Compliments of the Author. THE TREATMENT OF THE Organs, THE USE OF Electricity, Damiana, Etc., Etc. BY JOHN J. CALDWELL, M. D., 65 North Charles St., Of Baltimore, Maryland. [Reprinted from the, St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal, June, 1878 ST. LOUIS, 1878. Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs, with Further Experiences in the Use of Damiana. Says the learned Gross, l< Reduced sexual power, from what- ever cause it may arise, is one of the most distressing of mala- dies, and is therefore entitled to the deepest sympathy and con- sideration on the part of the honest practitioner, by whom, un- fortunately, it is rarely discussed." Dr. Gross also says from the intimate connection which ex- ists between the urethra, the prostate gland, the seminal vesi- cles, the ejaculatory and deferential ducts, and the tubes, it is not surprising that lesions of that passage should exert a power- ful effect upon the functions of generation, whether that effect be due to the extension of morbid action through continuity of structure, or to reflex action. Hence it is that many persons affected with urethral disorders suffer from more or less marked disturbance in their sexual power, amounting in some instances to impotence, or inability to copulate, either from inability of introcession or premature ejaculation, both states being associa- ted with imperfect or transient erections,-in many cases de- pendent upon stricture, inflammation, hypersesthesia of the pos- terior portion of the urethra. Case I.-T. W., a young gentleman of wealth and somewhat " rou6," called at my office, Sept. 25th, the very picture of health; aged about 30; complains of a failure in his effort at copulation, owing to a partial loss of erectile effort. On examination I found the history of excessive venery only. The sound explor- ation failed to discover either stricture or tenderness of the urethral tract, all other functions being normal. I advised him simple rest for a couple of weeks. After due trial he returned reporting treatment so far a failure. I then placed him upon the fluid extract Damiana, tablespoonful doses, well diluted, to be taken morning and evening, together with a generous diet, and a respite from all genital exercise. After ten days of such treatment he reported himself fully re-habilitated and fully potent. 4 Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. Case II, Sept. 2nd.-A gentleman of middle life, aged in the fifties, Mr. I)., calls concerning an indescribable pain or sensa- tion about the head, with a loss of power and a desire for sexual connection; attributed it to great and continued trouble in his business relations. On examination I failed to find any lesions ol the genito-urinary organs or functional disturbance of his alimentary canal. Indeed, he seemed in all respects a fair speci- men of health, with the two exceptions named. I ordered him free use of Damiana, and occasionally when the pain in the head was severe, application of the constant current of electricity to the nape of his neck, down the spinal column. His treatment was continued several weeks with very fair results, though his business troubles were still on his mind. Case III.-W. E. J., aged 24, called Dec. 10th, apparently in good health, but complaining of inability to perform the sexual act. I failed to discover any lesion of the urethral tract, or any other trouble about his person, except that his virile organ was small and flabby. He reports good erections when abed and alone, but utter failure of this effort when in company with a female about to copulate. I deemed this a case of genital de- moralization, and placed him under the most advanced treatment for the same, with electricity, rest, moral suasion, cold baths, etc., and the very best fluid extract Damiana, freely as to quality and time, but all in vain. Case IV.-R. J., aged 54, called Aug. 2nd, complaining of a gradual loss of health, weight, and genital power. Here, too, we failed to discover any lesions of the genital organs. His seemed to be a case of general atrophy from debilitated digestion and assimilation of several years' standing, which yielded kindly to local and general Faradization, after a few months' treatment. But his genital organs were still weak and impotent; thereupon we placed him on liberal doses fluid extract of Damiana, which acted like a charm after a few weeks' administration. The first effects were to cause two full mushy stools per day, accompanied by an increasing appetite, and finally a restoration of his lost sexual power. Case V.-Mr. J. II., aged 25, called Jan. 2nd, suffering loss of copulative power. Upon an examination of the urethral tract, the sound was arrested by two strictures at the prostatic portion Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. 5 of the urethra. The neck of the bladder was found irritable with excessive mucal discharge. The strictures were gradually dilated by the appropriate instruments for that use. The blad- der washed daily with a double silver catheter, using as a wash a weak solution of atropine. Internally administered gelseminum with the bromide of sodium. This was continued until the acute symptoms had subsided, when Damiana was administered. The sound passed daily, through which a constant current of electric- ity was passed from the sacrum to the end of the sound. In all this treatment lasted about one year. Since then the young gentle- man has married and finds himself fully able to do family duty. SPERMATORRIICEA. Says Tanner, spermatorrhoea is a deranged state of mental and bodily health, due to too frequent escape of seminal fluid. Masturbation is the most common cause. Symptoms.-There may be only a separate escape of seminal fluid; or this may be associated with morbid changes in the ves- icular seminales, ejaculatory ducts, bulbous portion of urethra, and prostate gland. Urine sometimes rendered slightly albu- minous by seminal fluid. Case I.-S. T., of N. C., aged 45 years, called June 12th, suf- fering from frequent loss of the seminal fluid, due, as he said, to grief and sad reverses of fortune. The penis was small and flabby. Otherwise there was no lesion that could be found. His symptoms were as follows: General debility with some emaci- ation; also much nervous irritability. Complained of dullness of vision and of poor memory. Bowels constipated and flatu- lent, with occasional attacks of giddiness, headache and palpi- tation. In his case I suspected excessive venery, as he informed me that he had lately been in the habit of keeping a mistress who was greatly amative. The treatment of his disease was rest, a change of scene, nour- ishing diet, as the hygienic measures. Medically, large doses of the fluid Damiana, which was continued through the months of June and July, with the best of results, for his seminal losses ceased, he grew fleshy in body and better contented mentally. A few weeks subsequently he came to the city for the treat- ment of general rheumatic and neuralgic pains which yielded kindly to quinine and electricity. He had been visiting a mala- 6 Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. rial district. His old trouble (spermatorrhoea) had entirely dis- appeared. The characteristics of Damiana, viz., (alterative effects on the alimentary canal, and the tonic effects upon the urino-genital organs,) were decidedly manifested in his experience with this drug. It will be well at this juncture to call the attention of the profession to the remarkable and beneficial action of this new drug (Damiana) in the various unhealthy or irregular dis- charges of the genito-urinary organs, in the female as well as the male. Several of my medical brethren have strongly testified in its favor in the treatment of sterility, where the uterus and its appendages seemed to suffer simply from inertia. I have found it an excellent remedy in cases of amenorrhoea, dysmen- orrhoea and leucorrhoea. Case II.-Mrs. B., aged 28, called April 6th, suffering from amenorrhoea. Had been married several years without issue ; as a consequence was unhappy and anxious. Complained of ex- cessive leucorrhoea, though apparently she was robust and healthy. Cheeks rosy, still she complained of nervous irritabil- ity, and had a dreamy and absent kind of manner. Hygienic Treatment.-Moderate mental and bodily work, cheerful society, to avoid heavy meals, to sleep on a hard mat- tress and alone during treatment. Medically ordered the use of fluid extract of Damiana, tea- spoonful doses, in milk, three or four times a day; to omit tea and coffee and other stimulants; to drink freely of milk or but- termilk. After pursuing this treatment two months all her symptoms improved, became perfectly regular in her menses, became pregnant at fourth month, and was delivered at the end of regular time of a healthy boy. Case III.-Mr. D. H., aged 24, called Jan. 7th, suffering from spermatorhoea. He complained of loss of seminal fluid, night and day, and particularly after he had passed his water or foeces. He attributed it solely to masturbation, and from his general ap- pearance I judged he was correct. He, too, suffered from gen- eral weakness, nervous irritability, with a dreamy absent kind of manner; flatulence and constipation, dullness of sight, and per- haps of hearing, weakness of memory, attacks of palpitation, Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. 7 giddiness, headache, and neuralgia. He would keep his bed a week or two at a time, and frequently go days without eating or speaking a word to any one. This condition had existed for a year or more, when his father, fearful that the young man was about to lose his mind (judging from his eccentricities, and from many, odd and unusual called my attention to his case, when I obtained the above history. Hygienic Treatment.-I placed him under the best hygi- enic influences, and required him to make daily calls at my office, when I used moral suasion and encouragement, endeavoring to instill better ideas, more manly thoughts and actions, to imbue him with brighter hopes for the future; also instructed his fam- ily to put themselves to greater efforts to make home attractive, cheerful and pleasant to him. (Happy home influences sur- rounding youth, is a matter worthy of our most earnest solici- tude, attention and study, and weie it more generally inculcated throughout our land, how many young and gallant wrecks might be saved upon the ocean of every day life.) Medically I relied upon our old and tried friend, the different preparations of Damiana, with entire success. Though in his case it required better than a year of skillful management to complete the restoration mentally and physically. As to the combination with milk I may casually say that all the preparations containing gum and rosin solutions, are more agreeably taken, and more readily assimilated, when held in sus- pension in milk. I also would note that I have found all the bromide salts to be more ready of use and to give better results when held in solution in milk. Case IV.-Mr. K., aged 26, called on Feb. 2nd, suffering from chronic prostatitis and continued loss of prostatic fluid, dripping away from the head of his penis upon his underwear. History of the case was that this trouble originated from a long neglected gonorrhoea, and frequent exposures to cold and unhealthy loca- tions. His symptoms were pain and tenderness about the peri- neum, with a sense of heat and frequent efforts at passing water. He had pain on defication; feeling of weight about the perineum and rectum; experienced pain when passing the catheter. Treatment.-Perfect rest in bed; warm baths; used bella- CHRONIC PROSTATIC DISCHARGE. 8 Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. donna to perineum; bromide in solution of milk as injections per rectum; simple nourishment without stimulus; all this until the acute stage had passed. Then I placed him upon Damiana as an alterative and tonic, which treatment was maintained for sev- eral months, or indeed until all his unhappy symptoms had dis- appeared. In conclusion I will state that these are but a few of the typical cases of chronic urino-genital diseases that have come under my observation during the past year or more, where I have given this new remedy, Damiana (T7urnera Aphrodisiaca\ a full and fair trial, with results more satisfactory than any other course that I have tried or bad knowledge of in an extended experience in these troubles, and I would most cordially solicit my medical brethren to give it (the genuine article), fully and freely in such cases as are named above, and report their experi- ence for the benefit of the profession at large. 65 North Charles Street.