REPOR T ON TIIE Progress oe Otology. BY C. H. BURNETT, M. D., AN1> CLARENCE J. BLAKE, M.D. REPRINTED FROM TIIE TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN 0T0L0GICAL SOCIETY, For 1874. BOSTON: ALFRED MUDGE & SON, PRINTERS, 34 SCHOOL STREET. 1 874. REPOE T ON TIIE Progress of Otology. BV C. H. BURNETT, M. D., ANI) CLARENCE J. BLAKE, M.D. RfcPHfNTED FROM TIIE TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN 0T0L0GICAL SOCIETY For 1874. BOSTON: ALFRED MUDGE & SON, PRINTERS, 34 SCHOOL STREET. 1 874. REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. BY C. II BURNETT, M. D., AND C J. BLAKE, M. D. The preparation of the Report on the Progress of Otology during the year that has passed has been shared by a com- mittee of two, in accordance with a suggestion made by the committee of last year. The Report is divided into three parts: I. Anatomy and Physiology, by Dr. Burnett; II. Pathology and Therapeutics, by Dr. Blake; and III. Re- views and Book Notices, by each member of the committee. There is a bibliographical record for the year appended to the Report, in which the articles forming the basis of the Report may be readily found by the alphabetical arrangement of the authors’ names. With the hope that it may prove acceptable to the Society, and all other readers, the following report is respectfully submitted by the committee: — I. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 1 Prof. Gruber luis extended his investigations concerning anomalies in the connection between the malleus and the membrana tympani, describing three more varieties of ab- normal connection. The tirst consists in a round vesicle extending over the upper part of the manubrium of the malleus and the antero- superior segment of the membrana tympani. This vesicle is nothing more than the result of a collection of fluid induced by hyperannia or inflammation in the membrana tympani. The second anomaly is only a higher grade of the first; u is of rare occurrence. By an extension of the vesicle downwards, parallel with 2 BURNETT AND BLAKE. the handle of the malleus, the latter appears doubled. In such cases, Gruber thinks that the cartilage of the anterior portion of the manubrium of the malleus is loosened and pushed out of position. The third form of anomaly is considered to be a combined result of the tirst two forms already mentioned. In this form the short process appears dislocated upwards in a few cases, but more usually downwards and upon the posterior surface of the manubrium of the malleus. "Of course,” says Gruber, "this is not a dislocation of the short process, but simply one of the upper end of the cartilage in connection with it.” This dislocation, the author says, he has seen as a sequel of hypertrophic inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the middle ear. This condition is attended, furthermore, with alterations in the position of the membrana tympani and ossicles, viz. a retraction and simul- taneous turning of the malleus about its long axis. Prof. Gruber also calls attention to another change in ap- pearance he has observed in cases of the abnormal position of the malleus just described. He says, "It appears as if the cartilaginous segment, extending from beneath the short pro- cess to the end of the manubrium of the malleus, were raised up and shrunken. The outermost edge of the manubrium in such cases assumes a wavy appearance.” Prof. Voltolini again calls our attention to his pneumatic aural speculum and its advantages. His first statement is that the usual aural mirror, which reflects ordinary sunlight into the meatus, is only of use to short-sighted aurists, whereas his speculum, in which the reflecting plane-mirror is oidy 3" from the membrana tympani, can be used by direct sun- light, as well as with simple daylight, by every eye. He furthermore claims that with his speculum we arc better able to see both the normal appearances and the manifold va- riations of the pyramid of light, all of which only serve as proof that the funnel shape of the membrana tympani causes the pyramid of light and not the inclination of the membrane to the axis of the meatus. REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 3 Its pyramidal shape is due to the fact that the membraua tympani, which in this connection must be regarded as a con- cave mirror, becomes smaller towards the centre, and there- fore the reflected image, i. e. the parts of the pyramid of light, becomp smaller towards the centre of the mirror, i. e. of the membrane. In this article, Voltolini likens the incin- brana tympani to the tapetum of the choroid, which is prac- tically a concave mirror, and reflects a minimum of the light falling into the eye. We have consequently a pyramid of light in the eye as wrell as in the ear, and our author says we may speak of "shining ears” as well as of "shining eyes.” Among the practical advantages of this speculum, we find that the author claims that if by its use we are unable to alter the appearance of the pyramid of light, we may safely con- clude that the membrana tympani is adherent throughout its entire extent. In the same article, Voltolini says that the normal color of the membrana tympani is pearl gray (a merely confirmatory statement of the observations of others), and that the mem- brane in its normal condition is only translucent, not trans- parent, even in the brightest sunlight. In those cases where the contents of the tympanum are visible through the membrana tympani, we may conclude that the latter is more or less atrophied. This speculum will also enable us to tell whether the mem- brana tympani is perforated, and if it be, we can by its use empty the tympanum of its fluid contents by suction ; but the last two ends may be gained equally well by Sigle’s pneu- matic speculum. The operations for tenotomy of the tensor tympani and loosening the adherent membrana tympani from the inner wall of the tympanum, may be performed by the aid of this speculum. Dr. Trautmann has investigated most thoroughly the optical causes of the "triangular shining spot,” or the pyramid of light, on the membrana tympani, in an article which he calls " The Shining Spots of the Membrana Tym- 4 BURNETT AND BLAKE. pani” ("Lichtreflexe des Troramelfelles ”). This paper is admirably illustrated by nineteen diagrams explanatory of the optics of concave and convex mirrors, as well as the "shining spots” upon the inner and outer parts of the sur- face of the funnel or concave mirror formed by the natural membrana tympani. Under the third head of this paper, the author sums up the following reasons for the "spots of light” (Lichtreflexe) which usually occur in membrana tympani. He says, "The normal membrana tympani has quite a high degree of superficial lustre, is inclined at an angle of 45° in its vertical plane, and in its horizontal plane it is inclined 10° towards the right on the right side, and 10° towards the left on the left side. Furthermore, it is drawn inwards so as to form a funnel, the point or apex of which lies in the cen- tre of the anterior periphery of the yellow, sickle-shaped expansion at the end of the anterior edge of the manubrium of the malleus; the angle at which the walls of the funnel meet is greater than a right angle, the depth of the funnel is equal to about 2mm. and the distance from the apex to the periphery is 2^—3mm. anteriorly, and 3mm. posteriorly. Therefore a " spot of light” or a reflection of light from the plane surfaces of the membrana tympani cannot reach the eye of an observer, because the rays of light from without, on account of the inclination of the membrana tympani, fall upon the plane surfaces of the same, at a very acute angle. Since the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of inci- dence, the rays of light from the planes of the membrane which has an inclination of 45°, must strike the inferior wall of the external auditory meatus, and are in consequence un- able to reach the eye of the observer. The relations are, however, different, when we consider the " reflection of light ” which is found in a funnel-shaped spot. On account of the vertical inclination of 45° of the membrana tympani and of its horizontal inclination of 10°, the antero-inferior quadrant of the membrana tympani is at right angles to the illuminating object. Since, now, REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 5 the illuminating hotly and the eye are in the same line,* the rays of light which fall perpendicularly upon the an- tero-infcrior quadrant must reach the eye, and therefore the eye sees a " reflection of light” only in the antero-in- ferior quadrant, the reasons of which are more fully ex- plained by the author under the second part of his paper. Since the walls of the funnel meet at an angle greater than a right angle, this triangular reflection is a direct one, as is fully explained under the aforesaid second part, which treats of the physical reasons for all prominent reflections of light (sicli abhebende Lichtreflcxe) occurring on shining or pol- ished surfaces. A number of anatomical modifications of the temporal bone have been pointed out by Zuckerkandl. These modifications are shown to be the result of an ex- traordinary development of vessels which are usually small and insignificant, but which, by the aforesaid development, alter the structure of the temporal bone,— a fact of such im- portance that an investigation of two hundred and eighty skulls was made in order to arrive at some conclusion respecting the causes of these important modifications of the temporal bone. The first modification is termed the sinus petrosquamosus, and is produced by a semi-canal in the line of the fissura petroso-squamosa, and connects, by means of a largely-de- veloped vein, one of the middle meningeal veins with the sigmoid sinus. The sinus petrososquamosus may be ambilateral or unilat- eral. That portion of it usually found on the anterior aspect of the temporal bone may be wanting as far as the canal of the posterior part of the petrous bone. A converse modification is seen where the canal usually passing over the posterior part of the petrous bone to join the sinus petrosquamosus is wanting. * The externa! auditory meatus is so narrow, that the observer and the source of illumination had better be in the same line, in order to obtain the best possible illumination of the membrana tympani. 6 BURNETT AND BLAKE. This sinus may be very short, emptying into the sinus pctrosus superior, instead of passing backwards as far as the sigmoid sinus. In the second part of his paper, Zuckerkandl has pointed out some features of the sulcus pctrosus superior, which give it the character of a diploetic vein of the petrous bone. In the same division of this article he alludes to the modifications of the sigmoid sinus, and that portion of it denominated the bulbils of the sigmoid sinus. This latter anomaly, says our author, in some few cases may assume a dangerous character by causing a thinning of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone lying over the aforesaid bulbus of the sigmoid sinus. In one instance he found the soft parts of the scalp at one point separated from the bulbus of the sigmoid sinus by a layer of bone as thin as paper ; and at another point the soft parts of the scalp were in direct contact with the bulbus of the sigmoid sinus. In the third portion of the paper on "Anomalies of Devel- opment in the Petrous Bone,” we find the following remarks on the anastomosis of the arteries of the labyrinth: "After the vestibular artery reaches its destination, it divides at the posterior wall of the vestibule into several branches which arch towards the outer wall of the vestibule. We possess no information respecting the connection between these vessels and the of those cochlea, although the anastomosis of these vessels can be seen by the removal of the anterior wall of the vestibule in any well-injected preparation of the temporal bone. "The cochlear artery, which alone gives off 15 or 20 arter- ioles to the membranous portions of the cochlea, gives origin to a large branch, passing through the lamina spiralis ossea, via the modiolus, into the vestibule. " This branch gives off three other branches : — " 1. One to that portion of the lamina spiralis membrana- cca et ossea lying behind the promontory. "2. One to the superior wall of and REPORT ON TIIE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 7 " 3. A branch which anastomoses with the branches of the artery of the vestibule. " Hence, we see that the arteria auditiva, whose connection with the ostium of the tympanum has never yet been demon- strated, forms a completely closed net in itself. " The diploetic substance which surrounds the labyrinth shows a similar richness in Larger arteries.” Zuckerkandl has also described a constant and peculiar anatomical connection between the Eustachian tube and the constrictors of the pharynx, under the name of the liga- menta salpingo-pharyngea. lie states that " upon opening the posterior wall of the pharynx and dissecting oil' the mucous membrane, along the periphery of the pharyngeal opening of the Eustachian tube and adjacent parts, we shall find three, four, or five or even more tendinous, rarely clastic cords attached to the pharyngeal end of the hooked cartilage of the Eustachian tube, and the outer wall of the same, which, in their fullest development, the author likens to the tendinous cords connected with the valves of the ventricles of (he heart. "This anatomical arrangement produces a free opening of the Eustachian tube at each contraction of the superior and middle constrictor of the pharynx.” AVe are also informed that "if the cavity of the tympanum is laid open, in a perfectly fresh specimen, the ligamenta salpingo-pharyngea of which have been dissected, we shall find upon stretching these cords downwards that the ossicles of hearing will be visibly moved, and that alterations of at- titude in a drop of water placed in the cavity of the tympa- num will also be produced.” A similar natural tension is produced in these "tendinous cords” by the action of the arcus palato-glassus brought about by opening the mouth very widely. At a meeting of the Boston Society for the Advancement of Medical Science, Dr. Blake described a peculiarity ob- served by Prof. Wyman first in the crania of Hawaiian Islanders, and subsequently in the crania of ancient Peru- 8 BURNETT AND BLAKE. vians, consisting of exostoses of the external auditory meatus occurring uniformly on the superior and inferior lips of the lamina forming the posterior wall of the passage, the same peculiar growth being described by Welker as occurring in the crania of American Indians. Out of three hundred and thirty-four Peruvian crania examined by Prof. Wyman, these growths were found in six, and in various degrees, from a small pedunculated growth on the superior lip of the lamina to double growths on both lips nearly occluding the orifice of the passage. It was noticeable, moreover, that these growths were nearly uniform in size and shape on both sides. Out of eight Peruvian crania, belonging to the collection of Mr. Blake, in the Warren Museum, but one presented this pecu- liarity, and then only in the form of an elongated ridge upon the posterior wall of the meatus on one side. The supposi- tion that aquatic habits might have to do with the presence of these growths, though applicable in the case of the Hawaiian Islanders, would not apply to the Peruvians, living as they did in a tract of country remote from the sea and remarka- ble for its aridity. That the occurrence of these growths is coincident with the development of the wall of the osseous meatus, as suggested by Dr. J. O. Green, is further sup- ported by the fact that the location of the growths was a constant one. Dr. Hasse has continued his researches into the "general plan upon which the peri- and endo-lymph of the inner ear is renewed.” The results of his investigations upon this subject, in connection with all classes of vertebrates, I shall give to you in the author’s oavh words, which may be found on page 7(58 of his "Anatomical Studies,” No. xix : — " All vertebrates possess a duct which originates in the vestibule; and in all animals, with the exception of the Pla- giostomes, in which it passes directly to the surface of the skull, this duct enters the cavity of the cranium and there terminates either in a closed sac at the coniines of an epicere- bral lymph-cavity, or opens into the same. This is the ductus endolymphaticus or the aquoeductus vestibuli with the RETORT ON TIIE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 9 saccus cndolymphaticus, the former of which, in most verte- brates, arises from the sacculus, that is, from the inferior portion of the vestibule. In fishes, the perilymphatic fluid is poured into the cavity of the skull without any special conduit, and empties into the epicerebral chamber; in Pla- giostomes, it is excreted directly upon the skull; and in other vertebrates, a special way of excretion of the peri-lymph exists by means of a narrow canal, which empties either into the epicerebral lymph-chamber, or passes into a lymph-sac which lies in the foramen jugulare, which sac terminates on one side in a peripheral lymphatic duct, and on the other- side passes into the epicerebral lymphatic space. This canal is the canal is s. ductus pcrilymphaticus with the saccus pcri- lymphaticus, which leaves the auditory capsule (Gchorkapsel) either through the foramen rotundum or through the so-called apcrtura aqmeductus cocldcte, and conveys the perilymph from the auditory capsule to the periphery.” After tracing the aqmeductus vestibuli through all classes of vertebrates, and having established the existence of one simple fundamental form for all, the author then endeavors to explain the physiological function of this organ. lie lays down three probable functions of this structure. 1. The endo- lymphatic duct and its sac are the source of the endolym- phatic fluid in embryonal life. In this capacity the sac plays the more important part, through its epithelium and the ves- sels which arc distributed to it, forming a kind of gland. 2. The aquneductus vestibuli, in adult life, may act as a conveyer of new material to the endolymph, either by means of endosmosis from the epicerebral cavities in those instances where the sac is closed, or by means of a direct current where the saccus is open. 3. AVre might reasonably suppose that the sac was useful as a reservoir for the liquor endolymphaticus in any case Avhere the intra-labyrinthal pressure attains an excessive height. By the reception of the fluid into the sac in such a case the pressure would be reduced in the labyrinth. The author also gives the following reasons for what he 10 BURNETT AND BLAKE. considers an uncommon practical importance in the ductus cndolymphaticus : — "Every increased or diminished pressure of the fluid of the liquor cerebrospinalis in the subarachnoidal cavity will make itself felt per continuitatem through the saccus and the ductus cndolymphaticus, in the interior of the auditory appa- ratus, in the endolymphatic cavity and upon the terminal ap- paratus of the auditory nerve found therein. We may thus explain most easily the impairment of hearing for high tones in cases of increased pressure.” Furthermore, pathological processes in the subarachnoidal space are conveyed either by continuity or contiguity through the saccus and ductus cndolymphaticus into the interior of the labyrinth, and vice versa, the latter instance, of course, being the rarer from the deep-seated position of the inner car. Thus every alteration in the chemical constitution of the cerebro-spinal fluid necessarily produces a change in the liquor endolymphaticus, which alteration must exercise some influence in the occurrence of subjective acoustic perceptions as a result of disturbed nutrition ; in any event it must have an effect upon the composition of the liquor endolymphati- cus. That portion of the treatise which traces out the compara- tive relations of the aqiueductus cochlea! in the vertebrates closes with the following remarks by the author on the phys- iological importance of the perilymphatic cavity : — "The cavum perilymphaticum is inserted into the lymphatic tract of all the vertebrates and is connected with the suba- rachnoidal cavity by means of the foramina acustica, and thence indirectly with the peripheric lymphatics, which in connection with the large nerve-trunks pass from the peri- lymphatic cavity by means of the ductus and saccus pcrilym- phaticus. We can therefore perceive that all changes expe- rienced by the liquor cerebro-spinalis, whether they be of a chemical or physical nature, must act upon the liquor peri- lymphaticus and thence upon the organ of hearing, causing subjective perceptions of sound. REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 11 " On tlio other hand, pathological processes which could transmit themselves, through the ductus cndolymphaticus, from the cavum subaraclinoideale into the interior of the membranous labyrinth, by virtue of their continuity or con- tiguity, could also exercise an influence in the cavum peri- lymphaticum, thus furnishing a not unsound anatomical basis for the elucidation of morbid conditions of the inner ear. "This relationship between the liquor perilymphaticus and 1. cndolymphaticus supplies the possibility of an afflux and efflux of the fluid element, a renewal of the same, and the removal of the products of retrograde metamorphosis, and we are therefore justified in supposing that there is a con- stant circulation of lymph in the inner chambers of the mem- branous labyrinth as well as in the space between the mem- branous labyrinth and the auditory capsule (Gehbrkapsel). The rapidity of this current is equal to that of the lymphatic stream in the lymphatic cavities with which it is connected, chiefly to that of the cavum subaraclinoideale, perhaps less rapid. The consequences of this relationship will be shown in a forthcoming treatise.” This work of Prof. Ilasse on the lymphatic system of the inner ear is based upon a series of observations on all classes of vertebrates, and from time to time he has published, in separate form, investigations on the auditory apparatus of a species which are now woven into the complete chain of reasoning which ho has laid before the world of science. Dr. Ilasse alludes to the important aid he has derived from his predecessors in this field of study; especially prom- inent are the names of Cotugno, Meckel, Breschet, Wind- ischmann, and Rathke. The contemporaneous writers alluded to by Dr. Ilasse are Clason, Ketel, Schwalbe, and Bottcher, from whose labors Dr. Ilasse has gleaned, as lie states, much that is of great value in carrying on his investigations, which have formed the basis of the theory contained in his new work. How- ever, our author says, he does not claim to have established a positive and complete theory, — " On the contrary, it is only 12 BURNETT AND BLAKE. a further developed investigation which is still under consid- eration, and does not chum to be a complete theory.” "If it will stimulate others to produce something more complete, then my principal object will be attained,” savs this distin- guished writer on the comparative anatomy of the auditory apparatus. Dr. Curschmann has performed a series of experiments upon the relation existing between the semicircular canals and the equilibrium of the body. He has kept in view the following cautionary rules : — 1. The least possible destruction of tissue in the expos- ure of the semicircular canal. 2. Careful avoidance of excessive hemorrhage, especia ny from the venous sinus which accompanies the semicircular canals. 3. The least possible- injury to the bony canals, since, from their intimate relation to the cavity of the cranium, they cannot be destroyed without a previous opening of the cranial cavity, with an immediate or secondary injury of the cerebellum. With these precautions, after the bony canals were laid bare, small openings were made in the canals, and either the entire membranous canals, or pieces of them, were removed by means of the forceps. The author draws the following conclusions from his experiments : — (1.) Injuries of the semicircular canals produce special disturbances in the equilibrium of the body. It is entirely incorrect to attribute the latter to the attendant injury of other parts. (2.) The manifestations produced by the lesions are, in general, proportional to the extent of the same. (3.) In all cases of disturbance in the equilibrium of the body of the animals experimented upon, we are not to con- sider the motor paralysis or spasmodic conditions, but we must always consider the disturbances in the accommodation oj muscular action. This is usually denominated vertigo in the animals experimented upon. RETORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 13 (4.) According to the injuries inflicted upon the separate semicircular canals of the pigeon, we observe characteristic differences in resultant manifestations. Jt makes, also, a great difference, whether the structures upon only one or upon both sides are destroyed. (5.) Regardless of the extent of the lesion, all the mani- festations are more intense and more distinct, the more ener- getically the animal moves; so that in cases of the slightest injuries (simple section of the canal on one side of the body) the characteristic symptoms arc seen only when the animal makes a vehement motion, whereas these motions are scarce- ly perceptible or may be overlooked when the animal is at rest or is performing ordinary acts of locomotion. (6.) These manifestations of altered co-ordination in mus- cular motion are observed in the head, in the trunk, and in the extremities. (7.) The supposition that the disturbances in the motions of the trunk are due to the defective equilibrium or defective position of the head is to he rejected for the following reasons; — (a.) Because disturbances in the equilibrium of the body occur in cases of injury to the semicircular canals on one side, in which, as has been already stated, the pose and movement of the head arc not materially altered. (6.) Because that supposition would explain only general manifestations of vertigo, but it would not explain the char- acteristic partial disturbances in equilibrium which arise in connection with injury to separate'semicircular canals ; and — (c.) Because certain experiments not described here, militate directly against such a theory. Even after complete ablation of all three of the membran- ous semicircular canals, upon both sides, pigeons do not ap- pear to be deprived of all power of directing their bodies. Strong animals of this class regain, to a certain extent, while at rest or when moving very slowly, the power of posing their bodies. (9.) After a simple section of a single canal, the resultant 14 BURNETT AND BLAKE. symptoms vanish in from four to five days, unless the struc- ture becomes secondarily diseased, which is hardly ever the case, if the experiment has been made with care. In these cases, however, a restitutio ad integrum does not always occur in the anatomical relations of the parts implicated. If only small pieces of the semicircular canals are removed, a marked recovery may ensue, more readily, however, for cer- tain reasons, when the lesion occurs in a vertical canal than when it occurs in the horizontal canal. (10.) The almost constant increment and frequent altera- tions in the original symptoms, which follow a large injury of the canals, are due to subsequent disease of the remnants of the wounded canals or to secondary alterations in the parts of the canals left intact. (11.) The author is unable to give a comprehensive theory of the mechanism by which the semicircular canals exert this influence, which he has portrayed as occurring in cases of injury or disease. The various hypotheses which have heretofore been offered in explanation of these symptoms are not tenable, in his opinion. It is especially incorrect, in his estimation, to regard the semicircular canals as a kind of " organ of sense” for the equilibrium of the body. (12.) The symptoms are the result of a cessation of func- tion, not a result of an irritation, certainly not of a specific irritation of the acoustic nerve. (13.) We are not to conclude, that, since the hearing is not materially altered by a removal of the semicircular canals, they are not correlated to it. The anatomical and the physiological facts would show that they are connected with the function of hearing. Prof. Lucie, to whoso able resume of Curschmann’s experi- ments I am indebted for the facts I have presented here, states that the various disturbances in equilibrium, produced in accordance with a section of the horizontal or vertical semicircular canal, were accurately demonstrated by the REPORT ON TIIE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 15 author before the Medico-Psychological Society of Berlin, when Prof. Lucao was present. The results of Prof. Cyon’s investigations concerning the function of the semicircular canals are thus given in the M. F. O., December, 1873 : — (1.) In order to preserve the equilibrium, it is necessary that an animal have the correct conception of the position of his head. (2.) The function of the semicircular canals is to inform the animal, by means of a series of unconscious (acoustic?) perceptions, of the correct position of its head in space, and for this purpose each semicircular canal has an exactly de- termined relation to a dimension of space. (3.) The disturbances in motion, which occur after sec- tion of the semicircular canals, are of three kinds. (a.) Disturbances in equilibrium as direct results of the artificial injury. (b.) Involuntary movements, as results of the irritation of abnormal acoustic perceptions produced by this injury, and (c.) Consecutive manifestations produced by the inflam- mation of the. cerebellum, which sets in a few days after the operation. Cyon has shown that a pigeon, in which both horizontal semicircular canals have been severed, will perform regular oscillations of its head in a horizontal plane. On the other hand, a pigeon in which the vertical semicircular has been severed will perform similar oscillations of its head in a ver- tical plane. Dr. J. Breuer has published a very interesting and im- portant work, concerning the functions of the semicircular canals of the labyrinth. Prof. Mach has published the re- sults of his investigations into the same subject, and has come to nearly the conclusions as Breuer. The results ob- tained by both of these investigators are confirmatory of the well-known theories of Flourens and of Goltz. (Archiv fur Physiol. 1870.) The theory may be again stated in these 16 BUIINETT AND BLAKE. words: "The semicircular canals are organs of the sense of equilibrium of the head and mediately of that of the entire body.” The experiments to illustrate the physical phenomena of the semicircular apparatus are given in the author’s (Bren- er’s) own words : — "A system of three tubular rings, at right angles to each other, are filled with fluid. AVe thus gain a fair representa- tion of the semicircular canals. In such a system we shall find that with every rotary motion of the entire system («. e. the head) currents of the contained fluid will occur in a di- rection opposite to that of the rotary motion of the head. The measure of this current in each canal depends upon the plane in which the head is turned, and upon the amount of rotation. Between the rotation of the head and the move- ments of the enclosed fluids, fixed relations exist. If the movements of the fluid are perceived, they will of course furnish exact information concerning every turning of the head.” The acoustic hairs (Horlniare) are brought forward as the possible perceptive apparatus of this movement, for they are situated at a broad, smooth spot in the canal and project at right angles into its calibre. Thus from their posi- tion they would be especially sensitive to the variations of the currents in the endolymph, and we know that they are con- nected with nerves, the terminations of which they repre- sent. The analogous terminal nervous apparatus in " the lateral organ ” of the fish appears to act the part of an analogous organ of perception for the currents, resistances, etc., in the surrounding water. (F. E. Schulze.) " If we wish to harmonize both of these facts with Goltz’s theory we must assume that every current of the endolymph is perceived by the nerves of the ampulhe, and that it pro- duces an idea of the rotation of the head in the plane of the semicircular canal most implicated, and in a direction oppo- site to the current; but that the perceptions of the six ampulhe of both labyrinths unite in forming a joint con- ception.” (Breuer.) REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 17 Prof. E. Mach has contributed additional corroboration of the theories of Goltz and Breuer by a series of novel experi- ments upon man, which were published a short time before the results of Breuer’s labors. I think I cannot do better than to give the description of these experiments in the words of Prof. Pick (Archiv. f. O. N. F. Band II, II. 4) : — " Mach suspended a chair in which a man could sit with ease, in a frame-work, so that the chair could be revolved about a horizontal axis and fixed at any inclination. In addi- tion, the entire frame-work with the chair could be revolved about.a vertical axis. In many of the experiments the chair was covered by a paper box, which, following all the motions of the chair, prevented the person sitting in it from observing with his eye the motions of the apparatus in which he was seated. "The principal results of the experiments with this appa- ratus were the following : — "A revolution about the peculiar vertical axis of the body is perceived by the person experimented upon only so long as it is accelerated. "A continued and constant revolution is not perceived. "Retardation of the revolution is perceived as a revolu- tion in the opposite direction.” " It is apparent that these facts agree with the theories of Breuer. The sensation of revolution in the opposite direc- tion is converted into the sensation of motion in the true direction, in two seconds, by a renewed acceleration of the original motion. This sensaiion, therefore, must continue a few seconds longer than the cessation of the retardation; for otherwise, the new acceleration should produce immediately a sensation of revolution in the original direction. If we accept Breuer’s hypothesis, we must suppose that by the law of inertia the currents produced in the semicircular canals continue some seconds after the force producing them has ceased. If during the revolution about the vertical axis the head is inclined forward and then suddenly elevated at the mo- 18 BURNETT AND BLAKE. mcnt the revolution ceases, in those cases where the revolu- tion has occurred from the left, forwards and towards the right, an impression will he gained that a revolution is oc- curring from the right, upwards and towards the left, and the person thus experimented upon will fear that he is about to fall towards the left. This fact is also in harmony with the hypothesis of Breuer, and proves most strikingly that the position of the head is a measure of the sensations of revolution, and that the organ of these sensations must he found in the head. These two fundamental facts have already been observed by Purkiuje, but with less exactitude than by Mach. Furthermore, Mach has established, by the aid of his apparatus, the fact that we have, either with the body at rest or revolved with a constant velocity, a distinct con- sciousness of the direction of the resultant accelerating force without the assistance of the eyes. A man sitting in the chair was able to give, by means of an indicator projecting from the case, a tolerably correct statement as to the vertical direction in any of the variously inclined positions of the chair. When the case containing the chair was revolved about a vertical axis situate at some distance from the chair, like the well-known " caroussel toy,” and when the face of the one experimented with was turned towards this axis, the axis then given by him as the vertical one was in reality one inclined diagonally downwards from the axis corresponding to the resultant of the centrifugal force produced by the revolution with constant velocity, and the weight of the body revolved. Certain facts of a similar nature, perceived prior to this, induced Breuer to add to his hypothesis already described, the supposition that we should consider the macula acustica with the otoliths as possibly an organ for the perception of the position of the head at rest, in respect to the direction of the resultant accelerating forces and the rectilinear motions. In this portion of the acoustic apparatus he perceives the fulfilment of the necessary conditions. lie thinks we arc justified in assuming that the otoliths are specifically heavier REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 19 than the endolymph, and that they consequently have a ten- dency to sink in it in the direction of the resultant acceler- ating force. According to the direction of this force in the head, the otoliths would drag, in various ways, upon the hairs with which they are connected, and thus produce a varied excitation of the terminal nervous apparatus. In addition to this, the specifically heavier otoliths would have, at the beginning of a rectilinear motion, a tendency to remain behind the endolymph, and at the cessation of the same they would go in advance of it, and therefore they would, by mechanical action upon the cilia, produce a per- ceptive sensation. Dr. A. II. Buck has written a brochure on the mechanism of hearing, in which he advances a new theory. lie says : " My own investigations, so far as they go, favor the view that no communication exists between the two scalre in the immediate vicinity of the cupola, unless the opening (heli- cotrema) spoken of so vaguely by the authors, be micro- scopic in size.” Dr. Buck shows that a force applied to the fluid contents of the scala vestibuli, will be communicated to Ileissner’s membrane, and thence to the membrana basi- laris. The displacement of the contents of the scala tym- pani, caused by the depression of the entire membrana basi- laris, is provided for by the presence of an elastic membrane, the membrana tympani secundaria. The author then goes on to say, that "the entire membrana busilaris, including high and low notes alike, is obliged to perform all the excursions which may be communicated to the stirrup or the membrana tympani by sonorous vibrations ; or, to speak more minutely, with every tone, sounded, every ' organ of Corti ’ must perform the excursions which belong to that particular tone. "Although it must be true that, with every note sounded, all the organs of Corti must perform the excursions belong- ing to that note, yet it must be remembered that the semi- gelatinous membrana tectoria, which rests upon the cilia of the hearing-cells, will likewise be obliged to perform these same excursions.” 20 BURNETT AND BLAKE. "Over one particular region, however, of the membrana basilaris, this will not be the ease, namely, in that portion where the thirty or more basilaris fibres are tuned to vibrate in sympathy with the note sounded. At this point the vibra- tions will be of sufficient vigor to throw off the membrana tectoria. So long, then, as that particular note is sounded, the cilia of the hearing-cells, in the region referred to, will receive a succession of taps from the membrana tectoria, or, to speak more strictly, will strike against this membrane.” These blows, Dr. Buck says, constitute the true irritation of the auditory nerve. "Wherever the blows do not take place, although the auditory nerve-filaments may be agitated in a direction at right angles to their length, then no sensa- tions of sound will be communicated to the brain.” Dr. Buck also suggests an explanation of the function of the semicircular canals. lie rejects the theory of Flourens and Goltz, and says : "The first thing that attracts our atten- tion in the anatomy of these organs is the peculiar relation of the membranous to the bony canals, the former occupying scarcely a third of the calibre of the latter. Then, in the next place, the space between the membranous canal and the bony walls is filled, not with free fluid, as is the case, for example, in the cochlea, but with a reticulated connective tissue, rich in blood-vessels and made up of large meshes containing fluid. In the vicinity of the mouths of these canals, however, it should be noticed that the membranous tubes hug the bone more closely. If we examine the mode of construction of the membranous canals, we find that the outer elastic wall is lined with a sort of mucous membrane whose free surface undulates or is thrown into mounds, and carries a lining of ordinary pavement epithelium. Another point worthy of notice is the absence of the undulations or mounds on that "side of the canal which lies next to the bone, the side where dilatation cannot take place. These ana- tomical relations and the absence of nerves are certainly sug- gestive of the thought that the function of these canals must be a mechanical one. Is not their function, we would ask, REPORT ON TIIE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 21 to protect the ductus cochlearis and the organs of Corti from injury in eases where the stirrup is driven too violently into the oval window ? Any pressure made upon the utriculus can only find a yielding point in the elastic Avails of the membranous semicircular canals; and furthermore, if the latter were lined with a smooth instead of an undulating epithelial surface, the distension would he followed by a rup- ture of the epithelial lining. Any sudden and loud noise, like the report of a cannon or a peal of thunder, would be likely to injure the cochlear structures, were not some pro- vision made in the labyrinth for emergencies of this kind. As we have shown, the semicircular canals are not only ad- mirably fitted to serve in the capacity of safety-valves, but their entire mode of construction, especially the absence of all nervous structures, would seem to exclude them from any higher office in the mechanism of hearing.” We presume that by the term semicircular canal Dr. Buck alludes to that portion of the canals above the usually in- cluded ampullae; otherwise, his statement, that there is "an absence of all nervous structures” in these canals, would not be strictly correct. Granted, that the function of the major portion of each semicircular canal is to act as a safety-valve in cases of undue pressure upon the labyrinthine fluid, it seems that such function must be just as advantageous to the proximal nervous structures in the ampullae as to those in the more remote cochlea. Possibly more so, if the nerves of the ampullae are intended to receive the impressions pro- duced in the air by the long, powerful waves of ordinary noises. Furthermore, if the theories of Flourens and Goeltz, and latterly of Brener and Mach, that the function of the semi- circular canals, i.e. of their nervous contents, is to preside over the sense of equilibrium, be correct, a safety-valve may be all the more necessary in connection with the important nerves at their mouth. Dr. Victor Urbantschitsch has pointed.,out the physiologi- cal nature of certain membranous and cord-like adhesions in 22 BURNETT AND BLAKE. the cavity of the tympanum, which have heretofore been con- sidered pathological. As the author states, Prof. Politzer was the first to express the opinion that such might be the case, and our author has verified this opinion by a series of careful and copious investigations on the cadaver of embryos, new-born children, and adults. This writer has frequently found in the new-born child, membranous and cord-like connections between the inner side of the vertical shaft of the incus and the inner wall of the tympanum. This has been considered pathological by Toynbee and other authors ; but Urbantschitsch has shown that these formations are remnants of an embryonic fold, running from the vertical ramus of the incus to the inner wall of the tympanum, enclosing entirely the stapes. This was seen eight times in embryos, fifty times in the new-born child, and sixteen times in fifty examinations of the tympanic cavity in the adult. There is also an embryonal stapedial fold which sometimes leaves as residue small membranes or cords passing from the head and shafts of the stapes. But the writer docs not assert that all of the connecting bands or membranes which he has described are always of a physiological nature; he believes that their occurrence, without any morbid changes in the tympanic cavity, would not justify the conclu- sion that pathological process preceded their formation. Similar connections between the posterior, anterior, and exterior surface of the vertical ramus of the incus with the structures of the tympanum are shown to be normal. The first point agrees with the investigations of Lincke; the second point agrees with the statement of v. Troeltsch. The horizontal ramus of the incus may be joined to the external wall of the tympanum, and with the mastoid cells, by similar membranous connection. The union with the outer wall has already been shown by Zaufal to be a normal one. This was found by Urbantschitsch in 80 per cent of all the adults examined. The membrane so frequently found between the tendon of RETORT ON THE TROGKESS OF OTOLOGY. 23 the tensor tympani and the antero-superior wall of the tym- panum, as described by Prussak, Gruber, and Zaufal, has been observed in adults by Urbantschitsch, sometimes as a per- fect membrane, and sometimes perforated in the middle or represented only by a few adhesive bands. Hy rtl’s discovery that osteophytes are regularly found in the tympanum of many of the mammals, is carried still fur- ther by our author, who shows that there is in the tympanum of man a scries of membranous bands containing structures similar to osteophytes which are of a physiological nature. They were found in one third of all the adult tympana examined. Hyrtl says that these osteophytes are formed in the tym- pana of animals during the early years of life ; our author has found them in the tympanum of the new-born child sixteen times in fifty examinations. These are usually found on the eminentia pyramidalis. They may also be found on the posterior-exterior wall of the tympanum, and on the border of the round window. They are usually in connection with a membranous or cord-like structure. Meckel has described a bony bridge between the eminentia pyramidalis and the oval window. In one case, among fifty examined, Urbantschitsch found a bony growth from the eminentia py ramidalis to the inner wall of the tympanum. The posterior wall of the tympanum often contains a bony formation resembling a lamella. "This forms, either alone or in combination with membranes, a partition which divides the posterior portion of the tympanic cavity into a superior, larger space, and an inferior, smaller one.” Dr. Kiipper has related a curious case of clonic spasm ot the muscles of deglutition accompanied by a peculiar objec- tive noise in both ears. The friends of the patient could easily hear this noise, which occurred as frequently as one hundred and forty times in a minute, and closely resembled the snapping of the finger-nails. The noise would sometimes cease on one side, continuing on the other, and the noise in 24 BURNETT AND BLAKE. at least one ear continued during sleep. The spasms of the muscles of deglutition continued without any remission. The hearing was not affected, the Eustachian tubes were pervious to the air-douche, but the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx was greatly congested. The membrana tympani is said to have shown no alteration in its curvature or position during the occurrence of the peculiar noises. Mach and Kessel have performed experiments upon the " accommodation of the ear,” the chief point in their investi- gations being a determination of the question " whether a traction upon the muscles of the tympanum will produce an alteration in the consonance of the auditory apparatus, for notes of various pitches.” The experiments performed were of two kinds : first, upon the cadaver, and second, upon the normal ear of living men. The authors say : " Our results are in unison with those of former investigators. All observers agree that contraction of the tensor tympani, whether produced artificially or by natural causes, will render high notes more audible than the low ones.” The experiments of Politzer show this. The ex- periments of Schrapinger are also in harmony with those of Mach and Kessel; for when S. shows that the voluntary con- traction of the tensor tympani will render all tones less intense, ho likewise admits that the prominence of the over-tones is only relative, since they are less affected by this contraction of the tensor than the lower ones. Kcssel’s investigations concerning the influence of the muscles in the tympanum upon the movements and vibrations of the membrana tympani, in the cadaver, are divided into the following heads : — I. The action of the muscles of the tympanum produced by traction upon them. II. The stroboscopic movements of vibrating membrame tympani during a note of constant pitch. III. The stroboscopic motions of the membrana tympani, vibrating with a fundamental note and its octave. liEPOKT OX TIIE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 25 In the first part of this paper the author divides the mem- brana tympani into various sectors and segments, as follows : 1. Into two grand divisions, the upper and the lower, the dividing line being the one made by the two folds of the membrane. The upper division, i. e. above the line of the "folds,” is subdivided into three sectors, while the lower di- vision is subdivided into two segments. The three sectors of the upper division lie as follows : one between the anterior fold and the anterior suspensory ligament of the malleus, naturally termed the anterior sector, the middle sector, lying between the suspensory ligaments of the malleus, and the posterior sector, lying between the posterior suspensory lig- ament and the posterior fold of the membrana tympani. In the inferior division of the membrana tympani the pos- terior segment lies behind the .malleus, while the anterior segment lies in front of the malleus. We are also informed that the radial fibres pass in two directions from the anterior suspensory ligament, increasing in their length. These pass upwards over the sectors and downwards from the anterior to the posterior segment of the membrana tympani. Hence we have in this case, two angular membranes connected with each other, and subdi- vided into unequal divisions. In the inferior division the radial fibres are drawn into a convexity towards the meatus by means of the circular fibres, and they are maintained by the same means, according to Helmholtz, in a condition of tension and prominence. At the umbo the circular fibres are not found, and Ivessel calls this point the free, central portion of the radial fibres. The circular fibres are also wanting in the upper division (which is flat, excepting at the middle sector, which is some- what concave) at the foramen of Rivini. By means of Sigle’s pneumatic speculum Ivessel has deter- mined the various degrees of tension in the different parts of the membrana tympani. He has found that the movements of the anterior and posterior segments of the membrana tympani are directly proportional to the length of the radial 26 BURNETT AND BLAKE. fibres. In a positive pressure of air upon the membrane the manubrium of the malleus is enabled to revolve. In a case of similar atmospheric pressure, the middle sec- tor is seen to be more depressed than the other two. In a case of negative pressure the converse of this is true. During rarefaction of the air in the auditory meatus the ma- nubrium of the malleus moves not only outward and for- ward, but it moves so that the processus brevis is advanced upward and forward, and at the same time it makes a dis- tinct rotation accompanied by a marked tension of the pos- terior suspensory ligament. E. Mach and J. Kessel have performed a series of experi- ments upon the function of the cavum tympani and the Eustachian tube. Although their experiments were pub- lished in 1872, it is eminently proper to notice them here, for they are among important investigations which have not heretofore been brought directly before the Society. I'hc first proposition stated by these investigators is the following. I quote from, the Archiv. f. Ohrenh. N. F. B. II, pp. 116, 121 : " The waves of sound will produce the best effects upon the membrana tympani when it is unexposed on one side to the sound waves, i. e. when the Eustachian tube is closed.” On the other hand we must remember that a difference in the atmospheric pressure on both sides of the membrana tym- pani is a serious interference in the mobility of the mem- brane. Therefore, the Eustachian tube must be opened now and then in order to restore the equilibrium in the pressure of the air on each side of the membrane, which may have been interfered with by various physical causes. The capacity of the tympanum must not sink below a certain limit, if variations in pressure of a certain amount are to produce vibrations of the membrana tympani of a cer- tain amount; for if the capacity of the tympanum is small, then very slight excursions of the membrana tympani will produce considerable expansive power of the enclosed air, which will operate against further increase in the vibrations. HEPOIIT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 27 This is a very important circumstance in the consideration of the excursions produced by deep tones. In order that the latter may be received, the tympanum must have a certain depth and a generous capacity. Therefore the tympanum is in connection with the cavities of the mastoid process, and those of other portions of bone. A larger tympanum with perfectly regular outline and form would be impracticable from its great resonance. Therefore, the irregular, spongy, bony cavities, with which the ear is connected, appear of the greatest advantage. Therefore, three conditions are favorable to the production of the largest possible excursions of the meinbrana tympani, by the waves of sound. a. The Eustachian tube must be usually closed. b. It must also be opened occasionally for purposes of ventilation. c. The tympanum should be in connection with large, irregular cavities. The first experiment was instituted to discover whether the Eustachian tube is closed. This was accomplished by the observer’s placing himself in an air-tight box, in which the atmospheric pressure could be increased or diminished at will. The alterations of the pressure within the box produced a distinct inward and outward movement of the membrana tympani, which is claimed as a proof that the Eustachian tube is usually closed. The greatest differences in pressure which could be pro- duced in the aforesaid box seemed to prove that, in the case of one of the observers, the tube was pervious ; for the mem- branse tympani always gradually returned to their normal position, notwithstanding the continuation of any alteration in the pressure, and without any voluntary act on the part of the observer. During these experiments other very interesting observa- tions were made concerning the effect of augmented tension of the membrana tympani. 28 BURNETT AND BLAKE. It was observed that during the increased tension of the raerabrana, deep notes, produced by organ-pipes, outside or the air chamber, or by the interruption tuning-fork, placed upon the air-chamber, disappeared or grew fainter in com- parison to the higher notes. In one instance the fundamental note was weakened, and the over-tones became very prominent. Of course, the act of swallowing, during these experiments, would open the Eustachian tube and equalize the pressure on either side of the membrana tympani. The third portion of the paper treats of the benefits of the closed Eustachian tube upon the amplification of the vibra- tions of the membrana tympani. Experiments showed that, if sound is conducted to the tympanum by means of the au- ditory meatus and the Eustachian tube at the same moment, the ossicles remain quiet; but if the sound-waves are sud- denly cut off from the Eustachian tube, vibrations in the ossicles are instantly produced by the sounds conducted to them through the external auditory meatus. The unilateral conduction of sound appears to be, in general, necessary where vibrations of sound in an unlimited medium are expected to produce a stronger or amplified effect. Such, apparently, is the function of the natatory bladder of the fish, which, probably, represents the tympanic cavities. The communication of the air of the tympanum with that of the mastoid cells was demonstrated by means of an experiment devised by Kessel. The external surface of the mastoid process is bored through, and a T-shaped tube is placed in the hole thus formed. One of the arms of the T-shaped tube is drawn out into a point. Through the other arm ordinary burning gas is conducted, and lighted at the afore- said pointed arm. If, now, the membrana tympani be perforated, and the Eustachian tube closed, a gentle note from the organ-pipe, conducted into the meatus externus, will extinguish the flame. This latter fact shows that not only the vibrations are conducted to the mastoid cells, but that the latter are in REPORT ON TIIE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 29 perfect communication with each other and the tympanum. If the membraua tympani lay too near the closed end of a tube, the other end of which is open, the relation would he similar to that of a membrane at the closed end of an organ- pipe, which shows no perceptible excursions. The latter will not appear until the membrane assumes a position at the open end of the pipe. It is manifest, therefore, that the considerable space behind the membrana tympani, viz. the cavum tympani, and the cavities connected with it, are of the greatest importance. Rudinger’s endeavor to show that the Eustachian tube is always open by means of a capillary cleft in the superior part of the tube (the so-called " Sicherheitsrohre,” or safety tube) is regarded with a certain amount of doubt by Mach and Kessel. It is regarded by them as a capillary tube tilled with the secretion from the tympanum, and not as a conveyer of air. Since the air in the faucial extremity of the tube is alternately rarefied and condensed by the acts of respiration, the column of fluid contained in the aforesaid capillary tube (Sicherheitsrohre) will necessarily move in- ward and outward, causing similar motions on the part of the membrana tympani. These motions have been supposed by Lucae and Schwartze to be caused by the direct aerial communication between the tympanum and the fauces, i. e. by the opening of the Eustachian tube at each respiratory act. The majority of physicians suppose that the Eustachian tube is usually closed, being opened only at the act of swal- lowing, a view which is supported by Politzer. The " Mechanism of Opening and Closing,the Eustachian Tube,” by C. J. F. Yule, is thus reviewed by Win. Sterling, M. b., in the "London Medical Record,” Feb. 18, 1874: "The author had a catheter passed into his Eustachian tube in order to compare the sensations felt in the normal ear with those in the catheterized one. lie found that the sounds produced in the larynx were rendered very much louder. That the Eustachian tube opens during the act of swallowing is well known. The mechanism of the opening 30 BURNETT AND BLAKE. of the Eustachian tube, when not complicated by swallow- ing, the author, experimenting upon himself, finds to be the following: — " First, During the contraction for opening the tube, the velum palati does not change either its position or its shape ; in fact, it remains unmoved, and further, it does not become tense, but hangs as soft and flaccid to the touch as at ordi- nary times of rest. (The tensor and levator palati muscles do not, therefore, participate in the opening of the tube.) " /Second, The only parts which do move are the posterior pillars of the pharynx ; they both move inward simultane- ously towards the middle line, moving from their old posi- tion from one half to three quarters of an inch. The action is steady and not spasmodic, and can be sustained for some considerable time at will. (The muscles most evidently concerned are the palato-pharyngei.) The sound which ac- companies the opening of the tube is sharp and crackling, and is referred to some part of the tympanum, or, perhaps, the membrane itself. It can be easily imitated on the sheep. Then follows an anatomical description of the muscles in- volved. II. PATHOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS. Dr. Phillimore, in a scries of remarks upon the occur rence of hsematoma, observes that he has never found this disease unaccompanied by disease of the brain or its mem- branes, and furthermore, with regard to its location in the auricle, that in none of the cases under his observa- tion has the tumor included the posterior surface of the pinna or the lobule. The note from which the above is taken appears in the "British Medical Journal ” of April, 1874, and is called forth by a paper by Mr. Cobbold, which was published in the same journal in October, 1873, in which the author determined the presence of ossification and a series of Haversian canals in an ear examined by him REPORT ON TIIE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 31 and affording the material for his paper. The observa- tions of Mr. Cobbold in this respect are of interest as con- firming those made by Mr. Toynbee as early as 1860, and reported in that year to the Pathological Society, substan- tially as follows : "The right ear was so very much thick- ened as to have lost its normal appearance, the only por- tions of cartilage which were not greatly thickened being the tragus and the thin narrow slip at the posterior portion forming the helix. Upon making a section of the cartilage it was found in some places half an inch in thickness, but not harder than natural. This thick portion of the cartilage presented no appearance of a cyst, and under the microscope was observed to consist of hypertrophied cartilage cells and intercellular matter. In some parts it was converted into true bone containing Haversian canals and well defined cells. This ossific matter was also found in the left ear, which was scarcely at all deformed, and had not passed through the cystic stage of the disease. Dr. Harlan reports a case of malignant disease of the ear in the form of a round-celled sarcoma occurring in a girl three years of age. Two months before examination a bloody discharge was observed from the left ear, followed by pain on swallowing, and swelling about the car, the face being drawn to the right. The appetite gradually failed from the time of the first appearance of discharge, and the child be- came feeble. On examination the auditory canal was found to be closed by a firm globular polypus, with a fluctuating swelling below' and behind the auricle. The removal of the polypus and a free incision behind the ear gave a discharge of sanious pus, but no dead bone could be detected ; the left side of the face was much swollen, and the mouth drawn to the right on cry- ing. The left half of the tongue was much swollen, and rough as contrasted with the right, which was normal. The left eye was never closed, even in sleep ; there was no congestion of the conjunctiva ; the pupil vras movable and the cornea clear and bright. The polypus was twice removed 32 BURNETT AND BLAKE. subsequently, and the discharge from the swelling behind the ear continued. Twenty-eight days after the first examina- tion this tumor was of the size of a hen’s egg, lobulatcd, and having a bright red granular surface. The upper lid of the left eye covered the eye almost en- tirely ; the conjunctiva was congested ; the whole cornea was hazy and its lower fourth infiltrated ; there was also free sanious discharge from the right nostril. Seventeen days later there was a penetrating ulcer of the cornea with pro- trusion of the iris ; the breathing through the mouth and right nostril had become laborious ; and at the end of a week the patient died, apparently from exhaustion. There had been in addition to the other symptoms double convergent strabis- mus, which, however, diminished as the disease progressed, and had nearly disappeared on the twenty-sixth day after its appearance. After death, on removing the tumor behind the ear, the bone at its base was found roughened and eroded. The train of nervous symptoms in this case of Dr. Harlan’s, taken in connection with the results of the autopsy, give it a special interest. Destruction of the inner tympanic wall and implication of the portio dura caused the earliest symp- tom. Paralysis of the sixth nerve increased the convergent strabismus, which was corrected, and the ball rendered im- movable when the disease extended to the third nerve. The levator palpabrae was at the same time involved, and the eye, which had been widely opened, in consequence of paralysis of the orbicularis, was closed by the falling of the lid. In- flammation of the conjunctiva ami cornea presented a typical case of neuro-paralytic ophthalmia due to paralysis of the fifth or its optic branch. The destructive inflammation, it is in this connection worthy of note, did not commence until after the closure of the eye from ptosis. Prof. AVernher, of Giessen, reports at length a very rare and interesting case of pneumatocele cranii in a man twenty years of age. Four years previously, following an attack of forcible sneezing, a tmnor about the size of a pigeon’s egg appeared behind the right ear upon the upper portion of the REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 33 mastoid process. Slight pressure was sufficient to reduce the tumor, but it immediately returned when the pressure was removed, and seemed to till with each expiratory movement. It increased very slowly, and when about the size of the fist could be only partially reduced. The tumor continued to enlarge, and at the time of the patient’s admission to the Academic'Hospital the whole of the right side of the scalp presented an enormous swelling, extending from the fore- head over the temporal to about the centre of the ossipital bone, measuring in this direction 28-c.m., laterally it meas- ured 27-c.m., and extended from the upper portion of the right mastoid process to a point beyond the vertex. The base of the tumor was broad, and its upper surface divided into three rounded prominences, at the thickest portion of the tumor the scalp being raised from the bone for a distance of from V," to 2". The tumor was entirely painless and could be compressed by the finger, and the underlying bone plainly felt; on percus- sion it gave tympanic resonance ; the movability and resonance of the tumor showed plainly that it must contain atmospheric air, as the duration of the tumor precluded the idea of spon- taneously generated gas ; auscultation, furthermore, gave a free blowing sound, but no emphysematous crackle. On Valsal- vian inflation, the tumor slowly expanded and became more tense. The size of the tumor could be somewhat diminished by tight bandages, but always returned to its former size. The outer and middle ears were nearly normal, and the hear- ing not very much diminished. The treatment consisted in the continued application of an elastic bandage, which so far diminished the tumor that a further examination of the underlying bone could be made, and this examination revealed an opening in the superior por- tion of the mastoid through which air made its way from the middle ear. The first active treatment was directed to the closure of this opening, which was done by including by press ure this portion of the tumor and injecting iodine. Other portions were subsequently treated in the same way, and 34 BUENETT AND BLAKE. twenty-five days later the patient was discharged with the tumor entirely gone and the integument everywhere in close contact with the cranium. Very little pain or irritation fol- lowed the use of the iodine. Zaufal publishes an extended report of thirteen cases of traumatic injury of the membrana tympani, the paper being characterized by the careful analysis of the causes and symp- toms in each case, with the conclusions to be drawn there- from. These may be best cited in part in the author’s own words : — The injuries of the membrana tympani result either from the action of direct or indirect force : the former are induced by direct contact of the substance causing the injury with the membrana tympani; the latter are induced by the rare- faction or condensation of the body of air on either side of the membrana tympani, or by the communication of shock transmitted through the bones of the head. The results of direct injury are excoriations of the outer or inner coats of the membrana tympani, or a solution of continuity of all the coats, as in rupture of the drum-head ; and the results of in- direct injury are found also in the consequent inflammation of the membrana tympani, extravasation of blood upon the surface or within the inner coats, and subsequent rupture. The location, size, and form of the injuries resulting from direct force are dependent upon the character of the instru- ment, the curvature of the membrana tympani, and its incli- nation to the walls of the auditory canal. Excoriations are found most frequently upon the posterior and inferior por- tions of the membrane and directed forward and inward. The majority of the ruptures resulting from direct force are found in the anterior half of the membrana tympani; this was the case in six out of seven, and Shaw * found the same in each of three cases reported by him and Gruber, once in two cases mentioned in his " Lehrbuch der Ohrenheil- kunde ” Sharp-pointed instruments thrust quickly into the * Shaw. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, Nov. 18G8. RETORT ON TIIE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 35 ear may either cause a small perforation or an extensive rup- ture of the drum-head; but the latter form of injury is more common where the instrument is blunt. In size the rupture may vary considerably, and where the opening is a large one, it not uncommonly becomes bridged over by new growth, leaving several smaller openings. Injuries of the membrana tympani by indirect force are most commonly caused by excessive positive and negative variations in the atmospheric pressure. Commotio membra- ne tympani with consecutive meningitis is very difficult of diagnosis where there are no immediate signs of violence. Ecchymoses may occur only secondarily ; or where they occur as an immediate result of the injury, may come from the bursting of a superficial or interlamellar blood-vessel, with corresponding differences in appearance, and in subse- quent effect upon the condition of the membrane ; the former dry, and are removed by natural processes with the dermoid coat, often leaving, however, an excoriation which persists for some time. Free extravasation of blood is found mostly upon the mu- cous coat, showing a bright red color through the membrane under good illumination, and varying in outline according to their position. Interlamellar blood extravasations are generally flattened, but s nnetimes appear as a minute point, or as a line follow- ing the distribution of the fibres of one or the other layer of the membrana propria. The location of ruptures of the membrana tympani result- ing from indirect force is determined by the locus minoris resistentife; cicatrices, partial atrophy, and other pathologi- cal changes which invalidate the elasticity and resistance of the membrane often locate the rupture, and in but one of Zaufal’s cases could no predisposing pathological change be discovered. The left membrana tympani was the more commonly rup- tured, corresponding more conveniently to the aggressive right hand which inflicted the injury. When the right 36 BURNETT AND BLAKE. membrana tympani was ruptured, the aggressor either stood behind his victim, or was left-handed. In a series of exper- iments on the cadaver, where the air in the auditory canal was compressed by means of a rubber bag, the normal mem- brana tympani was rarely ruptured, but frequently so where the membrane had been affected by previous disease. The ruptures found after death by hanging, and described by Wilde, Ogston, and Littre, may also be included under the heading of injury from indirect force, because, according to Ecker’s observations in these cases, the soft palate and tongue are driven so far backward and upward into the naso- pharyngeal space as to nearly till it, producing an intra-tym- panic pressure commensurate with the weight of the body. The length of the fall, the suddenness of the shock with which the noose closes around the throat, would be sufficient to produce extensive rupture. This may explain the rarity of rupture of the membrana tympani in cases of suicide by hanging, as in many of the latter cases the victim dies by strangulation, and not, as in judicial hanging, from the appli- cation of sudden force. The form of the rupture varies, being either a narrow slit or a gaping opening; according to both Politzer and Zaufal, the latter is the more frequent form. Contrary to the gen- erally received opinion, the amount of heemorrhage is very small; where it is at all excessive, it is usually the result of accompanying injury of the tympanic mucous membrane, or, as Zaufal found in a case of fracture of the skull from a fall upon the head, from the rupture of large veins and arteries of the dura mater, the art. meningea media especially con- tributing to profuse arterial lnemorrhage from the ear. In regard to the cicatrization of the large openings, Zaufal is unable to confirm Pulitzer’s observation of the projection of a cicatricial membrane from the mucous coat of the mem- brana tympani, and is inclined to the belief that the closure of the opening occurred from without. In this connection may be mentioned the observations of Gruber,* to which * Lehrbuch der Ohrenheilkunde, p. 365. REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 37 Z:iuf;il does not refer, in which the cicatrix is formed by growth of both the mucous and dermoid coats, a microscopic examination of the cicatrix, while showing an equal repro- duction of these two coats, giving evidence of the absence of anything resembling a fibrous structure. A rupture of the membrana tympani is in and for itself a slight injury, and may become a serious matter only through the occurrence of such complications as a suppurative inflam- mation of the middle ear or an injury to the labyrinth ; and it should be borne in mind that the former complication fol- lowing a rupture of the membrana tympani from indirect force is almost always the result of an unfavorable condition of the patient or improper treatment on the part of the sur- geon. Trautmann also reports a case of rupture of the left mem- brana tympani resulting from a fall from a horse, the patient striking upon his head upon the pavement, being taken up senseless with profuse haemorrhage from the nose and left ear and dying in a few minutes. An examination with the aural speculum showed the posterior-inferior portion of the mem- brana tympani pressed outward and of a dark reddish color, and posteriorly to the malleus, beginning at the lower end of the manubrium and extending upward and backward, a fis- sure about 2£ ram. long, through which oozed a bloody serum. The right membrana tympani was normal. In default of a further examination, which was not permitted, Trautmann concluded that a fracture of the base of the skull had occurred, with division of the internal carotid, the blood escaping through the rupture in the membrana tympani ; in this connection the reader is referred to the observations of Lc Bail already cited. Another rupture of the membrana tympani, reported by the same author, occurred in a young man who shot himself in the mouth, with the so-called water bullet, water being substituted for the ordinary missile. Aside from the injury observed in the membrana tympani, the post-mortem examination gave evidence of the destruc- tiveness of the means employed to destroy life. The left 38 BURNETT AND BLAKE. temporal bone was so entirely fractured that only a portion of the upper wall of the external meatus remained attached to the squamous portion ; the remainder of the bone was dis- tributed in splinters throughout the brain substance. The right temporal bone presented the following appearance : the tegmen tympani with the entire labyrinth wall were blown away, giving a clear view of the membrana tympani; the malleus and incus were in position, the stapes destroyed, with exception of the head and a portion of the posterior crus, with the museulus stapedius ; the articulation with the incus remained, and in the membrana tympani a rupture ex- tended from the lower end of the manubrium mallei upward to the periphery, A mm. in width at its lower and 2 mm. in width at its upper end. In the floor of the osseus meatus, close to the membrana tympani, was a nearly circular opening about the size of a Pea- Dr. Chimani makes an addition to the list of diseases of the external ear under the title " Aneurysma Cirsoideum of the Auricle and Meatus.” Shortly after the birth of the patient, who was a strong, healthy boy, his mother noticed a small swelling, about 2 c.m. in diameter, in front of the left ear; it was soft and of a reddish-blue color. At five years of age the tumor had become as large as a walnut, and from that time until his fourteenth year increased rapidly in size, press- ure and external application of astringents were of no effect, and at fifteen years of age the patient was brought to the Josephenum clinic for treatment. The tumor included the greater portion of the left half,of the scalp, was soft, elastic, and slightly fluctuating, painless, pulsated distinctly, and could be diminished in size by pressure. The integument covering it was of a bright red color and of a higher temperature than adjacent parts. The diagnosis was aneurysma cirsoideum of the Art. temporalis, occipitalis and posterior branch of the Art. auricularis posterior. Long-continued pressure and application of astringents having proved ineffectual, repeated injections of iron chlo- REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 39 ride, some twenty in number, were made, and within a year the swelling had so far disappeared that the patient was dis- charged as cured. A short time thereafter, however, the temperature of the left auricle increased ; it became some- what swollen and pulsated slightly at various points. This continued until, four years later, the swelling on the posterior portion of the auricle and the subjective symptoms had so far increased that the patient again applied for relief. For his age, nineteen years, he was well and strongly developed, and with exception of the local trouble, in excellent health. The left auricle was nearly double the size of the right, of a pale red color, with exception of the more prominent por- tions, which were reddish-blue and dotted with small deep- red spots; the enlargement was principally an increase in thickness, the posterior surface especially being elevated above the cartilaginous base of the auricle. The walls of the meatus were swollen, of a pale red color, and marked by dots and lines of a deeper red. The tem- perature of both auricle and meatus was considerably above the normal degree. By means of a stethoscope, pulsation could be plainly heard, and the Art. auric, ant. cap., the Art. auric, ant. inf., and the Art. auric, post, were enlarged, tor- tuous, and forcibly pulsating. The subjective symptoms consisted of headache confined to the left side, diminution of hearing in the left ear, continuous tinnitus aurium, and a sensation of heat and pulsation in the ear. The use of iron chloride being decided upon, an injection was slowly made, by means of a Pravaz syringe, of twelve drops of the fluid, to which was added soda carbonate, the point chosen for the puncture being the swelling behind the auricle. Considera- ble pain accompanied and followed the injection, requiring subcutaneous administration of morphine for relief. The tumor became livid, and then of a deep-blue color. On the second day the pain ceased; on the fourth day a hard, black eschar had formed, which came away easily on the fifteenth day, leaving a deep furrow, the edges of which approximated and closed in a very short time. During the 40 BURNETT AND BLAKE. following month two injections were made in the remaining portions of the tumor with like results, and the injection of one drop only of the fluid was then made in the meatus. This last application was followed by some inflammation of the lining membranes of the canal and the dermoid coat of the membrana tympani, but subsided under warm astringent instillations, phlebotomy being contra-indicated. The swell- ing on the upper portion of the canal was removed with the knife, and followed by polypoid granulations, very soft and bleeding easily; these were again removed and cauterized, and at the end of four months the patient discharged relieved of his subjective symptoms, and with considerable improve- ment of hearing. Dr. C. Bail publishes an interesting monograph on the semeiological value of traumatic otorrhagia, and the conclu- sions at which he arrives may be briefly stated as follows: — I. In injuries of the head the discharge of blood from the ear is by no means pathognomonic, and has absolutely no relative diagnostic value. II. This discharge is a symptom common to several lesions of the organ of hearing, which differ as to cause, and are more or less serious in character. These lesions are: a. Wounds of the external auditory canal, which generally accompany injuries to the face or lower jaw. The history of the case, the condition of the inferior maxil- lary articulation, and of the membrana tympani, and the integ- rity of the tympanic cavity, guide the surgeon in his diagnosis. b. Injuries of the membrana tympani and mucous mem- brane of the tympanic cavity, which are a common accom- paniment of injuries of the head, and are the result of either direct or indirect force. In these cases the progress of the symptoms enables the surgeon to decide as to whether he has to deal with a fracture, or with a simple injury of the middle ear. c. Fractures of the petrous bone, which are accompanied ordinarily by a discharge of blood from the ear. A discharge which is in itself not pathognomonic, but which may present REPORT OX TIIE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 41 peculiar conditions as to duration, intermittence, and repeti- tion which in themselves arc of great diagnostic importance. Dr. II D. Noyes reports a case of cerebral trouble follow- ing otitis media in a man ait. forty-five, who received an in- jury upon the side of the head three weeks before his admis- sion to hospital, and complained of severe pain in the ear. After admission he had otitis media which soon spread to the mastoid cells ; an opening was made into the mastoid fol- lowed by the discharge of pus. At the end of a month the patient was much improved, when brain symptoms set in, and he died after being comatose several days. On examination an abscess was found in the left middle lobe, which on being opened gave exit to a considerable quantity of thick greenish pus ; throughout the whole left hemisphere at its base was marked pachymeningitis and a small, oblong, yellowish white growth attached to the dura mater over the outer part of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Over this region the membrane was loosened from the bone. Section of the brain showed pus breaking into the lateral ventricles destroying the septum lucidum, and entering the lateral ventricle of the right side. The primary abscess was situated beneath the outer and posterior border of the left thalamus opticus. The brain sub- stance was everywhere pale and flabby, and at many points almost diffluent. There was also extensive caries of the inner portion of the petrous bone, and the outer surface of its inner half was irregular with several small perforations. In a lecture delivered at St. George’s Hospital, Mr. Dalby presented the case of a boy ten years of age, who was ad- mitted to the hospital suffering from a discharge from the left ear. lie had been supposed to have been suffering from ague, and was admitted to the hospital on that account. Three months before, in ordinarily good health, in conse- quence of a severe cold, he became deaf in the left ear. He continued pretty well, with exception of the deafness, until two weeks before admission, when he had an attack of pain in the left ear, lasting for two or three days and followed by discharge, and relief from the pain. Three days later he had 42 BURNETT AND BLAKE. a shivering fit, and this was repeated each day for a week. Shortly after the first shivering the pain in the ear returned and soon involved the side of the head. On examination there was purulent discharge from the left ear with almost entire destruction of the membrana tympani. There was much pain, especially in the region of the ear; extreme ten- derness on deep pressure over the mastoid ; some redness but no swelling, and no tenderness in the course of the carotid sheath. Pulse 128, temperature 99.8, tongue brown and dry. Had had little or no sleep, and lay moaning, with his hand to his head, and every appearance of blood poisoning. There was an occasional dry cough, but no abnormal sounds in the chest except harsh respiration and increased voice sounds at the apex of the right lung. On the following day the pain in the head was so severe and the tenderness over the mastoid so much increased that, notwithstanding the absence of other local signs, an incision was made half an inch behind the ear. The periosteum and bone beneath were healthy. A small opening was then made through the bone, and a probe passed freely into the mastoid cells. No discharge of pus occurred at this time, or subsequently. On the day following the pain was less, but the general condition remained unchanged. There was more shivering and an occasional cough ; signs of fluid in the right pleura developed, and the boy died sixteen days later. On examination, the anterior two thirds of the r. pleura were filled with pus containing flakes of lymph ; in the lower lobes of the right lung were several abscesses with ragged walls tilled with foul pus. The surface of the brain was somewhat congested, but otherwise healthy ; there was no thrombus of the lateral sinus. Between the roof of the left tympanum and the dura mater was a small quantity of tough lymph. The membrana tympani was gone ; the tym- panic cavity filled with thick pus ; the ossicles necrosed and lying loose. The roof of the tympanum was carious on either surface, and the roughness on the cranial surface extended back to the sulcus for the lateral sinus, — the symptoms and the subsequent examination plainly pointing to pyaemia, the REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 43 starting-point for which was a suppurating surface in the tympanic cavity. Meniere is of the opinion that in all cases of otorrhcea great attention must he paid to the constitution, so that scrofula, syphilis, or other constitutional disease should be treated by appropriate general measures In this lies an essential element of success in all instances. Cleanliness is a capital point, and nothing is hotter for this purpose than pure warm water injected with moderate force. In the early stage, when pain is present, Dr. M. suggests the use of a warm decoction of marsh mallow and poppy heads, and the application of leeches, and sometimes the application of a poultice. Later in the disease the usual astringents are employed. M. Giampietre recommends in case of pain in such cases the instillation of a fluid containing one sixth err. © © of aconitia to the ounce. J. Patterson CasseIs contributes a paper "On a Form of Disease of the Middle Ear in which the use of Alcohol is especially serviceable.” To Dr. Ldwenberg, of Paris, belongs the merit of having first recommended the use of alcohol as a local application in certain diseases of the tympanic cavity.* From an ex- perience of two years in the use of this remedy in catarrhal and inflammatory affections of the tymp., Dr. Cassells is in- clined to confirm all that Dr. Ldwenberg has claimed, but especially in the more advanced stages of simple catarrh when there is a lesion of the membrana tvmpani. This affection, according to the author, consists in a hyper-secretion by the lining membrane of the tymp. cavity unduly stimulated to increased action through causes that determine an over-abun- dant flow of blood to it. Under favorable conditions this condition terminates in resolution, but the hyperamna con- tinuing, the discharge becomes more abundant, and finally, bursting through the membrana tympani, makes its appear- ance as a catarrhal otorrhcea. At this stage the mucous mem- * El. Pubellon Medico, Madrid, 1870. 44 BURNETT AND BLAKE. brane of the tympanum is highly congested, and also hyper- trophied and villous. To this condition Dr. C. gives the name polypous hypertrophy as best describing its appear- ance, and it is in this condition in which he has found the use of alcohol almost specific. The use of silver, as recommended by Schwartze, he considers as better adapted to more chronic cases. Bezold contributes a comprehensive review of the various investigations on the subject of parasitic growths in the hu- man ear; as necessary causes of these accumulations, there must be the introduction of the spores of the plants either directly from the air, or by means of the instillation of some medicament or introduction of some foreign body carrying the spores upon it; and in addition, as a still more important factor, there must exist a condition of the parts of the meatus and membr. tymp. favorable to the growth of the plant. That this proper condition is a rare one, is proved by the small number of cases of Otomykosis as compared with the extensive distribution throughout the atmosphere of the spores of such plants as are occasionally found growing in the ear. Wreden * found that in fifty per cent of his cases the Oto- mykosis had been preceded by an exudative inflammation of the meatus or middle ear. Active discharge Wreden remarks is unfavorable to parasitic growth, a fact easily explainable on two grounds : firstly, that such soil is unfavorable to the development of the spores; and secondly, that they are washed away by the continued discharge. Schwartze f and Weber X both agree with the statements of Wrcdcn, but take a broader ground in considering any moist ceruminal or epi- dermal surface where the changes of decomposition have set in or occurred as affording favorable soil; and Mayer || pre- sents the question as to whether the mykosis may not follow * Myringomykosis aspergillina. St. Petersburg, 18G8. t Schwartze Arch. f. Ohrenheilkunde 11, p. 61. j Weber. Monatschr. f. Ohrenheilkunde 11, 1. Miillers Archiv. 1884, p. 404. REPORT ON TIIE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY 45 fermentation and decomposition of the cerumen, or the ap- plication of fatty substances to the ear. Mayer has further proposed as a possible origin of ex- tended Otomykosis the occurrence of cysts containing para- sitic plants which served as the point of origin. In the ten cases which Bezold has observed since his pre- vious publication,* it was a noticeable point in the his- tory that in seven cases oil had been employed as an applica- tion to the ear either recently or at some time before the ap- pearance of the characteristic symptoms of the growth. In several of these cases oil was plainly discoverable at the time of the examination, and furthermore oil globules were found, on microscopic examination, not only enclosed in the meshes of the mycelium, but also within tlu delicate mycelial fibres. Wreden’s twenty-four cases occurred in a clientele of 1,600, while the ten cases of Bezold occurred in a clientele of only five hundred patients. This increased percentage Bezold considers as largely due to the recent popularity of oleagi- nous applications advertised as remedies for deafness. As the oil becomes rancid it affords an excellent soil for micro- scopic plants, as shown by Prof. Ilossling in his investigations upon articles of food, in which he found a series of growths in almond, olive, and salad oils. Boke, quoted by Bezold, lately reported two cases of Otomykosis, in both of which oil had previously been applied. In one case the patient had applied a popular remedy, a microscopic examination of which showed well-marked spores of the plant which finally attained its perfect growth in the ear. Concerning the ex- tension of the growth to the epidermis and the excitation of the well-known symptoms which mark the true parasitic dis- ease, Bezold agrees with other writers upon this subject who consider the initial stages as those of a saprophytous forma- tion (analogous to the parasitic growths described by Vir- chon and others in gangrene of the lung), as the plant first fastens itself upon the effete epidermis and secretion in the * Archlv. f. Ohreuhcilkuude Baud v. Ileft 111, p. K>7. 46 BURNETT AND BLAKE. ear, and finally pushes its roots deeper into the true lining of the canal. This view is especially supported by observation of the progress of a case of Otomykosis in which the removal of the growth in the later stages of the disease leaves the surface beneath red, swollen, and often excoriated. The form of the plant in the majority of Bezold’s cases was well-marked aspergillus, and the treatment employed consisted in the care- ful and repeated removal of the growth, and the use of car- bolic acid as a parasiticide. As a review of the subject of Otomykosis, Dr. Bezold’s paper is very thorough, and with the especial [joint in view of considerable practical value. Wendt describes, as frequently found in his post-mortem examinations of the middle ear, a condition which he de- scribes as polypoid hypertrophy of the mucous membrane. This condition occurs as the accompaniment of a mucous catarrh, in the course of which a hypertrophic condition of the mucous membrane of the tympanum is developed, ac- companied by the formation of numberless polypoid growths of microscopic size, and the greatest variety of form, being of every shape, from a slight rounded elevation above the general surface, to a rounded body connected with the mucous membrane by a well-marked neck. The periosteal coat of the lining membrane was not, as a whole, hypertro- phied, but the sub-epithelial coat was swollen and more or less rich in lymphoid cells ; at some points cysts and cavities were discoverable, filled with fluid mucus. The polypoid prominences originated in the sub-epithelial coat. Wendt is of the opinion that these growths, when they do not sub- side spontaneously (several of those examined seemed to be undergoing that process), may increase until the whole cavity is filled, or, uniting in their growth, may give rise to the fibre and thread like growths which he describes in another article, being the case of a man in whom death resulted from miliary tubercle, and who had been exceedingly deaf for two months preceding his death. The examination showed that there had been a general inflammatory affection of the mid- REPORT ON TTTE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 47 die ear, of long standing, resulting in partial destruction of the membrana tympani, and in the tympanic cavity general thickening of the mucous membrane especially about the fossa of the fenestra ovalis and upon the membrane of the fenestra rotunda; there was, furthermore, union between the tympanic walls, the membrana tympani, and ossicula by means of strong bands to such an extent that the upper por- tion of the cavity was almost entirely isolated from the lower; the ossicula were also united to each other and to the surrounding parts by firm bands. A microscopic exami- nation of the membrana tympani showed calcification in sev- eral places in the fibrous and dermoid coats and cellular infiltration of the mucous coat. The tympanic mucous mem- brane exhibited, in addition to more or less infiltration, sim- ple hypertrophy of the connective tissue, accompanied by cystic cavities, and also general calcification, including the covering of the membrane of the fenestra ovalis and ossicula. The same author presents an equally interesting observa- tion, which has its bearing especially in the support of his opinion that embolism in the mucous membrane of the tym- panic cavity may be the cause of sudden deafness. The case quoted was that of a girl who developed symptoms of pvse- mia after an operation, and live days before death became suddenly deaf in the right ear, and two days before death lost the hearing of the left ear also. A post-mortem examination showed that the labyrinth, auditory nerve, and internal auditory artery were in normal condition. There were some changes in the middle ear due to chronic trouble which would diminish the hearing some- what, but not in so great a degree as was noticeable during the few days preceding death. There were, however, recent changes in that portion of both tympanic cavities which is most important to the transmission of sound, including the fenestra ovalis and fenestra rotunda, which would serve to account for the later deafness. The epithelium was opaque and swollen, and discolored by the imbibition of the coloring matter of the blood, and eon- 48 BURNETT AND BLAKE. taming numberless red blood-corpuscles. The stapes was buried in the swollen mucous membrane, which covered also the membrana tympana secondaria. The remaining mucous membrane was hypenemic and cedematous. Wendt considers embolism of a tympanic artery as the most rational explanation of these recent changes, a view which, even in default of the discovery of an embolus, is certainly sup- ported by the character of the change observed, especially in the region of the fenestra ovalis and fenestra rotunda. Dr. Frank, of Wurtemberg, supports the views advanced by Weber-Liel in his work on progressive deafness by the results of an operation for cleft palate, and especially with reference to the secondary catarrhal inflammation of the mid- dle ear, concavity of the membrana tympani, and contact of the tubal walls in consequence of relaxation of the tensor veli. The patient, a boy sixteen years of age, had a congenital fissure of the soft palate, and suffered frequently from sub- acute catarrh of the middle ear. The fissure was triangular in form, and extended forward to the hard palate. The right membrana tympani was nearly normal but concave and immovable. The left membrana tympani was still more concave and also immovable. The operation completed by Dr. Frank was successful not only in closing the fissure of the palate, but also, as a secondary result, in so far restoring the normal action of the palatal muscles as to free the Eusta- chian tube, as was shown by the consequent mobility of the membrana tympani, and an increase of the hearing from a few centimetres to a full metre. Voltoliui has had opportunity to confirm the results of his previous experiments on Emphysema, resulting from cathe- terization of the Eustachian tube, in which he referred the fatal cases of Turnbull to the occurrence of Emphysema glottidis. The patient was a stout, full-blooded woman of forty-four years of age, who had been deaf for several years and suf- fered from severe tinnitus aurium, for relief from which she came under treatment, which consisted in the use of Weber- Liel’s tympanic catheter with morphine solution. On one 49 REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. occasion considerable resistance was offered to the passage of the catheter on the left side, and it was therefore repeat- edly withdrawn and re-introduced, and finally followed by the air-douche, whereupon the left side of the face became sud- denly swollen, and an examination gave emphysematous crackling over the left side of the face and neck down to the clavicle and especially below and behind the left ear. Examination with rhinoscope and laryngoscope showed the following condition : The left velum was swollen from the uvula outward; the left tubal orifice was invisible on ac- count of the swelling of the mucous membrane of the lateral pharynx wall; the left sinus pyriformis was scarcely visible ; and the lateral glosso-epiglottic ligament much swollen ; there Avas also slight swelling of the left vocal chord. On the fol- lowing day the symptoms had not entirely disappeared, and the patient still complained of the sensation of pressure about the throat. Voltolini also reports a case of living larvae in the ear, in which considerable difficulty was experienced in their re- moval on account of the firm hold afforded by the mandibles of the larvae ; they were finally destroyed by instillation ot a strong solution of alum and then taken out with the forceps. Dr. Bing, in reviewing the location of perforations of the mombrana tympani, has been led to certain conclusions as to the causes of the frequency of perforation of the inferior and anterior segments. The Solution given by Toynbee, namely, the effect of pressure of air forced through the Eustachian tube as a predisposing cause of this peculiarity, is set aside by the author for a much more rational and satis- factory explanation of his own, which may be briefly stated as follows: Accumulation of secretion in the ear would exert pressure upon the mombrana tympani; the shape ot the tympanic cavity, narrowing towards its floor, and the angle of inclination of the membrana tympani, would bring the greatest pressure upon the inferior portion of the mem- brane, which, being extensible, would be pressed downward 50 BURNETT AND BLAKE. in a horizontal direction, thus subjecting it to still greater pressure, which, as the membrana tympani is implicated in the inflammatory process, would place that portion under a condition more favorable to ulceration and final perforation. To the long list of attempts at maintaining an artificial perforation of the membrana tympani, is to be added that of Yoltolini, who replaces the eyelet of Politzer by a ring- shaped canula opened on two opposite sides, — on one side the ring being completely divided, and on the other con- nected by a slight bridge or band. Two incisions are made, one in front of and the other behind the malleus. The two open ends of the ring are then passed through the openings, and by pressing the two halves of the ring together, it is made to enclose the malleus and keep itself in place. The two inner ends of the ring do not completely appose, and the opening in the outer half of the ring permits the passage of the sound waves to the air within the tympanic cavity. Of the conditions which render this operation difficult of performance, and of the accidents which may occur in its execution, Yoltolini speaks at length in his two later papers upon the subject. In the last communication is the descrip- tion of the ease operated upon eight months after the operation, the canula being firmly in place, without sign of any unfavorable change in the malleus or membrana tjm- pani, and with considerable improvement in the hearing. Weber-Liel presented before the Berliner Medicinische Yerein in December last, a case of inflammation of the mastoid cavity, which is of especial interest, not only for the method of the operation undertaken for the relief of the patient, but also on account of the symptoms accompanying the course of the disease. The patient was a man 40 years of age, who had suf- fered from severe pain, especially at night, during six weeks. During the day the pain diminished, but was replaced by sen- sation of fulness in the right car, and vertigo. The whole region of the ear was tender; there was tinnitus aurium, a high grade of deafness, and a slight purulent discharge from the ear. The posterior wall of the right external auditory REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 51 canal was reddened, swollen, and very tender upon pressure; a small quantity of ill-odorcd pus oozed through a narrow slit. There was no pharyngeal catarrh, hut the walls of the tube appeared to have collapsed, as it was only possible to force air into the middle car by the use of the tympanic catheter, which gave a distinct perforation sound, and forced a quantity of their purulent fluid through the small opening in the meatus. It is evident that while there existed a per- foration of the membruna tympani, this opening was not of sufficient size to allow the passage of all the secretion accu- mulating in the middle car; the swelling of the meatus presented a further obstacle, and as a consequence, the inflammation had extended to the mastoid cells. No im- provement having been attained by ordinary treatment during a period of eight days, and the pain steadily increas- ing in severity, it was decided to perforate the mastoid ; and following a suggestion of Prof. Rtidinger, the point chosen for the incision was the posterior wall of the meatus, at the junction of the cartilaginous and osseous portions of the canal, at which point there was the greatest tenderness and swelling. A stout cartilage knife was employed, and easily pushed into the mastoid cavity, its withdrawal being fol- lowed by the liberation of a large quantity of most offensive pus, with great relief to the patient. The improvement, however, did not continue ; on the following night the pain was again severe and the purulent discharge had diminished. The perforation Avas tilled with a yellowish-white mass, the attempt to remove which with the forceps caused great pain ; those portions removed resembled the coats of the so-called cholesteatoma. This mass was Anally removed after patient bathing with soap-suds : syringing could not be borne on account of the resultant vertigo. With the continued dis- charge from the mastoid, the inflammatory symptoms gradually subsided, and during the day the patient was com- paratively comfortable, the pain and other subjective symp- toms having greatly diminished. At night, however, the pain increased, and continued until about 5 a. m. This con- 52 BURNETT AND BLAKE. dition continued day after day, and a closer examination of the patient developed the fact that the advent of the pain in the evening was accompanied by a chill, and that the patient was subject to malarial fever. This, together with a further consideration of symptoms, led to the administration of quinine in 6 gr. doses at night, and the final cessation of the pain, and discharge of the patient. Dr. J. Orne Green, whose observations on mastoid inflam- mation, published at various times, are of great interest, makes a further contribution in the report of three cases, read before the Boston Society for Medical Observation. The cases themselves, and the remarks appended to the report, are of sufficient value to warrant their being given in full. I. —F. E., aged eight years, was seen on July 3d, 1871, at the request of Dr. E. II. Clarke, who was unable to visit her when first called. The patient, whose mother had died of phthisis, had been considered well, with the exception of slight occasional otorrhcea on each side, till some four weeks before, when she had an attack of intense inffanimation of the left ear, followed by high fever, great prostration, and violent chills, which had continued daily, with increasing severity, for seventeen days. Intermittent fever had been diagnosticated, and she had been on low diet, pilules and quinine, without relief. No attention had been paid to the ear, till a gradually increasing swelling over the mastoid forced that organ on the attention of the parents. At my visit, she was in bed, so weak that she could not move; extremely emaciated; moaning continually and screaming at the least noise or light; intelligence good; pulse 130, weak; skin hot and dry; tongue coated. Behind the left ear was a large, diffuse abscess ; the left meatus was filled with pus. Under ether, and with the assistance of Dr. Mann, who saw her then for the fir.-t time, an incision, two inches long, was made over the mastoid, and six ounces of thin and most offensive pus were evacuated. The whole bone was denuded for four inches towards the vertex and one inch behind the mastoid, but was not softened at any REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF OTOLOGY. 53 spot. A cloth tent was inserted, and stimulants and narcotics ordered. Examination of the ears showed both drum-mem- branes completely destroyed, hut the tympana were free from granulations or caries, as far as could be ascertained by the probe. For the next week she improved slowly; the chills re- curred but once, although there were several times a day exacerbations of fever; the appetite improved and the pulse came down to 100. A small abscess formed over the left scapula, and was opened. On July 11th, there was a recur- rence of chills, not severe, with cough and brownish expec- toration, rapid respiration and accelerated pulse, apparently relieved the next day by extending the original incision downwards and evacuating the pus which had formed there. A few days afterwards, great puffiness of the eyelids and a diffuse swelling over back of neck showed themselves ; this swelling of the neck gradually extended over the left side, and, after five days, an abscess formed on the side of the neck and broke. This swelling of the neck was followed by extreme distension of all the superficial veins of the face, neck, and chest, which still remains, more than two years afterwards. An attack of pneumonia now supervened, but, fortunately, was not severe; and this was followed by a post-pharyngeal abscess, which burst, and by abscesses on the opposite side of the neck, the occiput, and temple, and by facial erysipelas. The wound over the mastoid healed, but had to be opened twice, under ether, on account of fresh collections of pus ; the bone was not found softened at any time. Notwithstanding all of these complications, the pa- tient gradually improved, and, early in September, I ceased regular attendance. On October 20th she was brought to my office; she had had, in the mean time, partial hemiplegia on the right side, the opposite side from the ear-disease, to- gether with ptosis of the right eyelid ; she was then recover- ing from both, but there was still very perceptible weakness of the right arm and leg. She was in good health, and more fleshy than ever before. The ri