PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION FOR * ADVANCED COURSE IN MESS ADMINISTRATION FOR DIETITIANS MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL BROOKE ARMY MEDICAL CENTER FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS 1047 MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL BROOKE ARMY IEDICAL CENTER FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION FOR ADVANCED COURSE IN MESS ADI INISTRATION FOR DIETITIANS 10 June 1947 ADVANCED COURSE IN MESS ADMINISTRATION FOP. DIETITIANS MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL PURPOSE: To give additional training to dietitians in regard to pro- curement of food, cost accounting and equipment so that they can wore efficiently carry out the duties assigned to them and to ac- quaint them with newer trends in other matters pertaining to the functioning of the Dietetics Division in the Zone of Interior Hospitals. y PREREQUISITES: Medical Department Dietitians with one or more years of com- missioned service who h?ve signified a desire to remain in,the Army. 1 ADVANCED COURSE IN BESS ADMINISTRATION FOR DIETITIANS (2 «eeks, 80 hours) SUBJECT HOURS ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES 9 Basic Accounting (i) Hospital Fund Accounting (a) ADMINISTRATION OF THE DIETETIC DEPARTMENT A Arrny Regulations and Publications (i) Food and Cost Control (2) Food Storage and Inspection Within the Hospital (1) COMMANDANT’S TIME 3 Orientation and Processing a) Clearance a) Subject to be Announced (i) EQUIPMENT 9 Procurement and Responsibility for Equipment (2) Maintenance of Equipment (2) Equipment Allowances and Mess Layouts (5) EXAMINATION 2 Written Examination (2) FOOD INSPECTION 9 Inspection of Food Products by Veterinary Service a) Meats (6) Marine, Poultry and Dairy Products (2) FOOD PREPARATION 9 Standardization of Recipes (5) Food Preparation and Service U) FOOD PROCUREMENT 10 Procurement Methods and Procedures (7) Availability of Foods (3) SUBJECT HOURS FOOD SERVICE 5 Food Conservation and Control (2) Ward and Mess Hall Food Service (3) MENUS 7 Menu Planning (5) Diet Therapy (2) ORGANIZATION OF THE DIETETICS DIVISION 3 Organization of the Dietetics Division (3) PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 7 Selection and Assignment of Personnel (X) Personnel Training and Relations U) Tools of Management (2> TRAINING 1 Military Courtesies, Customs and Dress (i) TROOP INFORMATION 2 Subjects to be Announced (2) PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION ADVANCED COURSE IN MESS ADMINISTRATION FOR DIETITIANS PART I ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES 9 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Basic Accounting (x) Instruction in the fundamental ANNEX NO. 1 principles of accounting, double entry bookkeeping. Hospital Fund (8) Regulations pertaining to the Accounting Hospital Fund, the General Led- ANNEX NO. 2 ger, accounting for income and cash receipts; expenses and cash disbursements; the daily record of gain and loss from subsis- tence; accounting for Hospital Fund Property. PART II ADMINISTRATION OF THE DIETETIC DEPARTMENT U Hours SUBJECT ATID ANNEX FUHBER HOURS SCOPE Army Regulations and Publications ANNEX NO. 3 (i) Review of regulations and publi- cations pertaining to mess ad- ministration, methods of obtain- ing, standard and non-standard books and magazines for the dietetic reference library. Food and Cost Control ANNEX NO. A (2) Food inventory, stock control; recipe and menu costing. Food Storage and Inspection Within the Hospital ANNEX NO. $ (1) Proper storage of foods in the moss, inspection of mess opera- tion and sanitation. PART III COMMANDANT'S TILE 3 Hours SUBJECT AMD ANNEX NUI.iBER HOURS SCOPE Orientation and Processing ANNEX NO. NONE (i) Address by Commandant; issue of notebooks, supplies, schedules, and discussion of administrativc procedures for the course Clearance ANNEX NO. NONE. (i) Processing for departure. Subject to be Announced ANNEX NO. NONE (i) Time to be used for time lost due to interruptions in the schedule or to introduce features consid- ered desirable by the Commandant. PART IV EQUIPMENT 9 Hours SUBJECT END ANNEX lUJITBER HOURS SCOPE Procurepcnt and Responsibility for Equipment ANNEX NO. 6 (2) Types of available equipment; methods of requisitioning ex- pendable, non-expendable, and non-standard property; account- ing for and responsibility for property. lb into nance of Equipment ANNEX NO. 7 (2) Preventive and cleaning mainten- ance responsibility; typos of service offered by post engi- neers . Equipment Allowances and Mess Layouts ANNEX NO. B (5) Equipment allowances; princi- pals of layout of equipment, work areas, flow charts cover- ing the Army mess. PART V EXAMINATION 2 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Examination ANNEX NO. NONE (2) Final written examination cover- ing material presented during the course. PART VI FOOD INSPECTION 9 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Inspection of Food Products by Army Veterinary Service ANNEX NO. 9 (i) Veterinary Corps responsibilities; food inspection in the Army; types of veterinary inspection. Meats ANNEX NO. 10 (6) Classes and grades of meats; Federal Specifications for meats; • cutting of carcass meats; cured and smoked meats; curing and smoking methods; canned meats. Marine, Poultry, and Dairy Products ANNEX NO. 11 (2) Classes and grades of poultry, spoilage factors; grades of eggs, quality factors; types of ma- rine products purchased by the Army; types of milk and other dairy products. FART VII FOOD PREPARATION 9 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUlffiER HOURS SCOPE Standardization of Recipes ANNEX NO. 12 (5) Techninues of standardization; recipo standardization in the Special Diet kitchen; applica- tory assignment in standardiza- tion. Food 1reparation and Service ANNEX NO. NONE U) Tour of hospital to observe cen- tral coordination of mess activi ties; food preparation and ser- vice in large and small messes, and ward food service. PART VIII FOOD PROCUREMENT 10 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Procurement Methods and Procedures ANNEX NO. 13 (7) Quartermaster specifications; methods of requisitioning from Quartermaster; methods of making commercial purchases; Quarter- master storage and issue; the commissary. Availability of Foods (3) Availability of fresh fruits and vegetables; climatic and ANNEX NO, U transportation problems in- volved; availability, selection and care of frozen foods. PART IX FOOD SERVICE 5 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Food Conservation (2) Food conservation and waste studios, and Control (elimination of wasted use of the ANNEX NO. 15 Cook’s Work Sheet. Ward and Mess (3) Ward food service; serving per-' Hall Food Service sonnel; cafeteria and table ser- ANNEX NO. 16 vice; service of paraplegic pa- tients; ambulatory special diet patients; control of nourish- ments . PART X MENUS 7 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Menu Planning (5) Factors which influence the ANNEX NO. 17 menu; drafting the menu; special diet menus; preparation of the menu; nutritional evaluation by the short method calculation. Diet Therapy (2) New trends in Diet Therapy; ANNEX NO. IB sources of current information; dietary problems within the hospital. PART XI ORGANIZATION OF THE DIETETICS DEPARTMENT 3 Hours SUBJECT AIJD ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Organization of tho Dietetic Department ANNEX NO. 19 (3) Organization of the department; duties and responsibilities of the key personnel; mess manage- ment responsibilities; relation of tho dietitian to other ser- vices and personnel* PART XII PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 7 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Soloction and Assignment of Personnel ANNEX NO. 20 (i) Types of Civil Service positions; procedures of selection, assign- ment, reports and efficiency ratings, Personnel Training and Relations ANNEX NO. 21 (a) Instructional techniques and re- sponsibilities; supervisor’s re- sponsibility for good personnel relations; handling personnel problems• Tools of Management ANNEX NO. 22 (2) Work Schedules, job descrip- tions and analyses. PART XIII TRAINING 1 Hour SUBJECT AND ANNEX. NUMBER HOURS- ■“ - SCOPE Military Courtesies, Customs, and Dross ANNEX NO, 23 - a) General customs “of the Service; female personnel as officers of the Army; proper wearing of the uniform; saluting and other military courtesies. PART XIV TROOP INFORMATION 2 Hours SUBJECT m> ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Subjects to (2) Current Army talks and/or train- be Announced ■-•••• ing 'films of current interest ANNEX NO, NONE are presented. ANNEX NO. 1 BASIC ACCOUNTING (l Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER SCOPE OF TYPE OF HOURS INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Basic 1 Fundamental prin- L EM 767| Accounting ciplos of account- AR 4-0-590, ing, double entry- bookkeeping with emphasis as applied to Hos- pital Fund accounting. par IB, ANNEX NO, 2 HOSPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING (8 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE CF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Daily Gain and 2 Sources of income L, TM 8-262, Loss Sheet and expense as ap- plied to Hospital Fund; historical data concerning the Hospital Fund. PE Chap VII; AR 4-0-590, par IB. Registers 2 Source of entries of following Reg- isters and how made? Accounts Receivable, Cash Receipts, Accounts Payable and Cash Disbursements. L, PE TM B-262, Chap VII; AR 4-0-590; par 18. General 2 Accounts contained L, TM 8-262, Ledger in the General Lodger; sources of posting; bal- ancing of the General Lodger; PE Chap VII; AR 4-0-590; par IB, Hospital 2 Hospital Fund Fi- L, TM B-262, Fund State- ments nancial Statement of Income and Ex- pense; Statement of Liabilities, Assets, and Hot Forking Capital; Statement of Mis- cellaneous Sub- sistence Account; Statement of Wel- fare Expense; transmittal of Excess Working Capital, PE Chap VII; AR 4.0-590; par IB. ANNEX NO. 3 ARMY REGULATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS (1 Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER Hours SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OP’ INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Array Regula- tions and Publications Pertaining to Hess A dm ini s trat i o n 1 Need for a basic reference file; methods of check- ing material al- ready published; keeping abreast of new regula- tions and pub- lications; books and magazines available for the dietitians1 reference li- brary; discussion of current regu- lations and pub- lications of par- ticular signifi- cance in moss management. L,0 AR 1-10; FM 21-6; SB 8-A; FD Supply Catalog LED 3* ANNEX NO. /, FOOD AND COST CONTROL (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Food and Mo mi Costing 1 Food cost control as a direct respon- sibility of tho dietitian; recipe and menu costing; food cost account- ing and control systems* L,C Food Service in Institutions, West and Wood; TM B-262, Chap VI. Food Inventory and Stock Control 1 Controlled ordering, receiving and issuing of food; the central store- room; individual mess storeroom; Receiving Report; responsibilities of Hess 4dministra- tor, Dietitian, and Hess Sergeant; Perpetual Inven- tory Card; Inven- tory Report; re- port of discrep- ancies. L,C TM B-262, Chaps VI and VII; AR*s 4.0-590 and 210-60. ANNEX NO. 5 FOOD STORAGE AND INSPECTION WITHIN THE HOSPITAL (l Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NULIBSR HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE (F INSTRUCTION- REFERENCES Food Storage 1 Inspection and L TM»s 10-210, and Inspection storage of food 10-250; SB Tvithin the supplies in the 10-119; The Hospital mess; types of School inspection; Cafeteria, inspection Bryan; Food routine, Service in Institutions, West and Wood. 15 ANNEX NO. 6 PROCUREMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR EQUIPMENT (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Typos of 1 Discussion of types L,C IR's 35-6520, Available of technical ser- 35-6620, 35- Equipment. vice and Hospital 66AO; 3G0 Methods of Fund properties Cir 70, 19^7; Requis itioning. available for TM 3B-A03; Expendable and hospital messes; MED Supply Non-Expendable Iroperty expendable and non-expendable property forms, and procedures for requisition- ing. Catalog Accounting for 1 Responsibility and L,C SGO Cir 70, Non-Expendable accountability for 1947; ARfs Property. Re- non-expendable 35-6520 and sponsibility propol’ty; property 35-66^0; for Property records maintained; memorandum receipts; issue slips; turn- in slips; reports of survey; state- ments of charges; transfer of prop- erty; property in- ventories . TM 3S-A03. ANNEX NO. 7 MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Caro of 1 Maintenance respon- L, TF 10-1215 Equipment sibility, general; C,D TH’s 5-637, (Preventive Maintenance) responsibilities of using services; responsibilities of the Post Engineer; routine scheduling of inspection; in- spection and ser- vice records; typos of service offered by the Post En- gineers; starting and shutdown, re- pair and replace- ment service; in- struction of using personnel; presenta- tion of illustrative material by use of a training film. 5-671. Care of 1 Purpose of cleaning L^C TM’s 5-637, Equipment maintenance; general 10-405; Caro (Cleaning characteristics of of Food Scr- Maintenance) materials used in construction of food service equip- ment, and the proper cleaning and care of; cleaning agents and their correct use; cleaning of specific items of kitchen equipment. vice Equip- ment, Amor. Dietetic Association. ANNEX NO. 8 EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCES AND HESS LAYOUTS (5 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INS TRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Equipment u Equipment allowances L,C, US Engineer Allowances for messes of dif- PE (SA District); and Mess ferent sizes; archi- Reference Layouts tectural considera- tions in laying out mess equipment; space allowances; arrangement of equipment; flow charts; work areas; presentation of a problem to be worked out by the template method by each student. Charts of OM and Engineer- ing Equip- ment; Journals of the Ameri- can Dietetic Association for Jan, Feb, and Mar, 194-7. Equipment Allowances and Mess Layouts 1 Discussion of mess C layout problem as completed by each student. As above. ANNEX MO. 9 INSPECTION OF FOOD PRODUCTS BY ARMY VETERINARY SERVICE (l Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER SCOPE OF TYPE OF HOURS INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Inspection 1 Veterinary Corps L,C AR»s 40-2005, of Food responsibilities; 40-2150, 40- Products subsistence pro- 2010; TM 8- by Army curcment; Voteri- 540, Veterinary nary food inspect- Service ion in the Army; other inspection agencies; types of Veterinary inspections; Veterinary Corps as an operating agency. ANNEX NO. 10 PEATS (6 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Classifying and Grading Carcass Meats 1 Definitions of classes and grades of meats; reasons for classifying and grading; classes of carcass moats; grading carcass meats; presentation of illustrated ma- terial through use of the baloptican. L,C, D OPA Regulations; Federal Specifications• Types, Classes and Grades of Carcass Heats 1 Discussion of grad- ing systems and grades in each; illustration of USDA grades by use of slides; reasons for es- tablishing grades; illustration of grades of beef, veal, lamb, using slides. L,C, D OPA Regulations; Federal Speci- fications; USDA Bulletins 124-6, U70; USDA Cir 103. Wholesale Cuts of Beef, Veal, Lamb and Mutton 1 Standard methods of dividing carcass meats into whole- sale cuts: varia- tions of whole- sale cuts in sec- tions of the country; standard method used in Federal Specifica- tions and Army purchases; illus- tration of methods of dividing with pictures, charts, and by use of skeletons. L,C, D OPA ReguLations; USDA Bulletin 12/46. ANNEX NO. 10 (continued) SUBJECT AND FILE NUI-3BER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Y\T hole sale 1 Discussion of L,C OPA Regula- Cuts of standard method of tions; TM 10- Fork; dividing pork car- 210; Military Spoilage cass into whole- Meat & Dairy Factors of sale cuts with use Hygiene, Carcass of charts; spoil- Eakins; USDA Meat age of meats from the standpoint of causes; recognition and prevention. Cir 288; Military Pre- ventive Medi- cine, Dunham, Cured and 1 Object of curing L,C, TM 10-210, Smoked meats; curing D pars 81-83, Meats agents, kinds of moats cured; curing methods; smoking moats; keeping qualities and spoilage; pre- sentation of illustrative material by use of strips. 89, 90; FS‘s 8-9A, 8-95; Military Moat and Dairy Hy- gioncc, Eakins. Canned 1 Processing and L,C TM 10-210; Meats inspection of canned meats; recognition of defective or spoiled moats; history of canning# Military Meat and Dairy Hygiene, Eakins; Military Preventive Medicine, Dunham, ANNEX NO. 11 MARINE, POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCTS (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPS OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Poultry Products 1 Definitions of different types of poultry; quality factors; grading of poultry; spoil- age factors; classes of poultry; grades of eggs. L,C TM 10-210; Federal Specifica . . Marine and Dairy Products 1 Types of marine pro- ducts purchased by the Army; inspection of marine products; types of milk and other dairy pro- ducts; laboratory tests used in the analysis of milk; recombined milk. LjC TM 10-210; Military Heat and Dairy Hygiene, Eakins, ANNEX NO. 1 STANDARDIZATION OF RECIPES (5 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Use of Standardized Recipes 1 Necessity for recipe standardization; recipe standardiza- tion in the special diet kitchen; re- quirements for successful stand- ardization; tech- niques of stand- ardizing old and new recipes; dis- cussion of recipes to be standardized in the experimental kitchen in suc- ceeding class. L,G TMfs 10-412, 8-262, Chap VI; Food Service in Institutions, West and Wood; Quantity Cookery, Treat and Richards; Food for Fifty, Fowler and West, Standardi- zation of Recipes U Standardization of a large quanity recipe by means of application of techniques pre- sented in previous class. PE TM 10-412; Food Ser- vice in Institutions, West and Wood; Quantity Cookery, Treat and Richards; Food 1 Fifty, Fowler and West, ANNEX NO. 13 PROCUREMENT METHODS AND PROCEDURES (7 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE ..OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Methods of Requisitioning from tie Quartermaster 1 Outline of Quarter- master procurement of foods, central, regional and local; types of bidding; requisition forms and procedures for individual unit. L,C TM 10-215, Chaps I-IV; WD Form 4-4-5; AR 30-2210. Methods of Making Commercial Purchases 1 Circumstances under ?;hich commercial purchases may be made; certificate of non-availability; procedure for get- ting bids; purchases of certain items through the Medical Supply Officer. L,C TM 8-262, Chap’s VI, VII; AR A0- 590, par 18, Quarter- master Specifications 2 Definition of speci- fications; purpose of Quartermaster specifications; gen- eral requirement in Federal Specifications; classification of subsistence; varieties, typos and grades; phases and types of inspec- tion; presentation of illustrative material by use of a sound film strip. L,C, D TM 10-210; Federal Standard Stock Cata- log; QII Tentative Specifica- tions; SFS 10-154,. Procurement 3 Visit to the Quarter- master storage and Commissary; visit to bakery and post fat- rendering plant. D None ANNEX NO. U AVAILABILITY OF FOODS (3 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Frozen 1 Quick-freeze and L,C QH Food and Foods slow-freeze methods; types of commercial quick-fre'ze methods; quality factors of frozen foods; stor- age and availability of frozen foods. Container Institute Manual #1. Availability 2 Factors involved in L,C The Blue of Foods tho availability of fresh produce, seasons, shipping, refrigeration, packing; present Goose Buy- ing Guide, published by tho American Fruit Growers availability and future outlook on fruits and vege- tables; discussion of grades and availability of specific items of fresh produce. Inc; current market information. ANNEX NO. 15 FOOD CONSERVATION AND CONTROL (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILS NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Food Conservation and Waste Studies 1 History of food service; causes of food wastes receiving points, storage, in pre- paration, prior to cooking, in cooking, in ser- ving, from left- overs, early messing, and un- attractive sur- roundings , L,C Food Conser- vation Bulle- tin, Hq 4th Army and Sup- plement; TC 32, 1945; WD Cir 322, 194-6; TM 8- 262, Chap VI; 3G0 Cir’s 3, 70, 1947. Food Control 1 Proper use of the Cook’s Fork Sheet with detailed dis- cussion of all items to be entered and methods of en- tering; discussion of mess management. L,C Food Conser- vation Bulle- tin, Hq 4th Army and Su- ploment; QIC, S & FS Ltr #2, ASF Hq 8th SvC; WD Cir 322, 1946; SCO Cir 70, 194-7. ANNEX NO. 16 WARD AND MESS HALL FOOD SERVICE (3 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS 3C0IE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Ward Food Service 1 Discussion of me** C chanics of ward food service; ward rounds; diet cards; training of ward diet kitchen person- nel; routines of charting food, check- ing food carts and trays; ward round reports; special diet patient records. TM B-262, Chap VI; SGO Cir»s 3, 70, 194-7. Type of Food Service in Hospitals 1 Cafeteria services 0 order of foods on the counter, instruc- tion of personnel, portion control, self- service versus con- trolled service, short- order cooking on the line, posting of the menu; service of ambula- tory Special Diet Paticnts- mcchanico of; types of diets served in moss hall; training of serving personnel; table service, mechan- ics of service for paraplegic and ortho- pedic patients. Food Service in Institu- tions, West and Wood; Journal of the American Dietetic Association; Monthly Health Bulle- tin, Hq 1st SvC, Feb 194-6. Control of Nourishments 1 Methods of ordering and issuing nourish- ments; check on quanti- ties; restrictions as to type and quantities of nourishments; nour- ishments for paraplegic and orthopedic patients; evening nourishments- types and restrictions. ANNEX NO. 17 MENU PLANNING (5 hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUIIBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Honu Planning 2 Factors which in- fluence menu making; drafting the menu; menu reference files and reminders; method and order of drafting; the spec- ial diet menus; pre- paration of the menu; checking the menu in action. L TH»s B-500, B-262, Chap VI; Food Service in Institutions, West and W ood, Menu Planning (Suggestions) 2 Menu forms used in various Army hos- pitals; Sunday night supper combinations; "different" food combinations or suggestions; adapta- tion of menus to local food habits and supplies; effect- ive methods of chock- ing comsumcr reactions. C Menu forms from Army hospitals; compilation of sugges- tions made by previous classes; commercial pamphlets, Short Method Calculation of Dietary- Analysis 1 Necessity for nutri- tional evaluation of menus; dietary analysis of the Master Menu on the per pound basis; short method analy- sis: sources of data, conversion factors, food composition charts, mechanics of calculation, corrections, reports. C WD Cir 33, 1946; TB MED 25, 1944. ANNEX NO. 18 DIET THERAPY (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Diet 2 Need for the L,C TM B-500; SCO Therapy dietitian to keep abreast of the la- test trends; sources of material; suggested up-to-date references; responsibilities of the therapeutic dietitian; presenta- tion of selected current trends in diet therapy. Cir 70? 1947; TB MED 23; current copies of medical professional journals. ANNEX NO. 19 ORGANIZATION OF THE DIETETICS DEPARTMENT (3 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Organization of the Dietetics Department 1 Importance of efficient mess management; presen- tation and explana- tion of the organi- zational and func- tional chart of the hospital moss or- ganization for gen- eral and other hospitals in the Zone of the In- terior; specific duties of key mess personnel L,C AR 4-0-590; TM 8-262, Chap VI; SGO Cir*s 3, 70, 1947« Ward Rounds; Relation of the Dietitian to other Services and Per- sonnel 1 Types of ward rounds and re- sponsibility of the dietitian to partici- pate; relation of the dietitian to the Com- manding Officer, Chiefs of Services, ward Officer, Chief Nurse, Ward Charge Nurse, ward diet kitchen personnel and to the patient. L,C The Army Nurse, Vol 2, No 11, Jan 194-5; TB MED 210; TM 8-262, Chap VI; SGO Cir’s 3, 70, 19A7; AR AO- 590. Coordination of Mess Activities 1 General discussion of the principles of organization; specific application of basic principles of organi- zation to the Army hospital mess, taking into consideration the aim, purpose, plan, and management of the department and coordina- tion of activities. L,C TM1s 10-205, 8-262, Chap VI; SGO Cir*s 3, 70, 19A7; Food Service in Institu- tions, West and Wood * ANNEX NO. 20 SELECTION AND ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL (l Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Selection 1 Types of Civil L,C TM 8-262, and Service positions; Chap VI; Assignment importance of final Memo No, of selection of appli- 68, Hq, Brooke Personnel cant; interviews; procedures of selection, assignment re- ports and effi- ciency ratings. AMC, 8 July 194-6; Civ Personnel Pamphlet No 24, 1946; Civ Personnel Manual No 2, 1945; Civ Personnel Form No 3823A, June 1945; Civ Personnel Form No 3823, Re- vised, 1944* ANNEX NO. 21 PERSONNEL TRAINING AND RELATIONS (4 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Job • Instructor Training 2 Discussion of supervisory- responsibilities with emphasis on the instruc- tional phase; the training time-table; the job breakdown; the four-step method of instruc- tion. L,C ASF Manual M217-1 Job 2 Discussion of su- L,C, ASF Manual Relations Training pervisor's re- sponsibility for maintaining good re la ti ons; four - step method for handling problems; showing film strip on ’’Foundations for Good Relations”, D M217-2; SFS 80-16, ANNEX NO. 22 TOOLS OF MANAGEMENT (2 Hours) SUBJECT AMD FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Job 2 Discussion of L,C, TM 8-262, Descriptions, Job Analyses, W ork Schedules purpose and meaning of good mess adminis- tration; the ntools” of good administra- tion; detailed out- line of the job description and its value to dietitian and employee; mechanics of making job analy- ses and the use of both individual and unit job analyses; the need for work schedules and the mechanics of its contruction; con- struction of a work schedule by the class♦ PE Chap VI; Food Service in Institutions, West and Wood, ANNEX NO. 23 MILITARY COURTESIES, CUSTOMS AND DRESS (1 Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Military Courtesies, Customs and Dress 1 General customs of the service; military cour- tesies; saluting; proper wearing of the uniform; female personnel as officers* L,C AR's 600-40, 600-37; FM 22-5. 34