Dusts were found to clog filters, but they can be readily removed by tapping the container, Resins, electrified dusts, etc,, were found to be of no use. Swelling agents such as potassium hydroxide or cuprammonium solution had no effect on cellulose filters when used in practical concentrations. Intelligence reports had been received that the British and Americans were intending to use powdered glass to clog the German containers. Experiments showed that with particles of 1 micron mean diameter, 5 to 10 was required to cause clogging in a reasonable time. As an offensive agent it was found that no physiological effect was produced in concentra- tions up to 10 g/m3 for relatively short exposures. Silicosis was produced in animals after several weeks exposure. (C) Facepieces The normal types of German facepieces have been described in previous reports on captured enemy material, and methods of manufacture are being covered in reports on firms which made respirators. Here only new features of design and development are described. Owing to shortage of raw materials, the Germans intended making a new facepiece, the Gk100, which was based on an experi- mental model known as the (3199o This facepiece is of textile material with a thin inner skin of rubber. It has a simplified rubber band head harness, and less elaborate eyepieces and valves than in the 0438* Samples for technical examination are being sent back to U.Ko An even simpler model, the 1/1444* was being made for civilian purposes and it was planned to produce the first million by the end of June* If the war had continued sufficiently long, a V1445 would have been made from paper. A sample of the GM44 optical mask was obtained. This is based on the 0438 modified to give improved performance with optical instruments. The facepiece used in the production plant at Raubkaramer appeared to be of an industrial type which is similar to the (3138 fcut flimsier in construction a nd having the outlet valve inserted in the cheek. (D) Expiratory and Speech Valves The Germans experienced great difficulty in obtaining supplies of mica suitable for making expiratory valves for their service respirators. Buna rubber by itself was an unsatis- factory substitute owing to sticking. The best that could be achieved was to use Buna rubber with a facing of natural rubber. Both the mica and rubber valves were known to leak, and this was particularly noticeable in high concentrations of arsenicals, such as Clark II. Although leakage was not serious from the physiological point of view, it was considered to be pa/cho- logically bad since the troops had implicit faith in their respirators. To meet the difficulty, a "Vor*1 chamber conr taining charcoal was devised for insertion behind the valve. This was successful, but was not put into service. The Germans were struck by the good speech characteristics of British and U.S. respirators. They endeavoured to copy the expiratory valve in the former, biit could not reproduce the membrane. Eventually the design of the valve was left unaltered, but they added a cone of Buna which was to be inserted behind the existing valve and cut to shape by the troops themselves to give the best results. Some 50 per cent improvement in speech was claimed for this method. In addition a new facepiece with a mushroom speech-expiratory valve, known as the (3443* was developed. Samples have been obtained for fall technical examination. A hundred thousand of these face- pieces was on order from Auer, hut the production was curtailed "by our bombing. (E) Self-contained Breathing Sets In addition to the standard large and small oxygen sets, two "regeneration" cartridges were found at Raubjpamnier, viz,, the Auer Pyroxylin patrone and Draeger Seitengerat. A few hundred of the pyroxylin apparatus were introduced into service, but they were not found to be satisfactory and they suffered from a number of disadvantages. If the user starts to work hard directly after donning the apparatus, he finds the oxygen supply is insufficient as the full output is only reached when the apparatus has warmed up. The output of oxygen is constant and bears no relation to the work dope by the wearer. Under very cold condition, generation starts with great difficulty and it was found in Norway that at -20°C., starting was very slow indeed. The exact details as to how the oxygen is generated were not obtained, but the principle of the apparatus is the release of oxygen from sodium peroxide when exposed to CO20 Initiation is by bursting a small CO2 charge. It was thought to replace the chemical action by a thermal one by use of "Nasogen", which consists of a mixture of chlorates and perchlorates with metallic oxides. The canister contains a top filter which absorbs chlorine and oxides of chlorine. The advantages of this filling are that the rate of reaction is independent of outside temperature and a sufficient quantity of oxygen of purity is at once released. It also has the disadvantage that the supply is constant and does not vary with the amount of work being done by the wearer. Further, the container becomes so hot that it will spoil any rubber equipment with which it comes into contact. The device was not therefore introduced into service. A special oxygen generation device had been developed in order to save weight on cylinders. "Nasogen" was contained in tin cylinders, 20 cm. diameter and 50 cm. high, which were put in an autoclave and directly attached to 60 bottles at one time which could be filled to 150 atmospheres pressure. There was also a second size of tin cylinder and autoclave. This device was also introduced in the Navy, Air Force and Army where the breathing set (Heeresatraer) was in use. It was developed at Batterfeld A.O. under Dr. Ing. Michel and was considered far Btore economical than oxygen cylinders. (f) Animal Respirators Owing to shortage of materials work on animal defence was stop- ped in the summer of 1944* Little that was unknown to us was therefore discovered. Respirators had been developed for horses, mules, camels and dogs (3 sizes) and protective baskets for pigeons and doves. No mask had been designed specially for rein- deer in the Finnish campaign. A number of different types of animal respirator some of them novel, have been sent back to U.K. for examination. Collective Protection (a) Room filters Only four sizes of collective protection units for rooms were found, viz., those of 0.6, 1.2, 2.4 and 10 output, but actually two further sizes, 5 and 7*5 m3/min. were produced, although no examples of these were seen at Raubkaramer. Each of the units has its own type of blower which can be electrically driven or, alternatively, manually operated. The units do not embody any novel features. The latest pattern incorporates both the charcoal part and the particulate filter in the one container. Details of the methods of construc- tion of the various sizes are dealt with in the report on Draeger- werko Development of improvised means for obtaining gas protection of non-permanent fortifications and civilian air raid shelters was being undertaken. The filter system consisted of a wooden box containing a layer of wood charcoal, followed by sawdust covered with a top layer of earth and sand. Ventilation was obtained by manually operated bellows constructed from wood and some flexible material such as oppanol. In one type that was seen, there were two bellows which were operated from a single pivoted beam. Similar filter units had been improvised for civilian shelters. It was claimed that the filter would deal with persistent gases and particulates. It would be ineffective against any but very low concentrations of non-persistent gas, but protection against these could be obtained by shutting down ventilation. The duration of a non-persistent gas attack would not be so long that any ill effects would arise through temporary lack of ventilation. On the other hand, the danger from vapours from vesicants might persist for hours in which case adequate protection and ventilation could be obtained with this unit. Testing of room filters. Filtration units incorporated a simple form of rotameter to indicate that the correct rate of flow was being maintained. In addition there were available test kits, one for each size of unit, which consisted of well made plate orifices with U-tube manometers and adaptors for making connection to the unit. A sample of one of these had already been received at Porton, but others are being sent back to U.K. for examination. No evidence of full-scale tests of the charcoal part of the unit was obtained, but it was stated that samples of the charcoal for units were subjected to a tube test. The efficiency of the particulate filters of collective protection units was tested by exposing them to a concentration of 25 of Clark I, observers being used to detect any penetration. The observers breathed through masks connected to the effluent of the system. The test was over a duration of 30 minutes, out the first $ minutes were regarded as critical. The flow through the unit was checked during the test by making use of the appropriate standard plate orifice. The Clark I smoke was generated in what is virtually a homogeneous cloud apparatus. The substance was contained in a cylindrical glass vessel with a sintered glass base placed in a cylindrical electrically heated oil bath thermostated to 160°Co Nitrogen was blown through a coil, also heated by the oil bath, and passed through the sintered glass and the Clark I. The vapour thus evolved passed over a sparking plug whilst condensing, and thus a fine cloud was produced. There was one apparatus for the 0.6 - 2.4 m5/min. units and another, embodying slight modifications, for the 10 units. Examples of both have been obtained. The concentration of Clark I was checked by taking samples on Schleicher and Schull filter discs at a rate of flow of 30 Vniin. Leakage of the system as a whole could be tested by means of a small thermal generator containing Clark II. This was similar to the "Schwelkorper11 mentioned in Section 2 (above) as being used for breathing tests with respirator containers, except that it was electrically ignited and contained about twice as much material. The generator was functioned outside the inlet of the unit and any leakage was detected subjectively by observers stationed near the outlet. (fi) Collective Protection of Tanks The Germans appreciated that tanks were vulnerable to gas attack, A demonstration was given to Gen, Guederian in which cats in Churchill, General Lee and Tiger tanks were killed by lethal gas attack, and following this the development of measures to protect tank crews was put in hand. Two methods of defence Vere explored: (i) They endeavoured to obtain individual protection by means of a piped supply of filtered air to each member of the crew. After some trials, the idea was abandoned on the grounds of restriction of movement and vulnei>- ability of the system. (ii) The second method, which was the one finally adopted, was to build a gas-tight wall between the engine and the crew and to install a filtration unit for the turret and driver's compartment. The unit was designed to maintain a positive pressure of 0,2 to 0.3 cm, water gauge. It was found that this was adequate even though the firing slits were open, but the gas proofing was upset by draughts and also leaks developed in the gas- tight wall. The blower for the unit was driven by a coupling connected to the main shaft of the engine. An over-drive device was fitted so that the blower speed would not exceed 2,300 r,pcm. The engine speed had to exceed a critical value in order to maintain an adequate supply of air. The unit itself consisted of a cyclone pre-filter for dust connected to a rectangular box containing a pleated asbestos- wood pulp particulate filter and charcoal. The cyclone dust filter was built up from a number of small tubular cyclones apparently similar in design to the "Aerotec" adopted by U.S.A, Samples of the blower, dust filter and gas filter are being sent back from Saubkammer and a complete unit is being despatched from Draeger-werk, Actually the unit was ne.de by Auer, but Draeger were also going into production with it. Some 300 in all had been ordered. For sunken tank turrets, a simple form of pedal operated filtration had been developed, but a sample was not seen. 4* Protective Clothing (a) Impervious Clothing A large amount of protective clothing of various types was seen at Raubkammer and all the types previously known to exist in service were found, some in large quantities. Several new types were seen, but until the results' of visits to the actual manufacturers have been collected it will not be possible to say if any were service designs or if they were merely models in the process of development or were specially made for the work at Raubkammer. A brief description is given here of one or two of the types not previously meto All-rubber short pants were found which, it is learnt, were for use by observers who did not wish to don full pro- tective clothing; in this case the pants were worn with long gum boots or thigh waders of which there were large stocks. There was also a type of small overboot consisting of a golosh in rubber with a short upper of coated fabric open at the back and having tapes to permit tying above the ankles. The coating used for the fabric was not identified, but several garments, such as aprons, were made up in this material and samples have been taken. There was no evidence of any new developments in animal protective clothing, except for the finding of a horse cover in several pieces made up of oaseii/ammonia coated paper with a window for the headpiece made of cellophane. Reports descrioe a numoer of ingenious, but in many cases impracticable, methods of ventilating completely enclosed suits, none of which appear to have been successful. Samples of all available types have been taken. The most interesting appears to be a complete suit with a modified zipp fastener using a rubber gasket to give a gas-tight fit. Amongst the devices tried for ventilating the suit was one in which bellows were fixed in the boots. The boots had a double sole hinged at the toe. Bellows fitted with a spring were sandwiched between the two soles and by the action of walking air was pumped through a container into the suit. In actual practice the device proved unsuccessful and it was found particularly useless on uneven ground. Another idea was to fix'to the chest bellows with a container attached and to operate them by means of strings fixed to the arms. This again proved of no value. , No new types of gas planes were seen. One recent pro- posal was for the troops to cut their gas planes to a pattern so that they could be converted into a form of cape. Details of the pattern have been obtained from Draegerework. The reason for this departure was that the gas plane was very difficult to adjust quickly to give protection against a low spray attack. The caseii/ammonia gas planes were introduced owing to shortage of other materials. They proved very effective against attack with phosphorus which, incidentally, the Germans considered was of more value against morale than in producing actual physical injury. (B) Porous Clothing German investigation of impregnated porous clothing arose from the capture of British documents from the French. The work never passed the experimental stage and a general issue of impregnated clothing was not contemplated because of the shortage of raw materials for making the impregnants. In the German army was to receive a form of battle dress and impregnation would then have been reconsidered. Jackets, trousers, underclothes and socks were treated, but the impregnation of the latter two was not at all successful because of the stiffness and general unwearability of the finished product. Two methods of impregnation were developed (i) Field Impregnation - aqueous dispersions using commercial emulsifiers (Emulphor). (ii) Laundry Impregnation - benzine dispersion. Only a limited number of chamber: experiments were carried out and the majority of the testing was performed in the laboratory on small pieces cut from the unifom* The leakage of mustard vapour through neck, arm and leg holes and through buttoned flaps was found to be a disadvantage although apparently no efforts were made to prevent this leakage* In fact the Germans went so far as to say that, owing to the bellows effect, the danger of vapour ingress was greater with impregnated clothing than with unimpregnated* The impregnated clothing afforded protection against small drops of mustard gas (Lost Nebel) but not against larger drops* Soldiers were averse to wearing the impregnated clothing because of its stiffness and smell and under certain circumstances the clothing caused dermatitis and cyanosis* In wear, the clothing lasted about four weeks, and in storage, about six to nine months* It would appear that the German impregnated clothing was inferior to the British and American products, and taking everything into consideration was not of much value 0 No documents relating to impregnation have been discovered and, apart from one small bottle containing 20 g. of the impreg- nating agent, Selloxin 51 * no chemicals, apparatus or clothing have been found which were obviously connected with any impreg- nating processo Details of Experiments with Impregnating Agents The Germans knew of the British and American irapregnites E and CC-2 respectively, and they had made several similar com- ponents for trial themselves, e«g« Selloxin 1 N-chlor-benzoic acid 2j4 dichloranilide Selloxin 3 N-chlor-benzene sulphonic acid 2j4 dichloranilide Selloxin 5 N-chlop-acetyl 2ik dichloranilide It was known that some of these impregnites could produce methaemoglobinaemia and toxic effects by skin absorption, e,g0, Selloxin 5 produced up to per cent methaemoglobinaemia, and 3 mg/kg, produced death in animals (rats, cats and guinea pigs) on subcutaneous injection. Cats have shown methaemoglobinaemia varying between 5 and 60 per cent* To decrease the sensitivity to water, higher fatty acid derivatives of Selloxin were tried and with some success. Thus Selloxin 2011 (N-chlorinated 2;4 - dichloranilide of Stearic acid) with 15*3 per cent active chlorine was the best and was non-toxic to animals in doses of 3 mg/kg. However, the raw materials to make this compound or other aniline derivatives were lacking and so melamin, N3C3(N 113)3 derivatives were studied, e0g,. Selloxin 50 ” Trichlormelamin Selloxin 51 ~ Hexachlormelamin Selloxin 52 - Dichlormelamin Various routine tests were made with clothing impregnated with these materials. This routine is given below and illustrates well the methods used in assessing this kind of protection s- (i) Chemical penetration times - compared with unimpreg- nated clothing. (ii) Laboratory trials with human subjects® The forearms were covered with a rubber sleeve with a window into which clothing is placed. These cloth windows are exposed to H vapour (1290 at 29°C). (iii) Field trials using human subjects wearing impregnated and unimpregnated trousers and jacket and standing down-wind of contaminated ground (iOO of H or Chemical estimations of the vapour hazard were made® (iv) Because of the poor vapour returns, these trials were repeated in a warmer climate (Wasilika and Litra Sedes in Salonika, Greece), Various methods of impregnation, e.g., soaked or sprayed with Selloxin 52, new and old (3 weeks wear) uniforms, and unimpregnated new and old uniforms were used® Because of the absence of vapour effects a second trial using two half-hour periods of exposure, the ground contamination being refreshed between these periods, was tried and again no effects were produced and so the contamination density was doubled and an hour* s exposure tried. This time skin reactions were obtained, the erythema often pot appearing for 1 to 2 days and not for 3 or 4 days in some cases. The results of these trials may be summarised as follows (i) Selloxin impregnated clothing is no better than unimpreg- nated clothing. In fact, on the whole, unimpregnated clothing is better than impregnated clothing, (ii) Buttoned sleeves are better than bound sleeves, (iii) Used clothing is better than new clothing, (iv) Anti-gas ointment is better than cod liver oil, which in turn is better than vaseline, (v) CC-2 impregnated clothing, 2 per cent Selloxin (bucket aqueous impregnation) and 6 per cent Selloxin were also compared in a trial where five areas (18 m x 50 m) with 20 m bt /een were contaminated with 'H/ Arsinol, The subjects lay in a shallow trench for two hours and at 25 m downwind of the contamination. Sleeves and necks of the jackets were buttoned and ointment rubbed onto the hands. The uniforms were worn for a further two hours and then a hot bath was taken. Guinea-pigs were used as cohtrols to test the vesicant power of the vapour. The results were poor since the vapour concen- trations were not great enough and it was decided that workable H vapour concentrations could not be obtained at Raubkammer. (vi) Trials in the 300 chamber at Spandau were there- fore commenced. 00-2, Selloxin 52, and Selloxin 13 (nature unknown) - impregnated clothing was tested. The protection afforded by the Selloxin 52 clothing seems to have been small, Selloxin 13 clothing may have been better, but no impregnated clothing was used as a control and in this test, too, the Ct was lower. (vii) Trials at the Institute of Pharmacology and War- Toxicology of the Military Academy indicated that Selloxin clothing protected against fine drops of H. Therefore aircraft spray trials on impregnated clothing, the left sleeve of the jacket only being exposed to spray, were performed. The impregnation was a 6 per cent watery solution of Selloxin 52 and this was effective in protecting against 5-7 gAn? of B/ ArsinSl. (Any skin changes which did occur through the impregnated clothing were explained on the ground of faulty and uneven impregnation). This trial is described in detail in Appendix III. (viii) Laboratory trials, in which the left sleeves of worn field jackets, (impregnated with 4 or 6 per cent Selloxin 52) were contaminated with H (120 mg/120 cm ) and subsequently worn for 4 hours, indicated that such impregnation does not protect against 10 g^m2 of H. These results with impregnated clothing were considered hy the Germans themselves to be particularly poor; if such poor protection were obtained under the artificial conditions of these trials, then the results in the field would be much worse. The difference between the poor field trials and the good laboratory results was explained on the following grounds (i) The "climate" under the uniform is different from that of the surrounding atmosphere. It is warmer and more moist, and hence the skin is more sensitive. This warmth and moisture is supposed to be greater under impregnated than under non-impregnated clothing, under new than under old, and under bound than buttoned sleeves. (ii) There is also a Mpurap-effectM which draws vapour under, rather than through, the clothing so that the skin can never be completely sealed off from the surrounding atmosphere. This "pump-effect" is said to be more marked with German than with Allied uniforms# In conclusion it may be said that the Geiman-type uniform is not suitable for impregnation against H vapour* In 1945 a uniform designed like the British battle-dress was to have been produced. Impregnation of this may have been more successful. Impregnated German uniforms offer a greater degree of protection against H spray than they do to H vapour. (C) Methods of Testing Porous and Impervious Clothi: The methods of testing porous and impervious fabrics are described briefly as follows ;- Porous Clothing (i) Vapour A specially constructed shallow glass basin was filled with an aqueous solution of methyl red or gold chloride of which the, exact strength was not discovered, and the piece of cloth under test was sealed on to the top of the basin with paraffin wax* The whole was covered with a small bell jar from the top of which was suspended a piece . of filter paper on which several drops of mustard gas were placed. The whole apparatus was placed in a glass cupboard thermostatically controlled at 30°C» The penetration of the mustard vapour through the cloth was detected by the occurrence of a pre- cipitate in the methyl red or gold chloride solution. The air in the bell jar was claimed to be sat- urated with mustard vapour and the penetration times were of the following order German impregnated uniform 7 - 8 hours British " "10-12 hours. (ii) Liquid The test against liquid was similar, a drop of mustard delivered from a 5 cc. pipette was placed on the fabric and the penetration time determined as above. The exact size of the drop could not be ascertained, but it was said to be 0.5 to 1 mm. in diameter. The order of penetration times was approximately • — German impregnated uniform - 2-3 hours British " " 4-3 hours As far as could be ascertained only German and British woollen uniforms (trousers, jacket and underclothing) were tested against both liquid mustard and vapour. Impervious Clothing The test was the same as (ii) above with the following exceptions (a) A solution of methyl red and borax in water was used as the detecting solution. The two chemicals were supplied as solutions in small ampoules and the detecting solution was prepared from 10 ammo methyl red solution and from yellow to redo (b) It was ascertained that drops of 0.1 cc. of mustard and 0.1 cc. of lewisite were used. Gasplanen and light and heavy rubber clothing and etc. were tested and the penetration times were of the following order G-asplanen and light clothing ca0 3 hours Heavy clothing oa. 5 hours With the exception of the gold chloride solution the whole apparatus has been sent back to U.K. Detection The Germans relied largely on the Gasanzeiger as the standard instrument for gas detection in the field, but experimental v/ork on modifications of the sampling tubes was still in progress. Besides this instrument, a number of different kinds of detector paper had been developed, some for use by troops under active service conditions and others for experimental purposes in the field. Possibly as the results of information received from Prance, attention was being paid to auton»tic gas detection by means of photoelectric devices, which were also being applied for the quantitative assessment of detector papers exposed to gas concentrations in field experiments. As a general problem not particularly connected with C.W., they were greatly con- cerned with the danger from carbon monoxide and had developed several useful methods for its detection, although no new > fundamental principles had been discovered. Por detecting liquid contamination, the detector powders as used by the Germans are already well-known, but they were not entirely satisfactory under all circumstances. Detector paints were also receiving close study. Details of the latest features of the German methods of detection, together with information on the develop- ments in hand or projected, are given below. (A) Gasanzeiger The construction and working of this apparatus is already well-known, but the following is a list of the markings on the. tubes, the gases which they are intended to detect and the contents of the reagents in the tubes. The following tubes had been approved and specified No.1 ONE YELLOW RING. Mustard and arsine. Gold chloride. Potassium and naphthalene sul- pfiochloramide. No.2 TWO YELLOW RINGS. Nitrogen Mustard potassium bismth iodide• No.3 ONE GREEN RING. phosgene and Diphosgene, p-Dimethyl amino- benzaldehyde Dimthylaniline• No.4 TWO GREEN RINGS. Chloropicrin and Cyanogen chloride Potassium cyanide, Dimethyl dihydro- resorcinol No.5 ONE BLACK BING. Hydrogen o-Tolidine copper cyanide and acetate, cyanogen com- pounds. No.6 THREE YELLOW RINGS Lewisite and similar arsenical com- pounds with the exception of arsine. Osmium tetroxide, Benzidine acetate. The specification for these tubes has been obtained from Draegerwerk (CIOS 8/77 and CW B23) and forwarded with the documents from this target. The first five were the normal issue. Tube No«6, although approved and specified, had never been manufactured and issued on a large scale because of the non-delivery of osmium tetroxide. This tube had been developed by Spandau and the experimental models were marked with ONE RED RING. For several years, research had been in progress on the reduction of the number of ampoules in each tube and details are given below under the individual tubes. The introduction of simplified tubes, however, was not given any priority until recently when the shortage of labour limited the production of ampoules. This necessitated the reopening of the whole subject of dispensing with one and two ampoules in the tubes. Glass tubes were first introduced experimentally in 1943» These possessed the advantage that the impregnated silica gel was far more stable in glass than plexiglass or trolitul tubes. They were, however, not available in large quantities because they had to be made by hand. Filter paper disOs placed between the ampoules in certain tubes were for protection of the ampoules during transport. Tube Noq1 . In the presence of arsine, the gold chloride Impregnated silica gel turned violet in colour. A new experimental tube had been developed by Draeger- werk (Figure l). The standard tube was rendered useless in cold clinfttes because of the freezing of the contents of the ampoules. The ampoules containing water and methyl alcohol in the new tube did not freeze above -18^0. Tube Ne.2. The original tube contained Dragenuroxx** s reagent in the ampoule and a second layer of silica gel impregnated with mercuric chloride for the detection of arsine. Dragendorff* s reagent was later replaced by jure potassium bismuth iodide which improved the stability and sensitivity of the test and the mercuric chloride silica gel layer was removed; arsine was detected by tube No®1® Experiments with two ampoules of potassium bismuth iodide were carried out, but one ampoule was found to be sufficient* Attempts were made by Auer to impregnate a solution of potassium bismuth iodide and aluminium chloride on the silica gel, but the impregnated gel was unstable in plexi- glass or trolitul tubes* Iodine was liberated which coloured the tube brown* The impregnated gel was stable, however, in glass tubes® Tubes No .3* About 1 942 experiments were carried out successfully in order to (a) Provide p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde and dimethyl aniline in one solution in one ampoule* (b) Impregnate the silica gel with both chemicals. Tube Nc*4q The impregnation of the potassium cyanide on to the silica gel was unsaccessful in the plexiglass and trolitul tubes because of the hydrolysis of the cyanide by moisture absorbed through the walls of the tubes, but in the glass tubes the potassium cyanide impregnated gel was stable. Tube No.5* This contained originally benzidine acetate and copper acetate but the former was replaced by o-tolidine. Attempts to impregnate copper acetate on the silica gel were commenced a few months ago by Auer® Tube No®6, See remarks above. Future development of Gasanzeiger. The Gasanzeiger was thought by those with service experience to be too slow and difficult to use under shell fire, and experimental work to render it more acceptable was being carried out* One suggestion being explored experimentally was to take the actual samples by absorption on silica gel and then to do spot tests as soon as possible afterwards* The silica gel was retained in a \ in. hole in a cardboard disc by two pieces of fine muslin stuck on either side and the gas sample was drawn through by attaching the disc to a hand pump* By this means, for example, it was found possible to detect 1 gamma phosphorus. A further suggestion, although not tried out in practice, was to insert the disc into the end of a con- tainer which could be connected to the facepiece by a long connecting tube* The container could be held in the air or near a source of vapour from contaminated ground and a sample taken simply by breathing* Another opinion expressed was that the Gasanseiger was unnecessary and all that was required was a simple detector for N-lost and arsine; other gases could be detected by sense of smell. (3) Detector papers The following detection methods had been or were being investigated Phosgene and diphosgene. The detector paper was prepared by soaking filter paper in a benzene solution of 3 per cent diphenylamine and 5 per cent dimethylaminobenzaldehyde and dried. The colour change was from yellow to brown and the sensitivity, about 3 T absolute* The paper was some what light and acid sensitive, and it was not specific* It was stored in a brown bottle* This was the paper as issued to the troops, but for experimental purposes it was stabilised by the addition of 0.5 per cent pyrogallol to the impregnating solution. Attempts to develop this paper for the quantitative estimation of phosgene were made, and the paper was placed in a plastic holder which was hung on a button (similar to the detector for arsine in the field)* The detector paper was then covered with a paper impregnated from a solution of paraffin oil in carbon tetrachloride, different types of paper and strengths of solution being tried for various ranges of Ct*s* With light sensitive papers, the paraffin oil paper was dyed red* In principle, this method was to be attempted with all non-persistent gases* In the case of phosgene, note-paper was impregnated with paraffin oil as follows s- 0 - 1,000 - not impregnated* 1.000 - 3,000 11 " " - 10-13 per cent solution in carbon tetrachloride, 3.000 - 4,500 " " " - 20 per cent solution in carbon tetrachloride. The estimation was carried out by comparison with standards and worked best for exposure of 1 minute. The method was fairly satisfactory except when investigations on peak concentrations were carried out, when it was found that animals died but the papers did not show the necessary Ct. Hydrocyanic acido An experimental paper was prepared as follows:- Solution A* Oejfi copper sulphate in water. Solution B. (7 g. potassium hydroxide and 13*5 g* sodium sulphite anhydrous fin 60 cc# water: (2, 3 or 5 gnu phenoIphthaline in (40 cc, alcohol# The paper is impregnated in solution A, dried, impregnated in solution B and then dried quickly in hot air. For quantitative estimation, the paper is impreg- nated in 5 per cent paraffin oil in carbon tetrachloride. If rolled tightly the paper is stable for 2 weeks and its keeping properties are improved by the presence of benzene vapour. The colour change is from white to violet and the paper is sensitive to 5 mg/W' in one minute. It is light sensitive and is affected by cyanogen chloride and nitrogen dioxide. The sodium sulphite is added as a stabiliser and the copper sulphate can be replaced by the acetate. Tabun can be detected with the same paper. The hydrocyanic tube in the GJasanzeiger can also be used for this substance; sensitivity 10 mg/m? Soman (Sarin, Tabun). Experiments on the detection of Soman were carried out by absorption in a 1.0 per cent solution of o-tolidine in alcohol or benzene followed by the addition of perhydrol (30$ hydrogen peroxide) and hydroxides, the best being ammonium hydroxide. A dark yellow to brown colour developed in the cold. The method was claimed sensitive to 10 gamma absolute. No paper had as yet been developed, but experiments have been carried out. Arsine, (Nachweispapjer A)« paper impregnated from 5 per cent mercuric chloride in alcohol, dried, impregnated from 3 per cent trichloracetic acid in water and dried. Colour change is yellow to brown and sensitivity 5 gamma absolute in 3 minutes. The paper was stable after issue to troops for 8 to 12 months,' During quantitative a red coloured paper for light protection is unnecessary. Cyanogen Chloride, ' YTf Dipyridyl is used but is difficult to pyridine itself is unsuitable because it evaporates. The paper is prepared as follows Solution A, 5 per cent dipyridyl in alcohol. Solution Bo 2 per cent p-aminophenol (recrystallised from benzene) and 20 per cent glycerin in alcohol* The paper is impregnated successively from solutions A and B with intermediate drying. It keeps fairly well but during storage may turn slightly yellow and later pink; it is stored in a brown bottle. The colour change is from white to blue and the blue colour is only stable for 15-45 minutes. The paper is claimed to be specific to cyanogen chloride and does not react to hydrocyanic acid. It is, however, now very sensitive, 25 mg/m3 in 1 hour. For quantitative estimation, no paraffin covering paper is necessary, but during exposure, the holder is inserted in a cylinder of red paper with perforated holes to prevent fading in sunlight. Nitrogen Mustard (Stickstofflost), Several papers were developed for this detection :- (i) A paper was impregnated from the following solution :- 2-3 per cent potassium bismutliiodide about 1 per cent hydrochloric acid, 5-10 per cent glycerin in v/ater with the addition of potassium hydrogen sulphite. The colour change was from yellow to red. (ii) A paper was impregnated from a saturated solution of hexanitro diphenylamine (sym), in acetone. It changed colour from yellow to red and was claimed to be very specific (?) and stable for 2 years. It also reacted with liquid Tabun. (iii) paper was impregnated with 1 per cent quinone in acetone and spots of nitrogen mustard on the paper turned blue in sunlight or in blue light. It did not react with the vapour. It was claimed to be specific and probably stable. Night Qetector Paper (NachtsT*ir)« The paper was impregnated with a 0*1 per cent benzene solution of Fluorol 186 (l,G-,) and dried to give a pale yellow colour. On contact with any ground contaminant, the paper gave a bright green fluorescence when exposed to blue light. Several blue filters were tried but the best result was obtained by dyeing the Klarscheiben with Victoria Blue Base N,R, (l.G-,) and using an ordinary electric torch. This has been approved by Insp,9» Samples have been obtained. The formula of fluorol was not known, but it was believed to be a single compound and a derivative of stilbene, the formulae suggested being an ester of COOH COOH COOH COOH (C) Universal Automatic Detector for War Ceases This was arranged to work by means of a photocell and was only in the experimental stage. The gas was sucked into the apparatus and divided into two streams, one of which passed through a heated quartz spiral and the other passed on unchanged. Both streams were then mixed and allowed to impinge on one half of a travelling detector paper impregnated with Congo red and mercuric chloride. A beam of light was reflected from the paper on to a photocell connected to a galvanometer. The beam was arranged either to oscillate backwards and forwards across the paper or it could be rotated to describe a cone thus covering the whole of the width of the paper. Any change in colouration of one half of the paper caused a change in the galvanometer reading# (d) Automatic Recording of War das Concentrations for Field Experiments Developmental work was being carried out on the detection and continuous recording of field concentrations of chloropicrin and hydrocyanic acid by colour changes on a travelling ribbon of paper# The work was based on a recorder produced by the French in 1939 for estimating phosgene# Two types of apparatus were being developed. In one, a photocell and light source are incorporated so that readings can be obtained directly in the field, whilst in the other the moving ribbon is exposed in a separate apparatus in the field, and is run through a recording apparatus in the laboratory. Samples of both types are being sent back to U.K# for examination and report# The two following papers were developed (i) Chloropicrin paper. The following solutions were prepared 3®8 gnu tetrabase (tetra methyl diamide diphenyl methane) 208 gm. diphenylamine 0.5 gnu dimethyl araido benzaldehyde 1 „7 ragm. hexanitro diphenyl methane 1 30 cc. dried benzene. A not too finely porous paper strip was impregnated carefully in this solution and dried quickly away from sunlight. The contaminated air was drawn through a tube heated to 550-600°C. and then allowed to impinge on a small area of the paper strip. The paper turns more or less blue, but the blue colour slowly fades. With freshly impregnated paper, the sensitivity is 5 mg./nr. (ii) Hydrocyanic Acid paper. This paper was impreg- nated from a solution of the tetrabase (above) and a copper salt in acetone/benzene. The most suitable copper salt was a mixture of acryl- and oleic derivatives in equal proportions. To increase the sensitivity, a plasticiser must be added, the best being found to be Diethylphthalate or Crataegon from Schinmel, Leipzig. A fine porous paper was used as with chloropicrin. The paper is stable for 2 months and possesses a sensitivity of ca. 50 mg. absolute. (E) Detector Powders The German troops did not like the powder provided for detecting liquid contamination since it was difficult to use in wet weather and was ineffective when applied to contamination which had developed a skin through ageing. Furthermore the powder reacted to oils and fats. In con- sequence there was a demand for a more sensitive powder with a better colour reaction which was not affected by water and which would show up old contamination. This problem was not solved. They found that mixing with talc made the powder unreactive to water, but it still remained ineffective against gas which had formed a skin. The use of a detector paper might have solved the difficulty, but Insp.9 rejected this alternative. (p) Detector Paints The standard German detector paint was designated K2L (Spurlack). It was rose coloured and differentiated between mustard, nitrogen mustard and oil* Mustard pro- duced a deep red to violet colour in 10-15 seconds, nitrogen mustard, orange red and oil, no (or very slow) colour change. It consisted of the following ingredients (a) paint base - chlorinated rubber or chlorbuna (b) Solvent - xylol, solvent naphtha (c) Plasticiser - Colophen A 60 (l,G.) (d) Indicator - chrysoidin (yellow brown) I.G. (e) Colour solution - I.G.1 (violet powder) (f) Titanium dioxide. The paint worked satisfactorily except with dirty or acidic contaminants. When the British paint was captured, it was tested and the change from khaki or green to red was much preferred. The Germans specified a similar type of paint and apparently an order was given for its manufacture, but none had yet been delivered. (G) Detector Dogs A new departure begun in 1937 was the training of dogs to delimit areas contaminated with mustard and other persistent gases. These dogs, known as "Spurhunde”, were trained under the direction of Dr. Rudolf Kukh, head of Sill, who had made a speciality of the subject. They could work either upwind or downwind of a contaminated area by sniffing the ground and they would stop whenever they reached any place where there was a trace of gas. A minimum of 8 weeks training was required, but 6 months was preferable. They required a "refresher” course if they had not been used for detection purposes for more than 6 months. The German sheep dog, or any dog which was not too highly bred, was suitable for training. So far dogs had only been trained to detect mustard and nitrogen mustard. This method was, however, not favoured by the troops. (H) Carbon Monoxide Detection Four methods of detection seem to have been available. (i) Kohlenoxydanzeiger. This consisted of a pump, of design similar to that in the gasanzeiger, and special detector tubes, which contained a layer of purified silica gel (Reinigungsmasse) and a layer of silica gel impregnated with sul- phur trioxide and iodine pentoxide, (The preparation of this tube is described in detail in the investigation report on Draegerwerk) . The Reinigungsmasse was not entirely satisfactory for the removal of petrol fumes and an additional filter had been approved but not yet manufactured or issued. This is shown in Figure II. A ”Satz Vorschaltrohre fur Kohlenoxydanzeiger” (connection tube set for CO detection) was to contain 20 of these tubes, 3 pieces of connecting rubber tubing and an opener for the tubes, and was only to be issued to panzertruppen. Forts were to be provided with the Kohlenoxydanzeiger only. (ii) 00 Detector paper. In 1939-40, papers impreg- nated with palladium chloride were issued but these were unstable and were withdrawn. The Satz Kohlenoxydpruf papier 42 was then introduced which contained four boxes of filter paper strips, two small bottles with 0,1 per cent (?) solution of palladium chloride in water with the addition of sodium acetate, a leaflet of instructions and a plastic holder for sus- pending the paper from a button* (iii) Semi-Automatic CO Detector. This was designed for use in tanks and enclosed spaces and works off a 12-volt battery. It is illustrated dia- grammatically in Pig*III* Air is drawn into a long narrow sintered glass flmnel, the stem of which contains iodine pentoxide. The sintered glass is impregnated first with silver nitrate, which is reduced to silver, and then with iodine. In the presence of CO, the sintered glass funnel turns red. In juxta position to the detector is a blank impregnated antered glass funnel over which can be superimposed a red filter, and both detector and blank sintered glass funnels are observed and compared through two small round glass windows. Considerable research had been carried out with this apparatus in order to determine the optimum working conditions. Complete details were not obtained, but an apparatus has been sent back for examination. The reaction on the sintered glass plate is reversible and the red colour, formed in the presence of CO, fades in the absence of the latter* Only 30 models of this apparatus were probably made* (iv) Automatic CO Detector., Research was in progress on the development of automatic detectors based on the reaction between carbon monoxide and hopcalite, In one type, the temperature change was recorded by an air differential thermometer and, in the other, by the change in resistance of a wire coil wound round the glass hopcalite container* Two examples of the former type are being sent back from Raubkammer and full details were obtained later from Draegerwerk, but no further information about the latter type was forthcoming. (l) Miscellaneous Items on Detection (i) IIXL was also responsible for the examination of cap- tured ointments, detection equipment, etc. Work in progress which had been transferred from Spandau included the examination of the American Kit (BAL ointment and &/& ointment M5) * the British &/& ointment N©o5, the American Kit Water Testing, the American Detection Kits M4 and M9, the Detector paint M3* and British detector paints. Soutine testing of German detection equipment which had been stored or issued to the troops was also being done. (ii) The following samples of chemicals used in detection are being sent back to U.K. Hienolphthaline, YY1 dipyridyl, hexanitrodiphenylamine, Victoria Blue N.R., chrysoidin, I.G-.1, and rose and green detector paints. 6* Decontamination (a) Routine Methods used at Raubkammer Rubber articles were decontaminated from mustard by soaking in large tubs in 2 per cent chloramin T solution for 24 hours. The solution was initially heated to 50°0, and then allowed to cool to room temperature. The articles were then removed, rinsed with a 2 per cent chloramin T solution, rinsed with water and dried. The treatment for N-mustard was similar, except that the chloramin bath was maintained at 40°C. Losantin was not used for two reasons (a) bloclcage of the drains occurred, and (b) the Losantin weakened the stitching of the clothing. The washing machines in RHI were used exclusively for washing workers sweaty underclothing. (B) Experimental Work On the experimental side, the work progressed on the usual lines and no new or startling developments were apparent. Practically the complete set of papers on decontamination was retrieved and will be reported on in due course. It is only necessary, therefore, to give a very brief sketch of the investigations carried out. Decontamination of the following articles had been under investigation Rubber clothing including gloves and boots; Leather; Gas Masks; Uniforms both woollen and cellulose. The following gases were examined as regards decontam- ination s- Mustard; Nitrogen Mustard;. Arsinol/bost (OA), Z&hlost and enemy war gases. The following methods were examined for their applicability to vehicles, plant, etc.;- 2 per cent Chloramin or Losantin solution; Boiling and warm water; Hot air, hot damp air and superheated steam; Washing. The applicability of the different methods to the various articles is listed below :- Rubber Clothing (heavy and light) and Gasplanen (where applicable) £ per cent chloramin or losantin solution at $0°C. This was not entirely suitable for troops because care was needed in control of the concentration and temper- ature and too strong a concentration attacked the stitching - Boiling and warm water. Leather* Standing in water at for 12-24 hours - Hot air, for 24 hours* Gasmask, GM30. Similar to leather'viz. Water at 60°C. Hot air, • Gasmask, QMffi* Boiling water for 1 hour. Uniforms (i) Boiling water. (ii) Washing by the following routine Breakdown 40°C« 13 minutes. Rinse 40°C • Main wash 30°C. hours with soap or other detergent. One or two rinses at 50°G. This was claimed to be satisfactory for most contam- ination up to a density of 100 g/m • For a second main wash was included for 1 hour and claimed to be satis- factory with 100 contamination. (iii) Hot air, etc. 6-8 hours, dry hot air circulated at 120-130°C. 4 hours, alternate dry and damp air circulated at 120-130°C hours, alternate hot air and steam circulated at 100°G. 20 hours, dry air static at 100-120°C. Hot air was of no use with arsenical vesicants. A Russian method had been tried with some success. 120 uniforms were packed tightly in a container or rammed into a pit and ammonia and ichthyol were passed in by means of a pipe from a boiler. Very good results were obtained; the process was complete in 3 hours, and the uniforms could be dried in 6 hours. Testing of Decontaminated Clothing, The decontaminated clothing'was tested by the usual methods Chemical (microchlorine for mustard, microarsenic for lewisite and Gasanzieger) • Animal trials. Wearing trials. A method was developed for testing for arsenic on contaminated garments by pressing a piece of cleaned zinc foil (sandpapered) on to the contamination and heating with a blow lamp. A stain on the metal developed, grey, brown, or black according to the degree of contamination. Grey stain was considered almost safe. This method, has been developed into a field testing kit« The detergents investigated in the place of soap in the washing method were of the following types :- Mezzo sulfo sauresalz. Lav#»ntin. Emulphor. Lignin sulfosauresals ( Ze list off Fab rik) * (C) Decontamination of Drinking Water A copy of a pamphlet dealing with German methods of purification of contaminated drinking water has been obtained. One method advocated was to pass the jater through layers of silvered charcoal to which freshly precipitated iron oxide had been added to deal with arsenicals. If on test the water was found not to contain more than 20 T of As per litre, it was considered fit for drinking. The method suffered from the serious limitation that the charcoal rapidly became exhausted especially when the water was dirty, and there were not sufficient supplies available for large scale decontamination. The Military Academy developed another and more economical method using active charcoal which was not so good, but even then the supply was inadequate. The Germans were worried about the effects of gas on the water supplies of big cities like Berlin and thought it likely that reservoirs might be subjected to gas bombing. The problem was then passed to the Reichsanstalt for Wasser and Luftgute at Berlin Dahlem under the direction of Prof. Hase. He worked out a method using hypochlorous acid which was effective in the case of mustard and lewisite, but it was not of much value for N-mustard, It was also of no use for chloropicrin, and arsenic still remained in the water unless the iron oxide treatment was applied. When properly treated, there was no harm in drinking the water, but it did not taste well. The experimenters tried it themselves for a few days without ill effects. Water treated by this method after contamination was then given to the prisoners in the Dachau concentration camp over a period of three weeks and they did not notice anything unusual, Wa, Pruf.9 did not take part in any of these experimentso We are indebted to Lt* H*E, Hudson Jr*, U*S. Army, for the following information about two water purification units found at Raubkaramer In the RIH area was found one trailer-mounted water purification unit and a separate unit for application of chlorine to water contaminated with chemical agents. These were parts of two rival methods for water decontamination* According to those interviewed, the two sets of equipment were tested at Raubkammer under the aegis of the Reich- sanstalt fur Wasser und Luftgute and the Heeressanitats Inspection Dureau, both Berlin agencies. The tests v.ere supervised by a Dr. Graeinhardt of the SanitSts I ,i*eau, and Prof. Base of the Reichsanstalt and involved waters contaminated with Lost and Winterlost. The chlorination scheme failed'to produce palatable water, while the trailer mounted unit was considered a success. The trailer-mounted water purification unit is capable of operation at rates of from 350 to 2100 litres per hour. The unit, designed by Seitzwerke, Bad Kreuznach, includes a gasoline engine-driven reciprocating pump, a mechanical feeder for adding a mixture of Kieselguhr and pulverized active carbon (Hydraffin E8), a preliminary filter equipped for manual sludge removal, two granular carbon (Hydraffin .YSIl) beds, and a plate and frame filter press. The unit is well designed and sturdy, but complex. The manufacturer stated that 3 were built, and 250 ordered but not fabricated for the German Array. No concrete information on the decontamination of Tabun and Sarin in water supplies was secured. It was indicated that, in dilute solutions, these agents would hydrolyse more rapidly than trichlortriethylamine, and more slowly than mustard gas. Sarin was thought to be completely soluble in water, Tabun less so. The minimum rate of hydrolysis was said to be in the neutral pH range. Both were rapidly hydrolysed by strong alkali. (D) Decontamination of Foodstuffs Little direct information on the decontamination of foodstuffs was obtained and a full picture of German methods will have to await examination of the documents on decontamination. It may be noted that the method for decontaminating flour was similar to that of the British, viz., immersing the sack in water and later pouring out the loose flbur from the crust formed by the penetration of water from the outside of the sack. Contaminated oats for horses were put in sacks in a vat and water was led in from below and allowed to run continuously. Decontamination was complete in 24 to 36 hours and the method was found suitable for mustard, lewisite and nitrogen mustard. Horses did not like oats after treatment if they had been contaminated originally with lewisite. (E) Skin decontaminants For decontamination of the skin washing with soap and water is considered to be the best method especially if carried out within a few minutes of contamination* British A/G- Ointment No.5 and the American No.5 Ointment are also thought to be excellent decontamincnts# In addition the G-ermans consider that these ointments give excellent protection against H vapour* In fact, the "jelly type" of ointment, such as M5> is considered to be better than any equipment or impregnation yet devised for protection against H vapour* The Germans themselves would have liked to make an Ointment like M3 but were short of the necessary thick- ening agents* It was considered extremely difficult to decontaminate all the body with an ointment, and so, for this reason, a decontaminating introduced,, M,S. Soap (Mersol) made by I„G-. Parben was the soap finally chosen, and, as is known, issued to the ixmy* It was intended for use by medical officers, decontaminating troops, and at decon- taminating centres* They claim that it is good against all vesicants, and is effective against H even 10 minutes after contamination* Dr* Postel did the original decon- tamination experiments at Spandau on guinea-pig skin and using 1-10 mg* of vesicant per 5 of skin* As regards nitrogen mustard, it was found that the weapon decontaminant was better for the skin than the actual skin decontaminant. It was therefore suggested that the soldier should determine the nature of the con- tamination before deciding on the agent to use. An impregnated cotton wool pad with an orange red band round it was to be used for swabbing off the free liquid con- tamination. If the pad turned the same colour as the band, then the liquid was nitrogen mustard and the weapon decontaminant was to be used. The device was not jut into service* - Some work had been done before the war by Dr. Oswald at Wurzburg on the possibility of obtaining a readily available decontaminant for H. Various ashes, mixed with water to make a paste, were tested on rabbits ears using a contamination of 5 mg* of H* The paste was applied thickly, left on for 3 minutes and then washed off. Coal ash was found to be no good, out wood ash, peat ash, lignite, etc., were effective. The control decontamination was done with bleach paste or by washing with soap or soft 3oape The ashes were better than the soaps but not as good as bleach paste. Other miscellaneous points of interest are: The G-ermans were short of containers for Losantin, and glass containers with zinc tops were provided for military use and all glass containers and tops, for civilian purposes. The Losantin kept well in the containers with zinc tops, but not so well when the tops were of glass. For phosgene oxime, dilute ammonia was recommended to alleviate the pain from the burns, Ihosphorus bums were treated with copper sulphate, but later it was found that sodium bicarbonate was better. (?) Decontamination of Vehicles The information received covered aspects most of which are already well-known to us, A few points of interest did arise. It was noted that there were two types of vehicles for clothingJ There was a troop decon- tamination vehicle, the TEK, for normal clothing. Each division had one and it was under medical supervision. The smoke troops also had their own unit decontamination vehicle which was intended for heavy clothing only, with a capacity of 20-30 suits per hour. Normal clothing could not be handled and was passed to the TEK for decontamination. The smoke troops* vehicle could alse provide bath water by circulating water from a tank through the radiator of the I.C. engine, which was running continuously, and back again to the tank. In at least one type of TEK, the water was heated by a novel method. There were two tanks each of 500 litres capacity at the back of the vehicle. Water was circulated from the tanks through an impeller mounted on the crankshaft in front of the radiator, and then back again to the tanks. Heat was generated by friction in the impeller much in the same way as in a water brake on an engine test bed. The engine developed 100 H.P. and could provide 1000 litres of water per hour at 60°C. Eventually the method was abandoned owing to shortage of petrol. Description of RIII Raubkaromer RIII consists essentially of a large and elaborate centre for the issue and maintenance of anti-gas equipment for field trials and for the decontamination of personnel, anti-gas clothing, vehicles and horses0 The layout of the buildings is shown in Pig. IV. RIII, Buildings A and B. Building A provided showers and baths for men, with appropriate locker and dressing rooms, large wooden for decontaminating anti-gas clothing, and washing machines for dealing with ordinary dirty clothing. There were also very elaborate arrangements in tiled rooms for drying decontaminated rubber clothing by hot air. Each item of clothing was date marked by a special machine after decontamination. The S.W. part of the building contained machines for repairing damaged clothing. Under the building were large furnaces and boilers for pro- viding hot air and water. In the attic above the building two set-ups for opening used containers were found. One is a converted seaming machine in which one of the seaming wheels is replaced by a circular cutter. The other works on two shafts, one holding the con- tainer which can be moved in two directions, i.e., in line with, and at right angles to, the shaft, and the other being motor driven with a small circular saw. The container is brought up to the saw at the approximate position and slowly rotated by a hand screw until the complete circumference is cut. It appears that III L of Spandau was in the process of moving into the building as one of the cellars was full of orates of apparatus, only a few of which had been unpacked. The apparatus was mainly non-specialised, consisting of the commoner types of chemical laboratory glassware with a selec- tion of physical instruments such as voltmeters, anomsters, pyrometers, etc* Two of the smaller rooms on the ground floor in the building were already occupied by HI L. In one, several boxes of photographic negatives and files of prints belonging to III L were found* These were photographs mainly of British, Russian and German Anti-gas Equipment and did not appear to be of great importance except from an historical viewpoint, but they were sent back to U.K* for more detailed examination* In the other room used as an office by Dr. Meiner of IIIcL a practically complete set of documents on decontamina- tion was found and was sent back to U.K* for examination* Building B - The basement of this building consisted of a number of store rooms and a small laboratory fitted up for IIIcL. One large room was full of quantities of several different types of heavy anti-gas clothing, rubber boots, gloves, etc. All were carefully stored and arranged. A small room held a large stock of rubber garments for protection of limited areas of the body. A second small room contained stocks of uniforms, whilst a third held reserve stocks of spare containers and respirators, including a number of British ones, respirator repair outfits, boxes of detector tubes, etc. There was a small laboratory in which there was a stock of chemical glassware and also apparatus which had been assembled for testing the charcoal from filtration units. Finally a fourth room contained a stock of instruments for the measurement of air flow, resistance, etc* Apparatus for carrying out the D.G. test for filtration units was found in this room. All this material belonged to IIIcL. The ground floor comprised recreation rooms, a row of offices, a respirator store and rooms for self-contained breathing apparatus. There was also a small museum of facepieces and respirators. The offices contained a certain number of document s on defensive equipment which were sent back to U.K* The res- pirator store contained numbers of different kinds of service and civilian respirators, spare containers, industrial containers, gas planes, repair outfits, spare parts, etc. The service facepieces consisted of the GM30 and 38 types together with about the same number of the Od43 type (the new facepiece with expiratory valve with mushroom shaped cover over the nose for improved speech transmission). Three modifications, presumably experimental, of the GM38 were seen and samples obtained* A sample GM44 was also obtained which consists of modifications of the GM38 mainly to improve it for use with optical instruments* A microphone attached to wire and jack was obtained* This is for fitting on to the facepiece attachment* Orinasal masks made by both Auer and Draeger 'were found, mostly with light containers for dust protection only, there being a large supply of spare filters available as refills* A large number of containers were seen of the FE37* FB41 and FE42 types and also industrial types for use against HGN, ammonia and CO* There was no indication of any new development or any unusual types* An EE38 container was found and retained for examination as it had not been met before. It was in no way abnormal externally. A large laboratory was used to store and issue the standard self-contained breathing sets and there was a well laid-out bench for testing and recharging exhausted cylinders* The first floor included two small chemical laboratories which had been taken over by III L for work on detection. Each contained a complete field laboratory (Feldlaboratorium) and general development work on this was in progress. The work in hand embraced the examination of captured ointments, detection kits and paints, development of paints, improvements in the carbon monoxide tester and in the gasanzeiger, routine testing of German gas detection stores and development of new methods of detection* One laboratory contained an all-glass gas mixing apparatus for establishing different concentrations of gases for testing detectors. Adjoining the chemical laboratories were two large attics* One was used as a store for clothing and the other contained a large amount of collective protection equipment and apparatus for testing its performance. The equipment included 1*2, 2.4, and 10 m5/min* units with fans and motors, experimental tank filtration units, hand operated blowers, flow meters, an ultramicroscope, etc* Building C is a gas chamber and presumably was used for testing the fit of facepieces before field trials. Building D was used for hot air decontamination* It contains three chambers lined with tiles and asbestos sheeting, fitted with slots so that an even flow of hot air can be obtained at all levels in the chamber. One of the chambers is sufficiently large to accommodate a 3-ton lorry. Buildings E are store houses of no particular interest. Building G- is a covered wash down. Building H is a garage for decontamination vehicles. A small distance away from the main buildings there is a trough (p) for decontaminating horses. Apparently the horses entered from the range and, after having harness removed, walked through the trough. When they emerged they were tethered and scrubbed. Investigation of Chemical Warfare Installations in the Munster lager Area, including Raubkarcmer APKSNDIX III THE MEDICAL ASPECTS OF GERMAN CHEMICAL WARFARE 19 Introduction, 2. Physiological methods of tests, 3* Mustard gas and other vesicants, 4o Phosgene oxime, 5* Phosgene and other lung irritants, 6, HJN and GNG1. 7® Arsine and Aeroform, 8, The harrassing agents, 9, Fluorine and phosphorus compounds. 10. The physiological results of field trials performed at Raubkanmer. 11 o Human tests with G, W, agents at Concentration Gamps, 12« Summary and Appreciation, 13* Description of the Sections of Raubkamraer that pertained to the Medical Aspects of C, W, 14, Documents recovered. APPENDIX in MEDICAL ASPECTS OF GERMAN CHEMICAL WARFARE 1. Introduction The Germans placed great dependence upon the physiological effects of war gases on animals in the evaluation of the potential use of any compound or mixture,, Most of the tests were carried out using standard teat animals but the effects upon man were observed whenever it was possible to do so; the accidents in factories, laboratories, etc,, offered the opportunity to study the effects as well as the proper treatment. The research was carried on by various agencies within the Army and at c nrtain Universities, The following personnel were interrogated. Oberst Hirsch - Wa Pruf, 9» Oberstabsartz Jannsen Stabsartz Prusener - RV and RVII, Raubkammer and previously VII Spandau, Oberstabsartz Oswald - Senior Medical Officer, Raubkamner, Dr« Nobbe - RVT, Raubkammer, Dr, Strasser - RV, Raubkammer. Dr, Gerhard Bottger - VII L, Spandau, Dr, Winkler - V L, Spanda^u Dr, Wagner - Gr V, Wa Pruf. 9. Stabsartz Heinz Kruse - VII a L, Spandau, Professor Kliewe - VII c L, Spandau, Hauptmann Marthens - Medical Officer, Ljyhernfurth. Hauptmann Jannsen - Medical Officer, HMA, Munster Ost, Dr, iSberhard Posted - Pharraocology and War Toxicology Department, Military Academy, Berlin. Professor Wolfgang Heubner - Pharmakologische Institute, Frederick Wilhelm Uhiversitat, Berlin* Important personnel still to be interviewed include Professc.' Wolfgang Wirth - Chief of Group VII, Wa Pruf, 9* Professor Winner — Strassburg University* Professor Picker - Strassburg University. Professor Flury - Wurzburg University* Toxicity Figures The accepted (1944) German toxicity figures are given here* Figures differing from these will be found in various Sections of this this difference is probably due to the fact that the latter represent the work of individual investigators. Agent Minimum Detectable, concentration, mg/nP Intolerable Cone, ag/m^ Lethal Ct. mg«min./m3 CN 0.3 4 300 Dick 0,8 10 3500 Clark I < 0.2 1 Clark II • 0.003 (Smell) 0, 01 (irrit at ion) 0.25 Excelsior < 0.03 0.23 Phosgene 0.3 (Smell) 1000 3000 Adamsite < 0.3 1-3 Diphosgene 0.1 (Smell) 15 2000-3000 KLop < 3 25 - 6000-12000 Arsine 30-50 6000 (cone 200 mg.) (Dog) asN < 10 1000-3000 (cone,30-100 mg.)(Cats) GNC1 1-2 130-200 1200 (Cats) 10,000 (Guinea pigs) Tabun 0.00b (Smell) 400 (cone, 30 mg.) 300( -10Ctag) Sarin Odourless 100 - 150 a VArsenol HT H-hanolog- ues enol HN-3 pure -0,2 (smell) techn, —0.01—0.02 (smell) | 700 - 1000 1 - 2000 700 - 1000 Pfiffikus 10 Another table relates lethal dose for man with the time of onset of symptoms and the time of death* Agent Time of c Illness >ccurence of Death Total dose/63 kg, wt. (Breath- ing 40 l/mirio Lethal Ct, mg, min/nK, Exp* Time min. Phosgene 3-4 hours 4 hr. - 3 days 40 mg. 1000 10 H 3-4 hours 1 - 7 " 60- 1500 15 Arsine 3-5 hours 115 mg. 22300 (at once) 1500- 3000 (5days) 30 30- 60 HCN (10-20 mg/nr ) Immediately (1-2 min; har*mless 80-100 mg* 2000 900 10 3 Tabun Immediately (i - 2 min; 11 mg. 274 2 2* Physiological Methods of Testing Only new methods or methods peculiar to G.W, Research are discussed here. (1) Testing the Vesicant Power of a liquid G.W. agent The old method was to dissolve the agent in 15 of benzene and then to apply this to the skin by means of pipettes. However an exact area of skin was not contaminated by this method and so the following method was devised ; - 1-3 mg. of vesicant was weighed onto a 1 sq. cm, glass plate held in a cork. The glass plate is then placed on the end of a spring-rod and wiped across the flexor surface of the forearm of the shaved skin of an animal. By this means it was hoped to contaminate a given area of skin (approximately 1 sq.cm.) at the same constant pressure. For strong vesicants 0.1 mg were used for comparison purposes. This method of contamination was criticised by the Germans themselves on the grounds that a constant reproducible density of akin contamination could not be obtained by the "wiping technique". A rod method of contaminating was suggested - similar to the Edgowood rod method - but not adopted. In assessing the value of a vesicant, the time of appearance of the various stages of the skin lesion, the size of the skin lesion and the time the lesion took to heal were noted. The latter two observations were considered to be the most important. If decontamination methods were to be assessed, then the decontaminating agents were applied at various time intervals after contamination. The penetration of clothing by drops of liquid vesicant Was determined by placing them either on the forearm of a man or onto the shaved skin of an animal. In some cases the left sleeve of a uniform Jacket was contaminated to a given density with 3rops of vesicant and then the Jacket worn for A hours. The fact that the penetration of clothing in the field might be affected by $he terminal velocity of the sprayed droplets does not seem to have appreciated or at least not assessed. Because it was necessary to do many of the vesicant tests on animals, the relative sensitivity of the skin of different species to a 1 per cent solution of H was determined at Spandau. The following results were obtained. Horses, rabbits - 100 per cent react Dogs, men - 83 per cent react Mouse - 70 per cent react Guinea-Pig - 33 per cent react Hats - 30 per cent react Apes - 22 per cent react Hence dogs were considered the best animal for comparison with humans and then only when taking the skin between a dog* s toes. The danger of interpreting animal data too literally was further illustrated by the observation that all gases which contain arsenic react more strongly <5n animal skin than did pure H* However, on human skin, pure H was more potent than the arsenicals. (2) Penetration of impregnated and unimpregnated clothing by H vapour - Laboratory technique: The clothing (2 layers - uniform cloth and skirting) was either placed directly on to the forearm or else the forearm was covered with a rubber sleeve, which contained a window into which the clothing to be tested was stitched# The clothing was then exposed to H vapour by placing it over the top of a glass tube. (The usual Gt was 1290 mg.mir/m5 at 29^0#)# (3) Persistence of Liquid Vesicant in the Field:- This was assessed by (a) Guinea pigs with shaved bellies (clothed and unclothed) were placed in contact with the ground for 30 minutes. (b) Men wearing patches of 2 layers of clothing (jacket and shirt) over the knees and elbows, crawled over the contaminated areas. The patches were then removed and strapped on to shaved guinea-pig bellies for 3 hours. (c) The guinea-pig method (a) was considered to be too inaccurate because of the unequal distribution of H on the ground* Therefore a hainuer (handle 1 m. long and head 0.15 m long) with a piece of clothing over the head was used The clothed head of the hammer was brought into contact with the ground 100 times at random over the area. The contaminated cloth was then placed on a shaved rabbit's belly for 4 hours. (4) Penetration of Clothing (impregnated and unimpregnated; and of ointment by vesicant-vapour in the field. Men were clothed in underwear, a two-piece outer uniform, boots, socks, field equipment, and mask, the face and neck not being covered by the facepiece. Their hands were anointed with various types of ointment; in some cases the cuffs of the sleeves w were tied with tape and in some cases they were Just buttoned. These men stood or laid in a shallow trench for 30 - 60 minutes down- wind of a contaminated (usually 100 g/m2 of n) area of ground. The clothing was worn for 4 hours from the time of commencement of exposure. It was then removed and a hot bath taken, the hands, face and neck decontaminated with ointment„ Losantin or bleach paste. Sometimes the men were exposed to vesicant vapour in a gas chamber, the same routine being observed. (5) Aircraft Spray Trials Gothing (impregnated and unimpregnatedj was laid on the ground at various distances downwind. Only the left-sleeve of the jacket was exposed to the spray. after the spraying the jackets were worn for four hours by men. Guinea-pigs, with shaved bellies, clothed and bare, were also exposed at the same points. (6) Anti-Tank Trials (a) KPN bottle-grenades;- These were thrown against the turret of the tank. Gaged cats were placed in the driver's seat, commander's position in the turret and on the gunner's seat. (b) Harassing Agents;- The engine of the tank was removed and the ventilation arranged to simulate the ordinary rate of ventilation. The G,W. - shot was then fired against the tank, Immediately afterwards men, waiting liehind moveable shelters, ran out and put their heads into the back of the tank by opening the two rear doors* The symptoms suffered were noted. (?) CN Tests:- These were usually aone in woods. After functioning of the munitions, human subjects entered the area to see how long they could remain there without adjusting their respirators, ho objective tests of harassment were made, « (8) Stemutators:- Chamber tests were performed at Spandau, 0o3 mg/m3 being the standard concentrations. In the field, volunteer officers and workmen on the staff stood downwind of sternutators smoke canoles, and stayed there, without respirators, if possible for 2 or 3 minutes0 afterwards the symptoms they had suffered were told to the assessor. No objective methods of assessment were used. (9) a ind Tunnel for testing smoke candles etc, had only recently been made at daubkammer. It had never been used. (10) Animals in the field:- Dogs, cats, guinea pigs and mice were used chiefly. They considered dogs a good animal, -Cats developed a gastro-enteritis sometimes fatal if kept in captivity for as long as four weeks. They were also sensitive to cold in the field, and, therefore, attempts were iaade to acclimatise them before hand by keeping them in large open cages. They were then placed in warm horse boxes after the trials. Guinea-pigs often died from cold and mice were especially susceptible. (11) Inhalation .abcperiments were performed at bpandau in 1*5, 2, 10, 1u0 and 300 chambers*The floor, ceiling and upper and lower thirds of each wall of the chambers were of glazed tiles, the middle third of the walls being of glass for observation purposes. Animals were placed in gagas on stands in the chamber, Chemical sampling was performed by drawing the vapour out through holes in the glass portion of one of the walls. The agents were dispersed through another hole in the glass portion of the saine wall. (12) To test respirator filters against HCN or CNC1 in the field, cats were exposed in cages which were protected by a respirator filter, through which air was drawn continuously. (13) Comment; The Germans placed great reliance on animal tests and chemical sampling methods had to be correlated with toxicological observations before being generally accepted. In general they showed an unrealistic approach to their field asses sment 3, Thus (a) Men were not directly exposed to aircraft spray. The methods they did use we know to be open to gross errors* (b) No objective tests were used in assessing harassing agents* V 5.0 Clothed Vesication Hence for offensive purposes (spray) it was estimated that a contamination of the order of 1 g/wr would be required to produce casualties on unclothed men, and for clothed men 5 g/m2 would be needed* No account was taken of drop size but it was predicted that the larger the drop size the greater the effectiveness since smaller drops were difficult to aim and readily evaporated* Therefore the thickening of H for anti-personnel spraying was recommended ; - Foreign spray mixtures were said to be England - OB or HT - T 47,4 per cent, H 25.5 per cent, U.S.A, - 50 per cent H 15 per cent - H sulphone 10 per cent - brom H 25 per cent - Lewisite Russia - 21 per cent - H 50 per cent - Lewisite 29 per cent - Intermediate products and im- purities® The American spray mixture seemed to have caused them consider- able trouble in making, but they did, at least, vesicant tests with it as the following Spandau results show :- Time Effects produced by 3 iag H on the skin. Effects produced by 3 mg USA mixture on the skin. 3 hrs. Reddening commences Reddening commences 1 day Beginning of blister formation. Reddening and swelling 9 days Ulcer and slough Ulcer and slough 33 days Healed. Scar. Healed, Scar, No German figures for the effects of H vapour on wan are available. They seem to have relied entirely on Italian data as were quoted many times in their papers. These figures are follows dosage in mg* Condition of Skin0 i.iesult on Skin 1000 Cry Erythema and sv/elling 800 Jry Nil 1000 Sweating Vesication 250 Sweating Erythema and sv/elling < 250 Sweating Nil The only vapour tests done on human subjects at Spandau were those in which the forearm, covered by a rubber glove, in which a window 5 era square was cut, was exposed to a stream of vapour in a glass tube. The forearm was inserted through a close fitting rubber ring at the end of the tube. Concentrations of about ifOO rng/iir of H vapour were used and exposure times varied between 5 to }0 minutes. A ct of 8-10,000 mg was said to only produce an erythema. Vesic&tions were never seen. Great individual variations in sensitivity to H vapour and the fact that sweating increased the skin sensitivity were noted during these experiments. Toxicity of H (a) By skin application - There was not much interest in this and only a few tests were made. The following MLD’s are noted Cat (back contaminated) mg/Hg Guinea pig (belly contaminated) 20,- 25 mg/Hg Rabbit 20 - 40 mg/Hg (b) By Inhalation - here again the data are scanty although details of toxicity experiments with 1) and 0 are available. Substance Concentration in mc/m^ Time in Mins Ct in me. rain/ m3 Animal Deaths Pure distilled D 99*4 per cent 39.6 30 1190 Cat Mouse _s£_ 14/20 Pure distilled 99.5 per cent. 38.64 30 ' 1160 Gat Mouse V5_ V20 Technical D 82.4 per cent 35.71 30 1170 Cat Mouse V20 Technical 0 89.6 per cent 33.26 30 1060 Gat Mouse 2/5 D in benzene solution. Nominal 50 30 Nominal 750 Dog Gat Rabbit Guinea Pig Rat Mouse 0/1 i/2 Vi 0/1 0/2 ,0/2 0 in benaene Nominal 30 Nominal •Dog 0/1 solution 50 750 Cat 0/2 Rabbit 0/1 Guinea pis 0/1 Rat 2/2 Mouse 2/2 (Note the habit when using nominal concentrations, of estimating the actual Ct by multiplying C/2 by t From the above they conclude that, on inhalation (1) Pure distilled i) was slightly more effective than Pure 0 (99.5 per cent). (2) Technical D (82.4 per cent) was slightly less effective than Technical 0 (89.6 per cent). (3) b in benzene solution was slightly less effective than 0 in solution. (4) The L(Gt) 50 for pure distilled D (and 0) was probably about 1200, (5) Not enough animals were killed by the technical gas to estimate the L(Ct)50„ Spandau had noticed that Gt was not a constant for H vapour on inhalation, the smaller the t, the smaller was the Gt, Using exposure times of from 1-3 A It of 750-1500 rag,miiynr would kill most dogs and cats (i)r. Bottgcr, Spandau), It was believed that the L(Gt)50 for man would not be greater than 2,000 lng«indr/m3 because all other species tested showed a L(Gt)50 of less than 2000 rag.miiy'ra^. ■pathology This was not done at Raubkaramer except on animals killed in field trials. In general, their findings confirmed those of Allied workers. Gats and dogs, dying from inhalation of H vapour in field trials, showed a pseudo-membranous tracheitis and bronchitis and broncho-pneumonia. Conjunctivitis and oedema of the eyelids were seen and the guinea pigs, used in assessing vesicancy, showed °ederaa and necrosis of the skin. Signs of gastro intestinal damage were only noted whene animals licked the contaminated fur or in feeding tests with contaminated food. Dedema and Haemorrhagic necrosis of the gut and even stenosis of the cardiac end of the stomach with ulceration of the mucosa is seen. Orifcrin these animals was diarrhoea nc' ced* The bone marrow did not appear to have been examined* Specimens illustrating the above points of interest were seen at Raubkaramer. Therapy The G-erman methods of treatment patients suffering fran mustard burns was as follows (1) Calamine lotion* This was later in short supply* (2) Potassium Permanganate solution 1/3,000 - 1/5,000* (3) Boric acid solution* (4) "Rivanol" (Bayer; 2 ethoxy - 6, 9 - diaminoacridinolactate) dressing* Blisters were evacuated of fluid and the roof collapsed down onto the bum area before dressipgs were applied* Systemic In severe cases (12 in one accident with in 1941, when this observation was first made) an aleukoeraic xeucopenia had been noted in humans* This had not been noted by the Germans before this accident* It was confirmed in later accident cases, Dr,Postel did the haematology on these and subsequent cases* Because of his "original” work he was commended and ordered to Berlin, to continue his research under Colonel V/elde, at the Military Academy* Sternal punctures were made on the cases and few leucocytes were found. The ”young immature” Leucocytes were chiefly missing* This leucopenia was treated with whole blood transfusions, the amount of blodd given varying with the severity of the case* On an average 400 cc, of blood were given at a time (maximum 600 cc) and repeated if necessary. One case had 10 transfusions in all. Eight of the first series of 12 cases died, but many with very low white cell blood counts have recovered under treatment, e*g, one girl had only 800 W,B,C./ram5 but recovered* For the first day or two after the accident a few patients showed the symptoms of "shock” which was considered to be due to the H absorbed rather than the burns; the "shock" picture was not as pro- nounced sis with thermal burns of equal extent and intensity* There was no evidence of Haemocencentration but many cases showed a later polycythaemic because of the number of blood transfusions received,, Pentanucleotide was tried for the leucopenia but without effect. Good food and oxygen (in the early stages) to unconscious cases and cases suffering from respiratory distress were also given. The cases which died were autopsied by a pathologist from Berlin who removed the organs and took them back to Berling. The microscopic findings on these organs were not known to the local helical Officer. Microscopically, however, many cases showed a tracheitis and bronchitis with gross pseudo-membrane formation and broncho-pneumonia (Some of the cases which recovered also had a membranous tracheitis and often coughed up large pieces of membrane). No gross changes in the intestinal canal were remarked upon, though one case, who swallowed some liquid H, actually had a perforation of the stomach. The bone marrow does not appear to have been Examined at autopsy. None of the cases suffered from vomitting or diarrhoea. No specified therapy for H had yet been discovered. The best method of decontamination in the factory was soap and water washing, supplemented in many instances by bleach, Bosantin or even carbon tetrachloride. These methods were only effective if applied within the first few minutes after contamination. 2 per cent chloramine solution was used to decontaminate clothing. Sbepries of the mode of action of H Work done by Long and Wirth at the Military Academy in Berlin and by Flury suggested that H inhibited cell enzymes. Hence the oxidation of cell was interfered with and this was followed by death °f the cell. The enzymes studies were not known to our informants. ■Offensive Use of H Two types of munitions were envisaged — those to produce a vapour hazard and those for ground contamination. On the ground un— Sickened H persists as a hazard for 1 to 2 days, but, under favour- able conditions, thickened H may persist for 2 or 3 months. It is estimated that to produce an effective traversing hazard flunimum contamination density of 100 would be required. However, the production of such a hazard would be of doubtful value and no trials to assess the hazard were performed* Occupying hazard was also never assessed* For anti-invasion purposes trials were done to assess the hazard presented by H floating on water* Pieces of cloth were dipped in the floating H, then placed onto guinea-pigs* bellies and the result- ing bums assessed* The requirement was to provide a mustard gas hazard from floating H for two hours. H as a foam or absorbed on Fuller’s Earth was tried but without success* B. Other Vesicants Not much work was done on these* (1) No success was achieved with unsaturated H Compounds. (2) HN3 was considered tq be less vesicant than H and readily decontaminated with soap and water. It was charged into shells and not bombs and was used to produce an inhalation and not a con- tamination hazard* (3) HN2 was considered too unstable. (4) Little work has been done with Lewisite* BAL Ointment has been tested and was considered excellent for decontamination of both the eyes and the skin* (3) Bromo-H and iodo-H were tested for vesicancy on animals at Spandau, Brorao-H equalled H in vesicant power but iodo-H was not as good as was less stable* (6) Impregnated Justs - Test with H, HN3 and HT absorbed onto Fuller's Earth, Kieselguhr, etc,, had been made at Spandau* The French reported that such dusts were 10 times more efficient than the pure vesicant. Only a few tests were done by the Germans, the impregnated dusts being blown down a tube onto animals and mens forearms. all had the same qualitative effect as pure H and were at least equal to pure H in potency. Particle sizes varied from 1 - 10 u the smaller particles being the more effective. The concentration was estimated from the rate of sedimentation of the particles, (An attempt was also made to apply Tabun to dust, but without success. Tabun was too readily hydrolised). G, Impregnated Clothing The possibility of protecting against H vapour by means of impregnated clothing and anti-gas ointments was under consideration# They knew of the British and American inrpregnites E and CG-2 respectively and they had raadd several similar compounds for trial themselves, e.g. Selloxin 1 N-chlor-benzoic acid 2:4 dichloranilide0 Selloxin 3 N-chlor-benzene sulphonic acid 2<4 dichloranilide0 Selloxin 5 K-ohlor-acetyl 2:4 dichloranilide. It was known that sane of these inrpregnites could produce raethaemoglobinaemia and toxic effects by skin absorption, e.g. Selloxin 5 produced up to 38 per cent methaemoglobinaemia and 3 mg/kg produced death in animals (rats, cats and guinea-pigs) on subcutaneous injection* Oats have shown methaemoglobinaemia varying between 5 and 60 per cent* To decrease the sensitivity to water higher fatty acid derivatives of Selloxine were tried and with sane success. Thus Selloxin 2011 (N-chlorinated 2:4 - dichloranilide of Stearic acid) with 15,3 per cent active chlorine was the best and was non-toxic to animals in doses of 3 rag/kg. / However, the raw. materials to make this compound or other aniline derivatives were lacking and so melamin, derivatives were studied, e.g. Selloxin 50 - Trichlormelamin Selloxin 51 - Hexachlormelamin Selloxin 52 - Oichlorraelarain Various routine physiological tests were made with clothing impregnated with these materials. This routine is given below and illustrates well the methods used in assessing this kind of protection :- (1) Chemical penetration times - compared with impregnated clothing. (2) Laboratory trials with human subjects. The forearms were covered with a rubber sleeve with a window into which clothing is _ placed. These cloth windows were exposed to H vapour. (1290 mg.mijVnr at 29°G.). (3) Field trials using human subjects wearing impregnated and dnimpregnated trousers and Jacket and standing downwind of contamin- ated ground (100 g/m? of H or K/arsinol. Chemical estimations of the vapour hazard v/ere made. (4) Because of the poor vapour returns, these trield were repeated in a warmer climate (Wasilika and Litra Sedes in Salonika, Greece;. Various methods of impregnation, e.g. soaked or sprayed with Selloxin 52, new and old (3 weeks wear) uniforms, and unimpregnated new and old uniforms were used. Because of the absence of vapour effects a second trial using two half-hour periods of exposure, the ground contamination being refreshed between these periods, was tried and again no effects were produced and so the contamination density was doubled and an hours exposure tried. This time skin reactions were obtained, the erythema often not appearing for 1 to 2 days and not for 3 or 4 days in seme cases. The results of these trials may be summarized as follows (1) Selloxin impregnated clothing was no better than unimpregnated clothing. In fact, on the whole, unimpregnated clothing was better than impregnated clothing. (2) Buttoned sleeves were better than bound sleeves. (3) Used clothing was better than new clothing. (4) Anti-gas ointment was better than cod liver oil, which in turn was better than vaseline. (5) GG-2 impregnated clothing, 2 per cent Selloxin (bucket aqueous impregnation; and 6 per cent Selloxin were also compared in a trial where five areas (18 m. x 50 o) with 20 m, between were contaminated witn The subjects laid in a shallow -(trench for two hours and at 25 ffl* downwind of the contamination* Sleeves and necks of the jackets were buttoned and ointment nibbed onto the hands* The uniforms were worn for a further two hours and then a hot bath was taken. Guinea-pigs were used as controls to test the vesicant power of the vapour. The results were poor since the vapour concentrations were not great enough and it was decided that effective H vapour concentrations could not be obtained at Raubkaramer. (6) Trials in the 300 u? chamber at Spandau were therefore commenced. GC-2, Selloxin 52, and Selloxin 13 (composition unknown; - impregnated clothing was tested. The protection afforded by the Selloxin 32 clothing seemed to have been small. Selloxin 13 clothing may have been better but no unirapregnated clothing was used as a control and in this test, too, the Gt was tower. (7) Trials at the Institute of Hiarraacology and War-Toxicology of the Military Academy indicated that Selloxin clothing gave protection against fine drops of Ho Therefore aircraft spray trials on impregnated clothing, the left sleeve of the jacket only being exposed to spray, were performed* The impregnation was a 6 per cent watery solution of Selloxin J2 and this was effective in protecting against 5 - 7 of (Any skin changes which did occur through the impregnated clothing were explained on the ground of faulty and uneven impregnation). This trial is described in detail in Section XX> (8) Laboratory trials, in which the left sleeves of worn field Jackets, (impregnated with 4 or 6 per cent Selloxin 52) were con- taminated with H (120 mg/120 cor) and subsequently worn for 4 hours, indicated that such impregnation did not protect against 10 of H, These results with impregnated clothing were considered by the Germans themselves to be particularly poor; if such poor protection *ere obtained under the artificial conditions of these trials, then the results in the field would be much worse. The difference between the poor field trials and the good laboratory results was ®Xplained on the following grounds :- (l) The "climate" under the uniform was different from that of the surrounding atmosphere. It was warmer and more moist, and hence the skin was more sensitive. This warmth and moisture is supposed to be greater under impregnated than under non-impregnated clothing. Under new than under old, and under bound than buttoned sleeves. (2) There was also a "pump-effect" which draws vapour under, rather than through the clothing so that the skin could never be completely 8ealed off from the surrounding atmosphere. This "pump-effect” *as said to be more marked with German than with Allied uniforms. In conclusion it may be said that the German-type uniform was hot suitable for impregnation against H vapour. In 1943 a uniform like the British battle-dress was to have been produced, of this may have been more successful. Impregnated German uniforms offered a greater degree of protection against H aPray than they did to H vapour. phosgene Oxime (Kanton) tfork on Phosgene oxime was commenced because it was believed *hat the Russians would use this agent. It was intended to °°ntaminate ground, skin and clothing. The compound was examined Spandau on the skin of men and animals. The results were as Allows ; - p (l) Minimum amount in ‘benzene solution required to damage 1 can of skin was 0.2 rag. (2) In the solid or crystalline state 0,1 mg. was effective. (3) Kantor/H mixtures were reported to have been found in Russia. Various concentrations of Kant on in H were assessed at Spandau, A fresh Kantor/H mixture was found to be the best. The mixture (5 mg.) produced the same effects in the same time as pure H {5 mg,; but the lesions healed 2-4 weeks sooner than the pure H lesions. (4) a 3 day old 40/60 mixture was less effective than pure H since Kanton hydrolyses rapidly. Healing occurred 8 days earlier i*1 some cases. (5) Kanton was soluble to the extent of 33 per cent in H and in the 40/60 mixture it wan suggested that only the undissolved Kanton was effective. (6) To penetrate uniform large amounts of Kanton were required, e.g* 100 mg. on a small area and, therefore, it did not compare with H in this respect. (7) It* real value was in the intense irritation and pain it product within 1 or 2 minutes of coining into contact with the skin. (8) Kantor/H mixtures were poor from a military standpoint since bctf the irritating effects of Kanton and the vesicant power of H were reduced. 5, Phosgene and other lung irritants Ho new lung irritants had been developed and the Germans were . relying solely on Phosgene, A phosgene-cyanogen chloride mixture h* been tried but it was not found to be effective. At Spandau an attempt was made to get an exact L(Ct)50 for mice but without much success, as the mice had a high mortality themselves during the winter of the test. The results obtained did suggest a L(Ct)50 of 1000 to 1,500 mg.mii/m5. Dogs and cats gave * similar L(Ct)50« Man was considered to react to phosgene in a man*1 very similar to that of dogs (Plury held the same view) and for reason apes were not used for phosgene experiments, Spandau that the Gt for man is less than 3,000 ng,mii/nr, On the other Sartori's figures for man were often quoted, e,g. Concentration Time in Mins, Ct in Effect, in rag/nv Mg, mir/nr 10 10 100 Illness 40 - 50 10-30 400 - 1,500 Death Experiments on therapy were done by irofessor nirth at Spandau and Colonel . 180 4.5 389 200 5.0 350 220 5.5 318 ; 400 1.200 10.0 200 2000 80 1.14 30,0 150 4300 180 2.57 2,400 60.0 150 9000 360 5.14 2,400 60,0 50-60 3-3,600 120-140 1.7-2,1 — Some further figures, source unknown, are appended : Athletic Man 68 kg* Concentration HCN in Breathing Time in minuteSo Rate 50 L./min. Effect, Amount Absorbed in mg. 50-60 i Nil 150-180 150 i - 1 Death 225-450 200 1/6 Death 100 2000 Immediate '’pole-axed" death, can save with immediate artificial respiration Sane animal figures from Spandau were obtained : - Species* Effect* Time in minutes. Concentration in mg/ic? Gt in mg.miiy'nr Cat Oonvul- 0.5 4-800 2-490 sions* Gat Death 0*5 1400-2000 700-1000 Guinea- Convul- 1-2 550-650 (approx.) Hg. sions. Guinea- Death 1-2 1000-2000 (approx.) Pig. Dogs Were believed to be similar to cats* Cats Concent- Time in Gt in Time after exposure Lethal 0to ration seeso mgo raiiy^ in sec. for in- m*/ m^o capacitation. 2700 20 900 30 Survives 25 1125 30 it 43 1125 30 1330 55 Survives 33 1373 20 1573 40 1375 2200 16 587 60 Survives 60 11 20 732*5 30 732*3 60 Survives Concent- ration Time in secs. Gt in mg, m±Y)/ Time after exposure in sec, for in- capacitation. Lethal Gt. 1000 20 333 43 Survives 25 370 45 n 30 500 35 »» 680 60 680 50 43 Survives 680 80 906 60 906 100 1131 65 1131 140 1585 73 1585 . 300 90 450 90 Survives 120 600 120 »i 600 150 750 150 Survives 200 600 2000 2000 103 12-30 min. 1260- 3100 1260-3190 70 22-30 min. 1340- 2100 1540-2100 30 24-30 min,, 12-1500 • . 1200-1500 30 30 min. 900 - Nil With H3N the concentration in a gas chamber fell rapidly and hence a new method to stabilize the concentration was designed. It was noticed that the greater the time of exposure the greater "the Gt required to produce death. Liquid HGN was found to be toxic on the skins of animals. The toxicity of H3N vapour through the skin had also been studied. This work was done because the German respirator was considered to offer excellent protection to HGN vapour, and so the hazard to vapour by skin absorption was assessed. Two series of experi- ments were done - on humans and on animals. In the human experiments four volunteer scientists each wearing a Respirator or an oxygen mask and a bathing costume entered a gas chamber containing HGN vapour, Concentrations of between 1,000 to 4, 000 mg/nK were tried. It was found that a Gt of 10,000 had no effect* Only one person became light-headed and had a transient feeling of nausea but did not vomit* These symptoms were considered to be of psychological origin# Higher CT*s were not assessed because it was believed that such would not be obtainable in the field* The animal experiments gave the following results HGN by skin absorption Species Concentration in nw/m5 Time in minutes. Effect Cat 5,380 120 Difficulty in breathing 22,100 20 Death 23,000 18 Death Dog 5,300 58 Death 5,300 62 Death Pig 5,430 120 Difficulty in coughing 12,800 85 Death Guinea- 910 1 ) Pig to 660 to 13 ) • Reddening of the skin 3,100 to 1-3 to) Reddening of the skin« 2,950 5-7 ) Illness. 7,800 to 1-3 to ) Reddening of the skin* 6,900 5-7 ) Illness. Nothing new had been suggested as a therapy for H3N poisoning* Nor had the possibility of protection against HGN by the prophylactic production of methaemeglobinaemia been considered. Standard remedies were ;- (1) Artificial respiration. (2) 10-20 cc. 3 per cent sodium nitrite intravenously. This formed cyan-methaemeoglobin and this effect was increased by the administration of insulin and decreased by the administration of glucose. (3) Sodium thiosulphate (Plury) 50-70 cc, of a 5° per cent solution intravenously, giving 2*5 to 6 cc. per minute. (4) Injections of methylene blue solutions containing : blue 1.0 Glucose 25* 0 Water to 100.0 (5) Lobeline injections hypodermically to stimulate respiration* The above were tried in accidents which occurred at Spandau, CNC1 Not much HGN was made and even less CNC1, but they were worried by the possible Russian use of GNC1* However, CNC1 was not considered to be a good war gas because (1) It was a lachrymator and much better harassing agents were known* (2) It was readily detectable and hence a surprise lethal effect would not be possible* CNG1 produces a marked and rapid inhibition of respiration so that breathing stopped immediately* This inhibition is a reflex Mechanism through the vagus and was first seen in cat experiments done at the Military Academy and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin* In smaller concentrations the frequency and the respiratory volume are gradually reduced until respiration ceased* Because of this immediate respiratory inhibition produced by dosages approaching **ield concentration, a 60/40 HUft/CNCl mixture was not considered Practical as in this mixture the effect of UNCI predominated* Contrary to British and American opinion, it is considered that HGN produces a gradual depression of the respiration with no initial stimulation* The opinion was ejqpressed that the L(Gt)50 of GNC1 might not be more than that of HUN* animal experiments using high concent- rations give a wrong impression of the actual toxicity because of the inhibition of respiration which was caused* In fact it was suggested that here the longer the tine of exposure the smaller the L(Gtj$09 e*g, fiUinea-pigs had an L(Ct)50 of about 000 for short exposures of about 2-3,000 mg.miii/m3 for long exposures. In testing respirator filters against GNC1, a concentration of 000 was used* This would usually pass through German filters in about 10 minutes* The desorption of GNC1 from respirator charcoal was a well known phenomenon. The following are sane Spandau figures :~ 3321- Cats ntrat i on mp/w? Time in minutes Lethal Gt. rap;,niin/m3 30 30 Ko effect 60 30 1800 70 30 2100 Concentration mRa/w? Time in minutes Lethal Ct„ ra^.min/m^ 140 30 4200 280 11-30 31-8800 500 5-10 25-5000 4600 40-50 1840-2300 HGN-CNC1 (60:40) Cats Concentration rago/ra^ Time secs Gt rag, mir/ up Onset of illness (secs,) Lethal Gt, rag.miiVnr 5000 12 1000 23-25 1000 1250 36 750 30-50 Survives 1250 45 937.5 30-50 937.5 (25 per cent die). 7o Arsine and Aeroform Aeroform is a mixture of magnesium and aluminium arsenides and was used in the form of a powder. It reacts quickly with the moisture in the air and on the ground to produce arsine in reputedly high concentrations. The Spandau toxicity figures for airsine are tabulated below: lime. Species - Oats* 0 oncentrati on* Ct ing0mir/m3 retained when hreathing at 40 L,/min* 33-50 hour s0 10 mg/ra^ 20-30,000 0*4 rag/min* 50 iron* 200 mg,/ 10,000 8.0 mg/miru 3 min* 0 0 0 \ 3,000 40.0 mg/min* The pathology and mode of action of .ursine, as worked out by the Germans, resemble the British and American conceptions. Therapy was along conventional lines too. The main value of arsine was considered to lie on the psychological effect of the presence of blood in the urine of affected troops. Some experiments on the contamination of water with arsenical compounds had been done at the Military Acadeny, Berlin* Water contaminated with chlorovinylarsine or diphenylarsine up to a concentration of I rag./L, of water had no untoward effect on consumption* A contamination of 0,5 mg,/L, of water was said to have absolutely no effect on humans* It was also stated that, with a concentration of 2,6 no arsine was retained in provisions. The same is true for Phosgene and Ohloropicrin but against this was the fact that BCN is retained by certain provisions and they become poisonous. Experiments with reducing and oxidising agents, and with sulphur-compounds in the treatment of Arsine poisoning were unsuccessful. 8, The Harassing Agents GK was the only lachryraator in general use. (Possibly because the raw materials were lacking for the others or the factory space was limited). The (Germans were not specially interested in lachrymators and no new compounds were studied. The following were the Spandau "Harassing Concentrations" for GN:- ■detectable 0o025 mg,/m2 First signs of irritation 0„QJf rag0/nr* intolerable to the eyes 0,06 for 10 minutes. 1025 for 30 minutes. Intolerable to the skin 1000 mga/ra? for 1 minute. • 2000 mg«/m3 at once. fir omome t hylet hy Ike t one was the only other lachrymal or for which any figures are available. Here the intolerable concentration to the skin was found to be 900-1000 for one minute. ON had been charged into the following munitions; (a) The KG 250 bomb, airburst for use over wooded areas. The Intention was to produce harassment and was only suggested for simmer or tropical use. (b) 20 and 30 mm, shot (charged solid GN and also GN in solution In chloroform) for attack against houses and barracks. This was not accepted munition. (c) 20 mu* A*P. shot for anti tank work* This was not an accepted munition* Stemutators The official harassing concentrations (Spandau and Sartori) were as follows* Agent Minimum Detectable Concentration in ra^*/m5 Minimum Effective Concentration in msu/m^ Intolerable for 2 min. Concentration 10 min. Clark I 0.01 0.05-0.1 1.4-2.0 0.14 Clark II 0.00A 0,02-0.1 0.6 0,06 Adamsite 0.1 1.5 Dora^ - 0.08 0.6 Skin effects (Spandau Clark I : 700 produced no immediate effect but dermatitis might result if the skin were not washed after the exposure. Clark II ; 100 produced no effect. The vanillamide-group of compounds had also been tested. Fifteen different compounds were assessed and of these capsaicin itself was considered to be the best. A concentration of 0.01 mg/ra3 was found to be intolerable. Personnel working with these compounds became acclimatised to them. Manufacturing difficulties prevented a more extensive trial of these compounds. EXCELSIOR, was considered by the Germans to be the most potent of the sternatators* It was difficult to make and must be pure to store* It had been tested in (a) Smoke-candles, (b) 20 and 30 mo* shot* (c) H*£* Chem* shell. 9. Phosphorus and fluorine compounds Am Fluoroacetates Full details of German work on compounds of the fluoroacetate type are lacking but in general are closely similar to those obtained by Allied experimental stations* One possible major difference is that they considered ethyl -, and not methyl -, flunroacetate to be the most effective of these compounds* On the whole, they say, the more complicated the compound the less the toxicity* The compounds were not irritating to breathe and produce no immediate symptoms. However, half to two hours later, clonic and tonic convulsions occurred and this was followed by collapse and later death. Intoxicated animals took sane hours to die and this was said to be due to "cardiac embarrassment”. Inhalation and ingestion experiments only were performed, and it was found that'a concentration of £0 mfj/m5 for 30 minutes was lethal for dogs and cats* Apes were not affected except in high concentrations, e*g* 400 mg/nr. The different homologues that were tested all appeared to produce similar effects, merely varying in the dosage required, Plury has tried to find how these compounds produce their effects but without success. They are said to be very toxic when given by mouth. The lethal dosage by ingestion could not be obtained* Prom a military point of view, these compounds were not con- sidered to be important. B • Phosphorus compounds Three new compounds had been seriously considered as C.W, possibilities. They are ; (a) TABUN, (Neuer Grunkreuzstoff, Gelan I, or Trilon 83) (b) SARIN, (Verbesserter Grunkreuzstoff, Gelan III, or Trilon 46)* (c) SOMAN, (Pinakolin Grunkreuzstoff) Many similar compounds had been tested, the chief of these pro- bably being the ethyl horaologue of Tabun (Gelan II, or Trilon 32} • All these compounds possess similar pharmacological properties though they differ widely in toxicity. They were considered to be parasympathetic stimulants or inhibitors of choline esterase. In sufficient dosage they caused marked contraction of the pupils, bronchospasm with respiratory distress, diarrhoea, convulsions, un- consciousness and finally death* These clinical features had been noted in animals (all three compounds) and in men poisoned as the result of accidents with Tabun and Sarin. Toxicity The toxicities of these compounds were estimated at the Military Academy in Berlin* Some of these figures have been found* They are reproduced below ; (a) Taburu Concentration in iar./iq^ Ape L(Ct)50 for Dog Gat in nitfondiVnr 10 900 900 620-900 13-16 720 180-670 4OO-48O 30 600 400-900 400-900 70 400 600 700 130 150 13CH.30 It will be seen that the greater the concentration the smaller the L(Gt)30» The pigeon was said to be the most sensitive animal, the L(ct)30 being about half that of other animals. In order to get stable concentrations and therefore reliable toxicity figures they stressed the importance of using short exposure times, such as 0.5 to 3«0 minutes. A few experiments were done with Tabun on its toxicity by skin absorption. They found that 100 rag, on the shaved back of a dog would cause convulsions but not death. (b) Sarin, (1) Subcutaneous injection of an aqueous solution into dogs: LD50 0,02 mg, kg. Amount to produce ataxia 0,01 mg./kg. Species (2) L(Ct)50 in rag, with cone, of 25 rag/m3 on inhalation, with cone, of 10 rag/nr Dog 59 67 Cat 89.5 135 25 27.5 Mouse 22? — Rat 137-177 — Rabbit 227 Pigeon 25 The above concentrations for Sarin are nominal. No chemical estimations were made, but the actual concentration was estimated to be half the nominal. Hence the Ct figures given are Nominal C/2 x to rag,raiiym5. (c) Comparable Toxicities No figures for Soman are available except those listed belcwr Agent, Oog, L(Ct)50 in mgo for Gat. Ape. Soman 15-20 50-60 50-75 Sarin 80-100 80-90 100-150 Tabun 250-300 150-200 >150 L(Ct)lOO Sarin 150-200 150-200 — Tabun 350 250-300 - (d) Tabun was known to be toxic when placed into the eye of an animal, and this fact had been used in assessing the potency of technical samples of Tabun, A 15 conn, drop (corresponds to 20 mg, of pure material) is placed in the eye of a rabbit; the production of convulsions was considered to be satisfactory. In the human eye, 0,5 gamma of either Tabun or Sarin will cause contraction of the pupil. It was also estimated that 1 iqg,/m3 for 0,5 minutes will cause miosis in 5-10 minutes. Smell: Tabun has an ester like smell. Sarin has no smell. Soman has a smell like camphor. Volatilities The volatility of Tabun was similar to that of H, and so at normal temperatures it offered chiefly a liquid hazard in the field. However the vapour hazard increases with increasing temperature and increasing wind velocity, and it recommended chiefly for summer or tropical use. Soman and Sarin were said to be more volatile than Tabun but no accurate figures were available. Human accident cases The Medical Officer from Oyhemfurth was interviewed. Several severe accident cases with Tabun were treated, (One or two of these may have been\due to HCN which is used in the process). All the workers wore full protective clothing and respirators, and the accidents were due to a stream of liquid Tabun striking them in the face and forcing itself between the face and the respirator. They became giddy, vomited, and so then removed their respirators, thus inhaling more of the gas. On examination they were ail unconscious (one or two were still excited but not conscious) had a feeble pulse, marked nasal discharge, contracted pupil, asthmatic type of breathing, and smelled strongly of flowers. Involuntary micturition and diarrhoea occurred. Gases of Sarin poisoning had occurred at Spandau, and there is the possibility that one case occurred at Haubkanmer butthe Medical Officer was not sure what the agent really was. This case represented the clinical picture of lung oedema when first seen. He was unconscious, had marked contraction of the pupils, but did not smell of flowers. This patient recovered after venesection, when 450 ccs, of blood was removed. No oases of Soman poisoning were known to. have occurred in humans. Pathology In the animals which died quickly there was little to be seen at autopsy. The animals which remained alive for a few hours after gassing petechial haemorrhages into the pons, medulla and cerebrum, with surrounding oedema, could be seen. The human cases which died were autopsied by a Major Host, from the Military Academy in Berlin. By the naked eye, the only abnormal- ity was congestion of the lungs and brain* The organs were removed, samples of blood and serum obtained and these were taken back to Berling for detailed examination, Therapy This was worked out by Colonel Welde at the Military Academy, Berlin, and is as follows : (1) Eyes: Liquor, Scopolamine Hydrobromide 0,1-0,2 per cent drops into the eye. To prevent overdilatation of the pupils, tablets of cocaine hydrochloride 2,5-10 per cent are also inserted. In marked cases Syntropan (Roche) was used in 2 per cent solution. (2) Lungs: Codeine Phosph, Tab, Ephedrine 0,05 mg. (3) Severely 111 Gases 1 cc, B,S, solution (atropine sulphate in 0.01-0,02 mg, doses and Sympotal 0,12 mg) intramuscularly, Sympotal is a new drug manufactured by Bochringer Solen, 10-25 cc« of 25 per cent glucose solution four times in 4-8 hours. In the early excited cases, light ether narcosis. For more severe cases, 5“10 cc, of sodium evipan intramuscularly. With cyanosis and respiratory distress, oxygen and articifiol respiration. The above drugs were put up into First-aid Boxes for even the ordinary workman to use. Cardiac stimulants such as Cardiazol or Camphor, are contra- indicated. Even after the acute symptoms have passed, the cases need careful nursing and observation. In the human accident cases discussed above, B,S, solution was injected intramuscularly at once, (in the most severe cases it was given intravenously, although no instructions to do so had been issued), Sympotal and Strophanthin were given for the heart, and artificial respiration, cardiac massage and oxygen by mask where necessary, Two of these seven cases recovered even although they were unconsci ous when first seen. Upon recovering consciousness, they became excited, had ’’minor convulsions” and micturated involuntarily. They were therefore narcotised with sodium evipan and were quite normal again when awaking in 8 - 10 hours time. Decontamination of these patients was performed with sodium bicarbonate solution. .Offensive use; Details of the trials done with Tabun and Sarin are given in Section X, It was, apparently, intended to use these agents as lethal gases, the harassment caused by the contraction of the pupil being considered to be of only minor importance. For Tabun they aimed at a concentration of 100-200 mg,/m5 but they could not always rely on getting this, Tabun was not as good as HGN against tanks because it was not quick enough in action. Future Work An attempt wan made to replace the phosphorus of Sarin with arsenic as it was thought that this would be a very effective compound* No success had so far been achieved* Dr. Bottger had been moved recently from VIIL to VbL in order to study the action of organic phosphorus compounds on the vegetative nervous system. It was hoped to discover the mechanism of action and thence a rational therapy. Active work on this project had not yet started. About 50 compounds of the Sarin-Soman type had been tested for toxicity. From these tests, apparently, secondary alcohols are best, i.e. compounds of the general type HD - P - F All compounds with 5 or 6 carbon atoms in the secondary alcohol group were good. R radicles with side chains gave good compounds; long straight chains were not very effective. Replacement of the methyl group in Sarin by ethyl, propyl etc., decreases the activity. The following scheme illustrates the variation of toxicity with chemical constitution in this group of compounds. - \ N - P = 0 GH3 (1) Tabun C2 OCgl^ - P = 0 g2 only a little less effect ive than Tabun. OC2HC; 0 ch3 on Less effective still. O.G2H^ N - P'C 0 GH3 Cl Ineffective gh3 /OG2H3 H - P = 0 / \ GH3 p GH 0oGH3 N-p = o \ GH3 cn GH, 0G3H7 / \ on Ineffective GH, 0* GHp,C Gl, V / 3 N - P = 0 X \ GH3 gn (2) C,H7(iso) GK, P = 0 J 1 3 % P Sarin /O G?^(iao} C2«5 - \= 0 x P good but somewhat weaker than Sarin. (iso; C^H7 - P =x 0 Uuch weaker than Sarin. . OCxH7 (iso) O H - P< 0 * \ P 0 GH2C1 - P = 0 \ F 0 C1C13 - P = 0 \ F Almost without effect. GHgP - P « 0 0 C3H7 (iso) o v: C3H7(iso) \ \ GH, P = 0 \ \ P Ineffective (iso) CH, P si 0 3 \ Cl G3H7 (iso) GHz P =* 0 \GN . OG3h7 (n) OH,. P< 0 good but weaker than Sarin* /0 03h5 OH,. P = 0 much weaker than Sarin* yQ CH} QH,. P = 0 almost without effect* 0 CH2 Cl GH,. P = 0 CH Cl2 CH, - P = 0 v« p 0 C Cl, / 3 CH, - P s 0 \p 0 CEL. CCI3 OH, - P< 0 P o ch2. gh2p GHjj — p s 0 (3) GH* / 3 c - gh5 / \ O.CH GH, / \ GH3 - P = 0 GH3 \ P Soman, (The Best of all) /®3 G - H / \ O-CH H /* GH3 - P =E 0 P Better than Sarin. C - GH O-CH / \ GH3 - P = 0 GH3 p G-ood hut not as good as Sarin, CH, / * G - GIL / \ 3 GH GH v > / \ GH, gh3-p = o \ s 3 \ C “ GHz P x gh3 CH, / * C - C3L / \ X ch3 GH* - P » 0 GH V \ CH3 X* \ / 3 ' C - H Not as good as Sarin. /®3 0 - GH, / 0 / GH3 - P = 0 \ /“> ' G - GH CHx / G - CH3 / „„ \ OHt CH5 - £> = 0 \ / 3 \ P °< GH3 N H CH2 0. GH / X CHj - P a 0 GH2 GH2 P The next best to Soman* % «2 /°<“ ®3 - P = 0 H2 H2 XP Not quite as good as Sarim* /o OHgCgHj CH, - P = 0 N , Ineffective - as are all the compounds containing aromatic alcohols. It is interesting to note that the two optical isomers of the iso-amyl horaologue of the Sarin type were equally toxic. The allyl - Sarin homologue had a toxicity greater than Tabun but less than Sarin, They were going to prepare Soman derivatives of alcohols containing 5, 6 or 7 carbon atoms, which they knew they could produce technically. (The derivative prepared from a technical mixture of hexyl alcohols was ineffective). Halogenation of these compounds rendered them non-toxic. It is important to remember that, in assessing the relative toxicity by inhalation of these compounds, the various species showed a great variation in response to different compounds. The toxicity by subcutaneous injection did not show such a great variation and the relative toxicities, so assessed, agreed with the relative toxicities by inhalation on apes. Again, these compounds were said to act by inhibiting choline esterase, but the sensitivity of the choline esterase varied with different species. Thus Sarin and Soman inhibit rabbit serum chpline esterase to an equal extent; with dog and human serum choline esterase Soman was 2-3 times more effective than Sarin, Therefore compounds were screened by (1) subcutaneous injection in mice. (2) inhibition of human serum choline esterase. (The test was done by adding acetyl choline to serum and titrating for acid after various time intervals. Then acetyl choline was added to a serun/compound mixture and titration again made, Bromo-thymol blue was used as indicator). Promising compounds were then assessed by inhalation on dogs and apes, using short exposure times. The toxicities of Soman, Sorin etc, by mouth or percutaneously *ere Just being estimated. No figures had yet been obtained. Accident cases, however, do suggest that these compounds were toxic hy skin absorption. 10, The Physiological results of field trials performed at Raubkammer Two files containing sane details of the physiological results of field trials held at Raubkammer were obtained. The trials listed 174 aircraft weapon trials and 109 ground weapon trials. The aircraft weapon trials covered the period from 1935 to the present, the ground weapons trials from November 1940 to the present. Unfortunately no corresponding tabulation of chemical and Physical results of these trials has been forthcoming. In addition the physiological data are often incomplete or not sufficiently Therefore a comprehensive appreciation of the Raubkammer trials cannot yet be made. However they do indicate the type of agents in which the Armans were interested, the types of munitions they were developing *hd the relative order of effectiveness of these various agents and . In the physiological assessment of the trials, the Germans Shaded the effects produced on the animals as follows - » no effect / a slight effect a moderately severe effect /// a severe effect (/) a death In addition some idea of the effectiveness of a munition was obtained by calculating what they called "Lethal Areas" and "Total Effective Areas", where the "Lethal Area" was the area over which death of animals was obtained, and the "Total Effective Area" was the area over which death or illness of the animals was obtained, (Dogs and cats were the chief animals used in assessing field trials, although in some cases guinea-pigs and mice were also exposed). As many of their trials were performed with experimental munitions and various types of burster and various weights of charging were used, in interpreting their data we have expressed the effect produced in terms of the Lethal Area in weight of agent used. We have considered only the Lethal Area and not, in addition, the "Total Effective Area" because, we believe, the extrapolation from animal to man can be made with greater certainty where death of the animal has been produced* The meteorological observations made at Raubkarnmer during the field trials seem to have been very scanty so that any indications of the effect of various weather conditions ofl the effectiveness of the GYI agents could only be tentative. Fortunately facilities were such that many field trials, using different chargings in the same type of munition or different bursters with the same charging etc, could be performed on the same day. Hence direct comparisons under similar meteorological conditions could be made* A. Aircraft Weapon Trials The following trials are’known to have been performed 33 using Aereform 38 using HJN or GNC1 2*4 using Phosgene 2 using H 52 using Tabun 1 using Sarin. Bombs and clusters burst statically, bombs dropped ground burst, with an instantaneous fuse or with a delayed fuze, or air burst, bomb clusters dropped, spray-bombs or aircraft spray were the type of assessed* . 0 Each G,W, charging will he considered in turn. Aeroform (1) KG 250 hurst statically. (a) Temperature has little effect on the performance Temperature | Lethal nrea in m^/kg. - 14°G 17 / 7.2°C 13 / 6.1‘to 16 ©ogo (b) For the siaall ranges of wind velocity and relative humidity studied, ndther of these factors can be considered to affect the lethal area0 p (c) The average lethal area for these trials was 19 m'/kg, (2) M3 250 dropped, (a) ground burst a lethal area of 8 nr/kg was obtained, (b) air burst over woods a lethal area of 9 was obtained, e,g. Weather MUNITIONS. Animals killedo Lethal Area in m^/kgo Wind in Temp0 in °G. ftel, Hum*, per cent. 2 - 5 11.9 Vjl 00 1 - KG 230 II GR 2 kg0 ?p02 149 kg Aeroform 3/53 Cats 1/11 dogs Inhalation time 10 min. b 0 11.3 100 I 2 - KG 250 II Gr 322 k# Aeroform Airbill'st over woods. 6/28 Dogs 0/2 cats Inhalation time 30 niin. 9 , \ « Trials at Kieler Forde with bonibs burst on the water or over the water were relatively ineffective in producing animal deaths. These trials were designed to test the effectiveness of this munition in attacking ships or invasion forces* (3) Heleased from the S $00 One trial was done (68 kg aeroform) and no animals were affected at all. One virtue of aeroform was that it was not detectable by smell in woods and when airburst over woods, even the explosive charge could not be detected* tm and GNG1 Gats and Dogs were used for these trials. The cloud of gas was allowed to pass over the animals and then they were immediately inspected. The maximum time of exposure was estimated to be 2 minutes. (i) HU 250 bombs burst statically (a) There was little difference in’ effectiveness between a 60/40 HGN/GNGI mixture and an 80/20 HGN/hgO mixture e,g. Weather vYind in n/ acc Temp in °G. Rel, Hunio per cento CHARGING. Lethal -area in m‘■/kg* RnuiruiKS 1 -1 87 KJN/CNG1 >120 Trials performed 0*9 -1 83 HGN/HgO 135 same day. (b) a 80/20 YSJN/HnO mixture was more effective than a 6O/4O HQN/H2O mixture, the effectiveness being roughly proportional to the HGN content ecg. Weather Charging Lethal i*rea Wind W seCo Temp °o. R.Ho H3N/H20 in m2/kg. RhlLiRKS 1.9 /14.5 39 80/20 67 Trials performed 3.1 /15 37 60/40 47 same day. (c) A better performance was obtained under conditions of low temperature and high hjimidity e,g. Weather Charging Lethal Area REMiiiUB Wind W sec. Temp. °G. RoHo ft HCN/H20 in nr/kg. 0.9 -1 83 80/20 135 1.9 /14.5 39 80/20 67 (d) This bomb was very effective when burst statically in a wood, a lethal area of 243 mV kg being obtained. (2) KG 250 bombs propped ;- (a) Charged with a 60/40 HGN/GNG1 mixture an average lethal area of 43 was produced. (b; One trial was done using HGN alone and a lethal area of >115 nf/kg was obtained. (c) With a 80/20 mixture the lethal area was 18 m^/kg. (3) Spray from the 3500 (a) In the open a HGl/GNGl mixture produced no deaths. (b) With pure KGN an average lethal area of 50 w£/kg was produced. (c) Over woods pure HGN, HGN/CNGl mixture or pure CNC1 were equally effective. These trials were carried out on the same day. (4) In two further trials the chemical analytical figures are available but not the animal data. Munition C oncentrat ion in me/ Sampling time in seconds* Distance down- wind in m* Remarks 1 - KC 250 V Or 22,700 60 30 In a 62 kg HCN/GNClo 7,400 600 30 wood* 4 - S 500 2 kg HCN per 1 m* of flighty 12,000 60 30 In a dell (5) Other results were Munition Weight in kg, or HCM Lethal Area in in Density of HON in g/n£ Spray 194 10,000 19 200 10,000 20 400 16,500 15o 75 (6) A few notes summarising results of other aircraft trials were found. They are reproduced below. (a; Bombing in a wood: 22,700 at once, to 7400 in 10 minutes. (b) Spraying from aircraft: Wind* 1 - 2 n/sec. Temp, -10 to + 1.0°G, Height 10 - 13 m. Open flat land 3o9 in from zero to zero + 1 min. High wood 2,9 +1 to Z + 2 rain. Medium Wood 12,2 to Z + 1 Phosgene Munition Average Lethal Area in m^/kg. Remark So KG 230 functioned statically 41 The higher the temperature the greater the effective- ness* KC 230 dropped <8 Data incomplete* KC 300 functioned statically 9 Data incomplete. KC 300 dropped 69 Munition Average Lethal Area in m2/^ Remarks, KG 1000 dropped* 48 KG 1800 functioned statically 5 Data incomplete* KG 1800 dropped ? Data incomplete. S 500 ? The chemical but not the animal results are available for two trials Munition# RKSUL2S Remarks, Concentration mg/nK Time in seconds Distance in m downwind 4 - KC 250 II Gr 400 kg phosgene. 65,000 10 30 Performed to assess danger from allied bombing of Ger- many with Phosgene bombs. 1 - KG 1800 II Gr 730 kg Phosgene, 32,000 10 30 Tabun Munition Average lethal area in nr/kg. Remarks KC 250 functioned statically 38 Pure tabun was more effective than tabun mixed with ‘\d/o or 4Q£ chlorobenzene. KC 50 dropped 40 KC 250 dropped 48 Mixed with 1 Q}o chlorobenzene gave 54 w£/kg0 KC 250 airburst at 50-100 mo ( one ) 40 (trial; Data for other trials in- complete. A.B.250 each with 10 K.B, 83 QO/a Tabun / 20i chloro- benzene used in these trials. Wind velocity had little effect on lethal area. A, B.500 each with 20 K.B. 81 Spray Bomb Spray 120 113(one triad) 80/20 Tabur/chlorobenzene also used in these trials. Chemical data are available from one other trial Munition RESULTS Concentration (Wnr) Time (secs) Distance fm) KD 250 III Gr 80 kg Tabun 231 60 30 Sarin Chemical data, only, from one trial have been obtained _ . Munition RESULTS Concentration Time Distance *C 250 IV Gr 80 Kg Sarin 232 60 secso 30 do Mustard Gas The results of thred spray trials only are available. How Functioned. Met, Conditions. Contamination. S500 (350 Kg OA) 01 nu height. Across wind. Wind 3*3 Wsec. Temp. - air 19.2°C, Temp. - air 19oO°G. 11,3,44 - Date of Trial. 30 - 423 m, long 6 g/m2 max. at 323 ra. 3 maxima e. g. 4.3 at 80 m. 3.4 g/m2 at 150 m. 8 at 323 m. S5°0 (350 Kg OA) m« height Across wind Wind 10 n/sec. Temp. - air 18,1°C, Temp. ~ ground 17«.2°G. Date of trial 25.5»44- 1.2 g/m2 at 175 m. 1.37 at m. Average 0.2 g/m . |500 (350 Kg 0) - 30 ra heighto r°*hwind owr a f'°Uae, Wind 2.8 n/sec. Temp. - air Temp, - ground 10,8°Cc H.H. 84& Contamination not meas- ured. Vapour returns were 3.5 upwind side of house, 11.2 mg/m2) downwind side 14.3 of house. Full details of a fourth spray trial carried out on 20,10044. are available and are given in the table below. In this trial the protection afforded by impregnated clothing was assessed,, The aircraft flew across wind at a height of 50 in, and sprayed from one 3 500, containing 550 kg OA thickened with P III. Sampling was done at 25 m, intervals for a distance of 250 m, downwind. Glass bottles (for heavy contamination) and metal trays (for light contaminations) were used to trap the vesicant and so raeaaure the con- tamination densities at different distances downwind. The left elbows of impregnated ana unimpregnatea uniform jacket were exposed to the spray and subsequently worn by men for 4 hours. Bare and clothed shaved bellies of guinea pigs were also exposed. Contamination densities Human Results —GTCUigg Tl'fl Results Distance Downwind Metal Travs Impreg, rlon-Imorec. Clothed, 0 s/ m2 OAg/n? " 0 g/m2 OAg/w? On Line 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 5 1 5 25 3.80 8.72 9.92 22.76 5.64 7.38 14» 73 16,46 4-4-4- 4-4-4- 4- 4-4- 4-4-4- 50 2.09 20 62 5,46 6,84 2.46 2.62 2.42 6.96 - - * (♦) - + + + 4- 4-4- + 4- 4- 4- 4-4-4- 4- 4-4- 4-4-4- 75 1.07 0.78 20 77 2*05 1*22 1.00 3o19 2. 61 - ‘ - - - + 4- + 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4-4-4- 4- 4- 4-4-4- 100 0*49 o# 26 1o27 Oo 75 0,83 0.67 2.56 1.96 + 4- - - - + w - - 4-4-4- (+ +) 4-4- 125 0*19 0.03 0.48 0*08 0*47 0*29 1*81 0*77 - - - mm - - - - (♦ ♦) C+ ♦) 4- — 150 0.01, 0.04 0*10 0.10 0.23 0.23 0*59 0*62 - mm - - - - - - (♦) 4- 4- - - 175 Oo 09 — 0.24 0,21 0.15 0.55 0.40 “ 200 0,05 0*12 0.23 0*12 0*55 0*29 ♦ - 225 - - - - 0,12 0.07 0*30 0,18 4- - - 250 - - - - 0*06 o* 06 0.17 0*15 mm (Drop size does not appear to have been measured) vjn 1 0 * OA * H H/Arsinol mixture. (/), /, /(/). // are the grades of skin reaction from nil to blister formation. B. Ground Weapons Trials The trials with the ground weapons were either done from the Vauzet - Turin or fired at full range on to the layout near Bunker - Mitte0 In many cases, on the same day, several similar shoots against animal layouts were done using the same type of munition hut with various chargings. Moreover the number of rounds fired often varied with the charging, and hy these means a realistic appreciation of the effectiveness of each charging was readily obtained. The chargings studied in the series of trials at our disposal included ;- Tabun Sarin Gelan II Phosgene HON and CM31 HN3 Mustard Gas0 For oase of comparison many similar trials have been grouped together. As will be seen the results are consistent enough to justify this method of analysis. In general 15 cm shell have been assessed. The trials in which , a direct comparison of different agents have been made, will be consider6 first. Vauzet J Turn Trials (a) Phosgene, HGN / Sarin in 15 cni shell. Phosgene HON Sarin Shell Animals Shell Animals Shell Animals fired killed. fired killed. fired killed. _ 10 2 10 1 3 4 10 4 10 4 3 5 10 6 10 3 3 3 30 12 30 8 9 14 total . It will be seen that Sarin, in 15 cm shell, was about three times more effective than phosgene and about six times more effective than H3N0 (b) Phosgene. HON. Sarin and Tabun in 15 cm shell Phosgene H ON Sarin Tabim Shell Animals Shell Animals Shell Animals Shell Animals fired killed. fired killed. fired killed. fired killed. 1 0 1 0 3 9 2 1 10 8 10 5 3 7 5 1 10 3 10 6 3 3 5 3 10 3 10 3 3 6 5 1 10 4 10 4 3 7 5 3 10 0 10 4 3 8 5 4 51 18 51 25 18 40 27 13 Again Sarin is the most effective charging, being 4 to 6 times more efficient than phosgene, HON or Tabun* (c) Tabun. Sarin and Q-elan II in 15 cm shell. Tabun Sarin Oelan II Shell —fired Animals killed* Shell fired Animals killed* Shell fired Animals killed* 3 8 3 16 3 16 5 3 5 21 5 10 3 8 3 16 3 9 11 19 11 53 11 35 In this series of experiments Sarin is about three times as effective as Tabun, which in turn is about half as effective as Gelan II* (d) Phosgene. Tabun and Sarin in 15 cm shell Phosgene Tabun Sarin Shells Animals Shells Animals Shells Animals fired* killed* fired* killed* fired* killed* 10 4 3 1 3 3 10 2 3 2 3 5 10 1 3 6 3 8 30 7 13 9 9 18 The same superiority of Sarin over phosgene and tabun is again noted. (e) HN3. CNG1 and Tabun in 13 cm shell HN-3 GNG1 Tabun Shells Animals Shells animals Shells Animals fired* killed. fired* killed* fired* killed* 10 6 10 0 5 2 10 1 10 0 5 1 10 6 10 0 5 2 10 8 6 2 5 7 10 6 10 1 3 5 10 4 10 1 5 6 10 6 20 3 5 3 9 4 10 0 3 2 9 7 10 0 8 3 88 48 96 7 — 48 — 31 Hence Tabun is more efficient as a charging for 13 cm shell than is HN-3 or GNG1 though HN-3 approaches close to Tabun in effectiveness. Cyanogen chloride is not an effective charging. (f; Taking together all the results from shoots with pure compounds from the Vauzet - Turin we get the following descending order of effectiveness. Agent shells fired Animals killed Efficiency grading assuming the least efficient agent has a grading of one. Sarin 92 194 35 Tabun 168 122 12 Hro 128 56 7 Phosgene 160 51 6 Hon 100 37 6 QNgi 145 9 1 Scale Shoots at Bunker iMitte with 15 cm shell The great superiority of Sarin is again emphasised by these full scale shoots e.g. Agent Shells fired Animals killed Remarks •^Abiun 84 9 Both shots performed s^?in 14 11 same clay. 32 16 Both.shots performed 30 21 same day*. 24 18 Both shots performed 24 26 same day. iabun A large number of trials - from Vauzet - Turin and at Bunker Mitte - ere also carried out to determine the best method of charging. The esults of these trials may be summarised as follows Vauzet - Turm Pure Tabun is better than Tabun diluted with 20 per cent e, g. jtiirity Shells fired Animals killed 100 per cent 62 42 80 per cent 204 41 i (b) Bunker Mitte The above conclusion is not true for the larger scale shoots at Bunker Mitte e0g. Purity Shells fired -T t Animals killed • _ 4 100 per cent 181 f ft 90 per cent 133 11 80 - 82 per cent 407 64 60 - 62 per cent 648 52 30 per cent 9 30 per cent 66 1 ... — Sarin In the shoots at Bunker Mitte, it would appear that 15 cm shell charged with 60 per cent Sarin are as effective as those charged with puf*e Sarin e,gc Purity Shells fired Animals killed 100 per cent 67 23 60 per cent 68 21 ; Chemical — Agent* Type of Weapon* Results* Goncentrat ion in Time in seconds Distance down- wind in*m* Phosgene 100 Kg. 3 x 30 cm* Wk 14,770 60 30 H3N L17.6 Kx. 1 x 30 cm* Wk 8.000 10 30 Tabun 28 kg* 1 x 30 an*tfk 228 60 30 H -14 Kg, 1 x 30 cra*Wk 332 60 30 Chemical Data are available for a few trials e, g. As the meteorological conditions and the animal results for the above trials are not known, comment on the chemical data would be uselesso Trials with Mustard Gas A fdw trials with 15 cm shell charged Mustard Gas were carried outo The full scale shoots at Bunker Mitte gave less promising results than did the trials from the Vauzet - Turm ecg. (a) Vauzet - Turn Charging, — Shells fired AirLtials killed litre H 10 5 H with 20$ ethylene chloride 10 5 iicre H 10 5 H with 20$ ethylene chloride y10 3 (b) Bunker Mitte Charging Shells fired Animals killed* Pure H 38 (28 on target) 0 H with 20/o ethylene chloride 37 0 Thermal (Generators Tabun and Sarin have been tried in thermal generators. Sarin is the better and gives about a 30 per cent recovery, Tabun gives a smaller recovery. Trial results with these generators are as follows (a) Tabun 70 candles (20,3 kg Tabun total weight) were distributed at random over a circle of 30 nu radius and functioned. The generators bum for about one minute. Wind S.S.W. to S and velocity 1-2 rr/sec. Temperature - air - 9*5°G« Temperature - ground - 8,7°G<» R,H* - 88 per cent. Time 1030 hours. p Lethal area of 400 - 500 ra obtained with an average concentration of 100 mg/m5 over this area. p Total effective area of 9,000 m obtained with an average concentration of 20 over this area. Prom the above data it is calculated that an average density of 40 - 50 g Tabur/m? would be required for lethal effect and of 2,28 g/m to produce illness. (b) Sarin 40 generators (9 kg Sarin) functioned over a circle 30 m radius. Wind £,3,3, to £, and velocity at 1 m height 0,5 n/sec, n 2 m 11 - 2,0 n/sec. Temperature - air 12,2°C0 n - ground 14.8°C* R,Ho 87 per cent. Results were Lethal area - 3, 000 m2 with air average concentration of 240 and requiring an average density of 3 g Sarir/m2 to produce Total Effective area - 8,000 m2 with an average concentration of 50 and requiring an average density of 1.1 g/m? to produce. (in all the trials involving Sarin and Tabun it must be remembered, as the Germans themselves pointed out, that liquid droplets of the toxic agent may have been impacted on the skin of the animals* These may have been licked off and ingested by the animals so that both Ingestion and inhalation of the toxic agents may have occurred. In the later trials the bodies of the animals were protected fran contamination but the fur of the face may still have been contaminated). Other trials included those to determine the vapour concentration from varying ground contaminations with H; Contaminat ion Met, Conditions Vapour concentrations* 100 g/n? by hand spray* Wind 2 - 4 n/s. Air Tempi 19^0. R*H* 57 per cent Dates 18,6*40 11.15, 11.45 hrs* Sampling 0 - 5, 5 ** 10 and 10-15 minutes at 10 m* downwind 5.52 - 5.74 rag/m * KC 250 III Gb -100 kg H Functioned statically 2400 sq.m, contaminated (35 la, fraa bomb) Wind 2.3 n/s* Temp - air 21.90 M - ground 26*90 R*H* 41 per cent. 76 - 100 rag/nr* for 10-15 mins. 40 - 76 for 50 rains* 20 mg/ra5 for 50 mins* Trace at 90 - 100 mins* Inhalation difficulty effects down to 70 in. Effects down to 90 ra* Effects over an area of 10,000 ra? (90 m from bomb) Contamination Met* Conditions* Vapour concentrations. 30 gH/m2 Wind 0*5 - 0*8 n/s. Time w. By hand spray. Temp* Air Ground 0-1 hr* 2^27° 0-30 secs. 12 4p-5 " i 2-130 10° 5|~6 « 11- 8° 0 — -g- hour 6.3 4 - 5 hours 1*4 21-23” 19-23° 9° 4 - 6 " 0.4 3*5o 44. 1230 hrs* C CM 1 CM 0.4 30 Wind 0* 5 - 0* 8 n/s* Time mp/jr? By hand spray* Temp* Air Ground TThr. 19-20° S5”” 16 hours 0*6 18 « 22-23o 9° 17 « 0,4 ——— - — 3«3«H. 1800 hrs* 1 11* Human Tests with C«W. Agents in concentration camps On May 8th Dr* Fritz Leo, an internee, wax interviewed in Belsen Concentration Gang?. The following information was obtained* In 1943, experiments with gas were carried out at the Natzweiler Concentration Gamp* Professor Wimmer, of the Military Technical Institute of the University of Strasshurg and of the Luftwaffe, was in charge of the experiments. The Pathology and the Anatomy Departments of the University co-operated. Professor Wimmer contaminated the forearms of twelve habitual criminals with a liquid which Dr, Leo was later told ms Mustard Gas, The men were then put to bed* The next day, there were deep areas of necrosis on the forearms, and also burns on the side of the body where the contaminated arras had come into contact. The men also suffered a severe conjunctivitis and about three days later bronchitis, which developed into bronchopneumonia. The skin lesions were treated with wet dressings, dressings of Rivanol, and with various ointments (Boric acid, zinc oxide etc,)* The Rivanol dressings were the most effective. In spite of good treatment, three of the men died* Professor Wimmer did the autopsies and found in all cases a purulent broncho- pneumonia* The skin lesions were photographed daily. a regular and routine urine examination was done, but no blood examinations. Dr. Leo observed all the above except the actual contamination of the skin. Another gas experiment was done at the end of 1943. This time a Professor Picker of the V/ehr Technical Institute of the University of Strasburg was in charge. In this case 10 habitual criminals were chosen and their chests were X-rayed before the experiment. Before the test too, half the men received tablets to swallow and the other half received injections. Lr. Leo helped to grind up the tablets for the men and he was told that they were composed of Urotropin. The men were then placed in a gas chamber, two (one from each group) at a time, and were given a two to three minute exposure to Phosgene. Each succeeding pair of men were exposed to a higher dosage of Phosgene, and the prophylactic dose of Urotropin was correspondingly increased. Dr, Leo heard that the dosage of Phosgene had been increased from $00 to 2, (XX). The units of dosage he does not know. Nor does he know the amount of Urotropin given. The men all appeared normal immediately after the exposure, but all developed pulmonary oedema afterwards. This oedema was at its maximum about the third to fourth day after the exposure. All the men were confined to bed, and complained of headache and difficulty in breathing. They we re cyanotic, had a lowered blood-pressure, an increased temperature, a raised pulse rate, and an increased respiratory rate. On clinical and X-ray examination of the chest the typical picture of pulmonary oedema was found. Soane degree of albuminuria was regularly seen, and developed about the fourth to the sixth day. Dr. Leo helped in the clinical treatment of the men and he also took regular X-ray pictures of the chest. The fourth and last X-ray was taken on the fourteenth day after the exposure By which time the chests were normal again. All the men were back at full work, four to six weeks after the experiment. Professor Picker was very pleased with the result of the experiment, and some time later several SS-Officers visited the Camp to see the recovered patients. Hitler* s personal doctor. Professor Brandt was one of the visiting party. Dr, Leo had been told by SS-Officers that at other camps mass executions by means of H3N took place, but he had no personal knowledge of this. None of the scientists interrogated at Haiibkammer confessed None of the scientists interrogated at Raubkammer confessed to any personal knowledge of these human tests carried out at concentration camps* They heard that such had probably occurred from their interrogation of Allied prisoners of war, They under- stood that most of the HGN manufactured was sent to B7 camps for delousing purposes. At least so the Starvonal Chemical Company of Hamburg told them* Comment: The exact data of the above experiments would bo most valuable* We believe that Professors Wimmer and Picker should be interviewed and this information obtained. 12. Summary and Appreciation It would seem that the Germans exhibited a curiously unrealistic approach’to many of the offensive problems of C.W. Thus (1) As far as can be ascertained no real attempt to obtain the casualty producing dosage for H vapour on human skin was made. The Italian figures for this seem to have been taken as being of the right order of magnitude, despite the fact that the Italian C.W. organisation does not seem to have been held in very high respect. (2) Again the offensive value of H-aircraft spray was never assessed by exposing men directly to its effects in the field. The method that they did use we have found to be open to grave errors and the existence of am optimum drop size for H spray was not appreciated. (3) The necessity of obtaining "crash” or "surprise" concentrations with Phosgene and H2N was never stressed. (4) No attempt was made to assess the persistence of "traversing*, "occupying", or "contact" hazards, and the tactical value of such data does not seem to have been appreciated. (5) The assessment of the harassing agents was done by means subjective methods and so their value was greatly over rated. On the pathological side their observations closely parallel our own, though the rather late recognition of the occurrence of leucopenia in H systemic poisoning is rather surprising. With regard to the toxicities of the common C.W. agents, their offensive dosages seem to be lower than ours, although no real effort at the extrapolation of toxicity from animal to man seems to have been made. No new methods of treatment or specific therapies have heen formulated* Where they did lead was in the development of the new compounds, Tabun, Sarin and Soman, which would seem to have great potentialities. 13o Description of the Sections of Haubkammer that pertained to Medical Aspects of G. W. The following Bereiche in Haubkammer dealt with Medical aspects RV, RVII, RJX RV This Bereich was concerned with the medical aspects of field trials. It consisted of a main laboratory and nine annexes equipped for housing laboratory animals. In addition to dogs, cats, and guinea-pigs, there was accommodation for apes and horses. RV - Laboratory Building, RV - Typical Animal House, The laboratory proper consisted of sane six rooms equipped to conduct all routine procedures performed in a pathological unit, including haematology and biochemistry. In addition there were facilities for preserving and mounting museum specimens. The museum specimens were a feature of the place. The exhibits dealt largely with skin changes after application of liquid mustard to a variety of animals and respiratory system pathology following exposure to mustard vapour. In addition there were 7 specimens from cats gassed with Tabun, These presented only petechial haemorrhages in brain and congestion of stomach and intestines. There were also three exhibits of lung pathology following phosgene gassing. No laboratory scale animal experiments were conducted in this or any of the laboratories in Raubkainmer, Bra This Bereich, also under the supervision of Dr, Prusener, consisted essentially of a small building containing a laboratory for clinical tests (such as urinalysis, haematology and pathological, chemistry) and a library of photograph albums. In the clinical laboratory there was equipment for animal experimentation, ‘but it was stated that no animal work had ever been conducted there* The laboratory had been used solely for routine blood examinations of personnel working in Raubkammer as well as special examinations of accident cases* The photographic exhibit was the most extensive of its kind ever seen by the investigators and part of it is being shipped back for the records* It consisted of seme 4, 000 photographs mounted in albums and on folders* It could be divisible into two parts: the first dealing with accident cases of mustard gas poisoning and those bums occurring during field trials with the same gas; the second illustrating application of liquid mustard to the skin of men* In the first group there were over 200 different cases* The lesions wore mostly skin; sometimes eye* Many colour prints were included in the collection. Due to the gruesome appearance of sane half-dozen fatal cases, the suggestion has been made that political prisoners iriight have been used in these experiments* There was no evidence for such a contention* The summaries of case histories which had been prepared for the collection were said to have been burned with other documents. However these were later unearthed. RIX This was to be the veterinary section, but no equipment had as yet been installed* It consisted of a large main laboratory building end three other buildings* RIX - Main laboratory building (unfinished) 14* Documents recovered The following documents have been recovered bearing on the kedical aspects and are being returned : (1) Vergluchende Untersuchungen uber den Witterungseinfluss auf die Wirkung de K.G* 250 III Gr. (9*2.45*) (2) Untersuchungen uber die Moglichkeit eines Schutzes gegen Lostdampfe unter besonderer Beruchsichtigung der Impragnierung- suerfehren mit Selloxin (13* 2.43.} (3) Bericht uber vergleighende toxikologische Versuche mit wDn u* ”0”, (18.1*44), (4) Zur toxicologische Auswertungvon Pliegerspruhversuchen. (5) Vorschlag zur wohldefinierten Austestung Boston auf der Haut (8*2*45) (6) Mitteilungen uber Gaskreigsvorboreitungen in Ausland Nr. 3, (7) Zus acme nf as sung der E gebnisse subjectiver Prufengen von Kantton und Kantonverbindungen. (8) ListenraaBize Zusaramenstellung der toxikologischen Ausvertung- sergebnisse von 163 Luftwaffenversuchen in der Zeit von 1935 - Septeniber 1944* (9) Pile of results of shell field trials at Raubkaramer. (10) The German G.W. Code Letters. (11) Official list of the German toxicity figures. (12) G.W. lecture notes for medical officers. (13) Case histories for 200 accidents at Raubkammer, with photographs. (14) French list of compounds tested for toxicity. (15) German list of compounds tested for toxicity (complete) and indices. Recovered from Dr. Kruse* IO-Scm. FH. Gr GRUNRING. GREEN CIRCLE. MARKINGS ON BASE STENCILLED IN WHITE OVER GREEN CIRCLE WEIGHT - 13-7 Kcj- FUZE - Kl AZ 23 Nb. CW. FILLING - 1250 cc WINTERLOST (ACCORDING TO CODE SHOULD BE H. ONLY) H E. FILLING - I2S9 PETN / WAX-95 FIG I. 15cm. Ct. 19 CRUNRING WEIGHT. . 368 Kg FUZE . AZ 23 Nb. GW FILLING * 3SOOCC.O (tHIOD I GLYCOL MUSTARD) H.E-FILLING . » 580<, PETN/WaX 70^0. FIG 3E. 3 ' 10-5 cm FH Gr CELBRINC. TOTAL WT— 14-OKg FUZE — Kl AZ 23 Nb. HE FILUNG- 949 PETN/wAX-60/40 GW FILLING-l2SOcc MUSTABD-ARSINOL (wiNTERLOST.) PIG HE. 15 cm. Gt-. 19 GELBRING. WEIGHT - 37-4 Kg. FUZE - A2 23 Nb. CW-FILLING. - 3500 c.c. (4 3 Kg) WINTERLOST. BURSTER -560j PETN/WAX -60/70- fiq m. 10:5 cm FH Gr 38 GRUNRING - GELB. WEIGHT — 14-5 Ko. FUZE - KIAZ 23 Mb. HE. FILLING - SIOj of R DX 95/5 (INFORMATION GIVES 64O9H-5) CHEMICAL FILLING - 840 cc WINTERLOST. (OALe H + PD + DA) ACCORDING ID CODE THIS SHOULD NOT BE WINTER LOST, BUT STRAIGHT H. FIG Y 10-5 cm FH Gr 39 GELBFUNG. WEIGHT ' -13-3 Kg FUZE * Kl A2 23Nb. C.W. FILLING » 1160 c.c. MUSTARD ARSINOL (WINTER LOST) H.E.FILLING * 208q PETN /WAX — 6o/aO PIG SI. 15 cm Gr 39 GELBRING . FIG HE. lO’Scm FH. Gr 38 GRUNRING I. WEIGHT - 14-2 Kg. FUZE - KLAZ 23 Nb. C W FILLING - 0-9 Kg. HN -3 (98% PURE) HE FILLING - 0 6Kg. ROX/WAX-95/5. (wide' burster). FIG 53H 15cm Cr 38 CRUNRINC I . WEIGHT. • J8 I Kg FUZE . -K I AZ 40 Nb. C.W. FILLING. -2 9 Kg HN-3 (98% PURE.) HE.FILLING. -2 I Kg RDX/WAX-95/5 FIG IX.. »• 10 5 cm F HCr 39 GRUNRING 3. WEIGHT. - 13-2 K3. FUZE - K I AZ23 P<(ois) C.W. FILLING. -I200C C. G.A.(TABUN & 20 monochlorbenzene) X. H. E.FILLING . - 215 3 RDX/TNT -50/50 . IO* 5 cm FH Cr WEISSRING . WEIGHT. -14-5 Kg FUZE. -AZ.23v (o-2s) FILLING. -INTIMATE MIXTURE OF I2I93 /"CAP -50 ( PETN -40 (.WAX -IO f,cs 15cm Cr 19 WEISSRINC. WEIGHT — 42-5 kg FUZE AZ (p*)s) CW FILLING- 3 Sq OF /CAP-50 1 PETN-40 WAX — IO FIG XK. 10*5 cm F H Gr BLAURING I WEIGHT. -14*8 K9 FUZE. - AZ 23 (015) C.W.FILLING. - SSOg DM (90 % PURITY.) H.E.FILLING. - 9009 TNT (LIKELY TO BE PETN) F|s xm. 15cm Gr 19 BLAURfNG 1. WEIGHT. -42 3K3 FUZE. -AZ 23u«3 (OIS) C.W.FILLING. -CENTRAL CORE OF 1485, DM (90t.PURE-) -2338j PETN/WAX* 75/25, SURROUNDING FIG m THE DM- lO-ScwFHGr 40 BLAURINC 3. WEIGHT. -I4IK9 FUZE. -DORP 25/60 FL ORDOPPZs/bOV C.W.FILL1NC. • 837g DM/NITROCEILULOSE FLAKES5o/50. EJECTION CHARGE. -849 COMPRESSED GUNPOWDER. TIME OF EMISSION. -1-2 MINUTES. FIG X7 IPcmWor 3SST CELBR1NG. OR 10cm Wor 35 ST Nb GELBRING (EARLIER PRODUCTION) WEIGHT — 7 0 k0 FUZE Wgr Z 38. CW FILLING - IOSOc.g.WINTERLOST. HE FILLING - 50q PETN/WAX-60/40 FIG XSI K C 250 Cr. WEIGHT. - 166 Kg. FUZE - El A2 @ CW. FILLING - IOOKg. Oo«B. HE FILLING - IS 5 Kg TNT. IN WIDE FULL-LENGTH FIC X2JL BURSTER CONTAINER. KC 250 W WEIGHT- - 140 Kg. FUZE. * El AZ ® C.W. FILLING, s lOOKg CAP H.E.FILLING. =- 015 Kg PICRIC IN SMALL TRANSVERSE BURSTER CONTAINER. FIG XM. K C 250II Gb WEIGHT - 165 Kg FUZE - El AZ (?) OR CW FILLING - lOOKg DorE HE FILLING. - 01 Kg PICRIC IN SMALL TRANSVERSE BURSTER CONTAINER. FIG JHH. KC 250 IIGt, WEIGHT * 160 Kg. FUZE = El AZ 55 CW. FILLING = lOOKg PHOSGENE H.E FILLING = 0 9 Kg TNT PACKED CENTRALLY IN NARROW FULL-LENGTH BURSTER CONTAINER. FIG XX.. K C 2 50 Gb WEIGHT - 160 Kg. FUZE - El AZ @ CW FILLING - IOOK9 Oor B, HE.FILLING - 3-2Kg TNT. PACKED CENTRALLY IN WIDE FUL1?-LENGTH BURSTER CONTAINER FIG XU. KC 25 0 IIIGr. WEIGHT = 149 Kg FUZE = ElAZ @ OR @)o.. CW. FILLING. - 86Kc, TABUN (EITHER G orG Owing to the high standard of protection afforded by the respirator, this gr&nring 1 shell was not considered good enough, A charging was needed which was undetectable and quick in action, The new compound Tabun was tried out in this shell with the wide burster. It was found that decomposition was serious and poor results were obtained. Further trials with the object of reducing the destruction of the tabun by the HE showed that the best design of shell was that having a large head burster of RDX/5 and TNT. This shell became the G-runring 3 (Fig*. X). In the 1000 bursting chamber it had been found vd.th Tabun that a wide burster container was 20 per cent efficient, a narrow one, <10 per cent and the accepted large head burster 26-28 per cent. This was calculated on a 7*3 am, shell. Field trials gave results of the same order. The next develoxxnent was to introduce another new charging, Sarin, When tested in the 1000 m? chamber this gave the following results using a 7,5 cm, shell. Wide burster (190 g HE) ... 45 per cent effective Large head burster (140 g HE) 30 per cent effective This shell did not reach production but would have been G-runring 4, If HGN had been charged the shell would have been G-runring 5« 3, Chemical Shell charged solid C,W, agents 'When research was started in the period 1925 - 30 only two C.W, agents were available, ON and mustard, and work had to be confined to these. In 1950, there was made available a new explosive HSTN and work on the HE side had proved that the PETM had to be desensitised with wax to allow its use in projectiles. The use of GN as the desensitiser was investigated and after a series of experiments in the chamber and in the field with statically burst shell it was decided that a 50 per cent GN/50 per cent HSTN (l0 per cent wax) mixture was best® The HE effect of this 50/50 mixture was carefully measured and found to be only 15 per cent less than that of undiluted EETN. This went into production, the shell being known as Weissring (Pigs. XI and XII)® In the meanwhile research was proceeding with the object of developing a toxic smoke shell® Consideration of results of trials with 1914-18 design of shell, indicated that the performance of shell with embedded bottles of DM etc® in the HE was poor, and this was confirmed by trials at Kumaersdorf in 1930-32 in a 30 ra? chamber which showed the efficiency to be of the order of 2 per cent; the majority of the charging being dispersed in particles too large to be effective. The particle size was determined by ultra-microscopic and chemical analysis methods® Two Methods of tackling the problem were decided upon (a) Development of a thermal generator toxic smoke shell. (b) Improvement of the old type in which the toxic agent was embedded in the HE® It was realised that type (a) would involve a long research and work was concentrated on type (b)« Modifications as follows were tried (i) The inclusion of DM in a tin cylinder. (ii) The inclusion of Clark I in the burster container with an HE surround® (iii) The inclusion of HE in the burster container with a Clark I surround. All three types were tried out under field conditions, the effects being ascertained at first by subjective tests and later when the technique was sufficiently advanced, by injector sampling® Systems (ii) and (iii) were found to be very inefficient and as a temporary measure the system (i) was accepted® In 1938 ArsinSl and Clark I became available, and the research was reopened® Intimate mixtures of HE and Clark I were tried out, but the resulting mixture had bad storage properties® HE mixtures had been found to cause corrosion during pressing# The type of shell finally evolved -was a shell with a body forged in one piece having a central cone of a 1 and Clark I mix- ture retained in a paper carton, this being surrounded with HE. This Blauring 1 shell (Pig. XIII and XIV) had an efficiency of approximately 10 per cent. The next development was that of a Blue Ring type of shell with the HE retained in a burster container. Various toxic smoke mixtures were tried out ancjl a 40/60 mixture of Clark I in Arsenol was found to be best. In 1$40, Clark II was available but owing to low solubility the mixture used was 20/80 CII in Arsen&l. Then a wide burster was introduced increasing the efficiency to 20 per cent. This shell was known as Blauring 2. The next stage on the development of Arsenical shell was the investigation of mixtures to function by thermal generation. Various mixtures of Ha with vapourising compositions containing potassium perchlorate, potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate etc., wsre unsuccessful owing to excessive decomposition. Nitrocellulose was more promising and a process for mixing and granulating a 50/50 ™ xtuxe of m and nitrocellulose with 1-2 per cent urea as stabiliser was developed by 1941 • At about the same time a design for a base ejection smoke shell was perfected and in 1942-43 this shell with HyNC charging went into production as Blauring 3 shell (Pig. XV). The 15 shell design had not been completed. The firm Wolff of Bomlitz had a plant for making H/NC near Verden. This plant, which was visited as a target of opportunity and on which a separate report will be issued, had quite a small output, the total production during the whole period of operation (3 years) amounting to about 150 tons. The container filled EI//NC was stated to be 30-40 per cent efficient and filled as determined by chemical analysis. Experi- mental containers filled with, Clark H/NC were stated to be 50-60 per cent efficient. The particle size was staged to be of the order of 0.1 micron but no systematic measurements appear to have been carried out. Little attention was paid to the control of particle size since enemy particulate protection was thought to be sufficiently good to eliminate any hope of securing significant penetration. Trials had been carried out, firing approx. 40 shell on to an area 100 x 100 m. to compare Blauring 1,2 and 3 with the following results s- (i) Blau ring 1 Shell were effective 500 m downwind. (ii) w 2 " " " 700-800 m downwind, (iii) w 3 " " ” 1000 m downwind. Clockwork fuzes were used for the latter and the shell opened about 300 m» from the end of the trajectory. The view was that the generator type of shell was superior to the HE/DM type on all counts and had the supply position of certain components not been acute, all shell using DM. etc. would have been of the Blue Ring 3 type. Research on Adaiasite-nitrocellulose Mixtures for aerosol production. An account of the work which had been proceeding on this subject was obtained. Work had been carried out at VI b L by a team along five lines, viz., (a) micro structure of adamsite-nitrocellulose mixtures, (b) ignition temperature and stability at high tempera tu re % (c) velocity of burning and efficiency of generation of smoke, (d) effect of mixture temperature on velocity of burning. Micro-structure. The nitro-cellulose is made plastic with added alcohol and acetone and mixed with finely ground HI (50/50)o A atrip of the mixture was put on the stage of a microscope and dried by warming to and the changes in structure were followed over a period of several weeks. It was found that the EM aggregates, which were embedded in a matrix of nitro-cellulose, gradually grew smaller owing to diffusion into the matrix. Measurements of the area of the particle were made from day to day. An attempt was also made to follow the diffusion from a block of DM into a similar block of nitro-cellulose pressed against it; sections were cut from the two blocks and examined microscopically, The method was unsuccessful due to crumbling of the sections. Ignition temperature and stability at high temperatures. In preliminary experiments the mixture was inserted into a hole in a copper block which was heated and the differential temperature between the mixture and the block measured by two thermocouples one in the mixture and the other in the block. If the temperature of the mixture is raised to about 135°C* it begins to produce smoke and the temperature then rises rapidly. It is believed that the action is catalysed by the presence of traces of metals. When the temperature is maintained at about 10°C, lower, there is practically no difference in the temperatures of the two thermocouples after the block has reached a steady temperature if the mixture is stable. On the other hand, unstable mixtures show a rising then falling differential temperature-time curve. A much more elaborate apparatus was built in which the two thermocouples, one inserted into a block of the mixture, were raised slowly through two channels in a solid metal cylinder along which a constant temperature gradient was maintained. The thermoelements were raised by a clockwork mechanism which also moved a photographic plate on which the movements of the galvanometer spot were recorded. The apparatus was only partially completed on transfer from Spandau to Raubkammer and had not been properly re-assembled. Velocity of burning and efficiency of generation of smoke. A strip of the mixture was ignited at one end and photographed at various time intervals, A thermocouple was embedded in the strip and the temperature rise followed. Heat is conducted from the burning zone to the unbumt portion of the strip, so that the temperature rose gradually and then shot up rapidly when the burning zone actually reached the thermocouple, A kink in the flat portion of the temperature-time curve would indicate instability of the mixture. The mixture is not isotropic and burning did not spread evenly along the strip. The efficiency of generation was determined by collecting the fumes from the burning strip in a series of glass tubes through which acetone vapour was being refluxed. The system wa/s not very efficient in trapping all the fumes and it was hoped to improve it by introducing a thermal precipitator by means of electrically heated wires running through the tubes. The condensate was analysed for tri and penta-valent arsenic by potentiometrie titration. Effect of mixture temperature on velocity of burning* A rather elaborate apparatus was constructed for determining the rate of burning of the mixture when it was warmed or cooled by radiation* A disc of the mixture was fixed near the bottom of a cylindrical vessel and some way above it there could be fixed either a heater coil or else a vessel containing solid COg and acetone* Thermocouples were inserted into the disc and the rate of burning and temperature measured. The apparatus could be operated at reduced pressure. The effect of low temperature, say -3G°G, was to reduce signifi- cantly the rate of burning, but this could be corrected by increasing the percentage of nitro-cellulose# 4# Sealing of shell All shell were side charged through a threaded charging hole* Owing to production difficulties and poor sealing with the charging hole plug which was "diabolo" shaped and was screwed in on to a lead washer until the neck broke off, consideration was being given to a "driven in" tapered charging hole plug# A small scale sealing trial at Spandau had indicated that shell stored for 6 weeks at 60°G. were satisfactory# As the result, a larger scale 'trial was pending but shell so sealed did not reach the production stage# Air space. The accepted air space for all liquid chargings was stated to be 6 per cent at 40°G. 5* Research on shell design It was stated that the follovdng ideas and problems were to receive attention in the near future# (a) production of a shell body common for HE, gas and smoke. The only variation to be allowed would be in the burster* Some bodies in the 10 cm* calibre had been obtained for trial but delivery troubles prevented much progress. (b) Consideration of a piston type of gas shell. (c) Research into methods of sealing in burster containers# (d) The provision of new fuses for shell to give a quicker action. The following is an account of some research proceeding in VTcL, Spandau on the disruption of shell as observed by x-ray and ultra rapid Cinematography, This investigation was initiated in order to throw light on the lack of effectiveness of Tabun shell. These shell have a high yield of mist, yet animal tests gave disappointing results. Evidently the Tabun had been decomposed, but there was no evidence as to the way this had been brought about. It was thought that decomposition might have occurred in three ways; (i) bv high temperatures during explosion (ii) by high pressure and (iii) by inflammation by the flash from the explosive. In the first instance, they tried to measure the temperature of the outer case of the shell by thermo- colours, but these were too insensitive. Pressures could be calculated, but not the change in pressure with time. Little was known about flash. It was therefore decided to study the explosion process by X-ray and ultra-rapid cinematography. X-ray photography. For these experiments model shell about 12 cm. long filled with water were made with plastic outer casing to secure good penetration of the X-rays. The steel burster tube was retained in the case of "kamraerhulse” type shell. The X-ray photography of the burst of the shell was done at the physikalische Abteilung of Wa.P at (Jatow near Kummersdorf. The details of the process were not available, but it appears that 15 pictures with an exposure of 10“*° sec. were obtained by a form of drum camera. The pictures were not sufficiently rapid in succession to follow the sequence of the explosion, but there was evidence of the explo- sive being compressed in various zones in the central burster. The outer container was completely shattered and dispersed. No details of the interpretation of these photographs, which was done by Wa.F., could be obtained. Ultra-rapid cinematography. This was also undertaken by ffa.P. at Gatow under the direction of Dr. Sachs. A camera designed by Grants and Schardinn capable of giving 8,000 pictures per second was used. A description of this instrument had been published in the Artillerie Monatschrift. A 7*5 shell water filled on a wooden stand was exploded electrically and photo- graphed at a distance of 50 m. In the case of central burster shell, the nose of the shell blew off first accompanied by an initial flash and then the dis- ruption of the outer casing proceeded progressively towards the base. The cloud of smoke from explosive mingled with the shattered charging. The nose burster shell gave a somewhat different picture. The explosion proceeded as in the first case, but the liquid clcud was pushed out behind the smoke from the explosive. Theory of Decomposition* It was concluded from these experiments that the flash and heat production in the body of the fluid were of too short duration to account for the decomposition of Tabun„ Lab- oratory experiments had been made by Dr, Lippert (probably now in hospital at Aschaffonburg near Berlin) on the rate of decomposition of Tabun at high temperatures and compression which lent support to this conclusion. The theory was then put forward that some reaction takes place between the Tabun and the air in the shell during flight and this accounts for its lack of effectiveness. Owing to the spin of the shell the air is under high compression and this may cause reaction with the charging. 6, Thermal Generators The Germans thought highly of the French Engin Z and had copied the design in practically all details, after full data had been collected from the staff at Le Bouchet. They had used French ammonium chlorate and resin d*uree but used their own Ell, It was intended that the Engin Z should be used from line sources,, A trial in which 120 generators were functioned 15 at a time along a 200 m, front over a period of two hours was stated to have produced a cloud which would have been sufficient to have caused troops to don respirators to a depth of 80 km. This was not a controlled trial, the main object being to check functioning, and the obser- vations were in the form of complaints from villagers. The weather conditions during the trial were good jfor travel of gas. There were various experimental designs of EM generators which had undergone a few field trials. (a) The Sw» Bu 100 was a generator about 13 cm. in diameter and 1 m. long. Fillings of Clark Il/NC and CN/NC had been tried out and the following results were quoted. (i) Pilled Clark II, 28 kg. burned for mins, (ii) ■ DM, 25 kg. " " 3 - 4 " (iii) " CN, 21 kg. " ” 4 ~ 6 " A mixture of Clark II and GN was tried out but was rejected. The generators to be charged Clark II had completed developnent but were not in production. A Spruh Buchse 37 adapted for projecting a container filled Clark I3/NC or over a distance of 300 m® The time of burning of these was respectively 40-60 and 90 seconds, but only a tentative trial had taken place. (c) A small generator suitable for projecting from a tank and holding 800 g. of mixture had been considered but trials had not been done. Research was being conducted on the use of new arsenicals which could be used in thermal generators. Consideration was being given to the use of Excelsior (10-chloro—5:1O-dihydroarsacridine) and it had been found that this had to be of a high degree of purity to withstand storage without deterioration® If melted (m®p® 130°C.) in the presence of air or moisture. Excelsior decomposes to the oxide which is physiologically inert. Attempts had been made to adapt the thermal generator principle to a mustard gas generator but so far with little success. Research was to be intensified on this aspect, particularly as regards the vesicant gases including Lewisite® To prepare thermal generators, the mustard gas had been absorbed by N.C® treated with alcohol and/or ether to give a porous mass or alternatively it was poured into a generator containing the KG and shaken up once or twice® Small generators gave good results, but inflaming and explosions occurred with larger sizes. For a container holding 600 g® NC and 350-400 g® mustard gas a 50 per cent efficiency was claimed, over a burning time of - 1 minute® These small generators were still 50 per cent efficient after 18 months normal storage. Attempts were made to vaporize Tabun by this method but serious decomposition occurred and the work was abandoned® Sarin has also been tried and found to give about a 50 per cent efficiency® In a trial in which 70 generators (20.5 kg. Tabun total weight) were distributed at random over a circle of 30 radius and functioned, a lethal area of 400-500 m2 and an effective area (20 mg/veP) of 9000 m2 were obtained® A similar trial with 2+0 Sarin generators’ gave a lethal area of 3000 m2 and an effective area of 8000 m2® Research was proceeding on mixtures of sawdust anc3/or peat and on modifications in the design of the container. The final view taken was that a generator in which the products of combustion passed through unbumt composition would be satisfactory provided that (a) the correct emission holes were used, (b) layers having different speeds of burning were present in the generators. 7* Gras Grenades. Rifle and Hand The Rifle grenade 42 charged smoke or is well known and has been previously examined. Trials were carried out with this munition charged 102 cc. of AC against Russian T»34 and T.60 and General Lee tanks. The AC frequently caught fire during these trials. Cats were used as test animals and the conclusion was that if the grenade hit the base of the turret and provided inflaming did not occur the result would be satisfactory. The efficiency of the weapon depended to a great extent on the internal construction of the tank. If the crew were partitioned off from the driver it was thought but not proved that the effect would be reduced® It was thought tliat even if death did not take place, the crew would be rendered unconscious for sufficient time to enable the tank to be captured intact or destroyed. f Grenade 60 was similar to the 1+2 except that it held 143 ccs. of AC. It was not an accepted munition. The hand grenade filled smoke, was tried out filled with a mixture of GN/HEPon the white ring shell. Trials in the open gave effects at 200 m. but no" further work was done. The hand grenade 41 was tried out charged 175 ccs. of 60/40 CK/chloroform solution and opened by a burster of 30 EE®® The performance was assessed at 12 per cent efficient. A solution of 40/60 CN/chloroform was tried bub' found to be inferior. The efficiency was assessed by subjecting troops to the effect of the grenades and then carrying out a marksman* s test. The 41 and 24 grenades were assessed in this Trials with this grenade charged AC and CN were carried out against bunkers and the AC was assessed at 90 per cent efficient. Later trials with Tabun indicated an efficiency of only 8 per cent. A mixture of 28/72 Excelsior in methylene chloride was also tried out but the results are not known. A new experimental grenade of the 41 type had been tried out filled 180 g. giving a toxic emission lasting for 10-20 seconds. No firther work was done. Trials were also carried out both at Spandau and Raubkar.Tner with glass bulbs charged 130-180 ccs. of AC. Tanks were attacked, using cats as test animals, with excellent results, one bulb or at the most two being sufficient to give a lethal dosage within the tank. The results were stated to have been checked by chemical analysis. A glass grenade known as the H.W.K, had passed its trials of experimental production and a few thousand had been made and packed*. The Army authorities had agreed to its use and were not worried about the danger to the user due to breakages, the intention being to keep the bulbs in their wooden boxes until the last possible momento A percentage of water was added (? 20 per cent) to reduce the freezing point of the AC, Tabun and Sarin had been considered as chargings for glass bulbs but owing to the difficulty of experimenting with these gases, due to the contamination of the tanks after trial, and the fact that HGN was considered sufficiently good, no actual trials had taken place. A few observations common to the use of AC in any weapon might be made here. AC was not in quantity production and tnere was no intention of using it on a large scale for C.W. purposes. It was supplied mainly in soldered tinned plate containers of about 4 litres capacity and no difficulty in transporting or storage had been encountered. AC was stabilised by the addition of 0,2 - 0,3 per cent of S02 or of oxalic acid. The former method had given satisfactory results on a 9 months storage trial at 60°C. Inflaming had been experienced and attempts had been made to overcome it in several ways. (a) In small grenades, a pellet of inert material such as mCl, NAHCO3, NaCl was placed below the explosive where the latter protruded into the AC portion of the grenade. (b) In larger munitions, an inert surround of the explosive was made. This method depended on the diameter of the HE charge. (c) T’he addition of water to the AC was mentioned as being effective in preventing inflaming but this was contradicted from other sources. (d) The addition of OK had been tried but the resulting mixture would not store; it also gave indications of gas by lachrymation. It was understood that the problem of inflaming of AC had not yet been solved. 80 Llortar Bombs charged gas for muzzle-loading mortars In 1935 there was in existence a 10 cm0 smooth bore mortar bomb for HE charging known as the 10 cm. W G-r. 35. This was adapted as a smoke bomb by the inclusion of a burster container and charging CSAli and SO-r. This_Jbomb had a long wide burster and was tried out with a mustard charging. It was not very efficient, only a snail amount of the charging being thrown clear of the crater. Neverthe- less in 193S it went into production charged mustard (OR) as the 10 cm. Wgr 33 Str Q-elbring (Pig. XVI.). In 1938 a new mortar was produced which would withstand greater propellant pressures. The mortar was the 10 cm. 40, and work was done to design a new bomb capable of withstanding the higher pressures. However, before a design of bomb was cleared, the mortar itself was rejected and no further work was done. There was however, the 8 cm. mortar and at the beginning of the war smoke ammunition was available for this calibre. A demand arose for a HE and a gas bomb but owing to the small capacity of the bomb only ON was considered as*the charging. The original intention was to embed a pellet of ON in the HE and owing to urgency this method was used. It was admitted that the gas effects are very poor and ineffective except in the immediate vicinity of the burst. It had been found that the Russian 12 on. mortar was an excellent weapon and a 12 cm. bomb was being developed when the war ended,, The intended chargings were smoke, mustard -gas and Tabun„ The 8 cm. and 12 cm. mortars were infantry weapons and the 10 cm. was primarily for the Nebeltruppe, The ranges of these mortars were given as follows ;- 8 cm* “ very short range. 10 cm. - 3500 iru 10 cm. 40 — 6000 m© 12 cm. - 8000 m# 9» Rockets In 1934 the trials with 10 cm. Wf. gr. started, only a smoke charging being considered. The propellant was black powder and the bomb was of normal design i.e. bomb leading with a tail motor. Attention was paid to the 15 cm. size and a similar design was used, black powder still being used as the motive power. Then owing to ballistic troubles a forward motor was developed, and preliminary trials showed a much enhanced effect with HE, Smoke and Gas. This was considered to be due to the motor acting as a stick fuze. A large production was made of this 15 cm. rocket as follows (a) charged SO3 with a narrow burster. ) ) Nb (b) " SO3 " " wide « ) (c) M OA mustard with a wide burster. Yellow ring. (d) " Mustard or nitrogen mustard with a wide burster. Green ring. The introduction of this 15 cm. rocket rendered the 10 cm, mortar obsolescent. Attempts were made to design this projectile to carry a smoke generator but the heat of the propellant gases caused preignition and bursting of the bomb. It was intended to investigate the possibility of incorporating a toxic smoke generator but so far preliminary trials had not been successful. The weapon was not accurate and trials had shown that a very large ammunition expenditure was required to obtain satisfactory results on the target area. Trials with a shortened bomb confirmed the view that such a bomb with a wide burster would be more stable in flight* This design was cleared for production but as far as is known none were charged. A 21 cm© rocket with a rear motor was designed by Pruf. I. The Army authorities refused to have this weapon charged gas but agreed to smoke* It had a range of 7500 m. The Prflf 9 view was that for HE gas and smoke a forward motor was essential for good performance but Pruf.I insisted on a rear motor* For the war against Russia they had designed two bombs, each using the standard 15 cm* motor. (i) a 28 cm* rocket charged HE. (ii) a 32 cm. w charged incendiary mixture. A 30 cm. rocket head was designed to be carried on the 21 cm. motor and these bombs were to be charged phosgene, AC and Tabun. During development several troubles were encountered such as a large 100 per cent zone, and ignition of the AC* The usual method of surrounding the HE with an inert material to prevent ignition of AC had been tried with little result. Trials with Tabun in the 30 cm* bomb had indicated such a good performance that production was planned but not started. Large scale shoots with bombs charged AC, phosgene, and Tabun gave areas of 600 m. x 250 m. for fall of shot. Bombs charged phosgene were best, giving an area of 400 m. x 200 m. Attention was to be given to the inclusion of longitudinal baffles inside the bomb to improve ballistics. 10. 20 mm. and 3Q Em* shell Trials had been carried out using (a) AP shot with the tracer cavity filled CW agent. (b) HE shell with the complete shell filled C.W. agent. Using CN, Dbi, Excelsior and Soman, it was found that little result was achieved with the AP shot. With the HE/l shell, however, better results had been obtained particularly against light protection. It is worthy of note that the time fuze was included in the round and in the case of solid CW agent was protected by a waxed or metal disc. Mustard gas had been tried as a charging but in this case it was necessary to charge the mustard into an inner liner, which after sealing was slipped into the shell and fuzed in the normal manner. Small static trials were carried out at Spandau and in the Raubkammer 18,000 cub. m. Messhaus. An excellent performance was stated to have been given by a 3 cm. shell charged Excelsior. This shell was charged by using a liner and this in turn was filled in three increments, HE at either end and Excelsior in between. It might be noted here that methods of charging in which Excelsior had to be melted should be avoided if possible, since in the presence of oxygen or traces of moisture decomposition to the inactive oxide takes place. A 70/JO mixture of CN/BE1N was tried out with little success. The use of AC was not considered owing to the small capacity of the shot. A trial had been carried out with a 7,92 mm. round charged This was abandoned but Excelsior placed in the shot was stated to give good effects. The charge would be approx. 0.5 oc. 11. Ground contamination inanitions Work was started in 1930 with a 5 litre type of chemical mine and although the design was sealed production had not been carried out. In 1939 the 10 L. Sp Bu 37 was designed and later put into large scale production. The chargings were (a) ZOA (thickened mustard containing anthracene oil) double yellow ring. (b) OA (mustard containing anthracene oil) one yellow ring. The idea of anthracene oil (R) as a constituent of Bustard was borrowed from the Poles. It was thought the smell of nustard would be disguised by that of the anthracene oil, the method of use being to contaminate an .area which the enemy wishes to cross leaving lanes contaminated with R only. These lanes would be known to ones own troops but not to the enemy. The drawback of adding R to mustard was that the dark colour made it more conspicuous. It was stated that the average height to which the bomb is ejected before functioning is 20-30 m. giving a contaminated area apnroxiraately 50 m. in diameter. Two modifications were being considered to this type of mine* The first was to shorten the outer case so that after discharge the tall empty case (i.e. the projector) would not act as a sign- post to advancing troops and indicate the area of contamination. This also constituted a saving in metal. Secondly, by modification of the ejection charge to 180 g. and emplacing the complete mine at an angle, it was hoped to achieve a range of 250 m. This obviously would need a lengthened delay unit in the projected body, partially constructed mines adapted for electrical firing which may have been for trials at these longer ranges have been found. Other methods of creating chemical barriers were tried out. One method was to pour mustard into a hole in the ground lined with paraffin wax, cover the top over and wait for the advancing enemy to break the crust. The main object was to permit friendly troops to occupy the area without any vapour danger. A second method consisted of glass bulbs holding approximately 250 cc of mustard which were painted half yellow and half, green. These were emplaced in shallow holes in the ground and lightly covered over if necessary (Boden Kugeln) • It was stated that troops passing over an area mined with these Boden kugeln broke 80 per cent of them. A number of these glass bulbs have been found packed in cardboard lined wooden boxes at Raubkanmer. As an improvisation, the effect of bursting an egg-grenade filled into the hollow base of a bottle containing mustard had been tried. The resulting contamination was widespread and there was a strong initial cloud effect. It was further stated that trials had been carried out in jettisonning the chemical mine from mechanised vehicles, so that by means of a spike on the base of the mine, it stuck in an upright position and functioned correctly after a predetermined delay. A chemical mine which acted like a concertina was being considered. The pressure of the foot ejected H from a nozzle into the air and it was hoped, onto the unsuspecting walker. The release of the pressure allowed a fresh amount of H to pass into the jet, ready for the next unwary passer by. An experiment was in hand with a trip type of mine the FI Ps. which had a delay fuze of 1-2 seconds operated by the passing tank. Then the container was ejected upwards and exploded at a height of 1-2 m. Trials were pending with the bomb charged incendiary material. Trials with the U.S.A. type of chemical mine had showed it to be 75 per cent as effective as the Sp Bu 37° 12. Hollow charge weapons (Munroe Effect) using CW agents After the attack on Port Eben-Emael in Belgium in which pene- tration of the concrete was achieved by using hollow or shaped charges, research was started on the possibility of injecting CW agents by utilising the hollow charge principle. The small smoke grenade No.42 whicn was a standard store when filled smoke, was used for experimental trials. ON was used in all the preliminary work which appears to have been of empirical nature. It was stated that the incorporation of a cone of 30° made from J mm. steel permitted the No.42 grenade to penetrate 80 mm. or armour plate. Using this cone as the standard, a series of trials were carried out, in which rounds having CN disposed in various manners were used. The CN was placed in positions such as (a) the tip of the nose of the round, (b) various positions in the empty cone, (c) a lining to the cone in contact with the HE, (d) a solid lump embedded in the HE just below the apex of the cone. These arrangements were first tried out to see whether the penetration performance had been impaired. Then chemical sampling was carried out after penetration of plate had been effected. The general conclusion was that in all cases the heat of detonation and heat of the explosive jet were such that the CW agent was decomposed. During interrogations there appeared to be no indication that a "follow-through” unit had been considered. Research was next turned to static hollow charges and after exploratory trials it was found that the best penetration effect was obtained with cones made from the solid. The presence of a ridge, joint or unevenness of contour affected the ”jet". The best position for insertion of CW agent was to attach a hemi- spherical nose and line it with tl?e agent. It was stated that a lining of 15-25 g. of CN gave excellent results. At this juncture, higher authority steped in and ordered that standard HE hollow charge rounds should only be considered and the 75 ram. shell was therefore used for pilot trials, promising results were obtained with rings of CN, Excelsior and Sarin absorbed in Keiselgohr, placed round the mouth of the cone, but in later trials results were variable. At this stage work ceased owing to military events. 13* Aircraft gas bombs Research on the 250 kg. bomb was commenced about 1935 when the first KG 230 bomb was designed and tried out* This bomb which was marked with one yellow and one green ring (Fig. XVII), was charged 100 kg* of 0-los-f-, had a bursting charge of 15 Kg* of HE and was fitted with Fuze No, 26, It gave a very poor performance only about 3000 were produced and filled. By 1937 attention had been directed to an air burst 250 kg, bomb and this was tried out charged CN. The bomb has a small burster and was intended for summer or tropical use over woods* The height of burst aimed at was 100 m. and the necessity for an accurate fuze was realised. The fuze used was either 9 or 59A. This was the KC 230 W (two white rings) (Fig. XIX.). When burst at a height o± 100 m* an area of 5000 m. was stated to be contam- inated. The fuze was either 9 or 59A. • At the end of 1944 trials were carried out at Raubkaramer using 250 KC II Gb bombs from stock with the following objects (a) To test stock munitions (b) To try out the air-burst bomb aiming tables (c) To determine the accuracy attainable by ordinary Luftwaffe pilots. Ju 88 aircraft were used, each carrying 8 bombs. Generally speaking the bombs were satisfactory, but in some cases the Zahlost was non-homogeneous, consisting of thick lumps in a thin liquid. The reason for this could not be traced; it occurred both with Tornesit and with Polystyrol and in bombs of all dates between 1939 and 1943; in all about 1Q7o of the bombs had this fault. The Zahlost persisted on the ground for 8-14 days according to the height of release. The aiming tables were on the whole satisfactory and the aiming of the pilots good, but in many cases the wrong fuzes were used. 12 aircraft were used in these trials, and it was planned to repeat them with larger numbers in May 1945. The opinion of the Luftwaffe had been that phosgene would be the most effective charging for bonibs, and as the most useful size from the bomb stowage aspect was 250 kg., work was pursued on this bomb. A series of trials chiefly to ascertain the optimum case thickness for phosgene was carried out and eventually a wall thickness of 3 “ 4 mm. was accepted. The burster was a small one located in the middle of the bomb and this bomb became KG 250 II G-r (1 or 2 green rings) (pig XX). It was fuzed No.55o It had been realised that no satisfactory ground burst bomb charged mustard was available, due to the non-availability of a quick acting fuze. Accordingly the Green ring II bomb was modified in fuze design and activation by the incorporation of a nose striker which passed through a channel to the side fuze* The HE content was also increased. This bomb charged mustard became the KC 250 Gb (1 yellow ring) (FIG. XXI). The fuze was No.26* It gave an effective contamination when ground burst over 2 an elliptical area of 600 m . Recently this bomb has given inflaming trouble. The 230 KC III Gr (3 green rings) (Pig.XXII.) came into being in 1945 when empty bomb cases were used as storage and transport vessels for Tabun, The Luftwaffe had the bombs headfilled in case of need. They are stated to hold 83 kg. of Tabun and 4*6 kg, of HE, Trials with these bombs gave a lethal area (ct = 300) of 2300-3000 and a dis- abling area (ct = 200-230) of 10,000 The assessment of Tabun was carried out by dropping a bomb and then positioning animals at zero plus 1 minute. Inflaming of Tabun occurred twice in 50 bombs but no assessment of the loss due to inflaming was made. In 1944 redesign of the tail was carried out to enable bombs to be carried by high speed aircraft. The new design of tail which carried a large cylindrical drum was to have been used on bombs charged phosgene, mustard and Tabun. Also a new and faster fuze, the No,55A, was available. The efficiency of the KC 250 II G-r (ihosgene) was again investi- gated and the burster was modified« Although the reason was not completely understood, results of trials showed that a long central burster extending to the nose of the bomb gave a much improved performance* The final decision was to use 1 kg. of HE extending the full length of the bomb using fuze DA 55* There was a move to reduce the burster to i kg. but this was not approved. The KC 250 III G-r bomb was also tried out charged mustard with the burster reduced from 4.6 kg, to 1,5 kg. but the results could not be ascertained. In 1942 trials were commenced with 300 kg, bombs charged phosgene. The burster was 3*5 kg, ®TT and the bomb was accepted for service but it is doubtful if any were even charged. Trials were done in 1944 with 500 kg. bombs charged mustard with a burster of 1,5 kg, HE, The area of contamination, though heavier, was only slightly larger than that from the 250 kg. bomb. The use of 1000 and 1800 kg, homos charged phosgene was con- sidered, Trials were carried out using a detector paper method of delineating the area subjected to a dosage of Ct = 1000, Two rows of animals were included and acted as checks on the adjacent papers. Details were not available and the only actual figures which it was possible to obtain for the effects from bombs charged phosgene were as follows Munition RESULTS Remarks Concentration mg/m^ Time in seconds Distance in m downwind 4 - KC 250 II Gr 400 kg phosgene 65,000 10 50 performed to assess danger from Allied hombing of with phosgene bombs 1 - KG 1000 II Gr 750 kg phosgene 32,000 10 30 The following were given as the areas receiving a Ct of 1000 from phosgene bombs of various calibres* 250 kg. 4000 m2 500 kg. 12000 m2 1000 kg. 30000 m2 1800 kg. 40000 m2 These figures are for single bombs. It was stated that if a number of phosgene bombs are dropped un such a way as to reinforce one another, the effect is proportional to the weight of charging irrespective of the calibre of the bomb. The 1800 kg, bomb was dived onto the target and released at 500 m. The bomb was stated to contain 750 kg. of phosgene and 12 kg, HE, and to give a concentration of 73 1 siinute a distance of 30 m. In 1945 trials were uursued with 250 kg, bombs charged AC which were to be known as'KC 250 V Cr but inflaming troubles were continuous. Various methods of preventing ignition of the charging were tried, such as the following (i) An inert surround of the burster® (ii) 20 per cent water in the AC, (iii) A surround of the burster with (iv) Varying the explosive. but none were very successful. Just before work ceased they had done a trial with an air burst bomb charged Tabun and the view was held that this was the best method of using this agent if the height of burst could be kept low i.e. 50 - 100 m. Bombs charged Sarin were to be known as IV G-r. Two trials had been carried out, suggesting that the lethal and disabling areas from a 250 KC bomb charged Sarin are 10,000 and 20,000 m2 respectively. 14® Aircraft Spray Bombs Because of the Luftwaffe’s dislike of the low flying necessary for spraying, trials had been carried out with 500 kg. bombs charged thickened benzene which functioned as spray bombs after release from the aircraft. It was stated that the aircraft dived and as it pulled out and commenced to climb again the bomb was released at a height of 20-30 A slight delay in the ignition arrangement allowed the bomb to fall clear of the aircraft and then by means of rings of cordtex (penta) holes were blown in each end of the bomb. Sited round the hole in the rear end were four igniters connected in parallel with the cordtex cutting charge. It was stated that after re lease the bomb flew horizontally for 400-500 m. issuing flame. As the tail of the bomb was held in place by a central rod welded to the disc which is cut out of the bomb end, it seems very improbable that much levelflight would be achieved. The tail must come off, before liquid can issue and this would result in a very unstable body. Also the only means to force out the charging is pressure generated by travel through the air. Modifications were made to this bomb in order that liquid CW agents could be sprayed. Experimental models have been found which have an emission pipe running the length of the tail. The outlet was again opened by cutting off the welded-on cap with cordtex and internal pressure was applied by means of cordite or other suitable gas producer. Puller details of this novel weapon will be given in a separate report after examination of the sample being sent to U.K, 15. Toxic Smoke Aircraft Bombs A 50 kg, bomb holding 13 kg, of 5Q/50 DM/NC mixture was deve- loped, The bomb acted, after dropping, as a static generator and in order to decrease burying the terminal velocity was reduced by a drag plate secured across the tail fins* The burial on soft ground was stated to be approximately \ m. The emission period was 4 minutes and the maximum concentration under favourable conditions at a dis- tance of 25 m, was 500-1000 mg/mP, Large scale production of these bombs was carried out at Poramerschen Industrie Barth, This is the KC 50 II Bu (2 blue rings, Pig, XXIII.) Trials were pending with a 250 kg, bomb of the same type. In one static trial a bomb containing 40 kg. of charging burned for 2-3 minutes and its effects were felt at a distance of 10 kn. 16. Cluster projectiles The opinion in Pruf 9 was that small bombs charged gas would give a better performance than the larger sizes, and accordingly experimental work on clusters had been started. The cluster case used was somewhat similar in appearance to the 250 kg. bomb but had a more rounded nose and was in two halves hinged at the nose. A time fuse opened the cluster and allowed the contents to scatter. It was understood that consideration was also being given to a 500 kg. cluster. Trials had been carried out with inner bombs charged screening smoke composition and BM/NG mixtures. These bombs were smoke generators adapted by the addition of half cylindrical tails equal to the length of the bomb. These tails which were perforated acted as destabilisers and increased the scatter. It was possible by packing bombs head to tail completely to fill the cluster, the half cylindrical tails nestling over the bomb bodies. This inner bomb was known as the K,B»3 and was believed to be manu- factured at the Herman G-oering Werks, Brunswick. Consideration was being given to use of cardboard inner bombs to economise in steel. These had been tried experimentally, the bomb being known as K.B®10„ The opening height aimed at was 300 m. and it was found that from this height the 10 bombs from the 250 kg. or the 20 bombs from the 500 kg. cluster spread over an area of 80 m. x 40 m. under normal conditions. There was a tendency for the, bombs to fall in two groups. The toxic smoke generator bombs had impact igniters. Pre- liminary experimental work had commenced on a liquid charged bomb, the intention being to use a 340 g. TNT burster and a No.73 f\ize. A preliminary trial with a small bomb to work on the BE principle had been done using a DA faze and a gunpowder charge, but failure had occurred owing to splitting® As drawn steel tube of the required diameter was not available, they had endeavoured to strengthen the bomb with, liners, but this also had failed. There had been tentative experiments with a rubber cylindrical bomb charged with mustard gas. These were charged through a tube at one end of the bomb and were opened in the air by means of a length of cordtex running round the bomb. The initiating detonator had a delay incorporated which started when the cluster opened. 17. Fuzes for airburst aircraft bombs Although the standard fuzes were used experimentally for air buret bombs, it was realised that they were insufficiently accurate. It was stated that the error in height of buret was about 20 per cent of the height of release. There had been a request to the fuze experts for a fuze to give a height of buret of 50 - 150 m. above the ground. A radio fuze designed to function at 10 - 20 m. had been sent for trial; out of the 6 received, one failed and the remaining 5 functioned at the correct height. A barometric fuze had been suggested and although it was understood that work on this design was being pursued, no fuzes ever arrived for trial. Reference was made to the Italian fuze which was reputed to be actuated by a weight on a string, this leading the bomb during its fall. A few abortive trials were carried out, the usual result being a mass of tangled string and non-functioning of the bomb. A telescope stick fuze which extended about 8 m. was foundo Samples have been sent to the U.Ko for examination and a separate report containing further details will be issued* 18* German spray apparatus 3.200. This spray apparatus has a volume of approximately 160 litres and is pressure operated. It has a bulbous nose tapering towards the rear. The compressed air bottle is housed in a tube welded to the rear end of and extending forward into the body of the apparatus* Valves and connecting pipes are covered by a tail fairing and the emission pipe is taken from the front and bent round to point to the rear parallel to the axis of the body. It is designed for use with either smoke or gas. When used for smoke the apparatus is fitted with a solenoid operated valve, which is remote controlled from the pilot’s cockpit and can be used for intermittent emission. The size of the orifice on the Mk«VI type of valve is approx, inch and it is claimed that a smoke screen from 5 to 9 kilometres long can be put down by an aircraft flying at kn/hour and about 50 metres high. The smoke liquid used was stated to be 50/50 acid. When intended for use with gas, the solenoid valve was removed making the outlet approximately 2 inches bore. S,50Q» This is a gravity type apparatus the design of which is based on captured Russian VAP 500 spray apparatus. The volume is about 550 litres and the time of emission approximately A seconds. Experiments had been carried out with four S.500 mounted on a Junkers 88, between the engine nacelles, charged AC and all four functioned simultaneously. The total time of emission was approximately 5 seconds. Results of these trials appear in Appendix III of this report. It was stated that this apparatus was preferred to the 3,200, Samples of the 3,500 are available for trial. 3,250. This was a new spray apparatus under development by the Germans, for carriage on the FoW,190. It was on the same principle as the Russian, but of a more convenient shape and smaller, the volume being from 160-180 litres. The control of the emission orifice was to be electric, as some trouble had been experienced by the Germans with the mechanical control of the Russian apparatus. The air space allowed for chargings was 6 per cent, climatic storage trials up to having proved this satisfactory. The spraying trials carried out were not of a highly developed nature, and in the case of mustard gas, regard was paid only to the weight of contamination delivered and not to drop size and dis- tribution (see Appendix l). It was thought that no effect through clothing would be obtainable at heights greater than 50 m. The Luftwaffe it appeared was not favourably inclined to the use of spray owing to a dislike for the flying tactics involved. 1 So Future research on Aircraft weapons It was stated that the following would have been the future programme of research and development on aircraft weapons. (a) Use of larger bombs charged phosgene. (b) Modification of size and position of bursters particularly for bombs used under winter conditions. (c) Development of clusters with a view to obtaining optimum height of opening. (d) Trials with bombs charged with mustard thicKened with Polystyrol 5. (e) Prevention of ignition of mustard chargings. (f) Ballistics of 250 kg. bomb for air burst. (g) Continuation of development of cluster bombs. (h) Design of a 50 kc. bomb for Tabun and Sarin. (i) Use of high altitude sprays. (j) Spraying of Tabun. 20. Thickening agents The Germans used thickeners in G.W. liquids primarily to increase persistence, and not to prevent shatter on ejection from an air opened munition. The viscosity favoured was very high, of the order of hundreds of poises. Tornesit (To), a chlorinated rubber, was the standard thickener, used in conjunction with S-Wachs, a synthetic wax resembling bees- wax prepared by I.G. The following were standard chargings :- Z-OA 596 9i£ 0A tome sit % S-Wachs Z-GM i»62 8# CM % tornesit # S-Wachs Owing to supply difficulties, substitutes for tomesit were sought. The following, in order of preference were considered the best of the many substances tested ;- Polystyrol IH (not highly polymerised) plus polyacrylonitrile, Polyte trahydrofurane Polyvinylchloride Polyvinylacetate Acronal I (polyacrylic acid) Polystyrol III alone gave a very viscous sticky mixture, but this was reduced in stickiness by adding other substances such as Polyvinylchloride, Polyvinylacetate or S-Wachs. For future use the following mixtures were envisaged : — Z-OA 909 = 9# OA, % Polystyrol III, # S-Wachs Z-OA 973 * %>% OA, 136 Polystyrol III, % S-Wachs Z-OA 974 = 82£ OA, Polystyrol III, % S-Wachs Z-QM 832 = 9C$ OM, 7$ Polystyrol III, S-Wachs Z-OM 977 = 8$ OM, 12$ Polystyrol III, % S-Wachs Z-OM 978 = OM, Polystyrol III, % S-Wachs Po lyme thyme t ha cry la t e was among the substances tested, but it was rejected on account of low solubility. 21. Impregnated Dusts Investigation had been made at YlaL, Spandau of the dispersion of non-volatile vesicants using a fine dust as the carrier following information that the French considered that a 10~fold gain in vesicancy was thus obtained. About 100 different kinds of carriers had been tried. Of these Frankonite and Tonerdeger had been found the best and after further experiments, Tonerdeger was selected for the main experiments with vesicants. Frankonite is a prepared Fuller* s earth. For the purpose of the investigation it was ground in a small vibrating porcelain ball mill and by this means a particle size range of from 10 to 0.1 microns was obtained. Tonerdeger is a precipitated aluminium hydroxide which is sufficiently fine not to require any grinding. It is prepared from bauxite by dissolving in sulphuric acid and treating with sodium carbonate. Winter, Fahrbrucke, nr# Zwickan is the manufacturer. Vllien impregnated with N-lost in a 30/50 ratio it still remains a dry powder. Frankonite on the other hand can only be used in a 60//f0 ratio. Di-chlor benzene was used as a harmless simulant in the preliminary experiments. The vesicants tried with Tonerdeger were "double omega" (Dopple Omega) or sesqui-mustard, B-stoff which is the same as T.724, and N-lost. Tabun tas also considered, but it is too unstable for use in this manner. For animal and human experiments in the laboratory, the impregnated dust was blown from a J to 1 litre container by comr- pressed air into a 100 chamber. From 20-30 per cent, rising to 50 per cent in high concentrations, fell out of the cloud to the floor of the chamber. Concentrations of 15 - 800 were tried. Micro-examination of the particles which settled on the glass slides were made, and samples were also taken in two Kolliter flasks in series at a flow rate of 40 l/min. and the deposit analysed chemically for the vesicant. The moving film (Kineograph) method was also used, but it was not very successful and was dis- continued. (Apparently this method had been developed by Dr.Zeuner of P4, assisted by Dr. Leopold.)• The method was not in high repute. Experiments were made on mice, dogs and cats. The Ct for 100 per for sprayed N-lost was stated to be 800-1000 mg.min.per nr*, whereas it was reduced to 300 for a high concen- tration of dust impregnated with this agent. The Physiological aspects had been supervised by Dr. Bottger of VII L (later V b L). The bodies and heads of the animals were covered so that the effects were mainly due to inhalation. Eye effects were small. Experiment s were made on the vesicant effects on man. Usually the concentration was 500 mg/n?. The observers exposed the lower parts of their arm to the cloud for 10 minutes. Vesication was produced. It was considered that double omega was ten times, and B-stoff five times, as vesicant as N-lost. Attempts were made to penetrate particulate filters by means of this dust, but, not surprisingly, without success. Clogging experiments were also made with a similar lack of success. Dust retention experiments were carried out on human observers using a radioactive tracer. Thorium x, as the indicator. Retention by the lungs was some 80 per cent. For bursting chamber and field work, the impregnated dust was compressed into cylindrical blocks, about 1 ft. length and 6 in. dia- meter, at a pressure of about 200 a hole being formed down the centre for the explosive. The explosive was nitro-pente, at the rate of 200 g. per 2 kg. of compressed dust. It was intended to wrap the cylinders in paper and pack them in a cluster bomb (Zerleger Bombs). When exploded, these cylinders were only about 40 per cent efficient. experiments were tried in the chamber with similar results to the laboratory chamber experiments. The powder was also emitted from the 3.500 spray tank, but the results were disappointing. Investigation had been made of the defensive use of these impreg- nated dusts. The dust was spread on roads and qualitative experiments made to see how long the dust remained on the surface and how it behaved when cars passed over it. The dust persisted for a long time and was thought to be highly effective. On the strength of these experiments, 1000 tons of Tonerdeger were ordered, but the material was never impregnated. B-stoff would have been the impreg- nating agent. Floating dusts and dust blown from fans were not successful. Tabun was found to be destroyed by the carrier. The apparatus and press used in the experiments were brought to Raubkanmer early this year and were inspected in Haus F and Haus P of R VI. A sample of Tonerdeger was taken. 22. Group X of W& Prof 9 The work of this group can conveniently be dealt with at this point as they dealt mainly with some of the munitions aspects of Chemical Warfare. As no members of Croup X were present to be interrogated only an indication of the work of this group can be given. The laboratory work for this group was done by F4, Spandau. Croup X were responsible for the production of incendiary materials except oils for flame-throwers which was the responsibility of Wa Pr8.f Before autumn 194-2 Wa Prvif 1 had been responsible for the development of incendiary materials, but up to 1941 there had been no operational requirement. With the advent of the Russian campaign, however, and the probable necessity for the attack cf wooden buildings Pruf 1 produced the phosphorus incendiary bomb. After Croup X took over the first requirement was for a substitute for the phosphorus incendiary bomb due to the large requirements of industry and the factory at Dyherenfurth. Experiments were carried out with thermite mixture and with mixtures of thickened oil with cellulose, textile substitutes, bast, waste etc,, but as far as is known none of these mixtures was introduced into the service. Another requirement was for a substitute for phosphorus in practice weapons and for this AICI3, and compressed pellets of white Puller’s earth, alumina or silica gel were suggested. The last mentioned substance appears to have been quite a good substitute giving rise to a white cloud on bursting. Asked by Pruf 1 to improve the incendiary effect of the anti- tank shell, the addition of 20-30j& of A1 to the explosive was suggested and eventually introduced. Attempts to incorporate sodium-potassium alloy showed no improvement. In the autumn of 1942 an examination of spontaneously inflam- able substances was undertaken. The first substance used was S charcoal a pyrophoric charcoal which glows in half a minute on exposure to the air and is prepared by the IoG, (Leverkusen?), It was used in the larger calibre mortar bombs and in the 32 Wurf- korper Plam, It was found in Russia that over 50 per cent of the 32 Wurfkorper Plam did not burn at all and many others did not burn well. The cause of this was traced back to the fact that the filling was being continually changed due to the use of other substitutes and the S charcoal was not capable of igniting these substitute fillings. Organic silicon compounds were tried as well as sodium, potassium and zinc ethyl, but the most effective substance was found to be phenyl sodium and this was eventually filled into some shell. There was also a requirement for an incendiary projectile for the Russian campaign to set large expanses of reeds on fire. The Spruhbuchse filled with a mixture of thickened oil and cellulose or nitrated cellulose and ignited by means of S charcoal or phenyl sodium was fired at an angle of 45°* This did well in reeds, but if it fell in water it went out. For a filling which would also bum on 7/ater a petrol-benzene—Diesel oil mixture was used. Experiments on floating oil on the sea and igniting it as a defensive measure had been tried on the Albanian coast. The ignition of this oil film was simple as long as the filip remained near the coast, but if the film was washed away from the coast it became much more difficult. This problem was also raised in con- nection with the coast of France before the invasion. As these thin films of oil on water are rapidly cooled and thick films are impossible to obtain it is not believed that experiments were carried further. From papers captured at Le Bouchet and from other intelligence sources it was learned that it was possible in U.S.A. and Britain to produce by bombs and rockets and possibly even by aircraft spray a flame barrier one and one half metres high which burned for several hours. In Le Bouchet they found pulverised active charcoal soaked with petrol-benzene, C32—benzene—Diesel oil, ether—benzene- Diesel oil ani other mixtures. Group X canned out many experiments with pulverised active charcoal soaked in such mixtures and filled into bombs, but only got an instantaneous flash. When small cylinders of active charcoal soaked in such mixtures were used a fire was produced up to 15 to 25 metres round the bomb and lasted for 2 minutes. Further news from Britain instigated experiments with CaC2 dust and later with metaldehyde and petrol until in February 1945 it was finally concluded that it would be impossible to produce a flame lasting for 2 hours by such means. Group X were also responsible for producing protective materials against fire and one particular requirement was to protect the wooden bridges in Russia which were being attacked with incendiaries from Russian aircrafto German industry was no longer in a position to supply the normal protective materials and a paste of Mg0l2 and clay was suggested« An adhesive substance to attach hollow charges to the surface of tanks etc, was another requirement. It was difficult to find one suitable for both summer and winter, but eventually two plastic adhesives were developed by I.G. one for summer and one for winter. These usually stuck well unless the tank was very dusty or very wet. Group X were also studying substances which could be used in the field to attack the internal combustion engine. Many suggestions for this purpose were found at Le Bouchet, such as oxides of chlorine, aluminium powder, silicon powder, acetylene, and nitroethylene, but none of them were found to be of any use. The best results were eventually obtained by the use of ethyl fluoroacetate which attacks the oil film and allows the metal to corrode, but in the field it would be a long time before any noticeable effect could be obtained by this method. At least 0.2 per cent of ethyl fluoroacetate is required in the oil. Important industrial premises were to be protected by means of a grenade filled liquid GN which would function when the wire fence was cut as well as Spruhbuchsen attached to trop wires. Hand grenades filled with GN solution would be given to the guards. It was also considered that the guards might be given glass balls filled with either a dye which would not wash out or a colourless substance which would fluoresce in ultra-violet light. Rooms containing top-secret documents were to be protected by means of containers filled with (l) a substance which would give a loud report to attract the guard* (2) a pyrotechnic substance which would develop flame in a short time or (3) an instant laohrymator* In 1943 files were found in Russia on the use of smoke rings and shortly afterwards a certain Professor Tokmatscheff came over to the Germans and also suggested this as a method of dispersing gas. It was suggested that if a pear-shaped tin-plate vessel was fitted to the mouth of a machine-gun smoke-rings with a speed of 120 to/sec. were formed and that these could disturb cardboard targets at a considerable distance. Professor Tokmatscheff claimed that if chlorine or ammonia were introduced into the pear-shaped chamber it was possible to detect these gases at a distance of 300 metres. By using a 7*5 cm. gun he claimed to be able to get the smoke-ring effect to a distance of 1000 metres and also by using bulbs of a different shape to be able to send the smoke-ring round a corner. Group X carried out one test of this method and decided that in order to send a smoke-ring a distance of 1000 metres it would be necessary to have a bulb to 2 metres long and 2 metre diameter and that even then the ring would start to dissolve appreciably after the first 100 metres. In the autumn of 1939 a suggestion was made by a pioneer officer that air-gas mixtures might be used for exploding under- ground fortifications. The plan was to bore down below the fortifications from a distance of about 100 metres, burst the con- crete floor by means of an explosive charge and then introduce an explosive gas mixture such as hydrogen-air, carbon monoxide-air etc* which could be set off by means of a thermite cartridge* Alternatively a hole could be blown above ground if this were possible by means of a hollow charge and a tube placed through the hole for the introduction of the gas mixture* The first trials were carried out in the summer of 1940 on the Czecho-Slovak fortifications. It was found that of the first gases tried methane, hydrogen and carbon monoxide the air—carbon monoxide mixture was the best* It was necessary to have some idea of the size of the chamber into which the gas was to be introduced so as to be able as far as possible to produce the optimum explosive mixture and it was found that carbon monoxide allowed the biggest margin of error. There was one drawback to the use of carbon monoxide, however, it was a poisonous gas and the use of carbon monoxide in this manner would have meant the initiation of Chemical Warfare. It was therefore decided to search for another non- poisonous gas which could he used in a similar manner as long as there was no Chemical Warfare. The most satisfactory gas for this purpose was found to he ethylene after a long series of trials begun in 1940 and finished in 1943* The final trials were carried out at Lemhach and Katenhofen on the Ivlaginot line and the Pioneers worked out an efficient method of relaying up the large quantities required. It is believed that use was made of air-ethylene explosive mixtures with good results during the fighting in Warsaw in in order to blow up the Warsaw drains. There seems to be no doubt, however, that if gas warfare had started the carbon monoxide-air mixture would have been preferred. The ethylene-air mixture is more suitable for smaller fortifications and it is necessary to know fairly exactly the size of the chamber for the explosion. Experi- ments showed that animals died from the effect of the detonation and measurements showed pressures of 30 atmospheres and temperatures of 80-90°C. It had been learned through intelligence sources that U.S.A. intended using similar methods and also explosive dusts. Experiments were to have been carried out by 1/laL and Croup X on the use of coal and sugar dust, but the work had only just started. Preliminary work with liquids such as ether and acetone had given less satis- factory results than with gases. Croup X were also responsible for developing field trial tech- nique, but this was considered to have reached such a high standard that no work had been done since 1944» The head of Group X, Dr. Stantion, had a personal interest in work on insecticides, although this was not included in the official functions of the group. His interests lay mainly in the apparatus used for dissiminating the agents. This work Y/as co-ordinated by Dr. Beyer of OKW/Wiss, who is the most competent to give full information on the subject. The research was apparently complex and was carried out in various forestry institutes. Strassburg was the main centre. The v/ork was almost entirely directed against the Colorado beetle. 23. Miscellaneous information on Chemical Munitions The following paragraphs give some information on various miscellaneous subjects connected with chemical munitions or the offensive aspect of chemical warfare. No work appears to have been carried out at Raubkaraner on the subject of anti-personnel incendiary weapons. The general opinion was that it has an effect on morale only and after its first use is easily countered. A good deal of work had however been done on chlorine tri- fluoride which was known as N-Stoff as an incendiary agent. A factory for the manufacture of GIF? costing 100 million RM was built at Palkenhagen, Prankfurt-on-Oder, on the recom- mendation of Prof. Schumann of Wa.Po After the factory had been built and a production output of 30 tons per month had been reached, it was realised that, owing to lack of co-ordination of effort, no one had a clear idea as to how the material was to be used in the field. Pruf 9 were asked to carry out experiments on its offensive use as an incendiary agent with particular reference to the attack on respirators. Laboratory experiments showed that it was quite useless for this purpose, some 80 g. being required to set fire to a filter., Wa.F. were not satisfied -with the results and a field trial in which 300 x 15 cm. rounds containing in all 1 ,200 kg. of charging were fired over a close lay-out of all kinds of inflammable materials including dummies dressed in normal clothing. Nothing of note was achieved; the clothing of the dummies did not catch fire although one had a direct hit and the temperature rise inside containers through which air was drawn was only 2°C. Next, a 500 kg. bomb was burst li m, from the entrance to a room filter, but again without appreciable effect. Only if the were sprayed in very high concentration and A or 5 litres drawn through a con- tainer held near the source could the contents be induced to inflame. It was then realised that the GIF* rapidly hydrolysed in the air to form HC1 and EP and incendiary effects at a distance were not to be expected. As a result of these experiments, the production was reduced to 10 tons per month and the control of the plant passed to the S.S. under Dr. Schwab. Its eventual fate is unknown. There appears to be no support for the statement that Fort Eben Emael in Belgium was captured by the Germans in 1940 by squirting GIF? into the intakes of the filtration units. All the evidence so far has shown that German paratroops landed on the forts and put them out of action with hollow charges. Some experimental work had been carried out on the introduction of gases into narrow openings by means of a hand spray of 5—10 litres capacity. The weapon proposed had to be actually introduced into the onening, and there was no question of any attack being made from a distance. The gases considered were lachrymators, hydrogen cyanide, cyanogen chloride, mustard and chlorine trifluoride. It was hoped with the first two that filters could be penetrated. The weanon was abandoned as it did not appeal to the pioneer formations for whose use it was intended. Floating mustard had been tried as a means of protecting beaches, but was not successful owing to the case which rough water destroyed or removed the film. Of the many substances tried, including calcium carbide, brown coal dust was considered to be the best flotation agent. When a new machine gun with a rate of fire of 1400 - 2000 rounds per minute was approaching completion, work was started on experi- mental C.Wo ammunition for it, with the object of attacking tanks by creating a concentration of gas round the air inlets. AC was found to be useless on account of inflaming, but Tabun and Sarin were considered interesting possibilities, although no work was actually done on these. Excelsior was tried once, with a small amount of ammunition and gave good results. Smoke was tried but was found useless against a moving tank. The work was abandoned because of production difficulties. The Germans believed the Russians to be interested in iron and nickel carbonyls, but the former did not consider that the carbonyls had any offensive possibilities. They had investigated a report that the French had found carbon monoxide in solution in ammonia, amines etc. to be of value, but the Germans considered it impossible to use carbon monoxide in this way. The Germans thought Russians intended to use finely divided calcium cyanide which the Germans tested and found to be nearly as good as AC itself. From a good American intelligence source they knew the Americans had introduced as a filling Ca(CN)2* 2HCN. This complex was prepared but they found it not very effective and there- fore believed they had obtained the wrong substance. On receipt of intelligence information that the Russians and British intended to spray concentrated acids and alkalies, experi- mental work on this subject was initiated. Of the substances tried sodium hydroxide was considered uselessj but foiling nitric acid was thought to be of some value in a low spray owing to the painful bums produced. Plans were in hand to fill the V1 (Gerat 024/fi) with phosgene in place of the normal 800 kg. of hexa-ONT. One experiment at Raubkammer at rest gave an effect similar to that from a 1000 kg. bomb. It was also planned to use the war-head as a cluster bomb holding 200 K.W.3. Blue Ring II charged and deolustered 200-300 metres before landing. No suitable time-fuze had been developed however, and no trials had been carried out. No plans had been considered for using gas in the V2 (Gerat A/lt-)o If gas warfare had started however, Pruf 9 would have recommended consideration of a charging 2500 kg. phosgene, but not of clusters of small bombs. Pruf 9 had heard rumours of a still larger V weapon which contained 6000 kg. of explosive, but knew nothing beyond this. They would, however, have considered phosgene an eminently suitable charging for such a weapon. Hhe Russians were reported to have a white ring and blue ring filing f°r 10 kg. anti-personnel bombs, and accordingly some work on a German version was undertaken,, A cardboard container holding 200 gms. GN (or a mixture of Clark I and Clark II) mixed with HE was introduced into the bomb. Preliminary trials gave promising results and production was under consideration. The inclusion of a small quantity of GN in the tail of an HE bomb was considered, but the results we ire not promising. Foreign spray mixtures were said to be U.S.Ao - 50 per cent - H 15 per cent - H sulphone 10 per cent - brom H 25 per cent ~ Ler/isite Russia - 21 per cent - H 50 per cent - Lewisite, 29 per cent - Intermediate products and impurities. Another reputed American mixture was 1($ of phenyl or ethyl arsenedichloride, 20 per cent nitrogen mustard hydrochloride and 7<$ mustard. The Germans considered that the decontamination of the nitrogen mstard constituent would be very difficult. The Germans managed with difficulty to make sufficient of the reputed American spray mixture to determine its vresioancy, but not enough for field trials. 2if. Marking of German Chemical Munitions By interrogation of German personnel, and by the examination of the contents and construction of ammunition found in the Munster area, it has been possible to compile the following information on the system of marking used for Genmm chemical mmition* We are indebted to the 1st Canadian C.W. laboratory for sectioning and analysing the contents of the weapons found, and for providing a draft of the following text. Whilst it should be noted that the figures which are referred to are diagrammatic only, and that the information is subject to amendment as further samples of the ammunition are examined, it is believed that this information is substantially correct. The basic colour of German chemical amnamition is the normal field-grey. The nature, effect and contents of a chemical shell is indicated by coloured rings on ogive and base, as well as various painted, stencilled or stamped numbers and letters. When the signifi cance of all the markings is understood it is possible to tell, for any shell, the exact chemical and HE filling, as well as the design of the shell and the effect to be expected. The coloured rings on the ogive and on the base are yellow, green, blue or white, indicating the physiological effect of the charging in the form in which it is dispersed. Yellow - (Gelb - Gb) Vesicant effect Green - (Grun - Gr) Choking or systemic effect Blue - ?Blau - Bu) Sternutatory effect White - (Weiss - W) Lachrymatory effect Associated with the coloured ring may be the number 1, 2 or 3> of the same colour, which distinguish the different chargings having similar physiological effects but which may have different degrees of effectiveness. It should be noted that the colour band is not necessarily a guide to the charging. For instance, mustard may be found in either yellow ring or green ring shell; in the latter case with a large burster giving an initial cloud of vapour and droplets and little persistent vesicant effect. A later develop- ment, the Green ring Yellow shell, is discussed below. The latest information on the banding and contents of chemical shell is as follows, all having been confirmed by examination except Double Yellow ring and Blue ring 2 which have not yet been found Yellow ring - Mustard gas, small burster Double Yellow ring - Thickened mustard gas, small burster Green ring - Mustard gas, medium burster Green ring 1 - Nitrogen mustard, large burster Green ring 3 “ Tabun, head burster Green ring Yellow - Mustard gas, large burster Blue ring 1 - DM with exterior burster Blue ring 2 - DA in ArsenSl, central burster Blue ring 3 - Hi, base ejection generator White ring - CN/HE intimate mixture Six types of chemical shell had been accepted for service. The markings which identify each type are stamped on in the same colour as the identification ring of the shell. (a) The earlier type of ground contamination shell has a long narrow central burster tube (filled Hc/Wax 60:40) and is always marked Gb, g/B, The "Gb” stands for Yellow ring gas (Ge lb ring Kampfstoff), the "G" for ground contamina- tion (Gelandebelagung) and the "B" is the code letter for the chemical filling (see below). A negative characteristic of this type of shell is the absence of any large coloured number just above the driving band (see (c), (d) and (f) below) • There are two shell and one mortar bomb of this nature. 10,5 can P H Gr Gelbring (mstard gas) (Pig#IIl)o 15 cm G-r 19 G-elbring (mustard gas) (pig.IV)* 10 cm Wgr 35 St Gelbring (mustard gas) (PigoXVl), (b) Differing from the above type only in the amount of HE in the burster tube (it is not so highly diluted with wax) is the earlier type of G-reen ring (initial cloud" shell marked G-b I/O (in green). Again the "Gb" represents Yellow ring gas (vesicant) but the fact it is dissipated as a cloud by the heavier burster is indicated by the letter "L" (Luftkampfstoff - an air-bome gas)» The last letter "0" is again the code letter for the CW filling. Two shell only of this nature exist. 10.5 cm P H G-r Grunring (mustard gas) (Pig.I.) 15 cm G-r 19 Grunring (mustard gas) (pig.II.) (c) The new type of ground contamination shell which has a head burster, having a plate between the HE and CW filling, is known as the "Zwischenboden" (separating plate) shell. It is identified by the large coloured number 39 just above the driving band, representing the year of design of this body type. 10,5 cm P H G-r 39 G-elbring (mustard gas) (Pig.VI.) 15 cm G-r 39 Gelbring (mustard gas) (pig.VII.) In addition, the Type 39 shell is also filled as Green ring 3 the Germans having found that there was less decom- position of the Tabun filling with a head burster than with a central burster. 10,5 cm P H Gr 39 Grunring 3 (Tabun) (Pig.X.) 15 cm Gr 39 Grunring 3 (Tabun) (d) In order to produce a completely "initial cloud" or choking gas effect with vesicants the Type 38 shell was developed. This shell has a very large burster (weiter Kainmerhulse - wide burster) relative to its size and is marked with the number 38, the year of design of this body type, just above the driving band, (in certain 15 can. rockets the 38 may be replaced by the abbreviation "wKh".) 10.5 cm P H Gr 38 Grunring-Gelb (mustard gas) (FIG.V.) 10.5 cm P H G-r 38 Grunring 1 (nitrogen mustard ( PIG. VIII.) 15 cm G-r 38 G-runring 1 (nitrogen mustard (piG.IX.) (e) A fifth design is used for the solid HE/CW chargings of the White ring and Blue ring 1 types. There are no special markings to distinguish shell of this nature, except that the threaded-on base plate has in it two holes for the insertion of a two pin spanner. 7o3 cm Jgr 18 Weissring (GNT) (PIG.XXIV). 10 cm G-r 19 Blauring 1 (DM) 10 cmGr19 Weissring (CN) 10.5 cm P H Gr Blauring 1 (m) (PIGoXHl). 10.5 can P H Gr Weissring (gn) (PIG.Xl). 15 am Gr 19 Blauring 1 (m) (PIG.XIV). 15 cm Gr 19 Weissring (GN) (PIG.XIl). (f) The latest design is the Type 40 base ejection (AB - Ausstoss- buchse) generator shell, marked 40 and Bu l/M in blue. MBuw indicates a Blue ring gas, "L” that it is a cloud gas (Luftkampfstoff) and "M" is the code letter for the filling. Also stencilled in black on the side near the base is 40 AB. 10o5 cm P H G-r ifO Blauring 3 (Eld) (PigoXV). On each shell (and mortar bomb, rocket or aircraft bomb with GW filling) is a code letter, the same colour as the rings, which indicates the exact nature of the chemical filling. This letter is sometimes by itself but may be combined with other letters and numbers, e.g.;- ®> GA -rv t/h K 0 f-6^84 q/B 39 VM wKh 38 In these examples the code letters are B, GA, M, K, 0 and P respectively. On bombs and occasionally on shell the code letter is painted in black. The code, taken from a captured microfilm, and complete to 1st January 1945, is as follows A - Chloroa ce t ophe none B - Thiodiglycol raustard-Arsinol, 1:1 (Winterlost) C - Thiodiglycol mstard-Chlorobenzol, 2+.xi (Winterlost) D - Thickened mustard (made from B) E - Thickened mustard (made from a mixture of homologous mustards) F - phosgene G - Tabun GA - Tabun with 20 per cent Chlorobenzol (also Ga) H - Diphosgene K - Nitrogen mustard L - Thiodiglycol mustard - Anthracenol, 2:1 (Winterlost) M - Ql or Hi with DA N - DA in 40s60 0 - Thiodiglycol mustard (Summerlost) P - Hydrogen cyanide There is a code number to indicate the nature of the HE bursters This is alwasy a black number just above or below the colour ring on the ogive* In the case of the White ring and Blue ring 1 shell the number refers to the whole OW/HE insert* The code number does not refer to the size or shape of the bursting charge but only to the identity of the explosive used. Thus the same code number, 57 > is used to indicate the head burster of both the 10*5 and 15 cm Type 59 shells. The list of bursters, where they are used and their general description is as follows 37 “ The head burster of the 10®5 and 15 cm Yellow ring 39 shell. (lEW/Wax 60/40) 36/38 - The small burster in the earlier type Yellow ring ground contamination 10® 5 and 15 cm shell and the 10 cm Yellow ring mortar bomb® (BETN/Wax - 60/40) 32 - The medium burster in the 10.5 and 15 cm Green ring shell. This number is also used to indicate the relatively heavy burster in the 15 cm Green ring Ye How and Green ring 1 rockets, presumably because they are thin case weapons and need less explosive than a shell to gain the same effect. (petr/Wax - 95/3) 91 - The heavy burster in the Type 38 shell, 10.5 Green ring Yellow and 10.5 cm and 15 cm Green ring 1. (RDX/Wax - 95/5) 36 - CW/HE insert in the 15 cm Blue ring 1 46 or - CW/HE insert in the 10.5 cm Blue ring 1 46A 45 - CW/HE insert in the 10.5 cm White ring. It has been mentioned that the base of the shell also has a corresponding coloured ring and the numerals 1, 2 or 5 outside of the ring if applicable. In addition, the name of the shell, tha name of the fuze, the weight classification and the indication of the nature of the driving band all may be superimposed, in black or white, on the coloured ring. Detector paint, applied to the welds and filling plug, may be pink, brown or yellowish-green in colour and mst not be confused with the colour coding of the shell, For instance, in the Green ring 3 shell a bank of greenish-yellow detector paint occurs on the ogival weld immediately below the green ring and this has, in the past, given rise to some confusion. Other markings on chemical shell, but of no CW significance, are the weight classifications (large Roman numerals I, II, III and IV) and the letters indicating the nature of the driving band (FES in whit" or KPS in red). These, of course, vary on different shell of the same type. The Germans who have been interrogated have not produced a satisfactory explanation for the Green ring Yellow marking except to say that, although primarily producing a cloud effect, this shell may also have a vesicant effect. However, as the Green ring Yellow shell is the chronological successor to Green ring and has a far larger burster the fact is that a Green ring Yellow sheel normally will have an even smaller vesicant effect than the Green Ring, A possible explanation is that the yellow ring has been added to indicate that the shell is a potential source of a vesicant effect should it become a leaker or break up after failure to detonate and, being a recent development, has not yet been extended to cover the case of the Green ring 1 shell which also contains a vesicant. The only available German explanation of the relative meanings of 1, 2 and 3 ring markings is that the higher number indicates greater persistency. While this explanation holds for Yellow ring and Double Yellow ring it is not a satisfactory explanation for the differences between the different Green ring and Blue ring chargings® A more logical explanation would seem to be that the higher the number the later the development and therefore the better the gas or the better the effect produced. Certainly Tabun (Green ring 3) w3-3 produced later and was considered a better gas than HM—3 (G-reen ring 1) and also the Blue ring 3 shell is a later development and a more effective method for the dissemination of EM than is the Blue ring 1 shell. In this respect it is noteworthy that it was the intention to allot four green rings to AC and five green rings to Sarin. 13 cm Rocket Ammunition These rounds are marked in exactly the same manner as shell® Three kinds have been examined and a fourth may exist. They are of two types, small burster for ground contamination and large burster for choking effect. Small burster: 15 cm Wgr. 41 Gelbring (mustaid) Large burster; 15 cm.Wgr. 41 w. Kho Gr&nring-Gelb (mustard) 15 cm Wgr. 41 w. Kho GrOnring 1 (nitrogen mustard) Not yet examined: 15 cm Wgr. 41 w. Kh. Grunring 3 (Tabun) Aircraft Bombs Hie standard (lerraan aircraft gas bomb, KG 250 Kg (Karapfstoff Cylinderische), is a modification of the 250 Kg* SC (thin case) type HE bomb. In addition there is a specially designed 50 Kg Blue ring bomb. It is known that trials have been carried out with 500, 1000 and 1800 Kg bombs filled various chargings but except for a few 500 Kg White ring and Green ring very few of these have reached the storage dumps. The markings on bombs are somewhat confusing and appear to be unsystematic. They are named according to weight and ring colour, e.g, KG 250 HI Gr which is a 250 Kg gas bomb with three green rings, green indicating that the contents have a choking or systemic effect. The Roman numeral after the weight should indicate the number of rings except when there is one ring when no numeral is used but there are nearly as many exceptions as agree- ments to this rule. Thus the KG 250 W has two white rings while most of the KG 250 II Gr bombs have only one green ring. The overall colour of bombs is usually field-grey but may be buff. The rings are (usually) painted both on the jiose and near the tail while the name of the bomb is in the centre. All markings on the bombs (except the colour rings) are in black and, in addition to the name, there is recorded the weight e.g. i66 Kg, the chemical filling code letter and design number e.g. G-6187, the number of the fuze (in a small circle) e.g. (55) and the code number for the HE filling and its weight e.g. 14 - 3*2 Kg (14 indicates TNT and is the commonest filling). The following bombs exist in munition dumps in considerable quantities. KC 250 Grb - f 1 yellow ring) mustard (PigoXXIo) KC 250 II Gb - (2 yellow rings) thickened mustard (Pig.XIX.) KC 250 G-r - (1 yellow, 1 green) Bustard; larger burster. fPig.XVIl) KC 250 II G-r - 1 or 2 green rings) phosgene. (pig.XIX) KC 250 III Gr - (3 green rings) Tabun. (Pig.XXIl) KC 50 II Bu - (2 blue rings) DM generator. (Pig.XXIIl) KC 250 W - (2 white rings) CAP. (pig.XVTII.) i*wo types which have not been accepted into the service may be found in small quantities. KC 500 II Gr - i2 green rings') phosgene KC 500 \ff - (2 white rings) GAP. 25. Charging of chemical munitions Information on the machines used for charging various chemical munitions was obtained by an examination of machines found at the Nebelfullstelle, Munster Nord, and at the Luftwaffe Munitions Anstalt, Oerrel, as well as by the questioning of technical personnel, A description of these machines and their method of use is given in the following paragraphs, but further details may be expected in separate reports to be issued later when the investigation at the works of the makers of the charging machines, and running tests at the Nebelfullstelle, have been completed. Charging bombs with phosgene. This was done at the Nebel- fullstelle, Munster Nord by passing phosgene through cooling pipes, fitted overhead in the filling room to a vertical feed pipe approximately 6 feet long, at the bottom of which was fitted a hand valve. To this valve was fitted a small bore pipe sloping slowly down towards the bomb. At the end of this pipe was fitted another hand valve, attached to the outlet of this valve was a flexible pipe for insertion into the bomb which was stood on a small weighing platform. The valves were opened and phosgene allowed to enter the bomb until the required weight registered on the scales. It Y/as stated that a charging machine was not warranted owing to the small number of bombs filled at thus station. Semi Automatic charging machines manufactured by Hagenuk of Kiel had been received but not installed. A contract was given to this Firm to design and develop a charging machine to fill and seal shell under pressure. In viewr of the urgent requirement permission was given for 6 machines to be buult as soon as the design was considered to be promising. Delivery of 2 machines v/as made and trials were carried out which eventually proved that the machines were unsatisfactory to fill the original requirement, which was to charge and seal shell with phosgene at normal tempera tures• Semi Automatic Charging and Sealing Machine for Charging phosgene at Normal Temperature. Manufactured by Hagenuk of Kiel. Pilling Head is in position over Shell Vice. The machine comprised the following components (i) A measuring cylinder fitted with sight glasses and electric light. (ii) A float which operates an outlet valve to the charging nozzle. (iii) A combined charging and sealing head which can be rotated through 180 degrees. (iv) An oblong table fitted with a shell vice at each end which moves through 360 degrees, locked at 180 degrees intervals. (v) A foot pedal which releases the locking catch for the table. The operations for charging and sealing were as follows (i) HLace shell to be charged on vice and clamp in position. (ii) Rotate table 180 degrees to bring shell under charging head. (iii) Place screwed sealing plug in spanner in charging head and rotate head 180 degrees to the right. (This operation was stated to be frequently forgotten)• (iv) Lower charging nozzle into the shell by moving right hand lever to the rear, when liquid will fall by gravity into the shell. Observe measuring cylinder and when empty pull right hand lever forward, where it is locked, this lifts charging nozzle out of shell. (v) Rotate charging head 180 degrees, pull left hand lever forward thus bringing spanner in contact with filling hole and using the hand wheel provided, enter and screw the sealing plug downwards when the plug is tight, final screwing is done by means of the hand ratches attached to the sealing head until the head of the screw is broken off. (vi) Return left hand lever to its original position thus lifting the sealing spanner up from the shell, place screwed sealing plug in spanner, and rotate the charging head back to its original position, bringing the charging nozzle into position for charging. (vii) Release the table catch by depressing the foot pedal and rotate table through 180 degrees, thus bringing an empty shell to the charging head and remove the filled shell frcm the opposite end of the table. Gebruder Schaffler of Berlin had a similar contract to that given to Hagenuk of Kiel and produced a machine very similar in design but equally useless. Semi Automatic Charging and Sealing Machine for Charging Phosgene at Normal Temperature. Manufactured by Cebruder Schaffler, Berlin. Charging shell with vesicant. Send Automatic rotary charging machines manufactured by Gebrdder Sciiaffler of Berlin had been installed and tried out charging 10.5 and 15 can. shell with unthiclosned chargings. The charging head was fixed and fitted with concentric nozzles for constant gauge depth filling, a semi rotary hand operated liquid supply and vacuum disc valve, a separator and return pipe and vacuum gauge. The sealing head was fixed and comprised a continuously rotating motor fitted with a spanner which had a lead-in for the square on the screwed sealing plug. The rotating table was fitted with 6 vices and the speed of rotation was automatic once it has been fixed according to the size of the weapon to be charged. The table was rotated by an electric motor through an infinitely variable cone drive. The shell were lifted to the charging and sealing heads by means of two cams which pick up the vertical shaft of the vice table which was fitted with a roller. One operator stood between the charging and sealing heads and inserted a screwed sealing plug as the charged shell comes round. The charging operator started the machine and the shell was lifted up to the charging nozzle. The rotary valve lever was moved from the right to the left until locked in position. The vacuum seal was made on a shaped rubber pad and liquid induced into the shell. The charging operator observed the separator through the sight glass and immediately liquid was seen the rotary valve lever was lifted to release the locking plunger and returned to the right automatically by a spring. This opened the breaker leak port and the shell ■was lowered by the cam and the table rotated 1/6 of a turn. A screwed sealing plug was now inserted and after further movement of the table the shell came under the sealing head. The shell was lifted by the cam and the rotating spanner picked up the square head of the sealing plug which was screwed home until the squared head was broken off. The shell was now lowered and the table rotated once more. The sealed shell was removed and conveyed away. This machine could be started up only by the charging operator but in case of accident or any other reason it could be stopped by anyone around the machine. The charging operator lifted a small catch immediately in front of the charging head, snd by means of a hand rail which ran round Serai Automatic Rotary Charging and Sealing Machines. Manufactured by G-ebruder Schaffler, Berlin. Note Operating Electric Motor Under Table has been Removed. the table, he moved the table about 3 inches to the right. This moved a lever about 90° away frcm him which started the machine. By reversing the movement of the hand rail the small catch engaged into its slot and the starting lever returned to the off position. Semi Automatic charging machines manufactured by Gebruder Schaffler of Berlin had been installed and tried out, charging 10,5 - 15 cm shell and 8 cm Mortar banbs. These machines are of the single table type. The charging head was fixed and was fitted with concentric nozzles for constant gauge depth filling, a semi-rotary hand operated liquid supply and vacuum disc valve, a separator and return pipe, a vacuum gauge and thermometer for use when thickened chargings we|re used. Sealing of the shell or mortar was dene by hand. The table was fitted with a vice, which slid on two runners and was located by a stop on the table. The shell was lifted to the charging nozzle by means of a heavy counterweight fitted at the rear of the machine. These machines were intended for installing in batches, and were fitted to a common vacuum line. The sequence of operations were as follows (i) Depress foot lever in front of machine to lower table which is locked in down position by a spring loader lever cn the left hand side of the machine, (ii) Load shell on to vice, ensure shell is in correct alignment and push vice against stop on table, (iii) Ensure that liquid supply valve lever is towards right of machine, (iv) Release spring loaded lever on left of machine, when table will be raised to charging head by means of the balance weight, (v) Move charging valve lever to left until it is locked in position. Vacuum should now be on and shell filled. Operator watches for liquid in separator by observing through the sight glass and when liquid is seen the liquid supply valve lever is lifted and moved to the right, this opens a small breaker lead and vacuum is destroyed. Semi Automatic Charging Machine for Thickened or Unthicksned Mustard. Manufactured by G-eb ruder Schaffler, Berlin,, Note Thermometer in Charging Line. (vi) Depress foot lever in front of machine to lower table until it is looted in down position*, Insert screwed sealing plug and tighten fully by hand until top of plug is broten off. Remove shell and replace by another empty. The charging rate of this machine was 100-120 per hour for 10.5 cm,, she 11 o Two of these machines had been converted into rotary charging machines for filling rocket heads. Fully automatic charging machines manufactured by Hagenuk of Kiel had been installed and tried out, charging 10.5 - 15 cm0 shell with unthickened liquids. Each machine was mounted complete with vacuum and hydraulic pimp onto a metal base plate and could be transported almost complete for installation. The charging head was of the sliding type, being moved downward by hydraulic power and spring returned. The charging nozzles were in the form of concentric tubes for constant gauge depth filling. The inner tube was for liquid and the outer tube for vacuum. The sealing head comprised a continuously rotating motor fitted with a spanner to take the squared end of the screwed sealing plug. This head was lowered hydraulically and returned by springs. The table of the machine was of the rotary type, fitted with 8 shell vices and rotated by electric power through a vrorm wheel and worm continuously running. Intermittent movement of the table was obtained by the action of a sliding arm horizontally mounted and hydraulically operated which pushed forward a spring return cam which engaged with a projection on the main worm wheel shaft* rotating the table 1/8 of a turn. An hydraulic interlock was provided under the table which located and locked the table in the correct position under the operating heads. Three men were required to operate this machine; one to load empty shell, one to insert the screw plug, one to remove charged and sealed shell. Empty shell were pigted up by special lifting tongs fitted with locating arms which were fitted with small projections and which register in the charging hole of the shell, and into two holes on the shell vice, thereby ensuring the shell was the correct way up and in correct alignment to receive the charging nozzle. When the Semi Automatic Charging Machine for Thickened or Unthickened Mustard* Manufactured by Cebruder Schaffler, Berlin* Converted into Rotary Charging for use in Filling 15 cm* Rocket Heads. Note Charging Heads are Missing* Fully Automatic Rotary Charging and Sealing Machine for Filling Unthiokened Mustard. Manufactured "by Hagenuk of Kiel. View Shewing Sealing Head and Spring Return Pally Automatic Rotary Charging and Sealing Machine for Pilling Unthickened Mustard* Manufactured by Hagenuk of Kiel. View Shewing Charging Mead and Control panel. shell had been clamped in the vice the lifting tongs were removed. The charging operator started the machine, the table rotated 1/8 turn to bring the first shell under the charging head, the head was lowered, a vacuum seal made by the pressure of the head on a shaped rubber pad around the charging nozzle, the shell evacuated and the charging induced into the shell until it reached the level of the nozzles, surplus liquid drawn through the vacuum tube into an overflow separator and thence to a reservoir underground* The vacuum was now broken by the operation of a breaker leak, and the charging head raised by means of the return springs, the table rotating 1/8 turn* The operator sitting between the charging and sealing head then inserted a screwed plug into the charging hole of the shell which was ready for sealing on the further movement of the table which brought the shell under the sealing head* The sealing head was lowered by hydraulic power and the rotating spanner, which has a square recess, fitted with a lead, picked up the squared head of the sealing plug and screwed it into the shell* When the sealing plug had been screwed firmly home, the top of the plug was twisted off by the rotating spanner and the shell sealed* The sealing head was raised by the return springs and the table moved around 1/8 turn when the unloading operator fixed the lifting tongs onto the shell and it was removed* Although this machine was originally designed to be fully automatic, it was observed that one operator inserted the sealing plug by hand and the reason given for this was that the automatic magazine for screw plugs gave so much trouble by jamming or cross threaded entry of plugs, that it was discarded in favour of hand insertion* The rate c ? charging by this machine is approximately per hour for 10*5 cm. shell or 120 per hour for 15 cm* shell* This machine could not be used for Thickened chargings. Fully automatic machines for single shell filling manufactured by the same firm had been installed. The charging operation is exactly similar to that described above* The shell was lifted onto the table by the lifting tongs, and located in the correct alignment in the vice* The vice is moved under the charging head and located against a stop and the charging head lowered* When the shell had been-filled, the charging head was raised and the shell moved fore- ward, a screwed sealing plug inserted and tightened by hand until the top was broken off. The shell was then removed and another empty shell placed in position. Fully Automatic Charging Machine with Hand Sealing® Manufactured by Hagenuk of Kiel. Note Shell Lifting Tongs on Floor. Charging of No, 42 Hi fie Grenade A small semi-automatic charging machine for filling these rifle grenades with AC was examined. The essential features were an oblong table with a rotating fixture to take 10 grenades for filling, a charging head and a sealing head* One operator sat or stood on front of the charging head and loaded the empty grenade on to the rotating fixture from a stock of empties close to the machine and on his right side* The fixture rotated clockwise and another operator on the opposite side of the table and to the left of the charging operator, removed the filled grenade from the rotating and after inserting the liquid sealing cap and detonator tube into the grenade he placed the grenade in a vice under the sealing head, which consisted of a continuously rotating motor driven spanner fitted with a slipping clutch* This head was lowered by hand and when the sealing cap was fully tightened the clutch slipped and the head was raised* The seal was made on a lead washer fitted into the underside of the sealihg cap. This operator removed the filled and sealed grenade and placed it into a box on his right side, which when full was taken away. The liquid was drawn by vacuum into a cylinder, mounted on top pf the charging head column, which was fitted with a coil of tubing, through which the AC was drawn into the grenade; cold water being continuously circulated around this coil to maintain the AC at a temperature of about 6°C, A charging rate of 400-600 per hour per machine wan claimed, but in practice 400/hour is considered the most economical speed as above this figure the sealing head operator became a bottleneck. Charging of aircraft bomb with vesicant. Semi automatic charging machines manufactured by Gebruder Schaffler of Berlin had been installed for filling 250 and 500 Kg. bombs with mustard at the Luftwaffe filling station at Oerrel. This charging head was of conventional design and works on the constant gauge depth principle as used by this Firm on all their machines. The bomb to be filled was placed on a special trolley which was fitted with a Jig to locate the bomb in the correct place for the charging nozxle, the trolley was also located by a Jig on to a platform immediately under the charging head by means of the plal&rm, a vacuum seal is made by means of the rubber pad around the charging nozzle and liquid was drawn from the underground storage tanks immediately below the charging machine; when liquid reached the level of the charging nozzle, the surplus was returned to the under- ground tank via the vacuum nozzle and a separator. The platform was lowered, a screwed sealing plug was fitted and fully tightened by hand until the top had broken off, and then the trolley was released from the platform and rolled away. It was stated that bombs could be filled with liquid without being removed from their transport Semi Automatic Charging Machine for Pilling and Sealing No«>42 Rifle G-renades with .AC* View Shewing Measuring Cylinder in Position and Sealing Head on Right of Machine, base* The temperature of the charging room was maintained at 20°C. The time taken to charge a 500 Kg. bomb was approximately 2 minutes. Mobile charging machine. A mobile charging plant was seen at Oerrel, but it had been completely wrecked. By interrogation it was learned that this machine, mounted on a special railway truck had been intended as a reserve filling plant in case of breakdown of the fixed plant. It was further stated that nustard was the only charging used with this plant. Similar mobile charging plants were stated to be at St.G-eorgen and Locknitz. Hand operated machine for charging ampoules for 20 and 30 mm. shell. A brief description of a small hand operated charging machine using thickened mustard for the above ampoules was obtained by interrogation. No sample of this machine was available, it having been sent to Raubkammer from Spandau, was later sent to the Air Force filling station at Oerrel, but was further despatched from there to an unknown destination. This is apparently a simple piston or plunger type of machine which by manipulation of the handle induced a charge of thickened mustard into the ampoule in the form of a ribbon of paste similar in consistency to thick porridge. Shis machine had been used very little and a complete description could not be given. After the ampoule was filled it was removed from the charging machine and a push on cap was fitted over the top of the ampoule. A klingerite washer was fitted into this cap and the top of the ampoule was turned inwards at an angle of about k5° to form a seal on the washer. The skirt of the cap was then rolled into a cannelure already formed on the body to fom a liquid tight seal. Approximately 1 per cent leakers was experienced. When asked why this machine had been sent to an Air Force filling station, it was stated that the 20/30 urn. shell charged thickened mistard has been accepted as an Air Force Store, but no confirmation of this was obtained from any other source. Charging munitions with CN. No charging machines have "been seen for use with CN, it being stated that this was done by hand, the CN being heated to 60®G and poured into the munition through a funnel. Sealing of the munition also was done by hand. Charging experimental mini t ions with Aero form. This was done by weighing the required amount of Aeroform into a container, which was placed in position on a stand about 8 feet above the weapon. Immediately below the outlet to this container was fixed a fhnnel and trunking leading down to the munition. In the case of tne 230 Kg. bomb, a special large filling hole was made in the nose, into which a portable funnel was placed, the bomb was stood on to a shaking machine and the contents of the top container was fed by- gravity into the bomb, piling up of the charging being prevented by the agitation caused by the shaking machine. When the supply con- tainer was empty the bomb was removed from the shaking machine and sealed by hand. 26, Smoke Munitions The information obtained on smoke, which was entirely confined to Army smoke munitions, can be classified under three headings (a) coloured smoke, (b) Array smoke munitions such as shell and small generators, (C) area screening munitions. These are taken in order below (A) Coloured smoke was not developed by Pruf 9 but by Pruf 1, which in February 1945 had absorbed Pr&f 7 the department formerly dealing with signal devices. Very little information was therefore obtainable on this subject. It was learned however that the possibility of using coloured smoke for camouflage by imitating the landscape was being investigated, and that large generators for this purpose were being made by Pcmmersh Ind, Barth. (B) Shell and small generators. Very little, if any develop- ment of smoke mixtures was carried out at Raubkammer or Spandau, the work mainly being carried out at factories. The factories concerned have been investigated as separate targets. The following information was however obtained A black smoke having a composition of 60 per cent Anthracene 38-39 per cent KClOj 1-2 per cent Kieselguhr had been filled into generators, and opinion was beginning to favour the use of such generators for night screening in place of the white smoke produced by chlorosulphonic acid mixture. A grenade made of glass was evolved for the attack of tanks. These were originally charged but later SiCl4 was added to reduce the freezing point and so counter the low temper- atures prevailing in Russia. The incorporation of CaClg in these mixtures to increase the rate of moisture adsorption was mentioned. The water contained in an inner tube was stated to be for the purpose of accelerating the formation of solid decomposition products in order to obscure the periscopes of tanks, A new flat type for fitting conveniently in the pocket was under development. Questioned as to the reason for adopting SO* as the standard charging for smoke shell and rockets, it was stated that it was realised that WP was the "better smoke producing agent, but there was none available for this purpose and SO3 was adopted as the next best* They had now experimented with a base-ejection smoke shell, having seen and tried the British B.E. smoke shell. The trials had, however, been confined to the 7*5 cm. I. Gr (infantry gun) shell using a single ejected canister with an HE ejection charge. The method of use was to fire at short range and steep angle of descent, and complete or partial burying of the container often occurred with the consequence that the performance was no better than that of the SO3 shell. No trials were done with multiple containers. No smoke trials of smoke shell in deep snow had been carried out. It has been found that a rocket with a rear bomb gave good results on water and marshes. SO3 shell lost 75 per cent of their efficiency in very cold weather. (g) Area screening munitions. Smoke material. Experiments were carried out in 1932 using SiCli + KH3 as a smoke agent, due to the very poor quality of CSA being produced at that time. The resulting smoke from this mixture was extremely good at all temperatures, hut on account of the hulkiness and difficulty of construction of the apparatus, this method of producing smoke was not adopted.. One witness stated that he considered this the most effective of all smokes. Up to early 1940 the standard filling for spray generators was 60 per cent S0:j + 40 per cent CSA, hut during the very cold weather of this period, trouble was experienced with this mixture and it was decided that 50/50 and 40/60 mixtures should be tried® The 40/60 mixture was found to be unsuitable and the 50/50 mixture was adopted as the standard® Even these mixtures were not satisfactory as the smoke produced was found to be of poor quality at temperatures below 5^C* During hot summer months 60/40 is sometimes used® Experiments had also been carried out using as the smoke agent and very good smoke was produced in any tenh- penature down to about —20®Co Tnis smoke agent was used on the Russian front whenever the was available* It was stated that the solid deposit around the spray could be easily removed and did not interfere with the quality of the smoke produced® The Germans had no knowledge of oil smokes and displayed great curiosity about the Esso Generator. Their knowledge of this was based solely on Journalistic accounts and they were mystified about the role played by the water in the process of smoke generation. Apparatus. The standard smoke apparatus is known as KEHEL ZERSTAJBER 33* It is filled with 25 litres of smoke liquid, the air being admitted to the top of the liquid at a pressure of up to 8 - 10 atmospheres. Spray jets passing i, J and 1 litre per minute could be used with this apparatus, but the normal spray used was % litre/min. which would give smoke for a period of 45 - 50 minutes. Filling with acid mixture from storage drums. A storage drum was rolled into position with filling bung uppermost. The bung was removed and the filling gear attached. This consisted of a dip pipe, hand valve, inlet pipe for air and outlet pipes for acid. A portable air compressor or hand pump was connected to the air inlet pipe, and air was admitted to the storage drum until 1-2 atmospheres was showing on the pressure gauge. Three smoke containers were placed upsidedown on to a special stand and the filling hole plugs removed. The free end of the liquid supply pipes was then inserted into each drum, the acid valve on the filling gear opened, and liquid transferred to the smoke container until 25 litres was shown by dip stick to have been transferred. The filling hole plugs were now screwed down tightly to form a liquid tight seal. Charging with air. With the smoke container still on its stand, the extension to the dipjipe complete with valve, was fitted to each container. A portable air compressor was connected to each of these extension pipes in turn, the valve opened and air admitted to the container until 8-10 atmospheres was showing on the pressure gauge. The valve was closed, the air charging line removed, and the containers taken out of the stand ard placed upright on the ground. Method of filling by machine. The charging machine for filling this apparatus with CSM consisted of (i) Storage container for bulk GSA, Tank wagon or standard storage drum. (ii) Machine fitted with measuring cylinder, hand controlled outlet valve, sliding head, and charging nozzle. (ill) Air reservoir with pipes, valves and flexible charging line. Nebel Zerstauber 33- Pilling with Acid f!rom Storage Drum. Charging with Air from Portable Compressor Machine for Filling Nh Zsto 33 with GSAM and Compressed Air. Procedureo The smoke container was prepared as for hand charging and was placed in air inverted position into a special housing fitted with quick release clamps. The measuring cylinder was filled with 25 litres of liquid from the hulk supply. The charging head was lowered uptil the nozzle had been fully inserted into the container. The hand controlled outlet valve was opened and liquid flowed by gravity into the container until the measuring cylinder was empty. The valve was now closed and the charging head returned to its original position. The charging hole plug was fully tightened to form a liquid tight seal. The compressed air line was now connected to the extension pipe previously fitted and an air lever on the n&chine was depressed admitting air into the container until 8-10 atmospheres showed on the gauge. The air lever was returned to its original position, the extension pipe valve closed and the compressed air line disconnected. The smoke container was now removed from the charging machine and placed in an upright position on the ground ready for fitting the spraying components. Fitting up for spraying. A further extension pipe, fitted with a cylindrical filter made of mono-metal was then connected to the outlet valve on the container, a conical disc screwed on to this pipe and the spray jet fitted to the end of the pipe> Single or twin pipes could be fitted to this apparatus. Spray Jet. This comprised 4 components. (1) Body, (2) Insert with slightly tangential holes, (3) Metering disc, (4) Screwed cap. (1), (2) an<3- (4) were made f rom V2A steel, and (3) from messing, a Copper Zinc bronze. The use of the circular disc immediately behind the spray nozzle was mainly to protect the operator. All spray jets were calibrated with water, not GSAM. No special drying precautions were taken after smoke containers had been washed out. They were allowed to drain empty. No system of CSAM remote control was used by the Array. All large static installations for screening ports, factories etc. being controlled by the Luftwaffe. Care and Maintenance. Ordinary thin lubricating oil was used on screw threads. Asbestos graphite string was used for packing valves. Ordinary grease was used for transit pirposes. All pipes were made of steel. All screwed components were made from'bronze or V2A. The spray was not removed after making smoke, and no attempt was made to seal the acid pipe from ingress of moisture from the atmosphere. Lead was used for jointing washers. Very little corrosion trouble had been experienced. precautions when filling with acid. Operators wore leather Jacket and trousers, rubber or leather gloves, eye shields or res- pirator without filter. First Aid Treatment Eyes Liberal -washing with 1 per cent bicarbonate solution followed with boric cream* Exposed skin Liberal washing with water. Miscellaneous Containers, A new design of transport drum for CSAM had been introduced and a very limited number made. This drum could be fitted up as a spray unit, the components for this being contained in clips attached to a loose lid which was held in place by 4 screws. The total capacity of this drum was 120 litres, but the volume of acid charged into the drum was approximately 90 litres. Air was admitted directly on top of the liquid to 8 - 10 atmospheres. Spray Jets of 1 or 2 litre per minute were used when fitted up for spraying. It was intended that all future production of transport drums for CSAM should be made to this design. 27, Description of Sections at Raubkajgaer dealing with Chemical Munitions (A) Bereich H7I The complete layout of R7I is shown in Pig,X£V, The dimensions of the enclosure are approximately 600 m, x 400 m. The buildings are arranged with due regard to explosion risks, and bunkers house the large stocks of HE and charged munitions. Well surfaced roads give easy access to all parts and entry from the main public road is through standard wired gates. The recent arrival of material from the Spandau Departments IVaL, P and 6b had taken place this being deposited in the administration building, Haus P and Haus P, etc. The following is a description of the various buildings and their contents. Transport drum with spray fittings The entrance gates are flanked by the guard house, where all the keys \jere held, and the administrative building* The administrative building held papers and files recently evacuated from Spandau. Adjoining the guard house are washing and drying facilities, and here are stored decontamination equipment and canteen facilities,, The stores or quartermasters receipt and despatch buildings are about 50 m. from the gates. In these was a store of igniters, boxes, empty munitions etc. There were also small workshops. Haus A contains machinery and apparatus for melting CIV agents and nitro cellulose; for mixing; and for extruding nitrocellulose into bands 7x2 mm. in size, this machine was capable of producing 40 bands simultaneously. Attached to the building was a laboratory for routine analytical work. The of CW agents and Nitrocellulose were passed by an enclosed conveyor to Haas B. In this there was machinery for cutting up the extruded bands. A drying room for the small pieces was provided, this building having its own motive power for driving all the machinery. Haus G contained pressing plant and a drying room for smoke mixtures. A shaking machine was available for con- solidating mixtures in containers. Haus D contained laboratory equipment evacuated from Spandau VIB. The recent arrivals appeared to have settled in and commenced work. The main bulk of the apparatus was electrical and photographic. Haus E was the room in which shell etc. were weighed, painted and assembled ready for headfilling. It was empty except for seme British 25 pr. B.E. smoke shell. Examination of foreign munitions took place here. Haus F building contained a laboratory, a small semi-scale plant and a charging machine0 Attached were baths for washing, and the usual decontaminating materials, and clothing. Among the materials charged were AC, CK and GG-. Oxygen sets were present in the charging room. A small stock of detonators and bursters was held. A large cellar with tiled walls contained drums of various CW agents© A small room capable of housing the standard 200 gallon drums fitted with pipes appeared to have been used to warm thickened mustard in order to decrease the viscosity prior to charging. Haus P was stated to have been taken over as the office of VlaL Spandau. ‘Attached was an experimental pressing room suitably protected, for use with mixtures containing HE. Pume cupboards held soras pre-pressed pellets containing ON and HEW and the standard cardboard shell liners were available for filling. A few of these containers were already filled with pellets and a stock of shell fuzes was held. Haus W was an underground tropical or high temperature storage chamber. It was fitted with individual cabinets which could be electrically controlled at the required temperature. When examined no stores were oresent. The six bunkers (Munition Haus 1-6) situated on the perimeter of the area remote from the main road are of massive construction, concrete and earth, and are entirely above ground, natural venti- lation through openings in the roof is provided. M.II.1 contained black powder and propellant charges for the 30 cm. Wurfkorper. M.H.2 contained 30 cm. Wurfkorper charged 0-lost, 150 nm. smoke shell, and 8 cm. W.G-r. smoke. M.H.3. held Sp.Bu 37 mines charged with experimental fillings, 75 mm. shell with oast CAP/HE (?) fillings. Also there was a stock of be containers for shell, filled EM mixture which had come from I.G-oF.Huls. M.H*4 held various headfilling HE pellets for smoke ammunition, and a stock of propellant charges*, M.H*5 held empty hand grenades which had an embossed hexagon on the base, also a number of empty smoke and toxic smoke containers which were identified as comoonents of cluster bombs* M.H06 held egg shaped hand grenades 42, black smoke generators, green and brown smoke generators, floats for Nb K«39* and experi- mentally filled smoke generators both static and for projectors* Haus N contained a CSAM filling plant, drums filled with Z11CI2 etc*, transport drums and spare and repair kits for smoke spray installations. It also housed hydraulic presses for dealing with the insertion of toxic smokes into generators or containers* The presses were well screened and operated by remote control* An assembly room held black powder and a number standard pull igniters* There were a number of miscellaneous storehouses as follows L.H*1 - 4,200 Kg. of D.C. ex Lonal Haselhorst made in Nov. 1943 ai>3- a stock of glass grenades filled TiCl^. L.H*2 - Army Gas Laboratory equipment, dummy 250 Kg bombs experimental chargings and a mixed collection of smoke equipment, chiefly empty* L.H.3 - Store of empty boxes. L.H*4 - Store of empty boxes, and material from VlaL Spandau. It also holds a stock (about 5000 kg*) of Aerofom, GAP, chlorbuna of varying viscosities and a stock of thickeners* held a sn#ll amount of material from Spandau VIbL. It showed evidence of having been used for headfilling and fuzing rockets and shell. Entrance to H7I. RVX - Stores Receipt and Despatch Building. RVT - Haus A, B, C and D. RVI - Hails Eo WJJ - Haus P with Haus K in Background. W1 - Haus P. INI - Haus W. RVI - A Typical Banker. Haus R contains low temperature climatic storage chambers and refrigeration plant* Experimental phosgene charging could have been effected here., Hiscellaneous buildings included Fire station. Water tanks and supply, Salvage dump, Oil store, two air raid shelters, Corrugated iron huts, A general store of empty shell, bombs rockets and com- ponents, therefore in large numbers* (b) Erprobungstelle der Luftwaffe The Erprobungstelle der Luftwaffe is located in an area between the RVI and KEX areas of Raubkaramer bei Munster. It is comprised of five small buildings of temporary type construction, a medium size 2 story brick building and several bunkers. The 4 small buildings near the entrance contained the guard and details of administration, general stores and a small museum of Air Force CW munitions. The brick building housed a well equipped chemical laboratory, a balance room store rooms, a,heating plant and a room that was equipped with ventilators which could be used for bomb filling purposes. Adjacent to.this there was a long building equipped for fuzing bombs. The bunkers contained various sizes of bombs, varying in size up to 1800 Kg* including experimental types* Bombs were also stored in well camouflaged open areas* A large percentage of the bombs were unfilled* Supplies of chemicals, especially chloroacetophone* were also found* The area was obviously used for trial fillings of bombs with CW material, especially gases. The Museum was a temporary one story building about 20 ft* x 30 ft. containing the following Sectioned German bombso British 250 and 50 lb. bombs. An American M47 bomb. French, Russian and Italian bombs. Russian spray tanks marked UdSSR WAP-6, UdSSR UCEAB-50G UdSSR WAP-500, UdSSR WAP-1000 labelled for HKampstoffe u. Brandfluessigkeit" (GW gases and incendiary liquids) * Also UdSSR UGHAB -250 and UdSSR UCHAB-500, which were labelled for Kampstoffe u. Nebelsaure (CW gases and chlorsulnhonic acid "smoke acid”)* Russian WAP - 1000 spray tank. There vie re no Japanese exhibits. The most interesting exhibits were being sent to UoKo for further examination. Bunkers and Outside Storage. The bunkers were of standard German construction. They were well ventilated, one at least being equipped so that a suction machine could be attached from the outside. Many of the bombs were empty but there were some filled, such as yellow ring, double yellow ring, green ring yellow, and white ring. A few 1800 leg. double white ring bombs were stored in the onen. Approximately thirty (30) 250 kg. bombs vie re grouped around an excavation adjacent to the two story brick building. These bombs had three green rings and were reputed to have contained Sarin, but to have been emptied and the Sarin destroyed with alkali* There viere eight spray tanks, with green or yellow markings, marked S 500 located near this sane building. A number of shell apparently containing chargings under- going storage test were found stacked in the open. A small building contained drums of such chemicals as sulphuric acid, ammonia solution, benzol, etc. (c) Nebelfullstelle The Nebelfullstelle lies within the wired compound of Raubhammer, surrounded by its own inner fence. The layout of the buildings is shown in Pig. XXVI. The station was commanded by Hauptmann BAUMANN who was under the orders of Major 21AITDU at Lima Ost. Under the OG (Anstalt Leiter) were a number of Peuerwerkers (all Sgt.Majors with one officer). Under the Peuerwerkers were civilian Werk- meisters. All the military staff had been evacuated. The Nebelfullstelle was originally set up at Raubkammer with the idea of trying out experimental methods of charging as part of the chemical warfare development organisation. It was, however, quickly taken over for production purposes, and then comprised one of the five Army charging stations. The other four were Locknitz, St. (j-eorgen, Dessau and Lubbeoke (not completed) . It comprises filling plants. Store sheds, shell finishing plants, shell packing plants and 13 concrete earth covered shell store rooms. The earth covered store rooms and some qf the buildings are camouflaged by vegetation growing over it but most of the ground sheds are not camouflaged. The following is a list of buildings with a brief note of their contents. Name Description 1 Wache Guard room and barracks 2 G-eschz. Geb Administrative Offices 3 Kranke nr ie vie r Baracke rirst aid post and small hospital 4 Lokschuppen Maintenance shop for small locomotives 5 W.2 Wekstatt Vehicle workshop, general stores, battery charging, woodworking shop etc. 6 Onen wooden shed, empty. 7 Baracke 2 Small barracks. 8 Loschwasser Entnahmestelle Static emergency water tank, underground. 9 G.M.H.6. (Grosse Munitionshaus 6.) 15 cm. green ring. ) about 3000 shell. 10.5 cm. green ring.} 10 G.M.H.7* Grosse Muni t i onshau s 5,000 Sp Bu 37 “ Two yellow rings. 11 G.MoH.8* 5,000 Sp Bu 37 - Two yellow rings. 12 G.M.K.9. 5,000 Sp Bu 37 ~ Two yellow rings. 13 GoMoH.10 31,000 Kg Azin (Adamsite) in steel drums German Adamsite Italian Adamsite Name Description 14 G.M.H.11 70 x 200 gals* Clark I. 15 G.M.H.12 20 x 200 gals. Clark I* 30,000 Kg. Tomesit. 16 G.M.H.13 5,000 Sp Bu. 37 - One yellow ring. 17 GroPoSch 3® (Grosser Backschuppen 3) II Contains; empty Sp Bu 37 and 10.5 cm. white ring shell filled. 18 Lgo H. 4 Lagerhaus Contains; Product 200 (Tomesit) - 65,000 Kg. Tomesit - 15,500 Kg# 1,000 litre transport tanks - 83 19 M.A.H.3* Munitions Arbeitshaus For preparation of shell. Contains a few partly filled white ring shell. 20 G.P. Sch.4® Gross packschuppen 4 Many empty boxes for Sp Bu 37 and other empty containers. Also Polystyrol III • 160 barrels. 21 Transformer and power house. Blown-up. 22 Pullho 2 (Pullhaus 2) Two filling machines for 15 cm. Nebelwerfer. Pour filling machines for 10.5 and 15 cm shell. 4 x 20,000 litre tanks empty. Kane Description 23 MoA.H. 2 (Munitions Arbeitshaus) Finishing shell after filling, i.e. detector paint, vacuum test, drying, painting, markings, head filling, fuzing, boxed. 24 Timekeepers or foremans office 25 G.Po Scho 2 . ( G-r osse r packschuppen 2) Empty packing boxes, discs, etc. 26 V/aage 2 Weigh House 27 Entg. Geb» 1 (Entgiftungs Gebaude,) Elaborate personal decontamination layout. Respirator testing and repairs to respirators and A/G clothing. 28 V.St. Ve rte ile rs tat ion For offloading bulk supplies of war gases and transfer to storage tanks. 3 x 20,000 litres, filled mustard. 29 Bump. Ho 2 Pumping station 30 Entgo Geb, 2 (Entgiftungs Gebaude 2) , Decontamination of 1,000 1 • transport tanks. Small laboratory. 31 T. St. (Tetra- Station) Storage of solvents. 32 B 5 Underground bunker, containing solvents. Name Description 33 B 6 Underground storage of mstard in eight 450,000 litre tanks, 7 filled mustard 1 empty. 34 Loschwasser Entnahmestelle 2 Static water supply, underground. 35 Lg. H. 3 (Lagerhaus) Workshop x 1,630 Kg. Italian H containers, some filled 1 filling machine, not installed. 36 Waage 1 Weigh House 37 LgoHo 1 (Lagerhaus) General stores including protective clothing, steam and pipe fitters stores, machinists supplies. 38 G.M.H. 5 Grosse Muni t i onshau s 15 cm. green ring shell ) about 3000 10.5 cm. green ring shell ) 39 G.M.H* 4 3,000 rounds 15 cm. one green ring. 40 G.M.H. 3 5,000 Sp Bu 37 - two yellow rings. 41 G.M.H. 2 5,400 - Sp Bu 37 - two yellow rings. 42 G.M.H. 1 1 ,000 x 20 Kg. Italian CAP in barrels. 6 barrels solid CW agent (Italian) 20 barrels liquid CW agent (Italian) 43 Abort Latrine Name Description 44 H.M.Ho Munitionshaus Small storage of exploders, fuzes, etc. 45 Canteen and locker rooms 46 Entgo Geb. 3 (Entgiftung, Gebaude 3) personal decontamination only. 47a G, P. Sch01 • (Grosser packschuppen 1) Storage of empty components, mostly 15 cm. Nebelwerfer, (about 40,000), Some shell. 47b M.A.Ho 1 (Munitions Arbeitshaus 1) For preparation of projectiles prior to filling. 48 Heiz. (Heizung) Boiler house and heating plant, etc. 49 Schalth. (Schalthaus) Valve control house. 30 Lgo H. 2 (Lagerhaus 2) Earthenware stores and general salvage. 31 Pullho 1 (Pullhaus 1) Two automatic charging machines with complete charging plant. 52 Open wooden shelter shed 53 Loth* (Lothaus) Welding plant. Name Description 54 lump. H.1« ( Runpenhaus 1 ) lumping station 55 P. (Peuerloschgerat Schuppen) • Fire apparatus 56 Bo 8 Empty hunter 57 Bo 5 Bunker for inflammable liquids The following notes supplement the information given in the above list. Fullhaus 1. Pilling house 1 contained two automatic filling machines used for filling 10.5 cm. and 15 cm0 artillery shells and 10 cm. mortar shells. The machines were made by Hagenuk at Kiel, and were reported to have been installed about a year ago. These machines were installed as reserve to the charging machines in Pilling House 2. Twelve intermediate storage tanks were installed under the floor below the filling machines. These tanks were each equipped with two mixers. 0 and A were mixed together in these tanks• Six tanks were connected to each filling machine. Pullhaus 2. Pilling house 2 contained two semi automatic rotary filling machines used to fill 15 cm. Nebelwerfer rockets and four semi automatic rotary machines used to fill 15 cm, 10.5 cm artillery shells and 10 cm mortar shells. These machines were made by Gebruder Schaffler. These machines filled munitions with Z&HL0ST from 1940 until 1942. This caused the machines to corrode and therefore the filling of zJhLOST was discontinued. Since then munitions were filled with A, 0 and 0A. It was reported that the rockets we re filled within the past eighteen months. This house employed thirty five men from which approximately three minor casualties occurred per day„ No serious casualties had occurred* Layout of Shell Charging plant at the NebelfSllstelle A brief description of the charging layout is as follows Empty munitions were brought on railway wagons and off loaded into empty munitions store attached to Munitions Arbeits Haus Nod - and stored in stacks of approximately 2,000, the total present stock being estimated at 100,000, comprising 10,5 and 15 centimetre shell and 15 centimetre rocket heads* A very efficient overhead conveyor system runs around this store and the empty munitions were loaded on this conveyor and transferred into the next room where thoy are off loaded and placed on a table conveyor, fitted, at approximately 2* 6” intervals with vices* The munitions were inspected to ensure that they were complete and ready for filling* Prom this conveyor the weapons were passed by an underground conveyor system to Pullhaus 2, where the conveyor emerges at ground level alongside the charging machines. The munitions are offloaded, placed in the requisite vice for charging and sealing on the charging machine* After this the munitions are placed on an underground conveyor, and transferred to Munitions Arbeits Haus No*II* Here they were painted with detector paint at the sealing plug and welded joint between the nose and body. They were next loaded onto small trucks holding approximately 100 weapons and three of these trucks were placed into a vacuum oven for test for leakers* They remained in this oven for about one hour, when they were removed and placed on a conveyor, nose down on a spigot and passed through a drying oven electrically heated. On emerging from the first pass through this oven, the shell rotated and was touched up with paint from a spray gun and returned through the oven and back again when they were completely dry. This conveyor now passed through a hole in the wall into the next room where they were off loaded and placed in a vice on a table conveyor. Here they were head filled and fitted with a fuse, continuing along the conveyor to a check weighing machine, and if they .passed inspection here, they transferred to another table conveyor and finally placed in their transport box ready for despatch to Muna Ost, whence they were sent to Dithlingen for head filling with HE* The general layout, convenience of handling weapons and the dispositions of the buildings are considered to have been very efficient. M.A.II.Io Nebelfullstelle Empty Weapons Store 10,5 era Shell 15«0 cm Shell 15«0 cm Rocket Heads. M.A.H.I. Nebelfullstelle Examination of Empty Weapons. Entrance of Underground Conveyor Shewn Extreme Left FullHaus 2 - Nebelf&llstelle Overhead Conveyor Shewn on Right of Machines 4 Semi Automatic Charging and Sealing Rotary Machines in Line. Nebelfullstelle Semi .Automatic Rotary Charging and Sealing Machines Manufactured by Gebruder Schaffler, Berlin. M.A.H.II - Nebelfullstelle Overhead Conveyor on Right Emerging from Underground. 2 Vacuum Ovens for Leak Test* Showing Empty Truck on Right. Truck in Vacuum Oven which is Ready for Closing. The 2 Ovens are used Alternately. 99 M,A.H®II - Nebelfullstelle Emerging End of Hot Air Oven Shewing First Line of Conveyor Emerging, Continuing Back into Oven and Finally Emerging Against Hole in Wall. Note paint Spray Equipment in Foreground. - NebelfVillstelle. Table Conveyor Fitted with Vices for Head Filling Faze Fitting and Finally Check Weighing. Investigation of Chemical Warfare Targets in the Munster lager Area, Including Raupkaimne'r APPENDIX V. Production Development 1. Introduction, 2. Organisation of Staff at R VIII Raubkanuner, 3. Description of Site. k. Description of Sarin Pilot Unit. I a) Raw materials and Intermediates, b) Brief outline of Chemistry of each stage, Plant yield and output, d; Details of plant. Analytical Methods. (f) Safety precautions. (g; Destruction of Stocks of Sarin, 5. Description of Excelsior Pilot Unit. ia.) Raw materials and Intermediates, b} Outline of Chemistry of Process, Plant yields and output, d) Details of plant, e) Safety precautions. 6. Miscellaneous (a) Information regarding Sarin not yet obtained but believed to be available, (bj Production plans for Sarin, (c) Equipment of special interest at R VIII (d) Equipment removed for examination. (e; Chemicals removed for examination, 7. The Manufacture of Tabun at Raubkammer. 8, C.W. Production in G-ermany, 9» Conversion of Mustard Gas to commercial products. 1. Introduction The control of all research and. development on the production of chemical warfare agents was in the hands of Group VIII of ffa Erttf 9, headed by Min.Ral, Dr.van der Linde, assisted by Dr, Gebhardt, The actual research work was carried out either by the firms engaged on pro- duction or by the research institutes P1, F2 and P3 at Spandau. The preliminary technical development work was carried out in laboratory VIII L, Spandau, the head of which was Dr, Darken, Plant development was carried out either by firms, or by Bereich R VIII at Raubkammer (sometimes known as Heidkrug), This Appendix is mainly concerned with the activities which had been proceeding in recent years at R VIII, Raubkammer, since ample in- formation on production research and development proceeding elsewhere is obtainable at other targets. It does however, include a note on unsuccessful attempts to convert mustard gas into plastics or other use- ful materials, and a table* showing the scheduled rates of production of war gases at various factories. It was possible to erect and test at R VIII Raubkammer units having a capacity of up to 10 tons per week. The design of these units erected at Raubkammer were carried out by a chemist (G-ebhardt) assisted by an engineer (Schneidewind) both opera- ting normally in Berlin. The chemists on the plants were plant opera- tors who acquired a knowledge of the design from actual operational contact, and who often suggested modifications of the design to their superiors. Research projects were normally under direction of Dr. Reetz at Spandau hut it would appear that subsequent to disorganisation at Spandau certain work was carried out by individuals at Raubkammer, e.g. Engineer Artelt was responsible for laboratory development of Excelsior. Two processes have been developed and pilot units erected. These are the Excelsior and Sarin units - details of which are given later. The building at present housing the Excelsior plant was used some years ago for the development of Tabun. Information on the method used will be found below. Raw materials for these production items were obtained from other state factories or the I,G, and final products were despatched to other sites for safe storage. In the case of Excelsior the intermediate known as Merodan was obtained from I,G. (Mainkur) and in the case of Sarin the inter- mediate A3, was obtained from Dyhernfurth, The Excelsior plant produced some 10 tons of good product which is now stored in a Salt Mine near Bugdorf, together with some 30 tons of merodan* Only i ton of Sarin was produced during the development work on the unit and this was destroyed by the Germans prior to occupation by British troops* It should be noted that the development facilities at Raub- kanxner were very limited* Only two buildings on the site were equipped for chemical production and as far as can be ascertained there appeared to have been no programme for the erection of new pro- cess houses for the development of any further chemical process. With regard to the increased production of the two C.W. agents developed at Rauhkamner there appears to he no project for an in- creased capacity for Excelsior, hut it has heen stated that it was proposed to increase the production of Sarin to some 600 tons per month, the production plants being erected at Dyhemfurth and Falkinhagen* The following were interrogated during the compilation of this Appendix* Min,Rat Dr, van der Linde Head of Group VIII Wa Prflf 9. Dr, Stadler - VIII L Spandau. Dr, Schustcritz - VIII L Spandau. Dr, Fahrenheitz. - Head of R VIII, Raubkanmer, Dr, Rudolph Jannsen - R VIII Raubkammer, Dr, Killinger - M n Dr, Richter - W M Dr, Heinz Artelt - M M Dr, Poeller. - tl M Spongier - M M ». 2* Organisation of Staff at R VIII, Rajubkaicmer The most important of the staff at R VIII were as follows Fahrenheitz - a chemist in charge of R VIII but largely engaged on administrative duties* R* Jannsen - deputy to Pahrenholtz and in charge of Sarin development* Chemist. Artelt - in charge of Excelsior development. Chemical Engineer* Schusteritz - A chemist on loan from Spandau and engaged on Sarin plant development. Poeller - ditto - The development work seems to have been largely controlled by Dr. Cebhardt, a chemist in Croup VIII of Vfa Pruf 9 who frequently visited Raubkammer, Engineering drawings were prepared by Scheidewind, an engineer on Cebhardt* s staff. 3. Description of Site Figure I shows the disposition of various buildings. The important buildings present externally the appearance of the large farm buildings typical of the district and are spread well apart. Building A, contaiAs a number of well appointed labs and the offices of Fahrenholtz and Artelt, There is also a well stocked apparatus store in house A. House C contains the Excelsior plant and House Cl the Sarin unit and the offices of Jannsen, Schusteritz and Poeller. There is also a drawing office used by Schneidewind in this building. There is a large well stocked equipment store for fittings, valves, pumps, glass lines, electrical equipment etc, and another store for larger equipment such as enamelled reaction vessels, and for steel sheet, angles etc, and lead sheet and pipe. Electric power and water are supplied to the site. Steam is gener- ated on the site. General view of R VIII Shewing Railway and Houses ’A* and *0’ together with Auxiliary Buildings, R VIII - House 1A* Process Laboratories, Stores and Offices, R VIII House *0’. (Excelsior Building) ‘ View from the North, K VIII - House *01* (Sarin Building) View from South East, R VIII - House *01* (Sarin Building). View from North-West. 9 R VIII - Sarin Plant. Foreground - Ventilating Shafts from the Underground Storage cellars. Background - House *H* containing nickel storage vessels. 4* Description of the Sarin Pilot Unit The description given below is based on inspection and examina- tion of the plant, on information derived from drawings found in an near C1 building, and on information supplied by Jannsen, Schusteritz end Poeller (together with a small amount of information supplied by Spengler and Killinger, two subordinate members of the staff). No written reports or memoranda have so far been found. Neither Pahrenholtz nor G-ebhardt have been located, which is particularly unfortunate since G-ebhardt is probably the only man who knows the full story of Sarin development. (a) Raw Materials and Intermediates (See also Pig.Il), Code Letter Formula Supplier S.G. ~25SC. M1P. B.P. (approx) A. 2. (CH^CHOH Rhein Prussen Ruhr, A. 3. 0 r= P-0CH3 V OCH3 Dyhernfurth, 1o 95 A.5 + CH3O CHj 240 - 300°C. The reactions involved are complex and small (Quantities of F2H4 and CH4 are evolved in addition to CH3OCH3. This stage is a J very recent addition to the process. Stage II. A. 4) or a.5) + + > B.2 + B.3 + CH3CI + HC1 60°C. This was originally the first stage at R.VIII (prior to the installation of the plant for converting A.3 to A. 5)* Stage III. Separation of B.2 and B.3 by vacuum distillation, B.3 re- quires to be at least 95 per cent pure. Stage IV, B.3 + HP ... ■... ■> B*4 One half mol of HP is used per mol B.3« Stage V* 33* if + A* 2 £2 -f HC1 if0-50°C. The crude E is stripped of HCl under vacuum, distilled under vacuum, amnonia treated and filtered. (c) Plant yield and output Rated output = 50 tons month stabilised E„ Less than 1 ton E has been produced in the plant and the plant has never operated as a ice. all 5 stages have never operated simultaneously. The seccnd stage was the first to be operated (in April 1944) using A.4, B, 1 and chlorine. Operation of this stage was however of short duration because of failure of the distillation section (B.2/B.3) necessitating a radical alteration in the plant which took many months. On completion of the new type of still in March 1945 the second stage was again operated using this time A. 5 + B. 1 + Cl2* The apparatus for producing A. 5 was operated in all for about 120 hours, the second stage in all for about 12 days (including the first period using A,4) and the redesigned still for about 14 days. The fourth stage ran for a few hours only. It is obvious fron all this that no reliable estimates of yield or probable rate of output can be given. All the witnesses however appear to think that a very great deal more work would be required before an output anywhere approaching 50 tons/mcnth would be realised. The yields quoted below are indicative of what could reasonably be expected (on the basis of yields obtained semi-technically at Spandau) after pro- longed operation of the unit at R.VIII, Stages 1,2 and 3. Stages 4 and 5* (A.4 ■ —> E.3 about 75 cent, (a. 3 > B. 3 about 70 per cent. (E.3 ■ > E about 80 per cent. i.s. overall yield A. 3 —> E of the order of 50 per cent. It is quite likely that this figure is optimistic, at any rate as regards possible results frcm the unit as set out at present. (d) Details of Plant This section deals briefly with the general arrangement of the vessels and services and touches briefly on points of special interest. No attempt is made to set forth all the detail which has emerged from various discussions and interrogations. This detailed information will be studied later in conjunction with the plant draw- ings which have been found and will form the basis for a design memorandum (which, however, will necessarily be incomplete unless and until documentary evidence is found or information is obtained from Dr, G-ebhardt), The following should be read in conjunction with Pigs, II, III and IV., and with the photographs. (i) General Arrangement The reaction vessels are housed in a building about 100* x 4JO* which was completed in 1940 and was intended to be a general plant building. It has been used only for Sarin however. In 1942 a wing containing vacuum pumps, compressors, and a refrigerating machine was added. A large underground storage cellar was also added, to contain sufficient storage space for various raw materials and intermediates so that it would be possible to keep any stage running for a month independently of other stages or of supplies of raw materials from out- side. The newer part of the building including the underground storage and some offices appears to be well laid out but the original building containing the reaction vessels and some intermediate storage vessels is very congested and the arrangement of the vessels is far from ideal. Steam is supplied to the building at 3 atmospheres and also at low pressure. Compressed air is obtained at two pressure (3 and 15 ats,) from compressors in the com- pressor house mentioned above. This house also contains 12 rotary vacuum pumps each equipped with a caustic soda scrubbing system. Calcium chloride brine is cooled to about - 15°C by four ammonia compressors (Linde) also situated in the compressor house. Sarin Plant. Vacuum Pumps and Scrubbing Towers. Sarin Plant. Ammonia Compressors. Typical arrangement of a Vacuum Pump -with Ancillary Scrubbing system. Transfer of liquids throughout the building and to and from main storage is normally effected for G-roup A compounds by pump- ing, for Group B by air pressure, for Group C by air pressure (high pressure required - 8 ats or more) and for E by suction. Aqueous plant effluents are collected in a sump and pumped 200-300 yds. to a brick lined treating pit ■where lime is added. The neutralised effluent then flows to an unlined pit where the liquid seeps into the earth. The system appears not to have worked very well, suffering fran a quite usual fault viz, the sump for collecting the effluent is neither big enough nor deep enough. Operation of the plant was handicapped by shortage of water. In an attempt to overcome this the used cooling water was pumped to an underground reservoir and then recycled to the plant. This scheme was not a success since no water cooler was put in the circuit and adventitious cooling was inadequate. The whole plant is provided with farced ventilation. General ventilation in the plant building is provided by 3 large air heaters which blow air into the building through a number of ducts, the air being extracted from the base of the building through charcoal filters. Special parts of the plant, e.g, the E reaction and distillation section are provided with special fans, the discharge from which is scrubbed by caustic soda. The underground storage cellar is provided with a separate forced ventilation system. Analytical process control was carried out in the laboratory situated in the plant building, A second laboratory was nearly completed. (ii) Arrangement of Individual Stages 1st Stage A,3 is pumped fran stoneware lined tanks outside C.I, building to a nickel head tank. It then flows at about 110 3/hour to a silver apparatus consisting of two vertical tubes, heated externally by electric strip heaters, connected by a horizontal tube. The liquid flows up the first tube and down the second tube. The apparatus is provided with a shell and tube reflux condenser (silver tubes) cooled with water and a similar type of condenser cooled with brine). Temperature in the first limb is maintained at 245-260PC and in the second limb During operation both limbs are continuously purged with nitrogen and the gases evolved (CH3OCH3 with small amounts of and are burnt at the base of a vertical steel chimney. The silver used for this'plant contains about 1 per cent Beryllium and there are two units, one working and one spare. One of these units has been dismantled ready for despatch to England. Sarin Plant. A3 to A3 Conversion Unit, 2nd Floor. Sarin Plant. A3 to A5 Conversion Unit. 3rd Floor, Sarin Plant. A3 to A5 Conversion Unit. 3rd Floor. The plant requires careful temperature control as the reaction tends to go with explosive violence if the temperature exceeds 300°do Furthermore oxygen must be carefully excluded to avoid formation of explosive mix- tures with CH3OGH3 and phosphine. In practice control was fairly simple at half load (50 1/hr.) but much more difficult at full load. The existing plant would not be capable of keeping the reaction under control if the apparatus were started up using A. 3 only and it is necess- ary to start up using A* 3 containing only a small propor- tion of A. 3* This limitation appears to be due to the relatively small cooling surface/volume ratio since pure A, 3 can be used to start up small scale apparatus. The quality of the A. 3 supplied from Dyhernfurlhwas variable (A* 3 was made by continuous addition of PCI3 to CH3OH in CH3CI solution, the CH3CI being continuously sucked off, compressed and returned to the apparatus, thereby maintaining the reaction temperature at 0° - 10°C) and this increased the difficulties of the conversion to A. 5). The yield of A. 5 from A. 3, a-s measured by the organic P content of the two compounds, was about 90 per cent under the best operating conditions. 2nd Stage. The product from the 1st stage is fed direct (with- out measurement) into a stirred homogeneously lead lined vessel (about 500 galls capacity). Equivalent quantities of B. 1 and chlorine are added (about 200 1/hr. B.1 and 160 Kg/hr CI2, but this varies somewhat with the composi- tion of the A.5). Over chlorination is indicated by a green colour accompanied sometimes with formation of a green precipitate. The original method of operation utilised A.4 instead of A. 5 and uniform results were then more readily obtainable. Reaction temperature is main- tained at 60°C by jacket cooling (brine). The reaction product overflows continuously to a steam jacketted homogeneously lead lined stirred vessel of 500 galls capacity where the temperature is raised to 1009c, The reaction product (B.2 + B.3) overflows to a lead lined storage tank. This material contains about 72 per cent B.2, 25 per cent B.3, 1-li per cent residue and 1-2 per cent dissolved HC1. Both the HC1 and CH3CI evolved during the reaction pass via lead reflux condensers (water cooled) and glass lines to an HC1 scrubbing tower from which the HC1 free CH3CI proceeds to a steel gaso- meter, Fran the gasometer the CH3CI is drawn to a sulphuric acid drying tower and is then compressed in a Linde compressor. During the very limited time of operation of Stage 2 this compression system failed to function satisfactorily (it was not possible to obtain gaseous sufficiently free from air). The intention was to utilise the recovered CH3CI for A, 3 manufacture (see earlier). Chlorine used for this stage is vaporised by conventional type of vaporiser. Sarin Plant. Chlorination of A4 or A5 - 1 st Floor. 3rd Stage. 250 l/hr. of the B.2/B.3 mixture are drawn into a homogeneously lead lined vaporiser of special design having relatively little liquid capacity and relatively large heating surface (steam heating). Short times of heating are desirable in order to avoid formation of high boiling compounds, 3 vacuum pumps (one working and 2 spare) serve this stage exclusively„ The temperature in the 1st boiler is about 70°C. (50 mm Hg pressure at the condenser outlet). Most of the B.2 and some B,3 is vaporised in the 1st boiler. The vapour passes to a bubble plate column (6 plates) then to a partial condenser cooled with water at M°C and then to a final condenser cooled with water at 3°C. The product from the final condenser is collected in a weighed receiver and then passes to storage. This pro- duct contains more than 97 per cent 3,2 and constitutes about 70 per cent of the B.2/B.3 mixture. The stripped B. 3 tram, the 1st vaporiser passes to one of two similar vaporisers and the whole of the Be3 is vaporised, passing to a small bubble plate column followed by a partial con- denser, The vapour leaving the condenser passes to the 1st bubble tower. Liquid B,3 frcm the base of the second bubble tower passes to one of two heaters of the same design as the boilers where the temperature is kept at (pressure probably 70-80 ram Hg). Residue is withdrawn intermittently from one or other of the B,3 boilers, B,3 is drawn intermittently frcm one or other of the B,3 heaters. The product contains at least 95 per cent B.3. Residue comprises only 1-2 per cent of the original mixture and contains 30 per cent B.3» The whole of this distillation equipment was designed by a firm called Avenarius, Berlin. The pure lead component parts of the plant are fairly resistant to corrosion but the Regulus metal parts e.g. bifbble caps and valves have been severely corroded. HC1 evolved during the distillation is absorbed in normal type t wers (stoneware lined). The residue is destroyed by caustic sooa in a stirred stoneware lined vessel. Sarin Plant, B2/B3 Distillation Unit, Steam heated Boilers. Ground Floor. 25a Sarin Plante B2/B3 Distillation Unit - Bubble Plate Columns Corananding the B2 Vajouriser (2nd Floor), 25b Sarin Plant, B2/B3 Distillation Unit. Bubble Plate Columns Commanding the B2 Vapouriser (2nd Ploot) and Reflux Condensers Commanding the Bubble Plate Columns (3rd Plooafr) 25c Sarin Plant, Reactors and Cooler for B4 Preparation. 1st Floor. 26 Sarin Plant. Preparation of B.4 reactors on 1st Floor, Reflux Condensers on 2nd Floor. 3th Stage. The success of this stage depends upon carrying out the reaction as quickly as possible and in removing HCl as quickly as possible. Silver or carbon surfaces are used throughout. The following series of reactions occur;- /CH3 /GH3 1. 0 = p—Cl + C3H7OH > 0 = P-OC3H7 + HCl Cl Cl ✓ 3 2. 0 = P-P + C3HtOH > 0 = P - OC3Hy + HP P F 3 3 3. 0 » + HP > 0 = P--OC3H7 + HCl Cl P i,e. overall / GH3 0 = P-Cl + 0 = + 2CjH70H >2 0 = PcOC3H7 + 2HC1 Unless HCl is rapidly removed from the system, however, the following also occurs 0 = + HC1 > 0 = + C3H7CI P P B.4 at 80 1/hr and A»2 at 72 l/hr are fed simultaneously into a stirred silver mixer having an internal cooling coil (brine cooling). The temperature is kept below 50°C and the mixture flows into a horizontal silver jacketted tube where the temperature is maintained at k-0°C by heating or cooling as necessary (as mentioned earlier this section has only been operated for a few hours). The total reaction time is 15-20 mins, only. The reaction product (pale yellow in colour) is immediately fed to the top of a stripping tower (two towers are available, one silver lined and one carbon lined). Each tower is in two sections, each about 80 cm dia, and about 5 metres in length. Steam heating sections are spaced at intervals down each tower. Each stripping tower is surmounted by a silver brine cooled reflux con- denser and the exit HCl is scrubbed out before the gases reach the vacuum pump. Each tower is packed with Raschig rings. Sarin Plants Preparation of E from B.4, Plant completely enclosed in cubicles. 1st Floor and Ground Floor, Sarin Plant, Preparation of E Prom BA. Plant Completely enclosed in cubicles. 2nd and 3r97 per cent E) is condensed in a water cooled silver partial condenser and collected in a silver lined storage vessel. The uncondensed vapour (90 per cent E 10 per cent A. 2) is condensed in a silver condenser firstly cooled by water and finally cooled by brine and collected in a silver lined receiver whence it is returned to the stripping section. Temperature at the base of the still is (vapour) and (liquid residue). The liquid residue is stirred with caustic soda in a special vessel before disposal. The distilled E is treated with NH3 in a stirred enamelled vessel to neutralise residual acidity then filtered in steel nutsches with porous stoneware filter plates, allowed to settle, refiltered and then passed to final storage in steel tanks. It is hoped by careful attention to the various stages of the E reaction including stripping and distillation that this NH3 treatment and filtration may be eliminated. For satisfactory keeping properties the acidic hydrogen in distilled E must not exceed 0,2 grs, per kilo. Provided this figure is not exceeded the material can be stored in steel without a stabiliser. The E reaction section is equipped with vacuum pumps which serve this section exclusively. Preparation of A, 3 and A. Some information on -«£mi-technical work and production work on preparation of these compounds has been obtained but further information is required from the manufacturers (either from I,Gr, Leverkusen or from results obtained at DyhemfUrth, (e) Analytical Methods Details of methods of analysis of the important intermediates and of the end product are given below: - A. 3« A sample is drawn from bulk storage and tested as follows: Aon) 2 The impurities, chiefly P are removed by distillation N OCH3 The A. 3 is treated with N/10 iodine and excess NaHCO^. ✓ H OH 0 = P— OCHi + I2 + HoO >0=P— OCH* + 2HI " OCh| 2 2 " OCH^ and the solution is then back titrated with thiosulphate to estimate the iodine used. (Alternatively, total phosphorus can be estimated by digesting with excess NaOH, acidifying with HNO3 and estimating P by the molybdate method. This method of analysis is less accurate than the iodine method,) A. 3» Total phosphorus is estimated by digesting with NaDH as above and inorganic phosphorus is estimated by extracting with NaOH, acidifying with HNO3 and estimating P by the molybdate method. Organic phosphorus is obtained by difference from the figures for total and inorganic phosphorus. (Note:- It is considered that all the organic P in A. 5 is convertible to B.2 and B. 3)* B.3. B.3 is separated from B.2 by distillation, the B.2 being distilled off at atmospheric pressure using a good column, A distillate containing over 99 per cent POCl* is obtained. The B.3 is then distilled under vacuum and the distillate analysed for total and inorganic P, Total Cl2 content is measured in the usual manner and the m,pt, is determined. The nupt, is the most useful criterion for plant control, since it can be determined quickly. B.4. Total chlorine is measured in the usual manner and dissolved HC1 is measured by a calorimetric method utilising the heat of reaction between HC1 and acetic anhydride. The organic chlorine can thus be determined by difference. Organic fluorine is more difficult to estimate and is only determined occasionally. Sodium methoxide is reacted with B.4, thereby liberating sodium fluoride frcm the fluorine-containing constituent of B.if, „ CH, 0 = P — p + 2CH30Na > 0 = P — OCH5 + 2NaP F v OCHj The sodium fluoride is estimated by adding alizarin blue in excess HC1 and titrating with ZrCl} until a colour between blue and yellow is obtained, A standard P solution is then used under similar conditions to obtain a matching colour. Sarin. Excess N/10 NaOH is added to a weighed sample of Sarin ana after 10 minutes the solution is back titrated with N/10 HCl. This gives the NaOH equivalent of Sarin + associated acid CH3 (e.gc 0 a p - d ). NP Total acidity is then measured by titration with KI and KIO3. The NaOH equivalent of this acid can then be calculated (since any acids present contain one acidic hydrogen only) and the NaOH equivalent of the Sarin obtained by difference, (1 mol. Sarin = 2 mols. NaOH), (f) Safety Precautions Rigorous precautions were adopted as regards enclosure of all toxic apparatus in well ventilated cubicles. An antidote known as B-Stoffe was used when operatives appeared likely to die as a result of exposure. This antidote had to be used with great care owing to its highly toxic nature. Decontamination of the plant was effected by caustic soda solution, the operatives wearing oxygen masks during the work, (See also Appendix III - Medical Aspects). A detection method is referred to on page 38, (g) Destruction of Stocks of Sarin On the approach of the Allied Forces great care was taken to destroy all stocks of Sarin in the plant and in the laboratory and to flush out thoroughly the plant with water. All intermediates, except chlorine were also destroyed or run to waste. 5, Description of the Excelsior Pilot Unit. The description given below is based on inspection and examination of the plant in and around House C and on information given by Artelt, As in the case of the Sarin process no written records or memoranda have been located. A few drawings have been found including one of the Nutsche filters which may be useful. (a) Raw materials and intermediates Code Letter Formula Supplier M.P. MERODM r' . I.G, (Mainkur) 1 0 ''OH IA l oro As ❖ \ 0 OH Intermediate at R.8 - not isolated. IB i a) i 0 1 0 Intermediate at “ 1 1 Not isolated. CH2 Excelsior SsV/^'vAs Cl Pinal product at R.VIII. 114°C. (b) Outline of the Chemistry of the Process The process by which the whole of the Excelsior so far produced (about 10 tons) has been made in a batch process in which the MKROHAN (prepared by I.G, from which is CCO readily available) is first reacted at 95°C with ccncentrated to give product 1A« Concentrated HCl (aqueous) was then added to the reaction mixture and SO2 gas passed in at Excelsior was obtained as a finely divided solid after filtration of the reaction mixture* The above process was regarded as unsatisfactory technically owing mainly to severe corrosion problems and a semi-continuous pro- cess was developed which was about to be tried on the pilot scale. In this process the first stage using concentrated H2SO4 proceeds as before (baitchwise) but the reaction mixture is then fed continuously into a tower in which water and SO2 are continuously introduced. The following reaction takes place; This product in the form of a suspension in water flows continuously to a stirred reactor into which also concentrated HCl is fed con- tinuously;- The acid solution is vacuum filtered (nutsches) and the product washed with methyl alcohol and dried by hot air (on the filter). (c) Plant yields and output Rated output = 3-4 tons per month* (Artelt estimates that centrifugal filtration would have at least trebled the output), 10 Tons of Excelsior have been produced, entirely by the batch pro- cess, The yield on MERODAN was 80 per cent by the batch process and was expected to be at least this by the continuous process. The plant was operated for about i year (shortage of supplies of raw material and severe corrosion difficulties interfered considerably with production). During this period about 10 tons of Excelsior were produced. Difficulties encountered, particularly in the reduction and chlorina- tion stage, resulted also in 15-20 tons of reject material being pro- duced during this period. No Excelsior has been produced during the last 12 months and the stocks of Excelsior and Merodan (except a little Merodan) were sent away from the factory to a storage dump. It is evident that the performance of the plant using the con- tinuous process is a matter of conjecture. The G-erman C.W, authorities do not appear to have seriously contemplated large sca}.e production of Excelsior, (d) Details of Plant The following is a very brief outline of the plant arrangement. The few drawings which are available give details of the important parts of the plant. The description refers to the set up for semi- continuous production. (i) General arrangement The reaction vessels are housed in a building known as C House which was formerly used for Tabun production. This building is about 55* long and 35' wide x 30* high. Storage tanks, vacuum pumps and compressors are located, under cover, outside this building. The various plant items are situated on the ground floor and on two stagings Cooling is effected by a circulating glycerine solution (cooled by an ammonia refrigerating system). Effluent is collected in a small sump and is treated in much the same way as effluent fran the Sarin plant (although the two systems are quite separate). Steam at 3 atmospheres pressure is supplied to the building. Air is extracted from the building as a whole by a main fan. The final pro- duct is withdrawn from the filters in a totally enclosed cubicle provided with its own ventilation fan. (ii) Arrangement of Individual Stages 1st Stage. ifOO litres of 99 per cent are mixed with 400 kg Merodan in a stirred, steam jacketted enamel lined vessel (1000 litres), H2SO4 is fed from a head tank. The reac- tion takes 30-45 minutes, temperature being 95QC« Two reaction vessels are available but only one is required and the other is used as a feed tank for the filters. This stage has, of course, been fairly well tried out as it was also used in the batch process. Corrosion is not serious and no particular difficulties have been encountered. 2nd Stage. The acid solution from the 1st stage is pumped at about 60 l/hr. by a small glass pump into the top of a tile lined tower 40 cm i, d, x 2,5 m, high. Spent water from an SO2 scrubbing tower which takes the effluent SO2 from the 1st tower is also fed to the top of the 1st tower. The 2nd tower is 0.3 m, diameter and 3*5 m, long and is fabricated in stoneware. The 1st tower is unpacked and is stirred by a vertical shaft having four paddles at intervals (the whole being coated with silver). The 2nd tower is packed with Raschig rings, S02 from a vaporiser is fed to the base of the tower 1,4 mols. SO2 per mol, MSRODAN). The water feed at the top of the tower is about 200 l/hr. Temperature in the tower varies from at the top to at the base. SO2 is obtained from a conventional type of vaporiser and the exhaust SO2 from the 2nd tower is scrubbed out in a normal type of gas scrubbing system using water as absorbent. 3rd Stage. The aqueous suspension is fed continuously from the base of the tower to a 2000 litre tile lined stirred vessel into which 35 per cent HCl is fed continuously (at the rate of 1 mol. pure HCl per mol, MERODM). It is estimated that the temperature will maintain itself at about without heating or cooling but if not heating or cooling will need to be introduced. 4th Stage. The product from the 3rd stage is sucked continuously to a 1000 litre Jacketted stirred enamel lined vessel where it is cooled to to complete precipitation of the Excelsior. The suspension is transferred intermittently to one of three Nutsches with porous stoneware filter plates* The mother liquor (10-12 per cent H2SO4. and 2-3 per cent HCl) is drawn off under vacuum (50-100 mm, Hg) and the pre- cipitate washed with methanol and dried by pulling through warm dry air. The dry material is discharged from the filter by a special mechanism (a drawing of that type of filter is available) and is collected in drums each holding about 80 kg. Used methanol is collected and dried by fractionation. The product so obtained is analysed by determination of As content (iodine titration) and can be obtained very pure (98 per cent or better). (e) Safety precautions Great care was exercised in avoiding exposure to Excelsior, particularly whan discharging material from the filters. Men engaged on this Job wore full protective clothing and oxygen masks. Much thought had been given to possible methods for controlling the purity of the air in a Sarin factory as it was obvious that a serious escape of Sarin into the atmosphere might easily take place without being noticed unless some form of regular test were carried out. One interesting suggestion had been made, but had not been tried out. This Was to make use of a revolving plate with 8 holes which could hold the small silicargel circles mentioned in Appendix II. When the plate revolved a silica-gel circle would be placed at (l), then at position (2) air would be sucked through, at (3) *ydrogefl peroxide added, at (4) tolidine in alcohol added, at (3) anmonia added and at (6) the silica-gel circle examined for colour reactions. If colour were present an electric bell could be sounded as a warning. The silica-gel circle would be removed at positions (7) and (8). By this means it would be possible to test the air in a Sarin factory for the presence of 0.5 ag/m3 Sarin every half-minute or as often as might be required. 6. Miscellaneous (a) Information regarding Sarin not yet obtained but believed to be available. 1. Physico-Chemical Data - determined in Sections P.1 and P.3 at Spandau, Information known to Dr, Jung and Dr. BSttger who are not available for interrogation. 2, Design Data. - This information is held primarily by Dr. Gebhardt and partly perhaps by Sneiderwind, neither of whom are available for interrogation, (The importance of obtaining this information is mentioned earlier). 3* Data on Corrosion Rates Corrosion rates were determined by Dr. Doerken of.Spandau who was not available for interrogation. (b) Production Plans for Sarin A unit for producing hundred tons/month nearing completion at Dyhemfurth. It was intended at first to use the following process:- 1. A.4 + PCI3 + Cl2 > B.2 + B,3 CH3CI + HC1 2. Distillation of B.2 + B#3* 3. B.3 + C3H7QH + NaP > E + a*aCl + NaHP2 The last stage is a batch process and is carried out in ethylene dichloride solution. The sodium salts have to be filtered off and the E then separated by distillation from the ethylene dichloride. Being partly a batch process, the plant required is larger for this process than for the process used at R. 8, In addition an A,3~A,5 conversion unit was set up at Dyhernfurth. A larger plant at Falkenhagen was about 23 per cent completed. (°) Equipment of Special Intereat at R«VIII. Considerable use was made of silver equipment and of a plastic called MIPOLAM (or VINIIXJR) which was used extensively for handling mineral acids up to 70°C (but which is not very resistant to organic solvents), A very special type of HCl absorption apparatus, made of carbon, was in use and was capable of producing concentrated HCl in one pass from fresh water and HCl gas, with practically complete absorption of the HCl, (d) Equipment removed for further examination in England The following lists the moat important items; - 1. Complete silver A.3-A.5 conversion unit. 2c Various silver valves and pipes. 3. Various plastic valves and lines together with welding apparatus. 4. Special stoneware and glass non-return valves. 5. a special high pressure magnetic flow meter for measure- ment of rate of flow of gaseous HC1. 6. Special insulation material made of cellulose (for low temperature insulation). 7. Various glass lines. 8. A snail steel autoclave. (f) Chemicals removed for examination in England 1, 2 Kegs of Merodan (1 from Burgdorf out of a stock of 40 tons). 2. 1 Kg. of Excelsior (out of a stock of 10 tons found in a salt mine at Burgdorf near Celle). 7. The Manufacture of Tabun at Raubkaxnmer Some years ago a Pilot plant for the manufacture of Tabun was operated at Raubkammer, The following details, admittedly sketchy, were supplied from memory by a chemist who was associated with the process at the time. Par the preparation of Tabun, POCI3 is first of all treated with Dimethylamine „N (CH3)2 P0C1, + NH(CH3)2 > OaP“Cl + HC1 Cl This reaction is carried out with cooling on account of its exothermic character. The HC1 which is formed reacts at once with an equivalent of dimethylamine to give the hydrochloride. On this account a thick crystalline mass is formed on adding the amine and an excess of POCI3 is necessary from the beginning in order to be able to stir. The mass is now heated to about 140°G when the amine hydro- chloride reacts with the POCI3 as shown in the above equation with the formation of HC1. The heating is carried out under a well cooled reflux. After driving off the HCl (which takes one hour in the Laboratory for four gram Mols) the product is fractionally distilled and the dimethylamine compound obtained in 90 per cent yield. In the second stage the dimethylamine compound is treated with NaCN and ethyl alcohol to form Tabun, ✓ N(CH3)2 xN(CH3 O-P-Cl + 2Na CN + CaHcOH » 0-P--CN ♦ 2NaCl + HCN V Cl oc2h5 Chlorbenzene is used as solvent and the NaCN is first of all suspended in this by stirring, then about half of the dimethylamine compound added, and the reaction started by adding alcohol. Then the dimethylamine compound and alcohol are added at the same time with cooling so that the temperature is kept at 40°C, Towards the finish the addition of the remaining alcohol can be accomplished fairly quickly. The HCN which is fomed is driven off by heating and reaction product filtered off from the sodium chloride. The saltcake is washed with chlorbenzene, and the chlorbenzene is then removed from the filtrate in vacuum. The brown coloured raw Tabun obtained in this way can be distilled in small quantities in the Laboratory, if great care is taken, to give a water clear liquid. During this process energetic decomposition may take place whereby part of the liquid fonas a brown oil. Small quantities of NaCN in the raw Tabun appear to act as catalyst for the decomposition, Tabun which has once been distilled can be redistilled without difficulty. It is not possible to distil Tabun in the technical preparation as the appearance of such decomposition might lead to sudden unexpected rises of temperature which could be catastrophic. Code Names used on Plant, POCI3 * OxysSure or Acetylchlorid B NH(0113)2 * Ina or C3-Base ✓n(ch3)2 Orf-Cl * Stoff 39. Cl NaCN » Na Salz, Technical (a) Preparation of Stoff 39. The POCI3 was stored in leaded vessels. The dime thy laraine was kept under pressure in an iron container which could be cooled vdth brine or heated by steam. The cooling was necessary in order to obtain the required fall in pressure when filling the container from tank wagons etc. On the other hand heating was necessary in order to get the required pressure to fill the measuring vessel. The measuring vessel was mounted dn a weighing machine, A spiral tube which coild be cooled by brine to -109C was built in between the storage container and the weighable measuring vessel so that the latter could be easily filled at any time without the use of outside pressure. The reaction vessel consisted of an enamel container (2 m2) fitted with a stoving apparatus and an enamel reflux condenser. The jacket of the condenser could be cooled with pre-cooled brine (for part I of reaction) and could be heated with pre-heated (electric) oil up to a temperature of about 180°C, The POCI3 was pilled over into a lead measuring vessel and thence into the reaction vessel by means of vacuum. (A brine cooled lead spiral which was built into the reaction vessel did not stand up to requirements and was completely destroyed by corrosion and erosion after four runs.) The addition of the dimethylamine to the POCI3 was carried out by means of a control valve cooled by oil and the dimethylamine itself was introduced through a brine cooled spiral at -10°C. The addition was regulated in such a manner as to raise the temperature in the reaction vessel to about 170° at the finish. For each run about 4-5 Kg, Mol. i,e, 180-225 Kg dimethylamine were added. When all the dimethylamine had been added the cooling oil was let out of the condenser Jacket and oil heated up to 180°C pumped in. The HC1 formed during the reaction escaped through the reflux condenser to an upright brine cooled condenser and thence into a Raschig ring tower and finally to a HCl absorption apparatus. The POCI3 which was con- densed in the upright condenser and Raschig ring tower was led back into the reaction vessel. The escaping HCl was measured by a Rotameter built in behind the Raschig ring tower. Driving off the HCl, contrary to experience in the Laboratory, took a very long time - 10-11 hours. As soon as no more HCl was being given off (noticeable by a fall in temperature in the upper part of the reflux condenser which is at 90OC whilst the bulk of the HCl is being given off), the temperature of the reaction vessel having risen to about 130-140°C the heating was turned off and the contents of the reaction vessel cooled to 80°C, The reaction mixture was now pulled over into a leaded distillation vessel and fractionally distilled in vacuum. As the POCI3 which separated contained Stoff 39 it was led back with the reaction. To control the distillation continual specific gravity measurements were made. The yields were very good and always over 90 per cent (sometimes 98 per cent)• The viscous mass left in the reaction vessel was sucked out and carefully destroyed with water. The great difficulty with this process was corrosion. The built in hard lead valves continually leaked and were choked up with lead chloride from the feed pipes. Enamel vadves with high grade steel which were tried out proved good. All the enamel parts behaved in general well (b) Preparation of Tabun. Chlorbenzol was introduced into an enamel vessel (2 and NaCN added by hand through a filling funnel. St off 39 and alcohol were then added as described above. The filters used were the same as those now used for Excelsior. The bottle neck in the manufacture was the filtration as the NaCl often separated in a slimy form which was difficult to filter and, therefore, took a long time. The HGN which was formed was burned on the top of the roof. As an excess of NaCN had to be used the salt cake which was filtered off contained some unattacked NaCN, In order to prevent contamination of the effluent with NaCN the dissolved salt was treated in an enamel vessel with HC1 and the solution heated to get rid of the HCl, The HGN which was given off was burned. There were no corrosion difficulties with this part of the process. The yield was about 80 per cent. 8. CoW» Production in Germany Information obtained by the interrogation of an authoritative member of Prdf 9 is given in Table I. It should be noted that Pruf 9 were not responsible in any way for production and therefore the table may not be complete or entirely accurate. No. Place Company Material Made Capacity (tons/month) 1. Ammendorf Orgacid Thiodiglycol H. -Jr could be turned over to make HT. The plant could also make CM, 4-50 Nitrogen mustard (Triethanolamine from Ludwig shafen.) 100 2. Huls. I*G, Thiodiglycol H. Special continuous process. Could also be used for HT or CM, also had a small sulphur dichloride plant, possibly now dismantled. 100 3. Gendorf (Hochwerke) Anorgana G.n.b.H. Mont an Ges. H by sulphur dichloride process. 4.000 projected, 1.000 completed. 4, Stassfurt Ergethan G.n.b.H. ArsinBl, 180 5. Leese Lanai Arsinttl. 450 6, Leese Riedel de Haen, Chloroacetophenone. 600 7. Seelze Nr.Hanover. Riedel de Haen, Chloroacetophenone, 120 8. Haselhorst Nr, Berlin. Lonal, Clark I and II, Worked out continuous process for diphosgene but no plant supplied. Trying technical manufacture of phosgene oxime. 80 TABLE I, No. Place Company. Material Made. Capacity (tons/mcnth) 9. Dyhernfurth Anorgana G.n.b.H, Tabun 1,000 (Niederwerke) Montan Ges. Sarin Cyanogen chloride Big plant for Aeroform planned, but not supplied* 100 (% completed) 100 (nearly completed) 10. Falkenhag en (Seewarke) Monturon Ges. Sarin. 300 (J completed). 11. Mainkur Nr. Frankfurt I.G. Merodansaure 12. Raubkamaer (Heidkrug) Sarin. Excelsior. 30 (i ton made) 3 to 4 13. Urdingen, X. G. D.Mo 400 Never made more than 200, 14. Ludwigshafen X. G. Phosgene ) Variable wanted 800 to 1,000, 15. Wolfen. I.G. Phosgene ) 16. Bitterfeld. I.G. Had small pilot plant for Aeroform, TABLE I (Continued) 9. Canyersian of mustard gas to comnercial products. The Germans had given very little consideration to the possibility of converting mustard gas into products having commercial uses„ The French had worked on a process in which mustard is oxidised with nitric acid the resulting chloroethylsulphonic acid converted to Taurine. This proved to be an expensive process using a large quantity of nitric acid and giving a poor yield. A Russian deserter suggested the condensation of mustard with sodium sulphide to give a resin suitable for the manufacture of gramophone records. This was investigated at some length, but no success was achieved. Apart from the above, there appeared to have been little investigation into this matter. Disposition of Buildings /A t R 8. RAU&Kfik/UtR SB! UUHSTf/t MAY 1945 FIG. I. KEY / 43-AS COWetTgR. 8. E CONVERTER L CHLOe/U*ro* 9 D££AS5£fZ 3. 0fa*S6f* to. SrrLL. 4. cguoe 68 Srore. //. Q/st/luo E Sroez 5. S3. St/LL /2K/lurgfiLlZSR. 6 S3 Snogs /S F/LTER 7. EUto*fM*Tog. H. Product Sroee. FLOW SHEET' EOE MANUFACTURE OF ‘SARlKl’ -Schematic Diagram —Sarin Plant- g—■ ■ " umaasammgaa—■saa-i"- it-ii asaaasaaasssass. RaUAKAMMER BE! KAUKiSTER MAY 1945 sace H « i in — usssamamm t " i ■! FIG: HI . — D/aqbauuatic Law-out—Plamt. — Paubkauues Bei Munster Uay 1945 nc. g. Investigation of Chemical .Varfare Installations in the LIunsterlager Area, including Raubkamner APHjHDEC VI RESEARCH German chemical warfare research work might he roughly sub- divided into three separate channels :- (a) the work done in the research laboratories at Spandau. (b) the work requested by rtfa* Priif. 9 frcm the various Academical Institutions. (c) the work carried out by the industrial firms themselves. Jjittle will be said here with regard to (c) as although theoretically all research and development work was guided by Wa Pruf 9 they had in fact little control over the research work of the various industrial fims and merely used the results of their research work as it became useful. The research work of industrial firms will therefore be left to the reports of those who have visited the actual firms. In Spandau In addition to the Laboratories for development work, there were also five research institutes (Forschungs Institute) called F1 to F5, Each of these research institutes was under the direction, of its cwn head who was entirely responsible for the work carried out and reported only to the head of tfa Pruf 9, Oberst Hirsch, There had evidently formerly been some sort of a Conmittee to discuss the work to be done by the research institutes, but this Committee had now ceased to function and the work was directed entirely by Oberst Hirsch, although a certain amount of the co-ordination of the work fell to the head of Group V, Professor Wagner0 At least one director of a research institute appears to have been well satisfied when this Committee ceased to exist and the constant demand for all sorts of wierd compounds which might possibly be of some interest came to an end. The head of Group V, Professor V/agner, was expected to co-ordinate a IT research work, see that there was no overlapping and that the work was being done as far as possible by the most suitable team, but presumably he only advised Oberst Hirsch on possible action to be taken and had himself no direct control of research. The research institutes at Spandau -were PI - Chemical institute P2 - Analytical Institute P3 ~ Physical and Physico- Chemical Institute P4 - Research Laboratory for Group X P5 - Library Director:- Dr, Reetz Dr, KSlliker Prof, Jung Dr, Zeumer Dr* ketzener Research Institute F1 Director :- Dr, Reetz Assistant Director Dr, BcSttger Other interrogated Herr Zahru In addition to the Director and Assistant Director there were 6 chemists, 16 Laboratory assistants, 2 typists and 4 workmen employed in P1, The chief fields of work were :- (1) Synthesis of new war gases (2) Scientific investigation of cheraico-technical problems, (3) Discovery of new reactions for the preparation of new compounds as well as for known war gases* (4) Examination of captured war gases (but never had any), (5) With P2 the preparation of compounds requ,ired for analysis* (6) With P3 the preparation of pure substances for the measure- ment of physical properties* (7) With YII and VIXL the testing of now compounds and discussions on new compounds which might be prepared* (8) With VIII and VIIIL the introduction of new methods of preparation and analysis discovered by P1c Preparation of Sarin and Soman The main work of the PI institute had been concentrated during the past few years on a study of the methods of preparation of Sarin and Sftman, and mary notable improvements in the methods of preparation had been developed. After a long and careful study an apparatus had been devised and set up in the laboratory which was capable of pro- ducing an appreciable amount of Sarin (half to 2 tons a month) and which could be used for the preparation of Soman, This apparatus is described in the following five steps, but it should be remembered that the details have all been supplied entirely from memory. Step I (Fig.I) GHz OH + PClz > 0 = P-OGHz "OCH5 -2- Carefully measured quantities of and were allowed to drop through fine openings in a tube on to a drum revolving inside a reaction vessel and kept cool by means of an internal stream of tap-water0 It was found that the PCI* should not be in excess and that more than 10 per cent excess or GH3OH was also inadvisable due to the solubility of HC1 in CH3OH, It was found best to work with about a five per cent excess of GH3OH, It was thought that the revolving drum would best be made of silver strengthened on the inside with steel, but such a drum had not yet been tried out at Spandau, A copper drum was used, but this was soon attacked and it was intended to replace this with a silver one. The product of the reaction passed through a vacuum trap to an evaporation column kept warm v/ith water at 60°G where most of the volatile by-products were removed and the crude product was then collected below. It was found to be an improvement to employ more than one column to remove the volatile matter and if possible to remove these so effectively that the raw product did not contain more than 2 per cent of HC1, Step II (Pigoll) H - GH3 0 = P - OCH3 > 0 3 P - OCH3 N OGH3 x OH < CH, * 0 20 = P- OCHt > GHz - P - 0 - P - GHz + GH,OGHz x OH Hr 'OH The product from Step I was passed through a measuring pump and led into the bottom of a vessel containing Step II product at 280 Rearrangement took place and the liquid overflowed into another exactly similar vessel where the reaction was supposed to be completed. It was not considered that this second vessel was really necessary, but it was found to be quite convenient. Both these vessels were kept under an atmosphere of nitrogen and the stream of entering nitrogen was regulated in such a manner that the glow of the escaping gases burning in the escape tube from the first vessel was never allowed to approach near the actual reaction vessel. The escaping gases were chiefly GH3OGH3, PH3, and Glk, All this apparatus was made of quartz. This reaction was discovered by Pi, but some care had to be taken to regulate temperatures etc, when c arrying it out in the laboratory as the reaction could proceed explosively especially if the temperature was too high or too large quantities of the dimethyl ester were being rearranged in the reaction vessel at one time. In Fig. II the product of the rearrangement is shown as being collected in a separate vessel, but actually it was found to be best to lead this product direct on to Step III as even at 110°G it was rather viscous and it was much easier to measure in the correct quantities for Step II, Step III (Pig.Ill) * 0 * 0 GHv - P - OGH5 + PCI, + Glo > GH, - P - Cl + KX31, ' OH ** x Cl o 0* *0 GH, - F - 0 - P - GHx > 2 GHzP OH HD *0 * 0 CH3 - P + KJ1, ♦ Cl9 > GH3 « P - Cl + POGlv *0 3 2 ' Cl The rearranged product from Step II was led hot via a heated quartz funnel into a reaction vessel into which and chlorine were carefully measured. The temperature of the reaction vessel was kept to about 60°G, by means of an internal coil circulating cold water. Fran the bottom of the vessel the product was led away over a syphon, which, was used to control the time of chlorination, to the receiving vessel, where thd dichloride and phosphorus oxychloride were collected for distillation. It was considered most important to see that the correct amounts of* chlorine and PCI, were added. An excess of chlorine was shown by a yellow colour due to the formation of PGI5 whilst a white turbulence indicated that too little chlorine had been added. Impurities obtained during the purification of the dichloride have been collected and examined, They were found to consist of (a) phosphorus oxychloride due to insufficient fractionation (bj GH3-P-OCH3 due to insufficient chlorination of the dimethyl ‘'Cl ester (c) GH3PO2 probably due to decomposition of the ester chloride,, ,0 (d) GCI3-B-GI due to excessive chlorination of the dimethyl ’■‘Cl ester (e) in traces due to excessive chlorination*, All these impurities were only found in very small quantities. GGl,P0Cl2 wets found to be & white waxy solid which sublimed* In water and cold N&OH it s£lit off only one chlorine atom, but in hot JfaOH all five were split off* The distillation of the product from Step III was effectively carried out in the apparatus shown in Pig,VI, Step IV (Pig. IV) *0 *0 *0 2 dfc-P-Gl ♦ 2 HP > CH3-P-CI ♦ GH.-P-F "Cl N Cl * XP The dichloride from Step III was placed in a long glass vessel (one third full - 3 litres) and H2P2 was led in from a cylinder placed on a weighing machine and connected by means of a copper spiral to a copper tube which dipped down to the bottom of the vessel. The temperature of the reaction vessel was kept at about 85°C. and the HC1 escaped through a condenser. Except for the copper dip-pipe it was found that the whole of the apparatus could be made of glass. Step V (Pig,V) £ *° GH3-P-GI ♦ ROH > CH3-P-OR + HOI " Cl x Cl ,0 *0 GHv-P-P + ROH > CH3-P-0R + HP " P *0 *0 GH3-P-OR ♦ HP > GH5-P-OR + HC1 "Cl "P The product from Step IV and isopropyl alcohol were carefully Measured into a 200 ml mixing vessel which was kept cool by means of an internal coil circulating cold water# The contents were mixed by passing in nitrogen through a tube dipping down to the bottom of the vessel. The addition was so arranged that the reactants remained in the mixing vessel about 5 minutes when they passed through an overflow pipe into a long reaction tube placed at a very alight angle so that the contents tended to move towards the far end. The tube was kept at about 40°C by means of an internal circulation of hot water, HG1 escaped from the mixing vessel and Reaction vessel through a single condenser, A tube leading out of the far end of the reaction vessel had a tap so adjusted that the Reagents remained in the reaction vessel for 15 "to 16 minutes® On leaving the reaction vessel the product contained about 12 per cent HC1 and it was important that this should be removed as quickly as possible without subjecting the product to the presence of appreciable quantities of HD1 at a temperature whdre saponification of the ester might take place readily0 The HC1 was therefore removed in three stages as shown in the sketch so that the HC1 removed in the latter stages did not affect the previous stages and the temperature could be raised gradually. Good cooling for the condenser was necessary and brine at -15°C was used. It was also found that silver condensers conducted the heat better, d£he product still contained 2 per cent HC1 and it was important that it did not contain free alcohol otherwise HP was formed and this caused difficulties in the distillation. *0 GH,-IK)R + HOR > GH5-P-OR + HP 0 * P x OR A method fbr estimating small quantities of alcohol was said to have been worked out by I*rP Bottger (Pi). The product was now distilled in the same apparatus for continuous distillation as was shown above and provided there was no large percentage of impurities present there was no difficulty with the distillation and a pure product was obtained in good yield. Sometimes if the reaction had not gone well it was necessary to treat With ammonia and filter before distillation, but this was avoided if possible. All workers laid grdat stress on the care which was necessary when working with Sarin and that all pumps should be guarded with NaOH. One great advantage of the above methods and apparatus was that a similar technique could be used for the preparation of Soman* It was only necessary to make slight alterations in the method of carry- ing. out Step V. Here pinacolyl alcohol was used in place of isopropyl alcohol. The reactants were kept in the mixing vessel for 8 minutes and warmed slightly when they passed on into the reaction tube where they remained for about 1+.0 minutes at a temperature of 60°C, The above method was found to be most useful for the preparation of Sarin in larger quantities. Previously other methods had been used such as I 3GH3OH + PCI3 H0P(0CH3)2 + GH3CI. II H0P(0GH3)2 + + GHJGl — + QH3OH + KaGl III GH3P0(0GH3)2 + BGI3 + Cl2 — GH3POGI9 + 2GH3GI + 2P0C13 .TV GH3POOI2 + NaP ♦ OHgPOPI^Hy) I could be carried out with or without solvent, but required good stirring. It was best to add the reactants at -10°0. then grad- ually allow the temperature to rise in the same flask and to pull off' the HU1 until only 2 per cent was left. II All the reagents were added separately with a trace of iodine in the GH 3GI, Kept at 2fO°C. then the NaCl filtered off and the product distilled. III Ester, PCI3 and chlorine were introduced into the reaction vessel at a low temperature. Sometimes POCI3 was tried as a solvent but no one was sure that it had produced any improvement in yield. When all the reagents had been added gradually the temperature was raised, the solvents distilled off and the product distilled in vacuum. IV Sodium fluoride was suspended in benzene, trichlorethylene, carbon tetrachloride or chlorbenzol plus one half per cent of water and isopropyl alcohol. The dichloride dissolved in the same solvent was added at 60-70°G. (1 mol. dichloride in 5° ml* solvent added to 150 g. NaPc in 160 ml. solvent and 1 mol Isopropyl alcohol. After filtration and distillation of the solvent the product was distilled. Great care had to be taken that there was no big excess of acid otherwise there was a very big decomposition of the product on distillation. It was also possible to make the diethyl ester as in the first stage of either of the above methods, but a change was then necessary in the method of chlorination. The diethyl ester had to be treated first with HC1 at to obtain the free acid which could be isolated and crystallised from petroleua ether if desired. As a rule, however, no purification was carried out and the crude acid was treated with an equivalent quantity of POI3 and chlorine. If the diethyl ester was treated at once with POI3 and chlorine or with PGlc then seme ,,Q J OH3-B-OG2H5 was formed and this could not be separated VC1 from the dichloride by distillation. IV above was also carried out using the following alcohols in place of isopropyl alcohol methyl alcohol at 60ctl. ethyl 60 n-propyl 60 sec-butyl 75 sec-amyl 80 cyclo-hexanol 70 pinacolyl over ,100 The yield in each case was of the carder of 60 to 85 per cent. A new method had also been worked out for the preparation of ethyl-Sarin by allowing phosgene to react on diethyl methyl phosphonate at room temperature or up to 3° to 40°Co ❖ 0 ,0 GH3-P-OG2H5 + C0C12 > C2H5CI ♦ G02 + GHT-P-OG2H5 OG2H5 VG1 The ethyl methylphosphoryl chloride so obtained could be distilled and allowed to react with sodium fluoride to give fluoro-ethoxy- methyl-phosphine oxide in 80 to 85 per cent yield* Unfortunately this method of preparation could not be adapted 30 Well for the preparation of Sarin as phosgene did not appear to react so well with the di-isopropyl eater, but the possibilities of this method were still being most carefully examined in P1. R-P-OR1 VP A large number of other compounds of the Sarin series were prepared,, It was found that the compounds became less effective as R1 increased in molecular weight CHj, G3H7 etc* Nearly all compounds where R* was a secondary alcohol were good and much better than the compounds derived from the corresponding primary alcohols. Any substitution of a methyl group for a hydrogen in the group R* seemed to increase the activity of the compound. Rrofessor Huckel of the University of Breslau was said to be very Interested in these fluorine compounds and in the relationship between the constitution and physiological activity. Further information on the relative effectiveness of members of this series is given in Appendix III* It was also proposed to study the rates of hydrolysis of the esters of the Sarin series and to try to correlate this with the toxological effecto A study of the action of water on Sarin appeared to have raised problems which had by no means been cleared up. Physical research in department P3 seemed to show that there was an almost immediate decomposition of Sarin, *0 *0 GHz-P-OR + HgO > CH3-P-OR + HP NP V0H but toxicological measurements by Dr. Sextl were said to have shown that Sarin retained its toxicological activity in water for at least 60 hours. P1 considered that there might be the immediate formation of a complex in water such as *° -i " GH3-P^G3H7 H2O OH and that this complex could then react with a ferment, the ferment replacing the molecule of water in the complex* Obviously more knowledge of the work done by the physical chemists of F3 on this problem is required. The action of heat on Sarin was studied and it was found that SaHn when h«#ited at its hni 1 inor rwirrh -Pnr* JL fn R hnmra decomposed intc and propylene. The decomposition started very slwrly, but it was auto-catalytic and became finally violent. The speed of the decomposition was increased by the presence of hydrogen ions and therefore the acid decomposition product Increased the rate of decomposition. If iron filings or amines were added to the Sarin the speed of decomposition was very much slower. CHj-iMDH P Various trials of the stability of Sarin at 20° and were carried out„ It was found that glass caused decomposition and that silver was unable to combine with the acid decomposition product and prevent an eventual rapid decomposition. Sarin was most stable in iron containers where one year at 20°C. produced 2 to 4 per cent decomposition and one year at 60°G. produced 10 to 15 percent decomposition* Sarin stored in iron vessels i& colourless, but on opening to the air it becomes blue and then brown due to the presence of complex iron salts. Sarin containing acid did not keep at all well. Preparation of Excelsior The preparation of Excelsior had also been studied. The reactions involved were ; - o-Amino-diphenyl was produced by the I0 G-. according to a published patento The Barth reaction for the preparation of V from IV has been studied at Spandau* Gump and Stolzeriberg, J, aunerc Chem. Soc,, described the yield of V as poor, but Steinkopf and others were able to show that by alteration of the reaction conditions the yield could be increased to about 60 per cento Sometimes yields of up to 70 per cent were obtained without it being quite under- stood which altered conditions had achieved this Increase in yield and it was decided to study the reaction in P1. The diazonium chloride of IV did not react at all with sodium arsenite in acid solution and in caustic soda solution the yields were very poor* The use of carbonate increased the yield* It was obvious that a study of the effect of pH on the reaction was necessary keeping such other factors as the concentration of copper and the temperature constant* To keep a constant pH during the Barth reaction was difficult, but it was achieved by the use of a buffer solution and by adding an alkaline solution during the reaction to neutralise as far as possible the hydrochloric acid formed* Attention was also paid to the fact that the copper should not only always be in solution, but should also always be in the same form (Cu(NH5)4)0 A curve roughly of the following nature was obtained* It was found that the best conditions lay between a pH of 9«0 and 9«2 and that it was better to aim for a pH of 9*2 as the curve was not so steep on that side of the maximum. The solutions with the different pH values were made from NaOH, NaHCO^, NH3, (NE(if and solutions* In estimating the yield the acid was precipitated, with HC1, washed with water, and dried at on a glass filter. With regard to the copper catalyst it was found to be quite.wrong to expect that on adding copper sulphate solution to the arsenite solution an increase in the amount of copper would produce a corresponding increase in yield. The copper was precipitated more or less rapidly as Gu(0H)2 and Gu(As03)2 and thus had no catalytic effect* It was much more important to see that a sufficient con- centration of ammonia was present to keep up the concentration of complex in the arsenite solution* As the ratio of copper to ammonia depends on the pH of the solution the experiments were carried out in such a way that the pH of the solution was kept constant and different amounts of (Gu(NH3)i|J were added* It was found that an increase of the Cu ion concentration over 19 (as far as can be remembered) mi Illinois per litre did not increase the yield* The temperature of the arsenite solution had little effect, but the yield appeared to fall over 60°GC The older method was to heat the o-arsonic acid with ccnc at 80°G, for one half to three quarters of an hour. The acridarsonic acid was precipitated with ammonia, dried and then suspended in HC1 in the presence of a small quantity of HI and SO2 passed into the solution until reduction was complete* A new method was introduced whereby the acridarsonic acid was not isolated* With good stirring the solution of acridarsonic acid in sulphuric acid was gradually added to a 50 per cent cone* HC1 in the presence of KI and SO2 passed into solution. The precipitated Excelsior was filtered, washed with CH3OH and obtained in good yield and an excellent state of purity* Further experiments on the technical application were carried out by VIII L and RVIII* It was understood that Professor Pumnerer had been working on an improved method for the preparation of Excelsior and that the con- version of V to VII was carried cut in one step with ICI3, but no details were known* Mi acellaneous preparations Attempts were made to prepare the arsenic compound corres- ponding to Sarin* This compound was sent for proof without analysis (an unusual procedure) and was found to be ineffective* It was considered that the reaction + HP might be usable. Itydrofluoric acid and methyl arsehite did not give a good yield,, An attempt was also made to prepare the compounds of the type but these compounds were too unstable splitting off a molecule of RP with great ease. It was found that compounds of the Tabun series where the ester group was chlorinated were all very inactive. 70R 0 = As-OR, 'F dork had been done on the stabilisation of Tabun, but it wad understood that no definite results had been obtained, Br, Dorken, VIII L, who was not available for interrogation, had been dealing with this problem. ROx RO Only one compound of the type was made and this was hardly active; the fluorine was very quickly hydrolysed* Compounds of the type were all found to be much less effective than Sarin« aOs *0 F RO ' "F The preparation of the alcohol ras under c ons i derat i on. 01N F C1-G-CH-GH20H, Cl' An attempt to prepare the compound, from the corresponding alcohol was unsuccessful,, Experiments had been carried out on the preparation of the compound, but this compound was considered to be too unstable to be of importance* JJti2GH2Cl CH2 =CH-N-CH2GH2C1, NGH2ai2Gl ,gh3 N-GH2CH2C1, vG^GH2G1 22’-di-iodo-di-ethyl sulphide was prepared and found to be less effective than mustard gas, but it was a well defined crystalline compound and proved very useful for the study of reactions. Some lead compounds were examined, but attempts to a. lead mustard were unsuccessful and the compound (G2H3)3FbCl, was found to be no improvement on tetra-ethyl lead. Considerable interest had been shown in the ccmpounds referred to by jfraelog and Khhlbach, Ber. 1939, 71. 672, but it was found impossible to prepare the compounds in good yield* Some work had been carried out on improved methods far the preparation of* pinacolyl alcohol, but it was subsequently understood that the I.C. were able to get the corresponding unsaturated hydrocarbon in good yield by a cracking process. Research Institute P2 This was devoted to Analytical Chemistry under the direction of Dr# Rudolf Kolliker. It had six main laboratories as under* Lab. 1 o Polariraetry Dr.Ender, Dr, Heinz Vogt* Lab. 2. Work on Sarin and Tabun Dr, Johannes Wolf, Lab,3, Examination of captured enemy Rudolf Schluter material, H3N determinations* ampoules for storage trials. Lab, 4* Mustard gas derivatives. Dr, Hans Kobs, Lab. 5, Chamber trials. Dr. Rudolf Ulm, 6,' Serin research. Dr, Kolliker, The only members of P2 available for interrogation were Dr, Ulm and Dr, Kobs, The former was concerned mainly with analyses for chamber trials* Full details provided by him for the analysis of the various war gases are included in Appendix I, Laboratory 4 of P2 carried out investigations into the thermal decomposition of mustard gas and Tabun, Sulphur dichloride mustard itas heated for }00 days at 60°C, in iron vessels when a sludge had separated out and was removed, Prom the sludge was isolated what was probably the water soluble QMp* Clip dithian and a complex of ethylene-bis-j3- GH2*GHj chlorethyl sulphide and ferric chloride, Fran the liquid layer was obtained ethylene dichloride, dithian and ethylene-bis-(3-chlorethyl sulphone* Tabun after heating for 3 weeks at 100°C. had decomposed consider- ably forming hydrogen cyanide, propionitrile and pyrophosphoric acid - diethyl ester - bis - dlmethylarai da. It is understood that Dr* Wolf wasMworking art the new methods for estimating Sarin and Soman* Dr* Schluter was undertaking accelerated storage tests for mustard gas* Ampoules containing the mustard under test were filled with steel filings and maintained at high temperature, and the mustard analysed from time to time by the usual methods* Polarimetric methods for the estimation of Fluorine were under investigation. Also a fluorescent method was being developed for the estimation of Bromine mustaid (believed by the Germans to be a component of a U*S. mixture for spraying). Research Institute g' P3 was under the direction of Prof. Jung. It dealt with research on physical and physico-chemical subjects, including the structure of smokes, absorption and desorption by charcoal, determination of physical- chemical constants, molecular distillation and optical and X-ray experiments as applied to the inspection of the interior of munitions. A. projected research was the radio-active examination of the penetration of filter materials* Only three members were available for interview, Drso Schweckendick, Wolf and Kaael, from whom the information given below was obtained. Other workers in P3 were Dr. Holm - absorption and desorption by charcoal and Dr* Siemens - Molecular weight deter- minations* Methods of generating smokes for laboratory experiments Potassium iodide was much used as the standard substance for laboratory experiments. It was sprayed from solution in methyl alcohol from an atomiser of the scent spray type which had a needle valve control for the liquid fuel at the orifice and an adjustable nose cap for controlling the air flow* Particle size could be varied by altering the strength of the solution* Other smokes used in the investigations were chloro-sulphonic acid dispersed by spraying and zinc hexachlorethane mixture which was ignited. These smoke* were regarded as being representative of those actually used in the field. No other smokes had been investigated* Methods of determining particle size, number. concentration and shape A slit ultramicroscope was used for counting* They preferred to use a large sell with a sharply defined beam rather than a small cell in which the beam boundary is delimited by the walls of the cell. In the latter type, it was considered that losses of particles in the walls occur. They had been investigating the use of an "Iconscope" - a television scanning device for automatic recording of the number of particles* The application of the apparatus was not fully developed since it was required for other more urgent work. Particle size distribution determinations were made by measuring the rate of fall in a thick walled copper cylinder 125 capacity weighing 20 leg* Particles were photographed in a Tyndall beam with exposure ©f 13 secs* The negatives were projected on a screen and the tracks of the particles measured. Sizes were calculated from the Stokes-Cunningham formula. Measurements on 300 particle tracks were sufficient for a complete size distribution. Concentrations were determined by taking saiqples of Schleicher and Schull filters. During the past year they had available a Siemen’s electron- microscope and Dr. Schwekendick had received special training in its use* This was an electro-magnetic instrument, maximum high tension 10A Kv (controlled to within + or - 3 volts) The valves derived their current ft*em batteries. The resolving power of the instrument was 0.03 microns or less. The specimen holder was made of platinian with an 0.07 mm. hole covered with collodium film. This was exposed in the smoke for 10 or 20 minutes in order to obtain a sample. By using a very snail emission and very high tension it was possible to examine zinc chloride particles. They did not evaporate in the high vacmia, possibly this was due to the formation of a protective film. The particles were spherical or ellipsoidal in shape. Si02 formed hollow shells. Ti02 particles were spherical, and the larger particle often had smaller ones attached over the surface. U wq.s crystal-line. Transmission of Radiation by smokes A considerable amount of work had been done on the transmission of visible infra red radiation through smokes of the kind described above, the measurements extend- ing up to a wave length of 16 microns. These were designed specially for assessing the performance of infra|tred viewers (Spannergerat) used by the Army and Navy. The Spannergerat for their experiments was a standard type made by Allgemeine Electrische Gesellschaft (Forschung), Berlin, Reinigendorf. In this instrument the radiation is focussed on a quartz caesium cell, and the electrons are accelerated in an electric field and focussed by electro-static lenses on a green fluorescent screen. It is sensitive up to a wave length of 1.2 microns. They found that the viewer was useless for penetrating smoke screens, but in cases where a target was obscured by dust clouds (i.e. by large particles) considerable assistance could be|tderived By use of the instrument. A bolometer form of Spannergerat had been Used by the Navy for detecting radiation from funnels and Dr, Schweckendick thought it had been made by Zedss. For longer wave lengths they had used a photo electric cell sensitive up to 3*5 microns, which had to be cooled with solid GO2 saving to thermal instability. This wan made by Elac (Electro- Acoustic), Namlau nr Breslau. Longer wave lengths up to 16 microns Were detected by a bolometer. Absorption coefficients of smokes Were measured. In Chlorosulphonic acid smoke, the transmission of 16 microns radiation was 15 times that of visible light. Dr* Schweckendick could give no information about the relation be- tween scattering of light and particle size* They had preferred to do practical experiments before considering theory. He knew about the work of Stratton and Houghton on scattering by wa$er droplets, but-was unaware of the investigations of Engelhard or Preiss (Koll,Zeit) on the polar scattering by small particles. He knew of no methods for producing homogenous clouds. Measurements of penetration of filters by radio-active indicators and general work on filter efficiency In 1941 -42 experiments were made on the penetration of German and Polish filters by KL containing a radio- active indicator. Hydrogen and thorium emanation were bubbled through methyl alcohol. After ten hours the activity was sufficient for making up KI solution, which was sprayed in the usual way. The smoke was absorbed in methyl alcohol before and after passing through the filter and the solutions were evaporated on metal plates which were then placed in an electrometer for activity measurements. Concentration of original cloud was 60-80 mg/m3. Penetration of the German filter was of the order of 0,001/* whilst the Polish was 0.The optimum particle size for penetration was about 0.2 microns diameter but little systematic work had been done in P3 on this subject. Filter testing had also been done in P4 with photo electric apparatus using Clark I smoke Zeumer), Foreign filters were all so good that there seemed no prospect of securing significant penetration and so little attention had been paid to control of particle size. It is interesting to note that, although the German particulate filter was excellent, some leakage through the outlet valve was found when high concentrations of toxic smokes were encountered. Stability of smoke compositions Trouble had been experienced owing to the spontaneous combustion of smoke mixtures containing aluminium* A special bomb calorimeter had been designed which could be initiated by electrical thermostatic control at 40°G. The temperature control was effected by means of a resistance bridge and photo-electric actuation from the spot of light from a galvanometer. Temperature of the charging was measured by thermo couples. It was found that after a period there was a rapid temperature rise. Comment The research in F3 on the physical properties of smokes, although no doubt well conducted, was not in an advanced state. No information which is at all novel has yet been disclosed and there seems to be little indication of work on new lines. Infra-red absorption by smokes - Research by Dr, Erich Wolf This research was complimentary to that described above which was being done by Dr, Schwechendick, and was commenced in Oct, 1944* The apparatus was being constructed and assembled at P3 Spandau before the move to Raubkaramer and no results had been obtained. It was intended to make measurements of the absorption and scattering of I,R® by smokes in relation to particle size. The main object of the experiments was to gain fundamental information in connection with I,R, photography and the use of infra-red viewers and detectors by the Navy, Pea? detecting and measuring the intensity of long wave I,R, radiation, a Naval instrument known as Donau 60 (probably made by Zeiss and supplied by Wa®Pr. 8) was going to be used. Pull details of this were not known, but broadly speaking it is a form of sensitive bolometer bridge. The radiation falling on the bolometer is interrupted by a rotating sector and the alternating current of several hundred cycles per sec, thus produced in the bridge circuit is amplified before passing to a measuring instrument. For near I,R,, a Nemst filament lamp was to be used (samples obtained) whilst for longer waves, a high pressure mercury vapour lamp was to be the source of radiation. The radiation was to be split into two beams by mirrors® Those mirrors were made frem spluttered aluminium on glass, A number of them have been retrieved from the Spandau stores and are being sent to U,K® They are of very high optical quality. One beam was to pass through the cloud whilst the other was to be used as the comparison standard and had the same optical path (25 m®)* Both beams were then to pass to a monochromator so that absorption of different wave lengths could be studied. The two beams then passed to the bolometers in the arms of the bridge. For wave lengths up to 2 microns, a quartz prism was to be used whilst, up to 6 microns, a potassium bromide crystal was to serve, 4ie monochromator has been retrieved, but unfortunately the quartz prism and the crystal which are particularly valuable have not been found. The smoke chamber was to have quartz windows seme 20 cm, square and 2 ram® thick. For long wave lengths rubber windows, 1/100 ma® thick were to be used® Paraffin was to be the source of smoke. Emission spectra of vesicant vapours A study was conmenced in Dec, 1944 of the emissionq>ectrum of vesicant vapours. The work was undertaken by Hans Joachim Kasel, who had worked for two years under Prof, Schuler at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Dahlem, There he had been investigating the spectra of benzene, toluol and xylol and the same technique was enployed in the present study, A spark tube about twenty cm, long was used. It had two side limbs, one holding the vesicant and the other being cooled in liquid air. The vapour was transferred from one limb to another through the main spark discharge tube by a stream of hydrogen and in that way a continuous stream of undecoraposed molecules was maintained. The voltage drop across the tube was 4,000 obtained from a transformer. No significant results had yet been obtained. The investigation was of an entirely fundamental nature designed to obtain information regarding molecular structure. It was complimentary to another study being uhdertaken by Fraulein Busch on the Roman spectra of vesicants. Other Research work in hand Ijr was proposed to measure the penetration of rubber and other materials by the use of radio-active Mustard gas* They intended to make radio sulphur by bombarding chlorine with 0 rays* Research Institute PJ P4 Director OBR Dr, Zeuaor Assistants Dr, Leopold Dr, Sperling. The Research Institute P4 could well be considered as the research laboratories for Group X of Wa. Pruf0 % No member of 74 was available for interrogation, but it is understood that thd chief adjects studied were as follows (a) Examination of substances which might have a deliterious effect on the internal combustion engine e.g, dirty the plugs, cause corrosion, disturb oil film in cylinders etc# After 2 years work no practical results had been obtained, the best substance found being ethyl fluoroacetate. (b) A study of possible incendiary and sabotage materials, (c) Protection against 'incendiaries. (d) Fine dust explosions. (e) The use of insecticides. (f) Sticky materials for the attack of tanks, (g) Field trial technique. (h) Possible methods of using war gases which are thermally sensitive and cannot be detonated in the usual manner. Research at Universities etc, A considerable amount of the research work for Wa, Pruf,9 was carried on at the various Universities and Technical High Schools etc, and this work was controlled and co-ordinated by Group V, The scope of the work is indicated briefly in Table I, In addition much work had been carried out by Professor Steinkopf, now retired, and by Professor Ruff who has since died. Some compounds said to "be of particular interest wore Compound* Prepared by* Properties* Reason not used. GlpAafC' ♦ substitution derivatives ✓ asC1„ H^C * A3GI2 Pro f,St einkopf) Prof* Hans > Fischer ) Practically no smell and good green cross effect Scarcity of Arsenic and difficulty of preparation on a big scale. Selenium and Tellurium c omp ounds, <*. go SeOP2. Prof.Huckel and Prof.Brint- zinger. Strang green cross effect as well as effect on skin. Almost complete Absence of Selemium and Tellurium in Germany. P.CH2.CH 2oOH P.CH2.CH0 P.CH2.COOH. p.ch2.go.r. (R = C2Hc, G zH‘/ and = GH2) and especially Calcium salt* Prof, Ruff and ti Prof* Kuckel Strong green cross effect quickly pro- duced. Difficulty of providing raw materials, but chiefly because Tabun was con- sidered much better. No, Name, Place, Institute. Work carried out. 1o Prof. Bockemuller Berlin (formerly in Wurzburg and went back there in February), Akademie der Luft- waffe. Synthesised a series of Fluorine compounds. 2. Prof. Bohme, Berlin, University. Compounds of mustard type also undertook synthesis of required compounds. 3. Prof. Hahn. Berlin. University. Studied break-down of filter* with radio active substances, for example KI fog from radio active iodine. Worked directly with Prof. Jung P3« 4. Prof. Hellberger, Berlin. Tech.H.3, Used for the employment of Prof, Trochimovsky, See. 6. 3o Dr. Kruger. Berlin. Now returned to .Ahlbech. Zellwolle For- schungs Institut. Worked chiefly directly with Group II on materials to give pro- tection against mustard. 6, ftrof, Trochimovsky Berlin. Tech,H,3, Born in Ukraine and found in Warsaw brought to Berlin as he had exper- ience of work on fluorine compounds. Hade some fluorine compounds but did not have much success. C. W, Research >/ork carried out at Academical Institutes in Germany APPKNDIX VI TABLE I Namec Place. Institute, Work carried out. 7, Prof, Huckel Breslau (now evacuated to Gottingen). University, Systematic study of fluorine com- pounds calcium salt of trifluoro- acetic, fluoro-ethyl alcohol etc. Also Fluoro phosphates. 8. Prof, Friese, Brunswick, University, Had just commenced work on arsenic compounds of Quinoline, 9- Prof, Manegold. Dresden, Tech. iLS, Colloid Chemist worked on mustard and nebelsaure foams. to. Prof, P re derich Muller, Dresden. Tech. K, 3. Suitable substitutes for smoke generators- 11. Prof, Simon, Dresden, Tech, H. 3, Search for suitable catalysts for impregnation of charcoal against cyanogen chloride. Was asked to study American active charcoal. 12, Prof, Pummerer, f Erlangen. University, Worked on Excelsior, New method of effecting ring closure, reduction and chlorination of Merodansaure to Ex all in one stage with PCI3, Also worked on simplification of synthesis of Merodansaure, Methods of estimating how ranch charcoal filter had been used. 13. Prof. Gerhardt Jander, Greifswald, University, Aerosol problems, particles, size, etc. study of hydrolysis of aero- sols, Vapour pressure measurements. No. Name. Place, Institute, ■ r—1 r — ■■■ ■ ~~ ■■ ■ ■ Work Carried out. Um Prof. Rengr. Hamburg. University. Micro methods for testing active charcoals. 13. Prof. R. Kuhn. Heidelburg, Kaiser Sfilhelm Institute, Pharmacological effect of new phosphorus compounds. Synthesised Soman. Tried C10H10 as antidote for H. Expected Tocopherol to be useful against fluorophosphates as these cause "Great inorie" but this does not appear to have been successful. fl 16. Prof. Koffler. Innsbruck. University. Micro methods of detection. Found there were 5 or 6 different modifications of DM and also of Ex. Was trying to get micro detection methods for fluoro phosphates. ■*1 17. Prof. Brint zinger. Jena. University. Selenium compounds, stink compounds synthesis and stability of phosgene oxime and similar compounds. Nitroso compounds. 18. Prof. Schwarz. Kiel, Nahrungsmi t tel Inst i tut. Worked directly for Group III on problems of mustard contaminated food stuffs. ' Dr* Erdtrea* Munich* Braxierei Wis3enschaft~ Whether possible to get yeasts or liches Institut, other fungi which would attack mustard or nitrogen mustard. Pound it was possible to raise types which would decompose mustard and nitrogen mustard but not in suffi- cient quantity to be practical. 20. Profo Hans Fischer Munich. i Tech,H.S, Did not do much work but knew Von Sicherer well. Had an assistant Dr, Hndenann who was sent to Gendorf to help with difficulties of H manufacture, t As OI2 Asked to synthesise CHj? nAs CQ.2 Made from acetic acid and arsenic trichloride. This point was sent in as a suggestion by a School- master who had made it under pri- mitive conditions. It is said to be as poisonous as phosgene, to have no lachrymatory effect and very little smell. 21 o Prof. Hieber, Munich, r Tech«H,S, worked on arsine and whether there were different forms of this compound said to have found a solid form. 22. Prof, Manchot. Munich. Tech.H.S0 Properties of charcoal. Action of 00 at low temperature. * CM Prof. Scheibe, Munich. Studied night detector powder, break-down of charcoal filter. o 0 Name, Place, Institute, rtork carried out. 2Uo Prof, Pricke, Stuttgart, University, Sought GO catalysts free of copper, also one which was not so sensitive to water. Cobalt sulphate said to have been a possibility. • IA CM Prof, Ebert, Vienna, University, Thickeners for mustard and also HGN, Substitutes for asbestos in filter. 26, R?of, Ulrich Hoffman, Vienna, Tech, H, S, Improved performance of active charcoal against cyanogen chloride. FIG. I. fic.h. nc. m. fic. m. FIC. Y. CONTINUOUS DISTILLATION Investigation of Chemical Warfare Installations in the Munster lager Area, including Raubkanmer APPENDIX VII SINQMMS FOR GERMAN CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS Several different codes are or have been in use for chemical warfare agents in Germany, and these are given in tabular form below* The last column is a local code which was in use for a short time and which may occasionally be encountered* Usual or Chemical name. Code Name • Code lettering. Local Code. Chi or oace t ophenone Bromomethylethylketone O-salz BN-stoff A Oft Methyldichloroarsine Medikus md Phenyldichloroarsine m Pfifficus (Azin Pf (Adarasite M az da Clark I Cl cc DC Da Oxide Clark II Clark oxide, Dora on cz hydrogen cyanide Potassium cyanide Bauxin Bauxin sal* Bbc, P bx Cyanogen chloride J1 ie Hiosgene P fg Diphoagene Perstoff H po Ghlorpicrin Nitrolsaure, Klop (Neiler Criin- ns Tabun Tabun - chlorobenzene ( kreuz Stoff, f Gelan I (Trilon 83 Gelan III G GA tb Sarin Arsine Aluminium Magnesiian Arsenide 5-chloro-5:10 dihydro- (Trilon 4 I ( Gmnkreuz-stoff ( Senal ( A-stoff Aeroform Ex sr arsacridine Iron pentacarbonyl Fnosohine Excelsior Methen Penitot ex Phosphorus oxychloride Thiodiglycol mustard oxysaure oxol-lost 0 U Sulfur Dichloride mustard D-lost D Mixture of chlorphenyl Arsinol A arsines Thiodiglycol mustard- chlorohenzene 1:1 Winterlost C Anthracene oil Mixture mustard and Arsinol Winterlost R OA, B0 Ja Mixture mustard and anthracene oil Winterlost OR, L Jr British HT OB Jb Mixture of mustard and dialkyl mustards Gemischtelost CM Jm Thickened mustard Zahlost Z Thickened mixed mustards Italian mustard " arsinol " Winterlost S e s quimus tard (Doppel-0 ZOA D ZOR ZQM £ ZOB JD PDA Jl/PDA DO Trichlortriethylamine (m3) Phosgene oxime (Doppel Omega Stickstofflost T9 K in Kant on Mt Lewisite 1 Lewisite 2 Lewisite 3 Chlorine trifluoride K-stoff li lg Id Investigation of Chemical Warfare Installations in the Munster lager Area, including Raubkammer APPENDIX VIII NEBELTRUHSN. The organization of the Nebeltruppen (Smoke troops) is given in Table I, At the end of the iflTar there were 9 Brigades of Smoke Troops (Werferbrigaden) of 2 Regts„ each. Originally the Smoke troops consisted of independent batteries (abteilungen) either for projectors, (Nebelwerferabteilungen) or for decontamination (Entgiftungsabteilungen). As result of expansion in this arm of the service larger units and formations were made in the course of the war. The expansion can be followed by the increase of the order of battle of the Smoke troops as under 1935 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 43 Nebelabteilung (Smoke batteries) 1 2 2 4 3 5 8 21 21 48 32 Entgiftungabteilung (Decontamination batteries) 5 3 3 Road dec cntarainating batteries 3 3 3 Werfer Regt* 7 7 16 18 Werferlehr Abteilung (Batteries) 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 6 6 Brigades 1 4 8 9 Werfer Ersatz Regt* 3 3 Mountain Nebelabteilung Smoke batteries* 1 1 1 1 There were some 5 Decontamination Batteries in existence in June 1941 when there was some fear of the Russians resorting to C0VT* After August 1941 when the Russians were jettisoning their respirators, the Decontamination Batteries were all converted to »/erfer Batteries, The Nebeltruppen are Troops (Heeres Truppen)* Recruits The recruits for the Nebeltruppen are taken on strength by the Koraraandantur der Neb el Truppen ic der Ersatz Heeres under Gen* Major Graewe with H*Q. in Raubkammer. There are 3 Ersatz Regiments of the Nebeltruppen stationed at Bremen, Munster (Sud) and Donauworth* Under the aegis of the Werfer Ersatz organization, complete abteilung (batteries) were trained for posting to the field Am$r* Also shattered and depleted units from the front were posted in for re- placement and reforming* The General der Nebeltruppe, Ochsner at OKH (until he was pro- moted to OKW towards the end of the War) had a visiting right, (besuch recht) to see and advise on the training of the Werfer ersatz troops* Alteration of tactical training would also originate from his office (amt) through OKH (Ersatz Heeres) and Inspection 9. and he passed down to the training establishments* Nebeltruppenschule - Celle The smoke troops' school is at Celle adjoining the Gas Defence School* Since 1943 it was divided into three wings Lehrstab A - Officers Wing Lehrstab B r NoG*0's Wing Lehrstab G - Technical Wing The school is partly a technical school and partly a Smoke Officers Training Centre* The school had been evacuated and occupied by a PW (X) camp when the team arrived* There wax no staff or documents left* Officers1 Wing There were various courses* Company Commanders courses lasting one to two weeks were held three or four times per year* Junior Officers courses lasted longer and were held four to five times per year. No offensive C,W, tactics were taught as far as ascertained* N,G«Ofa Wing Courses for Werfer Regt, N,G,O’s were run consecutively. At one time in 1944 this wing was stationed at Truppenlager Raubkaramer, Technical Wing This wing ran rather long courses of one year’s duration and longer. Schirrmeister (Gh) course Oberschirrmeister (Gh) course Inspector (Gh) course (Sgt, i/o chemical stores) (Sgt.Maj® i/c chemical stores) (lit® i/c chemical stores) All these courses covered the use, maintenance, repair, and indenting of chemical equipment. Students qualifying were posted as Schirrmeister (Gh) at Werfer Regt, Units, To qualify for an Inspector (Gh) course or Beamter course, candidates had first to have passed the Schirrmeister course. Candidates for the Inspector (or Beamter} course were usually soliders with 2 years completed service in the ranks. The course was therefore equivalent to an O.C.T.U, (or 0,CoSo in U,S. Anqy) course for senior N.G.O's to qualify them for jdnior officers* rank in administrative branches of the Army, Lehrstab G, The gas equipment K,G,0, courses lasting originally over a year were progressively shortened to meet the requirements for more trainees to post to the expanding ranks of the Smoke troops. Course No, 9 ran for ten months, and subsequent courses ran for five months* There were also courses of different duration for Active and reserve personnel. On the Schirrmeister and Beamter courses students were taken out once to see a Nebelwerfer shoot demonstration. No offensive C,W, tactics were taught. Stabsapotheker, FeIdlaborchemiker, and G, W, courses for medical officers were apparently held at the Gas Defence School, Gelle, next door. Feldlaborchemiker To every Decontamination Battalion was attached a Field Lab, and chemist. It was never settled what chemical standing these officers should have. Sane were Baurat ohemiker, but some were only Stabsapothekers, After the conversion of the Decontamination Abteilung (Batteries) to the Werfer Abteilung (Batteries) in august 1941, some three to four Field labs* were retained in Russia* They were under the command of the G.0* Nebelwerfer Regiments, and were attached on his orders to Div* or moved if necessary forward* The Peldlabor equipment did not stand up well to the bad Russian roads, and designs were being drawn up for a new field lab* set to make use of the experience gained in Russia* With the conversion of the Decontamination Abteilung (Batteries) to Werfer Abteilung (Batteries) most of the trained G, W, personnel were dispersed* After that date the Germans were not in a position to deal with a sudden outbreak of G.W. Apart from the few Peldlabor- chemiker and the unit Gabos - who were only given a 10 - 14 day course in V& training - they had no G.W, troops* The Technical Wing - Lehrstab C - of the Nebeltruppenschule moved to Raubkammer in March-April 1945# and later evacuated to Donauworth* Nebel Werfer Lehr. Regt. 2, This Regiment was permanently in the Celle and Raubkammer area* The Regt. H.Q. under Oberst* Lt. Bohme, and Abt. I. W, Lehr Regt* 2* were at Celle. Abteilung II andffIII were stationed at (or Nebellager) of the Truppenubungsplatz Raubkamaer bei Munster, under the Area command of Gen. Haj. Richter* In the past these Abteilungs II and III were standing troops and carried out training with trial weapons, clothing and equipment* Later, owing to manpower shortage, personnel on the strength were posted out to field force Werfer Regt. The Nebel ’Werfer Lehr Regt. I though still retaining a connection with Celle was permanently on the Eastern front. At the Nebellager there was a good museum of all Werfer equipment* The following was displayed 21 cans PzW, 42 13 cms three barrel NbM. Layout of 28/32 cms. S.tf.g.41* 28/32 S.W.g. mounted on a sledge. All smoke acid equipment used by Hebeltruppen with all spare part boxes. Meteorological equipment for Nebeltruppen. Samples of Russian chemical, bombs. Samples of mortar shaped Russian rockets with projector. Samples of long rockets, Russian, fired from long rails. Samples of Russian heavy rockets like the German 28/32 cm.Wk. Sections of all Werfer amn*> Owing to the occupation of the Nobel lager by a succession of tenants, there was nothing left of the Museum, and all the sectional asKU had been thrown on a Junk heap* In some of the store sheds were found samples of the Hawig Schwinm pump used to fill the Decontamination vehicles. An install- ation for the regeneration of collective protectors was found. All decontamination vehicles had been evacuated. Copies of "Gasschlessen Alle Waffen" were reported to be at the Nebellager, but none were found. The Lehr Regt, at the Nebellager carried o6t trials of respirators and A/& clothing - and of methods of detection, decontamination and traversing of ground contaminated with Bulk contamination vehicles, portable Spraying canisters, chemical mine (10 1, Sp,Bfi,37) and aircraft mustard spray. One troop specialized with Detector Dogs, These were not successful with the troops as they could not be bothered with them. Another troop specialized in horse decontamination. For these trials, the Nebel truppen had the benefit of the advice and supervision of the interested branches of the Heeres Versuchsstelle, R,III for decontamination and detection, R,IV for the vehicles, and R* IX for the horse trials. The traversing trials were adequately realistic - troops had to traverse a course of some 6 kms, taking about 2 hours. They were clothed in light A/(* suits. The course included one belt of con- tamination and scattered islands of contaminated ground. They were required to lie down on the contaminated ground and fire their rifles, open lanes of decontamination, reconnaisance with dogs and detector powder the islands of contamination, and finally go through the processes of decontamination of personnel and clothing. Such trials were held only 2 or 3 times a year. Werfer Shoots There was a Liaison Officer (Nebeltruppenschule Verbindungs Offizier) at the Nebellager who arranged for the dating of 'Training ranges and the supply of weapons, ammunition, and maintenance per- sonnel for the shoots required for students from Celle, Any of the three ranges, Raubkammer bei MxSnster, Mfinster-Sud, or Bergen as available were used. From the Liaison Officer*s files which were captured it is apparent that only HE and smoke airm, were used for these school shoots. It does not appear that the Lehr Regiment at Raubkammer ever shot chemical rockets other than smoke in Regto training. Trials with chemical filled rockets seem only to have been carried out by Heeres Versuchsstelle though doubtless Werfer weapons and firing crews would have been detailed for the trials from the Nebeltruppen at the Nebellager. Records of the existence of the following ammunition has been found;- 30 cm. Wurfkorper, Green ring, 30 cm. W.K©Gn. fillings: GG, AC, Tabun, Lost.0. 12 cm. Wgr. 42 Kh Pilled Nb " " " " Blue ring 1 M " ” M Green ring 1 ” ” H Green ring yellcw ” " M " Blue ring 2 (range C. 60000 in,) 30 cm, W.k.Qb» mustard filled for land contamination, range 4-6000 m© 10 cm, W.gr. 40 w.Kh. Blue ring 2. Pilling solution of Clark I in Arsinol. Range 6000 m. 10 an. W.gr, 40 w,Kh.Gn© filled with Lost 0 in 10 cm, WQfj 40 w.Kh,Gn.Gb, 10 cm. W.gr© 40 W.Kh. Gn. filled with in 10 cm. WQn 40 w,Green ring 1. 10 an. W.gr. 40 2B Gb, filled 620 ccs mustard for ground contaminat ion. 10 cm. W.gr. 40 2B Gn 2 filled 620 ccs T83 (Tabun?) 32 cm, W,K.Eg© filled 5° litres Lesantin for decontaminating area 6 to 12 sq. m. 15 can. W gr. 41 w,Kh.GnGb filled Lost 0 15 " " it n n Green ring filled T9 (MW) 15 " " " " " Green ring 3 filled Tabun None of this amra, has been found, though some 30,000 15 cm. WK DOV have been filled by Nebelfulstelle, Munster Nord. They contained thickened mustard and may be at H,Muna Munster Ost. There were 75 Munitions store houses at Breloh which were intended to hold K munitions for Nebelwerfera* Mary of these houses were converted to accommodate personnel, and to house captured Italian weapons. No Nebelwerfer ammunition has been found at Breloh. Training. No instructor Werfer Regt, officers have been found to interrogate. Only a few Inspectors who went to the Technical Wing to qualify for Beamter appointments and who did not get posted to Werfer Regiments have been interrogated. A file belonging to Major and Abteilung Chef Baron von Preyberg has been captured giving details of training programmes for different Werfer Ersatz Batteries. It appears that practically all activities connected with the Nebeltruppen were concentrated in the Celle and Munster areas. Celle was both the site for the Nebeltruppen school, the Nebel truppen Regimental depot, and the O.G.T. Uc for Nebelwerfer officers. The training for Werfer Regiment officers was carried out intermittently with interpolated periods of service at the front. Recruits came first to the school or depot for 3 months, then were sent to the front for 3 months, then returned to the school for a second period of 3 months training, and then became officers after a further period of duty at the front. The training was run very much on artillery training lines. The recruits were given the standard A/G training, but it was expected that smoke troops would become models of A/G training to other troops. Personnel of decontamination batteries however necessarily required additional a/G training. No evidence has been found that any C, W. offensive training was given. In the south part of the town of Celle there were other barracks built in the same style as the buildings of the school. from the fact that in the garage annexes were found some Nebelwerfers and amn, it would appear that some Werfer units were s'tationed there. Also near by was found a large store of all A/G equipment and much Nebelwerfer spare barrels. The quantity of A/G equipment found may have represented the equipment carried by Decontamination Abteilung (Batteries) or an A/G equipment Park (Gasschutz Cerate Park). Personalities Ochsner, General, Scherer, Oberst, Graewe, Gne.Llajo Richter, GeruMaj, Stroh, Oberst, Totsihels, Oberst, Grosse, Oberst Lt, Bohrae, Oberst, Gloy, Major Schuekraft, Oberst, Baron von Preyberg, Major, General der Nebeltruppen at 0, K,H. later at O.K.W, Assistant to Ochsner at O.K.H, Kommandant der Nebeltruppen i* do Ersatz Heeres. Koramandant der Truppen Ubungs Platz, Raubkammer bei Munster,, Nebeltruppenschule, Celle0 Nebeltruppenschule, Celle, O.G0 Technical Wing, Nebeltruppenschule, Celle. C.O, Werfer Lehr Regt, 2. HQ Celle, Werfer Lehr Regt.2, Celle, Celle, 0,G, of a Training Battery, Vehicles Decontamination Batteries had clothes decontamination vehicles KJ293 and Hot water heating vehicles KJ294* These were withdrawn in 1939 and allotted to the Troop Decontamination Coys, (TEK) of the Sanitary arm of the Service. It was foreseen that Nebeltruppen would be provided with KJ292 which is a smaller vehicle, and is fitted to provide hot water and to decontaminate heavy rubber K/& clothing. The vehicle from the Nebellager, Raubkammer, was evacuated by the Germans. OKW (Replacement 1 Army) Komandantur Tp.flb Hz Raubkamner Gen. Ma J, Richt ei W.Ers. Regt. Donanworth Allgemeine H,Amt, i 1 9 13 I n Chef, H, Rustung v0B, der Ersatzheeres i Oberst Celle Oberst Engelther MiruR, Dr. Fischer W. Era. Regt, Munster 9 Inspection^ HQ, Replacement Smoke Troops Gen# Haj0 Graewe 6 Horse decontaminat ion W.KrSoHegt, Bremen Gas Defence School TaBLE I Organization of Smoke Troops Gas HE Weapons Mun, i Clothing Trials 1 9 11 WoLehr Regt * 2, I H. Waffenamt, Wa Pruf Smoke School Ahteilung I±I (Battery) I OKW 6 I Dec on- •taEd.Tva.tion Tech.Wing Lehrstab C Abteiiung II (Battery) Raiibkammer Detection III Organization Training Orders Active Smoke Troops, N.C.O.Wing Lehrstab B Nebeltruppenarat Gen« der©Rebeltruppe; Gen. H. Ochsner II Equipment for Smoke troops o 3 $ ~ CO CO c+ Ahteilung I (Battery) Celle I Projectors OKW(Field Army • la Gas defence preparations lb Foreign G0W, Intelligence Investigation of Chemical Warfare Installations in the Munaterlager Area, including Raubkamner AHSNDH H MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 1# Gas Munition dump at Scheren (Heeres Munitions Anatalt. Celle Location m About 1 mile E. of Scheuen which is 6 km, N. of Celle on the Celle - Sulse road. Description This was an amnunition dump covering several square miles in area. The amnunition was stored in 100 bunkers partially under- ground with thick concrete roofs, covered with several feet of earth* and overgrown with vegetation including small trees. Each bunker had two sets of steel double entrance doors, one at each end approached by a flight of steps, and had a capacity of approximately 150 tons. Bunkers were separated by distances of about 100 yards. The area was well wooded. Roads, mainly of well laid macadam and railway lines served the bunkers. There were also large workshops, filling shops and offices near the entrance to the area. Gas Munitions No gas munitions were stored at Scheuen until about 3 weeks ago when quantities were brought from Prebus near Meckleberg. These included some shell with green and yellow rings, but we were told that these shell were hurriedly evacuated with instructions that they were to be sent to Wettenberg or, failing that, to be dumped in the Elbe. The labour for the dump came from a camp of foreign workers, mainly Belgians, situated a short distance away across the main railway line. The types of gas munitions found were as follows; Chemical mines (10 litre) Yellow ring 250 Kg. Bombs 2 yellow rings 250 Kg. Bombs 2 green rings 15 cm, shell Blue ring 10*5 cm* shell White ring 15 cm« shell White ring (Action No samples of shell or "bombs were takers similar types have "been discovered elsewhere and steps taken for examination of their contents. The area is now occupied by No. 88 Group T.A.P. and the B.D. Officer (P/Lt. Cartwright) of B.D.U. No* 6225 was shown the gas dumps and aware of the probable contents of the munitions)• 2* Chemical Shell Dumps at Munster Ost This Ordnance Depot about miles from Raubkammer held a large stock of chemical shell. The types held were a* 7«5> 10„3 and 15 cm, charged Blue Ring 1 Blue Ring 3 Green Ring Yellow Ring Green ring yellow White Ring 13 cm. Rockets charged Yellow Ring i Green ring yellow Green ring 1 A complete inventory of the depot has been made by the British No.3 Chemical Defence Laboratory end reported elsewhere. 3o Aircraft bomb dump at Oerrel At this depot about 3 miles from Raubkammer were held large stocks of 250 and 500 Kilogram bombs charged White Ring 1 Yellow Ring 1 Double Yellow Ring Blue Ring 2 Green Ring 1 Green Ring 2 An inventory of this depot has been made by the British No.3 Chemical Defence Laboratory and reported elsewhere. 4o Activities of WaF„ The following information was obtained from an informant of high rank concerning the department known as WaP, The head of this department was Professor Schumann, who was well up in the Nazi organisation and maintained direct and close association with the head of the Waffenamt, Schumann was also head of OKA/wiss and acted as liaison link between OKW and the Reichforchungsrat, 7/a.F, had the reputation of poaching interesting or important developments from the departments properly concerned, and was very unpopular amongst the latter. The nunber "of fully qualified scientists employed was ifO-30. Among the problems worked on were Development of hollow charge projectiles, especially for the Luftwaffe (informant stated that they had very33od people on this work) o Use of chlorine trifluoride to produce an ultra-hot flame; to increase efficiency of fuel for ignition of flame barriers; in incendiary rockets, Wa,P, were responsible for recommending the building of the Palkenhagen plant, at a cost of 100,000,000 marks, for producing 50 tons per month of chlorine trifluoride. Hydrolysis of mustard (comment by informant:- nothing new in this). Production of stream of fire from aircraft. Inhibition or destruction of I.C. engines (comment by informant - Gruppe X of Pruf 9 were more advanced in this subject) Recoilless gun (in collaboration with Pr&f 4) Impulse shell. Rockets with supersonic speeds (well equipped laboratories existed at Gatow near Kummersdorf for this work). Atomic bomb. Rays to inhibit I,G, engines. Telephonic communication by light rays. Development of ultra-red for seeing at night. Penetration of and dispersal of fogs. Improvement of penetration of mustard through skin. Much of this work, specifically that on chlorine trifluoride, was characterized by informant (whose department was one of those suffering frail the alleged poaching activities) as window-dressing. 5, Intelligence on Russia The Russians were considered to have a mustard gas output of 5000-6000 tons per month, which could be doubled or trebled. The factories were begun in 1930 and finished in 1932; the sulphur dichloride process was used, and the product was not of high quality. It was believed that the Russians have a one-stage process for making lewisite, but no further information could be giveno Russian shell containing Dfci, Clark I and ON were captured, as were training shell containing 1 Oj solution of GN or mustard. 60 German Liaison with Russia The use of an experimental ground at Tomka in Russia by a German mission in 1928 - 32 has already been referred to. In the autumn of 1939 a partyof 12 Soviet technicians visited Berlin to study German defensive equipment and methods of manufactur- ing it. Two of the visiting Russians were recognised as having been present during the Tomka trials. The Russians were interested in the following subjects :- Manufacture of the respirator, especially from Buna (G-.M, 38) G-asplane, including casein and raontan wax papers, opponal and lyafol. Defence against particulates. Experience in impregnating and activating charcoal. (. G-as-anz e iger, The OKW ordered all information, constructional drawings and specifications on these subjects to be disclosed, and samples to be given as requested. The party visited Draegers, Auer, Bata and Continental Gummiwerke (Cologne) and also an activated charcoal factory at Bremnitz, The tour lasted eight days. No questions were asked about offensive matters. The Russians wanted to know why the chemical layer in the container had been given up and seemed suspicious when told that it was unnecessary* It became clear to the Germans later that the Russians had hydrocyanic acid in mind, but the fanner did not take up the point at that time. The Russians were supplied with $0 containers and in return they later sent back some of their containers, which appeared to the Germans not to be from stock but to have been especially made up for the occasion. The HCN protection of these containers was, however, good* The Germans believed the Russians to have 3000 to 6000 scientists and technicians, (excluding workmen and medicals) working on C. •./. problems. 7o Liaison with axis countries Liaison with Japan is dealt with in the "body of the report. Italian, Finnish, Hungarian and Rumanian delegations visited Raubkamraer. Oberst Kowaliz was head of the Hungarian delegation, and General-Major Russo of the Italian. The Rumanians and Italians were not given much information, but the Finns and Hungarians were told a little more. Investigation of Chemical Warfare Installations in the Munsterlager Area, including Raubkamner APPENDIX X. A German Conception of the Principles of Chemical Warfare Tactics. A. A tactical appreciation of the different war gases. B. Ground contamination, C. Use of Gas by the Army, D. Use of Gas by the Air Force, E. Ground decontamination, P, Use of smoke, G, The history, organization and equipment of the Nebeltruppe, APPENDIX X. A German Conception of the Principles of Chemical Warfare Tactics The following is a translation of material supplied by Oberst Hirsch, Head of Wa Prfif 9, and constitutes a resume of the tactical use of German gas munitions as understood by him. Sane of the information duplicates that included in other sections of the report, especially Appendix IV, but this has been allowed to remain for the sake of continuity. A. A tactical appreciation of the different War Gases. (a) White ring gases Lachrymators are chiefly useful in order to bring about a paralysis of enemy activity. They are very economical in use as cfnite small concentrations are ample to necessitate the wearing of a respirator. They are mainly used for surprise attacks. If necessary the effect, which is often of short duration, can be made to persist for longer periods by the intermittent firing of white ring shell. By the use of air burst bombs large areas of ground can be covered in such a manner as to make them cfiite uninhabitable without a respirator. In warm weather woods can be made unapproachable for weeks without a respirator. These bombs are particularly suitable for employment against prepared posi- tions, reserve depots, lines of communication, and supply depots. A good effect is obtained for a short, time by spraying GNS solution from low flying aircraft. In very high concentrations the white ring gases also effect a considerable skin irritation. Closed rooms can be contaminated with white ring gases in such a manner as to make them continuously uninhabitable and for this purpose portable spraying apparatus, hand grenades and glass containers are suitable. White ring substances can also be emitted in good yield from thermal generators so as to be effective to a considerable depth. As only small concentrations are required it is possible to keep up the attack day after day on heavily defended points with themal generators. (b) Blue ring gases Blue ring gases can be used in much the same way as white ring gases, but their effect is only noticeable after a delay of a few minutes. On account of this they are best employed in the form of H.E/Chem, shell. Such shell would behave like normal H,E, shell and would not be recognised as chemical shell so that it might be possible by means of a sudden attack to surprise the enemy without his respirator. By the time the enemy has recognised the presence of the blue ring gas and has put on his respirator it is already too late and the fall effect of the blue ring gas then becomes noticeable. As the modern filter is so effective it is hardly to be expected that blue ring gases could be made to penetrate the respirator. Examination of captured English filter-containers, however, has shown that their protection against field concen- trations of particulates is in many cases inferior. Against such an imperfect protection it would be simple to achieve penetration particularly by means of thermal generators. Thermal generators evolve blue ring gases in good yield and even on a narrow front can achieve effects to a depth of 80 kilometres. Continuous use of thermal generators day after day would lead to the complete exhaustion and incapacitation of troops forced to wear their respirators. Excelsior is considered to be the most effective of the blue ring gases. It is suitable for filling into small calibre ammunition which is highly efficacious. The simultaneous use of blue ring and green ring anmunition is hardly likely to be successful under modern conditions. Blue ring gases are also suitable for charging into hand and rifle grenades. These can be used advantageously against machine gun nests and anti-tank guns. (c) Green ring gases. The employment of green ring gases should be left chiefly to the Air Force according to German opinion. The green ring gas artillery shoot has lost its significance, but salvo shoots by large calibre projectors appears to be a promising fom of attack. Here again an endeavour should be made to surprise the enemy. The so-called "Dauerschiessen" (continuous fire) of the last World war seems unlikely to achieve any worth while results against the modern respirator container. In addition to the use of large aircraft bombs the spraying of green ring gases from low flying aircraft appears to be a very promising method. Against personnel one might expect to achieve complete annihilation by means of a surprise attack. For use in a surprise attack, the gas should, if possible, be effective in small concentrations, so that there is a possibility of effecting casualties before the respirator can be adjusted. This conception has lead to the development in Germany of a new class of war gases - Tabun and Sarin, With both these gases, but especially with Sarin, a surprise attack might be expected to lead to a high percentage of serious casualties. According to German ideas it is unnecessary to strive after a definitely lethal concentration. It is much better to make the enemy temporarily unfit for military duties. As the bulk of the green ring gases are lachrymatory or at least possess a noticeable smell it is extremely difficult to surprise the enemy with them. It was on account of this that nitrogen mustard, which is very difficult to detect, was charged as a green ring gas into H.E-Chem. shell in Germany, The search for an effective green ring gas without smell or irritation has so far been in vain. (d) Yellow ring gases. Here there is little change from the well known employment of these gases in the last world war. The manufacture of thickened mustard has produced an increased persistence of ground contamination. The mixture of ground contaminants with supple- mentary agents has also increased the persistence and lowered the FoP. (so called Winter lost). A new method of laying ground contamination by means of air- craft is important. Low spray is especially effective against personnel. Medium and high sprays seem to be possible technically, but are tactically of little importance on account of the difficulty in aiming the spray. For carrying out ground contamination there are now also bulk contamination vehicles, spraying mines, and glass bulbs filled with gas. The dispersal of gases normally used for ground contamina- tion fron thermal generators is also possible when these gases become highly effective green ring gases. Nitrogen mustard, thickened mustard, and mixtures of mustard with oils are particularly difficult to decontaminate. Lewisite is considered an unsatisfactory ground contaminant on account of its lachrymatory properties, its strong smell and the ease with which it can be decontaminated. (e) Nettle gases War gases which have an immediate effect on the skin (e.g. Phosgene oxime) are considered to be very effective. They are particularly suitable for low anti-personnel spray and can achieve surprisingly good results by this method. The question of the stabilisation of phosgene oxime does not seem to have been solved anywhere, however. The spraying of concentrated acids is much less effective. Bo Ground Contamination Fortifications constructed by pioneers and chemical barriers can both be used for the technical strengthening of areas which have been selected for defence. Chemical barriers can also be used alone when this fits in with the intentions of the Higher Command. The laying of every chemical barrier must have the approval of a Higher Consnander (usually an Army Commander) and must fit in with the general defence plan. It must be realised as fundamental to the laying of such a chemical barrier that it must be under the protection of ones own fire. A chemical barrier which is not so protected is too easily penetrated by the enemy without heavy casualties and is also too easily decontaminated. Ones own defensive fire should be used to force the enemy to the ground and bring him into considerable contact with the contaminated surface. The longer and oftener the enemy is forced to the ground the more casualties he will suffer. Chemical barriers can be used for many purposes. They can either be used as definite obstacles to an advance or in order to guide an expected attack in a desired direction particularly favourable to the defence. In addition to this they may enable defensive troops to be spared for other purposes. Every barrier should be tactically as effective as possible. When constructing the barriers it is best to make a reconnaissance of the most important positions for contamination from the enemy aide ip order to be able to contaminate more or less heavily according to the importance of the area. Positions which are absolutely vital to the enemy for his attack should be particularly heavily contamina- ted. For ground contamination a distinction is drawn between a "harassing" contamination and a "barrier” of contamination. Harassing contaminations are limited areas of contamination at specially important points not connected with one another e,g. cross- roads, cuttings, roads leading to or from bridges, important observation posts etc. Barrier contaminations are large areas of contamination more or less connected with one another and set at right angles to the line of advance of the enenjy. The normal degree of contamination for both types is about 100 but this figure can he doubled where the ground is unsuitable or the weather unfavourable. Barriers of contamination may consist of points of contamina- tion or areas of contamination. Point contamination is a regular chess-board arrangement of contaminated areas of small diameter con- structed in sufficient depth to prevent the enengr from being able to pass through without coming in contact with the gas. Area con- tamination is made up of large areas of contamination Joined together to form one or more defensive belts. The minimum depth for any one belt is that depth which the attacking troops cannot cover in one rush. Normally the least depth for one belt is at least 50 metres. The distance apart of the various belts depends on the nature of the ground and the tactical situation. According to the latest Russian reports a barrier should be laid at least 1 kilometre deep along a ftrcnt at least 13 kilometres wide, so that it cannot easily be by-passed. Such an extensive barrier requires an enormous amount of gas, however. Ground contamination can be laid by I a) Bulk contamination vehicles, b) Sprflh buchsen (spraying mines), c) Improvised means, d) Boden kugeln (glass bulbs charged gas) e) Artillery fire, f) Aircraft bombs, g) Low spray (to give slight persistence) (a) By means of vehicles specially constructed for this purpose war gases can be distributed in quite a short time as a most economical and effective manner. If the vehicles are suitable for cross country work, then difficult country can also be con- taminated, The medium sized bulk contamination vehicle used by the Nebeltruppe can cover a belt 700 m long by 22 metres wide with a contamination of 100 g/m , In order to calculate the necessary speed a "spray table" was prepared. (b) Ground contamination by means of spraying mines is pre- pared by burying the mines or even by just setting them chi the ground in a chess-board pattern so that they are 13 metres apart in all directions. The Ignition of the spraying mines is effected by means of either a time fuse with a 3 minute delay, a safety fuse of chosen length, an electric fuse to set off groups of 50 to 100, or fuses which are actually by the enemy himself by means of trip wires etc. This last method has the advantage that the whole body is likely to become contaminated from the falling drops. The chief advantage in the use of spraying mines for laying ground ccntamination is that the contamination can be laid at the last minute and the enemy encounters a fresh and very active cont aminat ion. Spraying mines can also be used for closing gaps in belts of contamination laid by the bulk contamination vehicles. They can also be used in conjunction with tank barriers to become effective when the barriers are being removed. Spraying mines can also be laid by motor transport. The mines are fitted with a spike on the bottom end which penetrates the ground and keeps the mine upright when it is set in its place in this manner. If the 3 minute delay fuse is used then the speed of the vehicle must be at least 4 km. per hour. Spraying mines which are set in the ground at an angle can be fired a distance of about 200 metres and salvos of up to 100 can be fired in this way by electrical ignition# (c) For improvised methods of ground contamination various utensils can be used e,g. watering cans, agricultural vehicles for spreading liquid manure, and in fact almost any vehicle to which a tank and a spray has been fitted. Any tin can may be converted into a spraying mine by placing a charge under it so that it will contaminate a circle of 13 to 20 metres diameter. (d) The purpose of laying ground contamination in the form of Bodenkugeln is to preserve the gas from the effects of the weather until it becomes effective through the action of the enemy himself. They are broken by the preliminary bombardment of the enemy or when an enemy presses on one with his full weight. In the latter case the enemy should be forced to the ground by fire. The Bodenkugeln are spread well-concealed and chess-board wise over the ground in such a manner that there is at least one but better still two or three per square metre. In long grass etc, any further concealment is usually unnecessary. Bodenkugeln can also be thrown so as to contaminate inside rooms or vertical surfaces. (e) Ground contamination through the firing of yellow ring shell is dealt with in Section C. The advantage of laying contamina- tion by means of artillery shell is chiefly that the contamina- tion is spread in country which is already occupied by the enesay and therefore produces high rates of casualties. The disadvan- tage is the big expense of ammunition and the demand on the large number of guns which are required for a large area of contamina- tion, When once a barrier has been laid, however, the contamina- tion can be continually freshened up and kept active by means of intermittent fire. The actual craters remain active for a long time. The following can be taken as a good indication of the ammunition requirements for ground contamination per hectare 25 shells from 10 cm light field artillery and about £ of that for heavy field artilleiy. When projectors are used for ground contamination the ammunition requirements depend very much on the scatter of the weapon used. (f) Ground contamination is more difficult to lay with aircraft bombs than by any of the other methods mentioned in (a) to (e). The use of yellow ring bombs with DA fuses is not advisable for this purpose. The 250 kg bomb is too big and uneconomical, but the 50 kg bomb can be used with much better effect. The bombs must be dropped in sticks so that there is a broad overlap between the various areas of contamination. The contamination is most irregular in that it is too light on the outside edge of the area and far too heavy in the centre. The bombs also require to be dropped in such a manner that no clean path can be found through the area of contamination. If an extensive area is to be covered the large requirement in ammunition and aircraft makes the use of the DA bomb inadvisable. On the other hand this method is ideal for the contamination of important targets or for anti-personnel attack. Par better and above all far more economical is the use of the air burst bomb charged with thickened mustard. According to wind-speed and height of burst a 250 kg bomb will contaminate an area 200-600 metres long by 50-200 metres wide. The normal contamination with thickened mustard may be taken to be 10 g/m . Due to the greater persistence of thickened mustard such a con- tamination can be expected to last under suitable weather condi- tions for 6-8 days. This type of contamination is also most suitable for increasing the effect of H,E. bombs. The eneny finds the clearing up much more difficult and dangerous. Trials to lay ground contamination by means of clusters of Bodenkugeln did not prove successful. (g) Long narrow belts of light contamination can be laid by means of low spray. A contamination of 10-20 g/m2 covers a width of 20-25 metres and this should remain effective for about 12 hours. If greater persistence is required or a greater width of contamina- tion then several aircraft can be used at once. Low spray is particularly effective against personnel. Narrow belts of contamination can be laid very quickly by this means, Russian instructions stress the importance of using this method to slow down and halt an enemy in close pursuit. C. Use of G-as by the Army General The value of firing gas ammunition in place of H.E, lies in the fact that the effect covers a far greater area than that achieved by the H.E, The length of time for which it remains effective is also far greater than for normal ammunition. On account of the high standard of gas defence of the modern army only the use of gas in large quantities is likely to achieve any success. The direction of the gas war is the task of the Higher Command, Decisive for success is the element of surprise. This must be attempted at all costs. Any gas attack is dependent on the ground and weather conditions. A well organised meteorological service is therefore the foundation for the conduct of a gas war. 1, Types of gas attack The following different tactical attacks are differentiated as under:- (i) Surprise Attack (Der Gasflberfall ) Consists of an attack on a definite objective for a definite space of time with as many pieces as possible and with the highest rate of fire. The duration of the shoot is at the most 2 minutes. The purpose of the attack is to annihilate the enemy before he can put on his defensive equipment. At least the enemy should be so badly attacked that he is unable to continue fighting even if most have succeeded in adjusting their respirators. (ii) Crippling fire. (L&hraungsschiessen) Usually commences with a surprise attack to be followed up over a longer period by the use of smaller quantities of ammunition. The purpose is to force the enemy into his respirator and to keep him there so that he is incapable of putting up a normal defence, (iii) Harassing fire. (Das Ermudungsschiessen). Consists of firing sufficient ammunition per hour, if necessary for days on end, to force the enemy to wear his respirator continuously. The purpose of this is to wear down the enemy by forcing him to wear his respirator for long periods. (iv) Contamination shoot The purpose is. to contaminate the ground and especially gun positions with persistent gas so as to make it impossible or at least very difficult for the enemy to use the ground. (v) Use of Gas in an H.E, shoot The purpose is to disquiet the enemy and force him to constant gas preparedness. 2, Chemical Ammunition (i) Artilleiy Ammunition As it was a military necessity that the storage and supply of ammunition should.be kept as simple as possible this fexceed a limitation to only 3 special types of gas shell. As a fourth type the normal H.B, shell can be used for several chemical chargings. The allocation of these 4 types of shell to the different chemical chargings was made from the following point of view. (a) Solid Chemical Chargings. These are filled into the normal H.E. shell. The fragmentation is about 80 per cent of the pure H,E, shell and the detonation is difficult to distinguish from that of the H.E, shell. (b) Liquid Chemical Chargings. The "head burster shell" (Zwlschenboden geachoss; is used for gases for ground contamination, for volatile gases and for non-persistent gases which are thermally unstable. On account of its small explosive charge, weak detonation and small fragmentation effect it is recognised to be solely a gas shell. The shell with a wide burster container has been developed for the use of the less volatile and thermally stable,gases. On account of its strong explosive charge this can be looked upon as an H,E,-Chem. shell with a strong fragmentation effect which can hardly be distinguished from an ordinary H.E. shell by the sound of the explosion. (c) Chemical thermal generators. For these the shells with the ejection pots were introduced. The shells carry the thermal-chemical mixture in special pots which are thrown out and ignited in the air over the target and continue to bum on the ground. This is purely a chemical shell without any H,E. effect. (ii) Projector Ammunition By leaving out the head-burster and pot-ejection types of ammuniticn it was possible to have only 2 different types of projectile. (a) Solid chemical Chargings. For am$r use the ordinary H.E. projectiles were to be used and the chemical, introduced in a tube into a hole in the centre of the explosive. The projectiles have both strong blast and fragmentation effect. (b) Liquid Chemical Chargings. For volatile or heat sensitive chargings a projectile with a small burster container is used. These projectiles have only a small H.E. effect. For less volatile chargings and those.stable to heat, projectiles with a wide burster container are used. The large explosive charge makes these H.E.- Chem, projectiles. 3o Expenditure of Ammunition. (i) Non-persistent gases. (including initial cloud). The standard for the expenditure of ammunition is thi hectare, for short haE, This is understood as being the quantity of ammunition required to be shot on to one hectare in one minute in a 5 metre/second wind in order to achieve a ecu cent rat ion of about 100 This amount is sufficient to cause heavy casualties to the enemy. If the effects are required to be fatal then the amount employed should be that which gives the Ct for t = 1, (ii) Persistent gases. Again the standard in the hectare - haE. Here is undef" stood the expenditure required in order to achieve a con- tamination of 10 g/m£. The hectare standards for gas clouds and persistent gases are shown in the following two tables. Hectare standard for Gas clouds Type of Ammunition P.H. Gr. 10 cm. K, Gr. 15 cm. H. Gr. 15 cm. K. Gr. 15 cm. I. Gr, 15 cm, Wgr. 41. 30 cm, Wk, Expenditure reqd. per haE. 60 60 20 20 20 144 [This quantity is for 16 hectares, the smallest area which can he considered due to the large scatter of the weapon). Not yet_deterrained. The numbers in this table apply only to green ring ammunition, for white and blue ring ammunition, where only harassment is to be pro- duced, only a fraction of the above expenditure is necessary and this varies according to the weather and the nature of the country. Hectare standard for Persistent Gases Type of Ammunition P.H, Gr„ 10 cm. K, Gr. 15 can* H. Gr. 15 cm, K. Gr. 15 cm. Wgr. VI, Expenditure reqd. per haE. 130 150 50 50 800 (This quantity is fee the contamination of 16 hectares as this is the smallest area which can he considered due to the large scatter of the weapon). The figures in both the above tables refer to a length zone of 100 metres. Where the length zone is 100-200 metres the figures require to be doubled and for length zones over 200 metres trebled. 3* Marking of Gas Ammunition (i) Basic principles Chemical shell are identified by coloured rings on the ogive and on the base. Chemicals which have a similar effect are given rings of the same colour. As far as it is necessary from tactical considerations different chemicals which have the same effect are differentiated by means of arabic numerals placed below or within the rings, e.g. Creen ring 1, Green ring 2, etc, A number of rings indi- cates an increase in persistence, e.g, double yellow ring. (ii) Types of Ammunition (a) Shelly Green ring yellow. Shell with a wide burster container : charging - mustard. H.E.-Chem, The narrow yellow ring is there to indicate that leaks might cause injury to the skin on handling, (b) Shell, Green ring 1, Shell with wide burster container ; charging - nitrogen - mustard. These shell should not be shot mixed with others as otherwise their chief advantage, the fact that the charging is difficult to detect, would be lost. H.E.-Chem, shell* (c) Shelly Green ring 2. Shell with burster container : charging - phosgene. Only 30 cm* projectile planned. (d) Shell. Green ring 3* Shell with H.E, filling in head* Charging - Tabun. Shell without strong fragmenta- tion effect, (e) Shell. Green ring 4. Shell with wide burster con- tainer, Charging - Sarin, H.E.-Chem shell. (f) Shell. Green ring 5. Shell with burster container. Charging HOT, Only planned for the 30 cm projectile. (g) Shell. Yellow ring. Shell with H.E. head filling. Charging - Winter lost. Shell without strong fragmentation effect. (h) Shell, doable yellow ring. Shell with H.E. head filling. Charging - thickened mustard. Shell without strong fragmentation effect. (i) Shell, blue ring 1, Normal H.E. shell. Charging EM or EM/da mixture, H, K. -Chem. shell, (k) Shell, blue ring 2, Shell with wide burster con- tainer. charging DA in ArsinSl, H.E.-Chem. shell, (l) Shell, blue ring 3» With ejection pot. Charging A Powder with EM, Pure gas shell, no fragmentation effect, (a) Shell, White ring. Normal H,B. shell. Charging - GN, H.E.-Chem, shell. Do Use of Gas by the Air Farce O.K,W, ordered, that should gas warfare commence, the main effort in the offensive use of gas should be made by the Air Force, As a result of this all possible methods were studied and developed and the necessary apparatus was either already stored in large quantities or was being manufactured. Two possible offensive methods are available: (aj dropping of chemical bombs, (b) spraying of chemicals from the air. (a) The dropping of bombs in level flight is possible from all heights and in addition to this bombs can be dropped with great accuracy by dive bombing. All kinds of non-persistent as well as persistent gases can be employed in bombs. According to the type of fuse a distinction is drawn between direct action bombs and air-burst bombs. White ring aircraft bombs can be prepared in various ways. The following have been tried out and to a certain extent introduced into the Service, (1) White ring bomb with GN filling and airburst. Effective area, 200-600 metres long and 100-250 metres wide according to the height of burst. The persistence of the lachrymatory effect is about 3-4 months in warm weather. The employment of such bombs against reserve troops and prepared positions in woods is particularly effective. Woods can be made quite unapproachable with- out a respirator. (2) White ring bomb with a filling of GNS solution and a direct action f\ise. Effect same as for (l) over an area 50-60 metres in diameter and 200 metres downwind of this. Persistence in summer is about 2 days. (3) White ring thermal generator bomb with a charging of CW thermal mixture and direct action fuse. The bomb penetrates up to one to three metres into the earth, according to type of ground, and begins to generate after 2-3 minutes. Such bombs can be effective for a consider- able distance downwind and when a large number are used can cause lachrymaticn to a depth of 30-50 km. To be used effectively the bombs should be dropped well up-wind of the target. A stick of 8 z 50 kg bombs is sufficient for a target width of about 300 metres. (4) Clusters of white ring thermal generators (21, 72 or 120 according to size of cluster) which open in the air and distribute the generators over an area of 80-150 metres long by 50-80 metres broad. The generator is ignited by means of an allways direct action fuse which becomeslive when a safety pin is unscrewed by a tail diving flight. On account of the high concentration the effect from the relatively small scatter zone is good. It was intended to employ this cluster against anti-air- craft positions etc. Blue ring gases are used in thermal generator type bombs. Quite recently attempts had been made to develop a fragmentation bomb with a blue ring gas or GN added and the trials had shown considerable promise. The 50 kg blue ring thermal generator bomb had an emission time of 3-5 minutes and was effective to a depth of several kilometres. Usually dropped in sticks 30 metres apart the effective depth of a stick of 8 bombs was anything up to 10 kms in suitable weather conditions. The cluster mentioned in (4) above was also being considered for blue ring thermal generator type bombs. For the war head of the apparatus BO 24 (V1) a charging of 200 blue ring thermal generators was to be pro- vided. The emission time of one generator was 1-li minutes. Blue ring bombs and blue ring clusters were to be used chiefly for the attack of AA guns, battery positions etc. Fragmentation bombs with the addition of blue ring gas were to be used against personnel, inarching columns of men, defensive positions etc. Yellow ring gases were only to be used in bombs. Two types of bombs were introduced. A 250 kg. bomb with a direct action fuse wan to be used chiefly for ground contamin- ation. The contaminated area is elliptical in shape and roughly 70 metres long by 30 metres wide. The persistence in summer is about 1-2 days and in the crater 3 days. The bombs should be dropped in parallel rows so that the areas of contamination overlap end no uncontaminated pathways through the area are left. To put down an extensive barrier of contamination a large expenditure of bombs is necessary. A yellow ring air-burst bomb with a charging of thickened mustard was introduced as the KC 250 II Gb, The area of contamination varies according to the height of burst and the wind speed. On the average contamination with a persistence of 24 hours could be produced over an area 300-350 metres long by 80-200 metres wide. These bombs are also suitable for the subsequent contamination of targets which have already been attacked with H.E. Trials with clusters of 1 to 1*5- kg. mustard bombs did not prove this method to possess any advantage and a trial of the 'Bodenkugeln' in a cluster was shown to be impractical as many of the bulbs either broke in the air or fell unbroken on soft ground and at any rate they did not produce a sufficiently continuous contamination. Green ring gases are only charged into bombs with DA fuses. Only bombs with phosgene charging have been intro- duced viz. 250, 500, 100 and 1800 kg. Trials with a Tabun charging in the 250 kg, bomb were not successful. On the other hand preliminary trials with a cluster of small Tabun bombs were most promising and gave far better results than those obtained with the larger bomb. It was expected that only clusters would be used for Tabun and Sarin chargings. The use of HGN in bombs proved most difficult as the charging inflamed on detonation. Trials to overcome this difficulty by the addition of CNC1 or water to the charging showed little improvement. The employment of a nitrogen-mustard bomb, with a large bursting charge would have been feasible but such a bomb was not provisioned. Green ring bombs with volatile chargings are very effective especially when using the bigger bombs which can produce a lethal area of up to 10,000 and a casualty area two or three times as big. The effective depth from a single bomb or a stick is small, but from a mass attack is very considerable. Green ring bombs are particularly suitable for attacking heavily populated areas. The persistence in built up areas may amount to as much as several hours according to wind and weather conditions. (b) The spraying of gas from spray apparatus, which is fitted into the aircraft or is carried under wings, is-particularly effective from low altitudes. The persistent gases are most suitable for spraying, but non-persistent gases (perstoff, phosgene HCN) can also be sprayed from suitable apparatus at heights not above 50 metres. With apparatus such as the S200 and S300, which are approved stores, a spray concentration is obtained which is easily sufficient for anti-personnel attack. The effective area of contamination for one apparatus depends on the height of the aircraft and the wind speed and direction. In general a long narrow band of contamination is produced about 400-600 metres long and 20 to 80 metres wide. In the middle portion (so called "Kernzone") of this band contaminations of 15 to 40g/m2 were measured. The mid-portions are effective as barriers of contamination and remain effective for 1 to 1-Jr days. For anti-personnel attack the whole of the band is effective except for the very smallest drops on the downwind side. Spray is chiefly employed against marching columns of troops, defense zones, gun positions and any collection of men or animals. Medium or high spray is quite possible with thickened material, but it is very difficult to aim the spray on to a target. The German opinion is that this technique is only suitable for the attack of very large areas which are well populated. The spraying of non-persistent gases was specially devel- oped by the Russians and appears to be an extremely effective form of attack. It is important, however, that the outlet is sufficiently large, so that the gas can escape in a very short space of time (2-4 seconds according to the speed of the air- craft) . The aircraft should not fly at over 25 metres. By means of the S300 (an altered Russian WAP 500) HCN concentrations of up to 20 g/m3 were obtained. Two S500's charged phosgene gave concentrations of 30-40 Such con- centrations are lethal instantly for unprotected men and animals. The introduction of such a technique at the vital point of a battle could be expected to have a decisive effect. As well as volatile green ring gases a lachrymator, CNS solution can also be sprayed. The S200 and S300 can be used for this solution and the aircraft can fly at up to 100 metres. The lachrymatory effect lasts in summer for about half a day and forces everyone to wear a respirator. In Germany it is also considered that a solution of phosgene oxime would be an excellent material for such attacks. The Russians had a great partiality for low spray attacks with liquid incendiary, but these proved to have little effect apart from the initial effect on moral. E. Ground Decontamination. Extensive chemical barriers, which cannot be penetrated via clean areas and which cannot be by-passed, must be cleared by mech- anical. or chemical means. This is difficult to carry out if the contamination barrier is guarded by a sufficient cover of fire. Ground decontamination is the duty of the decontamination battery of the Nebeltruppe as well as the Pioneers if it is to be done by mechanical means. The removal of a chemical barrier by mechanical means can be accomplished as follows:- (a) By scraping off the upper surface to a depth of about 10 cm, (b) By making gas free trenches or furrows with the decon- tamination plough or improvised agricultural ploughs. (c) By covering the contaminated surface with clean earth, hay, straw, brushwood etc, to a depth of 15-20 cm. (d) By bridging the contaminated surface with boards, tiles a yard apart, rolls of roofing material, the service "Gas laflfer". (A 50 metre long roll of gas plane paper impregnated with Mon tan wax) mats woven out of straw (quoted from a Russian directive) gas planes a jump apart. (e) By burning the surface contamination with hay or straw which has been soaked in paraffin or petrol (according to Russian directions 1 kg of unflammable material soaked in 500 g. oil should be used per sq, metre, (f) By washing down; hosing with plenty of water without the addition of any decontaminant where the surface is suit- able, (e.g, cobble or asphalt streets or roads). apart. The decontamination of the ground by chemical means can be carried cut with either solid or liquid decontaminants. As solid material bleach or an improved bleach called Losantin can be used. Liquid decontaminants are chlorine water, bleach water and solu- tions of other substances containing chlorine. In Russia sulphuryl chloride dissolved in ethylene chloride is used. In general on account of the military transport problems solid materials are preferred to liquid. The dispersion of the decentaminant is carried out by means of cross-country spreaders or sprayers according as to whether a solid or liquid decontaminant is being used. The medium sized motor decontamination truck of the German decontamination battery can cover a strip 700 metres long by 2 metres wide with 500 g/m2 of Losantin with one filling. The usual quentity of decontaminant to be used for medium con- tamination (up to 200 mustard) is 500 For heavier mustard centamination or for nitrogen mustard 1 should be used. In the case of nitrogen mustard the time allowed between decontamination and traversing should be increased by a factor of 3» Normally vhen mustard has been decontaminated by Losantin this is 20-30 minutes. The requirements for decontamination material and the time allowed for decontamination must also be increased for thickened mustard and mixtures of mustard and oil. As can be seen from the above the requirements on decontamina- tion material is relatively large. So as not to overburden the supply services only limited use can be made of decontamination. It is impossible to try to decontaminate large areas. In most cases one would have to confine oneself to the decontamination of narrow paths through the wide barriers or to the decontamination of small, but tactically important points (M.G, positions, gun positions, important observation posts). The weather would be left to carry out the decontamination of unimportant areas. The crossing of a chemical barrier can be compared tactically to the crossing of a river. It is necessary to form a bridge- head on the enemy side of the contamination so that under its pro- tection the decontamination of the necessary number of paths can be begun. With the increased use of M,T, mechanically laid barriers appear to have lost a great deal of their importance. Motor vehicles are in Just as much danger as infantry, however, when penetrating a barrier of spraying mines. Sufficiently strong bodies of assault troops in light gas clothing are sent into the attack through the contamination in order to give a defensive covering fire. In order to equip these troops with light gas clothing each decontamination battery carries 1200 s.ets of light gas clothing. Narrower barriers can be crossed by means of spread out gas planes or with improvised body protection. It is obvious that an exact reconnaissance of the extent, concentration and age of the chemical barrier should first be carried out. This reconnaissance is made by the gas scouts of the troops or by the motorised gas scouts of the decentamination battery. Their function is to determine the exact position of the nearest edge of the contamination, the type of gas used and the strength and age of the contamination:• then the position of the various bands of contamination mist be determined and finally the edge of the contamination on the enemy side and all these marked in an unmistakable manner with gas flags. Detector powder is used to establish the presence of gas contamination and this is helped out if necessary by the use of the HG-asanzeigerM, Where possible areas free of contamination or only slightly contaminated should be used for the formation of clean paths. When the reconnaissance is finished the decontamination vehicles proceed with the construction of the paths. In general 3 to 5 paths are made per company sector and one of these mist be 2 metres wide for vehicles. When making the paths advantage should be taken of all available cover. When the necessary time has been allowed for the decontamination to take effect then the attacking troops begin to march over the clean paths and fan out to continue the attack on reaching the other side. Special road decontamination batteries with their own Impro- vised spreaders are provided for the decontamination of roads and tracks at the front and behind the front lines. For the cleansing of contaminated personnel and for the decontamination of their weapons, equipment and uniforms the troop decontamination companies are provided with special vehicles (cleansing vehicle, bath-vehicle, water—vehicle, decontamination of clothing vehicle etc.) and the decontamination battery with auxiliary vehicles. Fifty men can be completely cleansed within 20 minutes by means of the auxiliary bath equipment, with the special cleansing vehicles 120 men in 30 minutes. The decontamination of the uniforms takes about 12 hours and the boots also about 12 hours and a number of improvised methods have also been introduced for this purpose. The decontamination of weapons is carried out by the soldier himself by means of the weapon decontaminant introduced for that purpose. Larger weapons or pieces of equipment are treated by the decontamination battery or by the decontamination troops of the battalion and regiment. For skin decontamination, which is carried out by every soldier himself during the battle, each man possesses a package of skin decontarainant (Losantin tablets) or a Jar of skin decontamination ointment. The decontamination of towns and works behind the lines is a matter for the civilian A,R,P. For this are available the well- known decontamination materials as well as the local organisations for road decontamination. The decontamination of clothing should be carried out in the local laundries and chemical cleaning plants. The decontamination of railway installations should be carried out by specially trained railway personnel with improvised equipment. The ground staff of the Air Force also possess decontamination squads who have been specially trained to decontaminate aircraft and leaking ammunition. The Navy had on board each ship special decontamination squads who carried .out decontamination mainly with the help of steam. F, The Use of Smoke In the instructions for the German Army there were it is true abundant orders as to the use of smoke in attack and defence, but in actual practice the use of smoke was generally unpopular and seldom used. Only in the last stages of the war did the copious use of smoke by the Allies appear to evoke the High Command and the Forces to lose their aversion to it so that here and there a more active use of smoke appeared. Tactically a distinction was made between ncamouflage smoke™ (Tamnebel) and Screening smoke” (Blendnebel), By screening is understood the laying of a smoke screen immediately in front or on top of an enemy position. By camouflage smoke is understood the covering of ones own positions or movements by means of smoke. The nearer a smoke screen is laid to the enemy the more economical is the amount of smoke required to produce an effective screen. The training of troops in correct use of smoke materials and to a correct appreciation of the meteorological factors is not easy. The extensive use of smoke should only be carried out by order of the Higher Command. (Army Corps, Array), The tactical use of smoke on a small scale is carried out by orders from Division, Regiment, Battallion or Company Headquarters, Fighting in smoke is similar in many respects to the conditions in night fighting. This also explains the aversion of the Higher Command and of the troops to the extensive use of smoke. The following smoke airmunition and apparatus have been developed and in most cases also accepted into the Service, (a) Smoke hand grenades (burster and generator types). (b) Rifle grenades (burster and generator types), (c) Smoke bombs for the attack of tanks, (d) Smoke generator (emission time - 3 minutes), (e) Quick Smoke generator (emission time about 1 minute), (f) Long Smoke generator (emission time about 20 minutes). (g) Long smoke generator, black (black smoke), (h) Smoke projectiles for all guns and projectors, (i) Smoke spraying apparatus with emission time of 30 - 120 minutes, (j) 50 kg» Smoke bomb (NC-30, emission time 15-20 minutes). (k) Clusters with 20 to 12 smoke generators, (l) Aircraft smoke curtain installations. (m) 250 kg. Smoke bomb (charging CSA (Nebelsaure), (n) Smoke floats and smoke buoys for Navy and Pioneers. (o) Wireless controlled smoke carrier (Goliath), The troops were very well supplied with smoke materials. The monthly supply was far greater than the amount used so that a large stock of smoke material was built up. The principles for the tactical use of smoke were applied in exactly the same manner as in other armies. The chief use of smoke was by the firing of smoke ammunition and from the Air Force. The commonest use of smoke was for the screening of river crossing, A further important use of smoke was the area screening of factories and towns. For this purpose the Air Force had set up local forma- tions who carried out smoke screening corresponding to the local wind conditions with the help of smoke spray apparatus. For the protection of specially important smaller installations such as lock gates, dams and U-boat shelters a smoke spray apparatus was recently developed which formed a smoke cloud up to 30 metres high in 2 to 3 seconds. It consisted of a pressure vessel with three exit tubes in an upward direction and the pressure was derived from the gases from an electrically ignited black powder filling. The Navy made considerable use of smoke during their various naval engagements and also to screen ships lying in harbour. The increasing use of smoke by the Allies on the South and West fronts caused the original aversion to the use of smoke to become less noticeable in recent times. If the war had continued the German Armed Forces would also have made much greater use of smoke. The complete lack of phosphorus which (also in German opinion) is the best source of smoke and has, as well, a considerable effect on moral was a disadvantage. G. The History, Organisation and Equipment of the Hebeltmppe. There was no Nebeltruppe in the German 100, OCX) man army in the first few years after the world war. Smoke screening was carried out at manoeuvres by the pioneers or infantry with improvised means. Experience gained by the civilian A*R.P* frcm the screening of large industrial areas, was passed on to the troops without any special directions being laid down or any special body of troops formed. 1932. In Konigsbruck (near Dresden) a Nebel squadron was formed. It was equipped with smoke spray apparatus (portable and mounted) and also with smoke generators. 1934. This squadron was converted to the Nebel Battery (Abteilung) Konigsbruck, The equipment remained the same, but was considerably increased and the battery became motorised. 1935. This was the year of the birth of the Nebeltruppe, Inspektion 9 was set up and also an Inspektur der Nebeltruppe. The Truppe itself was composed only of the Nebel Battery, Konigsbruck, with one instructional company detached from it. 1936. The Nebeltruppe was increased in size to two batteries which were equipped with the 10 cm, Nebelwerfer 35, introduced to the Service in 1935. Each battery consisted of three troops and each troop had two sections of four Werfer. The Nebelwerfer 35 has a maximum range of 3500 m. The highest rate of fire for a short time is 15 rounds per minute. Mortar bombs were earlier filled with a mixture of sulphurtrioxide and pumice, and later only with sulphurtrioxide. The results were excellent in humid weather conditions, and in dry- weather were still sufficiently good. This ammunition was still being used during the French campaign. The first battery remained in Konigsbrflck and the second was formed in Bremen, 1937. In October an instructional Nebel battery was fomed with a third battery at Celle, 1958. In this year two further batteries were formed, The fourth at Munsingen and the fifth in the west near Kaisers-lantern. Up to this time the Nebelwerfer batteries as well as being equipped with eight projectors per battery, also had a decontamination and bulk contamina- tion vehicle so that they could be used as smoke troops, decontamina- tion troops or gas contamination troops as required. They were trained in all three. Each battery had the following composition. Staff Signal Troops 1-3 troops. Light Column, (supply of ammunition for projectors). Heavy Column, (composed of all decontamination and bulk contamination vehicles as well as vehicles for the transport of decontamination material and gas containers). This set up was shown in the big manoeuvres of 1938 to be too clumsy and unwieldy. Accordingly, the following changes were made in 1939# 1939. A division was now made into Nebelwerfer batteries and gas decontamination batteries. This now set up at the beginning of the year consisted of five Nebelwerfer batteries and four decontamination batteries, and later on in the year this was increased to five decontamination batteries. The Nebelwerfer battery consisted ofj- . Staff. Signal Section (wireless and telephone on overland transport with four-wheel drive), 1-3 Troops, each with two sections of four and later three projectors. Light column (for supply of ammunition). The projector used was still the 10 cm. Nebelwerfer 35. The decon- tamination battery consisted of;- Staff. Signal section (as above), 1-3 Troops (equipped with a special truck on tractors, i, e. gas identification vehicle and medium and smaller decontamination vehicles). Light column (supply of decontamination material) Heavy column (the bulk contamination vehicles - the medium Sprfth - KW and transport vehicles for the containers of ground contamination). According to this arrangement each decontamination battery could be used as well either for decontamination, or for ground contamina- tion. Several projector batteries and one decontamination battery took part in the campaign in Poland, the latter without ever being used. 1940. Quite a number of projector batteries were used in the spring offensive in France, They proved themselves useful in many battles, but particularly so at river crossings. The decontamination batteries were never used for the purpose for which they had been trained. Projector batteries were also sent to Norway, The Nebelwerfer 40 was introduced in this year. It was a breach loader and attained a range of 6300 m. On account of its weight and angle of fire, it was never popular with the troops, and in a short time was removed from the equipment. Towards the end of this year, a special Nebel regiment staff was formed so that projector batteries and decontamination batteries could be grouped together, for the sake of easier and more ccncerted control, into one regiment. As long as the Nebeltruppe was only used as a battery, the special staff were chiefly concerned only with unit training. Special regiments were only formed later. Each regiment was composed of two projector batteries (motorised) and one decontamination battery (motorised). In autumn, an instructional battery was formed in Poland to instruct the other batteries (projector and decontamination) in the use of the heavy Wurfgerat 40, The Wurfgerat 40 consists of a wooden frame firmly anchored to the ground which can be altered at will by means of props, to shoot at any angle from 20°/45°. The packing cases containing the ammunition are placed on these frames and bolted on. The anmunition is shot out of its packing case. There was a 28 cm, HE projectile and a 32cm incendiary pro- jector, The range for HE was 2200 m, and for incendiary 1950 m. The Wurfgerat were set up in parallel rows and fired electrically. By means of delay fuses it was so arranged that four projectiles could be fired from each frame in eight seconds. Each battery had forty-eight such frames and could fire, therefore, 192 pro- jectiles in eight seconds. The scatter was considerable and was, on the average, about 400 m, in length by 200 m, wide. This weapon is therefore only suitable for area shoots, and is decidedly a "S chwerpunkt swaf f e ". 1941. At the beginning of this year, it was possible with the forma- tion of special regimental staffs to form four regiments of three batteries each out of the eight Werfer batteries and five decontam- ination batteries, and the constructional battery for the heavy Wurfgerat. In the spring campaign in the Balkans several Werfer batteries were used with success. The greatest use was made of Nebeltruppe in the field during the campaign in Russia in June 1941, Most of the batteries were used for the forcing of the Bug crossing. An attack was also made on the citadel and central defence point of the defensive position of Brest Litowsk with the help of nine batteries of heavy Wurfger&t. The success of these troops and particularly of the heavy Wurfgerat was remarkable. For this attack on Brest Litowsk two of the decontamina- tion batteries were equipped with heavy WurfgerlU. This increased equipment was left with these two batteries for farther work during the Russian campaign and was used from time to time. In August 1941 the five decontamination batteries (motorised) were finally equipped with the heavy Wurfgerat 40 and they held this equipment along with their decontamination equipment. In September 1941, the decontamination equipment was finally left with the reserve troops and the decontamination batteries were now only equippedwith the heavy Wurfgerit. Towards the end of 1941 the wooden frame of the heavy Wurfgerat 40 was replaced by an iron frame and fitted with an improved anchoring device. This apparatus was given the name - Heavy Wurfgerat 41 • To make up for the loss of the decontamination batteries for decontamination work, three road decontamination batteries were formed in the autumn of 1941. They were equipped with motor vehicles on which could be fitted an improvised spreader which could be made by the troops themselves. The store of Losantin was carried in drums on the vehicle, and the Losantin could be distributed in an even manner from the improvised distributor. The chief purpose of this battery was to deal with decontamination of transport immediately behind the front line. 1942, At the beginning of this year there were in all - Five Nebelwerfer regiments (equipped with 15 cm, Nebelwerfer). Two heavy Werfer regiments (equipped with Nebelwerfer for 28/32 cm. ammunition), One Mountain Werfer battery. Three road decontamination batteries. One Nebel instruction regiment. These regiments were usually composed of three batteries, but one heavy Werfer regiment had only two batteries. For firing the 28/32 cm, ammunition an apparatus was introduced for firing 6 at a time in place of the heavy Wurfger&t 41. The 28 cm. HE or 32 cm, incendiary could be fired fran this apparatus as required. For the firing of the smaller calibre, attachable rails could be fitted. In addition a 32 cm, Nebelwerfer with a range of 3b00 m, was developed. It was expected gradually to replace the 28/32 cm. Werfer. In this year the Panzer Werfer was also developed with ten tubes on a pivoted base which could be fitted to armoured vehicles. This Werfer had a remarkable rate of fire and on account of its mobility allowed a quick change-over of the firing point. For armoured pioneer companies an attachment was developed which enabled six 28 cm. HE or 32 cm. incendiary projectiles in their cases to be fitted to the side of mechanised transport and fired electrically. The attachment was fitted permanently to the sides of the M.T, and the angle of fire could be adjusted by means of a semi-circular plate fitted with a scale. These motorised projectors were used with particular success against defended villages and posts and against tank barriers. Towards the end of the year a special brigade staff was formed and used for the larger battles. 1943. At the beginning of this year on account of the scarcity of Werfer transport and the big requirements for the use of Werfer batteries, all the special vehicles for decantamination and bulk con- tamination were changed over to Werfer vehicles. In place of the no longer used Spruh KW and the medium decontam- ination vehicles, improvised decontamination and bulk contamination vehicles were made from transport of the type MMaultierM, In this year Panzer Werfer troops each with 10 x 15 cm, tubes on a pivoting base mounted on A.F.V*s were formed. Each troop had fcur to six such vehicles. During the year the brigade staff for Nebeltruppe was finally fanned as well as Werfer brigades, the brigade having to begin with two regiments, one light and one heavy. 1944. In the spring of this year there were four Nebelwerfer and one Mountain Werfer batterers. During the year the Nebeltruppe was doubled in size and by the end of the year consisted of eight Werfer brigades which were employed on all fronts. The ninth brigade was being formed at the end of the year. The equipment of these brigades was 15 cm. Nebelwerfer for the light batteries and 21 cm. and 30 cm. Nebelwerfer for the heavy batteries. During the year the road decontamination batteries were disbanded and the personnel used for the reforming of the Werfer regiments. 1943. Three further brigades should have been formed during this year, but at the cessation of hostilities, only the staff had been formed. The projector regiments were also to have been equipped with the 35 cm. Nebelwerfer, This apparatus was to have been capable of firing two different projectiles. The ammunition with a short pro- pellant charge at a maximum range of 3500 m. and the ammunition with the long propellant charge at a maximum range of 10,000 nu Further Planning For the future it was planned to go over to even bigger calibres with a still greater maximum range, but above all attention was to be given to the rather big scatter of the weapon and to improve this by- alteration of the-projector frame, and more particularly by paying attention to the ballistics of the aianunition. AMPOULE CONTAINING (°-) WATER OR O) WATER AND METHYL ALCOHOL. FILTER PAPER IMPREGNATED WITH SODIUM P-NITROPHENYL ANTI -DIAZOTATE SILICA CEL IMPREGNATED WITH COLD CHLORIDE . DIATOMITE FlC; I -CELLULOSE WADDING- ACTIVE CHARCOAL -SEALED CLASS TUBE. Ficir