FAT PEOPLE MADE NORMAL Your Fat Patient’s Weight Reduced From 5 to 15 Pounds Per Month One-Half Pound per Day.—I have been using Phytoline for about twelve days. My weight when I commenced was 210 pounds; it is now 203, a reduction of 7 pounds, or about half a pound per day. Have several fat friends who desire to give Phytoline a trial. T. B. Jennings, M. D. Iowa. Four Pounds a Week and Eats What She Pleases.—I am using Phy- toline on a patient and she is losing 4 pounds a week without dieting; in fact, she eats whatever she pleases and as much as she desires. Louisiana. D. W. May, M. D. Four and. One-Half Pounds the First Week.—Some days ago I sent for a bottle of Phytoline for my wife. She lost 4)4 pounds the first week. Nebraska. A. J. Dern, M. D. Five Pounds Without Dieting.—My patient weighs 5 pounds less than she did when she began taking that bottle of Phytoline, and has used no precaution in diet. W. H. Budge, M. D. Wisconsin. Five Pounds With No 111 Effects.—I have one patient who has been taking Phytoline one week, and reports the loss of 5 pounds with no ill effects at all. S. F. ParroTh, M. D. Five Pounds Per Week.—One patient of mine had simple obesity, another had cardiac steatosis. Both males past 45 years of age. Both took Phytoline according to the published directions. The simple obesity lost weight slowly at first, but av- eraging 5 pounds a week after the second week. The interesting case, however, was the fatty degeneration case. He was also obese, but suffered from shortness of breath on slight exertion and complained of great weakness. He lost weight gradually and his appetite improved. He renewed his exercise without distress. His heart in- creased in muscular tone and now he feels nearly as well as ever. Iowa. Dr. L. E. Coffin. Five Pounds Per Week and Still Losing. —I am prescribing Phytoline for a patient; weight at start, 290 pounds; has now lost 10 pounds in two weeks, and is still losing at the rate of 5 pounds a week, with no restriction in diet or exercise. I am giving it entirely on its own merits, and feel confident it will be suc- cessful. I. L. Maxweix, M. D. Arkansas. Six Pounds and an Excellent Remedy.—I have been using Phyto- line for about a month now. Dost 6 pounds in the first two weeks, and find it an excellent remedy. Maury James, M. D. Delaware. Ten Pounds and Had Rheumatism.—Find enclosed $1.10, for which please send a bottle, of Phytoline. The bottle I got from you some time ago I gave to a lady patient whose weight was 206 pounds. She has lost about 10 pounds and she feels very good. She had rheumatism to such an extent that she was unable to rise from a stooping posture without taking hold of something. Now she gets up spry as a girl. New York. H. C. WlLWS, M. D. Lost Nine Pounds and Wishes More. — Please send me another bottle of Phytoline at your earliest convenience. Enclosed find check for $1.10. My patient has lost 9 pounds and wishes to try more. Vermont. Story N. Goss, M. D. Ten Pounds and is Feeling Better.—Several weeks ago I ordered of you a bottle of Phytoline to be used in a case of obesity. The patient has carefully followed every direction, and at the end of last week he had lost over 10 pounds. He also says that he is feeling better in every way and wishes to continue the use of the remedy. Indiana. F. W. Hawkins, M. D. Ten Pounds and Will Continue. —Have been prescribing Phytoline for several patients. One, a lady weighing 248 pounds, has lost 10 pounds in two weeks, and is anxious to continue its use. Am also treating another lady for obesity and fatty degeneration of the heart, with good results. Georgia. W. C. Griffin, M. D. Eleven Pounds in Eleven Days.—Enclosed please find $2.00 for two bottles of Phytoline. The bottle sent has reduced the weight of a patient of mine from 260 to 249 pounds in eleven days. I am in hopes two more bottles will complete the cure; he desires his weight reduced to 200 pounds. The patient has been troubled with rheumatism and heart disease, with difficult breathing and dropsy, and is now very much improved. Matt Waeeace, M. D. South Carolina. Thirteen Pounds in Two Weeks.—Enclosed find $2.20, for which send me two bottles of Phytoline. I prescribed it for a patient about two weeks ago, and the bottle I obtained of you has reduced my patient 13 pounds in that length of time. J. O. Sandercook, M. D. Oklahoma Territory. Thirteen Pounds in Three Weeks.—The patient for whom I prescribed Phytoline has taken it three wreeks and lost 13 pounds. I am well pleased with it. B. W. Wilson, M. D. Fourteen Pounds and Greatly Benefited.—I have been using Phyto- line on myself and it has benefited me greatly. Has reduced my weight from 271 to 257 pounds in three weeks. R. F. Lester, M. D. Tennessee. Fourteen Pounds in the First Case.—I am much pleased with the re- sults from Phytoline in my first case, and have already reduced my patient from 235 to 221 pounds in less than four weeks. W. S. Abbott, M. D. Twenty Pounds on One Bottle.— I enclose $1.10, for which please send me by mail a bottle of Phytoline. I used a bottle some time ago, but was so sit- uated could not give it a fair trial. How- ever, I reduced myself 20 pounds. New Mexico. h. S. Orton, M. D. Twenty Pounds in Almost Every Case.—The Phytoline works well in al- most every case. One lady patient was reduced 20 pounds, the result of taking two bottles. I am very well pleased with its action. Wm. Henry, M. D. Illinois. Twenty Pounds in Six Weeks. Yours received to-day, and the medicine yesterday; all came as ordered. I had used the Phytoline in one case, that of my wife, and will say that she is indeed well pleased with its action upon the heart, as the fatty degeneration had gone to such an extent she could not walk forty rods, even slowly, without fainting, much less get a meal of victuals over a stove. Was reduced 20 pounds in six weeks. Another case, fatty degeneration of the liver, is showing signs of improvement. If we have the assurance that Phytoline cures cardiac and hepatic steatosis, if only occasionally, it will rank as a specific. L. H. Hinkxey, M. D. Ohio. Twenty-One Founds on One and One-Half Bottles.—Please send me a sample of Pineoline for skin affections, as per offer. I am using Phyto- line with marked success, one patient, a lady, losing 21 pounds after taking one and one-half bottles. In my hands it never fails in simple obesity. G. E. Ellis, M. D. New York. Twenty-Two Pounds Lost in Texas.—Some weeks ago I ordered a bottle of Phytoline for one of my patients. It has reduced her 22 pounds, and she wants one more bottle of it, for which find enclosed §1.10. Texas. W. J. Sorrels, M. D. Sixty Pounds and Only Four Bottles.—You will please send by ex- press, C. O. D., two bottles of Phytoline. I used four bottles and reduced 60 pounds. J. H. Aested, M. D. Twenty-Two Pounds Without Dieting.— I have been prescribing Phytoline for five weeks. A patient weighing 260 pounds was reduced to 238 pounds without restrictions in diet. Illinois. W. H. Amerson, M. D. Twenty-Five Pounds on Two Bottles.—I have been prescribing Phytoline for a patient and it has reduced her from 231 to 206 pounds. She is now using the third bottle. Alabama. B. W. Bush, M. D. Thirty-Five Pounds on Myself.—I have used two bottles of Phytoline which I received from you some time ago, on myself,with so much relief that others here wish to try it, and if they are relieved as much as I was you will get a big sale for it from this vicinity. I was re- duced from 275 to 240 pounds in six weeks. W. F. Yates, M. D. Missouri. Thirty-Five Pounds With Great Relief.—In the last number of the New York Medical Journal I have just read your advertisement with re- gard to Pineoline and Phytoline. I have used the last named with excel- lent results in a case of immense obesity, reducing the weight 35 pounds in a month, with great relief. I have not tried Pineoline, and write to re- quest a sample for trial in practice. S. C. Smith, M. D. Kentucky. Thirty-Seven Pounds—Weighed Over 300.—My patient lias lost 37 pounds and is very anxious to continue the treatment. She weighed over 300 pounds. O. A. Henry, M. D. Illinois. One Hundred and Eight Pounds—How is This?—I have used Phyto- line in several cases of obesity and have received gratifying results. It is a remedy the physician needs, and if he will use it with that discretion that all powerful remedies ought to be used, he will not be disappointed with the results. Had a case where a prominent patient of mine, weigh- ing 373 pounds, was reduced with this remedy to 265 pounds, and his gen- eral health is better than it has been for years; this speaks volumes. Michigan. E. B. Smith, M. D. Forty Pounds — Had Used Poke Berries When a Boy.—My patient complained of ulcers on the legs, and salt rheum that had resisted all my skill. He was heavy-set,weighed 265 pouncls, and six feet tall. Complained also of great thirst, dry skin; frequently got up in the night to take and make water. I put him finally on Phytoline internally and used the crushed poke berries locally, with the result that the salt rheum and ulcers healed nicely in four weeks, and the in- ternal administration gave great relief, reducing the patient’s weight incidentally 40 pounds. When I was a boy poke berries were largely used in salt rheum, both internally and locally. Massachusetts. J. E. Smith, M. D. Fifty-Nine Pounds—Weighed Two Hundred and Seven.—Please send me a sample of Pineo- line. I have used Phytoline in one case with this result: patient weighed 207 pounds, reduced to 148 pounds. B. D. Pease, M. D. New Hampshire. Fifty-Six Pounds and No Unfavorable Symptoms.—The patient for whom I prescribed Phytoline was reduced in weight from 196 to 140 pounds without any unfavorable symptoms. C. C. Corners, M. D. Kansas. Lost Thirty-Six Pounds and Constantly Improving. — I herewith report a case of fatty degeneration of the heart in one of my patients. The general symptoms were: fatigue on the least exertion, especially marked when going up-stairs; headache, difficult breathing, frequent nausea and occasional vomiting. Phytoline was prescribed before and after meals as directed. At the end of the second week his heart beat stronger and quicker, the breathing became easier and the oedema of the extremities began to subside. He began to lose flesh although the appetite became almost ravenous. The treatment was continued two months with constant improvement, and having lost 36 pounds was discontinued. This has been over a year ago, and he is still perfectly well. Illinois. Nathaniel F. Lindsay, M. D. PHYTOLINE. What It Is.—Although we spend thousands of dollars annually, and cover the entire field of the medical profession of America six or eight times a year, yet there are many re- cent additions to the ranks who may never have heard of Phytoline, and would be glad to learn what it is. To these we will say that Phytoline is the active principle of the ripe berries of the Phytolacca Decandra (Poke- berry) after having been touched by the early frost. How It Acts.—The physiological action of Phytoline is radically differ- ent from that of the officinal prepara- tions of Phytolacca Decandra radix. The latter is characterized by an acrid taste, nausea, emesis, catharsis and cardiac depressions. Small doses are alterative. on the contrary, has none of these crimes to answer for. It is pleasant to take in its proper dosage, does not cause nausea, vomiting or catharsis. Its chief action is that of an eliminator of fat and an alterative—both of a high order. As an absorber and eliminator of superabundant adipose, Phytoline has absolutely no equal known in the Materia Medica. Is Absolutely Harmless.—There are other agents which also cause the absorption and elimination of fat. We might mention fucus vesiculosus (bladder wrack), that uncertain patent nostrum which for so many years made our eyes sore whenever we opened a paper and saw anti-fat. This agent was contaminated with Iodine, was unreliable, and died a natural death. We might also mention Iodine and the various Iodides. They are more certain than bladder wrack, but large doses are necessary, and continuous use for a protracted length of time. They act by im- pairing the digestive functions, producing an ever-increasing waste of the muscular, glandular and fatty tissues. They make no distinction between the physiological and pathological struct- ures, but absorb both alike. They produce salivation, skin eruptions, and greatly depress the vital and sexual functions. Phytoline is absolutely harmless. It causes absorption and elimination of the superabundant and pathological fat only. As an alterative it fortifies the system against disease and makes a new man out of the sufferer. Reduces from 5 to 15 Pounds a Month.—The medical pro- fession recognize in Phytoline the only agent which will safely and surely reduce superabundant fat without any harmful results. The amount ranges from 5 to 15 pounds a month, according to the amount in excess and the natural susceptibility of the patient to the action of the drug. Remarks.—Phytoline is prescribed in 10-drop doses half hour before and after three daily meals. Do not discontinue the use of Phytoline if after taking it one week you are not reduced 10 or 15 pounds. In some cases the effect is not as perceptible in the beginning of the treatment as in others, but if you will use the remedy systematically, the re- sults will be most satisfactory. Valuable suggestions regarding diet and exercise mailed on application. Phytoline is put up in liquid form only, in 2-ounce bottles; do not use tablets or pills of Phytoline, which are in the market to defraud. You will be disappointed, as they are absolutely worth- less. Your druggist can obtain the genuine Phytoline for your prescriptions. We cannot afford to distribute samples of the remedy, Phyto- line, as the cost to us is great, but we will mail to any physician one full-size bottle on receipt of the wholesale price of one dollar, and ten cents for postage We would suggest, however, that your druggist order a supply for your prescriptions. For literature and clinical reports, address Walker. Pharmacal Co., St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.