Te Deuioi if i Ims Test; sc i Dm In BY DR- H- D- Schmidt, Member of the American Neurological Assoc.ation. {Reprinted from the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, July, 1877.) CHICAGO: A. S. Kissell & Co., Printers. 1877. TffiMel. Drawn from nature hy the author, Henry Lithographer. N O. TfflMd? III. I)ra\\n frun nature by the author, Henry Klun$. Lithographs. .VO Tv. bl pill. Drawn from nature bv the author, Henry Kiting Lithographer. NO. THIS JOURNAL OF Nervous and Mental Disease Vol. IV. JULY, 1877. No 3. j\rficlcs, ami translations. Art. I.—THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS TISSUES OF THE HUMAN EMBRYO. By Dr. II. I). Schmidt, of New Orleans. Member of the American Neurological Association. THE following pages embody the results of a series of re- searches into the development of the nervous tissues of the human embryo, which were commenced several years ago. More than four years, indeed, have elapsed, since they were finished, but not until now have circumstances allowed me to present them to the medical public in proper form, and illus- trated with appropriate drawings. It is true, that some refer- ence was made to these investigations in my article on “The Structure of the Nervous Tissues” etc., published in the Tran- sactions of the y earl 8 7 5, of the American Neurological Asso- ciation ; but oidy such a brief sketch was given, as the ar- rangement then in hand required. I was fortunately able in these researches to command an abundant supply of good material. The greater portion of embryos employed—about eighteen in number—belonged chiefly to periods of pregnancy, anterior to the fifth month. In all, they ranged from one exceedingly small specimen, only 422 Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. (>. mm. in length, through all the intervening stages of foetal evolutions, up to the mature foetus horn at full term. The examinations were made, as circumstances required, both from fresh specimens and from others preserved and pre- pared in a weak solution of chromic acid. Inasmuch as the nervous tissues are not developed from organic cells, in any true sense of the word, as has been so generally supposed, I have deemed it expedient to introduce the subject with some prefatory remarks in explanation of some terms, which 1 have employed. Ever since the discovery of the organic cell in animal tissues, it has been a favored theory, among histologists, that the pri- mary form of all tissues was that of a cell. This theory still almost universally prevails, although in one instance, at least, in the so called “white fibrous” or connective tissue, it has been sufficiently shown, that it does not originate in a cellular form. But neither the striated muscular, nor the nervous tis- sues originate from cells, unless we look upon the nuclei, con- cerned in their origin and development as such. The idea, of what constitutes an organic cell itself, has of late years under- gone considerable modification, since it was discovered, that the only essential part of this body, was the protoplasm, and that in many cases the whole cell consisted only of a minute portion of this substance. Thus, the wall and the nucleus are now considered to be non-essential parts of a cell, both being products of the protoplasm. The wall, when present, must manifest itself by a double contour; a cell, presenting only a single contour, is said to possess no wall. And yet, it seems to me, that even in this instance, the density of the proto- plasm must be greater at its surface, than in the interior of the mass; for, if there were no limiting elements, the protoplasm of contiguous cells would be liable to become fused. Such a layer may differ so slightly from the whole mass of protoplasm, of which it forms a part, and may be so extremely thin, as to manifest itself only by a delicate single contour, and never- theless, its density may be sufficient, to prevent its fusion with a neighboring cell. The nucleus, which, according to the older cell theory, was pre-existent to protoplasm, as well as to the wall, is now known Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. 423 to originate from and within the protoplasm. There are, how- ever, some exceptions to this rule. According to what has been said above, a nucleus, sur- rounded by a portion of protoplasm, however minute or of whatever form, constitutes a perfect cell. But, now I may ask, whether the term “cell” may equally be applied to a body •consisting of a more or less oblong nucleus with a minute por- tion of protoplasm, in the form of granular filaments or ap- pendages, adhering to its opposite poles? Such bodies are met with in the developments of the striated muscular fibres (Fig. 4), and in that of the smaller blood vessels in the human embryo. To extend to these bodies, the term “cell” appears to me to overstretch the true meaning of the word. It was for this reason, that sometime ago, in connection with my re- searches of the development of the smaller blood vessels in the human embryo, I preferred to call these elements “spindle- shaped bodies,” and I shall make use of this term in the fol- lowing pages. It is true that in the development of the striated muscular fibres the nuclei of these elements become eventually entirely surrounded by the granular fibrillae (F 'ig- and the whole body might then be compared to an organic cell. But, as these bodies soon fuse with each other, in order to form another distinct tissue, and thus never perform the functions of a true organic cell, I shall still prefer to apply the above mentioned term to them, especially, as their fibrillae may be easily separated after the fusion has taken place (Fig. 5). In the development of the nerve fibres, no such spindle- shaped bodies occur, for the nuclei are lying at first free be- tween the granular fibrillae, only later, when the axis cylin- ders begin to be formed, they become fused with fibrillae. The nervous tissues, during the earlier stages of develop- ment, are exceedingly delicate, of a jelly-like consistency, and to a certain degree transparent. It is this delicacy of struc- ture which renders their histological investigation so difficult, as it frequently interferes with their successful removal from the body of the embryo. In very small embryos, therefore, it becomes often necessary to immerse them for a short time in a weak solution of chromic acid, in order to render them sufficiently consistent for dissection. If the solution is not 424 Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. strong, and the material is only exposed a short time to its action, the changes taking place in the tissues by its action will be so slight, as not to interfere with the investigation. Nevertheless, in order to come to correct conclusions, the ex- aminations made of specimens treated with a solution of chromic acid, should always be compared with such as are made from fresh unaltered material. Another difficult point in the investigation of embryonic tissues, is to determine the* exact age of a human embryo, especially when we obtain our material from unknown sources. To estimate the age of an embryo bjT its size is inadmissible, as embryos of the same age and stage of development may differ in size as well as adults do. To avoid errors, I shall therefore state in the following pages simply the length of embryos under discussion, measured from the top of the head to the point of the big toe, and allude to their ages only approximately. The smallest embryo, which I ever had occasion to examine, measured f> mm. in length, (Fig. 1.) The brain here, con- sisted only as far as 1 could ascertain, of the same embryonic elements as the dermal surface and other tissues; viz., of small embryonic nuclei, embedded in a soft, somewhat trans- parent material, the protoplasm. A differentiation of the nervous tissues, and those surrounding them, had as yet, not begun. In examining the nervous matter of the brain of embryos of about 9 mm. in length (Fig. 2), we find it to consist of an amorphous matter of a gelatinous consistency, holding, besides innumerable minute granules, a very considerable number of nuclei (Fig. 7, a). The greater portion of these nuclei present an oval form, some of them are round, while others have assumed more or less the form of a spindle. They all present a distinct double contour, and contain a number of granules, frequently unequal in size.- On some of the nuclei, small ap- pendages in the form of granular filaments, were observed to adhere to their opposite poles. It is difficult to decide, whether these bodies were the primary representations of ganglionic bodies, or whether they were destined to take part in the formation of blood vessels. Besides these elements,. Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. 425 a small number of certain cells, tilled with small nuclei were observed. The latter, measuring from about Jo to mm. in diameter, were distinguished by a very dark and heavy contour and by a greenish lustre. In most instances, no cell membrane could be seen, the whole represented a minute ball of nuclei (Fig. 7, b). To these cells we shall refer again here- after. Some other elementary forms, observed in the matter of the brain at this embryonic period, remain to be men- tioned. These were a number of long, spindle-shaped opaque bodies, containing one or more rows of granules. Some of these bodies already adhered to each other (Fig. 7, t--Developifient of the Nervous Tissues. 433 four months old, the fibrillae forming the individual groups of two or three, have approached each other more closely and ad- here to each other. This phenomenon signifies the first step to the formation of axis cylinders. The interspaces‘formed, in consequence of this mutual approach of the fibrillae, have been rendered larger and more distinct. A number of these primitive axis cylinders, as already indicated before, consists of only one fibrilla. At the same time it is observed, that the smaller nuclei, lying in the interspaces, appear to become at- tached to the axis cylinders, in order to fuse with them, as we shall see directly. The rudimentary axis cylinders are difficult to separate from each other, which may be attributed to the ab- sence of the sheath, bv which they will somewhat later be surrounded; and also, because they’are imbedded together with the nuclei and granules, in an amorphous matrix of proto- plasm, which holds them together. Again, somewhat later, in the foetus of four and a half months, about 20 to 22 550 ct.m. in length, a number of prim- itive axis cylinders are observed to be surrounded each by a sheath of its own, which, when fully developed, is distinguish- able by a delicate double contour (Fig. 12). We must, however, remember, that all the axis cylinders of one bundle, do not keep equal pace in their development; on the contrary, while some of them may be already surrounded by their sheath, others may still be seen to lie bare, or the formation of the sheath may only be indicated by a delicate single contour. The nuclei, previously adhering to the axis cylinders, have now begun to fuse with them; they are also observed in differ- ent degrees of fusion. The next phenomenon in the development of the double contoured nerve fibre is the appearance of the nerve medulla, surrounding the axis cylinder, and manifesting itself by an extremely delicate single contour (Fig. 13, b). In some in- stances, however, traces of the formation of the tubular mem- brane, or external sheath* of this nerve fibre, may also be observed in the appearance of a second delicate contour, inside of the first. A few single granules are observed in the interior of the nerve fibre (Fig. 13, c). The diameter of the axis cylinder of this stage of development is not the same at all 434 Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues, points. In the vicinity of the nuclei fusing with the axis cylinders, it is usually greatest. The larger nuclei, which were previously observed to remain lying free and uncon- nected with the axis cylinders, are now found to rest upon the tubular membrane of the nerve fibre. Finally, about a month later, the double contoured nerve fibre is met with again, marked by all its peculiar characteris- tics. The tubular membrane, together with the fibrillar layer of the nerve medulla, manifest themselves now distinctly by their characteristic double contour. The delicate, smooth fibrillse of the fibrillar layer of the nerve medulla may now be seen in their wave-like course, crossing each other in the in- terior of the nerve fibre, or protruding in the form of loops from its torn ends, such as I have formerly described them* in the fully developed nerve fibre. The axis cylinder may also be seen in many instances protruding from the open end of the nerve fibre. It is only in the diameter, that the double contoured nerve fibre of this period of foetal life still differs from that of adult life, it being still smaller. The first distinct traces of the formation of ganglionic bodies in the spinal marrow, I observed in embryos measuring from 7 ,50 ct.ui. to 8 110 ct.m. in length, and about ten weeks old. The formation of these bodies takes place by a gradual accumulation of granules around one of the larger nuclei; from the granular mass fine processes are seen to arise, establishing a communication with the still granular nervous fibrillae of the future axis cylinder. The nucleus has as yet undergone no visible change in its character, for it still repre- sents a vesicle filled with granules, of which one or two of them, larger than the rest, may be regarded as nucleoli. I>y the continued attraction of fresh granules, the ganglionic body enlarges in circumference, and its processes in thickness and extension. Finally, in the spinal marrow of the foetus, about four and a half months old, a number of ganglionic bodies are observed, bordered by a delicate single contour, which in some instances even extends over their processes, and indicates the formation of the delicate sheath, enveloping the whole body, and being ♦Monthly Microscop. Journal, May, 1874. Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. 435 continuous with the sheath of the axis cylinders arising from the processes (Figs. 14, 15, and 17). At the same time, how- ever, many of the ganglionic bodies have not yet passed the first stage of their development. But in the nucleus, also, a change has taken place. Its nucleolus, namely, having by this time gained considerably in its dimensions, shows a granule of a bright lustre in its centre. Still a month later, in the foetus of about five and a half to six months of age, the ganglionic bodies with their processes, besides having gained in volume, are now completely sur- rounded by their sheaths (Fig. 18). The interior of the nucleus is tilled with small granules of the same nature as those of the mass of the ganglionic body; its nucleolus has enlarged, and is seen more distinctly; the granule ill the centre has become brighter. Those accumulations of dark bordered pigment granules in the vicinity of the nucleus so characteristic of the ganglionic bodies of the nervous system of the adult, also have now made their appearance. Thus, all parts, characteristic of the ganglionic body, are now present, and, excepting its further development in volume, it appears but for one element to be near its completion. The missing part belongs to the nucleolus. In the fully developed gan- glionic body of the spinal marrow, the nucleolus is distin- guished bv a distinct double contour; its interior, besides being tilled by small granules, contains one or two clear bodies of a reddish lustre. One of these, being always present, is also distinguished by a double contour, and shows, besides this, a dark granule in its centre. The fully developed nucleolus of the ganglionic body, therefore, is quite a com- plex body, for which reason, on a former occasion, I assigned to it the character of a nucleus, and regarded the so-called nucleus as the true nerve, cell. The nucleolus of the gan- glionic bodies of the spinal marrow of the foetus under discus- sion, on the contrary, shows only a single contour, and the sole object it contains is the bright granule, which, however, is not as yet distinguished by a double contour, nor does it contain a dark granule in its centre. In consideration of the fact, therefore, that the nucleolus is that part of the ganglionic body, which, last of all others, 436 Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissue. attains its perfection, we cannot but suspect, that its office in the function of the ganglionic body must be an important one. The ganglionic bodies of the cortical layer of the brain ap- pear to attain their full development somewhat later than those of the spinal marrow, or even those of the medulla ob- longata, or the larger cerebral ganglia, the corpora striata, etc. In the earlier periods of embryonic life, we have met only their first traces in the form of a few nuclei, to which some short granular fibrillse were adhering. The first distinct traces I observed in embryos, measuring about 15 or 17j50 centi- metres in length. The brain, at this period, from the third to the fourth month, still consists, in its greater part, of the granular substance and those nuclei already described before. A considerable portion of the granules, of course, are now arranged into rows. The force, however, which binds them to each other is still very feeble, so that they become very easily deranged and disconnected, even under the most deli- cate manipulation. Amidst these elements, a small number of ganglionic bodies are observed in different stages of devel- opment,. Though, in those specimens, furthest developed, the granular mass completely embraces the nucleus; the processes proceeding from it are still short; they are usually from three to four in number (Fig. 16). As has already l>een remarked, in connection with the spinal marrow, those mother-cells filled with nuclei of a greenish lustre, and found in the matter of the brain and spinal marrow of an earlier embryonic pe- riod (Figs. 7 and 9), and serving for the multiplication of nuclei, are seen no more. The multiplication of these bodies is now accomplished by another mode, namely, by the process of budding, or germination. Thus, instead of those large mother-cells, we observe a number of nuclei of a greenish tint, provided with small, clear vesicles, which become ultimately detached, in order to be transformed into nuclei themselves (Figs. 16 and 24). A number of nuclei are also observed bear- ing one or more spherical depressions, the remaining traces of former vesicles. This mode of multiplication of nuclei, 1 described some time ago, in connection with the development of the smaller blood vessels in the human embryo.* * Monthly Microscop. Journal, January, 1875. Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. 437 Let us pass over now to a period of foetal life, when the brain has attained such a degree of development, as to possess sufficient consistency to allow, after having been hardened in a weak solution of chromic acid, of making transparent sec- tions, the only mode of preparation, which admits of an exact examination. In examining such a section of the cortical layer of the cerebrum of a foetus, seven months old, we find the nervous elements, composing this layer, already arranged in regular order (Fig. 19). The ganglionic bodies have now assumed their later pyramidal form, their long-pointed pro- cesses can be distinctly seen stretching toward the surface of brain, also their lateral and local processes, pursuing their course laterally or downward toward the white substance. In some instances, even, I have observed a primitive axis cylinder in the form of granular fibrillse. arising from one of the latter processes. A considerable number of granular fibrillse are seen running vertically from the surface toward the white substance. They represent the future double-contoured nerve fibres. Numerous free nuclei, distributed between the gangli- onic bodies, are seen imbedded in the granular substance. But the most interesting of all these parts, composing the cortical layer, is the fine terminal network of nervous fibrillse, distinctly seen to extend throughout this substance. We see, therefore, that although these anatomical elements of the cor- tical layer of the cerebrum are not fully developed, they are, nevertheless, already arranged in perfect order, and we must not be surprised to see a foetus, born at the end of the seventh month, live without detriment to the development of his men- tal faculties. In the newly-born child, finally, we find the mental appa- ratus almost fully developed (Fig. 20). The ganglionic bodies have nearly obtained their full growth and structure. In some of them, the characteristic collections of dark-bor- dered pigment granules have also made their appearance. The rudimentary axis cylinder, which, in the foetal brain of seven months, we observed arising from the basal processes of the ganglionic bodies, and pursuing their course toward the white substance, have now been developed into double con- toured nerve-fibres. Nevertheless, some of the granular fibril- lae are still noticed among these fully developed fibres; and 438 Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. I doubt not, but that the development of new axis cylinders continues as long as new ganglionic bodies are formed. In fact, it would be an interesting question to solve, until what time of life this last process goes on. Among the free nuclei, embedded in the granular substance of the cortical layer of the brain under discussion, I have several times observed two nuclei, overlaping each other, suggesting the question, whether they do not owe their origin to the division of one nucleus. Finally, the terminal net work of nervous fibrillse is now as distinctly seen as in the adult brain; and, moreover, the tine branches of the long pointed process are observed to lose themselves in its meshes. We have now arrived at the most difficult part of our sub- ject, the study of the development of the sympathetic gangli- onic bodies. The structure of these bodies has always been one of the most obscure subjects in histology, and hence the discrepancies, which have arisen concerning it, in the views and statements of different investigators. The chief difficulty in the examination concerns the characteristic capsule, which incloses the ganglionic body of the sympathetic nervous sys- tem and its relation to, and its connection with this body. Therefore, before giving a description of their development, I deem it necessary to recall to mind the structure of the fully developed sympathetic ganglionic body, as I have described it. According to my investigation,* the sympathetic gangli- onic body, which is generally round in form, consists of a large nucleus, surrounded by a mass of granules. From this mass, a number of larger and smaller processes are seen to arise; the whole enclosed in that peculiar membraneous capsule. The larger processes, from one to four in number, after arising from the body, pierce the capsule, and disappear in the form of naked axis cylinders, at a distance of about ylhj- mm. or more, among the neighboring bundles of sym- pathetic nerve fibres. What becomes of them is not certainly known, but I have reason to believe, that they are finally transformed into dark-bordered nerve fibres. The smaller processes, arising from the body, are more numerous than the former, and consist mostly of only two or even one fibrilla. After a short course alongside of the body, they enter the * Transactions of the American Neurol. Assoc’n, 1865, p. 107. Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. 439 capsule at its inner surface, and form, by means of ramification and reciprocal connection, a network extending throughout this membrane; the interspaces of the network are tilled up by small granules. The capsule of the sympathetic gangli- onic body, therefore, represents a complicated membrani- form, nervous structure, derived from and connected with the body, which it encloses. On the surface of the capsule, formed in this manner, a number of fine fibrillae arise from the network, a part of which pass, in the form of a finely reticulated plexus, over into the capsules of neighboring ganglionic bodies, and thus establish a reciprocal communica- tion; the rest surround the axis cylinders arising from the larger processes and having pierced the capsule, and running in the same direction with these, unite among themselves to form finally the so-called sympathetic nerve fibres. Scattered over the inner as well as the outer surface of the capsule, a considerable number of round or oval nuclei are observed. They are especially numerous in the reticulated fibrillous plexus, connecting the ganglionic bodies with each other, whence they extend, while assuming a more oblong form, be- tween the sympathetic nerve fibres. As we have already seen in the preceding pages, there ex- ists no essential difference in the formation of the primary ganglionic bodies of the cerebro-spinal axis and those of the sympathetic ganglia. They are all formed by an aggregation of granules around a pre-existing nucleus; from this granular mass, the processes arise, to be subsequently connected with the primitive nervous fibrillae. While, however, the cerebro- spinal ganglionic bodies attain their full development in this manner, those of the sympathetic system, must deviate from it, in order to form their characteristic capsule. In embryos of 5 T6ff to 5 T9F ctm. in length we find the ganglionic bodies of the thoracic ganglia, as already mentioned, to consist of a nucleus, only surrounded by one or two layers of granules from which a few filamentous processes are seen to arise. These primary ganglionic bodies are embedded in the general mass of granules and nuclei, of which at this time the greater part of the ganglion still consists. A considerable por- tion of the granules, however, are arranged into rows, repre- senting primitive nervous fibrillar. In fact, this was already Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. 440 the case to some extent, as will be remembered, in the spinal ganglion of an embryo, only 16 mm. in length. But the ad- hesion of the granules is still too feeble, to prevent them from being deranged by the most delicate manipulation. It is for this reason, that the filamentous processes are always found to be torn (Fig 21). In the spinal ganglia of the same embryo, however, the development of their ganglionic bodies is found to be considerably in advance of those of the thoracic ganglia. Not only have these bodies assumed a more definite form and gained in size; but they are already attached to each other bjr filamentous processes, forming small groups, as later in life, when they are fully developed (Fig. 22). Other bundles of fibrillae are seen to arrive from them, uniting to form the sympathetic nerve fibres. It will be noticed, however, that there are, as yet, no nuclei attached to any of the nervous fibrillae. In my previous descriptions of the structure of the sympathetic ganglionic bodies, 1 said, that I suspected their larger axis cylinder processes would be ultimately transformed into a dark-bordered nerve fibre. But in taking into consider- ation the reciprocal connection of these bodies by their larger processes, as seen in Fig 22, it may be possible also, that by means of these processes, the destination of which is still un- known, a reciprocal connection is established between the ganglionic bodies of one and the same group. Now, in examining a small group of ganglionic bodies of the spinal ganglion of an embryo, 10 T®0 ctm. in length, and about eleven to twelve weeks old, we behold the first traces of the formation of the capsule. It will be noticed here (Fig. 23), that some of the filamentous processes have become attached to the nuclei, lying between the ganglionic bodies. In the preparation, a number of processes have been torn from the bodies by the manipulation. A few weeks later, in the embryo of about four months, and 17t50 ctm. in length, the formation of the capsule is seen more distinctly. The fine filamentous branches arising from a number of the processes of the ganglionic bodies, have now commenced to unite with each other, in order to form the filamentous network of the capsule. At the same time, they are observed to adhere to the numerous nuclei, surrounding the ganglionic bodies. Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. 441 Fig. 24, a, represents a ganglionic body of a thoracic gan- glion of this embryo; it illustrates the formation of the cap- sule better, than it can be described, for it shows distinctly the ramifications of the processes, the communication of the filaments in forming the meshes of the network, and their at- tachment to the nuclei. In S, of the same figure, we behold some of the nuclei, entangled in the filamentous mass found between the ganglionic bodies. Tn Fig. 25, which represents a ganglionic body of a spinal ganglion of the same embryo, the formation of the network of the capsule is still more distinctly seen. In studying the formation of the capsules of the sympa- thetic ganglionic bodies on the preparations just described, it must be remembered that they have been made by separating the component anatomical parts of minute portions of a gan- glion, with finely pointed needles, and that it is impossible to avoid tearing and displacing some of these parts. It is for this reason, that we do not see the anastomosing nervous fila- ments with their nuclei surrounding the ganglionic body while forming the rudimentary capsule, but observe them only attached to the processes of the body. In the foetus of six and a half months of age, however, the first cervical sympa- thetic ganglion has attained a sufficient size to allow thin transparent sections to be made, after it has been hardened in a weak solution of chromic acid. Such a section we find represented in Figs. 26 and 27. In examining Fig. 26, we observe three capsules, cut at one and the same level. The ganglionic bodies, being exposed by the section, are seen in the interior of the capsules. While in the fresh specimen, however, the ganglionic body nearly fills the interior of the capsule, we find in this instance the granular mass of the body considerably contracted by the action of the chromic acid. The processes which, in consequence of this contraction, have to a certain degree been put on the stretch, appear somewdiat larger; they are subdividing, and the branches resulting from this subdivision are seen ramifying throughout the wrall of the capsule, forming the network. From the outer surface of the different capsules, small bundles of nervous fibrillae are seen to arise, joining with each other in their course in order to form larger nerve bundles. This preparation also 442 Schmidt—Development of the Nervoux Tissues. shows how the component anatomical elements of‘ adjoining capsules run into each other. The nuclei are seen dispersed in the capsules and in the reticulated plexus, arising from these. In examining this preparation, it must he remembered, that a number of the smaller processes have been torn off by the knife in making the section, and furthermore, that the structure of the capsule has, as yet, not attained its perfection. In Fig. 27, which was copied from the same section, we see the outer surface of a capsule. The network or plexus, formed by the nervous fibrillae, derived from the ramifications of the smaller processes of the ganglionic body, is here very dis- tinctly exhibited, and, moreover, small bundles of fibrillse may be observed arising from it, to finally join a neighboring bun- dle of nerve fibres. In making a final review of the facts elicited by these inves- tigations into the development of the nervous tissues, de- scribed in the preceeding pages, we first notice, that these tis- sues are not developed in the true sense of the word from pre- existing cells, as was formerly supposed, but, on the contrary, are developed by the aggregation ot pre-existing minute gran- ules, which either collect around a pre-existing nucleus, as in the formation of the ganglionic bodies; or arrange themselves into rows, as in the formation of the fibrillse of the axis cylin- ders. The principal anatomical elements, then, taking part in the formation of the nervous tissues, are a mass of pre-existing minute granules with a special material binding them to each other,—the intermediate substance, as I have occasionally called it,—and a large number of pre-existing nuclei. The granules, together with the intermediate substance, may he regarded as the protoplasm of these primitive formations. Nevertheless, in more minutely comparing the development of an organic cell with that of the nervous tissues, we cannot fail to recognize a certain analogy between the two processes. This exists in the formation of the wall in the one instance, and the formation of the sheath of the axis cylinder, as well as that of the jnuml ionic bodv in the other instance. As the wall of the cell, namely, is formed by a condensation of the protoplasm, taking place at its surface, so, I believe, the sheath of the axis cylinder and that of the ganglionic body, are Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. 443 formed by a condensation of the intermediate substance, which not only connects the individual granules of the nervous fi- brillae with each other, but also surrounds the fibrillse them- selves. Thus the ganglionic bodies of the nervous system may still be regarded in the light of organic cells, which, mul- tipolar in form, would send the ramifications of their processes, in the form of nervous filirillae, to the various peripheral or- gans. The view has been held, and perhaps still is, by some an- atomists, that the great nerve centres, the brain and spinal marrow, were the first parts of the nervous system formed, and that the nerves, regarded as simple processes, or prolongations arising from these centres, were growing outwardly into the tissues, finally to arrive at the periphery. In the preceding pages it has been shown, that this is by no means the case, but, on the contrary, that the peripheral nerve fibres are sooner developed than those of the centre; and, furthermore, that the nerve fibres arrive at their full development sooner, than the ganglionic bodies. As regards the tissues of the different parts of the nervous system, we find that they attain their full development first in the sympathetic ganglia, especially in the spinal; next in the spinal marrow, and last in the brain. This order of development might he expected, for it truly corresponds with the different grades of functions, namely, the vegetable, animal and mental. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Fig. 1.—Human embryo, 0 mm. in length; nat. size. Fig. 2.—Human embryo, 9 mm. in length, nat. size; «, anterior, b, lateral and c, posterior view. Fig. 3.—Human embryo of 16 mm. in length. Fig. 4.—Elementary forms of striated muscular fibres, from the upper extremities of the embryo, represented in Fig. 3. Fig. 5.—Primary muscular fibre from the tongue of the same embryo, with its fibrillae separated from each other. Fig. 6.—Spindle shaped bodies (cells) of the primary muscular fibre of the auricles of the heart of the same embryo. Fig. 7.—Primary anatomical elements of the brain of embryo, Fig. 2; a, nuclei and granules; b, mother cells, containing a brood of nuclei; c, primar}' elements of blood vessels. « Fig. 8.—Nervous matter of the brain of embryo, Fig. 3; a, white sub- stance; b, grey substance; c, nuclei with nervous filaments adhering to them; d, different forms of clear mother cells, described in the text. 444 Schmidt—Development of the Nervous Tissues. Fig. 9.—a, minute portion of the pia mater of embryo, Fig. 3, with nerv- ous matter adhering; b, groups of clear mother cells: e large mother cells, containing a brood of nuclei of a greenish lustre. Fig. 10—Minute portion of spinal marrow from embryo, Fig. 3, show- ing the formation of nervous fiibrillse. Fig. 11.—Bundle of nervous fibrillae from the brachial plexus of an em- bryo, about nine weeks old. Fig. 12.—Nervous bundle from the root of a spinal nerve of an embryo, three and a half months old; it illustrates the formation of the axis cylin- ders. Fig. 13.—Nerve fibres from the brachial plexus of the same embryo, showing the formation of the nerve medulla and the tubular membrane; a, primitive axis cylinder; b, nerve fibre with single contour; c, nerve fibre with double contour. Fig. 14.—Minute portion of gray substance from the upper part of the spinal marrow of an embryo, three anda half months old, showing the formation of ganglionic bodies. Fig. 15.—Ganglionic body from the dorsal region of the spinal marrow of the same embryo. Fig. 16.—Nervous matter from the brain of a foetus, four mouths old, showing the formation of ganglionic bodies, and the process of multipli- cation of nuclei by germination. Fig. 17.—Communicating ganglionic bodies from the spinal marrow of the same foetus. Fig. 18.—Minute portion of spinal marrow of a foetus four and a half months old. Fig. 19.—Thin transparent section of the cortical layer of the cerebrum of a foetus seven months old. Fio. 20.—Thin section of the same layer of the cerebrum of a fietus at full term. Fig. 21.—Ganglionic bodies from a thoracic sympathetic ganglion of an embryo, about nine weeks old. Fig. 22.—Group of sympathetic ganglionic bodies from a spinal gan- glion of the same embryo. Fig. 23.—Group of sympathetic ganglionic bodies from spinal ganglion of an embryo, from eleven to twelve weeks old. Fig. 24.—o, sympathetic ganglionic body from the thoracic ganglion of an embryo of four months, showing the formation of its capsule; b, nuclei, entangled in nervous fibrillae during the formation of the capsule. Fig. 25.—Sympathetic ganglionic body from a spinal ganglion of the same embryo, also illustrating the formation of the capsule. Fig. 26.—Thin transparent section of the first cervical sympathetic gan- glion of a foetus six and a half months old, showing the structure of the capsule. Fig. 27.—External surface of a capsule, showing the network or plexus of nervous fi brillae, also the bundles of fibrillae arising from it, and joining a neighbouring nerve bundle. The above figures are magnified 420 diameters, with the exception of the first three.