INDEX TO THE -o LITERATURE OF. ELECTROLYSIS, W. "WALTER WEBB. [From the Annals of the A. Y. Academy of Sciences, —_ Vol. II, No. 10, 1882.] Literature of Electrolysis. 313 XIX.—Index to the Literature of Electrolysis and its Applications, _ 1784-1880. HY W. WALTER WEBB. Read April 24th. 1862. The following Index is confined to the literature of electro- lysis and its applications, especially in electro-metallurgy; the whole subject of the various forms of the galvanic battery, its theory and uses, has been omitted ; electro-capillarity and pas- sivity are, however, included. It is not claimed that the Index is complete, yet care has been taken to make it include the best-known English, French and German journals. I must express my thanks to Prof. II. C. Bolton for his sug- gestion of the idea of compiling such an Index, for his kindness in allowing the plan of those published by himself to be copied, and for much assistance which he has given me. I am indebted to the Index of the Literature of Ozone, pub- lished by Professor Leeds, for many of the references in the following Index. w. w. w. Trinity College, April, 1882. [For list of authorities, with abbreviations, etc., see the close of the Index.] 314 Literature of Electrolysis. Index, to the Literature of Electrolysis. 1784 Cavendish Phil. Trans., LXX1V, 119. Effect of the spark on air. Kirwan “ LXXIY, 154. The same. 1785 Cavendish “ LXXY, 372. The same. Van Marum Quoted by Cahours, C. R., Ozone by the spark. 1788 Cavendish LXX, 369. Phil. Trans., LXXVIII.261. Nitrous Acid by the spark. 1789 Milner “ LXXIX, 300. The same. Troostwyk Journ. de Phys., Nov., 1789. Decomposition of water. Van Marum A. c. p., XI, 270. Effect of the spark on C02. 1790 Keir Phil. Trans., 1790, 359. Precipitation of metals. 1797 Henry “ LXXXVII, 401. Electrolysis of “carbona- Pearson “ XC. 188. ted hydrogenous gas. ” Electrolysis of water. 1800 Nicholson Gilb. Ann., VI, 370. Nich., J., XLII, 183. Decomposition of water. 1801 Cruikshank Gilb. Ann., VII, 106. Electrolysis of II2S04. Gautherot A. c. p., 1, XXXIX, 203. Decomposition of water. Gilbert “ 1, XLI, 107. The same. Ritter Gotti. Aim., 1801. Electrochemical decom- Simon Gilb. Ann., VIII, 35. position. Decomposition of II2S04. V auquelin A. c. p., 1, XXXIX, 103. New experiments in gal- 1802 Facquez “G. H.” “ 1, XLIII, 306. vanism. Decomposition of HC1. Nich., J., 2, II, 185. Electrolysis of “carbona- Wollaston A. c. p., 1, XL, 169. ted hydrogen.” Electrochemical decom- 1803 Davy “ 1, XLIV, 206. position. Action of galvanic elec- Galin Gilb. Ann., XIV, 235. tricity. Electrolysis of arsenate of Hisinger and Geli., J., I. potassium. Electrochemical decom- Berzelius Simon A. c. p., 1, XLV, 182, 13. position. Decomposition of HaO. 1804 Wilkinson Nich., J., 2, IX, 243. The same. 1805 Brugnatelli Phil. Mag., 1805 Gilding. Pacchiani A. c. p., 1, LV, .15; Decomposition of HC1. Sylvester 1, LVI, 152. Nich., J., 2, X, 106. Decomposition of HaO. 1806 Grotthnis A. c. p., 1, LVIII, 10, 54. The same. Kidel Nich., J., 2, XIV, 134. Analysis by electrolysis. Pacchiani A. c. p., 1, LX, 314, 325. Decomposition of HC1. Riffault “ 1, LVI, 182. The same. Literature of Electrolysis, 315 1806 Sylvester Nich., J., XV, 50, 28. Experiment in electrolysis Wilkinson “ XIV, 342, 28. Supposed production of IIC1 from II20 by electrolysis. 1807 Alemani A. c. p., 1, LXV. 323 ; Phil. Mag., 1, XXVIII. 339. Electrolysis of II..0 and HC1. Chompre A. c. p., 1, LXI, 58. Electrolysis of HC1 and KC103. Berzelius “ 1, LXI, 258. Electrolysis of IICI. Davy Phil. Trans., XCVII, 1 ; Phil. Mag., 1, XXVIII, 1, 104, 220; Nich., J., 2, XVIII. 339; 2, XVI, 79. Decomposition by electri- city. Guyton Nich. J.. 2, XXIII, 263. Electrolysis of sulphides. Electrolysis of concen- trated il2S04. Hisinger and . Berzelius Gilb., Ann., XXVII, 301. Launay Phil. Mag., 1, XXVII, 260. IICI by electrolysis. PfalT A. c. p., 1, LXII, 23. Electrolysis of IICI. Riffault and Chompre “ 1, LX111, 73. Theory of electrolysis. Sylvester Gilb., Ann., XXV, 454. Precipitation of metals. Veau de Launay a o w X GO IICI by electrolysis. 1808 Bucholz A. c. p., June, 1808, 266 ; Gelil., J., XVII; Nich. J., 2, XXV, 39. Electrolysis by weak cur- rents. Davy Phil. Trans., XOVIII, 33; Phil. Mag., 1, XXXII ; 1, 101, 146 ; Nich. J., 2, XIX, 37; XX, 290; A. c. p., 1, LXIII, 172; LXIV, 319 ; LXVIII, 205, 225. Na and Iv by electrolysis. Descostils A. c. p., 1, LXIII, 77. Electrolysis of salts. Seebeck N. Gelil., V, 482. NH4 amalgam by electro- lysis. Sylvester Nich., J., 2, XIX, 157. Electrolysis of the alkalies. Theodore A. c. p., 1, LXIII, 5. Electrolysis of metals. On Davy’s theory. 1809 “A. B.” Phil. Mag., 1. XXXIII, 87. Brande “ 1, XXXV, 111. Electrolysis of blood. Davy “ 1, XXXVI, 17; A. c. p., 1, LXX, 189, 225 ; Nich. J., 2, XVI, 321. Electrolysis of N and NIL. Davy Phil. Trans., 1310, part 1; Phil. Mag., 1, XXXV, 401. Electrolysis of Na and K. Davy Nich., J., 2, XXII, 149. Letter on electrolysis. Bucholz Gelil., J., VII. 734. Precipitation of metals. PfalT Nich., J., 2, XVII, 362, 28. HC1 by electrolysis. Singer “ 2, XXIV, 174, 28. Electro-chemical experi- ments. Sylvester “ 2, XX1I1, 258. Electrolysis. van Mons “ 2, XXXIV, 179. The same. 1810 Davy Phil. Trans., C, 16; A. c. p., 1, LXXV, 27, 129. Electro-cliem. researches. Gay-Lussac A. e. p., 1, LXXIII, 197: Electrolysis of NIL. and Thenard Phil. Mag., 1, XXXV, 307. 316 Literature of Electrolysis. 1810 Wollaston A. c. p., 1, LXXIV, 299. Electrol. of the secretions. 1811 Anderson Nidi., J., 2, XXX, 183. Electrolysis of 1 laO. Davy “ 2, XXIX. 112. Electrolysis of O. Donovan Phil. Mag., 1, XXXV11, 2&7, 245. Davy’s theory. Gay-Lussac A. c. p., 1, LXXV11I, 245. Electrolysis. and Thenard Grotthuss “ 1, LXIII, 5; Nidi. J., 2, XXX. 112. Metallic arborizations. Heinskin Nidi. J., 2, XXX, 157, 28. Electrolysis of Na2C03. 1812 Singer “ 2, XXXI, 90, 216. Electrolysis. M urray “ 2, XXXI, 87. Electrolysis of II..O. 1813 Avogadro A. c. p., 1, LXXXVII, 286. Berzelius’s theory. Berzelius “ LXXXV1, 146. Theory of electrolysis. 1814 Braude Phil. Mag., 1, XLIV, 124. Electrolysis. 1815 Donovan XLV, 154, 308, 380. Metallic arborization. 1818 Acton Phil. Mag., 2, II, 112. K by electrolysis. 1821 Wollaston A. c. p., 2, XVI, 45. Electrolysis. 1822 Fisher Gill). Ann., LXXII, 289. Precipitation of metals. Van Mons “ LXXIII, 310. Arborizations. Witting and “ LXXIV, 424. The same. Bischoff 1824 Becquerel Mem. de l'Acad., XI, 33. Electrolysis with weak currents. 1825 De la Hive A. c. p., 2, XXVIII, 190. Electrolysis. Ferre “ XXVIII, 417 ; Application of the theory T. Ann., N. S., X, 262. of electrolysis. Fisher Pogg., IV, 291; VI, 43. Precipitation of metels. 1826 Davy Phil. Trans., CXV1, Pt. 3, Electrolysis and chemical 383. changes. Davy Phil. Trans., 1825, Pt. 2; Preservation of metals by Phil. Mag., 2, LXVII, 89; T. Ann., N. S., XI, 248. electrolysis. Dumas A. c. p., 2, XXXII1, 265. Electrolysis of CaC03. Fisher Pogg., VIII, 488; IX, 255. Precipitation of metals. 1827 Becquerel A. c. p., 2, XXXV, 113, 23. Electrolysis by weak cur- rents. Davy Phil. Mag., 2, I, 31, 94, 190, History of electrolysis. De la Rive A. c. p., 2 XXXV, 164; Pogg., X. 311. Electrolysis of bromine. Fisher Pogg., X, 603. Precipitation of metals. Nobili A. c. p.,2, XXXIV, 280, 419. New phenomena in elec- trolysis. Pouillet “ XXXVI, 5. Electrolysis. Serullas “ XXXIV, 192. The same. 1828 Davy Phil. Trans., 1826, Pt. 3; Electrical and chemical Rep. of Arts, 3, V, 76. relations. Fisher Pogg., XII, 499. Precipitation of metals. Libri Edinb. So. Sci., 1. IX, 353; Electrolysis of odorous A. c. p.,2, XXXVIII, 100; Rep. of Arts, 3, VIII, 116. substances. 1829 Fisher Pogg., XVI, 124; Kastn. Archiv., XVI, 219. Precipitation of metals. Literature of Electrolysis. 317 1829 Becquerel A. e. p., 2, XLI, 5 ; XLII, 225; Pogg., XVI, 306; Phil. Mag , 2, VII, 61 ; Ber/.l., ,1. B., VIII, 20. Electrolysis by weak cur- rents. 1880 Becquerel A. c. p., 2. XLII1, 181. 380; Pogg., XVIII, 143; Berzl., Jahresh., X, 29; Phil. Mag., 2, VII, 226. The same. Bonijol Bibl. Univers., Oct,. 1830. Am. .1. Sci., 1, XX, 179. Electrolysis of 11*0 by at- mospheric electricity. Dumas Hep. of Arts, 3, VI11, 370. Deposits in lead pipe. 1881 Arago 3, XII, 119. Electrolysis of zinc. Barry Phil. Mag,, IX, 357, 83. Electroly. by atmospheric electricity. Becqucrel A. c. p., 2, XLVIII, 337. Electrolysis of oxides of Fe and Mn. Braude Pogg., XXII, 308; Phil. Mag., 2, IX, 237. Electrolysis of organic substances. V Br. A. A. Sci., 1831-32, 468. Electrometallurgy. 1832 Becqucrel Pharm. Centrl., Ill, 527. Titanium by electrolysis. Bonijol J. Boy. Inst., I, 293; Am. J. Sci., 1, XXI, 868. Decomp, of water by at- mospheric electricity. Botts Bibl. Univ., Sept., 1832 ; Am. J. Sci., 1, XXIV,197. Electrolysis. Hachette A. c. p., 2, Sept., 1882; Am. J. Sci., 1. XXIV, 142. Electro], by the electric induction spark. 1833 Bccqucrel A. c. p., 2, LII, 240. Effect of vegetation on electrolysis. Becquerel Mem. de l’Acad., XII, 581 ; A. c. p., 2, L1II, 105 ; Pogg., XXXI, 46 ; Am. J. Sci., 1, XVII, 383. Electrolysis by weak cur- rents. Bouchardat Dingl., J.,L, 289;J. Pharm., 1833, 457. Electrolysis. Faraday F. 14., I, 87, 127; Phil. Mag., 2. Ill, 253, 450. Electrolysis by frictional electricity. 1834 Avogadro Mem. de l’Acad. Sci. T., 11,1; A. c. p., 2, LXXI, 5. Electrolysis. Bessemer Mech. Mag., 1864, 73. Electrometallurgy. Faraday F. 14., I,' 196. 259; Phil. Mag., 3, IV, 291; V. 161, 252, 334, 424, 456 ; VI, 34, 125, 171, 272, 331, 410. Electrolysis. 1835 Aime C. 14., I, 471. Electro-chem. apparatus. Becquerel A. c. p., 2, LX. 164; Berl., .1 ahresb., XIV, 791. Electrolysis by weak cur- rents. Becquerel C. 14.. 1. 455. Elect ro-chem. apparatus. Begritf Ann. Ch. Pharm., XVI. 129. Electrolysis. Botts Bibl. Univ., 1835, 120; Am. .1. Sci., 1, XXIX, 369. Electrolysis by terrestrial magnetism. Connell Edinb. N. Phil. J., XIX, 159. Electrolysis of ethers. Martens Bull. Acad. Brus., II, 57,18. Theory of electrolysis. P<)ggendorf Phil. Mag., 3, VII, 421. Vindication of Faraday. Van Mons Bull. Acad. Brus., I, 11, 199. Theory of electrolysis. 318 Literature of Electrolysis, 1835 Walford Phil. Mag., 3, VIII, 170, Davy’s theory of electro- lysis. 1836 Becquerel C. R., II, 230. Extraction of Ag from the ore. De la Rive Phil. Mag., 3, IX, 234. Nobili’s discoveries. De la Rive “ ‘ 1836. Electro-metallurgy. Einbrodt A. c. p., 2, LXI, 262. Theory of electrolysis. Elkington Rep. of Arts, 4, VIII, 223. Gilding. Faraday Phil. Mag., 3, IX, 60. Passive iron. Gherardi Nov. Com. Bon., 1, Y, 132. Heat in electrolysis. Paillette C. R., Ill, 724. Electro-chem. phenomena. Schbnbein Pogg., XXXVIII, 449. Passive iron. Solly Phil. Mag., 3, IX, 53 ; 3, VIII, 130. Electrol. of Cl, Br, I. Dingl. J., LXII, 77. Arborization. 1837 Becquerel C. R., IV, 824. Electrolysis in soluble bodies. “ 831. Influence of surface on electrolysis. “ Y, 88 ; Berzelius, Jahresb., XYI, 129. Electrolysis in the forma- tion of minerals. Phil. Mag,, 3, X, 154. Extraction of minerals by electrolysis. Bird 357 ; J. pr. cliem., X, 310. Electrolysis of albumen. Bird Phil. Mag., 3, X, 376. Electrolysis by long con- tinued currents. Connell “ “ 93. Electrol. of iodic acid. Cross C. R., IV, 882. Compounds by electrol. De la Rive Ann. Chem. Pharm., XXIV 160. Electrolysis of chemical compounds. Dulk Ann. Chem. Pharm., XXIV 161. The same. Elkington Rep. of Arts, 4, VIII, 354. Platinum electro-metal- lurgy. Faraday Phil. Mag,, 3, X, 175. Effect of electrolysis on iron. Fox “ “ 171. Crystals by electrolysis. Noad “ “ 276; “ • XI, 48. Effect of electrolysis on iron. Paillette C. R., IV, 342. New substance by electro- lysis. Pouillet “ 785. Electrolysis of water. Sclionbein Phil. Mag., 3 ,X, 133, 172, 267, 425. Passive iron. Sturgeon Ann. Elect., I, 11. Analysis by electrolysis. 1838 Becquerel C. R„ XXII. Electrolysis by weak cur- rents. Bird Ann. Elect., II, 30; Phil. Platinum electrodes. Mag., XIII, 379, 3 sr. Bird Am. J. Sci., 1, XXXIII, 267. Crystals by electrolysis. Bottiger Phil. Mag., 3, XI, 298. Colors by electrolysis. Clarke Am. J. Sci., 1, XXXIII, 217. Electrolysis by magneto- electricity. Elkington and Barratt Br. Pat. Rep., 1838, 1742; Electro-metal, of zinc. Lond. J., XIX, 79. Literature of Electrolysis, 319 1838 Faraday 1 Phil. Mag., 3, XI, 206, 358. Electrolysis. Lepage C. R., VI, 420. Passive iron. Matteucci Phil. Mag., 3, XIII, 469. Platinum electrodes. Pasley Bull. Soc. 1’ Ind., XXXVII, 123. Passive iron. Schonbein C. R., VI, 421, 277. Peroxides by electrolysis. Schbnbein Phil. Mag., 3, XI, 311. Action of peculiar currents 1839 Becquerel C. R., VIII, 783. Sulphates by electrolysis. Becquerel “ VIII, 497. Electrolysis of water. Bottiger Ann. Ch. Pharm., XXIX, 77 Electrolysis. Daniell Phil. Mag., 3, XV, 317; Phil. Trans., 1837. Electrolysis of binary com- pounds. Guggswortb Grove Ann. Elect., March, 1839. Electro- meta llurgy. C. R., VIII, 802. Electrolysis of water. Jacobi Phil. Mag., 3, XV, 161. Mixed O and II by elec- trolysis. J. B. “ 3, XIV. 446. Platinum electrodes. Maas Bull. Acad. Brus., 1, VI, 2, 438. Passive iron. Matteucci C. R., VIII, 840; A. c. p., 2. LXXIV, 99. Electrolysis. Van Mons Bull. Acad. Brus., 1, II, 199. Electro-chemical theory. 1840 Arago C. R., X, 375, 870. Electrometallurgy. Becquerel Bull. Soc. l’lnd., XXXIX, 407. Electrolysis of silver. Boquillon C. R., X, 771; XI, 25, 120; Bull. Soc. l’lnd., XXXIX, 305, 339. Electro-metallurgy. Bottiger Pogg., L, 45. Electrol. of Mn. salts. Boutowski C. R., X, 841. Electro- metallurgy. Brongniart “ XI, 768. The same. Cartwright Ann. Elect., V, 236. Electrotvpes. Coulier C. R., XI, 531, 825. Electro-metallurgy. Daniell Phil. Mag., 3, XVII, 297, 349; Ann. Ch. Plmrm., XXX\ I, 321; Arch. Elect. 1, 594. Electrolysis of binary com- pounds. De la Rive Bull. Soc. rind., XXXIX. 190 ; Arch. Elect., I, 669; A. c. p., 3, LXXIII, 398; C. B„ X, 578; XI, 25, 913. Electro-gilding. De la Rive Pogg., LIV, 402. Electrodes of Pt., Ag and Cu. Demidoff C. R., X, 375. Electro-metallurgy. Dumas Ann. Ch. Pliarm., XXX, 288; Phil. Mag., 3, XVII, 183. Theory of electrolysis. Elkington Br. Pat. Rep., 1840, 8447; Rep. of Arts, 4, XVI, 239; Lond. J., XIX, C. S. 83; Mech. Mag., XXXIII, 397; Ann. Electr., VII, 377; C. R., XIII, 636, 998. Electro-gilding. Faraday F. R., II, 25, 59. Electrolysis. Gorke Phil. Mag., 3, XVII, 299. Electro-chem. equivalents. 320 Literature of Electrolysis. 1840 Jacobi Anz. Polyt. J.,LXXV, 110. Applications of electrol. Jotard C. 11., XI, 713. Electro-metallurgy. Kobell Bull. Soc. l’lnd., XXXIX, 481; XL, 10. The same. Krasner C. II., XI, 712. The same. Lockett Br. Pat. Rep., 1840, 8610; Lond. J., XIX, C. S. 80; Mech. Mag., XXXIV, 221. The same. Perrott C. R., XI, 1063. The same. Richoux “ XI, 636. The same. Schonbein Basel. Ber., IY, 66; Bibl. Univ., XXVIII, 342 ; Pogg., L, 616; Arch. Elect. IV, 333; Phil. Mag., 3, XVII, 203; Proc. R. Soc. IV, 226; Edinb. N. Phil. J., XXIX, 178; C. R., X, 670; Ann. Elect., VII, 470; Am. J. Sci., 1, LXI, 43; Br. As. A. Sci,, 1840, 200. Ozone by electrolysis. Shore Br. Pat. Rep., 1840, 8407; Ann. Elect., VII, 38. Electro-metallurgy. Solly Phil. Mag., 3, XVI, 300. Precipitation of Cu. by electrolysis. Soyer and Inge C. R., XI, 202. Electro-metallurgy. Spencer Br. Pat. Rep., 1841, 8865; Rep. of Arts, XVI, X. S., 287; Lond. J., XX, C. S., 166; Mech. Mag., XXXV, 282; Inv. Adv., V, 180; G. Sci. Mis., IV, 62; Ann. Elect., VII, 380; Am. J. Sci., 1, XL, 157. The same. Sturgeon Ann. Elect., V, 484. Electrotypes. Yon Kobell Gel. Anz., LXXXVIII, LXXXtX ; J. pr. Chem., XX, Nos. 3, 4; Ann. Elect., V, 108. The same. 1841 Arago C. R., XII, 500, 779, 957. Electro-metal 1 urgy. “ “ XIII, 26. Electro-metallurgy in pho- tography. Barratt Br. Pat. Rep., 1841, 0077; Rep. of Arts, XVII, N. S., 367; Mech. Mag., XXX VI, 476; Lond. J., XX, C. S, 438. Electro-met. of alloys. t Becquerel Arch. Elect., 1, 281. Electrolysis of water. C. R., XVII, and XVIII; Ann. Elect., VI, 411. Chemical force of currents Boquillon C. R., XIII, 833, 1157; Ann. de M., Ill, XIX,420; Bull. Soc. l’lnd., XL, 10. Electrotypes. Connell Arch. Elect., I, 401; Phil. Mag., XVII, 353. Electrolysis of alcohols. David C. R., XI11, 065. Electrometallurgy. Davy Ann. Elect., VII, 173. Electrolysis. Literature of Electrolysis. 321 1841 Dent Am. J. Sci., 1, XLI, 402. Electro-gilding. De la Rive Arch. Elect., I, 175. Electrolysis by magneto- electricity. Fizeau C. R., XII, 401. Electo-metallurgy in pho- tography. Grove Phil. Mag., 3, XIX, 99; XVIII. 543. Electro-nit rogurets. Hunt Ibid., 3, XIV, 442. Electrol. of copper salts. Jordan Ann. Elect., VIII, 239; Phil. Mag., 3. XIX, 452. Electro-metallurgy. Joule Phil. Mag., 3. XIX, 265. Heat evolved in electrol. Leseuer C. It.. XIII, 29. Electrometallurgy. Mallet Br. Pat. Rep., 1841, 9018. Preservation of ship- sheatliing. Matteucci Arch. Elect., I. 340. Electrolysis. Melloni C. It., XII, 219. Electrotypes. Moyle Ann. Elect., VI, 112. The same. Parks Br. Pat. Rep., 1841, 8905; Rep. of Arts, 4, XVII, 199. Electrometallurgy. Ruolz C. It.. XIII, 342. Electro-gilding. Soyer “ 787. Electro-silvering. Soyez Bull. Soc. l’lnd., XLI, 83. Electrotypes. Sturgeon Ann. Elect., VI, 79. The same. Talbot Br. Pat. Itep., 1841, 9167; Rep. of Arts, I, E. S., 47 ; Lond. J., XXI, C. S., 357; Mech.Mag., XXXVI, 496; Eng. and Arch. J., V, 358. Electro-metadurgy. Traffant C. R., XIII, 1100. Electro-gilding. Walker Phil. Mag., 3, XIX, 328; Arch. Elect., II, 466. Electro-metallurgy. 1842 Becquerel C. It., XIV, 77, 121; XV, 433; Arch. Elect., 11, 465. Applications of electrol. Becquerel Ann. Elect., IX, 491. Secondary products by electrolysis. Bilfied-Lefevre C. It., XV, 32. Electrometallurgy. Boquillon “ XV, 507. The same. Cliarriere “ XIV, 457. The same. Cornay “ XV, 678, 850. The same. Crosse Phil. Mao\, 3, XXI, 64. Electrolysis of minerals. De la Rive Arch. Elect., II, 468 ; Ann. Elect., VIII, 216, 333. Electrol. of natural waters. Elkington Bull. Soc. Find., XLI; Ann. Elect., VIII, 125; Arch. Elect., II, 111. Electro-metallurgy. Gann “ 11, 236. Ozone by electrolysis. Gannal C. R., XV, 685. Electro metallurgy. Grove Arch. Elect., 11, 457. Electro-metallurgy in pho- tography. Jacobi “ II, 432. Electro-metallurgy. Lieson Br. Pat, Rep., 1842, 9374; Lond. J., XXII, C.S.,292; Mech. Mag., XXXVIII, 59; Itec. Pat. Inv., I, 353. The same. Martens Arch. Elect., 11, 558. Electrolyses. 322 Literature of Elect roly .sis. 1842 Matteucci Ann. Elect., IX, 34. Elsctrol. of silver salts. Pearson “ IX, 496 Electrolysis of water. Perrot C. R„ XIV, 370. Electro-metallurgy. Peyre “ XIV, 73; Bull. Soc., l’lnd.. XLI. 55. The same. Poggendorff Arch. Elect., Ill, 117 ; Ann. Elect.. IX, 143. Ferric acid by electrol. Ruolz C. R., XIV. 252; XV, 280, 466; Bull. Soc. l’lnd., XLI, 424. Electro-metallurgy of zinc. Schonbein Arch. Elect., II. 241, 509. Electrolysis. Sorel C. R., XIV, 228, 339. Electro-metallurgy of zinc. Soyer “ XV, 466. Electro-metallurgy. “ XV, 784. Bodies preserved by elec- tro-metallurgy. Tuck Br. Pat. Rep, 1842, 9379; Loud. J., XXII. C. S., 458; Rec. Pat. Inv.. I, 373. Electro-metallurgy. “V” Phil. Mag.. 3, XX 72. New theory of electrolysis. Von Kobell Bull. Ac. Sci Br., 1, IX, 2°, 315; Am. J. Sci., 1, XLVIII, 222. Electro-metallurgy. Weber Arch. Elect., II, 661, Electrolysis of water. Wollaston Ann. Elect.. IX. 518. The same. 1843 Arago C. R., XVI. 503. Electro-metallurgy. Barra tt Br. Pat. Rep., 1843, 9786; Lond. J., XXIV, C. S., 24. The same. Becquerel C. R.. XVII. 1, 53; A. c. p., 3, VIII, 402; Arch. Elect.. Ill, 345 ; Ann. Elect., X 151. Metallic oxides by electrol. C. R , XVII, 87, 837; Arch. Elect., Ill, 671. Electro-metallurgy. Blackwell Br. Pat. Rep., 1843, 9041 ; Rep. of Arts III, E. S., 363; Lond. J., XXVI, C. S., 16; Mech. Mag., XLI I, 108. Electro-metallurgy of Cu. Boquillon C. R., XVII, 1198, 1263. Discussion about electrol. De la Rive Arch. Elect., Ill, 308; C. R., XVI, 1089. Ozone by electrolysis. “ Arch. Elect, II, 175. Electrolysis of alcohol. “ C. R., XVI, 881. Heat in electrolysis. Dujardin “ XVII, 1200. Electro-metallurgy. Hare Phil. Mag., XXII, 460. Electrolysis of salts. Hull Br. Pat. Rep., 1843, 9917. Elec, of fermented liquors. Hulot C. R., XVII, 1309. Electro-metallurgy. Mallet Arch. Elect., Ill, 661. Bodies preserved by elec- tro-metallurgy. Mourey C. R., XVII, 37. Electro-metallurgy of Ag. Ann. d. M„ 4, III, 579; C. R., XVI, 660. Silver-plating. Paret C. R., XIV, 1001. Electrolysis by magneto- electricity. Pelouze “ XVI, 766. Electro-metallurgy in pho- tography. Literature of Electrolysis. 323 1843 Poggeudorff Pogg., LXXVi, 586. Electrol. of bismuth salts. Poole Br. Pat. liep., 1843, 9741; Electro-metallurgy. Rep. ol Arts, III, E. 8., 6; Loud. I.,*XXIV, C. S., 14; Mech. Mag., XL, 14. Schonbein Pogg., LIX. 240; Arch. Elect. Ozone by electrolysis. HI, 295. r. . 1844 Becquerel C.‘ R„ XVIII, 362 ; Arch. Electrolysis. Elect., IV, 156, 224; Phil. Mag., 3,,XXV, 73. A. c. p., 3, XI. 162. 257; Electrolysis by terrestrial Arch. Elect.. IV, 557. currents. “ C. R., XVIII, 197. Metallic oxides by electrol. “ XVIII, 449, 554, 715: Precipitation of metals. Arch. Elect., IV, 520. 552. Bietz Pogg., LXI, 209; Arch. Elect. Electrolysis. IV, 276. “ Pogg., LXII, 234. Passive iron. Boquillon C. li., XIX.J440. Electro-metallurgy. ( hristofle “ XIX, 405; Bull. Soc. The same. l’Ind.. XL1II, 193. Counel Arch. ,Elect , IV, 265. Electrolysis of salts. Darnell Phil.Trans., 1844; Phil. Mag., Electrol. of binary com- 4, XXIV, 463; XXV, 175, 246; Arch. Elect.. IV, 289; Pogg.. LXIV, 18. pounds. De la Rive Arch. Elect., IV, 454. Ozone by electrolysis. Desbordeaux C. R., XIX. 1450. Silver-plating. Elkington Arch. Elect , IV, 515. Electro-metallurgy. Fou lame- Br. Pat. Rep., 1844, 10282. Electro-met. of alloys. moreau Joule Phil. Mag., 3, XXIV, 106. Intermittent currents in electrolysis. Hull Dingl. J., XCIV, 388. Electrolysis of wine. Kobell Arch. Elect., IV, 584. Electro-metallurgy. Levol C. R., XVIII. 708, 837. Precipitation ot metals. Louyet XIX. 1180. Zinc-plating. Martens Pogg. LXI, 121. Passive iron. Matteucci A. c. p., 3, XII. 122. Electrolysis. Napier Phil. Mag., 3, XXV, 379. Electrolysis of double cya- nides. Nouailher Bull. Soc. Find., XLIII, 54; Electro-metallurgy. XLV, 298. Schonbein Arch. Elect., IV, 333. Ozone by electrolysis. Smee IV, 643. Theory of electrolysis. 1845 Avogadro A. c. p., 3, XIV. 330; Mem. Electro-chemical series. Acad. Sci. Turin, II, VIII. Becquerel C. R., XX, 1509; Arch. Elect., Electrolysis by terrestrial V. 233. currents. “ A. c. p.. 3. XIII, 216. Electrolysis. Bietz Pogg., LXIII. 415. Passive iron. Christotle C. R., XXI, 1382. Electro-metallurgy. Church Br. Pat. Rep.. 1845, 11010. Electrolysis of coke. Dechaud C. R.. XX, 1659, 1712; XXI, Extraction of Cu from 278; Bull. Soc. Find., XLIV, 207..271. minerals. De la Rive C. R., XX, 1291. Ozone by electrolysis. 324 Literature of Electrolysis. 1845 De la Rive Arch. Elect., V, 845; Chem. Soc. Mem., II, 800 ; Phil. Mag., 3, XXVII, 15 ; Am. J. 8ci., 1, XLIX, 390. Structure of metals depo- sited by electrolysis. Desbordeaux C. R., XX, 103, 248, 353; XXI, 162. Silver-plating. Jacobi Arch. Elect., V, 184. Electro-metallurgy. Hunt Chem. Soc. Mem., II, 319. Actinic influence on elec- trolysis. Millon Arch. Elect., V, 303. Electrolysis of water. Napier Chem. Soc. Mem., II, 158, 255; Arch. Elect., V, 159; Phil. Mag., XXVI, 211. Decomposition of double cyhnides. Normand Br. d’Inv., 11, 248. Gilding on silver. Parkes Br. Pat. Rep., 1845, 10860; Rep. of Arts, VII, E. S., 358. Electro-metallurgy. Perrot C. Ii., XXI. 1328. The same. Philippe Bull. Soc. Find., XLIV, 218; XLVII, 711. The same. Rivier Arch. Elect., V, 24. Ozone by electrolysis. Pouillet C. R., XX, 1544. Electrolysis. Roseleur Br. d’Inv., V, 123. Gilding. Ruolz C. R., XXI, 1437. Electro-metallurgy. Schonbein Pogg., LXV, 161 ; Arch. Elect., V, 11, 337; Br. A. A. Sci., 1845, 91. Ozone by electrolysis. Soyer Bull. Soc. l’lnd., XLIV, 88. Electro-metallurgy. Tourasse C. R., XXI, 378. Mirrors silvered by elec- trolysis. Williamson Chem. Soc. Mem., II, 305; Phil. Mag., XXVII, 372; Arch. Elect., V, 188. Ozone by electrolysis. 1846 Barral C. R., XXIII, 35. Electro-gilding. Becquerel “ XXII, 781; Dingl. J., Cl, 267. Electrolysis of minerals. Boch Bull. Soc. l’lnd., XLV, 97. Electro-metallurgy. Boquillon C. R., XXIII, 855. The same. Hankel Pogg., LXIX, 263. Electrolysis of salts. Howell Br. Pat. Iiep., 1846, 11065; Pat. J., I, 179. Electro-metallurgy of Pt. Ilulot Bull. Soc. l’lnd., XLVI, 572. Br. d’Inv., VI, 209. Electro-metallurgy. Lemercier The same. Matteucci A. c. p., 3, XVI, 257. Electro-chemical action. Napier Phil. Mag., 3, XXIX, 92. Theory of electrolysis. Perrot C. R., XXIII, 767. Electrometallurgy. Paget Br. Pat. Rep., 1846, 11448; Rep. of Arts, X, 83, E. S.; Lond. J., XXX, C. S„ 417; Pat. J. II, 885; Eng. & Arch. J., X, 292. The same. Ramont Br. d’Inv., VII, 131. Electro-metallurgy of Ag. W oilley C. R., XXII, 924. Electrotyping. Wood Sci. Amer., XII, 142. Electro-metallurgy. Barral C. Ii, XXV, 556, 602, 760. Priority in electro-gilding. Literature of Electrolysis. 325 1847 Becquerel C. R., XXIY, 505. Electrolysis. Bouquillon “ XXV, 207. Priority in electrotyping. Boutellier Br. d’Inv., XI, 201. Electro-metallurgy of Ag. Coblentz C. R., XXV, 28. Electro-plating. Crosse Br. Pat. Rep., 1847, 11604. Electrolysis of liquors. Delaurie C. R., XXIV, 975. Precipitation of metals. De la Salzede Br. Pat. Rep., 1847, 11878; Rep. of Arts, XI, E. S., 293; Load. J., XXXII, C. S.. 260; Pat. J., IV, 505; Eng. & Arch. J., XI, 169. Electro-metal, of bronze. Garson C. R., XXIV, 466. Applications of electrol. Grove Am. J. Sci., 2, IV, 411. Effect of area of electro- lyte. Kolbe Ann. Pliarm., LX1V, 236. Electrol. of organic bodies. Kroening C. R., XXV, 818. Silk gilded. Maas Bull. Ac. Sci., Brus., XIV, 2, 10. Passive iron. Osann Pogg., LXXI, 458; LXXII, 468. Ozone by electrolysis. Perrot C. R., XXV, 347, 428. Priority in electro-gilding. Rochas “ XXV, 312. Electro-plating. Ruolz “ XXV, 555, 602. Priority in electro-gilding. Sainte-Preure “ XXIV, 1158. Electro-gilding. Santayra Br. d’Inv., XII, 334. Electro-metallurgy. Woil ley C. R., XXV, 17. The same. 1848 Clement Br. Pat, Rep., 1848, 12335. Electrolysis of sugar. Junot Br. d’Inv., XIII, 1. Electro-gilding. Napier Chem. Soc. Mem., Ill, 47. Theory of electrolysis. Osann Pogg.. LXXV, 386. Ozone by electrolysis. Poitevin C. R., XXVI, 346. Electro-metal, of bronze. liivot Bull. Soc. l'Ind., XLVII, 356. Electrolysis of minerals of Cu. Woilley C. R., XXVI. 506, 573. Electro-metallurgy. Bull. Soc. l’Ind., XLVII, 260. Electro-metal, of bronze. 1849 Becquerel A. c. p., 3, XXVIT, 5; J. pr. Chem., XLVIII, 193; C. R., XXVIII, 650; JB., 1849, 201. Theory of electrolysis. Bonis C. R., XXIX, 403. Electrolysis. Fontaine- moreau Br. Pat. Rep., 1849, 12523; Mech. Mag., LI, 284; Pat. J., IX, 55. Electro-metal, of brass. Kolbe Ann. Chem. Ph., LXIX, 257, 279; J. pr. Chem., XLII. 311; JB., 1847, 558; 1849, 335. Electrolysis of organic bodies. Parkes Br. Pat. Rep., 1849, 12334; Rep. of Arts, XIV. E. S., 361; Mech. Mag., LI, 309; Pat. J., VIII, 42. Electro-metal, of alloys. Poggendorff Arch. ph. nat,, X, 133. Electrolysis of bismuth. Poncil Br. d’Inv., XIV, 213. Gilding on zinc. 326 Literature of Electrolysis. 1849 Russell Br. Pat. Rep., 1849, 12526 ; Rep. of Arts, XV, E. S., 168 ; Mech. Mag., LI, 285; Pat. J., IX. 70. Electro-metallurgy of al- loys. Sclionbein Pogg.,LXXV 111,289; Arch ph. nat., XIII, 192; JB., 1849, 201. Theory of electrolysis. Smith Br. Pat. Rep., 1849, 12654; Mech. Mag., LI, 571; Pat. J., VIII, 224. Electro-metallurgy of Ag. V Sci. Amer., V, 140. Electrotyping. 1850 Avogadro A. c. p., 3, XXIX, 248; Mem. Ac. Sci. Turin, 2, XI. Electro chemical series. Becquerel C. R., XXXII, 83. Ann. Pliarm., LXXV, 265; JB., 1850, 399. Electrolysis influenced hy light. Brazier Electrol. of organic acids. Lanaux Br. d’lnv., XVI, 270. Electro metallurgy of Pt. Lefevre “ XVIII, 313. E' ectro-metal 1 urgy. Matteucci C. R., XXX11, 145. E ectrolysis of salts. Roseleur Br. Pat. Rep., 1850, 13020; Mech. Mag., LIII, 250; Pat, J., IX, 296. Electro metallurgy of Sn. Steele Br. Pat. Rep., 1850, 13216; Mech. Mag., LIV, 134; Pat. J., X, 220. Electro-metall. of alloys. Ward Rev. Sci., XXXIX, 34. Electro-metallurgy. 1851 Becquerel A. c. p., 3, XXXII, 645. Electrol. effected hy light. C. R., XXXIV, 29. Minerals by electrolysis. Bouillet A. c. p., 3, XXXIV, 153; C. 11, XXXIII, 613 ; XXXIV, 193, 282. Electrolysis of double cya- nides. Brooman Br. Pat. Rep., 1851, 13845. Electrolysis of organic matter. Carptier Br. d’lnv., XXIV, 178. Electro-metallurgy. Cowper Br. Pat. Rep., 1851, 13513; Mech. Mag., LV, 158; Pat. J., XI, 279. Gutta-percha in electro- typing. Delamotte Br. d’lnv., XXXIV, 167. Electro silvering. Delisle “ XV, 70. E ectro-metall urgy. Fremy and Becquerel C. R., XXXIV, 379; A. c. p., 3, XXXV, 62 ; J. pr. Chem., LVI, 124; Ann. Pharm., LXXXIV, 204; Phil. Mag., 4, III, 543; J. Chem. Soc., V, 272. Electrolysis. Knoblouet Rev. Sci., XXIX, 368. Electro-metallurgy. Matteucci A. c. p., 3, XXXIV, 281; C. R., XXXIII, 663. Electro-chemical combi- nations. Palmer Br. Pat. Rep., 1851, 13726; Mech. Mag., LVI, 197. Gelatine moulds in" elec- trotyping. Electrolysis of double cya- nides. Ruolz C. R., XXXIV, 248. Thompson Phil. Mag., 4, II, 429. Mechanical theory of elec- trolysis. Literature of Electrolysis. 327 1851 Thomas 1 C. R., XXXIV, 556, 580; Electro-silvering. Cliem. Gaz., 1852, 415. j Vigau C. R., XXXIV, 784. Electrolysis of water. Watt Br. Pat, Rep., 1851. 18750. Separation of metals. 1852 Almeida C. R., XXXVIII, 682; Instit., 1854, 119; J. pr. Cliem., LXII, 129. Electrolysis of salts. Becquerel C. R., XXXV, 129, 647; A. c. p., 4, XXXVII, 885; Arch. ph. nat., XXI, 227, .IB., 1852, 6. Electrolysis of hydrogen. Bell Br. Pat. Rep., 1852, 14185; Rep. of Arts, 21, E. S., 82; Mech. Mag., LVI11,18. Electrolysis of Ha S04. Bunsen Ann. Pharm., LXXXII, 187; Pogg., XCII, 648 ; JB., 1852, 862. Electrolysis of Mg. Despretz C. R., XXXVIII, 897; Arch. ph. nat., XXVI, 138: JB., 1852, 258. Electrolysis. Elkington Sci. Amer., VIII, 402. Electrotypes. Erckmann Br. d’lnv., XXIV, 307. Metals applied to fabrics. Foucault Arch. ph. nat., XXV, 180; Instit., 1854, III; C. R., XXXVII. 580; Phil. Mag. 4, VII, 426; JB., 1852, 258. Electrolysis. Gmelin Ann. Pharm., LXXXII, 289; Pharm. Centrl., 1852, 385. Electrolysis in analysis. Helle Br. d'lnv., XXII, 334. Electro-silvering. Hulot C. R„ XXXV, 867. Electrometallurgy. Jamin “ XXXVIII, 390, 443: Instit., 1854, 91; Arch, ph. nat., XXV, 275, 380; Phil. Mag., 4, VII, 526; J B., 1852, 257. Electrolysis of water. Junot Br. Pat. Rep., 1852, 1183. Electro-metall. of Cr and Mg. Leblanc C. R., XXXVIII, 444; Instit., 1854, 92 ; JB., 1852, 257. Electrolysis of. water. Lebas Br. d’lnv., XXII, 288. Gilding on iron. Morris “ XXVIII, 50; Br. Pat. Rep., 1852, 1032. Electro-metallurgy. Paradis Br. d’lnv., XXII, 306. The same. Petrie Br. Pat. Rep., 1852, 14346. The same. Power Br. d’lnv., XXIII, 221, 224. Electro metallurgy of Ag. Ridgway Br. Pat. Rep., 1852, 14080; Mech. Mag., LVII, 374. Electrometallurgy. Roberts Br. Pat. Rep., 1852, 14198. Electrolysis of sugar. Roux Br. d’lnv., XXIV, 222. Electrometallurgy. Soret C. R., XXXIX, 504; Instit., 1854, 92 and 322; Arch, ph. nat,, XXVIII ; A. c. p., 3, XLII, 257; JB., 1852, 256. Electrolysis of Cu salts. 328 Literature of Electrolysis. 1852 Soret C. R., XXXVIII, 445; Arch. Electrolysis. Symonds ph. nat., XXV, 175, 268; Phil. Mag., 4, VII, 459; J. pr. (Jhem., LXII, 40; JB.,; 1852, 257. Br. Pat. Rep., 1852, 996. Cleaning metal surfaces. Viard A. c. p., 8, XXXVI, 129 ; Electrol. of oxygen. Wall Arch. ph. nat., XXI, 230. Br. Pat. Rep., 1852, 576. “ “ 575. Electrolysis of HaS04. W atson Pigments by electrolysis. Becquerel A. c. p., 3, XXXIX, 48. Electrolysis of gases. 1858 “ C. R., XXXVI, 209; Bibl. Electrolysis of minerals. Bishop Univ., N. S., I, 155; JB., 1853, 8. Br. d’Inv., XXIX, 132. Electro-metallurgy of Cu. Bolley Sci. Amer., IX, 96 ; Chem. Electro-plating. Buff Gaz., 1853; 354; Pharm. J. Trans., XII, 231. Ann. Pharm., LXXV, 1 ; Laws of electrolysis. Bussey Arch. ph. nat,, XXII, 344; Chem. Soc. Q. J., IV, 47; Am. J. Sci., 2, XV, 426; J. B., 1854, 280. C. R., XXXVI, 540. Electrol. of Si, Ti, Mg. Davy Bibl. Univ., N. S., 1, 165; Preservation of ship- Delamotte Br. d’lnv., XXIX, 181 ; sheathing. Silvering. De Medeiros XXXII, 321. Br. Pat. Rep., 1853, 1789. Preservation of ship- Fremy and Quart. J. Sci., V, 272; J. sheathing. Electrolysis. Becquerel Gore Pharm., XXXI, 320. Pharm. J. Trans., XIII, 21 Electro-metallic deposi- Gourlier Br. dTnv., XXVII, 332. tion. Electrometallurgy. Grove Phil. Mag., 4, V, 201. Electrolysis of salts. Guthrie Arch. ph. nat., XXII, 371; Electrolysis of organic Hittorf Ann. Pharm., XCIX, 64 ; JB., 1853, 573. Pogg.,LXXXIX, 177; JB., bodies. Electrolysis. Hulot 1854, 279. C. R., XXXVII, 409. Electrometallurgy. Kard Phil. Mag., 4, VI, 241. Electrolysis of water. Masse Br. d’lnv., XXIX, 185. Electro-silvering. Masson “ XXXIII, 144 ; Electro metallurgy of Au. Mulls Phil. Mag., 4, VI, 457. Br. d’lnv., XXXI, 154. Electrometallurgy. Nickles Arch. ph. nat,, XXIV, 79; Passive Ni and Co. Pershouse C. R., Aug., 1853. Br. Pat. Rep., 1853, 2379. Electro-metal, of alloys. Prax Br. d’Inv., XXVIII, 412. Electro-gilding. Shepard Br. Pat. Rep., 1853, 1591. “ . “ “ 1641. Electrolysis of water. Tourni&re Manufacture of Na2 C03. ? J. Fr. Inst., 3, XXVI, 137. Electro-plating on china. ? Sci. Amer., IX, 21. Electrotyping. Literature of Electrolysis, 329 1854 Almeida C.R., XXXVIII, 682; Arch, ph. nat., XXIX, 5; JB., 1855, 229. Electrolysis of salts. Becquerel C. R„ XXXVIII, 1095 ; Cliem. Gaz., 1854, 859 ; Arch. ph. nat., XXVI, 270; Dingl., J., CXXXIII, 213. Electrolysis of minerals of Ag, Pb, Cu. C. Ii., XXXVIII, 757; Phil. Mag., 4, VIII; Am. J. Sci., 2, XVIII, 382. Electrolysis in chemical action. Black Dingl. J., CXXXII, 31. Electrolysis. Bocquet Br. d’Inv., XXXV, 293. Electro metallurgy of Cu. Boucher “ XL, 94. “ “ “ Zn. Buff Ann. Pharm., LXXXV, 1; J. Chem. Soc., VI, 54. Laws of electrolysis. Ann. Pharm., LXXXVIII. 117; lnstit., 1854, 80; JB., 1854, 281. The same. Bull Arch. ph. nat., XXV, 65; Ann. Pharm., LXXXVII, 117. Pogg., XCI. 619; A. c. p., 3, XLI, 354; J. Pharm., 3, XXV ; JB., 1854, 320, Electrolytic researches. Bunsen Electrol. of Mn and Cu. C. IL, XLI, 717; Pogg., XCII, 648; J. Pharm., 3, XXVI, 311: Dingl. J., CXXXIII, 273. Electrolysis of the alka- line earths. Callau Phil. Mag., 4, VII, 73; J. Fr. Inst., 3, XXVIII, 203, 336. Electrolysis of water. Coblcnce C IL, XXXIX, 846. Electro-metallurgy. Connell Phil. Mag., 4, VII. 426. Electrolysis of water. Daniel Posig. LXIV, 18; JB., 1854, 278. Arch. ph. nat., XXV, 275. Electrolysis of salts. De la Ilive Electrolysis of water. Denny Br. Pat, Rep., 1854, 478. Electro-metallurgy of Cu. “ “ “ Zn. Dida Br. d’Inv., XXXIX, 79. Dumas C. R„ XXXVIII, 444. Electrolysis of water. Foucault Arch. ph. nat., XXIV, 268; lnstit., 1854, 36 ; JB., 1854, 281. Electrolysis. C. R., XXXVII, 580; lnstit., 1853, 349; JB., 1854, 281. Theory of electrolysis. Arch. ph. nat,, XXV, 180. Electrolysis of water. Gervaisot Br. d’Inv., XXXIV, 248. Electro-metallurgy Gore J. Fr. Inst., 3, XXVII, 353; J. Pharm., 3, XXV, 475. Electrolysis of A1 and Si. Gmelin Pogg., XLIV, 27; JB., 1854, 278 Br. Pat. Rep., 1844, 1714. C. IL, XXXVIII, 390, 443; Phil. Mag., 4, VII, 298; Arch. ph. nat., XXV, 380. Electrolysis of salts. Harrison Pigments by electrolysis. Jam in Electrolysis of water. Johnson Br. Pat, Rep., 1854, 1471. Electro-metallurgy of Cu. Leblanc C. R., XXXVIII, 444; Phil. Mag., 4, VIII, 237. Electrolysis of water. 330 Literature of Electrolysis. 1854 Lenoir Br. d’Inv., XXXVIII, 119; XXXIV, 840. Electro-metallurgy. Marignac A. c. p., 3, XXXVIII, 148; J. Chetn. Soc., 1854, 260. Heat in electrolysis. Matteucci C. K., XXXIX, 258. Electrol. in chem. action. Meideck Br. d’Inv., XXXVIII, 186. Electro-metallurgy. Meidinger J. Chem. Soc., VII, 251. Ozone in electrolysis, of h2so4. Osann J. de Pharm., XXVI, 68. Electrolysis of oxygen. Peyraud Br. d’Inv., XXXIII, 1. Electro-silvering. Person XXXIV, 122. Electro-metallurgy of Zn. Regnault C. R., XXXIX, 847. Gutta-percha in electro- typing. Electrolysis of Cu salts. Soret C. R., XXXIX, 504; A. c. p., 3, XLII. 257 ; Arch. ph. nat., XXVII, 118. Arch. ph. nat., XXV, 175, 263 ; Ann. Pharm., LXXXVIII, 57. Electrolysis of water. Toussaint Br. d’Inv., XXXVI, 324. Electro-metallurgy. Van Breda Phil. Mag., 4, VIII. 465. Electrolysis of liquids. Vergnes and C. R., XL, 235, 832, 961; Extraction of metallic par- Poey Arch. ph. nat., XXVIII, 208; Sci. Amer., XI, 251. tides in the organism by electrolysis. Yiard A. c. p., 8, XLII, 5 ; Arch, ph. nat., XXVII, 308. Electrolysis of oxygen. Wagstaffe Br. Pat. Rep., 1854, 1653. Electrolysis of ores. Arch. ph. nat., XXVI, 134. Electrolysis of water. 1855 Becquerel O. R., XL, 1344; A. c. p. 3, XLIV, 401 ; Arch. ph. nat., XXX, 70. Electrolysis of liquids in motion. “ C. R., XLI, 733. Electrolysis in the earth. Beetz Pogg. XCIV, 194. Electrolysis. Briant Chem. Gaz., 1850, 153. Electro-metallurgy. Bory Br. d’Inv., XLVIII, 230. Electro-gilding. Buff Ann. Pharm., XCVI, 257; Arch. ph. nat., XXXI, 198; JB., 1853, 233. Electrolysis of water. Ann. Pharm., XCIV, 1, 22; Arch. ph. nat., XXIX, 118; JB., 1855, 232. Electrolysis of salts. “ Ann. Pharm., XCIII, 256. Electrolysis of water. Canot Br. d’Inv., XLYIII. 29. Electro-gilding. Chaudron “ XL IX, 335. Baths for electro-metall. Decq “ XLV. 259. Electro metallurgy of Ag. Deiss “ XLIV, 329. Electro-metallurgy of Zn. Derincenzi C. IL, XLI, 782, 1226. Electrotyping. Elkington Br. Pat. Rep., 1855, 1543. Electro-metallurgy. Fremy C. R., XL, 966; Chem. Gaz., 1855, 207. Electrolysis of fluorides. Gaugain C. IL, Dec. 24, 1855. Polarization of electrodes. Gedge Br. Pat. Rep.. 1855, 1956. Electro-metallurgy. Gore Pogg., XCV, 173; Phil. Mag., 4, IX, 73; J. Pharm., 3, XXVII, 283; JB., 1855, 382. Electrolysis of Sb. Literature of Electrolysis, 331 1855 Gore Pharm. J., Trans., XIY, Rules of electro-metal- 464, 507; XV, 21, 59, 105, lurgy. 154. Gueyton C. R., XL.. 1230. Electro-metallurgy. Haltheisen Ann. Pharm., XCIV, 107; Electrolysis of Li. JB,, 1855, 324. Ilulot C. R., XL1, 156. Electro-metallurgy. Johnson Br. Pat. Rep., 1855, 18. Electro-metallurgy of Cu. Jewreinoff Chem. Gaz., 1855, 458. Electro metallurgy of Pt. Landois C. R., XLI, 178; Br. d’Inv., XLVIII, 238. Electro-gilding. Lesieur Br. d’lnv., XLII, 312. Electrotyping. Mattliiessen J. Chem. Soc., VIII, 27 ; Ann. Pharm., XCIII, 277; A. c. p., 3, XLIV, 60, 401; J. Pharm., 3, XXVII, 475; Chem. Gaz., 1855, 232; J. pr. Chem., LXIV, 508 ; Chem. Soc. Q. J., VIII, 294; JB., 1855, 323. Electrolysis of the al- kaline metals. Osann Pogg., XCV, 311. Electrolysis of hydrogen. Oudry Pi lloy Br. d’lnv., LII, 356. Electro-metallurgy. XLV, 252. Electro metallurgy of Cu. Petiejean “ XLIX, 340. Electro silvering on glass. lligondeau “ XLVIII, 225. Electro-gilding Riemann Posrg., XCV, 130. Theory of Nobili’s rings. Soret Phil. Mag., 4, X, 210; Arch, ph. nat., XXIX, 265; C. R., XLI, 220. Laws of electrolysis. Soucliier Br. d’lnv., XLIV, 301. Electro-metallurgy. Sehbnbein J. pr. Chem., LXV, 129. Electrolysis. Tailfer Br. d’lnv., XLVII, 221. Electro-metallurgy. Taylor Br. Pat, Rep., 1855, 1997. Electro metallurgy of Al. Thomas “ “ 1855, 253 ; 2756. Br. d’lnv., XLIII, 265. Electro-metal, of alloys. Vannier Electro-gilding. Watt Br. Pat. Rep., 1855, 272. Electro-metallurgy of Zn. 1856 Andrews Rep. Br. Assoc., 1855 ; Pogg., XC1X, 493; Instit,, 1856, 369; A. c. p., 3, L, 124; .JB., 1856, 244. Electrolysis of water. Becquerel C. R., XLII, 621. Electrometallurgy. Arch. ph. nat,, XXXV, 231; C. R., XLIII, 1101. Electrolysis with weak currents. Beetz Pogg., XCVII. Theory of Nobili’s rings. Beslay C. R., XLIII, 657, 853. Autotypes. Bui? Ann. Ch. Pharm., Cl, 1; Arch. ph. nat., XXXIV, 204; JB., 1856, 244. Electrol. of chromic acid. Burel Br. Pat. Rep.. 1856, 734. Manuf. of Prussian blue. Calvert “ “ 1856, 3. Electrolysis of ores. Cowper “ “ 1856, 2992. Electro-metallurgy of Cu. Chailley Br. d’lnv., LVII, 435. Electro-gilding. De la Rive Pogg. XCIX, 626; C. R., XLII, 710. Electrolysis of water. 332 Literature of Elect roly sin. 1856 Delmas Br. d'Inv., LIV, 394. Electro-metal, of gold. Despretz C. R.. XLII, 707. Electrolysis of water. Dufresne Br. d’Inv., LV, 141. Electro-gilding and sil- vering. Gaensly “ LVII. 428. Electro-gilding. George C. R., XLI11, 20. Electro-metallurgy. Geutlier Ann. Pharm., XCIX, 314; Arch. ph. nat., XXXIII, 228; JB., 1856, 243. Electrol. of chromic acid. Gore J. Pharm., .3, XXIX, 363; Pharm. J. Trans., XV, 357. Electrolysis of Fe and Sn. Guerin C. R., Arch, ph. nat., XXXIV, 232. Electro-gilding. Gueyton C. R., XLII, 492, 511. Ann. Pharm., XCIX, 64. Electro-metallurgy. Guthrie Electrolytic experiments. Hamel Br. d’Inv., LV, 62. Electrometallurgy. Ilittorf Po3, XXXI, 412. Photo-galvanic process. ? “ 3, XXXI, 115. Electro-chem. engraving. 1857 Almeida A. c. p., 3, LI, 257. Electrolysis of salts. Baumert Ann. Pharm., Cl, 88. Ozone by electrolysis. Becker Br. Pat. Rep., 1857, 1274. Silvering organic bodies. Becquerel C. R., XLIV, 938. Electrolysis with weak currents. Literature of Electrolysis. 333 1857 Berlin C. R., XLIY, 1278 ; XLY, 82 Pogg., Cl, 517; CIII, 487; CV, 396 ; A. c. p., 3, LXV, 367; Arch. pli. nat. [N. P.] 1, 361. Platinum electrodes. Bossclia Mechanical theory of elec- trolysis. Breda Pogg. XCIX, 634. Electrolysis of water. Carpentier Br. d’Inv., XXXIV, 407. Electro-metallurgy. Clausius Posnr.. Cl. 338. Condition of electrolytes. Coulson Br. Pat. Rep., 1857, 2074. Electro-metal, of Au. Cowper “ “ 1857, 1180. Electro-metallurgy. Despretz C. R„ XLY, 449. Electrolysis of Pb. salts. “ XL1V, 1009; Phil. Mag., 4, XIY, 75. Electrolysis. Dupre Arch. pli. nat., XXXV, 98. Electrolysis of salts. Garnier Br. d’Inv., LXI, 174. Am. J. Sci., 2, XXVIII, 281. Electro-metallurgy. Geuthier Electrolysis of waters. Gorde Br. P. Rep., 1857, 887. Pogg., CIII, 1 ; JB., 1857, 27. Electro-metal, of alloys. Hittorf Analysis by electrolysis. Iv obeli J. pr. Chem., LXXI, 146; Chem. Gaz., 1857, 437. Electrol. of chromic acid. Magnus Pogg., CII, 1; Ann. Pliarm., 3, LII, 345; Arch. ph. nat., XXXVI, 350; Ci- mento, VII, 56; C. C., 1857, 954; JB., 1857, 53; Am. J. Sci., 2, XXV, 98; A. c. p., Cl, 212. Electrolysis of salts. Miller Br. A. A. Sci., 1851, 158. Researches in electrolysis. Moigno Edinb. N. Phil. J., N. S„ VI, 306. Electrotypes. Newly Br. Pat. Rep., 1857, 3115.. Electro-metallurgy of Sn. Nouaihier “ “ 1857, 5. Electro-metallurgy. Palagi Br. d’Inv.. LXIII, 219. Gilding on wood. Peil Chem. Gaz., 1857, 220. Shellac moulds in electro- typing. Sclilagden- hauffen J. Pliarm., 3, XXXI, 410 ; JB., 1857, 57. Electrolysis of salts. Sinsteden Pogg., Cl, 1. Electrolysis by magneto- electricity. W alenn Br. Pat. Rep., 1857, 1840. Br. d’Inv., LXV1I1, 264; Br. Pat. Rep., 1859, 103. Electro-metall. of alloys. 1858 Beslay “ of Zn, Sn, Pb. Bottger Pogg., CIV, 292; J. pr. Chem., LXXIII, 484; Re- pert. Chun., I, 56. Electrolysis of Sb. J. pr. Chem., LXXIII, 494. H N03 by electrolysis. Brionde Br. d’Inv., LXVI, 206. Gilding on zinc. Buff Ann. Pliarm., CV, 145 ; A. c. p., 3, LIX, 117. A study of electrolytes. Ann. Pliarm., CYI, 203. Movements in the elec- trolyte. Clausius Pogg. CIII. 525; Phil. Mag., 4, XIV, 94; JB., 1858, 27' Electrolysis. 334 Litcratiire of Electrolysis 1858 Corbelli Fonvielle Br. Pat. Rep., 1858, 507. C. R.. XLVII. 149. Electro-metallurgy of Al. Electrolysis of water. of Sb. Gore Phil. Mag., 4, XVI, 441 ; JB., 1858, 177. Grove Phil. Mag., 4, XVI, 420. Light and electrolysis. Jacquin Br. P. Rep., 1856, 007. Electro metallurgy of Fe. Kerikuff C. R., XLVII, 884. Electrolysis of alkaline solutions. Liebig Linnemann Br. d’Inv., LXVI, 405. J. pr. Chem., LXXI1I, 415; Electro-plating on glass. Electrolysis of K. •JB., 1858, 110. Magnus Pogg., CIV, 558. Br. d’Inv., LXIX, 445. Indirect electrolytic action Munro Electro metallurgy of Sn. Nezeraux LXVI, 200. Electrometallurgy. Osann Pogg., CIII, 010; C. C., Electrolysis of salts. 1858, 145; JB., 1858, 25. Perrot C. R„ XLVI, 180; XLVII, Effect of electric spark on 851 ; Arch. ph. nat., alcohol and water vapor. Quit [N. P.], I, 278. C. R., XLVI, 908; Arch. Electrolysis of gases by ph. nat., [N. P.], II, 202. the spark. Regnault Arch. ph. nat., [N. P.], II, Electrochemical equiva- 100; C. R., XLVI, 852. lent of Mg. Riche C. R., XLVI, 348 ; Phil. Electrolysis of Br, Cl, I. Mag., 4, XV, 328. Shepard Br. Pat. Rep., 1858, 353. Electro-metallurgy of Ag. W eiske Pogg., CIII, 400; JB., 1858, Chlorine by electrolysis. Wiedemann Pogg. CIV, 162; JB., 1858, 27. Pogg., XCIX, 177; A. c. p., 8, LII, 224. Electrolysis. Wiedemann Motion of liquids in elec- trolysis. Wild Pogg. CIII, 254; Arch. ph. Electrolysis of concen- nat,, (N. P.j, 11, 378. J. pr. Chem., LXXIII, 18; trated solutions. Wittich Electrol. of organic bodies. JB.. 1858, 541. V Sci. Amer., XIV, 4. Electrolysis. 1859 Barre Br. d'Inv., LXXIII, 182. Decoration by electro- metallurgy. Becquerel Mem. de l’Ac., XXVII, 2°. Electrolysis by weak cur- rents. Brewster JB., 1859, 86. Electrol. of organic acids. Bosscha Pogg., CVIIL 312. Heat in electrolysis. Pogg., CV, 396; Arch. ph. Mechanical theory of elec- nat. [N. P.], VII. 137. trolysis. Bradbury J. Fr. Inst., 3, XXXVII. Electro-metallurgy of Zn. 344. Buff Ann. Pliarm., CX, 257; Electrolysis of the higher C. C., 1859, 686; Phil. Mag., 4, XVIII, 394; A. c. compounds. p., 3, LIX, 120; JB., 1859, 35; Chem. News, II, 23; Arch. ph. nat, [N. P.], IX, 134. Clausius Arch. ph. nat. [N. P.], IV, Study of electrolytes. 242. Literature of Electrolysis. 335 1 1859 Friedel Ann. Pharm., CXII, 876. Electrolysis of water4 “ of H2 S04. Geuther “ CIX, 129; JB. 1859, 82 ; Chem. Gaz., 1859. 285; Arch. ph. nat. TN. P.1, V, 72. Hittorf Pogg., CVI, 887, 518. J. Pharm., 8, XXXVI, 76. Electrolysis. Meydinger Electrometallurgy. Morren C. R., XLVII1, 842. Electrolysis of J. Fr. Inst., 3, XXXVII, 344. Electro-metallurgy of Zn. V Sci. Amer., 2, I, 275. Electrotyping by light- ning. ? Rep. Chim. App., I, 419. Gutta-percha in electro- typing. 1860 Almeida C. R., LI, 214; Chem. News, II, 144. Electrolysis of a mixture of H N03 and alcohol. Bethnond U. S. Pat. Rep., 1860, 30663. Electro-metall. of alloys. Buff Arch. ph. nat. [N. P.], IX, 107. Chem. News, I, 242. Electrolytic studies. Coleman “ apparatus. G. G. “ I, 204, 216. Electrol. of nitrogen com- pounds. Gore Phil. Mag., 4, XXII, 555; Arch. ph. nat. [N. P.], VIII, 323. Musical sounds by elec- trolysis. Grove Phil. Mag., 4. XX, 126; A. c. p., 3, LXI, 156; Arch. ph. nat. [N. P.], VIII, 330. Transmission of electro- lysis across glass. Hoffmann J. Chem. Soc., XII, 273. Electrolysis of gases. Hughes Br. Pat. Rep., 1860, 1385. Electro-metall. of alloys. Kolbe Ann. Pharm., CXIII, 244; JB., 1860, 245. Electrolysis of organic bodies. Lerret C. R., L, 560. Electro-metallurgy. Person Chem. News, II, 275. Electro-metallurgy of Zn. Perrot Arch. ph. nat. [N. P.], XI, 232; A. c. p., 3, LXI, 161, Electrolysis by the in- duction spark. Pififard Chem. News, II, 323 ; Sci. Amer., 2, V, 200. Electrotyping. Saint-Victor C. R., L, 440. Electrol. of Au and Ag. Smee Chem. News, I, 31. Detection of As. Spigerel Br. d inv., LXXVIII, 271. Electro-silvering. 336 Literature of Electrolysis. I860 Wright Phil. Mag., 4, XIX, 129. Mercury as an electrode. 1861 Abel Br. Pat. Rep., 1861, 1792. Electro-metallurgy of Ni. Andrews J. Chem. Soc., XIII, 344. Electrolysis of oxygen. Becquerel C. R., LIII, 1196; JB., 1861, 2U3. Hydrates of Si and A1 by electrolysis. “ Chem. News, IY, 5. Coloring iron by electro! Bell Br. Pat. Rep., 1861. 1214. Electro-metallurgy of Al. Bloxam J. Chem. Soc., XIII, 12. Detection of As and Sb. Brooman Br. Pat. Rep., 1861. 2023. Electro-metallurgy of Au. Gerardin C. R., LIII, 727; JB., 1861, 51. Peters. Acad. Bull. [N. S.], Electrolysis of alloys. Lapschin and Electrolysis with large bat- Tichanowitsch IV, 81; C. C., 1861, 613; Phil. Mag., 4, XXII, 308; J. Pharrn., 3, XLI, 95; JB., 1861, 50. teries. Marie C. R., LIII, 1058. Electro! of alkaline salts. Piffard Chem. News, IV, 110. Electro-metallurgy. Plaute C. R., L, 393. Electrolysis. Yon Liebig U. S. Pat. Rep., 1861, 33721. Electro-metallurgy of Cu. Wake Chem. News, III, 365. Elec tro-m etallurgy. ? Sci. Amer., 2, V, 361. Electro-plating. V J. Fr. Inst., 3, XLII, 330. Coloring iron by electro! ? Sci. Amer., 2, V, 342. Electro-plating iron. 1862 Becquerel C. R., LV, 18; Instit., 1862, 221; Arch. ph. nat. [N. P], XV, 59; Rep. ch. pure, IV, 321; C. C„ 1862, 772; J. pr. Chem., LXXXVI, 503; Ann. Pharm., CXXIV, 311; Dingl. J., CLXV, 373; Zeitschr. Chem. Pharm., 1862, 478; JB., 1862, 34; Chem. News, VI, 126. Electrolysis by weak cur- rents. Beetz Pogg., CXVII, 17. Electrolysis of H2 S04. Beslay U. S. Pat. Rep., 1862, 36750. Electro-metallurgy. Dickson Br. Pat. Rep., 1862, 2044, 2266. Manuf. of Na2 COs. Garnside Dingl. J , CLXVI, 309. Electrotyping. Gore JB., 1862, 162. Electrolysis of Sb. Miller Proc. Roy. Soc., 1862; Phil. Mag., 4, XXIV, 461; Arch, ph. nat. [N. P.]. XV, 64. Sound by electrolysis. U. S. Pat. Rep., 1862, 34640. Electro-plating wires. Quncke Arch. ph. nat. [N. P], XIII, 185. Electrolysis. 1863 Walcott U. S. Pat. Rep., 1862. 34470. Electro-metallurgy of Cu. Abel J. Chem. Soc., XVI, 235; Chem. News, VIII, 18. Electrolytic action. Baeyer Ann. Pharm., CXXVII, 38. Ozone by electrolysis. Electrolysis of insoluble compounds. Becquerel C. R., LVI, 237; Instit., 1863, 41; Aun. Pharm , CXXVI, 298; C. C., 1863. 525; JB., 1863, 115 ; Chem. News, VII, 219. Bonsfield Chem. News, VII, 69. Electro-metallurgy. Literature of Electrolysis. 337 1803 Dircks Chem News, VII. 105. History of electro-metall. Gore Phil. Mag., 4, XXV, 479; JB., 1863, 232; J. Chem. Soc., XVI, 365; Chem. News, VIII, 257. 281. Electrolysis of Sh. Gerardm C. R., LIII. 727; Instit.. 1861, 378; Rep. chim. pure, IV. 49; JB., 1863, 52. Electrolysis of K and Na. Kirchner C. C., 1863, 837; JB.. 1863, 502. Electrolysis of glycerine. Level C. li.. LVI, 390. Ozoue by electrolysis. Moiguo Br. A. A. Sci.. 1863, 20. Electro-metallurgy of Cu. Perrot A. c. p., 3. LXI, 161; Arch, ph. nat. [N. B.]. XI. 232; JB.. 1863, 52. Electrolysis by the induc- tion spark. Soret C. R., LIV, 390; Bibl. Uni vers., XVI ; J. pr. Chem., XC, 216; Ann. Pharm., CXXVII, 38 ; Pogg., CXVIII. 623; Roma. Atti, XVI, 638 ; Phil. Mag., 4, XXV, 208; Chem. News, VII, 248; Arch. ph. nat. [N. P.], XVI, 208. Ozone by electrolysis. Werlhtr J. pr. Chem., LXXXVIII, 151; JB.. 1863, 502. Electrolysis of glycerine. 1864 Beequerel C. R , LIX, 521. Electro-chem. equivalents. Edme Chem. News, X, 91. Electrolysis of oxygen. Jaillard Ann. Pharm., CXXXII, 360; C. R., LVIII, 1203. Electrolysis of alcohols. Kekule Ann. Pharm., CXXXI, 80; JB., 1864, 374; Bull. Soc. Chim., I. 242. Electrol. of organic bodies. Martin C. R., LVIII. 108. Theory of electrolysis. Moore Br. Pat. Rep., 1864. 2029. Electro-metallurgy of Au. Kaon It C. R„ LIX, 521; A. c. p., 4, IV. 417 ; Phil. Mag.. 4, XXVIII, 551 ; JB., 1864. 116. Heat and electrolysis. Soret Arch. ph. nat. [N. P.1, XX. 324 ; C. R., LIX. 485 : Instit, 1864, 316; Phil. Mag., 4, XXVIII. 563; A. c. p., 4, III, 504; JB., 1864. 116. Electrolysis of gases. Thompson Br. Pat. Rep., 1864. 3095. Electro-metallurgy of Pt. Weil 1864, 497; A. c. p., 4. IV, 374; C. R., Nov., 1864; Quart. J. Sci., 1, II, 130; Bull. Soc. Chim.. II. 472. New process of electro- metallurgy. ? Dingl. J., CLXXII 433. Electrolysis. ? J. Fr. Inst., 3. XLVII, 261. Curious electrolytic action. 1865 Berlnudt Arch. Pharm., CXXI, 54: Phil. Mag , 4. XXX. 451. A new electrolytic process. Buff Ann. Pharm., XCIV, 15. Electrolysis ol Ag Cl. 338 Literature of Electrolysis. 1865 Canderan Dingl. J., CLXXV, 134; CLXXVIII, 204. Electrolysis. Gibbs Bull. Soc. Cliim., VI, 126; Am. J. Sci., 2, XXXIX, 64. Analysis of Cu'and Ni. llittorf Pogg., CXXVI, 195 ; Phil. Mag.. 4, XLVI1I, 240. Electrolysis of P. Martin C. R., LX, 777, 956; Quart. J. Sci., 1, II, 50. Theory of electrolysis. Reid Chem. News, XII, 242 ; JB., 1865, 243. Electrolysis of Th. Renault Bull. Soc. Cliim., IV, 119. Analysis of alloys. Smith Sci. Amer., 2, XIII, 404. Electro-plating of steel springs. Thompson Br. Pat. Rep., 1865, 2592. Wien. Akad. Ber., LII, 2°, 115; JB., 1865, 186. Electro-metallurgy of Fe. Ullik Electrolysis of Si. Viollet B. Soc. Hud., 2, XII, 447, 753. Electro metallurgy of Cu. Well Sci. Amer., 2, XII, 182. Electroplating. Zaliwski C. R., LXI, 945. Electrolysis. ? Pogg., CXXIV, 75. Electrol. of organic bodies. V “ CXXV, 57. Electrolysis. V Chem. News, XII, 3; Cos- mos, 2, I, 595. Metalloids by electrolysis. V Chem. News, XI, 60. Electrometallurgy. 1866 Brewster Bull. Soc. Cliim., VIII, 23; Electrolysis. Arch. Neer. Sci. Ex., I, 296. Bouilliet B. Soc. l'lnd., 2, XI11, 207. Electro-metallurgy. Bourgoin A. c. p., 4, XIV, 157; Chem. News, XVI, 313; C. R., LXV, 892, 998, 1144; JB., 1867, 381. Electrol. of organic bodies. Brewster JB., 1866, 87. The same. Brooman Br. Pat. Rep., 1866, 3047. Electro-metal, of bronze. Christofle B. Soc. l’lnd., 2, XIII, 389. Electrometallurgy. Heeren Sci. Amer., 2, XIV, 357. Electrotyping. Lean Quart. J. Sci., 1, III, 300. Electrolysis of C02. Leu Bull. Soc. Cliim., VI, 96. Gelatine in electro-metall. Plante C. R„ LXIII, 181. Ozone by electrolysis. St. Edne J. pr. Cliem., XCIV, 507. The same. ? Pogg., CXXVII, 45. Electrodes of A1 and Mg. 1867 Balsamo C. R., LXV, 613. Electro-metallurgy. Bartlett Chem. News, XVI, 257. Experiments in electrol. Becquerel C. R., LXIV, 919, 1211; LXV, 51, 720, 752; Instit., 1867, 155, 193, 353 ; Zeitsch. Chem., 1867, 374, 455, 515; Arch, ph, nat. [N. P.], XXIX, 55; J. Pliarm., 4, VI, 129; JB., 1867, 111. Electro-capillarity in elec- trolysis. Bouilliet B. Soc. l’lnd., 2, XIV, 377, Electro-gilding. 40(4. Literature of Electrolysis. 339 1807 Buff Chem. News, XY, 279; Ann. Pliarm., Sup. IV, 257; JB., 1866, 88. Electrolysis of alkaline sulphates. Feuquieres B. Soc. l'lnd., 2, XIV, 539. Electro metallurgy of Sn. Gaugain C. R., LXIX, 1300; Instit., 1869, 401; JB., 1867, 147; Quart. J. Sci., 1, V, 116; Phil. Mag., 4, XXXIV, 553; Chem. News, XVI, 156. Polarization of electrodes. Hoffmann Pogg., CXXXII, 607; Bull. Soc. Cliim., X, 228. Electrolysis of water. Lecoq Bull. Soe. Chirn., VII, 468. Analysis of Cu and Ni. “ “ XI, 35. Separation of Fe and Cu. Levison Am. J. Min., 1867, June 15, July 20. Electrolytic action of Na amalgam in the extrac- tion of gold. Mattcucci C. R., Jan., 1867; Quart. J. Sci., 1, V, 116. Polarization of electrodes. Paalzon Berl. Monatsber., 1868, 490. Eleetrolysis of salts. Plante Chem. New§, XVI, 243. Lead electrodes. Renault A. c. p., 4, XI, 137; JB., 1867, 115. Electrolysis of gases. Salet Laborat, 1867, 248; JB., 1867, 117. Laws of electrolysis. V Sci. Amer., 2, XVI. 214. Electro-metallurgy. V J. Fr. Inst., 3, LIV, 202. Electro-metal, of bronze. 1868 Becquerel C. R., LXVI, 77, 245, 766, 1066 ; Instit., 1868, 50, 131, 177; Arch. ph. nat. [N. P.], XXXIII, 31; Phil. Mag., 4, XXXVI, 437; JB., 1868, 82. Electro-capillarity and electrolysis. C. R., LXV1I, 1081; Instit., 1868, 386; Zeitscli. Chem., 1869, 134; JB., 1868, 87. Silicates by electrolysis. Balsamo Bull. Soc. Chim., IX, 250. Electro-metallurgy of Fe. Bloxam Chem. News, XIX, 289; JB., 1868, 151. Electrolysis of nitre. Bourgoin Bull. Soc. Chim., X, 206; D. C. Ges., II, 563; C, R., LXVII, 94. Electrolysis of water. Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XII, 438; X, 3, 209; IX, 427, 301, 431, 34; Quart, J. Sci., 1, VI, 266 ; J. Pliarm., 4, XI, 10; D. C. Ges., 1869, 659; JB., 1869, 152; A. c. p., 4, XIV, 157, 430; Chem. News, XVI, 38. Electrolysis of organic bodies. Corson Sci. Amer., 2, XVI11, 363. Separation of gold. Darling J. Chem. Soc., XXI, 502. Elect of alkaline acetates. Dumas B. Soc. l’lnd., 2, XV, 383. Electrometallurgy. Fane C. R.. LXVI, 252, 470, 1231; LXVII, 1012; Pogg., I Ieat and electrolysis. 340 Literature of Electrolysis. 1808 CXXXV, 300; Phil. Mag.. 4, XXXV, 289; XXXV11I 310; JB., 1808, 91. Feuquieres B. Soc. l’lnd., 2, XV, 278. Fe and Sn by electrolysis. Gates U. S. Pat. Rep., 1868, 80402. Electroplating. Jacobi Bull. Soc. S. Peters., XII, 563. Electro-metallurgy. Klein B. Soc. l’lnd., 2, XV, 286; Chem. News, XVII, 133; Bull. Soc. Cliim. 2, XI, 428. Electro-deposition of Fe. Kness Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, IX, 416; Sci. Amer., 2, XX, 184. Electrometallurgy. Kolbe J. Chem. Soc., XXI, 195. Electrol. of acetic acid. Lisenko Zeitschr. Chem., 1868, 282; Jahresb., 1868, 91. Electrolysis of gases. Raoult C. R., LX1X, 823; JB., 1868, 49. Electrolysis of salts. C. R„ LXVI, 353; LXVI, 950, 1006; JB., 1868, 93. Heat and electrolysis. Remington U. S. Pat. Rep., 1868, 82877. Electro-metallurgy of Ni. Rundspaden Ann. Pliarm., CLI, 306 ; JB., 1868, 150. II202 by electrol. of HaO. Tyndall Am. J. Sci., 2, XLV, 34; XL VI, 180. Faraday as a discoverer. W alenn Chem. News, XVI, 170. Electro-metallurgy of Fe. W arburg Pogg., CXXXV, 114; JB., 1868, 93. Electrolysis of H2 S04. Wilde Phil. Mag., 4, XXXVI, 81. Laws of electrolysis. Weitli Bull. Soc. Chim., X, 121. Electrol. of nitro-prus- sides. W older Ann. Pharm., CXLVI, 263, 375; JB., 1868, 192; Chem. News, XVIII, 189. Oxidation by electrolysis. W oodworth U. S. Pat. Itep., 1868, 84243. Electro-plating. W right “ “ 1868, 79427. The same. Zaliwski C. R., LXVI, 1106. Voltametric decomposi- tion. V Sci. Amer., 2, XVIII, 377. Paper silvered. V Pogg., CXXXV, 124. - Electrolysis by the spark. V 293. Electrolysis. ? “ “ 115. Electrolysis at high tem- peratures. ‘l J. Fr. Inst., 3, LV, 368. Electro-bronzing. 1869 Adams U. S. Pat. Rep., 1869, 90332. Electro-metallurgy of Ni. Recquerel C. R., LXVIII, 1285. Electrol. of organic bodies. Berthelot J. Pharm., 4, 11, 200; Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XIII, 107; C. C., 1870, 226; JB., 1870, 159; Quart. J. Sci., VI, 320; Chem. News, XVIII, 82. Electrolysis by the in- duction spark. Bourgoin Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XII, 400; JB., 1869, 152. Electrol. of organic bodies. Bull. Soc. Chim. 2, XI, 39; XII, 433; D. C. Ges., II, Electrolysis of soda, pot- ash and ammonia. Literature of Electrolysis. 341 15; Cliem. News, XIX, 213; A. c. p.. 4, XV, 48. 1869 Clay Sci. Amer., 2, XXI, 346. Electro-metallurgy of Fe. Delaurier C. R., LXVIII, 1124. Electro metallurgy of Cu. Friedel Quart. J. Sci., 1, VI, 471. Electrolysis of H4Si. Gerland Pogg., CXXXVII, 552; Anz. Ann. Cliim., 4, XVIII, 461; JB., 1869, 147. Electrolysis of water. Gore Quart. J. Sci., 1, VI, 319. Electrolysis of HF1. Hoffmann Dent. Ges. Ber., 1869, 244. Laws of electrolysis. Jacobi Bull. Soc. Cliim., 2, XII, 498; Bull. Sci. S. Peters., XIII, 40. Electro-metallurgy of Fe Kolrausch Pogg., CXXXVIII, 385. Electrolysis of H2S04. Maisstrasse B. Soc. l’lnd., 2, XVI, 590; XVII, 103. Electro-metallurgy of Zn. Patry Arch. ph. nat. IN. P.], Nov., 1868; Phil. Mag., 4, XXXVII, 475. Research on electrodes. Host U. S. Pat, Rep., 1869, 98110. Electrolysis of alloys. Tail Phil. Mag., 4, XXXVIII, 243. Electrolytic polarization. Tucker U. S. Pat. Rep., 1869, 90894. Electro-gilding on iron. Ullgreu Bull. Soc. Cliim., 2, XII, 249. Analysis of Cu and Ni. Yarrentrapp Bull. Soc. Cliim., 2, XII, 420; Schweiz Polyt. J., 1868, 87; Zeitsch. Cliem., XI, 732. Electro-metallurgy of Fe W arburg A. c. p., 4, XVI, 489; Posrg., CXXXV, 114. Heat in electrolysis. V Sci. Amer., 2, XXI, 153. Electro-gilding. ? “ “ 2, XXI, 278. Baths for electro plating. V J. Fr. Inst., 3, LVIII, 370. Electro-metallurgy of Fe. ? Sci. Amer., 2, XXI, 91. Electro plating paper. 1870 Becquerel C. R., LXX, 345; Instil., 1870, 66; JB., 1870, 144; Amer. Cliem., I, 147; Quart. J. Sci., 1, VI, 391. Electro-capillarity in elec trolysis. C. R., LXXI, 197; Instit., 1870, 225; JB., 1870, 149. Laws of electro-capillarity Bloomstrand D. C. Ges., III. 533. Classification of elements. Bourgoin A. c. p.. 4, XXI, 264; C. R., LXX, 811; JB., 1870, 274. Electrolysis of acids. A. c. p., 4, XXI, 264; C. R., LXX, 191; J. Pharm., XII, 8; JB., 1870, 154; I). C. Ges., Ill, 325. Electrolysis of salts. Bull. Soc. Cliim., 2, XVII, 244; A. c. p., 4, XXVIII, 119; J. Cliem. Soc., XXV, 27; JB., 1870, 108. Theory of electrolysis. Boisfeillet B. Soc. rind., 2, XVII, 588. Electrol. in photography. Bunge D. C. Ges., Ill, 295, 911; Amer. Cliem., I, 36, 310; Electrolysis of salts. 342 Literature of Electrolysis. Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XIV, 220; Chem. News, XXIII, 22; JB., 1870, 155. Jen. Zeitsclir., V, 393 ; Zeitsclir. Chem., 1870, 212; Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XIV, 35; JB., 1870, 157; Chem. News, XXI, 238; Amer. Chem.,I, 37; Quart. J. Sci., 2., I, 430. 1870 Burckliard Electrolysis of salts. Christotle Bull. Sci. S. Peters., XV, 319. Electrometallurgy. Gaiffe Quart. J. Sci., 1, VII, 289. Nickel plating. Hittorf Pogg. CVI, 348; JB., 1870, 134. Electrolysis of water. “ Pogg., CVI, 542; JB., 1870, 136. Electrol. of Zn and Cd. Houzeau C. R., LXX, 1286; Chem. News, XXI, 298; Amer. Chem., 1, 68; Quar. J. Sci. TN. 8.1, IX, 994. Electrolysis of air. Howard U. S. Pat. Rep., 1870, 100038. Electro metallurgy of Sb. Kohlrauscli A. c. p., April, 1870; Phil. Mag., 4, XL, 229. Ohm’s law in electrolysis. Martin C. R., LXX, 611; Chem. News, XXL 154. Ozone by electrolysis. Royer C. R, LXX, 731; JB., 1870, 633 Electrol. of organic bodies*. Runspaden Quart. J. Sci., 1, VII, 138. Electrolysis of water. W ernicke Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XV, 50; Pogg., CXLI, 109; J. pr, Chem., 2, II, 419; Am. J. Sci., 3, I, 298. Electrolysis of salts. W right U. S. Pat. Rep., 1870,101075. Electroplating. 1871 Adams “ “ 1871,113612; B. Soc. Find., 2, XIX, 163, 253. Electro-metallurgy of Ni. Bingham U. S. Pat, Rep., 1871,115926; Sci. Amer., 2, XXV, 42; Bull. Soc. Chim., 2. XVIII, 139. Electro-metallurgy of Sn. Bourgoin A. c. p., 4, XXII, 361; JB.; 1871, 631; Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XV, 8; D. C. Ges., V, 327. Electrol. of organic bodies. Brodie Proc. Roy. Soc., XX, 472; Bull. Roy. Soc., XXI, 482; Phil. Trans., CLXII, 495. Electrolysis of gases. Farre C. R., LXXIII, 1463; Quart, J. Sci., 2, II, 276. Conduction by electrolysis. Lenz B. Soc. l’lnd., XVIII, 155. Electro-metallurgv of Fe. Merrick Chem. News, XXIV, 100, 172; JB., 1871, 933; Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XVI, 262. Analysis of Cu and Ni. Literature of Electrolysis, 343 1871 Moore D. C. Ges., IV, 519; Am. Electrolysis of C2H402. J. Sci., 8, III, 177. Parmlee U. 8. Pat. Rep., 1871,114191. Electro-metallurgy of Ni. Pratt “ “ 1871,118090. Electro-metallurgy. Quincke Poirg., CXLIV, 1, 161; .1. Pharm., 1871, 182; Phil. Mag.. 4, XLI1I, 896, 518. Electrolysis. Sclionn Cliem. News, XXIII, 59; Pogg., 1870, Sup. Y, 11. Electrolysis. Scoutten Quart. J. Sci., 2, 1, 299. Electrolysis of wines. • Skey Cliem. News, XXIII. Electrolysis of oxides. Soret A. c. p., 4, XXII, 150. Electrolysis of oxygen. W alenn Cliem. News, XXII, 1; Sci. Amer., 2, XXIV, 119. Electro-metall. of brass. 1872 Aarland Cliem. News, XXIV, 818; J. pr. Cliem., 2, XVIII, 171. U. S. Pat. Hep., 1872, 12988. Electrol. of itaconic acid. Beardslie Electro-metallurgy of Ni. Beequerel C. R., LXXV, 1729; JB., 1872, 112. Electrolysis of amalgams. C. IC, LXXIV, 1810; JB., 1872, 114. Electro capillarity. C. R., Jan., 1872 ; Cliem. News, XXV, 70. Decomposition by the spark due to calorific effects. Blanc C. R., LXXV, 587. Ilo02 by electrolysis of H2804. Boil lot C. R., LXXVI, 628, 869, 1182, 1712; J. Cliem. Soc., XXVII, 718; Cliem. News. XXVII, 256; Chem. Soc. Trans. [V. 8.], XI, 724. Action of the electric brush on CyH and air. Bbttger Quart. J. Sci., 2, II, 407. Electro metallurgy of Zu. Brown 1). C. Ges., V, 484. Electrolysis of sugar. Carstanjen Bull. Soc. Cliim., 2, XVII, 221; Jour. pr. Chem., IV, 376. Electrol. of itaconic acid. Fearn Bull. Soc. Cliim., 2, XVIII, 43; XIX, 41. Electro-metall. of alloys. Gladstone * Proc. Roy. Soc., XX, 218; Phil. Mag., 4, XL1V, 73; Chem. News, XXV, 145; Areli. ph. nat. [N. P.], II, 45, 413; JB., 1872, 111. Electrolysis. Heeren Bull. Soc. Cliim., 2, XVIII, 371; Dingl. J., CCIV.487. Electrometallurgy. Keith Quart. J. Sci., 2, II. 402. Electro-metallurgy of Ni. Kempf Chem. News, XXIV, 157; J. pr. Chem.. CLXXI, Nos. 11, 12. Electrolysis of acetates. Lecoq Bull. Soc. Cliim., 2, XVII, 41; C. R., LXXIII, 1322. Separation of Fe and Cu. Lobstein Bull. Soc. Cliim., 2, XVII, 480. Electro-metallurgy. Mansfeld Z. anal. Cliem., 1872, 1; Analysis of Cu, Ni, Co. JB., 1872, 912. 344 Literature of Electrolysis. 1872 Paterno D. C. Ges., Y, 642. Electrolytic equivalents. Raoult C. R., LXXV, 1108; JB.,iElectrolysis of Cd. 1870, 111. Rulimkorff Quart. J. Sci., 2, II, 408. Ozone by electrolysis. Tavernier Bull. Soe. Cliim., 2, XIX, 90. Electro-metall. of alloys. Tlienard C. R., LXXV, 118. Electrolysis of gases. Thompson Chem. News, XXIV, 194. Electrolysis of Al. Wright “ XXVI, 118 ; Ozone bjr electrolysis. Amer. J. Sci., 3, IV, 29; Chem. Soc. Trans. [N. S.], X, 1072. v Sci. Amer., 2, XXVI, 26. Electro-metallurgy. 1878 Aarland J. Chem. Soc., XXVI, 377; Electrol. of itaconic acid. J. pr. Chem., 2, VI, 256; Chem. News. XXVII, 35; Bull. Soc. Cliim., 2, XIX, 258. Becquerel C. R., LXXVII, 84; JB., Electrolysis of water. 1873, 123. JB., 1873, 120. Electro-capillarity. C. R., LXXVII, 1130, Electrolysis and cheniical affinity. Brodie J. Chem. Soc., XXVI, 744; Electrolysis of CO. Proc. Roy. Soc., XXI, 245; Phil. Mag., 4, XLVII, 309. Chalevier J. Chem. Soc., XXVI, 29; Electrolysis by the electric C. R., LXXV, 536. brush. Divers D. C. Ges., VI, 75. Electrolysis of NII4N03. Dumas C. R., LXXVI, 519. Electrolysis of CO*. Gourdon “ LXXYI, 1250. Electro metallurgy of Zn. Gramme Sci. Amer., 2, XXIII, 120. Electrotyping. Helmholtz Ber. Mon., 1873. Conduction in electrolytes. Houzeau C. II., LXXVI, 1203. Electrolysis by the brush. Jean “ “ 1203. Action of the brush on COa. Kolilrauscli Pogg., CXLIX, 171; JB., Electrolysis of Ag. 1873, 125. Ladenburgh J. Chem. Soc., XXVI, 26; Electrolysis and molecular D. C. Ges., V, 753. weight. Le Blanc Chem. Soc. Trans., XXVI, Ha03 by electrol. of 242. 1I2S04. Levison J. Fr. Inst., May, 1873. Production of NH3 in nitric acid batteries. Lippmann Pogg., CXLIX, 547; Phil. Action of ions on elec- Mag., 4, XLVII, 28. trodes. Maistrasse B. Soc. l’lnd., 2, XX, 689. Electrolysis of Sn. Maumene C. R., LXXVI, 1146. Electrolysis by the brush. Moncel J. Chem. Soc., XXVI, 833; Mercury electrodes. C. R„ LXXVI, 1136. “ “ LXXVI, 1015. Electrolysis by the brush. Pisati D. C. Ges., VI, 142. Modifications of electrol. Raoult C. R., LXXVI, 156: JB., Electrolysis of Zn, Cd, Sn. 1873, 125. Sundell Pogg., CXLIX, 144. Electrolysis of metals. Literature of Electrolysis 345 1873 Thenard C. R., LXXVI, 1082, 1508, Electrolysis by the elec- 1048, 183. 517; J. Chem. Soc., XXVI, 1093; Chem. News, XXVII, 243. trie brush. ? Sci. Amer., 2, XXIII, 23. Electro-metallurgy. Electro plating with Sn. Electrolysis of Zn. * ? “ 2, XXIX, 71. .1. Chem. Soc.. 1873, 452. 1874 Becquerel C. R., LXXIV, 82;LXXVI, 245, 845; LXXVIII, 89, Electro-capillarity. 1018, 1081; LXXIX, 82, 1281: JB., 1874, 132, 133. Bourgoin I). C. Ges., VII, 1039. Oxymalinic acid. Boillet C. R, LXXIX, 036. Electrolysis by the brush. Mechanical theory of elec- Domanlip J. Chem. Soc., XXVII, 645; C. C., 1873, 177. trolysis. Dumas C. R., LXXVIII, 313. Eleetrol. of acetic acid. Favre “ LXXVIII, 1678;. IB., “ of carbonates of 1874, 130; D. C. Ges., VII, 950; J. Chem. Soc., XXVII, 861; Chem. News, XXX, 63. soda. Gladstone Br. A. Ad. Sci., 1874, 56; Electrolysis of Cu and Pt. Instit., 1874. 354; JB., 1874, 130; Chem. News, XXXI, 49. Martin C. R, LXXVIII, 1354. Analysis by electrolysis. Oniinus “ LXXVIII. 643; JB., Electro-capillarity. 1874, 131. Renard C. R., LXXIX. 508, 159; Passive iron. JB., 1874, 128. Regnon C. R., LXXIX. 299; JB., The same. 1874, 129. Schrotter Pogg., CLII, 171 ; Phil. Mag., 4, XLVIII, 239. Electrolysis of P. Slavik I). C. Ges., VII, 1051. Electrolysis of salts. Symons J.Chem. Soc., XXVIII, 328; Electrolysis of oils and > Pharm. J. Trans., 3, V, 325 ; Br. A. Ad. Sci., 1874, 31; JB., 1874, 131. non-conductors. Thenard C. R, LXXVIII. 219. Eleetrol. of acetic acid. Thompson Proc. Roy. Soc., 1874. Electrolytic conduction in hot glass. Witt stein Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XXL Silver baths in electro- 565; Dingl. J., CCXII, 137 plating. W right Am. J. Sci., 3, VI, 184; Chem. Soc. Trans. [N.S.], Ozone by electrolysis. XII. 975. J. Fr. Inst.. 3, LXVII, 12. Iron electrotypes. Electrolysis in nutrition. 187.) Becquerel C. R., LXXX, 411. C. R., LXXX, 411, 585; JB., 1875, 102, 142. Electro-capillarity. C. R., LXXXI, 1002. E lectrol. of organic bodies. “ LXXXI, 803, 849. Electrolysis and chemical affinity. 346 Literature of Electrolysis. 1875 Boillet C. R., LXXX, 1167. Ozone by electrolysis. Budde Pogg., CLYI, 618; JB., 1875. Electrolysis. 100; J. Chem. Soc.. XXIX, 865. Christomanos Gaz. Chim. Ital., 1875, 402; Diphenyl by electrolysis. JB., 1875, 397. Coquillon D. C. Ges., VIII, 1534. Electrol. of aniline salts. Ducretes C. R.. LXXX, 280; JB., 1875, Aluminium electrodes. 100. Fleming Br. A. Ad. Sci., 1875, 28. Electrolysis by the spark. Gladstone Proc. Roy. Soc , XXIV, 47; Electrolysis. Goppelsr5der JB., 1875, 101. C. R., LXXXI, 944; D C. Electrolysis of aromatic Ges., IX, 959; JB„ 1875, 102. compounds. Jaueczek J. Chem. Soc., XXIX, 182; Theory of electrolysis. D. C. Ges., VIII, 1018; JB., 1875, 101. Miiller J. Chem. Soc., XXVIII, 123; Distribution of the current Pogg., CLI. 286. in the electrolyte. Obach Pogg., VII, Sup., 280; JB., Electrol. of amalgams. 1875, 97. Renard D. C. Ges., VIII, 182; C. R , Electrolysis of alcohol. LXXX, 105, 236. “ C. R.. LXXXII 562; LXXXI, Electrol. of glycerine. 188; Chem. News, XXXI 72; XXXII, 84 Tribe Proc. Roy. Soc., XXIV, 308; Theory of electrolysis. J. Chem. Soc.. XXX, 36; Chem. News, XXXIII, 213; JB.. 1876, 126. 1876 Becquerel C. R., LXXXII, 1007. Electro-capillarity. “ “ LXXXII, 353. Electrol. by the spark. Barthelot “ LXXXII, 1002. Currents of high tension. “ “ LXXXII, 1360. Electrol. by the brush. Bertrand “ LXXXIII, 854; J. Electrolysis of Al, Mg, Cd, Chem. Soc., XXXI, 161 ; JB.. 1876, 126. Sb, Bi, and Pt. Bleekrode Proc. Roy. Soc., XXV, 322. Electrolysis. Bunge D. C. Ges., 1876, 1598; JB., Electrol. of formic acid. 1876. 128. D. C. Ges., IX, 78. Electrol. of oxalic acid. “ Cazeneuve J. Chem. Soc., XXX, 456; Metallic films on organic C. R., LXXXII, 1341. substances by electrol. Christomanos D. C. Ges., VIII, 1359. Electrol. of acetylchloride. De la Rue Proc. Roy. Soc., XXV, 323. ElectroljTsis of HC1. Dossios D. C. Ges., IX, 1792. Theory of electrolysis. Elsiisser “ “ IX, 1818; Bull. Mg and Pt electrodes. Soc. Chim., 2, XXVIII, 469; J. Chem. Soc., XXXI 676. Fuchs Pogg., CLIX, 486; JB., 1876, 126. Electrolysis. Gladstone J. Chem. Soc., 1876, 2, 152; Electrolysis of water. JB.. 1876, 127, 129; C. C., 1876, 545; Chem. Ne-ws, XXXIII, 218; D. C. Ges., Literalure of Electrolysis. 347 1870 IX, 950; Bull. Soc. Chim.. 2. XXVI11, 107. Goppelsroder [). C. Ges., IX, 59; C. R., Eleetrol. of aniline salts. LXXXII, 1199 ; Chem. News. XXXIV, 118; JB., 1876, 129. Guillaume C. R.. LXXXII, 349. Eleetrol. of liquid C02. H. H. B. 8. I. Chem. Soc., XXX, 115; Eleetrol. in assaying. C. C.. 1875, 527. Monrocy Bull. Soc. Chem., 2, XXVI, Electro-metall. of Bi, Sb. 525. Roberts Chem. News, XXXI, 137. Electrolysis of Fe. Scliiel Pogg., CLIX, 489; JB., 1876, Electrolysis of gold salts. 127. Schiff D. C. Ges., IX, 344. Electrolysis of salts. Wohler “ “ IX, 1821. H at both electrodes. 1877 Becquerel C. R., LXXXIV, 145 Electrolysis in capillary tubes. Beetz Ann. Phys., 2, II, 94; JB., Electrolysis with Al. elec- 1877, 165 ; J. Chem. Soc., trodes. XXIV, 2; L>. C. Ges., X, 118. Berthelot A. c. p , 5, XIV, 361; C. R., Electrolysis of water. LXXXVI. 71. Bottger J. Chem. Soc., XXXII, 375; Electrolysis of Co. C. C., 1876, 640. Bourgoin Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XXVII, Electrolysis of pyrotartaric 545; XXVIII, 51; C. R., acid. LXXXIV, 1231. Fleming J. Chem. Soc., XXXI, 266; Polarization of electrodes. Phil. Mag., 5, I. 142; Proc. Roy. Soc., XXVI, 40. Frentz J. Chem. Soc., XXXII, 239; Electrolysis of PI. C. C., 1876. 592. Gibbs D. C. Ges., X. 1388. Electrolysis of NH4NG3. Gladstone Proc. Roy. Soc., XXVI, 2. Conduction of organic bodies. Goppelsroder Dingl. J., CCXXI, 81; Eleetrol. of organic bodies. CCXXI1I, 317, 634; CCXXIV, 92, 209; JB., 1877, 166. Guerout C. R., LXXXV, 225; JB., Electrolysis of H2S04. 1877, 166. Hellesen Chem. News. XXXV, 72 ;Electrolysis of strong salts. C. R., LXXXIV, 85. Jabloehkoff “ Dec., 1877. Electrolysis of C. Javelle LXXXIV, 1171. Electrolysis of naphthaline. Kohlrausch. J. Chem. Soc., XXXI. 429; Heat and electrolysis. Dingl. J., CCXXJI, 283. Kowalewsky Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XXVII, Electrolysis of Cu S04. 555 ; Ber., 1877, 413; JB.. 1877, 166 ; D. C. Ges., X, 413. Parodi J. Chem. Soc., XXXII, 804; Analysis of Zn and Pb. Gaz. Chim. Ital., VII. 222. Plante jC. R., LXXXIV, 26. Electrolysis of Si. 348 Literature of Electrolysis. 1877 Reboulaud C. R., LXX1V, 1231; Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XXVII, 545; JB., 1877, 106. Electrol. of organic bodies. Rout J. Cliem. Soc., XXXII, 161, 271; C. C., 1876, 401. Platinum penetrated by electrolytic gases. Tlienard J. Cliem. Soc., XXXII, 269; C. R., LXXXIV, 706. Electro-metallurgy. Thruchot C. R., LXXXIV, 714. Electrolysis by the spark. Tribe Proc. Roy. Soc., XXVI, 222; JB., 1877, 165. Electrolysis. W rightson J. Chem. Soc., XXXI, 340; Zeitscli. anal. Cliem., 1876, 297. Analysis by electrolysis. 1878 Becquerel C. R., 1878, 1018, 1081. Electro capillarity. Berggren J. Chem. Soc., XXXIV, 101; A. c. p., 5, I, 499. Conductivity of electro- lytes. Bertlielot J. Cliem. Soc., XXXIV, 554; C. R., LXXXVI, 277. Electrolysis of persulphu- ric acid. Bleekrode Ann. Pliys., 2, III, 161; Pliil. Mag., 5, V, 375, 439; JB., 1878, 148; J. Chem. Soc., XXXIV, 464. Electrol. of simple salts. Bouvet C. R., LXXXVII, 1068; J. Chem. Soc., XXXVI, 293. Electrol. under pressure. Coppola Gaz. Cliim. Ital., VIII, 60; Ann. Phys. Beibl., II, 353; JB., 1878, 152. Electrolysis of glucose. Delcambre Bull. Soc. Chim., 2, XXX, 431. Electro-metallurgy. Ebermayer J. Chem. Soc., XXXIV, 178; Dingl. J., CCXXIV, 631. Electro-gilding. Elsasser Ann. Phys. Beibl., II, 352. H at both electrodes. Exner Wien. Akad. Ber., 2, LXXVII, 655. Electrolysis of waters. Gladstone Chem. Soc. J., XXXIII, 139; Chem. News, XXXVII, 68. Electrolysis. Herwig J. Chem. Soc., XXXIV, 191; Ann. Phys., 2, IV, 173. Movements of mercury in electrolysis. Hittorf “ 2, IV, 374; JB., 1878, 149. Electrolysis of salts. Kayser J. Cliem. Soc., XXXIV, 537; C. C., 1878, 127. Electro-metallurgy of Ni. Kirmis Ann. Phys., 2, IV, 502; JB., 1878, 150. Research on the ions. Leeds Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1,197; Chem. News, XXXVIII, 224. Ozone hy electrolysis. Lippmann J. Chem. Soc., XXXIV, 926; C. R., LXXXVI, 1540. Electrodes in metallic so- lutions. Morges C. R., LXXXVII, 15; C. C., 1878, 602; JB., 1878, 151. Electrolysis of Cr. Literature of Electrolysis. 349 1878 Pratt Bull. Soc. Chiin., 2, XXIX, 142. Electro metallurgy of Ag. Wright J. Chem. Soc., XXXIV, 251; Am. J. Sci., 3, XIV, 107. Specula coated by elec- rolysis. 1879 Bertlielot C. R., LXXX1X, 683. Electrolysis of Au. Bode J. Chem. Soc., XXXVI, 760; Dingl. J.. CCXXXI, 254, 357, 428. Electro-metallurgy. Bran n J. Chem. Soc., XXXVI, 194; Ann. Phys., 2, IV, 476 Electrolytic conduction. Dewar Proc. Roy. Soc., XXIX, 188. “ “ XXX, 170. Electrolysis of HCN. “ Electrolytic experiments. Levison Am. J. Sci., 3, XIX, 29. Electrolytic phenomena. Schbne J. Chem. Soc., XXXVI, 878. Electrolysis of H2Oa. T roost Quart. J. Sci., 3, I, 708. Electro metallurgy of Co. 1880 Bandet C. R., XCI, 1004. Ozone by electrolysis. Bourgoin “ XC, 608 ; Chem. News, XLI, 183. Electrol. of malonic acid. Habermann Wein. Acad. Ber., 3, LXXXI, 747; JB., 1880, 175. C. Ii., XCI, 28. Electrol. of organic bodies. Hautefeuille Electrolysis by the slow discharge. Leeds Lond. J. Sci., 3, II, 145. Ozone by electrolysis. Old Zeitsclir. anal. Chem., Analysis of Co, Ni, and XVIII, 521; Chem. News, XLI, 25. Cu by electrolysis. Renard C. R., XC, 531; Chem. News, XLI, 172. Electrol. of terebenthine. “ C. R., XCI, 175. Cliemikerzeitung, 1880, 292; Zeitung, XXXIX, 121; JB., 1880, 174; Chem. News, XLI, 280. Electrolysis of benzine. Schueht Electrol. of U, Tli, V,P1. Smith JB., 1880, 174; D. C. Ges., 1880, 751. Electrolysis of iron. W eston Ann. Pliys. Beibl., IV, 70; JB., 1880, 177. Electro metallurgy of Ni. 350 Li tend lire of Elect roli/xix. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. A. c. p. Annales de chimie et de physique,—Paris. Am. Chem. |American Chemist,—New York. Am. 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