PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION FOR OFFICERS' BASIC COURSE MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL BROOKE ARMY MEDICAL CENTER FORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS 1947 MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL BROOKE ARMY MEDICAL CENTER PORT SAM HOUSTON, TEXAS PROGRAM OP INSTRUCTION FOR OFFICERS* BASIC COURSE 10 JUNE 1947 OFFICERS' BASIC COURSE MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL PURPOSE: To provide instruction for newly commissioned Regular Army Medical Department Officers in the basic duties and functions of the Medical Department, to include employment with the associated arms and services on the basic level. PREREQUISITES: Commissioned officer of the Regular Army, 1 OFFICERS1 BASIC COURSE MEDICAL FIELD SERVICE SCHOOL (16 Weeks, 640 Hours) SUBJECT HOURS ADMINISTRATION 28 Army Administration (General) Medical Supply Records and Procedures Records of Morbidity and Mortality Military Law Personnel Management (4) (5) (ID (7) (1) COMMANDANT’S TIMS 68 Aviation Medicine Class Organization Clearance and Graduation Holidays Morale and Character Building Subjects to be Announced (2) (3) (13) (20) (1) (29) DENTAL SERVICE 2 Dental Service in The Army (2) LOGISTICS 66 Automotive Maintenance Transportation of the Sick and Wounded Troop Movements General Supply in a Theater of Operations Medical Supply (12) (9) (U) (16) (18) MEDICINE AND SURGERY 60 Field Medicine Field Surgery (34) (26) NEUROPSYCHIATRY 16 Introduction to Modern Neuropsychiatry Problems in Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment Practical Application of Military Neuropsychiatry (2) (2) (9) (3) 2 SUBJECT HOURS PHYSICAL MEDICINE 4 Introduction to Physical Medicine (i) Physical Reconditioning Section (1) Occupational Therapy Section (1) Physical Therapy Section (1) PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 115 Principles of Nutrition (6) Vital Statistics (7) Environmental Physiology (10) Physical Measurements (5) Venereal Diseases 7) Industrial Medicine and Special Problems 8) Immunization (2) Epidemiology and Control of Respiratory Diseases (9) Epidemiology and Control of Intestinal Diseases (7) Epidemiology and Control of Insect Borne Diseases Epidemiology and Control of Rodent Borne and Other (10) Miscellaneous Diseases (4) Sanitary Engineering (ID Field Demonstrations and Trips (12) Recognition of Arthropods of Medical Importance (5) Helminths and Protozoa of Medical Importance (6) Examinations (6) TACTICS AND TECHNIQUES 135 Organization (7) Command and Staff Procedure Organization and Employment of Medical (15) Field Units (40) The Medical Service in Specific Operations The Medical Service of the Infantry Division (39) (Field Exercises at Camp Bullis) (34) TRAINING 128 Leadership and Courtesies ( 4 ) Training Management (7) Physical Training (80) Information and Education (16) Chemical Warfare Training (5) Demonstrations and Applications (16) VETERINARY SERVICE 18 Meat and Dairy Hygiene (18) 3 SUBJECT HOURS ADMINISTRATION, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS 71 4 (For Pharmacy Corps Officers in W' Lieu of Professional Medical Subjects) *- Army Administration (General) (20) Medical Supply, Records and Procedures (10) ' Mess Administration (4) Accountirlg Procedures for Hospital Funds (15) Military Law (5) Personnel Management (10) Administrative CPX (7) DENTAL SERVICE, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS 72 (For Dental Corps Officers in Lieu of Professional Medical, Subjects) f Dental Administration (23) Dental Service in Oversea Theaters (5) Treatment of Jaw Fractures (2) Training and' Tactical Duties (42) VETERINARY SERVICE, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS 106 (For Veterinary Corps Officers in \ Lieu of Professional Medical Subjects) ■T- Veterinary Administration (34) 4 Organization and Tactical Employment of Veterinary Units . , (10) Veterinary Field Service with Animal Units (36) Animal Disease Prevention and Control (17) Veterinary Activities in Theaters of Operation (8) 4 PROGRAM OF INSTRUCTION OFFICERS' BASIC COURSE PART I ADMINISTRATION 28 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Army Administration (General) ANNEX NO. 1 (4) Instruction in those phases of Army Administration of particu- lar interest to Medical Depart- ment officers. Responsibility and preparation of the daily sick report, determination of line of duty, and records and reports required in case of death. Instruction in recruiting aims and objectives. Medical Supply Records and Procedures ANNEX NO. 2 (5) Acquaint officers with medical supply procedures and records, Covering Word, Dispensary, Hospital, Post, Camp and Station, and War Department levels. Also means of dis- position of Government property. Records' of Morbidity and Mortality ANNEX NO. 3 (11) Instruction in the prepara- tion, submission and routing of records and reports peculiar to the Medical Department both in a Theater of Operations and in the Zone of Interior, Military Law ANNEX NO. 4 (7) Specific medical aspects of military law; administrative procedures of boards of officers peculiar to the Medical Department or involv- ing Medical Department officers, including procedure in case of; Line of Duty, Death, Disposition, Physical Reclassification, Army Retiring, Disability, Insanity, Un- desirable Habits and Traits of Character, Inaptness, Lack of Adaptability, and Enuresis. 5 PART I (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Personnel (1) To instruct the student in Management the methods of classification ANNEX NO. 5 of Medical Deportment personnel with emphasis on Medical Corps officers; to orientate the student in the program for specialized training of Medical Department personnel. PART II COMMANDANT’S TIME 68 Hours Subject and" ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Aviation Medicine ANNEX NO. - None (2) Orientation to Aviation Medicine presented by The School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas. Class Organization ANNEX NO. - None (3) Processing of students, issue of textbooks, organiza- tion of students into groups for instructional purposes, address by the Commandant, and such other administrative procedures as announced, by the Commandant. Clearance and Graduation ANNEX NO. - None (13) Turning in of supplies and equipment, including pay, transportation, processing, and formal graduation exercise. Holidays ANNEX NO. - None (20) To compensate for time lost due to legal holidays. If there are no holidays during the course, the Commandant will announce appropriate subj ects. Morale and Character Building ANNEX NO. 6 CD Orientation as regards the moral aspect of the program for venereal disease control in the Army. 6 PART II (Cont’d) Sub ject lW ANNEX NUMBER HOURS •■’SCOPE Subjects to be Announced (29) Conferences with professional consultants of-The Surgeon ANNEX NO. - None General’s Office and Brooke Army Medical Center, PART III DERTAL SERVICE 2 Hours StojeCtaTId ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Dental Service in the Army ANNEX NO. 7 (2) Lecture designed to familiarize the entire class of Medical Department officers with the organization, function and mission of the Dental Corps and the role of the dental service within the Medical Deportment• PART IV LOGISTICS 66 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Automotive (12) Classification and nomen- Ma intenance clature of the vehicles ANNEX NO. 8 employed by the Medical Departmenti the principles of operation of the automotive engine and power transmission systems; common causes of vehicular failures; knowledge of the common reports and forms pertaining to motor main- tenance; the organization of a motor pool. 7 PART IV (Cont'd) msmrrm ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Transportation of the Sick and Wounded ANNEX NO* 9 (9) The methods and means of transporting the sick and wounded, to include: manual, litter, motor, rail, air, and water transportation; improvised transportation aids and devices. Troop Movements ANNEX NO. 10 (11) Organization for movements by rail; the control, conduct and technique of movements by motor; traffic control and circulation; preparation of loading tables. Principles of loading of personnel and equipment for movements by motor, rail, water and air; march orders and rniarch graphs. General Supply in a Theater of Operations ANNEX NO. 11 • (16) Introduction to theater supply and the organization of a Theater of Operations; supply procedures and installations of a typical theater or occupied zone; presentation of the classes of supply and field rations used by the Army; the methods of procuring and distribution of supplies within an Infantry Division with emphasis placed upon the medical units of an Infantry Regiment; develop- ■ ment of administrative orders and their use. Medical Supply ANNEX NO. 12 (18) The medical supply procedures of the Theater of Operations and occupied areas; the organization and function of field medical supply organiza- tions; methods of requisition, storage, issue, and accounting. Instruction in the nomenclature, physical characteristics and use of the various items of medical equipment. Estimation of requirements for medical supplies in the division. 8 PART V MEDICINE AND SURGERY 60 Hours' wrro ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Field Medicine (34) Diagnosis and treatment of ANNEX NO. 13 diseases of military importance with emphasis on treatment in a Theater of Operations. Tropical diseases and special military-medical problems. Field Surgery (26) Diagnosis and treatment of ANNEX NO. 14 surgical conditions as seen in a Theater of Operations. Special emphasis on treat- ment in the Combat Zone. PART VI NEUROPSYCHIATRY 16 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Introduction to Modern Neuro- psychiatry ANNEX NO. 15 (2) The development of modern neuropsychiatry with a brief review of the historical steps taken by psychiatry. Attitude and motivation; the dynamics . of personality development. Problems in Military Neuro- psychiatry ANNEX NO. 16 (2) Discussion of common psychiatric conditions, their development and treatment. Neuropsychiatric Diagnosis and Treatment ANNEX NO. 17 (9) Presentation by means of films of common psychiatric illnesses. Criteria for their recognition and diagnosis, practical demonstration of their handling in the field and in the Zone of Interior installations, 9 PART VI (Cont1 d) SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Practical Application of Military Neuropsychiatry ANNEX NO. 18 (3) Demonstration of typical case material with discussion of special implications of each. PART VII PHYSICAL MEDICINE 4 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Introduction to Physical Medicine ANNEX NO. 19 (i) Organization of the Physical Medicine Service of a hospital, including purposes, objectives and procedures emphasizing coordination and cooperation between the sections of the service• Physical Reconditioning Section ANNEX NO. 20 (i) An understanding of the objectives of the Physical Reconditioning Section, and the types of activities provided by this Section. Occupational Therapy Section ANNEX NO * 21 a) To present objectives of the Occupational Therapy Section covering theory and program of treatment, and the use of prescription for patients in corrective Occupational Therapy* Physical Therapy ANNEX NO. 22 (i) To acquaint the students with the type of therapy and objectives of the Physical Therapy Section. 10 PART VIII PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 115 Hours sttbjmis ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Principles of Nutrition ANNEX NO. 23 (6) Review of the basic constit- uents of nutrition and the current problems confronting the Army. Vital Statistics ANNEX NO. 24 (7) To provide an appreciation of statistics especially those encountered in the service and in professional work. Environmental Physiology ANNEX NO. 25 (10) Basic human physiology applied to special climatic and physical problems encountered in the services. Physical Mea surements ANNEX NO. 26 « (5) Physical standards as they concern procurement of personnel, and the maintenance of health and fighting efficiency. Venereal Diseases ANNEX NO, 27 (7) Theory and practice of venereal disease control as laid down by higher authorities and good medical principles. Industrie 1 Medicine and Special Problems ANNEX NO. 28 (8) The need for industrial medicine in the Army, and the special problems likely to be important in government industrial plants. Immunization ANNEX NO. 29- (2) Review of the current principles of immunization and vaccination in the Armed Forces. Epidemiology and Control of Respiratory Diseases ANNEX NO. 30 (9) Introduction to epidemiology and the conduct of on investigation; conferences on diseases that are of respiratory origin. 11 PART VIII (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE* Epidemiology and Control of Intestina1 Diseases ANNEX NO. 31 (7) Training in control measures for intestinal diseases, and the application of epidemio- logical principles to trace outbreaks of disease. Epidemiology and Control of Insect Borne Diseases ANNEX NO. 32 (10) Discussions and, conferences on the epidemiological principles as applied to the Insect borne diseases that affect Army troops. Epidemiology and Control of Rodent Borne and Other Miscellaneous 4 Diseases ANNEX NO. 33 (4) To sound warnings to Medical Department officers on the rodent borne diseases that have serious epidemic possibilities when Armies are in the field in peace or war. Sanitary Engineering ANNEX NO. 34 (ID Theory and practice of water treatment, waste disposal and mess sanitation. Field Demonstrations and Trips ANNEX NO. 35 (12) To demonstrate the Army and municipal methods of water and sewage handling, and insect and rodent control practices as performed in the Zone of Interior. Recognition of Arthropods of Medical Importance ANNEX NO. 36 , . (5) To familiarize officers with the appearance of the common arthropods which carry diseases. Helminths and • Protozoa of Medical Importance ANNEX NO. 37 (6) Study of the life cycles, methods of laboratory identification, and the recognition of the common helminths and protozoa. Examinations ANNEX NO. 38 (6) To form a basis of the effectiveness of instruction, and to determine the students receptivity to the principles of Preventive Medicine. 12 FART IX TACTICS AND TECHNIQUES 135 Hours Subject ANf£T“ AMEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Organization AMEX NO. 39 (v) Introduction to the Department of Tactics and Techniques - location, policies and functions; a comprehensive review of the organization of the Infantry and Armored Divisions; the history of the Medical Department; the organization of the Medical Department, to include the office of The Surgeon General and types of hospitals; organization and administration of the Organized Reserve Corps; organization and administration of the National Guard; a dis- cussion of Army correspondence courses• Command and Staff Procedures ANNEX NO. 40 (15) Conference and applications on Field Orders, written and oral, as applied to the Medical Battalion, Infantry Division and the Regimental Medical Company; standing operating procedure for the Medical Battalion and the Regimental Medical Company; organization and functions of the staff. Infantry Division, to include the duties of the Division Surgeon; to teach how to make a medical estimate of the situation, medical plans; and including an over- all examination. Organization and Employment of Medical Field Units ANNEX NO. 41 (40) The policy and principles of evacuation to include the echelons of medical service; the organization of the Medical Company, Infantry Regiment; the employment of the Medical Company, Infantry Regiment; organization and operation 13 PART 17 (Ccrt’d) SUBJECT AMD ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE of a Battalion Aid Station; organization and operation of a Collecting Station; organiza- tion and employment of Medical Service with Field and Anti- aircraft Artillery; organiza- tion and employment of Medical Service with Combat Engineers and Division Headquarters Company; Medical Service of the Infantry Battalion in attack; organization of the Medical Battalion, Infantry Division; employment of Head- quarters and Headquarters Company, Medical Battalion; the organization and duties of the staff, Medical Battalion, and the organization and duties of the Division Surgeonfs section; employment . of the Ambulance Company and Clearing Company, with dis- cussion of such service os they render; Dental Service; Mobile Army Surgical Hospital; Medical Detachments, Armored Division; and necessary demonstrations and examinations. The Medical Service in Specific Operations ANNEX NO. 42 (39) To discuss the medical service in the following type units: Infantry Regiment in attack, Infantry Regiment in defense, Infantry Division in attack. Infantry Division in defense. Armored Division in attack, amphibious operations, airborne operations, and examinations. Medical Service in the Infantry Division and the * Armored Division ANNEX NO. 43 (34) Field exercise at Camp Bullis to continue over, one week - students to participate in various day and night exercises on a division level, 14 PART IX (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE to cover tactical walks, camouflage, mountain opera- tions and amphibious opera- tions; one day to be devoted to Armored Medical Units, PART X TRAINING 128 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Leadership and Courtesies ANNEX NO. 44 (4) Instruction to stress the necessary qualifications and characteristics of a good leader. The correct military courtesies rendered by military personnel indoors and outdoors. Instructions os to proper wearing of authorized uniforms and insignia. Training Management ANNEX NO. 45 (7) Instruction to emphasize the importance of utilizing T/0 & ETs, and the proper planning of training schedules, to include instruction covering the estimate of the situation, master and weekly schedules, and proper training super- vision. Physical Training ANNEX NO. 46 * (80) Course designed to orient and teach the overall Physical Training and Athletic Program of the Army to meet the needs and capabilities of the individual and provisions made for a gradual increase in the intensity of training as the physical condition of the man improves. 15 PART X (Cont’d) SUBJECT 'A® ANNEX NUMBER - HOURS' .SCOPE Information and Education ANNEX NO. 47 (16) Orientation covering the history and development of China, Russia, United States, Germany, Britain, and Japan. Instruction covering the mission, need and organization of the I & E Program, Troop Information Program, I & E Centers and Media, and the Army Educational Program. Problems of the World Today, Fascism, Communism and Democracy ore discussed. Chemical Warfare Training ANNEX NO. 48 (5) Instruction in the classes of war gases and the physiological effects of each class; the proper methods of fitting and adjusting the gas mask; the use of the gas chamber, protective clothing and equipment; decontamination procedures and the treatment of casualties from chemical agents. Demonstrations and, Applications ANNEX NO. 49 (16) Demonstrations*- on the proper methods of conducting unit inspections, interior guard duty, assembly and adjust- ment of the Medical Deport- ment soldier’s field equipment, pitching and striking of heavy tents, and the inspection of barracks t PART XI VETERINARY SERVICE 18 Hours SUBJECT AMD ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Meat and Dairy Hygiene ANNEX NO. 50 (18) Procurement and inspection of food products of animal origin; responsibilities of the Medical 16 PART XI (Cont'd) STO7ECTK® ANNEX NUMBER HOURS. SCOPE Department in relation thereto; types, classes and grades of animal food products, grading factors, sanitary,requirements, and inspection procedures. • Causes, detection, evaluation, and prevention of food spoilage. PART XII ADMINISTRATION, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS (For Pharmacy Corps Officers in Lieu of Professional Medical Subjects) 71 Hours SUBjfeCT ANt) ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Army Administration (20) To instruct the students in (General) procedures of Army Administra- ANNEX NO. 51 tion, to include the use and care of Army Regulations and other publications; the preparation of military letters and indorsements, orders and bulletins; the care of records (filing and dis- position); the organization of a personnel office) pay and allowances of officers and enlisted personnel; and the maintenance and use of service records. Medical Supply (10) During these hours a more Records and, extensive course will be Procedures given on requisition of ANNEX NO. 52 property, stock record account and stock control records maintained on organizational property, quarterly droppage allowance, purchases, and Statement of Charges. The last few hours will be utilized for the students to observe supply records of units in operation. FART XII (Cont’d) Subject and ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Mess Administration ANNEX NO. 53 (4) The organization and function of the Dietetic Division of a hospital; selection and assignment of civilian employees, training duty hours, suggested work schedules, menus and food procurement; food storage; stock control, receipt, inventory, issue of supplies. Accounting Procedures for Hospital Funds ANNEX NO. 54 (15) System of accounts and procedures prescribed for hospital funds at all hospi- tals within the continental' limits of the United States in order to furnish hospitals with simple but adequate set of records in which to record the transaction of the hospital fund and from such records develop the required financial statements and reports; an accounting system based on double entry bookkeeping system. Military Law ANNEX NO. 55 (5) Military offenses and the punitive Articles of War; preparation of the charge sheet; duties of the Investigating Officer, Trial Judge Advocate, and Defense Counsel prior to trial; rules of evidence; authorized findings, sentences and punishments. Personnel Management ANNEX NO. 56 (10) Applied principles of personnel management; classification and assignment of personnel; controlling absence; pro- viding incentives; proper training; maximum utilization of manpower. 18 PAJT XIX (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Administrative CPX ANNEX NO, 57 i A practical exercise in which the students will he assigned various administrative positions found in a hospital, and required to make the decisions and take the action required by a series of illustrative problems. PART XIII DENTAL SERVICE, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS (For Dental Corps Officers in Lieu of Professional Medical Subjects) 72 Hours SUBJECT AND ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Dental Administration ANNEX NO. 58 (23) Explanation and discussion of the mission of the Dental Corps, Discussion of the function of the Dental Corps in relation to the Medical Department, Familiarization of the Dental Corps officer with certain Army Regulations pertinent to the dental service. Explanation of the essential reports and records utilized in the dental service, their importance, preparation and disposition including several applicatory exercises concerning reports and records. An explanation of the Army dental classification system and its use. A discussion of the dental requirements for entrance into the various branches of the Army. The importance and means of con- ducting oral surveys to determine the status of the dental health of a command including a practical demonstra- tion in the conduct of oral 19 PART XIII (Cont'd) srjBjEcnro ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE surveys. Discussion of dental supplies and equip- ment; procurement, responsi- bility for and safeguarding thereof. An analysis of Tables of Organization and Equipment and Equipment Lists pertaining to the dental service. An examination on the above subjects. Lectures dealing with personnel records pertinent to those which most officers find to their advantage to keep themselves followed by an examination on that subject. Dental Service in Oversea Theaters ANNEX NO. 59 (5) A series of four lectures followed by a conference of open discussion nature dealing with the dental service in a type theater of operations designed to familiarize the student with the dental administrative network through which the technical supervision of the dental service is exercised and the duties of dental officers connected therewith. The above includes: discussion of the organic arrangement of a type communications zone, the various types of organizations found therein and their employment, and a discussion of the type units employed in the combat zone, the facilities available therein, and the duties of dental officers serving in such units. Treatment of Jaw Fractures ANNEX NO. 60 (2) Conferences dealing primarily with treatment of jaw fractures and facial wounds in the battalion and 20 PART XIII (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND ' ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE regimental aid stations, and in these two periods the definitive nature of such treatment is not gone into. Principle points to be made are the first aid and emergency treatment of such injuries in the field. Training and (42) Orientation of field medical Tactical Duties units and duties of Dental ANNEX NO. 61 Corps officers serving therein, types of dental service provided and the equipment available. Demonstration of the various items of dental field equip- ment; trucks, chests and kits; their allocation, uses, transportation requirements and disposition in the field. Demonstration of packing the Chest MD No. 60 and a participating applicatory exercise in the actual use of the equipment. Demonstra- tion of the operation of a Central Dental Laboratory by actual observation therein. Demonstration in the conduct of an oral survey of a group. A discussion of the dental service pro- vided by installations in the Zone of the Interior, The selection and training of the enlisted dental assistant. Methods of Instructing in oral hygiene for the group. An examination on the above subjects, and a presentation and discussion ,of an approved solution thereto. PART XIV VETERINARY SERVICE, SUBSTITUTE SUBJECTS •(For Veterinary Corps Officers in Lieu of Professional Medical Subjects) 10$ Hours SU BTEOrrRD ANNEX NUMBER HOURS SCOPE Veterinary Administration ANNEX NO. 62 (34) A discussion of the history, organization, functions and responsibilities of the veterinary service. Instruc- tion in the preparation and transmission of veterinary records, reports, and returns. Instruction in the administra- tion of veterinary dis- pensaries and hospitals and their operation. Organization and Tactical Employment of Veterinary Units ANNEX NO. 63 (10) Instruction in the organization and equipment of mobile veterinary units. The selection of various types of mobile veterinary units to meet the requirements of specific operations. Instruction in the echelons of veterinary service and evacuation of animal casualties• Veterinary Field Service with Animal Units. ANNEX.NO. 64 \ \ t (36) Instruction in animal management especially as it pertains to preparing and conditioning animals for field duties, animal capabilities and types of animal rations. Instruction in the inspection and grading of forage, normal and pathological hors - shoeing. Demonstration and student participation in packing. Discussion of animal transportation by land, water and air. Animal Disease Prevention and Control ANNEX NO. 65 (17) Instruction in the principles of animal sanitation and methods of disease control. Demonstra- tion and student participation 22 PART XIV (Cont'd) Subject and ANNEX HUMBER HOURS - SCOPE ' A in the application of diagnostic tests. Dis- v ♦ cussion of the nature, cause, diagnosis, prevention and control of the more important diseases common to military animals. Discussion of disease problems relative to domestic animals in occupied countries. Veterinary Activities in Theaters of (8) Discussion of veterinary activities in the various Operation Theaters of Operation in ANNEX NO. 66 World War II with instruction in the organization and operation of a typical theater veterinary service. The presentation is enhanced by Signal Corps still end motion pictures showing the veterinary service in operation with combat conditions. Discussion of the veterinarian’s duties V with military government as reported by Veterinary Corps officers. AMEX NO. 1 ARMY ADMINISTRATION (GENERAL) (4 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Daily Sick Report 1 A general dis- C cussion of the purpose and preparation of the Daily Sick Report, WD AGO Form No, 5, Responsibilities of unit comman- der and medical officer. Per- missible entries, making correc- tions, persons responsible for signing and initiating the Daily Sick Report, AR 345-415 \ Line of Duty 1 A general dis- C cussion of the meaning of Line of Duty, per- missible entries to indicate Line of Duty, the factors influ- encing the selection of each entry and the effect each entry will have on the indl- vidua 1, ARs 40- 1025, 345-415, 35-1440; Digest of Opinions, Judge Advocate General Administrative Procedures in Case of Death 1 To instruct the C students in the various adminis- trative procedure required in case of death; respon- sibility for submitting the various reports and records, and AR 600-550 TM 12-240 24 ANNEX NO. 1 (Cont'd) site Jem m '' FILE NUMBER .HOURS . INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES - the purpose of these reports. Recruiting Alms and Objectives 1 The postwar program and manpower requirements of the Regular Army, Organized Reserve Corps, National Guard, and Universal Military Train- ing; the recruiting pro- gram and the officer’s role in publicizing and emphasizing the benefits and advantages of a Regular Army career for enlisted men in the Medical Department . C Army Talk Nos. 145, 154, 155, 158; WD Cirs Nos. 119, 1946; 31, 1947, as amended 25 ANNEX NO. 2 MEDICAL SUPPLY RECORDS AND PROCEDURES (5 Hours) subject Ind ' FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction 1 to Medical Supply Given o general outline of medical supply procurement and agencies begin- ning at the Post, Camp and Station level and continu- ing through the Director of Services Supply and Procurement in the General Staff Corps, also covering Post Supply officers. Director of Supplies at Post, Camp and Station Depot Agencies, Procurement Agencies* Technical Services, and Chiefs of Technics 1 Services * C AR 35-6520; TMs 38-220, 38-403, 38-205; WD Cirs 133, 138, 333, 1946, as amended Medical Supply 1 Catalog Acqua int students with cla s s if ic ration of medical supplies and use of the Me dic a 1 Supply Catalogo C Medical Supply Catalog (comp.); ARs 35-6520, 35-6620 Property 1 Records and Respons ibilities A thorough indoctrination of officers in responsibilities of maintenance of property records used in dispensaries , sections of hospitals, and hospital supply. c ARs 35- 6520, 35-6620, 35-6640; TMs 38-403, 8-262, Chap X; 38-220, 38-205; Medical Supply Catalog 26 ANNEX *N0. 2 (Cont *d) STO'raCT" AND FILE NUMBER HOURS STfQFPTW INSTRUCTION TYPE' OF ' INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Disposition of 1 and responsi- bilities which are attached to all personnel as to proper use and safe- keeping of Government property. Cover the four C ARs Government Property means of dis- pos ing • of Government property on property records namely (1) Certificate of Fair Wear and Tear, (2) Quarterly Croppage Certificate, (3) Statement of Charges, and (4) Report of Survey. Give thoroughly the routing and method of pre- paration for the Certificate of F.W.&T, Quarterly Croppage and Statement of Charges, Men- tion very briefly the Report of Survey. y 35-6520, 35-6640; TMS 38-403, 38-220, 14-904; WD Cir 333, Sec IV, 1946 27 ANNEX NO. 2 (Cont'd) FobjeUTTnD FILE NUMBER HOURS scope Of tYpe of 'INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Report of 1 Acquaint officers PE, C AR 35-6640; Survey with procedures of processing and methods of preparing sur- veys, and the need for immediate adjustment of any loss,- damage or destruction to Government property. TM 14-904 ANNEX NO. 3 RECORDS OP'' MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY (11 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS Scope of type op ' INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION references Hospita1 Administration 1 To outline for the students the various types of Army hospitals as to their location, iden- tification, function, size and control, and to discuss the usual organiza- tion of an Army hospital. C AR 40-590; FMs 8-5, 101-10; TMs 8-260, 8-262; WD Cirs 12, 187, 1946; SCO Cir, No 30, 1946 Standard Terms of Diagnosis 1 To instruct the students in the necessity for the use of standard termino- logy in the recording of diagnosis, general rules to follow and special require- ments for dis- ease and injuries. C AR 40-1025; TB Med 203 Medical Rec ords , Dispensary, ZI 1 To instruct the students in the functions of dispensaries, the various types operated by the Army, The types of patients received by dispensaries and the records main- tained on each of these patients. c ARs 40-550, 40-1025; WD Cir 387, Sec II, 1945 29 ANNEX NO. 5 (Cont»d) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS Scope of type of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Medical Records, 1 To instruct the students in the C AR 40-1025, Sec XII; Hospitals, ZI procedures for hospital admis- sions, records maintained by the admitting and disposition branch, the ward officers and the registrar* TM 8-262, Chaps II, IV Medical Records, The Medical Report Card 1 To instruct the student in the purpose, prepara- tion, and dis- position of the Medical Report Card and similar medical records* The various sections of the form and the types of entries required for each section. C AR 40-1025 Medical Field Records, Field Installations, Theater of Operations 1 To instruct the students in the purpose, prepara- tion, and dis- position of Medical Records maintained by divisional medical instal- lations, fixed and mobile dispensaries in a Theater of Operations', and dispensaries aboard a troop transport * C .AR 40-1025 Medical Records, Hospitals, Theater of Operations 1 To outline for the students the various medical records main- tained by fixed and mobile hospitals C AR 40-1025 30 ANNEX NO. 3 (Cont’d) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS Scope 6f Itpe of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES in a Theater of Operations, by hospital ships and by debarkation hospitals. Report of Sick and Wounded 1 To instruct the student in the composition, routing, and disposition of the Report of Sick and Wounded, to include the preparation of the Report Sheet, WD AGO Form No. 8-23. C AR 40-1025, pars 95- 119 Records and Report of Venereal Diseases 1 To instruct students in the a dm in i s t ra t i on procedures re- quired for coses of venereal disease. Show that routine dispensary and hospital records are required and outline the types, purpose and disposition of special records. C ARs 40-210, 40-1025; TB Meds 3, 196, 198 Statistical Health Report 1 To instruct students in the purpose and preparation of the Statistical Health Report, the various sections of the report and disposition. Instruction to c ARs 40-1025, 40-1080; TB Med 92 31 ANNEX NO. 5 (Cont'd) Subject and “ FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES include information regarding tele- graphic reports. Examination, 1 A written E All Records of examination previous Morbidity and Mortality covering all previous hours given in Records of Morbidity and Mortality• references ANNEX NO. 4 MILITARY LAW (7 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF tYt>E OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Medical Aspects of Military Law 1 Review of military C jurisdiction in general; com- mercial enterprises by Army personnel and private practice by Medical Depart- ment officers; compliance with civil laws regarding medical activities; release of medical information; testimony by Medical Depart- ment officers before civil courts; courts- martial and boards of officers; refusal to accept medical, surgical or dental treat- ment • MCM, Chap XXV; ARs 40-505, 40-510, 40-590, 40-2005, 410-5, 420-5, 600-10 Boards of Officers: Lino of Duty and Death 1 . Review of C> PE boards of officers in general; inves- tigation and report in cases of line of duty and death; practical exercise in pre- paring WD AGO Form 51, Report of Investigation. ARs 40-1025, 345-415, 420-5, 600-550 Disposition Board; Physical 2 Purpose, com- C, PE position, function ARs 40-590, Reclassification . of Officers, Army Retiring Board and administrative procedure of Dis- position Board and Army Retiring Boards; 605-250; WD Cir No 303, 1946 33 AMEX NO. 4 (Cont’d) FILE NUMBER HOURS SC'OPITOF TYTTTTjF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Discharge 1 administrative procedure for reclassification • and retirement of officers; practical exer- cise in preparing WD AGO Form 8-118, Disposition Board Proceedings. Purpose, com- C, PE ARs for Disability • * position, function 600-500, Disposition of and administra- 600-505, the Insane tive procedures 615-361; Discharge for 1 of ODD and Insanity Boards; practical exercise in pre- paring WD AGO Form 40, Certificate of Disability for Discharge• Purpose, com- C, PE TM 12-235, Chaps 2,3 ARs Undesirable position, function 615-368, Habits, Traits and administra- 615-369; of Character, tive procedure WD Clrs Inaptness, of Board of 81, 233, Lack of Officers convened 385, 1945; Adaptability, to consider cases 85, 241, or Enuresis of enlisted men 1946 Military 1 with undesirable habits, traits of character. Inaptness, lack of adaptability, or enuresis; practical exor- cise in preparing WD AGO Form 37, Report of Pro- ceedings , Examination and E, C All Law discussion cover- previous ing the material presented under Military Law, references in Military Law 34 ANNEX NO. 5 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT (1 Hour) SUBJECT AND SCOPE OF TYPE OF FILE NUMBER ■ HOURS INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Personnel 1 To instruct C TM 12-406, Management the student Appendix in the methods of classifica- tion of Medical Department per- sonnel with emphasis on Medical Corps officers; to orientate the II; Current Medical Depart- ment Directives student in the program for specialized training of Medical Depart- ment personnel. 35 ANNEX NO. 6 MORALE AND CHARACTER BUILDING (1. Hour) StMjEW And FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOT E W INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Morale and Character Building i 1 To acqua int students with the importance of the venereal disease program stressing the building of the morale of the individual soldier by emphasizing self-discipline in conformity with the teachings of home and church, and by inculcating a pride in self and. in the unit to which he belongs # L SCO Cir NO. 19, 1947; Scheduled Outlines of Lectures ' from Office of Chief of Chaplains, Washington, D.C. 36 ANNEX NO. 7 DENTAL SERVICE IN THE ARMY (2 Hours) Subject and FILE NUMBER HOURS • ■ SCOPE 6F ■ TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Dental Service 2 Lecture designed L ARs 40-5, in the Army to familiarize the entire class pars 1, 2, 5; 40-15, of Medical Department officers with the organization, function and mission of the Dental Corps, and the role of the dental service within the Medical Department* 40-510; FM 8-5, Chaps 2,4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17 37 ANNEX NO. 8 AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE (12 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OFtype of INSTRUCTION INSTRUGTION REFERENCES Motor Vehicles of the Medical Department 1 Classification and nomenclature of the various types of vehicles employed by organizations of the Medical Department. C, D TMs 9-2800, Secs VIII, XI, XVIII; 10-510, Sec V The Motor Vehicle 5 Theory of operation of the internal combustion engine, the electrical system, fuel and exhaust system and power trains. C, TF TPs 9-1371, 9-2076, 9-1264, 9-2065, 9-2078, 9-2079, 9-2084, 9-2077 Common Causes of Vehicle Failures 1 A discussion of common failures of motor vehicles, their causes and prevention with particular emphasis on pre- ventive maintenance C • PM 25-10, Chap 1, par 6; TM 10-570, Secs II, III Vehicle Records and Reports 2 A review and applicatory exercise on the most commonly used vehicle records and reports. C, PE ARs 25-20, par 4a; 850-15, Sec VI; FM 25-10, pars 229, 230; TM 37-2810, par 4 Supply of Spare Parts and Tools 2 A review and applicatory exercise on the procedures used in obtaining replacement and spare parts. C, PE AR 850-15, Sec V; TMs 10- 510, 37- 2810, par 4d 38 ANNEX NO. 8 (Cont'd) Subject and FILE NUMBER HOURS 5TOFE (3f INSTRUCTION TOOF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Organizations 1 Motor Parks 2 A tour of an organization motor park and maintenance facilities, D PM 25-10, Chap 7, Sec II Examination 1 An examination covering previous instruction in motor main- tenance* E All previous references in Automotive Ma intenance ANNEX NO. 9 TRANSPORTATION OP THE SICK AND WOUNDED (9 Hours) STOJEW'AOT.) FILE NUMBER HOURS STOTTaTOP TTFTW INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES History of 1 the Transportation of the. Sick and Wounded < A brief back- ground of transportation of the sick and wounded to include methods and means in modern warfare. C Special References Methods of 2 Transportation of Sick and Wounded The common methods end means of trans- porting patients by motor, rail, sec and air. Demonstration showing common methods of trans- porting casualties, Including methods of converting military vehicles Into patient carriers, C, D FMs 8-5, 8-10, 8-35, Chaps 5-8, incl. Manual 1 Transportation of the Sick and Wounded The methods of transporting patients using one (1) man and two (2) carries. D, PE FM 8-35, Chap 1 Litter Trans- portation of the Sick and Wounded Demonstration of the types of litters employed by the Medical Department and their use. Litter drill end ambulance loading by demonstration and application methods. D, PE FM 8-35, Chap 2, Secs I, II, III, IV, V, and Chap 4 40 ANNEX NO. 9 (Cont'd) Subject and FILE NUMBER HOURS —p INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Field 2 Demonstration D, PE PM 8-35, Expedients * and application in the use of field expedients and improvised devices in the transportation of sick and wounded* Chap 2, Sec VI, Chaps 5, 8 Examination i 1 An examination covering the previous instruction in the transporta- tion of the sick and wounded*. E All previous references in Trans- portation of the Sick and Wounded ANNEX NO# 10 TROOP MOVEMENT (11 Hours) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Movement by Hail 1 Actions of the C unit commander upon receiving movement orders to include the duties of a unit commander and his staff prior to, during and after the movement 4 ARs 55-125, 55-130, pars 1-8, incl; 55-135, pars 1, 2; 55-145, pars 1-7, 11-17, incl; PM 25-10, Chap 8, Sec I; WD Pamphlet 20-7; POM; FOR Movement by Motor 2 Details of C organizing the unit for the march, the preparation for, conduct of, technique of, and duties of the unit com- mander and his staff prior to, diiring, and after a motor march, with the duties of the staff stressed; traffic cir- culation and control• PMs 100-5, pars 336- 403, incl; 25-10, Chaps 3, 4, 7; 100-10, Chap 9; 101-10, Chap 2; AR 850-15 Loading of Personnel and Equipment 2 Principles of C, D loading cand unloading per- sonnel and equip- ment for a move- ment by rail, and PMs 101-10 Chap 2, Secs II, III; 25-10, Chap 8; 42 ANNEX NO. 10 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OP INSTRUCTION ' INSTRUCTION REFERENCES principles of loading and unloading of personnel and equipment for a movement by motor; data concerning the capacities of vehicles and railcars. Preparation and use of loading tables. AR 55-155, Sec III March Orders 1 Preparation, C composition, terminology, and scope of march orders; preparation of annexes; prepara- tion and use of march graphs and march tables, PMs 101-10, Chap 2, Sec II; 25-10, Chop 3, Sec IV; 101-05, pars 65- 67, incl., 96, 97, 107, 114 Motor Marches 3 Students will PE organize a staff, issue necessary orders and conduct a motor march* All previous references FOR 1 Principles of C movement of individuals to overseas replace- ment depots and ports, WD Pamphlet 29-2; TE 21; WD Cir 357, 1946 Examination 1 An examination E covering all previous, instruction. All previous references in Troop Movement 43 ANNEX NO. 11 GENERAL SUPPLY IN A THEATER OF OPERATIONS (16 Hours) Subject and PILE NUMBER HOURS • scope optt INSTRUCTION IN PE OP STRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction and Territorial Subdivision of a Theater of Operations 1 General discussion of the territorial subdivisions of a Theater of Operations or an occupied area and the reasons for this division* C PM 100-10, pars 1-8, 38-41, 50-55 General Supply in the Communications Zone 2 Presentation of supply procedures installations within, the Communications Zone of a Theater of Operations or occupied area* C, PE PM 100-10, pars 58-69, 85-92, 97-98; Field Service Manual- Administra- t ive, C&GS Col- lege , Sep 1946, pars 802, 832, 833 General Supply in the Combat Zone 2 Presentation of supply procedures and supply instal- lations in the combat zone of a Theater of Operations * C, PE PM 100-10, pars 99- 103, 125, 145-161; Field Service Manual- Administra- tive, C&GS College, Sep 1946, pars 210, 806, 834 Classification of Supplies and Field Rations 2 Introduction to the five classes of supply and the methods of procure- ment and distribu- tion of .these supplies at Army level. C, D PM 100-10, pars 162-, 180; Field Service Manual- Administna- tive, C&GS College, Sep 1946, ANNEX NO. 11 (Cont'd) subject pjT'r.i frr*j7>TV f'TJRS SCOPE OP ■■ • INSTRUCTION • • ' TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES ' - • pars 810-818, 836-846 Examination 1 Examination, questions to cover the scope of the first seven hours of General Supply in a Theater of Operations. E All references referred to in first seven hours of General Supply in a Theater of Operations General■ Supply in an Infantry Division 1 Methods of procurement and distribution of supplies in an Infantry Division with emphasis placed upon the Medical Battalion of the Divis ion• C EM 100-10, pars SOl- 219; Field Service Manual- Administra- tive, C&GS College, Sep 1946, par 808 Genera 1 Supply in an Infantry Regiment 2 Methods of procurement and distribution of supplies in an Infantry Regiment with emphasis placed upon the medical units of the regiment• C FM 7-30, pars 3-20 Supply of a Battalion Medical Section 2 To illustrate the supply pro- cedures used by a Battalion Surgeon in the requisition and distribution of supplies for the Battalion Medical Service * PE FMs 8-5, par 21* 7-30, pars 14, 61, 62 45 ANNEX NO. 11 (Cont»d) SUBJECT AND SCOPE OP TYPE OP FI IP ’~r'vrT - ‘ ttDTTR3 IWSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Admi" ■ * Mi v■' 1; I. v o 2 To show how C, PE ,PMs 7-50, Orders and Administrative pars 47. Their Use Orders are developed from approved a dm in1st rat iv e plans, emphasiz- ing the technique of preparation and methods of disseminating various types of orders con- cerning administra- tive matters* 48; 101-5, pars 68- 71 Exam ina t i on 1 Ex a mine t ion E questions to All references cover the sc*6pe of the last seven hours of General Supply in a Theater of Operations• referred to in the last seven hours of General Supply in a Theater of Operations 46 ANNEX NO. 12 MEDICAL SUPPLY (18 Hours) aim FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction 1 General dis- , L PMs 8-5,- to Medical cussion of medical 8-10, Supply -in tlx supply procedures 8-55, Thc'at. or* of in the Theater of 7-30, •Opera t J on3 Operations and 100-10; occupation areas. TMs 38- Review of some 205, important phases of medical supply in the Zone of Interior which bear on theater 38-403 supply. Property 2 Discussion of C, PE TM 38-205, Accountability property account- Part 3 end Responsi ‘; i lity ability and in the Theater responsibility in of Operations the Theater of Operations, as pertains to medical supply, and methods by which these accounts are main- tained, The second hour to be a practical exercise on the stock record rind control pro- cedures in the depot, Medical 2 Organization and C PM 8-5, Supply function of a pars 159- Units Medical Base 165, 178- Depot Company, 180, 277- Medical Service 285} Organization T/0 & Es (T/0 & E 8-500), 8-187, - and a Medical 8-500, Depot Company, 8-667, with Combat Zone, Ghanges 47 ANNEX JJO* ,12 (Cont »d) subject And pile wTMnpn HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Medic.'-1 S cpply 1 Instruction in ‘ C FM 8-5, In the the medical paps ,179a, 0ommu n i c at i on s •v • . • • • supply pro-" 179b, Zone cedures of the Communications 216, 224, 232, 277- • • Zone to include methods of requisitioning, storage and issue. 285; EM . 8-10, pars 1, 7a, 147, 191; FM 8-55, pars 39, 42, 43; FM 100-10, pars 1, 2- 18, 19, 28, 38-44, 50-55, 58-103; ■* TM 38-205, Part 5 Examination 1 Questions on all important points covered to date, includ- ing the questions asked at the end of each hour. E All previous references used in the first six hours of Medical Supply (Logistics) Medical Supply in the Combat Zone 2 .Medical supply procedures in the Combat Zone; channels; methods of requisitioning and issue, with emphasis on units of the Infantry Division. C PMs 8-5, 8-10, 8-55, 100-10, Chaps 4, 5, 7, Secs II, III; TM 38-205, Fart 3 Medical Field Equipment ■ t 2 Instruction in nomenclature, physics 1 characteristics, care and use of the various items of medical field C, D T/O&E 7- OS, and changes; Med ical Supply Catalog; FMs 7-30, 8- 48 ANKEX NO. 12 (Cont'd) Subject and~ FII/ ' T'i” ■■ V OfT ;3 SCOPE OF 'TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES equipment • Demonstration of the more • important items of organizational and individual equipment• Es t ima t i on of Require- ments 2 Method of C estimating medical supplies for an infantry battalion and an appliestory exercise in which the student actually makes such an estimate# , PE PMs 7-30, pars 14, 62; 8-55, pars 53- 75; 17-50, pars 16, 24-26; TM 38-205, Part 3 Army Medical Depot 4 Demonstration and graphic pre- sentation of the Medical Depot C ompany, Comba t Zone (T/O & E 8-667) in opera- tion; to familiarize the student with the organization, personnel and function and to give them first- hand knowledge of its physical cha racteristlcs* D T/0 & E 8-667; FM 8-5, pars 159- 165 Final Examination 1 Examination to cover the questions asked at the end of each hour and the scope 'of the entire course* E All previous references used in the last ten hours of Medical Supply (Logistics) 49 ANNEX NO. 13 •FIELD MEDICINE (34 Hours) FILE NTTABSK HOURS —sowar —tmif"—~ INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION. 'REFERENCES Introduction (G-D 1 Introduction to G and outline of course of instruction as presented by Department of Medicine and Surgery# None Malaria * (G-2) 1 Military impor- C, TP tance of malaria is given# Clinical aspect, diagnosis and treatment is discussed # TP 8-1373 on the clinical aspects of malaria is shown# TB Meds 65, 72, 136; AMDB Special Issue No# 3, pp 284-287 Pilar ia sis (G-3) 1 Military C importance and geographic distribution of filariasis is given# Clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment is discussed # Psychological effect on patient and value of reassurance is stressed• TB Med 142; AMDB Special Issue No # 3, pp 294- 296 Leishmaniasis (G-4) 1 Military C importance and geographic distribution of leishmaniasis is given# Clinical aspects. TB Med 183; AMDB Special Issue No. 3, pp 296-298 50 ANNEX NO. 13 (Cont'd) FI LI? : pours SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES diagnosis and treatment of both visceral and cutaneous ' leishmaniasis is discussed. Epidemic 1 Military C TB Med Hepatitis importance and 206; (G-5) epidemiology of AMDB epidemic Special hepatitis is Issue No, given. Clinical 3, pp aspects, labora- tory and clinical diagnosis and treatment is discussed. 506, 307 Lantern slides illustrate typical pathology of disease. Poliomyelitis 2 Military C TB Meds and Virus importance and 193, 212; Encephalitis epidemiology of AMDB (G-6 end 7) the neurotropic Special virus diseases Issue is given. The No, 3, pp first hour deals with clinical aspect, diagnosis and treatment of poliomyelitis. During the second hour the other neurotropic virus diseases, i,o,, the virus 307-309 cncephalitics are outlined and discussed. Lan- tern slides Illustrate clinical and pathological material, 51 i.KKEX WO. 13 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Arnebia a is (G-8) 1 Military importance and epidemiology of amebiasis is given. Clinical aspects, diagnosis, treatment and complications are discussed. Lantern slides illustrate typical pathology of the disease. C TB Med 159; AMDB Special Issue No. 3, pp 278-281 Bsciliary Dysentery (G-9) 1 Military importance is stressed• Clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment is discussed. Lantern slides illustrate typical pathology of the disease. C TB Med 119, AMDB Special Issue No. 3, pp 276-278 Schistosomia (G-XO) sis 1 Military impor- tance and geo- graphic distribu- tion of Schistosomias is is given. Clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment is discussed. C TB Med 167; AMDB Special Issue No* 3, pp 273-275 Intestinal Helminths (G-ll and 12 2 > i Military importance, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of common helminth!c Infestations is pointed out with emphasis on ancylos t omia s i s and ascariasis. C Standard Texts on Medicine and Para- s itology ...NNEX NO* 15 (Cont’d) mmst’zm— FILE NUMBER HOURS msHrw twtw^~ INSTRTTCTI OK INST RUCTI OK REFERENCES • ♦ Lantern slides show typical pathology and causative organisms in these diseases. Veneres 1 Diseases (6-13, 14, 15) 3 Military C, MF importance, clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment of syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, lym ph ogr a n u 1 oma venerum, and granuloma inguinale is discussed. Public health film. Syphilis, Parts I, II, and III covering the diagnosis and management of syphilis is shown. T3 Meds 90, 106, 108, 157, 196; AMDS Special Issue No. 3, pp 324-327 Skin Diseases (G-16 and 17) 2 Military impor- C tance, diagnosis and treatment of certain skin diseases is discussed. Particular emphasis is given to scabies, 11 athlete’s foot”, otitis externa, cutaneous diphtheria and exfoliative dermatitis• Colored lantern slides are used freely to illustrate clinical material and treatment results. Manual of Derma- tology; Standard Texts on Dermatology 53 ANNEX NO. 13 (Cont’d) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Effect;:1 of Heat: Lator Deprivation 1 Wator require- ments under varying C TB Med 175; AMDB Special (G-18) environmental conditions; water’s funda- mental physiological importance, and its relation to adverse effects of heat and cold is dis- cussed* Clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment of heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke is presented• Issue No. 3, pp 302-304; Best and Taylor’s Physiology Effects of Cold; Trench Foot and Immersion Foot 1 Incidence and C, military impor- tance of cold injuries is FB TB Med 81; AMDB Special (G-19) stressed * Clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment of trench foot, 1mmersion foot and frost bite is discussed, with emphasis on prophylaxis* Film Bulletin 180 and lantern slides -on trench foot are shown. Issue No* 3, pp 265-268 Snnko Bite (G-20 nnd 21) o Geographic distribut ion and recognition of poisonous snakes is out- lined. Accepted treatment for snake bite is discussed. C Standard Medical Texts; Health Bulletin No. 1, 29 May 1946 54 AMEX NO. 13 ( Contf d) SUBJECT AND FILS NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Rheumatic Fever (G-22 ) 1 Military impor- tance of rheumatic fever is given; clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment, both prophylactic and symptomatic is discussed. Lantern slides showing typical pathology in rheumatic fever* C TB Med 97; Standard Medical Texts Clinico- pathological Conferences (G-23, 24, 25) 3 Mimeographed case histories and pathological reports wili be issued to the students on selected diseases common to military medicine. Each case will be illustrated, where possible, with the gross and microscopic pathological specimens from that case. Dis- cussion by the students of the diagnosis and differentia 1 diagnosis is encouraged * C None Sick Call and Physical Inspection (G-26) 1 The importance and purpose of the monthly physical inspec- tion is covered* The importance of a well organized and well conducted sick call to morale C None 55 ANNEX NO. 13 (Cont'd) smmv'iwr PILE NTJI'PEK ’ HOURS ' —STOFTTJP TYW~UF ■' INSTRUCTION instruction REFERENCES and general health of the troops is dis- cussed, Sug- gestions for the orderly running of a dispensary and diseases to be particularly watched- for are given. Military Medical Problems (G-27, 28) 2 These two hours C cover the pro- fessional relationship of the medical officer with the people he is working with and with the military situa- tion in which he himself. .■ Triage, the medical officers relationship to the tactical situation os well as relations with ward boys, nurses, dietitians and line officers is covered. None New Drugs (G-29) 1 A review of C recent drugs in all fields of medicine as well as their value os shown in clinical experi- ments is given. Drugs in the current research stage are outlined. Current Periodicals 56 ANNEX NO. 13 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES He spin tory Diseases (0*30,, 31) 2 Clinical aspects, diagnosis, treat- ment and prophy- laxis of the commonly encountered respiratory diseases is covered, with emphasis on measles, common cold, pneumonia, meningitis and influenza• C TB Meds 47, 112; AMDS Special Issue No, 3, pp 332, 334 C hole and Typhus (G-32) • 1 Clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment of cholera and typhus is dis- cussed. Lantern slides showing clinical and pathologiccal aspects of the two diseases are presented. C TB Meds 138, 218; AMDB Special Issue No. 3, pp 281-284 Examination (0-33) 1 An objective, comprehensive examination covering the more important material pre- sented in the course is given. E All previous references Critique (G-34 ) I The examination is discussed by students and instructor, both as to material covered and,form of examination. Correct solution of each question is emphasized. C None 57 AMEX NO. 14 FIELD SURGERY (26 Hours) StfBJ -,;T A'-,J PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES First Aid (U-l) 1 Introduction to L various echoIons of surgical treatment; first aid that is taught to combat soldiers. , TP TB Med 147, pars 1-4; PM 21-11; TP 8-2047 Medical Aid; Shock (H-2 ) 1 Diagnosis and treatment of shock; use of blood and blood sub- stitutes ; use of morphine in the field. L Current Medical Journals; TB Med 204 Initio 1 Surgery (li-3) 1 Discussion of initial manage- ment of soft tissue Injuries; • slides illustrate , various types of wounds encountered. C TB Med 147, pars 5, 18, .17 Reparative Surgery (H-4) 1 Discussion of delayed primary suture of wounds; factors that favor and jeopardize. C TB Med 147, pars 6, 7 Burns (K-5) 1 Discussion of .pathology and detailed treatment of burns; skin grafting. C TB Meds 147, par 19; 151 Wound In f e c t :l on s (H-6) 1 Discussion of the cause, treat- ment, and preven- tion of gas gangrene, anaerobic cellulitis and tetanus. c TB Med 147, par 20 58 ANNEX NO. 14 (Cont»d) WJW7J5— FILE NUMBER HOURS —scmruF type w INST HUCTION INSTHUCTION REFERENCES Fractures; Emergency .Splinting (H-7-) v.' 1* 1 Emergency or transportation splinting for the commoner fractures; slides illustrate various types of splints. C PMs 8-50, pp 44-67; 21-11, pp 19-29 Fractures; Plaster Casts (H-8) 1 Use of plaster casts in the transportation, splinting.and definitive treatment of fractures. C, TF PM 8-50, pp 40-41; TB Med 147, par 16a; TP 8-2080 Fractures; Traction (H-9) 1 Use of suspension- traction method in the management of fractures. c TB Meda 133, 147, par 16b(7) Army Leg Splint (H-10 and H-ll) 2 Application of the Army leg splint by student officers. • D, PE PM 8-50, pp 44-55 Amputations (H-12 and H-13) 2 Discussion of indications for and technique of amputation for trauma; demonstration of technique of initial amputation and revision of stump. L, MF TB Med 147, par IS; MP 947, MF 1246 Abdominal Injuries (H-14) 1 < Diagnosis and treatment of intra-abdominal injuries; slides illustrate various injuries and their management* L TB Med 147, pars 12, 18 59 ANNEX NO. 14 (Cont'd) SUBJECT And FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE 6P type of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Chest Injuries (H-15, H-16 end H-I7) 3 Diagnosis and treatment of penetrating wounds of the chest; films show removal of foreign bodies and treatment of hemothorax* C, MP TB Meds 69, 147, per 11; MPa 1236, 1237, 1238, 1244 Pcce and Jaw Injuries (H-18) • 1 Surgical manage- ment of wounds of the face and jaws. C TB Med 147, par 10 Periphera1 Nerve (H-19) 1 Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the peripheral nerves ' and large vessels; film shows operative management of peripheral nerve injuries. C, MP TB Med 147, pars 13, 14; MP 1233 (1st reel) Cranial Injuries (H-20) 1 Diagnosis and treatment of cranial injuries; film shows removal on intracerebral foreign bodies. C, MP TB Med 147, par 8; MP 1233 (2d reel) Pilonidal Cysts and Sinuses (H-21) 1 Diagnosis and treatment of pilonidal cysts and sinuses. C TB Med 89 Anesthesia (H-22, 11-23) 2 Choice and use of various anesthetic agents in the field; indications for and technique of use of intravenous anesthesia. cn C, MP "Abdominal and Genito- urinary Injuries", Saunders, pp 47-50f "Surgery of Modern Warfare", Bailey, pp 485-490 60 ANNEX NO. 14 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP INSTRUCTION TYPE OE INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Blast 1 Pathology, c "Surgery Injuries (H-24) diagnosis, and treatment of blast injuries of the chest and abdomen. of Modern Warfare", Ba iley, p 970; "Abdominal and Genito- urinary Injuries", Saunders, PP 24, 74, 79, 90 Examination (H-25) 1 Examination over material that has been covered• E All' previous references in surgery Critique (H-26) 1 Discussion of examination. c All previous references in surgery AMEX NO. 15 INTRODUCTION TO MODERN NEUROPSYCHIATRY (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILS NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction 1 Historical L TB Meds to Modern development 12, 21, Neu r opsych is try of modern psychiatry. 53, 48, 74, 76, • * 80, 84, 94, 103, 115, 154, 155, 162, 181, 193, 203, 212 Development 1 Formation of L TB Meds of Personality personality; attitudes, significance of emotion in behavior. 12, 21, 33, 48, 74, 76, 80, 84, 94, 103, 115, 154, 155, 162, 181, 193, 203, 212 62 ANNEX NO# 16 PROBLEMS IN MILITARY NEUROPSYCHIATRY (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS 'SCOPE OP ' INSTRUCTION - -• TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Problems in 2 Neuropsychiatry Informal discussion of current' problems relat- ing to the practice of neuropsychiatry. c None ANNEX NO. 17 NEUHOPSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT (9 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE HUMBER HOURS Scope of type op INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Neuropsychiatric 9 Diagnosis and Treatment Misc. Film 1167, TF, PB, MP ’’Field Psychiatry for the General Medical Officer”; TP 8-1428, "Care of the Sick and Injured”; TF 8-2090, ’’Ward Care of Psychotic - Patients”; PCR- 516K, ’’Recent Modification of Convulsive Shock Therapy”; Misc* Film 1241, ’’Let There he Light”; Misc. Film 1197, ”C oinba t Exhaus t i on" ; ”Okinawa”; TF 8-1402, '‘Introduction to Comha t patigue”; Film Bulletin 184, ’’Psychiatric Pro- cedures in the Combat Area”; Misc. Film 1455, ’’Combat Fatigue- Irritability”. None 64 ANNEX NO. 18 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF MILITARY NEUROPSYCHIATRY (5 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCWCF INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Clinical Demonstration 3 Class to attend staff conference in medical installation having neuro- psychiatric service to see typical cases presented and discussed. Ward walks. C, PE None 65 ANNEX NO. 19 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL MEDICINE (1 Hour) Subject Aito' FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction to Physical Medic ine 1 Organization of the Physical Medicine Service of a hospital including pur- poses, objectives and procedures emphasizing coordination and cooperation between the sections of the service. L WD Clr 349, 28 Nov 1946; WD Memo N' . 40-590-7, 7 Dec 1946 66 ANNEX NO. 20 PHYSICAL RECONDITIONING SECTION (1 Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE "OP- INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Physical 1 Ah understanding L, D TB Med Reconditioning of the objectives 137, 1945; Section of the Physical TMs 8-292, Reconditioning Section, and the types of activities pro- vided by this section# 21-220 ANNEX NO* 21 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SECTION (1 Hour) subject and PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Occupational 1 To present L TB Med Therapy objectives of 84, 1944; Section the Occupational Therapy Section covering theory and program of treatment, and the use of prescription for patients in c orrect ive Occupational Therapy* TM 8-291 68 ANNEX NO. 22 PHYSICAL THERAPY (1 Hour) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS “■“S'C'OBET CB" INSTRUCTION TOOP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Physical Therapy 1 To acquaint the students with the type of therapy, and objectives of the Physical Therapy Section• L i TM 8-293; " Physical- Medic ine" , Krusen ANNEX NO. 23 PRINCIPLES OF NUTRITION (6 Hours) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP INSTRUCTION iYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES General Introduction and Carbo- hydrates r >. To introduce the "terminology and definition of terms applicable to the science of nutrition. Dis- cussion. of the basic carbo- hydrate compounds most important in food. L, C None Pats and Lipoids: Lipids i Classification and basic fundamentals of the chemistry of fats in diet of man. L, C None General Chemistry of the Proteins i Study of the proteins and their amino-acids in relation to health and disease, and protein require- ments . L, C None Chemical Constituents of Diet for Health i Calcium, phosphorous, iron, copper and iodine in diets of healthy individuals. L, C None Vitamins A, C and D i Brief review of the vitamins Carotene, Ascorbic Acid and Ergosterol com- pounds and their relation to dietary needs. L, C None 70 ANNEX NO. 23 (Cont'd) subject And PILE NUMBER Qf n'P T? A t? HOURS ..INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Vitamin B Complex 1 Review of the metabolism of 1 : Thiamin Bp, Riboflavin, ’ Pantothomic and 'Folic Acids, and Choline. L, C None ANNEX NO.24 VITAL STATISTICS (7 Hours) - SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER ] HOURS SCOPE OPTYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES The Aim of Statistical Methods 1 Application of statistics to disease problems, and the avoidance of common mistakes , L, C None Vital Statistics and Calculation of Rates 1 Statistical methods and the necessity for accurate collec- tion of figures. Rates as used in the Armed Forces including non- effective rate. L, C Depart- mental Abstract 5,18 and Supple- ment Calculation of Rates 1 Practical application of methods of calculating rates• PE None Variability of Observations 1 Frequency PE distribution and the cal- culation of values that are descriptive of it, to differentiate one frequency from another. None Calculation of Standard Deviation 2 The methods of measurement of variability as illustrated by means, medians and standard deviation. L, PE Depart- mental Abstract Use of Graphs and Charts and Presentation of Bata 1 The object to present statistics in a usable form for publication and reports. L, PE ARs 40- 210, 40- 270; Depart- mental Abstract 72 ANNEX NO. 25 ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY (10 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS “'Sc6pE' 6p type op INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction 2 Introduction to L, TF MacLeod fs to Environmental Environmental "Physio- Physiology Physiology with special reference to military problems encount- logy in Modern Medicine"; AR 40-205’ ered in global operations. FMs 31-25, 70-15, 72-20; TF 8-1396 Hot Weather 1 Special hot C, TP MacLeod f s Problems weather problems including water "Physio- logy in and salt require- ments of the human body, water balance, water discipline, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and heat cramps• Modern Medicine"; Part VIII, PM 21-10, pars 184- 190; TB Med 175; TP 8-2057 Cold Weather 1 • Body cooling and C, TP uMeasure- Problems wind-chill, frost bite, and the prevention and treatment of frost-bite, 75 ments of Dry Atmospheric Cooling in Subfreez- ing Tempera- tures" , by Major Paul A. Siple & Charles E. Passel; Article in Proceedings of the American Philis o- phical Society, Vol• 89, No. 1,1945; PM 21-10; TPs 8-1391, 8-1297 73 ANNEX NO. 25 (Cont'd) subject And PILE NUMBER HOURS scope oEType Of INSTRUCTION . INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Diet and Clothing 2 Dietary require- ... C ments of military personnel in various tactical and climatic conditions, exertion, rest ■ and clothing* 9 Depart- mental Abstract; TM 10-275; TB QM 13, 1944; WD Cirs 182, 417, 477, 1944; 137, 1945 Plant Diseases 2 Special disease C, FB problems such as trench foot, dermatophytes is, plant dermatitis* PM 21-10; TB Med 81; WD Clr 312, 1944; PB 180 Special Air Corps Problems 2 The physiological C problems resulting from varified atmosphere, changes in atmospheric and gravitational pressure,- and other slight conditions. (To be given by Flight Surgeon). Depart- mental Abstract 74 ANNEX NO. 26 PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS (5 Hours) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS ""SCOPE OT TYWW INSTRUCTION" ' INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Physica1 Examinations 1 Consideration of L, C, 'PE the types of physical examina- tions, and the disposition of the records; the . purpose of the annual physical examination, the standards and the basis therefor. ARs 40-100, 40-105 Cardiovascular Orthopedic and Dermatological Special Problems , 1 The special L, C considerations which govern the selection of Army personnel in peace and war in the specialties listed. None Height and Weight 1 The standards L, C of height and weight as determined from the life •expectancy tables of insurance companies, and their relation to the Armed Forces. None Special Examination, Air Corps 2 Discussion with’ L, C examples of the specialized technics•and tests used for flight personnel. (To be given by Flight Surgeon). AR 40-110; Other references to be furnished by instruc- tor 75 AMEX NO. 27 VENEREAL DISEASES (7 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Nationalistic Methods of Control 1 Review of the L history of venereal disease control, and the systems .used in various countries. None The Armed Forces and the United States Venereal Disease Control Program 1 The integration L, C of the Army and Navy control measures with * the USPH national program. Special problems of the Armed Forces in foreign countries. None The Complete Program of Venereal Disease Control for the Army 1 The integrated L program of pre- vention of venereal disease including the role of the Provost Marshal, Chaplain, Special Service Officer, and the Medical Officer, SGO Cir 19, 6 Feb 1947 Prophylaxis 1 Review of the PS, C methods of individual and group prophylaxis as used by the Armed Forces. PS 8-57, FS 8-58; TB Med 157 Epidemiology of Venereal Disease "Navy" 1 This film shows TF the phases of venereal disease epidemiology as applies to the Armed Forces (U,S, Navy film). TP 8-1462 (52 minutes) 76 ANNEX NO. 27 (Cont'd Stifejfifil’' ?-J0" FILE NUMBER HOURS —OTra INSTRUCTION HYVTW INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Epidemiology of Venereal Disease "Army" 1 Epidemiology of venereal disease as it applies to the Army in war. TP TP 1-3342 (28 minutes), TP 8-1423 (21 minutes) Films on Venereal Disease for Women 1 To show the MF type of material pre- sented to the women of the Army on the control of venereal diseases. MF 943, MF 1003 ANNEX NO# 28 INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE AND SPECIAL PROBLEMS (8 Hours) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Radium and X-Ray Used in Industry 1 To show the L . uses, dangers and preventive measures used to protect industrial workers against certain radia- tions . Depart- mental Abstract Atomic Energy 2 Discussion of L, C, TP physical effects of large scale radiation, and the preventive measures to be used for troops and civilians. Specia1 Lecturer; Material to be determined Industrial Solvents 1 Common organic L, C solvents, their uses, dangers and special problems in shops and industry. TB Med 35; Depart- ments 1 Abstract Pla sties 1 The common C plastics includ- ing nylon, neoprene, rayon, bakelite and the transparent plastics, vinylite, etc,, their uses, manufacture, and preventive measures against diseases. Depart- mental Abstract Industrial Fabrics 1 Discussion of L, C diseases and protective measures against dust and bacteria in the cotton, flax, and wool industries. None 78 ANNEX NO. 28 (Cont'd) OTJT11 FILE NUMBER HOURS —SC (W W INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Light, Heat end Air Conditioning • 2 Demonstration L, C and discussion of the minimal standard acceptable to the Army for lighting, heat- ing and the uses and problems of air conditioning* ARs 100-80, 100-90 79 ANNEX NO. 29 IMMUNIZATIONS (2 Hours) 3ubje6t A'Ub " FILE NUMBER, HOURS SCOPE OP TYtE OP ■ - - • INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Basic Immunizations of the Armed Forces • • - I * To discuss and illustrate the three initial immunizations required for all personnel-in the Armed Forces; smallpox, typhoid, paratyphoid, and tetanus. L, c TB Med .114; Depart- mental Abstract 1.04a; WD Cir 129, 3 May 1946 Special Immunizations Necessary for Endemic or Epidemic Areas 1 Hie special immunizing substances; yellow fever, louse-borne typhus, cholera, plague, diphtheria, influenza, rocky mountain spotted fever, and measles as used for the United States Army. L, c TB Med 114; Depart- mental Abstract 1.04a 80 ANNEX NO. 30 ' EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF RESPIRATORY DISEASES , . (9 Hours) 5T®3ECT"A1TC PILE HUMBER HOURS —sewpf INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Principles of Epidemiology 1 To study the steps used in the Investigation of an epidemic, and the basic principles, including definitions’to be followed* L Depart-' mental Abstract Respiratory Diseases, Airborne and Droplet Infections 2 The control measures that are currently in use in civilian and military Institutions, and the factors yet to be investigated. L, C T3 Med 47; Depart- mental Abstracts 1.07, pp 1-16; 1.12; "The Con- trol of Communic- able DiseasesM , American Public Hea1th Associa- tion, 7th Edition, 1946 Streptococcus and Meningitis 2 To discuss the etiological agents, epidemiology and the specific con- trol principles. C TB Med 47 Common Cold and Influenza 2 Conference with idea of bringing out the methods, spread, epidemio- logical investiga- tion and specific control measures. C TB Mods 47, 85 81 ANNEX NOv 30' (Osnf*d) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF • TYPE OF' • INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Specific Virus 2 Round table dfs* TB Med 193 Diseases of cuss ion of t]ie ■ ■ Respiratory Tract factors in spread Exclusive of and control of Influenza measles, mumps, german measles, small-pox and chicken-pox# 82 ANNEX NO* 31 EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OP INTESTINAL DISEASES (7 Hours ) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS &C0PE W TYPE OP ‘ INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Epidemiology of Intestinal Diseases 1 Review of the L mode of trans- mission, and the etiology of food and water borne diseases. Depart- mental Abstract 2.01 Typhoid- Paratyphoid , and'Dysentery 2 Conference on C the typhoid- paratyphoid group of enteric diseases, special reference to control measures. TB Med 119 Food Poisoning 2 Group discussion C, PE of the food poisoning group including the bacterial endo and exo toxins, the heavy metals and other inorganic and organic poisons. Depart- mental Abstract 2,05 Musc id Fly Control 1 Review of the L, C flies that carry intestinal their habits and control measures. Depart- mental Abstract 4.08 Cholera and Epidemic Hepatitis 1 To review the C recent information on the epidemiology of these diseases. TB Meds 138, 206 83 ANNEX NO. 32 EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF INSECT BORNE DISEASES (10 Hours) 1 SUBJECT AND ' FILE NUMBER HOURS • SCOPE OFTYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Malaria 2 Malaria - its etiology, mode of transmission, host-parasite relationships, distribution, epidemiology, and the effects of environmental factors. C ”Manual of Tropical Modicine", Mackie, Hunter & Worth, pp 213-250; ”Introduc- tion to Malario- logy"> Boyd Yellow Fever and Dengue 1 The epidemio- logy of yellow fever a-nd dengue, jungle vs yellow fever, the modes .of transmission and the control of yellow fever and dengue*. C ”Virus and Rickettsial Diseases” , Harvard Symposium, pp 349-364, 713-766; "Manual of Tropical Medicine”, Mackie, Hunter & Worth, pp 11-22 Filariasis ' 1 Filariasis - its epidemiology, mode of transmis sion, host-vector-para- site relationships and control. c "Manual of Tropical Medicine”, Mackie, Hunter & Worth, pp 328-349; "Clinical Parasite- i°gy"» Craig & Faust, pp 306-316 84 ANNEX NO. 32 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS S66PE of type of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Sandfly Fever 1 The epidemiology of sandfly fever and the problem this disease presents to the individual and to troops. C "Manual of Tropical Medicine”, Mackie, Hunter & 'forth, pp 22-25, "Med ical Diseases in Tropical and Sub- tropical Areas" , British War Officer, pp 176-180 Epidemic Typhus and Scrub Typhus 1 Epidemic typhus and scrub typhus problems of epidemiology and control. C "Manual of Tropical Medicine" , Mackie, Hunter & Worth, pp 34-44, 51-58 Mosquitoes and Their Control 1 The life histories, biologies, disease relationships and control of mosquitoes. C, D "Medical Herms, Chaps 11, 12, 13; PM 21-10, Chap 7 Lice and Biting Plies, and Their Control 1 Discussion of the development, habits, and control of lice and biting flies, and their im- portance as vectors of disease. C, TP PM 21-10, Chaps 8, 9; "Medical Entomo- logy" , Herms, Chaps 9, 10, 16, 17; Depart- mental Abstracts 4.09, 4.21 85 ANNEX NO. 32 (Cont'd) subject TMrP FILE NUMBER HOURS —" ■TWO*' "•— INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Ticks and Mites, and Their Control 1 The importance C of ticks and mites‘in the transmission of disease, their life histories, biologies and control* FM 21-10, Chap 9; ff Medical Entomology" Horms, Chops 21, 22 Miscellaneous Arthropods of Medical Importance I 1 The miscellaneous C arthropods of medical importance; bedbugs, spiders, centipedes, scorpions, kissing bugs, blister beetles, roaches, ants, etc. FM 21-10, Chap 9; "Medical Entomology*! Herms, Chaps 7, 8, 10, 14, 23 ANNEX NO. 33 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF RODENT BORNE AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS DISEASES (4 Hours) • "->■ ■ SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Plague and Endemic Typhus 1 Epidemiology - and control of plague, sylvotic plague, and ’endemic (murine) typhus, C ' ' Depart- mental Abstract 4.24; "Medical Entomology" Herrns , Chap 20 Miscellane ous Rodent Borne Diseases 1 Epidemiology and control of tularemia, rocky mountain spotted fever, Q, fever, Bullis fever, and other rickettsial diseases. C Depart- mental Abstract 4.24 Rodent and Flea Control 2 The habits, biologies and control of rodents and fleas. Demonstra tion of control methods, D, C Deport- ments 1 Abstract 4.24a; TM 5-632, Chaps 7, IX ANNEX NO* 34 SANITARY ENGINEERING {11 Hours) Subject ahd PILE HUMBER HOURS ■’■V'TSCWE-0F~'”“—,-TO¥ OT “ INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Water Supply 1 Water supply, L, TF its sources and procure- ment* PM 21-10; TP 8-1174 Water Supply 1 Handling, L, D, TF treatment and testing Water supplies * TB Mods 37, 163, 190; TM 5-295; TP 5-237 Water Supply 2 Treatment and FE testing water* Waste Disposal 2 The methods L, TF and equipment for the disposal of human and kitchen wastes* FM 21-10; TB Eng 1; TF 8-1179 Waste Disposal 1' Demonstration of D the equipment and methods employed in the field disposal . of wastes* 4 Mess Sanitation 4 The sanitary L, D, PS methods and equipment employed in Army messes* This will include a study of the sanitary principles Involved, the equipment and inspections of actual use within the mess halls. PM 21-10; ARs 40-200, 40-205; TB Med 184; PS 8-61 88 ANNEX NO. 35 FIELD DEMONSTRATIONS AND TRIPS (12 Hours) wicra— FILE .NUMBER . HOURS — TTFSTW INSTRUCTION; INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Mosquito and Mo lorin Control 2 • Demonstration and application of individual protective measures D, PE TM 5-632, Chap 2; "Medical Entomo- • for malaria control and of environ- mental methods of mosquito control. logy"» Herms, Chap 13; TB Mads 14, 110, 194 Rodent Control and Control 2 Rodent control by trapping, D, PE TM 5-632, Chaps 8, of Ticks and Mites poisoning, fumigation, sanitation and rat proofing. Individual pro- tective measures 9, 11; TB Meds 31, 121, 144; Depart- mental against ticks and mites, control measures against ticks and mites. Abstract 4*24a Water and Sewage 8 Field inspection trip to water treatment plants and sewage dis- posal plants. D None ANNEX NO. 36 RECOGNITION OF ARTHROPODS OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE (5 Hours) 'Subject' and ‘ FILE NUMBER HOURS “OTFoF INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Recognition of Arthropods 2 Demonstration of D miscellaneous insects, ticks, mites, spiders, scorpions, and centipedes of medical impor- tance; insecticides used for their control. Depart- mental Abstracts 4.01, 4.02, 4.26; TM 5-632 Laboratory Identification of Arthropods 3 The use of keys, scientific des- criptions and entomological literature for arthropod identification, collection and preservation of specimens. PE Depart- ments 1 Abstracts 4.26, 4.27; WD Cir 277, 1944 90 km EX NO, 37 HELMINTHS AND PROTOZOA OF MEDICAL IMPORTANCE (6 Hours) SUBJECT Alto FILE NUMBER HOURS 'S'C'O'NE' '6? TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Blood and Tissue Parasites 1 Life cycles, C epidemiology, transmission, laboratory identification and control of malarial plasmodia, filarial worms and blood flukes. Depart- mental Abstract Intestinal Parasites 1 Intestinal C protozoa and helminths - their life cycles, transmission, epidemiology, diagnosis and control* Deport- ments 1 Abstract Miscellaneous Helminths 1 Discussion of C the life cycles, identification, transmission, epidemiology, and control of flukes, leeches and miscellaneous worms * Depo rt- mental Abstract Identification of Protozoa and Helminths 3 Demonstration D, PE and exercises in laboratory diagnosis of malarial parasites, blood and intestinal helminths, and the intestinal protozoa amoeba and flagellates. Depart- mental Abstract; TM 8-227 91 ■ANNEX NO. 38 EXAMINATIONS AND PRACTICALS (6 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Examination (at end 61st Hour of Instruction) 2 Examination .covering all subjects through ’'Epidemiology of Intestinal Diseases”, E All proviou s references Discussion of the Examination 1 ft Diacussion of the examination. C None Examination (from the 62d hour of Instruction through 109th Hour) 2 Examination: one half hour pra ctica1, one and one half hours written .examination on the insect borne diseases, helminths and protozoa* E All applicable references Discussion of the Examination 1 Discussion of the examination. D None 92 ANNEX' NO* 59 ORGANIZATION (7 Hours) smrssrTTO FILE NUMBER HOURS SC'fitE OF TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction to the Depart- ment of Tactics rind.Techniques * 1 Instruct the student as to location of the department, type of instruc- tion given, use of his reference material, standard of proficiency, type of examinations given and such assistance he might receive from this department• L None Organization of the Infantry and Armored Divisi ons (Review) 1 To review the role of the Divisions, their component units, relation of commanders to staffs and units* Sufficient dis- cussion to .coordinate the medical service* C T/O&E 7, T/O&E 17; PM 100-5 Organization of the Medical Department 1 . . . Organization of the Medical Department including the Office of The Surgeon General, types of hospitals, and echelons of Medical Service; the component Corps of the Department, the mission of the Department; and the status of the Medical Department as a service to the Army* L FMs 8-5, pars 1-4; 8-10, pars 1-5 93 ANNEX NO* 39 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER •: HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES History of the Department; 1 To give the student an understanding of the evolution of the Medical Department, its place in military and medical history and its pride in its achievements and standards. L Military Medical Manua1; "History of the Medical Depa rt- ment" , Ashhurn; Piles of "The Bulletin of the U.S. Army Medical Depart- ment" Organizat ion and Administra- tion of the Organized Reserve Corps 1 * Brief history of the Organized Reserve Corps including its role in World War II, its development, and its importance to national security; relation of Organized Reserve Corps to the Regular Army and National Guard; organization and classification of ORC units; duties and privileges of ORC personnel. C Cur rent Wa r Department Circulars Organization and Administra- tion of the Notional &#&rd 1 Brief history of National Guard including its role in World War II and World War I, and importance to national security; relation of National Guard to Regular Army and Organized Reserve Corps; relation of National Guard C Current War Department Publications 94 ANNEX NO. 39 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Army 1 to Stnte and Federal govern- ments; duties and privileges of National Guard personnel* Opportunities C AR 350- Correspondence and availability 3000; Courses * of extension courses to various classes of personnel; branch immaterial, branch material, and general service courses; inter- relation of various extension schools; presentation of examples from illustrative courses; estimates and comparison of results of exten- sion courses with other types of instruction* TM 20-400 ANNEX NO. 40 COMMAND AND STAFF PROCEDURES ■ • (15 Hours) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Field Orders, Written and Oral, as Applied to the Medical Battalion and the Medical C ompa ny 4 Review of signal C, PE communications in the Infantry Division, with emphasis on facilities and channels avail- able to medical units; review and application of message writing involving specific situa- tions in medical units; review of principles of combat orders, exercises in development of combat orders, complete and fragmentary, oral . and written, for Battalion Medical Platoon, Regi- mental Medical Company, Ambulance and Clearing Companies and the Medical Battalion* PM 100-5, pars ISO- 159 Standing Operating Procedure (Medical Company and Medical Batts lion) 2 Principles of C , PE SOP’s; illustrated by example exercises in writing SOP, by rewriting an SOP presented to student, and writing an SOP for a clearing company based on SOP of Medical Ba ttalion* PM 100-5 96 ANNEX NO. 40 (Cont»d) suemrrw FILE NUMBER HOURS '""SLr0TE""DP TY'Pir'OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Organization and Function of the Division Staff (includ- ing Duties of Division Surgeon) 2 Presentation of 0 a play, supple- mented by narration, illustrating staff procedure at Division level, particularly the role of the Division Surgeon, , D PMs 8-5, 8-10, 100-5, pars 148, 149 Medical Estimate of the Situation 3 Review of principles of estimate of situation; modification and application of those principles , to medical estimate; development of medical estimate of situation pre- sented. c FMs 8-55, Chap 3, See, I, & Chap 7; 100-5, pars 130- 134 Medical Plans 2 Review of 0 principles of unit and staff plans; preparation of medical plan based on estimate developed in periods on Medical Estimate, , PE PM 8-55, Chap 3; FM 100-5 Examination 2 To embrace all instruction given on Command and Staff Procedure, E All previous references ANNEX NO. 41 ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYMENT OF MEDICAL FIELD UNITS (40 Hours) Stfg’jECTTffl) FILE NUMBER HOURS stohtdf INSTRUCTION " TYPSTSP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES ■The Policy and Principles of Evacuation, to Include the Echelons of Medical Service i i » f \ 1 The- importance and magnitude of the policies and principles of evacuation. The problems of evacuation in a Theater of Operations, The echelons of Medical Service, the methods of evacuation. C FM 8-5, pars 153- 158, 166- 201, 209- 252 Organization of the Medical C ompa ny, Infantry Regiment 1 Organization C of the Medical C ompa ny, t o include personnel, equipment and transportation. PM 8-5, pars 32- 39, 50- 87; T/O&E 8-7 Employment of the Medical C ompa ny, Infantry Regiment 2 The employment of the company in combat, to cover special operations; the employment of the elements of the company. C PMs 8-5, 8-10 Battalion Aid Station, Organization and Operation 1 * To show the . student a Battalion Aid Station as established in the field by the Battalion Medical Platoon. The operation of the station by processing simu la ted casuaIties, D FMs 8-5, 8-10 98 ANNEX NO.'41 (Cont*d) swjscr'rtib FILE HUMBER HOURS —3CW5P "WTIf INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Collecting Station, Organization, Operation 1 To show student' D a collecting station as established and operated by Collecting Platoon. PMs 8-5, 8-10 Organization and Employment of Medical Service, Field and Anti- a ircraft Artillery 1 The organization C of the Medical Detachment, Field Artillery, to include personnel, equip- ment and trans- , portation. The function of the Detachment, evacuation and treatment of casuoIties. FMs 8-5, 8-10 A Organization and Employment of Medical Service, Combat Engineers and Division Headquarters 1 Organization C , to include personnel, equipment and transportation. Employment of detachments, "incidental" medical service. Allocation of aid men. FM 8-5, pars 27- 30, 31 Medical Service of Infantry Battalion in Attack 1 Demonstrate D the medical service of an Infantry Bat- talion in attack. Aid station, company aid men and litter bearers. PM 8-5 99 ANNEX NO. 41 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF1 .INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Organization of Medical Battalion. Infa ntry Division 1 To include personnel, equipment and transportation; covering Head- quarters end Headquarters Company, the Ambulance Company and Clearing Company. C T/0 & E B-15 Employment of Hq. and Hq. Company, Med ical Battalion 1 The Battalion Commander, battalion staff; the sections of headquarters company. Duties of each element. C FM 8-5, pars 55- 60 Organization of the Medical Battalion Staff and Division Surgeon 1 s Section 1 The executive officer, "Chief of Staff", duties and functions. Organization of staff. Duties of staff* ■ Double duty of supply officer. The staff of the Division Surgeon; Medical Inspector, Neuro- psychiatrist , Administrative Assistant# c PM 8-5, pars 55- 60 Employment 1 of Ambulance Company, Medical Battalion The evacuation of the Medical Companies, the Ambulance shuttle Ambulance station Maintenance of vehicles, other employment of ambulances # c f . FM 8-5, pars 118- 123 100 ANNEX NO, 41 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS ~~scmrw wrr INSTRUCTION INSTHUCTION REFERENCES Employment - 1 Employment of C PM 8-5, of Clearing Company, Medical Battalion company as one unit; use of reserve platoon, use with regimental com- bat teaziia* Methods of employment, use of personnel# pars 67- 72 Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, Organization and Employment 1 Personnel, equipment and transportation. Use in support of Clearing Station, Medical Battalion. C PM 8-5, pars 153* 158; T/0 & E 8-571 * Methods of : employment# ' Movement of hospital# Clearing 1 To show the . D FMs 8-5, Station, Organization and Operation * student a clearing station as .es-tablished in the field by one clearing platoon of the Clearing Company, Medical Battalion, Infantry Division. (This hour should be scheduled be- tween the hour on "The Handling of N#P. Casualties Within the Division", and the hour on "The Use of Whole Blood by Forward .Units,r. ) 8-10 101 ANNEX NO. 41 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OPTYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Dental Service in the Infantry Division 1 The employment of the Dental officers in the Headquarters of the Medical Battalion. The type of dental service given at this level* (This hour should be scheduled following the h ou r listed above, ) C PMs 8-5, 8-10 Handling N.P. Casualties Within the Division, Means to Accomplish Specia 1 Handling 1 Discussion of the-use of one platoon of the Clearing Com- pany, Infantry Division as a C ombat Exha u s t i o n Holding Center, The use of the three 'N.P. Technicians in each Clearing Platoon. The duties of the Division and Assistant Division Neuropsychiatrist, C T/0 & E 8-18; FMs 8-5,- 8*10 The Use of Whole Blood by Forward Units 1 The feasibility of using whole blood in the Battalion Aid Stations, Collect- ing Stations and others. Means of procurement, donors, methods of testing blood compatibility; blood versus pla sraa . C WD Cir 81, Sec, II, 1943; TM 8-635; TB Meds 78, 204 102 ANNEX NO. C-l (Cont’d) 'mmr hub- FILE NUMBER HOURS —S'CWOF INSTRUCTION ■WFF7T ..INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Organization and Employment Medical Detachments, Armored Division 2 <■ Introductions to Medical Detachments of the Armored Division# Organization to Include personnel, equipment and transportation. The functions of the detach- ments. and employment of the detachments. c PMs 8-5, pars 32- 39; 8-10 Organization, Employment, Medical Battalion, Armored 2 • Introduction to Medical Battalion * Organization to include pers onnel, equipment and transportation. Employment in various combat situations• c PMs 8-5, pars 73- 128; 8-10 Organization, Operation, Medical Com- pany, Armored 1 To show the student the organization and some methods of operating the Medical Company, Armored. D PM 8-5, pars 82- 87 Communications, Medical Units, Armored 1 Means of communication available to medical units. Armored; con- tact of stations by organic radio, call names, codes; s ecurity. C T/0 & S 8-75; PM 8-5, pars 77, 89-b-2 103 ANNEX NO. 41 (ContTd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS &COPE Otf1 TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Organization 1 Introduction C PM 8-5, and Employment to the Medical pars 88- Medical Company, Company* Its 93 Airborne organization to include personnel, equipment and trans- portation. Use of company in combat; functions of V company in combat situations. ' Medical 3 To show the D PMs 8-5, Service of student the 8-10; an Infantry medical organize- Demonstra- Division tion in an tion as Infantry planned Division. To by Dept. have the student of Tactics actually take & Tech- • part in the niques operation of the stations, processing of casualties. Medical 1 To embrace C FM 8-5, Service in hospitals, pars 94- the Army medical groups, 101, 102- Area separa te 123, 124- battalions, separate 165 companies. The cha in of evacuation. The Army Surgeon. j. 104 ANNEX NO. 41 ‘(Cent fd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS —5CW0E INSTRUCTION TYPE "OP—~ INSTRUCTION. ..REFERENCES Evacuation Hospital, Organization, Operation and Employment 1 1 Introduction to the evacuation hospital• Organization as to personnel, equipment, transportation and departments* The operation of an evacuation hospital; the employment of the hospital in special situations * C PMs 8-5, pars 124- 138; 8-10; T/0 & E 8-581; FB 173 Field Hospitals, Organization, Operation and Employment 1 Introduction to the Field Hospital * Organization as to personnel, equipment and transportation* Operation of a Field Hospital Employment in special situations• • C FM 8-5, pars 209- 216; T/0 & E 8-510 Medical Service in Communications Zone 1 To include the chain of evacuation, hospitals, separate units, general dis- pensaries, medical museum and art service; other units* Hospital tra ins, medical ship units. c PM 8-5, pars 166- 178, 181- 188, 190- 201, 202- 208, 209- 291 AMEX NO, 41 (Cont Td ) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS Scope of type W INSTRUCTION , INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Medical Service, Army Air Forces 2 Medical air evacuation squadron* The medical units in the AAF. Type of medical • service. Evacuation prob- lems, Duties of the Surgeon. C Military Medical Ma nua 1, Chap VIII; Current TO1 s Duties of Medical Officer in- Garrison i 1 General step by step orientation to prepare the student for command or staff duty with troops. Dis- cussion is carried out on type duties - student may have. C None CasuaIties and Casualty Estimates 1 Elaboration of a single but major item of the medical estimate; derivation of casualty estimate tables, their projection and correction for present and future operations; exercises in casualty estimates. C FMs 8-55, Cha p 3, Sec I, and Chap 7; 100-5, pars 130- 134 i Examination 3 To cover the organization and employment of the Medical Company, Medical Battalion, and all other related subjects. E All previous references 106 ANNEX NO. 42 THE MEDICAL SERVICE IN SPECIFIC OPERATIONS . , ( 39 Routes ) Subject aNd FILE NUMBER HOURS —Sg'dP'g' 'OP TWoF 'INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Infantry Regiment in Attack 3 Review of organization and tactics by the Infantry Regiment by presentation of initial situation and tactical developments in map exercise; application of knowledge of organization and function of Medical Company to solutions of problems of medical support of Infantry Regiment in attack* PE Review, Organiza- tion Infantry Regiment and Medical Company Infantry Regiment in Defense 3 Review of principles of defensive opera- tions and their effect on medical service; develop- ment of solutions to problems of medical support of Infantry Regiment in defense. PE Review, Organiza- tion Infantry Regiment and Medical Company Infantry Division 5 Review of tactics of combined arms PE Review all in Attack and organization and function of Infantry Division, Application of knowledge of Regimental and Division medical service, staff references on Medical Support, Orders and Staff Procedure 107 AMEX, NO. 42 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES procedure, field orders, estimate of situation, and staff planning to solution of problems in medical support of various elements of Infantry Division in a coordinated attack. Infantry Division in Defense 3 Review of principles of defensive opera- tions applied to units of combined arms; development of solutions to problems of medical support of elements of a Division in defense involving limited retrograde- movement, counter attack plans, and counter attack* PE Review all Defensive Actions, and the Medica 1 Support of Infantry Div isi on Armored Division in the Attack 4 Review of organization and employment o'f Armored units; solution of problems of medical service of Armored Division in attack, includ- ing rapid advance and temporary isolation from supporting medical service* PE Review all references on Medical Units, Armored 108 ANNEX N0,‘42 (Contf d ) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Amphiblous Operations 10 Review of C, tactics of amphibious .operations involving Bat- talion and Regimental landing teams and Division task force; medical planning for amphibious operations with illustration of extent of medical plan for landing of field Army and its support by Army Service Command; medical service and care of casualties afloat; medical service of Engineer special brigade; medical functions of Navy shore party; demonstration in employment of Regimental Medical Company and Division Medical Battalion in landing operations, loading and landing personnel, evacuation of casualties• D, PE PMs 8-5, 8-10, 8- 55,'31-55 TF 8-1424; PBs 9, 22, 64, 146, 204 Airborne Operations 4 Review of organization and employment of the Airborne Division; illustra- tion of medical planning for PE PM 8-5, pars 40-45 109 ANNEX NO* 43 MEDICAL SERVICE OP THE INFANTRY AND ARMORED DIVISIONS (34 Hours) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS Scope - of ' t!ppe op INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Medical 34 Field Exercise PE All Service of at Camp Bullis references the Infantry to continue as used and Armored over one week - in the Divisions having students participate in various day and night exercises on a Division level. Having tactical walks, and other outdoor exercises, includ- ing one half day on an exercise in camouflage having select student officers as observers in Cub planes; a demonstration of mountain opera- tions, and an exercise on amphibious opera- tion. NOTE: one day devoted to Armored Units, utilizing the Medical Company, 2d Armored Division, from Camp Hood, Texas. process of instruc- tion os to Medical Service in the Infantry and Armored Divisions AMEX NO. 44 LEADERSHIP AND COURTESIES (4 Hours) mJWTTO FILE NUMBER HOURS S0o£fi Op type of“ INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Leadership and C omma nd Ability 1 Discussion of the necessary qualifications and character- istics of a successful leader. C PM 22-5, pars 2-18 Wearing of the Uniform 1 Various types of authorized uniforms are modeled,and the regulations governing the various uniforms authorized for wear are discussed. Orientation covering Naval officer’s insignia, branch insignia and enlisted insignia• D ARs 600- 35, 600- 40, 1944; WD Cir 88, 1946 Military Courtesies, Ind oors 1 Demonstration covering the basic rules of military courtesy among military personnel as pertain to indoor s ituations, D PM 22-5, Chap 3; AR 600- 25 Military Courtesies, Outdoors 1 ' Demonstration covering the basic rules of military courtesy among military personnel as pertain to outdoor situations, D PM 22-5, Chap 3; AR 600- 25 112 ANNEX NO. 45 TRAINING MANAGEMENT (7 Hours) SUBJECT AllD FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION 'REFERENCES Tables of Organization and Equipment 1 Instruction covering the introduction to the course "Tra ining Ma nagement" and the procedure used in interpret- ing a "T/0". C AR 310-60 Steps in Training Ma nag erne nt • 1 Outline the course in Training Manage- ment and how various phases of training management are utilized by unit, upon-activation and during training programs. C FM 21-5, Sec, 2, Appendix 2 Es t ima t e of the Training Situation 1 Conference covering the important factors that rmst be considered in making the estimate of a training situation. c FM 21-5, pars 15- 24 Training Programs and Master Schedules 1 Dis cussion of the training program of a unit and the making up of a master schedule. c FM 21-5, pars 25- 27, 122, 130, Sec IX, Appen- dix III Weekly . Schedule 1 Instruction on the preparation of a weekly schedule and fac- tors that must be taken into consideration. c FM 21-5, pars 131- 132, Appendix IV 113 ANNEX NO. 46 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Roundtable 1 Members selected C, PE PM 21-5, ' Application from the class Appendix and Discussion to enter various II; prev- of Training scenes demonstrate ious Problems ing problems encountered in setting up a training program. Students selected will explain their solutions to the problem in a realistic round- - table presentation. Then the discussion will be thrown open to comments and questions from the class in general. references Examination 1 . Examination E All (Training covering material previous Management) presented during previous hours of Training Manage- ment « references 114 ANNEX NO. 46 PHYSICAL CONDITIONING (80 Hours)• .FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION WfTW INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction to Types of Calisthenics 1 Explanation, demonstration and application of various types of starting positions, warm-up and running exercises, D, PE FM 21-20, Chap 2, Sec IV Conditioning Exercises 1 Explanation, demonstration and application of various types of conditioning and running exercises, D, PE FM 21-20, Chap 4 Warm-up and Conditi oning Exercises 3 Explanation, demonstration and application of various types of warm-up, conditioning and running exercises* D, PE FM 21-20, Chap 4, Secs II, III Conditioning, Guerrilla and Running Exercises 5 Explanation, demonstration 1 end application of various types of conditioning, guerrilla and running exercises. D, PE FM 21-20, Chaps 4, 8, 9 Beginning Swimming 18 Explanation, D, PE demonstration, application and correction of various types of swimming methods, strokes, floating, under- water swimming and surface diving. PM 21-2©; Red Cross Life Saving Manual ANNEX NO. 46 (Cont’d) SUBJECT An£> ' PILE NUMBER HOURS —SCope~(5f 1 INSTRUCTION TTFTW INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Conditioning, Guerrilla, Grass Drills and Running Exercises 4 Explanation, demonstration and application of various types of conditi oning, guerrilla, grass drill., and running exercises, D, PE FM 21-20, Chaps 4, 8, 9 Conditi oning Exercises and Mass Games 1 Explanation, demonstration and application of various types of conditioning exerc is es and mass games. D, PE PM 21-20, Chap 4; TM 21-220 Conditioning, Guerrilla, Grass Drills and Running Exercises 6 Explanation, demons tra t ion and application of various types of conditi oning, guerrilla, grass drill and running exercises * D, PE PM 21-20, Chaps 4, 8, 9 Conditioning, Combative and Running Exercises 1 Explanation, demonstration and application of various types of conditioning, combative and running exercises. D, PE PM 21-20, Chaps 4, 9, 13 Conditioning, 10 Guerrilla, and Grass Drill Exercises; Relays and Running Exercises Explanation, demonstration and application of various types of conditioning, guerrilla, grass drill and running exercises. Relay races. D, PE PM 21-20, Chaps 4, 8, 9 116 ANNEX NO. 46 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Conditioning, Guerrilla Grass Drill, Combative and Running Exercises 4 "Explana tlon, demonstration and application of various types of c onditi oning, guerrilla, com- bative and running exercises. D, PE FM 21-20, Chaps 4, 8, 9, 13 Conditioning, Guerrilla and Grass Drill Exercises. Game s 1 Application of various types of conditioning, •guerrilla and grass drill exercises. Mass games. PE FM 21-20, Chaps 4, 8 9 • TM 21-220 Conditioning, Guerrilla and Combative Exercises. Games 6 Explanation, demonstration and application of various types of conditioning, guerrilla, combative exercises and mass games. D, PE PM 21-20, Chaps 4, 8, 13; TM 21- 220 Conditioning Exercises and Mass Games 2 Application of various types of conditioning exercises and mass games. PE FM 21-20, Chap 4; TM 21-220 Conditioning, Guerrilla, Grass Drill Exercises. Games and Relay Races 3 i Explanation, demonstration and application of various types of conditioning, gue rr i1la , gra s s drill exorcises. Games and relay races, > ' D, PE FM 21-20, Chaps 4, 8, 9; TM 21-220 Conditioning, Guerrilla and Running Exercises. Mass Games 2 Explanation, demonstration and application of various types of conditioning. D, PE FM 21-20, Chaps 4, 8, 9; TM 21-220 117 . ANNEX NO, 46 (Cont1d) Subject and FILE NUMBER ROURS ‘STOW"T)P WfE'W INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES i. guerrilla and running exercises• Mass Games, Conditioning and Running Exercises; Mass Games 6 Explanation, D, PE demonstration and application of conditioning and running exercises, Mass Games, FM 21-20, Chaps 4-9; TM 21-220 Guerrilla and Grass Drill Exercises; Relays and Games 1 Explanation, D, PE demonstration and application of various guerrilla and grass drill exercises• Relays and games• FM 21-20, Chaps’ 8, 9; TM 21-220 Guerrilla and Grass Drill Exercises; Combatives and Games 1 Explanation, D, PE demonstration and application of various guerrilla and grass drill exercises; com- batives and games. FM 21-20, Chap 8; TM 21-220 Guerrilla and Grass Drill Exercises; Games 2 Explanation, D, PE demonstration ’and application of various guerrilla and grass drill exercises and games. PM 21-20, Chap 8; TM 21-220 Physical Fitness Tost 2 Explanation, D, PE demonstration and application of a physical fit- ness test as pre- scribed in Training Circular No, 87, PM 21-20, Chap 17 118 ANNEX' NO. 47 INFORMATION AND EDUCATION (16 Hours) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE 6P INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES China (1600 - Present) 1 Lecture covering the history and development of China, L None Troop Informs tion Program 1 Lecture covering the phases of discussion groups, purpose and briefing leaders dis- cussion technique. L WD Cirs 360, 1944; 100, Sec IX, 1946; TM 28-210; EM-1 (GI Roundtable) 7; Army Informa- tion Digest; Discussion > • and Infor- mation Handbook (proposed) Problems of the World 'Today • f 1 Open discussion of any problem to be offered by members of the student body. Monitored by the instructor. C Current period- icals , news- papers ; WD pub- lications , etc. Russia (1682 - Present) 1 Lecture covering the history and background of Russia, L None The United States, Historical Principles and Current Problems 1 Lecture covering the history, background and current problems of the United States. L None ANNEX NO., 47 (Cont'd) Subject and FILE NUMBER HOURS Scope Op Type of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Problems 1 Panel (to be C Current of the World composed of period- Today members of the student body) to present prob- lems of current interest for benefit- of audience .. Monitored by instructor and open for questions from the audience during the last quarter of the hour. icals, news- papers ; W'D pub- lications , etc Information 1 Lecture covering L WD Cirs and Education, the mission. 360, 367, Mission, Weed need and organize- Sec VI, and Organization tion of Information and Education, 1944, 193, Sec I, 1945; 18, Sec II; 111, Sec I; 138, par 20 1946; TM 28-210; Ltr, I&E Div.,WDSS, 29 Apr 46, Sub j e c t; nTroop Information Program” (7); WD Pamphlet 20-3; Army Informa- tion Digest Germany (1618 Present) t 1 Lecture covering L history and development of Germany. None 120 ANNEX NO. 47 (Cont'd) STJKTECT' MB— FILE NUMBER ' HOURS SC6Pe of TYPE of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Japan (1500 ' - Present) 1 Lecture covering history and background of Japan. L None Problems of the World Today 1 Symposium, to be composed of members of the student body, monitored by the instructor, to bo open for ques- tions from the floor during the last quarter of the hour* C Current period- icals , news- papers ; WD pub- lications , etc. Britain (1600 Pre.sent) 1 Lecture covering history and development of Britain. L None Fascism, Communism and Democracy 1 Lecture covering the explanation of and comparisons between Fascism, Communism and Democracy* L None Problems of the World Today 1 Formal debate (team members selected from student body). Voting to be in hands of balance of the student body acting as the audience# Monitored by the instructor* C None Information Centers and Media 1 Introduction to and explanation of Information and Education Center. Tour of such a center. C WD Cirs 113, 360, 1944; TM 28-210; Army Infor- mation 121 ANNEX NO. 47 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS S'COtE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES . Digest; Army Ta Ik; Discus- sion and Informa- tion Hand- book (pro- posed ) Army Education Program (USAFI) 1 Lecture covering L the mission of USAFI, organiza- tional and administrative programs; USAFI and its operation; off-duty educational programs, educational counsellors and publicizing educational pro- grams * WD Cirs 360, 367, Sec X; 392, Sec VI, 1944; 193, Sec I, 1945; 111, Sec I, 1946; TM 28-210; USAFI Informa - tion Bulletin; USAFI Catalog To be Announced 1 Guest Speaker. L None ANNEX NO. 48 CHEMICAL WARFARE TRAINING (5 Hours) Subject' mr~~ PILE HUMBER .HOURS "'TOTfSTOT TY'fS' INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION 'REFERENCES Chemical Agents * • • 1 Explanation of the various classes of war gases and the physiological effects of each class. C PM TM 21-40; 3-215 Individual Protection and Decon- tamination 1 Training film covering individual pro- tection against chemical attack, and decontamina- tion procedures of personnel, equipment and area s. TF PM 21-40 Gas Mask Drill 1 9 Demonstration and application of the proper methods of slinging the mask, removing the mask from the carrier, fitting and adjusting the mask, inspecting the mask, testing for gas and removing and replacing the mask in the carrier. D, PE PM TM 21-40; 3-205 Gas Chamber 1 Reviewing the proper fitting and adjusting the mask. Application on use of gas chamber by member of the class. PE FM 21-40 123 ANNEX NO. 48 (Cont'd) Subject PILE NUMBER HOURS Scope of INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES First Aid to 1 The c ommon C, D PM 21-40, Exposed Persons types of gases Figures end the Treatment which might be 8 and 21, of Casualties used in modern pars 100- from Chemical gas warfare are 102; Attacks reviewed, and an outline of the steps to be taken in the first aid treatment of casualties from the various gases is dis- cussed. The Gas Casualty First Aid Kit and its contents will be demonstrated during this period. uGas War fare”, by A. H. Wa itt, pp 255- 273 AMEX.NO. 49 DEMONSTRATIONS AND APPLICATIONS (16 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SOOPE OF ' TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Unit • Inspection 1 Proper method of conducting an outside inspection emphasizing the important factors to be considered. D PM 22-5, pars 154, 156, 166, 215, 216, 217 Interior Guard 1 Illustration of the standards to be established in the performance of interior guard duty together with a demonstration and commentary emphasizing the actions of the officers, non- commissioned officers and men. C, D FM 26-5, pp 1-19, and Appendix I, pars 3, 4 Inspections 4 Applicatory exercises. Indoor and outdoor in- spections of class units are made PE FM 22-5, pars 154, 156, 166, 215, 216, 217; PM by unit com- manders , 21-15, Sec IV, pp 79-84; AR 600-35, AR 600-40; WD Cir 88, 1946 Assembly and Adjustment of Medical Department Soldier 1s Field Equipment 1 Demonstrat ion application of the correct procedure of assembly of field equipment together with an explanation of the nomenclature of each item of equipment and parts thereof. D, PE PMs 21-15, 21-100, 22-5 125 ANNEX NO. 49 (Cont'd) Subject 7:nd PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYFITOF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Shelter Tent Pitching and Display of Equipment 2 Explanation and demonstra- tion of the proper methods utilized in pitching a shelter tent and displaying items of individual equipment• D, PE FMs 21-15, pars 19, 21, 25; 21-100; 22-5, par 145 Pitching and Striking- Command Post and Pyramidal Tent 2 Explanation and demonstra- tion of the proper method of pitching and striking a command post and pyramidal tent followed by an applicatory period during , which class members will pitch and strike the tents mentioned above* D, PE PM 20-15, Sec II, pars 26- 30; Sec III, pars 31-35 Pitching and Striking- Squad Tent and Latrine Screen 2 Explanation and demonstra- tion of the proper method of pitching and striking a squad tent and latrine screen followed by an applicatory period during which class members will pitch and strike the above mentioned tents and latrino screen* • D, PE FM 20-15, Sec I, pars 21- 25; Sec VIII, pars 56-60 126 ANNEX-NO. 49 (Cont'd) Subject Aito FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP INSTRUCTION YTpTW INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Inspection of 1 Inspections of c- PM 21-5, Barracks a battalion Sec IV, barracks, a battalion day pp 79-84; AR 600-40; room and a company supply room are explained and demonstrated with emphasis placed on the military WD Cir 88, 1946; WD AGO Forms 15, 32, 56, 446 and 447, and * courtesies to the com- be rendered and on the actual c onduct of an inspection by an inspecting officer* pany property book County Pair 2 Examination E All (Examination) % covering the various hours of instruction given by the references regarding Training Depart- ' ’ ’ i Training Department. ment sub- jects taught during the course ANNEX NO. 50 MEAT AND DAIRY HYGIENE (18 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Orientation 1 Procurement and Inspection of food products of animal origin; respon- sibilities of the Medical Department in relation thereto. Inspection ser- vice by other Governmental and civil agencies; Federal specif ications. C AR 40- 2150, Secs I, II, III, IV; TMs 8-450, Sec IV, pars 28- 43; 10-210, Sec XI, par 74 Beef, Fresh 2 Types, classes and grades of carcass beef; grading factors; wholesale cuts; spoilage; Federal specifications, C, D TM 10- 210, Sec XI, par 75 • 11 Military Preventive Medicine”, Dunham, pp 453 Veal, Lamb and Mutton, Fresh 1 Types, classes and grades of carcass veal, lamb and mutton; grading factors; wholesale cuts; spoilage factors; Federal specifications. C, D TM 10- 210, Sec XI, pars 77-79; "Military prevent ive Medicine”, Dunham, pp 454- 457 Pork, Fresh 1 Types and grades of fresh pork; grading factors; wholesale cuts; spoilage; Federal specifications. 128 C, D TM 10- 210, Sec XI, par 76; "Mllitcry Preventive Medicine”, Dunham, pp 455 ANNEX NO. 50 (Cont’d) SUBJECT'""ATO” FILE NUMBER HOURS " SCOFF-OP TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Cured and Smoked Meats 2 t Curing' agents and curing pro- cesses, Smok- ing cured meats. Grading and spoilage, Federal specifications. C, D TM 10-210, Sec XI, par 81; "Military Preventive Medicine”, Dunham, pp 463- 466 Sausage, Fresh and Processed 2 i Types of sausage, com- position, manu- facture, quality and spoilage factors. Federal specifications. C, D TM 10-210, Sec XI, par 82; ”Military Preventive Medicine”, Dunham, pp 473- 474 Meat Specialties i .. Identification, quality and spoilage factors relating to livers, kidneys, hearts, brains, tongues and sweet breads. Federal specifications. C, D TM 10-210, Sec XI, par 80 Poultry 1 Market classes and grades of dressed poultry, methods of dressing and drawing, grading factors and spoilage. Federal specifications. C, D TM 10-210,. Sec XIII, par 89; "Military Preventive Medicine”, Dunham, pp 475 Eggs 1 Structure, standards and grades of eggs. Egg candling to illustrate quality factors. Federal specifications• C, D, PE TM 10-210, Sec XIII, par 90; "Military Preventive Medicine”, Dunham, pp 476-477 129 AMEX NO* 50 (Cont’d) SUBJECT AND”' FILE NUMBER HOURS . SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Canned Meats and Meat Products 1* Canning methods, C, D types of cans and structure. Discussion and demonstration of various types of defective cans. Composition and manufacture of conned meats and meat products purchased by Army, Federal specifications, TM 10-210, Sec II, par 3 -Marine Products 1 Types 'and grades C, D 4 of marine products purchased for troops. Indica- tion and determina- • tion of spoilage. Federal specifications, TM 10-210, Sec XIV; "Military Preventive Medicine", Dunham, pp 477- 487 Milk and Ice Cream 2 * Discussion of C, D dairy farm milk plant, and ice cream plant operations and sanitation. Types and grades of fluid, evaporated, ' and powdered milk purchased for troops. Federal specifications. TM 10-210, Sec XII, par 86; "Military Preventive Medicine", Dunham, pp 488- 530 Butter and Cheese 1 ,Discussion of C, D, PE the manufacture, grading factors, composition and ►types of butter and cheese. Federal specifications. Exhibition of .various types and TM 10-210, Sec XII, pars 87-88; "Military Preventive Medicine" , Dunham, pp 554-558 130 ANNEX NO. 50 (Cont'd) Subject and FILE NUMBER HOURS Scope op' ' INSTRUCTION nww INSTRUCTION REFERENCES . . . grades of butter and cheese for student examination. • - • - ■ Written Examination 1 Written examination covering all previous subjects, E All preceding references ANNEX -NO. 51 ARMY ADMINISTRATION, GENERAL (20 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OPTYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFEREBCES War Department 1 The authority C ARs 1-5, Publications, and use of War 1-10, Genera 1 Department 1-15, publics tions 310-10, in general; 310-15, definition and 310-20, use of various 310-50, type regulations, 310-60, circulars, bul- 3X0-200; letins, pamphlets, memoranda, manuals, tables, and orders; distribu- tion and requisi- tion of publica- tions . FM 21-6 Army 2 The force and C, PE ARs 1-5, Regulations effect of Army 1-10, Regulations; their 1-15, scope and related 310-10, publications; form 310-15, and arrangement; 310-20, effective date; 310-50, - practical exercise 310-60, in filing, posting. 310-200; and maintaining Army Regulations# FM 21-6 Military 1 To instruct the G TM 12-253 Correspondence, student in the Military writing of Letters military letters, the form of a letter, parts of a military letter, and the purpose and pre- paration of ind orsements# 132 ANNEX NO, .51 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Military 1 To instruct C TMs 12-253, Correspondence the students 12-256, Orders, Bulletins, and Memoranda in the pre- paration and purpose of General Orders, Special Orders, Bulletins and Memoranda , Court-Martial Orders, 12-256A Military 1 Instruction in C ARs 380-5, Correspondence Safeguarding Military Information y the need for protection of military informa- tion, classifica- tion of documents as an aid to safeguarding, the various categories of classified information, the protection re- quired by each and methods used to furnish this protection. 380-10; PMs 30-25, 30-28 Re c o rd s Administration Filing Procedures 1 y To instruct the student in the proper methods of installing and maintaining files; use of War Deportment decimal file system, main- tenance of alphabetical and document files. C TM 12-258 Records ■ 1 A practical PE TM 18-256; Administration Filing Procedures y exercise in the use and main- tenance of decimal files. Students War Depart- ment Decimal Pile System 133 ANNEX NO. 51 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OPTYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES will be required to assign proper file numbers, make decisions Records 2 as to cross- referencing, and segregate various documents . into permanent and temporary files. Instruction in C TM 12-258 Administration t the purpose and • ' Disposition of need for Records systematic disposition of files and records; t Pay and 1 preparation and use of Records Disposition Schedules, pre- paration of records for shipment to War Department Depositaries, and use or access to transferred files. To outline for C ARs 35-1320, Allowances the students 35-1340, of Officers the pay and 35-1420, allowances of officers, pay for specialized duty, retired pay, loss of pay through disciplinary action and because of hospitalization 35-1485, 35-1490, 35-1495, 35-1540, 35-1620, 35-1640, 35-1680, 35-1740; (Line of Duty No, TMs '14- AR' 35-1440), and to describe the preparation of : a pay voucher,, , 501, 14-503 134 ANNEX NO. 51 (Cont’d) HirEjiOT’iw"" PILE NUMBER HOURS —srorew. INSTRUCTION "TYPimp INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Preparation of Pay Vouchers 1 T * • A practical exercise in the preparation of an officer’s pay voucher# PE ARs 35- 1320, 35-1340, 35-1360, 35-1380, 35-1620, 35-1640, 35-1660, 35-1680, 35-1800, 35-4220; TM 14-501 Pay and Allowances of Enlisted Personnel 1 To give the students a broad over-all picture of the pay and allowances of enlisted personnel, to show rates of pay and how the base pay of a soldier may be increased or decreased. To outline a plan for the payment of a company or detachment. C ARs 35-1320, 35-1420, 35-1440, 35-1480, 35-1485, 35-1490, 35-1495, 35-1500, 35-1550, 35-2340, 35-2360, 35-2440, 35-2460, 35-2600, 35-4520, 35-5520, 35-5540; TM 14-502 Preparation of Army Payrolls 1 A practical exercise in the preparation of an Army payroll# PE ARs 35-1340, 35-1420, 35-1440, 35-1510, 35-2340, 35-2360, 345-155; TMs 14-503, 12-255 Service Records 1 To describe the Service Record in general, list typical entries TM 12- 230A; AR 345- 125 135 ANNEX NO* 51 (Cbnt'd) SUBJECT AMD FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE 0F INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES and give directions for making these entries. Hol'd a directed discussion regarding the use and disposi- tion of the Service Record. Service Records 3 A practical exercise in the preparation and maintenance of Service Records; making typical entries and closing the Service Record upon discharge of enlisted personnel. PE TM 12-230A Organization of a Personnel Office 1 To outline for the students a typical organiza- tion of a unit personnel office, and to describe the functions of each section. C AR 345-5; TMs 12- 250, 12-252 Examination, Array Administration (General) 1 A comprehensive written examination covering all previous hours of Army Administra- tion (General). E All previous references listed 136 ANNEX NO* 52 MEDICAL SUPPLY RECORDS AND PROCEDURES (10 Hours) SUBJECT AHD FILE NUMBER HOURS “'Scope op type of INSTRUCTIOH INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Requisition of Property 1 Cover all means of requisition- ing property, to include Property Issue Slip (WD AGO Form 446), Requisition (WD AGO Form 445), verbal requisi- tions, and automatic issue of newly activated units for expend- able and non- expendable property. C ARs 35- 6520, 35-6620; TMs 38- 403, 38-220, 38-205; WD Cir 133, 1946 Supply Records Maintained in T/0 & E Units 1 During this hour emphasize the responsibility of the company and detachment commander, and supply records maintained on orga niza tiona1 property in all T/0 Sc E units in the Zone of the Interior, and maintenance of these records. C ARs 35- 6520, 35-6620; Medical Supply Catalog, Section 10 C ompany Property Book 1 Thoroughly familiarize the class with proper maintenance of the company property book in accordance with regulations. PE AR 35- 6520 137 ANNE# NO, 52 (Cont'd) OTBJOT mkW PILE NUMBER HOURS —ST3WOT TWTW INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION * REFERENCES Stock Record Account and 1 Familiarize the class with C PSs 39-8, 38-9; ARs Stock Control maintenance of Stock Record Accounts main- tained hy account- able officers, means of stock control and stock levels* 35-6560, 35-6580, 35-6680, 705-5; TMs 38- 403, 38-220 Purcha ses 1 Familiarize officers with purcha sing agencies of The Surgeon General1s Office. Depots and stations to include authority, records and procedures• C AR 40- 1705; Medical Supply Gatalog; WD Pro- curement Regula- tions ; TM 8-262, Chop X Quarterly Droppage Allowance 1 Thorough indoctrination of officers with th,e preparation of Certificate of Droppage of Minor Non-expend- able Property, (WD AGO Form 14-123) and Quarterly Drop- page of China ware , ■and Glassware. C, PE AR 35- 6620; WD Cir 333, 1946 Statement of Charges and Certificate of Fair Wear and Tear 1 Thorough indoctrination with the prepara- tion of Statement of Charges and Certificate of Pair Wear and ■ Tear. C, PE AR 245- 300; TMs 38-403, 38-220 138 ANNEX NO. 52 (Cont*d) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Observation 3 This time will D All and Inspection be utilized references of Supply for the class previously Records to observe supply records listed for the course of units in operation, to include Company in supply • Supply, Battalion Supply, MPSS Supply, and Medical Supply of a Hospital. ANNEX NO* 53 MESS ADMINISTRATION (4 Hours) FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE- OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Introduction 1 to Dietetics Division Introduction to C Mess Administra- tion, Organiza- tion, of the Dietetics Division, duties of Director of Dietetics, Head Dietetian, Dietetian, Mess Sergeant, and Mess Steward, TM 8-262, Chap VI, Secs 1, 2 Mess Personnel 1 Selection and 0 assignment of civilian employees, training, duty hours of enlisted and civilian per- sonnel, absenteeism, preparation of work schedules and assignment cards. TM 8-262, Chap VI, Sec 3 Menus and 1 Food Procure- ment Preparation of G menus, procurement of food, quarter- master purchase, commercial pur- chases, request for bids, office procurement. TM 8-262, Chap VI, Sec 4 Food Storage 1 and Stock Control Pood storage, C cold storage facilities, mark- ing walk-in refrigerators, reach-in boxes, dating perishables, arrangement of stores, amount of stock on hand; stock control; general, receipt, inventory card, monthly inventory issue, distribution. TM 8-262, Chap VI, Secs 5, 6 140 ANNEX NO. 54 AC COUNT'ING PROCEDURES FOR HOSPITAL FUNDS (15 Hours) SUBJECT AfrD PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE 6f type of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Hospital Funds, General 3 Scope system C of accounts, financial reports, records and forms. TM 8-262, Chap VII, Sec 1 Hospital Funds, General Ledger 3 General ledger; C cash on hand, cosh ip bank, accounts receiv- able, food inventory, accounts payable, net working capital. TM 8-262, Chap VII, Sec 2 Accounting for Income end Cosh Receipts 3 Accounting for C income and cash receipts, classification of income of the Hospital Fund, subsistence income, sub- sistence charges, commuted rations, welfare income, other income# TM 8-262, Chop VII, Sec 3 Acc ounting for Expenses and Cosh Disbursements 2 Classification C of expense incurred by a Hospital Fund, subsistence expense, wel- fare expense, other expense, recording of expenses, cash disbursements # TM 8-262, Chap VII, Sec 4 141 ANNEX NO. 54 (Cont’d) SUBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS Scope of type of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Record of Da i ly Ga in or Loss from Subsistence * 2 Procedure of keeping a record of daily gain or loss from subsistence; comparison of subsistence income with pur- chases of food and subsistence for each day and for month to date. C TM 8-262, Chap VII, Sec 5 Pood •Inventory Control 1 Inventory control system, ordering, delivery, issue of food, Inventory card, physical inventory. C TM 8-262, Chap VII, Sec 6 Hospital Funds, General Review 1 Review of accounting procedure given in preceding hours, C TM 8-262, Chap VII, Secs 1-6 142 ANNEX NO# 55 MILITARY LAW (5 Hours) SWJS'Ct" and FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OP" INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Military Offenses and the Punitive Articles of War 1 Practical PE exercise in the discussion and proof of frequently com- mitted military offenses, and the applicable punitive Articles of War. MCM, Chap XXVI Preparation of the Charge Sheet 1 Practical PE exercise in the preparation of WD AGO Form 115, Charge Sheet. MCM, pars 30, 31, 32, Append ices 3, 4; TM 27-255, Chap 5 The Invest- 1 Appointment C MCM, pars igating Officer Trial Judge Advocate, and Defense Counsel i of,action to be taken by, and report of the Investigating Officer; appoint- ment and duties of the Trial Judge Advocate and Defense Counsel prior to trial. 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45; TM 27- 255, Chaps 7, 10, 11 Rules of Evidence 1 Discussion of C, PE the rules of evidence and practical exercise in the application of those rules to selected typical cases. MCM, Chap XXV; TM 27-255, Chap 14 143 ANNEX NO. 55 (Cont'd) Subject and FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP iT‘yPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Findings, 1 Deliberation by C, PE MCM, pars Sentences the court, 78, 79, and Punish- voting procedure. 80, 81, ments required number and Chap of votes, and practical exer- cise in authorized findinga, sentences and punishments * XXIII; TM 27-255, Chaps 15, 16 AMEX NO, 56 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT (10 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS szmrw tmtp INST RUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Cla ss ification and Assignment 2 ♦ Interviewing, C, PE selective measures, testing, skills, interests, hobbies, physical, mental and psychological ca pabilities, interpretation of classifica- tion data, and assignment. TMs 12-405, 12-406, 12-425, 12-426, 12-427, 12-260; WD Pamph- let 12-8 Controlling Absence 1 The problem of C AWOL, types of personnel likely to go AWOL, causes and preventive measures. AR 615- 300; WD Pamphlet 20-5 Providing Incentives 2 Stimulating C, PE will to work by providing proper incentives through recogni- tion and promotion# AR 615-5; EM 783, Cha ps XIII, XIV, XV Proper Tra ining 2 Increasing ability C, PE to produce by proper training on the job and through Army schools # AR 350-5; EM 783, Chap IX Utilization of Manpower 2 Necessity for C, PE full utilization and methods of obtaining full and complete service of every enlisted man and officer, including limited service, WAC, and negro. WD Cirs 105, 119, 124, 132, 142, 182, 220, 1946; WD Pamph- let 12-8 ANNEX NO* 56 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYfE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Examine tion 1 Examination and discussion covering preced inc nine hours. E, C All previous references ANNEX NO* 57 ADMINISTRATIVE CPX (7 Hours) SUBJECT Awl) FILE NUMBER HOURS 6P TYPfe of ■ INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Orientation 1 An orientation C TM 8-262; on Illustrative on the Administra- AR 40- Problem tivc CPX to follow. 590 > This will include the mission of the problem, and , a brief review of the administrative organization of 'a hospital, and the functions of the various administrative positions to which the students will be assigned. • Administrative 6 A practical PE All CPX exercise in previous which the references students will listed by be assigned various administra- the Depart- ment of tive positions found in a hospital and required to make the actions required by a scries of illustrative Administra- tion problems. 147 ANNEX NO.58 DENTAL ADMINISTRATION (23 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Dental 2 A presentation L ARs 40-5, Service in designed to pars 1, The Army orient the newly commissioned Dental officer concerning the Army Dental Corps, its history, accomplishments and objectives. 2, 3; 40-15, 40-510; FMs 8-5, 8-10; TM 8-260 Army Regulation 40-15 1 General pro- C visions governing the Dental Corps as enumerated in Alt 40-15, a discussion and interpretation of material con- tained therein. AR 40-15 Army 1 A discussion C ARs 40- Regulation and interpretation 510, 40-510 of material con- tained in AR 40- 510, which prescribes the regulations governing dental attendance in the Army• 40-505 Dental 1 Orientation and C War Supplies and familiarization Depart- Equipment with MED series of War Department Catalogs, Responsibility for and safe- guarding of Govern- ment property. Means of obtaining supplies and equip- ment, Accountability and responsibility for property. ment Catalog MED 1, 2, 3, 6, 10-17; TM 8-225; ARs 35- 6520, 35-6640 148 ANNEX NO, 58 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Denta1 Examinations and Surveys 1 Discussion of C dental standards of fitness for service in the various com- ponents of the Army, Explana- tion of the various types of physical examina- tions required* The conduct of oral examinations and the recording of results* Accomplishment of surveys to determine the dental health of a group# ARs 40-100, 40-105, 40-110, 40-510 . Dental Reports, Records and Pertinent Forms I 1 The first of C ten hours deal- ing with the subject will lay the groundwork designed to familiarize the newly commissioned Dental Corps officer with reports, records and pertinent forms commonly used in the dental service. In this hour all the forms used are lightly touched upon# ARs 40-15, 40-1010; TM 8-225 Denta1 Reports, Records and Pertinent Forms II 1 This hour d-eals C entirely with the primary record of the dental service-Register of Dental Patients* Every portion of the form is discussed in detail presenting the AR 40-1010; TM 8-225 149 ANNEX NO. 58 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND- PILE NUMBER HOURS S'Cb'fE' "GP— TYTTrSF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Appliestory 4 proper method of recording the various required data , These four PE AR 40-1010; Exercises-- periods are TM 8-225; Register of spent furnish- Cla ssroom Denta1 ing the student Notes Patients Dental 1 with approved solutions to several applicatory exercises concern- ing the Register of Dental Patients which were Issued for completion by the student prior to these periods. The exercises present merely examples of entries which might be employed in record- ing like cases in actual practice. These examples are concrete and typical and in ’ addition to them others of similar application are shown. The preparation C, PE ARs 40-1010 Reports, of the Dental 40-1705; Records and Identification TM 8-225 Pertinent Forms III Record is gone into setting forth its purpose, require- ments and disposi- tion. The keeping of a Record of Special Dental Materials and • its relation to the Prosthetic Case Record is discussed. 150 ANNEX NO. 56 (Contfd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS “ Scope of 'type of INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Applicatory 1 A review type of question and answer period in the later portion of the hour. Approved PE ARs 40- Exercise- solution to 1010, Dental two applicatory 40-1705; Identification exercises con- TM 8-225; Record and cerning the Dental Classroom Record of Identification Notes Specia1 Dental Materials Denta 1 1 Record and Record of Special Dental Materials which were issued to the student for completion are presented in considerable detail, illustrat- ing more or less typical examples of entries which might be mode on these two records. A detailed C AR 40- Reports, discussion of 1010; Records and the Report of TM 8-225 Pertinent Forms IV Dental Service, WD AGO Form 8-98. The responsibility for and the frequency and disposition of the report are gone into. Discussion is punctuated by frequent blackboard illustration. The relation of the Report of Dental Service to the Register of Dental Patients is empha sized. 151 ANNEX NO. 58 (Cont’d) wmcTim— FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE Ot1 INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Appliestory Exercise- Report of Dents 1 Service 1 • A problem PE concerning the Report of Dental Service is issued to the student prior to this period this hour a solution thereto is given re- emphasizing various important points relative to responsibility, frequency and disposition of the report* AH 40- 1010; TM 8-225; Classroom Notes Central Denta1 Laboratories and Their Utilization 1 Consideration C of Central Dental Laboratories, the service rendered and the requirements for the proper utilization of that service. ' Policies regard- ing prosthetic service in the Army and the proper use of WD AGO Form 8-143 in requesting Central Dental Laboratory service• War Depart- ment Technical Bulletin; TB Med 148, March 1945 Relationship of Dental Corps and Medical Corps Officers 1 Period devoted L to a discussion concerning the status of the dental surgeon and his relations with the surgeon, a comparison of such relationships with those existing None 152 ANNEX NO. 58 (Cont'd) SUBJECT anc PILE NUMBER HOURS Sc'Ope of type of INSTRUCTION IWSTRUCTION REFERENCES between the surgeon and his c ommanding officer and an analysis of the reasons therefor. Examination 1 Examination E covering all material presented in the above 18 periods, inclusive# The type of examination to be determined at the time* All previous references and class- room notes Discussion of Examination 1 Presentation C of an approved solution to the examination previously held# None Personnel Records for Dental Corps Officers I 1 Hour designed to C give Dental Corps officers a brief orientation on the more common personnel records, reports and forms used in the Army. Hour covers records maintained on officers and enlisted men, the company morning report, daily sick report and a discussion of Line of Duty. ARs 40- 1025, 345-125, 345-400, 345-415 Pers onnel Records for Dental Corps Officers II 1 This hour is a C continuation of the preceding hour and covers the duty roster, records pertaining to leaves of absence, absence without leave, causes and prevention. ARs 345- 25, 600-115, 600-550, 615-300 TMs 12-240, 14-502 153 ANNEX NO. 58 (Cont'd) SUBJECT UHtS>~~~ FILE NUMBER HOURS SCof'fe O# TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Examination 1 pay and allow- ances of enlisted men and records and reports of • death* Examination E Same as covering the for above ■ subject of two personnel records periods; • as given in the classroom above two con*- ferences* The type of examina- tion tt> be determined at the time thereof* notes ANNEX NO. 59 DENTAL SERVICE IN OVERSEA THEATERS {5 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Organization of the Dental Service in a Theater of Operations 2 Discussion L of the dental service in a type theater of operations designed to familiarize the student with the dental administrative network through which technical supervision of the dental service is exercised and the duties of dental officers connected there- with. None Organization of the Dental Service in a 0 ommu n ic a t i on s Zone 1 Discussion of L the organic arrangement of a type communica- tions zone, the various types of organizations found therein and their employment. FM 8-5, Chaps 2, 3, 11, 13, 17 Organization of the Dental Service in a Combat Zone 1 Discussion of L the type units employed in the combat zone and the facilities available therein. A consideration of the duties of Dental officers serving in units in the combat zone • PM 8-5, Chaps 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13 155 ANNEX NO. 59 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AMD FILE NUMBER HOURS sew, of TTpe'Dp INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Dental Service 1 A conference C Classroom in q Theater, designed to notes Communications review briefly Zone and Combat. the foregoing Zone lectures on , ... ■ • ■■ the subject and to permit emphasizing important points and to allow the student to ask questions con- cerning such service• ANNEX NO. 60 TREATMENT OF JAW FRACTURES (2 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS 3TOpe"op INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Early Treatment 2 of Jaw Fractures in the Field Discussions • C confined to that of first aid and emergency treatment of jaw fractures at the None front line v/ith the facilities available in combat organiza- tions. Deals primarily with the treatment provided in the battalion and regimental aid station and does not enter into the definitive aspect of such treatment. • AMEX NO. 61 TRAINING AND TACTICAL DUTIES (42 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OPTYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Demonstration of Dental Field Equipment 1 Hour devoted to demonstration of the chests and kits employed in field dental service, D War Department Catalog MED 6, 10-17 Demonstration Pocking of Chest MD No. 60 1 An acceptable method of pack- ing and unpack- ing the Chest MD No. 60 is shown in order to show the student'a proper way to set up and take down this item of field equipment. D None Demonstration; 2 Truck, Dental Operating, and Truck, Laboratory, Denta1 Hour devoted to demonstration of the two trucks utilized by the dental service in the field together with an analysis of their employment and actual use. D War Department Catalog MED 10-17 Conduct of Oral Surveys 1 An actual demonstration of a method of conducting an oral survey of a group for the purpose of determining the status of dental health of such a group. D None 158 ANNEX NO, 61 (Cont'd) 5&KWCT IM FILE NUMBER HOURS SCfff>E 6E TYEETTiE INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Dental Service in The Zone of the Interior 1 The dental C service provided by installations in the Zone of the Interior are explained and discussed. Also a discussion is carried out of the service rendered by the Dental officer of a tactical unit in the Zone of the Interior, ARs 40-15, 40-510 The Enlisted Dento 1 Assistant-Els Duties and Training 1 Source and L attributes of the enlisted dental assistant are discussed. Essential subjects in which the assistant should be trained are gone into. TM 8-225, Chap 6 Operation of Central Dental Laboratories 16 These hours D spent at the Central Dental Laboratory, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, under the super- vision of the commanding officer of the laboratory to give the student an Insight into the actual operation of such an installation with the objective of developing the best coordination possible between the laboratory and the officer sending cases to the laboratory for fabrication. None ANNEX NO. 61 (Cont'd) StJBJECT AND PILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES thereby improv- ing the type of service provided the ’individual pa tient. Application in the Use of the Chest MD No. 60 16 This series of PE hours spent in application of the student in actual operation with the Chest MD No. 60. Includes: packing and unpacking, setting up for operation, examining the new patient and actual performance of dental operations -for the patients provided• None Training Film-Dental Health 1 The training film, C, TP Dental Health, is shown following a brief discussion of methods which may be used in promoting dental health among troops. None Examination 1 Examination E covering material presented during the past 45 hours of instruction dealing with Dental Service in Oversea Theaters, Treatment of Jaw Fractures and Train- ’• ing and Tactical Duties. Type of examination to be determined at the time and will vary from class to class. All previous references and class- room notes on sub- j ects concerned 160 ANNEX NO. 61 (Cont'd) STJbjecTTId FILE NUMBER HOURS —sraranBP 1— INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Discussion of Examination 1 Presentation C of an approved solution to the examination previously held, open discussion to take up any questionable point which may have arisen during the course. None AMEX NO. 62 VETERINARY ADMINISTRATION (34 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS —s’ooproF typFof INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Orientation 2 History, C organiza tion, functions and responsibilities of the Veterinary Corps, Duties, responsibilities and titles of Veterinary officers, Relationship in the Medical Department, ARs 40- 2005, 40-2010, 40-2030; TM 8-450, Sec I Classification and Regional Nomenclature of Animals 2 Army method of C classifying animals and regional nomenclature. AR 40- 2245, pars 10-16, 39; TM 8-450, Cl, Appen- dix I, par 17 Veterinary Diagnostic and Standard Terms 2 Explanation C of the Army diagnostic and standard terras as regards animals, AR 40- 2245, pars 25, 32 Register 4 and Report Card (WD AGO Form 8-135) Preparation, C, D rendition and transmission of WD AGO Form 8-135. AR 40- 2245; TM 8-450, par 21, Cl, Appen- dix I, pars 1-14 Index Card (WD AGO Form 8-136) 1 Preparation C and use of WD AGO Form 8-136, AR 40- 2245, par 5 162 ANNEX NO. 62 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Emergency Veterinary Tag (WD AGO Form 8-137) 2 Preparation, C, D rendition and transmission of WD AGO Form 8-137. . AR 40- 2245; TM 8-450, par 21, Cl, Appen- dix I, pa r 15 Veterinary Report of Sick and Wounded Animals (WD AGO Form 8-129) 3 Preparati on, rendition and transmission of WD AGO Form - 8-129. C, D AR 40- 2235, par 9; TM 8-450, par 21, Cl, Appen- dix I, par 16 Veterinary Health Certificate (WD AGO Form 8-128) 1 Preparation and use of WD AGO Form 8-128 C AR 40- 2235, par 11; TM 8-450, par 15, Cl, Appen- dix II, par 1 Report of Physical Examination of Animals (WD AGO Form 8-133) and Receipt for Animals (WD AGO Form 8-138) 1 Preparation and uses of WD AGO Forms 8-133 and 8-138 C • AR 40- 2235, par 13 Record and Report Card (WD AGO Form 8-135), Index Card (WD AGO Form 8-136) and Emergency Veterinary Tag (WD AGO Form 8-137) 4 Practical exercise in the preparation of .WD AGO Forms 8-135, 8-136 and 8-137. PE Previous references 163 ANNEX NO. 62 (Cont»d) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION , INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Veterinary ■* Report of Sick .and Wounded Animals (WD AGO Form 8-129) « 4 Practical exercise in the preparation of WD AGO Form 8-129. PE Previous references Veterinary Health Certificate (WD AGO Form 8-128), Veterinary Sanitary Report and Receipt for Animals (WD AGO Form 8-138), and Report of Physical Examine tion of Animals (WD AGO Form 8-133).. 2 m Practical exercise in the preparation of WD AGO Forms 8-128, 8-133 and 8-138 and Veterinary Sanitary Report. PE Previous references Veterinary Hospital Administration 3 Personnel and supply administra- tion in Veterinary hospitals and dispensaries * Rules regarding treatment and handling of privately owned animals« C ARs40-2035, 40-2065; TM 8-450, pors 9-11 Examination, Veterinary Administration 2 All previous instruction in Veterinary administration. E All previous references Critique, Examination 1 Review of examination questions. C None 164 ANNEX NO. 63 ORGANIZATION AND TACTICAL EMPLOYMENT OF VETERINARY UNITS (10 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SC1W TO TYPET75P INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Veterinary Sections and Detach- ments 2 Organization and equipment of Veterinary sections and detachments• C T/0 & Es 8-500, 2-11, 7- 6-115, 6-185, 8- Veterinary Company Separate 1 Organization and equipment of the Veterinary Company Separate* G, D T/0 & E 8-99 Veterinary Troop and 1 Organization and equipment C, D T/0 & E3 8-89, Veterinary Company Mountain of the Veterinary Troop and Veterinary Com- pany Mountain* 8-139 Mobile Veterinary Hospitals 2 Orga nization and equipment of the Veterinary Evacuation, Station (CZ) and General Hospitals. C, D T/0 & Es 8-780, 8-750, 8-760 Tactical Employment of Veterinary Units 1 Assignment and use of Veterinary units in tactical situations * Echelons of Veterinary service C • FMs 8-5, Chaps 25-29; 8-10, par 37 Veterinary Field Equipment 2 Equipment issued to and used, by Veterinary units* D Previous references Examination 1 All instruction on Veterinary units * E All previous references 165 ANNEX NO, 64 VETERINARY FIELD SERVICE WITH ANIMAL UNITS (56 Hours) mtfmrrm— PILE NUMBER w HOURS ■ SC WE'"CP TTHTW INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Preparation and Condition- ing Animals for .'the .Field 2 * Methods of preparing animals for field opera- tions* Feeding, exercising, conditioning, march schedules and capabilities of animals* Types of Army rations• C PM 25-5, Chap 2 « Hay and„ Straw 1 A discussion of the official U* S* standards for recognized .classes of hay and straw and factors affecting grades, C Handbook of Official Hay and Straw Standards, USDA Hay and Straw 9 3 M Discussion and demonstration of graded samples of hay and straw to illustrate classes, color, leafiness, mixtures and foreign material percentages. C, D Hand- book of Official Hay and Straw •Standards, USDA Hay and Straw 2 A discussion and demonstration ■of unsound hay and straw and Injurious foreign material* C, D Hand- book off Official Hay and Straw' Standards, USDA ANNEX NO. 64 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AltD PILE NUMBER HOURS —OTToF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Hay and Straw 2 Practical PE exorcise in which students ore required to classify and grade various samples of hay and straw* Hand- book of Official Hay and Straw Standards, US DA Grain 2 A discussion C, D of the official US Standards for corn and oats and factors affecting grades; demonstration of graded samples and use of grading equipment* Hand- book of Official Grain Standards , US DA Grain 2 A practical PE exercise in which students Hand- book of Official -■ are required to identify and grade various samples of oats to determine test weight per bushel, damaged and other grains and foreign material. Grain Standards, US DA Grain 2 A practical PE Hand- * i exercise in which students are required to identify and grade various samples of corn to determine tost weight per bushel, moisture content, damaged and other grains and foreign material* book of Official Gra in Standards, US DA AMEX NO. 64 (Cont’d) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OFTYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Horseshoeing 1 General C principles. A discussion of the anatomy of the foot and types of shoes. EM 25-5, pars 152, 153, 154 Horseshoeing 1 Normal shoeing. C, D A discussion and demonstra- tion of the preparation of the foot and shoe and secur- ing the shoe. EM 25-5, pars 15 5, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162 Horseshoeing 1 Corrective C, D shoeing for pathologic conditions and faulty gaits. PM 25-5, par 160 Packing 1 A discussion of C the basic prin- ciples and history of pack- ing, classifica- tion of pack units, characteristics and training and selection of animals. EM 25-7, Chaps 1, 2 Packing 1 A discussion C, D and demonstra- tion of types of pack saddles and equipment used. Nomen- clature of the pack saddle and saddling. EM 25-7, Chap 3 ANNEX NO. 64 (Cont'd) mrmi— FILE NUMBER HOURS “5TOF5T5F W?iTW INSTRUCTION ' INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Packing 4 Demonstration and application of packing lashed loads and of load balancing* D, PE PM 25-7, Chap 5 Packing 1 A discussion and demonstration of- hanger and adapter loads," types' and uses. C, D PM 25-7, Chap 6 Packing 2 Demonstration and application of care and preserva- tion of pack saddles, working pads, chambering pads, fitting saddles and adjusting. D, PE PM 25-7, Chap 3, Secs II, III Packing 1 A discussion of the principles of herding, individually led • animals, marches and bivouacs. C FM 25-7, Chaps 7# 8, 9 Care of Animals in the Field 1 A discussion of care and feeding o*f animals in , the field, selec- tion of sites for picket line’s, prevention and • treatment of injuries and Veterinary service on the march, in bivouac and in combat. c PM 25-5, pars 140- 151 Transportation of Animals 1 Transportation C of animals by land, A discussion of the preparation of animals and cars, care and feeding cnroute and livestock regulations. PM 25-5, pars 165, 167; AR 55-165 ANNEX NO. 64 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OP INSTRUCTION TYPE OF INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Transportation of Animals 1 Transportation of animals by water. A dis- cussion of the preparation of animals, types and utilization of vessels, care and feeding enroute. C | FM 25-5, par 166 Transportation of Animals 1 Transportation of animals by air. A dis- cussion of the conversion of aircraft, loading, care enroute and unloading. c None Service Ayith War Pogs 1 I A discussion covering the organi zation and uses of War Dog units. Selection, .handling and care of dogs and immuniza- tions used. c TM 10-396, Chaps 1, 2 Examination 2 All instruction in Veterinary service with Animal Units, E All previous references ANNEX NO. 65 ANIMAL DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL (17 Hours) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF TYPE 0F INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Veterinary Sanitation 2 A discussion C of the prin- ciples of veterinary sanitation, sanitary inspections and points to be covered during same • ARs 40- 2035, pars 7, 20, 31, 35; 40-2090, Sec III Control of Communicable Diseases 1 A discussion C of the methods of controlling communicable diseases of animals, includ- ing quarantines, disinfection and disposal of carcasses, ARs 40- 2035, pars 22, 27, 28; 40-2090, Sec XV Control of Communicable Diseases 2 Discussion, C, D, PE demonstration and practical exercise covering the various diagnostic tests and methods of immunization used by the Army* AR 40- 2090, Cl, Sec II; "Vet- erinary Service in War- time" , Campbell Veterinary Laboratory Service 1 Discussion of C the availability of Veterinary laboratory service, services rendered by same, methods of preparing and shipping specimens* None ANNEX NO..65 (Contfd) ■swrE'erTBir PILE NUMBER HOURS S'C6f,'E""6p OTJTTiP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Communicable Diseases 2 A discussion C of the pre- vention, control and treatment of glanders, tetanus and anthrax. AR 40-2090, Soc II;- "Vet- erinary Service in War- time” , Campbell Communicable Diseases 1 A discussion C of the preven- tion, control and treatment of equine encephalo- myelitis, in- fectious anemia and periodic ophtho. Imia • AR 40- 2090, Sec II & Cl; "Vet- erinary Service in War- time” , Campbell Communicable Diseases 1 A discussion C of the preven- tion, control and treatment of parasitic diseases, AR 40- 2090, Sec II; "Vet- erinary Service in War- time" , Campbell Communicable Diseases 1 A discussion C of the prevention, control and treat- ment of shipping diseases * AR 40- 2090, Sec II5 "Vet- erinary Service in War- time" , Campbell Tropical Diseases 1 A discussion C of the nature, causes, trans- mission, diagnosis, - prevention and control of surra. Problems relating to surra in World War II. AR 40- 2090, Sec II; "Vet- erinary Service in War- time" , Campbell ANNEX NO. 55 (Cont'd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS S0OP£ OP TYPE OF INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Tropical Diseases 1 A discussion of the nature, cause, trans- mission, diagnosis, prevention and control of piroplasmosis, epizootic lymphangitis and murina. C AR 40- 2090, Sec II; ’’Vet- erinary Service in War- time” , Campbell Communicable Diseases 1 Discussion of the communic- able diseases of dogs from the standpoint of military impor- tance, control and prevention. C None Communicable Diseases 1 Discussion of the communic- able diseases of domestic animals encountered in occupied countries. C ’’Vet- erinary Servic e in War- time” , Campbell Examination 2 All instruction in Animal Disease Prevention and Control. E All previous references 173 ANNEX.NO. 66 VETERINARY ACTIVITIES IN THEATERS OF OPERATION (8 Hours) SUBJECT AliD FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE .OF TYPE OP INSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION REFERENCES Orientation » 1 Discussion C of the "various Theaters of Operation in World War II>. outlining boundaries > features of terrain,’ climatic conditions, and types of opera- tions conducted. None Theater Veterinary Service 2 A discussion of C the organization end operation of a theater veterinary ser- vice, and the duties and staff "responsibilities of the theater Veterinarian. None China-Burma - India Theater 2 A discussion of C, D veterinary activities in the CBI, includ- ing liaison and training activities with the Chinese Army. Veterinary activities in the Burma campaign are illustrated with Signal Corps motion pictures. None European and Mediterranean Theaters 1 A discussion of C, D veterinary activities in the European and Mediterranean Theaters, especially the problems None 174 ANNEX NO. 6-6 (Contfd) SUBJECT AND FILE NUMBER HOURS SCOPE OF INSTRUCTION TYPE OP INSTRUCTION REFERENCES relating to the employment of pack animals in the Italian campaign. Southwest Pacific Area 1 Discussion of Veterinary activities in the Southwest Pacific area, especially Australia, New Guinea and the Philippines, C, D None Veterinary Service With Military Governments 1 A discussion C of the duties and problems of Veterinary personnel assigned to military governments in Germany and Japan* None