Candidates Nominated for Active Fellowship IN THE AMERICAN GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY, At its Thirteenth Meeting, Sept. 19, iSSS. 1. Dr. S. C. GORDON, of Portland, Me. 2. Dr. JOHN S. COLEMAN, of Augusta, Ga. 3. Dr. HENRY C. COK, of New York. 4. Dr. T. A. ASHBY, of Baltimore. 5. Dr. A. PALMER DUDLEY, of New York. 6. Dr. H. T. BOLDT, of New York. FOR HONORARY FELLOWSHIP. FOREIGN. 1. Dr. WILLIAM OVEREND PRIESTLY, of London. AMERICAN. 1. Dr. GILLMAN KIMBALL, of Lowell, Mass. 2. Dr. ISAAC E. TAYLOR, of New York. 3. Dr. ALEXANDER DUNLAP, of Ohio. 4. Dr. EMIL NOEGGERATH, of New York. The Secretary has assumed the responsibility of changing the hour of holding the business meeting from 4.30 to 4.40 p. M., in order to give Fellows an opportunity to attend an important Session of the Congress occurring that evening.