Sumerian 6pccolot|iat Society. OF THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY, Cor. 15th and H Streets, Washington, D. C., On September 18th, 19th, and 20th, 1888. 'Physicians are cordially invited to be present. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, September 18th. MORNING SESSION AT io O’CLOCK. Roll-call, Reception of Guests, etc. ADDRESS OF WELCOME, by Dr. S. C. Busey, o1 Washington. PAPERS. 1. Ureteritis—its Diagnosis and Symptomatology. By Dr. Howard A. Kelly, of Philadelphia. 2. The Cause and Treatment of Urethrocele. By Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet, of New York. 3. The Value of the Operation of Shortening of the Round Ligaments, from an experience of 21 cases. By Dr. Paul F. Munde, of New York. In Memoriam—I)r. John Scott. By Dr. H. Marion-Sims, of New York. Adjournment at 1 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION AT 3 O’CLOCK. 4. Adenoma of the Fundus Uteri. By Dr. James R. Chadwick, of Boston. 5. On the New Caesarean Section. By Dr. William T. Lusk, of New York. 6. A Case of Rupture of the Uterus in Labor at Term—the Child born alive, the Mother subsequently having a full-term Child in Normal Labor. By Dr. C. M. Green, of Boston. 7. On the Treatment of Pelvic Abscess. By Dr. R. Stansbury Sutton, of Pittsburg. Adjournment at 5 P. M. SECOND DAY. Wednesday, September igth. MORNING SESSION AT 10 O’CLOCK. 8. High Amputation of the Uterus for Cancer. By Dr. Thad. A. Reamy, of Cincinnati. 9. The Technique of Vaginal Hysterectomy. By Dr. E. C. Dudley, of Chicago. 10. The President’s Address. By Dr. Robert Battey, of Rome, Ga. 11. The iEtiology, Pathology, and Treatment of Anteflexion of the Uterus. By Dr. T. Gaillard Thomas, of New York. Adjournment at / P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION AT 2)4 O’CLOCK. 12. On the Severe Vomiting of Pregnancy. By Dr. Grailey Hewitt, of London. Discussion opened by Dr. Fordyce Barker, of New York. 13. Some Cases of Nerve Prostration, in which the Remote Effects of Anaesthesia by Ether were bad. By Dr. William Goodell, of Philadelphia. 14. Cystocolpocele complicating Labor and Pregnancy—a supplemental contribution. By Dr. Samuel C. Busey, of Washington. Adjournment at p/2 P- M. Immediately upon the adjournment of this afternoon session, the Annual Business Meeting will be held, with closed doors. THIRD DAY. Thursday, September 20th. MORNING SESSION AT 10 O’CLOCK. 15. The Infertility of Women : Some of its Causes and Requirements of Treatment. By Dr. Henry F. Campbell, of Augusta, Ga. 16. The Importance of the Microscope in the Treatment of Sterility in Women. By Dr. H. Marion-Sims, of New York. 17. Pregnancy as a Complication in Pelvic Diseases. By Dr. James B. Hunter, of New York. 18. Eaparotomy for the Reduction of the Inverted Uterus. By Dr. Paul F. Munde, of New York. 19. A case of Subinvolution cured by the Removal of the Appendages. By Dr. Howard A. Kelly, of Philadelphia. Adjournment at / P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION AT 3 O'CLOCK. 20. On the Varieties of Extra-uterine Pregnancy. By Dr. M. D. Mann, of Buffalo. 21. On the Treatment of Extra-uterine Pregnancy. By Dr. J. E. Janvrin, of New York. 22. A case of Extra-uterine Pregnancy. By Dr. B. F. Baer, of Philadelphia. 23. On the Early Diagnosis of Tubal Pregnancy and its Treatment by Electricity, with a report of two successful cases. By Dr. H. T. Hanks, of New York. 24. The Dangers of Galvano-Puncture in Pelvic Tumors. By Dr. Ely Van de Warker, of Syracuse, N. Y. 25. Some Points learned from an Experience of thirty-four Ovarian Operations, with but one Death. By Dr. Joseph Taber Johnson, of Washington. OFFICERS FOR 1888. PRESIDENT. ROBERT BATTEY, Rome, Ga. VICE-PRESIDENTS. A. REEVES JACKSON, Chicago. JAMES R. CHADWICK, Boston. SECRETARY. JOSEPH TABER JOHNSON, Washington. TREASURER. MATTHEW D. MANN, Buffalo. OTHER MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. JAMES B. HUNTER, New York. R. B. MAURY. Memphis. C. D. PALMER, Cincinnati. FRANK P. FOSTER, New York. The Arlington Hotel, corner of H Street and Vermont Avenue, (one square from the place of meeting,) will make a discount below its usual charges to Fellows and Guests of the Society. WM. H. MOORE, PRINT., 511 ELEVENTH ST. N. W.