PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION FOR ASSOCIATE BASIC MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OFFICER'S COURSE MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL BROOKE ARMY MEDICAL CENTER FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS 1947 MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL BROOKE ARMY MEDICAL CENTER FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS PROGRAM OP INSTRUCTION FOR ASSOCIATE BASIC MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OFFICER’S COURSE 25 SEPTEMBER 1947 (REVISED) ASSOCIATE BASIC MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OFFICER’S COURSE MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL PURPOSE: To train Medical Department officers of the Reserve Corps and National Guard, officers of other arms and services of the Regular Army, and officers of the Navy in the basic duties and functions of the Medical Department, PREREQUISITES: Commissioned officer of the Regular Army, the Reserve . Corps, the National Guard, or the Navy, ASSOCIATE BASIC MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OFFICER1S COURSE MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL (8 Weeks, 520 Hours) SUBJECT HOURS ADMINISTRATION 28 i Army Administration (General) (4) Medical Supply Records and Procedures (5) Records of Morbidity and Mortality (11) Military Law (S) Personnel Management (2) COMMANDANT’S TIME 40 Aviation Medicine (2) Class Organization - (3) Clearance and Graduation (12) Holiday (8) Morale and Character Building What the Regular Army Offers to Medical (1) Department Officers (2) Subjects to be Announced (12) DENTAL SERVICE 2 Dental Service in The Army (2) LOGISTICS 37 Automotive Maintenance (7) Troop Movement (4) Transportation of the Sick and Wounded (6) General Supply in a Theater of Operations (8) Medical Supply (9) Maintenance of Medical Equipment (3) MEDICINE AND SURGERY 18 Medicine (9) Surgery and Examination (9) NEUROPSYCHIATRY 8 Introduction to Modern Neuropsychiatry (i) Procedures in Modern Neuropsychiatry (4) Practical Application of Modern Neuropsychiatry (3) 2 SUBJECT HOURS PHYSICAL MEDICINE 4 Introduction to Physics 1 Medicine (1) Physical Reconditioning Section (1) Occupational Therapy Section (1) Physical Therapy Section (1) PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 35 Introduction and Immunization Epidemiology of: (2) Respiratory Diseases (4) Intestinal Diseases and Water Supply (13) Arthropod Borne Diseases (8) Venereal Diseases (G) Physical Measurements (2) TACTICS AND TECHNIQUES 78 Map Reading (12) Organization and Employment of Combined Arms (10) Organization and Employment of Medical Units' (36) Command and Staff Procedure U) Communications (1) Miscellaneous (6) TRAINING '66 Physical Training (40) Information and Education (8) Training Ms n a g or: e n t (4) Training Techniques and Methods (5) Tra 1ning Demonstrat ions (5) Leadership and Courtesies (4) VETERINARY SERVICE % 4 M eat and Da i ry Ry g i e n e (4) ADMINISTRATION, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS 71 (For Pharmacy Corps and Medica1 Administrative Corps Officers in Lieu of Professional Medical Subjects) Army Admini s tra t i on (Gonera1) (20) Medical Supply, Records and Procedures (10) Mess Administration (4) Accounting Procedures for Hospital Funds (15) Military Law (5) Personnel Man a g em cn t (10) Administrative CPX (V) SUBJECT HOURS DENTAL SERVICE, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS 29 (For Dental Corps Officers in Lieu of Professional Medical Subjects) i Dental Administration (17) Training and Tactical Duties (12) VETERINARY SERVICE, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS 49 (For Veterinary Corps Officers in Lieu of Professional Medical Subjects) Veterinary Administration (19) Organization and Tactical Employment of Veterinary Units (7) Veterinary Field Service with Animal Units (12) Animal Disease Prevention and Control (9) Veterinary Activities in Theaters of Operation (2) PROGRAM OP INSTRUCTION ASSOCIATE BASIC MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OFFICER’S COURSE PART I ADMINISTRATION 28 Hours SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Army Administration (General) ANNEX NO. 1 (4) Instruction in that phase of Army Administration of particular interest to Medical Department Officers. Preparation of daily sick report, determination of line of duty, records and reports required in case of death, and recruiting aims and objectives with particular emphasis on recruiting for Reserve and National Guard units. Medical Supply Records and Procedures ANNEX NO., 2 (5) Acquaint officers with medieal supply procedures and records, covering ward, dispensary, hospital, post, camp and station, and War Department levels; means of disposition of government property. Records of Morbidity and Mortality ANNEX NO. 3 (id Instruction in those records and reports peculiar to the Medical Department, Types and functions of the various medical instal- lations of the Array; the type of patients each receives, and the records maintained by each. Military Law . ANNEX NO. 4 (6) Source and agencies of military jurisdiction; disciplinary power of the commanding officer; courts-martial jurisdiction, composition and limitations; procedure before, during and after trial; administrative procedures of boards of officers with emphasis on those boards peculiar to the Medical Department or involving Medical Department Officers; orientation in the organization and function of 5 FART I (Cont’d) SUBJECT ivND HUMBER HOURS SCOPE Personnel Me noporient (2) civil affairs and military government detachments, and the medical aspects thereof. To provide r. working knowledge A Niro: NO. 5 * of the principles of personnel management, how they are obtained, through 'what means are they exorcised, and how they are applied in the Medical Department, Of the principles of personnel management, emphasis will he placed on the classification a s s ignment, selection and training of Medical Department personnel. PART II COMMANDANT’S TIME 40 Hours SUBJECT DTD ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Eviction Medicine (2) Orientation to eviction Medicine ANNEX NO. - None presented by The School of Eviction Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas. Organizetion <3) Processing of students, issue aNUEX NO. - None of t c xt books , or ga ni za t ion of students into proups for ins truetions 1 purposes, address by the Commandant, and such other administrative procedure as announced by the Commandant• Clearance end (12) Turning in of supplies and Gra.dua t ion c quipraent, inc lud ing pay, no. - None transportation, processing, and formal graduation exercise. Holiday (8) Labor Day, ..NNEX NO. - None 6 PART II (Cont’d) SUBJECT i-lTD ANNEX NUIIBEH HOURS SCOPE Vo rc 1 c r. n d Chera c t c r Build ing ANNEX NO, 6 (1) Orientation as regards the moral aspect of the program for venereal disease control, in the Army, Whr. t the He gu 1 a. r i, rmy Offers to Medical Department Officers ivNNEX NO, 7 (2) \ Presentation of facts outlining the advantages of a Regular Army career. Subjects to bo announced ANNEX NO, - Nome (12) Conferences with professional consultants of The Surgeon Genera 1’s Office and Brooke ;*rmy Medical Center, FART III DENTAL SERVICE 2 Hours SUBJECT 7TND 1UUEX 1TTJ1IBSR HOURS SCOPE Dental Service in the *.rmv XHRUX lib. 8 (2) Lectures designed to familiarize tb c e nt i r c class of lie die r. 1 Dc pc r tincnt 0f f i cc rs with the orrr.niza t ion , function end mission of the Dentcl Corps end the role of the dental s c r v i c € w i t h i n the M e d i c a 1 Department, FART IV LOGISTICS 37 Hours STTBJT?CT AND NUHBER HOURS •SCOPE . utomotive IJrintenrnce APEX NO. 9 ) V (7) CIrssificntion end nomenclr.tune of the vehicles employed by the Hedicrl Deportment, Prin- ciples of operetion of the cutemotive engine end common cruses of vehiculrr frilure. Reports end forms pertrining to motor me intone nee. PART IV (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Troop Movement (4) Principles of loading personnel ANNEX NO. 10 and equipment of medical units for movements hy motor, rail, water and air. Traffic control and traffic regulations as pertaining to units of the Medical Department in the field. Transportation of the (6) The methods and means of- Sick and Wounded transporting the sick and ANNEX NO. 11 wounded to include manual, litter, motor, rail, air and wa ter t r a nsportation; improv i s e d * transportation aids and devices. General Supply In a (8) Introduction to theater supply Theater of Operations and the organization of a ANNEX NO. 12 theater of operations; supply procedures and installations of a typica1 thcater or occun1ed zone; prosentation of the classes of supply; the methods of procuring and distribution of supplies within an Infantry Division with emphasis placed upon the medical units of an Infantry Regiment; dcvelopment of ad]niniatrat ive orders a nd their use. Medical Supply (9' Th e mc d1c a 1 supply pr o codur es ANNEX NO. 13 of thg Thca, ter of Opera t iono a nd occupied areas; the organization and function of field medical supply organizations; methods of requis 111 on , storagc, issue , and accounting. Instruction in tho noncnc1ature, physical characteristics and use of the various items of medical equip- .... m o n t, T,;s t; im a t i o n o f r e qu ire - ments for medical supplies in the division. PART IV (Cont?d) SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE ■ Maintenance of Medical Equipment ANNEX NO. 14 (3) Necessity of preventive, main- tenance of Medical Department equipment in garrison and in the field. Agencies available to commanders of Medical Department units for the repair of equipment. PART V MEDICINE AND SURGERY 18 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNDX NUEBER HOURS SCOPE Field ANNEX Medicine NO. 15 (9) Diagnosis end treatment of diseases of military importance with emphasis on treatment in a theater of operations* Field ANNEX Surgerv NO. 16 (9) Diagnosis and treatment of surgical conditions as seen in a theater of operations. Special emphasis on treatment in the combat zone. PART VI RSUH0P 3YCHIATHY 8 Hours Subject and aKNEX number HOURS SCOPE Introduction to Modern Neuropsvchiatrv ANNEX NO. 17' (D The role of modern neuropsy- chiatry in Army during peace- time, emotional factors in disease, attitudes and motiva- - ' “ ' tions, - - . ■ ■ Procedures in Modern 11 o u r o p s y eh i a t ry (4) Special treatment procedures and aspects in recognition, core. ANNEX NO. 18 and handling of neuropsychiatrie- patients is covered. PART VI (Cont'd) SUP JEW AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Practical Application in Modern Neuropsycbiatry ANNEX NO. 19 (3 ) Demonstration of typical case material with discussion of special implication of each. PART VII PHYSICAL MEDICINE 4 Hours SUBJECT AMD AM IT EX. NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Introduction to (1) Organization of the Physical Phv sleal Medi c ine ANNEX NO, 20 Medicine Service of a hospital including purposes, objectives and procedures emphasizing coordination and cooperation between the sections of the service. Physical Reconditioning Section ANNEX NO. 21 (i) An understanding of the objectives of thc Physica 1 Reconditioning Section, and the types of activities pro- vided by this Section. Occupations 1 Therapy Section ANNEX NO. 22 (1) To present objectives of the Occupational Therapy Section covering theory and program of treatment, and the use of proscription for patients in corrective Occupational Therapy. PhTr3 i c a 1 Th e r r: py ■ ANNEX NO. 23 a) To acquaint the students with the type of therapy and objectives of the Physical Th e ra py Se c t i on. PART VIII PREVENTIVE MEDICIRE 35 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS . SCOPE Introduction and Immunization ANNEX NO* 24 (2) The principles of preventive medicine and ‘their application to Army methods. Discussion of immunization and the specific materials used for the Armed Forces. PART VIII (Cent fd) SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Epidemiology of Respiratory Diseases All HEX HO. 25 (4) Basic research and practice in control of airborne and droplet Infection, and the climatic features affecting control. Intestinal Diseases Including Water Supply ANNEX HO. 26 (13) Epidemiological study of the etiology, mode of spread and the specific methods of disease prevention for the intestinal group of diseases. Arthropod Borne Diseases A HUE' NO. 27 (8) Study of type infections of the arthropod borne diseases, and the present status of control measures. Venereal Diseases ANNEX NO. 28 (6) The complete venereal disease control program, the theories and principles of its practice. Physical' Mecsurements uNNEX NO. 29 (2) Physical standards and examination, their purpose and use in the Army. PART IX TACTICS AND TECHNIQUES 73 Hours SUBJECT AND :*:mz: nunbsr HOURS SCOPE Mop necking (12) Introduction to Map Reading ANNEX NO. 30 in general, to enoble the student to reed end use topo- graphical maps and aerial photos with and without a compass. Organization end Employment of Combined Arms ANNEX NO. 31 (16) The organization of the; War Department, the field forces down to the Corps, and territorial organization; the organization of the Infantry and Armored Divisions to include each type company or battery and characteristics of their weapons. The basic principles of reconnaissance and security; the basic principles of PART IX (Cont’d) SUBJECT AND ANNE- C NUMBER HOURS SCOPE • defensive and offensive combat applicable to oil arms; the basic principles of an Infantry Division and its major subordinate units in the defense and the attach; a map exercise to familiarize the student with the mechanics of map problems. The tactical employment of air power and its relationship to ground forces. Special operations to include an historical example of a river crossing, ship to shore movement of an amphibious operation, and mountain and arctic operations, Orga niza tion find Employment of Medical Units ANNEX NO. 32 (36) The policy and principle's .of evacuation, to include the echelons of medical service; include the organization and functions of the various me di c a1 d e por tme nt units, . C nmm a nd r. nd Staff Procedure ANNEX NO, 33 (7) An introduction to the organisation and functions of division and unit staffs. Include medical estimate of the situation •; nd the prepara- 11 on of a mod ica. 1 pla,n • Comniunica tions NO. 34 (l) Review Signal communications within the Infantry Division. Empha s izc thc me a ns of c ommun i ca t i on aval la. bl o to medical units. Include field orders, written and oral, also the use of the field message and its pr e pcration. Miscellfineons ANNEX NO. 35 (6) Discuss special situations that may arisc which rcquiro some- deviation from the standard proccdurc, For oxample, tHe use of one platoon of the clearing c on p a n y a s a c omb a t e xhr us tion holding center. Also, the feasibility of using whole blood in the battalion aid stations. 12 PART X TRAINING 66 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Phy sica 1 Trr in ing ANNEX NO, 36 (40) Instruction to orient end tench the over-nil Physical Training and Athletic Program of the Army which will include the adjust- ments of programs to meet the needs and capabilities of the individual and provisions to be made for a. gradual increase in the intensity of training as the physical condition of the man improves. Information and Education ANNEX NO, 37 ( 8 ) History and development of the major countries of the world today. The Mission, Need and Organization of Information and Educati on; Informa11on Centcr*s and Media ; Army Educationa1 Program; and Problems of the World Today, Tra, inlng Per0gcncnt ANNEX NO. 38 (4) / Instruction to enable the student to plan and carry out a. program in military training which win include T?0 ?c E*s, Estimate of the Training Situation, Pro pa ra t i on of Mr, s t er Sch c 3u 1c s , a nd the Preparation of 'Weekly Schedules. Training Techniques and Methods ANNEX No, 39 (5) Instruction to emphasize the importance of proper Military Training, covering mechanisms and methods of instruction, technique of training, in s t ru c t i ona 1 aid s a nd v 1 sua 1 a. id s. Tra inlng Demonstra tions ANNEX NO, 40 (5) Demonstrations and applications of the proper methods of per- forming unit inspections, interior guard duty, inspection of barracks, assembly of Medical Department soldier's field equip- ment, end display of equipment. PART X (ContT d ) SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Lendership end Courtesies ANNEX NO. 41 (4) Conference on the necessary qualifications and characteristics of a pood lender. Demonstration of military courtesies rendered indoors and outdoors vrith narration and explanation by instructor f PART XI VETERINARY SERVICE 4 Hours 7 ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Meat and Dairy Hygiene ANNEX NO. 42 (4) Procurement end inspection of food products of animal origin; responsibilities of the Medical Department in relation thereto; types, c la s s es a, nd gra d es of animal food products; causes, detection, evaluation and prevention of spoilage. P.'xRT XII ADMINISTRATION, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS (For Pharmacy Corps and Medical Administrative Corps Officers in Lieu of Professional Medical Subjects) 71 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NIET3SR HOURS SCOPE Army Administration (20) To instruct the students in (Goneno 1) ANNEX NO. 43 procedures of Army Administration to include the use and core of Army Regulations and other publications; the preparation of military letters end indorsements, orders and bulletins; the care of records (filing and disposition); the organization of a Personnel Office, pay and allowances of « officers and enlisted personnel, and the maintenance and use of Service Records. 14 PART XII (C ontf d) Subject and FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Me dical Supply Records and Procedures ANNEX NO. 44 (10) During these hours a more exten- sive course will he given on Requisition of Propertystock record account and stock control, r ec ord s m.a in t a ined on orga n i za - tional property, quarterly droppage a 11 owanee, 'Purcha-ses , a nd S t a trie n t of Cha rge s , The last few hours will be utilized for the student to observe Supply Records of units in operation. Me s s A dm in i s t r n t i on ANNEX NO. 45 (4) The organization and function of the Dietetic Division of a hospital; selection and assign- ment of civilian employees, training, duty hours, suggested work s chc dule s, menu s a nd food procurement; food storage; st nck control, rec ei pt, inven- tony, issue of supplies. Accounting Procedures for Hospital Funds ANNEX NO. 46 • (15) Systcm of * accounts ..X-nd .PUpcedures prescribed for hospital -fund’s at all hospitals .within the. Con- tinental limits of the U.S,,'ln order to furnish hospitals with simple but a ieqvr to set of records in which to record the trans- action of the hospital fund and from such records develop the roquircd fina ncia 1 s tatement s and reports; an accounting system based on double entry bookkeeping sy s t cm. Military Law ANNEX NO. 47 (5) Military offenses and the punitive Artic 1cs of Wa.r; prepara tion of the charge sheet; duties of the Investigating Officer, Trial Judge Advocate, and Defense Counsel prior to trial; rules of evidence; authorized findings, sentences and punishments. PART XIJ (Cent’d) SUBJECT :.HD :.NHEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Personnel (10) Applied principles of personnel Menacement management; classification and ANNEX NO, 48 assignment of personnel; con- trolling absence; providing incentives; proper training; mexirrram utilization of nrnpowor. * Administrative* CPX ANNEX NO. 49 (7) A practical exercise in which the students will be assigned * various administrative positions found in a hospital, and required to make the decisions and take the action required by a series of illustrative problems, PART XIII DENTAL SERVICE, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS (For Dent;' 1 Corps 0fficcis in Licu Professions! Metier. 1 Subjects) ■ 29 Hours o U B J EC T tv NIB SCONE iJfflEX NUMBER ' HOURS Dental Administration (17) Explanation and discussion of the ANNEX NO. 50 mission of the- Dental Corps, Dis- cussion of the function of the Dental Groups in relation to the Medical Dcprrtment. Familiariza- tion of the Dental Corps Officer with certain Ale's pertinent to the dental service. Explanation 4 of the essential reports and records utilized in the dental * service, their importance, prep- aration and disposition♦' An explanation of the Army dental classification system and its use, it discussion of the dental requirements for entrance into the various branches of the Army. The importance and means of conducting oral surveys to determine the status of the 16 PART XIII (Cont’d) * FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE • dental health of a command. Discussion of dental supplies and equipment; procurement, responsibility for and safeguarding thereof. An analysis of Tables of Orga ni zc t ion and Pilauipment, end Equipment Lists pertaining to the dental service. An examination op the above- subjects. Lectures dealing with personnel records followed by an examination on that subject, Training and Tactical Du t i e s ANNEX NO, 51 (12) Orientation of field medical units and duties of dental corps officers serving therein, types of dental service provided and the c qu i pm on t a v ailable. Dcmon- strati n of the various items of field dental equipment, including trucks, chests and kits, including a discussion of their allocation, uses, trnnsporta ti on requirernent s and disposition in the field, A discussion of the dental service provided in the Zone of the Interior, Organization of the dental service in a Theater of Operations, the Communications Zone and in the Combat Zone, The selection and training of the enlisted dental assistant. Methods of instructing in oral hygiene for the group. An examination on the above subjects. 17 PART XIV VETERINARY SERVICE, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS (For Veterinary Corps Officers in Lien• of Professional Medical Subjects) 49.Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Veterinary Administration ANNEX NO. 52 (19) * ■ Instruction in the history of the Veterinary Corps, duties and titles of veterinary officers, organization, function and relationship of the veterinary service in the Medical Department, Instruction and practical exercises in the preparation and transmission of veterinary reports, returns and records. Organization and Tactical Employment of Veterinary Units ANNEX NO. 53 (7) Instruction in the organization, equipment and training of mobile veterinary units. Discussion of the selection of specific mobile veterinary units for various types of military operations. Veterinary Field Service with ' Animal Units ANNEX NO. 54 (12) Instruction in animal management particularly as it pertains to conditioning animals for the field, animal capabilities and types of rations. Instruction and demonstration in the identification of sound forage. Instruction and practical work in packing. An ima1 Di s ea s e Prevention and Control ANNEX NO. 55 \ (9) Instruction in the principles of animal sanitation* Instruc- tion and student participation in the application of diagnostic tests. Discussion of the principle animal diseases of military importance, their nature, causes, transmission, prevention, and control. 18 P..RT XIV (Cont’d) subject ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Veterinary Activities in Theaters of Operation ANNEX NO. 56 (2) A discussion of veterinary activities in the various Theatres of OpereCtion in V/orld T7ar II, Instruction in the organization of a theater veterinary service, the duties of theater and section Veterinarians, and the ir staff re la t ionships and responsibilities. ANNEX NO. 1 ARMY ADMINISTRATION (GENERAL) (4 Hours) SUBJECT Tm PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE INSTRUCTION INST OF RUCTION REFERENCES Daily Sick 1 Report, W/D AGO Form No, 5 To instruct the students in the preparation of the Daily Sick Report, WD AGO Form No, 5, the responsibilities of the unit command- ing officer and the medical officer; permissible entries making corrections; opening a new report; persons responsible for signing and initial- C AR 345-415 ing the Daily Sick Report, Line of Duty 1 To instruct the students in the meaning of Line of Duty; permissible C ARs 35-1440, 40-1025, 345-415; AW 107, and entries to indicate Line of Duty; factors influencing the selection of each * Digest of Opinions, Judge Advocate entry and the effect each entry has on the individual. General Administrative 1 To instruct the C AR 600-550; Procedures in Case of Death students in the various administra- tive procedures required in case of dea th; indlvidua 1 responsible for submitting the various reports a nd records with pa rt i cu la r empha sis on those reports submitted by ward officers. TM 12-240 ANNEX N0..1 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF ' TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INST RUCTI ON REFERENCES Recruiting Aims 1 The postwar program C Army TaIk and Objectives and manpower require- Nos, 145, ments of the Regular 154, 155, Army, Organized 158; V/D Reserves, National C j_ 3° • In os# Guard, and Universal 119, 1946, Military Training; and 31, the recruiting 1947, as program and the amended, officer’s role in publicizing and emphasizing the benefits and advan- \ tages of serving in the Medical Depa rtment , annex no. 2 MEDICAL SUPPLY RECORDS AND PROCEDURES (5 Hours) SUBJECT AIM'D " FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF 'TYPE INSTRUCTION INST CP RUCTION REFERENCES Introduction to Medico 1 Supply 1 Give a gencre 1 our- line of medical supply procurement and a yencies bopin- ning at the Post, Camp and Station level and con- tinuing throu yh th e Director of Services Supply and Procuremcnt in th e Gc ne rn 1 Staff Corps; also cover- ing Post Supply Officers, Director of Supplies at Post, Camp and Station Depot Agencies, Procure- ment Agencies, T ec hn i ca 1 Sc rv ices and Chiefs of Tcchnica 1 8er vices . C AR 35-6520; TMs 38-220, 38-TO5, 38- / 205: WD Cirs 133, 333, 138, dtd 1846,as amended. Mcdicr, 1 Supply Gotalog 1 i - c qu a i n t s tu d e n t s mi th c la s s ifi ca t i on of medical supplies and use of the Medical Supply Catalog. C Med Supply Cata log ( c omp. ) ; ARs 35-6520, 35-6620 Property Records end Res pons 1M litics 1 A t h or ou yh indoctri n a - tion of officers in responsibilities of maintenance of property records used in dispensaries, v sections of hospitals, and hospital supply, and responsibilities which are attached to all personnel as to' proper use and safekeeping of govern- ment property. r* e ARs 35-6520, 35-6620, 35*- 6640; TMs 38-403, 8- 262, Chap X. TMs 38-220, 38-205; Me d i ca 1 Supply Cata log A1WFX NO. 2 { Cont • d ) ' SUBjfeCT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES • Disposition 1 Cover' the four C ARs 35-6520, of Government means of dispos- 35-6640; Property ing of government property records, namely (1) Certif- icate of Fair Wear and Tear; (2) Quarterly Drcppage Certificate; (3) Statement of Charges; and (4) Report.of Survey. Give thoroughly the routine and method of preparation for the Certificate, of Pair Wear and Tear, Qua rt crly Droppage , and Statenont of Charges. Mcnt1on v e ry briefly the Report of Survey. Tils 38-403, 38-220,' 14-904; \7D Cir 333, Sec IV (1946) i Report of 1 Acquaint officers PE, C aR 35-6640; Survey with procedures of processing and methods of prepar- ing surveys, and the need for immediate adjust- ment of any loss, dama ge or d e strue - tion to government property. TM 14-904 ANNE}: NO. 3 RECORDS OP MORBIDITY END MORTALITY (11 Hours} SUBJECT A’ND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Medical Records Field Installa- tions, Theatre of Operations 1 To instruct the student in the preparation, dis- position and Importance of medical records maintained by divisional medical ins to nations, fixed and mobile dispensaries, theatre of opc ra - tions, and dis- pensaries aboard troop transports. C AR 40-1025; FM 8-5 Medical Records KospitaIs, Thea tre ' of Opera t ions 1 To outline for the students the various medical records main ta i n ed by fixed and mobile , hospitals, theatre of operations and by debarkation hospitals; to discuss their pre- paration and disposition both in the theatre of operetions and in the Zone of Interior, C / t AR 40-1025; FM 8-5 \ The Report of Sick and ‘Sounded 1 To discuss the composition, rout inl- and disposition of The Report of Sick and V/ounded to include th e pre - pa ration of the Renort Sheet, WD* AGO Form No. 8-23. C AR 40-1025, pars 95-119 AMEX NO, 3 (Cent »d) SUBJECT 73FD FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTI ON INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Hospita1 Admin is t ra t i on 1 To outline for the students the various types of hospitals operated by the Array as to their location, identifice tion, function, size and control; and to discuss the usual administrative organization of an Army hospital. C AR 40-590; FMs 8-5, 101-10;•TMs 8-260, 8-262 WD Cirs 12, 187, 1946; AGO Cir. No, 30, 1946 i St a n d o r d Te rms of Diagnosis 1 To instruct the student in the necessity for the use of standard terms in recording diagnosis; general rules to follow and special rc qu 1 re - ments for diseases and injuries. C AR 40-1025; TB Med 203 Medical Records Dispensaries , Zone of Interior 1 To outline for the students the general functions of dispensaries, types of dispensaries operated by the Army, patients re- ceived by dispensaries, and to instruct them in the records main- tained on each type of patient. Q ARs 40-550, 40-1025; WD Cir No. 387, Sec II, 1945 Medical Records Hospitals, Zone of Interior 1 To instruct the stud- ent in the procedure for hospital admission and the records main- tained by the Admission and Dis- position Branch, V/a r d Officers and the R e g i s t r a r, S h o w h ow the records maintained by each department com- pliment those maintained by the others. C AR 40-1025, Chaps II & IV; TM 8-262 NO. 3 (Cont’d) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF . TYPE OF INSTRUCT!ON INSTRUCTION — REFERENCES Medical 1 Rec ore1 s , Medical Report Card, WD AGO Form No. 8-24 • To instruct the C students in the purpose, prepara- tion and disposi- tion of the Medical Report Card, WD AGO Form 8-24, and similar medical records. To discuss the various sections of the card, and the types of entries required for each section. AR 40-1025 Records and Reports of Venerea 1 Diseases 1 > To discuss the C administra tivo procedure required for cases of venereal disease; show that routine dispensary and hospital r ecores are maintained and discuss th c ty p e s , pre pa ra t i on a nd disposition of the special records required, ARs 20-210, 40-1025; TB Meds 3, 196 and 198 ; Statistical Health Report, ED AGO Form No. 8-122 1 To Instruct the C students in the pure 6sc, pr e pa ra- tion, and disposition of t h c 81 a t i s t i cal Health Report; dis- cuss the various sections of the report and the sources of information. Include instruction in Telegraphic Reports, ARs 40-1025, 40-1080; TB Med 92 Examination, Records of Morbidity and Mortality 1 A comprehensive E written examination cover inp a 11 pre v1on s hours on Records of Morbidity and Mortality, ,.11 previous references on this sub ject AWWEX WO. 4 HILIT-KY L.M (6 Hours) SUBJECT , 1ID FILE NtJFBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES' Filitary 1 Source of military C FCF, pars 1, Jurisdiction, jurisdiction; the 2 ? q q u , ' > ° f Disciplinary a ye re i c s of nil i t r, ry 10, 11, and Power of the jurisdiction; military Chap X"IV; Commanding rovernme nt, mortis 1 TF 27-255, Officer y low and military lav; thc disciplinary p owe r of th c c omno nding officer: authority, policy, effect of errors, authorized pun i shncnt s, pr o - c e du re, a p p q r. Is, a c t ion hy >■.irhe r au th or it y , pr e pa rr t i on of record. Chaps 1, 2, and 3 Courts-Fortie 1 3 Composition and C, TF FCF, Chaps Procedure jurisdiction of Gene rcl, S p cc ia 1 and 3unnary Courts- liartia 1; procedure before trial - a r r e s t a. n d c* o n - fin cmen t, preferr- II-XXIII, incl; TF 27-255, Chaps 4-19, incl; TF 15-992, ’’Rdninistra- i n g a n d f o r w a r d i n g ch' rgo s , inv e s t iga - tion, reference to tion of Mi lit:: ry Justice and „ » St a f f Jud go **d v oc a t e , decision of C onna nd - ing Offic or, pr e pa ra - tion by Defense a:nd T r i a 1 Ju d g c .. d v o c a t e ; proc edure du ring trial - preliminary matters, challenges, arraignment, pleas, presentation of case, rights of a c aus ed, voting by court, findings a nd sente -oc e ; procedure after trial - preparation and for- warding of rec ord, action by reviewing authority, rehabilitati or of prisoners. Courts- Ur rtlr 1” ANNEX NO, 4 (Oont »d) SUBJECT AWT) FILE NUMBER HOURS '■'“"STOPTTTfP T?rrw~~~ INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Boards of Officers 1 t Function; typos, including'those involving Medical Department Officers; appoint- ing authorities; membership; duties; procedure; findings; roc omrnend a t i on s ; record of proceedings; action by appointing authority* C ARs 420-5, 40-590, 345- 415, 600-500, COO-550, 605- 230, 605-250 615-361, 615-368, 615-369 Civil Affairs and Military Government 1 Orientation in the orga ni za t i on a nd function of civil affairs and military government detach- ments; necessity for coordination and cooperation between c ombat, service forces and these units; the medical aspects there of* C PM 27-5 (tentative); PHs 27-250, 27-251 **NNEX NO. 5 PERSONNEL N^GEMENT (2 Hours) SUBJECT .FED FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCT10 N INST RUGT1 ON REFERENCES Principles of 1 JL Instruction in the 0 TMs 12-405, Personnel principles of 12-406, Mensgement personnel manage- ment, (1) Have the right man in the right place by means of proper selection and assign- ment. (2) Increase his availability for work by controlling his absence from the job arc! looking after his welfare, (3) Stimulate his will to work by creating proper incentives, . (4) Increase his ability to produce by proper trailing, (5) Use him fully in essential tasks. 12-425; 17 D Pamphlet 12-8 (1944) Personnel 1 Orientation in the 0 AR 600-186; Mensgement Me d i c a 1 De pa r tm e n t Officers’ classifica- tion with emphasis on Qualification Card, Efficiency Report, Effciency Index and opportunities for Medical Department specialized training. TM 12-425, Sec VIII; TM 12-406, Appendix II; Current Med ica 1 Depcrtment Directives. ANNEX NO. 6 MORALE AND CHARACTER BUILDING (1 H our) SUBJECT iJD FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Morale and 1 To acquaint L SG-0 Car No. Character students with the 9, 1907; Building* importance of the Scheduled / venereal disease program stressing the building of the morale of the individual soldier by emphasizing self-discipline in confomity with the teachings of home and church, and by inculcating a pride in self and in the unit to wh 1ch he b c. longs. Outlines of Lectures from Office of Chief of Chapla ins, Washington, D, C. ANNEX NO. 7 ’THAT THE REGULAR ARMY OFFERS TO MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OFFICERS (2 Hours) SUBJECT END FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Wha-t the 2 Gen err. 1 introduc- L Army Regular Offers to Medico 1 Deportment Officers tion in the pride and accomplishment of the Mecicol Department and its officers; pay and allowances of Medical Corps Officers; main- tenance as medical and dental care Regula tions V provided to officers; privileges such as leaves, fine nola 1 benefits , free rcc r ca t i on, etc.; promotions in the Medical Corps, retirement benefits, professiona1 training offered to Modica 1 Depart- ment Officers. - ANNEX NO. 8 DENTAL SERVICE IN THE ARMY (2 Hours) St^JEMTZTlD SCOPE OF tyfitup PILE NUMBER HOURS INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Dental Service 2 Lectures designed L ARs 40-5, in the Army to familiarize the entire class of Medical Depart- ment Officers with the organiza- tion, function and mission of the Dental Corps, and; the role of the dental service within the Medical Department • pars 1,2,3; 40-15, 40-510; PM 8-5, Chaps 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17 ANNEX* NO. 9 .ATTOMOTIVE HAINTENANCE (7 Hours) SUBJECT ..ED PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Motor Vehicles 1 Classification and C, D TM 9-2800,. of- the Medico! nomenclature of Secs VIII, Department the various types of vehicles employed by organizations of the Medical Department. XI and XVIII; TM 10-510, Sec V The Motor 2 Theory of operation G, TP TP 9-1571. Vehicle of the internal combustion engine, the electrical system, fuel and exhaust system. The power train and component parts. TMs 10-510, 10-585, 10-580 Common Causes 1 ii discussion of C PM 25-10, of Vehicle common failures Chap 1, Failure s of motor vehicles, their causes and prevention with particular emphasis placed on preventive maintenancc, par 6; TM 10-570, Secs II & III Vehicle Records 2 A conference and C, PE AR 850-15, and Reports, applicatory exercise Secs IV & V, Supply, Spare relative to AR 25-20, Parts and Tools adminis tra tive reports and procedures necessary with respect to the use of Medical Department par 4a; TM 10-510, TM 37-2810, pa r 4d; PM 25-10, l vehicles, pars 229, 230 Examination 1 - An examination E covering previous instruction in motor maintenance All previous references in Auto- mot ive Maintenance 33 ANNEX NO. 10 TROOP MOVEMENT (4 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INST PIT CTI Oil INSTRUCT I ON REFERENCES Troop- Movement 2 Movement of C ARs 55-130, individual troops and units by 55-145; FMs 25-10, - rail, motor, water, and air. Traffic 71-210, 55-6, par 36; WD . control and Cir 84, traffic regulations as pertaining to 1946; WD Memo 55-130- Medical Department units. 2; ED pam- phlet 29-10. Loading of 2 Principles of C, D SB 8-1, Personnel and Equipment loading and un- loading of personnel and equipment on unit transportation. SB 8-2 ANNEX NO. 11 TRANSPORTATION OF THE SICK AND WOUNDED (6 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction and Methods of Transporting the Sick and bounded 1 Orientation and introduction to methods employed by the Medical Department in the transportation of the sick and wounded. C FMs 8-5, 8-10 Litter Transportation 2 Demons t ra t i on of the types of litters utilized by the Medical Depa rtnent; ambulance loading and unloading emb ©dying vehi c1e s of various body types % D, PE > FM 8-5, Chaps 2, 3, 4 Field Expedients 2 Demonstration showing the conversion of standard vehicles to patient carriers and use of field expedients. D PM 8-35, Chaps 5-8, incl, Examination 1 An examination on previous instruction in the Transportation of the Sick and Wounded, end T r o o p Mov ome n t, E All previous references ANNEX NO. 12 GENERAL SHPPLY IN A THEATER OP OPERATIONS (8 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES General Supply in a Theater of Operations 1 Introduction to theater supply and a general discussion of the territorial subdivisions of a Theater of Operations or an occupied area. C PM 100-10, pars 1-8, 58-41 General Supply in the Communications Zone 1 Presentation of supply procedures and supply instal- lations within the communications zone cf a Theater of Operations, C ' FM 100-10, pars 50-55, 58-64, 85- 92, 97-98 General Supply in the Combat Zone 1 Pre s o n ta t i on of , supply procedures and supply instal- lations in. the combat zone. c FM 100-10, pars 99-103, 125, 145- 161 Cla ssification of Supplies 1 Introduction to the five classes cf supply, and the methods, of procurement and distribution of supplies. c PM 100-10, pars 162- 180, 204- 213, 219 General Supply in an Infantry Divisi on 1 Methods of procure ment and distribu- tion of supplies in an Infantry Division with emphasis placed upon the Medical Battalion of the div ision, c FM 100-10, pars 40, 201-219 36 ANNEX NO, 12 (Cont’d) SUB-teW AND FILE miUBER HOURS SCOPE OP , INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES General Supply of the Ba 11 o 1 i on Medical Service / 1 To illustrate the supply procedures used by a Battalion Surgeon in the procurement and distribution of supplies for the Battalion Medi ca1 Service. PE PMs 8-5, par 21; 7-30, pars 14, 61, 62 Admin i st ra t iv e Orders 1 I To show how Administrative Orders are developed and . used from approved administrative plans, emphasiz- ing the technique of preparation and methods of dissemination of all types of orders conC/erning a dmini s trat iv c matte ra.' C PMs 7-30, pars 47-48; 101-5, pars 68-71 Exomina-tion 1 Examination questions to cover the scope of Genera 1 Supply in a Theater of Opera tions. E All references referred to in General Supply in a Theater of Operations ANNEX NO. 13 MEDICAL STIFFLY (9 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Medical Supply in the C ommun i cations Zone 1 Introduction to Medical Supply in the Theater, and medical procedures of the Communications Zone, to include methods of requisitioning, s t oragc and issue. c FMs .8-5, 8-10, 8-55, 7-50, 100- 10; TMs 38-205, Part 5; 38-403. Property Accountability and Responsi- bility in the Theater of Operations 2 M e cl i cal proper t y accountability and responsibility in the Theater of Operations and methods by wh i ch these recounts arc maintained. The second hour to be an exercise on the Stock Record Account, C , PE TMs 38-205, Part 3; 38-403 Medical Supply Units in the C ommu n i c a t i on s Zone 1 Organization and function of the Medical Base Depot Company and the Medical Senviee Or go niza tion,. C PM 8 - 5 , pa r s 178-180, 277-285; T/O&E 8-187, T/O&E 8-500 Medical Supply in the Combat Zone 1 Medical Supply procedures in thc C omba t Zone, chc.nnels , methods of re qu i si ti oning and issue, with omphssis on th e Infant ry , i vision; organ iza t i on a nd function of the Medico 1 Depot C om p o n y, C om b a t Zone . C FMs 8-5, 8-10, 3-55, 100-10, Chc p s 4 , 5, 7; TM 38- 205, Part 3; T/O&E 8-667 ANHEX HO. 13 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND PILE-NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Medical Field 1 Nornonela tune, D T/O&E 7-11 Equipment physical characteristics - care and use of OS and Cha nges; Me diea 1 the various items of medical field equipment. Supply Cats log; FMs 8-5, 8-10 Estimation of Requirements 2 Methods of estimating medical supply , requirements for an infantry hattel ion,and an eppliertory exercise in which the student makes such an estimate. C, PE ■ FMs 7-30, pars 14, 62; 8-55, pars 53-75; 17-50, pars 16, 24-26; TM 38-205, Part 3 Examination 1 Examination to .cover the questions asked at the end of each hour, and the scope of the course in Medical Supply E All previous references in Medical Supply (Logistics) ANNEX NO, 14 MAINTENANCE OP MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (3 Hours) Subject and FILE NUMBER HOURS ■■■S'Co'p'E' OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Categories of Maintenance of Medical Department Equipment 1 Introduction to the categories of Medical Department equipment; maintenance. Agencies avail- able for main- tenance of Medical Depart- ment equipment. C WD Cir 536, 1946, Sec. II, as amended; WD Catalog, Med 3 5c 6; TM 37- 250; SB 8-21 5c 8-24 Maintenance 2 Conference C Medical of Medical Department Equipment in the Theater of Operations \ relative to categorical maintenance of Medical Depart- ment equipment in the Theater of Operations. Cause of equip- ment failures in the field, selection of personnel for organizational maintenance. 'A L Supply Ca talog; TM 37-250, Sec III to V, incl; SB 8-24; TM 8-611 f 40 ANNEX NO, 15 FIELD MEDICINE (9 Houns,). SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE 0F TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction end Malaria (G-l) \ 1 Introduction to C, TF the course of r instruction as presented by; Department of Medicine and Surgery, Military importance of malaria is stressed. Clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment is discussed. TF 8-1378 on the Clinical Aspects of Mr. loria is shown* TB Meds 65, 72, 136 * AMDS Special Issue #3 , pp 284-287 Filerir.sis end Lcishmaniasis (G-2) 1 Military importance C and geographic distribution of filariasis and 1eishmania sis is given.. Clinical aspects, diagnosis a nd tree tm e nt of these two diseases is discussed* TB Meds 142, 183; AMDB Special Issue #3, pp 294-298 Epidemic Hepatitis end Poliomyelitis (G-3) ! 1 Military importance C and epidemiology of ep id emic he pa. t i ti s and poliomyelitis is given. Clinical aspects, 1abo ra t ory and clinical diagnosis, and treatment of thcse dis oa sos is discussed* Lantern slides show typical pathology of epidemic hepatitis. TB Meds 193, 206; AMDB Special Issue #3, pp 306-309 AKNEX.NO. 15 (Cont’d) SUBJECT AKD FILE HUITBER HOURS Scope 65? uY?e 6f INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Amebic end Be c i1lary Dysentery ' (r- 4) . 1 Military importance C of the dysenteric diseases is stressed. Clinical aspects, diagnosis, and treatment of these two diseases is discussed. Lantern1 slides illustrate pathology typical of both diseases. TB Meds 119, 167; AMDS Spe cial Issue #3, pp 273-278 \ Schistosomiasis 1 and Intestinal Helminths (G-5) Mi1It a ry im p or- C tcnce and geographic distribution of Schistosomiasis and the common intestinal Helminths is given. Clinical aspects, diagnosis and treat- ment of these diseases is dis- cussed . TB Mods 167; AMDB Special Issue #3, pp 273-276 Venereal Disease I (G-6) 1 Military impor- C tance, clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment of early syphilis is discussed. Public Health Films, Syphilis Parts I and II on early syphilis, arc shown. TB Med 106; AMDB Special Issue #3, PP 324 \ Venereal Disease II (G-7 ) 1 Military impor- - C tance, clinica-1 . a spects , -die g'nosis and treatment of gon o rrhea, chaneroid, lymphogranuloma venereum and granu1Oma i n gu i n a 1e is discussed. Lantern slides show pathology typical of these diseases. TB Med 157; AMDB Special Issue #3, pp 325 ANNEX' NO, 15 (CDnt»d) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OP INSTRUCTIOR INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Skin Diseases 1 The skin diseases C - Manual of (G-8) common to military Dermatology j medicine are 3ta ndord discussed. Texts on Particular cm pha sis Dermatology; / is given to fungus skin diseases, cutaneous diphtheria, and external otitis. Colored lantern T3 Med 143 slides illustrate c asos and t rea tme n t results. Effects of Heat 1 The physiological C, FB TB Meds and Cold, vratcr importance of water 175, 81; Deprivation is stressed. The AMDS Special (G-9) diagnosis and Issue #3, treatment of the pp 302-304, V adverse effects of heat and cold are discussed. Film Bulletin 180 on trench foot and lantern slides on trench foot are 265-268 sh own, ’ ANNEX WO. 16 FIELD SURGERY (9 Hours) A . . ■ SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION * INSTRUCTION REFERENCES First Aid Treatment of Bottle Casua It ies (H-l) 1 Divisions of L, TP1 surgical treatment; first aid that, is taught the combat soldier. TB Med 147, pars 1-4: FM 21-11; TF 8-2047 Emergency Medico 1 Trea tment (H-2) 1 Diagnosis and L treatment of shock; use of blood and blood substitutes; .use of morphine in the field, TM 8-220, par 144; AMDS Special Issue #3, pp 245-265 Initial Surgery of Battle Ca suoIties (H-3) 1 Detailed manage- L ment of soft tissue injuries as practiced at the e va cue t i on hospital level. TB Med 147, pars 5, 6, 10, 13, 14 Burns; Specific 1 Infections (H-4) General discussion L of p o th ol o gy a n d resuscitation of burned patients, detailed dis- cussion of ma nc ge - ment of burns, discussion of tetanus and gas ga ngrone a cc ord ing to cause, preven- tion and treatment. TB Meds ,151, 147, pars 19-20. ( Freetyres; Emergency Splinting (H-5) 1 Demonstration of L, D contents of Army Splint set, dis- cussion of fra c tures with great emphasis on emergency splint- ing with the materials available in the battalion aid station; s t ory, 11lust ra t ed by TB Mod 147, pars 16, 17; PM 8-50, pp 40-65 ANNEX NO. 16 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS ■"SCOPE OF ' INSTRUCTION TYPE OF ■" INSTRUCTION REFERENCES lantern slides, of a case of bilateral fractured humeri from time of wounding until discharge from a hospital in the Zone of Interior. ... . Amputations (H/-6) . 1 * «f 1 Discussion of indications for and technique of amputation s directed by the SurgC on General; training film demonstrating this technique. L, MF \ MP 947; TB Med 147, par 15 Abdomina1 Injuries (H-7) 1 Discussion of the various types of abdominal injuries and their manage- ment; use of lantern slides to illustrate the types of Injury and the treetment, L TB Med 147, pars 12,18 Chest In jur ie s (H-8) 1 Diagnosis and treatment of various types of chest injuries; training film showing the removal of intrathora c ic foreign bodies. L, MP TB Med 147, par 11; MF 1237, MP 1238; TB Med 69 Examination, Medicine and Surgery 1 Examine tion covering questions on field medicine and surgery. E All previous references in Medicine and Surgery. 45 ANNEX NO. 17 INTRODUCTION TO MODERN NEUROPSYCHIATRY (1 Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES General 1 Dynamic concepts L TB Mods 12,. Aspects of Modern Neuropsychla try in modern considerations of personality in health and disease. The role of the military neuro- psychiatrist in a modern Army during peace- time, General grouping of neuropsychiatric conditions with medical, legal, and military implications of each. 21, 33, 48, 74, 76, 80*. 84, 94, 103, 115, 154, 155, 162, 181, 193, 203, 212 AMEX NO. 18 PROCEDURES IN MODERN NEUROPSYCHIATRY (4 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE 0F INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Neuro- psychiatric Treatment-- 3 Misc, Film 1167, TP, MF "Field Psychiatry for the General Medica 1 Of f i-cer" TF 8-1428, "Care of the Sick and * . .. Injured"; TF 8-2090, "Ward Care of Psychotic Patients". None Treatment Aspects of Modern Neuro- psychiatry 1 A question and C discussion period covering the special techniques of treatment in modern peacetime military neuro- psychiatry. None 47 ANNEX NO* 19 PRACTICAL APPLICATION IN MODERN NEUROPSYCHIATRY (3 Hours) Subject and “ FILE NUMBER HOURS ‘ SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE'OP' INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Clinical 3 Class to C , PE • None Demonstration attend staff conference in medica1 installations having neuro- psychiatric service to see typical cases presented and discussed• Cases will he presented in such a manner as to emphasize various specialists, social worker, psychologist, nurse, and psychiatrist in the proper evaluation and in outlining the f l best possible treatment program • ANNEX NO, 20. INTRODUCTION,TO PHYSICAL MEDICINE (1 Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS Scope of INSTRUCTION TYPE of INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction to Physical Medicine 1 ' Organization of the Physical Medicine' Service of a hospital including purposes, objectives and procedures emphasizing coordina tion and cooperation between the sections of the service• L TO Cir 349, 28 Nov 1946; WD Memo No* 40-590-7, 7 Dec 1946 t ANNEX l'IO. 21 PHYSICAL RECONDITIONING SECTION (1 Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP . TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Phys ica1 1 An understanding L, D TB Med 137, RecordIti oning of the objectives 1945; TMs Section of the Physical Recondit ioning Section, and the types of activities provided by this section. 8-292 , 21-220 ANNEX NO. 22 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SECTION (l Hour)- . . SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE 0? INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION...... REFERENCES Occupational 1 To present L TB Med 84, Thera-py objectives 1944; Section of the Occupational Therapy Section covering theory and program, . of treatment, and the use of prescription for patients in corrective Occupnt iona1 Therapy. TM .8-291- 51 .ANNEX NO. 23 PHYSICAL- THERAPY (1 Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS 'Scope of INSTRUCTION TYPE 0F INSTRUCTION ITS FERENC ES Physice 1 Therapy 1 To acquaint the students with the type of therapy, and objectives of the Physical Therapy Section. L TM 8-293; "Physical Medicine” , Krusen ANNEX NO. 24 INT.UODUCTION AND IMMUNIZATION (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE' Of” INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction 1 An introduction to the principles of -preventive medicine, end the application to gi oh cl mi 111 a r y opere t ions. - L, G ir .PM 21-20, Chaps 1, 2 •Immunize t ion - 1 To. discuss end illustrate the three initial L, C TB Med 114; Dope rtmental Abstract ■ immunizations required for all personnel in the Army, and the specie 1 immunizations necessary for V 1.04a ■ . 4 endemic or epidemic areas. ANNEX NO. 25 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF RESPIRATORY DISEASES (4 Hours) subject FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF . INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES' Epidemiology 1 A study of the epidemiology of droplet and air- borne infections. L Depa rtmenta1 Abstract Control of 1 The various L, C TB Med 47; Respiratory Diseases control measures that ere . effective in, civilian and military orga niaa tions , Department al . Abstra cts 1.12, 1.07; ;‘The Control of Communi- cable Disea ses'1 , American Public Health Association, 7th Edition Control of Respiratory Diseases 1 An applicator?/ exercise demonstrating the principles of respiratory disease control, quiz and discuss ion, PE, C ■ Departmental Abstract 1.15 Arctic and Cold Weather Problems 1 The specia 1 problems encountered during military operations in extremely cold weather, L, C PMs 70-15, 21-10 54 ,.NNEX NO. 26 INTESTINAL DISEASES INCLUDING WATER SUPPLY (13 Hours) SUBJECT AND SCOPE OF ‘ Type op FILE NUMBER HOURS INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Epidcmiology 1 Review the L, C Do pa. rtmenta 3 of Intestine! mode of trnns- Abstract Disen ses t mission and the etiology of food and water- borne diseases. 2.01 pood Poisoning 1 ' Discussion of the food poisoning group including the bacterial endo and exo toxins, the heavy C Departments I Abstract 2.05 ✓ • meta Is, a nd *■ other inorganic and organic poisons; ' 1 Me s s 1 study of the c/ps PM 21-10; Sanitation sanitary methods and equipment employed in Army messes. ■ ARs 40-200, 40-205; TB Med 184; PS 8-61 i Helminthic 1 Life cycles. C, MP Departmental and Amoebic epidemiology, Abstra cts• Infests tions transmission, laboratory » ca tion and control of MP 1250 the helminthic n A and amoebic infesta tions, Water Supply 1 Water supply, its sources and procurement, L PM 21-10 55 ANNEX NO. 26 (Cont'd) SUBJECT /.to Pile jtmbit. FOURS SCOPE OP INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION ..REFERENCES Fly Control 1 Review of the flies that carry intestinal diseases, their habits and control mea sures. L, TP Departmental 'Abstract 4.08; TP 8-999 Tra ining Films 1 These films show the principles involved in the purification of water, and the disposal of human wastes* TF TP 8-1174, TP 8-1179 Field Exercise 1 4 This is a field exercise held at the Sanitary Demonstretion Area; the field methods for the disposal of human and kitchen wastes, field mess sanitation, and field purification of, water will be demons tra ted, D, PE PM 21-10; TB Mods 37, 163, 190; TM 5-295 Examination 1 A written E examinetion cov ering immunize tion and the epidemiology and control of rc s pIra t ory and intestinal diseases. All previous references Discus sion 1 Discussion of the examination. c None 56 ANNEX NO. 27 ARTHROPOD BORNE DISEASES (8 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP r . INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Epidemiology of Malaria • . <$ \ 1 1 Malaria - its etiology, mode of transmission, host-parasite- vector relation- ships, distribution e p i d e mi o 1 o gy, a nd the effects of environmental factors, c > "Manual of Tropical Medicine" , Mackie, Hunter & Worth, pp 213-250; "Introduc- tion to Malariology Boyd Epidemiol ogy of Dengue, Pilaris sis, Fever and Virus Encephalitis 1 i The epidemiology of yellow fever, dengue, filariasis- and virus encephalitis; modes of trans- mission, host- pa ra s it c-ve c tor relationships, and control; jungle vs urban yellow fever. c "Virus and Rickettsial Diseases" , Harvard Symposium, pp 349-364, 713-766; "Manua1 of Tropical Medicine,n Mackie, Hunter & Worth, pp 11-22, 328-349. Epidemiology of Loiise-Borno Diseases I 1 Discussion of the epidemiology of typhus, relaps- ing fever and trench fever; biology, habits and control of lice ♦ c / FM 21-10, Chap 8; nMedica1 Entomology" Hems , Chap 9; "Manual of Tropical Medicine" , Ma ckie, Hunter & Worth, pp O 's —'it/ 57 AMEX 'NO. 27 (Cont’d) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Epidemiology of Plea-Borne 1 Epidemiology and control of plague, C Depa rtmcntal Abstract Diseases sylvetic plague, endemic {murine) typhus; life histories and control of fleas* \ 4.24; "Medical Entomology" , Herms , Chap 20 Recognition of Arthropods of Medical Importance 2 Demonstration of mosquitos, flies, ticks, mites, spiders, and miscellaneous arthropods of D Departmental Abstract Nos, 4.01, 4.02 , 4,26; TM 5-632 medical importance- insecticides used for thdir control. > Control of Arthropods 2 Discussion and D, C demonstration of insecticides, insec't and rodent control equipment, control methods; individual prophylaxis materials and methods. PII 21-10, Cho ps 6, 7 , 8, 9, 10, 14; TM 5- 632 58 ANNEX NO. 28 VENEREAL DISEASES (6 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS “Scope of • . INSTRUCTION TYPE 0F INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Venereal 1 The integrated C SCO Cir. Disease Control Principles program for prevention of venereal disease- including the role of the Provost Marshal, Chapla in, Special Service Officer and the Medical Officer; special problems in overseas areas. / No. 19, 6 Feb 1947 Prophylaxis 1 Review of the methods of individual and group prophylaxis as used by the Forces, FS, C FS 8-58, FS 8-57; TB Mod 157 Epidemiologies 1 1 A family outbreak PE Problem to Study, Applies tory Exercise of gonorrhea, the cause, effects and epidemiology of this epidemic and its applica- tion to other similar situations • be issued by the Department Training Film 1 Presentation of the phases of venereal disease epidemiology as applies to the Armed Forces (U.S. Navy film). TF TF 8-1462 (52 minutes 59 ANNEX WO. 28 (Cont'd) SUBJECT "AND PILE NUI.TBER HOURS Scope of ' INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION . REFERENCES Examination 1 on Arthropod ,Borne Diseases and Venereal Diseases Objective tppc examination on material covered under topics of* Arthropod Borne Diseases and Venereal Diseases, E All previou references on topics covered in examination Discussion 1 of Examination Discussion and answers on examination covering Arthropod Borne Diseases and Venereal Diseases. C None ANNEX NO. 29 PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS (2 Hours ) . Subject and FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP :a*WFE OF * INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES 'United States 1 Consideration C ARs 40-100, Army; ' Stcndcrds * * • of types of phys ica1 examinations and disposition of records; standards of height and weight as determined from insurance company life expectancy tables. 40-105 Annual and 1 Annual physical C AR 40-100; Special examinations, other Phys icc1 the standards references Examinations a nd basis therefbr; special con- siderations governing to be furnished by the instpudtor selection of Army personnel in peace and war in the specieIties listed; spec iallzod technics and tests used for flight personnel. ANNEX NO. 30 MAP READING (12 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS Scope op INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES 1 Introduction, Marginal Informs t'iorr and Con-- 1 Genera 1 introduction to the various subjects to be C, TP PMs 21-25, Chaps 1, 2, 3, 13; 21-30, Chopg ventional Signs taught during the course, procedures to be used, and an explanation of the schedule and the mop reading equip- ment utilized. A brief dis- cussion of marginal information and conventional signs will precede the * showing of a twenty minute training f ilm. 1, 2, 5; 21-26, Secs II and III I Map Measure- ments, Scales and Methods of Location 1 To give the student ah under- standing of grid coordinates, relation of map distance to ground distance, and the use of the graphic scale in determining distance. Time and distance computation, and applicatory problems in time and' distance• C PMs 21-2 5, Chops 5, 6* 21-26, Secs IV, VI . \ V 62 ’ ;MEX NO. 30 (Cont Td) SUBJECT AMD FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF ' TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Methods of 1 Comparison of C PMs 21-25, Location t large and medium scale maps, and a review of location by. means of grid lines on maps of both scales. Location by means of thrust lines coordinates, and applicatory problems in . location by means of thrust lines, Chaps 5,6; 21-26, Secs IV, pars 27-32; Read PM 21-26, pars 33-41 Elevation, 1 Definition of C, TF PM 21-25, Terrain elevation and Chap 4, and Appreciation derivation, and Figure 108, and cha ra c terist ic s Read PM 21- Visibility of contour lines. How to use con- % tour lines to determine the elevation of 26, pars 42 -49 • specific points on contour lines, on streams, and between contour lines. How to recognize and trace stream lines and ridge lines. Discussion of terrain appreciation and vis ibility. Direction- 1 To give the . c PM 21-25, Azimuth and student an under- pp 52-57; Declination standing of azimuth as direction, and the use of the pro- tractor in reading grid azimuths. Explanation of Road PM 21-26, pars 15—24 /N ANNEX N.O. 30 (Cont»d) stiSTTWOW- FILE NUMBER HOURS ' -S-COPE W'" INSTRUCTION • TYPiifWP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES - grid, magnetic, and true azimuths, and how to convert from one to the other. Aerial Photos and Photomaps 1 To give the stydent a know- ledge of the various types of aerial photos and photo- maps, and the advantage and use of each. To compare photo and survey maps, and to enable the students to identify objects and specific terrain features on-the aerial photo. C, TP PH 21-25, Chap 11; Read PM 21- ' 26, Secs IX, X, & XI Use of the Map With a Compass 1 Nomenclature and use of the com- pass. Orienting a map with the aid of a compass. How to walk’.on a traverse, and locating yourself or distant objects by means of. intersection and resection. C, TP PM 21-25, Chan. 7, pp 58-67, Chap. 9, pp 72-80; , PM 21-26, pars 52, 53; Read PM 21-26, pars 25, 26 Use■of the■ Map Without a Compass 1 A discussion’of C, TP methods of orienting a map without a compass, including methods of determining * North. Resection and intersection without a compass, and the elements of position sketching. V PM 21-26, pars 26, 52b, 53b and c i 64 ANNEX HO. 50 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF ' INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Foreign. Maps, 1 Introduction C FMs 21-26, Military to foreign par 38; Symbols and Overlays maps and their character- 21-25, Chap 12; 21-30y istics. Method of constructing military symbols, and examples of various types. Brief mention of the use of symbols on operation and situation maps and overlays, \ Chart 35, pars 26,27. Read FM 21-30, pars 21, 22, Charts' 13, 14, pars 23, 24, pp 44, 54, 58. Scan FM 21-30, Charts 26- ■ i 34, 36-40 Appliestion- Use* of the C ompa s s in the Field i ' 2 To give the student practical experience in the use of the compass in the field. Correct azimuth reading of distant objects, and location of distant objects by intersection and location of own position by means of resection* PE PM 21-25, pp 58-61, 76-84 Examination 1 All map reading instruction to date. E All previous map read- ing references 65 ANNEX NO. 31 ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYMENT OF COMBINED ARMS (16 Hours) » SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Organization of the Army of the United States 1 Organization of the War Depart- ment, organiza- tion of commands of the next lower echelon, organiza- tion of the field forces down to the Corps inclusive, and territorial organize tion• C .PM 100-5, pars 1-7, 9-70, incl - Mimeo 2.0015 Organization of the Infantry Regiment 1 Organization and role of the regiment, the battalion and each type company; the relation of principal commanders to their stuffs and subordinate units; and ■ characteristics of infantry weapons, c PMs 100-5, pars 26-31; 7-40, pa rs 5-17; 7-20, pars 1-8. Mimeos 2.0576 and 2.0015 Organization of the Infantry Divis ion • 1 Orga nization and role of the division and its component units with emphasis on field artillery (organization of infantry regiment presented prev- iously); the rela tion ‘ of principal commanders to their staffs and subordinate units, and characteristics of'weapons, emphasiz- ing field artillery weapons * 0 < PM 100-5, pars 1010- 1017« Mimeos 2.0015 and 2.0546 66 ANNEX NO. 31 (Cont’d) sumwzrim FILE NUMBER HOURS —s'cote w wnrw INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Command and 1 Staff (General, Special and Unit) ♦ * Purpose and C functions of the general, special and unit staffs to include a brief discussion of a division command post. PM 100-5, pars 141- 149, 160- 168 Reconnaissance 1 and Security The basic C principles of reconnaissance and security, enumerating the reconnsissance agencies, and discussion of the necessity of continuous. rcconnaissance and employment of necessary security measures at all times. Security on the march, during • halts, in the offensive and defense phases of combat. PM 100-5, pars 195- 275, 291- 315 Defensive 1 Combat Basic principles C of the defense applicable to all units of combined arms; terminolo gy peculiar to the defense to enable students to under- stand plans and orders; and conduct of the defense with definitions and a few principles of retrograde move- ments. PM 100-5, pars 578- 593, 595, 597-604, 607-608, 610, 613- 619, 621- 635, 640- 652; Mimeo 2.0655 67 ANNEX NO. 31 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS ' SCOPE OP -INSTRUCTION TY IN PE OF STRUCTION .. REFERENCES Info ntry Division in Defense 1 - Combat principles of an infantry division and its major subordinate units in the defense through defense phases commencing with "Reconna issance and Occupation of Position" and ending with \"Termination of the Defense", and basic principles of retrograde movement s applicable to the Infantry Divi si on. C PM 100-5, pars 26-31, 42-52, SO- BS, 591-594, 596, 605- 606, 609, 611, 612, 620, 634- 639, 653- 662, 671- 672, 1010- 1017; Mimco 2,0645 Offensive Comba t 1 Basic principles of the offense- applicable to all units; terminology peculiar to the offense to enable students to understand plans and orders and offensive movements, deployments and maneuvers to visualize for students combat - f orma t i ons thr ough all phases of the offense, C FM 100-5, pars 135, 195-199 , 236-237, 433-464, 467-469, 475-476, 554, 5,59; Mimeo 2.0635 Infantrv Divi sion in the Attack 2 A map exercise to familiarize the student with the mechanics of map problems and Illustrate the basic principles of the attack of an infantry division. PE PM 100-5, pars 433- 490 ANNEX NO. 31 (Cont'd) •SUBJECT xVMD •FILE NUMBER' FI OURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES ...Tactical Air Support to Ground Forces / 1 Tactical, employ- ment of air power and its relation- ship to ground forces, tactical air force,, joint air ground planning to include agencies and procedure, forward (Air) control teams. C FMs ’31-35, Chaps 4,5; 100-5, pars 81-89 V ■ Organiza tlon and Employment of the Armored Division 1 Organization of the armored division to include its characteristics, Tactical employ- ment of armored force units to include the armored division and separate tank battalions, C FM 17-100, pars 1-40, inc1. ; Mimeos 2.0015 and 2.0756. FM 17-10, Sec I, Chap 2 River Crossings 1 Historical example from European cam- paign, preceded by brief general introduction of subjcct. c PM 100-5, pars 786- 820 Amphibious Operations 1 Explanation of ship to shore movement, to include descrip- tion of landing craft and ships, employment of air and naval gun fire support. c ’} FM 7-20, pars 200-2C6 ANNEX NO. 31 (Cont'd) SUBJECT Afe" FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION 'REFERENCES Mountain and Arctic Operations 1 A comparison to normal offensive combat, emphasizing the influence of terrain and weather. C FM 100-5, pars 873- 923 Examination 1 All previous instruction X? u All references listed above aNNEX NO.■32 .. .ORGANIZATION AND _EMPLOYMENT OP MEDICAL UNITS (36 Hours) Stifej'SCT' ;.ND FiLE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTIOH TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Organization 1 and History of the Med ical Depo rtment To present the organization and development of the Medical Department and its status as a service of the Army. Include mission of the Medical Department and the methods employed for its accomplishment. C Military Medical Manun1 "History of the Medico 1 Department” 1 ■ by Ashburn. Current . issues of the Bulleti of the U.3. Army Medics Department. FMs 8-10, pars 1-5; 8-5, pars 1-4 Organization 2 and Employ- ment of the Medical Company, Infantry Regiment Organization of the Medical Company, to Include personnel, equipment and employment. c Read PM 8-5 pars 52-39. 50-87. T/O&E 8-7 Employment 1 of the Medical Company, Demonstrate the establishment and operation of D FMs 8-5, 8-10 Infantry Regiment an Station. * Organization 1 and Employment of Medical Detachments, Division Artillery, Engineer Battalion and Division Headquarters To present the organization and employment of the Medical Deta chments, Infantry Division. C • FMs 8-5, 8-10 ANNEX NO. 32 (Contrd) SUBJECT *J'ID FILE NUMBER 1 HOURS Scope op _ INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Organization and Employment 1 Present the organization C PM 8-5, pars 55-50/ of the Medical Battalion, Infantry Division and functions of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Medica1 Battalion, Infantry Division. ' T/ODE 8-15 Organization and Employment of the Medical Ba 11 a 1 i on , Infantry■ Division 1 Organization, employment and functions of ambulance and clearing companies, Medical Battalion, Infantry Division. c FM 8-5, pars 67- 72, 118- 123 Medical Service- of the Infantry Bivi s ion ' 3 . Demonstrate the employment and functions of the medical units within the Infantry Divi si on. D FMs 8-5, 8-10 Me die a 1 Se rvice, Infantry Division :■ r> the Attack 1 The' medical plan to support the first phase of the tactical s ituation. PE • PMs 8-5, 8-10, 100-5 Medical Service, Infantry Division 1 The medical plan to support the second phase of the tactical PE FMs 8-5, 8-10, 100-5 in the Attack situstion. Organization and Employment of Medical Betachments, armored Division ]. Discuss organiza- tion, employment and functions of Medical Detach- ments, armored Division, C FMs 8-5, pars 32-39; 17-80 ANNEX NO. 32 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUC TION REFERENCES Organization and of Medical Battalion, Armored Divisi on 1 .. Discuss the organization and function of the Medical Battalion, Armored Division. Emphasize collection and evacuation of cosuaItics. C 'FMs 8-5, 17-SO Organization 1 and Employment of Medical Company, Airborne Organization, function and employment of the Medical Company, Airborne Division; its functions in combat. 0 PM 3-5, pars 06-93 Third Echelon Medico 1 Service 1 / Medical service ••provided by Army to include: convalescent hospital, portable surgical hospital, medical group, separate companies and separate batta lions.. 0 FM 8-5, pars 94, 95, 101- 105, 109, 110-139, 140a, 141- 153, 154a, 159, 160a Crga nizotion and Employment of Mobile Army Surgica1 Hospital 1 Personnel, equip- • ment and trans- portation. Use in support of clearing station, medical battalion. Movement '.of hospital. C Read PM 8-5 pars 153- T/04E 8-571 Evacuation Hospita1- Organizat ion and Employment 1 Organization and employment. Operation of the hospital in special situations. c FMs 8-5, pars 124- 138; 8-10; T/O&E 8-581 P3 173 73 ANNEX NO, 32 (Cont’d) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF • TYPE OF INSTHUCTION INSTRUCTIOF REFERENCES Medical Depa rtment, Units of a Theatre of Operations 1 Introduction to various Medical Department units; number general hospitals, number station hospitals, general dispensaries, general laboratories, medical depots, professional service units, hospital trains, hospital ship complement, hospital ship platoon, separate'; field hospital, museum and medical arts service. C FM 8-5 Medical 7 Review of tactics C, PE, PMs O'J -5, Service, of amphibious D, TP, 8-5, 8-10. Anphibious Operations i opera tions, involving battalion and regimental landing team’s and •division task force. Medico 1 planning for the operation with illustration of extent of medical plan for FB 8-55; TP 8-1421; FBs 9,22. G5, 146, 204 landing -of a field Army, and its support by Army Service Force. Medical service and care of _ ‘Casualties afloat; Medical service of Engineer 'Special Brigade; Medical functions' of Navy shore party. ANNEX INTO• 32 (Cont’d) SUBJECT AHD FILE KUTBEH HOURS SOOPE OP INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Medical Service of airborne Operations i 2 Review of' organization and employment of the Airborne Division, Medical planning for airborne operation, include plan to provide medical service to isolated forces being re-supplied and evacuated by air. C, "PE PM 8r5, pars 40-45 Medical 2 Present major C, PE PM 70-15; Service in Arctic Opera tiohs • problems encountered in operation in snow, cold-wet weather, and extreme cold. Collection and evacuation of casualties. Factors influencing care’ of ,sick and wounded in extreme cold conditions* Discussion of clothing, shelter and equipment. Ltr, HQ i.G! AG 475/2 50' GNEV Air Evacuation 4 Present the organization and methods employed in Air Evacuation. Demonstrate sorting and -loadin of patients. C, D 6 None Organization and Function of Medical Units 2 General examination, . E PMs 8-5, . 8-10- ANNEX NO. 33 COMMAND .AID STAFF PROCEDURE (7 Hours) SUBJECT ;,ND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE 0F INSTRUCTION TYPE 0F INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Medical 2 Estimate of the Situation Review of principles of estimate of the situa tion, modification and application of those principles to medical estimate development of Died let. 1 e s t ima t c of a situation presented to class. C, PE > FMs 100-5, pars 130-13' 8-55, Chap 3, See I, a nd Cha p 7 Field 1 Orders, Written and Oral Principles of combat orders, ‘exercises in development of combat orders, complete and fragrnenta ry, oral crid wri 11 c n for Re gImen ta 1 Me d1c ai 0 mpany, and the med i ca 1 ba ttalion. C, PE FM 100-5. pars 150- 159 i Medical 2 Plans • Rev lev; of , principles of unit and staff plans, p r opara - tion of medical plan based on estimate developed in periods r>n medical estimate of the situation. C, PE FITS 100-5, 8-55, Chap 3 Organization 2 and Function of the Division Staff (including duties of Division Large on) Functions of the division staff,* including relation of the Surgeon’s Section to the other sections, c, D FMs 100-5, pars ITG-LxCr 8-5, 8-10 76 ANNEX NO. 3v COMTTUNICATIONS (1 Hoot) site FILE HUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP INSTRUCTION tMpe of' INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Communications 1 Review of C, PE, TF PMs IOC-5, in Division Signs 1 pars 150-15 Medical Units. Mess a re V/riting and Operation C ommun ic a t i on s in Infantry Divis ion TF 11-1199 of Message Center Facilities available to Medical Units, Application of message writing in * given situations involving medical units, ANNEX NO. 35 MISCELLANEOUS ,(6 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS Scope of type of INSTRUC T ION INSTRTJCTI ON REFERENCES Hand 1inf of NP Casualties Within the Division 1 The use of a Clearing Company Platoon as a Combat Exhaustion Center, The function of the' three NP technicians in the Clearing Platoon. Function of the Division Psychia trist. C T/O&E 8-18; FMs 8-5, 8-10 The Use of Whole Blood by Forward Units. 1 The use of whole blood in Battalion Aid and Collecting Stations (by the Medica 1 Company ) • Donors, procure- ment, testing c ompa tibility, Blood versus pla sma # G / WD Cir 01, Sec II, 1943. TM 8-635. TB Mods 78, 204 Handling of Ca sun It ics Resulting from Atonic Warfare 1 Discussion of problems of classification, transportation, shelter, and disposition of a t omi c wa rfa re casualties. C None New Developments 1 Guided missiles, rockets and latest develop- ments, and trends in infantry weapons, C None Effects of New Develop- ments in Weapons and Equipment on Medical Depart- ment Activities ( 2 The influence of increased speed and range of planes, rockets, guided missiles, biological warfare, atomic warfare on the methods and sphere of activity of the Medical Department. C None ANNEX NO. 36 PHYSICAL TRAINING (40 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INST RUCTION REFERENCES Introduction to Physical Tra ining 1 Training films to demonstrate typos of conditioning exercises, grass drills and guerrilla exercises that are conducted in accordance with Training Circular No; 87• TF None 'Formations and Starting Pos itions 1 Explanation and demonstration of various formations, storting positions and warm-up exercises used in ’Physical Training. Applica- tion of each under supervision of the instructor. D, PE PM ‘21-20, Chap 4 Warm-up and Conditioning -ExeNcises 1 Explanation, demonstration and application of various warm-up and conditioning exercises described in Training Circular No. 87. D, PE PM 21-20, Chap- 4 Conditioning Exercises 1 Demonstration and application of conditioning exercises, D, PE PM 21-20, Chap 4 Guerrilla Exercises 1 Explanation, demonstration and application • of various types of guerrilla exercises, D, PE FM 21-20, Chap 8 i.KHEX HO. 36 (Cont'dJ SUBJECT END FILE LUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Conditioning 5 Explanation, D, PE F.M 21-20, end. Guerrilla Exercises demonstration and application of various types of conditioning and guerrilla exercises. ' Chaps 4, 8 Team Competit ion 1 Explanation, demonstration and application of various typos of athletics and mass games. D, PE PM 21-20, Chap 13 ) Conditioning Exercises 3 Explanation, demonstration. and application of various types of conditioning exercises. D, PE PM 21-20, Che. p 4 Competit ive Sports 1 Class divided PE into teams to participate in various competitive sports, TM 21-220 Conditioning Exercises 3 Period o'f Instruction to he conducted by members of the student body under the supervision of the instructor a nd in r cc orda nc e with Training. Circular Nr), 87. D, PE PH 21-20, Chr.p 4 Competitive Sports 1 Class divided into teams to participate in volleyball, soft- ball and " touch football, * PE FM 21-20; TM 21-220 80 ANNEX NO. 56 (Cont'd) STOTECrTTO FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE•OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Conditioning and Guerrilla Exercises 1 Explanation, D, PE demonstration and application of various types of conditioning and guerrilla exercises, PM 21-20, Chaps 4, 8 Conditionings Guerrilla Exercises, Mass Games and Competitive Sports 18 Explanation, D, PE demonstration and application of various types of exercises and athletics, FM 21-20; TM 21-220 .Physical Fitness Test 2 Class divided into PE groups and participating in tests 2-3-4-5 os described in FM 21-20 FM 21-20, Chap 17 ANNEX NO. 37 INFORMATION 'AND EDUCATION (8 Hours) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPS OFTYPE' OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES China (1600-1947) 1 \ History and development of China from 1600 through the Second World Wa r. L t None The' Mission, Need end Orgenization of the I & E 1, \ 1 * The use of ideas as weapons, mission of I & E, I & E 7r Food Storage end Stock Control 1 Pood storage, cold storage, facilities, marking walk-in refrigerators, reach-in boxes, dating perishables, . arrangement of stores, amount of stock on .hand; stock control; general, receipt, inventory card, monthly inventory issue, distribution. C TM 8-262, Chop VI, Secs 5 & 6 99 ANNEX NO. 46 ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES FOR HOSPITAL FUNDS ' (15 Hours) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS ” SCOtE OF ' TYPE "OF “ INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Hospital' Funds , General 5 « Scope system of C accounts, financial reports, records and forms* TM 8-262, Chap VII, Sec 1 Hospital Funds, Genera 1 Ledger 5 General ledger; C cash on hand, cash in bonk, accounts receivable, food inventory, accounts payable, net working capital. TM 8-262, Chap VII, Sec 2 Account ing for Income and Cash Receipts 3 v * Accounting for C income and cash receipts, classifica- tion of income of the Hospital Fund, subsistence income, subsistence charges, commuted rations, welfare income, other income. TM 8-262, Chap VII, Sec 3 Accounting for Expenses and Cash Disbursements 2 Classification of C expense incurred by a Hospital Fund, subsistence expense, welfare expense, other expense, recording of expenses, cash 'disbursements. TM 8-262, Chap VII, Sec 4 Record of Daily Gain or Loss from Subsistence 2 Procedure of keeping C a record of daily gain or loss from subsistence; com- parison of subsistence Income with pur- chases of food and subsistence for each day and for month to date. TM 8-262/ Chap VII, Sec 5 fj - / ABNEV NO. 46 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION/ TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Food Inventory Control 1 Inventory control system,, ordering, delivery, issue of food, inventory ■ cardphysical Inventory. C TM 8-262, Chap VII, Sec 6 Hospita1 Funds, Genera 1 Review 1 Review of accounting procedures given in preceding hours* C TM 8-262, Chap VII, Secs 1-6 ■ANHFrJc NG,-'47 . • ■ MI' LITA-KY LAW- ■ - (5 Hours) FILE NUMBER HOURS —OTFToF- —' INSTRUCTION Type of™- INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Military Offenses and the ’Punitive Aftidles of War"' ■ 1 Practical exercise in the discussion and proof of freque,ntly commi11 ed military offenses, and the va pplicahl© punitive Articles of War. PE I MCM, Chop XXVI Preparation of the Charge Sheet 1 Practical exercise in the preparation of TO AGO Form No, 115, Charge Sheet, i PE MCM, pars 30, 31, 32; Appendix 3 a nd 4 • TM 27-255, Cha p 5 The Investigat ing Officer, Trial Judge Advocate, and Defense Counsel - 1 Appointment of, action to be taken by, and report of the Investigating Officer; appointment and duties of the T rial Ju d g e A <3 v o c a t c and Defense Counsel prior to trial. C MCM, pars 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45; TM 27-255, Chaps 7, 10, 11 Rules of Ev i.dence 1 Discussion of the rules of evidence and practical exercise in the application of these rules to selected typical cases. C, PE MCM, Chap XXV; TM 27-255, Chap 14 Findings , Sentences and Panishments * 1 Deliberation by the C, PE court, voting procedure, required number of votes, and practical exercise in authorized findings, sentences and pun1shments * MCM, pars. 78, 79, 80, 81, and Chap XXIII; TM 27-255, Chaps 15, 16 102 ANNEX MO. 48 ■ PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT (IQ Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER "hours ‘SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION wnrop INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Classification and Assignment 2 ' Interviewing, selective measures, testing, skills, interests, hobbies, physical, mental and psychological capabilities, inter- pretation of classification data, a.nd ass ignment. C, PE 1 TMs 12-405, 12-406, 12-425, 12-426, 12-427, 12-250; W]d Pamphlet 12-8 Controlling Absence 1 The problem of AWOL, types of personnel likely to go AWOL, causes and preventive measures, c AR 615-300, WD Pamphlet 20-5 Froviding Incentives 2 Stimulating will to work by providing proper incentives through rccognition and promotion. 0, rE AR 615-5; EM 783, Chaps XIII, XIV, XV Proper Training 2 Increasing ability to produce by proper training on the job a nd t hr o u {di A rm y schools, 0, FE AR 350-5; EM 783, Cha p IX \ 11 i.iization cf Lion power 2 • Necessity for full utilization and methods of obtaining full and complete s e r v i c c o f c v e ry enlisted man and officer, including limited service, V/AC and negro. C , PE WD Cir 105, 119, 124, 132, 142, 182, 220, 1946; WD Pamphlet, 12-8 Examination 1 Examination and discussion covering pr e c e d i ng n inc h ours. E, 0 All previous references 103 ANNEX NO. 49 ADMINISTRATIVE CFX (7 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUC TION REFERENCES Orienta tion 1 An orientation on C TM 8-262; on Illustrative tr obI cm the administrative CPX to follow. This will includethe AR 40-590 • mission'of the prob 1 em,,and a brief review of the Admi r i i strstive Organization of a hospital, and the funo tion s o f the v a r 1 ou s a dm in i s t r a t i v c pos111 on s t o which t ho Itudents will bo r. t signed. Administrative 6 A practical exercise PE All ' j - j\. in which the students will be a s s i pned va ri ous a dm 1n i s t rat iv e positions found in a hospital and required to make t he ac tions r c qui re d by a series of illustrative problems. previous references listed by the Depart- ment of Administra- tion ANNEX NO. 50 DENTAL ADMINISTRATION (17 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS “scope op op INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Dental Service in the Army 1 A presentation L designed to orient the newly commissioned dental officer con- cerning the Army Dental Corps, its history, accomplish- mends and objectives. ARs 40-5, pars 1, 2, 3; 40-15, 40-510; PMs 8-5, 8-10; TM 8-260 Army Regulation 40-15 1 Genera 1 provisions C gov*=■ rning the Dental C o s a s enurn. e ra t ed in 1}> iO*15, a dis- cus.;." on and interpre- bation of ma t er ia 1 c onta in o d therein. AR 40-15 Amly Regulation 40-5.10 1 Regulations govern- C ing cental attendance in the Army as pres- cribed in AR 40-510, a discussion and .inter- pretation of material contained therein. ARs 40-510, 40-505 Dental Supplies and Equipment 1 Orientation and famil- C ionization with MED series of War Depart- ment Catalogs, Re spons lbi 1 ity for and ssfeguarding of gov ;rnmeat property. Means of obtaining s u pp ]cs a n d e qu 1 p - rent; Accountability and responsibility for -roporty. War Depart- ment Catalog MEDs 1, 2, 3, 6, 10-17 TM 8-225; ARs 35-6520 35-6640 Dental Examinations and Surveys 1‘ Discussion of dental C standards of fitness for service in the various components of the Army. Explana- tion of the various types of physical ARs 40-100, 40-105', 40-110, 40-510, 40-1010; MR 1-9 ANNEX NO, 50 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES examinations required. The conduct of oral examinations and recording of results. Accomplishment of surveys to determine the dental health of a group. Dental Reports, 1 Tho first of five C ARs 40-15, Records and hours’ a or ling with 40-1010; Pertinent the subject will TM 8-225 FoiTns I la < ■: mound work - designed to f a,:.-. .. j", rize rev' ■ v.ommissioned dec r' corps officer vioh ieports, records an ’ ■ rtinent forms com;] nly used in the d enua [\ s crv 1 ce . In t h i r. h cur all the forms used are llgfird.y tokened upon Dental Reports, 1 This hour reals C AR 40-1010; Records and entire!■ 'in the TM 8-225 ?o: tinert pr 1: i: r7 r-,rord 0f Perris II • the (jenz: 1 somTcc- Re 7r t er of Denta 1 Patients.- ' Ivory ■ pormor of the form is d 1 s c •■ s e d in detail prow rt oif’ the proper mos' .00 of r 0c ord ing the various ro- q a is -r 0 . .it r f Dental Reports, 1 The proration of C, PE ARs 40-1010, Records and th0 Den t, j. Id<: ct if ica - 40-1705; Puutinont ticr 15:00ro s gone TM 8-225 I err. s III i n t c s c ’■ i. ,' rj r f 0 r t h its nurp,0s 0 > requ ire - ments and disposition. The keeping of a Record r AMEX NO. 50 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS ' SCO'PE OF TYtE ' OF' ' INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Dents 1 Reports , 1 of Special Dental Mat e rials,a nd its relation to the Prosthetic Case Record is discussed. Question and answer period in the later portion of the hour. A detailed dis- C AR 40-1010• Records and cussion of the TM 8-225 Pertinent Forms IV Report of Dental Service, WD AGO oplieat ory 1 Form 8-98, The responsibility for, and the frequency and distribution or disposition of the report are gone into.. Discussion is punctuated by frequent blackboard Illustration. The relation of the Report of Dental Service to the Register ’of Dental Patients is emphasized. Period spent PE AR 40-1010; ' zeroise furnishing student TM 8-225; Concerning with an approved ' Classroom Previously solution to the notes Discussed Forms two applicatory exercises, (Register of Denta1 Pa t ients and Dental Identifica- tion Re c ord ) which were issued for com- pletion by the student .prior to period.. The two exercises present merely examples of entries which might be employed in recording like cases in actual practice. These ANNEX NO. 50 (Contfd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOFfi" OF TYPE” OF INSTRUC T10 N INSTRUCTION REFERENCES examples arc concrete and typical, and in addition to them others of similar application arc shown. - Centra 1 Denta 1 Labors tories and their Utilization 1 Consideration of C Control Dental Laboratories, and the requirements nc c e s sa ry for the proper utilization of their service. Policies regarding prosthetic service in the Army, and the use of V/D Form 8-143 in- requesting Central Dental Laboratory service. War Depart- ment Tech- nical Bulletin, TB Med 148, March 1945 Exam ina tion 1 Examination covering E material presented in periods- 1-11, inclusive. The type of examination to he determined at the time. All prev- ious references and class- room notes Relationship of Dental Corps and Medics 1 Corps Officers 1 Period devoted to p a discussion con- cerning the status of .the dental surgeon and his relations with the surgeon, a. comparison of -such relationships with those existing between the surgeon end his commanding officer, and analysis of, the reasons therefor. None 108 AMITE'C NO, 50 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCT!ON REFERENCES Discussion of Examination M 1 Presentation of C an approved solution t o the e xominat i on previously held. None Pens onnel Records for Dental Corps Officers I 1 Hour designed to C give dental corps officers a brief orientation on the more common p or sonne1 rccord s, reports and forms used by thee Army, Hour covers records maintained on officers and enlisted men, thc company morning report and a discussion of Lino of Duty. ARs 40-1025, 345-125, 345-400, 345-415 Personnc1 Records for Dental Corps Officers II 1 This hour is a C c ontinua t ion of the pre ceding hour and covers the -duty ' roster, records pertaining, t.o • leaves of absence, absence without 1cavc, causes and prevention, pay and allowances of enlisted men, and records' and reports of deaths, ♦ ARs 345-25, 600-115, 600-550, 615-300; TMs 12-240, 14-502 Examination 1 Examination covering E the subject of personnel records as given in hours 15 and 16. The type- of examination to be determined at the time thereof. Same os for hours 15 and 16 above; classroom notes ANNEX NO • 51 TRAINING AND TACTICAL DUTIES (12 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE op TypH OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Demonstration of Dental Field Equipment 1 Hour devoted to demonstration of the Chests and Kits D War Depart- ment Catalog MEDs 6, I employed in field dental service reviewing the uses of such equipment and the type units in which they are found. 10-17 Demonstra tion of Dental Field Equip- ment II 1 Hot; spent in demon- stration of the two trucks utilized by the- dental service in the field to- gether with on analysis of their employment and actual utilization. D War Depart- ment Catalog MEDs 10-17 Dental Service in The Zone of the Interior 1 Th e'dental se r v i c e provided by instal- lations in the Zone of the Interior is explained and discussed, Also a discussion is carried out of the service rendered by tactical units serving in the Zone of the Interior* L t ARs 40-15, 40-510 Organization of the Dental Service in a Theater of Operations 1 Discussion of the L dental service in a tync theater of operations designed to familiarize.the studcnt _ wi th the dental administrative network through which technical supervision of the dental service is exercised and the duties of dental officers connected therewith* None AN HEX NO. 51 (Cont fd ) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS Scope op INSTRUCTION “TYPE 0t1 INSTRUCTION REFERENCES' Organize tion of the Dental \ Service in a > Communications Zone 1 Discussion of the organic arrange- ment of a type c ommunications zone, th e v a r i ou s typos of organiza- tions found therein and their employ- ment , L PM 8-5, Chaps 2, 3, 11, 13, 17 Organizet ion of the Dental Service in a Combat Zone 1 Discussion of the type units employed in a combat zone ahd the facilities a va i1able t he rein, discussion of the duties of dental officers serving- with units in the combat zone. ii L PM 8-5, Cha p s 2 , 3, T, 9, 11, 13 Dental Service in a Thee,ter, < Communications Zone, Combat Zone 1 A conference designed to review briefly the fore- going lectures on the subject to pcrmit cmphasizing • im port a n t ’p o i n t s , and to allow the student to ask: questions con- cerning such dental service. C V 'S Classroom notes The Enlisted Dent a 1 Assistant-His Duties and Tra. ining 1 Source and attributes of the enlisted dental assistant arc discussed. Essentia 1 points in which the assistant should be trained are gone into. L TM 8-225, Cha p 6 % 111 ANNE NQ. 51 (Cont *d) SUBJECT Ato • FILE HUMBER HOURS ‘ "Scope ot1 type of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Early Trca t- mc’nt of Jr.w Fracturcs in the Field 1 Discussion confined to first aid and emergency treatment of jew fractures in combat organizations. Deals primerily w.ith treatment performed in the battalion and regiments 1 a id stations and does not enter into the definitive nature of such treatment. C None Training Film " Dcntr, 1 Health'* 1 The t ra in ing f i 1m "Dental Health" is shown following a brief discussion of methods of promoting oral hygiene among troops, C, TF None Examination 1 Examination covering material presented E ..11 previous I \ "f; ;, V\ . / in periods 13-27, inclusive. Th e t ypc of examination to be doterm1ned at the time. references and class- room notes Discussion of Examinetion 1 / Presentation of an approved solution to thc examination previously held, and an open dis- cussion to take up any questionable point which may have arisen during the ’ course. C None 112 ANNEX NO, 52 VETEPX3&HY vADI.1I NISTRATI ON (1'9 Hours ) ' SUBJECT AND ' " _ FILE NUMBER HOURS Scope op type of •INSTRUCTION ' INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Orientation i *♦ • f ! • 2 s - Discussion of- the history, organization, functions and responsibilities of the Veterinary Corps, respons ibilities and titles of Veterinary officers. Relationships in the Medical Department, C ARs 40-2005 40-2010, 40-2030; TM 8-450, Sec I Military Veterinary Terns 2 i Discussion of Army methods of classify- ing animals, regional nomenclature, veterinary diagnostic and standard terms, ! C AR 40-2245, pars 10-16, 25, 32, 39; TM 8-450, Cl, Appen- dix I, par 17 -■ * Register and Report Card, WD AGO Form 8-135 2 The preparation, • rendition and trans- mission' of WD AGO F&rm 8-135, ’ G, D AR 40-2243; TM 3-450,, par 21,;Cl, ‘Appendix I, pars 1-14 Emergency Veterinary Tog, WD AGO Form 8-137 1 The preparation, rendition and transmis s 1 on of -WD AGO Form 8-137. C, D AR 40-2245; TM 8-450, par 21, Cl, appendix 1, par 15 Veterinary Report of Sick and Wounded An ima1s, WD A GO K Form 8-129 2 The preparation* rendition and trans- mission of WD AGO Form 8-129, C, D AR 40-2235, par 9; TM'-; 8-450, par 21, Cl, Appendix I, par 16 APWEX HO.52 (Cont'd) SUBlfcCtf AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE J0P • .INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION • A REFERENCES Veterinary Sanitary Report, Report of Physical Examina tion of Animals, 1 WD ' The pr e pa ra tion, yrendition and transmission of ,the Veterinary Sanitary Report, WD C AR 40-2,835 pars 10, 13 AGO Form 8-153, and Receipt for Animals, WD AGO Form 3-158 ) v', AGO Form 8-133 and WD AGO Form 8-138• Veterinary Health Certificate, WD 1 Preparation, rendi- tion and tranmlssion 'of WD AGO Form 8-128. C AR 40-2235, par 11| 1 TM 8-450, AGO Form 8-128 - par 15, Cl, .Appen- dix II, par 1 Veterinary Sick and • Wounded Forms 4 Practical exercise ‘in the. preparation of Forms 8-AL29; 8-135 and 8-13?. , . * I PE Previous references 1 Veterinary 2 , f • Di s cu s s X on/ of/the' C ARs 40-2035, Hospita1 administration / > '■ *' $ r personpo 1 /a nd. supp ly a dm ii3.i at-ip t Idn of Vo t c; r inr ty Hospitals F;: and d 1 1 es , ..." Ku 1 e s r,ib a a r d i n g t h e treatmojnt and handllng of iva tc ly ' 40-2065; TM 8-450, pars 9-11 f ■ • owned a nine is, • Examination 2 All instruction in Veterinary' Admin 1 s fra 11 on. E previous references aNNEX NO. 53 ORGANIZATION AND TACTICAL EMPLOYMENT OP VETERINaHY UNITS (7 Hours ) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS ” Scope op type Of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Veterinary Sections and Detachments i 1 Organization and C equipment of Veterinary Sections and Detachments * T/O&Es 8-500, 2-11, 7- 6-115, 6-185, 8- Veterinc ry Company Separate J 1 Organization and C equipment of the Veterinary Company Separate, i T/O&E 8-99 Veterinary Troop and Veterinary Compc ny Mounta in 1 Organization and C equipment of the Veterinary Troop and Veterinary 0 om pa ny Mou n t a i n • T/O&Es 8-99, 8-139 Mobile b Veterinary * Hospitals 1 Organization and C, D equipment of the Veterinary Evacuation Hospital, Veterinary Station Hospital (CZ) and Veterin ary Gcnora 1 Respite 1. T/O&Es 8-780, 8- 750, 8-760 Ta ctica1 Employment of Veterinary Units 1 assignment and C us'e of Veterinary uni t s in tactical s itua-tions. Echelons of Veterinary service. .FMs 8-5, . Chaps 2.5- 29; 8-10, par 37 Vetcrina ry Field Equipment 1 Equipment issued to D and used by Veterinary units. Previous references Examination * L 1 All instruction on E Organ i za t i on a nd Tactical Employment of Ve t erinory Units. All prev- ious references 115 ANNEX NO. 54 VETERINARY FIELD SERVICE WITH ANIMAL UNITS (12 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS 1 Scope of INSTRUCTION TlrtE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES A Care of animals In the Field 2 Conditioning animals, prepara- tion for field operations, Veterinary care of animals in the field and in combat, c PMs 25-5, pars 140, 142; 25-7, Chap 2 Tr a a s; i o r t a t i on of Animals 1 Transportation of anIma1s by land, A discussion of the preparation of animals and cars, care and fecding cnroute and livestock regulati ons. c FM 25-5, pars 165, 167; AR 55-165 Tra nsportation of 1 Transportation of animals by water.' dis- cussion of the preparation of an imaIs, t ypcs, and utilization of vessels, care and feedinr enroute, c PM 25-5, par 166 Transportation of animals 1 Transportation of animals by. air. ix. discussion of the conversion of aircraft, loading, care enroutc and unload ing. c None Pocking 4 discussion and demonstration of the essentials of packing, selection of aninrls, pack equip mc nt a nd s pe c ia 1 Veterinary problems C, D • PM 25-7 <; 116 ANNEX NO.54 (Cont’d) imiYCT'l'W— PILE NUMBER HOURS — INSTRUCTION TYPT'OT INSTRUCTION REFERENCES « I i Service With War Dogs 1 discussion covering the organization and uses of War Dog units, selection, ha nd 11 n g a n d ca r e of dogs and immunizations used. C TIT 10-396, Chaps 1,2 t Forage Inspoetion 1 .x demonstration of various types of hay and grain, and detection of u nso und for a ge. D None Jri. Examination 1 .*11 instruction in Veterinary .Field Dor vice Anin 1 Unit E previous references ANNEX NO. 55 *.NIMi*L DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL (9 Hours ) SUBJECT END PILE J TIMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION , * 1 REFERENCES Veterinar y Sanitetl on 1 I isi ruction in the pr:v c l,}Ue of V'-' ■ rinary sanitation ano mouhcds of con- du o t i n g s a n 11a ry • inspections. C j ARs 40-203. pars 7, 20, 31, 35; 40-2090, Sec III Anlma : Disease Cor. trol 2 A discussion of the military methods of c oil3 ng i nima 1 d 1 s o-a s o s i n eluding qua;: o:v: ones , die ■< n 1 , dis- 'jr,i.i:i -y cqrcasses , ieu i. ni;u lions and diap r j o s1i c tests. C, D ARs 40-2035; pars 22, 27. 28; 40-2090, Secs II, IV. 'Veterinary Service in Wartime", Campbell, pp 66-69 Communicable Disenses I 1 A discussion of the nature, causes, diagnoses and control of anthrax, glanders and tetanus. The discussion is ac c ompa n i e d by photographs pro- jected by bn lopt ic on of clinical symptoms, and lesions of these diseases. C, D AR 40-2090, Sec II. "Veterinary Service in Wartime", Campbell, pp 36-42 Communicable Diseases IT 1 A discussion of C, D the nature, causes, diagnoses and control of Equine encephalo- myelitis, Equine infectious anemia , and periodic ophthalmia. The dis- cussion is accompanied by photographs pro- jected by balopticon of the clinical symptoms and lesions of these diseases. AR 40-2090, Sec II, Cl, C 2. "Veterinary Service in Wartime", Campbell, pp 26-32, 65 4 118 i*MEX NO. 55 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND ■Scope op type of PILE NUMBER HOURS instruction in STRUCTION REFERENCES Communicable 1 A discussion of C, D AR 40-2090, Sec II, Cl, rc 02. ): a■ jsgs III the nature, causes. diagnoses and control of animal "Veterinary shipping, parasitic Service in and war dog dis- Wartime”, eases. This dls- Campbell, cussion is occom- pp 51-65 ponied by photo- graphs projected by balopticon of clinical symptoms and lesions of the diseases concerned, Tropica 1 1 A discussion of C, D AR 40-2090, Diseases the nature, causes, transmission, Cl & C2, Sec II. A diagnoses and control of the.more "Veterinary Service in important tropical Wartime" , diseases affecting military animals including surra, murrina, epizootic lympangitis and pir oplasmos is. This discussion is accompanied by photographs projected by balopticon of the symptoms and clinical lesions of these discs, scs , Campbell, pp 12-21, 44, 45 Communicable 1 A discussion of the 0 None Diseases IV - nature and control of the more important diseases of domestic animals encountered in occupied countries including rinderpest, foot and mouth disease and contagious pleuropneumonia, » ANNEX NO. 55 (Cont*d) SUBJECT FILE NUMBER HOURS —stopk' w INSTRUCTION —TYFTTOT INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Written Examination 1 . A written .examine t ion covering ell subjects in "Animal Disease Prevention and Control", E All previou references ANNEX NO. 56 VETERINARY ACTIVITIES IN THEATERS OF OPERATION (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS ““Scope op type op INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Theaters of Operation 1 L discussion of veterinary activities in various Theaters of Operation in World War II, chiefly the European, Mediterranean, China-Burma-India and Pacific Theaters. This period is enhanced by Signal Corps still and motion pictures of veterinary activities under actual conbet conditions ik C, D None Theater Veterinary Service 1 A discussion of th e organ iza t i on and operation of a th e a ter vet er i n a ry service, outlining the duties and staff responsibilities of the Th eater and Section Veterinarians. C None 121