(CIRCULAR NO. 40, REVISED.) COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. State JSoarb of Ibealtb- The Law Establishing Boards of Health in Boroughs. AN ACT To enable borough councils to establish boards of health.* Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the ‘Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall be the duty of the president of the town council or burgess, where he is the presiding officer of every borough in this Commonwealth, within six months after the passage of this act, to nominate and, by and with the consent of the council, to appoint a board of health of such borough, to consist of five persons, not members of the council, one of whom shall be a reputable physician of not less than two years’ standing in the practice of his profession. At the first appointment, the president of the town council, or burgess, where he is the presiding officer, shall designate one of the members to serve for one year, one to serve for two years, one to serve for three years, one to serve for four years and one to serve for five years; and thereafter one member of said board shall be appointed annually to serve for five years. The board shall be appointed by districts to be fixed by the town council, representing as equally as may be all portions of the borough. The members shall serve without compensa- tion. Section 2. The duties, responsibilities, powers and preroga- tives of said board shall be identical with those assigned to boards of health of cities of the third class by sections three, |four, five, six and seven of article eleven of the act of May twenty-third, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, en- titled “An act providing for the incorporation and government of cities of the third class,” which reads as follows, due allow- ance being made for the difference in the municipal govern- ment of cities and boroughs. * Note—The provisions of this act are equally applicable to cities of the third class, due allowance being- made for the difference in municipal organization and names of officers. 4 Section 3. The members of the board shall severally take and subscribe the oath prescribed for borough officers, and shall annually organize by the choice of one of their number as president. They shall elect a secretary who shall keep the minutes of their proceedings and perform such other duties as may be directed by the board, and a health officer, who shall ex- ecute the orders of the board; and, for that purpose, the said health officer shall have and exercise the powers and authority of a policeman of the borough. The .secretary and health offi- cer shall receive such salary as may be fixed by the board, and shall hold their office during the pleasure of the board. They shall severally give bond to the borough in such sums as may be fixed by ordinance for the faithful discharge of their duties, and shall also take and subscribe the oath required by mem- bers of the board. All fees which shall be collected or received by the board or by any officer thereof, in his official capacity, shall be paid over into the borough treasury monthly, together with all penalties which shall be recovered for the violation of any regulation of the board. The president and secretary shall have full power to adminis- ter oaths or affirmations in any proceedings or investigation touching the regulations of the board, but shall not be entitled to receive any fee therefor. Section 4. The said board of health shall have powrer and it shall be their duty to make and enforce all needful rules and regulations to prevent the introduction and spread of infec- tious or contagious diseases, by the regulation of intercourse with infected places, by the arrest, separation and treatment of infected persons and persons who shall have been exposed to any infectious or contagious diseases, and by abating and re- moving all nuisances which they shall deem prejudicial to the public health, to inforce vaccination, to mark infected houses or places, to prescribe rules for the construction and mainte- nance of house drains, wTaste pipes, soil pipes and cess pools, and to make all such other regulations as they shall deem nec- essary for the preservation of the public health. They shall also have power with the consent of the council, in case of the 5 prevalence of any contagious or infectious disease within the borough, to establish one or more hospitals, and to make pro- vision and regulations for the management of the same. The board may in such cases appoint as many ward or district phy- sicians and other sanitary agents as they may deem necessary, whose salaries shall be fixed by the board before their ap- pointment. It shall be the duty of all physicians practicing within the borough to report to the secretary of said board of health the names and residences of all persons coming under their professional care afflicted with such contagious or infec- tious diseases, in the manner directed by the said board. Section 5. The said board of health shall have power, as a body, or by committee, as well as the health officer, together with his subordinates, assistants and workmen, under and by order of the said board, to enter, at any time, upon any prem- ises in the borough upon which there is suspected to be any in- fectious or contagious disease or nuisance detrimental to the public health for the purpose of examining and abating the same, and all written orders for the removal of nuisances is- sued to the said health officer by order of said board, attested by the secretary, shall be executed by him and his subordinates and workmen, and the cost and expenses thereof shall be re- erable from the owner or owners of the premises from which the nuisance shall be removed, or from any person or persons causing or maintaining the same, in the same manner as debts of like amount are now by law collected. Section 6. The said board of health shall have power to create and maintain a complete and accurate system of the reg- istration of all marriages, births and deaths which may occur within the borough, and to compel obedience to the same upon the part of all physicians and other medical practitioners, cler- gymen, magistrates, undertakers, sextons and all other persons from whom information for such purposes may properly be re- quired. The board shall make and cause to be published, all necessary rules and regulations for carrying into effect the powers and functions with which they are hereby invested, which rules and regulations, when approved by the borough council and chief burgess, and when advertised in the same manner as other ordinances, shall have the force of ordinances of the borough; and all penalties for the violation thereof, as well as expenses necessarily incurred in carrying the same into effect, shall be recoverable for the use of the borough in the same manner as penalties for the violation of borough ordi- nances, subject to the like limitation as to the amount thereof. Section 7. It shall be the duty of the board of health to sub- mit annually to the council, before the commencement of the fiscal year, an estimate of the probable receipts and expendi- tures of the board during the ensuing year, and the council shall then proceed to make such appropriation thereto as they shall deem necessary, and the said board shall, in the month of January of each year, submit a report in writing to the coun- cil of its operations for the preceding year, with the necessary statistics thereof, together with such information or sugges- tions relative to the sanitary condition and requirements of the borough as it may deem proper; and the council shall publish the same in its official journal. It shall also be the duty of the board to communicate to the State Board of Health, at least annually, notice of its organization and membership, and copies of all its reports and publications, together with such sanitary information as may, from time to time, be required by said State Board. Section 8. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with, or con- trary to, the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. 7 PRECAUTIONARY AND HYGIENIC CIRCULARS IS- SUED BY THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OF PENN- SYLVANIA. No. 7. Precautions against Cholera, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Summer Diarrhoea and Dysentery. No. 7. Precautions against Cholera, etc. (German.) No. 7. Precautions against Cholera, etc. (Slovak.) No. 7. Precautions against Cholera, etc. (Italian.) No. 8. Precautions against Small Pox. No. 18. Precautions against Typhoid Fever. No. 19. Precautions against Diphtheria. No. 20. Contagious and Infectious Diseases. No. 20. Contagious and Infectious Diseases. (German.) No. 20. Contagious and Infectious Diseases. (Slovak.) No. 20. Contagious and Infectious Diseases. (Italian.) No. 21. Precautions against Scarlet Fever. No. 22. Precautions against Trichinosis. No. 22. Precautions against Trichinosis. (German.) No. 24. Recommendations in regard to the care of Infants. No. 25. (Revised). The “Act for the better protection of the health and morals of school children;” with a description of a cheap and convenient earth closet. No. 26. School Hygiene, addressed to Teachers. No. 27. Camp Hygiene. No. 28. Precautions against Consumption. No. 29. The dangers arising from public funerals of those who have died from Contagious and Infectious Diseases. Ad- dressed to the Clerical Profession. No. 30. The disposal of the Sewage of Public Edifices. Ad- dressed to the Trustees and Managers of Public Institutions. No. 31. Precautions to be adopted by Funeral Directors to prevent the spread of Contagious and Infectious Diseases. No. 32. Precautions against Sunstroke. 8 No. 33. School Hygiene, No. 2. Addressed to School Di- rectors and Trustees. No. 34. First Treatment of the apparently Drowned and Suf- focated. No. 35. The Prevention of Blindness. No. 36. Sanitary Protective Associations. No. 37. Emergency Hospitals. No. 38. The Care of the Eyes. No. 39. Dairy Hygiene. No. 40. The Law establishing Boards of Health in Boroughs. No. 41. Personal Precautions recommended to be taken by Physicians in attending those suffering from certain Communi- cable Diseases. No. 42. How to meet Cholera. Addressed to Boards of Health. No. 43. Model Eegulations for the Storage and Removal of Garbage. No. 44. Model Rules of Boards of Health. No. 45. Powers and Possibilities of Boards of Health. No. 46. The Sanitary Code of Pennsylvania for the Restric- tion of Communicable Diseases. No. 47. Precautions against Whooping Cough. No. 48. Precautions against Measles. No. 49. Suggestions with regard to Railroad Hygiene and the Prevention of Accidents. No. 50. School Hygiene No. 5. On the Teaching or Hygiene in the Public Schools. Addressed to Superintendents and Principals. Any of the above circulars may be obtained by residents of Pennsylvania on application to Dr. Benjamin Lee, Secretary of the State Board of Health, 1532 Pine street, Philadelphia, en- closing a two-cent postage stamp. The postage for the entire series, enclosed in a substantial box envelope, is nine cents. BENJAMIN LEE, M. D., Secretary.