■L v r 5 [MW'Wgwta God helps those that help themselves. - Franklin. rayCAUTION.- All portions of this book are protected by copyright; any infringement will be promptly pros- ecuted. Distributed Gratuitously. Luw price seldom commends an article - good quality always does. - Burnett. Burnett's Preparations - quality commends them. "The best are the cheapest " A ( A II D. We present thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed upon our Preparations. They have stood the test of time and compe- tition, and have established a universal reputa- tion for purity and efficacy. Encouraged in our endeavors, we shall main- tain the STANDARD QUALITY of our manufactures, regardless of cost, - and trust that their merit and attractiveness will continue to elicit the favor of the public. It is hoped, that the accompanying Flobal (Ianij-Book (revised and improved) will prove an acceptable visitor. The "Language of Elowera'' is the most complete and reliable ever published, and, together with the Prov- erbs, Aphorisms, Poetical Gems, &c., will afford instruction and pastime for dull hours. Our object, as will be seen, is to bring to your notice our several Standard Preparations for the Toilet, &c., which are now favorably known throughout the country. Dealers will please distribute carefully for mutual benefit.. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO. Boston, January, 1870. Entered, uncording to Act of Congress, in the yenr 18W. by Joseph BURNETT & c<> . in the Clerk'sOffice of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Do nothing without design. Articles of real merit are worth their value. BURNETT'S FLORAL HAND-BOOK AND LADIES' CALENDAR, Containing a Complete and Reliable Dictionary of The Language of Flowers, POETICAL GEMS, &C. ALSO DESCRIBING THE USES AND PROPERTIES OF BURNETT'S STANDARD PREPARATIONS. The greatest reputation is often umy an embarrassment. Burnett's Standard Preparations are for sale everywhere. Drive thy business, or thy business will drive thee. 1 A beautiful face is a silent commendation PREFACE. The aroma and flavor of Burnett's Pure Extract Vanilla have made itf name famowu Our Floral Hand-Book has been received with unexpected favor. We now present a revised and much improved edition. In its preparation the best authorities have been con- sulted. The vocabulary of the Language of Flowers has been much enlarged, and all that care can do has been done to render it in every respect correct. Flowers, from the earliest ages, have been as- sociated with the tender sentiments of the heart, and thus have often been the means of telling the tale which words dare not speak. They too have been a source of poetic inspirati@n,and poesy of I all ages has found images of joy and beauty " In the bright consummate flower." Hence we offer no apology for inserting throughout this little book a few gems of song, which we have culled to please and instruct our readers. " Flowers are the brightest things which earth On her broad bosom loves to cherish) Gay they appear as children's mirth. Like fading drcams ofhope they perish. By them the lover tells his tale-, They can his hopes, his fearsexpress; The maid, when looks or words would fail, Can thus a kind return confess Then, lady, let the wsath we bring For thee a wreath of beauty twine, And as the blossoms deck the spring, So every tender wish be thine." C A// Aj Boston, January 1,18,'U. Whc loves not flowers must have a heart of uncongenial soil. - Hcmans. Deeds arc fruits ; words are but leaves. 2 Flowers are the brightest things of earth. -• Landon. LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS, Burnett'# Preparations enjoy the very highest reputation. - Louisville Journal. ** Gather a wreath from the {rarden-bowers. And tell the wish of thy heart in flowers." FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS. AcaciaConcealed love. Acacia, RoseFriendship. Adonis VernalisSorrowful remembrances. Agnus-CaetusColdness; to live without love. AgrimonyThankfulness. AlmondHope. j AloeReligious superstition. Althaea Consumed by love. Alyssum, SweetWorth beyond beauty. 1 AmaranthImmortality, j AmaryliisSplendid beauty. Ambrosia Love returned. Anemone .... Expectation. ' Anemone, GardenForsaken. i AngelicaInspiration. I Apoeynum (Dog Bane) Deceit. Apple Temptation. I Apple-Blossom Pieference. Arbor Vitas Unchanging friendship. Arum Ardor. I Ash •••• Grandeur. ; Ash Mountain....*Prudence. Aspen 1'reeLamentation. Asphodel My regrets follow you to the grave. Auricula .....Avarice. AzaleaRomance. Bachelor's ButtonHope in love. Balm Sympathy. Balm of GileadHealing. Balsam Impatience. Barberry Sharpness. i BasilHatred. Bay-Leaf I change but in dying. BeechProsperity. Bee Ophrvs Error. I Bee OrchisIndustry. ; Bell FlowerGratitude. i Belvidere Wild(Licorict)! declare against you. I BilberryTreachery. 1 Birch Tree Meekness. I Bladder-Nut TreeFrivolous amusement!. I Blue Bottle Centaury ..Delicacy. BorageBluntness. | Box Constancy. To tell our own secrets is folly,: to divulge the secrets of others is treachery. Tkey din who tJl u» love can die. - Southey. 3 The first step to greatness is to be honest. I ALMANAC FOR 1870. i 1 C5 i Friel. L- - - - - - - - - 3 7, - - 3 4 .5 c> 7 8 ■■ 5 8 9 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 1 1 12 1.3 14 15 16 b 16 17 18 1920 2(1 27 21 22: 17 18 19 20 21 22|23 * 23 24 25 28 29' 24 25 •_6 27 28 29 30 L 30 31 1 3 4 5 31 1 2 3 4 5 <1 -q 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 8 9 10 11 12 I: <3 1:? 14 15 16 17 18 Ifl 14 15 Hi 17 lb 19 10 Q 20 27 21 28 22 23 24 25 2ffl 29 2.3 30 in 3 7 i 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 4 5 3 fj 8 9 10 0? M I '. 1 I 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 1.3 14 15 16 17 3) 20 •*| 23 24 ■ > 26 18 19 20 21 24 Id -'" 3 2« 4 29 JO 31 7 i 8 25 2 .3 27 4 5 ■ 14 O Id 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 15 a IT 18 1 [ ?0 21 • > i 23 17 18 19'20 21 09 H _•> 26 27 L9 30 9;; 24 25 26 28 2'. i 2 .3 10 4 11 6 ]•' ...1 14 30 6 31 1 8 9 10 11 12 y 15 IB 17 K l' *11 • 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 - 29 "i 3 ■4' ; 21 28 23 24 25 2. <4 1 jj 5 6 7 t f ill 11 4 b 0 7 0 13 14 15 11 17 18 11 12 1.3 14 15 16 17 1--I 19 20 21 22 24 26 18 I9(2O 21 . p I hj -i 28129 30 25 26 27 28 .31 No entertainment is so cheap as reading, and no pleasure so lasting. -Lady Montagu. Burnett's Preparations are "household words." - Boston Journal. ECLIPSES FOR THE YEAR 1870. In 1870 there will be four Eclipses of the Sun. and two of the Moon, -aU invisible in our Atlantic States. The small Solar Eclipses on January 31 and June 28, may be seen in high Southern, and that on July 28 in high Nor- thern, latitudes; but the fourth, on December 22. will be central, and total near Cadiz and Constantinople, in Algiers and Sicily, in which the spectacle will be magnificent. The Eclipses of the Moon on January 17 and July 12, will be ' total.' The beginning of the former may be seen in our Pacific States, and the end of the latter in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Procrastination is the thief of time. 4 Articles of real merit are worth their value. BURNETT'S STANDARD PREPARATIONS. COCOAINE. A Compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for the Hair. FLORIMEL. A Delightful Perfume for the Handkerchief. KALLISTON. A Cosmetic for removing Freckles, Tan, Sun- burn, &c. ORIENTAL TOOTH-WASH. An Elixir for Preserving and Beautifying the Teeth and Gums. BURNETT'S COLOGNE WATER. Unrivalled in Richness and Delicacy of Perfume. JONAS WHITCOMB'S REMEDY. For Asthma, Rose Cold, Hay Fever, &c. BURNETT'S STANDARD FLA- VORING EXTRACTS. For Cooking Purposes. The greatest reputation is often only an embarrassment. Burnett's Standard Preparations ate for sale everywhere. Egf The above-named articles are manufactured solely by the Proprietors. The names and titles thereof are adopted as Trade-Marks to secure the public and pro- prietors against imposition by the introduction of spurious articles. All unauthorized use of these trade-marks will be promptly prosecuted. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO. Drive tKy business, or thy business will drive thee. 5 A thing of beauty is a joy forever. - Keats. Rural Happiness. Tulip Tree, Mine be a cot beside the hill: A bee-hive's hum shall soothe my ear; A willowy brook, that turns a mill. With many a fall, shall linger near. Around my ivied porch shall spring Each fragrant flower that drinks the dew; And Lucy at her wheel shall sing In russet gown and apron blue. S. Rogers. To Burnett's Preparations is awarded the palm. -Home Journal. Cocoain e dresses, without greasing, drying, or stiffening the hair. BURNETT'S COCOAINE. For promoting the growth and beautifying the hair, and rendering it dark and glossy. The Cocoa ine holds, in a liquid form, a large propor- tion of deodorized Cocoa-Nut Oil, prepared expressly for this purpose. No other compound possesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. It softens t£e hair when harsh and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp. It affords the richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. It prevents the hair from filling off. It promotes its health}' vigorous growth. It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It is the best and ciiea pest hair-dressing in the world; it promotes the GROWTH OF THE HAIR, and is en- tirely free from all irritating matter. Be what you seem to be. 6 A spirit dwells within each flower. - Swain. FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS. BrambleEnvy. Broken StrawDissension; Rupture. BroomNeatness. Buck bean Cahn repose. Bugloss Falsehood. BurdockImportunity. ButtercupRiches. Calla LilyFeminine beauty. CulycanthusBenevolence. CamelliaPity. CandytuftIndifference. Canterbury BellGratitude. Cape Jasmine Gardenia, Transport; Ecstaay. Cardinal Flower Distinction. Carnation, YellowDisdain. Catchfly (Silene), Red..Youthful love. Catchfly, White .... ...I fall a victim. Cedar .....I live for thee. Cedar of LebanonIncorruptible. 1 Celandine.....Future joy. i Cherry- freeGood education. Ch iccory F rugality. China Aster ...I will think oi it. China Pink..Aversion. Chrysanthemum, Rose, I love. Chrysanthemum, White,Truth. Chrysanthemum, Yellow,Slighted iove. CinquefoilBeloved child* ; ClematisArtifice. Clover, Red......Industry. Co bee a.Gossip. Cockscomb ....Foppery; Affection. Colchicum ....My best days are fled. ColtsfootJustice shall be dope yon. Columbine Folly. Columbine, Purple ....Resolved to win. Columbine, Red..Anxious. Convolvulus, Major.... Dead hope. Convolvulus, Minor....Uncertainty; night. CorchorusImpatience of at deuce. Corebpsis ...oLove at first sight. Coriander Hidden merit. Corn....Riches. Cornelian Cherry Tree, Durability. Coronilla Success to your wiahea. Cowslip Pensiveness. Cowslip, American ....You are my divinity. Cress, Indian ,...Resignation. CrocusCheerfulness. Crown Imperial..Majesty CurrantsYou please me. CypressMourning. Popular Caterers and Confectioners use Burnett's Cooking Extracts. Never marry but with love, nor love without reason. A soft answer turncth <,wty wratn. 7 JANUARY. Dark is the ever-flowing stream. And snow falls on the lake; For sow the noon-tide sunny beam bcarve pierces bower and brake. - Annal». | Days r ■ the "•1 Week. Xlemoranda. 1 Sat. 2| S. 3 Mon. 4 i ues. 5 Wed. 6 Thur. 7 Frid. 8 Sat. o| $. la Alon. 11 Tues. 12 Wed. 13 Thur. 11 Frid. 151 Sat. 16 $. 17: Alon. ISjThes. 19 Wed. 20|Thur. 21! Frid. - 22: Sat. 23| 5. 24, Mon. 25 Tues. 2C> AV ed. 2c Thur. 28 Frid. 29 .Sat. 3O| $. 31 Alon. 8 For holiday presents, Burnett's Toilet Sets. Violet, Blue. Modesty. Full many a gem, of purest ray serene, The dark, unfathomed caves of ocean bear; Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air. Gray. And is, when thus adorned, adorned the most. - Thomson (altered). as a wash for the complexion, has no equal. It is dis- tinguished for its cooling and soothing properties, and is admirably adapted to all unnatural conditions of the skin; removing Tan, Sunburn, Freckles, Redness and Roughness of the Skin, &c., curing Chapped Hands, and allaying the irritation caused by the bite/' of mosquitoes •and other annoying insects. The ILfcUiston is highly recommended as A WASH FOR THE HEAD, Cooling, Cleansing, and Refreshing. AFTER SHAVING, Softening the beard and rendering the skin smooth. FOR BITES OF MOSQUITOES AND OTHER INSECTS, Neutralizing the poison almost Instantaneously. AFTER SEA-BATHING, Relieving the disagreeable action of .he salt water and the sun. FOR CHAPPED HANDS, An effective application. IN THE NURSERY, Peculiarly adapted to the bathing of Infants. A few drops sufficient for a bowl of water. u It imparts to the skin a peculiar softness of texture." - Bouton Transcript. " The result of its use is a perfectly healthy action of the skin." - Boston Traveller. " One of the best cosmetics it has been our fortune to use." Pictorial. "We yield it the palm." - Boston Gazette. Loveliness needs the foreign aid of ornament, BURNETT'S KALLISTON, For the dressing-room, Burnett's Toilet Sets./ 9 FEBRUARY. Now each fond youth who e'er essay'd An effort in tlie tinklinpr trade. Resumes today ; and writes and blots About true love and true love's knots.-Valentine D M. Days of the Week. Memoranda. 1 Tues. 2 Wed. 3 Thur. 4 Frid. 5 Sat. 6 s. 7 Mon. 8 Tues. 9 Wed. 10 Thur. 11 Frid. 12 Sat. 13 s. 14 Mon. 15 Tues. 16 Wed. 17 Thur. 18 Frid. 19 Sat. 20 A. 21 Mon. 22 Tues. 23 Wed. 24 Thur. 25 Frid. 26 Sat. 27 28 Mon. 10 A tender maid is like a floweret sweet. - Catullus. FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS. Cypress and Marigold. .Despair. Daffodil,. Chivalry. DahliaForever thine. Daisy, Garden.1 partake your sentiments. Daisy, Michaelmas ....Farewell. Daisy, RedBeauty unknown to possessor. Daisy, White Innocence. Daisy, WildI will think of it. DandelionCoquetry. Daphne MezereonI desire to please. Daphne OdoraI would not have you otherwise. Dead Leaves Sadness. Diosma Uselessness. Dock Patience. Dodder Meanness. Dogwood,Flowering (Cornus) Ain I indifferent to you? EbonyHypocrisy. Eglantine I wound to heal. Elder Compassion. Elm Dignity. Elm, AmericanPatriotism. Endive Frugality, Eupatorium Delay. Evening PrimroseInconstancy. EvergreenPoverty. Everlasting (Gnapnalium) Never-ceasing remembrance. FilbertReconciliation. Fir TreeElevation. FlaxI feel your kindness. Flora's Bell You are without pretension. Flowering Reed..,Confidence in Heaven. Forget-me-notTrue love. Foxglove Insincerity. Fraxinella.Fire. Fritillaria(Guinea Hen Flower) Persecution. FuschiaThe ambition of my love thus Fuschia, ScarletTaste. [plagues itself. Gardenia Transport; Ecstasy. Geranium, .Present preference. Geranium, Ivy Your hand for next dance. Geranium. Nutmeg ....I expect a meeting. Geranium, Oak Lady, deign to smile. Geranium. RosePreference. Geranium, Silver Leaf, Recall. Gillyflower Lasting beauty. Golden RodEncouragement. Gooseberry Anticipation. Goosefoot Goodness. Gorse Endearing affection. GrapeCharity. Grass Utility. Guelder Rose(Snowball)Winter. Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul. -Pope. Burnett's Standard Preparations are leading articles of trade. Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.. 11 R.1 ARCH. The bud is in the botiph And the hafis in the bud, And Earth'* beginning now In her veins to feel the blood. n 1 ,,y' * ...the SI ■ Week. Memoranda. 1 Tues. 2 Wed. 3 Ihur. 4 Frid. 5 Sat. 0 $. 7 Mon. 8 Tues. 9 Wed. in 1 hur. 11 Frid. 12 Sat. ll| ] 1 on. 15 Tues. 1S| Wed. 17 Tlinr. 18 Frid. 1!) Sat. 20 5. 21 Mon. 22 Tues. 23 Wed. 24 Thur. 25 Frid. 20 Sat. 271 $. 28 Mon. 29 lues. 30 j Wed. 31 Thur. 12 The simple flowers are social and benevolent. - Sigourney. Impatience (Balsam). Touch-me-not. I cannot, will not, longer brook Thy cold delay, thy prudent look! Dost love me? Share at once my fate, Be it or bright or desolate! I will abide no half-way love, Nor wait for prudence ere I inovej One more repulse, and I depart! Come now, or never, to my heart. Oriental Tooth-Wash gives brilliancy to I he teeth. BURNETT'S COCOAITTE Is superior to all animal oils in the following particulars:- It is a cooling Vegetable Oil. {Animal oils are heating.) Its rapid absorption leaves little residue on the surface. {Animal oils do not possess this peculiarity in any great degree.) It docs not quickly become rancid. ( Animal oils do.) It imparts glossiness to the hair by its penetrating power, rather than by more outward lustre. ( The contrary is true with regard to animal oils.) The inventors of Cocoaine, knowing that animal oils - Bear's Grease, Pomades, &c. - induce heat rather than alleviate it, turned their attention and pharmaceutical science towards Vegetable Oils as the basis of a medica- ment to promote the growth and preserve the beauty of the hair. The Oleum Cocos, or COCOA-NUT OIL, presented itself most strongly as possessing many proper- ties peculiarly adapted for the purpose; but its odor and density were objectionable, and seemed for rf'long time to defy all efforts to render it available for popular use. By a scientific selection of other ingredients, those which will chemically combine with the oil have been discovered, and they together have produced a topical compound which is unqualifiedly pronounced to be the best that has yet appeared. In the form here presented, this oil is permanently de- odorized, and held in a combination which peculiarly adapts it to the Toilet. Report is a quick traveller, but an unsafe guide. Beware the fury of a patient man. - Dryden. 13 APRIL. Awake! awake! the flowers unfold, And tremble bright in the sun, And the river shines a lake of gold,- For "April" has begun.-Ji. Ryan. • D. M. Days of the Week. AT e 111 O I* 11 (171. 1 Frid. 2 Sat. 3 4 Mon. 5 lues. 6 Wed. 7 Thur. 8 Fnd. 9 Sat. 10 11 Mon. 12 Tues. 13 Wed. 14 Thur. 15 Frid. 10 Silt. 17 5. 18 Mon. 19 Tues. 20 Wed. 21 Thur. 22 Frid. 23 Sat. 24 25 Mon. 20 Tues. 27 Wed. 28 1 hur. 29 !■ rid. 30 Sat. 14 With flowers as soft as thoughts of budding love. - Wade, FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS. HarebellGrief. HawthornHope. Hazel Reconciliation. Heart's EaseThink of me. Heart's Ease, Purple.... You occupy my thoughts. Heath Solitude. Helenium Tears. Heliotrope, Peruvian ..I love you; Devotion. Hellebore Scandal. Hepatic*Confidence. HibiscusDelicate beauty. Holly Foresight. I lollyhock Fruitfulness. Hollyheck, WhiteFemale ambition. Honesty (Lunaria) ....Sincerity. Honeysuckle Bond of love. Honeysuckle, Coral ....The color of my fate. Honeysuckle, Monthly, I will not answer hastily. HopInjustice. HornbeamOrnament. Horse-ChestnutLuxury. House-LeekDomestic economy. HoustoniaContent. Hoya (Wax Plant)Sculpture. Hyacinth Jealousy. Hyacinth, Blue .Constancy. Hyacinth, PurpleSorrow. Hydrangea Heartlcssness. Ice-Plant Your looks freeze me. Indian Cress .Resignation. IpomceaI attach myself to you. Iris Message. Iris, GermanFlame. Ivy...Friendship; Matrimony. Jessamine, CapeTransient joy. Jessamine, WhiteAmiability. Jessamine, YellowGrace: Elegance. Jonquil I desire a return of affection. Judas TreeBetrayed. Juniper Asylum; Protection. Justicia ...Perfection of lovelinera. Kahnia(Mountain Laurel) Treachery. Kennedia Mental beauty. LaburnumPensive beauty. Ladies' SlipperCapricious beauty. Lagerstrcemea(Crape Myrtle) Eloquence. LantanaRigor. Larch Boldness. Larkspur Fickleness. LaurelGlory. Laurestinus I die if neglected. Lavender Distrust. Of earthly goods, the best is a good wife. - Simonides. A perfect hair-dressing- Burnett's Cozoaine. Betray no trust; divulge no «ecret. 15 MAY. Give me woodbine, scented bowers, Blue wreaths of the violet flowers, Clear sky, fresh air, sweet birds, and trees, Sightsand sounds, and scenes like these.-L. E. L. D. M. Days of the Week. Memoranda. 1 s. 2 Mon. 3 I ues. 4 Wed. 5 Thur. 6 Frid. Sat. 8 5. 9 Mon. 10 1 ues. 11 Wed. 12 1 hur. 13 Frid. 11 Sat. 15 10 Mon. 17 Tues. 18 Wed. 19 Thur. 20 Frid. 21 Sat. 22 5. 23 Mon. 24 Tues. 25 Wed. 20 Thur. 27 Frid. 28 Sat. 29 30 Mon. 311 Tues. 16 Persevere to the end. Forget me not! when others gaze Enamoured on thee with the looks of praise. When weary leagues between us both are cast, And each dull hour seems heavier than the last, O then forget me not. Forget mj not. Pansy. llorimel has the odor of choice and delicate flowers. BURNETT'S COLOGNE WATER, UNRIVALLED in richness and delicacy of perfume. Frequent appeals have been made to us to supply a standard American Cologne. We have yielded to t his de- mand, and add Burnett's Cologne Water to our list. We believe it will be found worthy the generous confi- dence bestowed upon our other Toilet Preparations. It is prepared from the purest and best materials, and with the utmost care. It is filled in elegant bottles of superior finish and beauty, -in themselves an ornament to any lady's toilet-stand. It is offered at a small advance upon the prime cost, and at a price within the reach of every one. Without effort on oui part, it has, in a brief time, attained a large and constantly increasing sale, con- firming the opinion of the best judges, that it is equal, if not superior, to the celebrated Farina. One of the best Colognes ever made Is Burnett's, of Boston. It is equal to the Farina, and is much cheaper. Full confidence can be given it. We speak from actual experience. - Baltimore American. Burnett's Cologne is equal to the best imported. It is put up in a neat and elegant style, and wins for itself a favorite place on the dressing-table. Its intrinsic merits really justify the high reputation in which it is held.- Providence Journal. Burnett's Cologne has attained a most enviable reputation. The article is of high proof, and is a refresh- ing perfume. - Boston Transcript. Youth looks at the possible, age at the probable. Constancy. Canterbury Bell, Blue. Yes, I am tied to very thee, By every thought I have; Thy face I only care to see, Thy heart I only crave. Sir C. Sedley. Sometimes words wound more than swords. 17 JUNE And after May comes jolly June, Array'd all in green leaves.-Spenser. A summer sun in brightness glows; But, ahi the blighting east wind blows I -J. S. D. M. Days of the Week. jVIern.ora.ncla,. 1 Wed. 2 Thur. 3 Frid. 4 Sat. 5 «. 6 Mon. 7 Tues. 8 Wed. 9 I'hur. 10 Frid. 11 Sat. 12 13 Mon. 11 Tues. a 15 Wed. 16 Thur. 17 Frid. 18 Sat. 19 5. 20 Mon. 21 Tues. - ■- Wed. 23 Thur. 24 Frid. 25 Sat. 26 ♦. 27 Mon. 28 Tues. 29 Wed. 30 Thur. 18 Stili, gentle lady, cherish flowers.-Catullus. FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS. Lemon BlossomDiscretion. Lettuce Cold-hearted. LilacFirst emotion of love. Lilac, WhiteYouth. Lily Purity; Modesty. Lily of the ValleyReturn ot happiness. Lily, Day Coquetry. Lily, Water Eloquence. Lily, YellowFalsehood. Linden Tree.Conjugal love. Live Oak Liberty. LocustAffection beyond the grave. London PrideFrivolity. Love in a MistYou puzzle me. Love lies bleedingHopeless, not heartless. LucerneLife. Lungwort (Pulmonaria) Thou art my life. LupineImagination. Lychnis Religious enthusiasm. Lythrum Pretension. Madder Calumny. Magnolia, ChineseLove of nature. Magnolia, Grandiflora ..Peerless and proud. Magnolia, SwampPerseverance. Mallow Sweetness; Mildness. MandrakeHorror. Maple Reserve. Marigold..Cruelty. Marigold, AfricanVulgar-minded. Marigold, FrenchJealousy. Marjoram Blushes. Marvel of Peru (Four o'Clocks) Timidity. Meadow-SaffronMy best days are gone. Meadow-Sweet Uselessness. Mignonette Your qualities surpass your Mimosa Sensitiveness. [charms. MintVirtue. Mistletoe I surmount all difficulties. Mock Orange (Syringa) Counterfeit. MoonwortForgetfulness. MossMaternal love. Motherwort Secret love. Mourning Bride (Scabious) Unfortunate attachment. Mouse-ear Chickweed ..Simplicity. Mulberry, Black I will not survive you. Mulberry, White Wisdom. Mullein Goodnature. MushroomSuspicion. Mustard-Seed Indifference. MyosotisForget me not. MyrtleLove. Narcissus Egotism. We pronounce Burnett's Preparations excellent. - Australia News. Burnett's Cocoaine for the hair is world-noted. - Home Journal. Do good whenever you can, and forget it. 19 JULY. Gather your roses while you may, Old Time is still a-flying; And that same flower tlrit blooms to-day, To-morrow may be dying.-O. S. D. Days of the Memoranda. Week. 1 Frid. 2 Sat. 3 4 Mon. 5 1 ties. 6LW ed. 1 hur. 8 Frid. 9 Sat. 10 11 Mon. 12 1 ues. 13 \\ ed. 14 Thur. 15 Frid. 10 Sat. 17 S. 18 Mon. 19 lues. 20 Wed. 21 Thur. 22 Frid. Sat. 23 $. 25 Mon. 26 lues. 27 Wed. 28 1 hur. 29 Frid. 30 Sat. •31 S. 20 Gay without toil, and lovely without art.-Montgomery. BURNETT'S COCOAINE Is an invaluable remedy for DANDRUFF. Boston, Oct. 30. I have used less than a bottle. The dandruff, and the irritation which caused it, h ive entirely disappeared, and my hair was never before in so good condition. A. A. FULLER. BALDNESS. Boston, Nov. 24. I have used the contents of one bottle, and my bald pate is covered all over with young hair, about three-eighths of an inch long, which appears strong and healthy, and de- termined to grow. D. T. MERWIN. LOSS OF HAIR. BOSTON, July 19. One application allayed the itching and irritation; in throe or tour days the redness and tenderness disappeared - the hair ceased to fall, and I have now a thick growth of new hair. SUSAN R. POPE. IRRITATION OF THE SCALP. Waterville, Me., Sept. 15. I purchased a bottle only, for the purpose of a hairdress- ing; Gut, to my surprise, it has entirely removed the irri- tati >n of so long s anding. I h ive recommended it to several of my friends, who were afflicted in the same way, and it has wholly eradicated the disease. JOSEPH HILL, Jr. HAIR-DRESSING. New York, Sept. 22. For some time past I have been using your Cocoaine, and think it far preferable to anything I have ever used for the hair. FRANK LESLIE. Never lose your sc]f-rcspect; if that is lost, al 1 is lost. Search others for their virtues, and thyself for thy vices. The greatest efficacy of the Cocoaine is best secured by a perfect cleansing, before its application, of the hair and scalp, under which cifcumstanccs it allays irritation, re- moves all tend n y to dandruff, and invigorates the action of the capillaries in tho highest degree. Its effect upjn the glossiness and richness of the appearance of the hair is such as cannot be surpassed. Flowers weep without woe, and blush without crime -Smith. 21 AUGUST Tho garden blooms with vegetable gold, And all Pomona in the orchard glows. Hope, the forerunner of the farmer's gain, Visits his drwains and multiplies the grain. D. M. Days of the Week. Memoranda. 1 Mon. 2 Tues. 3 Wed. • 4 Thur. 5 Frid. 6 Sat. 8 Mon. 9 lues. • W ed. 11 Thur. 12 1 rid. 13 Sat. 11 1., Mon. 16 lues. 17 Wed. 18 Thur. 19 1'rid. 20 Sat. 21 S. 22 Mon. 23 lues. ~! Wed. '1 hur. or 26 I rid. 27 Sat. 28 29 Mon. 30 lues. 31 Wed. 22 Have not the flowers a language ? - Swain, FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS. Nasturtium Patriotism. Nettle Cruelty; Slander. Night-blooming Cereus, Transient beauty. Nightshade Bitter; Truth. Oak Hospitality. OatsMusic. OleanderBeware. Olive Branch Peace. OrangeGenerosity. Orange FlowerChastity. OrchisBeauty. OsierF rankness. Osinunda Dreams. Pansy Think of me. Parsley Entertainment; Feasting. Pasqu'e FlowerYou are without pretension. Passion Flower Religious fervor; Susceptibility. Pea Appointed meeting. Pea, EverlastingWilt thou go with me? Pea, SweetDeparture. Peach BlossomThis heart is thine. Pear Tree Affection. Peony Anger. Pennyroyal Flee away. Periwinkle*Sweet remembrances. Persimmon Bury me amid nature's beauties. Petunia Less proud than they deem thee. Pheasant's Eye Sorrowful remembrances. Phlox Our souls are united. PimpernelChange. PineTime. Pine-Apple You are perfect. Pine, SpruceFarewell. PinkPure affection. Pink, Clove Dignity. Pink, Double RedPure, ardent love. Pink, Indian....Aversion. Pink, MountainYou are aspiring. Pink, Variegated Refusal. Pink, WhiteYou are fair. Pink, Yellow Disdain. Plane Tree Genius. Pleurisy Root(Asclepias) Cure for heartache. Plum TreeKeep your promises. Plum Tree, Wild Independence. Polyanthus Confidence. Poplar, Black Courage. Poplar, WhiteTime. PoppyConsolation of sleep. Poppy, WhiteSleep of the heart. Pomegranate Foolishness. Pomegranate Flower... .Elegance. Oriental Tooth Wash is an excellent detergent after smoking. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. Beware of jealousy. 23 SEPTEMBER 'Tis the last rose of Summer, Left blooming alone. All her lovely companions Are faded and gone! -Moore. D. M. Days of the Week. Meinoramla. 1 Thur. Frid. 3 Sat. 4 *. 5 Mon. 6 1 ues. Wed. 8 1 hur. 9 I' rid. 10 Sat. 11 12 Mon. 13 1 ues. 11 VV ed. 15 Thur. 10 Frid. 17 Sat. IS S. 19 Mon. 20 Tues. 21 Wed. 22 23 Thur. Frid. - 21 Sat. 26 Mon. Tues. 28 Wed. 29 1 hur. 30 Frid. 24 Industry prevents vice. BURNETT'S FLORIMEL. A PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. This exquisite bouquet is so highly concentrated that a few dropswill leave its peculiar and delightful fragrance upon the handkerchief for many hours. Burnett's FLORIMEL is so delicate and pure that it will not discolor muslin, and yet so permanent in its ef- fects that the flavor clings for weeks. It is really wonder- ful that so delicate a perfume should be so permanent.- Hartford Courant. Its odor is that of an exquisite bouquet of choice and delicate flowers, without too much of that peculiar sweet- ness so common in French extracts, which satiates and sickens the senses. - Boston Transcript. Burnett's FLORIMEL.- Prepared with such exquisite skill that it successfully rivals the best foreign perfumes. - Boston Journal. Woman ! thy filehion is a glittering eye: I f death lurks in it, oh, how sweet to die ! The mute repose of sweetly breathing flowers. - jFordswortA. BURNETT'S ORIENTAL TOOTH-WASH. A SUPERIOR DENTIFRICE. It beautifies the teeth and gums. It arrests decay of the teeth. It cures canker in the mouth. It is unsurpassed as a gargle. Tt acts as a detergent after smoking. It renders the gums hard and healthy. It neutralizes the. offensive secretions of the mouth. It imparts to the breath a fragrance purely aromatic and pleasant. It has received the sanction and patronage of the most eminent of the dental and medical faculty. The Elixir for the Teeth and Gnms combines, in a con- centrated form, the most desirable cleansing and astringent properties; at the sine time, it contains nothing which can possibly injure the moat sensitive and delicate organ- ization. Trifles often lead to serious resuks. 25 OCTOBER. The Autumn has tinged the trees with gold, And crimson'd the shrubs on the hills; And the full seed sleeps in earth's bosom cold. And Hope all the Universe fills. - 1 J- [ nf the 1 Week Alemorancla. 1 Sat. *• { . 3 Mon. 4 1 ues. 5 W ed. 0 1 liur 7, I' rid. 8 Sat. o| $. 10| .Mon. 111 1 ues. l-'i Wed. • 13|' 1 li ur 11 1 rid. 15'Sat. 13 $. 17,Mon. 18,1 ues. 1J| Wed. 20 Thur. 21 brid. 22] Sat. 23| 5. 24 Mon. 25 Tues. 26, Wed. 1 • 27 Thur. 28 b'rid. 29 j Sat. 30 $. 31 Mon. 26 The rose is a sign of joy and love. - Percival. FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS. Potato Beneficence. Pride of China (Meli' )• PrimroseJliarly youth. Primrose, EveningInconstancy. Privet Mildness. QuinceTemptation® Ragged Robin (Lychnis) Wit. RanunculusYou are radiant with charms. Reeds Music. RoseBeauty. R >se, AustrianThou art all that's I ovely. Rose, BridalHappy love. Rose, BurgundyUiiconscmus beauty. Rose, CabbageAmbassador ot love. Rose, Campion Only deserve my love. Rose, CarolinaLove is dangerous. Rose, China Grace. Rose, Daily That smile I would aspire to. Rose, Damask «... Freshness. Rose, Dog Pleasure and pain. Rose, Hundred-Leaved. Pride. Rose, Inermis Ingratitude. Rose, Maiden's Blush ..If you </o love me, you will find Rose, Moss*Superior merit. (me out. Rose, Moss Rosebud.... Confession of love. 5 Rose, Multi flora Grace. Rose, Musk Cluster ....Charming. Rose, SweetbrierSympathy. Rose, Tea Always lovely. • Rose, Unique Call me not beautiful. Rose, WhiteI am worthy of you. Rose, White, Withered.. Transient impressions. Rose, WildSimplicity. Rose, YellowDecrease of love. Rose, York and Lancaster, War. Roses, Garland ofReward of virtue. RosebudYoung girl. Rosebud, WhiteThe heart that knews not love. Rosemary Your presence revives me. Rue Disdain. Rush*. Docility. SaffronExcess is dangerous. SageEsteem. Satin Flower (Lunaria) Sincerity. Scabeous, Mourning Bride? Widowhood. Sensitive Plant Timidity. Service TreePrudence. Snapdragon Piesumption. SnowbillThoughts of heaven. SnowdropConsolation. Sorrel Wit ill timed. SouthernwoodJesting. Burnett's Preparations are used in nearly all parts of the world. Indolence and ease are the rust of the mind. Man proposes, but God disposes. 27 NOVEMBER. Through the hush'd air the whitening shower descends, At first thin-wavering; till at last the flukes Fail broad, and wide, and fist, dimming the dnr. And robe the cherished fields in purest white.-Thomson n. M. 1 *3 4 0 8 9 10 11 » 11 15 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 27 28 29 30 Days of the Week. Memoranda. lues. Wed. Thur. Frid. Sat. lion. I'nes. Wed. Thur. Frid. Sat. ♦. lion. Tues. Wed. Thur. Frid. Sat. K Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Frid. Sat. Mon. Tues. Wed. 28 Confidence bestows success. JONAS WHITCOMB'S REMEDY FOR ASTHMA, HOSE COLD, IIAY FEVER, &c. This remedy has been used in thousands of the worst cases, with astonishing and uniform success; and is offered to the public with full confidence in its merits. Extract from the " Life of Washington Irving," by his nephew, Pierre M. Irving, Vol. IV., page 272. "The doctor prescribed, ns an experiment, - what had been suggested by Dr. (<>. W.) Holmes on his late visit.- 'Jonas Whitcomb's Remedy for Asthma,' a tcaspoonfhl in a wine-glass of water, to be taken every four hours. A good night was the result." " I have had the spasmodic asthma fifteen years. I com- menced taking 'Jonas Whitcomb's Remedy lor the Asthma' eighteen months ago, and have not had a sevt re paroxysm since." SARAH SEELY, Eddytown, Yates Co., N. Y., to Editors Rural New Yurker. "Have sold 'Whitcomb's Remedy' for nearly twenty years. I know of nothing so uniformly successful." THEODORE METCALF, Druggist, Tremont St., Boston. "I have derived very great benefit from 'Jonas Whit- comb's As'hma Remedy G. I . OSBORNE, President Neptune Insurance Co., Boston, Mass. " I cannot express in ton strong terms my appreciation of the merits ot this ' Remedy,' and 1 earnestly i.comnn nd itouse." JACOB D. S 1 ONE, formerly P, M. at Homer, N.Y. " lias done mo more good than any medicine I over had." W. C. KELLAR, of Bautiiu & Kellar, Cincinnati, O. "My mother had suffered eight years from the harvest asthma. The recurrence of this three-mom hs' agony every y ar must soon wear her cut. 'Jonas VV Intconab's Asthma K medy ' arrested the terrible disease, and has kept it off for the whole season, to the great joy of the family." Rev. JOS. E. ROY, Chicago Agent of the American Home Missionary Society, to the AT. Y. Independent. WHITCOMB'S ASTHMA REMEDY contains no poisonous or injurious properties whatever, rnd an infant may take it with perfect safety. Asthma, Rose Cold, and Hay Fever, are cured by Whitcomb's Remedy. A man may buy gold too dear. Truth fears nothing but concealment 29 DECEMBER See here thy pictur'd life ! Pass Rome few years, '1 hy flowering Spring-thy Summer m ardent strength- '1 hy sober Autumn fading into nge- And pale concluding Winter shuts the scene. -Thomson D. M. Days of the Week. AI em o r a. 11 <1 a. 1 Thur. 2 Frid. 3 Sat. 4 ft. 5 Mon. 6 Tues. 7 Wed. 8 I hur. 9 Frid. 1 ' Sat. 11 ft. 12 Mon. 13 Tues. 11 Wed. 15 Thur 10 Frid. 17 Sat. 18 ft. 1J 20 Tues. 21 Wei. 22 Thur. 23 Frid. 21 Sat. 25 ft. 23 Mon. 27 Tues. V 28 Wed. 29 Thur 30 Frid. 3LSat. 30 Innocence shines in the lily's bell. - Percival, FLOWERS. SENTIMENTS. SpearmintWarm feelings. Speedwell, Nerevic*....Female fidelity. Spindle TreeYour image is engraven on my Star of BethlehemReconciliation. [heart. Starwort, American ....Welcome to a stranger. St. John's-Wort(Llypericum) Superstition. Stock, Ten-WeekPromptitude. Stramonium,Common.. Disguise. StrawberryPerfect excellence. Strawberry Tree (Arbutis) Esteem and love. Sumac..Splendor. Sunflower, DwarfYoug* devout adorer. Sunflower, TallPride. Sweet SultanFelicity. Sweet WilliamFinesse. Sycamore Curiosity. Syrings Memory. Tansy I declare against you. Teasel Misanthropy. ThistleAusterity. Thorn, Apple Deceitful charms. Thorn, Black Difficulty. ThornsSeverity. Thrift Sympathy. Throat wort (Pulmonaria) Neglected beauty. ; ThymeActivity. Tiger FlowerFor once may pride befriend thee, j Touch-me-not, Balsam, Impatience. I TruffleSurprise. Trumpet FlowerSeparation. TuberoseDangerous pleasures. Tulip Declaration of love. Tulip TreeRural happiness. Tul;p, VariegatedBeautiful eyes. Tulip, YellowHopeless love. TurnipCharity. Venus' Flytrap Have 1 caught you at last? Venus' Looking-Glass. .Flattery. VerbenaSensibility. VineIntoxication. Violet. Blue Love. Violet, White Modesty. Virgin's BowerFilial love. Wall FlowerFidelity. Walnut Stratagem. Weeping WillowForsaken. WheatProsperity. Wood-SorrelJoy. Wormwood Absence. YarrowCure for heartache Yew Sorrow. ZennaeAbsent friends. Burnett's Cologne Water is the best to be had. -.New-1'orker. Better be alone than in bad company. Fly pleasure, and it will follow thee 31 Tell the wish of thy heart in flower*.- Percival. BURNETT'S STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Perfectly Pure and Highly Concentrated. LEMON, VANILLA, P.OSE, ALMOND, NEJTAP.INE, CLLEHY, CHANCE, TEACH, NUTMEG, CINNAMON, CLOVES, CINGER. In Five Sizes. - 2, 5, and 10-oz., Pints and Quarts. FOR I LA VOICING Ice Creams, Custards, Ties, Blanc Mange, Jel- lies, Sauces, Sours, Gravies, etc. The superiority of these extracts consists in their PERFECT PURITY AND GREAT STRENGTH. There is no subject which should mure engross atten- tion than the purity of the prepa. ittfons which are used in flavoring the various compounds prepared for the human stomach. These Extracts are warranted perfectly free from the poisonous oils and acids which enter into the composition of many of the factitious fruit-flavors now- in the market. They arc not on.y true to their names, but are prepared from fruits of the b st quality, and so highly concentrated that a small quantity only need be used. " Pre-eminently superior to all others for culinary use." - Parker House, Boston. "We regard your Fxtricts the beat in the world." - Fifth Avenue Hotel, hew York. " Have been found really superior by thorough and ex- clusive use in our F'taldishment for years." - Conti- nental LlOl'EL, Phila., Pa. "Fir superior to any in the market." - Willard's Hotel, Washington, D. C. " We find them to be the best, and accordingly have adopted tin ir u»e.-SOUTHERN Hotel, bt. Louis. "We now use them exclusively) and bear testimony to their superior merit."-SlIi.KMAN IlOL'bE, Chicago. Quality h better than quantity. The best are the cheapest. P«.ro as the lily.- Thomson. 32 Promise little and do much. NEW YORK SUPERIOR COURT. At the Special Term, April, 18.59. PlERREPONT. Justice. The following : " It appeared before me. upon the trial of this'causr, that the plaintiff, in November, 1856. compounded, from Cocoa- nut Oil and other ingredient), a mixture to be used upon the human hair; that he devised a name never before used, by which to mark his said compound, to wit: -the name or word ' Cocoaine: ' that he forthwith published in all his circulars, and in all the principal newspapers of the country, and especially in the city of New York, where the defendants reside, that he had adopted the above- mentioned name or title as a * Trade-Mark,' to secure the public and the proprietors against imposition, and that all unauthorized use of this trade-mark would bejprosecuted. " About two years after the first Introduction of this article by the plaintiffs, the defendants, residents of the city of New York, commenced the sale of a somewhat similar preparation, put up in bottles not unlike those of ! the plaintiff s. ♦ * * * * "The proof is dear that the plaintiff had, for nearly I two years, advertised his mixture in nearly every news- paper in this city, and had published in the same papers that he had adopted the word • Cocoaine ' as his Trade- Mark. The defendant was himself a witness, and he did not suggest that these notices had not been brought home to his knowledge | the conclusion is irresistible, that he was aware of their publication, and he intentionally adopted ' Cocoine' as a close imitation of ' Cocoaine,' and for the purpose of deriving profit from the simulated trade-mark. " The plaintiff is entitled to judgment,'and an injunc- tion must issue." There is no disease so dangerous as the want of common sense. Judge charitably and act kindly to each other. NEW YORK COURT OF APPEALS. At the July Term, 1867, Davies, Chief Justice, the fol- lowing final decision was given: - " Upon the facts found by the Court, the right of the plaintiffs to the relief granted is clear. The plaintiffs nave adopted, appropriated, and used a certain trade- mark. This has become their property; and for its protection the plaintiffs are entitled to invoke the aid of courts of justice. We have the ascertained fact that the defendants are using a spurious imitation of the plaintiffs' trade-mark. This they cannot be permitted to do. " The judgment of the Superior Court of New York was correct, and should be affirmed, with costs." Undertake nothing without thoroughly considering it. BURDETT'S STANDARD PREPARATIONS. COCOAINE. FLORIMEL. KALLISTON. ORIENTAL TOOTH WASH BURNETT'S COLOGNE WATER JONAS WHITCOMB'S REMEDY. BURNETT'S STANDARD* FLAVORING EXTRACTS. ByiWr •>,: .a . by the Proprietor*. i he Motet 4>>i > 'dies /A -rmf ire i at rrade-Mirk* fa »e ure Ou put'.'- anti pro/rA/-»r> impoeilion by the of ,ipwttn ■ <<'•' > . 4/4 'ted uee. of the<r Iradt-murk* ■ dl b> pr</ hpfy pwevt- d. JOSEPH Rl R\JiTT A CO. HRF.HENTEb BY S. Taft & Son, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, And Dealers in all kinds of Grass and Garden Seeds, AND BURNETT'S STANDARD FLAVORING EXTRACTS, Corner Front & Trumbull Struts, Worcester, Mass.